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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 3, 2017 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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25%. keep your hands off your money to stay safe in retirement. neil, back to you. >> neil: the upside is, don't raid your savings. or else you'll be be watching cnn. ♪ >> kimberly: i'm kimberly guilfoyle, with bob beckel, eric bolling, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it is 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." new drama on capitol hill over president trump supreme court nominee, neil gorsuch. today the senate judiciary committee advance the nomination for the full senate to vote on later. democrats also scored a victory. they now have enough votes to filibuster and indicate they will. >> unfortunately, based on judge gorsuch's record of the department of justice, his tenure on the bench, his
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appearance before the senate and has written questions for the record, i cannot support this nomination. >> my conscience will not allow me to ratify the majority leader's actions. not last year, not this year. i will not, i cannot support this nomination. >> in light of judge gorsuch's record and in the absence of sufficient answers and honest answers, two questions that -- proposed during the hearing, i oppose this nomination. >> the g.o.p. has the power to go nuclear but they were steaming mad at democrats after the votes today. >> filibustering him, that means you don't accept the fact that president trump won and this is the end of the qualification stand point. hamilton is rolling over in his grave.
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just because some of our colleagues are determined to pound the table in order to stop judge gorsuch. >> we saw the modern democratic party opposed to donald trump appointing anyone to the supreme court. >> the democrats have criticized the court. they are still gnashing their teeth over the fact they lost the presidency this last year. this is one of the reasons they lost. >> kimberly: strong statements on both sides of the aisle. >> dana: senator mcconnell, majority leader now, has said neil gorsuch will be confirmed on friday. the statement he just put out a few moments ago was that the democrats can change their mind and not forced this nuclear trigger for them to go to a solid majority for vote like this. i think chuck schumer, he took
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over for harry reid. there's no love lost between me and the former minority leader but i thought chuck schumer would be different and i thought he would be able to lead his democrats in a different way. he's making them walk a really short plank in the long term pain for democrats will be a lasting effect, not just on the senate but for america. it's a 200 year tradition. maybe the tradition needed to go away. maybe it is past its time. i don't think mitch mcconnell wanted to do this but if you heard what senator leahy was saying, it's not about gorsuch as a person, it's about the tactics mcconnell use last year to block merrick garland, who was president obama's appointee. payback for what? gorsuch is going to be confirmed. they basically are forcing this now so that they can't use it later if there's another chance for another nominee. >> kimberly: what do you think
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about the strategy on behalf of the democrats? >> eric: failure. dana is right. so they will get the republican. they will get gorsuch on the bench. they will have a conservative on the bench. going forward, they are there -- there are two 82-year-olds on the bench. you've said go ahead republicans, put who you want on the bench. it's going to be a 50 vote majority. 50 votes will get you your nominees going forward. that's a mistake on their part. they could have fought the battle on a future one but they failed. neil gorsuch had 2700 decisions per he was moderate, seen as moderate on most social issues, including saying that abortion is the law of the land because of roe v. wade. what more does the democrats want to? what more do the liberals want? we heard this over and over again.
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transam trucking. this is a decision of little material consequence of the country. it may be something democrats don't like that it's not a reason to hold up the neil gorsuch nomination. it is failure on their part because they are going to eat it on the next two nominations. >> bob: i noticed you didn't have anything to say when the republicans held up the supreme court nominee for a year. that aside, gorsuch's problem is growing among democrats. this is a guy that's never met a regulation he likes, particularly if it's a regulation that a corporation, it's costing them profits. this guy is pro-corporate. the first political hack appointment to the supreme court without getting 60 votes. >> eric: would you advise the democrats to force the nuclear option on neil gorsuch? a >> bob: i think republicans are going to look stupid. if people are going to sit back and say what is it about this guy? >> eric: you think this is good politics? >> bob: the fact that
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republicans have to go to the nuclear option and break these years of tradition. >> dana: they didn't start it. harry reid. >> kimberly: this is about as good as it gets for the democrats in terms of somebody who is well-qualified. he's moderate, he's a reasonable person. now they are going to go ahead and do this but they don't have a public support because 44% feel lists senate should confirm him. a >> bob: you think he's moderate just because of roe v. wade? >> kimberly: i think he is moderate because of his judicial record and his rulings and his opinions. >> greg: i've never seen one smart person being lectured by so many idiots in these hearings. it's like watching the opposite of a carnival dunk tank. usually people are in line throwing balls at a clown. this is the reverse. it's a line of clowns throwing balls at the only sensible person in there. we have to admit the republicans will support the president's selection. the democrats will oppose.
