tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News March 14, 2017 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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watch it live right here on "the factor." then we will analyze it for you. thank you for watching us tonight, i am bill o'reilly and please remember that the spin stops here. because we are definitely looking out for you. >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." the theory that russia won the november election for donald trump through meddling, as we are setting up exactlydo what we know and what we do not know about that story. there is no evidence that the russian government hacked any votes in november. there's no evidence that russian officials collaborated withbe donald trump. or swung a single vote away from hillary clinton. there's no reason to believe that the russian government changed the course of american there's merely innuendo and conspiracy mongering and
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connecting probably irrelevant thoughts. lee harvey spent time in mexico city, but what does that mean exactly? nothing significant that we know of. why does this story persist and grow byy? the day? organizations like nbc news and msnbc have gone to remarkable lengths to keep it alive. it is hour upon hour of segments like this. >> rachel maddow continues to investigate the trump-russia connection. exposing in detail. >> the trump campaign did not just benefit from russiaa interfering with our presidential campaign, they colluded. they helped. they were in on it. >> a disturbing pattern of rolling disclosure. when it comes to their contacts with russia. >> because of russian interference in our election. >> tantalizing evidence of some kind of collusion. >> continuing influence in our country. not just during the campaign,
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but during the administration. basically, signs of what could be a continuing operation. >> tucker: it turns out there is more than a little irony here.on complaints from nbc about election meddling? given that companies conduct over the past six months, that is a bit rich. consider the infamous access hollywood tape. if you are living in america last fall, you remember it. the immediate and disastrous effect that tape had on the candidate trumps poll numbers. it was a political bomb. the fallout was so overwhelming that if you paused to consider where that tape came from. that tape belonged to nbc, it was shot by nbc cameramen on a oshow on nbc property. how did the tape end up in the hands of "the washington post"? how did value intellectual property from one news organization end up benefiting a competitor? intentionally, that is the short answer. the access hollywood tape was
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leaked to "the washington post" with the full knowledge of nbc. nbc's motive? to derail the trump campaign two days before presidential debate. the access hollywood tape had been sitting in an archive since it was shot 11 years before. executives had known about its existence. perhaps worried about california's strict wiretapping law, which prohibits -- but as november approached, the temptation to shutdown the trump campaign became too much. so nbc rose to the defense of hillary clinton and leaked that tape.bc and then they lied about it. if you are a news organization and someone stole a video out of your office, would you not want know about this? how this tape wound up at "the washington post," that is because they already knew the identity of the leaker.
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it was them. all of this is more or less common knowledge in the tiny world of the tv news business, as we said, nbc knew about it and so did matt lauer. and yet until now, nobody bothered to tell the public. we are doing that now. we asked for a response to all of this, they declined to comment. the obvious question in the air. what do you think played a bigger role in the election, that access hollywood tape or the russian government? that's an obvious one. nbc lied to the public to destroy a politician they did not like. we know that. we know the would not do it again, would they? unfortunately, we don't know that. now, a fox news alert. the hits keep coming. nbc at it again.
