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tv   The First 100 Days  FOX News  March 10, 2017 11:00pm-12:01am PST

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screen. you can be mean or nice, it doesn't matter. that's all the time we have left this evening. hope you have a great evening, ir'll see you back on monday. let's see how he does tonight. . make it a great weekend. ♪ >> breaking tonight, the presidency of donald j. trump reaches a benchmark. 50 days after assuming the office, we take a closer look at the actions, the accomplishments, and the controversies. we are halfway through the first 100 days. i am sandra smith in for martha maccallum tonight. it has been a busy seven weeks, a repeal of obamacare is underway, revisions to the controversial travel ban is unveiled, a new national security advisor is in place, allegations of an obama-ordered wiretap persists, and just today, where that attorney general jeff sessions has asked for the resignation of 46 obama obama-era attorneys, but before we get to that, look back at
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some of the action candidate trump pledged to deliver on. >> what follows is my 100 day action plan to make america great again. i will announce my intention to totally renegotiate nafta. i will announce our withdrawal from the trans-pacific partnership. begin the process of selecting a replacement for justice scalia. we will cancel all federal funding of sanctuary cities. we will begin removing the more than 2 million criminal illegal immigrants from the country. we're going to suspend immigration from terror-prone regions. replacing obamacare is part of my 100-day contract with the american voters. we will also immediately repeal the obama-clinton defense sequester and rebuild our badly depleted military.
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and we will make america great again. thank you, and god bless you. thank you. thank you, everybody. >> sandra: chris tire world, krysal hey, trace. >> hey, sandra, being just 50 days into his 100 day action plan, president trump is off to a pretty strong pace, first, the north american free trade agreement, nafta, which trump has slammed as a bad deal for the u.s. today, commerce secretary wilbur ross said they will begin the process of renegotiating with canada and mexico in the next couple of weeks. although secretary ross wouldn't talk about exact negotiating points. as for the trans-pacific partnership trade deal, better known as tpp, the president made good on his campaign promise by
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withdrawing after january, though some republicans believe the withdrawal will have a negative impact on our strategic position in the asia-pacific region. next on the president's list was a promise to rebuild the military, and trump has already signed an executive order to begin the process of developing a plan for new planes, ships, and to greatly increase the number of men and women in uniform. and while the executive order to expand the military might get the ball rolling, seeing it through and paying for it is up to congress. and because the supreme court currently does not have a tie-breaking vote, replacing the late justice and since korea is a driving force for the administration. supreme court nominee neil gore goresuch will believe his nomination process monday. the president back to his power to cancel federal funding for sanctuary cities by signing an executive order to do just that. although the order is limited is
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and what federal money can target, experts say it does have the capability to impact cities like san francisco. san francisco and numerous other cities are suing to stop the executive order. then there is the promise to remove 2 million illegal immigrants. it is too early to tell exactly how many have been deported, but the department of homeland security says that during the presidents first full month in office, the number of illegals trying to come into the u.s. was at the lowest number in at least five years. trump's power to suspend immigration from his country is now referred to as the travel ban. his first travel ban executive order was halted by a judge, the ninth circuit court of appeal. the new travel order is being challenged by six states. finally, the plan to repeal and replace obamacare has gotten a firm opposition from congress, but as of late today, some of those conservatives are warming
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up to the plan. a vote in the house could come in the next two weeks, sandra. >> sandra: all right, trace gallagher. joining me now, presidential report cards in tow, if you did your homework, chris steigerwald, krystal ball, and david wohl, a longtime supporte supporter, of donald trump, i might add. you have supported him since table one. give him your grade on those first 50 days. >> a+, honor roll, mr. trump has completely reversed the economic malaise that the obama administration created over seven years. 153 americans and climbing. stock markets through the roof at 21,000 plus. consumer confidence at a level higher than it has been in ten
