tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News March 14, 2017 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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all the places where people want to hear both sides of the argument. "if their freedom of speech is taken away, then, dumb and silent, we will be led like sheep to the slaughter." george washington. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on tonight. >> the fbi agents went down there, eric holder went down there. >> no way. you know how the system works? these cops get off every single time! >> bill: irrational claims, propaganda, hysteria. we are seeing more and more of that kind of debate in america. tonight, "talking points" will deal with it. >> sir, the fact that you don't give a crap, that you endangered me, it's unconscionable. i am going to get my lawyer and i am coming for you. >> bill: whoopi goldberg various that she has been smeared on the net. dana perino will tell us all about that. >> i like your hat. >> thank you very much. i like the fact of the sun
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actually kind of peered out from the clouds a second ago. >> bill: don't break out the sunscreen, distill about 31 degrees out here. >> bill: also, ahead, sonoma got it the northeast. >> bill: caution, you are about to enter the "no spin zone." "the factor" begins right now. ♪ >> bill: hi, i am bill o'reilly. that is the subject of this evening's "talking points memo." irrational thinking, that is a subject of this evening "talking points" memo. for those of you watching us, you have seen a change in "the factor." it used to be i was a god with everybody, nobody how crazy they were. in fact, use to people -- we had congressman barney frank on, after we played a tape of him saying that the federal mortgage system was fundamentally sound
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and not in danger of going under, he actually denied saying that, even though he listened to the tape of his own words. that resulted in a very loud confrontation. i could give you scores of other examples. but we don't do that much anymore. their rationality in some precincts, the dishonesty of some zealots, the absolutist area that surrounds some new stories, is simply tom and incredibly annoying. you get nowhere when you present facts and they are rejected. so, why bother? above all, i don't want to waste your time. last night in our program, "the first 100 days," martha maccallum tried to reason with a man who believes that the feds and the authorities in missouri allowed michael brown to be executed by a police officer in ferguson. even though martha presented the facts, it didn't matter. >> you are suggesting that 40
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fbi agents were all -- >> they failed! >> listen to me. there were three different for us to forensic investigations that were done. >> i don't care. >> everyone in the country roads told the narrative that he was shot in the back. >> do you know how many black men are in jail right now? for nothing? for nothing? because the department of justice failed them. you know how many black men are and you are right now? >> bill: so, that guy believes, apparently, that blacks are brutalized, thrown into prison on a mass scale because of their color. that is what he believes. so, why debate him? facts don't matter and you can't get a sentence out. the worst part is, you are a racist if you don't see the way he does. it is the same thing with less volume with some politicians. no matter how many facts you
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present to nancy pelosi, for example, she is going to tell you obamacare is great. no matter how many policy failures there were in a rack, some conservatives will shrug that often deny any mistakes are made at all. "talking points" believes the propaganda element is far worse on the left at this point in history but the honest american will cede that zealots on both sides for night. they are not looking for the truth. we are. you will not see that guy, jason pollock, on "the factor," after he failed to treat martha maccallum with the respect she deserves. you will not see nancy pelosi here, either, even though i would interview her if given the chance. but she would never do that because she knows her own city, san francisco, has fallen apart, due to liberal policies. and she has to know that obamacare has hurt far more americans than it does help. but she doesn't care. in her mind, she is noble.
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because she believes in far left tenants. for irrational people like that, compromise is impossible. and that is why america is having a tough time. there are way too many rational people. that is the memo. now, to the top story reaction, joining us from washington, lisa boothe and juan williams. first of all, am i wrong for keeping jason pollock office program? >> god bless you, bill. i think you are right for you did to me, that guy is a provocateur. he is not interested in having a debate with you, he is interested in selling tickets to his movie, which i think is a bunch of horse feathers, by the way. secondly, he wants to attract people who may have thought what happened between the police and michael brown, is this a case where the police were making assumptions and treated a young black men unfairly. as you heard from martha, bill, there have been investigations done my obama justice department, the fbi, state
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authorities, and he wants to ignore all of them. >> bill: they all failed but he didn't. >> i mean, come on. >> bill: martha maccallum did a good job in keeping her composure. >> i would like to see you. >> bill: the police would have had to been called with that guy. i would have cut his microphone off. that's what he wanted. he would want that. that would have been all over the web sites and o'reilly brutalized him. that kind of thing. i would never have had the patience or the professionalism that martha had. but i am not going to put myself through that anymore. i guess some viewers may be disappointed because for years, i was known as the guy who slayed the dragons. >> martha tried to give this guy the fact that he wouldn't hear it. all he cared, he is a no-name loser who is using this video to try to get name recognition. that is all he cares about.
