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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  March 2, 2017 3:00am-6:01am PST

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learn how to bake a cake in home economics. >> the school was out the line. let the parent decide what to feed the child. heather: it was her birthday by the way. "fox & friends" starts now. >> have a piece of chocolate cake. >> no longer should the government be dictating to the american people what kind of health coverage they ought to buy. >> we are here to start the process. it begins as of now. >> he is one of the three or four smartest people ever to be president. >> the dow 30 has now crossed 21,000 for the first time. >> that ties a record we haven't seen since may 1999. and beginning of an internet boom. >> our objective is to pass tax reform by the august recess.>> wall street now beliet can in fact and will get done. >> deadly storms across the midwest. >> looks like a bomb went off but it was a tornado that hit. >> the maritals me that about
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half of this town is destroyed. >> if you really want to make america great again, you have got to make work cool again. >> are you a met fan or yankee fan? the fate of the world relies on -- >> -- i don't think it does. ♪ i got my point of view ♪ i got a new attitude ♪ brian: so disappointed he wouldn't answer that question. we could not get him on the record. ainsley: if he is a mets or yankee fan? steve: he has become a politician obviously. studio e. here? in the heart of manhattan. 450 mile-per-hour wind though when we came in. ainsley: a lot of people were talking about how it was waking them up. did you hear it. brian: no. i had the television on. steve: really? brian: i go to sleep with the tv on. do you not? ainsley: today is thursday. one more alarm clock.
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brian: for you. steve: brian came in. he said i had this dream i had to go out and buy the base board buddy. brian: that is very true. steve: because you leave the tv on all night long and next morning wake up -- brian: very impressed with the scotty vest all the pockets in it? do you know what i'm talking about it? look it up. it has these hidden pockets. steve: we're missing a lot by not having the tv on at night. brian: untuckit shirt. steve: country enraptured with president trump. wall street had the best day ever, new high. optimism is surging according to another network. and you look at what he accomplished -- there is the dow right there. up, up and away. then you look at what he accomplished with his speech. people all over the country are more interested in what he has to say. ainsley: if you are a stockbroker you are feeling
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good this morning. brian: you are feeling good. many people spried getting this high. even though steve mnuchin the treasury secretary says you are probably going to have to wait until august to get tax reform the promise of it along with the instant repeal with a lot of these regulations have people feeling that business is ready to take off. however, if you wanted a quick answer to repeal and replace obamacare. their earliest vote would be april. however, if you watch tom price, the health and human services secretary along with bret baier last night, you really the two side are not together in the house and senate. steve: there he is. in fact, the president of the united states sat down with the leader of the house and the senate yesterday at the white house. they are trying to figure out the game plan, exactly how they want to proceed. here is what the secretary said about what the new healthcare plan will be. at this stage. >> we need to make certain that coverage is affordable for folks across state lines. purchase for insurance coverage is important, that we have some type of lawsuit
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abuse, reform, medical malpractice reform. that we have a transition phase that works and flexibility for the states. those are the kinds of things that we certainly agree on. the principles of having a system affordable for folks, accessible for folks of the highest quality and choices and empowering patients those are the things that we're working toward. steve: coming up shortly, we are going to actually have a debate with dr. ezekiel emanuel and dr. marc siegel to talk about where we go from here. everybody knows it's currently in ha death spiral it's got to get fixed. big question is how much are they going to change? brian: i don't know donald trump as president and before he was president tend to speak his mind. chairman brady and turned around and says there is not enough specifics here. you want me to get behind this? i don't know what this program is. so if i'm president trump and i'm hearing this i say to myself guys get together. because of i need this done by april. i can't do tax reform. i can't get out -- i'm going
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to be red meat to democrats unless we do something. the other thing that's missing has there been even a formal open hand outstretched hand to democrats? ainsley: democrats are saying don't be critical of what we are saying about his speech. or don't be critical about us because you republicans you have got to get it together and fix this. brian: i would love for them to be involved in this so this is one party does it and four years or 8 years later another party undoes it. ainsley: he made clear he is going to repeal and replace it's going to get done. we were talking yesterday. our own laura ingraham, she says steve bannon has that poster in the office with everything they promised on the campaign trail with what they are going to get done. they're checking it off one at a time. brian: can you imagine us doing this show without producers. steve: although i have heard you say the show produces itself. brian: that's true. steve, we could do it but right now donald trump is in front of it. but without somebody producing a piece of legislation in
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front of them, he is stuck in neutral. steve: i think it's in the mainstream media's -- what, the part of their purview is to make it look like what donald trump and his administration are doing along with congress is in complete disarray. look. brian: debate. steve: sure. at this point we don't know where things are standing. we will know when we know. ainsley: yesterday, all of my girlfriend, including my mother, she is more than a friend to me though, she said that she was in tears when she heard donald trump give his speech and he pointed out carryn owens who was sitting in the balcony area. she lost her husband a month ago fighting for our country in yemen. his name was ryan owens. and you know you saw the speech. well, this guy -- the "l.a. times" did a story on it just like every journalist around the country. this one guy who used to volunteer for president obama and was also on the campaign trail, campaigning or volunteering for hillary clinton, he tweeted out a response to what the "l.a. times" was reporting about it. they were basically -- he was
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saying the scene was wonderful. this guy tweets out he says sorry, owens wife, you're not helping yourself or your husband's memory by standing there and clapping like an idiot. trump just used you. >> so he called that widow an idiot. donald trump jr. went on twitter and wrote this. hatred from the other side, i would think this is beyond what a human is capable of saying to someone. but it's not. brian: then the seal community got involved. and i don't know if you know this, a little bit relentless especially when they know they are right. and they found out who this guy was and who he worked for beside volunteering for hillary clinton and they put out this statement. regardless of whether the comments in the tweet were intended to call the hurt and anger that they ultimately generated they are unacceptable to us and the individual who issued the tweet is no longer affiliated with liberty. that is after a long email to
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the employer identifying dan garilo as the person employed by you and saying horrible things about the widow of ryan owens. ainsley: the company liberty advisor group chicago based company they ended up firing him because they don't support what he wrote. steve: exactly. he did try to cover his tracks. first, he deleted the tweet and then he deleted his entire account. but it -- people had already screenshotted it. and beside. this was searing in everybody's memory of that poor woman remembering her husband who died less than a month ago. and to have the tribute of the entire, you know, the management of the united states of america standing saluting her and her husband's memory was unbelievable. and this guy to call her an idiot, there are no word. ainsley: navy seal who wrote that letter will be on the show. i think you are interviewing him later on in the show. he also said if you need me to come to your company and explain what the seals do and
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explain what the seals do for our country i would love to do that. brian: he says i live a few hours north of the chicago office and love to talk about how to examiner strength through compassion ethical decisions making the business world. please feel free to contact me. we contacted him derek vanorden you saw him on valor movie. he is going to be with us. steve: around 8:30 this morning. something else everybody is talking about today, jeff sessions the attorney general of the united states, so, according to -- fox news alert because you have got a new statement to tell you about. apparently as a u.s. senator, he met twice in the last year with the russian ambassador. once he was at a heritage foundation event at national harbor. there were lots of ambassadors there. with there were a bunch of politicians. apparently when he was walking off the stage, mr. sessions, the russian ambassador walked up to him and shook his hand. brian: one of 23 ambassadors at the heart damage meeting taking place at the rnc. ainsley: it wasn't like a
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specific one-on-one meeting? he was meeting with lots of ambassadors? brian: after his speech. steve: he did have conversations with ambassadors from around the world as a senior member of the senate armed service was and it does sound as if he did have one meeting as a u.s. senator with the russian ambassador in his office. but the headline is the democrats want blood. and they say look, he can't investigate the russia stuff because he has got a tie to the russians. brian: the "new york times" has a story today said the obamacare had scrambled to keep its so-called intelligence together and keep it from the trump administration in order to, i guess, a lot of people feel, make sure that they can move forward with an investigation. maybe without the trump administration knowing. even the state department led by john kerry also took part in the intelligence sharing. they claim the dutch and british also have information about meetings between trump officials -- they claim to -- between trump officials and
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russian officials. ainsley: is the article suggesting they are releasing this information after donald trump had a great speech. brian: not "the washington times" or "new york post" story but the timing. ainsley: time something interesting. jeff sessions he released a statement he says i never met with any russian officials to discuss issues of the campaign. i have no idea what this allegation is about. it is false. steve: right. so the whole thing is, you know, when he is being grilled for confirmation it's like oh, you know, we asked you about russia. he says look, i was a u.s. senator. senior member of the senate armed services committee that is to say. it was never as a campaign person. the white house has just issued another statement. here it is. this is the latest attack against the trump administration bipartisan democrats. general session met with the ambassador official capacity as a member of the senate armed services committee. which is consistently, entirely consistent that is to say, with his testimony.
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that is absolutely accurate. ainsley: all right. brian: but whether this is one of the officials coming out, is this story going to get bigger? other networks are doing special programming around. this because they would rather talk about anything than what went on with that speech yesterday. however, if jeff sessions met with the ambassador like he did with the armed services committee and he was at blunt with that ambassador as he was in the past when the russians took crimea and started carving up ukraine he could have avoided this when telling al franken somewhat directly oh yeah i met with the ambassador. it happened to be in september. ainsley: when i was a senator and doing my job. brian: of course i was the first supporter maybe in washington of among lawmakers of donald trump, but all i talked about fill in the blank. ainsley: he wasn't lying because he said i didn't talk to a russian official about the campaign. steve: it was in his capacity as a u.s. senator. not as a campaign surrogate. so that is the difference. but, nonetheless, democrats
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smell blood and so they -- you are going to see this a lot today. we just wanted to explain from the get-go what's going on. meanwhile 6:12 here in new york city. she rallied against the president in front of tv cameras. >> battle as a dreamer. my name dani vargas. >> one problem with that woman. she is in the country illegally and ice was watching and waiting and wait until you find out what happened to her. brian: hillary clinton supporters losing on electric night, right? well, what about the candidate herself? we have inside information about the moment hillary found out she lost. and by the way, yes, she did go. when you have $4.95 online u.s. equity trades...
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from my sweet dreams? thanks to tena, not tonight! only tena overnight underwear ...with its secure barrier system gives you.... ...triple protection from leaks, odor and moisture. tena lets you be you >> i just received a call from secretary clinton. [cheers] she congratulated us. it's about us.
