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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  April 3, 2017 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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great summation of the week. thanks, kevin. heather: definitely a lot going on. clayton: "fox & friends" begins right now. adam housley joining them to talk about this unmasking report which no one covered this weekend besides us. heather: exclusive. he had it all and exclusive next on "fox & friends." see you. >> judge gorsuch is going confirmed. the way in which that occurs is in the hands of the democratic minority. >> when a nominee doesn't get 60 votes, you shouldn't change the rules, you should change the nominee. >> we had a great day with the president today. i remain very optimistic that we will get obamacare repealed. >> a deadly storm system carves a path of destruction through the south. >> in bow bridge, louisiana, a brother and her 3-year-old little girl killed. >> i lost everything. the love of my life, my daughter. everything. >> can you say definitively that there were people affiliated with the trump campaign who were were working with russians? >> i don't think we can say anything definitively at this
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point. >> and the winner of the acm entertainer of the year jason aldine. ♪ ♪ steve: all right. welcome aboard. folks on this monday morning. all that stuff we told new that cold open. first a fox news alert. a bombshell report about the unmasking of the trump team. sources telling fox news somebody very high up in the obama white house is responsible. abby: griff jenkins is with us live this morning. >> it is indeed a bombshell over the weekend. little reported on other than fox news. showing the intelligence official who unmavericked or exposed the name of private citizens with the trump campaign very well known, high up and senior in the intelligence world.
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sources told fox news as first reported by adam housley. house community chairman devin nunes is leading the investigation into russian meddling into the election and is aware of this obama administration official. the top democrat on that committee, adam schiff, was asked about it yesterday. >> i can't talk about, as i mentioned, the contents of any documents. so, at this point, i can't say whether anything was masked or unmasked improperly. what's at stake here is a foreign intervention in our elections. very serious issue about whether u.s. persons were involved. investigation is being conducted by et fbi into possible coordination with the trump campaign. >> and a lot of questions as to whether the investigation into the russia influence is tied directly to the possible surveillance of the trump campaign by obama officials. you'll remember that march 4th tweet by president trump indicating so. senator john cornyn a member of the senate intelligence committee is also looking at
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all of this, he says the answer is yes. >> i do think they are connected. they both will be the inquiry of the senate intelligence committee. obviously any time anybody jeopardizes the privacy rights of any citizen as party of an intelligence gathering process, that would be unauthorized and leaks that information, that's potentially a crime, and that's something we ought to pursue. >> in that senate intelligence committee begins their hearings today. they will hear from former nsa officials among others, this is all just getting started. steve: it is, indeed. griff, thank you very much. abby: thank you, griff. brian: adam housely did incredible job. we heard it was beginning to take root during friday's show. after friday's show we were able to get a perspective basically what president trump thought a month ago when he wentz out and tweeted on saturday morning. man, i guess on some level he saw some things that only somebody surveying his
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administration would know. steve: the president tweeted 20 hours ago regarding the adam housley story. the real story turns out to be surveillance and leaking. find the leakers. i think they are very close to uncovering them. in the adam housley report obama west wing officials ordered unmasking months before the convention. had nothing to do with russia, which is curious. zero evidence that any of the trump folks colluded with the russians. what at its core this was surveillance for apparently political reasons and not security reasons. and that flies in the face of the all the national security protocol. abby: they say the source was very well known verks high up and in the intelligence agency. not the fbi. as you said this went on well before president trump was the nominee. i think realized this was political suicide. this wasn't about intelligence or helping the national security team. there was an agenda here.
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there was a political agenda that was very real. brian: just have to look at the big picture. in the big picture, we watched russia had no presence in the middle east except for a report outside syria. because we did nothing for the longest time, they were able to fly into syria, combine with assad in iran and hezbollah and put assad in power. wipe out the rebels we were supporting. then president obama hits the road and says yeah, i'm a little concerned about how close the new administration is to russia after we watched 8 years of nothing positive happening except them taking advantage of the tone set by president obama when he said i'm going to come in and take all these missiles out of western europe. if this happens, if they are that concerned about all these things, if all that stuff is true and you are concerned about russia colluding with the russian possible nominee. you go ahead and make this clear that you are clear about links taking place between russia taking place in our election which you knew about
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in the summer and didn't care about in december after they lost. steve: the key though is from the people who have seen this stuff, there is absolutely no connection to russia. that's just how the democrats are playing it look at these connections, russia and the trump people. nothing. we have an interesting parallel about how the mainstream media in the nightly newses, how much coverage did the mainstream media give the adam housley story about the unmasking, actually the trump surveillance scandal. abby: goose eggs. every single one of them. steve: russia connection. cnn mentioned it in at least 23 segments. msnbc mentioned it in 10 segments. cbs about two minutes. 5 minutes on nbc and 3 minutes on abc. no evidence of the connection between russia and trump. abby: i asked ed henry why when they are mainstream media considered journalists, right? they are supposed to reports
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both sides of any story. why have we seen zero coverage on this adam housley report he? said, well, it's simple, it doesn't fit their narrative. that is the whole point here. is they have got a narrative, and if it doesn't fit theirs, they are not going to report it that's not the job of media and not fair to the american people. brian: i want to put on my nortnote thatnortnotethatnote -. meeting at mar-a-lago. abby: i can't say it right either. mar-a-lago. brian: making progress coming back with the revampsd healthcare plan as soon as something happens in the trump administration. there always seems to be a left coming out of left field from some type of breaking news story. i sense as gulch gets confirmed end of the week.
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as leaders say something about the leader at the end of the week. there is going to come out of this story going to try to upend any momentum. this has not stopped the trump administration from implementing their agenda. it only supposedly works against the media narrative of how well or poorly he is doing. he did a punch of executive orders last weeks. moving on various fronts on trade. because it didn't have the headlines, people think it's failed. it hasn't failed. it just isn't leading because people choose to do this russia story. steve: brian, i think as soon as the name of the unmasker is unveiled. this becomes a very, very big story. it would be hard for the democrats toying nor it but they did it they ignored it yesterday on "fox & friends." abby: we spoke to the congressman on the show yesterday. you won't believe how the interview played out. take aism when we asked him about the adam housley report. >> do you have concerns that more and more evidence is now coming out including what
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chairman nunes and others at the intel committee shows there was some level of surveillance at the trump candidacy or transition. >> no. clayton: it's as simple as that no even though this reporting seems they are politically motivated at the highest levels? >> no. any suggestion that the obama administration is spying on trump team is a distraction and smoke bomb dismissed roundly. abby: i was trying to ask him. steve: by democrats it has been dismissed. abby: can you say definitively this happened yes or no? unbelievable. steve: no interest. we have a conversation or "family feud" with the woodhouse brothers here in about 10 minutes. it will be interesting to hear their point of view. brian: good to see the acms on last night. reunion of everyone that's been on "fox & friends." it's like their music somehow started here. we give them their big break. abby: they should have thanked
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you guys last night at the show. brian: florida georgia line. steve: they started here. luke bryan we had them on early. dierks bentley on early. those are people you will see right now. >> so great to be back here in vegas. every time we come here, we party too much, we gamble way too much. this time we decided to see if there is anything out there in vegas other than just parking your butt at a casino table. >> the first thing we did was head over to the bellagio was to do fishing in that giant pond they have out front. terrible pond. man, we got better ones way back home. the fountain kept going off scaring off the fish. then we ran into david copper field. >> we had a couple drinks with the guy. next thing you know i'm getting sawed in half. >> i love that part. >> after that we got to go back stage with the cirque soleil show. >> when they sat me up in that ring i thought i was going to die. >> you were literally two feet off the ground, dude. >> at least i found a new
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hangover cure. abby: celebrity crushes for me it's luke bryan. brian: me too. i did meet him at the super bowl so i find him endlessly sexy. abby: you are welcome any time on the couch.e showed you one of the film montages at the academy of country music. they had fun. they were award show that did not get political. so refreshing. remember that award show about music and what do you hear? you heard some music and you had some fun. abby: if they did come out, a lot of them supported president trump during the campaign. country music has been a big backer -- and -- brian: i would safe this generation here, abby, is leaning toward the middle left. the next generation of country music stars and a lot of it is causing friction, maybe, amongst the bales. steve: by the way, if you are curious the entertainer of the year is jason aldine. abby: we needed this last night a break from politics a little bit of luke bryan.
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steve: a let of back street boys and florida georgia line. the three appeared. brian: i can't imagine an award show about a boy band who became a man and never grew up. sad news down south as mother nature is bearing down big time in louisiana and parts of austin, texas, tornadoes hit. terrible. abby: heather has headlines. heather: not over. 30 million beam in the patty of danger at this hour as a deadly storm system tears through the south. >> oh my gosh. that's it. it's on the road. holy crap. heather: storm chasers just stepping away from a tornadoes as it crosses a highway in central louisiana. just south of their meantime another twister claiming the lives of a mother and 3-year-old daughter. the storm flipping their mobile home upside down and now those storms are heading east and we are keeping an eye
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on them. we'll have the latest right here. also new overnight president trump's top aide jared kushner in iraq getting a first hand look at the situation in middle east. inviting the senior advisor to join him overseas. the surprise visit coming after president trump vowed full support in iraq's fight against isis. and the images are simply horrifying. look at this. it's an avalanche of water destroying completely a town in columbia. rescuers using their bear hands to find survivors, anything they can. more than 250 people, mostly children are confirmed dead. hundreds are still missing. days and days of heavy rain flooded three rivers, apparently. that turned into a flash flood while many people were sleeping so it caught them off guard. those are a look at your headlines. steve: weather people warning another rough day with the severe weather. abby: thank you, heather.
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heather: you're welcome. brian: coming up straight ahead. this is what happens when conservatives speak at university. [shut it down] steve: what will happen when former attorney general loretta lynch goes to speak? brian: can i sense standing ovation. the white house being hit hard every day for being rich. >> the state of our union is really, really rich. new financial documents filed late friday night refield the wealthiest white house in history. >> a trove of testimony forms spelling out of astownsding wealth of president trump's team. adding up to at least $12 billion. abby: stuart varney has evidence to the contrary. ♪ rock your body ♪ everybody ♪ rock your body right ♪ back street
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♪ wanna get away? now you can with southwest fares as low as 59 dollars one-way. yes to low fares with nothing to hide. that's transfarency.
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>> the state of our union is really, really rich. new financial documents filed late friday night revealed the wealthiest white house? history. >> a trove of financial forms spelling out the astounding wealth of president trump's team. adding up to at least $12 billion. egg. abby: yes, th the media wealthiest administration. some of the wealthiest are probably democrats.
