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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  March 5, 2017 10:00am-11:01am PST

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arthel: that does it for us. we'll be back beginning at 4:00 eastern. eric: that is just three hours from now. live coverage in three hours about the explosive allegations that president trump, troops, russians and what they have happen in the election. a lot of developing stories on this very busy sunday. arthel: we hope to see you in a few hours. leland: the white house to many congress whether president obama abuse of executive powers after president trump tweeted that mr. obama had tapped his phone to trump tower during the 2016 election. shannon: all this is congress investigate the supreme trump campaign officials and campaign surrogates now attorney general jeff sessions. leland: plus, despite repeal and replace obamacare replace obama carries out. we'll talk to the pharmacist in congress. republican buddy carter of georgia about the changes he would like to see.
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and there is no better place to be covering all of this from ben washington, where we are this morning. i am leland vittert. welcome to the headquarters. shannon: i am shannon bream. the white house calling for whether the obama administration abused his executive power during the 2016 election. this one day after president trump accused of wire tapping trump tower in the lead up to november so. christian fisher is following all this fast-moving developments in west palm beach florida where president trump spends his beacon of our love go. reporter: lives, both republicans and democrats at the sunday shows to say that president trump made these claims therefore that they had to provide proof to support those claims. but the white house isn't playing by those rules at the white house says there will be no further comment about all of this until the house
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intelligence committees look into it. here's deputy press secretary sarah sanders. >> let's find out if they are going to investigate russia ties, let's include this as part of it. that is what we are asking. if this happened, if this is accurate, this is the biggest overreach scandal. reporter: a lot of faith in the statement. the republican chairman of the house intelligence committee, congressman nuñez has agreed to the white house requested to devastate the short time ago that reads the committee will make inquiries into whether the government was conducting surveillance activities on the campaign officials are surrogates and will continue to investigate the issue if the evidence warrants it. the white house still won't say what evidence it has about wiretapping trump tower or where the information is coming from. is it coming from by partners and other media reports or from actionable intelligence. the top democrat on that same house intelligence committee, congressman adam schiff says
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that these allegations follow a familiar and deeply disturbing pattern of destruction pattern of distraction, distortions and downright fabrication. sean spicer treated the administration would have no comment until it was investigated and who could blame him. not even spicer wishes to wrap his decision and unsubstantiated charge. but the charge that former president obama continues to deny and so does his former director of national intelligence, james clapper. liz. elizabeth: christian fisher reporting. thank you. leland: president trump saturday morning to return came after a noble maybe not on friday after his meeting with attorney general such sessions. he recused himself from an investigation of russian involvement in the u.s. election over accusations he lied after his confirmation hearing regarding this on russian connections. to follow all of this, i made timeline, in your academy here in d.c.
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reporter: of the land. a democrat that even with the attorney general jeff sessions are choosing himself investigations around the 2016 election, they are concerned there could be more connection between the trump administration and russia and ultimately the investigation won't get to the bottom of russia trying to influence our election. fox news sunday democratic senator chris kuhn insisted on the judiciary foreign relations committee also said he believed some of those questions about ties to russia would be answered without president trump releasing tax returns and argued the entire country should be more concerned about the connections to russia. reporter: senator sessions that i misspoke when i said i did not have communication with russians. whether or not that it's a willful misrepresentation or lie is something i think we should investigate. the attorney general ought to come back to the committee and answer questions so we can clear the air and get to the bottom of this. reporter: there were also calls
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for a special counsel to be appointed to the investigation, something republicans argue at this point there's nothing to suggest would be necessary. the white house is also pushing back the president trump was not happy as attorney general recused himself from the investigation. >> well, the president believes that jeff sessions is a good man and that he didn't do anything wrong. i certainly feel that he didn't feel it was necessary, but he also was very supportive of the attorney general. >> this morning the president weighed in on twitter to point out the obama administration had some issues of colluding with russia and who secretly said to russian president, and tell vladimir after the election i will have more flexibility. that of course is a reference to a hot mike moment in 2012 when president obama was overheard telling dmitry medvedev that he would have more flexibility to work on issues such as missile defense negotiations after the election. leland: we all remember the
