tv Fox Report Saturday FOX News March 25, 2017 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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around. this is a cow watching the show. this is like a third one. there was one in queens new york and another in texas a few weeks ago. arthel: we are back tomorrow at noon. hope you can join us. julie banderas is next. dewey present from promising a fresh start for health care reform even as he turns his sights to the budget budget and the tax overall pick good evening i am julie banderas and this is "the fox report". the obamacare repeal and replace plan just didn't have enough support. prompting the house speaker to call off the vote yesterday. it is a huge setback for what could have been the president's first major legislative when great vice president pence blaming congress today at an event in west virginia. >> the president worked tirelessly over the last several weeks to get congress to repeal and replace obamacare. you saw his resolve to work with
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whoever he needed to work with to call whoever he needed to call to get our plan across the finish line this week on capitol hill. i've got to tell you i was inspired by president trump's determination and commitment to keep his promise to the american people. the president and i are grateful for speaker paul ryan and the house republicans who stood with us in this effort to begin the end of obamacare but as we all learned yesterday congress just wasn't ready. you saw it. with 100% of house democrats, every single one and a handful of republicans actually standing in the way of president trump's plan to repeal and replace obamacare. we are back to the drawing board. julie: this morning the president tweeted obamacare will explode and we will get together and piece together a great health care plan for the people. do not worry. while there were signs of trouble for the plan as early as thursday morning in fact one house leader said to be ready
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for a late night. later that evening the white house saying the time for talk was over and called for a vote. the house speaker finally as president trump to pull the plug yesterday afternoon. republicans could not get enough votes. kevin corke is what -- live outside the white house. why is the president talking about obamacare the day after the humiliation on the house? >> i think it's a terrific question and frankly they want to keep it fresh in voters minds you just want to remind everybody look all is not lost and it was a setback but that doesn't mean it's all over. i think they also would be quick to point out that what this is also something that we can continue to work on. we are still fighting for you even if that means continued infighting within the g.o.p. and obviously if this thing doesn't work out long-term it's the democrats fault and that's really the narrative. you heard the vice president
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mike pence a lead to that during his message as he made his way to the mountain state of west virginia talking with small-business leaders. >> we will all get together and piece together a great health care plan for the people. we will and the obamacare nightmare and give the american people a world-class health care that they deserve. >> but the real question remains julie what might it look like and when frankly like they be able to get something done? that's the big question that has yet to be answered here in washington. julie: how confident is the white house that they can get something done on tax reform and what is that timetable looking like? >> yeah i would hazard to guess and say they are probably looking at the august recess. they feel confident they can get something done what i want to warn everybody at home keep in mind if you thought the infighting was difficult for the g.o.p. on repeal and replace
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obamacare just wait until they get to infighting on the tax reform effort that they'd like to get done in washington because there are so many different stakeholders who have their own ideas about what needs to be targeted first, how would it work for families and how about business and small business in particular? is going to need the force of will and personality of the occupants of the presidency. it's going to take a lot of heavy lifting and dealmaking on capitol hill and that might include working with democrats. meantime treasury secretary steve mnuchin says he's going to get to work on tax reform policy. he wants to make sure that the playing field is level between the u.s. and the rest of the world to keep in mind at present would like to cut the corporate tax is down to 15% and 35% and as you know very well julie that means ours is among the very highest in the world. julie: we have talked health care and tax reform. what else is high on the white house agenda moving forward? >> i've got to say the supreme court is the number one focus after you talk about that.
