tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News March 15, 2017 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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get the feedback. thanks for watching everybody. i am martha mcallen. o'reilly, back here at 7:00 tomorrow evening. stay tuned. live from nashville straight ahead. ♪ ♪ >> bill: hi, i am bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. we are looking at a live picture of president trump, supposed to be on about a half-hour ago. he's not on. so, i am here. when he comes, we'll go there. but first, we will do the "talking points," okay? everyone in agreement? weapon icing tax returns. that is the subject of this evening's "talking points" memo. the trump tax river and reveal, courtesy of nbc news last night. fascinating look at how the american media has now become a circus of ideology and cynicism. let's look at the facts.
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someone gave far left reporter david cay johnston two pages of donald trump's irs returns from 2005. old david said, it simply arrived in his mailbox. what a lucky guy. johnston then gave the documents to msnbc, and return, putting him on the air to spout all kinds of gibberish on challenge. that was the deal. the return shows that mr. trump rendered what was legally required. he paid about $30 million in federal income tax 12 years ago. johnston was indignant anyway. by the way, mr. johnston is a class i socialists and also said that president trump himself might have leaked the return to him. of course, offering absolutely no evidence to support that contention. i don't know about you but i have a little trouble picturing the president asking his staff, "hey, does anyone know where david cay johnston lives?
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"now, before the actual return wasn't shown to the audience, the cable news host, rachel maddow, delivered a 20 minute monologue. "talking points" will only be 3 minutes. she said 20 minutes worth of stuff, describing various anti-trump conspiracy theories that she espouses on a nightly basis. kind of a hobby. it was kind of hard to follow mace maddow, as she hopped from azerbaijan to cyprus to palm beach to the u.s. attorney's office in new york city. there was a russian oligarch, bad people from deutsche bank, and a shadowy international transactional deal. now, i kept waiting for donald trump to appear on the grassy knoll. but that did not happen. perhaps, because they had to go to a commercial break. then, the real fun started for two full hours, is a variety of
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anti-trump mary makers put forth more speculation than a panel at a ufo convention, portraying for president as dr. evil bent on destroying western civilization as he pats his catch. lost in the "let's get trump" marathon, was the actual leak. which is a felony. if it came from the government. my guess is the illuminati did it. but i will check with david cay johnston. no doubt, msnbc will derive ratings from this madness, which has had its ever since they turned into the syfy channel over there. but it's not all about ratings. those folks want to destroy donald trump. anyway they can. that is the mission. and they are just getting started. and that is the memo. now, for the top story tonight, we are still waiting for president trump. does anybody know who this guy is? who is this guy? oh, lee greenwood. excellent.
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sorry, leak but we can't take you. we have to go to charles krauthammer, who knows a fuel lee greenwood songs in washington. i think they laid out the absurdity of what happened last night with the tax returns. do you see anything important in the story, charles? >> no, there is nothing important in the story. if anything, it sort of was to trump's benefit. his one tax return, it showed he paid a hefty amount of money for a the percentage he paid is higher than obama paid or collected and paid or the great socialist patriots bernie sanders paid to. it makes them look good. when people raise the issue of tax returns, there will always be able to say, look at the 2005 return. so, if anything, it helped them. there is nothing in there. the fact, i think the points you made about how absurd the whole overhyping laws and the presentation, is something that i read in a lot of the press today, the mainstream media.
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she was, maddow, was ridiculed for having botched this. she buried the lead, she made uh 20 minutes, there was nothing in there. this was the contents of the al capone safe. >> bill: geraldo at least didn't know what was in the safe. safe. i am sticking up for my pal, geraldo. he had no idea, the body could have been in there. but she knew. let's get onto the bigger picture. >> i left out geraldo's name. >> bill: >> bill: but geraldo ns airtime. now, we will hold you over, although we don't know how long president trump it's going to speak at his rally. we will go there. we will listen to him. then, hopefully there will be more time to talk with charles and we have other good stories tonight on "the factor." let's go to nashville, tennessee. take it away. ♪
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unbelievable. so, i'm thrilled to be here in nashville, tennessee,... [cheers and applause] the home of country music! southern hospitality, and to the president andrew jackson. [cheers and applause] i just came from a tour of andrew jackson's home to mark the 250th anniversary of his birth. jackson's life was devoted to one very crucial principle. he understood that real leadership means putting america first. [cheers and applause] before becoming president, andrew jackson served your state in the house of representatives and in the united states senate, and he also served as commander
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of the tennessee militia. tough cookie, tough cookie. so, let's begin tonight by thanking all of the incredible men and women of the united states military and all of our wonderful veterans, the veterans! [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] amazing. there is no place i'd rather be down with all of you here tonight, with a wonderful, hard-working citizens of our country. i would much rather spend time with you than any of the
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pundits, consultants, or special interests, certainly, or reporters from washington, d.c. it is patriotic americans like you who make this country round and round well. you pay your taxes, follow our laws, support your communities, raise your children, love your country, and send your bravest to fight in our wars. all you want is a government that shows you the same loyalty in return. it's time that washington heard your voice and believe me, on november 8th, they heard your voice.
