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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  April 18, 2017 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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bombed cnn fake news. >> the juggling act that has to do. presiding over. as i said presidential duties. the juggling act that. >> kid gets 15 minutes of fame. fake news what the president has used to describe cnn. heather: that fame lasted a little bit longer. thanks for joining us. >> i don't want to telegraph what i'm doing or what i'm thinking. i'm not like other administrations. we will see what happens. >> i think it is likely that we will see a shootdown by the united states of the north korean. >> he is armed and should be considered dangerous. the search area is the entire nation. >> in arkansas, of the state supreme court has just halted the scheduled executions of two death row inmates. heather: polls open in georgia and all eyes on the special
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election to fill the seat left by tom price. >> democrats think they are going to pick it up. >> in japan in these challenging times, we are with you 100 percent. >> today, it was the surge that jeffrey made. he was the one who was dominant and he will win the boston marathon. ♪ i'm burning, i'm burning ♪ i'm burning for you ♪ i'm burning, i'm burning ♪ i'm burning for you ♪ steve: live from avenue of the americas on this the 18th day of april, 2017. this is "fox & friends." we are located right next to that big street. and you know what today is, being the 18th? ainsley: last day to do your taxes? tax day. brian: physicals you file
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extension. brian. ainsley: when do you have to. brian: i paid you already. check. they come back later. forget about last year. let's look ahead. steve: do you think the federal government keeps track of that stuff and come after you five year later? brian: i have seen a lot of i don't knows and i'm taking the 5th. i'm going to use the same tactic. ainsley: where has this year gone? we have one more week left in april, basically. steve: monday after easter is the white house easter egg roll. you there were in attendance yesterday. ainsley: it was so great. i got to talk to sean spicer and kellyanne conway and eric trump and his beautiful wife lara. we got to speak to the president and his wife after we went off air. because he came out to speak after we were on air and i got a chance to chat with him. let's listen to some of ethics exclusive interview. steve: excellent. ainsley: vice president is in asia doing the four stop tour. he said the u.s. is running
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out of patience. clearly a message to north korea. have you a navy fleet sent into the sea of japan right now. have you ruled out a strike. >> i don't want to telegraph what i'm doing or thinking. i'm not like other administrations where they say we are going to do this in four weeks. it doesn't work that wait a minute we will see what happens. i hope things work out well. i hope there is going to be peace. they have been talking with this gentleman for a long time. you read clinton's book they said we made such a great peace deal and it was a joke. you look at different things over the years with president obama. everybody has been outplayed. they have all been outplayed by this gentleman. we will see what happens. i just don't telegraph my moves. ainsley: did we sabotage the north korea strike? >> i don't want to comment on it. ainsley: what happens if north korea launches another missile? >> we will find out. ainsley: all right. about china? some in the media are saying you softened your chance on china. have they helped with the relationship with north korea? >> i didn't soften my stance. look, china came to the united
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states, the president who i really developed a very good relationship with. i think he is a terrific person. i really got to know him very well over a two-day period. we were together hours and hours and hours by ourselves. we had a 15 minute scheduled meeting and it lasted for three hours. the same thing happened the next day. we have a good chemistry together. he understands it's a big problem. working on it. am i going to start trade war with china on him working an a bigger problem with north korea. i'm dealing with china with great respect. i have great respect for him. we'll see what he can do. maybe he won't be able to help. that's possible. i think he is trying. maybe he won't be able to help. that's a whole differential story. ainsley: can't hurt? >> no. somebody said currency manipulation. what am i going to do in the middle of him talking to north korea i'm going to hit him with currency manipulation? this is a fake media that does a number. think of it. he is working so nicely that many coal ships have been sent back. fuel is being sent back.
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they're not dealing the same way. nobody has ever seen it like that. nobody has ever seen such ativer behalf from china. the fake media goes donald trump has changed his stance on china. i haven't changed my stance. china is trying to help us. i don't know if they're going to be able to or not. why want to start heavy heavy trade or currency statements against somebody who is throughout trying to stop what could be a very bad situation. you understand that. ainsley: i understand that. >> nobody mentions it that way. that's okay. we're doing really well. china has been helping and other people have been helping. i don't know if that's going to work. it may have to be a different solution. ainsley: all right. so secretary kelly, dhs, he has a message toil legal immigrants. he says a single dui can get you kicked out of the country. do you agree with that stance? >> i am letting him run it he was a great general, successful general. i will let him run it great criminals out of this country. illegal immigrants that have
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cause crime, raped people, murdered people. horrible things have happened. they are getting the hell out or they are going to prison. so many towns and cities are thanking me because we have gotten rid of a burden that you would not believe. i mean, it is a serious problem. and we never did anything about it and now we're doing something about it. brian: so he sounds pretty astounded that there is no credit given to the fact that china is showing unprecedented cooperation, at least acknowledge that before you come out and say what about currency manipulation and he said don't you use logic. if somebody is playing ball i do still come in and punch them in the face? steve: it's not the negotiation. negotiation can w. china is ongoing. why lay all the cards out on the table. ainsley: just like his book "art of the deal." you have to know how to negotiate with whether other business or other countries. in the last 30 years they have not sent their coal back to north korea as a message. china is its only ally.
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steve: pretty much they are alone. ainsley: for china to send back their coal and say we are not taking this from you because we do not approve what you are doing that sends a strong message. brian: first step for secretary mattis go to that region. vice president is there now. the president met with the japanese lished. talked about mostly north korea. then, of course, you have the south korea stop of the vice president. now you have a situation where china could do one more thing that would really slay the dragon. that would be to stop increasing your trade with north korea. it's up 37.5%. they're the ones buying all the minerals from north korea and somewhat standing up their economy and looks like they are pouring all their money into their nuclear arsenal. steve: let's see what happens. it does sound like behind the scenes away from the camera, a lot is getting done. in front of the cameras later on today the president of the united states is going to be traveling by air force one to kenosha, wisconsin, the home of snap on tools where my mother used to work back in the olden days. ainsley: she did.
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steve: she worked for the guy who ran snap on tools. ainsley: what did she do? i'm picturing tools that snap on to a belt. steve: the president is going there to sign his executive order regarding buy american, hire american. if that sounds familiar. there is a reason for it. he hammered that message home during the campaign. watch. >> we believe in two simple rules. buy american and hire american. let's buy american and hire american. buy american and hire american. all right? buy american and hire american. >> buy american and hire american. we believe him. steve: okay. so that sounds familiar. he is -- so he is going to kenosha in wisconsin, a state he won to hammer home the idea we've got to do something about buying from american manufacturers and hiring. and in particular what he is
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going to target is the h 1 b visa program which allows about 85,000 foreign nationals into the country. the it community loves it because they're able to get skilled labor into their factories and their facilities every year. ainsley: the president said what's happening is those thousands of immigrants that come, in they are taking these low paying jobs but these are jobs that young american children that are graduating from college they could get but they're not available because people from other countries that are here on this program they're taking those jobs. he is tired of it. brian: push back has been and i remember readings his steve jobs book he says we cannot bring manufacturing back because we don't have enough engineers. that's why we need typically port those engineers and find these college kids that come here from other countries. we have got to induce them to stay like number one draft picks. if they're the geniuses and we are training them why send them back to their own country. he is going to wisconsin. did he forget how he converted all those red states blue,
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going after syria and talking about north korea and going after mosul? he is saying no, i didn't. in fact, i only won by 23,000 votes in wisconsin and i'm going back there to tell you i haven't forgotten. steve: one of the reasons he won wisconsin was because his message was he would revive the manufacturing sector of the economy. snap-on 2508s not only sockets they pretty much make anything in a garage. ainsley: wow. steve: you will see that later today right here on the fox news channel as the president heads back to wisconsin. brian: i let my brother down big time this weekend because i wanted to put that ring doorbell in he said i will do it for you. where's your -- not the power tool where's your. steve: drill. ainsley: hammer. brian: no. ainsley: wrench? steve: first word, movie. ainsley: drill? what is it? brian: no, electric screwdriver. steve: okay. >> a drill.
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brian: it's a drill. ainsley: some sort of a tool. brian: i finally found it but i can't find the charger. ainsley: good thing you have a brother. brian: i can't find the charger. he goes what good is it? steve: snap-on has got it. ainsley: if it makes you feel better i don't know what a socket kit is but you can't find it. brian: wanted something automatic. steve: now we imagine you had the ring doorbell. brian: the problem is it was going off the whole show yesterday. everyone that walked by my house either that or an angel got its wings. steve: from tools on to this and a fox news alert. a friend nationwide manhunt intensifying for the facebook killer. brian? brian: yep. authorities raising the stakes offering $50,000 reward to help catch 24 cold-blooded monster before he strikes again. ainsley: peter doocy is live in cleveland with the latest for us. good morning, peter. >> good morning. investigators say they actually spoke to the fugitive
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steve stephens on his cell phone shortly after they were alerted to his facebook posted video of a murder. they tried to convince this social worker who says that he just snapped to turn himself in, but he didn't do it and they haven't heard from him since. so, now, there is a nationwide manhunt and his last known location was the murder scene here in cleveland where this 911 call was made by the people who found 74-year-old robert godwin senior who did appear to be defenseless when he was gunned down by a stranger. >> okay, ma'am, listen to me. >> he is laying there. >> ma'am, what's your address? >> oh, lord, have mercy. oh my god. >> help is already on the way. >> oh my god. >> now are you with the patient now? >> no, i'm not with the patient. i'm across the street. i heard a gunshot. >> okay. >> is he awake at all? >> no, he is unconscious. he is dead.