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years. also the, the security issues, working on the wall, like he said. bids will be taken soon. he is deporting violent illegal aliens who'd been convicted of violent crimes aggressively and not ignoring immigration laws, and he is addressing the hotbeds of islamic terrorism by getting this new order in a way that will be tailored so that the courts will not be able to go over it. >> sandra: trace did that wonderful wrap-up for us, he pointed out these executive orders, the first 50 days in office, 15 executive orders, roughly on pace with president obama at this point in time, who had signed 17 at this point. your grade for the first 50 days? >> i don't know if i want to say a letter grade, i don't want to be predictable. >> sandra: pass or fail? >> i will definitely say fail. essentially, he has picked off the low-hanging fruit, he has kept some of his promises, but
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we don't see any movement on the big legislative issues that he has talked about. health care reform is looking dead in the water. the plan is so bad that some are conjecturing it may have been designed to fail. honestly, sandra, i think this was a huge missed opportunity. i expected this president to come in and focus like a laser on the economy and jobs and providing for that working class base. >> sandra: some would quickly intubate question your comments based on what david just stated about the stock market and job growth. >> the stock market doesn't help but a lot of people in kentucky here. >> sandra: retirement accounts are tied to the stock market. >> i thought he would come in, democrats were ready to work with him on a big infrastructure bill, something they have been wanting to do for a while. he could have taken that up in
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other sort of low hanging economic fruit right off the bat. he chose to go with the more divisive parts to start with, as a result, you have plummeting popularity, republicans don't feel nearly as compelled to go along with what he says because he is still historically unpopular at this point. >> sandra: i want to -- >> yes, he has picked off low-hanging fruit, historically unpopular, hard to see how he gets much of anything done. >> sandra: chris dear 's dear s? >> with all of the razzmatazz, that has all been there, certainly donald trump supporters who are legion and loyal can feel gratified that their man is sticking to the core issues that he promised that he would. at the same time, being president as hard, and your
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success ultimately doesn't depend on what you do with your pen, it depends on your ability to work with congress to do big things. you can't do big things until you can really legislate. so i'm going to set the halfway point, i'm going to say a b, b, b- . >> sandra: and you think it is fair to say, that the first 50 days, marked, more than anythin anything, by controversy, investigations into these ties to russia, claims of wiretapping by the provisions in my previous president? >> in essence, we have a weapon eyes media now, a media that is hell-bent on destroying mr. trump. other than fox news, which has been absolutely fair and balanced across the board, i can't watch them anymore. they are looking for anything they can possibly find, any scandal that is going to continue this way for a long time.
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one of the interesting things is, i talked to a liberal friends today, when you talk about the infrastructure, the trillion dollars he wants to commit, that is what liberals love, that is how he is bringing people together. that is going to create the joining of the mindset is going to make create again, it is a movement. >> sandra: and that was put out in many tweets by the president in the first 50 days. chris and krystal, i want to get you back into this commander in tweet thing from nbc news. trump has never skipped a day of communicating with the country via twitter. 260 times since inauguration day. you can't say the man has not been busy, but he has certainly been making his points quite frequently on twitter. >> however he he does it, press releases, twitter, television,
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it doesn't matter. the thing for trump, this is what matters, is focus. he is out of time, there are controversies, some of them are self-inflicted, others are creations of the media, but too many controversies, too many distractions, and too much drama inside of his administration. there has been too much infighting, there has been too much silliness amongst team trump. time to focus. time to get real. time to keep your eye on the ball. they can't afford to be distracted by tweets anymore. >> sandra: one thing i don't think many people can disagree with, he has been busy, working around-the-clock seven clock seven days a week. he keeps us busy, that's for sure. thank you for being here tonight. also tonight, we examine the continued allegations against president trump from some in the media claiming evidence of collusion with russia. the facts say otherwise, and we will show you how. when "the federalist" mollie hemingway and mark alderman join us on what many are calling a witch hunt. plus, the republican health care
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bill getting a new push tonight from president trump himself as he goes into dealmaker mode. according to one report, levels that threaten some g.o.p. lawmakers. we will tell you about it ahead. >> we must act now to save americans from the imploding obamacare disaster.
