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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 11, 2017 6:00am-8:01am PDT

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if it shows the syrian were behind it? >> more pressure on assad. great to be with you today, guys. >> see you all tomorrow morning. >> bill: they're turning the heat up on russia. secretary of state rex tillerson arriving in moscow delivering an ultimate to vladimir putin. you're either with us or with assad. big issues on the plate today. shannon, good morning to you. >> shannon: syria dominating today's g7 summit in italy. secretary tillerson pushing for possible new sanctions against the kremlin and saying putin and russia are standing on the wrong side of history. >> russia has really aligned itself with the assad regime, the iranians and hezbollah. is that a long-term alliance that serves russia's interest?
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or would russia prefer to realign with the united states, with other western countries, and middle east countries who are seeking to resolve the syrian crisis? >> bill: kevin corke leading coverage from the white house with the latest from the north lawn. >> good morning to you. a very high stakes game we're talking about here from the russian perspective you are a major stakeholder in syria. you want to have something moving forward even if it isn't the assad regime. the rest of the world is simply saying what are you doing backing a killer of his own people? and that's essentially the message that we expect secretary of state rex tillerson to take directly to the kremlin as he meets with his russia counterpart. house officials have been consistent in saying this. russia needs to get on board with the rest of the world or be left behind. >> when you see the very decisive, resolute actions of
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president trump late last week after he said exactly what he said he would do on the campaign trail, with which is consult with his generals and his national security team, weigh the facts and the evidence, and take action. and he did that. >> we need to make sure that russia fully understands the actions that assad took, the commitments that syria has made, and russia has equally agreed to those same understanding, so getting them back on the same page first and foremost would seem the logical step. >> logical step indeed. speaking of the next logical step, you want more information. u.s. personal envoy for syria will be talking at the white house today trying to advance not just the information flow, but also the pathway forward. we'll be interested to hear what he has to say about that. the president is taking the twitter focusing on another international hot spot north korea. that was a major topic of discussion in his conversation
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with china's president. the president going to twitter to criticize the despot there saying i explained to the president. the train deal with the united states will be better for them if they solve the north korea problem. north korea looking for trouble if china decides to help that would be great. if not, we'll solve the problem without them, usa. that from the president of the united states. hot day indeed on the international front at the white house. we'll keep on eye on it for you. >> bill: kevin, thanks. he is at the white house. >> shannon: before leaving for russia secretary of state tillerson was at the g7 summit in italy. the foreign minister said they couldn't agree whether russia deserves new sanctions for support of syria's government. we're live in italy with details. >> it was britain's foreign
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secretary boris johnson who was pushing for those sanctions. many of the europeans were less enthusiastic about that. i think their sense is possibly these tools are not always the most effective. there was a lot of talk here, although the message will be very, very direct to president putin. there was talk of switching from a punitive tone to one of actually pushing to bring russia into the fold trying to show russia that, in fact, we understand that it can be a very critical player in trying to bring about a solution ultimately to syria. also that russia is doing itself great damage by aligning itself with a dictator, someone who uses chemical weapons on his own people. and someone who frankly is not holding up its end of enforcing the chemical weapons deal. >> stockpiles and continued use demonstrate that russia has failed in its responsibility to deliver on this 2013 commitment. it is unclear whether russia failed to take this obligation
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seriously, or russia has been incompetent. but this distinction doesn't much matter to the dead. >> one thing that the g7 foreign ministers were really in lock step about here was the fact that horrific chemical weapon attack in syria last week followed by the u.s. decision to launch missile strikes several days later has really created a window of opportunity to ratchet up the pressure on russian president vladimir putin and try to come up with some sort of solution to the situation in syria. and for that reason, the italian foreign minister, the host, scrambled in the 11th hour to bring a group of like-minded, as they're being called, countries from the middle east, arab countries and turkey to try to really make the consensus much greater on what to do about syria. but it is important to point out that an overall strategy
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remains somewhat elusive here but the europeans generally speaking, although they want a hard line on russia, they want not to back russia into a corner in order to mitigate any chances of having a working relationship down the line, shannon. >> shannon: amy kellogg live from italy. >> bill: whatever happens now dr. charles krauthammer argues it's a new day for the united states and the world. >> it's succeeded in doing one thing, sending a message to the whole world that we're not going to be walked over. we are going to respond. and when we do it will be decisive and it will be quick. the days of hand wringing and assuming the u.s. will do nothing no matter how much it's provoked in the middle east are over. >> bill: how does that change things now? chief washington examiner political correspondent and fox news contributor. how does this change the calculus as you see it knowing the speed by which this
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commander-in-chief responded? >> the speed with which trump responded to the syrian chemical attack is almost as important as the response itself. if you remember during the obama administration there were a lot of critics who said that administration was operated on paralysis by analysis. the world had a picture of the united states president who was very cerebral and thought things over and sometimes thought things over so long he didn't ever do anything. clearly trump seems to be almost the opposite. now the question is, what actual effect does this u.s. missile attack have? does it change the behavior of assad or the russians? do they do something differently as a result of it? if they don't keep up the old tricks, then the president seems to have boxed himself in to taking some sort of action in the future. >> bill: interesting analysis. tillerson said earlier today. i want to quote him. it is clear to all of us the
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reign of the assad family is coming to an end. newt gingrich argued this last night about what's happening. >> he has very strong person amounts around him and he gets on the phone. when he does something in syria he is talking to the saudi king next and met with the egyptian president and met with the king of jordan. he is getting information from more sources than any president i can remember and he does it very actively and very aggressively. and he learns very, very fast. >> bill: how does the public reflect on that? polls suggest what? do they support him on this or not, byron? >> what speaker gingrich said it's important but also important for a president to prepare the public for some action he is going the take especially in the area of going to war. i mean, this is a very, very big deal. look we just had a recent
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"washington post" poll asked public approval of the syria air strike. it was 51% approve, 40 disapproved. 51% is a very bare majority, a low number supporting a president in an act of war and the post asked would you support another air strike on syria? it was 35% support that. so the president took this rather momentous action without preparing the way and talking to americans and telling the public why he believes it's essential. >> bill: speed works with you and can work against you. last point on that. i can't remember the last time we had a significant story about bombing a country and the pentagon didn't have a briefing. no video evidence, no cockpit evidence, none of that happened. >> very good point. we saw the video of the missiles taking off from american warships but you're right. again, that's another part of the communications effort to sort of enlist the american
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people in the president's action to build support for this because there is no mothe does is this. the speed that he acted meant it was impossible to prepare the united states for it. if he does more, he will need to prepare the voters. one last point, remember, this is not what trump campaigned on. he campaigned on keeping the united states out of the mess in the middle east. >> bill: we can all agree assad is bad but you have to communicate the message. >> there you go. >> bill: now to washington >> shannon: breaking news coming in. russia says now the syrian government is willing to let experts examine its military base for chemical weapons. this comes on heels of the news that moscow will appeal to the united nations to investigate the chemical weapons attack and saying there were planned provocations. his words are being translated with regard to the attack to make it look like it was the
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syrian government. he has asked the u.n. to inspect. he says also the syrian government is willing to let folks come in and check out the base to see exactly what was going on there. >> bill: we'll get it done. it was on good faith and trust that it would be managed and it was not. >> shannon: they had a 2013 deal wrapped it up. something was left behind. >> bill: if you want to prevent assad from doing it again, account for it now. president trump saying north korea is looking for trouble. the u.s. will not back down but it is warning north korea's warning of catastrophic consequences. we're live in south korea with the latest on the tensions happening there today plus there is this this morning. >> this is the kind of story that ought to be dominating cable news in america. it should be dominating the headlines around the world. the narrative to me is very straight forward, isis have declared war on christianity. >> shannon: the church attacks in egypt raising new concerns about a strategy shift by isis
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targeting christians to counter losing ground in the middle east. homeland security committee chairman michael mccaul will join us next. >> bill: american community mourning as we get new details about a deadly shooting inside a california elementary school. >> she said she was scared but after she saw the guy with the gun she went under the table and she kept telling me any teacher and friend got shot. amanda's mom's appointment just got rescheduled - for today. amanda needs right at home. our customized care plans provide as much - or as little help - as her mom requires. whether it's a ride to the doctor or help around the house. oh, of course! tom, i am really sorry. i've gotta go. look, call right at home. get the right care. right at home.
