tv Happening Now FOX News April 18, 2017 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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careless driving which is ironic because he couldn't drive because he ran out of gas. >> you can share it with your friends and family all day long. we have to run. "happening now" starts right no now. >> jon: president trump making good on a campaign promise today as he heads to wisconsin to sign an executive order on foreign work visas. good morning. welcome to happening now. i'm jon scott. >> jenna: i'm jenna lee. the executive order is calling on government agencies to take a closer look. the order doesn't change the rules for foreign workers, but encourages departments to crack down fraud. our chief white house correspondent, john roberts, is live with more now. >> big part of the reason why president trump was elected was his promise to bring back jobs
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to reinvigorate the american economy and this is just a piece of that. he'll be taking out for kenosha, wisconsin, where he'll be visiting the snap-on tools company. is going sign this executive order to review the program. the president believes many companies are abusing the program to bring in lower range workers and taking jobs away from american workers. sean duffy, who represents wisconsin seven congressional district applauds the trip. >> what will be one to use the h1b program -- i think this is one small step in the right direction and supporting the american economy and the american worker. >> in addition to reviewing the
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h1b visa order, they will also review maximizing goods and materials. this will also give the re-authority to renegotiate deals. on the other side of the world today, more talk from a vice president mike pence against north korea. the vice president reiterated his declaration yesterday that the obama era policy of strategic patience is over and will not take military action of a table, saying the united state prefers working with allies to bring pressure on north korea. >> under president trump, the united states will continue to work with japan and all our allies in the region, including south korea, to confront the most ominous threat opposing this region of the world. the regime in north korea. let me be clear. our commitment is unwavering,
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and our result cannot be stronger. >> president trump is also confident that his meeting with the chinese president, china is on board with this new effort to try to rein in north korea, but the white house acknowledges there is only so much that china can do. remember, back in 2007, china was part of the six party talks that guided agreement with north korea only twice north korea renege on that deal. >> jenna: will be talking a little bit more about the story. thank you for that. we are also watching a special congressional election in georgia today. voters and the atlanta suburbs will choose a replacement for former congressman tom price. now the health and human services secretary. it's a district that usually votes republican, but we talked about georgia shifting their politics there. john joins us live from sandy
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springs, georgia. >> all morning we've seen a steady stream from voters coming in and out of the pulling room behind me and it was the same situation during our early voting. both parties have been giving this race a lot of national attention. as far as democrats, they really been rallying around john also off. with republican field, democrats are hoping to win today's special primary outright and avoid a runoff in june. >> a runoff will be a challenge. i think everything we've done this far is up to not just to end on april 18th, that's what it comes to you. we push past that, we are very capable and willing to do so. >> we understand the energy is with the democratic party. i still think this is a republican district. this is a district we can win.
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when it does get to a nine week runoff, hopefully on tuesday evening, i like our chances in a one-on-one race. >> today, president donald trump tweeted democrat jon ossoff would be a disaster in congress. very weak on crime and illegal immigration, bad for jobs and want higher taxes. say no. he also said republican's must get out and vote in georgia six. force runoff and easy win. dem jon ossoff will raise your taxes. very bad on crime and second amendment. while her publicans try to leverage their conservative advantage, democrats tried to appeal to moderate voters who might not be completely on board with the trump administration. to avoid a runoff, one of these candidates have to get more than 50% of the vote in today's special primary spear there is no easy task given that in this
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so-called jumbled primary, all 18 candidates, we are talking about democrats, republicans, and independents, all 18 of them are listed on the same ballot. >> jenna: thank you. >> jon: for more on this, let's bring in print bear. he is the host of special report, seen nightly on this network. interesting race and an interesting seat. this hasn't been a democratic held seat since the carter administration. you have some republican luminaries like the senator from georgia and newt gingrich holding that seat. two democrats actually stand a chance of winning? >> it's possible and it would be a big win just for the time frame of how many years it's been for the democrats. this is the northern suburbs of atlanta, and it is a crowd that looks to a moderate type of candidate, whether it be a
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moderate democrat or an establishment of republican. just perspective here. democrats are pouring a lot of money, effort, celebrities coming into this race. they've made this a race that is going to be some sort of referendum or signal here they try to make kansas that, it didn't work. now they're saying georgia is that. i think the expectations game here goes back and forth. the democrats do get over 50% today and jon ossoff wins, that's a big win. if republicans managed to win the seat back after all the attention democrats have given it, that to be noticed as well. >> jon: we know the the president has tweeted attacking the democratic candidate in the race. there are some who fully embrace the president, some are lukewarm toward him, and at least one of whom has shown to the president altogether. i guess we should not expect to see at this stage the president
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taking sides on the republican side. >> i don't think so. i think they are expecting a runoff in june and then the republican party will get behind one candidate. one of the problems of the republican party has had frankly and some of these races, and also the presidential race, is they have everybody run. it splits the vote. they don't unify behind one candidate and that causes a problem. nobody on the republican side is going to be able to get 50% today. >> no one made to it, but he may fall short. >> jon: as we mentioned earlier, he's a former congressional staffer. what can you tell us a but as time on capitol hill? >> he's young. he's 30 years old. he is somebody who has some experience on capitol hill, not a ton, but as a young campaigner who is out and about. he's being pretrade as somebody who can reach across the aisle.