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there are other things you are going to hear about. the president likes to talk about jobs where he wants to get the supreme court bill. keep an eye on the confirmation battle for judge neil gorsuch and democrats threatening to even filibuster the confirmation and that's leaving some to wonder about the so-called nuclear option. hear what president trump said about that back in february. >> we had the same gridlock we have had in washington for longer than eight years a lot longer than eight years but have planned up with that gridlock i would say we can go nuclear. >> for the folks at home who probably don't understand the inside baseball what that would probably do if we are talking about the nuclear option a would reduce the threshold to move forward on a confirmation vote from 60 to just 51. democrats have threatened to do that previously so this is not exactly new ground and do we will see you back succumbs to that as we continue to watch the
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confirmation unfold. julie: kevin corke at the white house. thank you so much kevin and for more on this be sure to tune in the "fox news sunday." chris wallace will have an exclusive interview with white house chief staff reince priebus to talk health care and tax reform. a blockbuster week for fbi director james comey and director mike rogers and now they're heading back to capitol hill for more. the pair testified in russia's alleged meddling in the u.s. election as well as the presence wiretapping claim and now the house intelligence committee has recalled them for a closed session. that panel will hear from paul manafort president trump's former campaign chairman. garrett tenney is following the story from washington. garrett, several other associates of the president apparently have volunteered to testify as well. tell us about that. >> at least three of the presence associate have on certitude -- offered to answer any questions.
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in an addition to paul manafort roger stone and carter page are also expected to testify and we don't know if those hearings will be public or close yet but they are sure to play a big role in at least one part of it committees investigation. looking into ties between the kremlin and the trump campaign and that's because all three men have faced scrutiny for their connections to russia though all three have denied allegations that there was any kind of collusion on behalf of the russian government. julie: we heard this week that there is some new evidence from the investigation. what do we know about that? >> this was a bit of a surprise to everyone including other members of the house intelligence committee. on wednesday chairman devin nunes called a press conference and announced that he had obtained dozens of reports showing the names of trump transition officials were incidentally collected by u.s. intelligence agencies during foreign surveillance operations. it's normal for americans to be swept up in the course of foreign surveillance but by law if it's incidental their names
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are left out of the reports are masked as it's called. what has nunes concerns an anti-trump officials were unmasked in a report which were spread throughout the intelligence community during the final days of the obama administration. >> there are reasons to unmasked names and i can tell you without question at least some of what i've seen, i don't know what that reason would be and maybe someone has a good reason for it but not from what i've been able to read. >> since the investigation democrats have questions if nunes was fit to lead it given that he was a member of the transition team at this week he receive a lot more criticism from his counterpart on the committee adam schiff but also several republicans for not sharing the evidence with the rest of the intelligence community and instead going to the press and then the white house. >> in an effort to further justify the unjustifiable he is now interfering in this
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investigation and i think the fact that the chairman's press conference was that the white house is not only symbolically important it's important in terms of understanding what's really going on here. >> several republicans are joining the calls from schiff and other democrats from congress to appoint an independent commission to take over the russian investigation. that decision needs to come from g.o.p. leadership and for at this point they have given no indication that is something they're looking at. julie: garrett tenney thank you so much. new details about the man blamed for the worst terrorist attack in london. an embassy maintaining 52-year-old khalid masood came to the country three times and taught english there for two years. investigators are working hard to find out if these trips are connected to this week's terror attack. they say khalid masood drove his car into a crowd of tourists on
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westminster bridge before getting out in stabbing a police officer. at least four people died including an american. many more were hurt. katie logan has the latest from london. >> we are learning more about the background of a attack -- attacker khalid masood. after normal of bringing in his middle-class home he committed a series of crimes although none of those were terror-related. we know khalid masood had a string of criminal convictions for violence including i cringe. also use different identifies -- identity stratify. the changes namely convert to islam during the time he spent in prison for assault. police want to find out if he was. british security says they didn't know about his radical tendencies and didn't consider him enough of a threat to investigate. police say khalid masood acted alone when he drove a car
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through a crowd of pedestrians. what they are now trying to determine is if he collaborated with others prior to the attack for who else may have known about the plan. it emerged yesterday that khalid masood exchanged a phone message three minutes before starting his rampage. the question is who was he talking to? police have released most of those they arrested so far in relation to the attack. only one is still being held and none have been charged. meanwhile people from london and beyond have been laying flowers amid the scene of the attack outside of parliament. the streets around the parliament have now reopened. there will be a review of security of the building. in particular the gate in which the attacker was able to breach left open crucial seconds after khalid masood ran in and stabbed a police officer. there is an increased security presence on the streets as
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police continue to investigate last wednesday's attack. julie: katie logan thank you. right now the suspected gunman is now in custody after standoff all that long but brought the busy las vegas strip to a hault. you can see him leaving a bus as it's all wrapped up. officials say it started with a shooting that killed at least one person. another person is still in the hospital we are told in fair condition. the suspect barricaded himself in the bus and police shut down part of the strip and evacuated the casino floor of the cosmopolitan hotel. witnesses say the shooting caused confusion and panic. >> people were yelling and tripping and falling over stuff. it was just madness honestly so we kind of followed suit and started running. >> all we heard was shooter, shooter, shooter. julie: all of this after a separate and unrelated incidents at the bellagio. police are investigating the theft of a jewelry store.
