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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  March 26, 2017 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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we'll keep watching and reporting. every weeknight at 7:00 p.m. on the fox news channel. thanks for watching, thanks for joining us. [applause]
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my opening statement in a moment, but first lots of excitement this weekend. yesterday president trump watched judge jeanine at 9:00 p.m. my open said speaker ryan should step down after the health care bill. the chief of staff was asked about this by chris wallace on fox news sunday. >> he wanted to do judge jeanine a favor. did he want him to step down? he believes what he said in the overall office on friday.
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>> i told you that last night. the president and i did not talk about it. now to tonight open. the foul out to the gop healthcare failure is that trump now knows he cannot rely on the political establishment. now is the time for the 45th president to redefine and realign coalitions in washingt washington. no longer need the present rely on speaker ryan, the establishment, and the coalition that have hung together to dictate policy and legislation that rarely and if it's the american people, but instead benefits them. the truth, washington as you already know, is entrenched in establishment. k street lobbyists control congress with money and
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influence, who for too long have dictated the agenda of our legislature. and yet, for some reason we believed, that a president who had the house and the senate could do almost anything. on friday night, we learned elected republicans weren't ready to take care of the people's business. mr. president, american selected you because they believed you could shake things up. you gave ryan and the establishment a chance. it's now time to create your own rules, your own coalition. forget about party lines. forget about freedom caucuses, interest groups. instead, rely on your instincts and your gut which have always served you well. the ones that took you from the board room to that golden escalator that brought you to the white house. the people who elected you elected you because you spoke from the heart. you spoke to them and you spoke
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like them. they like you are unconditional style. they liked that you were like the politician. all they want is jobs, food on their tables, and the ability to live safe and decent lives. they are not interested in the games that people in washington play and they could care less about labels. tomorrow is a new day and there is much to be optimistic about. neil gorsuch, one of the most talented, respected, temperamentally suited justices nominated for the united states supreme court, the keystone pipeline and the permit and is ready to roll. there are troops on the ground like never before in syria and iraq. isis, like you must, is about to be squashed like the cockroaches they are. your executive orders are exactly what you promised. jobs are being brought back to
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america and the wall is starting to be a reality. tax cuts and infrastructure are up next. you already know you can't rely on members of your own party because within that party are factions and caucuses and groups who would rather fight with each other than win for us. i know you still believe in your speaker, but i'm thinking he either doesn't know how to count or he doesn't have a clue. >> we learned a lot about loyalty. we learned a lot about the vote getting process. we learned a lot about some rules in both the senate and the house so it's been a very interesting experience. >> now every group, every collective, every caucus is emboldened by their strength of five or ten or 15, and the more they are emboldened, the more the party is weekend.
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it's time for the man who campaigned under this banner to work his plan. it is time for that man to work out on the body of congress and decide who and that congress, irrespective of the side of a sit on is ready to work for the american people. not who wants to be part of a clique or a hater or left or right. we've got to get back to who is worried about us. reach out to them. we don't care if they are in a caucus or click, on the left or the right, the middle or hanging upside down like a bat from the ceiling. if you can make a deal with them to make america great, do it. party is no longer relevant. the american people will have your back.
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mr. president, we learned a lot friday night, but what we already knew was you are the master of "the art of the deal". it's now time to make that deal. this is your time in history. your time to create a new paradigm outside all the boundaries of politics as we now know it. you, as the outsider we elected, are just the man to do it. and that's my open. tell me what you think on my facebook page or twitter. # judge jeanine. joining me now, governor of the state of arkansas and onetime candidate for president, mike huckabee.
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>> should he rely on ryan or the party or what should he do. >> this is a great opportunity for trump to reassess that he was elected to be totally different than the people in washington. everybody in washington is horizontal. they are left, right, liberal, conservative, democrat, republican they are looking at things from a horizontal position. donald trump was elected on what i call vertical politics. he's not left or right, liberal or conservative, emigrant or republican, he is an up or down guy. he wants to make it better. people voted for him because they believe he would not be one that was captured by the donor class like all the horizontal politicians and that he would lead vertically. now he has a clear understanding that washington is hopelessly gridlocked horizontally. he can break it out and make something happen. >> to you, horizontal is the right and the left.