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however, republicans have painted him as a tax-and-spend liberal and that's why you're seeing president trump with the tweets is tweeting. i think a june runoff is a laptop or for democrats in this traditionally republican seat. it would send a message either way, how this comes down. still in the spending has been incredible on the democratic side. >> it has. he's raised $8 million for a house race that's significant. i think there is some outside money that is pouring into that race as well and you have some big voices cutting commercials that are trying to motivate different pockets of the democratic base. >> jon: we'll see what the voters of georgia decide. want to turn our attention to questions about transparency that still dog president trump and his administration. his staffers are pushing back against more calls for the president to release his tax returns and this is all really boiling over as the president tries to push for tax reform.
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democrats have suggested they are not going to get on board the tax rewrite train as long as the president has not released his taxes. >> expect this battle to continue. i don't think there's any way that president trump, from what he said so far, is going to release those tax returns. traditionally, presidents have. is there a law that says he has to? no, but there is a real call on capitol hill for the democrats, because they believe it will tell a lot about the company is and what he's tied to. president trump is obviously saying there wasn't a big call from voters for this. the media was calling for it and he won the election, so i don't expect the trump administration to change their tune on not putting these out. the transparency questions are real and we'll have a story about that comparing to the obama administration. >> jon: as the administration
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tries to cobble together some of the tax reform, if they can get significant democratic report, some indications are they are not, at least based on these tracks return questions. they're going to have to do it through the senate with a minimum, a bare majority, and that doesn't allow for long-term tax change. >> you can do big tax changes under reconciliation, you can fit it under their peer that's a vehicle by which you can change the vote to 51 and not 60. if that's the case, the question really is hurting the tax on the republican side to get them on the same page as tax reform. i think, right now, looking at the daunting challenge to get that done, you heard the secretary yesterday say he didn't think it would be done before the august recess. >> jon: speaking to five, we'll see you tonight. we have a little bit of breaking
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news. >> jenna: what you're looking at there is the atlas five rocket taking off for the international space station. it's full of supplies for the cruise. ed's scheduled for the launch. this particular focus today as it poses the broader question, we are moving forward. >> extending the research legacy to working in space. >> program has begun. looks good.
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>> has throttled back, right on schedule. looks good. track shows good progress, right down the middle corridor. a posterior androgen performance continues to look very good at this point. >> jenna: its carrying 7600 pounds of different supplies to the international space station. one of the things on the cargo ship is a greenhouse. it's supposed to be very easy to set up to help see if astronauts can grow their own food and space. that's one of the items on this particular cargo ship. it was named for mercury astronaut, john glenn.
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>> jon: this was the first launch that could go a 360-degree view of the launch. back with more happening now in just a moment ♪ there's nothing more important than your health. so if you're on medicare or will be soon, you may want more than parts a and b here's why. medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you.