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steve: probably revealing that 60% voted for hillary in the 2016 election compared to 40% for trump voted for president trump. brian: so is it time to only hire broke people? with success stuart varney varney and company from 9 to noon. should would he be hiring people only in debt or using overdraft on their checking? >> let's not get carried away. that statement there from. so anchors on the other networks, wicked rich, they hate success. are they forgetting warren buffet, for example? steve: sure. >> worth $70 billion. a democrat. brian: tom styer? >> i don't know how much he is worth. steve: nancy pelosi. wealthy people. >> jeff bay sews is the second richest people in the world. principle trump hater. he owns "the washington post. full of venom for "the washington post." what they are doing is hiding
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a sea change in american politics. used to be republicans, wealthy people voted republican. the wealthy club republican, okay? that's been turned on its head. wealthy people now vote democrat. the richest counties in america go for hillary clinton. two thirds of the g.d.p. count in america went for hillary clinton. not the donald trump. the sea change. abby: it should not surprise anyone. president trump said he was going to hire people who were success. people who worked their way up from the bottom because that represents the american dream. heaven forbid that's a good thing for this country. >> heaven forbid you are competent as what you do and make money at what you do. incredible. steve: during the campaign a lot of people said i like donald trump is he already rich, he can't be bought. >> demonizing the rich to hang onto the votes of poorer people who still do vote democrat. they have to hang on to that constituency because they lost the middle. brian: if they do lose -- they feel as though they are losing
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the blue collar to. feel as though he doesn't deserve that credit making it look as though he only hangs out with rich people. thank you, very much. brian: woodhouse brothers on republican side and democratic side. maybe they will switch positions. steve: i doubt it. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem
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that's over 6 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. brian: all right. quick sports headlines. start with basketball. march mad ms. ends tonight. the countdown to the men's basketball championship is on. tick tick tick. north korea against gonzaga go. tipoff time 9:25 are set your clocks. the team losing 4-3 to the saint clues cardinals in the bottom of the ninth. what's wrong with the cubs they can't sustain winning streak they ended last year with. the san francisco giants make history.
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despite losing to the arizona diamondbacks. the bomb guardner two opening runs on the opening day. steve: have you heard the report that a higher up in the obama white house spied. ordered surveillance, that is to say on president trump and his team for political gain. but the mainstream media still has a different focus. >> can you say definitively that there was collusion. there were people affiliate with the trump campaign who were working with russians to time the release of damaging information about hillary clinton? escalating russia crisis is threatening to undermine the president's ability to persuade even republicans that he can bounce back. >> trump desperately needed a rebound. instead of bownszing back, trump is still stuck in the russian mud. steve: still, aren't the possible white house leaks and surveillance of the team trump a bigger story? here to debate president of americans united for change
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brad woodhouse screen left and his brother, executive director of the north korea republicathe -- north carolinar. it seems like the political affiliation that's the story you buy into. you think this russian collusion story is the biggest story in the world. >> i do think it's a big story. i mean, look, steve, what we're talking about here is vladimir putin and russia and this intelligence services decided they wanted donald trump to be president and they interfered in the election. and this, steve, is not in dispute. i mean, this was a report that the intelligence agencies put out. this is what -- this is what james comey testified to. steve: we have heard from the fbi director that they did not change a single vote. >> what the fbi director -- well, first of all, steve. steve: these what he said. >> the fbi director said two things that were of note in that hearing. one, he said there was no evidence to support donald
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trump's tweets about wiretapping number one. number two, he said there is a criminal investigation to determine if there was collusion between the trump campaign and the russians. steve: we have heard the democratically toss points a million times. >> that's not democrat talking points, steve. that's james comey's testimony. steve: thank you very much. let's move to your brother. dallas, there is zero evidence that the russians did collude with team trump in getting him to be president of the united states. but the story that trump referred to as the trump surveillance scandal where if it is true, the adam housley reportage that came out on friday, a higher up, a member of the barack obama white house unmasked surveillance from the intelligence community for political purposes. if that is true, that is a gigantic story. >> and also a criminal act. i mean, we actually know the
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only criminal act that we know has occurred was the unmasking of people, regarding this affair. that's something the democrats don't want to talk about. it's something we have got to get to the bottom of. >> it's not true. >> and i would ask your readers or your viewers to take a look at byron york's column this week that talks about how we have to focus on the substance of these investigations that they are serious matters that have to be looked at. i think adam's story is very concerning. although i don't think it's a big surprise to a lot of people who support donald trump. they know something is fishy here. they know something smells. they would like to get to the bottom of it, but i'm not sure they have a lot of confidence that we will but it seems like that there was an effort to muddy the waters around the effort to beat hillary clinton
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by the obama team and that's just very concerning. steve: brad, we heard that was going to be the democratic playbook going forward after the election. do whatever you guys can to make donald trump seem an illegitimate president. >> steve, it wasn't a democrat testifying before the house intelligence committee. it was james comey testifying saying there is a criminal investigation of a possible collusion between the trump campaign. steve: in fact there is zero evidence that that happened. >> tell me this. if there is no evidence of any type of collusion, why is mike flynn asking for eu78 mount? donald trump previously said if you're asking for immunity, you must be guilty of something. mike flynn is asking for immunity for a reason. he said, his lawyer said he has a story to tell. let's hear the story before you -- steve: a good lawyer on his behalf trying to keep him out of any sort of legal peril
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given the fact that the president said it was a witch-hunt referring to mike flynn last week. dallas? >> steve, after all these months, they still cannot accept that hillary clinton was a bad candidate and that's why she lost. >> well, look, there's a lot more to it than that. you know, donald trump is president. no one is saying he is not, that he is not president, dallas. but the fact. >> you are trying to delegitimize. steve: day before suggested he didn't get the popular vote so he wasn't president. >> i don't run the fbi, dallas. the fbi is investigating. donald trump's campaign for colluding with the russians for. if you have a problem with the investigation take it up with james comey. steve: all right. ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much, the woodhouse brothers dallas and brad reporting from all across the country. what do you think of that
3:31 am another democrat breaking party lines to support neil gorsuch. are republicans getting the momentum they need? tina fey going after white women who supported donald trump. >> a lot of this election was turned by white college educated women who now would maybe like to forget about this election and go back to watching hgtv. i would want to urge them to like you can't look away. steve: coming up outspoken conservative radio host responds. first, here is lady antebellum from last night's academy of country music awards ♪ ♪ baby, you look good ♪ all day, all night ♪ you look good ♪ girl, everybody watching you ♪ lilly.
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later today the 20 members of the senate judiciary committee are expected to vote to send the nomination of judge neil gorsuch on to the full u.s. senate for consideration. brian: that will be the easy part. and then the big question will be will there be 8 democratic senators to join every republican senator and put him over the threshold of 60 votes. traditionally used to coronate any supreme court justice nominee. all expect -- all except the supreme court justice thomas got 60. abby: heidi heitcamp come out and in favor. joe manchin from west virginia who has. still waiting on a few democrats. we watched these hearings play out with neil gorsuch. brian: joe donnelly came out. steve: indiana. abby: if they are going to find a problem with neil gorsuch, they will want to filibuster anything. that's something rahm emanuel sent us email on. hits it head on.
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you can't find a lot of fault in. steve: here's the thing the democrats are steamed because they did not get a hearing for merrick garland when the opening came up on the supreme court last march. however, keep in mind, it was joe biden back in the day who said in a final year of a presidency, if a supreme court vacancy becomes available, you should leave it up for the next guy. they are not talking about that. instead, they are invoking, well, you know what? and this is chuck schumer talking. it looks like we're going to have to filibuster and it's going to be the republican's fault. brian: put up another nominee. here is hitch mcconnell and john cornyn and senator from texas was also a judge himself. listen. >> what i'm telling you is that judge gorsuch is going to be confirmed of the way in which that occurs is in the hands of the democratic minority. during the course of the week we will find out exactly how this will end. it will end with his confirmation. >> neil gorsuch, i think, is
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the kind of nominee that our democratic friends vice president been able to find any real fault with, except that it he was nominated by this president. they realize this is their last gasp to get him confirmed. brian: part of the reason he was elected. they say as early as june there could be another opening. i think republicans on some level are hoping to be able to use the nuclear option. because they are gonna need to use it in june. abby: they might have to. i can't tell you how many people i talked to at these diners the biggest issue for them was the supreme court. this is going to be huge for president trump if and when they get this through. steve: the ball is in the court of the u.s. senate. two weeks ago we saw how the republicans did in the house. a lot of people are disappointed that they weren't united when it came to healthcare. now, when it comes to this particular nominee, will they be united? i bet you -- abby: it's all politics, steve. how many have elections coming
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up? how many democrats are wanting to win their next race? that play as big role in how they are going to vote for something it goes back to politics. goes back to winning their races. steve: they may pick up a couple more democrats but they will probably fall short. keep in mind, you only need 51 votes in the u.s. senate to have somebody confirmed. however, when somebody says i'm going to filibuster, then you need the 60. so, nobody was talking about the filibuster thing, this guy would be in just like that. abby: american people are in favor of neil gorsuch. we have seen polls. they want to get this done. brian: i would like heather childers to tell me what is happening in the news and then going out to watch baseball. heather: i heard that first day yesterday. we have terrifying video to show you first of this violent carjacking showing a woman dragged across a parking lot. you can see the woman right there at a gas pump in massachusetts. when the suspect slips into the driver's seat of her car, hoping to stop him, she turns the nozzle on, soaking him with gas. the carjacker hits the pedal
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instead, dragging the woman several feet. thankfully she is okay, amazingly. police now hunting for that suspect. big security changes are coming to the happiest place on earth, starting today all guests at disney world's magic kingdom will need to go through security before getting into the theme park. metal deconnect tores and bag checks added to the transportation and ticket center where millions of people board mona rails and ferry boats to get to those attractions. college students violating the first amendment rights of conservative speakers on campuses across the country. ♪ chanting] shut it down. shut it down. heather: familiar with those scenes should we expect protests when former attorney general loretta lynch speaks this friday. especially after elm broiling herself in hillary clinton's scandal.