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>> shannon: fox news alert. tragedy striking again in san bernardino, california. three people including and 8-year-old boy shot and killed in an elementary school in what police think is a murder/suicide. the victim was a teacher at the school. the suspect on the right her estranged husband. >> he entered the classroom and what we understand without saying anything armed with a large caliber resolver opened fire on his wife. she was killed in that exchange. there are two students in the classroom that were behind the teacher that were struck by gunfire. >> shannon: two students were shot, one died at the hospital. the other in stable condition. back in december 2015 a married couple shot and killed 14 people in a terror attack in san bernardino. >> to convey his deepest
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condolences to egypt and the families who lost loved ones in the attack that occurred there. dozens of innocent people were killed and many more injured on this holy palm sunday. the united states condemns in the strongest terms these barbaric attacks on christians' places of worship. >> bill: isis claimed responsibility for the palm sunday bombings that killed dozens at two churches in northern egypt. congressman mike mccaul chairs the house homeland security committee. good morning to you, sir. it is a disturbing story. "new york times" captures it this way. bomgts that killed 45 people in two cities. cabinet declared a state of emergency was in effect. newspaper was pulled off news stands after it criticized the government. the reaction the islamic state wanted. they're trying to divide these people and they're doing christians to do it. >> i think a lot had to do with the recent visit with the president of egypt with the
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president. they target christians in the west. the bombing at a church in alexandria, egypt. you don't want to see it happen in the united states. we're concerned about this new threat. >> bill: the story suggests there is so much pressure on isis elsewhere that they're now shifting their tactics. do you believe that? >> yeah, i think isis has a new sort of era of terror when you look at their spokesman who was taken out by a drone strike. he talked about not coming to iraq and syria to the caliphate but rather killing the non-believer in their backyard. that's what the new york bomber did. the driving of cars over people like we saw in london and nice, and they are projecting a message to attack by any means necessary to kill at home in
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your backyard. from a homeland security standpoint that's what we're most concerned about. >> bill: you mentioned here at home. you have a new report about home grown terror. what does that tell you based on the conclusion in that report? what's it say? >> well, this is far if over. that they're plotting to hit the west both aviation sector. we have a new threat in that arena. but also from the sort of home grown terrorism over the internet to kill where you are by any means. whether it's a vehicle, knife, gun. and this is a very hard thing to stop, bill, when you have someone radicalizing over the internet like what we saw in sweden, in london, suicide bombers are always a concern. imagine what happened in egypt happening in the united states, suicide bomber showing up to a church on easter sunday. this happened on palm sunday. a direct message to the united
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states. i think again it was a response to the president's meeting with the president of egypt. we don't want to see that happen. we stopped a lot of bad things. it's hard to stop all of them. >> bill: i'm reading from this report. 240 home grown jihadi cases since 9/11. >> it shows you this is accelerating. the ideology is penetrating over the internet. it is affecting a lot of disaffected youth in my opinion. and, you know, we work with the f.b.i. and homeland security to stop these things in the united states. we have 1,000 investigations in all 50 states. we've arrested 150 of these guys. but you don't know where it will pop up next. and that always -- people ask what keeps me up at night. that's what keeps me up. >> bill: you mentioned it and
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i'm reading expected growing threats to u.s. airport from isis and al qaeda. they're still in the cross hairs here at home. thank you for your time. mike mccaul taking on topics overseas and here at home. thank you. >> shannon: the u.s. and north korea in a high-stakes showdown. who will blink first? we're live in south korea, plus this. >> bill: so this little story here is turning into a p.r. nightmare for united airlines. they are sticking by their decision to pull this paying passenger off a flight against his will as you can see. what the head of that company is saying about all this today. did you know slow internet
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>> bill: alabama's governor howard bentley resigned only hours after congress opened impeachment proceedings. he apologizing at an evening news conference just last night. >> i have committed myself to working to improve the lives of the people of our state. there have been times that i have let you and our people down. and i'm sorry for that. >> bill: immediately after that statement he turned himself into montgomery county police pleading guilty to two counts of miss misdemeanor charges. >> bill: president trump has north korea is looking for trouble. he is vowing to solve the problem with or without china's help. as north korea warns the u.s. sending any more naval forces near it's shores could mean war.