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>> jon: now a look at some crime stories we are following. a man sentenced to 25-life for murdering a prostitute in a times square hotel in new york. clara dean was struggled to death in 2007. a connecticut high school teacher arrested and charged with sexual assault. a drama teacher at wilbur cross high school in connecticut is accused of sleeping with a student on school grounds. she's been on administrative leave since january. three people found murdered in a home near denver, colorado. the suspect remains at large,
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but suspects believe it was a targeted killing. they believe there is no further danger to the republic. police are unsure if accusations of growing medical marijuana in the home are true. >> jenna: al qaeda and isis alliances are discussed to be meeting. >> vice president says he got word of a possible merging of these two groups. from what he describes as his contacts in iraq and in the region. he did not release any further information about these possible sources of where he was getting these facts or information. he says the leader of isis, the head of al qaeda, and -- are not
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communicating directly with one another, but rather through intermediaries. >> this is a discussion, i don't know exactly when, but there are discussions between messengers. >> iraq's vice president says it is not clear how the two groups will work together. other parts of northern iraq have further been put out of recognition. despite losing ground, the group still controls areas where the narrow streets have a slowed forces. isis still has control of other iraqi towns. erects prime minister last month called for more support from the international community to combat isis and al qaeda and said these two working together could help raise military aid.
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isis and al qaeda have been competing with each other. earlier this year, al qaeda's leader repeated his criticism of the islamic states violent attacks such as the beheading of civilians. al qaeda has refused to recognize -- analysts save the animosity between these two groups may be further fueled by the fact that each of them wants to be identified as the true leader of the islamic cause throughout the world. isis might now be on the run, erects vice president says "i can't see isis disappearing into thin air." >> jenna: thank you. >> jon: the suspect in the murder of a 27-year-old jogger in massachusetts appearing in court today for the first time. the police finally tracked down
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♪ ♪ we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than centurylink. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ >> jon: the man charged with the brutal murder of a google employee faces a judge for the first time today. please pick up angela colon marti's. she was visiting her mother in massachusetts last august when she did not come back from a run. police found the 27-year-old's body in the woods later that night. >> jenna: a north korean leader is vowing to continue nuclear and ballistic missiles test on a regular basis threatening more as the united states has taken any
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military action in the north. in the meantime, vice president pence saying he will work with our allies. >> the united states of america believes the time has come for the international community to use both diplomatic and economic pressure to bring north korea to a place that it has avoided successfully now for more than a generation. we will not rest and we will not relent until we achieve the objective of a d nuclear rise to korean peninsula. >> jenna: let's talk about this with the washington editor. you say there is one big question in all of this we should be asking. what is it? >> one of the signals the chinese might send is to accept the idea of a u.s.-made, u.s. operated missile in south korea. it was a year ago and
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president obama was still in office that the u.s. and south korea agreed the saw to be put in place. the chinese have never accepted this, they object to it. they objected to it as recently as monday. i cite this in the column as just one sign that president trump and jon ossoff of china move closer to north korea, when they met not long ago in florida, there is still some ways to go. >> jenna: why does china have an issue with this? >> i think attorneys look at this and they see this as a defense system that may be used against them, not just north korea. they worry about too much military presence and if there were a confrontation with the u.s., it can be used for trunk chinese muscles.
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their neighborhood and if there were a confrontation with the u.s. down the road, and we're not talking imminently, but years down the road conceivably, they do want to much american defense infrastructure in place to limit chinese capabilities. >> jenna: we should point out, we have estimated 30,000 americans right along the border of north korea and south korea that have been there for years. i was reading an article by the former defense secretary under president clinton today and he says one of the big concerns is not that north korea is looking to bomb the united states in the immediate, the retaliation could be against south korea. what do you think is the likelihood of that scenario emerging considering the tensions? >> there have been periods of high tension in the korean peninsula. we are clearly in another one
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now. i suspect that there is not a real intention to do something, but the danger is my calculation, particularly by the north koreans. to leave the south koreans or the americans or even the japanese, depending on what happens, and a position where they feel like they have to respond and that's where things spiral out of control. i think what's happening now mostly as a game of signal sending, north koreans and sending a signal to the new american president and the new american president trying to send signals back. i think that's probably the situation now more than anything else. by the way, with the american a administration is trying to do a send a signal to the chinese as well and that's what i think vice president pence is saying. >> jenna: we have a witness, a deadlock as far as any progress moving north korea away from this nuclear program for several administrations.