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it is like watching a professional soccer match grade we know the score is going to be 0-0. just get to the kicks. get to the vote. you know what the cases? if you recall, your memories of supreme court nominations, thet, clarence thomas but i can't remember a time when republicans went viciously after democrats. it's only democrats who go go after the republicans. it's like playing tic-tac-toe. vote it. screw the stupid theatrics. >> bob: greg. >> greg: this guy is so -- bob. this guy is so bland, wonder bread. >> bob: what makes you think he's so smart? >> eric: a filibuster should be reserved for an issue that both sides agree this could be a nominee that maybe isn't right for the bench. think about judge sotomayor and
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kagan. i'm telling you, they are as liberal as liberal is long and the republicans founded in their power to get 60 votes for both of those too. i think neil gorsuch is far less conservative than judge sotomayor and kagan are liberal. >> bob: decision by the supreme court early with the chevron decision. said that congress could not do regulations. they could pass laws but you had to leave it up to the executives to have regulations. that's been essentially accepted by all sides since then. except gorsuch said in one of his opinions i would like to do away with it. >> dana: i think he said it was worth looking at again. i think he's right, and i think president obama might agree when he writes his memoirs. when you look at the regulations they put forward, including clean power act, because congress didn't spell out what was legal and what was not, the epa said this is what were going to do and they tried to use that supreme court ruling on the chevron.
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guess what happened? got tied up in the court and now it can move anywhere. i think they need to have a little bit more skin in the game and not defer everything to the agencies. writes his memoirs, it's going to be bill ayres. this is the world's worst dinner theater. i admire bob for putting up a fight on this because it's such a predictable political display on both sides. it's like they are acting at a bad movie, an action movie in which you know that dialogue is only putting off the fight scene. get to the fight scene. we don't need the dialogue. we don't need the hearings. put the guy on "judge judy" for two weeks. that's more entertaining than this. >> eric: it is almost political malpractice by doing this. this is your fight. the next supreme court nominee. >> bob: holding a guy up for a year? >> dana: i think that was the most courageous and bold
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political move. think of -- you would have done the same thing. that's the thing, democrats continue to underestimate mitch mcconnell. his book was called "the long game." he went through a lot of terrible press for about four months on this garland thing and at the end, for voters that the very end who were like, i don't know if i can vote for trump. the supreme court is so important and they voted for trump. >> bob: you put mitch mcconnell's name on anything that's important in this country. >> greg: he truly is the tortoise in tortoise and the hare. he always wins. >> eric: what you've done, you've handed the republicans a reason to go 50-vote majority for the next nominees. >> kimberly: it's a bad political move. >> bob: it's going to happen anyway.
