tv Hannity FOX News March 7, 2017 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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the show that's the sworn m&a of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink, dvr it if you don't already and tune intos sean hannity, he's next, have a great night. ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity," the republican plan to g repeal and replace obamacare has been released in just a few minutes,r we'll get reaction from the health and human services secretary, tom price. laura ingraham and monica crowley and so much more, it'sea time to break down the gop's's american health care act and determine whether it's meant to work for you, the american people. tonight it's time to hold washington accountable and that is the opening monologue. let's go back to 2009, president obama told a room full of lawmakers, elections have consequences, eight years later with republicans now in controle of the house, the senate, and n the executive branch, obama's
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crowning achievement is officially on the chopping block. some on the right, many conservatives, are slamming theb bill including americans for prosperity, the club for growthg the heritage action committee and many others including author daniel horowitz. he released an article titled "rhino care," a more insolvent version of obamacare only this time of the g.o.p. owns it. some congressional republicans are also raising very serious issues, let's take a look. >> what is been introduced is not the replacement plan, is not the obamacare repeal plan we've been hoping for.nt this is instead a step in the wrong direction. >> there better not be a rule that prevents eight amendments that are badly needed. to fix this law bill. >> obviously, we have some serious concerns, we haven't been shy about the serious concerns as we look at that. with any negotiation, you look at the trade offs, what are the risks versus the rewards. >> the house bill put forward is obamacare lite come it won'the
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work. premiums and prices will continue to spiral out of control. >> sean: is the american health care act obamacare lite? let's look at some positive aspects that are in this plan. after seven years of promising to repeal obamacare, republicans are attempting to do just that, that's a good a thing. by limited to the individual and employer mandates, that's a good thing. this bill strips federal funding for abortion fighters like planned parenthood commits a promise the president made. eliminates the medical device tax as well as other oppressive taxes and acted under obamacare. a but tonight. while the american health care act is a step in the right direction, it must be fixed. obamacare must be completely a repealed. rising premium costs, they must be addressed further. certain types of insurance free cooperatives need to be utilized as well as health care savings accounts, which we will explore in just a minutes.
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before the g.o.p., warning everybody on both sides of this debate. until they erupt into massived infighting it's important to note these words from the health and human services secretary, they'll join us later, tomta price. >> this is a work in progress, the legislative process that incurs. people engage and get involved in the process, nothing focuses the mind like a bill that is currently on the table and is a work in progress. we'll work through it. >> sean: it's very important the freedom caucus and the study group in the house and people like rand paul and ted cruz, marco rubio might be listened to and their contributions added to this bill. secretary price is right, andig tonight i want to put an end to the civil war that seems to be brewing inside the republican party. the current version of the health care act as tom priceca said it's a first draft. c always filled with errors and
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miscalculations. it's up to republican members of congress to come together and fix this bill and get it right for you. i'll well put together a unified strategy to combat efforts from democrats to paint the bill as a disaster for low income americans, in other words republicans want to kill children and kill old people. this cannot take place, or in the press. my suggestions tonight as p republicans, that includes the freedom caucus, that includes ascenders i mentioned, that includes others should get together in a room, work through these issues in person. the house freedom caucus, friend rand paul, marco rubio, other conservatives who have been loudly voicing their concerns for eight years and sadly, many of these ideas were not represented in this bill. once obamacare is repealed and replaced, republicans, you are going to own what's in this. those who voted to put you innd control of congress will not settle for obamacare lite,
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myself included. remember, your jobs are on the line here. more importantly, so are the lives and the well-being of millions of americans. you got to get this right and you've got to join forces. frankly it would have been better if a consensus bill was built before it was released. you still have time to fix it and i hope you do. joining me now is a doctor, he founded atlas md, a health care in wichita, kansas, dr. josh is with us as well as family physician dr. ryan neuhofel. welcome to the program. how long of a been talking to on radio and particular?s howling him in eight years as a been. >> five or six years. >> sean: how many people do serve in your health cooperative? how much does it cost? what are people provided them to