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at this timeti their cable outlt has reported what they say is president trump's tax returns from the year 2005. the white house responded tonight, trace gallagher is with the details. >> we are watchinger rachel madw as she goes on here, tucker. she so far has revealed very little if anything about this taxes. they were uncovered by an investigative reporter and the big mystery here is how these things surfaced in the first place. that would lead to further avenues of reporting. we know as he said the taxes are from 2005, where donald trump married melania and shut down his controversial trump university. it was also his second year on the apprentice on nbc, the white house tonight responded to msnbc saying in 2005, donald trump paid $38 million in taxes on $150 million of income and he paid it no more than he was legally required. the white house went on to say, "you know you are desperate for
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ratings when you are willing to violate the law that pushes a story about two pages of tax returns from over a decade ago." of course income would not be the big revelation here considering we know in 1995 mr. trump declared a $916 million loss which would have allowed him to legally avoid paying any taxes for up to 18 years. also on the show, we expect inga the next few minutes will be this trump biographer and investigative journalist who is the one who apparently obtained these tax returns. he was billed as also being a financial and tax expert reporter. last year, he was the one who asked the new york attorney general to investigate the charity foundation as well as his tax returns. what journals have been actively looking for and any of these tax returns or documents as any
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financial ties, particularly son specht financial ties maybe even to russia. donald trump has maintained the only ones interested in his tax returns are reporters and he was not releasing his returns while being audited. the irs says an audit does not prevent someone from releasing tax documents. the white house goes on to say it is totally illegal to publish tax returns and is dishonest media. we are continuing to monitor anything that may come out of these two pages of tax returns from 2005. so far, very little has been revealed. >> tucker: thank you a lot, we're joined now by our colleague, kimberly guilfoyle. the white house somehow had foreknowledge of this. before it aired. where did this come from, what is the back story? >> i have been listeningh to
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rachel maddow and her program, basically she said they were subject of an investigative reporter. i begin to question right away at the legality of this. how they were able to obtain this. clearly this is another political move to try tomo discredit the presidency of donald trump, it comes as no surprise to anybody. trace gallagher is right, reporting to you that in fact there was some kind of nefarious relationship, that is what rachel maddow is saying betweenk donald trump and a russian why was there all of us on this windfall of an additional $60 million more? trying to say again, there's some kind of conduct that should be looked at because other than that, what you see is donald trump is a very wealthy man. shocking. donald trump paid a lot of money in taxes, some $38 million
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in taxes that year. what else is there to say? is it really that shocking or revealing? a couple pages of it, she has. it's primarily focusing on what was his real estate transaction, that was the last thing she was talking about. trying to make some kind of connection there. some nexus. she even mentioned wilbur ross, trying to tied into the trump administration. >> tucker: right, who i think was seen on a grassy knoll. if legal, a much lower rate than i pay. so there is that. >> he has suggested in fact tax reform himself. and what people should be able to pay. perhaps they will get to more on the story here but obviously yes, this is an attempt to try to again stir the pot
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politically as it relates to the russian relationship. almost every single day to the point of exhaustion. that's what we're seeing right to me so far, legally, there doesn't appear to be any impropriety whatsoever. as it relates to the return which is properly filed based on the tax laws at the time. >> tucker: was it properlype obtained though, that is the question. how did this become public? >> she is saying that somebody turned this over to her. investigative journalism, but somebody should get to the bottom of this because the irs or other people, this is again more of a star that we have been covering which is weeks. more leaks. who would turn over this private and privileged information? if they find out who did this,va there could be serious legality
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issues here and also i would be concerned as journalists if youh crawford this information and essentially publish somebody's tax returns and private information. >> tucker: i think a lot of people in the press assume he paid nothing in taxes. i waspa certainly the allegatio. he did not deny it, really. is there any scenario you can think of where a tax return might be public other than if it was released by the person who filed it? >> other than somebody filing it themselves, no. she does not have the complete return, just a couple pages. like the 1040 statements. we will have to see what the rest reveals but the headline, was it russia, real estate, oligarch, trying to demonize and scare everyone. they like to put out thel oligarch thing.
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>> tucker: russia. [laughs] thank you for that. >> just don't say kgb. >> tucker: we are joined now by joe concha, who writes for the hill. great to see you. we open the show tonight with a story that i think is significant. it has come to our attention. it's true that nbc -- the people who run it, knew that the famous access hollywood tape was being leaked to the hollywood post. it was done intentionally because they wanted to distance themselves from it. they wanted to hurt trump before the presidential debate two days later. does that, as a shock to you? >> we do not know definitivelyy that they had knowledge of that. i understand it is within our bubble but we do not have a definitive report. >> tucker: i cane say that definitively. >> look, i would think that
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given that that tape -- access hollywood, bombshell revelation would not only change the presidential election but think of trump, clinton, the different agendas, supreme court justice. it is huge. i get it is 11 years later and you have to connect a lot of dots but you at least try to do an internal investigation to figure out where that tape went becauseve i am sure that more tn a couple peoplent know exactly what happened there. and you at least make the effort but from what i can tell, thatt effort has not been made or it has not been made public. i would think if they did make an investigation, they would make that known. >> tucker: we asked them today that exact question. they refused to comment. if someone stole the biggest news story of the year out of your office, you may want to find out how that happened. a news organization had this tape and no one is claiming the taperg was not real, president trump said what he said on the tape.