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they are going to go to the nuclear option. you know that and i know that. that's how partisan it's gone. let's accept the fact that 60 is done. the republicans have decided to do that at the supreme court level and the founders not to be turning over in their graves. >> eric: what about when harry reid in '13 destroy the filibuster for everything but that supreme court? >> bob: probably didn't like it. >> kimberly: we haven't heard one reasonable fact why he shouldn't be. >> bob: chevron. i told you. >> eric: transam trucking and chevron. >> dana: in transam trucking, gorsuch said he didn't like the ruling. he didn't like what he had to do but he adhered to the law. >> bob: he has a way of writing a decision and saying by the way i didn't have to do thi this. he's weak. >> greg: you are not supposed to let people know how you're going to judge. that's why it's pointless. >> bob: thank you, greg. >> kimberly: ahead, breaking
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explosive news today on who ordered the unmasking of the names of trump transition officials from intelligence reports. a top aide from the obama administration is named. next
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♪ >> dana: update on the incidental collection controversy. sources have told fox news it was president obama's former national security advisor susan rice who requested to unmask the names of trump transition officials from intelligence reports. a week and a half ago, rice denied knowledge of the unmasking. >> i know nothing about this. i was surprised to see reports from chairman nunes on that count today. i really don't know to what chairman nunes was referring but he said whatever he was referring to was a legal, lawful surveillance and that it was potentially incidental collection. >> dana: the trump white house will not confirm or deny the rice allegation. >> i will say we have continued to say that i think there is a
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troubling direction that some of this is going in, but we are going to let this review go on before we jump to a conclusion. >> does the white house believes susan rice may have done anything illegal. >> i'm not going to start going down that road but when i think you see the developments we've seen in terms of the public, on the record comments that evelyn farkas said, that this was part of the obama administration spread classified information. >> dana: we have been following the story. adam, can you catch us up, what did you find out? >> we started looking into this last week when we were getting comments from some of our sources. you need to look into this. it developed. we broke the story on friday about what we'd found and developed over the weekend.
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a couple online individual said it was susan rice first. we all knew where this was going. what we are told is information that was collected incidentally, which i guess i'm told happens all the time. i'm not in that community. but those american names are generally redacted. you don't see the name. for example, if i was to call a foreign country, if it was not national security related or something serious, it would say american citizen number one. these people noticing of the name was connected to donald trump, the name would show up in a report. that information was disseminated to the nsc, dod, james clapper, john brennan. all the people at the top, including ben rhodes. that put some concern out for some of our sources. >> dana: were going to take it around the table, adam. >> greg: adam, how are you doing? good to see you. i have a question about this idea of reverse monitoring where you say i'm not spying on you.
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i am spying on the foreigner with you. seems like it's almost like you turn the foreigner into an unknowing wing man. like your free pass to go pick up the other person. is that being used in a way as a loophole to maybe monitor other u.s. citizens? >> i am told yes. one of the sources yesterday spent about 8 minutes explaining how that works. i'm not going to take your time because i wouldn't do it right but it's basically a gray area. it's a roundabout way, and the concern really when it comes to crime potentially, again, we have to look into this a lot more is the leaking and who did that. obviously the way the names were redacted and the number is much more than they've ever seen in something like this, that's where the concern came in because for them, in their opinion, it was unprecedented. >> kimberly: what do you expect to uncover, next steps? where is this going in terms of the investigation?
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several of these individuals could be subjected to some kind of criminal prosecution or liability. >> we are obviously following every lead we can barely get a lot of tips on the stuff now as we continue to get into it. we have to wade through those in figure out which ones to follow and which ones don't make any sense. this can go a lot of different ways. it's concerning for a lot of americans. the individuals we spoke to are concerned about, they don't want their methods getting out. they want to make sure it's clear that what the community does does come in their opinion come help the u.s. and security. we are still figuring out all this, how it went. did any of these people leak information? were names leaked? this is where this investigation needs to go. others are getting involved as we get more information. >> eric: my mind is bwn. i am telling you, adam, this is the smoking gun.