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that's what you're saying. >> yes. look at how this whole health care debate came down. it ultimately was the moderates and the republican side, the real conservatives and the so-called mainstream guys, they had nothing to get involved with. this doesn't need to be about how. people are ideologically, this means to be doesn't work for the america people. that is vertical politics. forget all the horizontal stuff because the average american doesn't care. they want to know what my premiums go up. will my coverage be solid? if i get sick and diagnosed with cancer, am i going to be covered? that's what donald trump promised and he has an opportunity to deliver that. before were you surprised that ryan could not deliver? >> not really. look, i like paul ryan. i like a lot of the people on
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all of the different factions if you will of the republican party. there are some people who worked hard. i want to give them credit for that. they didn't get it during the election. they were astonished when he one. jeanine: how could he not know he didn't have the numbers and why was he hiding the bill and the basement? what was that lunacy about. >> i think they believed a lot of people would come around at the last minute. i do believe they underestimated the convictions of some of the people who didn't want to go home and face their voters, voting for something that would've raised their premiums even more than obamacare possibly within certain age groups, and something they didn't understand any better than the democrats understood obamacare when nancy pelosi said we will know what's in the bill
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once we pass the bill. people don't want that anymore. i don't know who decided that they had to do this quickly, but i believe that was a fundamental mistake. it is better to do it right than it is to do it fast. it's really hard to do it over. >> that's a very interesting point. jeanine: i got the sense that the president thought, if when i went to win this thing, let's just cut our losses and move on and all reports are that the president wanted to start with the tax cuts, and as i said last night, i think the freedom caucus is feeling emboldened and will take their heels in and maybe the tax cuts are going to be even more difficult to go forward on. do you think the freedom caucus now is in the crosshairs of donald trump because it seems
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that he is very directly stated that the freedom caucus is to blame. not that that is any surprise to anyone, but it seems that he is clearly focused on them now. tadpole has said he's not part of the freedom caucus anymore just this evening. >> i don't think donald trump is the kind of guy that will look at it because it's too small. he's ultimately got to bring something big to the american people. he may remember who was with him, who wasn't, who doublecrossed him, i don't think there's any doubt about that, but he has to look at things bigger and this is the guy who has done billion-dollar deals route the years and he didn't do it because once something went wrong he said okay all never do business with those people aga again. he will be a little more shrewd, he will probably be more cautious. my guess is the next time he goes to the ring he wins the fight. never underestimate donald trump. i think all of us who iran against him perhaps made that
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fatal mistake. it's a fatal mistake to make. donald trump will ultimately come out just fine because he is an incredibly smart man and he sees the big picture and the full playing field which a lot of politicians don't. they see only a piece of the field that they are playing on. he is like a general instead of more like a corporal. he sees the full field of play. that's why he's good at what he does. >> it will be an interesting four years. jeanine: mike huckabee, always good to have you on. >> thank you. jeanine: my next guest knows a thing or two about battles on capitol hill. colonel allen west, thanks for being here tonight. all right colonel, how are you? >> i'm doing well. good to be with you. jeanine: what is your take on what happened in washington on friday night? >> i think one of the things from the presidential
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perspective, donald trump has to get a better understanding of policy so he does not have people that lead him down the primrose path and i think also, from the speakers perspective, and from the house gop perspective, they should have had this thing a lot wider. they had several years to come up with the plan to execute it. when you hear about the repeal part, they should of had this on the president's desk. you can set the date you want for the repeal. the most important thing is to communicate a message of how you're going to solve a problem with the healthcare system in the united states of america. as i've been out talking to people there are very few people who can understand what the house gop plan was. >> what you mean when you say president trump doesn't understand policy? what does that mean? >> i think you have to get down to the nuts and bolts. you have to be able to read these laws and he admitted it was a little bit of a learning curve. i met a woman by the name of judy schneider with the
