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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  April 5, 2017 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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>> that's bold and i like it. christmas, now easter. come on. rob: can't have a holiday anymore. heather: bye, thanks for joining us. >> did you unmask the names of people involved in the trump transition, trump campaign. >> absolutely not for any political purposes. >> there is really no reason to ever do that except for political reasons. >> see no legitimate reason for her to be searching a data base and unmasking people. >> more of a political attack more than anything that needs to be released. >> when you see things that have gone wrong in the obama administration. it seems like susan rice is always right there. >> dozens are dead from what is believed to be a chemical weapons attack. >> president obama said in 2012 that he would establish a quote, unquote, red line and then did nothing. >> inaction has consequences. tragic consequences. >> senate majority leader mitch mcconnell will deploy the so-called nuclear option to confirm judge neil gorsuch to the supreme court. >> there is a reason they call it the nuclear option. that is that there is fallout.
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>> if you want to build a highway in the united states, these are some of the permits that you need. we are getting rid of many of these. together, we are going to rebuild our nation. ♪ it's a beautiful day ♪ it's a beautiful day ♪ brian: unfortunately that is u2 on tape. they are not here live. ainsley: unfortunate. best concert i have ever been to. have you ever been? over there in new jersey. he. brian: probably closer over there. ainsley: outside in meadowlands at the stadium. awesome. if you haven't gone, it's worth the money. it was expensive. my seats weren't good and it was expensive. brian: i was in madison square garden and my seats weren't good either. ainsley: your seats were good
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because you make more than all of us. he has been here longer. ed: i'm just visiting and i feel awkward. ainsley: joe's seats are always front row. brian: you are filling in for receive? ed: filling in for steve. it got awkward there. ainsley: you are about to get front row seats. brian: after our show is off the air, i'm on the radio show and i get the word that susan rice, who every says in the middle of a nonstory page 16-a not in the new york. feels she has to scurry to to msnbc and explain her role, if any in the unmasking of names in the transition from the obama administration to the trump administration. ainsley: she claims she did not unmask names for political purposes. ed: right did you not unmask names but not for political purposes.
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ainsley: she she did not leak it to the public or the media listen to what she said yesterday about this. >> did you seek the names of people involved in -- did you unmask the names of people involved in the trump transition, trump campaign, people surrounding the president-elect in order to spy on them. >> absolutely not for any political purposes to spirks expose, anything. if you are asking were there more reports provided to senior u.s. officials after the president requested the compilation of the intelligence which was ultimately provided in january, yes. what happened was as the ic went about the business. >> the intelligence community went about the business of fulfilling the president's order. >> fulfilling the request for such a report, they went back and scrubbed more reports. they began to provide more such reports to american officials, including myself. ed: a little lost. all this explanation, number one.
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number two, it's interesting. a few weeks ago she was on pbs, susan rice and basically said -- not basically she said i don't know anything about unmasking, about surveillance. now she knows so much about unmasking. well, the president did this. there was an order. we had to fulfill this. let's just not forget that her original explanation was different than yesterday's. now move forward -- ainsley: you expect something different than bengals she went on five sunday shows and saibenghazi happened because of that video. ed: incredibly false. brian: you listen to what anybody was talking about and age to get your questions off that i'm curious to see where did you go from here. i'm listening to her and i'm building on the fact that eli lake told us yesterday that at 12 separate times she has asked for the unmasking of the nsa who these people are, american one, american two in the transcripts. got swept up in it.
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we didn't ask for unmasking for any political purposes. the fbi , the cia is looking at this. that's not good enough for the national security advisor to the president. they have to go back i know have you done your analysis and briefing the president daily now i need to know those american names. we still don't know to this moment who actually leaked the fact that these names are out there some type of association with the trump camp and the russians? ainsley: senator rand paul said it's eerily similar to what president trump accused them of. now you have a list of congressman, senators, that want her subpoenaed or that want her to testify under oath. he had eted "wall street journal" is reporting this morning it looks like the house intelligence committee in fact will bring susan rice in for questioning. brian: here is senator rand paul. >> i see no legitimate reason for her to be certaining a data base and unmasking people. the fact that there could be a political figure in the we obama administration unmasking
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data bathe base looking for trump officials. i think that's what president trump said when the obama administration was doing something nefarious on his trump transition team and it sounds like they were. ed: interesting. brian: remember when evelyn farkas said when she was on msnbc on march 2nd and we didn't pick this up because i don't get the transcripts and neither does ainsley. ed: here is the actual quote. brian: it says that's why have you all the leaking when they talked about some the associations that she claimed were taking place with the trump camp and russian camp. they said we were so concerned. that's why you have all the leaking. they say it's coming from the trump camp. was this a series of time bombs to blow up the first 100 days and maybe more of the trump presidency. ed: i want to talk about something ainsley brought up. the president of the united states tweet add few weeks ago. katie pavlich was on social media last night saying democrats went from saying the
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president's insane, pardon me, for suggesting the obama administration spied on them. this is insane, this is crazy. okay, there may have been surveillance, unmasking but susan rice was just doing her job. big difference from three, four weeks ago. brian: how is the rest of the media handling it? believe it or not, they were going out of their way to say it doesn't matter. for example: >> so far we have heard nothing from the president of the united states. he did just recently tweet or retweet moments ago once again about his fake susan rice scandal. >> looking for a piñata. they found one in susan rice. >> notice it's always a female? >> you think this is a diversificatioadiversion from tn story. done nothing improper. an effort to tar and feather theory try to make a lie the truth the original tweet.
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brian: board game by the way find don lemon in that shot. i'm not sure you want to play it at home. like 9 people. does not anyone pick up the phone when they pick. ed: any opposing views? brian: even the brady bunch too many people. ed: was that chris matthew's voice saying it's always a woman? so basically if a woman says one thing and two weeks later changes her story, you can't question her because she's a woman? and reporters are only asking these questions because susan rice is a woman? give me -- seriously. oh, by the way, the "new york times" today a picture of susan rice and it says obama advisor is back in the political crosshairs. political crosshairs. i think it's page a-11. brian: yesterday a-16. ed: making progress here. ed: here's my point. have you ever seen a headline paul manafort in the political crosshairs. paul manafort may have changed
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his story or did change his story. they don't shade it that way when it's about the trump administration. it says she is in the crosshairs. ainsley: to be fair. we just want an investigation. we want to know was she doing this for political reasons? we need to get to the bottom of it. we need to get her to testify under oath and see what she is going to say. ed: looks like the house intel committee is going to do it. ainsley: we already know what she said about benghazi. that's what makes it hard to believe what she is saying now. i want to give her the benefit of the doubt. it's hard to do that after benghazi. brian: let's talk about something else that's happening right now including the effort to get judge neil gorsuch the supreme court justice. enough votes to stop this from happening and have to use the nuclear option. for some reason they think this is going to be a good idea. this is jeff merkley. ed: live right now. he was up all night. ainsley: not a filibuster. it's a talk-a-thon. green eggs and ham, remember ted cruz? ed: only in washington you
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could say only in washington we are filibuster. it's a talk-a-thon. basically filibusterer. delaying things. ainsley: why do you they say filibuster. ed: they don't want it to be seen as doing that chuck schumer said we are going to filibuster this. whether they reached that specific stage in the process. the point is they are allowing a vote to happen. ainsley: let's listen to what 6:10 on the east coast. >> would be considered. brian: i'm bored already. i got stuck on we the people. now let's go to senator chuck schumer. he blames mcconnell for not giving merrick garland an up and down vote. that's why we are here. >> what the majority leader did to merrick garland by denying him even a hearing and a vote is even worse than a filibuster. for him to accuse democrats of the first partisan filibuster
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on the supreme court belies the facts, belies the history, belies the basic truth. ainsley: they are still mad because merrick garland. brian: you think so? ainsley: if the roles were reversed they would have done the same thing. they are still mad so so they don't want this next supreme court justice to make it through. the problem with the nuclear -- what is it called? ed: option. ainsley: if they used it it can get flipped around. ed: you know you are in trouble when even cher. dems, the maker garland ship has sailed. let it go. or do you want some cheese to go with your whine? this wreaks of desperation. when you have lost cher, you are in trouble, democrats. ainsley: probably the biggest celebrity does not like donald trump. rosie o'donnell. cher was like right underneath her. brian: put meryl streep in the
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mix. ainsley: for her to say this should be a message. cher is the voice of reason. ed: even cher doesn't like chuck schumer sad. brian: mystery is that red dot. ed: everyone loves heather. heather: i don't know how to follow cher being the voice of reason though but i will try. the tweet of reason. we'll start with w. this fox news alert for you. >> brand new surveillance video possible cop killing suspect. you can seat man walking outside a courthouse in texas. that's where deputy constable clint greenwood was murdered in ambush style attack. inmate. he called that man a threat to him and his family just days before he was gunned down. also breaking, white house now condemning the chemical weapons attack in syria. at least 100 killed. including children. more than 400 injured. president trump blaming the syrian president, calling his actions heinous and slamming president obama for saying that he would establish, diewrnl this, that red line
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against the use of chemical weapons and then doing nothing when that line was crossed. and finally, border security taking center stage on capitol hill today. department of homeland security secretary john kelly will testify before the senate on strength our borders and protecting public safety. the hearing comes hours after the administration closed bids on design contracts for a new 2,000-mile long wall. and one company submitting this design with solar panels. another has concrete that can withstand a blast from a tank, they say. and those are a look at your headlines. brian: then we will find out where the money comes from. susan rice lied about the unmasking or leaking of those names, could she be charged with a crime. what about president obama's involvement in all of this. yes, he can still be impeached. ed: what? ainsley: sorry, kids e no more easter egg hunt. know it's just the egg hunt. yeah.
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ed: more on easter. ainsley: it's a holiday. not an easter break. a combination of see products.. and customers. every on-time arrival is backed by thousands of od employees,
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...who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. because od employees treat customer service... our most important delivery. od. helping the world keep promises.
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brian: suture rice breaking her sigh silence noon yesterday. but republican lawmakers are now demanding an investigation. >> susan rice abused the system and she did it for political purposes. she neets needs to be brought in and questioned. >> i believe she should be called as a witness by the senate intelligence committee. >> it's something that congress should look into. if she was involved in unmasking trump transition figures, what was the reason and was there a political motive? i would like to know that and we'll get to the bottom of it. brian: is it possible though? if she does, in fact, take the stand, could they get to the bottom of the meaning behind her actions? here to weigh in is the president of judicial watch tom fitton. tom, first off. in terms of susan rice and motivation. can you unwind that in a hearing? >> i would expect she wouldn't admit to crimes in a hearing any more than she was going to admit to a crime with n. an interview with msnbc. if she was accessing this
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material and using it for improper purposes, there are all sorts of criminal laws that would have been violated, the privacy act protects the private information of individuals for prying for improper purposes. you can go to jail for that so if she is called to be called as a witness, i would suggest the focus be on getting a grand jury going and having her testify before a grand jury. that would show that we are actually serious about investigating this unprecedented violation of an abuse of power by a president and his appointees. you know, if g. jordan liddy were in the white house during the nixon administration doing this sort of thing this is the equivalent. this you have got g. gordon liddy. susan rice at this point by all accounts. brian: can president obama or can susan rice face charges in any scenario? because some are saying that? >> susan rice, she was accessing this information for proper purposes, there would
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be crimes at issue here. the privacy act, i think you can go to jail for six months for violating the privacy act. i don't know what president obama knew and when he knew it highlight the fact he could still be impeached as a way to highlight the fact that there has got to be accountability for president obama as well. we haven't heard much from president obama these recent days despite him screaming seemingly for weeks about trump and russia as he was leaving office. brian: clean-up we knews about b. as early as july and no action taken until october. and no definitive action taken until the transition. tom fitton, it's going to be interesting to see where this goes and if we ever see susan rice answering questions in front of a senate intelligence committee. thanks for joining us this morning. >> you are welcome. brian: school police officers should not have guns because it sends a negative message says aclu. model jenner, social armed
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with a can of pepsi ♪ brian: guess what. the internet is not happy for a change. they are always so positive. the 2017 nissan altima. a car that can see what you can't. and the new 2017 nissan rogue.