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they say three well-dressed burglars carrying sledgehammers smashed their way into the store according to local reports the suspect is in custody tonight. violence breaking out at approach tom perrelli in southern california today. what happened than trump supporter's went head-to-head with protesters that landed several people behind bars. plus controversial claims from an attorney and a maryland rape case. why he is getting so much criticism for his comments about the 14-year-old alleged victim. >> we are getting a lot of nasty calls and we are getting nasty, e-mails that we have never received before. iber to help support regularity. mmm. these are good. nice work, phillips'! try phillips' fiber good gummies! dearthere's no other way to say this. it's over.
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of maryland is 16. that means anyone 15 years or younger in maryland is not legally able to consent to sexual activity. in other words, that person could face statutory rape charges. police say the 14-year-old was attacked by 18-year-old henry sanchez and 17-year-old josé montana who are illegal immigrants. caroline shively has more from washington. >> two teens who were caught after illegally sneaking into the country last year were still allowed to enroll in a maryland high school or that's where they are accused of raping a 14-year-old during school hours. 18-year-old henry sanchez is from guatemala. sanchez has a pending alien removal case against every 17-year-old josé montana came from el salvador. police did not release his photo because he is a minor but being tried as an adult paper to push a a freshman girl into the boys room at their school in montgomery county in raped are
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in a bathroom stall. lawyers for the two accused teens have been hit with hate mail. >> insatiableism and the outraged and the hysteria that's been taking place over the last week in this case is getting out of control. the reason for that is i believe it's because of the disgusting the trial that's been by donald trump ever since the beginning of this campaign. >> a new home and security reports shows montgomery county is declining immigration retainers. the mayor calls it a sanctuary county. >> there's a villenova to sager which i threatened a veto which would make maryland the sanctuary state and prohibit our local and state law enforcement to interfere with their ability to cooperate with federal law enforcement which i'm absolutely opposed to. >> president trump has issued an executive order to force local governments to comply with
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immigration. julie: the search for person apparently set off an explosive device in a cheesecake factory restaurant could happen in southern california and in the video take a look at this, police say he can see a few distinctive things about the suspect including the way he walks and how he turns his feet inward. there is a 20,000-dollar reward for any information leading to the identity now of the suspect. >> we need the public's help in identifying who this individual is so my investigators and special agents can find out exactly what the motives were. >> we have no reason right now, we have no evidence to believe it was a terrorist attack or the gimp we do not know the motive. >> the attack was last month and no one was hurt. hundreds of fans and fellow hollywood a-list are showing their love for mother daughter acting duo carrie fisher and debbie reynolds plus france's version of our own blue angels. taking flight in the u.s. for
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the first time in more than 30 years. ahead boxes bryan llenas will tell us what it was like to be a part of making history in that moment up in the sky and if he was able to keep down his lunch. i will give you a hands. yeah, no. i've been on my feel all day. i'm bushed! yea me too. excuse me...coming through! ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. they're proven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long. i want what he has. even if you're trying your a daily struggle, along with diet and exercise, once-daily toujeo® may help you control your blood sugar. get into a daily groove. ♪ let's groove tonight. ♪ share the spice of life. ♪ baby, slice it right. from the makers of lantus®, ♪ we're gonna groove tonight. toujeo® provides blood sugar-lowering activity
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julie: get ready to enter the danger zone pick france's version of the navy's blue angels are taking to the skies right here in the united states. their exit called the french acrobatic patrol and their month-long tour of the u.s. is kicking off in new york marking the very first return to the americans guys in more than 30 years. they invited our own bryan
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llenas who has the toughest guts here at the studio. this is quite an honor. i can't wait to hear your french in just a moment. >> they are called patrouille de france the french blue angels the first time they have come to niceties and 31 years. the last time they were here with a 1986. they flew over the statue of liberty and take a look at the footage we have. be the first american in any journalist to fly with them. this is the red white and blue of the statue of liberty in downtown manhattan in new york city. they are really doing this to show the strength and the unity that the united states has with france. this is a legendary aerobatic team. they're the oldest established in 1931 and here they are. just take a look at this next video. you have me getting ready to board this flight. we started this today. that is my jumpsuit.