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i know a lot of people horsing let's hold off and wait and see what happens. susan rice, we played a sound bite of her saying i know nothing about this. surprised to see reports from chairman nunes on this. we know now she was the one who, on multiple occasions, demanded to know who these people were. unmask these redacted names of u.s. citizen one, two, three. then she got the information and for her to say a week and a half ago or two weeks ago to say, i know -- i have no knowledge of this. it tells me the smoke is going to lead to her fire. once she had those names, the felony is what happened next. how did the public at those names? >> that's what we have to find out. >> dana: all right. you go ahead. >> bob: answer eric's question
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question. >> go ahead, bob. the leaks is where it's going to lead to. >> bob: i will be quick. did susan rice do anything illegal? >> that's a gray area. i'm not a lawyer and i can't delve into that. i am going on what we are finding and what they tell us. the way the names were unmasked was unprecedented to them. legality is not my specialty. >> bob: if they are unmasked, you are caught up in something that potentially is illegal. is there any indication at all that any of these trump people that were unmasked had done anything illegal? it wasn't the russian investigation. it was investigating people were not involved in that at all. where is the damage here? >> eric: can i jump in? the damages when you unmasked then you leak the name. that's a felony, punishable by
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up to ten years in prison. >> bob: how about the people in the white house -- go >> dana: i have one more question. adam, do we still have you? >> kimberly: he ran. >> dana: here's the question then we will let you go. susan rice has not spoken publicly since these allegations, reporting over the weekend. it seems to me untenable. that someone, either something is going to have to come out or she is going to have to come out in the next 24 hours to try to explain things but have you heard anything from her camp or former obama administration officials willing to speak? >> as of right now, no. we are doing our best to find out ways to reach out to people, people who worked for the administration. at this point, we have not had any feedback or response as of yet. we hope to get some.
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you might imagine, if true, dana, you know this more than probably any of us, it's a pretty big revelation. the guys and gals that we talked to continue to say this is not normal. they've not seen this. >> bob: did you buy into this farkas from the defense department who said this is the obama administration wanting to unveil the classified information? who is that? >> kimberly: it's a woman. >> bob: i've never heard of her before. >> dana: bob, save yourself. >> bob: i want to hear an answer. did you talk to farkas or not? >> no, we have reached out through myself and other people of fox news to just about everyone you can imagine so far. we are going to continue to do so and they will respond at some point. it's only been going on for less than 12 hours. rice and a little bit more specific into what we found. so far, we haven't gotten those
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responses. we are hoping to get them. >> dana: adam, don't hold it against us. it is "the five," it's what we do. we've enjoyed having you. next, robert redford once played a watergate reporter in search of the truth, and now he is warning that the truth is in danger again. why wasn't he worried before now? greg scott and idea. >> greg: no, i don't.
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♪ >> greg: it is the 45th anniversary of watergate, which i guess is like christmas for liberals. robert redford wrote about it in "the washington post." he was in the movie. he is the actor/activist/aging windbag. you would think the 40th and not the 45th anniversary would be more notable but president obama
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was in power then and celebrating investigative journalism under his reign would be treasonous. that's when reporters went into hibernation, becoming, si collett, comatose under obama. redford calls for brave journalism in order to restrain the power hungry, odd this is only when his guys out of power. like a child's diaper, redford is full of it. the press is louder and busier than ever. who the hill is trying to shut them up or down. journalists are rediscovering their jobs. trump has made them great again because they hate him so much. what would redford be doing if hillary were president? nothing. they would have to return to bashing cops and labeling everybody racist. robert can warn the world that the press is endangered by trump trump proved him wrong by the endless media frenzy the election has caused. trump exposes what shameless
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shills they were for so long under obama, coveting, not covering a president. maybe redford can make a movie about that. call it "love story." the idea that the media has been silenced during the trump presidency is kind of hilarious because that's all you hear about. every channel is trump all the time and nobody is telling them what to do. >> kimberly: subscriptions from all the papers. he sells papers. there really is an insurrection on the part of the mainstream media trying to bring down the presidency, and it's also fueled by the democratic party who wants to pete the success, that trump will not finish his first term or he will be impeached or forced to resign. this is an onslaught of negative press and stories, like the "los angeles times" article,
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bordering on delusional, referring to hitler and satan and all these things prayed >> greg: shouldn't they be thanking him? >> dana: according to "the new york times," their subscriptions are up. they should be thanking him that maybe they can hold on. the industry has changed so much prayer and most people in journalism today decided to go into it because of watergate, because of the work that woodward and bernstein had done. they had desires to do something like that and you're right. i think the obama administration were like oh, benghazi. >> greg: don't be investigating right now. >> dana: the press is alive and well. >> greg: do you think robert redford thinks he's a journalist because he played one? >> eric: i don't think so. i think he's an activist. he's a liberal. he likes to take shots at trump, as does a lot of the liberal media. like bees buzzing around the
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hive. they love it. the best part is trump doesn't care. they are going crazy. >> dana: i think he loves it. >> eric: fake news, they go crazy. how dare you call us fake news. we are journalists. he goes see, i got you. you are talking about me. the egomaniacs in the mainstream media just can't take it that they are being called fake. they tried to prove themselves over and over again. you like trying to explain -- >> bob: use a egomaniac but you leave trump out of it? watergate, i'm the only one old enough to have been through that. it was the single worst crime committed against this country. the rest of these scandals have nothing to do. i would like to know what it is trump has done that's right. what he says is fake news.