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♪ thrivent mutual funds. managed by humans, not robots. before investing, carefully read and consider fund objectives, risks, charges and expenses in the prospectus at ways wins. especially in my business. with slow internet from the phone company,
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you can't keep up. you're stuck, watching spinning wheels and progress bars until someone else scoops your story. switch to comcast business. with high-speed internet up to 10 gigabits per second. you wouldn't pick a slow race car. then why settle for slow internet? comcast business. built for speed. built for business. ed: good morning, again, quick headlines, the teenager that feds say dreamed of torturing and killing americans now behind bars. zachariah arrested at the charleston, south carolina airport before flying to jordan. he is accused of trying to join isis. he bragged about pulling off an orlando style terror attack. and foreigners could soon be forced to hand over their phones after landing in the united states. the "wall street journal" reports it's part of the trump administration's new extreme vetting plan.
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and requires people to release their contacts, social media passwords and financial records. ainsley? ainsley: thank you so much. a new gun debate is heating up. the pittsburgh aclu now calling for school police officers to go unarmed because guns, they say, send a bad message, a negative message to the kids. john rafferty is the ceo of watch guard 24/7 which helps provide comprehensive security plans to schools and retired lieutenant with nypd. good to see you, john. >> thanks for having me. ainsley: there was an op-ed is the pittsburgh newspaper and school resource officers need to be armed. this guy from the aclu writes the pittsburgh newspaper, op-ed says absolutely not bad for kids to see officers with guns in the hawive. when a mad man comes into a school and wants to shoot children. how is the school resource officer supposed to protect kids? >> they're not going to have that opportunity.
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unfortunatelifully this situation in pittsburgh specifically because we're talking about law enforcement that they are not supporting to have guns makes no sense. because it is law enforcement. we're not having a debate between unarmed security guards vs. unarmed security guards. these people that can carry firearms and not being allowed to. it's more a decision that the state is making which, to me, doesn't make sense to. have that opportunity and to be able to have that in your budget and not allow it, i think we have today indicate and train the teachers, the parents, that when they see somebody with a firearm in school, they shouldn't have this negative orientation that goes along with it unfortunately live i think we have had through the last few years this negative stigmatism against police officers. they are there to protect the kids. there are other options. you can have law enforcement in these schools with firearms not have them exposed. wear a sports coat. you don't have to have the gun exposed. ainsley: that's true. the gun can be out of sight. >> shouldn't be a debate. have that where people can see it armed people shouldn't know
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about it. ainsley: i know every state is different. you employ a lot of former police officers that are retired and you put them in schools. >> correct. ainsley: it's more expensive to do that than it is to hire someone that doesn't carry a gun, correct? >> correct. ainsley: you were telling me in the commercial break there are a lot of schools here in new york they can't afford to put a retired police officer in the hallways, that's why they choose not to do it in new york. >> a lot of times it's a budget issue. if the school wants to have some level of security, sometimes they can't afford to have an armed guard compared do unarmed guard. sometimes it comes down to own attorneys, insurance, speaking about their liabilities, what their exposure might be. sometimes people have this idea. ainsley: when it comes to our kids i can't imagine budget would be an issue. >> something where people didn't look security factored into budget. ainsley: in pittsburgh they can afford it because their school resource officers they employ 57 security aids and 23 police officers. here is what got me.
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they all go through the same training that the police officers do and they wear bullet proof vest which is a clear recognition that the danger these officers might face. it's not a budget issue there. clearly an issue of they don't want people like the aclu to come in and say you can't have guns because it sends a bad message. >> i think with pittsburgh specifically, it's more like a business decision and not the right decision. something where they have to take a look at what they're doing. something will happen, unfortunately sooner other later and that's why i see everybody transitioning to security in these schools. just a matter time we see a trend going on throughout different states where there are mass shootings in these schools. and there really is no way to stop it. you just want to minimize the injuries when something like this happens. ainsley: unfortunately sometimes they have to have a shooting in order change these laws. >> unfortunately. ainsley: it happened in north carolina. put an armed guard in there. ainsley: absolutely. after that child was killed. thank you for shedding light on this story.
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chelseare you running. >> running for what? >> think she gave ivanka trump the same statement? >> former "fox & friends weekend" co-host anna kooiman come in here. she joins us live to tell us about her adventures. that's coming up next. ♪ we'll have a house party ♪ we don't need nobody ♪ we turn your tv off ♪ break that boom box out ♪ we'll wake up all the neighbors ♪ until the whole block hates us ♪ and the cops show up ♪ try to shut us down. spend now. what's up? gonna pay some bills, maybe buy a new tennis racket. he's got a killer backhand. when it's time to get organized for retirement, it's time to get voya.
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you get to do the dishes.ed... bring 'em on. dawn ultra has 3 times more grease-cleaning power. a drop of dawn and grease is gone.
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♪ >> he anna jumps three feet over the fire pit into the mud pit. that is barb wire. that is real mud and real barb wire. that will cut. oh my god, i think anna won.
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brian: wait a second that wasn't live that was may 31st, 2015. she was just a kid. familiar this familiar friend jumping over friends and crawling through mud that was nothing for her on "fox & friends." that was an average day. that's how she warmed up for the show. ainsley: now she is experiencing all sorts of action and adventure in land down under after moving to sydney with her australian husband tim last fall. he. ed: she said he was from australia. is she back? welcome back not really to the curvey couch but to the stools anyway. >> it's so good to be around everybody and be in new york city. i spent some time in north carolina with my family which has been good. i just came back. but, you know, i have been filling in on different shows in australia, too. one of them called the project which is on prime time. they said to me we should have brought you a mud pit so you feel at home because we were always doing so many wild and crazy things on the show. ainsley: that's one of the reasons now i have to do the mud pit stuff. when i have to do mud pit
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stuff on the plaza can i fly you in to the plaza. >> i miss it. ed: i love the commentary with tucker prime time. working with him on the weekends while you were crawling through the mud he was giving u.s. the blow by blow. you did the action. >> diet action and he talks. ainsley: are you loving australia. >> yeah. ainsley: what's it nice to sleep in. >> it's nice. i have been telling my friends i feel like my hair and skin is healthier because i have been sleeping more instead of like two hours here and two hours here whenever can you. i have been meeting different aussies of course. you can't say aussie like i use to say. i have been learning a lot of aussie slang. they practically speak another language here. let's take a look. >> what's a bogan. >> it's a real aka. >> what's an aka. >> a real bogan. >> give me more. >> somebody way up there. somebody redneck. >> what's a vicky. hits new the cup of tea or cup of coffee.
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>> like a scone, right? there are a bunch of slang things like faired dinkum. are you game up for it do this with me? how about this? let's go to the servo and have some avocados smash wear our bungee snug lers are you -- let's go to the pet rol. have avocados with veggie mite. what else did i say? are you game to do it. ainsley: you had me until the -- i love avocado. brian: of course. exactly right. >> that clip is from a show i'm doing. that's one of the reasons i'm in new york city to pitch the show. action anna. several different concepts that i'm hoping they make it onto the air here in the united states. so along with learning aussie slang, i'm going to be climbing the sydney harbor bridge. 50eu8 be swimming on the great barrier reef.
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petting kualas and kangaroos as you saw there you know, it's a bad gig. brian: when you walk around in australia, do they embrace the fact that you are from america? do they have a good view of america? >> yeah. everybody wants to talk about trump. brian: good, just like here. >> they pay more attention to our politics and our culture than we pay to theirs. we ought to learn about that. we ought to spend more time thinking about other cultures. brian: you are directing that to he had. ed: yoto ed. >> if i said who the is prime minister of australia? oh, i thought there was a president. and that's sad. they know everything about our culture. we ought to know more about theirs. ainsley: what's the best part about living there. >> the beach. ainsley: you are right on the beach. >> australia's most iconic beach. so i have just been really enjoying some fitness lifestyle. you know how much i like that. anna fitness style. i have been interviewing a lot
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of my contact here in new york. fitness scene awesome here and same thing there. and blogging, blogging about a lot of my travel experiences. i love to travel and, yeah, so you can subscribe. go to my website. ainsley: what do you miss the most? >> i really miss the show. i really miss the show. i miss you guys. i mean, i don't miss waking up in the morning. i miss the grind and miss being in the middle of it all the time. i have been walshing you guys throughout the election and inauguration and everything. but it's so weird it comes on late at night. it comes on like 9:30 in the evening. ed: can't do anything. >> sorry mother nature. ed: always fun to do the weekend with you and always had good morning friends. open and warm and miss you on the couch. >> i miss america. i miss our culture. ainsley: see your family in north carolina miss sweet tea. >> i don't drink sweet tea. i eat hush puppies my family is going to hilton head tomorrow. i'm going to hilton head and then to georgia.
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i'm in a wedding. that he was the biggest reason why i'm home along with pitching these shows. i'm one of 12 brides maids. ainsley: my first wedding i had 12. ainsley: we were in our 20's. you had to invite everyone. ed: i know you said, be ay, you miss doing the show. can i give you flashback when you used to talk to a report to get an update. >> does that mean i get to do that. >> i miss my dog baxter he get there in a week. brian: is he flying right now? >> he comes quarantine. heather: good friend, anna. your parents are right around the corner from my parents in charlotte. thank you so much. come give me a hug in a minute. north carolina is where we are going to begin, intensifying tensions overnight. flexing its nuclear muscle. the communist country firing off another missile.
