tv Hannity FOX News March 31, 2017 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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it should be unbelievable. watch "hannity." he's next. have a great weekend. ♪ >> sean: welcome to this busy friday news night here on "hannity." we will have newt gingrich, kellyanne conway, jay sekulow, monica crowley. they will all join us. but first. for the good of the country. it is time to end this gop's circular firing squad and that is tonight's opening monologue. sometimes in life when things don't go exactly the way we want, people get frustrated, annoyed. and there is no more frustrating place on earth than washington, d.c. i get why the president is upset that republicans cannot hammer out this deal on health care last week. the president to his credit has a big bold aggressive agenda. see that list there?
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he is checking out his promises one after another. i say he is moving at the speed of trump. on this program we have promised to hold washington accountable and that means everybody. while it is understandable the president is frustrated over the gop health care bill, i am too. but i see it a little bit different than he does. from my perspective, after seven years -- almost eco-years of republicans promising to repeal and replace obamacare, to me it isto inexcusable that they didnt build a consensus bill that was ready for the president. the other big mistake is the republican leadership. they kept everybody in the dark. everyone was left guessing, what's in the bill, what's in the bill. all these rumors are coming up. "this is in it, that's trouble." there was no consensus that was built behind the scenes. the republican leadership dumped this bill, they literally rolled it out and then left it to the president to close the deal. guess what? that is not his job. the president does deserve
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credit. he did his best to get it done. got very close. they didn't get there. the legislative branch from my perspective failed the president because they clearly were not prepared for this moment. in the end, i do believe it is important to bill right rather than get it dones fast. some in washington, they are trying to put all the blame on the conservative freedom caucus. as i said last night, i think this anger ise misplaced. if the freedom caucus have been consulted from the beginning and they didn't roll out the bill and would have a chance to see it beforehand and leadership reached out to them from the get-go, i don't think we would be in the situation. sometimes we need to stand back and remember who our reall friends are. let me give you an example. let's talk about illinois republican congressman adam kissing "the new york times" titled "how the freedom caucus iscu undermining the g.o.p." he literally mocks the freedom caucus, and their name by writing interesting name for a group of about three dozen
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members that refuse to let the will of the people advance on the house floor. keep in mind this is the same adam who during the election was mentioned in headlines like the one you see on your screen. the same adam who in august said he would not vote for donald trump. watch this. >> donald trump for me is beginning to cross a lot of redlines in the unforgivable and politics. i'm not going to support hillary but in america, we can -- that's what it's looking like for mee -- and vote for mark kirk in illinois, for instance. that's what it's looking like for me today. i don't see how we get the donald trump anymore. >> sean: even following the election, he played coy about who he actually voted for on november 8th. is he really the guy to be lecturing the freedom caucus who did support a candidate trump? i am not buying it. the freedom caucus chairman mark meadows was a staunch allyru of president trump. in july, they ran an article on
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meadows that said in part -- meadows initially endorsed ted cruz in the primary but he has now embraced trump with more gusto than others in the g.o.p. at least 29 of the 34 members of the house freedom caucus endorsed or at least voted for trump in the election. by the way, with all due respect to speaker ryan, laura ingraham last night on this program pointed out that ryan made it clear that he wanted little to do with then candidatean trump. let's be clear, a lot of blame to throw around about the republican health care bill being pulled and infighting is not a solution to the problem. i also don't think president trump reaching out to democrats is ever going to work. the thing i do know for sure, nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, steny hoyer, they are not the president's friends and they do not want him to succeed in any way. don't believe me? listen to what they said about the president. >> my view is, he is far too tolerant and accepting the
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support of racists. >> i think expanding this over the last ten days and the last 15 months, who knows what president trump is going to do at any given moment and give offense to people that they need to have confidence in us and we need to have confidence in our relationship with them. >> and affected. they have accomplished nothing. he is the deflector in chief, still hasn't produced an infrastructure bill, has accomplished nothing. and he just has to deflect by coming up with bans on certain religions. >> sean: where do we go from here, how do we solve the problem for the american people because this is a promise they made. republicans need to go back to the drawing board and do what they should have done in the first place. they need to create a bill thata will pass in the house and that means the study group, the tuesday group, the moderates,
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they all need to be brought in a room. as well as senators, secretary price, the vice president, everybody included, and hammer out a deal. get away from the cameras and certainly do not go on television and get in the public eye. now if they do these things, instead of pointing fingers at each other, they will have an opportunity to give the american people a bill that they reallyan want, need, and desire. one that will lower premiums and offer better health care. that's the answer. solve the problem. remember the movie "disclosure"? we talk about solve the problem. find the solution. here with reaction, the former speaker of the house, newt gingrich. did this freedom caucus need to get lectured? we have a speaker that barely wants to be seen. >> no, no. [laughs] first of all, you hit it right on the head. the freedom caucus had probably the highest percentage of trump supporters of any group in the house. they disagree about this one thing and from their
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perspective, they probably think trump was misinformed. let me give an example of something today thatfo nancy pelosi does not get. the national association of manufacturers met with the president to share with him that their ceos have the highest level of confidence in making new investments in the united states. that they can remember well over a decade. this follows other things that are going on. despite all the noise in congress, president trump is making real progress. and he is getting things done and every time you turn around, you see new signs of an investment, new commitments to build things in the united states. i think he's got to solve this legislative problem.e my personal advice would be to start with infrastructure and frankly after the extraordinaryu fire in atlanta last night -- which is going to cause tremendous traffic problems. >> sean: that's disastrous.