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she met with bill clinton on the tarmac. failed to charge the candidate over private server. we will continue to follow the headlines for you for now. toss it outside where we are celebrating opening day. abby: thank you, heather. it's crazy out here. brian: opening day is today. actually started yesterday, too. great game. steve: these are the cool professional gloves. when you buy them in the month of april. all proceeds go to folds of honor. abby: it's a great, great charity. brian: every kid wants a steve doocy glove. abby: mine is pink. steve: yesterday abby did the speed pitch. steve: that young man 43 miles per hour. this young man 55. brian kilmeade. get a baseball. abby: i want to see this. come on, brian. kids, hold on a second. abby: guy, do you think brian
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can beat you? no? steve: 43, that's terrible. brian: i think it was at least 50. >> 64? brian: we want you to send in your issue opening day pictures. it can be from past years. abby: you with your kids at the ball park. we want to see all those photos. send them. in. steve: 46. brian, every one of these kids are beating you. abby: brian, i'm sorry. brian: every one of these kids. brian: by the way, this is the best in the bronx. these kids are from the bronx. you know they learn how to play. abby: coming up. steve: opening day all day. abby: tina fey one of the women who supported presiden goo supported president trump. >> women who would like to forget about this election and going back to watching hgtv.
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i would urge them like you can't look away. abby: dr. gina lou den joins us next. steve: when a restaurant decides to ban kids under five. we are live at the restaurant with an explanation. you know what? business there is booming. abby: it's booming. can't wait for that one. ♪ my alligator boots ♪ slip my rings oen my finger ♪ i got my game on ♪ yeah, i got my game on ♪ better hang on tight ♪ i guarantee ♪ it's going to be a hell of a ridede ♪ chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. she also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. woman: for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better.
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lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica.
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abby: welcome back. democrats like to complain about president trump's treatment of women. it seems like the only war on women is against those who voted for him. >> a lot of this election was turned by white, college-educated women who now
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would maybe like to forget about this election and go back to watching hgtv. i would want to urge them to like you can't look away. because it doesn't affect you this minute but it's going to effect you eventually. abby: hate does not stop there. conservative talk show host dr. gina lou den joins me now to weigh in. thank you for joining me this morning. >> good morning. abby: joining from beautiful san diego: you are a beautiful woman who voted for donald trump. your response to tina fey's comments. >> some on the left seem to be abit removed from reality, abby. we know if you want respect as a woman, there are things you can't do. you can't have your hand out for free stuff. you can't try to advance statism. number three, you can't target other women for their differences of opinion. yet, they persist in insulting women over and over again just for a difference of opinion.
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abby: why is that the case and so much so today more than ever? >> i honestly think that you know, there is a psychological phenomenon here where women on the left have removed themselves from objective reality. it seems as though they would rather believe in conspiracy theories now like for example the whole russia story with trump that really also a no footing whatsoever in reality. there is more evidence that big foot exists yet, they persist in believing things they know are not true. so it really is a removal from a mental state of reality. it's concerning for me as a woman that other women are letting themselves be diluted this way. plays out in the long term. the good news for women is there are so many good jobs created economic indicators looking like life for women is going to be better than ever under this administration. abby: you are a conservative woman. have you been outspoken many times on this show about your viewpoints and positions.
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how have other women treated you? >> you know, i'm glad you brought that up. it is interesting. because i will get the most comments when i will say positive things about the president or women associated with the president. i notice that other women will tend to objectify me on social media. i have seen them do it to you and other strong women as well. it's sad. it says a lot more about a sort of insecurity as women. we shouldn't objectify one another or insult one another for having a difference of opinion. we should respect one another and engage in civil discourse. that's what so many conservative women try to do today. i hope that the left can wake up to this reality that we don't have to be that kind of grubby fear inciting person, conspiracy theorist to get our point across we can have a conversation that's intelligent and move us forward as women much more so. abby: that's a great point. celebrate our differences as
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women. ivanka trump also someone who has taken a lot of heat especially for her position in the white house. take a look at this. >> remember how donald trump and ivanka promised they wouldn't turn the white house into a mom and pop store? no nepotism? remember iremember that? clearly they don't. >> people think you are going to be part of the administration, ivanka. >> i'm, no. i'm going to be a daughter. >> and a liar. >> i'm supremely uncomfortable with the fact that he has put her into a formal white house position. we're not talking about a dynasty running the united states. this is supposed to be the government. i think ethically, this is pure and simple nepotism. abby: that's even hard to watch. quickly, your thoughts? >> she is one of the most successful women in the world with a solid record. women should be celebrating ivanka trump and she is volunteering by the way which makes it more admirable. '. abby: good to see you. >> good to be with you, be ay, thanks. abby: did you hear what the new head of the dnc had to say
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about republicans? >> i will tell you my idea, because you know -- i don't care. because [bleep] abby: he is angry. rnc chair woman ronna romney mcdaniel joins us live next hour. no kids or no service. a funny thing happened when a fine dining restaurant decided to ban children all together? the manager is joining us next to tell us about that. you might be surprised. ♪ can i take the long way gnome. can i get some help. watch his head. ♪ i'm so happy. ♪ whatever they went through, they went through together. welcome guys.
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life well planned. see what a raymond james financial advisor can do for you.
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brian: welcome being bark. a north carolina fine dining restaurant has had it with out-of-control kids.
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they have banned them. abby: the move receiving criticism and praise. the restaurant says reserves are soaring. steve the manager joins us this morning. good morning. yoshi. >> good morning. steve: decided to not allow young diners under the age of 5. that's because you had young person under the age of 5 and ipad volume up high. tell us the story. >> well, it happened one saturday where the parents brought their kid and we -- brought their ipod to calm them down. but at the end is we're a fine dining restaurant. we have a time for an event for those kind of situations. and being loud with the ipad it was no -- it was not allowed for our restaurant because they was disrupting the atmosphere of the gusts and the atmosphere of the restaurant. so we decided -- steve: the parents would not turn it down.
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abby: that was the problem. >> turn it down. they thought it was okay. >> when we said, please, just turn it down because, you know, it's way too loud. abby: how they responded to not allowing 5-year-olds and younger to the restaurant. from what we have read, it's been booming. >> it has have a favorable effect for the restaurant. this restaurant is being busy since we opened. it's just having some kids in the restaurant has affect some of the customers that we have in the past that actually decided not to go because the kids were disrupting their dinners. they they are coming back. brian: it's not that you don't like kids. abby: have you kids. >> no, no, no. i have kids i have 7 boy and 8-year-old girl. and she is has been with me at
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fine events and everything. they know where to stand where to behave. we allow it, when you go out and spend good money on dinner, bottle of wine, i think it's a grown up time. i believe they. brian: -- with the volume up? >> i'm sorry? brian: aren't they watching the ipads with the volume up disturbing people around them? not your kids but other kids? >> oh, well, i can't say for every kid, but i can say for the -- restaurant they were -- i can't control their kids because i'm not their parent but, you know, parents should control their kids because that's what they are there for. steve: absolutely. that's the key. parental responsibility. folks, what do you think? female us at meanwhile, for the folks looking for a quiet dining experience head to carusos in morris, north carolina.
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abby: good to there you have morning. a lot of mixed reaction. some people love it others not too much. brian: michelle malkin and the steve: the head of the rnc ronna romney mcdaniel and sarah huckabee sanders. i let go of all those feelings. because i am cured with harvoni. harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. tell your doctor if you've ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements.
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♪ >> judge neil gorsuch is going to be confirmed. the way in which that occurs is in the hands of the democratic minority. >> when a nominee doesn't get 60 votes, you shouldn't change the rules. you should change the nominee. >> a deadly storm system carves a path of destruction through the south. >> in bow bridge, louisiana, a mother and 3-year-old little girl. >> i lost everything. the love 6 my daughter. everything. >> can you say definitively that there were people affiliated with the trump campaign who were working with russians? >> i don't think we can say anything definitively at this point. >> it's ironic that all of the real evidence of real money and real influence-buying by
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the russians relates to democrats. >> the only criminal act we know has occurred was the unmasking. that is something the democrats don't want to talk about. >> and the acn song of the year goes to. >> emma stone, la la land. i'm not kidding. [laughter] ♪ around it goes brian: how great is that? >> it all started with steve harvey. brian: pryce water house was not responsible for that faux pas which was intentional. they have fun with the shows. abby: they have humor. don't take themselves so seriously and get into politics. you know my love for luke bryan zeal to talk about it. steve: abby huntsman is in for ainsley. abby: great to be here. brian: i think it's okay to have you. i don't want to just go along with whatever steve says. steve: fair and balanced.
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brian: i don't want that label. steve: more on the academy of country music. let's get to a fox news alert. a bombshell report about the unmasking of president trump's team. abby: sources telling fox news someone very high up in the obama white house is responsible. brian: griff jenkins promised to give us the rest of this story and details. griff, follow through, won't you? >> absolutely, brian, steve, and abby. good morning again. it is a bombshell report over the weekend led by colleague adam housley showing the intelligence official who unmasked orics posed the name of private citizens involved with the trump campaign we well known high up and senior in the intelligence world sources told fox news. house intelligence committee chairman devin nunes is leading the investigation into russia meddling into the election, as well as claims that the trump campaign was surveilled. nunes is aware this administration official has met with him and the top democrat on that committee adam schiff also given access to this information, making a trip to the white house on
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friday to see those documents. but this weekend he is refusing to talk about it, saying he can't say whether or not anything was or was not unmasked. a remaining question now in this investigation into russian influence is whether or not it's tied directly into the alleged surveillance of the trump campaign by obama officials. senator john cornyn a member of the senate intelligence committee is looking at all of this, and he says the answer is yes. >> i do think they are connected and they both will be the subject of our inquiry on the senate intelligence committee. obviously any time anybody jeopardizing the privacy rights of an american citizen as part of an intelligence-gathering process that would be unauthorized and then leaks that information, that's potentially a crime and something we ought to pursue. >> now, here is where this stands. the house and senate intelligence committees are meeting behind closed doors today. we don't know exactly what they're doing. we assume that they are interviewing witnesses.
