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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  April 10, 2017 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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calling prison modern day slavery. that. heather: that wraps it for us today. thanks for joining us as always. clayton: "fox & friends" starts right now. have a great day, everyone. heather: if you are an adversary of the united states, and you don't worry about what trump may do on any given day, then you are crazy. >> regardless of whether russia was complies si complicie failed to the international community. >> ice says payin pay claiming responsibility of the bombing of two christian churches in northern egypt. >> dozens died and more than 100 would were wounded. >> 100,000 tons of diplomacy creaning toward the north korea. >> the president has asked us to be prepared to give him a full range of options to remove that threat.
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heather: hours from now neil gorsuch will take his place on the united states supreme court. becoming the 113th justice sworn in. >> and after so many years you once and for all for sergio. [cheers and applause] ♪ i hit it hard, man ♪ so far man auto ♪ no laying up ♪ no holding back. steve: dream win the masters, it's just like that. ainsley: have you a green ty on today. no jacket but the ty. brian: 37 years old. he is young. people expected him to be winning majors from the time he was 19t 19. steve: he has always been there since an amateur. brian: congratulations, he almost blew it. ainsley: that's his fiancee. they are getting married.
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brian: by the way, some times i have run down, we have said that john mche will row's career got ruined because he was dating the wrong woman. this woman seems to have helped her out. ainsley: she is a keeper. steve: my daughter looked her up and she works for the golf channel. your fiancee works for the golf channel and you are a golfer, i'm thinking that's going to help. ainsley: they have great conversations i'm sure. brian: finally when you watch the masters you took a time-out from what's happening around the world. a lot of intensity with the missile strikes that happened over the weekend. aftermath what's taking place now. there has been an answer from iran there has been an answer from syria and from russia. steve: russia and iran say hey, if the united states crosses their red line again, it could actually lead to a real war. that according to the russian ambassador in london. speaking of london the united kingdom will call for sanctions against syria and against russia unless russia
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withdraws their support for mr. assad at the g-7 summit which is going to commence, i believe tomorrow in italy. ainsley: that was information that was released yesterday. this is the latest information released this morning. this is a joint statement from russia and iran it says what american waged in an aggression on syria is a crossing of red lines. from now on we'll respond with force to any aggressor or any breach of refused lines from whoever it is and america knows our ability to respond well. brian: right and we do and i don't see us taking a backwards step. ourselves is not only taking a backwards step is he going to russia still as planned before the tomahawk missile strike rex tillerson who knows the landscape well and people and could not have been more forceful over the weekend said this about russia's role with the illegal weapons. >> there is little question as to who is responsible for niece attacks. it was bashar al assad. i think the russians need to think more carefully about the commitment they made under the
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chemical wednesday agreements to be the guarantor that these weapons would be seized, they would be removed. they would be destroyed. they are bashar al assad's al like they would have the closest insight as to the compliance. so, regardless of whether russia was complicit here or whether they were simply incompetent or whether they got outwitnessed by the bashar al assad regime you would have to ask the russians that question. clear live they have failed in their commitment to the international community. steve: if russia was really angry about what's going on in syria, they would have cancelled the meeting with tillerson on wednesday. the g-7 summit starts today in italy. ainsley: i love they are saying if it happens again then we will act. then we will do something. brian: they did send a message to us by using that air base bomb the more place with more conventional weapons. ainsley: lindsey graham said that was a huge mistake for them to do that. donald trump
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said we didn't detroit runways, we destroyed the airplanes. they can't use runway. they brought in airplanes from other areas, just to send a message to everyone, assad did, just to say hey, this is north going to destroy us. steve: what was the message? lindsey graham, the senior senator from the great state of south carolina. ainsley: thank you. steve: actually sum rised in a unique way that i think you will be able to understand what exactly they were trying to say. listen to this. >> i have never been more encouraged by the trump administration than i am today. ambassador haley just said on your program you'll never end the war with assad in power. so that means regime change is now the policy of the trump administration. that's at least what i have heard. so, you need more american troops to accelerate the demise of isil. more troops. 5 to 6,000. destroy isil. you need a safe haven quickly so people can regroup inside
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of syria. then you train the opposition to go after assad. that's how he is taken out by his own people with our efforts and you tell the russians if you continue to bomb the people we train, we'll shoot you down. here is what i think assad is telling trump by flying from this base,f.u. if you are an adversary of the united states. if you don't worry about what trump may do on any given day, then you are crazy. brian: that's fantastic. i would like to add this. the 59 missile strikes, most of which were successful done by people they understand going on from h.r. mcmaster to chairman of the joint chiefs of staff did you know farad i get that the interesting part, so far yesterday in a bhild disagreement, ambassador haley and secretary of state tillerson were on different pages about taking out isis and getting rid of assad. guys, get on the same page. the president has to assert himself while tillerson is in the air right now whatever it is because is he going to meet on tuesday. get on the same page and start
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up those safe havens almost immediately. ainsley: lindsey graham wants regime change at least that sounds like what trump wants. they said they are afraid if assad gets out of syria will turn into libya. brian: which is what tillerson said yesterday. steve: all three said they don't see a future with assad there but would prefer some sort of diplomatic change. nikki haley said is not that different what everybody else said. they said the united states it have multiple priorities. ainsley: u.s. is not going to take it and assad needs to hear that message. brian: came in there to defeat isis. they haven't touched isis. assad doesn't touch isis. only one touching isis is kurds as our proxies as we move forward. steve: i think the biggest joke is that the administration four years ago with barack obama and susan rice, they brokered a deal, okay, because you crossed that red line, we're not going to blow you up because you are going to get rid of chemical weapons.
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just before the obama administration concluded their tenure, susan rice said this about how they were able to get rid of all the chemical weapons. listen to this. >> we were able to find a solution that actually removed the chemical weapons that were known from syria in a way that the use of force would never have accomplished. steve: okay. so that was on npr. and "the washington post just in the last hour or so the fact checker gave her 4 pinocchios for telling a whopper. ainsley: i wish i brought my pinocchio toy in from italy. every time he told a fib his nose would grow longer. she gets four out of five pinocchios from "the washington post. such a liberal place. such a liberal newspaper. and this is where a lot of the libs go for fact checking and they consider it like the bible. this is the litmus test of fact-checking. brian: they went on to say she did not explain the syria declaration was believed to be incomplete and therefore not
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fully verified. the syrian government still attacked citizens with chemical weapons years later. that is something that could not be believed. and one thing i think most, even obama officials say, was their biggest regret was their syrian policy or the lack thereof. steve: absolutely. ultimately what we are seeing is had the obama administration been successful in getting rid of all the chemical weapons, there wouldn't have been any chemical weapons to have dropped on those people last tuesday to kill 80 of them. meanwhile, senator elizabeth warren from the great state of massachusetts had this observation regarding what's going on. if real donald trump truly wants to help syrians fleeing murderers, he should drop his effort to ban their children from america immediately. in other words, let us open our arms to the syrian refugees, many of whom have absolutely no paperwork. brian: the problem is not the kids coming over. it's the patience with the kids we know nothing about. first obligation keep america
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safe. let me take a swipe at the president a recent poll by "the huffington post" and u gov they combined they asked the trump supporter what is could do you think of this hit 80% support. i give democrats credit for stepping up even though owe obviously have a disdain for president trump. most of them very complimentary of the hit. including adam schiff the ranking member of the intelligence committee. ainsley: if you want know what the syrian children think about this we'll be interviewing one from the show in 10, 15 minutes. you should stay tuned for this. elizabeth warren should listen to that interview. sea huge pro-pope opponent of president trump. finally america is stepping up to the plate and helping us. brian: she might want to sleep in, she is on recess. steve: she has got to do something. also, we have political debate with the woodhouse brothers shortly. right now we have some headlines. ainsley: starting with a fox news alert. a nationwide manhunt
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intensifying for self-proclaimed revolutionary packed with high powered assault weapons. police in wisconsin say joseph jakubowski and sent 101 page manifesto to president trump. >> anybody that got this letter, you might want to read it. -- revolution. time for change. ainsley: his manifesto. causing palm sunday supervisors to be cancelled. police say he poses a threat to anyone in a position of authority. u.s. sending aircraft carrier and missile destroyers to korea's peninsula using u.s. military might to make a statement against north korea's aggression. the dictator there kim jong un now beefing up defenses using the u.s. strike on syrian air strike to justify his own nuclear program. the pentagon keeping close-on north korea. saying they could be on the
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verge of another ballistic test. in a few hours, neil gorsuch will take his place on supreme court bench becoming the 113th justice in american history, filling the seat of the late antonin scalia. he will be sworn in privately by chief justice john roberts followed by a public ceremony in the rose garden. gulch was confirmed why the senate after republicans used that nuclear option. it was a big week for republicans. interior secretary ryan zinke making sure our nation's heros are properly honored, joining veterans to spray, scrub, and poll liberal every inch of the 247-foot vietnam veterans memorial wall. every weekend during peak tourist season group of veterans or service group volunteers to wash the wall. steve: that's important because what a lot of family members do is they go and is that ryan zinke right there? unbelievable. a lot of families are able to put a piece of paper up
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agai everyoning so they can have a copy of the name that they go to honor there at the wall. brian: is he embracing that position as interior secretary and that's one of the reasons. steve: come up on this monday, disturbing new video shows attacks on coptic christian churches on palm sunday. should we do something about this lt. colonel oliver north up next. brian: when conservatives speak at berkeley, this is what happens. but now conservatives are fighting back. wait until you hear how. we'll explain because i promised to. before fibromyalgia, i was a doer. i was active. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. she also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. woman: for some,
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whoa irresistible kings hawaiian foods. coming this spring, barbeque sauce. (sfx: 2 kids scream) brian: a fox news alert. isis claims responsibility for two church bombings in egypt that killed more than 40 people both caught on tape. rex tillerson reiterating defeating isis priority number one. >> it's important that we keep our priorities straight and we believe that the first priority is the defeat of isis, that by defeating isis and we moving their caliphate from their control, we have now eliminating or minimized a particular threat, not just the united states, but to the whole stability in the region. brian: here to discuss this fox military analyst he knows this region very well. lieutenant colonel oliver north. we saw the video off the two
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he can pleases at the coptic christian church. once again they are targeted. what message should christians take from that on palm sunday a week from easter sunday. >> brian aws know the week between palm sunday and easter the most hollidays in all christiandom. the fact that isis was so quick to claim responsibility for it maybe they did or didn't know it was going to happen nonetheless they claimed it is going to mean there is going to be a lot of security in churches around the world this coming sunday. the roman army was on high alert during the very first easter two millennia ago. this holy week you can count on every intelligence service and security service in the west is going to be on high alert for jihadi atalks like the ones that just took place in egypt. the good news is president he he will see is i just here in washington just daying ago as now said it's safety emergency, vows to protect the pope and christians worshiping on easter sunday. and the pope's visit here at the end of the month is going to be a high stress time.