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>> a good reminder. an area you know well from when you live down there. we've got to rebuild ourde infrastructure. i think you start there, then you move to a nice tax cut bill, not just tax reform. then you get the health care third. but right now, they are all gridlocked and too busy being mad at each other. they've got to get over it. relax, this is the beginning of a long game. this is not the end of it. we have lots of time to get lots of good things done for america. >> sean: by the way, they've got to keep the promise. this is not optional. they can't let obamacare implode. to me, it is very simple. if you are in leadership, you have to show your members the bill before you unveiled the bill publicly.ha then you have to build consensus. i appreciate that there are moderates and different study groups, tuesday group, freedom caucus. everyone has to work together. they've got to hammer out a consensus. it would be wise for them to work with the senate from the get-go so they don't end up in
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conference and the senate bill anyhow spell or two very different bills and nothing good comes for another opportunity, for it to fall apart. bring everyone together and while you arehe doing the things you mention, this can get done. right? >> i think it can get done. if they do it right, they'rege going to shock all of us because if you look at the collapse of obamacare in rural america, i think a democrat from north dakota -- he might have a really hard time voting against a good republican bill that was well designed. the same thing goes for the a senator from indiana, missouri, montana. i would not automatically assume they will just hunker down and decide to destroy themselves. they are up for reelection next year. in parts of rural america, obamacare is a total disaster and we can do something dramatically better and if the public understands it -- that's the other half of this -- the country has to believe in the bill. if it's going to pass. health is too big an issue to pass if the american people aren't with you.
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>> sean: but there is somethingg to learn from this experience. ii think number one, you can't unveil a bill that no one has seen. you have to bring the different groups in the congress together. you should include the senate so you don't have a problem in conference. why would they have done it this way anyway? that makes no sense to me. here's the frustrating thing. eight years. >> look, i have no idea how they end up like this. we used to follow the model of listen, learn, help, and lead. or somebody once said to me, you get one mouth and two ears. there's a pretty good hint there. i think the fact is that people -- when you are doing something this big, one fifth of the economy, life and death for every american, you need to doy it carefully, out in the open. people need to have a real sense of participation. you can't ram it through and you can't assume a small group of people no one else by themselves. that is what obama did wrong. that's what hillary did wrongve
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back in the '90s. this is a really big, complicated issue. i think it's fixable, but it may take three or fourt bills, all of which oughtht to be understood from day one and i think frankly that's part of why i would shift and look at infrastructure and tax cuts. you can do those while you are working through what needs to be done in health care. all three could be done this year. if they are willing to work with the american people and then have an open legislative process. >> sean: all right, sir. great idea. thank you. up next on this busy friday newsnight, the liberalbu propaganda media of the bias press are out to get the house intelligence committee chairman devon nunes. also later tonight,ct former national security advisor michael flynn is offering to testify if he's granted
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immunity. monica crowley has a reaction. all of that, plus counsel to the president kellyanne conway will join us in the studio on this busy friday newsnight. r investors stay confident for over 75 years. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. ♪ strike a pose ♪ your eyes work as hard as you do. but do they need help making more of their own tears? if you have chronic dry eye caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation, restasis multidose™ can help... with continued use twice a day, every day,
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propaganda destroy trump media. true to form, they are focusing their anger on congressman nunes instead of focusing on what is the big story here. that is tonight's mini monologue. from the very moment chairman nunes made the bombshell announcement that he solve reports that prove surveillance was collected on president trump and his transition team, liberals and members of the biased press have been out to get him. just listen to what they have said about nunes in just the past 48 hours. watch this. >> sometimes it's just easier to explain it away by pure, good old-fashioned 100% grade a incompetence and stupidity. that just may be what we have here with congressmanco nunes. >> i've never seen anything like this amateur hour. here we go with the latest buffoonery from the trump operation. >> i do think that devin nunes is such a uniquely clueless