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the u.s. rerouted a naval strike group to the sea of japan. north korea not happy issuing the statement, we'll take the toughest counter action against the proper vac tours by defending ourselves by powerful force of arms. we're live in south korea. hello, greg. >> you're right. more tough talk coming from north korea and another show of force here in the south. 4,000 u.s. and south korean troops for a mock landing of a lot of cargo. we've been told by military official efs it's crucial in any kind of defensive activity concerning north korea. these exercises drive pyongyang up the wall. they call them a rehearsal for war. and yes, today the regime
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blasted that deployment of the uss carl vincent to the region. state television official saying it is reckless and outrageous. noting north korea is ready for war. certainly getting ready for something. pyongyang held its rubber stamp parliament today. saturday the anniversary of the birthday of the founder of the country. we're expecting at least a mammoth and interesting military parade. experts say there could be more. the regime uses this date to launch one of its banned missiles. there has been activity in the last couple of weeks around the site where it has in the past detonated a nuclear device. another could be in the offing. in fact, today here in seoul, the president warned the country needs to be on a heightened security alert in case kim jung undecides to try something. in the last couple of days
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officials have been trying to tamp down the idea that the united states and its allies might try to stage a preemptive first strike against north korea. certainly an all-out war on the peninsula unimaginable for many. back to you. >> shannon: he is live from seoul. >> bill: we're waiting the arrival of rex tillerson in moscow. departing for russia he clarified america's intentions in the region, specifically syria. >> to be clear our military action was a direct response to the assad regime's barberism. our main focus is the defeat of isis. >> bill: he takes another message into moscow. when that arrival happens we'll show it to you. >> shannon: meantime the u.s. military action in syria getting bipartisan support from congress and now even from some former members of the obama administration. more on that just ahead.
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>> bill: another fox news alert now. top story of the morning. secretary of state rex tillerson arriving in russia 30 minutes from now. however, tillerson flies to moscow from the g7 summit in italy where he and world leaders talked about russia's support for syria's assad regime and that recent chemical attack on its own people. >> it's clear to all of us that the reign of the assad family is coming to an end. but the question of how that ends and the transition itself could be very important. we see no further role for the assad regime longer term given that they have effectively given up their legitimacy with these type of attacks. >> bill: part of your message now. benjamin hall near the syrian border in turkey. benjamin, hello. >> hi, bill. you're right. this is on the border. if you want an idea what is happening in syria you come to
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towns like this. they are packed full of people crossing back and forth to syria. people involved in that conflict. not exactly what turkey are trying to stop. the 900 kilometer border between turkey and syria was once a porous lifeline for the groups fighting inside. since isis has grown stronger turkey has done everything it can to shut the border down. now they're building a wall that will run the length of the border in ayinde tempt to contain the conflict. there are too many armed groups and kidnapping and bombs to go into syria. in turkey by all this barbed ware stories paint a picture of a country in chaos. we spoke to a command in a u.s.-backed free syrian army brigade. he told us in syria they're fighting on all sides. >> isis was created by assad
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after he used excessive force and now we're fighting many terrorists. iran, a terrorist country, hezbollah and isis, too. >> he wanted to say under the obama administration they felt ignored. there is renewed optimism now that trump has shown engagement in the region. >> bill: how are they viewing the recent u.s. involved, benjamin? >> look, initially great optimism and great hope and gratitude towards the u.s. and trump for that strike. there is a growing sense that maybe it won't go any further. maybe isn't enough. assad will just continue hitting them harder. in fact, just today the syrian air force was dropping barrel bombs on a province. they're packed full of nails, shrapnel and explosives that kill women and children. yesterday the u.s. said the use of the barrel bombs would result in more strikes meaning assad still playing a very dangerous game here. >> bill: along the border there benjamin hall reporting there
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live. >> shannon: this is a live look in moscow where we expect the secretary of state to arrive at any moment. as we do we're hearing about support for u.s. action in syria from one-time obama administration officials. former state department policy planner anne marie slaughter saying he has done the right thing with syria. even former secretary of state john kerry supportive of the strike. talk about it with lis smith a deputy campaign manager for martin o'malley and rich lowry, a fox news contributor. no secret there was a split within the administration about what to do with with syria. >> yes. at the time there was a very vigorous debate. what you're seeing now with the obama administration officials being supportive of donald trump's actions against syria it's a complicated situation.
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the obama administration and trump administration now are faced with no good options and no perfect options. at the time president obama did seek congressional approval for military action against syria and was unsuccessful. he went forward with the diplomatic option to try to get rid of chemical weapons and as we know now it was not successful. >> shannon: i want to play something. what john kerry said in january talking about that red line, the perception and the weapons as well. >> i will acknowledge to you absolutely, i heard it all over the place, the perception hurt, yes. the perception hurt but the perception came about despite the fact that we actually got a far better result of getting all of the weapons of mass destruction out of syria without dropping a bomb.
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>> shannon: a couple of things to unpack there. first of all we know that all weapons of mass destruction were not eradicated from the country but he privately apparently reportedly said he was one of those who was actually for use of force in trying to bring about some change or to stop these attacks in syria. >> he gave a speech before president obama backed off the red line that was basically a declaration of war and everyone expected the bombing to start within days and obama changed his mind. usually obama officials are more careful than kerry was in the statement and use all known chemical weapons, which was a misleading way to suggest what kerry said explicitly. the chemical weapons problem had been taken care of when there were indications from the beginning it hadn't been. the red line was the fiasco from beginning to end. this was a bad week for president obama's legacy. it showed doing a strike like this may not take care of every problem in syria but it seems to have been relatively cost-free and exposed the
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chemical weapons deal as a total sham. >> shannon: want to remind folks you are looking live at moscow where rex tillerson has arrived there. a lot on his plate. he won't meet with vladimir putin but supposed to meet with his counterparts there. the foreign minister and others to discuss on going world events. back to the syria issue. ben rhodes not a fan of what happened with the strikes. he is somebody within the administration saying i don't think it was a good idea. there are critics within the former administration, no surprise. >> yes, you saw that at the time with the debate in the obama administration and there clearly was a split. you have to remember, when barack obama was elected in 2008, he was elected by a very war-we're american public and people sick and tired of the u.s. getting bogged down in the nightmares in the middle east. that was sort of what was guiding his philosophy in the middle east and he was somebody
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who opposed the iraq war and things like that. there will be critics there. with donald trump, you know, i know he has been praised for being decisive on this. what we need to see is there a longer-term strategy? we're just one week out. what i'm concerned about are all the different messages that we're hearing from the trump administration about whether the priority will be regime change, how we will respond to future attacks and those are the big open questions for trump that his administration will need to answer soon. >> shannon: it seems as you watch the secretary of state's plane there taxiing in moscow as he arrives. it seems the messaging has been tightened up now seems in line with what we heard from ambassador haley that isis is the priority. assad is not part of the solution post civil war. >> this is a big, complicated mess. it has only gotten more complicated since the red line fiasco. a huge piece of it is can you
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create a moderate sunni opposition on the ground? isis -- assad and russia have been bombing the heck out of the moderate opposition. assad's brutality has created a radicalizing dynamic. al qaeda and isis have a huge stronghold there. you need to beat them back and create a better proxy force on the ground. easier said than done. >> shannon: good to see you both. thank you. >> bill: one of the big messages in italy before he flew to moscow was our own national u.s. interests and what tillerson talked about was the danger of chemical weapons if left unguarded in syria, which has been the case after the agreement the obama administration reached 3 and a half and a half years ago. what's the possibility they fall into the hands of isis or al qaeda? we're watching that now.