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tell us about the incredible deals you made with pharmaceutical companies, tell us how it's been duplicated to. i'm opening it up for you to explain what you do. >> thanks for being the leader in having this conversation about real solutions that could be enacted to help americans. the new model going forward, we don't take insurance because we don't need insurance for common things. ten dollars for kids, $50 a month for unlimited visit, free office procedures and up to 95% savings on labs, imaging, et cetera by going wholesale. that full value, go back to an employer, decrease premiums by 30% to 60% in the first year. these are things that could dramatically change the scope of medicine in this country. >> sean: let me go over some of what i know about it spreadof children on the plan pay ten
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dollars a month? >> that's correct. >> sean: their parents pay. >> we make some of them pay themselves. >> sean: adults pay $50 per person. that includes unlimited health care, right? unlimited doctor visits, they can go to the simple things. if they need stitches they can go to the office and get stitches, correct? >> for free. >> sean: if they need antibiotics, they can get antibiotics. >> for pennies on the bill. >> sean: if they break a bone, what happens? >> then we could get x-rays for $2240 typically. that includes radiology, something they could easily ber over $100 anywhere else, or 502,000 at the e.r. >> sean: all for 50 bucks a month? you pay a little bit extra for
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the mri reading, but you pay considerably less. and the average person might have a catastrophic insurance plan on top of it if they have a heart attack or get cancer or have a bad accident, right? >> absolutely.r those plans would be drastically cheaper per month, more affordable so more people would have health insurance and if the companies have worked with us the longest like allied national out of kansas city show better profit margins in this planet. the insurance company seo benefits, the employers see a benefit of the most important of the patient see benefits. >> sean: congratulations on what you been able to accomplish, stay right there. coming up to next on "hannity." >> the american people have said to their elected leaders, the obamacare process for them gaining coverage and care is not working. that's what they've said. we believe it's important to respond to the american people. >> sean: the health and human services secretary tom price
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spoke to reporters today about the replacement plan. he says it's only a first step. hopefully some people believe that. he'll join us next in a "hannity" exclusive. are there left-wing a deep state forces trying to sabotage theex president and his administration? laura ingraham weighs in on that issue tonight. f monica crowley is back. that and more on this busy news night tonight on "hannity" (man vo) it was may, when dad forgot
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>> it's never easy, but we have made a promise, and we're going to keep that promise. we made a promise to repeal and replace obamacare with conservative solutions and reforms, that's exactly what this bill does and that's why we're here. >> sean: that was speaker paul ryan earlier today, talk d about the republican plan to repeal and replace obamacare but not all g.o.p. lawmakers are on board with this new legislationn joining us now is the health and human services secretary, tom price. congratulations on your new position. >> thank you so much, wonderful to be with you. >> sean: i guess my surprise and if you look at thess criticisms from the freedomif caucus, rand paul, mike lee, ted cruz, marco rubio. these are significant conservatives. also conservatives on radio.s
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i had interviewed you a long time ago about your specific plan. what is kind of shocking to me is that all these criticisms were out there by conservatives before the bill was introduced. why wasn't there a meeting and consensus built on the bill within the republican party before it was released? >> it was released by the house as you know. we've been working with members of the senate, stakeholders all across the land. i think we've gotten to a pretty sweet spot. this is a work in progress and continues to be so. the core is that obamacare hasss failed as you well know. costs are going up, access is going down. it's only getting worse, insurers pulling out of the market. premiums are going up, deductibles are skyrocketing. people aren't getting care for coverage and the individual or small group markets. this bill addresses just that by providing access to care and affordable coverage thatrk individuals need.
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we all agree on repeal, i guess replacement does the disagreement in the republican party. >> sean: what i don't want to see is an intramural civil war with republicans over the bill. the big criticism is it's not a full repeal and that it's a new entitlement program. one of the freedom caucus members told me today as they would rather block grant any money for the uninsured back to the states. would that be something you would be open to? >> let me make clear that this single bill is not the entire plan, three different faces, this bill has to go through reconciliation because it's a budgetary process. two, is all of the kind of rules and regulations. you remember all the things thes previous administration did, hundreds of rules come on literally thousands of guidance letters.