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on our victory. brian: one the most shocking u.s. electric results in modern political history. but what was going on inside the clinton machine as it fell apart? and what happened with trump tower as they won the presidency? presidential historian doug reid the author of this brand new book doing extremely well game of thorns inside the hillary clinton failed campaign and donald trump's winning strategy. joining us now. doug, you started getting all this inside information you said i have got to write a book about all this happening because you haven't seen this anywhere. >> that's what would happened. i would get on youtube and places that iphone won't get or they will turf them off. i was hearing this stuff coming from people that i had known over the years. i had been a part of 10 presidential campaigns on staff. and i thought, man, this has got to be written about. brian: so, first off, the stunning news comes down clearly florida was not going to hillary. it goes to trump. and then little by little she starts going the rust belt states and became clear and she makes the phone call that
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donald trump receives. >> according to sources of violent rack there were three sources at the peninsula hotel said she just freaked out. in fact, the story was so exciting and controversial and disturbing that i went to old clinton sources who had been with her for many, many years for decade and said is this possible that she was angry, there was shattering glass? then there was ed reynolds on public tv said i just left. she is very angry. we had people right there at the moment when it happened. it was north carolina kinda is what disturbed the numbers steve. brian: here is the quote secret service agent president for hours at the hotel confirmed smashing 6 glass and heated shouting inside the clinton rooms. confirmed heated discussions underway and mrs. clinton was upset. remember john podesta came up and said we are going to hold
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on. next she says i fit i'm finished i'm through. she starts blaming right away. >> yeah, jim comey. that is an interesting thing. when you get into this story the clintons and fbi had a 27 year ongoing war. it's stunning. and again and again, throughout his life, jim comey would come to the conclusion she is guilty but we can't prove it. brian: did trump win it or did she lose it. >> both. trump was masterful and under estimated because trump was the master of branding and branding he would say make america great again, and then he would go off message they would say. even when he was off message he was on message because the second part of his message is i'm not a politician. brian: game of thorns is the name of the book. we just crashed the surface. we'll have you back. doug, thanks so much. great job. >> thank you. brian: meanwhile straight ahead, prosecutors say she knew what her terrorist husband was planning. murdering of 39 people at the pulse nightclub in orlando.
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she did nothing to stop it why is she being set free? we will look at that a slush fund to support liberal calls courtesy of the obama justice department. thanks eric holder. y282ty ywty so how old do you want uhh, i was thinking around 70. alright, and before that? you mean after that? no, i'm talking before that. do you have things you want to do before you retire? oh yeah sure... ok, like what? but i thought we were supposed to be talking about investing for retirement?
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that's over 6 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. ainsley: here is quick headlines for you. the widow of the pulse nightclub shooter is walking out of jail. the judge ruling she poses no danger. she will be released on 500,000ed bond on friday. terrifying moments of an inmate trying to choke a deputy with a towel. the chilling surveillance video right here shows the felon in tampa, florida coming up from behind wrapping a
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towel right there, do you see it around his throat. thankfully the deputy quickly escaped before other inmates jumped in to help take that inmate down. wow. >> meanwhile president trump laying out his goals for healthcare in his address to congress on tuesday night. >> tonight i am also calling on this congress to repeal and replace obamacare. [cheers] with reforms that expand choice, increase access, lower costs, and at the same time provide better healthcare. steve: so how will this all work out and what kind of impact will it have on you and your neighbors? here for debate is dr. marc siegel screen left and obamacare architect and medical ethics and healthcare chair at u penn dr. ezekiel manual joins us from philly. >> nice to be here. steve: the president wants to
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repeal and replace. you want to repeal and repair. it's a disaster many say why not just start from scratch? >> well, it's not a disaster no matter what your metric increasing coverage. 22 million people got covered. keeping costs down. we're at historic lows in terms of cost control, improving quality. we have had decrease in infects in hospitals. we have had decrease in readmissions. the affordable care act has actually done pretty well. does it have problems that need repair? yes, we have all agreed to that. but does not require radical redoing as secretary price has suggested. it requires some tinkering and fixing. that's a lot different. steve: all right, dr. emanuel. dr. siegel though says don't repair, replace. right? >> right. steve, the issue here is that obamacare is the type of insurance that's overfilled with regulations and too many restricts. i want to bring you in to the doctor's office where i work
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every day. i'm in the medical trenches. patients come in. when they see a big deduct tillable they panic i can't afford that i'm not going for that condition. maybe the affordable care act will cover them to for mammogram and sexually transmitted diseases. covers women not covering men. they go for these screenings. if they want a treatment though that's not covered. then the deduct tillable kicks in. here's the thing once you meet your deduct tillable and use it for common cold. dr. emanuel says we have got to cover reexisting conditions can, is he right. we have got to keep that how are we covering them? covering them with the kind of insurance that's expensive and increasing premiums and covers you no matter what whenever you want to use it. a diabetic says wait a minute i want i have a cold i won't see you for the cold. >> totally agree the deductibles were too high that wasn't created by the affordable care act that was created by market conditions and we should remember that
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before the affordable care act those preventative conditions that mammogram, the colonoscopy tests for men included were not without a deductible and without a co-pay. we have made advances. have we made all the advances we wanted? no. the democrats have said that we would like to fix the deduct tillable issue. that was not created by the affordable care act. most of those high deduct tillables for most of your people were created by their employers to try to keep costs down. we all agree we need to keep costs down. steve: i'm glad you brought up the deduct tillables my daughter has obamacare and she can't afford to go to the doctor because her premiums are high and she has still not net the deduct dible from last year. here's my question, dr. emanuel hold on a second e remember, when you guys were selling the affordable care act the cost for the average family going do go down 2500. as it turns out it went up 2500, 3,000ed. that's another reason it's a disaster. it went the wrong way.
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>> would you let me answer? steve: yep. >> there are two factors here. first of all, one of the things the affordable care act did, which never true before is that we actually gave people primary care visits without a co-pay and deductible to your doctor can go to the dock without a co-pay and deductible. steve: she feels she can't afford it because of the high deduct tillable. >> sir, stop interrupting. under president bush premiums went up 80% in his 8 years. under president obama they went up 35%. much less. and that's -- let me finish. would you let me finish. that difference is over $4,000 for a family. in fact, we have saved a lot of money. it is true they went up but they. >> two years ago introducing choice. >> they did go up as much. >> i want to use the word catastrophic here e what he was being outlined now is a
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person can come to a doctor's office especially a young person and get individual lied insurance solution that works for them. nerd, maybe a health savings account. maybe they want to buy a new car and they don't want to be overloaded with a premium, which by the way, as you pointed out, zeke, the government then has to subsidize. the goal there is to cover everyone else with preexisting conditions. i understand that. but we could decrease the amount of coverage that's mandated there decrease et amount of mandates. decrease et amount of regulations. >> let me ask you -- let me ask you a question. >> go ahead. >> you want to decrease the mandates. we have 10 essential benefits in the affordable care act. >> i have looked through them many times. >> right. name one of they them you want to throw out. throw out drug coverage. want to throw out going to the hospital. you want to throw out going to the doctor. you want to throw out ambu larry latore care? rehabilitation secretary of state snfs when one are you throwing out. >> i already said i want to be. >> which one are you throwing out, sir? >> give mia chance to answer. i don't think we should have
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screening mammography and not cover biopsies. i also don't think and verma doesn't think that maternity coverage should be mandated for women who are never going to have children. that's important pointed a woman has brought up. i think we have to relook at these things. tom price said last night he wants to look through all regulations. >> let's step back. >> all the regulations and figure out which have help patients and which don't. who wrote these regulations? attorneys. let's ask a doctor and feel which one works and which don't. steve: dr. emanuel we are out of time. thank you very much. i know you understand. dr. siegel as well. thank you. great debate. all right? what do you think? email us at had me at hello. meanwhile, coming up. we asked you to send us questions for president trump. you did. we asked. brian: brian raw mets fan or yankees fan?
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the weight of the world. >> well, i don't think it does. steve: she rallied against the president on tv cameras. one problem ice was watching and guess what happened? happy birthday jon bon jovi 54 today. [car engine failing to start] [clicking of ignition] uh-- wha-- woof! eeh-- woof! wuh-- [silence]
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♪ it's my duty ♪ no matter what the price ♪ i've counted up the cost ♪ i know the sacrifice. >> i paint a lot. even when i wasn't painting i was living with these paintings because i would go up there, you know, and hang out with bob the cat and look at the paintings. and think about the individual involved. see, i have studied every one of their stories ahead of time. steve: portraits of courage. here is your shot of the morning. you can now see former
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president george w. bush's artwork in person, ainsley. ainsley: new art exhibit is called portraits of courage, part of mr. bush's presidential center on the southern methodist campus in class. it opens up today. brian: former commander in chief painting doens of pictures in military members who have served since september 11th. also gotten to know each one personally. the exhibit will open in october. you can see this is the weight of the presidency. is he there for 8 years. after 9/11 he knows he is sending a lot of people into battle. and when you walk out of the own you don't forget that and i think it's therapeutic for him and great salute to those who served. ainsley: beautiful. very talented. you can buy at barnes & noble 22.75 which is on sale right now. steve: there you go. 24 minutes before the top of the hour. heather chirld has the chirld he headlines today.
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republicans want answers. saying the obamacare gave money to a number of progressive organizations that promote liberal causes and push for democratic votes. former arkansas governor mike huckabee sounding off. >> it is unbelievable. somebody ought to go to prisoner for this. this is worse than a mafia shakedown because at least with f. a mafia shakes you down for protect your store doesn't burn down. imagine, for example, if under a republican department of justice the department of justice allocated money to the national right to life or if they had allocated it to the nra. can you imagine how that would have gone over with the democrats? i don't think very well. heather: lawmakers have now introduced bills in the house and the senate to end the practice. listen to this, company and home of the first family. new report from the daily mail says former president obama's closest advisor valerie
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jarrett is moving in new d.c. mansion to plot down ways to take down president trump. the report suggesting that the obamas will use the home as anti-trump nerve center because his office a post presidential perk cannot be used for political reasons. more liberals vowing to defy our president and protect after this very public statement at a rally in mississippi. listen. >> today my father and brother await deportation while i continue to fight this battle as a dreamer to help contribute to this country which i feel is very much my country. thank you, guys. >> and not long after spelling out her name, she was arrested by ice because her dreamer status had expired. the agents reportedly told vargas you know who we are. you know what we are here for. vargas now in ice detention being held without bond. and those are a look at your headlines so far. steve: so far is the key word. more will happen. brian: let's talk a little entertainment. hugh jackman is back as the wolverine just when you
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thought he could put the past behind him. those hopes are shattered. i feel like i'm reading a promo. new threats at every corner. >> she need our help. >> i want to come off. >> someone has to come along. ainsley: let's stop into the fox light michael tammero. he helped one lucky fox fan interview the cast. he was so excited. >> sometimes in this business you are asked to be in two places at the same time. so fox had the fan event friday night for logan but i had to be in l.a. for the oscars. what's fox light to do? we enlisted a wolverines super fan 18-year-old at tha tatania alvarez who took to the carpet to interview her favorite stars. let's see how she did. >> hi this is tatiana reporting for "fox & friends" at the let carpet.