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>> there is now a $50,000 reward for information that helps bring steve stephens into custody. investigators still believe is he driving a white 2016 ford fusion sedan with temporary ohio plates. because they don't know which direction he was going that's why the man hunt is now national. they only have evidence tying stephens to one murder even though he does admit to committing 13. his children now in cleveland are now trying to forgive the fugitive who allegedly killed their father. >> steve, i forgive you, man. i'm not happy what you did, but i forgive you. >> we do expect to get update from the cleveland police department this morning about fly hours now here from city hall, back to you. steve: the guy could be anywhere they say. ainsley: yeah. steve: iran says they will not seek permission to build up
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their arsenal but should the ayatollah's main enemy, america, take that threat more seriously? ainsley: democrats still trying to hang the disgusting painting of cops as pigs in the capitol. this morning, a major update. they're not going to like itth ♪ stock prices, earnings, and dividends... an equity summary score that consolidates the stock ratings of top analysts into a single score... and $4.95 online u.s. equity trades... you realize the smartest investing idea, isn't just what you invest in, but who you invest with. ♪
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♪ ♪ brian: guess what? iran is the latest nation to flex its muscles at this president. they have their president saying this, quote: the
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strengthening of the capability of the iranian armed forces is only for defending the country. we will ask no one's permission to build up the armed forces and to build missiles and aircraft. what are we to read into this? for more turn to white house contributor gillian turner. do they feel like they are not getting enough attention? >> well, their m.o. on this issue has always been as much rhetorical bluster as possible. remember during the iranian-american jcpoa knowingations a couple years ago. president rui rouhani talking about how america was weak. they have absolutely no sense of the sort of diplomatic etiquette that comes along with most of the countries in the international community. this is more of that. but, as you know, there is an argument right now about
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whether their latest ballistic missile test violates that nuclear deal. but, you know, i side with sean spicer on that. i think any kinds of tests are a clear violation of the jcpoa, the formal name of the iran nuclear deal. there is language in there that prohibits exactly this kind of testing. brian: julian some side deals went along this. which by the way they voted against but didn't get the 60 votes to stop this deal from going through and we know that chairman corker said you don't need the 60. don't worry about it even though some democrats were against. this so, in the big picture, you have a president who is not in favor of this deal to begin with. what would be the next diplomatic step? >> well, president trump is an unenviable position. because, as you just said, he is not a believer in this deal. he believes as most americans do that it actually undermines our national security interests. it gives iran a certain degree of not prestige but a certain
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degree of legitimacy that they didn't enjoy prior to inking this deal. but now his hands are a bit tied. meaning there is no good options for him as a new president renegativing on the deal entirely as he talked about doing during the campaign really isn't a viable option. because, now that it's signed, we were tied into this bigger international community of our european allies. you know, be furious if we reneglected it would cause all kinds of damage. >> how he could work within the parameters set by president obama it's hard. brian: unless weekend see a blatant via a little that would rally the world against it guess what, if up against it. two democrats chuck schumer and mends voted against it so we might have allies. thanks so much. >> thanks, brian. brian: fight against terror, is isis about to launch a campaign with al qaeda? they're meeting now to get together. speak to the authors of a
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brand new book behind hillary hy clinton's doomed campaign. what has hillary saying i'm sorry to president obama? i can't give it away but i'm so close to giving it away. but i'm out of time ♪ is it too late now to say sorry? ♪ liberty mutual stood with us when a fire destroyed everything in our living room. we replaced it all without touching our savings. yeah, our insurance won't do that. no. you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™.
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heather: welcome back. days after obliterated. the new intel says the desperate terror group may be looking to al qaeda for help. according to the iraqi vice president, the terror groups have started talking about alliance when which would bring end for fierce competition for troops and leadership ever since they split back in 2014. and a crowd booing the brand new dnc chair during a mission
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to unify the democratic party. >> maybe you came because you are curious about the new dnc chairman and the future of the democratic policy. [crowd boos and cheers] let head tom perez joining bernie sanders new national campaign aimed at bringing democrats together. the duo heading to louisville today. the second stop on a 10-day tour to states critical they say to the 2018 congressional races. steve: thank you, heather. infighting, scandal and missteps by the hillary clinton campaign all leading to hillary's epic loss in november. this morning, a brand new book pulls back the curtain on failed campaign and how the staff saw the writing on the wall. quote: one of hillary's long-time advisors warned in early 2016 memo that trump could beat her. fact: donald trump can defeat hillary clinton and become the 45th president of the united states. hillary, the memo went on to say, should not under estimate trump's capacity to draw people to the polls who
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normally do not vote. and he did. and he won. joining us right now co-authors of brand new book companies great it's called "shattered" inside hillary clinton's doomed campaign. this book is chow chock full of juicy tidbits who did you talk to. >> we talked to more than 100 insiders in the campaign. it's coming from inside. it's not someone -- some speculation from the outside. we talked to everyone from the highest levels down to the lowest. and, you know, this is the first kind of inside account of what really happened that night in her hotel room at the peninsula hotel here in new york. and so we really kind of tell that story moment by moment. >> you do. and there are two moments, jonathan, that people are unfamiliar with where barack obama phoned hillary not once but twice. >> that's right. so on election night, she and her team were much watching the results.
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they were obviously shocked and dismayed. steve: wait a minute, we're supposed to be winning here. >> she definitely believed she was going to win heading into election night. her team believed she was going to win. slow realization that disaster was happening for them. they are trying to figure out what to do. one of the white house aids, the political director place as call to campaign manager robby mook says the president doesn't want you to drag this out you need to concede to trump. that doesn't work. so president obama calls secretary clinton and says you need to concede. he is not entirely sure that that's worked so he calls john podesta the campaign chairman and basically gives the same message. i think after that first call between the president and secretary clinton she actually decided that it was time to concede. she called donald trump to do that. but then afterward, after the. steve: son sole legs call. >> after consolation to trump obama calls to deliver that
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consolation message and she picks up the phone reluctantly and she walks away from the table where she has been talking to her aids and she steps into a room. as she is stepping into the room, she says, mr. president, i'm sorry. steve: you write that she is sorry that she has effectively screwed up his legacy. >> she has screwed up his legacy. she has let the democratic party down. she let herself down. she has let her campaign down. this is a real moment of recognition of failure. steve: there was another phone call, amy, and that was to donald trump? >> yes. and it was actually very short, very sweet, simple. she wanted to just -- she actually turned to her aide and said give me the phone let me just concede kind of thing. she picks up the phone and talks to him. subsequently a day or so later, a couple days later her husband makes a call both very kind of tears but polite.
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steve: she was so angry couldn't talk to him but this waste the thing she was being told to do. >> at the moment she was trying to figure out what to do with her speech. she didn't know what tone she should strike, exactly. steve: sure. >> she never expected to be calling donald trump and saying congratulations, donald. steve: she had spent $1.5 billion, she had the best and bright people. they blew it so badly. >> that's what this book tells the story of from beginning to end, the real problems with this campaign that begin with the candidate. steve: one of the big warning lights on the dashboard would have been michigan. not a single pollster said bernie sanders is going to win. that's how tone deaf the campaign was that they didn't realize there was this anger building in america. and she completely misjudged it. >> yeah. we have the scene in the book where the next day she is livid about what had happened there. and she is, you know, she
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basically goes after her aides and, you know, wondering what happened. and that's a story that will haunt her obviously later on election night when she loses michigan again. steve: the easy tell all she would have to do her assistants, turn on the television during the campaign, she would be in front of 50 people somewhere in some of church basement and he would be in front of 25,000 screaming people. that says something was afoot. >> there was definitely energy for him and particularly in places that you wouldn't normally expect to see 20,000 people turn out. and, you know, that's one measure of what's going on. you know, i'm not else inly somebody who believes that he won because of the crowd size or you couldn't win with smaller crowds. but certainly that's a big part of this story. there was serious enthusiasm behind donald trump and you saw republicans come home at the end of the election a lot faster. and we talk about that in the book. the undecides move back into the republican column a lost
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faster at the end than democratic undecides moved towards her. >> she also didn't have a message. steve: other than i'm not him. the book is great. jonathan app. allen and amy. shattered. inside hillary clinton's doomed campaign." >> race is on to find boy and grandmother. desperate search is coming up next. ainsley had interview with the first family during yesterday's first easter egg roll. happy birthday to fred dunham, friend of our program. happy birthday today. with with it ♪ baby's got blue skies up ahead.
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ainsley: it's your shot of the morning. i had an opportunity to take a stroll with the president and the first lady as they hosted their first white house easter egg roll. take a look. >> congratulations. mr. president and mrs. first lady for this wonderful event. >> thank you. ainsley: you're the hostess of this. >> fantastic day, yes. amazing. 25,000 people through the day. i think it will be fantastic fun day. ainsley: that's wonderful. what's the best thing about planning a event like this. your first event. >> first event. and wonderful tradition that we put together and really very special. from the colors of the eggs to what kind of activities you want and really thank military as well. they really help us. ainsley: to be here with your whole family. how was easter? >> it was great.
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i have to say melania worked so hard on this event and it's been so nice. hopefully we don't have rain like it is right now. she worked so hard and did a really beautiful job. ainsley: if you are just waking up we did talk politics. we will show that throughout the show as well. steve: that's fantastic. i remember when we lived in washington we would always take the kids when they were little and they had such a good time. do you know why they don't use real hard boiled eggs? brian: protests? steve: no, because the day after the white house easter egg roll back in the 1800s the eggs just stunk up the place. they stopped using them. ainsley: they did use some this year. all the kids were rolling those eggs. brian: they were real eggs? ainsley: i got a pack of them. i think they were real hard boiled eggs. steve: that's awesome. brian: is melania moving there soon? ainsley: i didn't ask her that she said as soon as their child fish finishes the school year then they would be moving down to washington in the fall.
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it was waffle tradition. this dates back to the 1870s. so, it is a long standing tradition. and it's just a beautiful event because it's a happy time. and we were able to interview some people in his administration yesterday. and talk some serious news. but also be surrounded by much love and just easter. it was wonderful. brian: the bunny who always looks surprised. steve: meanwhile, speaking of washington, d.c., we will go down there to talk to our correspondent right there because all eyes are on georgia this morning. less than half an hour from right now, voters in georgia will head to the poll force special election. brian: could create nationwide ripple effect at least democrats hope. so. ainsley: kristin fish everywhere is at the white house. >> if you are wondering why is there an election in georgia now, it is because it is a special election to fill the seat just vacated by tom price
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who became president trump's health secretary. now, this is shaping up to be a surprisingly close race and it's being monitored closely by everybody here at the white house. because, fair or not, the outcome of this race is likely going to be seen by many as a referendum on this presidency. no surprise president trump himself is now weighing in both in robo calls and on twitter. he said last night, quote: the super liberal democrat in the georgia race tomorrow wants to protect criminals, allow illegal immigration and raise taxes that super liberal democrat is a 30-year-old james john. is he star power. samuel l. jackson cut an ad. $8,000,000.80% of the money coming from outside of state. democrats tried similar tactics last week in kansas for the seat just vacated by mike pompeo who became president trump's director of the cia. they didn't pour in nearly as much money as they did in
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georgia and they lost but barely. today you have today's race in georgia that features 18 candidates in total. more than twice as many republicans are running the democrats. that prompted the president to tweet this hij. quote. with 11 republican candidates running in georgia on tuesday for congress. a run-off will be a win. vote r for lower taxes and safety. just because this race is in georgia doesn't mean that a lot of folks here at the white house are going to be watching very closely today. brian, ainsley, and steve. brian: for republicans keep it under 50% so there would be another match in june but it would be a one-on-one match. for democrats they will choose if they get over 50 it will be a big win for them. >> that's exactly right. steve: kristin, thank you very much. in that particular district over the last couple of republican primaries, 77,000 voters voted on the republican side. only 17,000 voted democratic. brian: i was shocked to see that president trump only took that district by a couple of points. so this is.