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we're going to go through every single one of them to determine whether or not they help patients or hurt patients. if they hurt patients were going to do our best to get rid of them. the third phase is another piece of legislation that can't be done through reconciliation because of specific rules.s. those of the kinds of things were going to do in phase two and three to purchase across state lines to put in lawsuit abuse reform, expand hsa's in a more vibrant way, all the things we know will actually bring down costs and allow individuals to get the coverage that they want for themselves and their families. >> sean: i guess a lot of people thought the 120 page bill was the bill, they thought that was the reason, let me ask this question. one of the things that some conservatives are asking and i think it's a fair question. t every republican voted for a repeal bill in and of itself int 2015. why not do that again so you ensure all of it is gone. is that possible? >> i don't think governors of the states would allow that to happen, repealing the programs
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they've done to cover the most vulnerable populations are not being able to know what the future holds, that's not a viable proposal. the president, as you well know has said repeal and replace. we're going to do them concurrently and move forward. that's why it's important for people to recognize three different faces, bill, rule changes in the secondary bill. >> sean: is there a new entitlement in this bill? >> absolutely not, what were trying to do as you well know is to equalize the tax treatment of health coverage for folks. we've said that for years, conservatives have said that for years. if you get your coverage through your employer which is about 175 million people in this country, you get a tax benefit, that's paid with pretax dollars. individuals out there in the small group market, they don't have any tax benefits. we are trying to equalize the tax treatment of health care coverage for folks and that's the way we feel makes it much more fair through all individuals across this land. >> sean: we had dr. josh hombre from wichita, somebody have known from a lot of years. he's from wichita, kansas.
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he started this cooperative and it's been duplicated a lot around the country. 's in his cooperative in kansas, c they have a ten dollar monthly charge for children. a $50 monthly charge for adults. it includes unlimited health care. he is independently negotiated with the pharmaceutical companies for the major drugss that his patients need and gets 90% reductions and then most ofm his patients have catastrophic plans, relatively inexpensive based on what your deductible is in case you have a heart attack or accident or cancer. that's what insurance seems to be for. can that be duplicated for example? could the bricklayers association of america, carpenter unions across america, is that something that could be duplicated, considering it's so impressive to me on top of the health care savings accounts which we all agree we need in this bill? >> what a great model to follow. the flexibility that we have of this legislation and we will have in the second and third
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phases, it's virtually impossible, it's program that may work for government and may work for patients. that's what we need to have our focus. >> sean: last question, secretary, people who have been vocal and critical today, these conservative groups heritage action, americans for prosperity, how much input will you allow them to have it when they move forward in three phases because a lot of them were pretty upset?t >> we're looking for every single person as we have today in folk's who were interested in a direction to put patients and families and doctors in charge. where in the receiving mode for the kinds of reforms that people think need be put into place to the regulatory process, through the guidance process, through the third piece of legislation that third phase
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that will be necessary. this is incredibly important. it's such an exciting time to be able to respond to the concerns of the american people and the dictates that they have, the requirement that they have to be certain to address thee health care system. >> sean: this is a defining moment for republicans uncertainly for the president. the fact that you're going to have an open door and these people will be heard and those changes are going to be made as you said this is a first step. it's a little more reassuring than how i felt earlier today. mr. secretary, i look forward to continuing this discussion as we move forward and i wish you the best of luck. >> we got to get it done right, thanks so much, take care. u >> sean: coming up, is that shadow government officials are they working behind the scenes to continue to damage the trump administration? we'll examine tonight evidence. monica crowley returns to "hannity" with reactions to thet unrelenting attacks against everybody in the trump administration as we continue. everybody in the trump
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entyvio. relief and remission within reach. >> live from america's news headquarters, i am jackie bonnie is in new york. deadly wildfires sweeping across four states, wind driven flame to see them right there. thousands of people have also been forced to evacuate as dozens of structures and burn. forecasters are hoping for better weather conditions and predict the wins will come down a bit wednesday. freight train and a tour bus in biloxi, mississippi, ended with four people killed. 35 others injured when a train hit the bus, dragging it along the tracks almost 300 feet. the bus carrying 46 casino goer goers. aside from the frown and torch, the statue was cloaked in darkness for hours go to the national park service said it was caused by temporarily but
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unexplained outage. i am jackie yvonne's, now back to "hannity" ." >> sean: the ultraleft propaganda to destroy trump media and the democrats, they're now smearing the commander-in-chief, flathead refusing to ask very critical questions about wiretapping, that's tonights mini monologue. so the left is breathlessly saying the president isn't telling the truth over wiretapping allegations. just take a look at some of thep headlines from "the new york times," cnn, "washington post" smearing the president. offering no evidence says obama tapped his phones. baseless wiretap claim and citing no evidence accuses obama of nixon and watergate plot to wiretap trump tower. the hypocrisy is astounding, why? "the new york times" is accusing the president of lying but they. are the ones that printed at this headline on the front page of their paper on old days january 20th.