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talking to folks. we are steaking out both of those committees and the fbi continues an investigation as well. that's on a third track. so, a lot moving very quickly and it's going to be a big week, not only on the confirmation of enoug neil gorsh for the supreme court but this story that continues to unfold but also our colleague adam housley. guys? steve: adam housley is going to be on our show about an hour from now. thank you, griff. after adam's report came out the president of the united states tweeted out the real story turns out to be surveillance and leaking. find the leakers. and the gist of what adam is going to tell us here in about an hour is that west wing officials, during the obama days ordered the unmasking and the leaking of donald trump's name and well, the trump team and this was -- they started surveying them months before he even got the nomination and none of the stuff has to do with russia. brian: the reason why devin nunes went over there, according to the report, only
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two places to see it. he chose to see it at the white house. he didn't check with the "new york times." the white house people weren't the sources. but that's where he went to actually go see the material. abby: the unmasking is a big part of the story. because that really highlights the fact that this really was politically motivated. this wasn't about collecting data for the national security team. what we know now from adam housley. we have him on the show as well. very high up. very well known source within the administration from the intelligence community not from the fbi. steve: somebody from the west wing, his sources. remember that "new york times" story that came out last week it named two people in the house. as it turns out they were not the whistle blowers. those were simply people who helped devin nunes get access to a machine to look at the super secret documents keep in mind apparently he has been asking the intel community hey, i would like too come over and look up these documents. he was stonewalled by the intel community. he went over to the white house. abby: only safe place to do that. brian: by the way, we would
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like to see what russia was doing during the election absolutely national security idea to stop it for the next time and let them know there is ra ramifications. i would also like it know why they are in the french elections. more to the story. aferls intriguing as that report was, it got no coverage on cnn. got no coverage on msnbc. or any of the networks. look at this. zero coverage. steve: on evening newses. and however, this is a disor sty the pushing russian collusion. 23 segment on cnn. 10 on msnbc. about 20 two minutes on cbs. about 5 minutes on nbc. and about 3 minutes on abc. that story line is that essentially the russians helped get trump elected president of the united states. so far, from the people who have seen these documents, there is zero evidence to that effect. abby: does this surprise you at all that there has been
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zero coverage of adam housley's reporting? if did you go back to even when donald trump described decided to run for president. we have showed these clips on the show where they literally laughed at just the idea of that since he has been president. it's almost like they either cover the side of the story that is not from trump's favor or they decide not to cover it at all. they never give him the benefit of the doubt. brian: i watch the sunday shows. martha raddatz relentless in the line of questions to the part where nicly haley -- she did the tours yesterday. the feeling around community glad america is leading again. concerned about north korea, syria, and russia collectively. kept on pushing this one story. almost like a rain man type of approach to doing the sunday shows. steve: to the exclusion of the other which is and this is adam housley's story. if somebody in the obama west wing ordered the unmasking of these names for political purposes, i mean, we have got
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men and women around the world working in the intel community, and they, you know, they do everything they can to protect american citizens who are caught up in this incidental collection. but, if somebody unmasks names and apparently a bunch of names, simply for political purposes, to make the trump or republicans look bad that's a gigantic story. brian: here is newt gingrich weighing in on the big picture. >> i think in terms of the whole question of the trump administration, it's an absurd story. but, i think it raises two other questions. one is was the obama white house deliberately leaking, which would be a felony, who was doing it, i mean, these are crimes. and i think that's a key part of this. and the other is, i think we should know what the russians have been up to. but, frankly, that involves the op-ed brothers. one of whom is a registered agent for a russian bank. it involves all the different
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things that peter schweizer wrote about on his book on clinton cash. it's ironic that all of the real evidence of real money and real influence buying by the russians to reality democrats. steve: i'm glad he mentioned tony op-ed, john podesta's brother. tony op-ed is a registered lobbyist. has been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars, i believe, to do something to get the sanctions lifted against russia. can you imagine if for instance reince priebus' brother was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to do the same thing, do you think it would be a big story? of course it would be. why isn't the op-ed story a big story? you be the judge. brian: one of the other stories almost unreported is reince priebus other siblings have normal names only reince in the family. abby: never heard of the name reince before he. brian: neither did i. abby: have to report on that. toss it over to heather for other headlines. heather: 30 million people in
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the path of danger at this hour as the deadly storm system tears through the south. you can see toys and furniture, look there, scattered among th the debris. this is in bow bridge, louisiana. pregnant another and 3-year-old little girl killed when a tryster flips their home upside down. >> the love of my life, my daughter, everything. heather: those storms with tornadoes and flash floods now heading east and certainly keeping an eye on them for you. new overnight jared kushner now in iraq getting a first-hand look at the situation in the middle east. joint chiefs chairman general joseph dunford inviting the senior advisor to join him overseas. at the surprise visit coming after president trump vowed full support in iraq's fight against isis. and more than a week after republicans pulled their plan to repeal and replace obamacare, things appear to be
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getting back on track, maybe. kentucky senator rand paul and president trump there, talking healthcare on the golf course in virginia. >> we had a great day with the president today. we did talk about healthcare reform. i think the sides are getting closer and closer together. i remain optimistic we will get obamacare repealed. >> the senator also tweeting i had a great time today with president trump and believe we are getting closer to an agreement on healthcare. we shall see. and the brightest stars in the country music theme for the academy country music awards. nominees for the entertainer of the year kicking things off with electrifying performance. that award in jason aldine's hands today. to close out the night though there were several other memorable moments in between. >> ♪ tangled up in the tall grass ♪ with my.
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heather: sam hunt making hearts melt sweetly saharan mading his fiancee that was sweet. little bit of that stall d.b.a. gentleman as well. deuteronomy florida georgia line. and it looks like there is no bigger fan of back street boys in the performance than tim mcgraw giving a hug. that would be a great performance together. what do you think? tim mcgraw and the back street boys. who knew? abby: as you said, brian, we made florida georgia line famous. brian: i didn't know they were going to stay together until they did our show. i said you really sound good, stick it out. steve: florida georgia, and florida alabama line. one miscould you and yo miscue . abby: brand new goments while you were sleeping. brian: the lisms writing this about our president. quote it was no secret during the campaign that donald trump was a narcissist and demagogue
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who used fear and dishonesty to appeal to the worst in american voters. really? that sounds fair. steve: brian is going to talk to bill bennett about that. more from the academic of musiacademy of musicawards. ♪ baby, it's yours if you want it ♪ kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin trusted advice for life. kevin, how's your mom? life well planned. see what a raymond james financial advisor can do for you.
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before fibromyalgia, i was a doer. i was active. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy.
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my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. she also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. woman: for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica.
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♪ ♪ brian: all right. get this. in the first of a four-part series titled our dishonest president the "l.a. times" writes quote: it was no secret during the campaign that donald trump was a narcissist and a demagogue who used fear and dishonesty to appeal to the worst in american voters. the "times" called him unprepared and unsuited for the job he was seeking, which, by the way, he got, and said his election would be a catastrophe. fox news contributor and under president reagan joins us now. bill, you are not immune from seeing the bias in the media. have you ever seen anything like that. >> no. how do you think that 4-part series will come out, brian? how do you think it will end? brian: i think it will turn out i hate him, boy do i hate him, i still hate him.
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>> this is about invalidating the trump presidency. the "l.a. times," the mainstream media, democrats want to essentially nullify the results of the election. they do it by trashing trump and, as you read, by trashing the electorate. he just has to make sure that he stays on course. big meeting this week with the president of china president xi. we were arguing about this about the of election when i was supporting trump one reason is sufficient supreme court appointments. these guys outlast two, three, four, five, eight terms of a president. brian: out of committee this week. passed by friday. does bill bennett, the strategist, not the idealist, the strategist think it's better for republicans to use the nuclear option because the next justice would probably could be as early as june and they will need it? >> yes. if they have to.
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mcconnell has been clear on, this brian. he made this point. he has been emphatic. they have to get him on and honor that promise. the mistake here is on the democrat side. chuck schumer is off balance here. because, you know, they raise a fuss over gorsuch, what are they going to do the next time. spend all their energy and feary on gorsuch. next time there could be someone who is more right wing as they say and spent themselves. this is aing about mistake. this is after all the scalia seat. it's the next one that could be, you know, somewha someone oa different persuasion. brian: yesterday the president golfed. of he golfed with rand paul. getting close with her it comes to healthcare. wait a second, he echos the thought of the freedom caucus who had a brush back against friday. what do you think is going on behind the scenes? because the president says the obamacare r redux is back.
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>> i'm glad it's not a dead letter and glad he spent time with rand paul. the one thing the president has done that worries me is the criticism of the freedom caucus. i know a lot of those guys. i could have gone with the ryan plan. i could have gone with the freedom caucus plan. but the president, as you know, needs the freedom caucus to get legislation passed. he is going to need them to get his tax plan passed. is he going to need them for other things. i think theme brace of rand paul who is, you know, essentially a senate freedom caucus member was a good thing. and i hope he doesn't give up this issue. we can get something done. brian: i think it's all going to be all three phases into one. passes out of the house and let the senate dealing with it. get it done. we will see. bill, it's always great to get your perspective. thanks so much. >> ryan right. and remember everything we know about russia now we knew before the election when the democrats did not want to talk about russia. brian: i'm trying to get through a whole show without saying russia. >> you're right.
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why should would he be like everybody else. brian: thanks, bill. you did outdress me. meanwhile straight ahead, this is all that is left of the marine's american flag charred and tattered. who would burn it down? we'll explain. hi, i'm julie, a right at home caregiver. and if i'd been caring for tom's dad, i would have noticed some dizziness that could lead to balance issues. that's because i'm trained to report any changes in behavior, no matter how small, so tom could have peace of mind. we'll be right there. we have to go. hey, tom. you should try right at home. they're great for us. the right care. right at home.
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you're stuck, watching spinning wheels and progress bars until someone else scoops your story. switch to comcast business. with high-speed internet up to 10 gigabits per second. you wouldn't pick a slow race car. then why settle for slow internet? comcast business. built for speed. built for business. abby: about 25 minutes after the hour. back to headlines. disgusting act of disrespect. marine's flag burned in his driveway. show the charred remains of red, white and blue once were. >> the look on his face was like somebody shot him. he just was devastated that somebody would do this, you know, to anybody and to us. abby: police in phoenix still looking for the criminal. a new flag now is hanging in its place.
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and the u.s. air force shutting off the lights to protect endangered sea birds like this one. the honolulu star advertiser reports that the air force is reducing the brightness ad at this radar facility avoid ago lawsuit. experts believe the lights called 130 sea birds to fall out of the sky back in 2015. take it away. steve: thank you very much. john kelli met with mayors from across the country last week on the topic of sanctuary cities. what were the major take aways and could everybody agree on common goals? here to weigh in the mayor bare of gary, indiana. good morning, mayor. >> good morning. how are you, steve? steve: good, thanks. we are interested in the whole sanctuary city thing as you are as well. what came out of meeting last week with the secretary? >> well, one of the first things that we all agreed to is that we want our cities to be safe.