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i'mid not defending it but that was their intellectual property. and yet they fed it to another news organization. have you heard of anything like that ever? >> i've never seen that actually happen, tucker.ik but i'm sure that nbc news would've wanted their hands on it first and how it got to "the washington post," that is what investigations are for. this is how things are now in news, in terms of reportersn asking people to commit illegal acts and leak information. i ask your produce before i came on, he actually solicited information on twitter saying please, send donald trump's tax returns -- here is "theg new york times" address. he asked the irs to do that. do you know what thatr is? hawhen you actually steal and lk that kindha of information, if u
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are an employee? it is a felony.. you have journalists asking regular people to advance a story and a narrative, it is sick. also saying last year, he was willing to go to jail for five years if he could get trump's tax returns. he is setting themp example that illegal acts and leaks should happen if we can get the story and that is a sad state of journalism in 2017. >> tucker: for myself, i always want more information. if satan handed me relative information, i would run with it. but i'm frightened by theseat federal employees who have so much of our information, intimate information, would be leaking in order to hurt people they disagree with politically. that is scary from behind a cloak of anonymity.. i cannot imagine anything scarier than that.
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>> it should be very alarming for everybody out there. with this report on msnbc, the real story i can see so far is that those got leaked by somebody. not what iss in them. that should be the lead story tonight or tomorrow. i will be interesting to see with what these news outlets lead with. >> tucker: the access hollywood tape breaks right before that debate. in st. louis. the kerplunk of it, i did not hear anyone ask -- hey, this is your tape. you knew it existed, why did no one ask that obvious question? >> because everybody loved the narrative. everybody's, as the end of donald trump. that blotted out the sun and no
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one bothered to say where did that come from, by the way? this happened once before, i know you have to go soon. 2004, with dan rather. he does not report with george w. bush. based on forged documents. cbs did at least an investigation. they had accountability shown there. that's what you have to do in those situations. find where the leak is and show that you care. that's all i ask. >> tucker: what's interesting to me -- that news executives are so partisan or feel it their mission to destroy a politician, only in defense of traditional journalism where you are not partisan. they feel that so overwhelmingly that they would give up a big story -- n hurt one of their own employees because they are thata committed toig the cause of getting a specific person that is the behavior of a political consultant. >> jorge ramos won a walter cronkite award yesterday.
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he is a known advocate, he is not an anchor. he has a mission and it is to take down donald trump at any chance he can. the people behind the walter cronkite award, obviously an iconic name in this business, they say they will give it to jorge ramos, not because he is doing good journalism, but because we agree with the message and that is the state of journalism today. it is all about the narrative and not about the responsibilities that we are supposed to have which is to be objective. here's what ramos said last year. neutrality is not an option when it comes to donald trump. and he gets a walter cronkite award. >> tucker: it's not that theys have opinions, i haveaw tons of opinions. but they are so emotionally engaged in the story that they can't see clearly. if you're waking up in the t middle of the night enraged over something, back off a little bit.wa here is the full statement from a senior administration officiat about tonight and about those tax returns.
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you know you are desperate for ratings when you are willing to violate the law to push a story about two pages of tax returns, over a decade before being elected president, donald trump was one of the most successful businessmen in the world.nsei but the responsibility to his company, his family, and its employees and pay no more tax and legally required. that being said, after taking into account large scale depreciation for construction on it's an income of more than $150 million as well as paying tens of millions of dollars such as sales and other taxes. this illegally published returnp shows just that. it is totally illegal to steal and publish tax returns. the dissed honest media can continue make this a part of their agenda. the president will focus on his which includes tax reform that will benefit all of americans. there you have it. >> from what i can see so far, unless they are saving something for the end of that show, this
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is a boomerang effect. it is supposed to be something -- an object thrown at donald trump and instead it will come right back and this will hurt media,n as far as i can tell, is a nothing burger. unless there is something else there that i am missing. this will have the same boomerang effect where everyone said see, donald trump, you did not pay a lot of taxes. and he turned it into a positivh where he said yeah, i know the tax system. people are almost applauding like yeah, i would do the same thing.h, when you are trying too hard too go after somebody, you end up hurting yourself. >> tucker: it makes me anxious for tax reform. u i look on in envy. it is more than zero. we are going to stay on top of this breaking story. why there are constant leaks, and how they are putting our security at risk. we will speak to someone who
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quit rather than work for trump. he joins us in just a moment. it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster. so this year, they're getting a whole lot more. people just can't get enough of me and my discounts. box 365, the calendar. everyone knows my paperless, safe driver, and multi-car discounts, but they're about to see a whole new side of me. heck, i can get you over $600 in savings. chop, chop. do i look like i've been hurt before?