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the bryan llenas "fox news" logo. they retrofitted me with it. the west point aviation group they are in new york set us up. you see me ready inside the jet there. these jets are alpha jets. they aren't the f-18s like the blue angels fly. these are more silent and they go a little bit slower but they go at 4g, 5g and are able to do twirls and spins. listen to what the french had to say about their trip here in the united states. >> for us to show the american people to say okay we are here to tell you that we love you, just that, just that we love your country and this is the message. >> they have taken -- painted their tales of their planes to look like the american flag. they are just daredevils and we spoke to american air force
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pilot douglas teneo who spoke about the importance of his relationship with france. >> we train so closely together that i can actually go out with one of the french pilots and with one hour we could develop a tactical flight together or an operation without any trouble. that's how closely we worked together and train together and operate together to the nato environment and the bilateral level. >> the oldest aerobatic team in the world and we were there. the first time they invited in for an outlet to be on their flight. the ride of a lifetime. julie: i love to make fun of you and it's one of my favorite hobbies but i could honestly never get in that thing. >> they went up to 4g's. julie: 4g, that's. >> i did get a little sick. there's a little video. that's the bag. it's okay. even the french pilots themselves throw up on their first trip. they did tell me that.
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it's the g force on your body. you are supposed to stay tight so the blood doesn't go to your head. i didn't pass out but it did throw up a little bit. they advise to eat something that is tasty. i know it's disgusting. julie: that is the craziest advice that you fell for. have some strawberries so when that comes up at least your is fruity if that makes sense. >> catch these guys by the way during a trip in 4g at the country. they will be ever a month and a half. just google paf or patrouille de france. julie: i'm glad you have the video technicality. bryan llenas great to see you and very brave of you i have to say. i could never. >> a storied trip.
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julie: violence breaking out at one of several pro-trump rallies held across the country. what happened after trump supporters clashed with protesters in southern california. you are going to find out coming up next plus federal officials taking this for the long promised border wall. what they are looking for as it gets one step closer to becoming reality. >> they want to come here for the american dream. who's going to stop them? then i not me, not you and not trump.
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julie: this is "the fox report" and is the bottom of the hour. you're just joining us president trump morning obamacare will go under and fouling a fresh start for health care reform the republican plan to repeal and replace upon the care fell flat yesterday after g.o.p. lawmakers couldn't get enough support to send a plan to the senate. vice president mike pence blaming congress by the way for the defeat today at an event in west virginia. the measure would have been the very first big legislative victory for the administration. the president now moving ahead focusing on the budget and they plan tax overhaul. those plans tax cuts are going to come from money generated from the g.o.p. health care plans affected during birth the drawing board. multiple arrests at a pro-trump rally in southern california. it got ugly. violence erupting at the event as fights broke out, fists
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flying between trump supporters and anti-trump supporters. it gets. ugly. one person reportedly pepper sprayed and another person punched in the face. you can see it all going down to the rally was part of a series of pro-trump events held nationwide. apparently a protester showed up and it got nasty. the president showing his appreciation with this tweet quote thank you for all the trump rallies today. amazing support. we will all make america great again. will carr's life in our newsroom with the latest tonight. well, where did the fights break out? >> well julie tempers were flaring in huntington beach earlier today where more than 1000 trump supporters were rallying when a number of protester showed up. he had his face covered and appeared to be looking for trouble. there was pushing and it led to punches being thrown.
