tv Americas News HQ FOX News March 4, 2017 11:00am-12:01pm PST
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to develop. >> leland: there might be more developments tomorrow morning. we'll see if the president tweets again. we'll see you back here at one eastern tomorrow. more news. more news starts from new york right now. >> explosive accusation from president john claiming president obama attacked tapped his phone at trump tower during the campaign. brand-new reaction from president obama. welcome to welcome to a new our inside america's new headquarters. trump letting loose a barrage of accusations. accusation including is it -- turned down by quart earlier new low. raising questions about
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what evidence mr. trump has her has her presidential passage passive to back up his allegations. >> kristen fisher's fly from florida with the latest. what are you hearing from president obama about this? >> a spokesman for former president obama the accusations that he ordered the wiring is false. i'll i'll reach you the full statement it reads "a cardinal rule of the obama administration was that no white house official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the department of justice. as part of that practice neither president obama nor any white house official ever ordered surveillance on u.s. citizens. other suggestion otherwise is simply false " that statement does not mention the department of justice or the fbi. there is some wiggle room there. in fact, look at, look at what president obama's former speechwriter posted on twitter "i would be
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careful reporting that obama said there was no wiretapping. statement just said just said that neither he nor the white house ordered it. " these reports surfaced yesterday's and breitbart news which used to be used by president trumps chief strategists steve bannon. they ordered a monitor communication to look at then candidate trump. this happened right before all the allegations went trump campaign in russia was heating up. that is the claim. brett asked the house speaker paul ryan about the claim last night on a special report. here was his response. >> have you heard that? >> like i said, none of us in congress has been presented with evidence to the contrary of what he said. >> c believe it to be true? >> we have seen no evidence that
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anyone in this campaign or any other american was in on it with the russians to meddle in our elections. we know they metal. russia is an adversary. we adversary. we need to work to counteract. >> it seems he left a little wiggle room there as well. as for the white house, were waiting for an official statement from them since all of this news broke, at this hour they have not offered any hard proof or hard evidence to back up these bombshell allegations that president trump made this morning. >> kristen, thank you so much. >> for more on this work joined with sarah westwood, sarah, thanks for joining us this afternoon. i want to keep in mind with what kristen was reporting a moment ago. reporting a moment ago. it's important to know that president trump made these tweets without any proof that they were bugging his phones. these allegations are very explosive.
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we understand the white house expect to provide some details on why he sent these out which could happen today or tomorrow, have you heard anything from your sources about this. >> my sources are silent with this as well. were waiting on the white house to put together a response. it's not in the administration's interest to let a sensational claim like this hangout too long. it give trumps opponents to find the narrative and call this a conspiracy theory and get out in front of it, debunking it before he has a chance to back it up. we have no idea whether there is evidence to support this or if this is based off of the breitbart post that kristen mentioned. were waiting to hear what the back story is. it's in their interest to get that out as quickly as possible. >> kelly: that could have some credence to what the president
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talked about in terms of tweeting. speaking of former president obama his spokesperson issued this statement. and we saw this as well and christians report report but it's from kevin lewis he set a cardinal rule of the obama administration was that no white house official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the department of justice. as part of that practice neither president obama nor any white house official ever ordered surveillance on any u.s. citizens. any suggestion otherwise is simply false " that sounds like a definitive statement but if you dig deeper is worth noting that will the spokesman said president obama did not order it nor any white house official. he does not say that the fbi or the doj did every quest. just a word of caution, we heard from the spokesperson, one of president obama's former president obama's former speechwriters who said be careful about this .
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so we are not getting a definitive answer from president obama, what you say about that? >> we know the obama ministration went to great lengths to collect and preserve intelligence about these allegations of contact between russians and trump campaign. we learned that obama political appointee's work to spread that information across the government so the trump administration wouldn't be able to run away from this story. obama political appointees kept intelligence analysis at the lowest possible level of classification so as many people as possible could access that information. we know the obama administration loved keeping tabs on russian officials including the ambassador. it's not outside the realm of possibility the trump or his associates would be under surveillance. we don't know who ordered the surveillance or the full extent of what went on.
