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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  March 25, 2017 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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elizabeth: well, mother nature is cooperating as with we see thousands of people descending on the tidal basin in the national mall to look at the beautiful cherry placesons. that's all the time we have, america's news headquarters continues next hour. kelly: the white house moving forward after the republican plan to repeal and replace obamacare falls short before even making it to the full house for a vote. president trump putting the blame on democrats and vowing to revisit health care reform after the current law dies on its own. welcome, everyone, to a new hour inside "america's news headquarters," i'm kelly wright. julie: and i'm julie banderas. despite an aggressive sales pitch from president trump and house speaker paul ryan, the bill failing to garner support. in fact, the president tweeting today: obamacare will explode, and we will all get together and piece together a great health care plan for the people. do not worry.
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white house correspondent kevin corke is live on the north lawn with us today and, kevin, it seems that there's plenty of blame to go around. who is the white house pointing fingers at? >> reporter: all right, chuck and nancy, let's make it simple, right? i mean, they're going to blame the democrats because, obviously, if the affordable care act continues to dwindle in terms of exchanges at the state level, if costs keep rising, clearly that's going to fall on nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, and the president is banking on those reports happening to is that eventually they believe the democrats will have to come to the table and bargain. this, of course, in the wake of yesterday's failure to repeal and replace obamacare. and while chuck and nancy -- if you'll pardon me -- are dancing on the gop's proverbial health care grave, the president says, hey, listen, you broke it, you bought it. >> they own it, 100% own it. and this is not a republican health care, this is not
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anything but a democrat health care. and they have obamacare for a little while longer until it ceases to exist, which it will at some point in the near future. and just remember this is not our bill, this is their bill. >> the president tends to push blame off on other people. that's a pattern of behavior. they control the house of representatives. the republicans criminal -- control the senate. he's a new republican president. there's really no excuse why he shouldn't have been able to pass his own initiative other than this bill really was a disaster. >> reporter: a disaster politically, especially when you consider gop controlled the house and the senate. however, that's a short-term problem and perhaps not a long-term problem if you consider again if the affordable care act continues to falter, which it has, obviously, in some states, then it can become a political winner, but the white house will have to hope and wait and see if that's what happens. julie: unlike obamacare, which was obviously overwhelmingly a majority did support from
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democrats, here a lot of republicans had problems with this republican bill. >> reporter: that's right. julie: the white house said it needed health care to move on to tax reform. can that still happen? >> reporter: well, the short answer is, yes, it can happen, but i think it's certainly a lot more complicated. the challenges, frankly, the affordable care act was only one part of the repeal and replace we're talking about, one part of, ultimately, tax reform that the white house wanted to sort of roll out a three-pronged approach, but it's a lot more challenging now because they were unable to martial the votes over on capitol hill. yes, they will try to get some things done despite the fact they won't have to draw from, and the white house continues to believe they can do just that, but the work is much, much tougher. now, this means two things in particular. number one, paul ryan and the white house will have to get out there and get some work done on capitol hill. it also means the vice president will have to get out there and talk this up. again, they're going to talk jobs and regulatory reform, small business. in fact, that's where we find the vice president today, mike
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pence, over there in charleston, west virginia, with his sba administrator, linda mcmahon. but it's the treasury secretary, steve mnuchin, who's going to have to get to work on a tax reform policy that levels the playing field for the u.s. with the rest of the world. keep in the mind the president, julie, has long promised to cut the corporate tax rate to 15% down from 35%. for the folks at home, keep in mind the u.s. has one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, and that's what, that's what they'd like to at least bring down to 15% to make us more competitive. julie: all right. kevin corke, thank you very much. kelly. kelly: let's bring in susan crabtree, senior congressional reporter at the washington examiner, to explain what happened yesterday. >> well, i think what happened is really it's not really the art of the no deal, i think what went on here is a failure of the art of the sell. you all said that there was an aggressive pitch here.