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the white house says that it is done with the provocative actions and the clock has run out. the latest blast comes as president trump is expected to urge the president of china to step in during their first meeting, which will be tomorrow at mar-a-lago in palm beach, florida. and house republicans taking another crack at healthcare reform today. this just hours after vice president mike pence held his second late night meeting, hoping to gain support from freedom caucus republicans. speaker paul ryan hopes to come to an agreement before congress goes on vacation starting friday but would delay their recess if they make progress on the bill. and ivanka trump taking her critics head on in an interview with cbs gail king. the president's daughter defending herself against accusations of corruption in the white house. >> we hear the phrase complicit that jared and ivanka is complicit in what is happening at the white house. can you just weigh in on how you feel about that? >> if being complicit is wanting to -- is wanting to be
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a force for good, and to make a positive impact, then i'm complicit. heather: last month "saturday night live" took a jab at the daughter parody commercial in a fake perform fume called complicit. sweet tweets hitting a sorrow notes. cadbury company along with a u.k. charity dropping the word easter from the name of their annual egg hunt. prime minister theresa may slamming the change as, quote, absolutely ridiculous. the church of england saying they are air brushing fate. cadbury says they are north trying to down play the holiday they use easter on promotional material and chocolate eggs. those are a look at your he had lines. >> sad i love cadbury easter eggs. ed: immigration arrests at the border all time low. does that prove the president's immigration order are actually working. ains ounce plus a fashion
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firestorm. how do you say that doll say and cabana getting backlash. well, anyway, the company is getting backlash for dressing the first lady for that picture right there. her official portrait. how did they respond? carley shimkus going to join us on the curvey couch with more on that next. ♪ thanks for ming me finer ♪ kevin, meet your father.
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real decrease? terms of refugees coming over here. >> the past month the highest number of refuse agree goo geese resettleside somalia. the reason it's concern is al qaeda still controls a portion of that country. it's in chaos. we know the american somalia community have high levels of extremism that put it in a different category than other communities. when you look at where the refugees are coming from, even now, they are coming from state sponsors of terrorism, places that are terror-prone. ed: why is that now? why are we seeing the numbers? >> the reason they are going down is because president trump reduced the number of refugees that he will allow into the united states. you would expect the numbers overall to decrease. now, that's not an anti-refugee policy. if you actually look at what president trump has proposed, there is all sorts of exceptions to allow the people that most want to be here, that most give something to us, that are in most need into the united states. so, everybody out there, posting these memes on social
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media looking like we are going to stop them at the border. ed: why was there so much hysteria at the beginning? >> i think the critics of president trump are stuck in a permanent state of hysteria they read something and just go wild and then there is that echo chamber. an example of that would be the recent reporting on exstrategic vetting where we're, according to the reports, the authorities will have the option where if there is someone that's a bit he suspicious they can force that person who hand over their phone, look at their social media, look at their contacts, and what trump's critics did was they said oh my goodness, this means that all 10 million people that apply for visas are going to have to hand over their passwords and that never -- it's just that it would be an option. ed: last question, why do you think we are seeing less of these big confrontations at the airports? just that everyone has calmed down and realized the policy is not as extreme as originally claimed or is it also that the fine tuning the administration did actually
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made the orders better? >> it was definitely the fine tuning, i believe. but, for everyone out there saying this is anti-refugee policy, especially those politicians do something about it. get your rich donor friends together, raise a bunch of money, and then help the refugees yourself instead of just complaining about it or better yet, do something substantive like back a safe zone for the christians and other minorities in iraq that are being persecuted right now. if you are pro-refugee, do something about it. ed: something we have heard the president talk about but the critics haven't talked about at all. >> i'm hoping if president trump is watching he will back a safe zone in iraq for the christians and other minorities. i just got back from iraq about a month ago. and they were actually very pro-trump there. and the christians, the kurds and other people there were all saying look, we need a safe zone here. it should be easy to do. if you want to stop the genocide against christians, please, come in and do this so president trump, i hope you listen to their advice.
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ed: president'sson jared kushner has been in iraq. we will see if that's something that he reports back to the president. brian morrow, thank you. >> thank you. ed: he was first to testify unmask team members. senator rand paul joins us live with what he says needs to happen next. plus, kendall jenner ending police brutality with a can of pepsi? ♪ ♪ ed: carley shimkus joins us on the curvey couch with why social media went crazy over that one. ♪ how does that feel ♪ ♪ fact. people spend less time lying awake with aches and pains with advil pm
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♪ [cheers] ♪ ed: i'm not really sure what's going on there. we have to get the scoop. new pepsi commercial showing kendall general at a protest is popping off. ainsley: here is 24/7 reporter carley shimkus. >> i'm on 24 hours a day seven days a week. i'm really unbelievable. brian: nope of that is taped: carley what's the problem to that there is risk pepsi is taking. >> it's t. starts can kendall jenner participating in a photo shoot.
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she becomes distracted by this nearby protest. she joins. in and like you just saw it, ends with her handing a can of pepsi to a police officer and then everybody cheers. so, a lot of people are accusing pepsi now of profiting off of social unrest and the black lives matter movement. so much reaction is coming in on this topic today. this kendall jennifer and pepsi have been trending on twitter since last night. brian: in a good way. >> no, very bad way. both conservatives and democrats. let's get to some of that action. epic fail, some marketing guy thought this would be i would like to buy the world a coke rich white model takes the power back. and then tim tweeted there went her career. sorry pepsi anyone got a coke? matt tweeted i don't even like her and i don't see what the big deal in this ad is? is she promoting peace between the people and police?
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and lugo said i wish companies would stop taking sides. just make commercials everyone can enjoy. stop making everything so political. pepsi did release a statement defending heir ad. >> they said this is a global ad that reflects people from different walks of life coming together in the spirit of harmony and we think that's an important message to convey. brian: #, you are playing right into what we wanted you to, that is talking about it and we are not talking about coke. definitely not talking about r.c. >> i think coke is probably pretty happy about this. brian: i think they are going to be happy. because everyone is talking about it. ainsley: if you think all press is good press. brian: talk about my other passion and that's fashion. ainsley: doll is i and gabbana. she is wearing the black suit. at the residence portion of the white house. have you the window in the background and this is her portrait. >> she looks beautiful. ainsley: they are so mad at doll idolce and gabbana.
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>> face intense backlash for dressing her. that's a black dolce and gabbana blazer in her first white house portrait. one of the designers is actually responding directly to people criticizing him on instagram. let's look at some these exchanges. someone wrote so you have lost a follower and worse, an admirer. well he actually replied back saying i don't care really. and then another exchange somebody wrote bistephan know he replied bye-bye. so this is how he is handling it. a lot of people are praising him for it another tweeted gained anothe fan. i will go shopping for a few d and g pieces. she must be rich. gab columbus have you many new fans and many are spot on when they say politics should not have a face in the fashion world. brian: she is so a political. she is a quiet, self-deprecating beautiful model. why wouldn't people want to -- ainsley: that's like ivanka. people are going after ivanka,
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too because they don't like her dad. ed: someone who is not a political is the mayor bill deblastio. >> he is very tall. 645. take a picture of him crammed into a coach seat all the way to the west coast. if you notice, he is using a head set and he has a flip phone. is he still using a flip phone. so a lot of people are laughing at this picture. ben tweeted what's with the high time life operator head set optics, mr. mayor. sally said that head set though. sweet phone, bro. he must have been uncomfortable in that seat. britain britain political ploy to look like every man. ainsley: flip phone. how do you check facebook? ainsley: have you ever texted on one of those things. i first had one when they first came out. so hard. brian: carley, we are going to listen to you on channel 11524
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hours a day. straight ahead on our show. he. ainsley: we have senator rand paul, chris stone. problem tanto. paronto and sandra lee. ostriches don't really stick their heads in the sand. a peanut is not a nut. and a real john deere is actually real affordable. you learn something new everyday.
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but "yes" is here. you're saying the new app will go live monday?! yeah. with help from hpe, we can finally work the way we want to. with the right mix of hybrid it, everything computes. did you unmask the names of people involved in the trump transition, the trump campaign? >> absolutely not for any political purposes. there's really no reason ever to do that except for political reasons. >> i see no legitimate reason for her to be searching a data base and unmasking people. >> i don't know what president obama knew and when he knew it. highlight the fact he could still be impeached as a way to highlight there has got to be accountability. >> the white house condemning the chemical attack in syria and slamming president obama. >> president obama said in 2012 that he would establish a quote, unquote, red line and then did nothing. >> inaction has consequences. tragic consequences. >> the trump administration just closed bidding on design contracts for the new 21
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billion-dollar wall that will span 2,000 miles. >> just look at the amazing talent assembled here. let's hear it. laborers, painters. fitters. plasterers. we brought back the coal miners. i'm not so sure about the plasterers. we will do the best we can okay? ♪ and i've been taking care of business every day ♪ taking care of business ♪ every way ♪ i've been taking care of business ♪ it's all mine ♪ taking care of business. brian: that was the president yesterday taking care of business. he was in his element yesterday. weighs having a good time with business leaders talking about building things and constructing things and the stimulus plan. ainsley: can we talk about that really quickly? he was that the town hall with business leaders and he rolled out this scroll that was like a mile long it seemed. and he was talking about all of the things that you have to go through. ed: the regulations. ainsley: red tape and regulations you have to go
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through in order to just build a highway. he said i want to change all of that. by the time it goes all these steps. ed: looks like kilmeade line after line after line. ainsley: go through all the tape and regulations and getting it approved it take up to 10 years. some of these companies are out of business. he wants to stop that. ed: you could see the market reacting. ainsley: could you? ed: absolutely. brian: talk about what's been going on over the last few days because some networks don't want to tell you this. it's become apparent to eli lake and adam housley that there has been a problem in the obama administration. before they left they went out of their way to make sure that some of the intercepts that they were able to pick up, the nsa was able to pick up were unmasked and they revealed the american on the other side. ed: what? he he she said none of this happened. brian: just let me finish. said dozens of times susan rice has requested the unmasking of the american on the other side. ed: no, but she said a couple weeks ago she didn't know
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anything about this. she was asked about devin nunes on pbs, surveillance? i don't know what you are talking about, brian. i don't know. ainsley: you want to believe that the nsa director is doing the right thing, that she is not unmasking this follow political reasons. it would be a flown if she did leak it to the press or to the public. you want to believe this and it was all above board. the problem is, you are right. two weeks ago she was on pbs saying she didn't do any of this. there was no unmasking. yesterday she said there was. listen. >> you seek the names of people involved in -- town mask the names of people involved in the trump transition, the trump campaign? people surrounding the president-elect? >> let me be. >> in order to spy on them? >> absolutely not for any political purposes, to spy, expose, anything. if you're asking were there more reports provided to senior u.s. officials after the president requested the compilation of the
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intelligence, which was ultimately provided in january, yes. what happened was as the ic went about the business. >> the intelligence community went about the business of following up on the president's order. >> fulfilling request for such a report. they went back and scrubbed more reports. they began to provide more such reports to american officials, including myself. ainsley: i witch andrea mitchell would have gone ton say why two weeks ago did you say you didn't unmask and why did you say benghazi was caused by that video when later it was found out that wasn't the case that you were lying on national television on five sunday shows? ed: when before as you say she didn't know anything about unmasking. now there was unmasking but there was this and the president's order there was. this how is it two weeks you didn't know anything. now i know all these other things but it's not wrong or anything. brian: she says she didn't leak it out. we all know evelyn farkas said on march 2nd she was a former defense secretary deputy under obama who game an advisor to hillary clinton. she said well when we saw this
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type of contact, when we to make -- that's where the leaks all came from. so one thing leads to another. rice who other channels said was not a big story. she scrambles to msnbc, a friendly environment, to talk to andrea mitchell and get her side of the story out. did she put out or fan the flames? senator rand paul says no. this fanned the flames. >> i see no legitimate reason for her to be searching a data base and unmasking people. the fact that there could be a political figure in the obama administration that was purposefully searching a database looking for trump officials i think confirms exactly what the president said when he said that the obama administration was doing something nefarious with regard to surveillance on his transition team. and it sounds like they were. ainsley: he went on to say that he thinks she ought to be subpoenaed. and then senator john cornyn, republican from texas, he said that they don't buy it, the republicans don't buy it the representatives don't buy it that they need to get her to testify under oath.