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this hats to be one of the bravest states we know in that part of the world. b b netanyahu. we need to expect more jihadi attempts to attack christians. i will be in church on sunday, won't you? brian: i will say this, you do fear something else, you feel a merger between al qaeda, boca ha rahm and isis. this type of thing when they feel their backs are against the wall and annihilation is imminent can be a most dangerous time. >> no doubt. i have been out there way too often that there is going to be a defeat for isis in mosul, in talafar, and in raqqa. the bottom line of it isis is not going away. isis could indeed do a merger with al qaeda because, look it, no matter what the name of these organizations is, it's the franchise from hell. these guys are going to continue with the sole objective as killing as many infidel as they describe us, as they possibly can, i think it was right for secretary of
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state tillerson to emphasize that defeating isis is our first priority that's a pretty tough call when you consider going to be around for a long time even though they don't have a capital for caliphate. brian: clear live they have a problem with christianity. wouldn't it be right for muslims who don't have a problem with christianity to separate themselves right now. >> even with saying that for 16 years. ever since 9/11/01. get a earful all the time about moderate muslims standing up to the radicals. it hasn't happened. it's not going to happen. news flash, they are going to continue to recruit people and inspire people and radicalize people and we will still be in this thing a decade from now. brian: one thing is for sure when we go deploy in that region we will be there. if you want to find the colonel on sunday it will be in church. thanks so much colonel oliver north. >> semper phi, buddy.
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brian: liberals say we should measure our success by the number of refugees we admit. did anyone bother asking these refugees whether they want to live here or go back home? one of them joins us next. go, go! [ rock music playing ] have fun with your replaced windows. run away! [ grunts ] leave him! leave him! [ music continues ] brick and mortar, what?! [ music continues ] [ tires screech ] [ laughs ] [ doorbell rings ] when you bundle home and auto insurance with progressive, you get more than a big discount. that's what you get for bundling home and auto! jamie! you get sneaky-good coverage. thanks. we're gonna live forever! you get sneaky-good coverage. thanks. ♪
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hour riot near nashville. that happened yesterday. two officers removed from the prison. third held hostage. their condition unknown this morning. keep you updated steve and ainsley. steve: all right, brian, thank you. president trump's show of force in syria a decisive action and clear contrast to president obama's empty red line promise. ainsley: perhaps, no one understands this more than our next guest. the syrian refugee who survived the horror of the assad regime in 2013 through a chemical weapons attack. his response to president trump's action is a simple one. he says thank you. joining us now is activist and former syrian rebel cas sem kassem eid. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. ainsley: attack dropped by assad as well four years ago. what happened that year? >> first, before i talk about
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my story, i want to start by sending our deep condolences to our christian brothers and sisters in egypt. as a muslim and as a syrian, we all suffer from the same terrorism. going back to what happened four years ago, in syria, i want to go back a little bit in time to 2011 where we started rebelling against a dictatorship so we can live in freedom and dignity. how the regime started killing and torturing and raping women for years while president obama was just looking and not doing anything to stop them. that encouraged assad to launch the chemical master in 2013. around 5:00 a.m. i heard rockets flying from damascus hitting big round in my hometown. seconds later i lost my ability to leave. i felt like my chest was set on fire. my eyes were burning. severe pain spreading all over my body. i wasn't able to scream or to breathe so i started beating
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my chest again and again until i managed to take my first breath. i started screaming in agony trying to wake up my friends so tha did the neighbors. we ran to the street to see men, women and children running and falling opt ground suffocating. in a scene that i always describe as judgment day. i saw a little boy choking and suffocating on the ground. i tried to help him. we took him to the field hospital and when we arrived there, i lost my conscienc cons. they thought i was dead and placed me around the dead bodies. my friends noticed i was still moving. they called the doctors again and gave me more medicine and cpr and washed me until i woke up. i woke up to seat regime bombing in each and every party of the town and trying invade. if it wasn't for the brave syrian army, assad soldiers would have slaughtered left to
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hide all the evidence. just-like they tried to do a few days ago. steve: caskassem. back then you probably wanted president obama to do something about what they had done to you, assad. however, that never happened. and no reaction happened from the united states until this past thursday. how did you feel knowing after having seen the images last tuesday of the young syrians, who were struck dead, at home from the saharan gas sarin gas d trump and the united states had finally taken action? >> first, i always say that the most painful memory about that attack is seeing president obama breaking his red line promise, how he let assad walk away unpib punished and how he lied about saying that he gets rid of all of assad's chemical weapons.
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i said three days ago proved that president obama was lying to the american people and the entire world. and he still has chemical weapons. answered is still using them. when i saw president trump and united states taking action for the very first time, after six years of calling for help, we felt happy. we felt grateful. i'm not just talking about myself. i'm talking about my friends, people inside and outside in syria, refugees all over the world. syrians who were forced to leave their country because of assad crimes against humanity. president obama inaction and red line, the broken red line, it created the vacuum for isis for the extremist groups to come and recruit people who were first for seeking justice. they went after rejenning. president obama took action against the assad regime. he would have stopped isis from being created. he would have gave people in syria hope. we lived in a country where
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the dictatorship always described the united states as evil power. as the imperialism, as the people who want to hurt us. but i grew up reading readers digest magazine and that opened my eyes for another perspective of the united states. president obama destroyed the image of the united states in syria and all over the world. the united states always had a moral, higher ground from all other nations but what he did broke a lot of hearts in syriaened a all over the world. ainsley: so cass kassem. if president trump is watching how -- some democrats say we need to bring you over to our country. you are actually skyping with us from germany because you are a refugee and you can't go home. what's your message? because i know in commercial break you were telling us syrians want to be in syria. they don't want to be in the u.s. they don't want to be in germany. what's your message to the president to get you back home and get you home safely?
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>> first, i want to start by saying thank you so much, mr. president, for taking action. thank you for showing the entire world that you have a big heart and that united states actually care about human rights and about other people's suffering. mr. president, we want to go back home. we want to stay in syria safe. please, help us come back home. please stop assad from committing war crimes, please stop isis from committing war crimes. please, we want to stay home. please. a few days ago the assad regime commits chemical attack but every day in the past six years he has been killing civilians, 500,000 people were killed. 500,000 people were killed. steve: shocking. >> please help us come back home. please. steve: there you go. all right. kassem eid joining us on scrip from germany who had kind words for president trump and was shocked that flog happened four years ago. >> thank you.
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ainsley: god bless you. steve: take a look at this video because it's sparking serious outrage on this monday serious outrage on this monday morning. [laughter] that's life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar... ...this is jardiance. along with diet and exercise... jardiance lowers blood sugar and a1c in adults with type 2 diabetes. jardiance is also the only type 2 diabetes treatment with heart- proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death in adults with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. jardiance can cause serious side effects, including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain,
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great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. so simple. get the recipes at ♪ you gotta friend in me ♪ you gotta friend in me ♪ when the road looks ♪ rough ahead ♪ and your miles and miles. brian: of course we know this is from toy story and it's your shot of the morning. two former presidents enjoying their annual visit over the weekend. ainsley: bill clinton adding george h.w. bush -- adding to his unique sock collection. gifting him two new pairs. one with green and brown labradors on it and a blue pair with yellow bees. brian: probably didn't have them. steve: bill clinton posting this picture to his twitter the two caught up and chatted
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about kids, grand kids. old times, new times. and socks. ainsley: that reminds me of that conversation with susan rice we chatted about grand kids on the plane? steve: the attorney general? brian: right the attorney general. ainsley: loretta leverage. steve: george h.w. bush is famous for his socks. ainsley: he started the sock trend before you did. steve: when i went to see him i took him socks to houston. brian: 224 minutes before the top of the hour. ainsley: police firing back at a video sparking online rampage showing a police slamming a girl from a sorority. there is more to the story. we want to warn you the video might be hard to watch.