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[cheers and applause] the forgotten men and women of our country will never be forgotten again, believe me. i want to thank so many of your state leaders. a state party chairman scott golden. congressman scott to dla. congresswoman marsha blackburn. congresswoman diane black. congressman jimmy duncan, right from the beginning. governor bill haslam. a great friend of mine,
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senator bob corker. an incredible guy, respected by all, senator lamar alexander. and so many more. thank you all for being here. we are going to be working closely together, thank you. to deliver for you, the citizens of tennessee, like you have never been delivered for before. thank you. thank you. thank you. we are going to reduce your taxes. big. big. big. i want to start that process so quickly, got to get the health care done, we got to start the tax reductions. we are going to enforce our trade rules and bring back our
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jobs, which are scattered all over the world, they are coming back to our country. we are going to support the amazing, absolutely amazing, men and women of law enforcement. protect your freedoms and a defend of amendment. and we are going to restore respect for our country and for its great and very beautiful flag. it has been a little over 50 days since my inauguration and we have been putting our america first agenda very much into action. you see what is happening. we are keeping our promises, in fact, they have signs, he's kept his promise, they are all over
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the place. i have. we have done far more, i think may be more than anybody has done and this office in 50 days. that i can say. and we have just gotten started. wait until you see what is coming, folks. we have appointed a supreme court justice to replace the late, great antonin scalia. his name is judge neil gorsuch. he will uphold and defend the constitution of the united states. we are proposing a budget that will shrink the bloated federal bureaucracy and i mean bloated. while protecting our national security. you see what we are doing with our military, bigger, better, stronger than ever before. you see what is happening.
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i do you're already the results. our budget calls for one of the single largest increases in defense spending history in this country. we believe, especially the people in tennessee, i know you people so well, in peace through strength, that is what we are going to have. and we are taking steps to make sure that our allies pay their fair share. they have to pay. we have begun a dramatic effort to eliminate job killing federal regulations, like nobody has ever seen before, slash, slash, we are going to protect the environment, we are going to protect peoples and safeties, but let me tell you, the
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regulation and business has a terrible business, and we are gg to bring it down to where it should be. okay, let's go. one person. and they'll be the story tomorrow. did you hear there was a protes protest? we are going to put our minors back to work. we are going to put our auto industry back to work.
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already because of this new business climate, we are creating jobs that are starting to pour back into our country like we haven't seen in many, many decades. in the first two job reports since i took the oath of office, we have already added nearly half a million new jobs. and believe me, it is just beginning. i have already authorized the construction of the long stalled and delayed keystone and dakota access pipeline. a lot of jobs. i have also directed that new pipelines must be constructed with american steel.
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they want to build them here, they use our steel. we believe and two simple rules, by american and higher american. on trade, i have kept my promise to the american people, and withdrawn from the trans-pacific partnership disaster. tennessee has lost one-third of its manufacturing jobs since the institution of nafta, one of the worst trade deals ever in history. our nation has lost over 60,000 factories since china joined the
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wto. 60,000. think of that we had more that. we are not going to let it happen anymore. from now on, we are going to defend the american worker and our great american companies. and if america does what it says, and if you are president does what i have been telling you, there is nobody anywhere in the world that can even come close to us, folks. not even close. if a company wants to leave america, fire their workers, and then, ship their new products back into our country, there will be consequences. that is what we have borders
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for. and by the way, aren't our borders getting extremely stron strong? very strong. don't even think about it. we will build the wall. i don't think about it. in fact, as you have probably read, we went out to bid, we had hundreds of bidders, everybody wants to build our wall. usually, that means we are going to get a good price. we are going to get a good price, believe me. we are going to build a wall.