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i'm a very big fan of yours. >> that's okay. we're going to do a two shot. whether you are a super hero or not. reluctant hero that grows into it. and i think this film is really the climax of him truly accepting his destiny. >> i need the girls. lock her up. >> i wanted to ask because this has been plaguing me forever, how do those claws fit in between -- like, is there a hook? >> there is a little brass plate that goes in here and the claws are attached and they mold around your hand literally hold on. >> that's amazing. >> much more simple. when i meet 6-year-olds and 7-year-olds they all look at my hand are they going to come out? that's very sweet. >> opening scene in this movie that we shared together, just the two of us in this horrible, upturn massive tank so much complexity and riched in. rich in
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i think i enjoy that most. >> when it comes to the last movie we wanted to focus on that relationship. ultimately a movie about family this one. >> thank you so much. >> my pleasure. well done. you did a great job. congrats. you can relax now. >> i know. >> go and enjoy the movie. [sobbing] >> don't cry. that was good. steve: the excitement. how great did she do? >> awesome. >> i am going to have to watch my back. ainsley: we have all been there though. remember the first time you are meeting a celebrity and you can't believe you have the mike tone. >> tatiana attend new york city at schools. 21st century fox is a big sponsor of ains eyewitness you changed her life. >> she did it herself. she wants to be a social worker. i think she found her calling at the red carpet. brian: do something worthwhile like television introduce. we have enough social workers, don't we? >> opens up nationwide tomorrow. ainsley: thanks, michael. steve: all right.
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meanwhile, straight ahead. ainsley: people going off on this moment when president trump honored the wife of a fallen navy seal. taya keil wife of chris keil knows exactly what she is going through. her thoughts on the liberal backlash in the next hour. brian: white house firing back at allegations against attorney general jeff sessions from democrats who say he discussed the president's campaign with russia before he was elected. judge napolitano has been scrambled. he just got dressed. he just tied his tie. is he getting closer to have the set. hey, judge. ♪ got me running hot ♪ you start me up ♪ this is the story of green mountain coffee and fair trade, told in the time it takes to brew your cup.
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when it comes to heartburn... trust the brand doctors trust. nexium 24hr is the #1 choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. for all day and all night protection... banish the burn... with nexium 24hr. with. ainsley: a fox news alert now. the white house firing back at democrats. calling for attorney general sessions to reresign, accusing
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him of meeting with the russians to discuss the presidential campaign. steve: they is the latest attack against the trump administration bipartisan democrats. general sessions met with the ambassador in an official capacity as the member of the senate armed services committee which is entirely consistent with his testimony. it's no surprise senator al franken is pushing this story immediately following president trump's successful address to the nation. brian: here to react, fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. we have a lot of different layers to this story. two meetings. one after the heritage foundation speech at the rnc and in and around that area. secondly evidently reportedly in his senate chambers. >> to russian ambassador to the united states, the same human being with whom general michael flynn had several phone conversations and the same time period now from trump tower before the president was inaugurated. what's the problem with that? a federal act.
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a very old 1799 era federal act but still the law says that it is unlawful, it is a felony for a private person to meet with foreign government officials for the purpose of conducting their own foreign policy or interfering with the nation epps foreign policy. steve: the logan act? >> correct the logan act. if jeff sessions ran into the ambassador at the cocktail party and they had chit had chat obviously there is no problem with that if jeff sessions met with the ambassador to discuss foreign policy but in senator sessions then capacity as a member of the senate foreign relations committee. there is no problem with that the problem appears to be that he didn't reveal this to the senate judiciary committee when they asked questions about this when they were considering his nomination for attorney general. steve: i think they were asking about questions about campaign but he was still a u.s. senator at that point and i think that his statement i was conducting myself as a member of the senate.
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>> this is becoming a pain in the neck for the president is there a quick between the russian government and the trump-pence campaign? and if so, what was the nature of that quick? and who was involved in it and who knew about it. ainsley: so what happens now? >> i don't know the answer to that but i can tell you what array is out there. what menu of things is out there. the how fast could investigate. they can indict and investigate. the cincinnati can investigate they can't indict but they can investigate. there will be calls for a special prosecutor that is a person outside the justice department but with his or her own budget, own fbi agent. steve: like ken starr. >> own ability to indict. guess who under the statute decide we need a special prosecutor jeff session the attorney general. brian: you remember that report came out that there were multiple trump officials who met with russia and they named three, excuse me, and it turned out it turns out it was not true. remember reince priebus got in trouble because he wanted the
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fbi to foe tell everyone what he knew. this could be something like that. i'm not sure. >> donald trump's presidency is still suffering from the presence of members of the intelligence committee who are trying to undermine him. i wrote my column about it today. it's before the session stuff came out and it addresses different leaks. buff the leaks are substantial, fundamental and profound and now materially interfering with the presidency. ainsley: his defense is i was a senator at the time. it was my job to meet with these ambassadors. i was not part of the campaign. >> he will not resign he will appoint a special prosecutor. brian: judge answers questions from the viewers. i'm talking about president trump. you will see that story next. business with an armpit on the side of your head. that's not just some battery. that's a duracell battery. that's a power you can trust.
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steve: so we interviewed the president of the united states on monday.
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before we went we said to you, do you have questions, email. many of you did. ainsley: yes. and we really appreciate it. we were in the oval office. we got a chance -- we showed you yesterday in the middle of the president talking steve was opening up some papers. steve: i was taking something out of my pocket. brian: i don't know what you were doing. steve: the time was wrapping up. we had to ask your questions. so we did and here are the answers. steve: mr. president we asked our viewers if you had questions and here are a couple. virginia t. from virginia one of your biggest campaign messages was drain the swamp. the idea it's a privilege not a career and they are supposed to answer to the american people and not the opposite. when will your administration be putting together a proposal for term limits for congress? >> well, we are looking into that right now. right now i want to get those congressman to go and approve obamacare and all the different things we are working on. >> that's something down the road a little bit. a lot of people don't like that. frankly they consider term limits to be an electric.
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but i think it would be a good thing. right now what i want to do is get obamacare approved. i want love us. brian: approved or changed. >> when i say obamacare i'm talking about real change. and i suspect the first thing that's going to change will be the name. but we are talking about repealing and replacing and if we don't do that. i would be very upset. steve: nobody is going to get thrown out of their insurance, are they? that's what a lot of people are saying on the left. millions of people are going to lose their insurance. >> they have it all wrong. we are going to have a really great healthcare plan and it's going to be much more affordable. brian: right. >> including for the country. ainsley: i know when you were inaugurated you put your hand on your bible that your mother had given you as a child. i know as a mother, as parents, we pray for our children and we want the best for them and your parents, they probably pray for you so much. but maybe not -- they might not have relied you were going to get this far. i know they would be very proud of you. that lead me to this question.
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ronald wrote us and said i pray for you daily. do you take time to pray? >> i do actually. to me it's very important. but that's so nice. who is that? >> that's ronald. >> well, hello, ronald. we ought to bring ronald to the white house. steve: he would be happy to come. >> i like ronald. brian: this is the last one. alan says from queens i'm a diehard mets fan. since you are from the borough. raw mets fan or yankee fan? the fate of the world relies on this answer? >> i don't think it does. but i love the stein family and randy and whole group. randy has done a terrific job. is he involved with the yankees. brian: now you are probably going to win new york. >> i don't know but i do like both teams. ainsley: what about social security? people my age are worried it was going to run out by the time we need it. brian: that was ainsley from manhattan. [laughter] steve: i wonder how many ronalds will be calling saying the president asked me to stop
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by the white house i asked a question on "fox & friends." ainsley: i didn't mean what i said. people my age want to know. i wasn't saying y'all want to know that we are all about the same age. brian: dropping a. ainsley: i am concerned about social security. we pay into it. brian: he is the guy to ask. steve: thank you for the questions. glad we were able to bring those to the oval office. ainsley: how cool is that? your questions in the oval office. steve: president trump honored a fallen navy seal and his widow and liberals wasting no time letting that crisis go to waste. >> what is it -- i'm going to get an emmy for this. most applause for a dead soldier on my watch. i mean, this sickness of this man. steve: there are no word but taya kyle, chris kyle she is going to react in the next hour. ainsley: it keeps happening. police officers under attack on the job. and we asked sheriff david clarke. is he fed up with it what he
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is now doing about it we will talk to him straight ahead. brian: he has a new book out. ♪ all this time i'm finding myself ♪ and i didn't know i was lost ♪
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casper dot com. ♪ two words: it heals.e different? how? with heat.
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unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. let's review: heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. the proof that it heals is you. >> the status quo is not acceptable. premiums are going up. deductibles are going up. access to coverage is going down. >> does it have problems that need repair? yes, we have all agreed to that. do that does not require radical redoing. >> if jeff sessions met with the ambassador to discuss foreign policy but in then senator session capacity as a member of the senate foreign relations committee there is no problem with that. >> pass tax reform by the august recess. >> wall street believes it can in fact and will get done. >> deadly storms across the midwest. >> looks like a bomb went off but it was a tornado that hit. >> the maritals me that about half of his town is destroyed. >> if you really want to make
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america great again, you got to make work cool again. >> and there it is, folks. make it rain. make that 21113, a new milestone ♪ this is how we roll ♪ we hanging around ♪ singing everything on the radio ♪ [cheers and applause] brian: we gave florida georgia line their big break. let's be honest. ainsley: we did you don't mean fox. brian: ainsley while you were worried about social security. steve and i were interviewing florida georgia line in the other corner of that studio you two obviously don't get along. we healed the riff between them. they are college friend. would we told them don't quit they were going to. stay with it next thing you know who thest thing in country. steve: i believe it was the first time they ever sang that song crews on television on this show.