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congressional research service. she said everything on capitol hill is about policy, politics and procedures. i think they should've taken the side and say let's understand this about budget and better understand how this legislation should be crafted. you also need to understand there are key components to healthcare that need to be improved. you gotta do something for the working poor. you gotta do something for the people with pre-existing conditions. we need to talk about affordability. we need to look at how we can expand and i think that's what the president has to understand. and paul ryan or someone comes from the capital, he can challenge them and push back. >> look. with all due respect, you got mike pence who knows the ins and
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outs of government. you've got paul ryan, who knows better than these guys. are you saying, do you think that going with healthcare first was a mistake? >> let me tell you, when i was a commander of a battalion of 600, i had a sergeant major but guess who made the final decision? it was me as the commander. president trump is the president. he has to make those decisions. it's not up to the vice president or the speaker. he has to convey his guidance and what he sees as the objectives that he wants to get across. that's what i'm trying to talk about. jeanine: let's talk about his relationship with congressional republicans. where do they go from here? >> i think he has to go and sit down with the republicans and once again talk about his vision. he laid it out very wellin that address to the joint session of congress, but for whatever reason he decided later that week to completely change the narrative. he needs to say this is what i see with tax reform. this is what i want to do and
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this is what i want to reitera reiterate. what does he feel about capital gains? what does he feel about the death tax. how will he convey a simple message that every republican member can understand. not a one 100% solution but a 75% to 80% solution. most importantly the american people have to understand. jeanine: how do we move forward with the left and the right? what's interesting is tim ryan, a democrat from ohio says i'm ready to work with president trump. we've got ted poe who is dropping out of the freedom caucus. sounds like people are realigning and i'm saying forget about party just get in there and do what you do best which is make the deal because that's why we elected you.
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we've got to give the guy some room. the guy who's out the top makes the decision but this guy has never been the mayor of podunk. >> you are absolutely right. this is a steep learning curve and he is operating in an environment where the media and elites are not going to help him. the thing he has to do is express to us and the people on the capital what is his governing philosophy. how does he see the relationship between government and the people. we know what the socialist left police. they believe you mandate everything. they're just going to use coercion and intimidation and any means to get their ideas through. what is his relationship? that's what he has to establish. jeanine: always good to see you. thank you for being with us. >> my pleasure. jeanine: president trumps wiretapping claims? were talking about it with
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former cia official and next, it was the interview that even i couldn't believe. >> many of these children were coming in stopped formal education in third grade, but they are going well into adulthood. we can't put them in the third grade classroom. jeanine: how do you know who's inch school with your children? next and bringing back a local mayor and a sheriff who raised some big alarms with me aboutfoh illegals in american schools. justice rolls on with an interview you don't want to miss. that's next. l, starting at $5,499. l, visit your local dealer for details. can-am. the ride says it all.
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a local massachusetts lawyer talking about placing many immigrants, often young adults in our schools. this was a shocking case of a 14-year-old girl allegedly raped by two illegals in school. we are joined by the sheriff of
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bristol county massachusetts. i'm going to start with you sheriff, the mayor was with us last night. she was talking about issues in lynn massachusetts that most of my viewers, and i myself was not aware of. that is, with the influx of illegals and immigrants, there is a requirement they be educated in schools and many of them come in with no background, no paperwork, nothing that they then are being tested in the school and irrespective of their age are being placed in a school where there are young adults with middle schoolers. are you seeing that in bristol. >> yes we are. what the problem is is you have people coming in with say a 15 or 17-year-old with a third-grade level of education. there being put in a higher grade. we wouldn't do that with our own children.