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♪ >> sandra: developing tonight, knew reaction to a steady drumbeat in the media that pan- candidate president trump's campaign work hand-in-hand with the russians to enact the 2016 election. the allegations persist despite democrats and intel officials from the obama administration saying no such evidence of collusion exists. watch carefully here at the media versus reality. >> we keep getting new information about troubling ties between the president and his associates and his campaign in russia and increasingly, with each new day, just said there were no early indications of any collusion and anyone in the white house. >> well, we have no evidence that at all one way or the othe other. >> all of this sort of odd, i have to say, tend to tantalizing
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evidence of some kind of collusion, certainly some kind of collusion. >> do you know of any hard evidence of collusion? >> chris, i have no hard evidence of collusion? >> threatens to consume the opening months of donald trump's presidency. >> we did not include any evidence in our report that had in the reflection of collusion between members of the trump campaign and the russians. >> sandra: mollie hemingway is a senior editor at "the federalist" and mark alderman is a democratic strategist and former member of obama transitional team, it was almost hard to watch, mollie, time and time again saying there is no evidence, then you continue see the media pushing this narrativ narrative. >> when intelligence officials speak on the record, they are very clear that there is no evidence. when you have obama administration officials selectively leaking to reporters, they like to get the
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impression there is evidence. and we are months into this, it has developed into a full-blown conspiracy theory. and it is time for people, if there is evidence, on the record, they claim there is not, but if there is, it is time to put up or shut up and let the investigation into russian modeling continue apace. >> sandra: i want to throw into this, rachel maddow, anger on another network, basically saying that there are signs of what could be a c watch this. >> we are also starting to see what may be signs of continuing influence in our country. not just during the campaign, but during administration. basically signs what could be a continuing operation. she >> she provides absolutely o evidence. >> we have seen this movie before, sandra. it is called "all the presidents men" ." we know two facts beyond any
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doubt. russians interfered in this election to benefit donald trum donald trump, and trump people met with putin people. was that collusion? we don't know. but that is what the intelligence community, congress, and the evil media are going to find out. >> sandra: but you say that with no evidence. let's continue on to the media and some of the words here, chris matthews, i have to say, tantalizing evidence of some kind of collusion. is it irresponsible, and is it dangerous, to continue to see this narrative pushed, mollie? >> yes. more than half of democratic voters fully believe a conspiracy theory, they believe russians didn't just successfully get john podesta to click on the link you shouldn't have or they obtained information from the democratic national committee, both things at the national intelligence agencies they do happen. they believe russia hacked the election. that is without any evidence at
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all, although it's interesting about it, if you do believe there is russian modeling, the whole goal is to undermine confidence in our institution. it is this very conspiratorial campaign that is undermining confidence in our institution, and it is quite dangerous, and people should think about whether they really want to do that for short-term partisan gain. >> sandra: go ahead, mark. >> what is dangerous is try to censor the media here. i think it is ironic that this white house is pushing back but there is no evidence for these charges when there are other charges out there for which there is even less evidence. but there is evidence of contact, and investigations are cumulative, and you can't see the jigsaw puzzle you're putting together until you have enough pieces to assemble. >> sandra: it's not the media's job to present it as fact though in anticipation of
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that news eventually breaking. your counterpoint is that the white house doesn't accept denial of the wiretapping when, in fact, james carper has denied that obama ordered wiretaps, he has denied the foreign intelligence surveillance that authorized any wiretaps. perhaps you can make the argument that we are seeing the state of activity on both sides. >> more than that, i would say we need to have a media, far from being censored, looking into what is going on. we know from media reports that there have been wiretaps, there have been transcriptions of conversations that have been released or given to people. we know there is something going on there, but nobody seems to be very curious about what that means, about the dangerous implications of doing this kind of investigation. rather than have the media back off, we need them to think more clearly and deeply about what they are witnessing. >> sandra: tanks to both of you for being here, mark and molly. also tonight, big reaction to a new first for the trump administration, a trip to asia for secretary of state rex
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taylor sin, as tensions run high and what could be an epic showdown. plus, obamacare heating up as one report now claims president trump threatened to push for primary challengers to any g.o.p. member who votes against the bill. that ahead. >> we are working together, we have some great results
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>> sandra: breaking tonight, brand-new developments in the battle over the health care bill as the g.o.p. wrestles internally over how best to repeal and replace the obama-era law. president trump meeting with key house committee chair is to discuss the measure as he continues his push to shore up support, even suggesting that obama ensured his law would implode as soon someone else assumed the presidency. >> we must act now to save americans from the obamacare disaster. 2017, that is the year it was meant to explode because obama won't be here. we have some great results, we have tremendous spirit, and i think it is something that is going to have been very shortly.