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they all get started here, folks. ainsley: sean's radio show now. steve: it is now but is he copying us. brian: by the way come back we will make room for you, i promise. let's talk about the news that broke overnight. on and on. you know the democrats are obsessed with the russians blew the electric for hillary clinton. the investigation has continued. last night the revelations were exposed by "the washington post and the "new york times" that jeff sessions, they claim, has had two conversations with russian officials. one took place at the rnc after he had a speaking engagement with the heritage for ache. and it also consisted not only with a meeting with the russian ambassador. but they say up to maybe 20 other ambassadors that were there because heritage is a powerful group. it didn't stop there. steve: it did not. ainsley: then he had this hearing in january and he was asked the question was what would you do, senator sessions, if anyone affiliated with the campaign had been in contact with the russian
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government? he answered the question that he has not been in contact with the russian government. he says now well we will read you the statement that basically he wasn't involved in the campaign at the time. steve: he wasn't affiliated. ainsley: senator. steve: senior member of the armed services committee. meanwhile the white house has reached out to fox news with this statement. this is the latest attack against the trump administration bipartisan democrats. general sessions met with the ambassador in an official capacity as a member of the senate armed services committee, which is entirely consistent with his testimony. it is no surprise that senator al franken is pushing this story immediately follow president trump's successful address to the nation. so what they are suggesting is president trump had a great 24 hours. the after flow of the big speech on tuesday night. what do they do then in the democrats are trying to turn the subject back to the russians. brian: the olbermann in the last throws in their last weeks was scrambling to keep
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all types of intelligence not only out in front but away from the trump administration that was coming in. and also this might play into the fact -- donald trump was saying i was getting intelligence briefings so redundant. tell me if there is something new. he looks like he wasn't getting intelligence briefings like he was supposed to be getting. including information on russia. the "new york times" does say they are pursuing contacts that the dutch and british say trump officials had with russian -- agents of vladimir putin. ainsley: all right. so jeff session was asked about it. the doj released a statement. i never met with any russian officials to discuss issues of the campaign. i have no idea what this allegation is about. it is false. steve: keep in mind one of the allegations that he met with the russian ambassador was at the heritage foundation thing where after he gave a speech he walked through a bunch of ambassadors, shook the hand of the russian ambassador. is that -- is that a problem?
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we asked judge napolitano about this and the earlier meeting in his private office and here is what the judge had to say. >> if jeff sessions met with the ambassador to discuss foreign policy but in senator sessions' then capacity as a member of the senate foreign relations committee there is no problem with that. the problem appears to be that he didn't reveal this to the senate judiciary committee when they asked questions about this when they were considering his nomination for attorney general. brian: one of his questions with al franken was i didn't have discussion with the russians sitting senator and i'm not able to comment on it did i have communication with the russians because i'm a member of the armed service was committee. look at my record. no one has been tougher on are you sure shah. the invasion of crimea. carve up of ukraine than jeff session. he could have followed up. ainsley: should have prepped him for the hearing. brian: i think he knew roughly what questions were going to come. steve: sure.
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keep in mind the nexus is what happened to michael flynn who was a national security advisor to the president of the united states. it was during that transition period he apparently talked to the russian ambassador on the telephone. but then when he recapitulated the story for the administration, forgot some stuff or wasn't completely forthcoming. that's what got him in trouble. now the democrats are trying to get jeff sessions in trouble. ultimately to stir the story that the administration is in big trouble. ainsley: also in the news this morning, guys, have you checked your 401(k)'s? brian: i forgot my password. steve: it's password 1. ainsley: pick um your phone and quality stock broker. they are extremely heavment look at that the dow is up 21,000. it's a record. steve: it was another record close after one day down. meanwhile yesterday the president of the united states met with republican leader on -- at the white house where we were a couple of days ago asking the president-ronald's question as you heard a little bit ago. they are trying to figure out
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how exactly to get to obamacare and fix it we had a spirited debate just about a half an hour ago. we had dr. marc siegel with us. he wants to repeal and replace. plus, we had dr. emanuel ezekiel the obamacare architect, he wants to repeal and repair. so when it comes to the question of of which the things. brian: i wouldn't say repeal. ezeke zallial doesn't want to repeal. steve: he want to repair. brian: yes. steve: on the list that obamacare has made law, which of the things would dr. siegel get rid of? here is their exchange. >> i want to use the word catastrophic here because what's being outlined now is a person can come to the doctor's office, especially a young person, and get an individualized insurance solution that works for them. nerd, maybe a health savings account. maybe they want to buy a new car and they don't want to be overloaded with the premium which, by the way, as you
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pointed out, zeke, the government then has to subsidize. the goal there is to cover everyone else with preexisting conditions, i understand that. buff we could decrease the amount of coverage that's mandated there. >> you want to decrease the mandates. we have ten essential benefits in the affordable care act. >> i looked through them many times. >> right. name one of them you want to throw out. you want to throw out drug coverage? you want to throw out going to the hospital? you want to throw out going to the doctor? you want to throw out ache beulah tore care you? want to throw out rehabilitation service snfs which one are you throwing out, sir? >> i already answered to begin with i want to be more consistent. brian: here is what is amazing. they have been at this republicans in congress since 2009. they have not agreed or even seem to be close to agree on a replace. kevin brady and greg wall den went over to the senate look what we are working on. republican senators came out and said, you know, you gave us our framework. we don't have any details. where the rubblier hits the road is these tax credits to people who aren't paying taxes
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who don't deserve the reimbursement. they say this is another form of a give-out. auto hand out from money we don't have. they want -- the president called the principles in yesterday said come up with something. they met yesterday. they didn't come up with anything. but the goal is, according to senator cornyn first week in april. steve: i think they will have it right now they are just trying -- look, there is political peril for the republicans. we all know it's a disaster. we have heard of the president say that and it's in that death spiral and premiums are higher, and deductibles are higher. whatever the republicans replace it with, it's got to be better. they got to make sure that whatever they do, it's got to be better than what we goat. ainsley: right. i remember having a conversation with senator rand paul when we were at the inauguration and he said, you know, my son has obamacare. he had said why should he be paying for things like maternity care when he is in his 20's and doesn't even have a family and not married. steve: right. ainsley: that's what dr. siegel was talking about why should you pay for things you don't need?
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you shouldn't have to. if you need to buy a car, you kant buy a car like dr. seale was saying because you are paying in to help some maternity -- some mom trying to have a baby and you need that. steve: same thing, why would have a 64-year-old woman with obamacare interest to pay for pediatric care coverage. it is mandated by obamacare. that's why they have got to do something. stand by within a month, we think. brian: all right. ainsley: gosh, april is a month away? you are right. where has the year gone? brian: i understand losing track of time but not the month. heather childers is here. heather: it is march that means march wind. extreme weather. speaking of those wind, fierce wind whipping from arkansas to new england sparking a domino effect of damage. a roof in georgia ripped right off, bringing down power lines with it. this coming less than 24 hours
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after 14 tornado carved a deadly path through the midwest. these storms now moving east. and to the fox news alert. a manhunt intensifying at this hour for a killer in nashville. the man in this surveillance video is acould youd of stabbing 23-year-old tiffany ferguson to death inside her apartment. police believe that he had been looking for unlocked cars before entering ferguson's home through an unlocked door. her roommate finding the young nurse after waking up to her screams. but the killer was gone. and ben carson think way back he is set to be confirmed today as the secretary of housing and development. neurosurgeon teed up for a vote being nominated in december. starts his first day on the job former navy seal and congressman ryan zinke sworn in overnight. now there are just three of president trump's cabinet possessions left to be filled. and finally a win for american workers as we see new results from president trump's immigration order. a restaurant in pennsylvania
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reopening after four employees were arrested by immigration agents. now, the illegal immigrants from guatemala, mexico and el salvador worked in the kitchen of aroma buffet and grill. the arrest closing it to close two weeks and restaff. those are a look at your headlines so far. steve: so far. it's early. heather: it is. brian: not closing the book. steve: thank you. brian: coming up ahead senator marco rubio kicked out of office literally. steve: you mean kicked out of office or evicted. brian: thrown out of office not out of a job. steve: everyone predicted disaster. >> in the event donald wins, i have no doubt in my mind the market tanks. >> you will see a market crash of historic proportions. ainsley: wow, we didn't see that wall street is instead setting record. so what does this mean for your wallet? stuart varney is here to tell us. steve: they were wrong.
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♪ >> in the event donald wins, i have no doubt in my mind the market tanks. >> expected market nose dive is predicted if trump wins.
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>> it's if the unlikely event happens and trump wins, you will see market crash of historic proportions. brian: note tha steve: it turns out doom and gloom pricks were wrong. the dow closing yesterday over 21,000. all-time record. moments ago president trump tweeted out since november the 8th election day the stock market has posted 3.2 trillion-dollar in gains and consumer confidence is at 15 year high. brian: joining us now and most people think we are redding in a right direct as a country the host of varney and company 9 to noon on fbn is stopping by. stuart, is this a spry to you. >> yes. ainsley: direct result of his great speech. >> no, the rally in its total, which is 2783 points up for the dow industrials. as the president just said 3.2 trillion extra wealth. the totality of that rally is
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because of his electric on november the 8th. the big rally yesterday was because of his successful speech and because treasury secretary minute new jerseyen on the fox business network said yes, you will have a tax cut. it will be signed before the august recess. that helped. steve: stuart, let me ask you. this all those pundits and it was across the board, everybody said before the election donald trump elected the market is going to go in the toilet were they trying to convince people if you don't want your 401(k) to disappear you better vote tore hillary. >> there was an element of political bias in those pricks for the dow industrials. it's astonishing how wrong they really were. brian: just like the other pundits. >> on midnight on electric night, the market just turned around just like that. it was obvious going to win. it went straight up and never really stopped going straight up. brian: steve talked to neil cavuto. i hope you don't mind.
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>> sure, great guy. >> what's important here is that the market is showing you that people believe in the president's agenda. i think you couldn't see a stronger indicator of people liking the president's economic policies. the president's political policy's and a vote of confidence in the president. >> can i say something real fast? a lot of people will be waking up thinking are we going to go straight down because of the straight up. brian: because of the russian story? >> what goes straight up does sometimes go straight down not today. we are going to open up with a small gain again for the dow industrials so relax. breathe easy. brian: what do we do with snapchat? do we buy in? >> you are asking me. brian: that's the big ipo. >> i'm not answering your question. brian: i would say no do you
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know my password because i cannot get on. steve: snapchat or twitter. brian: i lois it in 20009 and did not look for it. he does not like me at all no. english, no problem. about to be okay for american students to take reading tests in spanish. i took german. steve: and president trump honored a fallen navy seal and his widow on tuesday night. liberals wasted no time letting that crisis go to waste. listen to this. >> i'm going to get an emmy for this. most applause for a dead soldier on my watch. i mean, this sickness of this man. steve: somebody else on the left called the widow an idiot. taya kyle, widow of "american sniper" chris tile here to react next.
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ways wins. especially in my business. with slow internet from the phone company, you can't keep up. you're stuck, watching spinning wheels and progress bars until someone else scoops your story. switch to comcast business. with high-speed internet up to 10 gigabits per second.