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president trump's foreign policy focus raising concerns from some on the right. >> i do have my concerns about this administration getting mired again in another conflict in the middle east. there is a lot of supporters who are also a little concerned about that to say the least. >> bill: if that's the case what does the action in syria mean for president trump's america first message? we'll examine that. >> shannon: what about the rest of his agenda. the white house said it's game on for the tax reform plan. we'll talk about that and the rest of the gop agenda with sean duffy next. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee.
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>> shannon: the arrival of u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson in moscow. he will meet with russia leaders. probably the northern minister, love lavrov. they've have many discussions by allegiances, syria, iran, hezbollah and where russia wants to be on this as tillerson has said it's up to them. they can be part of the solution in syria or we can have a combative relationship. >> bill: a traveling press corps. that posture looks like it has changed. this is what tillerson said in italy before departing for moscow, quote, it is clear russia has failed to uphold the agreements that had been
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entered into under multiple u.n. security council resolutions. that would include locating, securing and destroying all such armaments including chemical weapons in syria. the issue. we need to account for the chemical weapons. that was something we outsoursed to moscow two or three years ago. clear now that tillerson and president donald trump cannot trust putin and the russians in syria. >> shannon: yeah. clearly there was a 2013 assurance, that agreement that russia was essentially the guarantor for the fact that all known weapons, chemical weapons had been taken, destroyed or discarded. and we talked just a minute ago how the former administration struggled whether or not the use force and to rely on those agreements and feel they were assured there were good enough. clearly they were not. there were chemical weapons still accessible to someone, to some entities in that country. so, you have know, the blame
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has been put squarely on russia for not acting to enforce that 2013 agreement so this did not occur again. >> bill: the other thing he offered in italy was it's clear to all of us that the reign of the assad family is coming to an end. how they interpret that and how that is read by russia and by the syrians and by our partners in the region is something that we await. rex tillerson on the ground in moscow. these will be conversations that the world is watching. sergei lavrov is his counterpart. it is not clear whether or not tillerson will have a meeting with vladimir putin. there was a report yesterday morning that they would have something off to the side. that has not been confirmed. if indeed they have a conversation, that is something that will be let's say topic a for the issue confronting this world now. >> shannon: just yesterday we
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saw the statement that was released by this coalition including russia, iran, hezbollah and many other groups saying essentially that the u.s. got this wrong saying the aggression against syria oversteps all red lines. we'll react firmly to any aggression against syria and to any infringement of red lines whoever carries them out. the u.s. knows our ability to react. >> bill: at one moment he called russia incompetent. we'll see whether or not the message continues to be received in moscow now. we will watch more on this trip out of russia. more when we continue. >> a report out there the president has basically gone back to the drawing board as it relates to taxes. is that accurate? >> that still would be a great opportunity before they leave for august recess but we will make sure we do this right and do it with the input of all of the individuals, groups, members of congress that have had a long-time interest in doing this.
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>> bill: the white house says it's full speed ahead on the tax reform plan but it may take time for wide support for house republicans. sean duffy back home in his district in wisconsin. thank you for coming back here. you saw the breaking news out of russia. this segment will be squeezed a little bit. what is the priority on tax reform? are there negotiations happening or not? >> well, the priority is to lower rates and kick start the economy and bring back more american jobs. two things that can happen in tax reform. the president and republicans can try to work with democrats and the senate like chuck schumer and elizabeth warren. we know it will be tough. they want to raise rates. the other option is that we use this process called budget reconciliation and it gets to be complicated. in budget reconciliation for taxes if you move a tax dial down, you have to move another
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tax dial up. you have to be equal on taxes. so it's important is if we get obamacare repeal done first we get rid of a trillion dollars in taxes and do tax reform and we can lower taxes about a trillion dollars and cut out democrats in the senate who want to raise rates. it is still looking good. >> bill: on the calendar a lot of people are pushing for august. that seems to be ambitious. if you are at this point next spring without tax reform, is that a problem for the republican majority in congress? >> if you don't have obamacare repealed and replaced and don't have tax reform it is a problem. i'm hopeful as we come back to congress in a week and a half we have a good shot at still getting obamacare repealed and replaced done and roll into tax reform. we can get it done before the august break but this is important because we know that american businesses are leaving our country to go to other
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places with better tax codes and we're losing american jobs. so as part of the america first strategy, donald trump needs to get those businesses to come back to am and rehire america workers. part of it is getting it done right. we'll see if healthcare comes back >> bill: after the break it appears -- >> it is getting better. >> bill: the writing will be on the wall when it's public. thank you for your time. enjoy the time back home with your constituents in wisconsin. 10 minutes before the hour. >> shannon: the viral video has everyone talking. >> oh my god, look what you are doing to him. oh my god. >> shannon: authorities very roughly pulling a passenger off a united airlines flight sunday night. lots of outrage. the fallout now next. >> oh my god. what are you doing?
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>> shannon: united airlines taking lots of heat over a viral video of a passenger being forcefully removed from a flight sunday night leaving him bloodied and dazed. it randomly selected four passengers to get up their seats so employees could make the flight from chicago to louisville. the passenger dragged off after refusing to give up his seat. ceo apologizing for reaccommodating. fox news headlines 24-7. give us more detail on what happened. >> united employees asked four passengers to give up their seats an on overbooked flight.
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when nobody volunteered they used a computer generated system based off things like ticket price and when the ticket was booked. one passenger refused to get up. he is a doctor he said and had to go to the hospital the next day to visit patients. that's when he was physically removed from the flight like you are seeing right now. dragged off that flight. his face was left bloodied. he was dazed. one person said he was knocked unconscious. speaking of the witnesses they were all outraged. one of them was on tucker carlson's show last night and talked about the fallout. take a listen. >> shannon: we don't have it but i can imagine the outrage because the people who were viewing this you could hear them horrified and people holding phones saying what are you doing? people didn't think it was an appropriate response. >> that's right. what the one passenger said when employees reboarded the flight, the passengers themselves says you should be ashamed of yourself for working at an airline like this.