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we also indicated that dialogue is important so this was an initial meeting. we expect our staffers to get together and have other meetings with the secretary as well. steve: where does gary, indiana stand on the issue of assassination area cities? i know i was reading there was - sanctuary cities. i know there was a law banned indiana towns from being sanctuary cities. where does gary stand. >> as mayors, we really reject the term sanctuary cities as more of a political term. gary is a welcoming city. that means that gary welcomes all individuals who are legal and who want to be law abiding citizens. and i think you will find that most mayors are not looking to harbor any criminals or harbor any illegal aliens. we simply don't want our local police forces who are already taxed placed in the position of being ice agents. steve: okay.
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so you mentioned you welcome legal and law-abiding citizen. what about people who are in the country illegally? >> well, certainly, there is a process for determining one's legal status and we just want to. steve: either they are in the country legally or not. >> well, have you to determine that you can't just pick someone out off the street and say you are legal or not legal. there's a process. one of the things that you have to understand is that the fourth amendment applies to legal and illegal residents. steve: that is correct. what about cooperation with ice? you know, we have heard some stories, for instances, out in san francisco. that story of kate steinle shot and killed after a guy who had a criminal record and had been deported five times was in the country and shot her accidentally, he said. where does gary, indiana stand on cooperating with ice? >> gary, certainly intends to follow the law.
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we intend to cooperate with ice. one of the things we have to remember though is that a detainer is a request. it is not a warrant. we believe ice has the wherewithal and has the responsibilities to simply get judicial warrants for these folks who are being detained as a result of something else. when you talk about those cases that are simply aberrations, i mean, that could happen with a legal resident just as easily as it could happen with an illegal resident. so, when people point out those cases, i think it's an effort to criminalize legal -- well, illegal immigrants and that's simply not the case. steve: well, mayor, that woman would be alive today had he not pulled the trigger. he should not have been in this country to start with. >> but he is one person. steve: and so is she. >> the problem with that when
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you cite those instances people tend to generalize and talk about all illegal immigrants being cralsz when the statistics show that that is simply not the case. steve: but i think, mayor, what donald trump has made it very clear when it comes to deporting people who are in this country illegally, he is mostly interested in people who have broken the law and are supposed to be deported anyway. criminal elements. >> there's a process and there's a legal process. and as long as we follow that process, i think every city would agree. i think the overriding responsibility that the president has is to come up with a comprehensive immigration strategy and that is what we, as mayors, certainly support and are looking to work with him on. steve: well it, certainly is a mess. and you're right. we need some sort of solution that we can all get behind. thank you, mayor, for joining us today from chicago and good luck to everybody out there in
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gary, indiana. >> thank you. have a great day. steve: what did you think of that? email us at when wait until you hear what the new head of the democratic national committee had to say about our president. >> donald trump you didn't win this washington. we have a bully in washington in the white house. steve: he said donald trump you did not win this election. rnc chair woman ronna romney mcdaniels joins us to respond coming up next. i have got a feeling she doesn't agree. and no kids or no service. a restaurant bans children under five and funny thing happens. business taking off. we are reading your comments next on "fox & friends" ♪ music go round ♪ bright lights and music is if he has been ♪ this point i'm ♪ i joined the army in july of '98. i did active duty 11 years. and two in the reserves. our 18 year old was in an accident.
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♪ ♪ >> donald trump, you don't stand for our values. that's what they said. donald trump, you didn't win this election. when it dime healthcare, -- you lost healthcare. so what do we call it? trump care. we call it ryan care. i will tell you my idea because you know what elm bodies their program? i don't care. [cheers and applause] [bleep] steve: forget about going high. the new dnc chair tom perez says donald trump didn't win the election and republicans don't care about people. abby: here to respond rnc chair woman rhona romney mcdamaged. good to have you here. >> thanks for having me. >> what's your reaction? >> i think it's deeply concerning to seat head of the democratic party continue to try to delegitimize this election. not only president trump who did win this election by a
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lot. but also the voters. voters like people from michigan and my state who were so concerned about jobs and the economy and donald trump came and presented a vision and the democrats are continuing to ignore what the voters said on november. that they feel like this country is going in the wrong direction. and the anger he just showed and delegitimizing their voices is very concerning. brian: can i just underline the fact that is he cursing on one of his first public appearances. terry mcauliff whether you agree with him or not, he was not handling it that way ed gillespie and others who in this position should usually show a degree of class. number two, this is the hand pick of president obama. that's the one they pushed forward. he represents his school of thought. don't you think? >> yeah. i think democrats should be denouncing his behavior this weekend. to say that mucks don't give a blank about people that should
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not be rhetoric that the head of the dnc should be using. they keep talk about resist. are they going to resist better jobs and economy and national security? president trump continues to reach out to democrats. he is saying let's work together. we have to solve some big problems. this is the leader of the democrat party basically saying we're not going to work with you on anything. steve: sure, president trump has gotten good news when it comes to creating jobs and the economy. it feels like optimism hasn't been this high in quite a while. but you know how to works, rhona, that's all the democrats have is they are trying their best to delegitimize him. it's the same thing with the russia thing. so you see tom perez out there. all he is trying to do is stir up his base. and it's effective. >> it's the democratic leadership doing. this democrat voters, they voted for donald trump a lot of them. they want to see problems solved in washington. they want a change from the status quo. they want leaders in washington tackling healthcare
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that is crumbling around them. premiums going up. they want a good supreme court justice nominated. they want to get rid of the nonsense. brian: ronna, what you are losing is independence. seems like his base is strong but independence is shrinking because, perhaps, the constant barrage of negativity. how do you deal with that? >> well, through action. and you have seen donald trump from day one get to work. he has already put jobs back in this country in states like michigan, with ford putting $1.2 billion in to plants and carrier and other jobs around this country. have you already seen them fight for healthcare and seen him put forward a great supreme court justice nominee. his actions are full filling the promises he made on the campaign trail as independents and voters start to see that, they will rally around donald trump. they are already doing it. abby: action and ideas get people to the polls not a bunch of anger. we will see how this plays out. rhona romney, thanks for
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joining us this morning. >> thanks for having me. abby: let's head over to heather childers. >> good morning to you and everyone at home. talk about judge neil gorsuch to begin with. he is lining up the support for a third democrat as his confirmation process reaches the home stretch. but, hundreds of liberals taking aim at senator lindsey graham because he plans to vote in favor of the president's pick. >> i'm going to vote for judge neil gorsuch, i think is he a highly qualified man. [crowd boos] heather: here those views the g.o.p. vowing to go nuclear if the democrats don't get on board. the vote is expected to happen by friday. and new york, is already talking about decriminalizing pot. could prostitution be nexted? there is a new push by criminal justice panel to make prosecution a civil offense instead of criminal one which would essentially let heerks get off with a summons instead of being hauled off to jail no.
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word yet on if any lawmakers are getting behind that idea. and the fine dining restaurant has had it with out-of-control children so they have banned them a move met with both criticism and praise as you can imagine them. we spoke with the manager of the north carolina restaurant earlier who says that reservations are soaring. >> when you go out and spend good money on dinner, bottle of wine, i think it's a grown up time. i can't control their kids because i'm not their parents. parents should control their kids because that's what they are there for. heather: nunez says the disrupting shouting or ipads at the table take away from the atmosphere that the staff works so hard to create. those are a look at your headlines so far. abby: thank you, heather. steve: this story has a lot of people talking. we have got hundreds of responses for and against the ban since we first telling you about it last week. abby: both sides of the dial on this one. nina says too bad other restaurants don't adopt this
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rule it is awesome. it should be the rule at weddings or funeralsor any form mall settings. brian: i'm actually on chris' side. i would not eat there because eating out is one thing that should an family experience and not allow kids to ruin that. steve: this is supposedly a fine dining place. brian: kids don't like fine dining. steve: that's the point. don't go. ben writes it's awesome that a business owner finally took a stance against irresponsible parents. we need to point out that's what really got him going. because he saw in the restaurant this little kid under 5 had the ipad up. the volume was on high. and they came over and asked the parents will you turn down the volume on your ipad? and they said no. she can do whatever she wants. then they asked them to leave. next thing they know they have this policy. brian: i don't know in adam klotz in the weather center has serious stuff. they used to take us away to another room and let the parents eat. steve: there was a cry room?
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brian: room for kids to go. abby: adam where do you go. >> you were at the mcdonald's kids place going down a slide? brian: no. i think it was actually a restaurant. steve: meanwhile today have you some strong storms behind you moving through portions of dixie land. >> yeah. that's absolutely the case. busy. eastern texas and louisiana. now seeing a shift into mississippi and alabama. out in front of this line of storms continue to be severe weather. so we are really stretching down from new orleans all the way up into portions of alabama actually running up towards montgomery. it's the southern section where we have seen the nastiest weather continuing. i can kind of drop the radar for you there. this line everything you are seeing in the yellow that is a severe thunderstorm warning which means winds up to 60, 70 miles per hour. very strong hail. and then you are talking about very heavy rale rain as well. this system is going to continue along the gulf coast today. eventually running up into alabama and farther off into
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georgia. this is going to be continue to be an issue today. and overnight hours and probably again tomorrow morning. steve: when the weather service puts out a warning a day and a half ahead you know it's going to be severe. adam: yeah, that's what we had. brian: next on remember rundown unless have you a different one remember when hollywood gave away the wrong oscar? nashville hasn't forgotten that either. >> emma stone, la la land. [laughter] >> the winner is die a happy man thomas. abby: carley shimkus is here with all the headlines from the academy of country music awards. steve: was that david copperfield? here we have kelsey performing last night at the acms ♪ i want to be a girl tonight ♪ yeah, boy ♪ every summer --
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♪ steve: let's talk trends. country music major night of the year wouldn't be complete without a jab at the biggest award show blunder in history. >> and the acm song of the year goes to -- this is odd. [laughter] david? >> emma stone, la la land. [laughter] >> leave it to country music. here with that story and more of today's top trends fox news headlines 27 reporter carley shimkus. we all needed that last night. >> we sure did. the acm's were head in las vegas what a perfect venue. it really felt like a party, didn't it?