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individual and so out of his depth in this whole investigation that ascribing too much planning and the motive to him might be >> the nunes piece is going to be an even more interesting and baffling than it is now if you consider a couple of things. his crazy behavior, let us be >> sean: the radical alt left destroy trump media is going after nunes and going after his credibility. now by doing that, they are ignoring the real story and what we should be talking all about. because what nunes has revealed about the leaks, the unmasking of american names, and of course the surveillance on the trump team, this could end up being the biggest scandal in decades, if not ever, to washington. the big question is this, did the obama administration knowingly surveilled the trumpio
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team, and incoming opposition party? as nunes said on this program last week, additional american? names were unmasked and he saw the reports and said they had nothing to do with russia and collusion. this should concern every single lawmaker, every single journalist and every single american. and today, fox ' nu s -- -- the white house, they had nothing to do with the outing of this information. in fact, here is what adam reported earlier today. take a look. >> the person who did the unmasking i am told is very well-known, very high up, very senior in thee intelligence world. and it is not in the fbi. we also told the people that devin nunes -- the two individuals, the stories were reported yesterday but they were not his sources. it was a navigation situation. the reason they had to navigate is because nunes learned about this unmasking back in january. before trump's tweet, before he met with the president and it took obviously a number of weeks to try to figure out a way forru
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him to see this intelligence because the agencies wereig stonewalling to allow him and others to see it. coming from folks that are in these agencies and frustrated with the politics taking place in these agencies. >> sean: you hear that? the trump white house had nothing to do with this. his reporting, adams 'reporting, is huge. democrats and the destroy trump media are doing a disservice once again to you, the american people, by attacking congressman devin nunes instead of reportins on what the scandalous. he with reaction, jay sekulow. mercedes schlapp. all right, is there anything wrong -- this was standard operating procedure. if you are going to see raw intelligence like this, jay, it would be normal procedures to see it in an area where we know is safe and secure. and that's what he did all the time. what about that as a distraction in this case?
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there is a is, statute, two statutes actually that deal with this. the procedure in place that allows the chairman and others in the intelligence communityy and intelligence committee to review this matter, and it specifically said it should not an offense to transmit information described in this action, which is the section involving this kind of material, to either congressional intelligence committees. that's sectionco 31-22. 31-25 says nothing in this title may be construed that authority withholds from either house or congress. so there is actually legislation that positively affirms the ability of this committee chairman and others within the committee to actually get this material and procedures. of course, the procedures are to protect the intelligence. this is a rather unremarkable what took place here and i think the media, as you said, this is a distraction, but the law is crystal clear here. there is no violation under the law. >> sean: what is the big storyry here? may be the big story is, okay,
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maybe they used a real surveillance told as a ruse to surveillance on a president or a candidate, isn't that the real story here, mercedes? >> i think that the real story is if we see these tables turn where they are investigating the trump administration but yet you're going to start seeing an investigation of the obama administration -- whether they are using this intelligence resources and information forio political purposes. that is why congressman nunes reacted in a way that he did which is he was shocked. alarmed when he started reading through these classified information, seeing that there was no link to russia, yet he were seeing this unmasking of these american citizens. critically those who are part of the trump transition team. >> sean: they are surveilling, unmasking. and we know in the case of general flynn, they leak intelligence, which is a felony. what you make of evelyn farkas and her comments? now she says the russians may have leaked it.