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steve: he won with 48%. ainsley: let's hand it over to heather who has headlines for us. good morning. heather: we begin with a desperate search underway at this hour for teenage boy and step grandmother swept away at the grand canyon. 14-year-old jackson and his 62-year-old step grandmother louann merrill last seen crossing pete's creek on saturday when they lost footing and fell in. researchers are resuming search today. they have found their backpacks with all of their belongings. one crew member is dead and two more injured when a black hawk helicopter crash lands on a golf course. you can see the mangled metal debris was all. conducting a training mission when they saw pieces just falling from the sky. >> it was out of control. just within a couple of
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seconds just went down. heather: one survivor is in critical condition. the other in serious. and another fox news alert breaking right now coming to us just seconds ago from the united kingdom where prime minister theresa may has said that she is planning to call a general election this june to reaffirm the brexit vote. this is in response to an overwhelming number of critics demanding a do-over. it appears that the prime minister may is giving them their wish and confident that the people will remain on her side. those are a look at headlines along with developments on brexit. brian: i like the idea just calling election on the whim. we should try that have an election. steve: it's fine if you like the whim. if you are going to get thrown out of power you don't like the whim. brian: pro-whim cause it's good. ainsley: are you sure you want to do it again? we just finished one. brian: ramping um why not be on the ramp at any moment. life on the ramp.
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steve: rather than planning a wedding just eloping. boom, i got hitched. brian: let's elope as a nation. can we? straight ahead, does this look like a clock to you? it was found on a plane. steve: no. brian: the cops aren't buying the passenger's story. is this another clock boy thing? steve: newly confirmed supreme court justice neil gorsuch shaping up things first day on the bench. judge napolitano says his first case may end before it starts. all rise, here comes the judge. ♪ i believe it all is coming to an end ♪ oh well, i guess we're going to pretend ♪ let's see how far we've come
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♪ ♪ steve: justice neil gorsuch taking on the religious liberty item on one of his first supreme court cases, something he spoke about openly during his confirmation
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hearings. remember this? >> any sincerely held religious belief cannot be abridged by the government without a compelling reason. and even then, it has to meet -- has to be narrowly tailored, strict jut scrutiny. ainsley: decide today whether to hear oral arguments tomorrow in the case of government funds, your tax dollars, being used to you purchase playground equipment and, what, like a soft turf at church preschools. what impact could this have on you and your family? brian: turf would be good for my family because my brother sells it. with us is fox news senior judicial analyst judge napolitano. >> very profound case of religious freedom and you are trying to make money for your brother. brian: how dare i what was i thinking? >> oral argument was scheduled
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months ago before judge neil gorsuch was even on the court. then a strange thing happened. here's the history. the state of missouri offers money to repave playgrounds for every school in the state and they all apply for it and they all get it except religious schools because there is a clause in the missouri constitution which says we can't aid a religious organization. steve: in anyway. >> even the secular side. we can't get a school bus to a religious school. we can't pay for playground. religious squeal sues says that's discrimination against us. you are making it more expensive for us to run the school why by not sharing the wealth with us. they lose and they appeal to the supreme court. the supreme court back in december says we are going to hear this oral argument in april. then missouri gets new governor. new governor says i don't like this discrimination against churches and i think we should give the money to all schools in the state. ainsley: make the playgrounds safer. >> correct. the question now is there still a case before the supreme court?
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the constitution says the supreme court can only hear real cases and controversies. and if the issue has been resolved, is there still a controversy? so, the court will decide at noon today whether or not it's going to hear the case tomorrow. a lot of people want this case heard because they believe it's going to go in favor of the church, which would allow the government to give nonsecular aid. we're north talking about communion waivers. we're talking about a playground to religious institutions which relieves burdens on parents who send their children to these schools. steve: gotcha. >> if the case has been resolved not going to be a hearing and not going to be a supreme court decision. ainsley: if there is a case that does go to the supreme court, how do you think judge gorsuch will vote on this because he said separation of church and state unless there is a compelling reason. >> i hate to predict how someone is going to go but in the last four months i have been spending a loft time reading and studying what he has said. i think he would be in favor of ordering the state of
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missouri treat all schools equally and prohibiting the state from discriminating against small religious schools. steve: yesterday the high court heard oral arguments and extraordinarily even though they was way down at the end of the bench neil gorsuch was a talkative guy. >> very interesting to see what he would do. and i'm glad he did what he did, because he is the equal of everybody else there, even though he may be low on the totem pole and got to get their lunches in the cal cafetea and other hazing things. he has the same right as anybody else. he took that opportunity. evidence asked a lot of probing questions. what does that mean he? spent the whole weekend reading these briefs. justices had them for months he got them last week. brian: have you been off long enough. [laughter] >> i was hoping for resolution of this religious liberty case. if the new governor is going to give them this money to case. we will have to wait for
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another one. ainsley: doesn't work in that state. three doze other states can't te money. >> the supreme court has said that the state can give money for religious schools for nonreligious purposes like government tri books and school buses. suppose there is a fire, the fire department is going to come. if there is a crowd at mass, the police are going to direct traffic. separation of church and state doesn't mean absolute total separation. it means the government can't take tax dollars to aid the religious aspect. steve: let's see what the show me state does. brian: once again, the judge was not prepared for this segment. >> is your brother now in missouri trying to sell turf to these schools? brian: if is he smart and paying attention. thanks, judge. a new attempt to erase the american flag from sporting events because it comes across as too political. did anyone bother to ask the
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players? super star burgess here next. y282uy ywty when it comes to heartburn... trust the brand doctors trust. nexium 24hr is the #1 choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. for all day and all night protection... banish the burn... with nexium 24hr.
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brian: nbc sports writer craig calcaterra sparking outrage after complaining about flags at sporting events. will you keep politics out of sports, please? we like sports to be politics-free: here to how to turn good men in to whiners, wienies and wimps. when you stood and saw the flag at stadium is that about politics? >> no, it's about pride. pride in our country and pride what that flag stands for. i will say, this brian. i have a new respect for the
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left. they are finally showing us who they really have been and who they are which is socialist and marxist and anti-american and everything else you can think of. they are very emboldened by. this americans stand again very strongly for what we voted for on november 8th. that is a great, free america that supports and appreciates our flag and everything it stands for. brian: i don't understand it. it says make america great again or reelect president obama, i get it that's politics. that's a problem, perhaps. but a flag is something we should unify across but, then again, if you take a knee instead of saluting that flag or standing for the national anthem maybe calcaterra is on to something. he said this about the backlash, no let us not pretend over academic indicated and a half of it many have not learned how to be effective. it is to leverage patriotism to aid their political careers, their images or their marketability and marketability of their brands. people are using the american flag to increase their marketability.
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therefore we should stop labeling it politics. >> have you a cup 3e8 things here. -- couple things here. liberals cannot stand those ideals conservatives stand for. conservatives stand for flag and patriotism. therefore liberals stand against it conservatives believe in god and everything he stands for so, of course, liberals stand against that everything they stand against will be in their mind political. i just applaud every american that standing up this morning, going out to produce. not going out to have another demonstration and as we continue to produce and pledge and pray, we will win. and at the end of the day that's what it comes down to. brian: it does. i think after you saw kaepernick backlash he is going to stand because he doesn't see politics it or sees the downside of not respecting it thank you so much. >> you too. have a good one. brian: tucker carlson, dave bossie and ed henry at separate times will be talkingt and answering our questions.
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>> i don't want to telegraph what i'm doing or what i'm thinking. i'm not like other administrations. >> while all options are on the table. once and for all abandon missile programs. steve: traveling to kenosha, wisconsin. >> coming back to not only telling the wisconsin voters i'm working for you and listening to you. >> coming just seconds ago from the united kingdom with the prime minister theresa may has said she is planning to call a general election this june to reaffirm the brexit vote. >> steve stephens is armed. he should be considered dangerous. the reward is up to $50,000. the search area is the entire nation. >> kid photo bombed cnn by mouthing fake news during a live report. check it out. >> the juggling act that every president has to do on taking questions on north korea.
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>> it's going to be a good life. it's going to be a good life, good life. brian: people have to control their children. who is raising that child? steve: i wonder if cnn is running that clip today. brian: i bet they are. steve: was it a little drizzly yesterday? ainsley: it was drizzly. that did not stop the fun or the crowd. there were plenty of children there and it was really cute. we had a chance after we went off air to interview the president and the first lady melania trump. they were nice to take a little bit of time to interview us and this is what they said. ainsley: the vice president is in asia doing the four stop tour. he said basically the united states is running out of patience clearly a please sage to north korea. a navy fleet sent into the sea of japan right now. have you ruled out a strike. >> i don't want to rule out what i'm think.
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we will see what happens. i hope things work out well. i hope there is going to be peace they have been talking to this gentleman for a long time. you read clinton's book oh we made such a great peace deal and it was a joke. you look at different things over the years with president obama. everybody has been outplayed. they have all been outplayed by this gentleman. and we will see what happens. but i just don't telegraph my moves. ainsley: did we sabotage the north korea strike? >> i don't want to when commentn it. ainsley: what happens if north korea launches another missile? >> we will find out. ainsley: okay. about china, some in the media are saying you softened your stance on china. have they helped with the relationship on north korea? >> ainsley, i didn't soften my stance. china came to the united states, the president ohio developed a great relationship with. i think is he a terrific person. i got to know him well over a two-day period. we were together hours and hours and hours by ourselves. we had a 15-minute scheduled
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meeting and it lasted for three hours. the same thing happened the next day. he understands it's a big problem. is he working on it now, what am i going to do start a trade war with china in the middle of him work obligorren a bigger problem, frankly with north korea? i'm dealing with china with great respect. i have great respect for him. we will see what he can do. maybe he won't be able to help. that's possible. i think he is trying. maybe he won't be able to help. that's a whole different story. we will see what happens. ainsley: it can't hurt. >> no. somebody said currency manipulation. what am i going to do in the middle of him talking with north korea i'm going to hit them with currency manipulation? this is the fake media that just does a number. think of it. he is working so nicely that many coal ships have been sent back. fuel is being sent back. they're not dealing the same way. nobody has ever seen it like that. nobody has ever seen such a positive response on our behalf from china. and then the fake media goes donald trump has changed his stance on china. i haven't changed my stance. china is trying to help us. i don't know if they are going to be able to or not, but
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would i want to start heavy, heavy trade or currency manipulation statements against somebody that's out there right now trying to stop what could be a very bad situation? you understand that. ainsley: i understand that. >> nobody ever mentions it that way though. that's okay. i have think we are doing really well. china has been helping and other people have been helping. i don't know that that's going to work. it may have to be a different solution. ainsley: all right. so secretary kelly, dhs, he has a message to illegal immigrants. he says a single dui can get you kicked out of the country. do you agree with that stance? >> i'm letting him run it. he was a great general. successful general. i'm letting him run it. i will tell you we have gotten tremendous criminals out of this country. i'm talking about illegal immigrants that were here that caused tremendous crime, that have murdered people, raped people, horrible things have happened. they are getting the hell out or they are going to prison. so many towns and cities are thanking me because we have gotten rid of a burden that you would not believe. i mean, it is a serious problem and we never did anything about it and now we're doing something about
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it. steve: they are trying to do something about it. brian: right. steve: excellent interview. ainsley: thank you. steve: thanks for going down there. ainsley: thank you so much. steve: president trump making good on key campaign promise today on a brand new executive order. >> we believe in two simple rules, buy american, and hire american. >> let's buy american and hire american. >> buy american and hire american. all right? >> buy american and hire american. >> buy american, and hire american. we believe him. brian: what effect does this have on american wages and jobs? what does it mean? ainsley: let's ask the host of fox business network stuart varney. >> good morning, everyone. i think the effect on the economy and jobs will be marginal. what the president really wants. what would really move the needle is legislation from congress to lower tax rates and get the economy going. he cannot get that support
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from congress. implaque cable opposition from democrats and a divided republican party. he would really like legislation he has to fall back on executive orders like the one that he is going to sign today. brian: downside it will k. flip with the next person in. >> it doesn't really cover the whole gamut of the problem here. that is bringing jobs to america and changing our immigration policy. look, he is going to sign an executive order which says buy american, hire american. part 1, buy american. he is telling federal agencies, you have got a project, you use american products like, for example, steel and pipelines. item 2. hire american. he is ordering a review of the h 1 b visa program. now, this was supposed to you bring in skilled workers to america. skills to which we didn't have here in america. bring them in from overseas. the president thinks that whole system has been abused. so he wants to change it from a lottery system, essentially, to a merit-based immigration system.