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fallout from that. garrett tenney with all that information. thanks. elizabeth: alexander bolton, senior staff writer at the hill. thanks for joining us. i want to start with the news of the weekend. research on spicer say the white house is demanding congress add more to their already investigation of russian meddling in the election. i want to ask you what that have been included in their investigation? would they look in any communication in the executive branch or other entities? >> i think the focus of the republican-led investigation would be to see whether russia had an improper influence that determined the outcome of the election, whether he didn't act sooner the election to trump. that is the mandate of the investigation. but the democrats are to turn the investigation into is to find out why ties to the trump advisors have with vladimir putin inner circle. was there some sort of quid pro
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quo? was there some sort of deal that they would lift sanctions if the russians helped them. democrats have been trying to steer the investigation in another way and the republicans try to turn it back another way, turn it towards the obama administration. that is what trumps tweet is about. he has reason to believe and it appears he is work enough media reports and perhaps something more that the obama administration was surveilling his campaign and that he thinks that should be taken into account. so now he wants to broaden the scope of that investigation that initially would see what influence the russians were having on election. elizabeth: where do lawmakers go from here? he talked about house in taliban and intel. other committees look into russian meddling in the election, but all of them have different, i guess you could say powers that be will, meaning they have access to certain things other committees don't. how has someone sitting at home right now trying to figure out how these committees are together, how are they working together and not working
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together? >> i don't think they are working that much at this point. mitch mcconnell, republican senate leader says the intel committee should take the lead. they can reveal classified information and a lot of these allegations hinge on wiretaps, classified information. they are ideally suited to look into it. however, questions whether richard burr, the chairman's independence not to conduct the investigation. those are questions democrats are raising. the key players are john mccain, armed services committee who is one of trumps toughest critics in washington, congress. he took on george bush in the past and barack obama when their president. he has subpoena power. so if he inserts himself, he could play a role. the other one is bob corker, chairman of the senate foreign relations committee. he's also had an investigation looking at the far-reaching after by putin and russia around the world to influence elections.
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they don't have the classified status or the classified information investigation hinges on. but they do have subpoena power and could play a role. both of them, mccain and corker known as independents. we will see where they go. so far they've been keeping their powder dry. if they feel the investigation is to make enough progress are revealing enough answers to the public, then perhaps they get involved more actively. elizabeth: before i let you go, i want to get your reaction to the latest political fallout and reaction from lawmakers with the recusal of jeff sessions. are you hearing more hard-liners calling for them to step down or will they be tensions are not quite as strong thursday friday? >> you know, but the democrats are most concerned about is who's going to be in charge of the investigation. now the sessions have taken himself out of the picture, they don't care so much about what he does. they are now worried about in a special counsel in place.
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it doesn't appear a whole lot of republican support for that. a couple republicans at the end of the week said maybe a special counsel is needed. lindsey graham is one of john mccain's close friend just perhaps it arises to a criminal matter, we should follow the facts where they lead. right now i don't think any republican in congress think that the fact pattern has reached a threshold for special counsel is necessary. elizabeth: alexander, thank you so much for joining us. leland: congressional republicans say this we could maybe possibly be the week we see what the repeal and more importantly replacement of obamacare actually looks like. congressional staff spent the weekend crafting this new legislation. lauren blanchard joins us with the latest on what we know and maybe more importantly what we don't. reporter: hi, leland. so far republicans are still divided on what exactly should go into the new health care bill. that remains under wraps.