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some of the fake news said, i don't think donald trump wants to build a wall. can you imagine if i said, we are not going to build a wall? fake news. fake, fake news. fake news, folks. a lot of fake. now, the wall is way ahead of schedule in terms of where we are. it is under design and you are going to see some very good things happening but the border by itself right now is doing very well. it is becoming very strong. general kelly has done a great job. general kelly. my administration is also following through on our promise to secure, protect, and defend that border within our
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united states, our southern border will be protected always. at 12 have the wall. drugs will stop pouring ends and poisoning our youth. and that will happen very, very soon, you are already seeing what is going on. the drugs are pouring into our country, folks. they are poisoning our youth and plenty of others. and we are going to stop it. we are not going to be playing games. not going to be playing games. following my executive action, and don't forget, we have only been here for like, watts, 50 days? we have already experienced an unprecedented 40% reduction in illegal immigration on our southern border, 61%, 61% since inauguration day. 61%.
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think of that. and now, people are saying, we are not going to go there anymore because we can't get in. so, it is going to get better and better. we got to stop those drugs, though. we got to stop those drugs. during the campaign, as i traveled all across this countr country, i met with many american families whose loved ones were viciously and violently killed by illegal immigrants because our government refused to enforce our already existing laws. these american victims were ignored by the media. they were ignored by washington. but they were not ignored by me and they are not ignored by you and they never will be ignored, it certainly any longer. not going to happen.
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as we speak, we are finding the drug dealers, the robbers, thieves, gang members, killers, and criminals preying on our citizens. one by one, you are reading about it, right? they are being thrown out of our country. they are being thrown into prisons. and we will not let them back i in. we are also working, night and day, to keep our nation safe from terrorism. we have seen the devastation from 9/11 to boston to san bernardino. hundreds upon hundreds of people from outside our country have been convicted of terrorism related offenses in the
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united states courts. right now, we have investigations going on all over, hundreds of refugees are under federal investigation for terrorism and related reasons. we have entire regions of the world destabilized by terrorism and isis. for this reason, i issued an executive order to temporarily suspend immigration from places where it cannot safely occur. but let me give you the bad news. we don't like bad news, right? i don't want to hear it. and i will turn it into good.
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but let me give you the bad, the sad news. moments ago, i learned that a district judge in hawaii... part of the much overturned ninth circuit court... and i have to be nice, otherwise i'll get criticized. for speaking poorly about our courts. i'll be criticized by these people, among the most dishonest people in the world, i will be criticized. i'll be criticized by them for speaking harshly about our
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courts. i would never want to do that. a judge has just blocked our executive order on travel and refugees coming into our country from certain countries. the order he blocked was a watered-down version of the first order that was also blocked by another judge and should have never been blocked to start with. this new order was tailored to the dictates of the ninth circuit in my opinion, flawed, ruling. this is the opinion of many, and
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so, we have a lot of lawyers here, we also have a lot of smart people here, let me read to you, directly, from the federal statute, 212f, of the immigration and you know what i am talking about, right? and i read this to you? listen to this. now, we are all smart people, we are all go to students, everything, some are bad students, but even if you are bad to students, this is a real easy one, ready? here is the statute, which they don't even want to quote when they overrule it. and it was put here for the security of our country. and this goes beyond me because there will be other presidents and we need this and sometimes, we needed very badly for security, security of our country.
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it says, now, listen how easy this is, whenever the president finds that the entry of any aliens or any class of aliens would be detrimental to the interest of the united states, he may, by proclamation, and for such period as he -- it wasn't politically correct, it should have said he or she, today, they would say that, that's all right, actually, that is the only mistake they made -- as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or a pose the entry of aliens any restrictione appropriate. in other words, if he thinks there is danger out there, he or she, whoever is president come i can say, i am sorry, folks, not now, please, i got enough
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problems. we are talking about the safety of our nation, the safety and security of our people. now, i know you people aren't skeptical people. because nobody would be that way in tennessee. okay. not tennessee. you don't think this was done by a judge for political reasons, do you? no. this ruling makes us look weak, which by the way, we know longer are, believe me. just look at our borders. we are going to fight this terrible rule. we are going to take our case as far as it needs to go, including all the way up to the supreme court.