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>> kelly: so we are all waiting for the details to come forth from the white house. we understand through sean spicer that they're working on it will get information out to us when they have it available. once this came up this morning the white house and the department of justice had to be scrambling to figure out how to show that the president was right in putting this out. if you is wrong what is that mean for their former administration and what do you anticipate president obama to do if trump is wrong. do you think there would be retaliation? >> certainly there would be a backlash politically. the be hard for fellow republicans to defend that kind of outburst if it turned out president trump could not back it up with facts. it's difficult for a lot of republicans to come to trumps defense when some of the things he has said turn out to be a bit misleading. joe just just got into one of the trouble at an a rally when he overstated violence that was happening in sweeting at the hands of
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refugees. that overshadowed the rest of what he was saying in that rally even though there is a tint of truth to it. it was overblown. it distracted from the point he was trying to make. the trump administration don't want to be in a situation to defend an indefensible statement. >> kelly: you know the democrats are watching this very closely. as he mentioned, they're probably trying to get in front of this to find out what took place and will rally around and circle the wagon around president obama and then try to make more criticisms of the trump administration. to think president trump needs to take a break from tweeting so much? >> we saw him take a brief break after his first presidential speech this week. he received bipartisan accolades
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to his joint address and he took a step back. it's a way for him to drive the news media in the direction he wants it to go. it's a double-edged sword because he can also step on a good new cycle. this has change the conversation away from what has happened with jeff sessions. that's potentially one benefit for the white house but if he can come up with a compelling back story they might have a fresh problem on their hands. >> kelly: thank you for joining us. >> attorney general jeff sessions will be answering questions and writing about his contacts with the russian ambassador during the campaign. this, as the democrats call on the attorney general to appear in front of lawmakers. laura is live with the latest .
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>> democrats wanted to question jeff sessions in a public hearing task why he did not disclose his talks with the russian ambassador during his confirmation hearing. the judiciary committee chairman, chuck grassley denied the request and instead sessions will cement his written answers on monday. something that republicans say sessions doesn't need to do but will to help the credibility of the justice department. >> i think he listen to advice of people within the justice department on how best to maintain the integrity of the justice department. i don't think he had to do this but he did vote he thought was in the best interest of the justice department. he was a surrogate for the campaign. i think he wanted to air on the side of caution. >> although sessions has recused himself from the investigation into russia and election hacking, democrats didn't miss a beat saying it does not clear sessions of what they say is a lie in his confirmation hearing. for that, number of democrats are calling for sessions to step aside. >> i think attorney general sessions should step down. michael flynn, who is the
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national security adviser had meetings with the russians, lied to the vest president about it and that was the basis of his dismissal. >> allegations of to close your relationship with russia has already brought down one of the presidents cabinet members. democrats say sessions recusing himself from any investigation doesn't help the problem. republicans say that what sessions did with meeting with the russian ambassador was still a senator isn't illegal nor did he perjure himself in the confirmation hearing. >> julie: thank you. more on this topic to come. we'll talk to congressman wilford who sits on house intelligence committee. he will weigh on jeff sessions and the controversy around the ties to russia. also answer the question about what he knows about the wiretapping and if there is any proof and one might we hear about it from the white house. stay tuned to to the live interview coming up. >> kelly: a wave of u.s. airstrikes in yemen targeting al
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within 30 airstrikes have been conducted since thursday. the aerosol was aimed at taking out the militants who are intent on attacking the u.s. earlier this week, the pentagon delivered preliminary plans for defeating isis and other terror groups. >> julie: in the battle for most all, 12 people including children are being treated for susceptor suspected chemical weapons. if confirmed that would be a war crime crime in a serious violation of humanitarian law. john joins us now with more. >> this is not the first time as we know that isis has been accused of using chemical weapons on men, women, children. that appears to. that appears to be yet again the case as we take a look at some of the video from the hospital.