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ed: three or four weeks ago i think that's what senator rand paul just learned obama wiretapped me and surveillance. brian: march 4th. ed: so exactly a month ago. democratic reaction. insane, crazy, nothing like therefore happened. evidencely farkas opens the door well, maybe there was something going on. maybe some of it got leaked out. later says it's taken out of context. don't know what you are talking about. suture rice admitting there was unmasking, i didn't leak what was unmasked. leaves the door open maybe someone else leaked what was unmasked by susan rice, key point there. and all of a sudden the crazy idea that there was surveillance and unmasking is not so crazy. instead they are saying well, susan rice was just doing her job. a month ago you were saying there is no way this happened. no way. ainsley: that's why if she goes under oath. people can say all right, you are saying you didn't leak, then who did? who had access? when you unmasked and you saw general kelly's came in or
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whoever it was that was unmasked then who saw that information with you? if you didn't do the leaking who did? because we need to figure it out. ed: follow up what did president obama know? brian: that would have been a good follow up that didn't happen yesterday. fascinating interview with bill o'reilly last night. for the first time malia zimmerman went on camera, she is adam housley's producer who helped break this story and bring it into the forefront. she says we might have it backwards. listen. >> this whole thing was really about from what we have been told, bringing out information about president trump, the intentional leaking of information to the media was about embarrassing him, about making his presidency unstable. when he was just getting launched. this was all happening. it was more of a political attack rather than anything that needed to be released. i think that's what's really going to come down to. brian: went on to say we believe this whole thing might have happened the exact opposite way rather than rice requesting. we believe it might have happened in the other way
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where someone on another agency told her to request those records and have the names unmasked so we actually think it could have happened the other way. ed: someone at the nsa or somewhere? brian: told her. ed: you have the power to do this national security advisor. brian: someone in the agencies which we know the intel agencies were ticked off at trump and might be anti-trump and pro-president obama. they thought if you ask for this, you'll get this information. and it will be in your lap. ed: again, a month ago, think about what democrats were saying. it would be crazy if he senior obama people were surveying and taking information and leaking it to undermine the trump administration. now all of a sudden well, some of this may have gone on, but i didn't leak it maybe someone else leaked it. bottom line is, now the house intelligence committee, according to the "wall street journal" this morning, is talking about bringing susan rice in for questioning. i wonder if they will talk to evelyn farkas. ainsley: zimmerman and housley reporterred that the names were part of the electronic surveillance of the candidate of president-elect trump and
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people close to him including family members for up to a year before he took office. brian: tom fitton was on with us from judicial watch. he has listened to all of this. and he concluded. this. >> was accessing this material and using it for improper purposes. there were all sorts of criminal laws that would have been violated, the privacy act protects the private information of individuals from prying for improper purposes. and you can go to jail for that. so if she is going to be called as a witness, i would suggest the focus be on getting a grand jury going and having her testify before grand jury that would show that we're actually serious about investigating this unprecedented violation of an abuse of power by a president and his appointees. brian: wow. and by the way, as charles krauthammer was saying last night the world is on fire. chemical attack in syria. north korea has never been closer to a nuclear attack. we have the leader of china coming in on saturday. we might be doing healthcare. instead we are shooting each
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other. democrats and republicans are shooting each other in some inconsequential investigation that is so far to this moment, despite all the energy put on it, there is no link of collusion to the trump campaign and russia. ed: we have got senator rand paul live next hour. he has been all over this trying to sort fact from fiction it will be 2k3wr5eu9 to get it right from the horse's hour next hour. ainsley: hand it over to heather childers for news. heather: good morning and to everyone at home. we start with a fox news alert for you. brand new surveillance video of a possible cop-killing suspect. you can see the man walking outside a courthouse in texas where a deputy constable clinton greenwood was murdered in ambush style attack. investigators are reportedly questioning an inmate that greenwood sent to jail. he called that man a threat to him and his family just days before he was gunned down. and you're looking live at a supreme court showdown. happening right now. democratic senator jeff merkley from oregon talking for 12 hours straight staging
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an all-night protest on capitol hill. just hours before the senate is slated to debate supreme court nominee judge neil gorsuch. >> this seat is a stolen seat. this is an individual who was rated by the provisional analyst as being more conservative than anyone who serves on the court. heather: senator merkley did not receive any backup from his liberal colleagues until senator dick durbin joined him about an hour ago. and some more evidence proving that obamacare is flat lining. a city in tennessee could be ground zero of the affordable care act's explosion. collapsing all together. humana the only health insurer that offers coverage in knoxville pulled the plug on obamacare nationwide. once they opt out, that leaves 40,000 people in that area with a zero coverage option. and an espn host thrown out of the game, why? because she is a conservative.
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>> welcome back to nba countdown. >> sage steele is being replaced on nba countdown. recently she criticized black lives matter and athletes who disrespected our heros serving overseas by kneeling during the anthem. she also received some backlash saying protests over the president's travel pause made her miss a flight. espn says that steele will now host sportscenter on the road segment. those are a look at you're headlines. > brian: she the daughter of a bbiracial couple. that gets you fired. heather: she is great though. brian: she is fantastic. shy will get a job anywhere if she decides to leave. the bids are in for president trump's border wall the companies want to build it already getting tweets. one of those contractors will join us next. aaron aaron senator elizabeth warren says she a defender of women's rights. >> we nasty women are going to
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march our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get you out of our lives forever. ainsley: it turns out women who work for her are getting a pretty nasty paycheck. they get paid less than men and, brian? ed: the contractors are getting threats not treats, brian. i will handle that story for you. brian: one or the other. ainsley: i didn't want to correct you. brian: you have got to correct me. ♪ my dirty little secret ♪ who has to know ♪ when we lift our fragile lives ♪ it's the best way ♪ "is your daughter ok?" that's where i felt relief. we're the rivera family, and we will be with usaa for life. shouldn't be whateverfleas and ticks. home... no, no no no no... seresto® kills and repels fleas and ticks for 8 continuous months - for effective protection in an easy-to-use, non-greasy collar.
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♪ ainsley: the bids are in for president trump's border wall. but some of the contractors submitting their bids are dealing with threats not treats who want to go after anyone hired to build it. ed: one of those bidders might want to have a with word with brian. vice president of governmental affairs at re straight engineering he joins us now live. good morning. good to see you, sir. >> good morning. good to be with you. ed: tell us what you are facing. you put in a bid like any other company and say we want a piece of that what kind of action are you getting? >> honestly throughout the
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nation we have mainly gotten positive reaction. here locally in california we have received considerable threats that we take very seriously. but, you know, you have to be committed to a project like this and we're committed. ed: you mean people just saying we are opposed to the president? or threatening your business? threatening your life? i want to get a sense how serious is this? >> well, we take it very seriously. it is -- they have threatened, you know, to destroy equipment. we have had a little bit of vandalism. and we have had two protests now in front of our offices. ainsley: why put a bid in? is it because you can make a lot of money but the threats? -- some of these threats from what i understand are pretty serious. some of these business people are saying they are getting threats on their life. >> right. well, the main reason that we put in bids isn't just the money.
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we are a small business. we operate in a very niche environment. we work in harsh environments. very complex projects, high value. those are the type of projects that we do really well with. and that's why we put a bid on the wall. ainsley: and putting people back to work. putting your employees to work? >> absolutely. we are an american company. we pay really well. we hire american workers. and we want to see them all back to work. brian: rob, i'm very curious to see what you're going to do. we know the fundamental requirements are ideal 30 feet high, 6 feet below blockage. ainsley: people can't go under. brian: u.s. side he is set stickily pleasing in color. they can do whatever they want on the other. what do you think, what do you bring to the table real quick in your pitch? >> well, we bring all of that and more. it will be 30 feet high, it
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will deter, prevent climbing, tunneling, use of mechanical penetration type of tools. very imposing. but, ecstatically pleasing as you said on the u.s. side of the border. we have very, very strong concrete. so i think we bring a lot to the table. brian: do you think you are going to get it? >> we're very confident. we're going to be in the top. ed: all right. ralph, thank you for joining us live this morning. >> thank you. ainsley: a lot of money to be made by these companies. the wall is going to cost between 13 million and 20 million. ed: some estimates over 20 billion. refusing to seek the death penalty for a cop killer. florida governor rick scott gave the case to a different person. should very done that? we will debate it fair and balanced next. brian: senator elizabeth warren admits she can be a nasty woman. >> we nasty women are going to march our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get you out
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of our lives forever. brian: it turns it out women who work for her are getting a pretty nasty paycheck. ed: wait, what? brian: a fraction of what the men get. it's not fair. ed: hypocrisy? before i had the shooting, burning of diabetic nerve pain these feet... kicked off my high school games... ...and helped those in need. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica.
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comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's over 6 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. brian: time now for news by the numbers. first, 400. that's how many payless shoe stores are closing immediately. the company filing for bankruptcy. next $4.3 million. that's how much the idaho solar project costs. only generates 90 cents worth of energy. enough to run a microwave which listens to me. the bad decision getting the blame. finally 71 cents, that's how much elizabeth warren female staffers made compared to the male staffers. this is outrage just and i'm a man.
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women making $52,000 on average. men 73,000. what are they doing with all that extra money? i'm going to find out. ainsley: florida governor rick scott pulling a state prosecutor from several high profile cases for her refusal to pursue the death penalty. was this the right call or an abuse of executive power? here now to debate it and attorney and former prosecutor elliott feelick and whitney bone. thank you for being with us. >> good morning. ainsley: good morning. why do you support the governor on this decision. >> let's be clear rick scott ran as a governor in 2010 as staunch supporter of death penalty. reelected as a staunch supporter of the death penalty. by contrast ms. aila concealed and implied she would approach these cases open mind and case-by-case basis. imagine how people would feel if after elected i'm not going to pursue domestic violence cases or not pursue child molesters we would consider that inappropriate.
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thankfully a mechanism exists a governor can take away cases when the prosecutor isn't going to enforce the law. what governor scott is doing is legally per inadmissible. also consistent with the wishes of the people of his state who overwhelmingly support the death penalty. ainsley: this prosecutor is suppose to represent the state. she is supposed to go after these criminals. so, whitney, i'm curious, why do you support her? why do you think that she shouldn't seek the death penalty for these creals? >> it's not that i think she shouldn't pursue the death penalty for these criminals. ainsley: but you are supporting her, right? >> i support the fact that rick scott has made the wrong decision here. i support the fact that she has the right to use her prosecutorial discretion to make decisions regarding whether or not she pursues the death penalty. i disagree with the way she has handled this in terms of coming out and saying i'm not going onto pursue the death penalty in any case at all. that is not appropriate. i do not agree with that however, what rick scott is doing is setting up bad precedence because he is interfering with her independent discretion as a prosecutor. she was elected by the people
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here in original and osceola counties here in florida. that is her discretion in terms of whether or not she goes for the death penalty. she used this as a political platform for herself, i he will concede that. that is absolutely accurate. ainsley: that's why these elections are so important. >> that is no different at this point. ainsley: we mind you what these criminals have done. there is one criminal that she won't seek the death penalty for mark keith lloyd killed with killing police lieutenant and his pregnant ex-girlfriend. there is another person, larry perry, accused of beating his infant son to death. there is juan rosario charged with beating his 83-year-old neighbor to death and setting her house on fire. i mean, what do you say to the families of these victims? >> and i am glad i'm not in a position where i have to tell the families of these victims that. but i will tell you this: what aramis has done, she has come out in a way and said i'm not going to seek the death penalty in any case. i have no problem with her using her discretion, however, on a case-by-case basis.