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watch this. >> oh. [laughter] steve: oh my. ainsley: police in fort collins, colorado says the 22-year-old makayla stuart she shoulder checked a bouncer and then physically attacked an officer and that led to that, which led to her arrest. the department standing by their actions calling them standard procedures for a suspect accused of assaulting an officer. a transgendered girl who was born a boy takes first place in her high school track meet sparking outrage from others who say the student had an unfair advantage. the 15-year-old freshman womenning the girl's 100-meter and 200-meter comp tuitions in connecticut. controversy comes after transgender teenager won a girl's wrestling championship in texas earlier this year after taking steroids to help her transition into a boy. conservative commentator ann
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coulter set to face down angry liberals at uc berkeley. same campus destroyed by the violent rioters to prevent myofrom speaking the young america's foundation, a republican group, hosting hostit ter about a special speech illegal immigration. the conservative members says this is a crucial second test to see if berkeley really is the so-called home of the free speech movement. brian: right. can i answer that question? i think most likely it's not going to go smoothly. ainsley: she is brave. brian: red carpet moment was the most talked about at the grammies this year. joy villa making a make america great again dress in tribute to donald trump. steve: days that followed sales of her album soared on itunes and amazon. ainsley: walking around new
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york city wearing that it's trump gear. brian: joy villa is here to talk about it welcome to new york from los angeles. >> hi. thanks, you guys. steve: it's great to have you. how much did your life change after you wore the make america great again dress to the games. >> i now have millions of eyeballs on me. it's incredible and changed so much for the better i have to say. brian: what way, it was a risk for los angeles and new york that went heavily for hillary clinton. >> definitely. i mean, i have lost some friends, of course, because now i'm outspoken about who you support and it's our president. and for some people that's controversial. for me it's never been in doubt when i voted for him i said this is my president. i'm going to stand by him. an degree sor soriano and i, the designer, said let's try to make something positive. steve: when we saw it is shy supportive or trying to make fun of him. >> right. a lot of people asked me that actually after i got off the red carpet a producer came up
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to me is this for real or is this a joke? >> it's for real, of course. ainsley: what was the reaction of people in new york city when you were walking around wearing all trump stuff. >> this was exciting. i wanted to do something different. liberalnew yorkers are very liberal and outspoken. i might need security. but, you know, the reactions were really positive. it was about 50-50. steve: let's plate negative first and end on a happy note. first reaction. get this. >> oh [bleep] >> what don't you like? [inaudible] steve: i heard an f word there or two. that was just a couple days ago: was it lindsey graham? brian: no, it wasn't. something different. let's listen to the positive. >> make america great again
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islam. >> liberty. >> thank you for your american -- >> thank you. thank you. >> that's nice. >> that is nice. >> so you didn't need security. >> i didn't need security. >> people weren't too bad. >> not at all. they were very sly about it i got a lot of negative looks. you can't seat people's faces. but people gave me dirty looks. they said what? what is she doing? they were very, very low key about it. the people who were for me were like i love your outfit. that's awesome. thank you for wearing that. brian: you also said some in the media, spicialg in los angeles, they will turn their back on you rather than say anything because it's a risk going up to you and having some blow back. they will turn their back and ignore you. >> exactly. i have done a few red carpets since then. i can very much tell from my end on the red carpet who likes me and who doesn't. they just turn their bake, talk on their cell phones and pretend i don't exist. brian: people want to download your music. >> go to joy
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go to itunes or amazon. steve: congratulations. >> thank you so much. it's been a pleasure. ainsley: have you heard from the president. >> i talk to his people. i talk to laura trump, she is amazing. mike pence his campaign. official social ally. steve: social ally. thanks, joy. ainsley: congratulations on your success. >> thank you. steve: meanwhile, one of president trump's toughest political critics now saying he sees shades of president reagan in the new commander-in-chief. our next guest says that's 100 percent correct. former assistant to the president. >president, president reagan, joins us next. brian: alex brother's conservative says they haven't spoken in months. that is not all.
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steve: president trump's decisive military strike in syria prompting praise from a senator often at odds with the president. lindsey graham telling reporters, quote: all i can say about this president is he has the instinks of ronald reagan in many ways. so what does a member of reagan's inner circle have to say about that? joining us now is the author of the book the president will see you now. and former executive assistant to president ronald reagan peggy grande. joining us today from l.a. peggy, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve, thanks for having me on your program. steve: tell us why you feel that the new president has ronald reagan's instincts. >> well, i believe america and americans feel safer when america is willing to take strong and decisive action. that's what president trump
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has done this week. and i think it's given us great confidence in many ways just like ronald reagan did. ronald reagan was a man of action and it made the world a safer place and made americans feel safer. steve: you told one of our producers yesterday that ronald reagan inherited a similar situation as donald trump now president did when he took office. explain that. >> well, in a very different way. it certainly didn't have the human atrocity component to it like syria, but very early in ronald reagan's presidency, when the air traffic controllers went on strike, he was forced to make a decision, we come down firmly or we back down to the unions? and he chose to take a very firm stand and i believe that was a very telling moment early in his presidency. and people who had maybe dismissed him as a cowboy actor playing a role of president suddenly saw him as a political force to be reckoned with not only domestically but globally people sat up and took notice and realized they should probably take this man at his
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word. steve: famously in december of 1987 ronald reagan had this sound by the that we are about to talk about. listen to this. >> old russian maxim those my pronunciation may give you difficulty the maxim is. [speaking russian] trust but verify. [laughter] [speaking russian] >> you repeat that at every meeting. steve: trust but verify. that is the message for donald trump as well now that is he president. correct? >> absolutely. maybe should have been advice that president obama should have heeded when they said that they had irradicated all the chemical weapons in syria and what a dangerous place he left this world. in and i'm grateful as a wife and as a mother of four, i applaud and admire president trump's efforts in stamping
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out these aggressors and hopefully a firm stance early on will prevent others from taking such action. steve: peggy, what other parallels do you see between ronald reagan and donald trump? >> ronald reagan one of his other sayings is peace through strength. we think of that militarily that's what comes to mind. peace through strength came economically. i know that's very closely on donald trump's radar moving forward that we need to have a strong military but we need to back that up with economic footing put us on a good place world stage and back up our military stance with an economy that will support us moving forward. steve: there you go. very reminiscent of ronald reagan. peggy grandey who worked for ronald reagan in his retirement years. peggy, thank you very much for getting up so early out there in l.a. today. >> thank you for having me. steve: should it be okay for elected officials to skip votes in washington?
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coming up, a lawmaker who says it's not okay. and we should arrest them. huh? you will find out. and alec baldwin loves to pick on president trump. is this more evidence that hollywood is out of touch with the american people? wait until you hear what his brother had to say? carley shimkus here with that coming up next live from new york city. ♪ everybody wants to rule the world ♪ ♪ what's the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? let's take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. when it comes to heartburn... trust the brand doctors trust. nexium 24hr is the #1 choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. for all day and all night protection... banish the burn... with nexium 24hr.
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♪ >> i just had an amazing week folks, i met with leaders from china, egypt and jordan. gulch was confirmed. the media is saying nice
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things and no one is talking about russia. [laughter] well, what a difference 59 tomahawk missiles can take. ainsley: hollywood elites out in full force resisting the president and alec baldwin is leading the charge. what do people think of hollywood's constant jabs at our president. 24/7 reporter carley shimkus joins us now with that you story. >> people have been criticizing hollywood for years for being out of touch. we have something new today. take a listen what steven bald wynn said about his brother alec yesterday on "fox & friends" yesterday. >> early on during the campaign i thought snl was getting a little too nasty. now, to be honest with you. i haven't season spoken to my own brother since the election. so happy birthday alec. even den fire row would say in y that's not cool. >> punch him in the face. >> he said some crazy stuff for me. that registers in to two ways
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it shows how much hollywood is disconnected from the blue collar, you know, mainstream america. steve: hollywood's candidate didn't win. hollywood is still steamed. >> first of all, this nasty political climate has affected their relationship, they haven't spoken since the election. brian: divided up a lot of people. >> i think thanksgiving this past year in 2016 was a rough one. receive steve here comes easter. >> just because people in hollywood have the loudest microphone doesn't mean they speak for everybody. let's get to some reaction. keith on twitter said hollywood overrated with visual effects air brushed beauties and retakes until they get it right. mostly made of silicone. archie on twitter said you should speak to your brother speaking of steven, is he out in left field. at least one of the baldwin brothers has some common sense. also, cathy on twitter writes i love stephen baldwin, he is
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not afraid to stand up to hollywood liberals and he loves this country. brian: he was with the trump campaign. >> he was on the ground doing the work. steve: interesting we had mya villa. she said some of her friends dropped her as a friend because she was supportive of trump. >> the big question is all the political discussion going to hurt hollywood in the pocket. bottom line. we notice fewer people are watching award shows. see if ticket sales goes down. brian: half the country steven and half with alec. does billie pay the price? >> i think mom and dad pay the price. ainsley: true. thanks a lot, carley. great to see you. did you hear what elizabeth warren had to say about syria? best way to help them is to open our borders. reaction next hour. steve: today is national siblings day.