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look at the ramifications of this video, st. louis dispatch reported that there was 100 protesters outside of the store, gun shots fired. a woman that punched a police officer in the nose, a guy was arrested trying to set a police car on fire. not only that, bill, what about the ramifications of the propaganda that was brought about the michael brown incident? since then, we have seen -- >> bill: people could die because you have this element that want to destroy things in this guide whips them up. that is why we are not doing it. let's go and elevate the discourse to nancy pelosi, who i use as an example. here's an accomplished woman, whether you like her or not, she is the second-highest ringing member of the house of representatives. but she simply will not acknowledge reality, juan. you can say to her, look, premiums in arizona have risen this much for obamacare.
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in south carolina, they are down to one insurance company. the aetna people have failed and the whole thing is collapsing. nancy pelosi will say to you, no, that is not right. no matter what you do. karl rove can have a little board and write it down. you can speak in a foreign tongue. she is never, ever going to seed that obamacare isn't working. here's the question. is it even worth putting her on any news forum? >> i think you have to talk to politicians. >> bill: even if the discussion goes nowhere? i get nothing out of it? >> i think the audience would love to see you and nancy pelosi because i think you hold me, you hold lisa, to a very high standard. >> bill: i would do that interview her. but i'm not quite sure that we would get anything out of it, other than me making her look
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foolish. which people would want to see, i guess. speaker nancy pelosi is a very smart woman. but she, because of the way we leave these days, people refused to say, i could be wrong, let mr guy, -- >> bill: she is never going to admit. >> let me compromise because i'm after a solution, the truth. we don't see that. >> bill: that is what happened with barney frank. >> that is why we are dysfunctional as an american government. speaker that is what happened with barney frank, even after i played him the tape of him saying it, i'm going, where is rodney sterling? we have entered the twilight zone. then, when he got nasty, i let him have it, lisa. people said, o'reilly's mean. [laughter] >> you are not to mean. i would like to see you interview nancy pelosi. the problem is, bill come a lot of the times, particularly of left, they are not held account. a lot of us at house they do, >> bill: they do whatever they
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want. >> look at an issue like abortion might divide the country. when was hillary clinton never asked about holdings stances like abortions at 20 weeks, something with the majority of americans reject, when was she questioned about come of the democratic party adopting, repealing the hyde amendment, completely against long-standing bipartisan legislation? >> bill: the media being an enabler of this propaganda as a whole different story. good debate, you guys. next on the rundown, more irrationality over obamacare. later, u.s. troops back on the ground in syria, iraq, and yemen. we will have a "the factor" investigation up ahead. ♪
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well. in the middle, being barraged with nonstop propaganda. joining is not from austin, texas, karl rove. as you know, i'm a very simple man, i only have three questions for you, mr. rove. the first one is, why exactly do some conservatives reject a broken proposal on health care? >> there are several kinds of objections. some people don't want to have a replacement. they want to have just a repeal. why not go back and pass the measure that was passed in january of 2016 by the house and senate and it was then vetoed by president obama? better as a repeal only measure. they say, let's just pass that, kill the system entirely, then, take our time after placing edge. >> bill: let me stop you there. if that happens, then, people who are getting health insurance east to get it, and there is anarchy and chaos within the community. doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
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secondly -- speaker doesn't make a lot of sense to me. we have said for years, repeal and replace. some people say, let's replace it, but we will do the repeal first and we'll come back into the replace later. but that means we got to get 60 votes for every one of those proposals. i would love to get as many of those proposals within reconciliation, which means they only need 51 votes. they are some we will not be able -- >> bill: you are talking about the senator. reconciliation bill. okay. i am more philosophical here. all right? okay, some conservatives just want to repeal it outright and then, build a new system. in the meantime, chaos ensues. one of the other conservative objections? >> there is a principled objection to creating advance of will come a refundable tax credits for those who buy insurance out of their own pocket. the self-employed, people who work at companies that don't get covered. >> bill: some conservatives see it as an entitlement.