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she says she's a victim of fake news but she says she was urging former colleagues, get as much intelligence as you can. if the trump people found out how we knew what we knew, isn't that an unveil/unmasking there?? isn't that confirmation of surveillance and then talking about releasing it to colleagues? wouldn't that potentially be an intel leak? >> she needs to get a lawyer. i don't know who is letting her these statements. she has inflicted herself in she has implicated herself in multiple felonies! first of all, she keeps saying "we," she wasn't even part of the agency at that particular time. she talked about going to the hill to make sure colleagues and the information is protected from the incoming trump administration to preserve this, who is she to get this information from at that point? and then leaking it is a crime. you know what she did? she would be my first witness if i was going to impanel a grand jury, dr. farkas -- you better
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be protected. >> sean: she's gonna see a d grand jury, the house intelligence committee. mercedes, i'm -- who is advising this woman? >> obviously she was not advised. it put her in an incredibly bad situation because she basically almost makes it sound like she has some sort of way to understand what is in these intelligence reports. a lot of questions need to be asked. obviously we saw that the white house counsel sent over a letter basically asking those questions. how is this information handled? did she have access to any of these intelligence documents? these are serious questions that need to be asked. i have to say, sean, going back to congressman nunes, we have to remember there is a lot of false information out there. there was a source that contacted the chairman.
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"if you guarantee this confidentiality, i need to share this information with you. you need to see this." this is what sources do in the right way. instead of leaking informationea to the press which as we know it's a a felony. we have to make sure that that gets out there in terms of that. >> sean: well said. mercedes, we are going to lose you. thank you as always for being with us. jay stays with us. coming up after the break, former national security advisor michael flynn, general flynn, is offering to speak to the house and senate intel committees, but he's asking foree immunity. president trump said it was a smart idea. because of the political witch hunt that is happening right now. jay sekulow stays with us. t monica crowley joins us. and then later tonight... >> my administration is working everyday to make it easier for manufacturers to build higher and grow in america. >> sean: the president is not slowing down, counsel to the president kellyanne conway willw join us tonight, right here in studio. stay with us. woman: on the gulf coast, new exxonmobil projects
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>> live from america's news headquarters, i'm anita vogel. georgia transportation department officials say it will take several months to repair damaged sections of interstate 85 in atlanta. a massive fire thursday caused one overpass to collapse. three other spans were also damaged. three people have been charged in connection to the multimillion dollar blaze. police say they don't have a motive. the state getting $10 million in emergency federal funds to start repairs to federal investigators say most if not all of the victims of a two car crash in southwest texas were wearing seat belts. 14 people including the driver were in a church minibus when he crashed head-on with a pickup truck. the truck driver admits he was texting while driving. 13 people died. only one bus passenger and the truck driver to survived. i'm anita vogel. let's go right back to "hannity "hannity." >> sean: welcome back to "hannity."
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the president tookde to twittero defend former national security advisor michael flynn and the president tweeted, this comes after reports say that flynn is willing to testify in front of the house andft sene intel committees in exchange for immunity. joining us now with reaction, conservative commentator monica crowley and we continue with jay secular from a legal perspective. monaco, you were there with general flynn. what happened to him, i don't thinki any doubt that leaking this intelligence was a violation of the espionage act. maybe other laws were broken, we will ask jay in a second. i think general flynn wants to say what he has to say because he has a victim of a crime here. >> general flynn, sean, is now a private citizen. he is perfectly entitled to seek whatever protections he can going forward. look, i think the reality is none of us know thee back story here. if general flynn has already been solicited by investigators,
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this request for immunity makes perfect sense. if he hasn't yet been approached by investigators, perhaps he's trying to accelerate the timeline somehow and look, since we know none of the back story and details, perhaps none of this has to do with russia at all. perhaps there are some other things at play here. but the bottom line is that general flynn is entitled to these protections and i also think he has the watergate story in mind here. remember, richard nixon during the watergate process was alleged to have been captured on tape merelyy suggesting the possibility of asking the cia to intervene with the fbi, to stop the watergate investigation. that served as one of the bases for article one of the watergate impeachment. that's essentially a soft crying for general flynn does not want to be prosecuted or persecuted for anything, least of all something he may or may not have said ore done.
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>> sean: j, from my standpoint, they lead this intelligence. leaks.ver should've the nsa does its job, they are surveilling his counterpart in russia, they are having a conversation, it's a normal procedure. he's getting in touch with people he will have contact with and will be working with. so they are supposed to minimize and are not supposed to reveal the identity. his identity is my mask, the contents of the conversations are made public and he tells a story to the vice president, ma, be left out of the teller too. perhaps by accident. maybe on purpose. know.t his career is over because they will eat this intelligence. a felony, right? >> right. in that scenario you just laid out, this is exactly why general flynn's lawyers are advising him to seek immunity. as monica just said, this is a bit of a witch hunt here. in this sense, who was the victim of what really happened my general flynn, the president is saying this, he's right. he's the victim.