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video that in some parts is too graphic to show. a dozen people including children were hospitalized with burns, respiratory problems. basically everything consistent with chemical exposure from a chemical weapons attack. thousands of civilians have been trying to escape from western mosel as they continue their massive offensive there. iraq you troops liberated eastern most all in january. they have been using rockets, mortar, and others to repel the advancing iraqi troops while also using people as human shields and executing civilians as they try to escape. in january, as as the pfeiffer eastern most always region, iraqi special forces clearing areas found isis chemical weapons labs and an arsenal
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chemical weapons, mortars and weapons with mustard gas and chlorine gas loaded. now, those hospitalized some good news including the children that we were showing in the video, in some parts of is too graphic to show. they are expected expected to recover from their injuries and wounds. there is concern from the iraqi commanders that is isis continues to lose ground the militants will become more desperate using any and all means possible including chemical weapons, to try to kill iraq you troops and hurt, maimed, and kill, and kill innocent men, women, and children. >> julie: thank you. >> kelly: senate democrats want attorney general jeff sessions to appear a capitol hill after he failed to disclose meetings with the russian ambassador during his confirmation hearing. republican congressman wilford is here.
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>> julie: it has been a seven-year way. republican lawmakers are now poised to repeal obama care. when. when that could happen, still ahead. my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line.
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>> kelly: welcome back. a nice day out for kids at a chucky cheese restaurant ending with adults behaving badly. this is near san bernardino, california. san bernardino, california. cell phone video capturing two women fighting over tickets at the family restaurant. then they escalate to a group fight with their children watching. a second brawl against a different group of adults breaking out at the same restaurant just days later. >> julie: president trump accusing former president obama of wiretapping phones inside trump tower. in tweets this morning, the president claims his opponents were tapped during the campaign. he did not prove any evidence. texas congressman will heard this part of the oversights committee. never a dull saturday. let me ask you to respond to president trump's tweets.
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here is one of a series of them and i'm quoting, terrible x untran! just just found out that obama had my wires tapped in front this is mccarthyism. he provided no proof of this. if the administration is going to make an accusation like this they must have proof. what are they waiting for to tell us where they have this information? >> i don't know what they're waiting on. if something like this were to happen and i have no no indication that it did or did not. what would have happened is a federal law enforcement would have gone and probably was someone at doj, not necessarily the attorney general, but the approval to go to court to get approval to wiretap someone, an individual. you don't just tap a building or facility.
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in that process you would've had a judge believed that there is probable cause to issue that warrant for that type of activity. it is rare for this type of approval to come from the white house. this is one of the reasons why you have an independent federal law enforcement. >> so the accusation in itself is a very serious one to make. when it comes to any investigation, if you're talking criminal investigation or something that requires investigation, typically you hold the information back until you have your ducks in a row and you to your entire investigation. once you have all your proven facts you withhold it. then, you reveal it but only when you have the proof. that is how law enforcement connects murder investigations. to come forward and give this, doesn't
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it hamper the this, doesn't it hamper the investigation, it's out there now. >> i agree with you 100%. i would offer you to come down to congressman talk. >> julie: i would love to. as an invitation? invite me i'd me i'd be glad to come. >> your right. let federal law-enforcement to their job. and then it's the responsibility of the oversight committees within the house and senate to make sure that federal law-enforcement did its job. >> julie: is it the responsibility of the president to make the announcement that this is happening or being investigated? >> that would be atypical for something like that to happen. all of my friends on both sides of the aisle in the legislative and executive branch need to be more precise with the language they use. the need also make sure that we are are allowing a law enforcement to do their jobs. i think the russian involvements and tried to manipulate our election is a serious thing.