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>> exactly. >> bill: if you are only making $35,000 a year or do you a few kids in the house, it is a safety net going to the public -- >> i would put it this way. you could be making $153,000 a year as a self-employed individual. why should we give a tax advantage to companies to provided and not for people who have to pay out of their pocket? >> bill: another weak argument. >> it's a big one and some people's minds. my view is, except you don't want the new entitlement, but if you're going to be consistent, then, say that you are in favor of repealing the tax advantage that is given to companies that provide insurance. >> bill: is there anything else the right doesn't like? >> a lot of this -- some of it strikes at me as goofy. i was listening to the leader saying, how dare they have in the replace and measure, the republicans have in the house, that if you don't have insurance, and you wait until you get sick and you show up and
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say, under the law, no pre-existing conditions, you can't be denied coverage, but insurance companies are allowed to charge you up to 30% more if you haven't been under continuous coverage. they are saying, how dare they do this. if i am prudent and i buy insurance to cover my family and i am paying into the insurance pool and you are being a responsible and not purchasing insurance until you get sick, why should you get the same price as me? >> bill: does a good point. there should be a surcharge for those who have have no insurance and say, now that i have canceri want you to pick up all the bells of the same price of the healthy people. reasonable. president trump, as you did for bush the younger, he has got to go out and convince his party to pretty much supported down the line and will not go over a few democrats in the senate. so, what do you tell president trump to concentrate on? >> i think he is doing it the
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right way. he has got tom price, he knows the spell inside and out, and he is working with the republican leadership in the house to keep an open line of communication to critics who are looking for a way to be supportive by making changes in the bill. if that process goes forward, then, good things can happen because price knows the bill. >> bill: he is the power -- >> that's right. you have to have a guy that does a lot of the ground work on it and says, this president, this is where we got to deal, we need you to be involved in helping so that deal. >> bill: last question from the simple guy. will the new republican health care bill, no matter what shape it takes, we assume it will change, past? prediction. >> if i were a betting man, i would say yes. there will be a column in "the wall street journal," i would draw your attention to on thursday morning, that will examine this question in detail. i read the rough draft of it, it
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is a brilliant, brilliant one. i think i did a pretty good job on it. >> bill: you are saying that your column on thursday is brilliant. and unprecedented in its wisdom. >> i wouldn't say unprecedented budget wise. >> bill: but your prediction is that it will pass? >> incidentally, not just the little board my friend. >> bill: it's a trigger! it's a trigger! karl rove, everybody prayed directly ahead, "the factor" investigation, u.s. troops fighting in syria, iraq, yemen. we don't know much about it. you will in just a few moments. later, whoopi goldberg threatening to sue a guy who smeared her on the net. those reports after these messages.