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he was unmasked, no minimization. it was a week, so you're talking about felonies and selections now. it was leaked to the press and published. now he is the one who looks to be the evildoer, so to speak. yet we don't even know the back story of any of this. but we do knowo two things. he was unmasked and it was a that leaking was a felony. period. >> sean: doesn't every american need to understand that if your government is going to survey surveilled your texts, emails, phone conversations and they don't have any warrant and then they disclose that? they could ruin anybody's life. especially yours or monica's. >> i will tell you this, look. here is the reality. republican, democrat, independent, libertarian, i don't care what you are -- this idea that this information was gathered and it was unmasked and leaked? look, this is leaking of intelligence about an individuaa american! an american citizen.. why are we saying that's okay? it should not be. that should be investigated as a
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crime, because that's what it is. >> sean: agreed. that's wrong and we know here that happened. w >> yes. i invoked the watergate example for a reason, earlier, sean, i spent four years working with former president nixon during the last four years of his life. i know a bit about presidential wiretapping. devin nunes, all of these peripheral conversations have nothing to do with the actual possible scandal here, which is that the obama team, the folks whool were still in the white house under president obama may have in fact unmasked people, surveilled political opponents, and that weapon iced classified material against those opponents. if that's true, that makes watergate look like child's's play. >> sean: doesn't that have the potential to be way bigger than watergate? >> this is national security information that is being leaked here. so the seriousness of this is a. the highest level. when you look at what is the potential damage to the
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united states or intelligence gathering capabilities into those that are workingngth withn the government, this is the worst-case scenario of what can happen, and it happened. here is the fact. if you're looking c at where the jury should be, flynn should seek immunity and get it. he should tell and laid out for the community, that great but the crime here is theai leakers. >> sean: would you have them testify without immunity? >> no way. >> sean: why? >> because, sean, they will find a form that was filled up with an inadvertent statement and makea that into a felony. i do a lot of criminal defense. here's the answer on that.ns no. >> sean: all right, guys. thank you both. have a good weekend. trump keeping his promises and getting things done. kellyanne conway will join us in studio tonight with reaction. and then later tonight... and >> if they are going to drink and are of age, do it responsibly. stay with somebody that is don't wander away from your over crowd of people that you know. don't wander away from your crowd of people that you know. >> sean: also coming up, the
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we are removing job killing regulations and lifting the burdens, like i would say they have never been lifted before. >> sean: the president earlier today meeting with the national association of manufacturers. joining us now, rare new york in studioio appearance. she is the counselor to the president to kellyanne conway, good to see you. i saw your husband. he's going to be doing some work in d.c. too. you know what's amazing to me? in the opening monologue tonight, i pointed out, all right. the speed of trump, checking off promises, i know we get caught up in the media -- they are obsessed the health care bill did not get finished.. it will and no one ever talks about all the good things he's done. for example, i was, like, so happy this week over the epa regulations. >> that was huge. he kept a promise to the coal miners. he's having the epa focus on what it's supposed to do. air and water.
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and really unleash the nav production in a way that leaks to make makes us less reliant on foreign sources. people complain in this country, sean, that nothing is made in the usa anymore. energy is made here. it's under our feet. on our shores. spirit we've had more than will ever need. >> it's time we invest in it. the president is making good ont his promises for numberer of executive actions. to unleash clean coal and oil and natural gas of course. any number of different energy sources. but also this week he started the commission on opioids, working with the white house office of american innovations that jared kushner and governor christie will be a part of. >> you are going to be part of this, right? >> i had the privilege of sitting in on a couple of listening sessions. for the first time since i got to the white house, i cried, which is saying a lot. it's because i listen to this story, vanessa and a.j., of pan, it was so incredibly moving to
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hear their stories. in the case of vanessa and a.j., both of whom are new jersey residents, their success stories, they found treatment. we need to focus on interdiction and prevention. >> sean: also a promise he made to the people of new hampshire where they have been devastated as of the part of the country. >> opioids is an epidemic that does not discriminate. it is touching every social economic strata's, both genders, all ages, people who have graduated from college, people, who have jobs, who don't read this is a president who is committed to it along with governor christie who will be heading up thiss commission. >> sean: i put this up earlier in the program. let's take a look. i know it would've been nice if the republicans after eight years had a consensus bill. you know i'm very critical of how this was rolled out. but there is all these successes, that is president trump's agenda. checks it off the list. i don't think i've ever seen a president get a lot done as much as he can do by himself. i wish congress could get their act together and keep up with