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mr. trump apparently rubbed down $150 million, $38 million in taxes. where he took a $916 million loss, which according to tax experts, would have given him the possibility that he would not have had to pay taxes for up to 18 years. that is the big revelation, that he paid $38 million in taxes on $150 million of income. we've been watching this show for 19 minutes and what has happened here is there's been a lot of speculation, possible ties to russia. there was no evidence provided. possible ties to turkey. there was no evidence provided. the u.s. attorneys being fired, again, no connection between that and the tax returns and over the course of four or 5 minutes she asked a series of questions and again provided no
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answers. speculating, as it possibly because he did not pay enough in taxes? did not h make as much money ase thought he made? did not give enough donations as they thought he did? we are still watching, again, this is investigative journalists who apparently obtained these tax returns. they were actually put inside his mailbox at some point in time, that is how he got them. they were sent over to msnbc, they sent them to the white house and the white house -- he did not pay any more than he was legally obliged to pay and they went on to criticize the network for actually illegally obtaining documents for nothing more than ratings.or that is a paraphrase but in essence, that is what it is but as far as information, tucker,n so far very little.
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>> tucker: watching that on our behalf, trace gallagher. tomorrow we are on the road witu the president. we will be asking him about those tax returns tomorrow night. the awesome task of protecting our secrets, preserving the country's 320 million citizens from harm but ever since the inauguration, that response ability hasom been mixed with a lot of leaking. government secrets to the press. working from 2006 to this election, for the cia -- thank you for coming on. you are a democrat, fine, you know. what i'm saying is, yours is the model i wish others in the federal government would follow. the cia exist to inform the
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president. and what you're saying is, people who stayed behind who are trying to undermine the policies of the president and that is unconstitutional.hi >> i certainly appreciate the compliment buthe our intelligene community is not comprised of republicans or democrats. they have signed up to protect the country they love. regardless of who is in the oval office. i worked proudly under george w. bush, under barack obama, who i later served in the white house. this is not the intelligence community -- it is not a shifting fan on which party is in power. should it be. that is untrue, i know people that are partisan in the government. >> of course to connect personal political beliefs but you can still fulfill the function that you were charged with as a public servant whether -- >> tucker: that is not the point i am making.
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people who serve in a bunch of different communities have certain views of policy that they are wedded to. in this case, they believe trump will undermine their goals and they are trying to undermine trump. what i am saying, withholding information from him, for example. >> i do not think there is anyld evidence of that first of all. >> tucker: "new york times" reported that, i believe them. >> i did not believe there was any evidence to back that up. the cia director has not come out and said that is true.ha >> tucker: they did not like mike flynn but then they destroyed him by committing a felony, publishing his conversation with the russian ambassador. we should be worried about that. >> let me make the very important point that there is never any justification for the leaking of classified information. it is illegal and has the
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potential to put lives at risk, but there are other important points --dash in the case of intelligence, itt has the potential to put sources at risk.en in the field, people who commit treason against their own country, it has the potential to expose them and leave them to the will of their government. >> tucker: it's not just about agents in the field, it's me and you. i appreciate our federal employees, including thehe intelligence t community? community. the idea that you cannot criticize them when they have been continually wrong -- the idea that i do not as a citizen have a right to criticize them, where does that come from? >> no one has said intelligence professionals are infallible. it is about putting together a piece of a puzzle wearing a blindfold, not knowing how may pieces exist. it is an art. >> tucker: you said trump accused the intel community.
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>> there is nothing wrong with being skeptical. the point i was making on npr with that president trump withie the g.o.p. nominee at the time, in the third debate, just casually cast aside the high competence assessment of all 17 intelligence communities. that russia had meddled in our election. he didn't have any proof otherwise. he didn't have any justification for it. >> tucker: they did not have any proof either. no one there knew it was going to happen. >> as someone who has spent years working on analysis of the cia, there is something to that. in a high competence assessment -- signed onto by 17 intelligence communities? all 17 agencies? >> tucker: what are all 17 of them? i do not know if there are 17 intelligence agencies. i wish someone would tell me.