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we are going to win. we are going to keep our citizens safe and regardless, we are going to keep our citizens safe, believe me. even liberal democratic lawyer alan dershowitz, good lawyer, just said that we would win thie supreme court of the united states. remember this, i wasn't thrilled, but the lawyers all said, oh, let's tailor rich. this they watered down version of the first one. this is a watered down version. and let me tell you something, i think we have to go back to the first one and go all the way, which is what i wanted to do in the first one. the danger is clear, the law is clear, the need for my executive order is clear.
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i was elected to change our broken and dangerous system and thinking and government that has weekend and endangered our country and left our people defenseless. and i will not stop fighting for the safety of you and your families believe me. not today, not ever. we are going to win at. we are going to win it. we are going to apply common sense. we are going to imply intelligence. and we are never quitting. and we are never going to go away, and we are never, ever, giving up. the best way to keep foreign terrorists or, as some people would say, in certain instances, radical islamic terrorists, from attacking our country, is to stop them from entering our
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country in the first place. we'll take it but these are the problems we have. people are screaming, break up the ninth circuit. i will tell you why. that ninth circuit, you have to see, take a look at how many times they have been overturned with their terrible decisions. take a look. and this is what we have to live with. finally, i want to get to taxes. i want to cut the hill out of taxes. but -- but... before i can do that, i would have liked to have put it first, i'll be honest, there is one more very important thing that we have to do. and we are going to repeal and replace horrible, that disastes obamacare.
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if we leave obamacare in place, millions and billions of people will be forced off their plans and your senators just told me that in your state, you are down to practically no insurers. you are going to have nobody. you are going to have nobody. and this is true all over. the insurers are fleeing. the insurers are fleeing. it is a catastrophic situation. and there is nothing to compare anything to because obamacare won't be around for a year or two. it is gone. so, it is not like, oh, gee, they have this obamacare is gon gone. premiums will continue to soar, double digits and even triple digits in many cases. it will drain our budgets and destroy our jobs. remember all of the broken promises, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan? remember the wise guy, remember
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the wise guy that essentially said, the american people, the so-called architect, the american people are stupid? because they approved at? we are going to show him. those in congress who made these promises have no credibility whatsoever on health care. and remember this. remember this. if we took, because there is such divisiveness, and i'm must -- i am just not talking now with obama and with bush, the level of hate noted an divisive nest with the politicians, i remember years ago i would go to washington, i was always very politically active, and republicans and democrats would bicker during the day and they will go to dinner at night. today, there is a level that no one has seen before. just remember this, if we submitted it the democrats plan, drawn everything perfect for
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the democrats, we wouldn't get one vote from the democrats. that's the way it is. that is how much divisiveness and other things there are. so, it is a problem. but we are going to get a five. so, i met with so many victims of obamacare, the people who have been so horribly hurt by this horrible legislation. at the very core of obamacare was a fatal flaw. the government forcing people to buy a government approved product. there are very few people. very few. by the way, watch what happens. now, you just boot obamacare. they will say, trump god booed . they are bad people, folks. they are bad people. tonight, i will go home, i will
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turn it on, and i will turn on the television, and i will say -- my wife will say, donald, it is too bad you got booed. i will say, i did not get booed. no, no, they were booing obamacare. watch, a couple of them will actually do it, almost guaranteed. but when we call them out, it makes it harder for them to do it. so, we'll see. it is the fake, fake media. we want americans to be able to purchase the health insurance plans they want, not the plans forced on them by our governmen government. the house has put forward a plan to repeal and replace obamacare based on the principles i outlined in my joint address. let me tell you, we will arbitrate, we will all get together, we will get something done. remember this, if we didn't do it the way we are doing it, we need 60 votes, so, we would have
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to get the democrats involved. they won't vote, no matter what we do, they are not going to vote. so, we are doing a different way, a complex way, it is fine. the end result, would you have phase one, phase two, phase three, it will be great. it will be great. and then, we get onto tax reductions, which i like. the house legislation does so much for you. it gives the states medicaid flexibility and some of the states will take over their health care. governor rick scott in florida that, just send me the money, they run a great plan. we have states that are doing great. it gives great flexibility. thank you, folks. thank you. thank you. it repeals hundreds of billions of dollars in obamacare taxes.