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i don't think it was protracted enough. 64 days is not a long time to tackle something as complicated as obamacare. it took president obama, excuse me, president obama more than a year to get his bill passed, and it was a landmark bill, the signature bill that he went through regular order. kelly: right. >> he went through the committees. and i think that's what we're seeing now. republicans have a responsibility to go back to the negotiating table. they got knocked down. they're on the ropes now. they need to get up off the ropes, get back to the arena and not just say it's going to implode on its own. republicans ran on this for four election cycles. this is their number one priority. they have a responsibility to get back in the arena -- kelly: susan, seven years, seven years they said they would repeal and replace obamacare. could the president have changed this or altered the direction of
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this by pushing for a tax reform or tax cut sooner rather than later? >> well, i think it would have been nice to get a big win in his first 100 days racked up. i think that would have been probably a smarter thing. it was really unrealistic to me when he said he was going to repeal and replace obamacare on his first day in office. and when mitch mcconnell said that was one of the first things they were going to tackle, i was very skeptical. certainly, i think the house freedom caucus and the tuesday group moderates, they were not brought into the process early enough. and also there's this issue of regular order. when you have things like the national defense authorization bill on the floor, members are allowed to add amendments, and if they fail on the floor, they fail. and then they have to face that reality on their own. but that was never pursued here. this was a leadership bill crafted behind closed doors, and it was pushed onto the house freedom caucus and the tuesday
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group, and you can see what happened. kelly: exactly. so what does it say about the status or the state of affairs within the republican party itself, and is the president right to blame democrats alone? does he not bear some of the responsibility for this as well as the republicans who couldn't see eye the eye on getting this -- eye to eye on getting this done, and let's not forget the american people who are wondering what the heck's going to happen with my health care? >> that's right, this is a very serious issue, and it affects so many people. i don't think 64 days was realistic to get this done. certainly, president trump could have been crisscrossing the country, could have said we're going to do this in a very serious way, tell the american public, get them onboard with exactly what we're going to do, how it's going to affect them, and then he takes it through the committee process so the house freedom caucus and the moderates can figure out how they feel about it, they can grandstand if they want. a lot of this also is purist conservatives saying, you know,
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we, we want to be able to maintain -- we're not, we're not beholden to donald trump. we're beholden to our constituents -- kelly: so the president has to be able to reach out across the aisle now, because he wants to move forward with tax reform, something that he wants to do, something that he campaigned on. enabling the businesses of america to have a better tax reform status quo, cutting it down from 35% to 15%. in order to do that, he has to reach out to democrats as well as get the republicans in unison with him, so take me through the next steps as we're awaiting vice president mike pence to talk about business and what they may do in the future in terms of next week and bey dealing with tax reform in charleston, west virginia. we're going to go to that shortly, but take me through the next steps for the republican party and this president reaching out to both sides of the aisle. >> i think the republicans can
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do now is say, no really we're most concerned about jobs, jobs, jobs. that was the message we heard in difficult areas of the country, hard scrabble areas of the country that lost jobs overseas. we really need to bring down the tax rate and lower regulations if it's going to help -- this is going to help bring back jobs to this country. kelly: susan, i'm going to cut you off, hopefully we'll get back to you, but right now vice president mike pence is going to the podium. he's going to be speaking just a few minutes from now, and we will hear from him. he's speaking at foster supply incorporated, that's a family-owned business in charleston, west virginia. let's listen to the vice president. >> it is great to be back, and if only just to say thanks. thanks to your hard work, your support and your prayers. west virginia voted overwhelmingly to make donald trump the 45th president of the united states, and we will never forget it. [applause]
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and let me thank our host today, ronald reagan foster and nancy reagan foster. i just said a little bit ago they're my second favorite ron and nancys i've ever met. [laughter] [applause] i want to thank them. i want to thank the whole foster supply team and all the great employees who came out today. you've been building this state and building the american dream since 1981. in fact, in fact, ron, i just heard that you have a wall division here at fosters. [laughter] maybe we need to talk. [cheers and applause] but what you do and what you've done here since 1981 is what makes this country great, and the president and i are truly grateful for you and for all the good people, part of the foster supply team and all the neighbors and friends who have gathered here today to stand
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with us. give yourselves a round of applause for coming out on a saturday afternoon. [applause] we couldn't be more grateful. and congressman evan jenkins, thank you for being with us. we're so grateful for your support. and to congressman alex mooney, thank you for your service to this country. it is great to be in your district. [applause] it truly is. you know, you know, it's so humbling for me to stand before you today in this role. i'm just a small town guy from southern indiana. my grandfather immigrated to this cup, and to think that i had -- to this cup, and to think that i had the privilege to raise my right hand on january 20th and accept the oath of office to serve as the 48th vice president of the united states is the greatest privilege of my life. and let me just say on behalf of my whole family, thank you, west virginia, for giving us the opportunity to serve. [applause] i'll tell you, it is the greatest privilege of my life to be vice president to president
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donald trump. president trump is my friend. he loves his family, he loves this country with boundless energy, optimism, courage and determination. and let me be clear on one thing, president donald trump is going to be the best friend american small business will ever have. [applause] you know, that's why he picked linda mcmahon to lead the small business administration. isn't she amazing? [applause] linda mcmahon knows an awful lot about small business. linda and her husband started their company as a small business back in the 1970s as titan sports. then they built it into an international entertainment enterprise, the wwe. [cheers and applause] any fans in the house? [applause] i'm one.