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a lot of people are buzzing about this from nancy adele and david copper field. one topic of conversation that didn't come up whatsoever though, politics. brian: no russia? >> wiretapping whatsoever. abby: no making fun of melania? >> none of that either. they focused the awards show on fun and music and big night for thomas, one won that award that david copperfield and nancy adele. big vocalist of the year. big night for miranda lambert and jason aldine. big night for fashion. looked amazing. abby: back street boys showed up. >> back street boys were a big surprise for a lot of people. they had announced their performance beforehand: brian: whole album duets with
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other bands. steve: writing on the west coast about 45 years since watergate and compare this president and tried to glom them all together. >> he wrote an op-ed for "the washington post titled 45 years after watergate the truth again is in danger. here is what he had to say. when president trump speaks being in a running war with the media, calls them among the most dishonest human beings on earth and tweets they are the enemy of the american people, his language takes the nixon administration false accusations of shoddy and shabby journalism to new and dangerous height. he said the president distrust of the media is dangerous. of course, supporters of mr. trump disagree on social media voyeur vocally. robert red ford has made a few good movies that's all is he good for. politics standing up for the constitution not so much. kerry chiming in he is an actor entertainer. that's it.
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he will and always will be a liberal. a lot of people not talking about what he is saying. just saying celebrities and media folks in general just stay away. brian: he was really good in the -- steve: he also did the president all the president's men had to do with watergate. all started 45 years ago. abby: take a lesson from country music. >> big take away. brian: he played woodward. steve: or bernstein. abby: good to have you here, carley. >> thank you. abby: brand new bombshell showing trum -- fox news senior correspondent adam housley blew the story wide open. steve: he is coming up 10 minutes. brian: thank you for the ball park opening day: show you thousand make stadium favorites in your house like chili dogs and cracker jacks. celebrating baseball because fox sports has the contract. we should bring that up, too.
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steve: there is another attraction at ball parks besides baseball it's the food. abby: if you can't make it to the opening day, you can make ball park goodies at home. author of take this dish and twist it chef george duran. it smells so good in here. >> absolutely. when you think baseball you think of hot dogs. nathan's hot dogs are the official hot dog of the mlb. find them at you're supermarkets everywhere throughout the country. that's where we are making quality beef.
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steve: we know how to do that. these days fancy stuff to put ton you put on a slaw. >> so versatile. turn on veggie bullet. make noise here. it shreds, slices, spiral. put anything in there fruits, vegetables, cabbages. even meats put in there once that is done mix the ingredients. simple. little bit of mayo and sour scream. a lot of chipotle sauce right there. lime juice. put that in there. when you mix that up a little bit in there you will get a slaw that is going to change your hot dogs for the rest of your life. abby: beautiful and colorful and healthy that all is. >> absolutely right. nice and spicy. that's the beauty of the veggie bullet. steve: i will be the taste tester. ask the kids. >> disir that in there. upping your kitchen game. abby: yummy?
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before we toss it, brian, dingdong. these guys are helping me decorate. >> white fudge dingdongs, new product from hostess, pipe them into little baseballs. how cool is that? use red licorice. make little baseballs. brand new in the market. set to go. abby: brian, take it away. brian: since when is dingdongs new? that's controversy in the show. round of applause for the man who is going to tell us how to cracker jacks. atlantic lead. >> peanuts is everything. so i got some milk shake going on here. take you out to the ballgame peanut butter pie. lactaid. new flavor of peanut butter pie. realize cream without the lactose.
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you will be all right, man. then we have homemade cracker jacks. can't beat this. butter, brown sugar, mow also a says wells light corn syrup. hand that out. brepretzel bites.extra virgin o. he usda certified organic. can't beat corn dogs. all about baseball. i put pickupper sauce in the batter for those. deep fry them. they are delicious. and then, of course, you can't go wrong with any kind of nachos. pulled pork nachos, loaded up with jalapenos. olives, tomatoes. everything in there. sauce is a. brian: this fun food. not going to make you healthier. >> you know what? there are healthy versions on all this good stuff you find here. definitely fun food. brian: thank you s quacker jack.
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let me tell you brand new bombshell. donald trump's associates unmasked by high level obama officials for political purposes. adam housley blew the lid off this story. pepperdine. except when it cos to your retirement plan. but at fidelity, we're making retirement planning clearer. and it all starts with getting your fidelity retirement score. in 60 seconds, you'll know where you stand. and together, we'll help you make decisions for your plan... to keep you on track. ♪ time to think of your future it's your retirement. know where you stand.
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>> judge gorsuch is going to be confirmed. the way in which that occurs is in the hands of the democratic minority. >> it looks like gorsuch will not reach the 60 vote margin. >> i think schumer is off margin here. are they going to t time? >> we had a great day with the president today. and i remain optimistic that we will get obamacare repeal. >> white college-educated women, and i would to urge them you can't look away. concerning for me as a woman that other women are letting themselves be diluted this way. >> can you say definitively
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that there were people of the trump campaign working with the russians? i don't think we can say anything definitively at this point. >> the only attack was the unmasking. >> the person who did the unmasking is very well-known, very high up, very senior in the intelligence world. >> the award goes to thomas ray. steve: we're going to talk all about the big night for academy of country music in a couple of minutes but welcome to the third hour. ainsley: you know it's a big day when brian kilmeade is wearing a three-piece suit. brian: breaking news about russia and their own elections. i don't know if you've heard. russia seems to be coming up a lot lately, but not about this a long. adam, tell us about this story that may have changed this story. >> well, first of all, i have to tell you, brian, it's very involved as you might imagine,
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a lot of different stories coming out online right now. i'm just going to go off of what we have specifically right here. and also we don't know who spoke to devon nunez. we know it's not someone at the white house. we don't know who spoke to the white house about this, other than what nunez said about the press conference. they don't really have a horse in this game. they are frustrated with the agency they say are being politicized more than they've seen in their career. one reason they're speaking out -- the second reason because nunez came out in front of the cameras has his finger on it, so they want to make sure it's done correctly. what we've learned is this. from multiple sources it's all about intelligence-gathering methods. the fact is a lot of these men, women in these intelligence communities did not want to speak about what's going on because they were concerned about those methods being known. but now they figure they might as well clarify things since nunez has been leaked to by someone they don't know or at least they tell me they don't know. we know there was this. there was electronic surveillance of trump and the
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people close to donald trump, including some supporters for up to a year before inauguration. that information was disseminated. the messages of u.s. citizens was supposed to be masked, which means stain out of a report. for example, if i call somebody in bulgaria, and that's picked up somehow by our agencies and there's nothing there, a national report would say american number one or my name would not be there. what i'm told is that when these reports came out, names were there and that is unprecedented. basically they say the information that's unmasking, these names of americans who had done nothing wrong was disseminated to all of nsc, all of dod, clapper and other people at the top. rice knew about this as well. i know there were and reports out there that she was the one who reported this.
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we do not know who record this because we have not spoken to devon nunez about it. so we don't know what papers he saw. our sources don't know what papers he saw. they just tell us about the information of unmasking names from donald trump and his team and his family was disseminated to a very select few at the top and was done so for a significant amount of time and that is blockbuster, guys. as far as we know hasn't been done at least in modern times when it comes to this type of thing. also as we look down at some of my notes here going through this, that there were also additional unmasking as well and, again, as far as we can tell, none of this had anything to do with national security. steve: i'm glad -- that was going to be my question. so the unmasking was for political purposes and not for national security reasons. >> yeah. basically that's what we're told and that's what's troubling some of these men and women, they were seeing these names going wait we don't see these names, and then they started to put it
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together. whoever is leaking devon nunez, it's political. they tend to be less political. a lot of these people don't have a horse in the game. brian: adam, you say we don't have names. can you clarify this? we got two names from the new york times and three names from the washington post. what about those white house names and how are they -- how does that differ from what you're reporting? >> well, the new york times report, which got wide coverage, was -- i mean, pretty much wrong when it came to naming those two sources. the two people at the white house as being basically insinuating that that's how devon nunez learned of the story. our sources tell us that those guys basically gained him access. that he had somebody else leaked to him, at least according to the congressman himself, and those two people helped him get onto the white house grounds or helped help me facilitate to get onto a secure location to get the information. one thing that his has been been covered by this by the mainstream media. abby: not at all. >> to see this information, there's only a few places in our country to see it.
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and if you go to the agency who is leaking to the congressman or, for example, i don't have access but if i was an elected official and had clearance, if i go to that agency, automatically you're going to probably have a pretty good idea who's leaking. steve: sure. >> i can't go to the other agencies i'm not involved with because i don't have access to. but i can go to the white house, there's a secure room there and this has been done by chairman in the past and see the information there. the raw data. and that's apparently what was done. abby: that leads you to believe that whatever the sources that unmasked these names part of the trump team, high level source, very well-known; right? steve: west wing person. a west wing person; right? >> from what i'm told, exactly. the congressman has said that. the congressman has said a very high level individual, and this is on camera, i watched some of his interviews last night. high level on camera. he said that a high level ordered it and then he saw who ordered it, he saw who carried it out, and he saw one name that was unmasked. obviously the congressman won't speak to us about it,
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which is his right, his prerogative. but our sources that there are a lot of things out there that exist, and they don't know which one he's looking at. they're not going to be able to say it's susan rice. but absolutely 100% they know that this was disseminated for the top levels and done for a significant amount of time. that doesn't mean that clapper and rice and these people ordered it and were part of it, but they were receiving it. steve: and it's done for political purposes. ask real quick before you go because i know your time's tight. it looks like what donald trump tweeted out a while back was right. the semantics are wrong. it wasn't a wiretap. the idea was they had been watching the trump people and probably the president himself for close to a year. >> you know, we've covered this, steve. we've joked about it in some respects and friends on the phone, oh, hey, guys, whoever's listening. but in respect, we are being listened to. it's metadata. it's being collected.