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>> sandra: here now with the latest is chief court white house correspondent john roberts. >> good evening. the president is said to be in full dealmaking mode, telling fox news that the president is "doing what leadership should have done previously, listen to people, take their ideas seriously, give them a hearing. today, the president was listening to the chairman of the ways and means committees, which passed the bill after marathon sessions this week. the ways and means chairman kevin brady insisting they can come together. >> there is so much more that unites republicans then divides republicans on this issue. repealing these awful taxes, subsidies, mandates that have heard our local businesses. >> but the may need to be big changes, the chairman of the freedom caucus wants the
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medicare expansion act moved up to 2020 as it is now, and in defiance of house speaker bill o'brien who wants a vote on the bill from committee, they want to open up the entire amendment process. >> god bless the speaker, but that's not how the legislative program mark process is supposed to work. if you can get an amendment to the floor, let's have the debate, your best shot, see what happens. that's how it's supposed to work, not supposed to be closed off. >> nick mulvaney working to get the pill through an reform that it can pass. a senior white house official told me that nothing is set in stone. it is all in negotiation, and that at the end of the day, everyone will come away with some things they love and some things they love less. sandra? >> sandra: john roberts, thank you. join me now, mercedes schlapp
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and bud jackson. mercedes, i wanted to get to this "new york times" op-ed by ohio governor john kasich. relying on washington to fix health care, not engage in yet another unproductive partisan standoff. where is this going? >> good luck with that, governor kasich. i don't think you'll see that in this congressional session. not only will republicans put that in law, obviously having the infighting between conservatives and republican leadership. conservatives have felt they have been shut out in the process. they are wanting to make sure that they are being listened to, they are allowed to bring these amendments to the floor to make adjustments to this repeal and replace of obamacare. i have to tell you, i think
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vice president mike pence, obviously the president, secretary tom price, they are listening. in those, especially pence and price, they understand that they have to ensure the conservative voice is listened to, but with the sense of bipartisanship, i don't think that is going to happen this time around. >> sandra: a fast one, buddy. can this be done? >> look, if trumpcare could talk, it would bark, a real dog. conservative organizations opposing this, also nonpartisan organizations that are opposing this. this isn't a health care law. it hasn't even been scored by the congressional budget office. we have no idea how much this is going to cost. we do know, it is going to provide $600 billion in tax credits and tax cuts to the wealthiest. that money is being used currently to fund health care for low and poor people.
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in essence, you've got the republican party giving to the rich while steering from the poor, and people are literally going to die if this is enacted. >> sandra: still, mercedes, the president is out there trying to sell this thing. this is the man who wrote the art of the deal, and new tonight, i sort of hinted at it at the other side of the break here, he is now threatening the g.o.p. president trump has told republican leaders that he met with today that we told you about that he is preparing to play hardball. he is going to support the 2018 primary challengers of any republican who votes against the bill. is that a good idea? >> i would probably advise the president not to start threatening conservatives, those who might not agree with the bill, but not vote for the bill at this point in the game. it is still too early. they need to a allowed the
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healthy dialogue to continue in terms of saying what they negotiation tools are going to be. are they going to accept, for example, the recommendations of doing a partial refundable tax credit or freeze medicaid expansion at a certain date? they have to work out the details. starting with a threat, maybe that's the way he wants to start with, it would be my approach that i would recommend. i think a more effective way is finding out where they have common ground and move forward. and i think the congressman makes an important point. let the process work itself out, allow for amendments to the floor. >> sandra: still in the thick of the debate, bud. will the two parties eventually work together and get something done? >> it seems unlikely that the two parties are going to work together when we can't even get the two branches of the republican party to work together. this bill is so bad there is no way any democrat is going to
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support it. >> sandra: we will leave it there. thanks to both of you for being on. tonight, new developments as secretary of state tillerson plaintiff's first official trip to asia -- plans his first official trip to asia. will president trump smooth things over overseas. we have a reaction straight ahead. plus, new pictures of female reunions splashed the internet. now it is getting even worse, in the top brass wants answers. >> i can assure you, if there is
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so call now. remember, medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. you'll be able to choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. whether you're on medicare now or turning 65 soon, it's a good time to get your ducks in a row. duck: quack! call to request your free decision guide now. because the time to think about tomorrow is today. >> sandra: breaking tonight, the trump administration testing new waters as secretary of state rex tillerson gears up for his first official trip to asia. the mission picks up, cough, the matchup of tensions running high as the careers south and north