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it provides tax credits to people to purchase the care that is rightfully theirs. the bill that i will ultimately sign, that will be a bill where everybody is going to get into the room and we are going to get it done, we will get rid of obamacare, and make health care better for you and for your fam family. and once this is done, and a step further, we are coming to try and put it in, phase three, i am going to work on bringing down the cost of medicine by having a fair and competitive bidding process. we welcome this health care debate and its negotiation and we are going to carry it out and have been carrying it out in the full light of day, unlike the
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way obamacare was passed. remember, folks, if we don't do anything, obamacare is gone. it is not like, oh, gee, it will be wonderful in three years. it's gone. it's gone. it's gone. not working. it's gone. what we cannot do is to be intimidated by the dishonest attacks from democratic leaders in congress who broke the system in the first place and who don't believe you should be able to pick your own health care decisions. i am very confident that if we empower the american people, we will accomplish incredible things for our country, not just on health care, but all across our government. we will unlock new frontiers in science and in medicine. we will give our children the right to attend the school of
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their choice, one where they will be taught to love this country and its values. we will create millions and millions of new jobs by lowering taxes on our businesses and very importantly, for our workers. we are going to lower taxes. big. and we will fight for the right of every american child to grow up in a safe neighborhood, attend a great school, and to graduate with access to a high paying job that they love doing. no matter our background, no matter our income, no matter our geography, we all share the same home. we all salute the same flag. and we all are made by the same
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very recently in our last election. a lot of pride. we are all americans and the future truly belongs to us. the future belongs to all of you. this is your moment. this is your time. this is the hour when history is made. all we have to do is put our own citizens first and together, we will make america strong again. we will make america wealthy again. we will make america proud agai again. we will make america safe again. and we will make america great again! thank you. god bless you. thank you. god bless you, everybody. >> bill: all right, donald trump wrapping up, i was going to say campaign rally,
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because it was almost identical to what he did while campaigning for the presidency. he is trying to rally the troops and get a positive perception. let's go back to charles krauthammer and get his view of the speech. stem winder, emotional, trying to rally americans to his caused and a general way. that is my assessment, what is yours? >> that was 98% of it. it was about the future. i'm going to do next, i'm going to dubai. which is what to do and campaigns, you talk about what he is going is has already done. the 2%, there was me to there, that was news. everyone in washington has been waiting sort of on tender hooks to see whether trump is going to cut himself loose from the ryan plan, the paul ryan plan for replacing obamacare. and to some of the stories are, they are conflicting stories, that some of the trump supporters, the people in the
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white house, his loyalists, are trying to cut loose from paul ryan and are trying to make distance. and what i heard here was not that. what i heard here is he -- i think trump has decided he is tied to the mast of this ryan ship and that is the vehicle with which he is either going to succeed or fail on obamacare. and what he was saying is, it is a little bit contradictory, because he basically talked about the ryan plan. he also said we are going to get in a room and negotiate. so, he has got some room to try to appease, particularly the conservatives in the house. but this was not somebody separating themselves. >> bill: i didn't expect him to bail on ryan. he needs ryan. he needs the structure in the house. what he is going to do is come in as the master negotiator and bring all sides together. that is the plan, whether it works or not, nobody knows.