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think about this for a second. as a american citizen, i would be troubled if my name came out in a intelligence report when i've done absolutely nothing wrong i was your and had nothing to do with russia. >> right. brian: and we know adam schiff, so the same thing devon nunez; right? >> well, congressman schiff, i watched his interview yesterday, and it was interesting he talked about the process. he didn't talk about the results. so generally speaking, that may mean that the results may not be necessarily good. so in some respects more of a lightbulb went on. hey, we're onto something. abby: great work out there. keep it up. >> thank you. abby: let's bring in malcolm, michelle, you heard it there from adam housely, this has been going on for over here a year except zero reporting of this. zero. >> yeah. it's bombshell after bombshell. and as adam tweeted last night, drip, drip, drip, and more of it is going to come out and there's nothing that the liberal propaganda media
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monopoly can do to block the truth from coming out. i think the american people should be outraged, not only what adam is reporting that this kind of spying was going on a year ago on private citizens. steve: right? >> and that it wasn't just the one example of, quote, unquote, incidental unmasking. but then more surveillance was ordered and more of this was done. how much more? and the fact that you have all of these liberal media editorial boards that are now going bananas, completely unhinged in their so-called resistance gorilla mode have nothing to say about these violations of privacy. brian: well, because they're not all there yet. there's still some more information to come out. the more specific they get, the reaction will be there, michelle. it will be they'll drop it. all of a sudden russia will be
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a third rail. they'll never come around and say wow. we missed the story here. >> yeah. that's right. and the fake news with the journalists that operate by sins of comission and omission, they'll just switch horses or rather squirrels because of course, squirrels are what they jump onto to distract the american people from all of the important work that this white house is doing. the other thing, of course is that they do, that they always do is when there are independent journalists. steve: right? >> who are reporting news that undermines and sabotages their marriages, what do they do? attack add homonyms and that's exactly what's happening to adam housely and fox. steve: what is extraordinary is that the fact if true, people from barack obama's west wing weaponnized information from the intel community for political purposes to try to damage the opposite party. that is a gigantic story. >> of course it is. but it fits in what we already
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know about that climate of corruption within the obama white house. that they would use any agency, whether it was the irs or whether it was internally at the white house where they had a specific woman whose sole goal was to attack fox news. why wouldn't they use the cia and every resource they had available to obstruct and destroy their political enemies? and that's what these editorial boards should be about. instead you have the l.a. times going after the trump administration for doing everything that they promised to do for the american people. here they are railing about trump undermining the rule of law as they defend open borders and say nothing about these reports that are coming out now about this? a joke. abby: we also want to get your thoughts on this democrats and other big target for them seem to be concerned women. tina faye was out over the
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weekend. take a listen to what she said. >> a lot of this was turned by congressma college-educated women going back to watch hgtv, and i want to urge them you can't look away. because it's not going to affect you this minute, but eventually. >> you're someone who supports president trump. how do you respond to that? >> well, tina faye sure shows her support for all women in very curious ways. but this has been a pathology of the left to attack conservative women, to attack women who stray from the liberal, progressive plantation. and it is the most misogynist strain out there. i mean, these people eject to sexism when they'll attack kellyanne conway for the family choices that she's made, for posing for a picture with a fur coat.
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where is tina faye to condemn all of these crazy leftist over the weekend who were hounding ivanka trump's neighbors because she has different political viewpoints from them? because, again, this is a pathology. and i've seen it time and again, and i've experienced it. the dehumanization and the marginalization of women who stand up for traditional values, for national sovereignty, and for conservatism. steve: well, it certainly was not the liz lemon i know from the tv show. brian: i don't know what the hgtv reference about. is that a bad network? steve: crazy. michelle, can you stick around? >> you bet. steve: all right. because we want to talk about officer betty shelby who shot and killed a black man in tulsa. she sat down for an interview, which is unheard of. that coming up with michelle next. brian: and with university protest breakouts often. [chanting] brian: so what all happened
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steve: michelle joins us from denver. i'm sure you saw last night on 60 minutes they did a story of tulsa police officer betty shelby who was in the news a while back. refresh our memory about her case. >> yeah. right. so of course she was involved in a incident involving a shooting of what was allegedly an unarmed black man, and she became another target of the black lives matter movement, which has this narrative of all cops who serve and protect us, being somehow racist and violent against black people. she is white. he is black. she works for the tulsa police department, the trial is coming up literally in a matter of weeks, and she went on 60 minutes, and i, listen, to an interview locally with pat pam bell in tulsa with one of her lawyers explaining she needed to do this because there had been so much publicity.
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the minds of tulsa citizens as well as american citizens have been poisoned in the social justice mob atmosphere, and i thought it was a very smart move. in fact, the social justice mob is hijacked in many of these cases and the cops, the deck is stacked against them because of the anticop. abby: she went on 60 minutes last night. she wanted to make her case. listen to this. >> his hands are just dropped beside him, his chin is resting on his chest, and he's standing there motionless. i thought i wonder if he's on pcp. >> why did that cross your mind first? >> because it was an odd behavior. zombie-like. >> zombie-like. brian: i think the first thing she said is everyone think so i'm a racist. i have no history of that in my background. i'm not. here's my story. so your reaction. >> yeah. that's right.
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i think it was very important to underscore that it is not about race. that these are cops who have to make incredibly-difficult decisions. and i think it's interesting to point out that the family of the man who died in this case is being represented by benjamin crump. al sharpton on steroids, also representing the accusers, also completely innocent of the charges that were against him, and he's behind bars. the bottom line here is that the black lives matter rhetoric is causing proof to be stained and freedom to be deprived, and our cops are under siege by this mentality. steve: all right. no kidding. well, her trial comes up i believe next month. michelle, thank you very much for joining us live today from denver. abby: good to see with you be michelle.
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coming up, president trump threatening to take away federal funding, weighs in on what this liberal mayor had to say about the president's threat. >> and trying to intimidate us into being what i call fugitive slave catchers. run around and do their bidding in our cities. they're delicious and help keep my body in balance. i love these. sunsweet amaz!n prunes, the feel good fruit. but shouldn't it be about firsts?d in zeros. and seconds... how about adding a third? we think there's a bajillion ways to measure success. and whether you have hundreds or millions... we think you deserve the financial freedom
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abby: and wangling back to fox and friends. just hours from now judge neil gorsuch confirmation process reaching the home stretch. a vote for the senate judiciary committee today which could send his supreme court nomination to the full senate. democrats, though, vowing to filibuster. phil bennett, says that that would be a mistake. >> spending all of their energy, all of their fury on
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gorsuch, next time there could be some who's more identifiably conservative or right wing as they say, and they will have spent themselves. >> and the gop promising to go nuclear if democrats don't get onboard. the vote is expected to happen by friday. and more than a week after republicans pulled their plan to repeal and replace obamacare, things appear maybe to be getting back on track. kentucky senator rand paul and president trump talking health care on the golf course in virginia. >> we had a great day with the president today. we did talk about some health care reform. i think the sides are getting closer and closer together, and i remain very optimistic that we will get obamacare repeal. >> so the senator also tweeting i had a great time today with president trump and believe we are getting closer to an agreement on health care. brian. brian: it would be. i've been left down that path before, though. meanwhile on another note, a
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publish blasting the president for cities protecting illegals. >> sanctuary cities for them to tell mayors and other folks around the country one that they're sticking to what i think is a very unconstitutional and un-american policy and trying to intimidate us into being what i call fugitive slave catchers, the runaround and do their bidding in our cities. brian: really? throwing out illegally? he's the host of the blaze. lawrence jones and joins us right now. lawrence, what's your take on his take? >> hey, brian, i'm a little bit upset about this. actually, i'm mad as hell. i don't understand how somebody can compare this to the constitution and slaves when it took a constitutional amendment for black slaves to be free. after coming here unwillingly. so how can they continue to make this comparison when these people can go home at any time? at any time? brian: absolutely.
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and the fact is if that's his view that illegals amongst us, if you report them or follow up, especially if they committed a crime, they're out. by following the law, they equate it to that. more pressure on law enforcement when african-american leaders do things like this; correct? >> yes. and where's the congressional black caucus? listen, brian freedom is not free. okay? people paid a price for black lives to become american citizens. there was no free health care. there was no food stamps. these people get here, get a job, they get free health care, they get government assistance, in-state tuition, and all other things that americans don't get. i'm shocked that congressional black caucus are silent on this. it is unacceptable. brian: so, lawrence, even if you're in liberal cities, law enforcement can go along with the mayor only to a certain
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degree. for example, any more liberal than mayor de blasio, nypd reportedly is just ignoring him and alerting ice officials when they arrest somebody or detain somebody that is here illegally. so there's a little problem. there's a push back in massachusetts too. >> it's obstruction. okay? we've seen this where judges were letting inmates out the back door of the judge's entrance when ice agents were waiting outside. these people need to be held criminally responsible. the mayors need to -- shouldn't have funding from the federal government. these counties should be stripped of funding. these people are obstructing the law, they need to be held accountable. this is not underground railroad as many liberals are now calling this. this is peer obstruction. if you want to be a citizen in this great country, you need to go through the process. freedom ain't free, brother. brian: famously now, we point
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out bill clinton in the '90s making a speech we need to enforce our borders and get more border control. why is this such a partisan issue in 2017 when we were all in agreement in the mid-90s? >> because they want the votes. they're trying to use just like black folks in the whole republican party, this is just another ploy to get votes to pull at people's heart strings while completely ignoring the black experience in america, what it took to be american. this is just another emotional play to get latinos to consistently support them. even when president obama deported more people than any other president, nobody wants to talk about that. i think this is just another example of that. brian: all right. lawrence jones, thanks so much. appreciate your time. >> brian, thanks, brother. brian: 31 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up straight ahead. did you hear what the dnc said about republicans?
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>> because i don't care. brian: classy. sarah huckabee sanders joins us live next to respond. and when conservatives speak at universities protests break out. loretta lynch is speaking at harvard. how do you think she'll be received? we'll let you know straight ahed at old dominion, we see freight... a combination of products and customers. every on-time arrival is backed by thousands of od employees, ...who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. because od employees treat customer service... our most important delivery. od. helping the world keep promises.
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but first things first -me call trugreen,. america's #1 professional lawn care company. millions of homeowners like you trust us to give them a lawn they can live on. and tailored care plans ensure their lawns get exactly what they need to thrive. guaranteed. that means you can do more of this, this, and this. okay, maybe not this. start your trugreen lawn plan today for only $29.95. and live life outside. plus, trugreen now offers mosquito defense. so don't wait - act now. steve: this is a fox news alert. heather is joining us. you have news of a disturbing explosion in russia. >> yeah. coming fill russia. breaking right now, an explosion rocking a subway in st. petersburg, russia, specifically. pictures are just coming in showing metal doors completely blown off the cars.