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she is playing a political game of chicken and rick scott is playing it back with her at this point. what's at stake here is exactly as you are pointing out, there are real victims in these cases there are real defendants who have the right to have this system have integrity and the public here in orange and osceola counties where i practice as a criminal defense attorney for 13 years who have the right to have trust and faith in their publicly elected officials. and that's the real issue here. ainsley: let's get elliott in. >> people of good conscious can disagree on the death penalty. the way to change is by lobbying and voting. to conceal your position to the voters the way this prosecutor has done. tops not dowrnl just it's dishonest. ainsley: thank you. she lied on five sunday shows blaming the benghazi attaches on a hateful video. how do the men abandoned in benghazi feel like what she is saying now. tanto is going to join us next. come on in. and chelsea clinton sits down for hard hitting interview
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with gail king. >> i feel like da jay view with your mom all over again. are you running? are you running? >> running for what question. ainsley: do you think she gave the same treatment to ivanka trump? we have the tape. you decide. ♪ baby it's all right now ♪ all right now ♪ vin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin trusted advice for life. kevin, how's your mom? life well planned. see what a raymond james financial advisor can do for you.
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what happened was as the ic went about the business. >> the intelligence community went about the business following up on the president's order. >> fulfilling the president's request for such a report, they went back and scrubbed more reports. they began to provide more such reports to american officials, including myself. brian: right and bowe bergdahl served with honor and distinction. many find that hard to believe considering her past television appearances. >> it was spontaneous reaction as a response of video. >> he served the united states with honor and distinction. brian: yeah, remember those statements? they didn't fly then. do these statements fly now? joining us now to discuss that from his first-hand point of viebenghaziyou saw him. chris tanto paronto, welcome back. >> you guys have such good posture. how do you do that on a couch? ainsley: you see yourself on tv and oh my gosh, i need to put my shoulders back. >> my back hurts already.
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ainsley: can you do whatever you want to do. ainsley: what did you make of susan rice's comments. >> threw me off. she has no credibility. i don't know how people continue to believe her. i don't know how she even has the ability -- well, i know she has the ability to get out there and just speak with nonsense. but for people to actually believe her and then you have the other news networks defending her. ed: they are saying it's fake news. >> she was caught in a lie with pbs. and then she came on -- i didn't know anything. oh, wait a second yes i did know something. ed: i knew something i didn't leak it. >> double talk, half truths that's still lies. there is no such thing as a half true. it's a lie. ed: intelligence committee now may bring her in. >> with congressman nunes, yes, i trust congressman nunes to do the right thing. but, at this point, the trump administration has been given a golden egg. he could make an example of a politician, of a bureaucrat on
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the stage and i think this would stop a lot of this half truths that go out. make an example of her. do something. ainsley: you think there was no one holding these folks accountable, that's why it happens over and over and over. >> there is no accountability up there. you guys know that more than any of us. especially mr. ed henry here they get away with things. the benghazi lie. the bowe bergdahl he served with honor and distinction. since when is a traitor or somebody that leaves his post and then you lose six people serving with honor and distinction and now this with the unmasking. and she put lives in danger. american lives in danger because of what she did. brian: senator cotton, she is the typhoid mary of the administration. every time something goes wrong, she is in the middle of it. is that just coincidence? >> no. i think she has become a little bit full of herself because of benghazi, because of her continually being at the forefront and saying lie after lie and nothing taken from it, nothing happening from it, she has gotten a
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little bit confident now that she can get away pretty much anything. she sun touchable. well, trump, sessions, president trump, let's make sure that these people do not think they are untouchable. ainsley: chris, is she going to get away with this. >> my track record from benghazi and seeing hillary clinton with the emails where she should have probably been prosecuted there, seeing other things that took place with the videos and people that have stood up for the lies that took place in benghazi. us not getting support when we needed it, track record says yes, she is. i hope trump. ed: hold on, chris matthews yesterday said you and others are attacking susan rice because she is a woman. that's the reason. >> that's why the lady that runs my company is a woman. i have no trust in women at all? she takes over all of my day-to-day activities because i hate women. brian: every time gets down to an argument and have you nothing else to say you are a racist or sexist. >> i'm a mexican racist, too, with illega illegal immigrant
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grandparents. i'm a racist as well. there you go, brother. brian: adam housley's producer came out and said maybe we got it reversed. maybe some of those sources are telling her that the intel agencies told her request these americans to be unmasked. how do you feel about that our intel agencies pushing a friendly administration to do something. >> my experience -- and i did 20 years with the agency, i was a contractor for seven of them. i have seen politics play big roles in the agency as well. i have seen the reports and i can't divulge into them because of the reports. reports agency in benghazi as well. that they were false. they are wrong. that was politics. ed: always told though there is no politics with the cia and intelligence community it's above. >> ayman going to tell people the american public here now that that's not true. you have politics playing with the agency, cia, nnsa and that
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needs to stop as well. president trump has been given an opportunity to set a precedent and stop this. brian: hopefully mike pompeo would be able to see that and other leaders of the intelligence division. you are starting the nine line foundation. >> nine line apparel. i'm helping. nine line apparel shirt. a veteran organization. tyler american captain went to west point u.s. army. we're doing a casino night to raise money. how nine line apparel and how this started they helped out injured soldier had his leg he is blown off by ied started building ramps and helping injured veterans get chairs. and this is one of the things we are doing at the new york athletic club with myself and actually a childhood idol of mine pete rose will be there. we are just playing poker. raising money. i can't play poker either so i'm going to lose everything. that's where the money is going for a good cause.
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ainsley: tell the folk at home why nine line? >> it's a medevac -- it's a medevac template that you call in if there is an injury what to do within a nine line report. that's why you have the helicopter. where are you at? here you are. i see you, right there. that's why you have the helicopter coming down. ainsley: you're so busy you are doing this and your new book. >> i have a new book. and that was -- i am such a pre -- iget these opportunitiesr way is coming out. why not? when i'm in omaha, in nebraska, 80 i can sit in my rocking chair grouchy guy, single guy sitting in my chair going i don't have to regret anything in life. i have done everything. ainsley: what is the ranger way? >> actually the ranger way is an inspirational book about overcoming adversity, about overcoming obstacles. and it's about utilizing the ranger creed to overcome those obstacles.
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it's a little self-beabearing because i go through things in my life i wasn't proud of. that was harder to do than 13 hours. i wanted to forget a lot of the stuff that i did. i had to come out with that. ainsley: give us one thing you are not proud of? >> on tv here? brian: wait for the book. save it. [laughter] >> appreciate that. thanks, guys. ainsley: we all have our cross to bear but congratulations on coming through it all and serving our country. brian: fortunately i am perfect. [ buzzer ] brian: that ♪ true. hey there, heather childers. heather: hello to you and good morning. good morning to everyone at home. we will take to you north korea right now intensifying tensions overnight. flexing the. communist country dry firing off another missile. done with the provocative action saying quote the clock has run out. latist blast as president trump is expected to urge the president of china to step in
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during their first meeting which will be tomorrow at mar-a-lago in palm beach, florida. and ivanka trump taking critics head on in an interview with cbs gayle king the president's daughter defending herself against accusations of corruptions in the white house. >> you hear the phrase complicit that jared and ivanka are complicit in what is happening at the white house. can you just weigh in on what you feel about that. >> if being complicit is wanting to -- is wanting to be a force for good, and to make a positive impact, then i'm complicit. heather: last month "saturday night live" took a jab at the first daughter in a parody commercial in a fake perfume called complicit. a shoplifter getting much more than she bargained for after getting locked inside a story. police in ohio say this woman hid in the kohl's dressing room until the store closed. once the coast was clear she
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tried to make off with new stolen clothes but she couldn't get out so she called 911 on herself and was arrested. and then finally, canada's national anthem could soon be gender neutral. ♪ native land ♪ true patriot love ♪ in all thy sons command. heather: yeah, canada cincinnati on the vurej of voting to change the lyrics you just heard from all thy sons command to quote all of us command. lawmakers want to make it more inclusive and they have implemented -- or have it implemented by july 1st. those are a look at your headlines. ainsley: write us soon and know us know what you think. i just sing god bless america. how is that? brian: we can't sing that: 18 minutes before the top of the hour. ainsley: democratic senator
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jeff merkley talking for 12 hours straight to protest supreme court nominee neil gorsuch. why critics say democrats are setting themselves up for the dumbest filibuster in history. ed: and in the country illegally, here is a discount on college tuition. rob schmitt here with the controversial idea of making its way to actually becoming law next. ♪ ♪ claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy, 24-hour relief. for fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do every day. live claritin clear. every day.
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the whole country booking on choice four words, badda book. badda boom... let it sink in. shouldn't we say we have the lowest price? nope, badda book. badda boom. have you ever stayed with choice hotels? like at a comfort inn? yep. free waffles, can't go wrong. i like it. promote that guy. get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed. when you book direct at book now. ♪ ainsley: they are in our country illegally. but now some tennessee lawmakers want to give them some of the same perks as you, u.s. citizens. brian: republicans in the solid red state pushing for new bill to offer instate tuition rates to immigrants. ed: rob schmitt here breaking it all down.
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>> this is a controversial one. a question we have seen a lot of times. should those who are here illegally get benefits for college. now a student putting pressure on tennessee lawmakers to allow illegal immigrants to qualify for instate tuition rates. one republican has broken ranks here to support this controversial bill saying it's a problem that congress should have fixed years ago. those against the bill say it doesn't matter. the law is the law. >> i support the law. i support strong enforcement. if congress had done something 30 years ago, we wouldn't be in this situation. >> teach your children that we have laws in the land because if you let this slide, then you're not teaching them the rules of engagement, the rules of law. rob: so the bill says students here illegally who attend a state high school or home school program for just two years would qualify for this. if it became law, students would not qualify for federal financial aid or state programs that offer free tuition at community or tech
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colleges. so those are the parameters there. according to the national conference of state legislatures, about 20 states offer instate tuition to students either in the united states illegally or those protected under poem's dreamer act. now here's the key, about half of those states actually tilt republican. they lean to the right, including tennessee. this bill is going to have a tough time trying to get through, i think in tennessee. but that's the mission right there. brian: do you remember during the debates the first time around with governor perry answered talked in texas about offering instate tuition and quickly all the republicans jumped on him and said that's a bad move. he is going these kids are here. they were brought here by their parents. we offer them that. and that is where the rubber hit the road. ainsley: if you are illegal and go to college you pay out of state tuition. you have to pay for it somehow. brian: i think you get the instate tuition rate. ainsley: he was defending it. rob: the other side would say you give them in state tuition go to college and get a job and pay more taxes because
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they make more money later in life. there is both sides of the story. ainsley: i don't know there were 20 states. rob: 20 of them. i didn't know it either. ed: rob schmitt, thanks for coming. in. brian: you are looking life at jeff merkley. is he live. 12 state hours he has been talking to protest the supreme court nomination of neil gorsuch. our next guess says democrats setting themselves up for the dumbest filibuster in history. that's rich lowry. ainsley: come on, in rich. don't miss rand paul and jeff flake ♪ too tired to fight about it ♪ life in the fast lane ♪ surely makes you lose your mind ♪ life in the fast lane ♪ yeah ♪ life in the fast lane ♪ you retire? uhh, i was thinking around 70. alright, and before that? you mean after that? no, i'm talking before that. do you have things you want to do before you retire? oh yeah sure... ok, like what? but i thought we were supposed to be talking about investing for retirement?