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[laughter] now she's bringing that great business experience to building a business to help small businesses across america grow and thrive. you know, linda, we're grateful for your leadership, but maybe we could have used a few of your wwe superstars on capitol hill yesterday. [laughter] [applause] give her another round of applause for leading the small business administration. [applause] with such great great, great qualities. with linda mcmahon at the sba, we're listening to small business owners, and that hasn't been happening for a while in washington d.c. been listening to people just like many who are here with us today. would you join me in thanking all the great small business owners who are gathered here today, people that make west virginia such a great place to live, to work and to raise a family? [applause] thank you all. we just had a great conversation.
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we talked with these job creators here in west virginia about the president's pro-business agenda of less regulations, lower taxes, fair trade, better infrastructure and a renewed focus on american energy. and i heard again from these west virginia small business owners about the need to repeal and replace obamacare. [applause] they told me how obamacare stands in the way and stifles growth. it's a burden not just to job creators, it's also a burden to the american people. folks, i frankly, i wasn't surprised to hear it, because every promise of obamacare has been broken. you all remember what they were. seven years ago after obamacare was signed into law, they told us if you like your doctor, you can keep them. not true. they said if you like your health plan, you could keep it. not true. we were all told that the cost of health insurance would go down. well, that one wasn't true either. and west virginia knows this
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better than most. it's heartbreaking to say it last year alone obamacare premiums here in west virginia spiked by a stunning 32%. over 40% of the state doesn't have any choice of an insurance provider on the obamacare exchange. west virginians and president trump, we all know the truth about this failed law, that every day obamacare survives is another day that america suffers. that's why the president worked tirelessly over the last several weeks to get congress to repeal and replace obamacare. you saw his resolve to work with whoever he needed to work with, to call whoever he needed to call to get our plan across the finish line this week on capitol hill. i gotta tell you, i was inspired by president trump's determination and commitment to keep his promise to the american people. [applause] and the president and i are grateful for speaker paul ryan and all the house republicans
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who stood with us in this effort to begin the end of obamacare. but as we all learned yesterday, congress just wasn't ready. you saw it. with 100% of house democrats, every single one, and a handful of republicans actually standing in the way of president trump's plan to repeal and replace obamacare. we're back to the drawing board. you know, nancy pelosi, the leader of the democrats in congress, actually said yesterday was a victory for the american people. but west virginia knows better. yesterday wasn't a victory for the american people. it was a victory for the status quo in washington d.c. and it was a victory for the disaster of obamacare. but i promise you that victory won't last very long. [applause] the american people want obamacare gone, and as the president said today, don't
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worry, america. he just tweeted this morning. obamacare's going to continue to explode, and when republicans and democrats finally decide to come together and repeal and replace obamacare, we'll be ready to get the job done. [applause] as the president promised just this morning, we'll all get together and piece together a great health care plan for the people. we will end the obamacare nightmare and give the american people the world class health care that they deserve. [applause] until then, i can promise you president trump is never going to stop fighting to keep his promises to the american people. and we will make america great again. [applause] and we're moving forward. next up we're going to get back
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to the president's three-part agenda; jobs, jobs and jobs for every american and west virginian across this cup. cup -- across this country. [applause] and the great news is we've actually been on that agenda from the very day president trump was elected. it's been amazing to see jobs coming back to this country even since the day after the election. last month the economy add 235,000 jobs, construction and manufacturing are booming again, companies are canceling plans to move jobs and factories overseas, and they're building them right here in america once again. [applause] it's true. you know, businesses and consumers haven't been this confident in years, and by some measures for more than a decade. folks, the era of slow growth is over, and a new era of american growth and jobs has already begun. [applause]
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and it's all because the american people know president donald trump is a man of his word, and he's a man of action. in fact, on day one, president trump went straight to work rolling back reams of red tape that have been killing jobs across this country. he instructed every bureaucracy in washington, d.c. to find two regulations to get rid of before issuing any new regulations out of our nation's capital. [applause] he's already taken decisive action to protect american jobs and american workers, and we will not stop until we end illegal immigration once and for all. [applause] just this week the president authorized the keystone pipeline, creating tens of thousands of jobs and protecting our energy future. [cheers and applause]