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name me things that are fake that he's exposed. >> greg: that's an interesting argument. you are supposed to name them. you are trying to make us do the legwork for you. >> kimberly: the beckel institute. >> eric: everyone is micromanaging every single word out of his mouth. every tweet he makes, yet no one acknowledges some of the good things he's doing. consumer confidence, 16 year high. home prices, 30 month highs. economy getting better, jobs staying here. all they can talk about is what did he say about russia? air quotes or not? it plays right into it. >> bob: did you read this story about the people who supported trump, all these economic statistics mean nothing. no new jobs. >> eric: do know what matters? consumer confidence. it's a 70% consumer economy. that's what matters. but you won't hear it. it's massively important.
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>> bob: you want to tell that to rural ohio. >> greg: met drudge has some advice for the president, disappear for a while. hear that next. when you have something you love,
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it's time for you and your boys to get out of town. (laughing) left foot. right foot. left foot. stop. twitch your eyes so they think you're crazy.
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if you walk the walk you talk the talk. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. hide the eyes. it's what you do. show 'em real slow. ♪ >> eric: matt drudge is the founder of "the drudge" report. one of the important voices for the conservative movement. he's been a big supporter of our president. he rarely does interviews but he gave one to michael savage and have some suggestions for the president. >> i wish he would just go to work behind the scenes bird go away behind the scenes and go to work. but i think after bill clinton, you had to be in the public face every day. you had to be part of the pop culture. obama took it to new heights. the cover of "people" magazine
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every week or you are out of favor. i don't think president trump needs to be out front every day saying something. i think we would respect him if he got serious things done in the end result, you judge the tree by the fruit. >> kimberly: he's a smart guy. he's seen a lot of things. happy birthday to michael savage. my brother was over there. i think this is good advice. let the action, the results come of the accomplishments for themselves. especially with his presidency, it doesn't matter. anything that he says, they are going to try to turn and use against him but get in the bunker, huddle up with the team, get the rest of the people in that can help you achieve the goals and move it forward. i think math is offering him legitimate advice, his honest opinion about what to do to succeed with the communications
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aspect of the presidency. >> eric: your thoughts, he is saying the media is reporting all the things trump says on twitter rather than the accomplishments. >> bob: one thing he's right about is obama. obama couldn't get off the air for a second. interesting about presidents. when they get in trouble, they tend to think the best thing to do is get in front of the cameras and fix it. the exactly the opposite. i agree with drudge on that. i hope that trump, while he goes away, he learns how to be president. that would be a good thing for him to do. >> dana: i think one of the things president trump could do if he were to take drudge's advice is utilize the vice president and cabinet more. if you need to fill the vacuum and have somebody on tv, utilize the cabinets. i think they are all in place. pick a cabinet member and get them out there so that they are helping him so that he can leave them wanting more. i think the tactics, communication tactics worked
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well for him on the campaign trail. hasn't worked as well for him in the first 100 days. this is pretty good advice but it's hard because the easiest thing to do in a communications problem at the white house is get the president to go out there and tried to fix it because he's your best salesman. i think this is probably pretty good advice. he has good cabinet officials he could utilize. >> bob: he could use betsy devos and ben carson. >> eric: your thoughts on whether trump should change his tactics now, greg. see parker trying to figure out if drudge's were the opposite, what would we say? great advice. drudge is the ultimate recluse. we don't even have any proof. i'm not sure about that. nobody hasn't met drudge. i met him once at a funeral. >> kimberly: my brother was there. >> greg: this guy has less