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>> i can get you a full list. if you want to know all 17, i'm sure we can provide that to. that's beside the point.l >> tucker: the point is, you are claiming knowledge of something you have not produced. if you're going to affect the political process with the claim, i have a right to know what the heck they are saying. i read the r public summary andt did not tell me anything. >> i'm sorry that's how you feel but in that january report, and in the october statement, all 17 intelligence community agencies signed onto this statement with high confidence that russia was behind it laid out their case in great detail. you certainly read the unclassified information but there is a classified --
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that has data points. >> tucker: we are out of time. we will be right back. four minutes. are you kidding me? no, looks like he took a wrong turn. don't worry, this guy's got like a four-star rating, we're good. his name is randy. that's like one of the most trustworthy names! ordering a getaway car with an app? are you randy? that's me! awesome! surprising. what's not surprising? how much money erin saved by switching to geico. everybody comfortable with the air temp? i could go a little cooler. ok. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. why pause a spontaneous moment? cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision,
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an entire web page chronicling donald trump's connection to the russian homeland in hopes that trump is a russian agent will manifest itself eventually. good to see you. i went to the site, which is pretty well done and kind of interesting. a little florid i would say but you have this whole section, russia: not our friend. how far are we willing to go with this? this new cold war that you guys have started. where will this end up? do you anticipate a military conflict with russia? why would we just not attack them?? >> i hope we do not have another conflict with russia. a lot of people like me, born in 1980, did not grow up with the cold war atrocity. i wanted to lay out post-cold war atrocities like what russia has done in ukraine.
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we are responsible for bringing down a commercial airliner with 300 souls aboard, look what they are doing in syria, the human rights violations that they are committinga, there. i wanted to lay out for young people this is not like having ties with the united kingdom. it's having ties with a leader who is being responsible for the killing of journalists. >> tucker: how is it different than having ties with b saudi arabia? >> i am focused on russia. that takes -- >> tucker: since we are laying downke this precedence, not observant of basic human rights, if being gay is illegal for example. then, we cannot be their ally. >> saudi arabia is not happy with me either. i published information that had allegations involving saudi arabia after september 11th.
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>> tucker: that is your response? i'm just saying -- what are the rules since you have become -- >> my parents would be very happy to hear you say >> tucker: i want to understand what the new rules are here. for generations, the left was accused correctly of coddling the russiansef back when it wasa left-wing country and now all of a sudden they come back and said the problem with republicans is they are not worried enough about the red menace. how do we know they are not our friend? >> they are not our friend right now, they attacked us in the last election, where donald trump has deep political tand financial ties. the question everyoneas wants answered is did those extent --
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it calls for an independent commission. take it away from the trump administration and let's get to the bottom of what happened. >> tucker: russia supports the syrian dictator, assad. which is entirely true. you disapprove of that. who should be in charge of syria? since these are actual countries, who should we be supporting in the syrian civil war? >> it is not binary, it shouldwe not be assad and it should not be isil. removing both of them from syria. >> tucker: it's a big country, who should run it? >> we should support anyone who does not support attacking america. isil has attacked america and assad has attacked his own people. and allowed isil to grow and they are able to attack america.
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we don't have to solve every problem in the world. >> tucker: you brought it up. you said they are not our friend and my question is if you disapprove of that, who should run syria? >> there is a lot of problems in the world right now, tucker. i am focusing on the country that attacked us. >> tucker: all right,, congressman, thank you for coming on. up next, more on that news tonight, president trump's 2005 tax returns have been leaked. we will keep you updated on the development as we get them. we will keep you updated on the development as (man vo) it was may, when dad forgot how to brush his teeth. (woman vo) in march, my husband didn't recognize our grandson. (woman 2 vo) that's when moderate alzheimer's made me a caregiver. (avo) if their alzheimer's is getting worse, ask about once-a-day namzaric. namzaric is approved for moderate to severe alzheimer's disease in patients who are taking donepezil.