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>> we watched the president in what i believe was his finest hour since he has taken office. >> if you are an adversary of the united states and you don't worry about what trump may do on any given day, then you're crazy. >> thank you so much, mr. president, for taking action. thank you for showing the entire world that you have a big heart. >> isis now claiming respondsability for this morning's palm sunday bombings at two christian churches in northern egypt. >> isis is not going away. it's a franchise from hell. the good news is president el-sisi vows to protect christians worshiping on easter sunday. >> 100,000 tons of diplomacy
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steaming toward the korean peninsula to send a very strong message. >> north korea is now a nuclear cable regime. so the president has asked us to be prepared to give him a full range of options to remove that threat after so many years once and for all for sergio. ♪ this' how we roll ♪ we hanging around. brian: that is my front yard. i'm in the middle. my brother steve has got his head down and jim is looking at me, i think. easter. we had to wear jackets on easter. steve: before church. brian: right. absolutely. we thought we were very friendly with the bushes. we had sticker bushes preventing the neighbors to get in the yard. ainsley: we had sticker bushes i dropped a pastry behind it. i thought my dad would get mad
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if i threw it away. i threw it behind. my dad found it there is this much space between the bottom of the bush and the ground. so you shimmy underneath it you don't get poked. brian: i wasn't much of a shimmier. ainsley: i was. steve: it was a mile. brian: split rail fence. steve: we didn't need no fence. we had a lot of sun flower. brian: national siblings day. steve: send us picture of your siblings and we'll feature them throughout the telecast. ainsley: siblings here. meet those boys. brian both hoping for afternoon shows. what show is this. ainsley: i thought you were saying they wanted their own show. maybe this is good audition. good on tv get their own afternoon show. brian: could happen. steve: welcome to sibling audition day. thursday into friday of lastweek when president trump ordered the strike on syria
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459 tom hawbleg missiles ransd rained down. syrian strikes own people using chlorine gas is that true? cannot verify it these are people who would like to destroy assad who say that assad government show nothing signs being deterred by the missiles despite power missiles being sent on thursday and fry. brian: when you hit syria you hit iran. standing up. here is what they said yesterday in reaction actually today in reaction to what we did over the weekend. what america waged in an aggression in syria is crossing of red lines, get it? from now on we will respond with force to any aggressor or any breach of red lines from whomever it is and america knows our ability to respond well. and hezbollah also figures
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into that transition. keep in mind, too, one of the things, do you especially if you are h.r. mcmaster, a general, especially if you are general dunford, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff is fortify where our forces are because they know they will be immediate target. ainsley: bashar assad very close with his father. that's why they have this appliance dates back to the 1970s. his father big supporter of the soviet union and enemy of israel. but russia and assad, the russian government has held on to that relationship as well as that relationship with iran. steve: russia and iran say they will respond with force. in fact, the russian ambassador in london this morning said that it could lead to what they call a real war. this is one of the things they will be talking about at the g 7. not the g 8 because russia got kicked out after they annexed crimea. brian: keep in mind they no long everywhere have that de-conflicting line. there could be a chance that
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our f-16s or f-35s could be in the air when the bigs are in the air. and that could be some type of an issue. steve: look out. ainsley: after president trump threw those missiles down into syria on top of that airfield. a few hours later, the syrians big some planes onto the airfield and start using the runways again just to send a message to the syrians and the rest of the world this is not going to stop us. this is what lindsey graham had to say. he had a message for a al assad. listen. >> here is what i think assad is telling trump from flying from this base f.u. i think he is making a serious mistake. if you are an adversary of the united states and you don't worry about what trump may do on any given day, then you're crazy. steve: that's one of the things that rex tillerson is going to say on wednesday of this week when he goes to moscow and talks to the foreign minister over there apparently is he also going to confront the russians on met
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ling with our election and what happened in ukraine. but keep in minority. if russia was really steamed about what happened on thursday into friday. don't you think they would have cancelled the meeting? they say they are not in love with assad. they want access to the military port and the reason and they want access to what they have there which is more influence in the region. they are writing checks on overdraft accounts. they cannot afford too-to-stay there maybe there might be an out or off ramp. the alternative would be no relations for the four/next 8 years. when we talk about why we are in the predicament we are in, it's because of syrians uprising which was threatening assad's resistance was fortified by russia. they stod assad up when basically almost down for the count rebels coalesce against him. one thing was clear. assad in a desperate move would no use this chem caps weapons. i'm just curious if they ever came from iraq. using chemical weapons and
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biological weapons against this insurgency at which time president obama said if you do that that's red line for me. said that in august. when that red line came out and became clear he was doing it anyway. he said i thought about it i'm going to give it to congress. congress said what are you talking about? what is the plan? he had no answer. the red line crossed. there was no answer. steve: so what did they do? president obama very proudly then negotiated a deal. russia would be the overlord and keep an eye on syria as they destroyed all of their chemical weapons. they got rid of all the chemical weapons. well, if that was true, what happened last tuesday wouldn't have happened last tuesday. listen to this npr interview just a few days before the end of the obama administration. it's susan rice once again talking about how they got rid of all the chemical weapons. >> we were able to find a solution that actually removed the chemical weapons that were
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known from syria in a way that the use of force would have never accomplished. >> brian: four pin know yokes. ainsley: i'm where are you going with this? we were talking about this early year. this is the four pinocchio test. a lot of people go to the "the washington post" for this. somebody who worked for the obama pretty shocking. every time he told a fib his nose would grow. steve: they apparently talked to some allies of susan rice who said the key was she said known weapons. like what are you talking about? ainsley: right. all semantics? steve: lawyer words to get around the fact that obviously they either kept something in the barn or else they brewed up new sarin. ains not much credibility. didn't know about benghazi and
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unmasking. brian: investigation is just starting on her meanwhile about what she was doing in the final weeks of the oxd. meanwhile, it seems like a year ago but it wasn't. it's only about five days ago when devin nunes is chairman of the intelligence committee in the house said i'm just going to step aside. investigation into me and i have become too much of a distraction. i will leave it to my colleagues and just for the russia issue and investigation, i'm going to move aside and let everything move forward. the ranking member is adam schiff, he says what a great move this is. now we can really move ahead with the investigation. steve: here is the thing. adam schiff has been completely part of san in this entire ordeal. yesterday on one of the sunday shows okay, nunes gave up his job and recused himself. shouldn't you do the same? here is what he said. >> a lot ofs have you characterized how we have seen the intelligence. some have said it looks more like smoke than fire. some have said it's a small fire. some have said they have seen no evidence.
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mr. rogers and others don't quart they see no evidence. i don't think that's an accurate assessment in i certainly don't think i can let it stand. steve: there was more to it. brian: the question said you were on devon nunes because he says he doesn't see any culpability or collusion between the trump campaign and russia but you came out and said well i looked at the stuff and i think there is. shouldn't you recuse yourself, too? he is like no, we were all saying things. really? then why did devin nunes recuse himself. ainsley: who takes over the investigation for the house intelligence committee? steve: a guy from texas, donnelly? brian: not donnelly. but i know troy gowdy will be helping out as well. they will be moving up and competency to the investigation. the house and senate are doing the investigation. fbi is doing an investigation. soon it will all be out front and center. steve: i have heard rumors there is blockbuster stuff just around the corner. blockbuster.
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ainsley: we will be reporting on all this for sure. let me take over with headlines for now. isis taking credit for murdering dozens of christians and targeted attacks on egyptian churches packed for the start of holy week. the video you are about to see is very disturbing. look at this. a bomb detonating during mass as worshipers are screaming in roar roar this surveillance video believed to show a going through -- lieutenant colonel oliver north says barbaric attacks are not going to stop him from attending church. >> bottom line i think we need to expect nor juwaad attacks on churches, i will be in church on sunday will you? ainsley: in less than two hours, judge neil gorsuch will take his place on the supreme court. becoming one of the 13 justice
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in american history. he will be sworn in by chief justice john roberts and sworn in public ceremony in rose garden. sworn in after the republicans used the nuclear option. intensified manhunt for revolutionary armed with high powered assault weapons. police in wisconsin saying that guy right there joseph jakubowski robbed a gun store and mailed a 100 page manifesto to president trump. >> anyone who gets this letter you might want to read it revolution. it's full-time for change awngsz ains his manifesto targets schools and churches. causing churches to be cancelled in some areas. police say he poses a threat to anyone in a position of authority. brian: way too many crazy people in this world. are you getting that sense? steve: by the way, a little while ago you asked who had taken over the russia intel.
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i was fright texas mike conway republican from texas. ainsley: thank you. brian: meanwhile, coming up straight ahead, north korea are they next on donald trump's hit list? last night the military made a bold move. steve: take a look at this. what make this news anchor make that face? ainsley: uh-oh ♪ that's the way,
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neither will we. optum. how well gets done. a2k3wr50eded it's unacceptable. >> they were heading to australia with that carrier before they turned around. a member of the senate foreign relations committee whose subcommittee looks at
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southeast asia is cory gardner. senator, welcome, your response to the president's move voiced by general mcmaster about sending the carrier off the coast? >> well, i think this is a very important show of force to the north korean regime. we cannot ignore this forgotten mad man any longer. we have to bring denuclearization to the north korean regime and to the peninsula and make sure that china, our allies around the region know we are serious about this. brian: people sitting at home saying same thing, north korea a problem. they will rise up and then go quiet for a while. here's the difference. this is the first president that's going to have to deal with a north korea that will soon have a nuclear weapon that can hit the west coast of america. this is national security interest. not just a problem for our allies. >> that's exactly right. every test they make of a ballistic missile, whether it is successful or not, they learn something from it. and so the next step they are able to incorporate those lessons into more and more successes as they go forward. we believe they have some capabilities they didn't have in the past. and now that concern is real. in the near future they could reach the homeland with a
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nuclear ballistic missile. it's unacceptable risk. brian: this guy kills his uncle, kills his relatives. using weapons of mass destruction. having said that, this might be a situation where an assassination could lead to a new day for a country that really is led by one unworthy as john mccain would say fat kid? >> if you look at the map of north korea at night a satellite picture. can you see the lights coming out of seoul, south korea the economic development and prosperity there if you look at north korea. the only light you see is the light from kim jong un's palatial palace. i think the north korean people have to understand that they are being used and abused by a mad man in pyongyang who would rather build a nuclear missile than feed his own people. he is torturing hundreds of thousands of them in the equivalent of a political concentration camp. unacceptable. show of force and strength from the u.s. is important. we have to make sure that china stands up, puts a plan
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in place and let's the world know it is serious about eliminating this 23450ubg larr problem. brian: do you believe this subject came up and anything was done over the weekend when the chinese leader came to florida? >> i know this meeting does have -- sound like able of in things were talked about including north korea. does sound like results were reached. i think we will tell when china tells the world how exactly it is going to respond, how it's going to cut off trade, how it's going to stop using its economy to prop up the kim jon u.n. this iu.n. -- kim jon u.n. unacceptable to let him. >> take a look at this video. because it's sparking serious outrage this morning. >>morning. [laughter] brian: that's a police officer body slamming a girl. there is much more to that story we'll explain.
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and elizabeth warren has a plan to help syria. open our borders to more refugees. really? our next guest will defend it. if you've tried every pill on the shelf
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say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. ainsley: we have quick consumer news for you. delta airlines expects to be back to normal today after thousands of delays and cancellations left stranded over the weekend. blamed on powerful storms moving through the southeast. new york is set to be the first state to offer free tuition at public colleges. this fall students can apply for a scholarship called the excelsior scholarship if your family earns less than $100,000. other requirements maintaining good grades and you have to be a resident of the state. and target is now feeling devastated effects of the
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trans gender bathroom policy. the retail giant losing millions of dollars after allowing customers to use bathrooms according to the genders that they identify with, rather than birth genders. the company says the policy still stands. steve? steve: all right, ainsley. positive reaction to president trump's air strike against syria even from congresswoman nancy pelosi and senator chuck schumer. however, some liberals still aren't happy. elizabeth warren tweeting: if donald trump truly wants to help syrians fleeing murderers, he should drop his effort to ban their children from america immediately. here for a discussion, the brothers united for change brad woodhouse screen left and his brother director of the north carolina republican party dallas woodhouse appropriately on the right. >> good morning. steve: brad, let's start with you. what do you make of elizabeth
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warren trump should allow the syrian refugees in now? >> i think the real issue here steve is what is trump's policy towards syria what is his larger foreign policy goals? if it's humanitarian relief, in other words, if it is to address the plight of the atrocities that have been visited on people like these chemical weapons attacks. steve: sure. >> then something like an air strike and something like allowing refugees who are fleeing those atrocities to come to the united states that would be a policy. that they contradictory. air strikes and banning policy not allowing children and mothers and grand moms threing those we launch the air strikes. it's a contradiction and i think donald trump owes it to the american people who resolve that contradiction and say what his policy is. steve: dallas, i don't think
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it's a policy per se regarding president donald trump. it's a reaction to what the syrians did last week in using chemical weapons to kill their own people, isn't it? >> yeah. except policy is we are not going to have a president that allows the united states to draw red lines and dictators like assad to step all over them and show america to be weak in the face of the world. you are seeing a policy of strength lie the trump administration what we need to do is create a safe zone. a no-fly zone, try to get those people safe in their own country. even if you were to allow a lot of syrian refugees, it would be like hitting the lottery to try to get here when most could never come, of course. and they would be up to the whims of a brutal dictator. that's what we don't want to see.