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exposure than bigfoot. >> eric: we will leave it there. stay right there. bob is really excited to tell you about a new trump approval poll. run away! [ grunts ] leave him! leave him! [ music continues ] brick and mortar, what?! [ music continues ] [ tires screech ] [ laughs ] [ doorbell rings ] when you bundle home and auto insurance with progressive, you get more than a big discount. that's what you get for bundling home and auto! jamie! you get sneaky-good coverage. thanks. we're gonna live forever!
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♪ >> bob: this weekend, the "l.a. times" editorial board coined the trump presidency a train wreck of a magnitude and nothing could have prepared us for. the president's approval rating has sunk to new lows. 34% think he's doing a good job. he's only been in office for 73 days, but chuck todd thinks mr. trump has dug himself a hole so deep he's not going to be able to get out of it. >> you have a presidency that is beyond saying it's in crisis mode. it's on the brink. the question is, on the brink of what? collapse, becoming a lame-duck presidency? you've got a stalled agenda, republicans have no fear of this president. they don't think there's a political penalty to buck him. >> bob: interesting point,
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eric. trump needs a win badly. i think right now when he starts to threaten people in the freedom caucus and other places by going out and campaigning against them, 34%. i would say fine, good. >> eric: pew research three days ago have the job approval rating at 42% or 44%, depending on which poll. personal favorability. 45-49 for a strong leader. i don't disagree that his poll numbers could come up. it's one of those things where he does things that take off a lot of people, like the tweets. maybe even upset some of the people who voted for him but he's running the presidency the way he wants to. we've talked about what really matters to the american people, and it's not some of the things
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we are paying attention to. it's the economy. it's jobs. is your family going to be better off going forward? on all those fronts, 73 days in, things are better. >> bob: the public doesn't seem to understand that. >> kimberly: i think it's no surprise his numbers are low. how could they not be, given the barrage of bad press, the echo chamber over the russia story. he is getting hit with have re-fire every single day. they are hard-pressed to find any positive thing to be able to say, accomplishments, because they don't want to. they did this to him during the election and everybody said there's no way he was going to get the nomination or the presidency. both of those things were proved wrong. here you have a series of good, positive news stories that will be coming forward with neil gorsuch getting confirmed. and when it comes down to it, the economy, getting job numbers
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up, consumer confidence. money in the pockets of hard-working men and women, those numbers they will not be able to shape shift because they will tell the tale. he needs some positive wins going forward. like i was saying, staff the twitter in terms of engaging in these bait and click tactics. go ahead and get your nominee confirmed. go ahead and get the taxes done that you want to do in the regulations he wanted to grease and move the agenda forward. >> bob: the honeymoon period is supposed to be a period when the president enjoys the support of the public until he does something wrong. i would take it you agree that trump needs a win. >> greg: i disagree on the utility of a honeymoon period. if you have the house and senate, this is a time to be unpopular. extend capital. whether you like 12 or not may
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not matter. you can dislike your boss but still enjoy the feeling of the direction of the company. you can dislike the person but you do the pole but you might vote for him again. liberals have got to figure out, is trump hitler or a huckleberry? one minute he's evil, the next he's incompetent. if you can't decide which one he is, you are probably wrong on both counts. >> dana: i think it's too early to say. the health care bill not passing was a blow. but people weren't that unhappy that it didn't pass. a lot of people didn't like it. democrats have started working against it. you have to come back. the poll numbers eventually will come up, unless something drastic happens and they go down further. they are likely to come up, and then what will the media say? in spite of all these terrible