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him. >> it'd be good if people got thepr message. i actually think when you look at some of these numbers, it does show that people and job creators, the job creators, jobseekers, job holders, sean, all are seeing very good in his presidency so far. if you look at that national association manufacturers today, it's the highest it's been in 20 he years. the man has been on the job for less than three months. it is a 93-point% confidence measure. one year ago, it was 56.6% per that is not a margin of error. that's not tinkering. that is a huge uptick in confidence. he saw the homebuilders confidence survey, highest and 12 years. the small business confidence survey, in gallup, highest in ten years. it goes people feel good about spending on and on. their money. >> sean: i'm not trying to drag you into this fight, would you like to see congress better prepared in terms of legislation, the individual components of a study group, the moderates, tuesday group, the saturday
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the freedom group, the saturday night go drinking group. get on the stain page? >> i'm not aware of that one. >> sean: i just made it up. these are not small items that he is tackling here on the economy, changing the tax code and infrastructure. even the energy thing. there's only so much she can do on his own.ct they've got to be ready to gang up here. >> anyone of these achievementsc would be historic. so if you think about just getting two or three, o even in the first year, that's huge. we know that health care reform will happen. we know that the president and nt ry single republican in the house and senate who are they are campaigned successfully on repeal and replace obamacare. so the question is what are the next steps?at you're absolutely right. the conference needs to come together. what do you know what i learned throughout b w the entire proce? i'm old enough to have worked against hillary care and obamacare. i've been in health care forob long time. what i learned from this particular process is that this
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is the price of success. this is a very diverse republican conference. we have 23 republican members who sit in districts that hillary clinton won. i mean, that's a pretty big thing. and so you have everybody from a+ republican 35 district to a single digit district. bringing together those diverse ideological and geographic viewpoints and -- it's very important. people have to be brought to the table earlier. but i think on this one, the president showed a great deal of leadership. he worked the phones. >> sean: the bill had no consensus, why did he have to do the heavy lifting when in all fairness, the legislative branch had eight years to campaign, got to the house in 2010, 2014, 2016, they didn't have a bill ready to go? that kind of makes me mad. >> i'm confident that the conference will come together. and that the deficit started out in the thousands.
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we started out with a deficit in the dozens and dozens. it got shrunk down to 12-18 votes. perhaps. that's very heartening. look, they weren't moderates who ended up not supporting it, conservatives not supporting it. but that is the price of success for having a very diverse party. look at the democratic party. where are the pro-life democrats, the blue dog democrats, the pro-second amendment democrats? they don't exist anymore. that party is much more myopic now. they have been pulled to the left by some of their factions. but in the case of the president, some people would prefer him to be the closer on this and that the leadoff batte batter. some peoplef appreciated the ft that he and the vice president, secretary price, director mulvaney and others lead in from the very beginning and were very involved. >> sean: they should have brought everyone in. >> legislation has to represent all the disparate opinions, and most importantly what the president has promised to do in repealing and replacing bubble care, it's not affordable. it will get done. >> sean: good to see you. thank you for being with us.
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part three of ourr series exposing what happens to your kids when you send them on down to spring break. ainsley earhardt has that report straightahead. in our suvs, you feel every mountain we've ever conquered. in our sports cars, you feel every podium we've ever climbed. and now, they've come together to create something you've never felt before. introducing the glc coupe. part suv. part sports car. all mercedes-benz. take 5, guys. tired of your bladder always cutting into your day? you may have overactive bladder, or oab. that's it! we really need to get with the program and see the doctor. take charge and ask your doctor about myrbetriq (mirabegron) for oab symptoms of urgency, frequency and leakage.
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to seeha what spring breakers ae really up to. we spoke to police chief in south padre island. his name is randy smith, about some of the dangers that spring breakers are encountering this year. it's always dangerous. take a look. >> i was in jail because i got in a beach brawl. and i got too damn drunk. that's why. ♪ >> how may people have crossed into here? >> sometimes it's been around 9,000-8,000. yesterday for a 24-hour period was 14,482. ♪ >> this week how many arrests have you totaled? >> at a five day texas week period, we've had up to 198. mostly simple, classy municipal issues likela public intoxicatin or simple assault.