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the focus on china and whether or not they would have an issue with this system or not, what would change the equation for china? what changes what we've seen year after year, which is they are not really ready or willing to join in the efforts to d nuclear rise north korea? >> i think attorneys would have to see that the situation has gotten much more dangerous and that their dialogue is not working. north korea is not listening and they need to take some steps that will convince the north koreans they need to listen. that could be economic pressure or things like accepting something like the issue and south korea. >> jenna: will be watching. great story. we'll continue to cover it. thank you, great to have you. >> jon: a nationwide manhunt in its third day. police and fbi agents scouring the country for the man they say murdered a 74-year-old grandfather on easter sunday. he posted the video on facebook.
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authorities now say steve stephens could be anywhere. a former homicide detective joins us. also, the president's refusal to release his tax returns. back a couple mate and his overhaul the tax code as more calls call for mr. trump to make it public. should the president comply? a fair and balanced debate of next.
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>> jenna: a fox news alert on a deputy shot this morning in logan county oklahoma. this according to local police and we're just getting some fresh images and for you. authorities say the suspect fled the scene and the deputies police vehicle but then left that car at a liquor store and stole another vehicle and is still on the run. the shooting took place about 1 mile west of the interstate 35 in logan. as you can see they are, apparently this is the injured officer. we're waiting to get an update about that officer and as we get more news, will bring it to you. >> jon: we touched on it earlier in the hour, there are more calls for president trump to release his tax returns. angry voters and protests all of the country demanding to see them. a something the white house says is not going to happen. now even some republicans are joining those calls. let's debate it with former deputy campaign manager for
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martin o'malley, and the former deputy assistant to george w. bush. brad, the president has basically said he's not going to release his tax returns. he says he was elected, despite the fact that he hadn't released them, should he? >> no, not at this point. the american people have decided when they went to the polls whether this was a concerning factor to them. obviously, it was not. the president is on the other no legal obligation to do it as a candidate or president. as tradition. if congress want to change that, there's a way to do it. pass a law and we'll see if the president will sign it. this is a diversion in order to hurt the president and his ability to get tax reform. if he did release his taxes, they would have a field day going over them with "forensic accountants to question each and every item on those tax returns. >> jon: this is the one tax return that was released on another network, didn't have a whole lot of pizzazz to it.
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it showed the president paying a 25% rate. >> share, and i look like a cherry picked return. if that is true for all his returns, then why doesn't he go out there and release them? if donald trump takes brad's advice, you know who will pay for the most? republicans like senator tom cotton who have to go back home and answer to their constituents as to why they were not asking their president to comply with 40 years of precedent and release his tax returns. we've seen the president's agenda hemorrhage so much by the self-inflicted wounds, by his whining over the russia investigation, now by his whining over his tax returns. if he just complies with tradition and releases them, he can move forward and maybe start to get things done, but right now, it looks like he's 0 for 3 on campaign promises. >> jon: is a tradition, but it
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really only goes back to the nixon administration. about 40 years. >> democrats are looking for any excuse not to join republicans on tax reform. at this is all it is. it's a political ruse to prevent them from doing their job. if they're going to judge the entire population of america by their tax reforms, nobody believes that. by the way, republicans do not suffer at the polls into a in . if anything, they were rewarded. >> jon: the tax code is a complicated mess. people have to hire accountants, there are all kinds of time and effort spent on preparing tax returns and dare i say, trying to avoid taxes. isn't it a long way to making this more competitive? >> no doubt. i would love to see a similar
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tax system. i sent to my taxes today and that is an issue where there is bipartisan support. what would be nice is to say donald trump tried to reach out to democrats on this issue, as he did not do on health care. if he just tries to make this a tax bonanza, tax cuts for the wealthiest americans, paid for by getting rid of the mortgage deduction -- go speak out there's not going to be any elimination of a mortgage tax reduction, absolutely not. >> them the question is, how is he going to pay for this? if he won't, then i republicans going to go back on years and years of promises that they would not increase the deficit? they are in a catch-22 here and there's basically no good answer for them i want to do, given the lack of leadership he has shown on this issue. >> jon: here's a quote from the senate majority leader chuck schumer. if he doesn't release his returns, it's going to make it much more difficult to get tax reform done.