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and, folks, we're just getting started. next up, as the president said yesterday, we're going to roll our sleeves up, and we're going to cut taxes across the board for working families, small businesses and family farms. [applause] working with this congress, president trump is going to pass the largest tax cut since the days of ronald reagan, and we're going to get this american economy moving again. [applause] we're going to reform the tax code and make it flatter and simpler and fairer. you know, i guarantee you there isn't anyone here, including the fosters, who can make sense of the tax code. you know, there's an old joke, there's an old joke about how the tax code in this country is ten times the size of the bible with none of the good news. [laughter] [applause] am i right? the truth is our taxes make it far too difficult for job
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creators anded hard working -- and hard working people across this country to achieve the american dream. that's why our tax plan will make american businesses and american opportunities more competitive all over this country. we're going to also cut the corporate tax rate in america. we have one of the highest business taxes in america, we're going to cut it to 15% so american companies will invest in american operations that create american jobs. [applause] so we're going to cut taxes for every american, and we're going to cut taxes for free enterprise. but we're also going to get this economy moving with less regulation and more american energy. let me make you a promise. right after we dropped our right hands on january 20th, it was official. the war on coal is over. [cheers and applause]
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and a new era of american energy has begun! [applause] you know, for far too long politicians and bureaucrats in washington, d.c. have crippled our nation's economy and crippled west virginia's economy without regard to the impact that it has on people's utility bills, the impact that it has on jobs of hard working americans. right here in west virginia they've pushed mining companies to the breaking point, they've jeopardize canned thousands of good paying jobs and cut off a brighter future for countless west virginia families. it's heartbreaking to think west virginia's lost more than a third of its mining jobs over the last few years alone, that over 130 mines have been shut down since 2009. folks, that's not right.
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the hard working men and women of this state have been forgotten for too long, and they will be forgotten no more under president donald trump. [applause] from the first day of this administration, president donald trump has been fighting for west virginia and fighting for american energy. we're working with leaders in congress, and we're working with the new director over at the epa, scott pruitt, to slash through red tape to make sure that unelected bureaucrats can't kill your jobs and cripple your economy from the comfort of their taxpayer-funded metal desks in washington d.c. [applause] we're going to bring back jobs. we're going to get washington out of the way of energy producers and coal miner ors, because -- miners, because energy means growth for america, and president trump digs coal. [cheers and applause]
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our country's going to be stronger, and west virginia will be stronger and more prosperous because of the president's leadership. you know, when you get right down to it, president trump's going to create jobs and opportunity and prosperity in this country like never before. but making america great again isn't just about our economy. it also means protecting our nation and defending our way of life. and let me tell you, i'm with him every day. president trump has no higher priority than the safety and security of the american people. and that will always be true. [applause] that's why from the first day of this administration president donald trump has been standing with the men and women in law enforcement all across america, and we always will. [applause]
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we'll work with the congress to make sure those who protect our families and our communities have the resources and training they need to do their jobs and to come home safe to their families. you know, there's a fair number of law enforcement personnel who are with us today. i know most of you are standing, but would all of you just take a minute to show the men and women in law enforcement here in west virginia just how much we all truly appreciate the job that they do protecting our families? [applause] president trump is putting our security first and our safety first. that's why he's strengthening our borders. this president is going to build a wall, enforce our laws, and as he told the congress, we are
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acting right now to take gang members, drug dealers and criminals that threaten our communities and prey on our citizens off the streets of west virginia and off the streets of america. [applause] and as the father of a united states marine, let me say this from my heart -- [applause] i couldn't be more proud and grateful to say that we have a president who will rebuild our military, restore the arsenal of democracy, give our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines and coast guard the resources and training they need to accomplish their mission and come home safe at last. [applause] we're going to do it.