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receive steve we had survivor the sarin gas attack four years ago on an hour ago. he said he did not want to come to the united states. they want to stay in their own homes. i want to talk to you, brad. what brought us to this stage is barack obama famously a number of years ago said i'm going to draw this red line after the sarin gas attack and he never really did anything. but they were able to crow about the fact that they were able to get assad to give up and destroy all their chemical weapons. that as we know what happened last tuesday not true. in fact, "the washington post gave susan rice four pinocchios for her claim that obama got syria to verifiablably give up its chemical weapons stockpile. so the "the washington post" is saying that is a fairy tale. >> does anybody actually believe assad would follow through on his commitments? of course not. steve: the obama administration thought so. >> then why did obama say so. >> hold on main, the two of
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you are clearly not historians. you know barack obama went to congress after that chemical weapons attack. he asked for. steve: he drew the red line and got political cold feet and make congress authorize. this that's the history. >> that is the history. he asked for authorization. and the very. steve: why did he have to do that? he had the authority a lot of people believe congress has the authority to declare war. he went to congress. the very republicans praising donald trump said at the time we shouldn't do this, we shouldn't go in to syria. donald trump said at the time, donald trump said don't go to syria, mr. president. we shouldn't be there. he said throughout the entire campaign. >> donald trump wasn't the president. >> donald trump wa was running for president last year,. >> should know better. you can't defend president
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obama on, this brad. there is no defense for president obama on this. >> hey, trump was running for president. steve: okay. we heard that part. brad, you get the final word. >> >> dallas you get the final word. steve come on, steve. have you had plenty of words. >> there is no defense for president obama's lack of coherent policy here and president trump is developing one of strength and showing that he can make america great again by showing strength in the world. >> dropping a few missiles is not a policy, dallas. you need a policy. >> drawing a red line and running from it isn't either. steve: something had to happen after assad killed those people. war crimes. all right. dallas and brad, always a pleasure, thank you very much. >> thank you. steve: what do you think about that in email us if you watch any other channel this morning, you would think these two, steve bannon and reince priebus are about to kill each other. not so fast. ed henry joins us live with
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the real story of what's going on inside the trump white house coming up. and what better way to celebrate national siblings day than with the kilmeade brothers? they're here live with stories brian doesn't want you to hear. knowing where you stand. it's never been easier. except when it comes to your retirement plan. but at fidelity, we're making retirement planning clearer. and it all starts with getting your fidelity retirement score. in 60 seconds, you'll know where you stand. and together, we'll help you make decisions for your plan... to keep you on track. ♪ time to think of your future it's your retirement. know where you stand. ♪ tthe uncertainties of hep c. wondering, what if?
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brian kilmeade in the middle. brian: right. steve: wee have steve and jeff. >> because it's national siblings day we thought we would set the table for all our viewers to send in their pictures of siblings. that's me, jimmy and steve on easter, i believe. and we are in front of very welcoming sticker bushes in front of our house. great in the winter, by the way. and stick to children who walk by or brush against it. steve: you later replaced it with barb wire? brian: yeah. give the neighborhood a break. ainsley: did they attract the honeybees? we had them. they attract bees. not only sticker there are bees. >> he we were safe. no one got on to our property. steve: what was it like growing up kilmeade sibling. brian: oldest. >> as we were older we came out of our shell. we were regiment. our mom was tough. kept us in line. ainsley: she watches every morning.
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>> oh my god, yeah. ainsley: i love her. >> put on something light heart. put on animal show. the news can't be 24/7. ainsley: brian always talks about you all. so close to you all. raising your kids together on long island. steve: what is that picture? what is this? >> oh that is -- we didn't have shirts as children. who is the little girl? who is the little girl. brian: i think i'm in the middle in the green shorts we had to wake up and do 25 situps. and there is steve. at that point right here this is the overhead shot from the drone we had as children. and that's jim over there. obviously didn't make much eye contact with the camera. wherever the camera was we looked the other way. ainsley: steve, what was it like to have two older brothers. brian: everywhere has kind of opposite skills.
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steve could do everything. not only was running a dealership at 23 years old, incredible math and loans and stuff he was able to figure out unbelievable. he also has stk electric where he could literally fix and you saw, this ainsley, absolutely everything. and then he has serve pro-running two companies at the same time. ainsley: hired a guy to do lighting for me. electrical work. start a fire. rip this out. this isn't legal. doesn't have a pear mitt. i didn't know. brian said you got to call my brother. he can do anything. he comes over to my apartment and all of my chandeliers are hung, everything is perfect. steve: how many chandelier. brian: got to do something. ainsley: he says you are amazing athlete. brian: jim also has been doing installations and stadiums and fields with a turf. >> absolutely.
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brian: gave a turf for our concert series. >> i want to get out on it great. steve: enough about the two of you. let's turn to brian. tell us a story about how brian would as a christmas gift in the grab bag. brian: what was in your mike wallace. brian: like the woodhouse brothers. steve: brian is my nephew t-shirt. >> uncle joe. had that picture of uncle joe. ainsley: right here is what it is. >> something different. he was autographing his cards. steve: brian was soccer cards? >> how old was he at this point? >> 9 i would say. brian: i always used to sign to my family brian kilmeade nun 19 soccer number i was going to go pro. in case my mom didn't know my last name. >> something different there all of a sudden in the days of t-shirts actually had to get a
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guy to put the numbers on. he started coming up with these gifts. every year a different one. whole family. >> has a t-shirt. >> wanted to get brian because it was going to be something silly but fun. ainsley: brian told the whole family he was going to be famous. he gave uncle joe the t shirt that says brian is my nephew. brian: every year had grab year because we couldn't buy presents for a thousand people. i as an ego maniac as a child seemed like a good move, extremely embarrassing. ainsley: what was his personality like as a kid? >> very similar to what you have right now. ainsley: funny? >> but always humility, never any ego maniac. brian: i don't want to humiliate myself. >> he has you on your toes even at dinner. >> you had to be witty, sarcastic. we were good training ground. brian: you couldn't have more supportive people rather
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making 12,000 adds year on sports phone that couldn't be more supportive. steve: to now have you mini chandeliers. brian: i have in-house help. i don't even see my family because always dealing with the help. speak english because it's mostly international language. [laughter] but i just say this, i think we agree with one thing. >> you know that's coming back. brian: mvp of our family is my mom. >> absolutely. steve: i agree. we all agree. >> yeah, yeah. ainsley: she did a great job. amazing. you all look so much alike. >> i hope nobody's tie is crooked. crooked.ains. steve: yours is a little bit to the right. brian: my lovely wife down brought she thinks we're great. i'm wonderful, my mom says so. steve: t-shirt family. brian: call serve pro and ask
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for steve in the northeast and sk pro-electric. if you are bob kraft or woody johnson. >> had to go out of his conference. brian: did you do the bills? ainsley: will you give brian kilmeade's cell phone number. >> betting it right out. brian: write us we will relay. ainsley: ains sibling day. brian: one hour we will find out what yours siblings are like. steve: all right. coming up, news making headlines, downline outrage showing an outrage body slamming that girl right there. more to the story. we want to warn you, the video is kind of hard to watch. [laughter] ainsley: police in fort
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collins, colorado, say that 22-year-old she shoulder check aid bouncer and physically attacked an officer, leading to that arrest. the department standing by the actions, calling it standard procedure for a suspect accused of assaulting an officer. write us and let us know what you think about that. the pc police at it again and taking their tirade overseas. banning all official titles mentioning the word man so chairman is now chairperson. groundsman now grounds people. the left wing labor party spearheading the gender neutral move. they are not stopping there either. next on the list, a gender audit of staff to find imbalance among top positions. an australian news anchor caught off guard on tv. on live tv. now she we living the embarrassment over and over again. because her overglobe reaction has gone viral. >> now to sports with meredith. with.
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>> a jolt and gasp natasha quickly tossed to sports after the camera caught her playing with her pen during a report. she has now been banned from the anchor desk. ainsley: come work here. we mess up all the time. brian: we have never done anything like that. never been caught off camera. ainsley: steve you read this. steve: if you watch any of the other channels this morning, you would think these two, steve bannon screen left and reince priebus screen lef right are about to kill each other. abby is about to join us live with the real story what is going on inside the president trump president white house. (announcer vo) when you have type 2 diabetes there's a moment of truth. and now with victoza® a better moment of proof.
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♪ ainsley: the mainstream media says the trump administration is on the verge of imploding. brian: rumors are swirling about changes, big changes in the white house, perhaps. turns out not necessarily the case. steve: chief national correspondent and author of the book 42 faiths. ed henry is i is joining us. there could be some changes ear and there. if you read the mainstream media it sounds like reince priebus and steve bannon is going to kill eve other. >> good morning. it's getting out of control this is crisis mode or whatnot. the new information i have this morning is that the president himself is getting frustrated with that whole story line and has pulled his staff together and said let's fix this and move forward coming off of a pretty strong week. remember the leadership he showed with syria and saw even some democrats noting that and then today is he going to get
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a chance to have the swearing in of his first supreme court pick judge neil gorsuch actually getting confirmed last week. so it was a decent week. and i'm told what happened on friday at mar-a-lago from two of the president's advisors is that he went to three top aids and basically said you guys straighten this out or i'm going to straighten it out. that shows a president trying to get involved here. he was talking to steve bannon, reince priebus and jared kushner. the three of them met and came one detaunt. kellyanne conway was on with our colleague howie kurtz yesterday saying sure, there may be changes but a lot of this is getting blown way out of control. brian: steve bannon might be losing influence. he was against the syrian strike. weighs overruled. reince priebus and steve bannon once feared to have friction. now they are getting along. they were told to make peace
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off w. jared kushner fresh off the iraqi trip. people were talking behind his back. >> yeah. look, it's hard to keep up with ault pieces. you are right. exactly what you just said. originally priebus and bannon, the story line was they were at each other's throats. it's not an alliance they're more allied than you had before because have you this whole other power center that while those two men don't see exactly eye to eye, priebus being more establishment. bannon being more of the outsider, have you the kushner wing gary cohn, deanna powell, all these folks from wall street on the opposite side where bannon is is there division and back and forth? yes. there is notion out there this is crisis marked for identification. the place is falling apart. steve: narrative the mainstream media is pushing. >> we are going to tweak some things moves and changes, it's not the crisis mode so you guys straighten this out. brian: everyone is interested. first time this team is in place. they are interested to see
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what's happening. ainsley: thank you, ed. coming up next on the rundown, zero to 60 in four seconds. for $30,000. a preview of the hottest new cars and you can actually afford them coming up. steve: good morning, mike. ♪ we can go all night ♪ 0 to 60 in 3.5 ♪ baby you got the keys ♪ baby you got the keys ♪ shut up and drive ♪ drive, drive ♪ boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. bburning of diabetic nerve pain these feet... kicked off my high school games... ...and helped those in need. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior.