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now, that will have permanent impact. it will. but overall these are executive orders. >> sure. >> playing seconds fiddle to what he really wants and that is legislation. steve: sure. and the reason is he not getting legislation, you know, they have got a strategy they white house that is to go ahead and do healthcare and then taxes. but you were alluding to this without saying the freedom caucus. the freedom caucus has thrown a wrench into the whole works. >> that would be my opinion. the republican party is split. they cannot agree on reforming obamacare. and they cannot agree on tax reform. that's a real problem. ainsley: why? brian: which by the way the treasury secretary says don't expect it in august yesterday, too. that's terrible. >> treasury secretary mnuchin on our air on the fox business network back in march said yes, august the deadline for tax reform. now he has told somebody else the financial times not going to happen. highly unreal lisz stick. ainsley: why wouldn't they be on board with that to decrease the corporate tax rate. >> maybe they are, that very,
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very limited aspect. steve: first have you got to do healthcare. >> not going to do that until the fall. very disappointing. all this talk about tax reform and all we end up with after the president's election tax cut in corporate tax rate that's not what we were looking for. steve: how many are in home district this week because it's recess getting their ear chewed quite a bit. >> i would like to know that i would like to hear it. brian: some are getting pats on the back stand up for trump care which we didn't like. who knows. let's talk about what happened during our show theresa may came out and said i would like another election, please. >> she has called a snap election which can you do in britain. she says there is going to be a general election all members of parliament up for election, re-election on june the 8th. six weeks away. you can do that in britain. you can't do that in america. but you can do that in britain. she wants to be the leader of the conservative party. and she wants to be the leader
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twho takes britain out of europe. she wants to execute that exit, so to speak. she has 21 point lead over other labor party opposition. so, she seized the moment. ainsley: people don't support her views or issues, they are probably out. >> at this point. they are looking pretty grim, yes. steve: she has the wind at her back. >> she will very likely win. ainsley: that's incredible they can do that. steve: sure is. completely different. what's completely different for theresa may a year ago she was for stay. you know what in the people have spoken, let's go. >> she leads the government which charged with getting them out of europe. by the way, in britain, you don't have long drawn out election seasons like in america where it can go on for a year. have you six weeks. campaigning is restricted so to six weeks. brian: referendum on brexit. >> totally. so. steve: famously donald trump predicted that the british would say let's get out of
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that. are there there any ramifications for eu. >> we will find out in the long term. more important is the french election coming up in a couple of weeks. steve: sure. >> if the french decide to leave the european union and leave europe. there are profound repercussions in america because our dollar goes straight up that euro goes straight down. big implications. ainsley: donald trump since president trump won people are listening to cintsz now whereas before more politicians had the power. now around the world they're starting like look at theresa may, she switched her views on brexit because she is listening to the people. the people's voices matter. >> the people spoke. maybe they will speak in france as well. ainsley: right. >> they certainly spoke in america. brian: we will see how this goes see if northern ireland and scott land leave great britain doesn't become nearly as big. >> you really do your homework, don't you? you are up on the issues. that's very good. brian: i'm very cosmo politan.
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i have a globe. i try to memorize it it's my planet earth. >> have you got something else to say? steve: not really. how could you add to that? >> you couldn't. ainsley: you have to let brian talk because everything he says is funnier than the last comment. brian: screw gun from last hour. steve: hour and 12 minutes. stuart, thank you very much. we will be watching. in the meantime, heather joins us with the headlines. heather: i'm here. we will talk about arkansas first. that's where we are going to begin with two death row inmates were spared at the very last minute there. convicted killers bruce ward and don davis were set for execution last night. the state supreme court issued a stay and u.s. supreme court refused to lift it. arkansas is trying to execute seven inmates before their lethal injection drugs expire at the end of the month. and the polls are now open for critical special election in georgia. 18 candidates are running to fill the seat vacated by you
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hhs secretary tom price. democrats spending millions to support jon ossoff in hopes of flipping the long time republican district. in no candidate gets more than 50% of the vote it goes to a run off. president trump just tweeting this minutes ago republicans must get out today and vote in georgia 6. forced runoff an easy win. dem ossoff will raise your taxes, very bad on crime and second amendment. and what do you think? what is this? is it a clock or a fake bomb? well, u.s. customs is going with a mock ied. actually found in some luggage on united plane from toronto to chicago forcing passengers to evacuate onto the runway. the flight delayed four hours. guy charged with mischief. is he still sticking to his original story he says it is a clock. let us know what you think. that doesn't look like a clock to me. brian: passengers off one at a time. steve: very complicated clock.
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ainsley: wondering how it played it onto the plane why didn't they catch it before? heather: it was in his luggage that he checked. checked baggage. steve: different standard. heather: thank you, heather. brian: president trump delayed putting his hand over his heart for the national anthem. ladies of the view went wild. >> auto. >> any adult that's here -- even if you are trying to figure out -- i mean, come on. i guess no one told president obama did the same thick and actually stood there once with his hands in his pockets. ainsley: heart warming moment dad gets creative to send message to infant daughter. >> hi, paige, i love you, see you soon. >> dad. i had t dad.
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doctors recommend taking claritin every day distracting you? of your allergy season for continuous relief. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy, 24-hour relief. for fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do every day. live claritin clear. every day. ♪ >> oh, lord, have mercy. oh my god. >> help is already on the way. >> oh,. >> now. are with you the patient now. >> no, i'm not with the patient. i'm across the street. i heard a gunshot. ainsley: back with a fox news alert.calls that you
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just heard payment ago horrific picture of that man right there, the facebook -- alleged facebook murderer. steve: now there is a frantic nationwide manhunt and it's intensifying for the monster who filmed the execution on his smart phone, posted it on facebook and vowed to kill more people. brian: if he doesn't stop driving it's going to be impossible to find him. peter doocy with the details. >> detective from the cleveland police department actually called steve stephens' cell phone shortly after his facebook account uploaded the video of this alleged murder at random and got him on the phone. but this detective could not convince this now fugitive to turn himself in. so, the last place that authorities know for sure that he visited was the murder scene. in this white 2016 ford fusion with temporary ohio tags. and we're now about two hours away from an investigator's update. but stephens is still believed to be in that vehicle. investigators say that they
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are following up on every tip they get. and when a flurriy of 911 calls in philadelphia flooded the dispatcher's switch board yesterday. authority closed several schools near where they thought stephens may have been spotted. but there was no sign of the 37-year-old. and even though stephens is still out of sight, the children of the man he allegedly killed are forgiving him. >> that was my daddy, man. >> steve, i forgive you, man. i'm not happy what you did but i forgive you. >> there is now a $50,000 reward being offered for information that leads to steve stephens capture there are billboards as far as away as california with a picture of his face on it and a picture of this white ford fusion on it. but that goes to show that is a signal that authorities really have no idea where in this entire country he may be. back to you.
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steve: hey, peter, before you go, just before he shot that man, he used a woman's name joy lane, his ex-girlfriend. did she apologize? >> we know that she says that she was in a relationship, according to local reports, she was in a relationship with stevens for a while and she feels bad about everything that has happened. something else that's worth pointing out about this woman, she says that or rather authorities say that she is now receiving some additional protection from the police. basically she is in protective custody until they can if i can out where this murderer who did it in his name is. steve: peter doocy, thank you. ainsley: that's good news she is being kept safe if he is after her. steve: conspiracy theory that president trump would risk a war with north korea over approval ratings. woodhouse brothers are going to discuss that and what's going on in georgia coming up
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next. ainsley: democrats are still trying to hang the disgusting painting of cops as pigs in the capital. this morning, a major update. they're not going to like it ♪ everybody's got a dark side ♪ do you love me? left foot. right foot. left foot. stop. twitch your eyes so they think you're crazy. if you walk the walk you talk the talk. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. hide the eyes. it's what you do. show 'em real slow.
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brian: quick headlines now. tensions mounting overnight as north korea vows more missile launches on a week lie basis. the threat coming as vice president pence visits the pacific region reassuring our allies in the face of north korea aggression like we have never seen before. new concerns now that american lives are in danger. a former north korean operative telling the mail, quote, the name of the daily mail kim jong un will have american tourists kidnapped and killed if president trump attacks. a major terror bust in france
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days before the country kicks off its presidential election. two suspects under arrest believed to be planning an imminent attack. then as this is candidate marine la pen take as page out of president trump's playbook vowing to protect french borders blaming weak borders for increase in terrorism which france has been plagued with recent years. and we have covered them all. steve? steve: thank you, brian. a democratic representative from rhode island floats a conspiracy theory that president trump would risk a nuclear war with north korea over approval ratings. >> i think what we have to be sure is that the president understands the implications of this kind of military action. what i fear is he has sort of got a political bump from the syrian strike and we don't want the president to be making decisions where he just sort of thinks more bombs are the way to build up his popularity but rather they are making decisions based on the national security interest of the united states. steve: bombs equal bumps. here to react are the
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woodhouse brother former dnc communications director brad woodhouse screen left and executive director of the north carolina republican party dallas woodhouse. guys good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: dallas, now we know that the reason that donald trump is going after north korea is to bump up his approval ratings according to the democrat from rhode island. >> i'm glad that democrat from rhode island is in rhode island and not in a position to have a great deal of influence here. this is ridiculous even for ridiculous liberals. failed military operations have a lot more potential to hurt you than good ones can help you. i have full confidence that mr. trump and his team will look at these things carefully and soberly and do the right thing. ultimately, good policy makes good politics. steve: okay. >> i feel confident that if and when we have to do something, it will be for the right reasons. steve: all right, brother brad, let's talk about the bump and the bomb.