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at least three people were arrested and charged. we do want to point out that the majority of the rallies across the country though today were peaceful. supporters say they showed up to offer a stark contrast to the protests we have seen since president trump was elected. thousands marching, cheering and chanting to make america great again and even vice president mike pence made a surprise appearance in west virginia. >> i'm here to support our president and concerned about the erosion of our 2nd amendment rights. >> i believe in loving our country and i believe in patriotism which i feel is declining in america. >> thank you for coming out. the presence of americans at trump rallies across the country today. >> supporters say they showed up to honor law enforcement and the military. julie: are trump supporters disappointed upon the care was
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not repealed and replaced? >> well a big topic of conversation today. many that we spoke with say they are still optimistic. there are varying opinions on who is to blame for everything that went down yesterday but everyone we spoke with said they do stand with president trump and still have hopes that health care can be reformed. >> we are behind our president and you know the democrats own it and i am the subject of obamacare. it has that's -- absolutely devastated me and i will probably have to get off next year. >> president trump accomplished 50% of his goals and the democrats need to watch out. julie: will carr in los angeles thank you so much. president trump working to build relationships with key allies during his first few months in office. in an exclusive interview james rosen sat down with the saudi arabian foreign minister to get his take on president trump said
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administration and how it compares with president obama's. >> closing out his second year in saudi arabia's top diplomat is excellent safe or myrlie the ambassador to the united states from 20,722,015 told "fox news" in an interview at the embassy that it's reached one of its high points just in january. would he think of donald trump? >> i think that he has vision and i think he understands the importance of having america's and the role. >> we have communicated in no uncertain terms with every player in the region that is a red line for us. when president obama declined to enforce the red line he has drawn against serious use of chemical weapons america's arab allies respond with disbelief and anger while the ambassador left no doubt that three outside
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the obama presidency bringing the country to new love and damaging credibility across the middle east. >> when there's a vacuum in international system it instills a vacuum and we saw the iranian doubling down in syria and north korea opening up the second nuclear reactor. we believe that may not have happened. >> the foreign ministers of the nuclear deal the obama five other world powers negotiate with tehran but a very negative effect on the region. >> we have seen more intense activities by iran. the iranians have to understand that the nuclear agreement does not shield them from retaliation by the world for the ballistic missile accords are violating human rights are supporting terrorism. the saudi see president trump and his aides taking a harder line than mr. obama and his
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aides did on iraq. >> i think the violations of the missile accord threatens maritime security in the straits of hormuz and i believe they will be very strict in enforcing the nuclear agreement to the letter. >> the royal family has been acting measured reforms to make government more transparent to allow women to participate more freely in society to reduce the country's dependence on oil revenue through to that end the kingdom is preparing but may prove the largest initial public offering in history for iran to the saudi state oil firm. >> or objective is to try to complete sometime in 2018 and have serious discussions with the new york stock exchange about having the new york stock exchange be one of the exchanges for the aramco ipo and decisions will be made on the financial mayor. with respect to gamman were coalition has spent two years
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battling rebel forces that iran we asked the foreign minister what riyadh's endgame is and he told me victory with his for the trump administration which has approved the resumption of weapons sales to the kingdom and the minister said we expect we will be able to wrap this up soon. james rosen of "fox news". julie: let the bidding begin. the shrub administration giving companies until next week to submit proposals for the project and requirements include up to needs to look good from the north side. william la jeunesse has the details from los angeles. >> they don't care if they get wet. they don't care if they are in danger they just want to come to a nice face. tonight that holds true for thousands of immigrants hoping to enter the u.s. which is why the trump administration remains undaunted. the government seeks to design 30 feet wide at least 18 to up