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wiretap data using inquiry ofe trump aids. if you read the article, the fbi is leading the investigations aided by the national securityy agency, the cia, and the treasury department's financial crimes unit. the investigators have accelerated their effortstr in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the official said. intelligence reports based onsi some of the wiretapped communications had been provided to the white house. r and so "the new york times" reported on wiretap communications that got to the white house. somehow, president trump he's the one who is lying?? this is ridiculous and proves exactly why you the american people do not trust the media. also the ridiculous statement from president barack obama's spokesman. a cardinal rule of the obama ad administration is that no white house official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the department of justice as part of that practice, neither president obama nor any white house official ever
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ordered, keywords, ordered surveillance on any u.s. citizen, any suggestion otherwise is simply false. the statement never said thatrv president obama didn't know about it like "the new york times" told us, just that he didn't order it. is anyone in the press ever going to ask if obama knew about the surveillance of an opposition party during an election year? or will they just give him another pass?ll here with reaction, fox news contributor, nationally syndicated radio host, more titles than any guest we've ever had and the best-selling author, what are you throwing up in the air, my football? >> i just want to blow it up now and not even look at the phone. >> sean: my phone's been blowing up all day too. this is really important, all donald trump has to say is i was quoting you guys, you guys supposedly tell the truth. when are they ever going to say maybe we were wrong and t
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apologize and retract? >> it's no doubt that january report in "the new york times" showed that the intelligence agencies have been monitoringes associates, former associates, advisors of donald trump, applied for a fisa warrant, was rejected. got a fisa warrant on a second go around. it looks like everyone from roger stone to carter page and paul manafort, who knows how many other people were monitored. i guess they're quibbling with the wording of donald trump's tweet, okay, i'll concede that. maybe obama didn't definitively order it. maybe the president knew about it. >> sean: if you look at that statement commits as they did know about it. >> definitely the administration, i'm saying specifically ordering it. that's what they're hanging this all along, they did it didn't at the briefing today. they went around and around with sean spicer on i think too little or no effect. what you see happening now in washington is that donald trump
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is moving forward on his key agenda items. if there's a lot of disagreement on those agenda items, even among republicans as we are seeing with the obamacare fighte he is moving forward, he needs to keep doing that. this russia bombshell within wikileaks today, if that's a verified, it looks like it's verified, the intelligence agencies -- >> sean: what do you make of it? it's pretty damning. >> it's really damning if it's true because part of what was revealed is that our intelligence agencies are using countries like russia as scapegoats when it's really them. >> sean: that was the most revealing thing to make me, great minds think alike care. we need to set this foundation. wikileaks has not been wrong inn over ten years, not one time have they been proven wrong in terms of what they have released. you're right. if they were using specific deceptive techniques to make it
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look like the russians, that opens up the question, did in fact they try and pin all this russia conspiracy stuff that the media has fallen hook, line, and sinker for without any evidence, did they do it internally, the same people that are leaking on trump? >> you know what's odd is when the democrats refuse to release the dnc refused to release their computers or their server for forensic analysis. i thought that was very if you're worried about hacking and you even can think it would be related back somehow to republican nominee, wouldn't you want to -- wouldn't you want to reveal that? find whatever you can find. at the time, that struck me as odd. t i know the president himself has referenced this several times. that was a red flag for me back then. >> sean: they brought in outsiders to do it instead of the fbi. >> a third-party contractor, why was that done? a lot of questions. >> sean: am i wrong in thinking
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this one runs deeper and probably is connected to the elites are in my jumping out too far? >> i don't think the white house communications team has to worry about the phones being looked at. the assistant secretary is leaking? no.e if anyone is leaking, it looks like from what we are seeing wikileaks and some of the reports in the media,if that's probably someone from the intelligence agencies and likely very sadly the cia. >> sean: if all this turns out to be true, this could be a scandal much bigger than watergate. >> it could be, that's why former elected officials were very concerned about allowing our intelligence agencies to get so big, so powerful, when they get so big and powerful, they run so deep, they called to the "deep state,' how are they accountable? are they accountable to anybody? >> sean: this wikileaks revelation coupled with an interview i did with a 32 year nsa veteran who's a whistleblower retired, every