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is this about doing something for the american people or about punishing the president? >> it's about doing things for the american people, but the american people want to see that there president is out there, fighting for them, and not fighting for tax policy that will enrich himself. because we have not gotten a look at those tax returns, we do not know if his tax reform policies will be made with the sole purpose of helping himself, helping his business, or if they will be done to help the american people. that's a legitimate question and frankly, these are questions that previous presidents, going back 40 years have answered. >> jon: how do you answer that? how do you know that the president is in for himself? >> the president needs to follow the law and he has followed the law. he is going to do it's in the best interest of the american people. they don't believe that so they're not satisfied with his leadership, he will not be reelected, it's as simple as that. he was elected with the information that he provided and he will be reelected on his
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record. it's going we'll see this goes. thank you both. >> jenna: was just done, a group of prison guards now suing the state of delaware after a deadly riot earlier this year. we covered it on happening now. the five officers in the family of a guard killed say that it was understaffed. an inmate took several officers hostage. it led to a 20 hour standoff and the death of one of the officers, stephen floyd. at several officers were released, others escaped. tactical teams later came into and the riot, but the news today, the officers are suing. we'll keep you updated as we get more. >> jon: a southwest airlines flight out of albany was delayed for 4 hours when the pilot gets arrested. we'll tell you why. the search for the facebook murder suspect expands.
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>> jon: a southwest airlines pilot faces weapons charges in new york for trying to bring a loaded gun onto a plane. he was supposed to fly from albany to chicago. the tsa found a 330 caliber handgun loaded with bullets. he says he forgot the gun was in his bag, but was on his previous flight from new orleans where he was not checked by the tsa. he's charged with misdemeanor gun possession released on $200 bail. monroe law allows guns and ammo in checked baggage, but not carry-ons. some pilots are allowed to carry, but they must pass a program. >> jenna: a div element on a
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big nationwide story. we're learning that there will be a news conference coming up at noon on the nationwide manhunt for steve stephens. he was accused of shooting and killing a 74-year-old grandfather on the streets of cleveland and posting a video of that murder on facebook. fbi agents in cleveland say he could be anywhere right now, but they've had more than 400 tips and sightings coming in from across the country. let's talk about this. brad wheeler, also has relatives serving in the cleveland police department. we just had a news conference about 9:30 eastern time. this is been a real quick turnaround. what do you think it means? >> i think this will be big news. it's one of two things, either they have found this guy and either they found him alive or found him dead. we don't know that yet, but the police department, they had a press conference at 9:00 this
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morning and to turn around three hours later and say they have new information tells me that they probably either have captured the sky or for some reason or another, they know for a fact where he may be. >> jenna: let's hope that they tell us he is off the streets and can injure anybody else. i'm curious, the profile of this person, we see him on the screen, chilling as it is to see him in this video. he had some driver tickets, but he didn't have a criminal record. from what you read about him, what stood out most to you? speak out this guy is what we consider a homicidal psychopath. he is an individual that has lost touch with all reality and as a matter of fact, if you think about donnell and mohamed, if that name rings a bell, he was the guy who is the older of the two snipers. it's almost the same mindset that they had. the only time you can stop individuals like that is if they
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turn themselves and, which they won't turn themselves in or if there captured or if they kill themselves. usually, that's the only time that we are able to stop an individual, because in their mind, they have lost sense of all reality. this guy has lost all sense of reality. they are aggressively trying to find him. this news at 12 noon today is going to be very telling i think in terms of where we are with the investigation. >> jenna: we're just getting some headlines crossing now. from the pennsylvania street police. please in cleveland say this guy could be anywhere and pennsylvania was a potential place. here's a headline crossing. facebook killer, steve stephens was spotted this morning in erie county. a traffic stop was attempted after a brief pursuit, stevens shot and killed himself. more information being released. this is the one headline we have. it sounds exactly how you mapped
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it out. it would be in the realm of expectations from an individual like this. >> we anticipated that that was going to happen. i set out on several shows yesterday. mr. stevens wanted to go out and a blaze. it sounds like, we're getting this information off the wire, but it sounds like that's exactly what happened. one other thing real quick, on this past sunday, police indicated that they did ping his cell phone in erie, pennsylvania, . that is only about 90 miles outside of the city of cleveland, so it is very possible that could have been where he is. we're going to wait to see what happens at 12 noon, but it sounds to me like the situation, this horrific situation, is finally over. >> jenna: according to reports and confirmation that we received, ed apparently looks like that is the case. we're waiting for more details. it is a reminder that if it was a traffic stop, it's a reminder of the great police work that is done on a regular basis.