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♪ ainsley: we have quick headlines for you. texas just got a whole lot bigger. ♪ ♪ ainsley: chuck norris, the actor and martial arts expert, best known from walker texas ranger, from that series, made an honorary texan at the state capitol. and the name clinton is back but we're not talking about hillary or bill. we're actually talking about their nephew who just landed a major modeling contract. here he is. just a brief scroll through his instagram account. he's got some photos with uncle bill but sadly doesn't have any with aunt hillary on the campaign trail. brian? brian: images and see if you can get that done ainsley if you can please. over the course of the senate's history, many lawmakers have attempted filibusters, some were questionable like strom their thurman objects to the 1957
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civil rights act insured all americans the right to vote. some entertaining, huey long recipe for friday oysters, some were simply to make a poinget like senator rand paul in 2013. >> i think it's also safe to say that barack obama of 2007 would be right down here with me arguing against this drone strike program if he were in the senate. brian: what kind of filibuster would senator chuck schumer would be classified as against supreme court justice neil gorsuch here is rich lowry. what do we file this what is going to be taking place this week? >> dumb. extremely dumb. brian: tactically? and it's not even on principle. >> every level, wrong target, wrong method, wrong time. they haven't landed any blows on gulch. they are launching a partisan philip against a supreme court nominee which has literally never been done before in the senate. and they are going to lose no matter what whereas if they kept their powder dry in the filibuster maybe you win against a future nominee.
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maybe a future nominee isn't as impressive. maybe the republicans aren't as united. so schumer, i believe e is shrewder than this, is being pushed into it by his base. brian: who is happy about this? protesters outside his office in manhattan who said they wanted to fight trump on everything? >> correct. this is #resistance filibuster. and all you need to know about the dynamics here. the night that gorsuch is announced, 3,000 protesters in front of chuck schumer's house. and those are the people he is placating. if he is doing a shrewd maneuver and shrewd tactics he would wait to fight on the next one and maybe make a show of the filibuster here but pull back on the end. it doesn't seem like he is going to do that. brian: project something. does tend midnight friday with mitch mcconnell going for the nuclear option? >> yes. that's the most likely outcome. schumer is too far down the road i think on this tactic now to pull back. wouldn't completely shock me if he pulls back. it's really hard now. thursday there will be a
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so-called cloture vote to end the filibuster. that vote will fail because enough democrats will uphold it then mcconnell will call for the nuclear option. the republicans united behind that that will set in motion the next stage of the process, which will result in him being confirmed friday night. brian: is it a sad day for the senate like john mccain said if it happens. >> it's not that sad day in the senate. we have already done this before. harry reid already had the nuclear option for lower court nominees and other presidential appointments. it didn't make a lot of logical sense to maintain the filibuster for the supreme court nominee he is. and it was going to be eliminated one way or the other by one party or the other, just depending who was in power. it's a very good day for the supreme court. this nomination was a home run. it's going to be enduring achievement of donald trump's presidency no matter what happens. brian: rich lowry pick up the "wall street journal" is he there coming up stright ahead. want the irs take a break on your taxes? just by an abby cass.
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jennifer flake -- oh alpaca. stay out of this, ainsley. jeff flake is coming up. i never saw the word alpaca spelt. don't laugh rich lowry. i can hear you. ♪ in our investment experience around the world. call us or your advisor... t. rowe price. invest with confidence. dry mouth can affect how your mouth feels and how you feel. discover act dry mouth, specially formulated to soothe and moisturize your mouth. and try new act dry mouth spray for relief when you need it. previously treated withd platinum-based chemotherapy, including those with an abnormal alk or egfr gene who've tried an fda-approved targeted therapy... this is big. a chance to live longer
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>> did you unmask the names of people involved in the trump transition, the trump campaign? >> absolutely not for any political purposes. >> what did you make of susan rice's comments. >> i threw up in my mouth a little bit to be honest with you. she has no credibility. i don't know how people continue to believe her. >> i see no legitimate reason for her to search a database unmasking people. >> white house condemning the chemical attack in syria, slamming president obama. >> president obama said in 2012 he would establish a quote, unquote red line and then did nothing. >> the trump administration closed bidding on design contracts for the new 21 billion-dollar wall that will span 2000 miles.
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>> the main reason we put in bids isn't just the money. we're an american company. we hire american workers. we want to see them all back to work. >> if you want to build a highway in the united states, these are some of the permits that you need. we're getting rid of many of these. together we are going to rebuild our nation. [applause] ♪ ed: i never stop believing in brian. ainsley: he always comes through for us. brian: i never stop believing in journey. i believe they will replicate the success of album. ed: billy joel? brian: i don't know what she told her coach. she has got a -- yeah. she is going, for her 16th
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birthday, she likes billy joel. she is boeing to opening of a brand new arena on long island. ainsley: don't you love what we do? how much money you make, call out your daughter. brian: ed henry in the prompter. ainsley: if you're a coach and you have child on your team turning 16, at that is such a big deal. give her a pass. brian: let her go to the concert ainsley: he doesn't, we'll put the coach's name -- ed: name and shame. brian: talk about, all 16-year-olds are talking about is susan rice and is she being candid or not. ed: has never been candid before. brian: she has not. she has a track record on inought then testy. what was her role in unmasking americans names have anything to do with the trump administration on the transition? ainsley: she said she didn't unmask names for political purposes. sometimes you have to unmask for investigative reasons, she didn't leak it to the media or public. if it turns out she did, that's
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a felony. brian: here she was yesterday. i know that cnn wasn't taking it serious, networks were ignoring it, susan rice knew she had to explain herself so she went to andrea mitchell. >> did you seek the names of people involved, to unmask the names of people involved in the trump transition, trump campaign, people surrounding the president-elect in order to spy on them and expose -- >> absolutely not for any political purposes to spy, expose, or anything. if you're asking were there more reports provided to senior u.s. officials after the president requested the compilation of the intelligence which was ultimately he provided in january, yes. what happened was, as the ic went about the business -- >> intelligence community. following up on the president's order. >> fulfilling the president's request for such a report. they went back and scrubbed more reports. they began to provide more such
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reports to american officials including myself. ed: by the way lost in some of this, talking about this long process, preparing a report for the president about all of this information, russia, unmasking names, we've got to follow up, what did the president know? what was this report being put together for president obama? they were putting together reports was there russian meddling in the election. she is basically admitting she may have unmask ad name or names, even though a month ago on pbs said i don't know anything about, i don't know anything about this at all. brian: she went out and tweeted out yesterday, she summarized it to it say what i was referring to i didn't know what devin nunes was looking at when he went to the white house grounds. ainsley: you have a lot of law makers calling for her to be questioned under oath. you have senator john cornyn who tweeted out about that saying she needs to testify under oath. senator rand paul said she ought to be subpoenaed. listen to this. >> i see no legitimate reason
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for her to be searching a database to unmasking people. the fact there could be a political figure in the obama administration was purposely searching a database, looking for trump officials, i think confirms exactly what the president said when he said that the obama administration was doing something nefarious with regard to surveillance on his transition team. it sound like they were. ainsley: great point why, is susan rice searching databases? why doesn't she leave that up to the fbi? brian: one thing came out, accordinglake, she asked, multiple, dozens of occasions she requested identity of u.s. persons on the end of a foreign call. ed: chris tonto per on the toe, survivor of the benghazi said someone needs to it hold susan rice accountable. >> double tack, half truths, veterans communities, rangers, seals, marines, there is no half-truth. the trump administration has
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been given a golden egg, make example after politician, bureaucrat on a stage, this would stop a lot of half-truths that go out. her continually being attar from front saying lie after lie, nothing taken from it, nothing happening from it. she has a little bit confident she can get away with pretty much anything. she sun touchable. ed: how about a month ago the president tweeted about the possibility of surveillance, wiretapping, mainstream media, democrats mocked him, laughed, this is crazy talk. a lot of people in the media saying hold on, susan rice was doing her job. doing her job of unmasking names? a little different than what they were saying a month ago. brian: mentioned it a couple times, if you were tuning in, that was enzyteful or very intriguing comment from the producer with adam housley said last night on "o'reilly factor" it could have been reverse. susan rice, she has her own
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agenda, perhaps somebody in the intel agencies telling susan rice i know you have the ability to unmask. i think you will want to know who american one or american two is. ed: tipped off. brian: tipped off by intel to request unmasking to put the information out if not indirectly or directly out to the press. ed: so did someone else leak it? somehow a lot of people in mainstream media say there is nothing to see here. watch. >> so far we have heard nothing from the president of the united states. he did just recently tweet or retweet moments ago, once again about his fake susan rice scandal. >> looking for a pinata. they found one in susan rice. i do -- >> notice it is always female. just a thought. >> you think this is diversion from this russia story because so far all, we've seen no evidence that she has done anything improper, and it seems like an effort to tar and feather her to make a lie the truth, original tweet by the president.
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ed: wow. brian: at one point you are a contributor, six others people on the panel. i will stay home. lady's night somewhere. i will go out tonight? ed: funny said ladies night, chris matthews, susan rises, is a woman, why she is being attacked. not because her words changed over course of a month. what she said to pbs is different than saying to msnbc. it is because of her sex. brian: by the way if the goal of obama administration was chaos in the first 100 days of trump administration, they have been successful. this whole russia thing is bigger than ever. it is overwhelming all other stories, at time revival of health care could be front and center. meeting with egyptian leader could be there, and meeting with jordanian king on saturday. major meeting with leader of china while north korea rattling sabres. ed: president gets gorsuch nomination, getting things done,
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getting wins media say he can't win anything. ainsley: the wall. bidding had to be in on monday. ed: beginning it. everyone focused on that shiny ball over there, yesterday talking about jobs and economy, infrastructure, cutting red tape, he is doing these things while everyone is talking about the shiny ball. ainsley: 100%. stop wasting everyone's time. come together as a country, focus on what is happening. have what is happening in syria, chemical attacks. those are real stories. then you have these guys, these liberals filibustering or talkathon or whatever it is, get this done. focus on our economy. get jobs rolling. just unbelievable what others are focusing on. brian: let's stop traffic in the streets. all lights want to be green. can we take everything, just leave us alone. want to go to. ed: want to go to billy joel concert. shouldn't mentioned that. brian: heather, what is happening.