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phone conversation, every text, every email of every american is locked up in metadata. >> go back to in person communication. >> sean: go back to police state tactics, that would be frightening. up next, monica crowley makes her return to the program. will ask her about the lefts all out assault against anybody associated with our president. later tonight. >> this is really bad. just for the record, we are really nervous. if people out there feel nervous, we do too. >> sean: the alt-left propaganda destroy trump immediate sinking to new lows attacking the commander-in-chief. we have larry elder and ari fleischer with reaction, more on this crazy busy news night "hannity." ever get in the way of a touching moment? if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace
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>> sean: welcome back to "hannity," she's back. our good friend of the program, conservative commentator and author, writer, how are you? >> hi, sean! n >> sean: people may not know that you are the sister-in-law of our dear friend alan colmes and my heart goes out to you and your sister, how is she doing? >> she's okay, coping with it, s he was such a gentleman is everybody in his audience knows and he was the kindest, most decent man you will ever meet. treated everyone with thee same
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respect and kindness whether you are the president of the united states and or the man on the street, he was my friend. >> sean: he was my friend even though i disagreed with everything he said. i was really angry at a couple outlets, we'll deal with that more in the future. you were going to go to the administration, it's steve miller, it's even melania trump, they're going after jared, they're going after ivanka, they went after a 10-year-old kid, they're going after sebastian gorka which is ridiculous. everyone around the president's getting attacked. i wanted to give you a chance. because you hadn't been out there publicly for personal and other reasons to respond to thi this.ld >> what happened to me is despicable straight up political hit job. it's been de the bunk, my editor has completely supported me and backed me up.
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there is a very toxic and it's getting increasingly toxic and poisonous atmosphere of personal destruction in washington and the it's always sort of been there but now it's at a whole newto level. smart and good people dobu not want to go into government service. nothing and nobody is ever going to stop me from speaking out on the issues i care about, about the future of this nation. e there's also a really bigger point. >> sean: and general flynn. >> this is the bigger point. i was something of the canary in the coal mine, the attack on me was a test. what happened to me, what happened to general flynn, what's happened to attorney general sessions and others is all of a piece. there is a very dangerous and very effective destabilization campaign underway against this president, his administration and his agenda. what i hope that the president and his senior aides understand is that these forces are not just looking to delegitimize him.ha we often talk about that. sure they to do that. they want to personally destroy
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him, destroy his presidency and they would like to see the man in i hope the president understandc and not overstating this having been a victim of this myself. they are out for blood. the reason they have to destroy him is that donald trump is an alien organism that has been injected into the body politic by the american people to reform it. he must not be allowed to succeed. they have swarmed him, everybody around him in order to reject him out of the system just like any alien organism. he must not be allowed to succeed, and i hope that everybody around him now understands this is a war that a they started a long time ago. they will not end until they get the president of the united states. >> sean: i totally agree with you, i want to say we have a mutual friend, andy mccarthy. i don't think you should answer any of these people's questions, they can go straight to hell. i don't care what anybody says,
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i thought he did a great job in debunking the issue for you. here's what's important what you're saying, very important. i see five different factions going after the president. each one, you've got the snowflake faction, all these protesters that are being paid in many cases to create an image that there is chaos in the country. you've got a democratic party obstructionists want no part of this president succeeding because they look bad and are out of power for a long time. then you've got a media establishment, which we know through wikileaks colluded in this last campaign, they never vetted obama they never told the truth about what a failure he's been, that's a big part of it. then you've got republicans who are weak and timid. then the fifth is an intelligence community that is so clearly and obviously, people within it, i have great respect for people in intelligence but there are those in thatpe community, the swamp, the shadoe government that i talk about. the state, the deep state that we talk about.