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debris scattered inside. right now reports of several being injured. there's also reports of a second explosion at another subway station. still no word on whether or not this is terror-related, and we will continue to follow that for you. and in other news, a homeowner charged with murder for shooting an intruder who he found taking a shower in his home. police in washington state say the two exchanged words before the homeowner left and returned with a gun. shooting the 31-year-old intruder several times. washington state has a self-defense law, but it states that a person should not use more force than necessary. the mason county sheriffs office asking people to wait for the facts before making any judgment. and college students violating the first amendment rights of conservative speakers on campuses across the country. just watch what happened during a lecture by conservative author charles murray at middlebury college. [chanting]
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>> so should we expect protest when former attorney general loretta lynch speaks at harvard this friday? especially after putting herself in hillary clinton's e-mail scandal? took a major hit after a tarmac meeting with clinton back in june, if you remember, just days before the fbi failed to charge the candidate over the server. brian: wow that's something. we haven't heard about these types of attacks since really the uprising. >> two of them happening. steve: there is a report that 10 people could be dead in that train explosion at this point. >> yeah, also jared kushner who was sent over to iraq, we want to bring in sarah and the principle deputy white house press secretary. sarah, good to have you this morning. >> good morning.
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great to be here. >> so kushner, what's he doing there? >> look, when the chief invites you to see the progress that our troops are making, go. that's exactly what's happening here. i know they just got on the ground within the hour, and i think he's looking forward to meeting with some of our troops and seeing the activity and progress that's happening on the ground. brian: so you're going to have three world leaders and possibly the supreme court justice nomination confirmed of justice gorsuch. how do you make sure that that becomes the story and not something else? >> look, we've got a huge week ahead. but frankly, we've had a huge couple of months in this administration, and we would love for people to continue to coever some of the big things that have taken place. the president's extremely focused on jobs. every action he's taken has been about creating jobs, whether it's getting rid of regulation and reform to make sure that we have an environment that businesses are confident hiring in, immigration reform, a lot of those things are all tied back to jobbing.
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moving forward over the next several weeks are this week we have a heavy focus on foreign policy. and this is a president who takes national security extremely seriously. wants to work with other countries on that but also on trade and other things and this week is going to be a big part of that. brian: sure but you know how it's working these days. mainstream media, it's all about russia, russia, russia. we've got two graduation to show folks. the first one is the mainstream media covering the unmasking regarding adam housey's report. nobody covered knit. whereas when it comes to the nunez coverage, cnn mentioned it 23 times about collusion, msnbc two times, five minutes on cbs, and three minutes on abc as well. brian: even protested in his own time. so we just had adam on a few minutes ago, and he was talking about this unmasking, and it sounds like -- i know it's very noisy there on the
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north lawn -- an obama-west wing official ordered the unmasking for political purposes. that is a big story. >> it's a huge story. and the fact that most of the media is ignoring it is absolutely -- i wish i could say it is unbelievable but frankly, given the coverage we've had over the last several months, it really isn't. but thankfully some people are carrying the story and hopefully americans will see exactly what has been talked about for the last several weeks and that we can have a focus on one of these stories of substance. they've been obsessed with the idea of russia, despite the fact that there is nothing there. even obama administration officials said there is no evidence there. and now there is a story of substance and hopefully some of the media outlets will start to cover it. steve: just out of curiosity, what is all of that noise in the background? do you know? is it just a fire activity or something? abby: is it a parade? >> i have no idea. i think it's a parade for you guys. they heard and people are
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coming out in the thousands. abby: tom prez, the new face of the dnc, he is up in arms, he is angry. he says republicans, they don't care about the voters. i know you've seen the video. >> absolutely. i think this is the perfect example of why democrats lost the presidency, why they aren't in control in the house or the senate or the majority of governorship. i think americans realized a long time ago that washington elites like tom prez are completely out of touch, and they want somebody that can focus on jobs, focus on bringing hope back to this country, and donald trump was the right messenger, and that's why he won. brian: also important to bring up was the handpick by president obama. but is that type of cursing and approach, is that the effective way any party head
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should act? >> not at all. and i think this is exactly why they lost, and why americans lost confidence in the democrat party and don't look to them for leadership. don't look to them for the party that brings jobs back, that secures our borders, secures our country. they're looking for donald trump to do that. that's why he won in a historic upset, and that's why he's successful in these first couple of months. abby: yeah, just listen to joe biden who is the democrats lost a huge opportunity with the middle class. did not even speak to them at all this last election. thank you for being here. steve: she did really well. it was really noisy. ainsley: people don't realize when you have somebody in your ear, it's very difficult to hear everything that's going around you. brian: unless you're used to doing something in new york city. every day the sirens. steve: jackhammering. abby: is gorsuch falling apart? here with brand-new developments. brian: but she's so young. how could she have done that for years?
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she must have started at 11 years old. the future hall of famer 19 years in baseball. the highlight will be on fox bb. fox and friends for the first time. i am sure. steve: that's a sports coat.
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real life john cena and nicki bella just won their first tag-team match. cena getting down popping the question in front of 70,000 fans. she did say "yes." they've been dating for nearly five years. how cute? brian: do they actually wrestle together? joining me now, wwe expert. in the last five years, there's been some wrestling. i'm going to give senator a proper introduction. in just over an hour, the battle will confirm judge gorsuch for the home stretch. let's give it to steve. steve: the republicans vowing to go nuclear if democrats don't get onboard. abby: she's the chief correspondent shannon joining us with the showdown. shannon, take it away. steve: you are pumped up. >> i am pumped up. this is my super bowl. and it's official because the majority hearing will be voted. that's going to happen today when the real debate gets on the senate floor.
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now, over the weekend, we have a third democrat senator who said i'm going to support this guy. you see him there, joe mansion and heidi, but we had a john, a democrat out of montana who says he's not going to go along with this. here's part of his statement. judge gorsuch is a smart man but that doesn't make him right for a lifetime appointment to the u.s. supreme court. i cannot support a nominee who refuses to answer important questions. so republicans needed to pick off eight democrats or independents to vote with them so they could get the judge moving. the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says he's getting confirmed one way or the other. here's what he said. >> judge gorsuch is going to be confirmed. the way in which that occurs is in the hands of the democratic minority. and i think during the course of the week, we'll find out exactly how this will end. but it will end with his confirmation. brian: wow and we also know some of the senators that might vote for him. most likely perhaps they have a shot at angus king of maine
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and senator bennett from colorado because the judge is from colorado; right? >> right. and he actually -- senator bennett introduced him as part of what the home state senators will do. he was very careful in the way he did. he didn't endorse him saying i'm definitely voting for this guy, but they've been known to be friendly in colorado. there is a personal side to their relationship too. but do they need eight which is what they need for this filibuster. it sounds like republicans are going nuclear. steve: and there's no guarantee that they would invoke the filibuster. in the past, people have been confirmed with what? 51, 52? >> oh, yeah. less than 60. steve: and after we see of him doing the public testimony if he appeared to be a crazy person or extremist, he was neither. >> no. and the american bar association not a right wing group gave him unanimously the highest possible generating he could get. steve: so what does schumer want? >> because president trump
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picked him. that's what it boils down to, and they're still very angry that merrick garland did not get this same opportunity, and they talked a lot about this during these hearings. so it's less about gorsuch and more about trump. >> you should not pick a nominee during election. >> it's call the biden rule. brian: are we sure every republican will vote for the nuclear option? i hear senator collins might not do this. >> in order to change senate precedent, you would have to have all the republicans onboard for this. maybe mike pence gets called into action as a tiebreaker vote as the vice president. it's possible you could only lose one or two republicans maybe and still be able to do this. steve: all right. you've got to go prepare for your program. >> i do. at 9:00. abby: show you at 9:00, shannon. and ask how continues to look so young and good. he's aging in reverse. steve: meanwhile next up on the run down, we are celebrating opening day. major league basic baseball in a big way. future baseball hall of famer
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jones is here with the mascot and and some kids. abby: and a sports coat. allergy symptoms distracting you? doctors recommend taking claritin every day of your allergy season for continuous relief. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy, 24-hour relief. for fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do every day. live claritin clear. every day. won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won't have to worry about replacing your car because you'll get the full value back including depreciation. and if you have more than
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steve: opening game, says in this picture at wriggly field. abby: i love that. bailey and brooks was there at the st. louis cardinals game. >> and celebrating opening day by hitting a grand slam of his own. brian: hit almost 468 home
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runs and a switch hitter. steve: and let's see if he can handle our batted cage. that's why we are right now. abby: and here to open opening day future hall of famer chipper jones. >> thank you. it's probably the most special day for all of us baseball players. everybody is 0-0 today and everybody has visions of hopefully going to a world series. brian: so you have to understand these are mostly met fans, they're not going to cheer for you because you destroyed the mets. you're the ultimate met killer. >> i'm surprised i haven't had anything thrown at me. brian: so many people watching right now who have little leaguers in the game or coaching their kid or watching their kid, you had a very special upbringing. a dad that knew baseball and knew you had talent but never let your head get too big. >> no. he definitely never let it get too big but great relationship with my -- both
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of my parents. they're both great athletes. my mother is a professionall professional. steve: where did chipper come from? >> i'm larry jr. so everybody calls me larry when i come to new york. my mom got really tired of little larry and big larry, so. brian: a chip off the old block? >> chip off the old block. >> the eyes are the most important thing. you've got to keep your eyes as still as possible. it's hard enough to hit is going moving. a round ball with a round ball hit it square. when your head's moving, it's going to be hard to hit. so try to keep your head as still as possible and let it rip. brian: don't be afraid of the ball. you were as a kid. you got hit; right? >> my dad hit me in the face
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with a tennis ball and knocked out one of my. so i went crying to my mom. he hit me on purpose because he said never stop. brian: that's why you're called chip. you have a chip in your tooth. brian: he's past his prime. he's tired. >> all right. abby: a little warm up. steve: oh, my goodness. >> i'm going to scoot a little closer. okay? steve: one more and then abby's coming in. real quick. here comes abby. abby: you have to give me tips in heels. what do i do? i need some.
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come on, guys. all right. abby. steve: choke up. oh, come on. abby: that's all right. all right. third time's a charm. [applause] brian: wait a second. before i hit, i just have to find out how to do it. it's in the books right here. all right. steve will swing after the break. steve: we need a helmet. he needs a helmet. all right. back in a moment. ♪ when it comes to heartburn... trust the brand doctors trust. nexium 24hr is the #1 choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn.
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month of april will be donated. go to for more information. >> and there's a great auto biography and what a year you've had. >> bill: good morning. there's breaking news from overseas. ten said to be killed, others injured after an explosion rocks the russian city of st. petersburg. this is brand new video. the train going between two stations when the blast happened. the kremlin said investigators are looking into this as a possible terror attack. several trains stations shut down. the russian president vladamir putin offering condolences to the victims' family. more as we get it inside "america's newsroom." first here at home, this is a big week for president donald trump. the big three are in front of


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