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>> brand new chilling surveillance video of a possible cop-killing suspect. you can see the man walking outside of a courthouse where deputy constable:greenwood was murdered in a ambush-style attack. he called that man a threat to him and his family days before he was gunned down. the white house condemning the chemical weapons attack in syria. at least 100 killed including children. more than 400 injured. president trump blaming the syrian president calling his actions heinous and slamming president obama for saying that he would establish a red line against the use of chemical weapons and then, doing nothing when that line was crossed. today, homeland security secretary kelly heads to capitol hill testifying on board are security. this comes after the feds closed bids on designs for a new 2000-mile long. earlier a contractor competing for the job told us they're
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already petting threats. >> they have threatened, you know to destroy equipment. we've had a little bit of vandalism, and we've had two protests now in front of our offices. design finalists will be announced in june. finally espn host thrown out of the game. why? because she is a conservative. >> welcome back, nba countdown, game six style. >> she has some conservative viewpoints. sage steele is replaced on nba countdown. she criticized "black lives matters" and who disrespected heroes overseas by kneeling during the anthem. she received backlash protests over the president's travel pause made her miss a flight. espn steel steele will hold "sportscenter," on the road segment. ainsley: thank you, heather.
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passing a sanctuary state bill, state senator jeff stone said it is not about ideas, it is downright dangerous. he will join us next. ed: kendall jenner found a way to end police brutality forever, with a can of pepsi. ♪ brian: wow. on a different note that is what pepsi can do. does that upset you or not? you want the irs to cut you a break on your taxes? just buy an alpaca. redemption. ed: you were ahead of your time. ♪ ♪ when it comes to heartburn... trust the brand doctors trust. nexium 24hr is the #1 choice of doctors and pharmacists
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♪ ed: california now one step closer to becoming a sanctuary state. a controversial bill was just approved that bars local and state law enforcement from using their resources to help federal immigration authorities. >> democratic senate president kevin de leon introduced the bill and now praising its
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passage, quote, a rejection of president trump's false and cynical portrayal of undocumented residents as a lawless community. ed: his colleague republican california state senator jeff stone is fiercely opposed to bill. he joins us right now. >> good morning, henry and ainsley. ed: what is your key point to push back on all that? >> sb 54 will make california first sanctuary state in the country, flying in the face of president trump promising to defund sanctuary states. it will prevent by law any local or state authorities from communicating with i.c.e. when any of our 11,000 undocumented prison felons, so these are people in prison not because they have traffic citations. they're in prison because they have serious felonies or crimes. it will prevent local and state law officials from communicating with i.c.e. about their release. so we will not be able to deport them.e going to be putting these dangerous
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criminals back into our streets and in our neighborhoods. ainsley: why? why would senators in the state of california support these felons over the citizens who live there? why would they want to put them in danger? >> well we've been asking the same questions. ainsley: what is their response? >> the senate pro tem is pandering to the immigrant community and latino community which is about 40% in the state of california. ainsley: they're for these felons getting back on the street too? >> they're in favor of felons, people that have elder abuse, child abuse, stalking, solicitation to commit murder, these are dangerous spreads and if you prevent i.c.e. from knowing when these dangerous felons are going to get released what is going to happen? i.c.e. will go out into communities, into neighborhoods looking for these people and they will stumble on undocumented immigrants. what will happen is, people that thought they would be able to stay in the state without any oversight from i.c.e. are going to be deported. we're also going to become a
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magnet for illegal immigrants all over the country saying hey, we can go to california and commit crimes. we won't be deported. keeping in mind it's a very small percentage of undocumented immigrants that have these serious crimes, roughly about 4% in the state's population. ainsley: all takes one criminal to have another kate steinle. >> we don't need anymore kate steinles. it is on the state assembly where i think it will get approved. i think governor brown will be hesitant to sign it, if he does sign it, he may as well kiss away upwards of billion dollars a day in federal funding. in responsive started a ref referendum petition. stand with in case it becomes law i want citizens to rise in the state of california to say public safety should not be a partisan issue and you're making our community unsafe by allowing the felons to come back into our streets and neighborhoods.
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ed: issue is not going away, you have jeff session, u.s. attorney general says there will be a lot of federal money cut off. senator jeff stone. thank you very much. >> my pleasure. ainsley: 390 million state of california stands to lose. ed: want irs to cut you a break on taxes? by alpacas. senator jeff flake, with the most outrageous loopholes and how much they cut your wallet. ainsley: hard hit interview with gayle king. >> running for what? ainsley: think she gave ivanka trump the same treatment? making a visit to the curvy couch. we see you. come in, my friend. ♪ tell your doctor about your medicines,
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built for speed. built for business. ainsley: quick headlines for you. teenager dreamed killing and torturing americans, great, is behind bars. his name is abdeen. he was arrested at charleston, south carolina airport, before trying to fly to jordan. he is accused trying to join isis. authorities say he bragged about pulling off an orlando-style terror attack. foreigns could soon be forced -- this is different story. let me change my voice. foreigners could be soon forced to hand over their phones after landing in the u.s. "the wall street journal" reports it is part of the trump administration's new extreme vetting plan t would require people to release their contacts, social media passwords, and financial records. password one. brian: right.
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ed: one senator meanwhile is on a mission to expose the most ridiculous tax expenditures and loopholes that end up costing he us over a trillion dollars annually. that is out of your pocket. brian: tax burden to the middle class of america. our next guest is trying to draw attention to this. we tree to revamp the tax laws we know where to start. he released a 7th oversight report, tax racquets, outrain just loopholes to -- ainsley: look at picture. senator jeff flake joins us. senator, good to see you this morning. >> thanks for having me on. brian: what about this alpaca loophole? >> you know, section 179 of the tax code allows more immediate tax expensing. so if you buy an alpaca it is an expensive animal. some cost as much as $4,000, you can expense that all in one year. yes. and they're pretty low maintenance. depending on your tax jurisdiction you might be able
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to claim exemptions from some local taxes as well or writeoffs in terms of improvements to your home. so, alpacas have gone from virtually zero outside of zoos -- brian: how did it get there, senator? how did it get there? >> the irs has given a tax advantage to people who own alpacas. ainsley: what is the benefit of having an alpaca? for the fur? >> they tried for a while to develop some kind of a market for fleece. it never developed. so people take advantage of just the tax loopholes. ainsley: got it. >> so you have gone from virtually zero alpacas outside of zoos in the u.s., more than 150,000 of them around the country. ainsley: wow. >> and taxes, or websites advertising the benefits just in the tax code for owning an alpaca. ed: glad we cleared that up. brian called it an abicus last hour.
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we put that on the screen. ainsley: don't google and try to by an abacus. buy the alpaca. ed: there is loophole for gamblers is this true. >> even if you're a casual gambler, you can count wins against the losses actually claim big tax benefits for gambling losses. if you claim you're a professional gambler, which is kind of a loose term, you can even expense your meals and entertainment and other expenses, travel-related to gambling. we've had gamblers actually write off about $18.5 billion in 2014 for gambling losses. brian: sadly, you see these poker games on espn, you could actually say it's a profession. meanwhile treasure island tax haven? >> yes. puerto rico, for example, people are moving to port reek he cojust for the tax benefits because you can, as a resident of puerto rico, if you live there more than 183 days a year
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i believe it is you can claim as resident, don't pay any federal income taxes. but you can claim taxes paid to puerto rico, excise taxes against a foreign tax credit as if you were paying to a foreign government. so the state of puerto rico, or the territory of puerto rico does well. the uncle sam doesn't do quite so well there. brian: talk about the talkathon going on the senate floor right now. it is an official filibuster. this senator deciding to speaking i think 13 hours is it up to? 13 hours. what is going on here? are you like your fellow arizona senators saying it is a sad day for the senate if you have to use a "nuclear option" to get gorsuch confirmed? >> it's a sad day. prior to 2003, nobody ever filibustered a supreme court nominee. and have a filibuster on a supreme court nominee, particularly as one qualified as neil gorsuch is a tragedy. and so i think it's a sad day if
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we have to change the rules. instead of changing senate behavior, we ought to change behavior. brian: senator schumer says, no, you just get another candidate. you didn't hear merrick garland. so republicans take your medicine. >> no, if you look back in 1987 with judge bork and 1991, clarence thomas, two of the most controversial nominees in the history of the country, no senator ever thought to filibuster those nominees. they were given up-or-down vote on the senate floor. that is how it should be. ainsley: we'll have to see. when is the vote thursday night or friday? >> the vote will be thursday on cloture. and then the final vote on friday. ed: senator jeff flake. appreciate it. ainsley: thank you. brian: call turbotax, get an alpaca, see the money flow in. meanwhile straight ahead he was first to demand susan rice testify under oath about unmasking trump team members.
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senator rand paul joins us with his reaction to the unfolding story. ed: social justice warrior, kendall jenner, really? is she ready to fix the world with a simple can of pepsi? brian: obviously the police officer needs the fixing. ♪ [cheering] ♪ i was active. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. she also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. woman: for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever,
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kevin, meet yourkeviner. kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin trusted advice for life. kevin, how's your mom? life well planned. see what a raymond james financial advisor can do for you. ♪ >> is there anybody else in the clinton household think about running, by anybody i mean you? you could take your book on the road while you're campaigning, get informed, get inspired, get going. i feel like deja vu with your mom, are you running, are you running. >> running for what. >> i don't think so. brian: chelsea clinton, stunning this forward. been quite the her whole life.
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ed: until couple months ago when she started tweeting about donald trump. slamming him at every turn the we've got anna kooiman here. ainsley: welcome back. >> good to be back. ainsley: anna left for australia back in september. time flies. >> see everybody's faces. all of you at home. it has been since september. i've been following you guys. just comes on at completely different time. comes on 9:00, 10:00 at night. ainsley: eating dinner. >> half asleep. there is ainsley, brian and steve. i missed steve but glad to see you. brian: so much over the past week, ivanka trump, i will be advisor, help it unofficially, i want a official position. i don't want to get paid. official position as advisor to my dad. she is also on a bit of a publicity tour, just beginning. first stop with cbs this is extremely unfair question, when she took her time to answer. listen.
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>> you also talk about the critics and you have a couple say, why isn't ivanka speaking out? where is she on planned parenthood? where is she on gay rights? where is she on the rights of women? where is she on climate change. you're being held personally accountable for not speaking up. what do you say to your critics. >> if being complicit is wanting to, is wanting to be a force for good, and to make a positive impact, then i'm complicit. i hope time will prove that i have done a good job and much more importantly, that my father's administration is the success that i know it will be. ainsley: round of applause for her, that answer. wants to be positive force on woman, on national women's day when all the women were marching, went on instagram and twitter and how she loves women and champions women.