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>> look, i have lived long enough to remember when part-time accused bill clinton of looking after his approval ratings when he dropped bombs bs in afghanistan. to go after usama bin laden. so this is this is not new at all. but my concern is not whether or not donald trump is looking at his approval ratings. it's whether he has a coherent and principled foreign policy. he said we wouldn't intervene in syria. we intervened in syria. he said he would call china a currency minuter. now he won't call china a currency minuter. he said he was going to hold nato to account. now he is supporting nato. he said mexico is going to pay for the wall. now we're paying for the wall. my certain is he does not have a principled or coherent approach to foreign policy not that he is watching his poll numbers. steve: you are not the first democrat i have heard say that let's talk about a democrat named jon ossoff, he is running for the sixth
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congressional district down in the great state of georgia. brad, your party is saying if this guy wins, the democrat wins that's going to be really big for the democratic party. donald trump has tweeted out in the last hour democrat jon ossoff would be a disaster in congress, very weak on crime and illegal immigration, bad for jobs and wants higher taxes. say no. and then he also tweeted out republicans must get out today and vote in georgia six. force runoff, easy win. jon ossoff will raise taxes very bad on crime and second amendment. brother brad. >> i will tell you what, when you have the president of the united states tweeting desperately telling people to go out to the polls in a primary election, remember, steve, this is the primary. steve: he did it last week in kansas. >> well, the reason he is doing it. >> kind of normal primary. >> hold on, dallas. steve: the question was to me.
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>> the reason he is putting his tweet out he knows this is a referendum on him. this is a republican seat. it was won by the previous incumbent, tom price by over 20 points. the fact that we are even victory for the democrats not whether or not ots solve gets in the house. the fact that republicans had to pour money into this and the president is so frightened he has to tweet on the day of the election? democrats have already won in georgia. steve: dallas, this guy would have to get 50% -- if he gets more than 50%, then that would be great for him. because there are 18 people running, if the democrat were to win and the republicans lost, wouldn't that really be more about the fact that the republicans had 11 candidates for this one job? >> yeah. i mean, there are a ton of candidates down there. >> there are multiple candidates on the democratic side, too. let's not forget that. >> democrats basically got one candidate. he has raised a lot of money.
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let's not forget about that? >> 18 million bucks. >> they feel good but they do have a message that republicans need to come out, vote for the republican of their choice. they feel like they are doing a good job pushing back against the nancy pelosi millions of dollars. we have a strong regional political director down there russell peck who i know is helping get out the vote. i feel pretty good about it. but, you know, republicans need to come out today and i believe they will. steve: it's interesting because the national media has at least one publication, brad, has referred to this man as the trump layer is that he is the one that could take down the president, essentially in a spiritual way if he were to go ahead and win this special election down in georgia. >> well, look, i think that's overstating it. this is one congressional seat. i do think that it does serve as a warning shot to donald trump. if you have a seat that is 20 points plus republican and you are fighting this hard. steve: okay.
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>> to win it, there is something going on with your base and with republicans. they are not enthusiastic about his presidency. steve: let's see what's going to happen. tomorrow at this time we will know. >> republicans use this as an opportunity to show they can deliver in congress. steve: brothers, thank you very much for joining us live today. >> thank you. steve: what do you think about that? email us at next on the rundown, scenario on the fight against terror. is isis about to team up with al qaeda? and what if a college professor let your child skip the final if they, instead, went to a protest for donald trump? that protest. that's exactly what's happened. i bet tucker carlson has plenty to say about that. we will ask him next ♪ don't forget to say yeah, yeah. ♪ say you will ♪ say it right now, baby ♪ say you will ♪ come on, come on ♪ say you will ♪ say it
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>> washington nationals game yesterday, their mass scotts got into a bit of a fight. check out what happened to the teddy roosevelt mascot. >> see how much you can save. normal race. here come the mass scotts. taking out the presidents. teddy gets around so he is going to win, right? the easter bunny takes him out. >> on the bright side that bunny just got a job on united airlines. steve: poor teddy roosevelt he never wins down there. brian: the guy was such a hit. like a linebacker. ainsley: i met them at the white house lawn yesterday. teddy is doing fine. he shook hands with the easter bunny. brian: for more on that story go to tucker carlson.
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can you tell us update. >> that was fake because in real life nobody could have decked teddy roosevelt. steve: that's my point. ainsley: why didn't anybody remember it yesterday he pers in my ear and says what happened? what happened? steve: amnesia. ainsley: how does the bunny forget. >> kind of creepy that the bunny is whisz perking at the white house. steve: on some levels you are right. let's talk about how the president is going to take air force one tout kenosha, wisconsin today a state that he won back in november. he is going to go to snap-on tools and announce his new executive order buy american, hire american. he promised it out on the trail, tucker, because congress has been unable to get their act together he can't offer up legislation. instead he is going to do what he can with the power of the pen. >> that's right. this is basically around immigration executive function, presidential function in the first place. this is exactly as you said what the president ran on.
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this is why he got elected on an america first platform. it wasn't for more foreign intervention and hiring guys gus from goldman sachs. it was increase wages in america and employment in america help on the margins. hsv. bring in foreign workers if they can do things america can not a crazy idea. in practice it's allow you had big companies to bring in foreign workers to work for less lower wages and undercutting american wages. tech companies against. this one of the biggest companies in the world intent at hiring workers at lower wages. what's infuriating about it rather than admitting that we want to make more money bye bye paying less. appealing to ledge just liberty and hiring foreign workers for less really kind of self-riciousz way. basically alleging bigotry if you are against their hiring practices which is really annoying.
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steve: no kidding. brian: i can tell you are annoyed already. i can sense on your show tonight. there is somebody looking for extra credit, have you now an option if you are an arizona state university if you are in this professor's dallas. you can now either take the test or you can organize an anti-trump protest, instead of taking the final exam on human rights. how do you feel about that? do you think that's fair? >> i mean it's prima facie silly but also mediocre. if you look at this professor in particular by the way born outside the country. brian: malmaldonado. >> in her biomy course consists of left wing act investigation. immigrant right activism. what is so upsetting about it is how mediocre it is. think of the kids in her class either taking out loans to be there or who are probably relying as well on government grants, taxpayer funded grants
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and they are not learning anything other than activism which is not itself an academic discipline. it's pretty easy to stand outside with a sign. much harder, more challenging and important to learn facts. that's not happening. it's just a snapshot that you could take at almost any american college where people who have no qualifications who aren't impressive are teaching your kids to hate the country they live in. that's long-term not a good thing. ainsley: bringing politics into the classroom. i didn't think about your perspective. you are absolutely right. if you are paying for your kid to go to school you want them to take the final exam. i thought about the students in that class that don't want to speak up might have vote for donald trump and don't want to protest. could scared to put that opinion because there might be backlash. >> full frontal attack in freedom of speech in colleges across the country where the idea a person can have a legitimate conover jent viewpoint is dispis dismissed. the idea that people have a
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right to swha they think as gainer tied by the first amendment of the bill of rights totally thrown out. waved away as remnant of colonial past. basically the underpinnings of america are rejected. again, this is the nation's next generation of leaders. they will be running things in 20 years. and their assumptions are scary. brian: 20 students picked up on it david mcclaw said had a nation's premier story. people are panicked because they don't like the direction that donald trump or barack obama brought the country. they don't understand our history. when they understand our history we are full up ups and downs and phases. panics because we are living right here and now. no one is teaching american history. we had a civil war two, world wars a depression. this is nothing compared to the challenges we feyed in our past. >> as someone who has written a bunch of history books you know that. it's true. by the way, unless you understand why previous generations made the decisions
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they did, it's pretty hard to make wise decisions going forward. of all the problems in the american academy, the destruction of history is by far the most ominous because you have people who have no frame of reference. steve: sure. >> they don't even know how to make a wise decision. brian: and the most correctable. steve: that's why the past is prologue as they say at the national archive. in the corner we see have you a refugee crisis investigation tonight on your program, tucker. >> that's exactly right. look, people are missing and you can watch tonight and we are doing it most nights, but the continent of europe is being transformed by this my grant crisis. 7,000 people from the third world landed in italy over the weekend. got virtually no coverage in the united states. but speaking of the past is prologue this is the kind of thing that is happening here and it will be happening here. it has huge ramifications and you should at least know about it most americans don't. brian: send up a flare if you are being invaded.
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>> exactly. the point i made last night. steve: that's where he got it tucker, thank you very much for joining us live. brian: he must go right to bed after the show he is wide awake. ainsley: he works all day long. he is a very hard worker. steve: speaking of hard workers. that's right, heather anchored the 5:00 a.m. show and doing headlines for three hours and probably have another show you are anchoring later. heather: not today. bed is calling my name. days after the united states obliterated nearly 100 isis militants, some new intel suggests the desperate terror group may be looking to al qaeda for help. now, according to the iraqi vice president. >> the terror groups have started discussing an alliance which would bring an end for fierce competition for recruits and leadership since they flipped back in 2014. controversial painting, do you remember this, depicting police officers as pigs? it will never return to capitol hill walls. a federal judge ruling that the image portraying the 2014
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sheeting of michael brown was, quote: government speech. legally justifying its remove by republican congressman. and shutting down democrat william lacy clay's lawsuit claiming that the painting's removal violated the artist first amendment rights. that's a quick look at your headlines. we will have more a little bit later. steve: all right. heather. thank you very much. ainsley: he didn't come in first. that was never the point for this wounded warrior running the boston marathon. >>[cheers] ainsley: that wasn't the only victory for america's heroes crossing the finish line. steve: indeed. meanwhile, the white house is consistently in crisis mode if you listen to the mainstream media but the numbers tell a different story. press versus the polls coming up on this tuesday "fox & friends." ♪ under pressure ♪
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but who you invest with. ♪ ♪ ♪ brian: if you listen to 90% of the media, you would think the president's white house was in a shambles. a brand new rasmussen poll is a tracking poll that comes out regularly tells a much different story showing the president's approval now at about 50%. joining us right now with reaction with s. a former pollster himself john mclaughlin. there is other polls that show him at 36% approval rating and throw up your hands, is there any truth in this? >> look. the president is doing great and people know it rasmussen poll tracks very close whether i ours. think have a 50% a3r5068 rating going up. media polls should be ashamed of themselves. same polls that said hillary clinton was going to be president, you are getting these polls like quinnipiac
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had only 23% republicans last week. only 23%. gallup 26% republicans. it's like we have gone away. we were 33% on election day. there is a pew poll and pew must stand for stinky poll because they had 51% democrats. so they are biased, skewed polls that the media is not holding accountable that they are accurate because they are undermining republicans. then don't have trump voters in it. they don't have republicans in it. rasmussen poll is right because it's based on a model from last november which had 33% republican 37% democrat. he is going up again on the strength of his security issues. brian: 42.4% is the real clear averages which is the average of those polls. >> right. you are not even buying into that. >> skewed by biased media polls that don't like president trump. like last november we asked the question is the media biased against president trump? and they said yes, 53% to 44. all americans. we had the president at the time in december, 48%
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favorable, 41% unfavorable. as president-elect or job approval, and i told him i said they are going to come after you, because if your job approval goes over 50% with a republican house and republican senate and public opinion on your side you will get a lot done. he is getting a lot done. brian: honeymoon phase puts you at 70%. look how his poll numbers are coming down. it's going to be the opposite with president trump. >> exactly. brian: look where he was and how it goes based on performance. >> this is about substance. president trump is going to be one of the most successful presidents ever. the right direction for the united states in that same poll has gone up 41%. it was two thirds negative for the last four years under president obama. so president trump what he did in syria to stop the chemical weapons, what he did in afghanistan to get isis, what is he doing standing up to north korea, those security issues are driving his positive job approval up. and at the same time, as he talks about economic growth
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and growing the economy, that optimism when he gets his pro-growth plan up, he will go up even further. brian: wrong track, right track when it comes to the economy. always been positive. numbers don't lie. these numbers do often, john. thank you for bringing sanity. >> thank you, brian. brian: we have a lot more show to come. in fact, he didn't come in first but that was never the point with this wounded warrior when he ran the boston marathon yesterday. >> let's give this courageous athlete the salute he deserves at the finish line. [cheers and applause] brian: that wasn't the only victory for america's heroes crossing the finish line. carley shimkus. this day in history 2015, bruno mars had the number one song in america. in fact, heather childers was humming it on the way in uptown funk ♪ because uptown funk going to give it to you ♪ saturday night in the spot
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ainsley: four years after terror rocked boston's proudest day, the city showing resilience and what the marathon is all about. brian: here with the top moments from the day yesterday, fox news headline 24/7 reporter carley shimkus. hey, carley. >> good morning. there was no shortage of amazingly inspirational moments from the boston marathon yesterday. so many it was really hard to pick which ones to focus on. i think this is a really good place to start. take a look at this. army veteran earl granville who lost his leg fighting for our country in afghanistan. he wound up crossing the
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finish line carrying his aide. that woman was supposed to be helping him. the reverse wound up happening. isn't that unbelievable? you know, he is saying that he didn't want any of the attention. you know, she was obviously, she got injured or got a little winded during the race, i think this really speaks to the amazing mentality of our military members leaving no man behind. brian: that is jose sanchez. >> that is amazing. listen to this. not only incredibly inspirational but patriotic moment staff sergeant jose sanchez also lost his leg in afghanistan fighting for our country. he ran the entire race carrying the american flag. take a listen to him. >> ladies and gentlemen, let's give this courageous athlete the salute he deserves at the finish line. [cheers and applause] steve: unbelievable.