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they're out for blood. this is five significant powerful establishment forces that are lined up against this president, this is not a game,s they want to destroy him, delegitimize him and get him out if they can. >> they want him in prison, this is what they we need to understand. david brock and some of these organizations have already raised tens of millions of dollars for an impeachment process. they want jail to the chief, they need to understand that this is a war. we are so far beyond normal politics, we are in a very dangerous moment. while president trump is a very strong leader and a man of strong constitution, he wase abe to survive all of this during the campaign and get elected presidents. when you are president and you are faced with the kind of monolithic opposition you're talking about, plus a federal bureaucracy that is completely out to undermine him every day, the intelligence community that is engaged in some of this asel well that we have heard, i hope to god that he is strong enoughg to withstand it.
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if he succeeds, the country changes for the good and they must not allow that to happen. >> sean: what a strong, powerful admonition. we missed you, so sorry about alan, my best to you and your family, you know how i feel about all of you. on a busy newsnight, what's onw next on it "hannity"? this. >> this is really bad, just for the record, we are all really nervous. if people out there and feel b nervous, we do too. >> sean: you've got the ultraleft propaganda destroy trump media, they need to admit they're not unbiased journalist. they have a role in this game. larry elder and ari fleischer straight ahead. in this game. larry elder and arley jack be nimble, jack be quick, jack knocked over a candlestick onto the shag carpeting... ...and his pants ignited into flames, causing him to stop, drop and roll. luckily jack recently had geico help him with renters insurance.
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>> sean: welcome back to "hannity," so they alt-left propaganda to destroy trump at all cost media they're working overtime to take on the trump administration, listen to msnbc's mika brzezinski, she seemed to be fighting back tears yesterday she was so upset talking about president trump, watch this. >> we're at a low point in american history. and i don't know how anybody can defend this president, even if it's their job. like you've got to have a job after this. you've got to look in the mirror after this. this is not funny, this is
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really bad. just for the record, we're all really nervous. if people out there feel nervous, we do too, we don't think this is funny. >> sean: really? maybe overraughte there. cnn's anderson cooper said hemp submitted president trump on twitter, let's look at more of the liberal media. >> i muted the president on twitter, don't tell them. t >> you can do that? >> when you get annoying people tweeting you don't want to delete because that tells them you've deleted them, so if you just mute them, they think you're still following them and you don't actually see their tweets. i just don't want to have that drama in my life. >> that drama, you have to accept that he's president. >> of course i do, i have great respect for the president. i just don't need to follow him on twitter. >> sean: there is your fire, balance, unbiased journalist, maybe they should stop pretending and be who they are,
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radical, lazy, leftist, activists on tv. national syndicated radio talklk show host who is laughing and former white house process. s ari fleischer, is not fair and balanced or are they opinionated? poor mika, somebody get her a stiff drink or a pentagram, help her out. >> as a former press secretary, my job is to deal with all reporters. let me also add, republicans always have to work twice as hard as democrats to get a fair break in the press, donald trump is to work three times as hard, it's not fair and balanced. you have to be a professional in this business, i don't like the idea of professional journalists, neutral journalists saying they're muting a president, a news source. mika is an opinion journalist, she's in a bit of a different
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category. people should not be nervous come i said this repeatedly and i say it when i do her show. let it play out. let's see what donald trump cana do. >> sean: she was nervous when a guy impelled to pout around with an unrepentant terrorist became president i don't remember going deep in that story like i did. president obama was only asked one time during the campaign. i know you're laughing, some of this is funny, i've got to admit. on another level, they do want to destroy trump. they want to destroy the presidents. they are trying to delegitimize him and they're trying to stop his agenda and if they're lucky they want him out of office. >> oh the inhumanity. the good news for mika is under the obamacare replacement plan whatever bothering her is probably covered. what's going on here is a deep seated fear that this sop might really be successful. god forbid we get a 4% of gdp growth as was the case with ronald reagan. he took 49 states, what did he do? cut taxes, continued