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i was surprised he didn't bring up the tax return thing. because, as you pointed out at the top of the program, it did help him. it took a lot of shots of the media, which i think he will continue doing. they truly despise each other, the anti-trump media and the president. they despise each other. so, that was a reoccurring theme all throughout. but i was surprised he didn't make any mention of the tax thing at all. >> well, i think he didn't really have too. it is not a major issue. >> bill: the week of age and the leak continuing leaks that s administration, that is a major deal. >> apparently, he doesn't think so, because he didn't raise it, or at least he didn't think it was that important that he had to do it today. look, he came out ahead on this. so, when you come out ahead, you let it speak for itself. and you let the other guy look bad, which i think it was pretty obvious. >> bill: let me get this straight, charles, when trump
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comes out ahead, he lets it speak for himself. when he wins, he rams it down everyone's throat. he is going to have another rally on monday night. and you are going to see monday night, him take off on the leaks. i can almost guarantee you. that will happen. so, charles, we appreciate you staying up late. you are usually in bed right after bret baier at 6:00. it is nice to see you up. >> this is around the time that i have my hot chocolate and cocoa. >> bill: we gave it to you and a doughnut. now, we have a brand-new poll, a fox news poll, on president trump. it is interesting, we will have eric bolling and geraldo rivera take a look at it, as "the factor" continues all across the usa and all around the world. ♪
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segment tonight, new polling on president trump, according to fox news, when asked about the president's job performance, 50 -- is the economy getting better? what do you think -- ? as for the republican plan to replace obamacare, 34% now favorite, 54% opposed. not good news for the g.o.p. here now to analyze, geraldo rivera and eric bolding. lots of trump news. what you want to focus on? >> .poll. 54% -- the minute it came out, i was on "outnumbered, the same day, i said it was dead on arrival. >> bill: what is your problem with that? >> i will tell you with the biggest problem is. it wasn't a free market solutio solution. >> bill: it is a pinhead. what is the biggest problem? >> the two highest groups, the highest voter totals for donald trump where 50 to 64-year-olds and over 65-year-olds. >> bill: tell me what the
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problem is, bolling. >> it goes from $1700 a year under obamacare, if you are low income, to $14,000. >> bill: they are going to deal with that. >> that means, the reason why the price is what it is for the whole health care bill is because people are dropping out. that is where 52 million people dropped out. that is ryan care. >> bill: they had need to fix it, no doubt about it. all right, a lot of trump news, as i just said to bolling, what is jumping out at you? >> i sought from al capone's vote, and i appreciate you sticking up for you. the problem isn't so much, the philosophical concept in terms of health care, does the government, do become americans, owe our fellow fellow americans health care? you have the ryan plan, which tries to cut the baby in the middle. the middle-of-the-road is also known as roadkill. it is dead on arrival, why? because the right doesn't want
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to play for the poor people, the left wants more than the ryan plan is willing to give. ryan attempted a compromise, it pleases nobody -- >> bill: we won't get to know until trump comes in is a master negotiator and tries to work it out. what else on trump? >> i think that you didn't show the poll on his tweeting. i think the temperance, the temper of the president, his demeanor and office, is weighing heavily on his popularity. he can't keep being erotic, 3 million undocumented voted -- >> bill: that is what he is doing these speeches. that was a popular speech. once -- >> you can't make those >> bill: we ought to mention that coming up, we have an interview with tucker carlson with president trump, where he says, the next couple of weeks, going to be a lot of wiretap stuff that everyone is going to be grasping at. so, we will listen to carlson. >> i think you need to push away
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the obamacare stuff, the health care stuff. >> bill: i got to go. trump took all the airtime tonight. everything. "the factor" tip of the day, avoiding physical pain. i'm going to tell you how to avoid physical pain. "the tip" moments away. ♪ they rebounded because a decision was made to protect them. making the right decisions today for your long-term financial future can protect you and your family, and preserve your legacy. ask a financial advisor how retirement and life insurance solutions from pacific life can help you plan for your future. yet up 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more. add one a day 50+ a complete multi-vitamin with 100% daily value
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they will be triggered when they read it. it is climbing the amazon charts already. first of all, thank you for all your patriotism. i'm glad the book engage do. that factor "tip of the day," i went to the dentist. my guy is actually very good. the fact is, whenever anything goes on with your teeth, there will be pain. sometimes lots of pain. in order to avoid that, you have to be proactive. step number one, it does not matter what toothpaste you use. but you should brush your teeth three times a day and flawless every night. then, use a rinse twice a day. that smart mouth stuff because i
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am basically a smart mouth. if you do those things every day, you can build up a defense system in your mouth and avoid much unpleasantness. factor "tip of the day." that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news factor web site, different from we would like you to spout out about the factor from anywhere in the world. name and town if you wish to opine. tomorrow, we will have bernie goldberg talk about this tax release thing. we will have another segment on our u.s. military on the ground now. in places like syria, iraq, yemen. dangerous. there's a lot of military people in combat. that story has been underreported. we will have a part two of our investigation tomorrow tonight .
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please remember the spin stops here. because we are definitely looking out for you. >> president trump: what the country is doing right now, very well. but it's illegal. it's not supposed to happen, it's not supposed be leaked. how bad obamacare is, it is the worst anybody has seen. obamacare is a disaster. if i had the greatest bill in the history of the world, they would not vote for it because they hate the republicans. probably hate me. wiretapped, it covers a lot of different things. you will see a lot of items coming to the forefront over the next few weeks. >> tucker: welcome to "tucker carlson tonight," we sat down for an interview with donald trump. we boarded air force one with
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