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needs to be pursued in a bipartisan, thoughtful and comprehensive manner and some of the temperatures on both sides of the political aisle need to come down so we can address this appropriately. >> julie: i want to talk about the timing in this. these tweets come at a time after after president trump had been on characteristic silent on twitter since his joint session speech to congress. and also comes on the heels of campaign contacts with the russian official issues. some believe that revelations believed with the revelations about jeff sessions while he was campaigning and said he did not have any and it turns out he did, that happened to come out a day after president trump's high, after his joint session speech. is this quid pro quo? i have dirt on you and you will release dirt on me sunk in a released or done you. how much can you believe and how much of timing to believe it's
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making it an intentional move? they have a warchest of information in there just every time someone upsets the white house they're just going to empty their warchest. >> i have no unique insight into why the timing or the intention of the president. it seems like both sides of the political divide are trying to engage in this game of what one ups men ship. when it comes to serious investigations about russian involvement in our election to federal law-enforcement investigation, these are not things that should be debated while they are ongoing in the public. there should be transparency. it has the impact and you could impact the investigation by talking about them prematurely.
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this is something that both sides of the argument need to be paying attention to. i think attorney general general sessions recusing himself from any involvement in future investigations is the right move. >> julie: it was a stand up and move. i believe it needed to be done. i believe the left tried to call for his resignation might be extreme. let's get the information first which is why all these investigations including the one about russia and revelations whether or not they had anything to do with the presidential campaign, all of that need to be kept in a tight box until investigators get there information. what have you learned us where is the investigation with russia another jeff session has recused himself to feel it will move forward quickly? answers need to commence they can put this to rest. >> this needs to be move quickly. we need the senate to act on the nomination of the deputy attorney general. we have an acting deputy
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attorney general to help in making decisions or can potentially tap one of the 92 u.s. attorneys to be involved in this. many of those have been appointed by the previous administration. the oversight arm of the intelligence committee will look at the side activity of the russians used and how and what they did to manipulate our election. we'll look to mixer federal law-enforcement reviewed contact between anybody with russian involvement. and what was our response, governmental response to these issues? these are the these are the things in balance of the investigation. we want to do it quickly but it needs to be done thoroughly. there will be a component to be made public because it's in part for the american people to understand this.
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i want to make sure that we do this in a bipartisan, comprehensive fashion to make sure were able to lay this to bed one way or another. >> julie: thank you very much. i would love to see you in washington someday. >> we will make that happen. >> kelly: president trump launching a bombshell of an allegations. saying that president obama wiretapped his phones. keep it here for a political panel, coming up only tena overnight underwear ...with its secure barrier system gives you.... ...triple protection from leaks, odor and moisture. tena lets you be you
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director at mercury public of fares. this is an important issue. my first question is what is your response to the tweets that came out? >> this is a stunning thing that we saw this morning. on tuesday the president give the speech where he's talking about giving people together again and there's many who voted for him and rooting for him and in terms of doing the things he talked about, what this confusion that he creates when he sends tweets out like this, i don't know how it helps his legislative agenda. this is the first 50 days and the constant confusion and angst created by the white house, i don't know how that helps him advance his agenda and that's a question i'm asking today. >> frankly i couldn't agree more. jeff sessions as the
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nation's top's top law enforcement official. we need to be able to trust him to conduct his investigations fairly and impartially, that he would not disclose to the senate or to the president that he had these contacts with the russian ambassador is absurd. the last several months of media cycles have been full of contacts with the russian government the national news items. it's not like he forgot about it. he deliberately excluded the information. president trump had a speech last week and he said he would bring the american people together and he does seem to be bringing that separate from jeff sessions. he needs to resign altogether because the attorney general. >> the president has been very
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critical -- he does not explain how he uncovered the obama administration's alleged wiretapping. however bright part posted an article claiming the obama administration made a request in 2016 to monitor the then candidate trumps communication at a computer server focusing on links with russian banks and no evidence was found. it's our understanding the article was based on radio host and we heard rush limbaugh talk about it, if all of this turns out to be true, what action do you anticipate the trump administration would pursue? >> everybody knows that this is a tremendously dishonest presidency. as that he will do everything he can to weasel his way out of justice are the truth to come out about these ties with