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brian: all right. new york international auto show is back this friday april 14th with this year's newest vehicles and latest high tech stuff. to get ready we have the hottest new sport and electric vehicles on the plaza and for a change this year we actually got permits. with us is mike cordle.
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he is an expert. he tells us not only are these cars cool but in many cases affordable. welcome back. >> thank you. brian: first one hyundai. you say as nice as it is on the inside focused on the outside. >> really about the power train. hyundai ionic. three things you want to know. three different power trains, electric, plug in and hybrid. this is the hybrid right here. 600 miles on a tank. you can't beat that. brian: wait a second, a plug-in hybrid. >> this one is a hybrid. three versions, electric, then there is a plug-in hybrid electric and gas. this is completely hybrid so you get the parallel universe with gas and electric. brian: built in america. >> this one has got parts built in america but really all of these vehicles are kind of a cross of a global standard. brian: mike, i want you to meet steve doocy he has a car, too. >> this was is about the exterior and interior. >> steve, this is a hybrid as well. this is where we are going with cars. you will not know these vehicles are hybrids in the future. all about the interior and
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luxury. comfort. look at the detail. steve: i know i saw. hand made on the side. beautiful. luxury and efficiency. on the back inside. all about delivery. mice just showcased a month ago in geneva. seeing it for the first time here in new york. steve: very good. thank you, mike. this is the jag. >> this is the jag, ainsley. this is the one we want to get inside here. this is the jaguar 400 sport. now, it's a limited edition vehicle. only for one year and it's all about the refinement. now, this seat for me, is two inches longer than the regular which gives me plenty of room inside. starting price 89500. 400 horsepower in. this super fast. incredible. hybrid. ainsley: comes in three different colors. >> three different colors, black, white and silver.
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not a raiders fan but i love the color especially with the yellow. steve: final stop? >> final stop, yeah. brian: this is a gorgeous car. >> why are we ending on this one. it's not a bmw. it's a key a this is a 0 to 62 in 4.9 second key a kia is saying this the is fastest kia ever built. just stunning. debuted in detroit. it's got a lot of horsepower under the hood. they want to come peta with the wmws and mur sadz in the marketplace. >> it really is a beautiful car. >> go ahead and jump in. low 30's, maybe? >> this is going to be a low 30's vehicle. you have a good cross dynamic. low 30's. gt version will be in the low 40's. pricing is not announced yet. that's where my guess is on that number. but, again, kia really stepping up to the plate with this new stinger right here. >> it feels like a bmw type of car. ainsley: michael, these cars are beautiful.
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thank you so much. brian: good job, mike. you dress better every year. [laughter] ainsley: coming up. it happened again, brian, protesters shutting down conservative author on a college campus. brian: yeah, keep going, ainsley. p ainsley: that woman, heather macdonald live in the next hour. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch and you could save $509 on auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance.
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>> this is the first time that the united states has acted directly against the assad regime. >> president trump and the united states taking action for the very first time. we both -- >> isis now claiming responsibility for this morning's bombing of two christian churches in northern egypt. >> isis is not going away. it's a franchise from hell. the good news is president vows to protect christians worshiping on easter sunday. >> hundreds of thousands diplomacy to send a very strong message.
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>> north korea is now a very capable nuclear regime. >> we cannot ignore this forgotten madman any longer. >> right here this is the overhead shot we had from the drone as children. and obviously didn't make much eye contact with the camera. wherever the camera was, we looked the other way. ♪ ♪ steve: it's national siblings day, everybody, and a lot of you are sending in pictures. apparently ainsley sent in a picture. ainsley: we just met my brothers, my sister in the pink dress, my brother in the middle, and my sister dorothy. steve: on day two?
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ainsley: she's like a sister. we absolutely love her. brian: and there's a big clash between my brothers and your family. a big argument blew up in the greenroom. ainsley: clearly mine room. mine stuck around. brian: yeah, mine let. steve: anyway, that's coming up in about half an hour. meanwhile, let's talk about this. prepare for real war. the russian ambassador in london said that if the united states crosses a red line again in syria, it could lead to real war. this on rex tillerson going to moscow on wednesday. and is what he told me he's going to say, the foreign minister is, hey, why did you, russia, let syria stockpile those chemical weapons? and your support of mr. assad has harmed the overall ties and while i'm beating you up, what's the deal with meddling with our elections? and what exactly happened in the ukraine? ainsley: well, russia -- steve: it looks like it's
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going to be a tension-filled meeting. ainsley: russia and iran released a statement this morning. it says what america waged in an aggression on syria is a crossing of red lines from now on, we will respond with force to any aggressor or any breach of red line from whoever it is and america knows our ability to respond well. brian: look, there's a huge exhale in the region. you saw the chemistry the president had with the head of egypt. he was anxious to see if we're going to assert ourselves there. big enemy of assad. same with saudi arabia, same with jordanian leader. they're saying finally america is acting like america. now, 80% of trump supporters are saying we're all for this. now, nobody wants to spend trillions of dollars rebuilding another country, so we hope to learn from iraq and libya from where we go from here. but it's hard for me to believe that what we've seen already if they're to use some of the gas we know sadly that syria has, then we wouldn't
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react the same exact way. at which time where there might be a direct confrontation. but the only thing these two nations, one of the things these two nations have in common, they only respond to strength. every time you reach out and try to deal with them rationally, they look at it as weakness, and we've seen that for eight years. steve: do we have the sound bite with lindsey graham? we have that sound byte with lindsey graham. it's brian's day. we have a bunch of kilmeades, we have a bunch of bruins. to your point, brian, the fact that we blew up a number of airplanes and other things last thursday; right? but we didn't completely destroy the runways because donald trump himself, president trump tweeted out those are easy to fix and go ahead and fly. as soon as they were able to patch them up, what do they do? they took off.
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here's that symbol. lindsey graham. >> here's what i think assad is telling trump. fu. he's making a serious mistake because if you're an adversary of the united states, and you don't worry about what trump may do on any given day, then you're crazy. steve: the element of surprise is very effective. brian: right and that's senator mccain and senator graham are very concerned that we're going to tolerate the existence of assad and let him get away with what happened over the last eight years. i think they're both extremely happy that this administration sees assad and isis in that region is something that has to be addressed and not ignored. steve: and john mccain himself said he doesn't have to come to congress to get authorization to strike. brian: i would love to see in the next few weeks to get confirmation. but we do have allies in the region that want our leadership. meanwhile, let's talk a little bit about susan rice because it's been nine minutes.
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she is somebody in the past has spoken the company line to the point where the company line could not withstand the truth serum test on that. the latest example is susan rice in one of her interviews sat down and talked about what's going on in syria while admitting the syrian policy did not work out, she did talk about the victory, which was getting chemical weapons, all of them out of syria, thanks to russia. listen. >> we were able to find the solution that actually removed the chemical weapons that were known from syria in a way that the use of force would never have accomplished. steve: well, here's a thing about that. if the obama administration was able to get rid of the chemical weapons, then they wouldn't have had the poison gas to kill the people last tuesday. obviously, that was not verifiable or not verified by the united states and that's why the washington post today the fact checker gave susan rice's claim that obama got syria to verifiably give up
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their stockpile four pinocchios, that is the maximum number. ainsley: shocking the fact that the liberal newspaper would give her four pinocchios, shocking if you look at the fact because she said after benghazi that it was all because of that videotape or movie, which turned out to be false, that was a line lie. she also said she never unmasked then we learned out two weeks later that she did unmask. so that's not a shock she was given four pinocchios. she lied twice. brian: and i think on that investigation is going to reveal perhaps more. meanwhile senator warren did put this out because spoke openly about the anguish she felt seeing the syrian children built. she said he should drop the effort to ban children from america immediately. and, by the way, an important point was also brought up to nikki haley and said why don't
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you welcome in refugees? the problem is we don't know who they are. as much as we like children, they come with family members and these family members are people they would have an opposite reason to be here rather than looking for -- ainsley: they've already been through so much. they just want safe zones, safe havens in their own country. imagine if this happened in america. you don't want to be shipped off to another country. you want safe zones in your own country, you want big superpowers to come in and help you out. she isn't even asking these refuge. but guess what? we did we we had one on this morning who's living in germany. listen to what he had to say. >> the biggest memory of that attack is seeing president obama break his red line promise, how he let assad walk away unpunished. after trump react for the first time, we so happy, we so grateful. i'm not just talking about myself. i'm talking about my friends,
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people inside and outside of syria. refugees all over the world. syrians who are forced to leave their country because of satisfied, crimes against humanity. mr. president, we want to go back home, we want to stay in syria safe. please, help us come back home. please, stop assad from committing war crimes. ainsley: when susan rice said they got rid of all the chemical weapons, in 2013, that was the same year that that guy barely lived through a gas attack. steve: in fact, he was declared dead. they put him on the pile of bodies with the dead people. there could be a movement, g7 kicks off in i will u italy. very supportive of what the united states and president trump did last week. so going into rex tillerson's meeting on wednesday in moscow, there could be a unified front where much of the west says to russia "hey, you've got to do something about assad.