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>> he finished the course five hours, 20 minutes. he ran to raise money for charity for our wounded military members. and families who were affected by 9/11. ainsley: that is really emotional knowing what that city has been through and seeing these individuals who have fought for our country so strong. >> absolutely. brian: first woman ran the boston marathon ran it again? >> first woman to run the boston marathon in 1967, 50 years later, she ran the race again. her name is catherine switzer. back in the 1960's, she tried to run the race and a race official actually tried to stop her, tried to rip off her number. steve: no women allowed. ainsley: threw her out of the race. no one aloud. she ran her fastest race yesterday at 70 years old. ainsley: she is 70? she looks amazing. steve: that's fantastic. ainsley: she does not like 70. >> i'm going to skip the radio
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today and head straight to the treadmill. brian: she doesn't look 50. steve: stick around for the top of the hour. ainsley's exclusive interview with donald trump from the south lawn of the white house ♪ look so serious ♪ so raise your glass and hey, unmanaged depression, don't get too comfortable. we're talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. and fragmented care- stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. every single one of you is on our list. for those who won't rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. optum. how well gets done.
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trump: i don't want to telegraph what i'm doing or what i'm thinking. i'm not like other administrations. >> i think it is likely that we will see a shoot down by the united states of a north korean official. >> going to be traveling to wisconsin to sign his executive order regarding buy american, hire american. >> why he got elected to increase wages in america and employment in america. >> prime minister teresa may has said that she is planning to call a general election this june for the brexit vote. >> she wants to execute that
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exit, so to speak. >> steve stevens is armed. he should be considered dangerous. the reward is up to $50,000. the search area is the entire nation. >> he didn't come in first, but that was never the point for this wounded warrior, running the boston marathon. ♪ ♪ brian: is this a knock off version of this song? steve: no, that's him. he actually sang this song on our show a couple of years ago. hi, everybody, welcome live from studio e, the world's number one cable news show. ainsley: that's right. thank you for watching this morning. you just saw a picture of the white house on the north lawn. on the south lawn was the easter egg roll, and we got a chance to talk t to the president and his wife. the vice president is in asia,
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and he said basically the u.s. is running out of patience. you have a navy fleet that is sent into the sea of japan right now. have you you would ruled out a military strike? >> i don't want to telegraph what i'm thinking. i'm not like other administrations saying we're going to do this in four weeks. it doesn't work that way. we'll see what happens. i hope things work out well. but, you know, they've been talking with this gentleman for a long time. you read clinton's book, they said, oh, we made such a great peace deal. it was a joke. you look at different things with president obama, everybody has been outplayed by this gentleman, and we'll see what happens. but i just don't telegraph my moves. ainsley: did we sabotage the north korea strike? >> i don't want to comment on it. ainsley: naps north korea launches another missile? trump: we'll find out. ainsley: all right. about china. some in the media say you softened your chance on china. trump: i didn't soften my
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stance. the president came to the united states, i think he's a terrific person. i got to know him very well over a two-day period. we were together hours and hours and hours by ourselves. we had a 15-minute scheduled meeting, and it lasted for three hours and the same thing hand the next day. ends it's a big problem, he's working on it. now, what am i going to do? start a trade war with china in the middle of him working on a bigger problem, frankly, with north korea? so i'm dealing with china with great respect. i have great respect for him. we'll see what he can do. now, maybe he won't be able to help. that's possible. i think he's trying but maybe he won't be able to help and that's a whole different story. ainsley: it can't hurt. trump: no, but somebody said currency manipulation. what am i going to do? in the middle of him talking with north korea, i'm going to hit them with currency manipulation? this is the fake media that just does a number. think of it. he's working so nicely that many coal ships have been sent back, fuel is being sent back, they're not dealing the same
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way. nobody has ever seen it like that. nobody has ever seen such a positive response on our behalf from china and then the fake media goes donald trump has been changed his stance on china. i haven't changed my stance. china is trying to help us. i don't know if they're going to be able to or not. but when i want to start heavy, heavy trade or currency manipulation statements against somebody that's out there right now trying to stop what could be a very bad situation, you understand that. ainsley: i understand that. trump: nobody ever mentions it that way, though. but that's okay. i think we're doing really well. china has been helping and other people have been helping, but i don't know if that's going to work. it may have to be a different solution. ainsley: all right. so secretary kelly, dhs, he has a message to single immigrants. he says a single dui can get you kicked out of the country. >> i'm letting him running it, he's a tremendously successful general, and i'm letting him run it. but i'm telling you we're getting tremendous criminals out of this country.
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people who have murdered people, raped people, horrible things have gotten. they're getting the hell out or they're going to prison. and so many towns and cities are thanking me because we have gotten rid of a burden that you would not believe. i mean, it is a serious problem, and we never did anything about it, and now we're doing something about it. steve: he's right about that. you know, it's refreshing to hear when you were asking good questions about things of the news, he goes i'm not going to tell you. i'm not going to lay all the cards out on the table for the bad guys and people on the world to know what we're up to. ainsley: also refreshing to hear him say i'm going to turn to the generals and i'm going to listen to them because they're the experts. brian: we haven't had that for a while, and that was one of the biggest complaints of the last three secretary of defense. we had three authors calling into the theater of battle into afghanistan and iraq calling people where to move. in fact, one of the last operations president obama moved, they had four people signed off how to fly a helicopter out of afghanistan. steve: sure. too many lawyers were involved
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in that as well. meanwhile, the president of the united states is going to be heading over to wisconsin, a state he won in the general election in november. and this is going to what he promised a million times. if elected, he would push buy american, hire american. because can't get congress on the same page with him right now, he's going to snap-on tools to announce he's signing this executive order and tucker carlson says, hey, look, don't be surprised. this is what got him the job. >> this is exactly what the president ran on. this is why he got elected on america first platform. it's not foreign intervention or hiring guys from goldman sacks. it's to increase employment in america. and the h1b visa program, which allows them to do that things americans can't. but in practice, it has allowed big companies to bring
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in workers to work for less. steve: that's the key. it's not like there aren't americans who can do those jobs, it's that they're coming into this country on a temporary visa, the h1b visa that you can wind up paying them a lot less and then the company makes a lot more money. ainsley: that's exactly right. they're saying hire american first. we have all of these college kids who are graduating that need jobs, hire them before you hire somebody that's not a citizen. brian: meanwhile, the frantic nationwide manhunt intensifying for this facebook killer. steve: authorities raising the stakes. now offering a $50,000 reward, that what makes it a fox news alert to help catch that man right there before he strikes again. ainsley: peter ducey is live in cleveland with the latest. good morning, peter. >> good morning, ainsley. this social worker who used social media to upload and share video of an ambushed murder on easter sunday is not on anybody's radar right now because the police say they have not heard from steve
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stevens since detectives got him on the phone shortly after that disturbing sunday facebook upload. so they say his last known location was the murder scene where he allegedly shot 74-year-old robert godwin senior who was picking up cans off the sidewalk. and where this 9-1-1 call was made by neighbors desperate for help. >> he's laying there. >> what's your address? >> oh, lord, have mercy. oh, my god. >> help is already on the way. now, are you with the patient now? >> no. i'm not with the patient. >> okay. okay. >> look, i heard a gunshot. >> okay. he's not awake at all? >> no. he's unconscious. he's dead. >> there now billboards up as far away as california with pictures of steve stevens face and his car, a white 2016 ford fusion with temporary ohio tags. we do expect an update from investigators about an hour
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and a half right now. we know they've been getting hundreds of thousands of tips from coast to coast and if one of those tips leads to the arrest, it is good for $50,000 in reward money that was put up by investigators yesterday. back to you. steve: peter, if his cell phone still has battery life, can't they figure out where the phone is? >> it's interesting. there were some reports that his cell phone was pinging off of towers in neighborhoods states, but they refused to confirm those reports, in fact, the police chief yesterday, the last update that we got says he still doesn't have reason to believe that stevens has left ohio. ainsley: so it sounds like they're going to find him. our police force is incredible. they're pinging his phone, his picture's plastered all over the news. they're going to find this guy. and now they're offering this reward now. steve: all right. peter. >> every police officer detective in the country is looking for him and so are a
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lot of people we see on social media sitting at home listening to scanner apps on their iphones trying to help as well, so it's all eyes out for steve stevens today. brian: all right. thanks, peter. ainsley: thanks, peter. steve: all right. it is now ten minutes after the top of the hour on this tuesday and today doing headline duty, we've got heather again. >> hopefully they find him. well, now to this fox alert for you, this is brand-new video out of france. a major terror bus. two suspects lates under arrest, this asthmary le pen takes a page out of president trump's book. vowing to block all immigrants from coming to france. blaming the borders for increase in terror. and we're also following more breaking news. an abrupt u-turn on brexit.