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it's one thing to be able to skip grades but then it's another thing to take someone who doesn't have the knowledge and put them up to a higher level and they will be destined to fail. in the instance where the teachers are making the efforts to try to educate the person in the classroom because they are so far behind, it ruins the quality of education and takes away from the kids in the class who are american citizens and legal residents and it set up this person to be in a situation where they further are going to fail because the inequity be able to keep up. it costs us more money for special ed teachers and their spending more money on english teachers in the schools and were cuttingr our own children and ruining the clu quy of education by doing that. >> all right. what they're talking about is something you made reference to last night and that is the american people ar students are
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being slow down because the teachers are being required, since the illegals don't speak that well, understandable, and as you said last night, some of them don't even speak their own language that while, they are causing the teachers to have to explain what they are doing, holding back the american kids, not teaching the illegals that well, and they are all in the same classroom. i don't even want to get into the issue of these adults in the bathrooms with our kids, simply because they are mentally in the same grade. >> i get it. it's good to talk to again. hello sheriff. i just want make clear, ninth grade is high school for our kids so these people are being placed in a high school setting, not a middle school setting. you have to understand that it's a very diverse community. we have almost five dozen languages spoken in our school. we do have challenges, regardless of the immigration status of people coming in number but the difficulty again becomes a question of space and
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quality of education that we can provide to newcomers because a third grade education level in a ninth-grade setting just doesn't fit, no matter how it works. jeanine: five dozen languages. that 60 line 60 languages but hu hire a teacher in your school. >> it's difficult. i just signed a purchase order that had armenian, lithuanian and another that the teachers need to try to communicate with the students. a lot of it has to be done by english immersion. we have other students who can interpret one way or another but it is a real challenge. jeanine: mayor, let me ask you this. if i move from my town to the town next to me, i need to bring in a certification that my kid has had vaccinations, i need to bring birth certificates, i need to bring all kinds of records of resident requirement, what about the illegal who came from
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central america who has no paperwork? >> we are not able, a lot of times during transit we are told the records from the country of birth are not available so we have to rely. >> are you hearing the. >> this is an attempt to cover up the information. what they've done is taken away from the principles of the school we use to require the person to say are you legal, also getting the birth certificates and so forth, they've taken it away and centralizes so we can't get that information. the problem is, the teachers don't know, the principles don't know, and as you said, why is it that we are held to a higher standard and the people who are coming in illegally are not held to those da same standards. they are excused. it creates all kinds of undercurrents in our system in the way of quality education and
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safety for them and so forth. jeanine: we are out of time. thank you so much for being he here. >> you heard my opening statement. you know where i stand on the healthcare failure. the panel may have some other ideas. next, i have guests here live to go at it about where we go from go at it about where we go from here. justice is coming right back to debate. every day. various: (shouting) heigh! ho! ( ♪ ) it's off to work we go!
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a top american commander in baghdad requesting the troops. police searching for those responsible for a deadly nightclub shooting in cincinnati. one person died in 15 others were injured after shots were fired when several gunmen opened fire. at least five people remain hospitalized. two are in critical condition. the state department strongly condemning the detention of hundreds of put protesters in russia today. thousands of russians taking to the streets and the biggest show of defiance since 2011 against the kremlin and vladimir putin. no numbers on how many people were detained. i'm kelly right. back to justice with judge. >> welcome back to justice. former cia official. >> they are going to talk about wiretapping claims. now time for the panel. joining me now in washington as chairman and democratic strategist richard fowler. jeanine: what you want to say about healthcare?
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>> there's not much to say. i think the vote speaks for itself. jeanine: say it. i will give you ten seconds. >> it was utter failure. if you want to have the freedom caucus run the party which is what we saw, hey, look what happens. where do we go from here? does that impact the next, whether it's infrastructure or tax. >> it absolutely does. here's the problem donald trump faces. he has a divided caucus in the house. the reason they put healthcare first is because they wanted to find a way to decrease the budget. now with healthcare not being on the table, the taxes and the infrastructure bill are going to cost big bucks. i will my advice -.
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jeanine: to me the operative word in that sentence is somehow. somehow the republicans have to get their act together. i don't want to do my open from last night again, but it makes me crazy. why matt. >> they failed to realize the heart and soul of the publican party are conservative activists across the country and when their representatives, despite what was said about the freedom caucus, i like the freedom caucus, when people feel cut out, guess what? they don't feel they have skin in the game. we will succeed on taxes if we work as a team. if we don't work as a team, guess what. we have a lot more rebuilding. jeanine: it reminds me of a wedding where everybody in the family hates each other and then they make the bride and groom miserable. they defeat the whole poise of a wedding. we shouldn't have invited you anyway. >> let's have a good wedding, okay.