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deregulation and slow down the rate of nondefense government spending all of whichcu donald trump is doing. put that together, 4% of gdp. none of this stuff will matter, nobody will care what she said or done lemon, or any of the other people who are quite hysterical over this presidency. >> sean: the bottom line is i said journalism is dead. look at for example "the new york times." they reported the president is wiretapped, they did it multiple times as did the bbc, as did mcclatchy, as did other major sources mainstream media news. somehow he's to blame. when are they ever going to have pesome introspection, some self-examination as it relates to colluding with hillary clinton? if they're going to blame trump for reporting and talking about what they report, when are they going to take the same on themselves? it's kind of hypocritical.
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>> it will never happen.n. i'm in a little bit of a different position on this in terms of my viewpoint come i don't think they're dead but i think they severely wounded themselves at the american people agree with that. >> sean: you agree with they colluded with hillary. would you agree they didn't with obama? >> you have them sharing questions for a debate, that happened on cnn in one instance. that never should have happeneda the point is the press is not neutral, the press is biased, i've dealt with that from the decades i was in washington, all the way to the white house. as far worse with donald trump. look at the day like today, today was the trump presidency should be about is replacing obamacare. these are the big issues on which the presidency is going to rise or fall and today has been a very good day for donald trump.s >> sean: i thinknk that's good with one caveat, he's got a lot of conservative opposition.
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i think they should have builtlt the plan before they released it, that's my own personal deal. secretary price was very clear it's got to happen in three phases and all of the critics will be included in the end. i say if donald trump checks off that promise list and it gets it done, he walks into reelection in spite of all the noise that you hear everywhere. g >> i agree with that 100%.oi it's one thing for the media to be biased, we already knew that. another thing for the media to collude. we found out "the new york times," "washington post" staffers for jake tapper at deet cnn, the economist with "the washington post" contacting the dnc getting ideas, getting suggestions. this is collusion, this is far beyond having a sympathetic and political agreement with the left. these are people who are trying to get republicans defeated. i've never seen the like of it. one of the things donald trump has done that no other president has done that called them on it and put them on notice and letsi
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people know they are not justm bias, they're actively trying to stop republicans. no one's done that before, i salute mr. trump for having done that. >> sean: great segments thank you both for being with us, always appreciate you being when we come back, we need your help, important question of the day. some mean, horrible hannity hotline voice mails from you, we'll get to that straight ahead.
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♪ >> sean: welcome back to "hannity." it is time for our "question of the day." what do you think of the republican health care plan? do you think it needs changes? hit me with your best shot. be as mean as you need to be. i can handle whatever you've got. these are the messages left on the "hannity hotline" ."
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877-225-8587. that is all the time we have left this evening. hope you set your dvr. thank you for being with us. to report. >> martha: breaking tonight, a flurry of activity today on capitol hill. members of republican leadership finds himself on defense, at odds with members of their own caucus and angry constituents after the rollout of their new health care law. i'm shannon bream in for martha maccallum on this, day 47 of the first 100. g.o.p. attempting to make good on years of promises, but right now, it is looking like an uphill battle as legislators from the conservative wing of the party have come out swinging against the leadership bill. >> there are three plans out there. there is the collins plan, if you like obamacare, you keep obamacare. there is the leadership plan that was brought
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