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>> bill: factor follow-up segment tonight, u.s. troops fighting in syria, yemen, you may remember that ryan owens was killed in january. six other members were wounded in that ordeal. what exactly is going on? joining us from boston, colonel david hunt, author of the brand-new novel, "without mercy." let's take the yemen raid first. what happened there? >> as you said, late january, members of seal team six train up about three months, hit a compound in the southern province of yemen with about 30 guys. when they went towards the compound, there was a village outside which had a lot more terrorists and people with guns than they predicted. then the intelligence read. the seals were under a very serious firefight from an uphill advantage. those guys were a pillow. they to call in attack helicopters and jets into that
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area, which is where civilians, 12, 14 civilians were killed. we lost a great guy, you already talked about, oh wins, member of seal team six. we lost in helicopter. >> bill: what were they trying to achieve in the rating of the compound? >> and intelligence gathering operation. >> bill: what does that mean? >> we want to get as much information for my compound, whether it is paper or hard drives, computers, or if they capture anybody. so, intelligence gathering. >> bill: did they get into hell, as the president said? >> the military classifies this as mission complete. they don't use the term success. they got hard drives and intel. >> bill: they did get it. but they'd paid a price. now, and iraq, we have how many u.s. soldiers, combat soldiers, on the ground right now, do you? >> three years ago, we had 250, about 6,000, now, we have about
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10,000. we have more coming into kuwait. we crossed into syria late monday night with rangers and this drug reveals, which is basically a tank, with a small tank, big rubber tires. then, two regulators, we put marines and artillery units in. going towards raqqa, the capital of isis. >> bill: 10,000 combat troops. that's a lot of combat troops are in either iraq or syria right now. they are going through a rack, some of them are helping out with the mosul fight, isis is trapped in mosul, the iraqis are fighting. we have a good amount of americans in that fight, right? >> there is over 5,000 americans in the fight in mosul. that is the toughest fighting in the world, not just mosul, any time you fight come back in the city. it is very, very tough. we have got about a half to three quarters of mosul taken. we still have about two weeks or a month to finish.
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>> bill: let's stay in mosul. are the u.s. forces there, are they actually on the front lines with the iraqis, fighting isis? are they in harm's way or are they support? >> there is no frontline, as you know, hasn't been for 16 years. the answer is directly, u.s. soldiers have been four months in direct combat in iraq. that has been going on for a couple of years. we were there initially to train and at has developed into a lot more. >> bill: they are fighting alongside the iraqi army. we haven't heard of many casualties in the mosul, u.s. casualties, anyway. we are lucky so far. the other 5,000 have moved through a rack up into syria to the fight in iraq, which really hasn't started yet. i understand that kurdish forces and turkish forces are going to be allied with americans in that fight. is that if you are hearing? >> yes. we have actually crossed the border. >> bill: we are in there now.
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>> one of the missions is to separate the forces you described, kurdish and the turks, two separate forces. militia and their own active military. then, we are using to call air strikes and develop the battlefield. we will have more forces in kuwait. this battle, what has happened, we've invaded syria, not sure anybody noticed, by the way, we will kill everybody of isis. my issue is, what will you do with syria and a failed state like iraq? >> bill: that is a lot of combat. i think you are absolutely right, americans don't know. you are new book, "without mercy," is a novel. i just started it, isis gets an atomic weapon with the help of the pakistanis. so, you will scare the hell out of everybody colonel, so if you're going to do. is that correct? >> this book, which you can get, without, by the way, isis blows a bomb, they bomb
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an air base, before they do not, they have already sent two towards the western tinkers. one gets into lower manhattan. we have a president, brand-new, silver star winner, who happens to be a woman, who has to figure out the recovery and chasing bad guys and cut through a new bureaucracy, which is not built to act fast. this is the best book of its kind out there with very, very proud. >> bill: the book again, "without mercy." check it out loud. colonel, i was a pleasure. thank you. plenty ahead as "the factor" moves along. one of the worst crimes we have seen in a long time, 31 woman shot to death, and five illegal aliens have been charged. whoopi goldberg is furious about being smeared on the net. dana perino will talk about it. we hope you stay tuned for those reportst . or struggle with obesity lose weight and keep it off.