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to 30 feet tall, 6 feet deep. one must be able to withstand a 60 minute assault or cutting tools or jackhammers. it must be a crime of bullfight grappling hook and prevent tunneling while being aesthetically pleasing on the left side. one version constructed of solid reinforced concrete and the other can be any material provided agents can see through to the controversial project faces opposition. this texas woman rejected a 2900-dollar offer from the federal government for an acre at the rio grande. >> who is going to stop them? not me and not you. a thousand miles away in california. >> sticks to building bridges, not walls. san francisco city supervisors want to make any contractor you can bidding on the wall in eligible for future contracts from the cities 10 billion-dollar annual budget. while lawmakers in sacramento say that would force california's massive pension plan to divest from any company
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that helps build the wall. >> you don't overcome evil by cooperative with it and this is why we admit companies like this one. >> companies have to submit their bids by -- they will have 30 days to submit a full proposal. contracts gaudin may and construction should begin in june. the cost of the wall will depend on the length blue which will not be 2000 miles long but open segments. current sectors in need of central california tucson and el paso. in los angeles william la jeunesse "fox news." julie: or rescue group releasing stunning video of a little boy being pulled from the rubble in syria. what they are saying about what is causing so many publications. family members pleading for the
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release of of a pastor f. who they are hoping will get involved in this case. live claritin clear. every day. we cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. and at $4.95, you can trade with a clear advantage. fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. when someone told me i had colon cancer. we had the follow up, cat scan which showed that it had gone to her liver. it was pretty intense and we needed to move pretty quickly. we needed a second opinion. that's when our journey began with cancer treatment centers of america. one of our questions was, how are we going to address my liver. so my doctor said i think we can do both surgeries together. i loved that. to find out more about our treatment options,
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julie: incredible video purportedly showing a young boy rescued from the rubble after a series of airstrikes in syria. a volunteer rescue group releases video you are watching. it's from the northwestern city of a rebel held area. activists claim the airstrikes were by russia. now to iraq and u.s. officials saying iraqi security forces requested a strike against isis that killed up to 200 people in mosul last week. iraq suspended its offenses in the area saying it's concerned about the number of civilian casualties. politicians there are calling for an investigation. the coalition says it takes all
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allegations of civilian casualties very seriously. family members of an american pastor jailed in turkey are hoping to bring new attention to his case as the u.s. secretary of state visits the country preaching the intelligence correspondent catherine herridge has more on the story. >> 19-year-old jacqueline princeton a student in north carolina told fox via skype but she never imagined her father an american citizen and pastor would be held on formal charges by a nato allies. >> we really want to get this case, my father's case to president trump. we want to have a meeting with him. we feel would be helpful to have the president support him and have them arguing for my father's case to get him back home safely to his family. >> the pastor was detained along with his wife in turkey where he has carried out his ministry for two decades. the rest are part of the turkish government after the 2016 failed military coup. first held in solitary pastor
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branson's shares a small cell with seven other men in his long-term prison facility in turkey. republican senator james langford who has worked on the scenes to secure the pastor's release travel to turkey and met with the justice department. >> it's very clear to the last six months of the transition to the obama and trump transitioned this fell through the cracks. during his meeting wayford said turkish authorities alleged pastor brunson helped kurdish refugees in the attended a conference sponsored by an islamic preacher who the turkish government blames for instigating the coup from pennsylvania. the senator says the allegations are without merit and there is a solution. >> we have been very powerful in our message to say there's a way
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to resolve this if they have concern about this american good citizen support them and have them leave the country but not just hold them indefinitely. >> that was catherine herridge according to "fox news" did send a series of questions to the turkish embassy in d.c. that so far there has been no immediate response. the terror attack in london this week having an impact across the country in the continent. italian security forces on high alert this week for two major upcoming events. amy kellogg has more. >> julie when you have the pope giving an outdoor mass in front of hundreds of thousands of people and then you have 40 heads of state coming to rome tens of thousands of protesters vowing to take to the streets for it against the european union you have a pretty massive security challenge for police. they reviewed their measures after the terrorist attack in london this week. the process did happen but apart from minor scuffle the police kept things under control. eu celebrated the inception of the union in rome.