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brian: i know as soon as this happened, and we took action with tomahawk, other channels put up in quotes what donald trump said involved with syria. well, things have changed substantially in the last three or four years and also as president you say to yourself are we going to allow russia, they answer after that? are we going to allow all of these other, and iran to have their influence in the area and just stand by while they break international law? i think it's a lot different being a candidate or a caller into a tv show being president with the circumstances change like this. ainsley: and it's nice to see him do something about it. 78 days, 79 days or something like that into him being into office. steve: well, 48 hours after the syrian gas attack. ainsley: good point. immediately took action. brian: all right. coming up straight ahead. ainsley: here are some of your headlines this morning. u.s. sending aircraft carrier several destroyers to the peninsula against north korea's aggression. the dictator kim jong-un now beefing up his own defenses
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using the strike on a syrian air base. the pentagon keeping a close eye on north korea saying that they could be on the verge of nuclear or ballistic missile test. in less than an hour, judge neil gorsuch will have a new title. supreme court justice. he will be sworn in privately by chief justice john roberts followed by public ceremony in the rose garden. he becomes the 113ed justice filling the seat of late scalia. after republicans using the nuclear option. ryan making sure our nation's heroes are properly honored joining veterans to spray and scrub and polish every single inch of the 247-foot vietnam veterans memorial wall. he's taking this approach to his new job, which oversees, including overseeing national parks and national monuments and those are your headlines. steve: all right. meanwhile
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straight ahead attacks on christians on the rise for the country of egypt. our next guest says he knows why. texas congressman louie, one of the only congressman to sit down with the egyptian intel department. he's going to talk about that coming up next. brian: and take a look at this video. it's causing some serious outrage this morning. a police officer body slamming a young woman there but there's much more to that video. we'll explain. ugh! heartburn! no one burns on my watch! try alka seltzer heartburn relief chews. they work fast and don't taste chalky. mmmmm...amazing. i have heartburn. alka seltzer heartburn relief chews. enjoy the relief.
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steve: 8:15 isn't new york city fox news alert as isis claims responsibility for the two christian bombings in egypt that killed more than 40 people. secretary of state rex tillerson reiterates defeating isis is priority number one for usa. >> it's important that we keep our priority straight, and we believe that the first priority is the defeat of isis. that by defeating isis and removing their caliphate from their control, we have now eliminated at least or minimized a particular threat, not just the united states. but through the whole stability of the region. steve: texas congressman louie joining us from texas today. congressman, in the wake of
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the palm sunday attack in egypt, you have some background because you've been talking to the egyptian intelligence department for a while, and they've offered up what's going on. >> well, yeah, and i can't tell you, steve, how great it is to have a president trump and a secretary of state tillerson that understand how important egypt is. i mean, it was critical that egypt be part of the caliphate if they're going to get back to a to an style. the one in europe. and tillerson has it exactly right. whether it's the muslim brotherhood in name or whether it's isis, they all understand that when 30 out of 90 million egyptians went to the street in amazing june peaceful uprising, the largest in world
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history, and they were out protesting for democracy, they wanted the removal of the radical islamist president who was trying to become a dictator. even though we had a republican senator that flew over there and agreed with obama that we got to put the radical islamist morici back in. but they had a great meeting, the president did with cece last week. they're thrilled. but that is going to be a key isis muslim -- they all understand we have got to get control back of egypt. cece's not going to let that happen, and they cannot be more thrilled than to have president trump in the white house who understands the threat they're facing and we're facing. ainsley: so, congressman, what does he need to do? what does our president need to do next? >> well, as presidency see was saying back when obama was president, he was saying to me does your president not understand? we use those apache
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helicopters we get from the u.s. to keep the canal open. to fight the radicalism. morici had helped. but we continued to help the good guys that are such a stabilizing factor not just for the united states but for israel, for the region. but we have got to help them -- helping egypt is just doing wonders toward giving isis and the radical islamists like the muslim brotherhood a place to really grab hold, but they will never get up until they get egypt, and that's why it's great to have a president like cece and trump that can work so well together. it was quite eye opening. we were going to meet for 15 minutes, it ended up being about two and a half hours with the intelligence. they get it. they got it a lot better than susan rice, obama, that whole crew, so it's a great thing
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that's happening. but if obama had not taken out kidafi, we wouldn't be having as serious problems in egypt because. brian: thanks so much. >> thank you. thank you, guys, for -- that's exactly. and in the new constitution, they will rebuild the churches. great thing. steve: okay. that's a step in the right direction. ainsley: thank you, congressman. steve: thank you, louie. brian: protesters shutting down a conservative pro cop author on a college campus. [chanting] brian: the author heather macdonald joins us live. you just met my brother for national siblings day. now it's ainsley her brother,
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sister, and sister-in-law ready to appear. from the greenroom in red to the couch. ainsley: that's debatable. i was active. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. she also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. woman: for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica.
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steve: 8:24 here in new york city, starting with some headlines the fox news alert, the feds joining in a manhunt for a self proclaimed with a high-powered assault weapon. he mailed a 175-page manifesto to president trump before dropping off the map. they're trying to figure out where he is now. a disgruntled employee opens fire in a upscale florida gym, meanwhile killing the manager and another trainer. he had just been fired.
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police say the former trainer was let go for workplace violence the day before his deadly rampage in florida, targeting his victims before taking his own life. awful. and three correction officers caught in a violent three-hour riot inside a prison in nashville. two of the officers were removed immediately. the third was held hostage. hospital spokesperson says two are in critical condition. one is stable. we'll keep you posted. ainsley and bryce, over to you. ainsley: thank you, steve. pro law enforcement reuter heather macdonald was set to hold a lecture on war on cops. listen. [chanting] brian: yeah, nice free speech zone; right? police had to shut down the event before she could finish speaking.
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ainsley: heather macdonald is the new author of the war on attacks. here's a picture of her book, and she joins us here live. describe what happened. what did the protesters say to you or what could you hear them saying? >> well, i heard them chanting flex the police, kkk, the funniest thing ccc, racist ccc, this is a school that's preface is as open as possible, but i was kept away from the violence. brian: right so you were not allowed to speak at claremont mckenna, which had a large portion of conservative students and professors there, but they had been shut down. you wanted to talk about the new attack on law and order makes everyone else safe. if you're pro law enforcement, it's negative. and you also point out that how would they feel -- what are they protesting about the 7,000 african-americans that
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were killed from gang violence? cops are stopping that number from growing. >> well, i did speak in an empty room, and it was live streamed to the campus, but that's very different than having students interact with me live, and i want to assert -- this is not just my loss of free speech. they are -- these students are exercising brute force against their fellow students to prevent them from hearing me live. the hilarious thing is they call themselves antifascist. this is an exercise of brute totalitarian force. the message that i came to deliver that is so unacceptable to them, i'm called a white supremacist is to say that there are law-abiding residents in high crime inner city areas who support the police and beg for police protection. that is now viewed as completely unacceptable. and what's happening thanks to the black lives matter movement, cops are backing off
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proactive policing, leaving those law-abiding residents without any -- brian: protection. >> public order and crime is rising. 7,000 blacks as you say, brian, were murdered in 2015. among them a 9-year-old boy in chicago who was lured into an ally and assassinated in cold blood. the black lives matter protests, these claremont mckenna activists have said not a peep of protest against that mayhem. ainsley: wow. why do you think that's happening? why are the police backing off in these neighborhoods now? >> because when they get out of their cars to make a police stop, they are surrounded by hostile cheering crowds throwing things at them, sometimes cursing thanks to the false ideology that we're living through an epidemic of raciallily -- ainsley: how did we get here? how did this happen? >> well, the universities we need to pay much closer attention to. they are spewing out an ideology of racial victim hood and people are believing it. and it is a lot easier to talk
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about police racism. than black on black crime. brian: will you speak at another campus if invited? >> i certainly would, and i have something scheduled at the university of miami and ohio at the end of this month on policing again. we'll see what happens there. brian: no one from claremont mckenna -- one person has apologized. that's it. >> i got a personal e-mail but basically the president to his credit has promised to discipline the students who blocked entrances. we hope he follows through. basically we have a consumer those in college campuses that says you can't push these student darlings, so we'll see what happens. but there has to be consequences for such a profound violation of our american freedoms. brian: heather macdonald, thank you so much. the new attack on law and order makes everyone less safe. thank you. ainsley: speaking of silencing
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conservatives on campus, ann ann coulter has a way to fight back. wait until you hear what she's doing now. brian: and it's national sibling day. you met my brother an hour ago. up next ainsley's brother and sister and sister-in-law all here. to tell us things ainsley never wanted to make public. at old dominion, we see freight... a combination of products and customers. every on-time arrival is backed by thousands of od employees, ...who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. because od employees treat customer service... our most important delivery. od. helping the world keep promises.
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earhart here all on the couch. steve: good morning, earhart family. ainsley: fox said we're going to fly you up, and she said i'm going to stay until friday. she's a school teacher. trent has to go to work. just had twins, so tow has send two kids to college. brian: just pick a favorite and send that one. ainsley: true. brian: what was it lying for ainsley? and don't pull any punches, please. steve: you're the little brother who was probably spoiled rotten. brian: i -- >> it was great. we had a great relationship. we get along wonderfully, and i thought it was pretty easy. i was a baby, so i was the one who was getting spoiled, so it was very easy for me. ainsley: growing up, we fought a lot because we had to fight over the front seat, who gets the cereal. she was growing up, she's
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eight and a half years older than him, so -- steve: he never had a hand-me-down in his life. ainsley: never. so excited when the doctor said it was a boy, he finally got his son. >> and dad came home that day and brought us lollipops and said he got a boy, and told everybody. my dad was just so happy. ainsley: we had enough lollipops for the entire school. he went to samms and got big bags. >> and then when we got home, there were all of these signs and balloons saying it's a boy. girl was crossed out. [laughter] brian: they used the sign they already used twice. ainsley: they had their little girl who was perfect in every way and then mom's pregnant and dad's hoping for the boy, and they pull out another girl. dad's, like, great. thanks, ainsley. brian: and then you decided to go for a girl and bring
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another girl into the family. ainsley: which we love. we love her. >> i couldn't ask for a better sister-in-law. ainsley: we love having darcy in our family. brian: how long was the ramp up time before it went hi. nice to meet you. before you're one of us? >> i thought it immediately because they were the only ones that could put trent in his place. we met at a party for my mom. >> the frozen shrimp. ainsley: we love her so much. dad even told her, trent, if you mess up, we're taking her side. [laughter] steve: you've known ainsley her entire life. what is something about her we don't know? >> she's just a good person. a lovable, i mean, she's just one of my best friends. ainsley: thank you. we've been through a lot of ups and downs. >> we fell a lot growing up. ainsley: but our grandmother always said y'all are going to be best friends. you'll love each other. you're very different.