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russia. everybody knows he was on stage during the campaign telling wikileaks to hack the e-mails. he was happy with the leaks coming out back then. the american people deserve answers on what his campaign said and what the interactions were between intelligence officials around the same time these attacks were happening. collusion requires a smoking gun and there's evidence that the intelligence committee have intercepted these. the various various committees need to demand full transcripts and information so they can proceed accordingly. jeff sessions has shot himself in the foot completely. >> kelly: let's get back to it he was saying. he was was accusing the president, the sitting president of being in
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collusion, that's as explosive as what's been going on with these tweets. what's your reaction reaction to what he's discussing right there? >> i think the president uses confusion a lot as a strategy. it's it's not a strategy i would recommend using, but their serious charges. my advice to the president would be let the sunlight come in, it would help you more people realize there's nothing to this and you can move forward. you have to remember, every day we get past the last election were getting closer to the next one. congressman senators and governors are going to be deciding are they going to go with president trump or go against them. that's why these first days are so important. it has done nothing to advance the american agenda. >> ra we have to go.
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thank you both i appreciate years perspective. >> the department of homeland security is considering forcefully separating parents and children who illegally cross the border. our legal panel will weigh in. we use the most advanced teeth straightening technology to help you find the next amazing version of yourself. it's time to unleash your secret weapon. it's there, right under your nose. get to your best smile up to 50% faster. >> how .
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>> julie: the department of homeland security is reporting separating moms and their children who entered the u.s. illegally. the new policy would allow u.s. residents, those who actually get to keep parents in custody while they await deportation. their children are moved elsewhere under protective status until the paperwork is completed.
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this is in the hopes it would deter the exploitation of children. can they they be legally deported without a hearing? joining me now is david schwartz and francisco hernandez. thank you for talking to me. david, talk about the department of homeland security considering separating moms and their kids. to deter them from coming into the u.s. illegally. what you make of that? >> it's just a proposal. it's in the proposal stage is right now so we don't know if it will become a policy. with that being said, the proposal would be in order to avoid this abuse of children and the danger of crossing the border and coming in through the southern border, they would separate the mother from the child during these deportation hearings. i don't agree with that policy. i think it should be looked at
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on a case-by-case basis basis. >> a homeland security official says the they're considering separating a mother and their child, their child, a minor. if that illegal mother has committed a crime, violent crime than i understand. then, that's the price you pay and any criminal in this country any but wait a second, but this is inhumane. what country i'm talking. i'm speaking. hello. does he not does he not hear me? does i guess not have an earpiece. [inaudible] >> what mother would not take their child to the promised land if they're going to handed over to a relative, were not that dumb. >> francisco, can you hear me. okay good, solid and as if you didn't because i tried to ask
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you to stop speaking so i could speak. this is the land of the free. we are not opening our borders and saying you're free to enter. but if you are here and illegal there is a humanitarian way to get that person out. if the person has a child and not committed a crime, what country country do we live in that we remove children from their mothers. this is something that is being considered by the state department. >> in the family courts all over this country would make those decisions. we make those. >> but the child is endangered, yes. >> what is in the best interest of the child. i believe the policy should be, that should be the standard. when the parent comes in illegally with the child they should look at what's in the best interest of the child just like we do a family
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courts all over the place. in some cases it may warn the child being taken away from an abusive parents. >> julie: representative from texas said it could cross into violating human rights rather than protecting the u.s. bottom line seems separated mothers and children is wrong. talk about the impact of implementing the fast track deportation policy and should some of these people begetting hearings? were example ice picked up daniela vargas, sure you've still heard this. a dreamer with expired doc a status meaning if you came in this country is a minor you are not forced out. after she spoke out again trump policy when her dad and brother were detained her lawyers are saying that she's going to be deported without a hearing. does she deserve a hearing? >> yes, we have due process in this country and she will get due process and an injunction.