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so it's about jobs, it's about energy, it's about our national defense. and president trump is also keeping one more promise i wanted to mention. and that's the promise that he made to nominate to the supreme court someone who will be faithful to our constitution. by nominating judge neil gorsuch, president trump has kept his word to appoint a justice to the supreme court who will keep faith with the constitution and who will uphold the god given liberties that are enshrined there. [applause] you saw it this week, you saw it this week. my daughter was off work, she got to watch c-span. [laughter] she told me she watched a lot of judge gorsuch's testimony before the senate. three days of powerful testimony before the senate. judge gorsuch made it clear why president trump nominated him to
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the highest court in the land, didn't he? he demonstrated temperament and intellect. it explains why the bipartisan praise is rolling in. the truth is america saw this week what president trump saw when he made that decision. judge neil gorsuch is one of the most respected, qualified and mainstream nominees to the supreme court in american history. [applause] it's true. but remarkably this week, senator chuck schumer and the obstructionists in his party in the senate actually announced that the democrats plan to filibuster judge gorsuch's nomination to be an associate justice. that's something that's never been done successfully in american history. so let me say this to you, west virginia, if we can get the help of senator joe manchin and with
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the help of senator shelley moore capito, judge neil gorsuch will soon become justice neil gorsuch, and america and the rule of law will be better for it. [applause] let me be clear, president trump and i are confident the united states senate will confirm judge neil gorsuch one way or the other. [applause] it is great to be in west virginia. [laughter] [applause] my friends, we've come to a pivotal moment in our nation's history. in this moment i think we need every freedom-loving american, we need all of you to stand up, speak out, to take time as
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you've done today to come and be engaged and be involved. we need you to keep telling your neighbors here in west virginia we can do better, that we're renewing and restoring this country, that we can put america back on a path to a brighter future. and this i know we will do. because i have faith. you know, over the mantle of our home since my first run for office back in the year 2000 has been a framed copy of a verse from the good book. it was in our home in indiana, it was in the governor's residence in indiana when i served there, and now it, now it hangs above the mantle in the home of the vice president of the united states. and it simply reads these words: for i know the plans i have for you, plans to prosper you and
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not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. you know, in november the people of west virginia voted to give america a president, a president with the strength and the courage and the vision to make america great again. you voted to give us a new leader who would make america prosperous again, and i believe with all my heart that with your continued support and faith and with god's help, together we will restore this country. that our best days are ahead and that together we will make america great again. [cheers and applause] thank you, west virginia. god bless you and god bless the united states of america. [applause] kelly: all right. so there you have it, vice president mike pence speaking to the foster supply company in charleston, west virginia.
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the supply company, by the way, builds concrete chemicals and insulation to give you a little bit about them. but the vice president setting forth the agenda of what the next steps are for the president of the united states, stating that they will go ahead and move forward to get a tax reform. we'll come back with more news after this.
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♪ ♪ julie: senate minority leader chuck schumer laying the groundwork for democrats to filibuster the nomination of judge neil gorsuch for the supreme court. schumer saying gorsuch didn't do enough the sway democrats during his hearings. now republicans are suggesting they are considering the nuclear option. joining me now, leonard leo, thank you very much for talking to us. >> thank you. julie: going into this gorsuch couldn't have possibly been a more middle of the road type of guy. it was talked about that he was the perfect pick even for democrats. and now you've got chuck schumer, who i'm not sure if he would have been happy with
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anybody that they had put forward, to be honest. he is among five senators to declare their opposition to gorsuch on thursday. they believe he was too e vase i during 20 -- evasive during 20 hours of questioning this week, but isn't that what a fair judge is supposed to do, not to comment on specific issues that could actually affect his nonpolitical stance on future cases? >> absolutely. it's a judge's job not to make any promises or commitments about where he's going to be in future cases. that's not fair to the litigants, and it violates his oath. and that's been the standard for a long time. if you go back to ruth bader ginsburg when she had her confirmation hearings, same thing. no telegraphing of where you're going to be in future cases. julie: i mean, he's even being accused of being a threat the civil rights. >> well, there's absolutely no evidence to support that. julie: yeah. >> judge gorsuch's record is very, very clear. he's been in the majority in 98% of his cases.