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our personalities are very different, so we can't really get along but now she loves my daughter. she's a school teacher, so she has a heart of gold. steve: do you require friends to watch fox and friends in the morning? >> oh, i wish. brian: how many times do your parents say put down the teleprompter and just go back to work? did she always want to be a news person or actor? >> well, i think originally you wanted to be some sort of physician, orthodontist and then decided she wanted to be in news and she's a natural, so i think it's fitting for her. ainsley: thank you. steve: that's great. well, it's great that you could join us on national sibling and sibling in-law day. >> thank you. we have a lot of fun. these are my people. ainsley: we have new headlines. this video is horrifying. showing a passenger ripped from his feet and literally dragged off an overbooked plane. steve: what? [screaming]
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ainsley: the disturbing incidents unfolding at chicago o'hare's airport to a flight to louisville. law enforcement was called on the flight to remove him. he supposedly told flight attendants that he couldn't give up a seat because hesitate a doctor. united only poodle for overbooking. and a video showing a officer body slamming a girl. but the cops say there's more to the story. we warn you the video is kind of hard to watch. police in fort collins, colorado say the 22-year-old shoulder check physically attacked an officer leading to her arrest. the department standing by the actions calling it a standard procedure for a suspect assaulting an officer. and set to face down -- face
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down angry liberals at uc berkeley. the same campus that was destroyed by the violent rioters to prevent conservative speaker from speaking. the young america's foundation, a republican group hosting ann coulter for a speech about illegal immigration this month. saying this is a crucial second test to see if berkeley really is the home of free speech movement. what do you think? she is brave to go there, isn't she? steve: no kidding. ainsley: absolutely. after that video? steve: so what's the weather going to be like on national sibling day? let's talk to adam. >> hey, guys, new york city absolutely gorgeous. it's feeling like spring out here. temperatures close to 57 degrees, an average seasonal high here in new york city, a daytime high would be 59 degrees, so we're already warming up close to that
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average, you're seeing the entire eastern part of the country experiencing the spring. we've got a couple of areas to pay attention to getting up around the chicago area and then getting down across portions of central texas. main tornadoes, probably some severe weather. that's going to be something that's taking place into the afternoon, really running more so into the evening hours. and then everyone east of that line of storms, you're just going to be looking at a spectacular day. these are the day's highs. areas getting up in the mid-70s, areas getting up closer to 80 agrees. so feeling very spring-like feeling, summer-like. but i also want to have us take a look at this winter weather video. this is coming to us from canada. this man jumps in this freezing river going after his dog. man's best friend. good news is there's a camera crew, canadian camera crew on-site. they're there to react to help out. it's dog's best friend but man's best friend.
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pretty impressive video there. steve: it could have gone so wrong but it's great that it went so right? >> i will jump into anything to save my dog, so i get it. brian: i would do anything for adam's dog as well. steve: what kind of dog is it? brian: adam's dog? ainsley: awaits the dog's name? brian: it's a brownish dog. hair she doesn't sheds a lot. brian: thanks a lot. with your permission, i'll end this segment. steve: she's going to be here all week. brian: progressive she has a complicated relationship with the truth. >> we're able to find the solution that actually removed the chemical weapons that were known in syria in the in a way that useful force would have investor accomplished. brian: exactly. what are those people choking on? we know that's now not true. so we're going to ask the secret service agent that protected obama dan bongino
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migraines steal moments from my life.
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so i use excedrin. it starts to relieve migraine pain in just 30 minutes. and it works on my symptoms, too. now moments lost to migraines are moments gained with excedrin. [heartbeat] ainsley: oh, my goodness. we want to address an early segment when one of our guests used a four-letter word that was not appropriate for television, especially morning television. we apologies for that language. we try to keep it appropriate here on fox and friends. brian: and she didn't curse. she was quoting something. ainsley: well, let's move on to some headlines. two former presidents enjoying an annual visit in houston. bill clinton adding to george h.w. bush's unique sock collection. giving two new pairs. one with green brown lab dogs on it and another with yellow
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bees. and she turns heads when with that presidential address at the grammys now singer joy vila just wrapped up a social experiment walking around new york city in president trump's gear. joining us earlier to talk about the reaction. >> people gave me dirty looks, they said what? what is she doing? but they were very, very low-key about it and the people who were for me were, like, i love your outfit. that's awesome. thank you for wearing that. ainsley: since the grammys, her album sales have skyrocketed. brian: this time the claim that the obama administration removed bashar al-assad's chemical weapons. >> we're able to find a solution that removed the chemical weapons that are known in syria in a way that use of force would have never accomplished. steve: well, that interview was done just a few months ago
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in january. we now know that wasn't the truth. was susan rice duped or did she lie? ainsley: let's ask the host of renegade republican dan. what's your opinion? >> well, let's make this a court case for block headed liberals who want to defend susan rice for benghazi and no matter what. we had benghazi, the bowe bergdahl incident where susan rice said he served with honor. we know that's not the case. he was a deserter. we had the spy case with trump who said i knew nothing about this but yet was the one that signed off on the unmasking. we now have the worst one of all because it led to actual death. the syrian chemical weapons where said they voluntarily
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and verifiably gave up their chemical weapons. i mean, this is really a disgrace. this is an impairment and should be a permanent stain on the obama administration. steve: well, the thing about it, dan, the fact she was crowing about it. hey, we got them to give it all up, even though they had not verified it and even though it was untrue, although i suppose there was a possibility they could have brewed up new gas in the last 78 days. >> right. bingo. you just nailed it. it wasn't that she just went out and kind of said, listen, let's keep this really low-key. they may or may not have given up the weapons. they made this out that it was a major obama foreign policy achievement that they accomplished something spectacular. another thing. susan rice has a history of being incredibly dishonest and doing things for political purposes. people forget the rwanda -- the incident rwanda. the genocide when she was on bill clinton's national security council and there
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were 8,000 -- 8,000 people being hacked to death a day and susan rice is on record multiple times saying we can't call this a genocide because it may impact the midterm election. you can look that up. even samantha power wrote a piece about it in the atlantic. brian: and i don't think this is coming to an end now because they're just looking into the unmasking and how pervasive it may have been. so we're going to be hearing more about her shortly. >> you will. she was an obama insider too, folks. let's be sure. we know this. she was not some outsider. she was an integral figure in the obama administration. i find it hard to believe that barack obama didn't know what was going on with the litany of lies that emanated from susan rice's mouth. steve: well,est host of the renegade republican. dan bongino joining us from palm beach. >> thanks, guys. steve: meanwhile democrats working as hard as they can to keep refugees from coming to this country.
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but do they ever stop to ask refugees what they want? superman actor dean cane did. he just got back from armenia. he joins us live from hollywood next. ainsley: we're going to check in with bill who's upstairs to tell us what's happening on his show. >> yeah, your siblings needed hazard pay. nothing but sympathy for both of you. good morning. another brutal attack against christians. what will be the response this time? syria's been put on notice so then what next? also, in one decision has america announced to the world that it is back? we'll debate that today in a moment. this is a warship steaming toward the peninsula. we will get to all of them at the top of the hour in about ten minutes on this monday morng the things they love to do most on these balloons. travel with my daughter. roller derby. ♪ now give up half of 'em. do i have to?
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>> done to help those under attack in their own country. steve: after dean just returned from a documentary in armenia where he heard from many syrian refugees, he joins us right now from. good morning to you, dean. ainsley: hi, dean. >> good morning, guys. steve: so you're in armenia, you're talking to these syrian refugees, so you know exactly what they want. what is it? >> yeah. what surprised me the most, and i didn't expect it right away was every single
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guy we spoke to, guy or gal, they just wanted toking back home. these were people from aleppo and 100 years ago their grandparents had been marched to aleppo during the armenia genocide, and they settled there. these people born in syria, they're syrian armenians, and they just want to go home. they're not worried about coming here to the united states. they want to be back in their own country where they were born, where they were raised, and where they want to live. brian: do you think the president a plan going forward, talks about safe zones and how to protect them. do you expect that on any successful plan over the next few weeks? >> i would think that would have to be the way to go, and that makes perfect sense. if i were, you know, in the state of california not under imminent attack, i would want to be able to protect my homeland and be in my homeland, be where i was born and raised. and talking to these people eye to eye, that's literally all they want.
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so i think it's very important, and i've been sort of calling for that the entire time. give them safe zones there within syria and then protect them there rather than bring them over here. they don't want to be here. they want to be there. ainsley: i mean, i remember talking to you about your trip, and you said you didn't even go into aleppo, that it's too dangerous to actually go in there. how do you put safe zones in there realistically? >> well, it's the words that everyone hates to hear. it's boots on the ground. but it's not just hours. you can easily get together with the united nations and put a large coalition of forces in there, and they could easily do that. they could create a situation where that could be done. as it is now, they're just getting bombed indiscriminately. steve: you just returned from the region, so you have a unique perspective. dean, thank you very much for joining us live today. ainsley: thank you, dean. >> that guy was amazing when he spoke. that refugee was amazing. so i applaud him, and i wish him well. brian: and we you. thanks. back in a moment
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>> we'll close out national siblings day. >> where are your siblings? >> they had to work. will you have yourself until after the show. >> we'll stick around. why don't you get out of here. >> thank you. >> bill: fox news alert on monday morning putting pressure on putin. rex tillerson on his way to moscow. the u.s. ready to push russia on its support of syrian president assad as moscow responds with a threet to the united states. russia, syria, north korea all foreign policy hot spots getting hotter by the minute. we're off and running already. >> shannon: have you recovered from the masters yes? i'm shannon bream. more on that. a first iran, russia and terror network hezbollah issuing a


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