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the deportations are this amazing of the flu. let's talk about the flu. we have a magnet that attracts these folks to jobs. if jobs. if we don't want drugs coming and people coming on documented thin stop using drugs and stop hiring them. let's get back to what the origin of the problem is. create a create a system where they can come here legally as there is no line to wait to apply. no one is more against illegal immigration than illegal immigrants. >> and also immigrants. people come here legally or very against them. i can see for many of the hispanic community say we waited in line and they should too. it's not. it's not fair they get to jump ahead. it's just a inhumane acts of
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getting putting criminals at the front of the line and somehow impacting immigration control to secure our borders. >> were talking about the waiver program. we have over 500,000 deportation cases. in a perfect world in a perfect world everyone should see a judge, it's not possible in some of these cases. these are waivers. spee-01 for the record, my mother was a legal immigrate and i was for near this country. here in this country. but she is one of those some people found upon coming in the wrong way. thank you. >> kelly: rising crime in chicago making national headlines. the president has been talking about it. i had an inspirational story about a professor and his students working to change the narrative before fibromyalgia, i was a doer. i was active.
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>> kelly: president trump says the city chicago needs help with the fight against crime. he plans to help but there are agents of change in the troubled city that are hard at work. who will give you a glimpse the effort of teachers, parents and, volunteers and students doing what they can to become chicago's hope. >> every day they hear the bad news about their inner-city community.
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they face the harsh reality of crime, gangs, and violence. every day, the students at the gary coleman college a prep on the southside are focused on scholarship, discipline and honor. >> all. >> all of our seniors have been accepted to universities. we have sophomores who are doing summer of a lifetime. they're going to schools like harvard this summer, stamper, brown, notre dame. it's a continuous relationship. >> education is key, you have to look at the complex social issues that can be impediments and a young person's education. you need to address those. that is why our effort is so multipronged. >> part of that approach includes exposing the students to people who have walked in their shoes and achieved success. at their eighth annual career day, more than 100
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professionals from various disciplines came to share their stories on how they achieved their dreams. >> i was a kid and grew up said poor guy in the family that never went to college. i grew up on welfare on the southside of chicago. >> i was the first in my family to go to school. my sr. year in college i became pregnant and had a son. i finish school, it it was a struggle but i didn't stop. i was not going to the let that stop me from pursuing my goals. >> former nba chicago bulls star encourages students with his story of overcoming poverty through a good education. >> my motivation was the fact that i grew up in a small town in louisiana. i was one of 14 kids living in a two-bedroom house. and that two bedroom house there
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is only two beds. and as i look out today i see nothing but greatness. >> there some good going on in the hood. and right here right gary coleman college prep we intentionally set this career day aside to bring in professionals to share their dreams and aspirations. >> part of that good fight is being won through chance. a group where boys bond through culturally helping each other and making positive success. >> what are the footsteps that you are following and leading for others? >> education -- >> i'm gonna keep my gpa up we have a mandatory saturday and we all do our homework. >> my dream is to become a detective.
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the first i do know coming in as a freshman but when i joined champs my freshman year it changed my perspective on how to carry myself. [inaudible] [inaudible] a muslim eagle scout these are my brothers and we have family here and that quote, i am my brother's keeper. everything i do i do for my brother. >> there inviting the trump administration to take a look at them and what they're doing to change lives in the south side of chicago. the chicago mayor may be meeting with some of them at the gary comber prep.firsts >> we'll be right back, stay right there.
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it caused onlookers to run for cover as the massive reptile heads towards the water. they better be happy they weren't lunch and that fish was. we'll be back at 4:00. >> everything that is broken in our country can be fixed. every problem can be solved. and every hurting family can find healing and hope. our citizens deserve this and so much more. so why not join forces and finally get the job done and get it done right. paul: welcome to "the journal editorial report." that was president trump in a joint session of congress
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