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>> two girls fight in the ocean, one girl got carried away in a stretcher. >> what did you get arrested for? >> p.i., let's say p.i. >> [bleep] >> love you, mom. >> if they are combative or give us some issues, we don't have a safe place for them to go and unfortunately they give us no option. they come here to the jail. ♪ >> they see a judge on the following day, they get released. >> there probably a couple of those instances? >> yes, which is fairly difficult. we beef up in public works for trash cleaning on the beach. so all around, all services, so we can better serve businesses
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and visitors. only a few tips i give to spring breakers, if they are going to drink and they are of age, please strip responsibly. stay with somebody who is sober. don't wander away from your credit people that youe know. and don't drink from items that are you don't know the original being passed around. origins or what is in that. if it's spiked, the drink you're drinking. >> sean: here with reaction, fox and friends cohost, ainsley earhardt. she's done this many years for us. thanks for coming back. >> you are welcome. >> sean: why am i being put in the position by being the old fuddy-duddy? i don't care they arehe being on spring break. but they are allll wasted. then the people that are preying on the spring breakers. then you care about the sexual assault that. happens here, drunken driving, some get alcohol poisoning. you know, the fund seems to go away. >> kids are always going to go on spring break. it used to be daytona beach, then it was panama city beach. you cleaned up panama city beach. >> sean: you did it. >> so now they are going to
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texas in south padre island. they've always gone to south padre, but we are seeing more people at south padre. like, more than 100,000 people estimatedd for a weekend. now, that is a lot of kids to put in one area. our producers that went there said basically anything goes. the onlyid rule there is no glas on the beach. but as long as you are not stumbling around wasted and falling and getting in fights, you are fine. >> sean: you are fine. >> the problem is when you start to drink, they are all saying they drink the moment they start waking s up, by the end of thef day, they don't know where they are. the blackout. if they are all doing it in a group, they are separating themselves and getting themselves in trouble. >> sean: be sure to set your alarm and wake up early and catch fox & friends 6:00-9:00 a.m. up next, we need your help with an important question of the day. and we willta play some of the message you left for me that would really mean on the "hannity" hotline straightahead. 3:45?
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uh, compliance training. 6:30? sam's baseball practice. 8:30? tai chi. yeah, so sounds relaxing. alright, 9:53? i usually make their lunches then, and i have a little vegan so wow, you are busy. wouldn't it be great if you had investments that worked as hard as you do? yeah. introducing essential portfolios. the automated investing solution that lets you focus on your life. earn double rewards points on select gear from the best brands. like savings of 20% on these storm searchbaits. these worldwide sportsman quick-dry shorts for under $20. and teva men's forebay water shoes for under $40. various: (shouting) heigh! ho! ( ♪ ) it's off to work we go!
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all while reducing america's emissions. dale! oh, hey, rob. what's with the minivan? it's not mine. i don't -- dale, honey, is your tummy still hurting, or are you feeling better to ride in the front seat? oh! is this one of your motorcycling friends? hey, chin up there, dale. lots of bikers also drive cars. in fact, you can save big if you bundle them both with progressive. i'd like that. great. whoo. you've got soft hands. he uses my moisturizer. see you, dale. bye, rob. ♪
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>> sean: time for >> sean: it's time for our question of the day, earlier today the president weeded out the mainstream media and the democrats are on a politicala witch hunt that's why i call them the alt-left media destroying propaganda. go to -- hit me with your best shot. time for the hannity hotline for let's see what you left today. >> iea agree with everything you say about spring break. it's a disaster up in my teenage daughter back in the '90s, i believed it was '96, she wanted to go? absolutely not. she does only for about a year and a half. but that's what you do as a present. >> hannity, we don't need waterboarding. all we need to do is have people listen to your show for about 2 minutes and i'm sure they will give anything up. listening to you is pure torture bit but i'm sure you won't play this beekeeper the better works hannity.e?
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we love you. >> sean: doesn't matter what you have to say, nice, mean, call the number on your screen. that's all the time we have left this evening. have a great weekend. thanks for being with us. wece will see you back here on monday. uestions on russia, president trump plowing ahead attempting to call out foreign nations accuse 6 6 cheating on u.s. trade deals as congress inches closer to final showdown in the effort to confirm the next supreme court justice. ♪ ♪ i'm martha maccallum and this is day 71 of the first 100. despite big moves to meet campaign promises the trump administration facing more questions in the ongoing investigations of the trump campaign and russia. new reports on the senate intelligence committee rejecting requests from former trump national security advisor michael flynn for immunity
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