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things, the poll numbers went u up? >> eric: obama have the opposite going on. his poll numbers were strong and growing up in the economic numbers were crashing and burning. anywhere else, they would say we will take the opposite. >> bob: we will see. "one more thing" is up next. int. your insurance company raises your rates... maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance. dude. your crunching's scaring the fish. dude. they're just jealous. new kellogg's raisin bran crunch with crunchy clusters
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♪ >> kimberly: it's time for "one more thing." white house released the first official photo and portrait of first lady melania trump on monday. fantastic picture. she said i am honored to work on behalf of the american people over the coming years. this was taken at the residence at the white house. we don't have the information on the photographer hurried >> bob: she is good-looking, isn't she? >> kimberly: all right, bob. >> dana: she is beautiful, absolutely. >> kimberly: gorgeous and nice and a very, very good mother. >> dana: i want to say congratulations to the university of south carolina gamecocks. ladies basketball team won their first -- it's not the final four. do they call it the final four? why do you only get that for guys? that's probably unfair.
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it's a big deal. don staley, the coach, she played for the team 25 years ago and said she never thought she would see the day. i was there this weekend, everybody was pretty excited. >> kimberly: okay, greg. >> greg: speaking of gamecocks gamecocks. >> kimberly: oh, my gosh. >> greg: when you are taking a young woman out on a date, especially a concert, band you like, you often want to show off how well you know the songs and how much the songs mean to you. don't overdo it like this young fellow here. this is ridiculous. >> dana: have you guys seen this? it's pretty funny. >> kimberly: oh, my gosh. >> dana: they didn't pick the best part of the video. >> greg: watch it. here we go. [laughter] >> dana: somebody said that is like me and you on "the five" ."
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>> greg: she doesn't want to be there, like, get me away from this dude. >> eric: can i give you an idea? you should read it like this, real throaty. romance. >> kimberly: i think you are ripping off my k.g. dating tips. >> greg: mine was first. bob's romance news. paid by the hour. >> kimberly: oh, my gosh. please. let's please end this. >> eric: march 26th, march madness started. remember this? president obama kept with tradition and picked his final four bracket. duke, arizona, kansas, north carolina. he has north carolina over duke in the championship game. duke, gonzaga, kansas, north carolina. i will have gonzaga win the whole thing.
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>> kimberly: are you playing against president obama but he doesn't know? >> eric: a little bit. tonight, it is gonzaga against unc. obama, eric. we picked it. k.g. called it. bring it, obama. >> kimberly: dana and i were seeing she thought my jumpsuit looked good. all right, bob. >> bob: this is not my area but i am happy to see it. i was in the peace corps in asi asia. the thing that happens with elephants, they were poached and killed to get the ivory. the ivory was selling at 3,000 or $4,000 a kilo. two years ago, the number of elephants that were killed was enormous. now it's drop dramatically. worldwide advocacy program to save the elephants and the
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chinese, single biggest buyers of this, they've done a remarkable job cutting back. congratulations to them. >> kimberly: set your dvr so you never miss an episode of "the five." "special report" is next. >> the surveillance of people close to president trump, possibly the president himself, now has a name and a face attached to it. it's one you've seen in major scandals before. this is "special report" ." >> james: good evening, i am james rosen sitting in for bret baier. fox news has confirmed president obama's national security advisor secretly ordered the intelligence community to reveal to her the names of people close to president trump who had been swept up in u.s. surveillance on foreign targets and referenced only by code in classified intelligence reports. revelations amid a bitter struggle in the senate over the supr


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