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today shannon people are saying the ceo's response was almost just as bad as the incident itself. >> bill: he said i apologize for having to reaccommodate their customer our team is working with the authorities and conduct a detailed review of what happened and reaching out to this passenger to talk to him and address and resolve the situation. i imagine they will be talking directly to this guy. wouldn't be surprise fed there is legal action. we'll see. what i found fascinating this ceo a month ago was named communicator of the year by p.r. week demonstrated outstanding communication skills under pressure. >> he might have to give up that trophy. a lot of people saying they're cutting up united credit cards because they don't want to feel unsafe. >> bill: good to see you. perfectly normal to me. drag you around like that. off you go. all right, rex tillerson arriving in moscow moments ago. does he have an ultimate um
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>> shannon: secretary of state rex tillerson handing in moscow moments ago. america's top diplomat facing tough talks hours after issuing an ultimatum to russia on syria. a brnd new hour of "america's newsroom." >> bill: good morning. i'm bill hemmer. tillerson giving the kremlin a choice. side with the u.s. and allies or the regime of syrian dictator assad urging russia to abandon support for assad calling him an unreliable partner, to say the least. >> we want to create a future for syria that's stable and secure. and so russia can be a part of
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that future. play an important role. or russia can maintain its alliance with this group, which we believe is not going to serve russia's interest longer term. but only russia can answer that question. >> bill: the story at this hour is in russia and for that we go to moscow and rich edson for more. rich. >> good morning, bill. as the secretary of state arrives in moscow he is welcomed by days of escalating rhetoric between the united states and russia. he arrives from the g7 meeting with allies in italy. before getting on the plane to come to moscow he made his most aggressive pronouncement yet on the future of syrian president bashar al-assad. >> i think it's clear to all of us the reign of the assad family is coming to an end. but the question of how that ends and the transition itself could be very important in our view to the durability, the
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stability inside of a unified syria, and its stability and durability of the outcome going forward. >> secretary tillerson says there should be an international process to help determine the political future of syria to give that control back to the syrian people. he says he plans to speak with the russian government about that. russian president vladimir putin speaking about an hour ago here in moscow. he says he wants to appeal to the united nations the determination that bashar al-assad used chemical weapons last week in syria. it was that attack that prompted the u.s. missile attack. putin saying that quote, there are provocations that would put the blame on the syrian government. in other words, he is saying someone framed bashar al-assad for that chemical attack. the russian government has denied that assad was responsible for it. the trump administration says there is no doubt that assad is responsible for it. also this morning the russian foreign ministry added russian counter measures are possible
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unless the united states tries to resolve problems between the u.s. and russia and that moscow is concerned about unilateral attack at the u.s. would launch against north korea or aggression it would take against north korea. this as the secretary of state plans to meet with sergei lavrov tomorrow. the kremlin says there is no meeting on the schedule with president vladimir putin and secretary rex tillerson. welcome to moscow, mr. secretary. >> shannon: north korea threatening a nuclear strike against the u.s. as the carl vincent heads toward the korean peninsula. they say they'll target american bases and the american main land at the first sign of an attack. president trump tweeted said north korea is looking for trouble. if china decides to help that would be great. if not we'll solve the problem
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without them, usa. john bolton is a fox news contributor, great to have you today mr. ambassador. you've been aware of this threat from north korea for a long time. how is this different? >> it's different in part because after eight years of watching north korea continue to develop its nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities we're close to the point where they will be able to deliver one of those nuclear warheads to the united states. so i think the time pressure here has accelerated. and i think the risks involved, given what we've just seen in syria, are now a little bit clearer to the chinese than they were before. now we've got the north threatening all kinds of dire consequences because of the u.s. decision to turn a carrier close to south korea. typical for north korea. they have a lexicon of threatening phrases they roll out from time to time.
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honestly just given the capabilities which our commander in south korea has assessed the south koreans as well. we're close to the point where very hard decisions have to be made. >> shannon: this is from north korea's official newspaper. our revolutionary strong army is watching every move by enemy elements with our nuclear site focused on the u.s. invasion but also the u.s. mainland. a lot of people have said kim jung unis not fully sane. you are dealing with a mad man. is it possible to negotiate around that? is it even possible? >> they explain kim jung un is rational but not in american
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terms. kim jung unhad his brother killed. there is no point in negotiating with the north koreans. four occasions in the 25 years they have committed publicly to give up their nuclear weapons program in exchange for benefits that were promised to them. in every case they have violated their commitment typically before the ink was dry on it. they aren't going to voluntarily give up the nuclear weapons program or ballistic missile program. i think there is only one alternative here and that's to put enough pressure on them to have the regime collapse. the way to end the north korean nuclear weapons program is to end north korea through reunification of the peninsula. that's something we should be talking to the chinese about. it will be hard for the chinese to accept but they're the ones who said for many years they don't want a nuclear north korea. here is the way to achieve it. >> shannon: a couple of days
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ago secretary of state tillerson sait if you fail to live up to commitments and become a threat to others a response could be taken. that along with the strikes in syria. was it a message for north korea as well? >> i think the strike was the message given while they were having coffee and dessert with xi jinping, a good time to deliver it. the fact is whether it's syria, iran, north korea or russia or china. for far too many years and republican and democratic administrations alike the united states has said this program in weapons of mass destruction, nuclear, chemical, biological whatever has got to stop. it doesn't stop and we don't do anything. so i think in north korea and possibly in beijing and elsewhere they think talk is cheap. >> shannon: we'll all find out very soon. ambassador, good to see you, thanks. >> bill: there is new information this morning after
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a deadly shooting at an elementary school that happened in san bernardino, california. one student this morning remains in critical condition. officials say cedric anderson opened fire killing his estranged wife in a classroom. and a student. this woman's daughter was there to see it in the classroom. >> it still has blood in it and it is just -- it is -- they kept telling us everything is okay, the kids are okay. she said she was scared. she saw the guy with the gun and she just went under the table but she said my teacher and my friend got shot. >> bill: san bernardino, california, jonathan, what do we know about the motive here? >> according to the cops, it seems to have stemmed from some sort of domestic dispute.