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you wouldn't pick a slow race car. then why settle for slow internet? comcast business. built for speed. built for business. brian: more than 71,000 in total were issued. next, two, that's the number of accountants now fired and banished by hollywood over sunday's epic blund brian cohen, that one. and martha louise responsible for mixing up the envelopes that led to announcing the wrong winner for the best picture. ainsley: why are accountants doing that? brian: supposed to be official. 8, how many months news has dominated the cable competition. not just talking about news. that's the network record all
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thanks to you. according to nielsen fox news has 13 of the 15 top cable news shows and averages 1.76 million viewers daily. so that's best in all cable. not best in news, right? steve: thanks to you. and thanks to you. "fox & friends" has been number one cable morning news show for, what, over 10 years. ainsley: we are very grateful. steve: we indeed are. ainsley: president trump's first speech to congress will likely be remembered for a very single moment that everyone has been talking about, the recognition of carryn owen, she is the widow of navy seal ryan owens who died in that raid in yemen about a month ago. listen to this. >> ryan's legacy is etched in to eternity. thank you. pla[applause] steve: that prompted a standing ovation that lasted more than two minutes. but it also prompted some backlash from the political
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left. >> to use that to put another notch on his belt. what's he thinking about? my ratings. record applause. i'm going to get an emmy for this. most applause for a dead soldier on my watch. i mean, this is -- this sickness of this man. brian: taya kyle is the widow of navy seal chris kyle and fox news contributor. she joins us now. taya, i'm outraged by. this but some say well, wait a second, in the past, maybe some soldier have been used by politicians or people who want to get ahead. do you see a political motive in president trump pointing out carryn owens? >> you know, brian, i don't think that we can ever get inside the head of somebody else. i can tell you that ryan didn't sign up to serve only republicans or democrats. he didn't give his life so that he would be applauded. he went in to this silent professional mode answered did what he does and he died
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knowing more about the threats against us than most people ever will. for that alone, he deserves respect. i don't care in what environment or from who he deserves our respect. he did it for all of us. steve: absolutely. apparently president trump invited her to this particular joint session of congress when he spoke to her on the phone after her husband was killed. nonetheless, it is driven because some on the left say oh, he used her as a prop. there is a tweet by a former clinton volunteer by the name of dan garillo tweeted this out sorry owens wife you're north helping yourself or your husband's memory by standing there and clapping like an idiot. trump just used you. well, that guy wound up getting fired by the company he was working for. but for him to refer to a woman who lost her husband, you know, overseas, a navy seal as an idiot, there are no word for that.
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>> yeah, there really are no word. i think any of us who hear that, who have a understanding of what service is are horrified by it and we seat ignorance of that statement. i think it goes back to carryn being anything but a fool and knowing that there will always be haters. there will be people that will be hateful about any decision that not only the president majors but the service members. she knows that she knows what she is in for. but she went to honor her husband. she went to say that her husband who did this silently for years, served value lently was successful in helping this country deserved some recognition. and if the president. >wants togive it she is going tw up so that her husband can be recognized. i auto applaud her. she is anything but a fool. ainsley: such a slap in the face for people who have given so much for our country including you. i know marcus luttrell was friend with ryan owens. you are. too. the navy community is so tight you all love each other and
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support each other. we can't pretend to know what she is going through. you know from experience what it is like to lose your spouse, sacrificing so much for this great country. take us into her mind. what do you think she was going through? have you talked to her? >> yeah. i mean, i know people are very close to her and we have had some communication in that regard. but the fact is that she is intensely private. she has no desire to be in front of anybody. but she found the courage to get up there, again, knowing that there would be people who would say horrible things about her because she believes her husband deserves the recognition. she is the only left left to stand for him. she is standing for him it takes incredible courage. can you see her looking up and trying to reinforce the fact i'm not here for me. it's not about me. it's about him. it's about ryan. god bless her for looking it in the midst of her grief to stand there and to try to represent him in the best way she can. brian: you know what? president obama did the same thing. there was no negative coverage.
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real quick, the navy seals did rally around him. they found who this guy was. he was fired by the end of the day yesterday who would ever hire him again with that type of value system. taya, always great to see you. thank you so much. ainsley: thank you. >> thanks for having me. ainsley: come up, here is a message to anyone who thinks we shouldn't secure our husband. here is a woman whose husband was murdered by illegal immigrant. >> the border have failed us. they are obviously wide open as the man was able to enter not once but twice without being detected. ainsley: coming up, why the killer was allowed to stay in this country. brian: and is sheriff david clarke heading to washington? that's the rumor. i know one thing, he wrote about law enforcement in his brand new book and his wonderful career. is he coming in our studio. in fact, he is very close ♪ ♪ going to play our guitar ♪ and sing you a country song ♪ we'll all be flying ♪ higher than a jet airliner
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>> every american child should be able to grow up in a safe community to attend a great school and to have access to a high paying job. but to create this future, we must work with, not against, not against. the men and women of law enforcement. [cheers and applause] we must build bridges of cooperation and trust. not drive the wedge of di disunity and really division. it's pure unadulterated division. we have to unify. police and sheriffs are members of our community. they are friends and neighbors. they're mothers and fathers, sons and daughters. and they leave behind loved ones every day who worry about whether or not they will come home safe and sound.
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we must support the incredible men and women of law enforcement. [cheers and applause] brian: which you think of law enforcement you think right away sheriff david clarke. when things started going degree in america we started turning to the sheriff. ainsley: turning to not in to. brian: he works for milwaukee county in wisconsin. author of brand new book "cop under fire moving beyond last hash tags of race crime and politics for a better america." sheriff, when the president was talking about law enforcement were your ears ringing? >> they always do. we have a huge supporter president donald trump. he said early on in his campaign that he was going to support the police. he was unambiguous about it where some of the other candidates were trying to split the baby and dancing around the edges. he went all in understanding we are on the front lines of the rule of law.
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steve: how big is this president compared to the last one. >> night and day. president obama was echo chamber for the cop haters and antipolice rhetoric. it was very damaging to this profession and very damaging to the trust that is needed in the community between us and people reserve that's gone now. it's going to take time it doesn't flip overnight. the president said we will have all the resources we need. he will make sure that his attorney general jeff sessions who i know personally is going to do everything he can to support the police. with president obama, and with eric holder and loretta lynch, the cops were the bad guys and the criminals were made out to be victims. brian: you guys had to be retrained. >> deescalation, emphasis on, you know, more dialogue as we are under attack, under assault. assaults against law enforcement officers were up. death in the line of duty were up as well and you had this innate idea about we should
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deescalate and engage in more dialogue. this stuff is crazy. ainsley: new book is called. came out on tuesday called cop under fire, moving beyond hash tags of race, crime and politics for a better america. is it a guide to the president to show him what need to change, how we need to fix the problem? >> i think he already knows. what this is, you know, usually people only get the benefit of me in sound bites on tv. a little radio. steve: you are a good sound biter. >> there is substance to what i say though. this allows people a deeper dive into some of the things that i talk about. i will touch on issues that many in the political environment will not go near, race, things like the cultural dysfunctionality in the black community leading to the rise of a black under class. those are things that most politicians stay away from. i'm trying to get people beyond not to solve some of these things race is always going to be front and foremost in this country. we have got to get beyond. brian: you know why you are qualified your dad pushing
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you. you should try to be a cop. you said i will think about it driving a beer truck. realized you couldn't do it for too much longer. >> it was fun at the time though. brian: give a perspective in your book what it's like walking the beat. watched middle class neighborhood lower class neighborhood totally robbed of any industry and opportunity. people started looking at the system and looking for handouts. you watched behavior of the human beings with so many potential change. >> i saw what the great society linden johnson's degree idea of big government, what it did to destroy the family structure in the back community. i think it hit the black community harder than anybody else. it marginalized men in the lives of their family to raise the kid, to be the provider. uncle sam became the provider with welfare benefits. uncle sam put food on the table. uncle sam was the protecter so on and so forth. it's had devastating consequences. uncle sam might be good for some things but uncle sam is a
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horrible father. steve: youncle sam a lot of people are wondering whether or not you would be interested in something like this. here is dog the bounty hunter on "fox & friends" this past weekend. listen to this, sheriff. >> sheriff clarke is strong law and order. while the president of the united states is making america great again, we're trying to help sheriff clarke to make it safe again. we want him to run for united states senate. >> i think the enthusiasm to have someone who is strong law and order to come in and help us reclaim our country is very exciting possibility. steve: okay you had dog the bounty hunter at cpac suggesting you would be a great candidate for u.s. senate. >> look, that's a big decision. and it's a decision that requires time before you make it. i'm flattered by the energy and the enthusiasm nationwide for such a thing. but that's why it's a draft movement at this point. they are going to have to get me in there critic kicking and screaming right now. i never say never. i haven't totally closed the
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door but i think it's less than 50% i would run for senate. >> how interested are you in the move to the white house? i know have you been to the tower a couple of times? >> there are discussions. there are ongoing discussions. look, if the president asks me to serve, i'm going to step up and serve my country, serve his administration. if that call comes, i will answer that call. that's all i can say at this point. steve: last night -- the big headline today is jeff sessions apparently he talked to the russian ambassador when he was senator and democrats their hair is on fire. they kind of pulled the same thing on you last summer. >> yeah. a year ago december i went on a law enforcement mission to moscow and someone came up with some tweet the other day that sheriff clarke met with russian officials. he has some explaining to do. this stuff, look, the average voter doesn't care about this stuff. they are so far removed from all this nonsense. they want this government to get back to work to deal with the issues that are facing america. so, you know, this is kind of
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the game in washington that led to the donald trump. he was outsider, brought him in, look we need to change this tone, drain the swamp. that's that stuff is real with the american voters. ainsley: sheriff, thank you for being with us. the book is "cop under fire" our law enforcement, unfortunately has been under fire. thank you for bringing this to all of our attention and being here this morning. >> you are welcome and congrats on being number one in cable news. steve: thank you very much for 10 years. >> 10 years, wow. brian: thanks, sheriff. heather, how are you? heather: i'm fine. brian: you promised to have more headlines. heather: begin with senator marco rubio booted from his office, literally. senator, i thought you were in europe. >> what? >> i thought you were in europe i saw all these missing child posters all over town. are you going to run for town hall. >> the owner of the office space that the senator rents in tampa is so fed up with all of the protesters hang on a daily basis, that he has escricketd the senator.
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rubio and his staff have got to be out by the end of the day today. north a lot of time. and some heart breaking testimony as a widow take as stand telling congress how a failed immigration system killed her husband. julie explaining the horrific nightmare saying that she was forced to hide in her attic while an illegal immigrant from mexico murdered the love of her life. >> not only has ice failed us but our borders have failed us. they are obviously wide open as the man was able to enter not once but twice without being detected. heather: so awful. enough to the suspected killer was already arrested several times before going on this murderous rampage in missouri. accused of killing five men including i nordman's husband. no english no problem at least in lawmakers in colorado get their way. making schools test children's reading ability only in english. instead it would allow districts to also test in spanish. the measure already receiving unanimous support from the
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house education committee. those are a look at your headlines. steve: okay. great. thank you very much. heather: you are waiting for me to say i'll be back with more. it is the news. steve: meanwhile, coming up in the news, what's it like to come face to face with evil benjamin hall sat down with isis fighters determined to kill americans. hear his story coming up next. ainsley: he made it out alive. brian: just file this one under best ad ever. a navy pilot build his son a roller coaster in their backyard. steve: oh no, making it bad for all the rest of us. brian: he is killing us. all right well i like him again. steve: roller coaster dad come up ♪ roller coaster ♪ ♪ ♪ don't let the food you eat during the day haunt you at night. nexium 24hr...