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he has a sterling record of achievement. he stood for the civil rights of workers and women throughout his career. this is just grandstanding because the democrats don't want any republican nominee to be appointed to -- julie: and what do they expect? i mean, what do they expect? you have a republican president. he's not going to nominate a liberal. and this guy isn't even considered a liberal, this guy is considered a middle of the road kind of judge. i mean, if you look back at chief justice john roberts, for example, during his line of questioning, i mean, he did the same exact thing. he dodged questions that could implicate him as a fair judge. you know, aren't democrats maybe a little bitter still over republicans blocking their nomination of merrick garland? i mean, is that what this is? >> i think it's partly that they're bitter over having lost the garland fight. i think they're bitter over having lost the election. julie: get over it.
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i mean, you need to appoint a judge -- >> well, absolutely. julie: and the reasons for not appointing this guy just seem ridiculous. it also brings back memories of failed judge robert bork back in 1987 after he was nominated by ronald reagan and what not to do while being questioned because his chances of becoming a justice, as you may remember, flopped in just 45 minutes after ted kennedy grilled him and prompted him to answer begrudgingly. bork and gorsuch actually possess similar credentials, so i think bork is a great example of why gorsuch did a such a good job and, in fact, should not be considered, you know, in a negative way by democrats. >> absolutely. look, what the democrats want is they want a rubber stamp for their extreme agenda on the supreme court, and they're not going to get it. they lost the election, and as you say, they need to get over it. julie: okay. all right, well, we appreciate you coming on. we have a lot of news going on today, and i'm glad we had time to have a few words with you.
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leonard leo, thank you very much. >> thank you. kelly: in the wake of their stunning defeat on the house floor, what's next for the gop on health care? the president says he's going to let obamacare die on its own, but some republicans say that wouldn't be fair to their constituents. >> it is not the answer for the foreseeable future. people are hurting. they can't afford the premiums, they can't afford the deductibles. we knew that, and our seniors got crushed under obamacare. ♪ ♪
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the coalition says it takes all allegations of civilian casualties very seriously. >> yesterday wasn't a victoryeos a victory for the status quo e in washington, d.c., and it was a victory for the disaster of obamacare. but i promise you that victory won't last very long. pleasure. julie: that was vice president mike pence just moments ago talking about republicans' failed plans to repeal and replace obamacare. president trump blaming democrats for the plan's failure and warning that obamacare will eventually explode. joining me now with more on this, congressman lee zell din from new york -- lee zeldin from new york. thank you for talking to us. is so president trump blames democrats, obviously. democrats were not with this from the very beginning, nor were several republicans which is ultimately why this failed. they blame democrats, though, for the failure of the gop health care plan.
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and then i want to put up on twitter, i'm sure you heard the president tweeted this morning and i will quote: obamacare will explode, and we will all get together and piece together a great health care plan for the people. do not worry. let me ask you, will republicans be left holding the bag if obamacare implodes? >> well, this is actually a law that was created by the democrats with president obama in the white house and democratic majorities in the house and the senate, and the situation that we're in right now is trying to fix the status quo, to address the fact that a third of the counties across our country only have one option left under the exchange. several states with one option left. so now as we go into the next few months and the 2018 decisions start getting released for insurers of maybe in one state an insurer decides they're going to have a 40% increase in their people -- premium. in another state, they're out of the market altogether. we're trying to help that individual who's spending so
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much money on their deductible, it feels like they don't have insurance. julie: right. >> so we are, we're in washington debating hundreds, thousands of different ideas of how to help these people, and the democrats are on is the sideline as we're trying to fix their mess. and we are, in good faith, debating all these options to help people in need. julie: now, republicans have been wanting to repeal and replace obamacare for seven years now, but the president's just been in office over 60 days. naturally, they didn't have a lot of time as far as under this administration. some insiders say that perhaps paul ryan shouldn't have gone after health care right out of the gate, maybe go after tax reform first. is so how then do that -- do they go backing? do they now focus on tax reform and then health care? and what do they need to do to health care to get both sides to come together on it? because, clearly, there were too many issues there even for republicans to move forward. >> well, whether it is this week or it's next year or ten years
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from now, i mean, there's always going to be an important need to talk about the status quo of health care at that moment and how people in need need to have more access, higher quality care than what they have right now. is that conversation even as we move on and we talk about tax reform or strengthening our military, doing a better job taking care of our veterans, confirming neil gorsuch in the senate, going through the appropriations process to have a budget, as you debate all those topics in the weeks and months ahead, you still need to continue to have that dialogue on how to help people in need especially as we see those announcements being made as far as premiums going up and insurers pulling out of markets. now, there's -- it's important you're pursuing both good policy, and you have to have a good policy that can get to 216 votes in the house. that would be great if you can get, you know, every single republican to agree. but ultimately, at the end of day, you need 216 people in order to get there.