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hey, need fast try cool mint zantac. it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster. >> bill: personal story statement tonight, smearing people on the net. unfortunately, it happens every day. you may remember that some far left loons criticized carryn owens for appearing at trump's speech in front of congress, she is the winner of the men we just talked about in last segment, the seal killed in yemen. people like michael moore and bill marr said the widow was being exploited. but whoopi goldberg did not say that. however, accusations that she did criticize karen appeared on a web site. >> people who didn't see their show may believe it, a lot of people may believe what you
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wrote and man, i am telling you, you cost me money because i have my family. sir, coaster rica is not big enough for this lawsuit that is coming your way. >> just so we are really clear, i want to these protections in place for the comment, current president, for his family, for my family, because if you write something like that or you write something that endangers his life for his family, i am just as angry at you. >> bill: dana perino, cohost of "the five. who did this? >> a young man, named james mcdaniel, he is originally from florida but lives in coaster rica, he has a job at an american nutrition company, as a web site called the underground report on february 21st. i got 1 million page views and 90s. >> bill: what did he allege
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ms. goldberg said? >> it said that she had -- the widow, carryn, was seeking attention. she said, no such thing. >> bill: on the episode of "the view," march 1st, she is critical of president trump, as she is won't to do, but she didn't say anything directly about carryn. so, this guy lied. >> he lied. so, she comes under tremendous attack from people. she has got a lot of personal relationships with veterans. she was overwhelmed. she said that her personal safety and her family safety was in question. >> bill: it was. i'm a victim of smears every day. i understand how bad this is. there are times where i have to have extra security to go and protect my family and of myself when somebody will write something particularly vicious in the newspaper or on the net. she is absolutely right. we researched. she didn't say anything about mrs. owens. in fact, she has a right to be
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outraged. but to sue is difficult. >> it is very difficult. >> bill: if you're famous. >> there -- it has been filed yet, she's thinking about it, she is also bringing attention to the issue, which is good. it is hard when you are a public figure. >> bill: you have to show damages. whoopi goldberg would show, i would assume, emotional distress on her and her family. that is damages. then, you have to prove malice. two fold. you have to prove malice. you have to get into this guy's whole psyche and say, why did you want to hurt me. you can do it but it is very complicated. >> a couple of days after this original report, there was a disclaimer put on the web site saying, that he does fake news and peddling what he said is the theories.culous conspiracies
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he had this halfhearted apology to her, he said, i was just showing how fakeness can proliferate. >> bill: he wasn't. >> he lied. the thing is, he's making money from it. this is what is so insidious. clicks on the web site means he gets a little bit of money. >> bill: from whom? >> advertising. >> bill: that is where she could go after the advertisers, that enable him to do this. it is hard to get through this guy, particularly if he lives there, he won't answer that. but it is enough that she is outraged as she is, that's a good thing. i know her. i think that essentially she is 100% correct. >> what you were saying, she wants either a law changed or a lawsuit, to protect all of us. this proliferation of fake news is a danger to everybody, no matter who is spreading it. >> bill: the libel laws on the protect the defamation laws should absolutely be changed. and the loser in any of these nuisance lawsuits should have to pay. that is what they do in britain. that would cut the lawsuits down
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in half. all right, we will follow this story. dana, thank you. we come back i'm a horrible crime in washington state. with some illegal aliens are protected by the governor. this one will get you angry. up next. fun in art class. come close, come close. ah. when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. awww. try this. for minor arthritis pain, only aleve is fda approved to work for up to 12 straight hours with just one pill. thank you. come on everybody. aleve. live whole. not part. check this sunday's newspaper and save over $20 on products from aleve.
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>> announcer: "the o'reilly factor," the number one cable news show for 16 years and counting. >> bill: thanks for staying with us. i am bill o'reilly. in the law and order segment tonight, a horrible murder in washington state. 31-year-old jill marie sundberg, mother of four young children, allegedly shot by death by illegal immigrant. you may remember the governor of washington state ordered his state troopers not to cooperate with ice on many undocumented matters. here with us now, eboni williams and kimberly guilfoyle. how did that were to happen? >> great question. you wonder how did this woman get kidnapped and driven away. social acquaintances were out to an rv park where there was a party. all of the people involved were in attendance.