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and he donates 216 votes in the house to pass the senate. the power tug-of-war spilling into public view last week in the capital when kentucky senator rand paul carted a copy machine through the halls in search of the in progress though, hoping to make a point that there is not enough transparency when it comes to writing the health care law. house speaker paul ryan along with other top republicans are denying. >> moving ahead with delivering for president trump the repeal and replacement of obamacare. i don't know about the political theatrics, but house republicans are focused on delivering for the president. elizabeth: we expect the billable head to mark sessions in energy and commerce and ways and means committee. other republican leaders believe that if there are too many cooks in the kitchen on a new health care law, it could fail. >> there is a big divide between in essence the conservative camp within the caucus sanely field
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uncomfortable at this point with the idea of a refundable tax credit and other folks made wait a minute, this is a way of finding a health savings account that would be applicable to everybody regardless of whether you're not you have a tax liability. elizabeth: gop leadership hopes of a health care bill on the president's desk to easter but if they can't come up with an agreement on how it should look, republicans fear they could miss out on a chance to make good on a campaign promise. leland. leland: 100 day honeymoon period is ticking down. lauren blanchard live in d.c. thank you good with that, we bring in congressman betty carter on the energy committee. he's also the only pharmacist in congress and one of the few republicans who have seen at least part of this draft legislation. with your permission, since how much a this is in secret for lack of a better word in terms of what will be in not, let's do a lightning round in terms of how this might deal with replacement of obamacare.
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preexisting conditions are not as qualifiers for insurance. >> we've made it clear throughout this process will make sure pre-testing conditions are covered. that is one of the stalwarts of what were trying to do. they've also made it clear we will carry 26-year-olds. >> the most popular parts of obamacare -- what are the most unpopular price of the individual mandate? individual mandate is gone. a lot of these attacks credit and health savings accounts. >> those are part of it across state lines. give us to mourn all the points that folks at home can actually hang their hat on that our talking points. >> obviously we have satellite where trying to get it then more accessible and affordable and patient centered. that is the key here. we are adding things in their double make sure. first of all, medicaid reform will be a big part of what we do. if you look at obamacare, it added 20 million people onto the insurance rolls or 14.5 million
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people were added onto medicaid and most of them through medicaid expansion where able-bodied adults. you know, you shouldn't call at obamacare. you should call at obama kid. that is what applies. leland: will figure out how we can reform the way in terms of money for medicaid. moving on, it is more of a process question, but important one. lindsey graham had a very rankest town hall for lack of a better term. i'll tell you a secret i don't even know what is in the gop plan yet there's a lot of congressmen we talked to who we talked you who have the talking points, but they can't give specifics. why has this been done in secret for lack of a better term? >> we been clear on what we intend to do. we said we are going to utilize health savings accounts. we are going to make sure we utilize tax credits. all of those things are part of this plan. it will be rolled out next week that everyone will get a chance to see it.
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>> what things can people take to the bank saying this is why my health care is going to be better. >> one thing again, the preexisting conditions are covered. they will not get you kicked off your insurance. make sure parents can cover children up to 26 years of age. we will also make sure we utilize health savings accounts and tax credits. >> in every congressional district or attempted thousands of people that were obamacare coverage for lack of a better term. i'm sure that is true in your district in savanna, georgia. can you guarantee all those people watching right now that they are going to be held to keep their coverage? >> i can guarantee that they will have affordable, accessible patient centered coverage. leland: they won't be patience at all? >> obamacare has failed. you've got five states in the nation right now but only have one choice.
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look at what just happened in tennessee. we've created classes of uninsured, first of all people who have insurance but can't afford to back the bulls. >> suffice it to say there's a reasonable possibility and i date you are trying not to have if you like your doctor you can keep your dr. moment. but there is a possibility there will be some folks pretty unhappy with what other is passing becomes law. >> i suspect it would be the case that matter why. but the point is that what we are trying to do -- we've got to try something. this is not where it is incumbent upon us to be responsible and try something that will work. we are trying to make it more accessible, more affordable for you have control over health care. >> a lot of people like that. real quickly, your thoughts on mr. leland: storms. i know you're not on the intelligence community. th me. the president of the united states is now asking congress to do some name that the president
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of the united dates can do on his own. pick up the phone to call the fbi director and fbi director integrity to wiretapping 2016? he has the right to that information. instead is passing the buck to congress. >> certainly i have all the confidence in the world in the intelligence committee and oversight committee. i served on the oversight committee in the last session that i know they do their job. if the president request would look into this, i think we should look into it. treat for you showed, but should the president used his powers as well to get to the truth little bit faster to answer these questions. >> i'm not one to be telling the president what he should and shouldn't be doing. leland: that would make you a first in congress. we appreciate you being here. once we have modest bill, would love to have you back and talk about it. what is coming up? [inaudible conversations] elizabeth: pro and anti-trump
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demonstrations and hundreds of american show up to show their support to the commander-in-chief to ask him a fair and balanced discussion breaking down at title wave over the last 48 hours and what does that mean for the investigation into russia's influence on the 2016 election. vice president mike pence goes out or one huge media giant after they published the personal e-mail of his wife. ♪ get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you.