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>> you speak to part of the problem. you look at these people and moderate districts. for them they have 30 - 40% of their district on medicaid expansion, taking a away medicaid expansion hurts people in their district. either you say you're gonna vote with your party or your constituents and that is a hard line. >> we can do this. we've done this on lots of the questions. donald trump, at the time, it was leadership for him. the party is concerned, read each other's throat. it's time for him to step forward. jeanine: the president gave him a chance. >> he did. jeanine: what does he do now. >> you go back to those people who stood by you. there were a lot of people in the freedom caucus and a lot of other conservatives who had the presence back. bring them in immediately, thank them and start building the coalition for taxes. don't start with punishment. start with appreciation it goes a long way. >> if you want to get it done, he needs a big win. here's what he does but he puts infrastructure on the floor. he talks to vulnerable democrats or he gets 20 democrats to make up for the freedom caucus that
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was a against him. then he gets a win. the other biggest win will be if neil gorsuch gets confirmed. that's a big win. jeanine: what's with this filibuster i'm hearing. >> i don't think it will go to filibuster. jeanine: will the trail be bumpy. >> it will be very bumpy. this shows that republicans are weak in the senate and house. democrats and chuck schumer are saying we know they are weak let's go for the filibuster. we will delay this in slow down. jeanine: did you watch the hearing. >> he was great in the hearing. jeanine: i was mesmerized by the man. >> but judge this is not his fault. this is house and senate republicans fault. >> stop, this is a democratic problem. >> notes not. let me just say, we had to screw
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up on healthcare. give you that. we will dusted off and get our act together. neil gorsuch will get confirmed. the fact is democrats are making a big mistake when they are too political when it comes to the supreme court opening. he's clearly the man for the job and they all think so. >> both parties. [inaudible] >> we didn't do a very good job. >> name the name. when's the last democrat we named back. >> judge garland. >> you me a real person. he didn't even have a hearing. he was a nominee for almost 200 days and did not get a hearing. jeanine: you can't discuss whether it's good or bad they did not give mayor carlin a chance. we didn't boycott the hearing. now will come down to can mitch mcconnell keep his caucus
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together, or is he going to go. [inaudible] gorsuch gets on the supreme court and we have a lot of four - 4 decisions on the docket and we have a lot of administrative decisions. jeanine: how soon does he get on? >> i'd say quickly. i'd say 40 days. jeanine: let me tell you what i think will be one of the successes of the president in close to 1100 days. he will finish isis with james mattis and the rest of them. he is quashing them. we are well past 10000 on the ground in iraq and syria. we are going to finish that crab. >> here's the problem when we go after isis. this is the same problem we saw in iraq and afghanistan. we put our brave men and women on the ground. the moment start taking losses,
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this becomes a problem. jeanine: they are telling me we have to go. it's great having you both on. street justice is ahead. former cia official is standing by to weigh in on the wiretapping claims with the president. it's that good. don't go away the long lasting scent of gain flings with 9 lobster dishes.est is back try succulent new lobster mix & match or see how sweet a lobster lover's dream can be. there's something for everyone and everyone's invited. so come in soon. so how old do you want uhh, i was thinking around 70. alright, and before that? you mean after that? no, i'm talking before that. do you have things you want to do before you retire? oh yeah sure... ok, like what? but i thought we were supposed to be talking about investing for retirement? we're absolutely doing that.
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taking tzds with insulins, like toujeo®, may cause heart failure that can lead to death. find your rhythm and keep on grooving. ♪ let's groove tonight. ask your doctor about toujeo®. ♪ share the spice of life. the house intelligence committee chair said he seen intelligence that could backup president trumps claim that he and his team were spied on by the previous administration. joining me now to talk about him is former cia official and former chief in station and author of the best-selling book jawbreaker which is about the engagement afghanistan's of which he was the architect of
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the campaign. now, gary, let me ask you this. let's assume there is a warrant and there is an investigation of a criminal and incidental collection of other information. so, let's assume that there are individuals whose names are on mast. at the da, i would minimize information that shouldn't be in a courtroom. that means take out stuff that shouldn't of been identified. the government is supposed to do that too. now we find out the government on mast names and spread it out among a bunch of intelligence agencies and let me say this quickly, barack obama decided to expand to additional agencies. am i saying this right.