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so all these libs are marching saying they're not for donald trump but she champions women. her father is someone that she is vilified for being the daughter of the president of the united states. ed: notice sharper edge to the question for ivanka in brian: you think it was sharper. why aren't you running? as opposed how could you let your dad do these things. ainsley: to be fair to gayle king, i like her, met her, very nice to me. those are the two clips she he released. we'll have to see the whole interview. i hope she is fair to both of them and asks tough questions as well. ed: anna was fair when she was here. getting viewer reaction, happy you're book. on twitter, difference between reporting news here versus australia? >> well, hmmm, telling you that cable news is a lot different in australia than it es here. we do get fox news channel there on fox-tel. that is the cable service that. sky news is there, which is also partial news corp property i believe. but the biggest difference, i
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don't know, i've been a guest host on a show. here on the show i got to be an anchor and also a reporter, whether it was blizzards or terror attacks or political debate. also got to do fun stuff in the studio too. brian: where is fox located on the dial? like 111? is it channel 5? do you have any idea? >> you know what? i put on "tv guide," whatever i see y'all's faces i click on it. it is not in high def. brian: it isn't. good. good and bad. >> now you look really good. brian: very flat. joan tweets out this. anna, we see rabid squirrels and occasional deer in our backyard. what do you see in your new home? >> that is really sweet. i live in bondai beach. australia's most iconic beach. sometimes i see, da, da. sometimes see a shark.
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they close the beach if there are shark sightings. there have been shark attacks. the waters is beautiful. the water is so clear. we live in a small place. there is not a big backyard. we have a grill in our backyard. that is about it. ed: that is koala. >> you can't say owe all la bear. you say koala. they are asleep half the time. surprised that little guy woke up. they have really big claws. producer working with the new show says, get closer, get closer. claws look really, really big. there are wallabies around. my husband and i went to tasmania and saw wombats, platypus. brian: ever see greg norman pictures? >> i don't know. brian: the golfer. ainsley: he is australian. >> leave it to you to bring that up. ed: always back to golf. >> thanks for having me on. thank you. ainsley: so good to have you back.
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we love you. wish you all the best. brian: he see you soon. toss out to adam klotz. >> adam on the plaza. what is going on, adam? >> feeling like spring out here, a gorgeous, gorgeous, maybe not australia gorgeous but a gorgeous day here in new york city. getting spring-like feel across the country which in other spots means, yes, severe weather. we're setting that up across the southeast. the reason for it? a lot of warm air pooling up across the gulf of mexico. that is area we're targeting. that is our forecast in hour-by-hour forecast, seeing storms across the southeast, that is big system that is time-stamped, that is taking you from lunchtime all the way into the evening hours. we see a food chance, elevated risk of severe weather across the southeast today. that is where we're highlighting. see all the area in the red? that is georgia, that is alabama up farther to the north, getting into the kentucky area. that is all severe weather. definitely spring-like in the
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southeast. always in spring, allergans are high. high in philly today, high really across the country, we're getting that very spring-like feeling. orlando, high allergy levels. a lot of pollen out here kicking offspring. get everything you typically fet in ape, guys. ed: adam, appreciate it. brian: winter in australia, right? >> about to be. when i moved there i had back-to-back summer t was awesome. winter is not bad. it is like 50 degrees. brian: oh, my goodness. how do you persevere. ed: live on the peach. susan rice, no day at the beach, denying she is the source of the white house leaks, but would she say the same under oath? senator rand paul calling on her to testify. he joins us live next. brian: senator elizabeth warren admits she can be a nasty woman. for example? >> we nasty women are going to march our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes, to get you out of our lives forever!
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brian: but turns out women who work for her are getting a pretty nasty paycheck compared to male counterparts. we'll explain but can she? [ ominous music ] [ sniffs ] little girl: daddy! trapped by your unrelenting nasal allergies? [ meow ] [ sneezes ] try clarispray clarispray provides unsurpassed relief. it's 24 hour, non-drowsy and prescription strength. free yourself with clarispray, from the makers of claritin. z286oz zwtz y286oy ywty
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♪ brian: first to demand susan rice testify under oath about unmasking trump team members which came to light this week. what does senator rand paul make of her latest denial on msnbc? >> did you seek the names of people involved in, did you unmask the names of people involved in the trump transition, the trump campaign, people surrounding the president-elect? >> let me be clear. >> in order to spy on them and expose -- >> absolutely not for any political purposes, to spy, expose, anything. >> but leak the name of mike flynn? >> i leaked nothing to nobody
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and never have and never would. brian: did she answer the question he? talk to senator rand paul. senator paul, i'm sure you had a chance to see that interview. you had your questions before. are they now answered? >> no, not at all. i don't think she answered the question, did she unmask people in the trump administration? she says well, maybe i did but i didn't do it for for political reasons. it is incumbent on her to prove to the american people why it wouldn't be a political reason. if someone were investigating the trump administration, it would be the fbi, not political people in the white house. she is a political appointee that reports directly to the president. the real question we need to ask susan rice, did the president direct you to eaves drop and sift through all the mountains of intelligence we have? do you know over a million americans phone calls are listened to without a warrant? we need to protect american privacy and use the constitution. we can't let political partisans like susan rice search through
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databases unmask people, and she may not have leaked it but what if one of her staff leaked it? what if somebody else she talked to leaked it? we can't allow intelligence to be used for political purposes. brian: would you characterize the obama administration capable of going out of their way to try to make the first months of the trump campaign so rocky by putting this out there? >> well there is eventually i think going to be a log produced that will have susan rice how many times she logged in and whose information she looked for. this takes a while. it is so classified i can't look at it. the white house can look at it, and so can the intelligence committees but here's the thing. should legislators have their phone calls listened to? if i'm talking to an ambassador of another country and i have a different opinion than the president, should the president get to listen to my phone call to counteract me politically? that is subpoena race of powers issue and media has been missing this thing, oh, it is incidental. no it isn't.
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if it is your conversation not exactly incidental because it is very important to you to keep your privacy. brian: senator, i have so much to talk about, for example, by friday at midnight you might have a new supreme court justice, not if democrats get their way, what is your take of the talkathon, not filibuster, going on all night for last he actually hours from this senator? >> one of the complaints he will obey the constitution, the letter of the law. to me i guess that is something i see very admirable, that he is an originalist. he will obey the constitution. interestingly he said if his own personal opinions disagreed with the outcome of a case but the constitution dictated the, rule of law dictated he would rule in that way. boy, that is admirable. that is what we should all want. he is he will telling us he will not be a conserve or liberal. he will being textualist or originalist. someone that obeys the constitution. for liberals get all worked up i don't think the american public -- brian: we have color bars and
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shared on the screen with you. do you look forward to using "the nuclear option" on friday. would you rather fet out of the way and use it for the next supreme court justice, maybe as early as june? >> harry reid set the precedent for having a simple majority for appointees from the president. you can argue one way or another but harry reid set the rules for us. we'll go by his precedent i think on friday. if they're going to filibuster it, we'll say harry reid already changed the rules. we'll go by harry reid's precedent. i don't know, i think maybe a president should get their appointees. brian: right. >> both sides. it is a partisan issue. but i think the credentials of this supreme court justice, gorsuch, i think are beyond reproach. i think kind of amazing that they all voted for him unanimously just a few years ago. so amazing that they would think that they're going to filibuster against an honest person who says he will not put his personal feelings before the law. brian: horrific chemical attack from the air. looks like it came from the assad government, killing
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amongst them women and children. we've seen horrible scenes, foaming at mouth, eyes burnt out, ugly it gets. everyone condemns action. donald trump taking heat as president of the united states for not arming rebels as senator mccain wants him to and getting assad out as goal and objective. where do you stand? >> when you see the images you can not be not affected. just growth desk and so emotional, the images. but it is important to know who did that and once you know who did it, they should be condemned. but i think it is also important to note that on the rebel side that mccain wants to support, are radical islamists who hate america and hate israel. i don't want to support people who hate our country. i don't want to support people who say when they're done with assad they are going to attack israel and not isis. so it's a complicated situation. it may well be a war that has no friends in it. that makes it a difficult position to watch. but i think also we have
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actually allowed the situation by pushing assad back, being part of that. we allowed a vacuum to let isis fill that. that has been a mistake. brian: absolutely. and the red line was ignored, the russians filled it, crossed it, we have to deal with them too. senator rand paul, busy day, busy week. thanks for covering it all. coming up straight ahead. we have fun. dessert for breakfast. and doctor lee, best in the business dealing up the most important meal of the day. more importantly giving to it ainsley. ♪ but there's so much more to it. here's how benefiber® works. inside us are trillions of good microflora that support digestive health. the prebiotic fiber in benefiber® nourishes them... and what helps them, helps you. clear, taste-free, benefiber®. and what helps them, helps you. ostriches don't really stick vitheir heads in the horns on their helmets. and a real john deere is actually real affordable.
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♪ brian: quick headlines now. speaking a little louder over ainsley. senator elizabeth warren claims
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she is champion of women. turns out women who work for her are getting a pretty nasty paycheck. according to the "washington free beacon," that is $20,000 less than their male counterparts. that is astounding. on different note, kendall jenner found a way to end police brutality, handing cops a can of pepsi. this new three-minute spot coming under fire. people slamming it as disrespectful and some say sick. you make the call at home. how e brutality? ♪ ainsley: that music makes us so happy. we're taking a bite out of spring with dessert for breakfast. ed: friend and food network chef, sandra lee is here to make three easy recipes. >> i will make you do it. this is all about using one box three ways. one box three ways. so, every spring for easter and for mother's day i do a wonderful tour. this year i'm doing the tour
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with taub. you can get tickets at the type things we're doing, easter din are and desserts and mother's day special things. this is some of the things we'll be showing. ainsley: brian, come over here. brian likeses to cook. >> brian, here is your box. where are you. brian: i'm over here. >> this is quick bread. this is lemon buttermilk. we will not make quick bread. i made that. we will make blew berry muffins and. there is the melted butter. buttermilk, eggs. oh. ed: already messing it up. >> before you do that stir this up. while you're stirring it up we'll come back to the blew berries in a second. you take the exact -- blueberries. i put food coloring, you can do yellow, or pink. tip of the scissors, you will
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make little tiny rounds on this baking dish like that. brian: you think you can do that ainsley? ainsley: i'm not sure. >> get in there. with he will he bow grease. ainsley: push them apart? >> that is perfect. stop a little bit. you're good. fold these in. don't beat them. up and around. ainsley: this is job, sandra. brian: will turn the whole batter, right? >> once those are done, one spoonful goes, this is like, teaching three people to cook simultaneously in four minutes. ainsley: we'll take a quick break and come right back. ed: more "fox & friends." ainsley: we'll see what these guys produce. that is wrong. ♪ what's the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? let's take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price,
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>> thanks to my friends at fox, my dad. thanks for a wonderful party right here in new york city. we have desserts.
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>> congratulations on your book. >> >> now you are cooking. >> go to >> biggest story of the day, i got a compliment from sandra lee. >> bill: confirming the midnight oil trying to replace 'obamacare,' vice president, top officials holding a late night meeting on the hill with conservatives that derailed the first health care plan. can they agree on something that can win enough votes, big question. it is wednesday, i am bill hemmer. how are you doing? >> it is sort of like an iceberg. that is the base, i am shane na in for martha maccallum. vice president mike pence. >> i think


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