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leland: vice president might parents once "the associated press" to apologize after posting his wife's private e-mail address. he said it violated his wife's policy and their security. his office says the second lady has received a trial like an malicious e-mails. the ap removed the e-mail address or later stories after learning the account was still in use. the original story was about mike pence's use of a private e-mail address for state business while he was governor of indiana. elizabeth: police in berkeley, california arresting 10 people after protest supporters and counter protesters began throwing punches.
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several rallies held across the country yesterday. those are fairly peaceful. life in los angeles with more on what sparked the violence that the berg protest. reporter: hi, liz. berkeley is known for having aggressive protests and things got out of control quickly when several hundred supporters of president trump and protesters protest on saturday. pepper spray filled the air. you can see people wearing hominids and carried back into by fires -- and carrying two by fours. while police stood by and watched. >> these guys look like thugs that they claim to be against. they say no fascism. they are asked to make fascists. they look like fascists. they are the fascists. trinity comes after berkeley campus police were criticized for not making arrests last month after protesters destroyed
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$100,000 in property in berkeley. yesterday's brawl in berkeley was part of a larger pro trevor is meant across the country could supporters taking to the streets to show why they voted for president trump and why they believe he will make america great again. trump backers demonstrated for the most part everything was peaceful. in berkeley, one resident said of the more like a wwe match than a political rally. elizabeth: will carr reporting live. thank you so much. leland: coming up, back to the president tweaked sign as the white house calls for investigation into wiretapping investigations. weighing in on the white house new comment. >> look, i let the president speak for himself. in terms of where we are in the white house, you're a spokesperson and i'm speaking about it right now.
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leland: at new york man arrested on terrorism related charges. you won't believe what he told authorities about his plans that left his neighbors unnerved. >> is a great day. it's terrible what's going on in the world.
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and 10 grams of protein. all in 3 delicious flavors. it's choosing to go in one direction... up. boost. be up for it. leland: at fox news alert. the fallout from president trump yesterday continues. it took the white house a full 24 hours to put out a statement on president trump's accusations his predecessor ordered wiretapping of trump tower. this morning, rather than offer proof or contacts, the accusations, sean spicer said the white house wants congress to investigate the claims you let's bring in our political panel for some reaction into how this is playing. editor at the daily colonist foundation radio talkshow host. nasa had egos here. katie, first to you. the president of the united states can pick up a font called
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the attorney general, director of the fbi, cia and sam wants to know who you are wiretapping and why. bypassed about to congress to investigate? >> i think he wants to stay away from anything having to do with jeff sessions. one of the definite goals that tank of these tweets wetsuits brought so much information in six posted story to get people to ignore the jeff sessions problem. of course to attract the executive order on monday. at title wave of information that msnbc, cnn can't ignore. i had just sessions in the background, no one paid attention anymore. leland: so he was taking care of his own. >> i'm sure there's multiple reasons. in the topic for the weekend. leland: garland, is the, is the stress following the shiny tweet rather than dealing with what you admitted was an important story. >> absolutely. there is one thing we learned
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from the general election is that president trump understands how to play the press. he understands what they want. in washington if you are explaining, you're losing. in a matter of one quick tweets, he took these people from just sessions to write down the aisle and it's kind of from the perspective of a person be a burning crack, not so much a democrat, the devil in the dnc. not happy either way. leland: it kind of reminds you the narrative that history doesn't repeat itself, but finds. another controversy involving the russians then suddenly the president was tweety 3 million illegals voting a massive voter fraud. the administration had all these demands for proof and suddenly the administration says will administration says will put one is a congressional investigation. the press reported that for 12 minutes. they are inherently boring and everyone moved on.