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>> our police officers, as you know, they put their lives on the line each and every day and our hats go off to them. they confronted this monster it sounds like and they had to bring justice to him because he did not want to go to justice. >> jenna: i'm curious as to what you thought of this tragedy so far. here we have a major reward for this individual, a nationwide attention, but how do you keep it all organized? is this the way the strategy should be executed in this day and age? >> yes it is. it's all he can really do. i think it's really good that boston and other news outlets really push this guy's picture and a picture of his vehicle and that's what we have to rely on in cases like this. we have to rely on the viewing public to help us out. maybe that's what happened. they obviously got a hold of this guy today and again, we'll see how this plays out. >> jenna: may be these police were tipped off that he was in the area.
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noon is the oppressor, just about 10 minutes from now, so we'll be watching. thank you very much. >> jon: on the other side of the world, tragedy on an australian beach, a shark attack kills a 17-year-old surfer. the warning from lifeguards to others in the area. this is the new new york. across the state. new roads and bridges. new mass transit. new business friendly environment. new lower taxes. and new university partnerships to grow the businesses of tomorrow today. learn more at
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>> jenna: a fox news alert just getting in. news at the so-called facebook killer has shot and killed himself. peter, what else do we know? >> we know that this is a really quick break in the story because just two hours and change ago at a press conference with officials from the cleveland placed a permit, the fbi, the atf, the u.s. marshals service, they really were saying that investigators had no idea where
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the suspect was pure they said he didn't know if he was in cleveland, they had no reason to believe that he left cleveland. but at one point, i asked the officials of these license plate readers that law enforcement officials will use in situations like this in man hunts when they are specifically looking for one vehicle, if they had gotten any hits on the suspects 2016 white ford fusion and they all looked at each other, the members of the different agencies and shrugged and said they had not. they still didn't know if he was by himself or if he was getting help from anybody, but they did believe that he had at least one weapon, a pistol, that was seen in the facebook video where the suspect, steve stephens just approaches someone on the sidewalk and appears to kill them. those helpless citizen who was picking up aluminum cans on the sidewalk. that murder scene was the last known location of steve stephens until this word came in from the
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erie police department. it appears that somebody, somebody in their agency and erie, pennsylvania, spotted the car today, was pursuing the suspect, but then he stopped somewhere in erie and killed himself. we don't know if he was by himself in the car, but they quickly called a press conference that is back inside, same spot they were two hours ago and they have no idea what's going on. we expect to get a full read out of everything from law enforcement officials. obviously, a lot more than they knew just when they woke up this morning. we were all wondering what the latest was and they didn't have anything to tell us. >> jenna: interesting turn of events. the pennsylvania state police confirming that the facebook killer, and all the details you reported, they confirm them on their facebook page. it will be interesting to talk about in the future the way social media has woven itself
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>> jon: that police knew conference coming up, see you back here and in our. >> jenna: "outnumbered" starts right now. >> sandra: breaking news on the suspect in a cleveland facebook murder. police say he is now dead. we are awaiting a news conference from officials in cleveland, set to start any minute. let's get pursed stomach first to peter doocy. >> we know that as of two hours ago, police said they had about 400 total tips from across the country of people who were calling in from as far away as texas who say they saw the alleged facebook killer, steve stephens, but it ended up being a pennsylvania state police officer who was an pursuit of -- we don't
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