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53-year-old cedric anderson turned up at the elementary school behind me here just around 10:30 yesterday morning local time saying he was dropping something off for his wife, karen smith, 53 years old, also a teacher here. now from what we've been able to glean from cedric anderson's facebook page the pair were only married january 28th this year and then on february 27th cedric anderson was posting videos on that facebook page saying just how wonderful his wife was. listen here. >> i love my wife. she has made me really happy. she knows when to ignore me. it makes a happy marriage. >> on march 11th he described his wife on that same facebook page as an angel but in the
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intervening weeks something went wrong. karen smith's mother says her daughter left cedric anderson and whatever happened then appears to have led to this terrible tragedy at this elementary school. >> bill: can't imagine the trauma for the children involved inside that classroom. >> 15 kids were in that class. it was a special needs class. they were from first to fourth grade and terrible to think about what they witnessed. the superintendent of the school had advice for parents picking up their children, listen here. >> parents, i have a message for you. i would like you to please work with your young child to keep things as normal as possible. be willing to listen to their story and be willing to listen to their story multiple times. reassure them the danger they faced is passed. >> those 15 special needs
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children obviously witnessed their teacher shot. they saw an 8-year-old friend, jonathan martinez also shot to death and another as yet unidentified 9-year-old also shot, bill. that young boy is stable in the hospital, we understand, right now. the school by the way will be closed for the next two days. the mental scars all of those children have gone through will last a lot longer than that. >> bill: good to have you there. jonathan hunt there live in san bernardino, california today. >> shannon: attorney general jeff sessions is heading to arizona to tour the border and meet with law enforcement and members of the military. what we're now learning about the future of the wall. plus this. >> if you gas a baby, if you put a barrel bomb in to innocent people i think you can -- you will see a response from this president. >> the trump administration sending a strong message with the air strike on syria. will the u.s. strike again? >> shannon: and is this what
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trump voters signed up for? how trump is doing on his campaign promises on day 82 of the first 100. >> he had a very clear message which is why he motivated people in the middle of the night to see him at rallies. i'm not sure getting rid of bashar al-assad was at the top of the list of those people in pennsylvania that showed up to the rally. oh yeah? ended up saving a ton of money on car insurance. i hear they have a really great mobile app. the interface is remarkably intuitive. that's so important. ♪
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>> four issues he so successfully campaigned on and motivated voters in pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, ohio, it was all focused on america first. and jobs, the economy, wages going up. that's it. he spent the whole campaign talking about how syria was not in the national security interest. >> shannon: laura ingraham on fox and friends. the dramatic moves on the international stage. how will it impact the trump agenda moving forward? every candidate has things to say. you become president and things happen like a chemical weapons attack in syria. sometimes we have to pivot. >> i supported the attack. i think donald trump did the right thing and they pulled off the strike remarkably well kind of embarrassingly well for the obama administration to do it that quickly without any leaks.
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that said, i think laura makes a valid point. if i were laura ingraham committed to what donald trump campaigned on, this is a very hard thing to square with the donald trump that we saw for years even before the campaign trail but certainly over the 2016 campaign. but i also think -- read about this in the "l. a. times" today. i think donald trump is making a smart decision by not explaining it any further. everyone wants him to lock in and commit to one foreign policy doctrine or another. he has been very clear he doesn't get locked into anything. so let the message be sent. let everyone hear the right message. you can't use chemical weapons. america is back asserting leadership in the world and the rest of donald trump's foreign policy will be born out by when he does stuff. >> shannon: right now critics and supporters think he is having a pretty good last few days. the strikes in syria have been
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mostly well received in a bipartisan manner, some critics. now the confirmation of justice gorsuch. a bit of what the president said during the rose garden ceremony yesterday. >> i've always heard the most important thing that a president of the united states does is appoint people, hopefully great people like this appointment, to the united states supreme court and i can say this is a great honor. i got it done in the first 100 days. that's even nice. you think that's easy. >> shannon: we talked about the first 100 days. there is more that the president and his team want to do. tax reform, health seem tald but the april 28th deadline to get a spending measure put together. most of congress is not in washington right now. >> they have a heavy lift on a whole bunch of fronts.
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to be clear i've never liked this 100 days sort of slow timeline. the television show is fantastic. but this conceit that a president has to get the important stuff done in the first 100 days comes from fdr. i think it's silly. we all brought into it. so it has become a real thing. the simple fact is there are a lot of big-ticket item that donald trump wanted to get done on infrastructure, repeal and replace of obamacare and a bunch of other stuff that look pretty stalled. i think that's a problem. the congress has actually done a couple really important things that haven't gotten a lot of attention like the use of the congressional review act. it is not a sexy thing for a president to talk about as a major accomplishment even though it's pretty important. >> shannon: it is a major roll back of the unelected fourth branch the founders never talk about. the administrative state. for a lot of people in the business community the fact
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that he is rolling back so many regulations and using the law to do it properly a lot of people think that is one of the more disciplined things we've seen him do. does he maintain discipline moving forward and build on what he is having so far, a good week? >> maybe. the syria attack was a disciplined thing. he hasn't been tweeting irresponsibly. he is not tweeting crazely. today his name doesn't appear on the front pages of either the "washington post" or "new york times." that's good for him. the chaos and tumult and all the leaking hurt donald trump with a lot of swing voters, certainly hurt him with the media. he needs a bit of normalcy and getting back to those issues that laura was talking about about the economy, jobs, all the rest. that would be his best path. whether he can do it in the first 100 days is irrelevant. either he can or can't. if he will have a successful presidency he has to get back on track to a lot of that stuff.
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>> jonah goldberg, good to have you. >> bill: point you made about gorsuch. both men were this is quite a moment. it is happening. and it was done quickly. >> shannon: it was. when you get somebody from confirmation through the process meeting more than 70 senators on the hill, the hearings to actually now he is showing up for work at the supreme court today. >> bill: a list of 20 others. we'll see which one goes next, right? the white house drawing a line in the sand with syria adding to an already complicated relationship with vladimir putin. so what now the critics who accuse the president of being in putin's back pocket? there is this today. >> did you guys see that? did you guys see that? >> bill: that was online. residents treated to a beautiful sight in the night sky where that happened next.
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so you're having a party?
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how nice. i'll be right there. and the butchery begins. what am i gonna wear? this party is super fancy. let's go. i'm ready. are you my uber? [ horn honks ] hold on. don't wait for watchathon week to return.
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[ doorbell rings ] who's that? show me netflix. sign up for netflix on x1 today and keep watching all year long. >> shannon: a dazzling sight over southern california in the night skies. >> we're from -- did you guys see that? did you guys see that? did you guys see that? >> shannon: a woman's webcam caught a meteor overhead. social media lit up not unlike the sky in the video as more people reported they had seen that. that streak lasted for several seconds. >> bill: did you see that? >> shannon: i did not. she was pretty fired up. especially when you don't know what it is. you just know something seemed to explode behind you.