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>> yeah, of course. it's all smoke and mirrors. he likes to control the media narrative. he likes them to talk about what he wants them to talk about another yard. they can't ignore this. they can't ignore allegations. we are talking about it right now. if that's what he wanted, mission accomplished. by bigger thing about all these weeks leagues as you have the intelligence company pc and amount to "washington post" and "new york times" solely to attack the president. that is terrifying to me. leland: how are you making the connection between this story that conceivably the president got from breitbart believes this will be heard on background from the white house and weeks to the "washington post." >> is the concept that breitbart, waffle or "new york times" find out about these things at all. why do they even know about this? why was breitbart reported ms. in the first place?
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leland: to argue that play, the daily caller did some great reporting during the obama administration. that all came from leaks. >> it seems that the difference in these leagues is there solely to attack the president. it's not as a useful i want the public to know for the better good. it is to attack donald trump. >> i think the other part of it is this good effect of the matter is the president wouldn't even have to have tweet. he could call it a congress behind the scenes and say guys, i've got a problem and i want you to look into it. when we found out about it would be when the investigation was done. clearly this is an attempt all about strategy intact dixon not really about the concept. leland: to your point, kitty, we heard from a number of sources on friday there was a big meeting with steve beeman and reince priebus in which the president was incensed about just sessions for fusing and they were fighting back hard enough.
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this is the way he decided to buy back on its own. >> i think so. again, he likes to control the media narrative. everyone loved it. you had jones admitted the first speech was presidential. all this great pr and the sessions then dropped and i imagine he was serious about it because his narrative was taken away and is trying to win it back. leland: katie, garland, great conversation. good to see you. i'm not more coming up. keep it on fox news after this program. you be disappointed we are gone, but chris wallace will sit down with tom cotton and discuss russia and the trump administration. immediately following our show at 2:00 p.m. eastern. trade to a 26-year-old man under a vestige of an islamic state after taking several steps to the middle east. while this reply object is a u.s. citizen being held without bail after appearing yesterday. the man tried to get into syria by traveling to turkey and
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jordan in the past two years, even reaching the syrian border. prosecutors say the suspect was repaired to strap on a bomb and sacrifice himself for jihad. coming up, president tribe through those senate has been slow, but the process even slower. president trump is lagging behind his predecessor. in an epic race featuring man's best friend. keeping score at this year's classic iditarod. ♪ once only in doctors' offices. for deep penetrating relief at the source. aleve direct therapy. and her new mobile wedding business.tte at first, getting paid was tough... until she got quickbooks. now she sends invoices, sees when they've been viewed and-ta-dah-paid twice as fast for free.
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history of our country, obstruction by democrats. they may not be just democratic maneuvering slowing things down. more than 500 unfilled positions in his administration and that requires senate approval. here to break it all down, max dyer, president of the partner for public service and partnership for public service at first and foremost come you guys are not profit, nonpartisan group that breaks down the confirmation hearing every four years if you will. >> our goal is to make the federal government more effective in the transition is however government starts. trying to make the transition process better. >> when you look at that, accurate are not accurate? >> it doesn't tell you the whole story. there is a much larger story. to begin with, we were crazy sister no other democracy has. there are 4000 political appointees in the president has to make. over 1100 of those has to be confirmed by the senate, which is an horrific obstacle course. this shouldn't be that way. no president has started well
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and oftentimes takes more than a year for a new president to get their team on the field and that is crazy. elizabeth: how is he messing up the president's past? >> presidents past, he is behind. the president has done this well. interview you need do it better than the past. they're much more dangerous world of post-9/11 landscape. the dangers are immense and the speed of change is so vast that not having your team there is a real problem. elizabeth: he hasn't even named some of the people he wants to fill those positions. is that unusual? >> again, he spent 35 are nominated 35 senate conditions. if you look at denominators over 1100. a very long distance to go. prior presidents go back to president obama. he had overstayed yet this stage. more, but still not as many as you are to be seen in order to get critical people in place. elizabeth: that being said, it
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is undeniable democrats for selling the process and there are democrats on the process. that is complicating further. >> it is. the senate responsible for confirming people can't do anything unless folks are before them. most of them are not. there is no question that the confirmation has been longer, but the vast bulk of these jobs, no one can even go to the senate. it's a very complicated process about finding great people. given extra new-line vetting process that has to take place. again, to give you a comparison point, data came out from the office of government ethics responsible for looking up financials of the senate confirmed for senate nominee is. at early february, president trump had in the order of 30 people to the office of government ethics. president obama had almost three of her more times that number at that stage of the game. elizabeth: what if they are not in place?