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brian: all right. to americans they are the most dangerous people in the world, in fact all of the western culture. cold-blooded killers in the name of radical islam. ainsley: but this morning we have a rare look inside the mind of a isis terrorist from the jihadis themselves. steve: our own benjamin hall traveled to iraqi prison for face-to-face interview with these hardened terrorists and he joins us live from europe. benjamin? >> brian, steve, and ainsley good morning. we have all heard of the atrocities. we have seen the brutality that isis leaves in it wake. i have met many of the families have been torn apart by this terror. when you look eye to eye, face to face with someone who calmly tells you he has killed hundred of people it makes you angry. behind each one of these doors is an isis prisoner guilty of killing many people. some of them show remorse. others feel no guilt at all.
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abu omar 25 started as a guard at a check point in mosul arresting women who weren't veiled but quickly moved up the ranks to making and setting bombs. he calmly told us about one of his many deadly attacks. translator: with a bomb parked it near cafe biz with traffic police i then got out walked away and called a number on my phone and blew it up. >> he recalled the screams the terror that day. he heard them clearly. yet, he doesn't feel bad for it. he says he has a license to kill. we met other prisoners that day including kareem 27 years old. he became the head of ieds in isis for the group. he told us worryingly that he had come across americans fighting inside isis who were more radical than the others who and who were part of a group responsible for threats against the west. the interrogation program that we visited was designed by u.s. trainers and the guard say that the they were allowed
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to sleep on prisoners are sleep deprivation although some are sentenced to jail. the last prisoner bragged about killing americans he said he would do it again a global war. the caliphate would take over the rest. what's important is this intel they are getting is so red, so hard to get informants inside isis this is being used actively to target bombs in the battle against the terror group. there is some positive coming out of it frankly, sitting there makes you angry. it's hard to imagine. brian: benjamin, i know you were on the ground in syria when the whole isis group took root. you saw the risk. where do we get these interviews. >> it's very very hard. they have a system much like al qaeda. only one talks one above him. arrange meets wait half an hour doesn't show up. they disappear. they cut that link. very hard to get inside. and the main thing here is identifies sis is going to be defeated on the battle field. at least in iraq. but what happens next
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insurgency. like the ones we met there who will be the shadow leader. who will be waiting to take on this mantel. you know, it's a tricky battle ahead. we will see that what president trump comes up with. steve: face of evil. thank you very much, benjamin. brian: plan is supposed to be delivered by secretary mattis this week. ainsley: sleep deprivation hopefully they will find out about other terrorists and arrest them as well he says the only thing they are allowed to do is sleep deprivation. talk about dad of the year going degree for dad who built his son a roller coaster in the backyard. talk to us next. steve: i want one, too. first living on a prayer by bon jovi number one by the way today is his birthday ♪ it's my life ♪ anything meant to stand needs a stable foundation.
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♪ ainsley: talk about the coolest dad ever. steve: that's right. a u.s. navy pilot building his son a backyard roller coaster and then capturing his reaction for his first ever ride. watch the go pro-video. [squeals] steve: that video has now gone viral and joining us is scott and his 3-year-old son wyatt i think is in the studio as well. he is running around. ainsley: is wyatt still there? we heard he ran away. >> he just ran out. steve: the pictures are fantastic why, scott, did you want to build a roller coaster in your backyard? >> well, thank you. yeah, just kind of started out with a disneyland trip and we
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took him to disneyland and we went on all the fancy ride and oddly enough he didn't care about pirates of the caribbean or anything. he just liked really simple roller coaster they had. i was going to build him a tree house but ended up being a roller coaster. ainsley: that's amaying. how did you know how to buy a roller coaster and how did you find the equipment. >> cool time to be alive you can find out how to do anything online. i found a gentleman by the name of paul who is aerospace engineer who built a couple for his grand kid. i kind of studied under him. everything was from home depot and local hardware stores. steve: i think home depot has a new ad you are it. >> no, no. i didn't mean to do that. steve: that's okay. being in the military you feel like you don't have enough time with your family. this is one of the ways you wanted to have special time with your son, right? >> yeah. it was kind of a project that i thought i want to do something constructive with him. like i said, i thought about
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building him a tree house. this was something original and something new. and we just figured, you know, hey, let's give this a shot and it ended up being a lot of fun to build and ride, too. ainsley: i want to know about the reaction other dads saying you are making us look bad and does your son have a lot of new friend? >> you know, so he is the only one that's ridden it so far. we will have all the neighborhood kid over some point soon and it should be fun. we have another guest together and let other kid ride it. nobody else has ridden it yet. ainsley: can you get wyatt and put him on your lap? steve: come here, wyatt, be on tv one second? ride the roller coaster but not dad's lap. steve: real quick question i know gravity takes it down and that's why it spins around. it is safe, right? >> yeah. it's safe. so, that's one of the reasons i didn't put -- people have been asking me put a lift hill on it so you can sit there and watch.
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that way there is for sure adult supervision. and then after i built it i actually put about three times his weight in the cart. i put about 110-pound and pushed it around a bunch of times. it's definitely safe. ainsley: thank you for serving our country too. steve: father of the year. ainsley: coming up the president is going to answer your questions. your insurance company
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>> discussing new low for liberals calling this touching tribute a political ploy. >> if the president wants to give it, she's going to show up so that her husband can be recognized. she's anything but a fool. >> you're a mets fan or yankees fan, the state of the world relies on this answer. >> well, i don't think it is but actually i do like both teams. ♪ ♪ brian: talking to happen, he minded me of that first book i did for sports impact and evidently he was a great athlete and in high school he was a baseball player, and he
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hit two home runs in one game, and that was the first time he saw his name in the paper, and he said i'm hooked. steve: i wonder how that turned out for him. ainsley: now his name is in the paper. steve: didn't say someone he's the best golfer? brian: he's the best golfer in the history of the presidency. steve: he's the first president to ever own golf courses. meanwhile, listen, his name's in the newspaper today. the headline, though, regards his attorney general. i'm going to read the headline now in the daily mail. attorney general jeff sessions quote spoke twice with russian ambassador during trump's campaign but failed to disclose either meeting when asked during his confirmation hearing. and now it's blowing up because democrats saying wait a minute he can't investigate the russians benz the russians. well, now all sorts of statements are flying out of washington, we're going to tell you the latest on it right now. ainsley: the white house is firing back saying this is the latest.
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general sessions met with ambassador in official capacity as a member of the senate arms committee, which is entirely consistent with his testimony. it's no surprise pushing this story immediately following president trump's successful address to the nation. brian: there's a story in the new york times and washington post to expand on this because they did not want, in my humble opinion, to write more about the speech. they say right before president obama left, he was able to get some intelligence he believes that shows some type of complicity between the trump officials and putin's government, and they said they quickly gathered as much intelligence as they could, raw data as they could, did not share it with the trump people, and they want to be able to i guess have control of the message once they left power and that's what they're doing. the state department did the same exact thing. so don't you think this ties into the bigger story of there are private conversations going on with world leaders. why are they released? why are there leaks coming out of every area of the state department?
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of the white house? could there just be people that don't want this administration to take root? steve: it goes to the narrative of what we heard election day. the russians hacked the election to help trump win. that's the only reason that hillary clinton could have possibly lost. and the story brian's talking about. the extraordinary thing is that in the final days of the obama administration, they said okay. the intel community has given us this classified information let's tell as many people as we can to sandbag the trump administration. that's what we heard and of course we heard from the intelligence community. we've heard from the fbi. there's no suggestion that they actually hacked the election. brian: here's what's real. if the attorney general had these conversations confirmed with one of 25 diplomats met at the heritage foundation when the rnc was taking place. and if he did have that one-on-one meeting, he might be in the position where he cannot oversee any type of collection and investigation
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that the fbi was doing before he got the job into any existing relations between trump and the russians. so as attorney general, he might be too involved. ainsley: well, confirmation hearing, it definitely would have been better if he said, look, i'm a senator, i served on the senate arms service committee, it is my job to sit down with some of these ambassadors to meet with them. steve: right so that brings up the request he. was he trying to hide that he had been contacted by the russian ambassador twice? ainsley: the same ambassador that general flynn. steve: was he trying to hide that or did he forget? keep in mind one of these things happened at the washington harbor where he was one of a bunch of people in politics and in government, and there were a bunch of ambassadors. on the way out, the ambassador shook his hand. ainsley: that's understandable. this is what he said. jeff sessions said this.
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he said i never met with any russian officials to discuss issues of the campaign. i have no idea what this allegation is about. it is false. brian: by the way, nancy pelosi has called on him to resign saying lying under oath to congress about his communications with the russian, the attorney general must resign. there must be an independent outside investigation of trump's connections to the russians. steve: but when you read the transcript, you can see where he's coming from where he did not lie. judge napolitano was on with us just about an hour plus ago when he said this about what's going on. >> jeff sessions ran into the ambassador at a cocktail party, and they had chitchat, obviously. then there's no problem with that. if jeff sessions met with the ambassador to discuss foreign policy and then general sessions then capacity of the committee, there's no problem with that. the problem appears to be that he didn't reveal this to the
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senate judiciary committee when they ask questions about this when they were considering his nomination for attorney general. ainsley: this is interesting this news is just coming out right on the tail of such a successful speech by the president. brian: sure. steve: now, keep in mind as well, the democrats wound up with a scalp early on michael flynn wound up losing his job as national security adviser to the president of the united states because they said you talk to the russians. he said, no, i didn't. then apparently whatever he told the fbi was different from what he told the -- ainsley: vice president. steve: vice president. so he's out of a job. democrats would love to see somebody else get in trouble just to continue the narrative that russia is responsible for hillary losing. brian: and the washington post has today's story that says dutch officials have different evidence of the contacts between the two. steve: yeah, but it's classified information. how is this classified stuff leaking out to the press? brian: well, it would come out to the intelligence committee, which is investigating this. ainsley: we report.