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5000 security forces were patrolling the capital some of them in playing close. sniffer dogs bomb squads and a fairly new cyber brigade charged with checking suspicious social media messages. parts of the city were closed and there were dozens of access points set up with metal detectors and airspace pretty much all day. as they say around here, the city is quote armored. the big mass at the cathedral and another finally addressed 80,000 young people in a stadium. they also visited housing projects. it was his first major time trip since the jubilee of mercy wound down. he was seen at different locations throughout the day with being around in his mobile. italy has been effective when it comes to keeping people safe julie. police said a couple of buses were sent back when they found
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found -- mixed in with the protesters. this was the first big security challenge after the attacks in london please were facing a double threat the ongoing threat of a terrorist attack plus there's real fear that anarchist protesters would cause a lot of damage. julie: amy kellogg thank you. the cherry blossoms are blooming and hundreds of thousands of people are heading to the nations capital to see these beautiful trees and we will take you there, next. incredible bladder protection in a pad this thin, i didn't... ...think it would work, but it does.
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wars" flick. debbie reynolds and carrie fisher died just one day apart last december. they were 84 and 60 years old. it is the most beautiful time of year for nation's capital as the famous cherry blossoms begin to blend. the city prepares for the final final -- coming to see the beautiful trees. more from washington. >> for more than 100 years we have seen hundreds of thousands of tourists ascend upon washington d.c. this time of year when the beautiful cherry blossoms bloom. there are more than 30 countries across the district notches here at the tidal basin but also along the national mall. mike's joins us from the park service. this is the start of a weekend rich with tradition and in fact the glass up until mid-march. >> this is one of washington's grandest traditions. the cherry blossoms emerging signaling the return of spring to the nation' capital.
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it's a 100 fighter tradition. dating back to the original in 1912 and people came to washington. >> it's a little complicated because we did see that mother nature threw a wrench in things. >> we went from anticipating the earliest ever bloom march 14 and we actually lost half of the blossoms on the most abundant for 80. we have never had that happen before. >> that being said i see thousands of people out. do you anticipate tourism to benefit this year? >> absolutely. it's a huge economic engine for the city. the organizers expect to his million -- as many as 1.5 million people come in the economic impact will benefit washington. >> thank you for joining us and we wish you the best of luck and
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obviously people here enjoying the festivities. thank you so much. julie back to you. julie: elizabeth thank you. major cities across the globe turning off the lights. why some of the world's most iconic landmarks will go dark. it's the phillips' lady! anyone ever have occasional constipation,diarrhea, gas or bloating? she does. she does. help defend against those digestive issues. take phillips' colon health probiotic caps daily with three types of good bacteria. 400 likes? wow! try phillips' colon health. various: (shouting) heigh! ho! ( ♪ ) it's off to work we go! woman: on the gulf coast, new exxonmobil projects are expected to create over 45,000 jobs. and each job created by the energy industry supports two others in the community. altogether, the industry supports over 9 million jobs nationwide.
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that is how fox reports. thank you for watching. "watters world" starts right now. you're watching fox. "watters world" is on tonight. the intelligence community collected information about u.s. citizens involved in the transition. president trump was right in the mainstream media was wrong again. will they ever learn. some liberals are prepping for the apocalypse. president trump could end the world as we know it. one of them is here. i get an exclusive to our other reagan rant. "watters world" begins right now.
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