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>> bill: well done, she captured it. to the border we go. border security personnel get face time with the attorney general. jeff sessions heading to arizona to tour the border and meet with law enforcement and members of the military amid new concerns over the border wall. a promise made during the campaign. catherine herridge. what is he focusing on this trip? >> a priority is immigration enforcement. the tucson sector has been one of the busiest for border crossings and drug smuggling. recent data suggests the situation is improving. the number of arrests down by half since 2012. the secretary of state seemed to suggest the wall is not a leading priority. >> on the issue of mexico you met with the mexican foreign minister at the state department. did you make it clear the united states expects mexico to
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pay for the border wall president trump proposed? >> we had no conversation about that issue. >> shannon: funding another outstanding issue for the general down on the southern border is whether the administration will use eminent domain to seize land for the while. 75% is in texas. the vast majority is privately or state owned. >> bill: the more we learned the more there won't be a physical wall that stretches across the southwest border. how is that shaping up if that's the case? >> based on his most recent testimony the secretary of homeland security told lawmakers the wall would not run in his words were from sea to shining sea. while his statement got a lot of media play that has been his position consistently since early february when fox news traveled with secretary kelly to the texas/mexico border and the rio grande valley, one of the busiest sectors. kelly told fox then construction would likely begin before the end of the year and based on the input of border
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patrol agents the most vulnerable stretches would either get a physical barrier or sensors. >> the wall will be built in phases. >> i think it will be built where it's needed most first and then filled in. that's how i'm looking at it. >> how quickly will construction begin? >> i don't know. i don't think it will be more than a few months. any discussion about the protection of our southwest border involves discussion clearly of physical barriers, but also of technological sensors, things like that. it has -- it's a layered approach. >> he said that he would surge resources to the border so they could have the immigration hearings within a very short time period and thought it would be an effective deterrent for people coming into the united states illegally and he has done that and it seems to be having a significant effect and one of the factors in bringing down the numbers so quickly since the
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administration was sworn in. >> bill: you talk about it and it happens. interesting. >> i wish it was true with so many things. >> bill: we'll follow the a.g.'s trip today. thank you. >> shannon: nuclear north korea playing a dangerous game as it issues a new threat against the u.s. how seriously should we take that heated rhetoric about war? >> bill: big issue. international tensions getting red hot over syria. will russia take military action if the u.s. and donald trump were to struck yet again in damascus? >> the response is straight forward. if this happens again, we're going the hit them again. if you want to get in the way, then get in the way. we went through the entire cold war with saber rattling but not firing on each other. i don't think they'll fire on us now.
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>> shannon: america's top general in south korea
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canceling a visit to capitol hill as north korea shows signs of preparing for war with the u.s. jennifer griffin is live of the pentagon. what should we make of this general's decision to skip the hearings before the house and senate? >> it shows how concerned the u.s. military is about the security situation and rising tension with north korea. general vince brooks is the top u.s. commander in korea responsible for 33,000 troops in south korea. every year he and the head of u.s. pacific command are required to testify before congress. it was slated for april 26 and 27. here is the statement we just received from u.s. forces korea, due to the security situation on the korean peninsula the general will not attend the april armed services committee meetings in person. all decisions regarding the schedules of u.s. forces korea leadership are based on our
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alliance priority to maintain readiness at all times. it's not the first time the head of u.s. forces have had to cancel annual testimony on the hill. it happened four years ago during another tense time with north korea. >> shannon: can you give us background on why this month appears to be so tense on the korean peninsula? >> the president ordered an aircraft carrier strike group, the u.s.s. carl vincent is teaming toward korea and accompanied by two navy destroyers and cruiser all capable of launching tomahawk missiles. the white house is concerned that kim jung un is going to lift off more missiles.
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the pentagon sees signs the regime is preparing another nuclear test. it carried out two last year but the real concern is it's close to achieving a missile that could reach the united states. >> shannon: thank you from the pentagon. >> the fact is we have crossed a line. the president crossed this line. we are not going to tolerate assad continuing to use chemical weapons. if assad doesn't use chemical weapons my guess is everything will calm down. if he uses chemical weapons i think we'll hit him again. if the russians get in the way they'll get hit as part of the process. >> bill: an interesting conversation. after the u.s. hit syria with the 59 cruise missiles after the deadly gas attack after its own citizens. where are we now?
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jack keane a fox military analyst. good morning to you. you have been spot on now for the past week on this whole story. okay now, you know that you cannot trust russia. you made a deal three years ago, the u.s. did, secure its chemical stockpiles and apparently that's not what happens. so what comes of this meeting in moscow? let's start with rex tillerson on the ground. what is your thinking? >> the meeting will be different than what it would have been two weeks ago prior to the strike. the strike actually gives us some political leverage. secretary kerry, a number of times recommended to president obama limited military strike. why? it would give him leverage to move toward a political solution. obama rejected. i know that for a fact because kerry asked us to prepare military options for him a couple of years ago, which we did. secondly, he will go into that meeting with his counterpart,
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foreign minister lavrov, with leverage. by that i mean that military strike shows that this president is different from the previous one as we've all been reporting. he is willing the take a stand. that he is compassionate and decisive and strong. that gives tillerson a hand to play to start having discussions that can lead to a couple of things. one, what about a credible cease fires? none have ever worked. what about a credible cease-fire with independent monitors? is assad an embarrassment to you? he is reckless to a fault. why not another leader that's more moderate and he will have a different viewpoint on how to govern the syrian people. can we move in that direction? those are things that make sense. we'll find out probably by week's end what really is going on with russia. are they going to continue to support assad regardless of the
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barrientosism that comes out of that regime? will they double down on this and ask assad to increase civilian casualties by more barrel bombing to make the missile strike look like it was a pinprick and did nothing to stop the cannibalism and barbarism that is now in sir ja? >> bill: it's moscow's move and depending what they do depend on trump's answer. >> bill: iranians spooked russia to make the military intervention in syria. the oppositions were so successful in 2015. i tell you where the iranians come on this. assad doesn't go we'll use our proxies to conduct terrorist attacks against the united states. they already made that decision. a question of where and when. they take a totally different geopolitical view than russia does. this is their backyard. they intend to dominate the
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middle east. that's their intention. syria is a crucial part of that and they aren't giving up. they want to double down. and take on the trump administration. that's where they're coming from. >> bill: one more hot spot north korea sending signs of aggression after the u.s.s. carl vincent starting steaming toward the korean peninsula. what do you make based on jennifer griffin's reporting a few moments ago knowing the anniversary comes up on saturday, april 15th that is so well marked in north korean history? >> likely the sixth nuclear test. every time there is a milestone event like this one, particularly this birthday anniversary, some kind of event. carl vincent and other ships are moving in that direction. what the issue is. not going the participate in a military operation against north korea. thals not the issue. the issue is japan and south
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korea and particularly south korea. political instability. we had a corrupt but tough president who got impeached. we are anticipating a less corrupt and a less tough president that may be willing to make accommodations with north korea coming into office. we want to strengthen the spine of the south koreans by having a carrier battle group. the trump administration is standing behind them and the same thing for japan. >> bill: extraordinary thing how two international events came to the forefront as quickly as they did. thank you, general. good to have you riding shotgun on all this. jack keane in washington >> shannon: rex tillerson landing in moscow after the u.s. strike on syria. what does it all mean for president trump's alleged ties to vladimir putin?
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plus. >> bill: that is just a horrifying scene. a young girl falling out of a harness on a rise left dangling in the air. we'll let you know how she is doing in a moment.