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let's say there's a natural disaster. those types of positions are real consequences. >> there's no question. you raise a good example because there were two worms you feel here. one is the president has an affirmative agenda. he needs is people in the agencies that are confirmed in order to drive that agenda efficiently. but then a whole set of things that happened. the curveballs that the world throws at you but you can't know exactly what it is, but you are sure something bad will happen. if you don't have people in place, you won't be would have the government working as effectively as necessary. really important to understand the midianite job, could be an amazing person and an active role. just buy a team if they don't have the perceived authority they will not be able to be its effect is. >> every rule right now has a knack in. >> someone responsible. by and large very capable people. they are operating with one behind their back because they
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aren't there for the long-term. people look at them are thinking they are resolving issues for the long-term. they won't take on the critical issues and they are short-term or submit changes the equation. think a little bit about your substitute teacher in the classroom. even if they're an amazing person because they are the substitute. you need a full-time teacher in place to drive that. >> just because iraq to a slow start doesn't mean the president can't catch up. we could see a bump in confirmation. >> one homes. the president should be trying to get their top 400 people from the seneca bird people by the august recess that is 200 days in. a lot of work needs to be done to make that happen. elizabeth: max stier, thank you so much. it's a very complicated process. he wants those folks in place. >> one quick thing that the president said something import and he said maybe not all these jobs are necessary. he's right about that. there ought to be at decluttering, but the way to do
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it is systematically and holistically just by not naming the problem. >> he did say he wanted a smaller government and some of these positions should not be filled. >> it would be a phenomenal idea if done right. >> good advice there. inc. so much. appreciate it. leland: still ahead, taking the fight to the islamic state capital in syria could require about board u.s. boots on the ground. general jack keane on the question, are we having another case of mission increase. plus, making music a natural way for me using a seashell to bring in the noise. it brings in big crowds in key west. ♪ tic nerve pain, these feet kicked off a lot of high school games... built a life for my family... and liked to help others in need. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica.
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leland: do real work of keeping president trump's promise to destroy isis nightfall in greece man american soldiers at the "washington post" versus mind they want more u.s. ground troops to attack helicopters and artillery to take on isis capital of rock. her tight four-star general military analyst, jack keane. could we see you, sir.
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you hear about this. you're about pentagon planners thinking about this and i found the novel a quick mission creep. >> it's not too different than what we are currently doing be frank about it. we have forces there working with the syrian kurds and arabs. with this option as this brings an apache helicopters in there, also some artillery, increase another strike aircraft to loosen up the rules and also increase the special operation forces. in this option, there are no u.s. ground forces. leland: well, we've heard that. president obama was talking about no boots on the ground. they are wearing boots and that's the cynic in high with deadly consequences, even a little bit further back from the front lines for only being used in special operations raids. >> yeah, no doubt about that. the other thing is the thing is that turks have a pretty good option in my judgment. their option as a coalition
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force, a u.s. ground force small, modest and also turks. why are they proposing this? because the other option we just spoke a -- leland: the turks are benevolent and are benevolent in this. let's put it that way. >> heiresses and serious occurred in the territory we are trying to take over and reclaim his arab territory. once we reclaim it, the arabs who lived there are not going to put up a steering currents controlling the territory. that is the problem. the other option is an issue because that introduces u.s. ground voices for the first time in syria. but that would be turks and u.s. to pull out in the theory an era of coalition would see on the ground. >> you know, that sounds remarkably like the plan in iraq and other places as well, the assembly will give the land back to the locals and everything will be roses and daffodils.