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you decide. you know, both sides. steve: yeah, so we report it. you decide. ainsley: let's hand it on over to heather who has who are news. hey, heather. >> good morning to you and everyone. we begin with ben carson. he is finally set to be confirmed today as secretary of housing and urban development. the former neurosurgeon keyed up for the vote after being nominated back in december. and in just hours, the new secretary of interior starts his first official day on the job. former navy seal and congressman ryan sworn in overnight and now just three of president trump's cabinet positions have to be filled. and here's another sign that president trump may be right about sweden. remember when he said this? trump: sweden. who would believe this? sweden making it large numbers, they're having problems that never thought possible. >> well, just days after, sweden is now reintroducing a military draft to men and
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women to combat the growing problem in europe. the country got rid of the draft seven years ago but now deciding to bring it back because of escalating violence. and manhunt intensifying for a killer in nashville. the man in this surveillance video, take a look, is accused of stabbing 23-year-old tiffany ferguson to death inside her apartment. police believe that he had been looking for unlocked cars before entering ferguson's home through an unlocked door. her roommate finding the young nurse after waking up to her screams. but the killer was gone. and terrified moments of an inmate trying to choke a deputy with the towel. shows when the woman comes up behind, wrapping the towel around his throat. thankfully the deputy quickly escaped before other inmates and deputies jumped in to help take that inmate down. the inmate now facing a new charge, of course, of assaulting a law enforcement officer. steve: scary video.
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thank you, heather. ainsley: a fox news alert. the attorney general just spoke in front of tv indications, what said about allegations to his ties to russia. that's next. brian: and president trump honoring a navy seal and widow but volunteer turned it into a disgusting attack. this morning a big update about him and how he may or may not lost his job. still i still kept it a tease. ♪ ♪ i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo is specifically designed to open up airways to improve breathing for a full 24 hours.
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for deep penetrating relief at the source. aleve direct therapy. >> well, i have not met with any russians at any time to discuss any political campaign. and those remarks are unbelievable to me and i don't have anything else to say about that. so thank you. well, i've said that i will refuse myself, there's no doubt about that. steve: attorney general sessions firing back at democrats calling him to recould you say himself or to resign. over allegations that he met
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with russian officials twice during the campaign. ainsley: now calling on jeff sessions to recuse himself. ainsley: good morning. why are you calling him to recuse himself? >> i'm not calling on him to recuse himself. as you just heard attorney general sessions that he would recuse himself, and that's all my answer was. it's amazing how people spin things so quickly. brian: well, i'm so glad you joined us. ainsley: i'm sorry i asked it the wrong way. i was told that. that's what the mainstream media is reporting but apparently you have told us otherwise. brian: leader, can you tell me where do you stand with this as it comes out today there were two meetings according to washington post reports. there were two meetings between senator sessions one at the rnc, at abevent that he was speaking at, along with other ambassadors and one-on-one in his office.
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what do you think about this story? >> look, i'm just hearing about this story. it's amazing how this story comes out right after a great speech by this president, the timing. steve: right. >> in his role as senator, he's going to meet with a lot of ambassadors. that's his job. he was not working for the campaign in any given time. i think he just has to clarify because he was asked a question did he meet on behalf of the campaign? and he was answering it in that way when you looked at that. no, i did not have any meeting with the campaign and one happened to be at a convention. and as you know ambassadors go to both party conventions. they ask as many members as possible to come by and say hi. i can't tell you which ambassadors i met in those conventions are walking out of a room who shook my hand. it was not a meeting associated with the campaign, and i think just clarification and not have this blow out of proportion of what this is. ainsley: wasn't one of those meetings face to face with the russian ambassador that
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general flynn met with? brian: talked to. >> if that's the case, i think the attorney general needs to clarify to the american people what that was. and as a u.s. senator, his role is to meet with ambassadors as well. steve: absolutely. >> so just clarify that and go forward. steve: does it trouble you, mr. mccarthy, that this looks like another instance where this is supposed to be top secret stuff. i mean, it sounds like it's leaking from the intel community. but there's a story out there that in the final days of the barack obama administration, you know, people in the intel community knew about, you know, the ties to russian and stuff like that. so they started spreading it everywhere to do as much damage to president trump and the incoming administration as possible, and that could be why we're here today talking about this. >> it seems like a lot of politics and when you read into these stories, there are other stories saying the obama administration has been floating so many stories out there. i think it's time to come together as american. we have big problems from
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health care to tax reform to infrastructure. and that's what i was talking to happen yesterday at lunch. we're going to move forward, and i think we should put people before politics and really come together as one nation. brian: and i know you're probably his favorite -- sorry, paul ryan. you're probably his favorite member of the house, you have hit it off from day one. so can you tell me if i'm wrong in saying that so far lawmakers on the right have let this president down because you have not gotten together and really did the hard work of coming together on rereplacement, repeal, and replace for obamacare? the senate yesterday saw the proposal from chairman brady and said you've got to be kidding me. this is too broad. i can't get behind this. so you guys seem to be dropping the ball. >> no. i have to disagree with you on that because we're lockstep with this president. that's what the meeting was about yesterday and there are senators in the room with the president. remember, obamacare is essentially two things.
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it's the exchanges, and it's the expansion of medicaid. we all know exchanges have collapse. one third of the counties in this country only have one provider. the 23 co-ops were created, 18 of them have collapsed. we're moving forward next month. we're waiting for cbo to actually score the bill. that's the only thing holding us back. >> what bill? the. >> the replacement. we have to do it through reconciliation because democrats will not work with us on this. so through reconciliation, we will repeal and replace obamacare. and the uniqueness about this, you have to think it in almost three phases when the aca went in place because of the manner in which it did, they gave a lot of power to the health and human service secretary. well, there's 1400 pages of that. well, tom price is now in that role, and he has worked very closely, been part of the house, he's a doctor. we're working together with him to take those changes. we will start moving it through committee if you watch in a very short amount of time
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here, that's what we're talking to happen about yesterday. it will go through the house and then to the senate and this bills that take 60 votes will move through the house and get passed later. steve: that's the plan. that's how it's supposed to work. we'll see what happens. ainsley: thank you, congressman. steve: thank you for joining us live today. >> thanks for having me. ainsley: coming up she related against the president in front of tv cameras. >> fight this battle as a dreamer. my name is daniel vargas. ainsley: one problem. she's an illegal immigrant and ice was watching. so what happened next? stay tuned. steve: plus president trump roll back regulations might found boring, but you should be excited. explain how it will put money in your pocket, and he will like in vegas. next.
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call today. comcast business. built for business. brian: all right. some headlines now. stunning admission in the casey anthony case. the judge says now the florida mom did kill her daughter, but it was an accident. retired judge talking about the case for the first time six years after anthony was found not guilty. and he believes she may have used colo colorform to ease the baby. and remember this? she made headlines for lying about being black. >> are you african-american? >> i don't understand the question. brian: right. it was hard to understand. the former naacp chapter president exposed for being white by her parents now goes by the name -- and stay with
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me on this. dialo. which means gift of god. she also needs a job. all right. ainsley. ainsley: president trump laying out his vision for the country and promising to roll back regulations. trump: we have undertaken a historic effort for job crushing regulations. create a task force inside of every government agency. [applause] and we're imposing a new rule, which mandates that for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated. ainsley: so how is this going to help make your life better? the host of property man bob joins us now. hey, bob good to see you. >> good morning, ainsley. ainsley: good morning. let's talk about some of these regulations. what does he mean by that?
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what does it mean to our viewers? >> let's break it down in a couple of areas. let's start with construction. many contractors that you talk to statewide and nationally, ainsley, they have been basically bogged down for many, many years of too much regulations from land use issues to pulling permits. just things that basically stop the ability to grow. things that take months and months and months to happen shouldn't take that long. so i think what the president is saying one of the greatest developers of all time is, look, ends development. he understands the use of development, what it means to jobs in america. if they could deregulate some of these things, it's affect construction and growth, which could be good for america, for the economy, and for jobs. and there's a direct correlation between that. no question about it. ainsley: so all of that red tape just makes construction projects last longer. is that what you're saying? >> yeah. many times. projects that should be done in three months take eight months, nine months, or a year
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if you ask contractors. if you look back during the reagan administration, if he lowers capital gains tax, ainsley, it will blow up america for the better. the people who have millions of acres of property that they own across the country, if you take that capital gains tax down, then they could sell and pay less taxes that allows development which creates jobs. and there's absolutely i believe that the capital gains part if he addresses that is going to make a major boom for this country. ainsley: what about lending? >> i'm a little concerned. i have to tell you. i talked a few weeks about this. look, i don't want it to be that all the lenders are basically policing themselves again. and i'm not suggesting that president trump intends to do that. but obviously dodd-frank and some of the things that happened was a little too much. but i'm concerned that americans want to own homes again. that's our american dream. if you deregulate lending too much, ainsley, it could end up
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being that certain people again that are owning homes maybe shouldn't have if lending basically becomes too deregulated. so i just want them to be a little careful in that area. i don't want to see another bubble happen again. ainsley: yeah, no one wants to do that. but it's so hard to own a home. you have to put 20% down. that's a lot of cash for a lot of families. >> it is. the fha has different levels of down payment. but here's the thing. there are people who own homes who should never have owned homes years ago. there are other sides to this equation where they had stated income. you could have told a person 15 years ago or 20 years ago they made a million dollars a years ago you have to have a check to own a home. ainsley: thank you. president trump honoring a fallen navy seal and his widow. but a former clinton volunteer turned it into a disgusting attack. this morning a big update
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about him, and i think you're going to like it. and it's moving day for valerie jarod and guess where she is going? the obama's mansion in washington d.c. we'll tell you why. your insurance company
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the ship's yard in newport, virginia talking to sailors and builders about his plans to strengthen the military. steve: that's right the 13 billion-dollar aircraft carrier is the most expensive warship ever built. it is expected to be commissioned later on this year. you'll see the president out there right here on the fox news channel. brian: and we need more of those aircraft carriers. meanwhile it was one of the most powerful moments to the i'm a president speech. the tribute to a widow of a navy seal. steve: but don't tell that to a former clinton volunteer who was also a obama volunteer who tweeted afterwards sorry, owen's wife. you're not helping yourself or your husband's memory by standing there and clapping like an idiot. trump just used you, and he called her an idiot. ainsley: that worker fired after a former navy seal wrote his boss at the company called liberty adviser group in
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chicago and the navy seal wrote this in the letter. he said he has in the basis terms degraded the memory of one of my fallen navy seal brothers by insulting his wife on a public platform. either mr. dan is completely void of humanity or not willing to express sadness. he has brought shame upon himself and by remaining in your employment, your company and you. brian: that former navy seal derek rejoins our show but for the first time talking about this. derek, how did you stumble onto this tweet and why did you feel compelled to attack it? >> well, i have a group of friends that he speak to regularly, active duty and retired navy seals and this instantly popped up on our little network. and some things need to be addressed directly and immediately.
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and this was beyond th beyond the pale. you do not insult our widows and expect to get away with it. it's just not going to happen. it's totally inappropriate. ainsley: and what was your reaction? >> i thought it was a joke initially. ainsley: what was your reaction when you found out he was fired? >> i thought it was fantastic, and i wreck wrote back to the ceo of the company and thanked him that i stand corrected that you are a man of honor and that you do not bring shame upon yourself and your company. that's how real people have discussions. if it's addressed immediately like the ceo did, he should be called out for doing what he should. it's fantastic. steve: when you were listening to happen on tuesday night speak before the joint session of congress, and he saluted the widow, what do you think of the fact that he brought her up? because some of the political left said, look, the president was using her as a prop.