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teresa may planning to call a general election giving voters a second chance to decide if the country should leave the european union. this in response to a overwhelming number of critics demanding a doover. brexit supporters hoping a june 8 vote will reaffirm the earlier victory. and voting is underway right now in the special election in georgia, 18 candidates are running to from the seat vacated by has democrat tom price, in hopes of flipping the long time republican district. if no keaton gets more than 80% of the vote, democrat would be a disaster in congress. very weak on crime and illegal immigration. bad for jobs and wants higher taxes. say "no." and those are a look at your headlines so far. lots of stuff happening. brian: you wouldn't think the president would be having to tweet that out. the rnc would be tweeting this. steve: coming up, democrats in
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mainstream media obsessing over president trump's tax returns. but do the average americans actually care about them? former trump deputy campaign manager david bossie with the answer to that question coming up next. brian: and a few more. plus, a brand-new look inside hillary clinton's doomed presidential campaign. what she did election night that he has everyone talking this morning. ♪ ♪ allergies with nasal congestion?
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ainsley: democrats and the mainstream media hammering starting in the general election demanding that president trump release those tax returns. >> is the president going to release his 2016 tax returns? >> the president is under audit. it's a routine one that continues, and i think that the american public knows clearly where he stands. this is something very clear during the election cycle. the one thing that was done, i think people understand what the president has done. steve: well, would it really make a difference if the president did release his tax
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returns? brian: here to discuss deputy campaign manager david bossie. do you think the president's going to release them today? >> good morning. is he going to release his taxes? i don't think so. he's -- look, as sean said, he's been continually under audit. it's a routine audit. look, we've answered these questions just dozens if not hundreds of times during the campaign. the american people don't care, and i will tell you that president trump is not focused on this. he's focused on trying to get jobs for the american people. creating opportunities for the american people and for the american national security issue that he's facing around the world. so this is a very unimportant thing to happen and to most americans. steve: well, you know, the average american would like to pay as little taxes as possible. i don't know how big it is. and, david, we did get to see a few pages from one of his returns from one year, and as it turns out, that did not fit with the media narrative because it turns out he made a lot of money, but he paid a lot of taxes.
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>> he paid $38 million in that illegally-obtained 2005 tax return. and it shows you just how successful the president has been in business running that incredible trump organization. but also that he paid i believe it's 24% rate, which is greater than most presidents have in the past, so i think, look, what we don't know is what he paid in the last few years in taxes. the one year in 2005 we do know, 38 million in that one year. that's a lot of money to the american people. brian: right. ainsley: david, you touched on this because the president basically tweeted after that tax day rally that basically said i won the election. it's over, and let's move on. now, he also tweeted that someone should look into who paid for the small, organized rallies. who is behind these rallies if they are getting paid. >> you know, these paid protesters, paid professional protesters, that's what they are. maybe they need to be paying taxes on the money they're getting from these left wing
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organizations all funded by george soros and others. there's several dozen left wing organizations that are out there that are professionally organizing and paying these folks. so i would like to see their tax returns. brian: let's talk about what steve mnuchin said yesterday. he said i don't think we do get the tax reform in august. does the president also concur with that? and if so, he's got to be disappointed. >> look, this is a moving target. tax reform is a -- something that's an incredible proposal by president trump, and i think that all americans want to pay lower taxes. but -- and i'm not sure if it's august or september. the president's solely focused on trying to put together a package that's going to get through the house and the senate and that he can sign. look, he's been busy with an incredible supreme court justice pick. they're trying to get health care back together. i think they're going to have some good success here in short order. so once we get to tax reform, we haven't actually seen the proposals yet.
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i know they're working diligently on them. it's all on the house leadership. i put this squarely on speaker ryan and his leadership team to try to get consensus on a tax package prior to them bringing it to the floor. brian: so hard with these lobbyists and special interest interest. maybe it should come from the white house. >> you know, brian, that's a great point, and i think the president does look very closely at that. maybe they should own the bill and really craft it out of there. it's a different way to go, but i could tell you to your point, it is maybe better for the american people if they do that. steve: all right. mr. bossy, thank you very much for joining us live today. ainsley: thank you. >> thanks for having me. steve: next up, they say president trump shares similarities with president ronald reagan and this morning, we have a new reason to make that historical comparison. brian: and how would you like this on your next flight? don't worry. the guys who made it. ainsley: if you say so.
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brian: that's exactly the clock i would make. steve: if it was a clock, i would say it's 8:20 in the morng kevin, meet your father. kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin trusted advice for life. kevin, how's your mom? life well planned. see what a raymond james financial advisor can do for you.
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ainsley: we have quick headlines for you. a southwest airlines pilot is busted with a loaded handgun in his carry on bag. stopped by the tsa in new york before he was scheduled to copilot a flight to chicago. gibson claims that he forgot the gun was in his bag. he was arrested on weapons charges and then released on bail. and what do you think about this? a clock or fake gun? u.s. customs is going with a ied. it was found in luggage on a united flight and forced passengers to evacuate.
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the man charged with mischief sticking with the it's a clock story, though. steve. steve: of course it is. all right. thank you. president trump said to become the first sitting president since ronald reagan to address the national rifle association. >> the national rifle association who are really good people, by the way. i've gotten to know them. they are good people. they love this country. they endorse me. the earliest endorsement, i believe, they've ever given, but they endorsed me. we are going to protect and preserve our second amendment. okay? steve: so what can we expect from his speech? nra executive director chris cox joins us from our nation's capitol. chris, good morning to you. >> hey, good morning, steve. steve: well, i guess you invited him, and he's coming; right? >> he is. we're going to have a big celebration in atlanta next weekend. we're expecting over 800,000 nra members to join in celebration and there's one particular member that they're very excited to hear from and that's the president of the
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united states. steve: when he was out on the stump, there was no mistaking the fact that he was 100% behind your organization. >> well, this president ran as the most pro second amendment, pro individual freedom candidate in the history of the country. and if you look at how he has governed over the first 100 days, he's arguably the been the most effective and most successful in the first 100 days of any presidency, so we're really excited about not only him speaking but donald trump being president of the united states and having a president who supports this basic individual and fundamental freedom. steve: and as you said earlier, he will be the first president since ronald reagan to address the nra. here's a snippet of mr. reagan back in 1983. >> it does my spirit good to be with people who never lose faith in america, who never stop believing in our future, and who never back down one inch from defending the constitutional freedoms that are every american's birthright. steve: you know, historically republicans are conservative candidates are supporters of the nra.
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but when donald trump was running for president, i mean, just the fact that he was so supportive and so verbal and vocal in the support had a lot of people go and "wow, he's all in for that." >> yeah. well, we've had presidents in the past who have been great supporters of the organization. teddy roosevelt, john f kennedy was a life member. we had president reagan speak in 1983, which was a great moment for nra members. but, steve, this is a great moment and a great time in second amendment history that we have the most pro second amendment president coming to speak to the national rifle association. it's going to be a great day for america, a great day for our members, and we're excited to have him there. steve: you know you're excited to have him there, but you know there's going to be a lot of protesters out front. that you know. >> well, that's what happens when you lose. they lost. ultimately you judge politicians on whether or not they keep their promises. this president promised to put the supreme court back on the
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side of individual freedom. back on the side of the second amendment and the american people, and he kept that promise. for the first time now, thanks to president trump, we are back to a 5-4 majority on the supreme court. we now have a justice department thanks to donald trump and jeff sessions that's not interested in political justice but interested in prosecuting criminals. we have an interior secretary that understand that hunters and sportsman should be able to enjoy our national treasure and america's lands as well. we have a lot of work to do but so far the first 100 days have been fantastic. steve: it sounds like you're 100% behind him. chris cox from the nra. thank you very much for joining us this tuesday. >> great to be back. thank you for having me. steve: all right. meanwhile remember that painting portraying police officers as pigs that was in the capitol? democrats still fighting to bring it back and this morning there's a big update. we'll share it with you coming up. plus, the democratic party newly elected chairman was handpicked by the establishment. so what do you think happens
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when he tries to take the stage and reboot the party? >> maybe you came now because you're curious about the new dnc chairman and the future of the democratic policy. steve: that's a lot of booing. come on in, ed henry.
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steve: he's always so good at matching his color. his necktie to the pocket square. brian: he also has a book. ed henry's here, gentlemen. >> that intro is great.
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ainsley: your people do a great job. >> they do a great job. absolutely. steve: this ties in with blue and the blue states and the red states. >> okay. steve: down in georgia, all eyes are on the six districts because some in the mainstream media are suggesting maybe it's going to flip blue unlike red, which has been projected. >> and now saying the narrative is donald trump's in trouble, this is going to be a big blow out for him. you have john who's the democrat and the democrats have advantage here for two reasons. one, there are more than a dozen candidates total among democrats and republicans. you see him there in the middle. and democrats have coalesced largely behind him. so he has a better chance of reaching 50% in avoiding -- brian: he has $8 million raised; right? >> $8 million coming in because you have anger against donald trump. so you have the left saying this is our way to knock out donald trump. give him one less vote in washington. it worked, remember, for republicans and scott brown during the obama years. but what happened to scott brown two years later? he lost that seat. my point being these special elections oftentimes don't
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mean a hill of beans. but the media in general will make it a huge deal that donald trump suffered a big defeat. it's not clear he will lose tonight. there's a chance that stays under 50% and then the republicans have their candidate second, and then there's a head-to-head match up and the republicans could win that down the road. ainsley: we just saw something similar from the great state of kansas. >> there's a defeat for donald trump and then the republicans pulled it out. there's a lot coalescing behind the democratic candidate. hillary clinton tried to do that. that didn't work out. brian: ed, the thing is where is the rnc on this? why did donald trump have to lead -- >> he had to do a roll call yesterday where they phoned him in. he has two or three tweets this morning. part of that is he wants to get in there and say, look, i'm involved. u right. but we haven't seen a whole lot of the republican political apparatus. even before these special elections, what about the health care fight? where were these political operatives getting behind this president?