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>> the estate is really critical as you point out. whether we can achieve political unity after we throw out cases remains to be seen. leland: history tell us every time we try to effect regime change in the middle east, whether it needs in afghanistan, an absolute mess, blood and fortune there, blood and treasure in iraq try to have political stability there. complete mess still to this day, especially with iran meddling. think about what is happening in yemen in libya. but another great track record to think things are better in syria. >> these are driven by u.s. policies in urgently. the situation in that dennis and has been driven fundamentally by u.s. obama policy. we withdrew from iraq and did not help the libyans who needed assistance after gadhafi was posed and they asked us for assistance and we did not provide it. that led to an ambassador being killed in the embassy being closed down.
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those are u.s. policy decisions. >> was the answer for folks at home right now, we are reading is going well, all of a sudden a lot more u.s. boys in harm's way. a lot of our tax dollars go into another war middle east country. what is the answer to say we will not repeat the same mistakes he talked about in those countries? has asked rightfully so does a good thing. we are talking about the ground operation in syria. he wants to know how am i going to finally destroy and defeat isis? he wants that plan. how do we take it this way? how do we work with the allies in the region were isis has expanded her duplex countries? now with u.s. troops, but intelligence and other assistance to undermine this ideology won't and for all. how do we must moderate muslims to reject them? that's part of the plan to blanket a lot of advertisement
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but it's absolutely critical for success. >> also critical in terms of having. arabs are panera coalition willing to take control. the one wildcard and maybe it's not even a wild card that comes in when you deal with area is number one the russians come up a number to the iranian who seem to just have tons of fun these days poking at the united states, whether missile test, the strait of farmers, whatever it is, and we need still seem to find syria is a good place to poke the united states. >> spars they concern, syria is a client day. they have committed the cuts forced to back a special operations of the cia. for the first time ever, they have committed congressional brigades to that type of mayor in a military alliance in syria with russia. as they were together and jam and, if they try to undermine the united states and iraq, they
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are dead serious about wanting to dominate and control the middle east and they have a new ally in russia to help them do it. >> you have to wonder how happy i read will be u.s. forces inside the area. general come appreciated. good to see it. liz, what is coming up? >> two stories. one hot among cold to the extreme north -- [inaudible] in the southern tip of the florida keys, it's party time. we'll explain coming up after the break.
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what are you doing? getting your quarter back. fountains don't earn interest, david. you know i work at ally. i was being romantic. you know what i find romantic? a robust annual percentage yield that's what i find romantic. this is literally throwing your money away. i think it's over there. that way? yeah, a little further up. what year was that quarter? what year is that one?
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'98 that's the one. you got it! nothing stops us from doing right by our customers. ally. do it right. let's get out of that water. >> that is a story that could only come out of the conqueror public. the last city on the end of the florida keys at its contest with a group of contestants including a 3-year-old little girl. two winners were declared after they not only created the sound, and the band played music with a shout. they were judged on the quality of the sound they made, how long and how loud. leland: on the other hand, one would think if you are blowing into a conch shell you can't
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help but make a funny sound. now we will leave you with video that is way cuter, in my opinion, than anybody going into a conch shell. the iditarod race and a thousand miles to the alaskan wilderness. good luck and godspeed. chris: and chris wallace. president trump accuses president obama of tapping his sons in the run-up to the election as attempts to push his first year agenda keep getting sidetracked by allegations about russia. ♪ >> my staff recommended recusal. that may be clear. i never had meetings with russian operatives are russian intermediaries about the triumph campaign. >> democrat demand attorney general session step down. >> for the good of the country, attorney general sessions. >> the fact the attorney general


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