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>> when there is a warrant and they are doing collection of a foreign agent like the russian ambassador in d.c. or some other official, when they do that and if he's on the phone with an american, they are supposed to say conversation took place but they would not put the americans name in there. it's supposed to be minimized or redacted from there. they clearly knew what they were doing. you can state, we, by accident that donald trump's name on there or by accident we got certain numbers the campaign on the discussion, but if they were putting their name in the report and disseminating this throughout the intelligence community, they knew what they were doing. that is not incidental. that would have been premeditated. inclusion of those names. that is a serious serious problem. >> that's a felony. >> i believe it would be an illegal act. i'm not sure if it's a felony
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but it's clearly an illegal act. >> okay now we've got devon nunez who goes and tells the president that what we've got are all these conspirators for conspiracy theories who are saying the president has been in cahoots with russia and all this craziness, i think, and then what we do know for a fact is that they've got all of these american names that they are illegally unmasking and spreading across the intelligence agencies and then leaking to the press. that's what we do know. >> what we are seeing right now is the senior, the most senior intelligence officials in the obama administration. clapper and mike morel have both stated we sought no fire, we saw no evidence of collusion between the trump campaign and the russians.
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unfortunately, the media, not the station, but many other stations are pushing out nonstop stories of potential collusion, the need to impeach the president, stating he's a fascist and saying insane things out there. if i was the president i would be upset seeing all this because this is willful on the part of media outlets across the united states. it is horrifying. jeanine: when clapper spoke he spoke on behalf of the cia, the nsa and the fbi, and he was clear as well as morel that there was no collusion and yet you've got this guy adam schiff from california and every left-leaning outlet saying there's something there when the people are saying there's nothing there. >> i saw the former acting director, deputy director of the cia on charlie rose and he said no fire there. there's smoke but we don't know
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what there is. jeanine: gary, thanks so much for being with us. anyway, street justice from here in washington is next hi hey you look good. thank you, i feel good. it all starts with eating right. that's why i eat amaz!n prunes now. they're delicious and help keep my body in balance. i love these. sunsweet amaz!n prunes, the feel good fruit.
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by now everyone knows who i blame for the healthcare debacle on capitol hill. i had to bear myself this week to see who other people blame. take a look. jeanine: whose fault? anybody's. >> everybody's. jeanine: the healthcare bill died. a mass. you would think after all the experience and everything they had getting it right, they would've got it right by now. jeanine: what happened. >> i think they are having a power contest. jeanine: whose fault is it. >> obama. >> not enough conservatives in congress. we need to repeal obamacare and need to get the government out of healthcare. they need to work together. the democrats blew it and the
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freedom caucus blewett. jeanine: what's your message to the freedom caucus. >> interacting year. >> i'm here with a group of eighth-grade students and one of the things we heard was cooperation and collaboration. i think our legislators and government officials could take a lesson from those eighth-graders. >> i don't know but so many needs to fix obamacare because in my life, it's the worst thing that ever happened to me. jeanine: why. >> my husband is a kidney transplant patient for the second time and guess who doesn't want to pay for anything. jeanine: i'm so sorry. >> it's okay. my husband loves you. everybody should be on obamacare and let us know how they live their life. jeanine: this makes me furious. >> it's a selfish issue as to we want to have this a certain way instead of what we want to do for the people. i think what america is starting to see here now, when you have the perfect scenario that a certain group wants to have.
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actually vote for the verdict. thanks for watching. see you next week. tonight mr. calabash, wherever you are. chris: i'm chris wallace. president trump suffers a major setback on his first big legislative initiative. what does it mean for the rest of his agenda? ♪ ♪ >> i don't know what else to say other than obamacare is the law of the land. >> bad things are going to happen to obamacare. there's not much you can do to help it. it's imploding and soon will explode. and it's not going to be pretty. chris: we'll discuss prospects for tax reform, trade and immigration as well as mr. trump's image as a dealmaker with white house chief of staff reince priebus. it's a "fox news sunday" exclusive. then, congressman jim jordan, founding member of the


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