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>> bill: terrifying moments at an amusement fun ride. so much for the fun here. oh my gosh. you don't pay for that. a young woman dangled by her feet as she slipped through a harness on a zip line which are safe deals. not this one. she narrowly misses a metal beam. people trying to grab her and slow her down. she was rescued without serious injury. a fairground in paris, france. >> shannon: have you done that? >> bill: i've done all that stuff. the zip line is pretty -- >> shannon: i've done a zip line. >> bill: the bungee jump is -- the parachute ride is -- >> shannon: you are my hero.
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>> bill: that will keep you up the night before. >> shannon: yeah. >> from everything i see has no respect for this person. >> that's because he would rather have a puppet as president. >> no puppet. >> it's clear. >> you are the puppet. >> it is clear you won't admit that the russians. >> shannon: you may remember that moment from the final presidential debate. president trump's decision to launch an air strike my undercut ties to vladimir putin. let's bring in our political panel. no evidence of any collusion between the trump camp and the russians. do you think that all of the tension we've had with the russians since he came into
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power tends to back that up? do you think it's something else? a smoke screen? >> i don't know if there is any tensions with the russians except for the most recent episode. sean spicer as recently as yesterday calling vladimir putin our ally. a breathtaking statement based on everything we know about the russians and their involvement in our election regardless of whether it was collusion or not. what president trump did i actually applaud. but i want to know what plan b is. if plan b is to do nothing further and stand by as the russians and it is the russians propping up assad continues to slaughter innocent people, and we have put a marker down that we're not going to accept certainly chemical warfare but sean spicer said he won't accept barrel bombings. they happen on a a daily basis. will we bomb the syrians on a daily basis? until we have a statement from the president himself, not rex
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tillerson who said strong things against russia in the last 24 hours but from the president himself telling us what the policy is towards syria and what our policy will be toward russian involvement in syria we should reserve judgment about where the relationship is headed. >> shannon: we know there have been tensions since president trump was sworn in. fly bys, the russian ships close to the u.s. shores and people who looked to say there have been provocations by the russians. it wouldn't seem like these two are bffs but we've been told it so far. >> president trump has never been a puppet of vladimir putin. julie and her team will need a new talking point as to why they lost the election. everything is about russia had the great influence over the election and why trump one. it is factually not true. most importantly on this any message that vladimir putin got out of these air strikes is really just cherry on the pie for the message it sends to
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rogue states that we're as a country not going to tolerate your chemicals of mass destruction and weapons programs that can do harm not only to your own people but ultimately to america. >> shannon: julie, you talked about the fact you want to hear a long-term message on what we'll do with regard to the region? senior white house officials said don't expect this president to spell out things in advance. he criticized the obama administration for taking away the element of surprise. >> the obama administration i will make the same plea. if we will engage in military action in the middle east and know the russians have a military base there, certainly a naval base but setting up other bases in syria. if we're going the get involved in a war or some sort of military action in the middle east it is incumbent upon this president as it was incumbent upon the last one who didn't do
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it to level with the american people the cost and benefit. it is a matter of letting us know what we're in for if this is what we're doing. i think that's something the president owes all of us who are sitting by and watching him do this but then don't understand what plan b is. sean spicer said a red line is barrel bombing in syria. assad barrel bombs on a daily basis. are we going to bomb syria every time he does that? we need to know what the strategy is as is american people. >> shannon: the president will have to make that case to congress if he goes and asks for a war authorization. if we're moving in that direction. would it be helpful as julie said for him to make this case to the american people, public address or better to stay close to the vest and let the military action speak for itself? >> it is always important for the president to be communicating to the american people and the direction that he or she in the future want to take our country and how they
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are going to protect our country. but let's keep in mind we have a great example within the last decade or so of how actions like this play out. with libya it was a decisive president bush, his middle east policies who -- libya and qaddafi said we ought to give up our mass destruction chemical and they did. it's a great example. it probably has some impact on president trump. we don't know yet. but you know the other person i have to think that probably got a good message from this was the dictator in north korea. we know that president trump shared with the chinese president that he was going to bomb him. you almost wonder did he lean over to the chinese president during dessert and say tell your friend in north korea to watch the news tonight? >> shannon: you have to wonder how that conversation went down. julie and david. thank you for joining uls for this conversation.
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>> bill: could have been deliberate when he was sitting right next to him. so much action overseas, president trump focusing on the domestic agenda visiting the ceos at the white house right now. there is the president. there's nothing more important to me than my vacation. so when i need to book a hotel room,
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i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. gets it. they offer free cancellation if my plans change. visit booking.yeah.
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>> bill: the opioid epidemic is worsening. nearly 100 people die each and every day according to the cdc. a crisis with the height of the aids epidemic in the 80s and 90s. how did it get so bad to quickly? rick leventhal has more on that story. >> one doctor described it as a perfect storm of unfortunate circumstances. a pair of studies decades ago suggested opioids were a non-addictive solution and pharmaceutical companies marketing the drugs to the
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masses. more people are dying from drug overdoses from car crashes and gun homicides combined. on any given day fire department's rolls on a dozen call. traffic accidents are reteen and so are overdoses. >> we spray it into the nostril. >> one of the methods for administering a lifesaving drug. a dramatic uptick in addict rescue calls and sometimes saves the same people over and over again. >> next week you come back and there they are again and you hit them again. what are you doing? >> the worst drug-induced epidemic in u.s. history. >> a neuroscientists on president trump's opioid task force. the crisis traces to a pair of studies in the 1980s including this one which declared
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addiction was rare for patients treated with narcotics. pharmaceutical companies movement to name pain as the fifth vital sign and physicians began writing hundreds of millions of prescriptions based on poor science. >> no one had done long term studies of treating chronic pain with opioids. >> treatment facilities are being forced to expand because they don't have room for all the addicts. if people don't get help they often wind up dead. >> bill: such an important issue. rick, thanks. here is here in new york. >> shannon: secretary of state rex tillerson has touched down in moscow. what kind of reception is he going to get?
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>> how did you feel about the last two hours, bream? >> locked and loaded. like i had a red bull but
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caffeine-free. >> sometimes you need it. >> we're going to google that woman. >> wow. >> poor thing. >> have a great tuesday. see you later. bye-bye. >> the secretary of state offering rush she a stark choice on syria. join the u.s. and our allies or take the side of iran and hezbollah and the regime. >> welcome back. good to have you here. >> thank you. rex tillerson arriving in moscow days after a deadly chemical attack by syrian forces that killed dozens of civilians and horrified the world. sparking a u.s. missile strike on a syrian air base. it's mr. tillerson's first trip to russia as secretary of state. he said that bashar al-assad will not be in power much longer and the


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