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at some point, there is a verbal discord, some kind of problem, altercation between ms. sundberg and one of the defendants, where he felt he was disrespected. so, he ordered the rest of them to put her in an suv, and they took her, this is the person you are seeing, charged with first-degree murder, took her to a place where it was isolated, kicked her to her knees, and put a 40 caliber gun to the back of her head and shot her and then, proceeded to short her body 13 more times. >> bill: rodriguez, he had been deported? he had a criminal record? >> yes. duis, other incidents. the other problem is, would youp people like this, all five were illegal, including this individual, he was removed once voluntarily by i.c.e., the problem in a state like washington where they don't comply with all of the federal -- >> bill: this guy actually got bail, rodriguez, because he was going to be deported again. before i.c.e. could get him, the
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local authorities from washington state gave him an $8,000 bond. they've already deported and convicted felon. >> the kicker is, he didn't show up to court for that, no order for his a red. >> bill: he didn't show up after the bail had given and they didn't put out an order for his arrest. the governor, again, sends a message, an illegal alien criminals have a much easier time in washington state. >> the last instrument was domestic violence in 2015. >> bill: the other four are being held -- >> there are three being held on homicide and two others as material witness to a crime. i expect additional charges will be filed. >> bill: they were all there. >> they kidnapped her. >> the prosecutors want to know, bill, the criminal culpability. that is for those other two are being held at reduced bonds. >> bill: they are all
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undocumented mexican not now mark nationals. hawaii has filed a lawsuit against that latest travel ban by the trump will administration. what other their things the objection, eboni, is that of people from yemen and libya and sudan and syria don't come here, it hurts the hawaii and travel industry. is that correct? >> that is one of the claims, bill. i know. a bit far-fetched. >> bill: does not far-fetched. >> 348 --dash that is a chill on tourism. >> bill: the last time i was in waikiki, right next to me with a tour group from yemen. i asked them -- i said, it is hotter in your country, you got this big, giant coastline, why do you have to go to hawaii, all you have to do is walk to the coast and jump to the water in yemen. we heard you were going to be here, o'reilly, we booked passage from yemen to hawaii.
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from syria, from rocco, if you are ices, get on a plane, you can fly right into -- >> that is a valid argument. you go to hawaii suffering because these people -- >> can you believe this? >> can i believe it? yes. am i marking it? of course. >> 100 people, sure. that's a big deal. see where that is very, very huge. >> pour hawaii. >> bill: gutfeld and mcguirk on deck. they barely survive the big blizzard that hit new york today. we will have their tales of peril. gutfeld has a real good one. as "the factor" continues all across the usa at all around the world. during the day haunt you at night. nexium 24hr... shuts down your stomach's active acid pumps... to stop the burn of frequent heartburn...
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>> bill: "back of the book" segment, "what the heck just happened?." it may be a miracle that bernard mcguirk and greg gutfeld are with us this evening. they both have experienced a savage lizard that descended upon new york today. what was your closest call? >> first, the media. they played it up really, really huge. it will be a giant snowstorm. when it doesn't affect them directly, they are kind of mad that it is not as important a story as it used to be where they literally do live in a bubble. one of those snow globes that is full of flakes. i blame us, bill come on donald trump. clearly, mother nature, a woman, is registering her discussed over the new president and decided not to show up for work. >> bill: so, it wasn't his dad, mcguirk, as you are dressed would indicate. >> i take no stances. i take all precautions. he is right, the media, it
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affects new york city. if it was detroit or chicago -- >> bill: they do that all the time in detroit or chicago. >> exactly right. lester holt and shep smith have to wait an extra 10 minutes for their car service. that is why we all panicked. >> bill: it's like, how dare they snow, they being the weather gods, on new york city and the northeast corridor? you still have the tag, the price tag on your hatch. i want everyone to know that. a recent acquisition? >> that means i didn't pay for it. [laughter] >> bill: i see. >> a badge of honor. >> bill: i was going to ask if there was a mirror in the store or not. >> i didn't have the luxury of looking in the mirror, i snatched it real quick. >> bill: you live on long island, where i live, you live in a swanky place. and that is subject to the giant tides that the weather forecast, big tides come. and they sweep away children and small dogs, right?