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so we should continue that dialogue because whether it is yesterday in washington, d.c. or it's next month in washington, d.c. or next year, we're going to be continuing this debate of how to do better than where we are currently. julie: but the debate has been going on for years. republicans have been complaining about this thing for seven years, like i said. this was an opportunity for republicans to finally come forward and say, look, this is how we're going to make it cheaper for people. instead there were provisions where people 50-65 were going to spend more money, then there was the pre-existing conditions, people were worried they were going to be penalized, they end up paying a premium, also being able to cross state lines, go state to state and be able to find better deals elsewhere so that they're not forced to take obamacare and have that jammed down their rote throat. so now -- their throat. so now what do the american people do? >> so over the course of the last couple of weeks, we heard from many in the american public citing certain allegations that
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were either untruthful or misleading in their effort to try to undercut what was going on with this legislation altogether in order to protect obamacare at all costs. julie: right. >> with regards to being able to sell policies across state lines, that's legislation that is passing the house that is going to require 60 votes in the senate. when you are going through this process and you identify that between people 50 and 64 could potentially end up far worse off, we saw an amendment -- julie: right. >> -- that helps to better address that -- julie: with tax credits, billions of dollars of tax credits. and then, again, you know, that goes into tax reform. maybe they'll tackle that first and then come back to this. that is all the time we have, unfortunately, we've been having some breaking news here during the hour. congressman zeldin, we appreciate you coming on. >> thank you, take care. kelly: president trump's supporters taking to the streets in support of his agenda, but there were also threats of counterprotests. the latest on the scene out
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kelly: president trump's supporters holding rallies across the country today in a show of support for his agenda. this is seaside heights, new jersey, where officials had originally denied a request for a rally as counterprotesters
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vowed to show up as well. will carr is live from our west coast newsroom with more. will? >> reporter: hey there, kelly. there's been big broads at about 40 pro-trump events across the country today. the president's supporters say they wanted to show up to aftera stark contrast to many of the protests we've seen in recent memory. some organizers say they even ran into problems when they were trying to find places to rally. evidently, some were turned down by locations that don't support the president. his supporters, though, have shown up with enthusiasm. they're waving american flags, cheering and chanting usa, build the wall and drain the swamp. >> we are here to support our officers and our military. i'm a proud army mom, and our president and our vice president, and we are just here to support the american people, we the people. >> reporter: supporters do say that they remain optimistic about republicans failed to vote on their health care plan yesterday. take a listen. >> there's going to be resistance from establishment conservatives, but i am
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confident that trump is going to succeed in the end. >> i actually think it might not be the worst thing in the world. i think that without a republican replacement that they're going to completely own obamacare as it stands, and i don't think its success is going to happen. i think it's going to fail, and it's going to fail big. >> reporter: one supporter telling us that if president trump can get 50% of what he promised during the campaign, hen the democrats better watch out. kelly? kelly: will, thank you very much. that does it for us. we'll be back at 4 p.m. eastern for more. julie: and i'll see you tonight on "the fox report," 7 p.m. eastern. we'll see you in one hour, "the journal editorial report" is next.
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♪ ♪ >> moving from an opposition party to a governing party comes with growing pains, and, well, we're feeling those growing pains today. we came really close today, but we came up short. i spoke to the president just a little while ago, and i told him that the best thing i think to do is to pull this bill, and he agreed with that decision. paul: welcome to "the journal editorial report," i'm bulk -- i'm paul gigot. just moments before a vote was to take place. the dramatic reversal followed a


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