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at a boiling point. rich edson is at the state department with the very latest on secretary tillerson latest trip. >> secretary of state rex tillerson travels to asia to address an aggressive north korea, he will do it with a south korean government facing problems at home. earlier today, a south korean court removed from power president park geun-hye after a scandal. they say they have 60 days. in the meantime, the state department says they will work with the interim president, inland statement, rating, the u.s.-south korean alliance willd stability and we will continue with to meet all of our alliance commitments. it was the previous south korean government that lets them install a missile defense system, when the chinese and some in south korea post. north korea continues firing missiles into the south china
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sea. secretary of state rex tillerson will travel next week to japan, south korea, and china, to discuss these continued regressions. he will do so without a price contingent on his plane. previous secretaries of state have usually taken reporters on the plane with them from the united states, especially on trips with multiple stops so it is easier to make it easier for reporters to keep up. they say there is an element of cost, cost savings involved even though newspapers pay for their crews to be involved. they say they will have access to the secretary of state, they will be in his motorcade, and will have an opportunity to ask him questions. sandra, back to you. >> sandra: thank you. joining me with more, guy benson, political editor of, leslie marshall, radio talk show host and a fox news contributor, and in the former communications director for marco rubio in 2016 and a
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political strategist. good to see you. guy, i will start with you. this is obviously a big trip for the trump administration. rex tillerson heading to russia asia. would you expect out of this trip >> not only is it a major overseas trip, it comes amid, as we heard there from rich edson, a difficult time getting close to a crisis, i would say, on the korean peninsula where your north korea, always bellicose but is more belligerent than usual with the missile tests, coordinating, it appears, that brazen assassination at the airport at kuala lumpur. and then in south korea, huge political upheaval with the president being thrown out and rising in the streets. this is an opportunity, i think, for the secretary to prove his mettle. diplomacy isn't easy. >> sandra: it is a big, messy world stage. japan, china, south korea, a
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huge trip at a time when north korea is firing missiles and issuing threats. this is going to be a big test for rex to loosen and the trump administration. >> i think it is going to be a big test. he has been sidelined to a degree by this administration. seeing that not only with mexican dignitaries, in his office not being aware, and now the press is silent. but while china sidelined rex tillerson? that is a big question. largest task the secretary of state has. china likes having a warm and friendly relationship with pyongyang, if nothing else, to keep balance. i'm not sure that the secretary of state is going to build get china completely on board with the future of how they view north north korea and how they view it and what action they want to take their with japan and south korea. >> alex, what do you want to see out of this trip? >> i think this is a big
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opportunity for secretary tillerson. he can't avoid the press this entire trip. the press is going to be there, and the people he will be meeting with, asian countries, they value public commitments. this is an opportunity, but secretary tiller's must do here if this is going to be a successful trip, back up all of the talk we have heard out of the trump administration so far with concrete action, concrete pressure on china, on issues like north korea, like human rights, like the south china sea. the time for talk is over. we need firm commitments. we need public pressure. and that is the opportunity before secretary to tillerson n this trip. >> sandra: what do you make that that he is being sidelined, meetings taking place, but the acting spokesperson didn't know that the foreign minister was visiting, then meanwhile, he was
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meanwhile visiting with some of trump's top aides. >> unfortunate for the trump administration, but i think is very premature to say any member of the cabinet -- these people have just taken their positions, to say, he is sidelined, or he is cut out of the loop. it is very early. this is an important trip, a high-profile trip. he is the secretary of state, the top diplomats. i think leslie has a point. let's wait and see. but making any strong declarations at this stage is way too early. >> sandra: perhaps it is to early, the press seems to want to make a lot of this themselves rather than talking but the serious nature of this trip leslie? >> i think it is a serious trip, but whenever the secretary of state making such a trip, i remember they wouldn't even confirm it was a trip. if nothing else, the american people have the right to know what's going on. we have demanded, i think, right and left, transparency, and that
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includes what is going on, especially when you just had an impeachment of one of our big allies, south korea, of their president. and then when you have had launches and whisperings in the country of, are we going to send troops, we going to fight north korea. nothing else, to assuage the fears of the american people, they have to have access because that is what america expects. that sets us apart from a country like china. >> sandra: was got to leave it there. thank you to all three of you. good to see you tonight. >> sandra: a growing scandal is photos of female service members are splashed across the internet. here is how far the defense department will go to track down the perpetrator. plus, katrina pierson is back a day after she meets with the president. we get the latest on her new role supporting mr. trump outside the white house and get an exclusive look at her group's first new ad. that is straight ahead.
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>> big accomplishments, bigger results. companies investing in american jobs. critical pipelines supplying american energy approved. it's the simple things in life that mean the most. boost® simply complete™. no artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners, plus 10 grams of protein and 25 vitamins & minerals. it doesn't get better than this. boost® simply complete™.