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didn't see it. steve: sure. brand-new book out today. it's called shattered. it talks about hillary clinton's doomed campaign to run for president. it's interesting. today the headline regarding this is the fact that the night she lost, barack obama called her twice. the first was to tell her to get out and the second time was to console her. they said this. >> and she picks up the phone reluctantly, and she walks away from the table where she had been talking to her aids, and she steps into a room. and as she's stepping to the room, she says mr. president, i'm sorry. she screwed up his legacy, she left the democratic party down, she let herself down, she let her campaign down. this is a real moment of recognition of failure. >> right. and i think also the context being that remember, she had not
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conceited immediately. saying was crying and hillary clinton was nowhere to be found. not a good look for her. steve: but president obama called her and said you have to concede. >> but she didn't concede. so there was a second phone call then where the president's, like, you've really got to concede here because this is not going to be good for the party, not good for the country if it looks like we're dragging this out and then that's when she says i'm sorry, mr. president. because the way they wrote it, i saw that passage this morning because it all came crashing down for hillary clinton. she thought she had this thing won. steve: and she was apologizing because with her loss, his legacy is -- >> let down him, maybe obamacare gets repealed, not yet, but maybe down the road. and democrats all of a sudden lose the white house. ainsley: all right. so tom prez, the new dnc chair, he was in maine, and he was speaking. and when they mentioned bernie sanders, the crowd goes crazy, they're cheering. but then when the lady who was announcing tom prez, she said let's also talk about the changes for the dnc, the future of the dnc and the new
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dnc chairman, and you heard a mixture, more boos than cheers. listen to this. [chanting] >> you guys, i still have two minutes left all right? come on. maybe you came now because you're curious about the new dnc chairman and the future of the democratic -- [booing] >> boo on the dnc chair and you heard chanting before that. bernie, we want bernie. if you think back to the primaries 2016, 2015, the energy was for bernie sanders there on the left but the party establishment has not wanted to admit a simple thing. that a socialist is the person that fires up their base. they don't want to admit that. brian: not technically in their party. senator feinstein also booed in san francisco because she hadn't left enough. >> was a hillary clinton loyalist, big advocate for her in the campaign and a barack obama cabinet member.
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he was a labor secretary. so what's the party, the base saying? we don't want the obama clinton folks. we want the bernie people. and if they push the bernie people away again, they're going to have more big problems. steve: but it's as if barack obama is -- >> right a surrogate for obama and clinton. steve: ed, thank you very much. ainsley: let's hand it over to heather who has headlines for us. good morning, health. >> good morning to you. a controversial tanking. do you remember this one, it depicted police officers as pigs? well, it will never return to capitol hill walls. a federal judge ruling that the portraying the 2014 shooting of michael brown was government speech. legally justifying its removal by republican congressman and shutting down william lacey clay's lawsuit claiming that the painting's removal violated the artist first amendment rights. and one week after united airlines sparked worldwide outrage for dragging this passenger plane, the company
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is looking for some new public relations people. >> no. this is wrong. oh, my god. look at what you're doing to him. oh, my god. >> yep. well, according to united's website, the company is looking to hire two managers to create and maintain a saviorable brand image and everyone is as the company's spokesperson. if you are up to the challenge, you have to have a degree in communications and at least five years of experience. tough job right now. and finally, a toddler gets a very special guest from her military dad who is deployed overseas. the heartfelt message recorded inside a teddy bear. listen. >> dad. dad. >> i love you. >> dad. dad. >> can you tell what's happening there?
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well, the baby obviously can't control her excitement when she actually hears her dad's voice say i love you. he made the toy before leaving for the persian gulf. what a great idea, ainsley. ainsley: i mean, that is so heartwarming. i can't imagine leaving my child for a year and that's what these men and women do. steve: thank you, heather. i wonder if the baby now think so the dad is the doll. [laughter] dad is in the bear. brian: remember, mark wahlberg did a whole show about that. steve: that would be ted. brian: ted. and a lot of people think ted was real. steve: it seemed real. ainsley: how did we go from this military bear to that? >> brian kilmeade. that would be the ultimate. steve: thank you. ainsley: north korea threatening nuclear warfare against the united states, but we've heard that before. so just how real is that danger? the man who wrote the book on it. next. brian: and have you heard mexico wants their illegal immigrants back? i'll explain.
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brian: president trump keeping the enemy on his toes, unwilling to reveal his strategy in north korea. ainsley: have you ruled out a military strike? >> i don't want to telegraph what i'm doing or thinking. i'm not like other administrations where they say we're going to do this in four weeks and that doesn't work that way. we'll see what happens. i hope things work out well. i hope there's going to be peace. >> what happens if north korea launches another missile? trump: we'll find out. brian: well, this is north korea's ambassador to the united nations as nuclear war could break out at any moment. so what should be done to stop
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this rogue regime and avoid a nuclear showdown? here to answer that question is the author of nuclear showdown. gordon chang, who knows this well. gordon, how close are we to actual confrontation? >> i think that's somewhat down the road but the problem is the structure on th on the cakorean peninsula is troubled. people on the poor korea, north korea are going to want to change their government. brian: seven million in reserves and now we see rockets in that parade, they were able to display a solid fuel missile and also display targeting a warhead reentry vehicle. >> yeah. and they also showed a very large missile on a mobile truck. no one had seen before. no one even knew about it before. and it looks very much like it's chinese in origin.
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i'm not saying the chinese gave an intercontinental ballistic missile, but we need to start asking questions because a number of the newer missiles in the north korean inventory actually come from china from all we can tell. brian: south korea's fished out one of the failed rockets and found some chinese parts in it from a chinese company. could these companies actually function on their own without the government knowing about it? >> no. because this is sensitive relations with north korea, so they go to the top of the chinese political system. this pliff reagan has occurred across decades. chinese banks have been involved in all of this. the central government knows what its entities are doing. brian: so what are our options right now? >> i think the most important thing is what u.s. officials had been saying on background that the administration will do. and that is to impose sanctions on chinese banks and enterprises that are involved in the nuclear weapons program, ballistic missiles, and other commerce. we can do that, brian, because we can, for instance, these
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banks from the global financial system, that would rock china and push them in much better direction. brian: the president doesn't want to rock china. he feels the coal is rejecting them and helping them out, not showing up to the parade. they're indicating that was the last time helping us more than ever before. >> well, they have for the last couple weeks. but, you know, in the past, every time that we talk to china, they cooperate. but when we are distracted, we look at the middle east or something else, the chinese go back to their ordinary way of doing things, which is helping north korea to the hilt. which is a reason why these chinese missiles show up in that parade on saturday and why the north korean's are able to make fast progress, despite everything. it's because beijing's g their back. brian: we went from patience to pressure and now we're going to see how this regime responds. gordon, thank you so muchment. >> thanks, brian. brian: next in our run down, mexico dab -- mexico wants their illegal immigrants back. wait until you hear why. but first, let's check in with bill. we never want him to go anywhere. hey, bill. >> so where is the cleveland
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killer? police are about to give a statement after that easter weekend murder was posted online. we'll have that live for you. meanwhile, big news with the standoff with north korea. another threat from the north today. here at home, meanwhile, what is the priority for team trump? and a special election that has the country paying very close attention. newt gingrich, general jack king, john bolton, we'll see you in ten minutes. top of the hour in a busy tuesday morning on america's newsroom. [team member] we're proactively advancing our security to find better ways to help keep your finances safe. over here, we're working on voice recognition. [customer] oh, uh, question. [team member] yes. [customer] a lot of people say that i sound like my brother. he wouldn't be able to sign into my account, would he? [team member] no, he wouldn't. your voice is as unique as your fingerprint. [customer] cool, cause that guy is just... [team member] and over here we're exploring eye print technology. ...and if people say you have your brother's eyes, he wouldn't be able to sign on this way. [customer] great, that's good to know. that's good for all of us to know. [team member] and over here, we're working on mobile payments...
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trump: we've gotten tremendous criminals out of this country, and i'm talking illegal immigrants that are here that have murdered people, raped people, horrible things have happened. they're getting the hell out or they're going to prison. and so many towns and cities are thanking me because we
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have gotten rid of a burden that you would not believe. i mean, it is a serious problem, and we never did anything about it. steve: that's the president with ainsley yesterday at the easter egg roll. but what if we told you mexico actually wants their immigrants back? that wasn't always the case. in the past, the deportees were actually shunned. ainsley: but now, there's an election right around the corner down in mexico and the politicians there, they're looking for every single vote that they can get. seriously. to conservative blogger george rodriguez joins us now to talk about this. is that why? these politicians are saying we want you to come back, we want you to vote, and then you can go back to the u.s.? >> i believe so. you know, we've got to understand that mexico's political history is one of political corruption. the culture of politics down there is one based. and those of us who have lived and grown up on the border, we
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know that mexico has always had a very, very poor relationship, the government has had a very, very poor relationship with its citizens. it is not a government of the people by the people, for the people. but rather, it's a very, very self-serving government. steve: and to your point, when he announced he was running for president, donald trump said mexico not sending their best, we know how that then mainstream media lit up with that. but, george, one of the interesting things you talk about is how the mexican government is talking about how bad donald trump is, and they're using this to rally the people. and yet when barack obama did it, there was very -- a notice by people down in mexico. they didn't make much notice of the fact that he eventually wound up with that moniker, the deporter in chief. >> well, that's exactly right. they play -- we know that they play the political game to their advantage. mexico loves to play the victim to the united states. i mean, this is classical. there's an old saying that
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says poor mexico so close to the united states and so far from god. and that reason -- that's because they -- they seem to blame everything on the united states. i guarantee that whatever goes wrong in their election, whatever goes wrong in the administration, their election, they will blame it on donald trump and the united states. ainsley: what is the profile of the immigrant crossing the border from mexico? >> the historical profile has been one of the poorest of the poor coming to the united states. mexico uses the united states as their valve to send poor people to send the uneducated, to, you know. now, that's -- that's the majority. most of us have family members that are -- that have been here for generations. have family members who are either farmers or who came fleeing the revolution. the fact of the matter is that mexico's elite,
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mexico'salgarchy continues to dominate the institution as they call it has been in power for over 100 years, and they play the game of political advantage to their own self interests. steve: sure. and their point of view, george, is still as many people as possible could go to the united states, make money here, send is back there, and if you can, go back and vote. >> yeah. that's exactly right. they want the best of both worlds. they want the united states money, they want people to send it back and then come back only to vote. if microscope has such a great campaign, why haven't they instituted it before? ainsley: well, george, if you know here in america if you can't be there for the polls, you can do a mail in voting or ballot. are you able to do that for mexicans living here in the u.s.? are they able to that and send it back home so they don't
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physically have to go back across the border? >> historically many mexicans have voted in the united states and sent ballots back or have voted at the consulates, at the mexican consulates. that's where they really like many other nations, that's where they do it. but the fact of the matter is that they stay here and send the money back. or that they're here illegally. steve: right. man, or, man. he's known as the el conservative blogger. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. ainsley: more fox and friends just moments away if you've tried every pill on the shelf
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uncle sam. bob evans is offering 30% off with a coupon. bruger's bagels is giving you a deal, also. >> we're saving you money. >> bill: good morning. the search for that cleveland killer is still underway at this hour. there is a manhunt that has gone nationwide. steve stephens, age 37 on the run considered dangerous. moments from now, police will provide us with the latest details and we'll watch and listen for that statement together. good morning. it's tuesday. i'm bill hemmer, welcome to "america's newsroom." >> shannon: i'm shannon bream in for martha maccallum. local and federal agencies expanding their search this morning. a $50,000 reward is being offered for information leading to his capture. >> bill: facebook says it will review its video posting policies after the murder was posted and left on the site for several hours online. >> shannon: we


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