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>> right. okay. check this out. i want to say this directly to the president of the united states. mr. president, by the fact that you brought karen up there to be a symbol for all of our gold star widows, the widowers that are out there, the mothers, sisters, and brothers was an incredibly classy thing to do. she is a center -- she is a strong woman that has displayed grace in the presence of hurt. so, mr. president, again, i'm a private citizen now, but you earned my respect and the respect of my fellow navy seals by doing this. and if you need anything, you give me a ring. thank you for that. brian: remember and derek is one of the stars of acts of valor, the dvd that's out. here's the answer from the liberty adviser group, regardless the comments of the tweet were to cause hurt and anger that were generated, they were unacceptable to us and the individual who issued the tweet is no longer -- the
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person who issued a tweet is no longer facilitate affiliated with liberty. so he's gone. you offered to drive over there and explain why he shouldn't have done that. and then he deleted his profile and came up with another profile, and you found that. >> yes. well, cowards are often crafty folks. so what this guy did, again, is completely unacceptable, and it will not be tolerated by myself or fellow navy seals. it didn't matter that karen is a navy seal widow. if she's a widow of any service member that was killed in action defending our country and our freedoms, we need to stand up for them. we owe them a debt of gratitude that doesn't end with the debt of their spouse either their husband or wife. that is a lifelong commitment. we should do that as a nation. that is exactly what the president of the united states was attempting to do, and he did incredibly successfully at
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this joint session of congress. to degrade the effort that he made to bring glory to these people, my fellow navy seals and the other service members that have been killed in action defending our freedoms to try to deagreed that is disgraceful. there's no excuse for it. brian: the president's political enemies are saying that wasn't a good mission. we didn't get enough out of it. how dare he do this mission. what perspective should we have when we're analyzing this mission? >> we should have the perspective of american citizens that are grateful that there are men and women that are willing to go into harms way to defend us. it should start and stop there. rosie o'donnell is probably a wonderful person, but she is not a military analyst of any renown. she is not. and we're talking about michael moore and bill mare and those cats saying used as a prop. they're agitators.
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conventional warfare would call them agent. fighting mad max in the thunder dome. those are the types of acts i expect out of those cats. i get it. but for an average citizen to think that it is remotely acceptable to insult the widow of a fallen service member speaks volumes about the character of these individuals. steve: it does indeed. derek, former navy seal who wrote the letter and got the guy fired. thank you very much for joining us today from wausau, wisconsin. ainsley: and for fighting for our country. >> you're welcome. steve: you have fun in wausau. brian: promised to be working on news all the time. >> yes. all the time, and we have some more. good headlines for you. starting with this illegal immigrant lates under arrest
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after making a political statement. >> i continue to fight this battle as a dreamer to help contribute to this country, that i feel is very much my country. my name is danielle vargas. >> well, not long after doing that, danielle was arrested by ice. turns out her dreamer status had expired. vargas now in iced detention being held without bond. and company in the home of the former first family. a new report from the daily mail says that president obama's closest adviser valerie jarrett is moving into his new dc mansion to plot ways to take down trump. now, the report suggesting that the obamas will use the home as the antitrump nerve center because his office, post presidential perk cannot be used for political reasons. and finally there's this. a little boy runs away from a girl at his first ever
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wrestling tournament. run, 4-year-old, taking off right after the handshake in pennsylvania. and if you watch closely, you can see the little girl throwing up her arms. eventually she pins him down. but he doesn't fight back. he eventually wiggles free and then takes off running again. they're learning young. that's a look at your headlines. >> get on top of her. >> no cooties. steve: in high school, i don't remember that being an option. brian: you would have done that. >> we're playing tag. not wrestling. brian: you know what i think? he was told don't ever touch a girl or hit your sister and then next thing you know he's wrestling a girl. you see the girl sit up and did a. ainsley: maybe he doesn't want
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to be a wrestler. brian: right. wants to join the cub scouts. ainsley: coming up it's being called less than a mafia shake down. taking it from you the taxpayer and giving it to their pals. ed henry is going to blow the lid off of this story next. steve: and then for us to ask questions of president trump in the olive office. we did for you. watch. >> i pray for you daily. do you take time to pray? >> well, hello, ronald. we ought to bring ronald to the white house. steve: well, the president's response to that from the oval office straight ahead as we ask your questions of the commander-in-chief.
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for oic and can help you go more often. don't take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. movantik may cause serious side effects, including symptoms of opioid withdrawal, severe stomach pain and/or diarrhea, and tears in the stomach or intestine. tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take. movantik may interact with them causing side effects. why hold it in? have your movantik moment. talk to your doctor about opioid-induced constipation. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ainsley: it is time now for your news by the numbers. first 60 percent. that is how much gun permits
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spiked in minnesota last year compared to 2015 more than 71,000 in total were issued. next, 2. that is the number of accountants that have been fired and banished by hollywood over sunday's oscar bluster. brian and martha responsible for mixing up the envelopes that led to announcing the wrong winner for best picture. and finally, eight. the number of months that fox news because of you have dominated the cable's competition. that is a network record, and it's all because of you. we all appreciate that. thank you for keeping us employed. according to nielson, fox news is often the most watched channel for president trump's address to congress with nearly 11 million viewers. steve: fantastic. ainsley: how many stadiums would that fill? steve: a bunch of them. brian: a lot. steve: meanwhile the obama administration funneling billions of dollars into a shadowy department of justice
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slush fund that you probably never heard about. brian: the house judiciary community said it went to a envying progressive organizations. ainsley: now the republicans won't answer chief national correspondent ed henry joins us live now. hey, ed. >> good morning, guys. the question may be is this a new form of the so-called walking around money we used to hear about? money being disbursed for political reasons in inner cities to try to turn out the vote as you mentioned republicans on the house judiciary committee now digging in as we learn this morning that president obama's justice department handed out billions of dollars in your taxpayer money to liberal outside groups. republicans on that panel now demanding an explanation to a move that has left conservatives like mike huckabee fuming. >> somebody ought to go to prison for this. i mean, this is worse than a mafia shake down. because at least if the mafia shakes you down for protection, your store doesn't burn down. but this is a case where the liberals have played robin hood. they've stolen from the
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government, the taxpayers, and they've given it to their pals. >> now, where did this money go? take a look at this list of groups, including the national council, the national community reinvestment coalition, as well as the national urban league all getting some of this money. so there could still be questions about the last justice department, even as we wake up this morning to new questions about the current justice department. guys. steve: they're putting an end to that. ed, thank you very much. brian: ed henry. meanwhile 12 minutes before the top of the hour. we asked you to send questions for president trump. ainsley: ronald wrote us and said i pray for you daily. do you take time to pray? trump: wow. hello, ronald. we ought to bring ronald to the white house. brian: the president's response from inside the oval office. that will be next. steve: but first. ainsley: let's talk to bill to find out what's coming up next. >> more on this jeff sessions matter. so stand by for more on that. also, what was the obama's
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team involvement in spreading the story about our election. a closer story about that today coming up. was the widow being used as a prop? that's what some on the left say. we will debate this very sensitive topic. and obama administration under lock and key so what's in it? we're going to find out 12 minutes away top of the hour here on america's newsroom. we'll see you then man: proper etiquette is essential for every social occasion. so the the broom said, "sorry i'm late. i over-swept." [ laughter ] yes, even the awkward among us deserve some laughter. and while it's okay to nibble in public, a lady only dines in private. try the name your price tool from progressive.
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steve: well, when we went to the white house on monday, we had a lot of questions but so did you. ainsley: thank you for sending those in. we took them to the white house, we took them right inside the oval office; right? brian: right and i had the most hard hitting one. ainsley: no pun intended. it was about basically. brian: it was. so so let's listen to the
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questions and.'s answers in the oval office we asked our viewers if they had questions. jamie from pennsylvania said one of your biggest things was drain the swamp. and the politicians are supposed to answer to the american people and not the opposite. when will your administration be putting together a proposal for term limits for congress? trump: well, we're looking into that right now. right now i want to get those congressman to approve on obamacare and all the -- steve: one step at a time. trump: that's something down the road a little bit. a lot of people don't like that. frankly, they consider term limits to be an election, but i think it would be a good thing. but right now what i want to do is get obamacare approved, and i want people to love us. brian: approved or changed? trump: well, changed, when i say obamacare, i'm talking about real change. and i suspect the first thing that's going to change will be the name. but we're talking about repealing and replacing. and if we don't do that, i would be very upset. steve: nobody's going to get
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thrown out of their insurance, are they? because that's what a lot of people are saying on the left. millions of people are going to lose insurance. trump: no, they have it all wrong. you're going to hear about it during the speech, but they're going to have it all wrong. we're going to have a really great health care plan, and it's going to be much more affordable. including for the country. ainsley: now, i know when you were inaugurated, you put your hand on your bible that your mother had given you as a child. i know as a mother, as parents, we pray for our children, and we want the best for them. and your parents, they probably prayed for you so much. but maybe not -- they might not have realized that you were going to get this far. i bet they would have been very proud tough. that leads me to this question. ronald wrote i pray for you daily. do you take time to pray? trump: i do, actually. to me, it's very important. but that's so nice. who is that? ainsley: that's ronald. trump: hello, ronald. we should bring ronald to the white house. steve: he would love to come. brian: i'm a die hard new york mets fan.
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are you a mets fan or yankee's fan. the fate of the world relies on this answer. trump: well, i don't think it does, but actually, i do like both teams. i love both families and randy and the whole group. randy's done a terrific job. brian: now you're probably going to win new york. trump: i like both teams. ainsley: what about social security will run out by the time we need it? trump: you're going to be okay. brian: that was ainsley from manhattan. steve: thank you to the thousands of questions. we put it down to those three. brian: it's like scatgories. ainsley: that game is so fun. steve: obviously you've never played jenga. ainsley: we heard those questions. we have one more for you. are you deplorable and proud? now you can drink to that. we'll tell you about it. (vo) maybe it was here,
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guests today steve doocy, chris wallace and make sure you watch. >> you have to run. if you run from the tv you have to run to the radio. >> i have to run to the radio. >> we'll have to buy a radio. >> tomorrow is friday. >> bill: democrats today are calling for jeff sessions' head. i'm bill hemmer. we sort through this one today and see where it goes. >> shannon: never a shortage of news. i'm shannon bream in for martha maccallum. the reports apparently contradicting testimony during the attorney general's confirmation hearing when he said he never communicated with the russian envoy. last hour he denied discussions with the ambassador about political campaign issues. >> i have nowi


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