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>> sandra: one of the most prominent voices and faces president trump during the 2016 giving was national trump campaigns spokesperson katrina pierson. now she is still working in support of the president as part of the nonprofit america first policies. tonight, in an exclusive to "the first 100 days," we are getting a sneak peek at the first political ad. here it is. >> president trump, one month in, delivering on his promises to you. big accomplishments, bigger results. companies investing in american jobs. critical pipelines supplying american energy approved. tech executives, union and business leaders working with president trump to create jobs, stronger ties with foreign allies, a respected supreme court nominee, a
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first-class cabinet, main street media won't tell you this. one month then, president trump is making america great again. >> sandra: joining us now, the new spokesperson for america first policies. katrina, good to see you. there has been so much intrigue over where you have been and what you have been up to you, we are glad to see you back. what have you been doing? >> we are really excited to launch essentially it fails two of the grassroots movement to make america great again for president trump. you have two original campaign staffers, myself the first and longest-serving spokesperson along with brad, the digital expertise that actually defeated barack obama's small donor fundraising record and delivered blue states like pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin. and when you're at the senior advisor to governor mike pence's campaign, a team that is fully committed in supporting this presidents vision as well as the
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key policy initiatives so that we can, like i've always said from the beginning, sandra, make president trump go down as the greatest president in history. >> sandra: you met with him yesterday, what did you discuss? >> we discussed making america great again. that's one of the things we always discuss. he is having several listening sessions, he wants all of the input to make that executive decision. i think what we're going to be looking forward to in the next few weeks are more policy initiatives coming out from the administration, i'm excited to continue to support him out here on the outside. >> sandra: katrina when i say there has been so much intrigue, for so long, everyone thought we would see you working inside of the trump white house. you are clearly now going to be supporting him, but outside of the white house. what changed there? >> oh, absolutely. i was offered deputy press secretary and i decided to do
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what i do best. i am on camera fighting for him, advocating for his policies. this is not brand-new to me. many people know that i have a strong record, nearly a decade now, fighting for conservative policies, wanting to change the direction the country is going, and doing cable news. after the election i decided to do what i do best. i'm a grassroots activist at heart and i want to stay out here with the people and serve the president. >> sandra: you are saying this is where you want to be. you have set on the record that your group, america first, will readily attack republicans if needed. can you give us an example of what that might be? >> yeah. we have a situation here where you have a lot of republicans out there who want to really hold the president accountable for congressional leadership, and that's not what he is there for. he ran a strong campaign and let everyone know what his vision was to make america great again, and now we're going to have these policies go forth. it is going to be up to those congressmen to get the job done. >> sandra: katrina pierson,
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your big moment, your big comeback, and we saw your ad, and it's good to see you. >> good to be here. >> sandra: thank you for coming on. breaking details tonight after naked pictures of three female marines are posted on the web. now it appears that the problem is worse than we thought.
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>> sandra: developing tonight, a shocking story as a photo sharing scandal continues to rock the u.s. marine corps, tonight, it shows it is only getting worse. we are now learning it involves every single branch of the u.s. military, and it has become the focus of a federal criminal investigation. trace gallagher, life with the very latest. trace? >> sandra, it appears those who are intent on sharing nude photos are trying to stay one step ahead of investigators. the scandal came to light when a
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private facebook page called marines united with very public. the facebook page was being used by some 30,000 active duty and former marines to chat about, share, even egg on each other to post photos of female service members, sometimes calling the women out by name or where they were based, for example, writing "she is in the navy down in san diego. anyone have any more wins?" a win being a nude photo. the marines got wind of the scandal and launched a full investigation. >> these allegations themselves, they undermine everything we stand for as the marine corps. and as marines. discipline, honor, professionalism, and respect and trust amongst each other. >> but now we know the scandal involves all four branches of the military and has been going on for almost a year on a
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web site called anon-ib, the same site that showed shared nude photos a year ago. turns out they have a chat page replete with nude photos and conversations. a group called "not in my marines" says this type of social media exploitation is nothing new. listen. >> these sites have been known to military leadership for a very long time. we were just told, and they shrugged it off, as something that was too big for them to handle. >> it appears this time around, action makes the much swifter. military leaders being called before congress next week. >> sandra: trace gallagher, thank you. thank you for watching "the first 100 days." martha maccallum will be back on monday, don't forget, you can catch me every weekday on "outnumbered" at noon right here on the fox news channel.
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up next, eric bolling hosting a special "o'reilly factor," the trump agenda with special guest kellyanne conway and senator rand paul, treat me your ♪ ♪ >> tom: welcome to red eye. i'm tom shillue. let's check in with tv's andy levy. >> thanks, tom. a new study shows that hillary clinton rent one of the worst political campaigns in years. in retrospect, the election results should of told that. plus a new app that keeps track of how many times women get interrupted by a man. and finally, jimmy buffett is opening up a retirement community called margaritaville. soon, you'll be able to have cheeseburger through a straw in


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