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senator, thank you for coming on. the one thing i understand is the core of the story which is, russia affected the outcome of the 2016 election. >> no, in fact no one legitimately makes that accusation. if it was not for the russians, hillary would not be president. over and over again, the more the democratic party runs with that, i think it onlyor helps republicans becausein that means they are not dealing with the policies, the real reasons that americans did not vote democratic. >> tucker: i never thought russia wishes us well but i always thought it was bizarre, my question, do they really believe it -- democrats? >> i think some do.
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but it is jim comey and the russians fault. the more they can raise the russia issue, the more they can try to delegitimize the trump presidency. they are try to put two things together. there's solid evidence that they russians were engaged in trying to be able to affect our outcome but it's not just the outcome of the election, it's elections period. they feel like it helps them if they put others down. it's no different than a seventh-grade bully making fun of every other kid saying i can elevate myselfad if i try to puh everyone else down. they are trying to attack and destabilize every democracy. when he was meeting with angelao merkel, putin heard that she was afraid of dogs so he brought a big dog with him. his try to intimidate, destabilize and delegitimize. i think they were just trying to delegitimize the election in anyway. >> tucker: they said the moon landing was fake.
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there is a lot of stuff going on.. >> this has been something they've done for a very long time. it was just more overt this time. that issue is resolved. the second part of it is the big leak. that is what the intelligence community has to be able to get out andnd get the hard facts. was there someone in the trump's campaigns communicating with the russians? the accusations are out there -- it's already out there on the tax return issues. let's get his tax returns with russia or whatever it may be. let's get the facts on that. and let's separate the difference between -- yes, let's get the facts out. >> tucker: i know you did not see the msnbc segment but was that tax return paid in rubles and did vladimir putin sign it?
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>> he paid for the moon landing also from his tax returns in 2005. it's bizarre to me. >> tucker: there are many things you can criticize this young administration on. do you know any democrats were thinking maybe we should get the middle of the country to vote for us? >>e and reaching out on differt policies. again, that is what parties talk about. individuals, that's what they talk about. four years ago after mitt romney lost, there is this big soul-searching among republicans. if we want to win back again, we have to do these 20 things. donald trump did zero and he won anyway. that's what parties do. >> tucker: a good point. good to see you. up ahead, more on the story of g releasing donald trump's tax returns.
9:50 pm
we will be with him tomorrow for an interview. that will air tomorrow tonight at 9:00. we will be right back. at 9:00. we will be right back. what's the best way to get two servings of veggies? v8 or a powdered drink? ready, go. ahhhhhhhh! shake! shake! shake! shake! shake! done! you gotta shake it! i shake it! glad i had a v8. the original way to fuel your day.
9:54 pm
>> tucker: well, president trump's 2005 tax return has been leaked to the press. he paidll $38 million on about a $150 million income. about 25%, seems kind of low to those of us who are paying more than that, but here's some perspective. president obama in 2015 in his federal taxes paid 19.6%. that is a lot less. senator bernie sanders who thinks everybody ought to pay way more taxes -- in 2014, bernie sanders paid 13.5%.
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that is more than ten percentage points lower than trump paid in 2005. what is it all mean? trace gallagher is here to figure it out. >> we just heard from the journalist who obtained the tax returns, the two pages, he thinks theys, may have been put there by the trump administration. $31 million in alternative minimum tax which he is against, he would have paid like $5 million.. a lot of hype, very little content and the viewers did not like it. some tweeting, is rachel maddow filibustering her own show? why won't rachel maddow release trump's tax returns?ad what is she hiding? very little information coming out of those returns. >> tucker: he has paid a lot more in taxes than bernie sanders, how hilarious is that? we will be back. ur brand new ca. nobody's hurt,
9:56 pm
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10:00 pm
>> tucker: we are hitting the road bright and early tomorrow, we will show you the trump interview tomorrow night at 9:00.e sean hannity is standing by tonight. see you tomorrow. >> sean: thank you, tucker. we will be watching tomorrow night. this is a fox news alert. obama's deep state shadow government hold over saboteurs, they are breaking laws all in an effort to undermine and delegitimize the newly elected president. nbc news in particular is on a political jihad against trump and his administration. we have hit a new low in terms of privacy as we know it here in our country. it should deeply concern all of you, the american people. just a short time ago, one of the trump hating hostsu, over at msnbc news, got her
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