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>> that is true. in fact, in my backyard right now, their body surfing, for god sakes. it wasn't so bad. the waves were big but the surf did not come up over the dunes. it was actually -- i am sick and tired of the snowflakes shutting everything down, for god sakes. stop overreacting. >> bill: the snowflakes are in the real snowflakes. you are talking about people who are sensitive in life. like gutfeld. >> you know who else i am angry at? the weather channel. they keep calling it the blizzard stella. it is a woman's name. it is heteronormative. we don't have to assign gender to weather occurrences. the weather channel should apologize to all women. >> bill: this storm, i didn't even notice, was called estella. >> they are calling it. >> bill: can you do the brando imitation of "streetcar of desire." >> i can do some brando imitations but i can't do that one. >> bill: did you know it was stella? >> you are a nice hat, some
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layers, especially for the snowflakes, where your rubbers, please. >> bill: on your feet. >> your galoshes. >> the galoshes. >> you don't want to wander off. the fox news channel was pretty responsible in covering this. i was watching. our weather people, they weren't melting down, they weren't -- >> perspective. >> bill: they weren't triggered. they didn't need a safe space, whereas on some of the other channels, they did. they needed an igloo for you to actually was scared and i bought wine and pop tarts, which is what i normally do. and i sat and my bathtub and waited until morning. >> the new york knicks are playing, broadway is open for business, if the fragile cupcakes in "hamilton" can perform, then you'll be okay. >> bill: did you actually wear this outside? >> no. >> bill: this is new york. if you go out there, don't wear
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it on the subway. if you wear it on the subway, you will be on the tracks coming out on the train. >> they might stay away from me. >> bernie, that is how your original hair looked. [laughter] speak of the '70s look. [laughter] >> bill: all right, gentlemen, thanks for making it. we appreciate it. and the word of the day is mush. "the factor" tip of the day come us and about jesus. "the tip," moments away. they rebounded because a decision was made to protect them. making the right decisions today for your long-term financial future can protect you and your family, and preserve your legacy. ask a financial advisor how retirement and life insurance solutions from pacific life can help you plan for your future.
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yeahashtag "stuffy nose."old. hashtag "no sleep." i got it. hashtag "mouthbreather." yep. we've got a mouthbreather. well, just put on a breathe right strip and ... pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. so you can breathe ... and sleep. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right. >> bill: factor "tip of the day," but first, jesus is back. we have to do the mail first.
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that's where my ancestors are from, kevin. happy early st. patrick's day. the suits are great, kevin. we buy american as much as we can. the book is a must for anyone visiting this now thriving city. interesting aside, while researching the rising sun, he was not well received. folks who run the museum there were not cooperative with us and some of the displays inside the museum were anti-american. worth mentioning, the united states spent billions of dollars building up and protecting it to this day.
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the alert ones will. the book is funny but makes serious points about our out-of-control pc culture. however if the teenager is snowflake, it could be trouble. 110 years old today. i will have what she is having. final factor "tip of the day" ," my book killing jesus is now out in paperback just in time for lent and the upcoming easter season. it was the hardest book for martin and i to write because we wanted to do original research. let me give you one example. this is what the actual cross looked like the jesus of nazareth was nailed to. it was in the shape of a t. the reason the romans used that
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torturous wooden thing was that the stem was placed permanently in the ground as a reminder to anyone who would defy the roman emperor. then they put the crossbeam on top of the stem into a premade fissure and used the rope to tie it in. killing jesus, full of that kind of historical fact. we hope you check it out in paperback. factor "tip of the day." that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news factor web site. different from o'reilly at fox news, if you want to opine. word of the day, do not be a pull pull turn while writing to the factor. we will be there live as well. kind of like he will be live, we will be live and you will be watching it live right here on
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"the factor" ." thank you for watching us tonight, i am bill o'reilly and please remember that the spin stops here. because we are definitely looking out for you. >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." the theory that russia won the november election for donald trump through meddling, as we are setting up exactly what we know and what we do not know about that story. there is no evidence that the russian government hacked any votes in november. there's no evidence that russian officials collaborated with donald trump. or suede a single vote away from hillary clinton. there's no reason to believe that russian government changed the course
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