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tv   The First 100 Days  FOX News  April 18, 2017 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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the lights and it cost me a fortune. that's the truth. we will see you tomorrow night. thanks for being with us.stststt
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>> martha: breaking tonight, president trump making his first trip on his presidency to one of the seats that were crucial in his november win. he was in wisconsin this afternoon. he signed an executive order
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they are designed to support the american worker and having products made in the united states. that has brought a lot of democrats over for him during the course of the election. here he is today. >> no administration has accomplished more in the first 90 days, and i'm proud to announce that we are about to take bold new steps to follow through on my pledge to buy american and higher american. [cheers and applause] >> martha: white house correspondent traveling with the president today, details on the order set up to a compass quite a bit. watch. >> good evening from kenosha, wisconsin. think of it as sort of a two-tier executive order by the president prayed on the one hand, they want to make certain that they change the visa programming, so that americans aren't competing unfairly with other workers that might come from around the globe. also think of it this way. he wants the u.s. government to
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spend more on american companies because frankly prosperity as the president said here today begins at home. >> the american people voted to end the theft of american prosperity. they voted to bring back their jobs and to bring back their dreams. with this action, we are sending a powerful signal to the world. were going to defend the workers, protect our jobs and finally put america first. [cheers and applause] >> the buy american portion of the order tightens waivers that agencies sometimes use to get around laws that favor american made goods while the higher american portion really focuses on tweaking immigration standards to enable businesses to fill employment gaps without taking jobs from qualified americans and white house officials frankly put it this way. this is another promise kept by this president who campaigned
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right here in wisconsin on the idea that he would act on immigration reform even ahead of congress if need be and that's part of what's at work here. he's trying to make sure that if you're an american, you're not competing unfairly with someone who may come here from another part of the world. martha? >> martha: kevin today and kenosha, now mollie hemingway fox news contributor and matt bennett former deputy assistant to president clinton and a cofounder of third way. it was interesting to watch the president sort of talk about the record of "the first 100 days" who, and he believes it's a very strong one, making the argument there today. but when you look at some of the numbers out there pull up coal, president trump's job approval, 41% approval rating and hold onto this for just a second, which is higher than 35% back in march and the one you got on the screen, the percentage you think how he's doing on the key characteristics, keeps his promises, that one is down 17 since february. strong and decisive leader down
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seven, can bring about change the country needs is down seven. your thoughts? >> there's one thing that we might want to learn since 2016 is that sometimes his polls don't tell us everything about people's support for donald trump. one of the things he was very consistent about throughout the campaign was his desire to change things with the economy. i don't think that people thought enough about how sluggish the obama economy was. wisconsin was a state that went for obama and then wait for trump. it was a place hillary didn't visit. the economic growth last year was only 1.6%. the entire time of obama's administration never went above 3%. this is an area that donald trump is very focused on. the course is probably much better to work on tax reform and other issues like that rather than the protectionism that he does things in terms of protecting american jobs from competition overseas. >> martha: clearly in his statements today, he is encouraging members of congress to get behind his plan. let's play some of that.
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>> we are also working with congress on tax reform and simple vocation, and were on time if we get that health care approval. so press everyone of your congressmen, press everybody. >> martha: he wants them to get behind him on this. what you think? >> good luck with that. you're the expert on "the first 100 days" ." his claim that he has accomplished so much and just doesn't hold water at all. one of the reasons that his numbers are down in terms of being able to change things in washington is that he took a big solid swing at changing obamacare and whiffed. part of the reason he did was he's got zero outreach to democrats, has not tried in any serious way to do things in a bipartisan manner and that does not what is going to get you across the finish line. he needs 60 votes in the senate to relay coverage much of anything besides appointments like just a gorsuch. >> martha: he appointed
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gorsuch, he made two executive orders, one of which he did today but on the legislative front when you look at the report card over the 100 days, there is frustration among republicans that he hasn't been able to get further. he came in sort of promising that things were going to be different, that he was going to shake things up and be a president of action. he really wants to get some of these things across the finish line. with the outlook for that as far as you can say? >> if you look at executive actions, he actually has been pretty active "the first 100 days," but you look at the legislative agenda and has not been that way. you the health care package which is looking very good, you have the summer tax reform which is something that many parties are interested in taxing on both sides of the aisle, going to be very different and i would point out that "the first 100 days" is a very different concept in d.c. then is in the business community and the business community is actually pretty excited about donald trump. they have expressed a lot of optimism and that is true for both big businesses and small businesses which is really what today's visit to wisconsin was
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hot target for. >> martha: the market was down about 113 today, they very much want to see that tax reform package and president trump knows that and that's clearly going to be on the front burner and they want to get health care first in early may as you say. thanks matt and molly, good to see you tonight. so breaking tonight, we saw the news earlier of a shooting spree in fresno, california. we are now getting some brand-new details on this. three people dead. the suspect was heard yelling when he was arrested on the scene. will this be dealt with as a terrorism case? we have some brand-new information on what the fbi thinks about this coming up right after the break. plus election night rife with shocking detail and new books landed with a thud in clinton world picks up behind the scenes of hillary's campaign dysfunction. the author have shattered,
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jonathan allen here with some of the behind-the-scenes of this night on what happened that led to it. >> this is not the outcome we wanted or we worked so hard for. and i'm sorry that we did not win this election. the values we share in the vision we hold for our i wanted to know where my family came from. i did my ancestrydna. the most shocking result was that i'm 26% native american. i had no idea. it's opened up a whole new world for me. ♪
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>> martha: tonight a new book is sending shock waves to the political world, the curtain finally being pulled back on the devastating details behind the clinton campaign's crippling dysfunction and is laid out in this book. it turned into a historic defeat as we all now know, but at the time nobody knew. inside this expose, dramatic new election night details revealed as president trump's victory began to emerge over the course of the evening. even the former president himself pleaded with team clinton to not quote drag it out. and in a excruciating shock, he did exactly that. >> i've been here long time, and it's been a long night, and it's been a long campaign. but i can say we can wait a little longer, can't we?
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there still time to vote in every vote should count. we will be back. we'll have more to say. >> the delay to reality irked president obama who then called hillary clinton reportedly demanding "needing to concede." clinton surrendered with a phone call to her archrival and with then according to the book go on until president obama i'm sorry. for losing to donald trump. >> i've just received a call from secretary clinton. he congratulated us, it's about us. on our victory, and i congratulated her. and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign. >> martha: the concession moment that no one saw coming was not delivered until several hours later.
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>> last night, i congratulated donald trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. i hope that he will be a successful president for all americans. i know we have still not shattered that hardest glass ceiling, but someday someone will and hopefully sooner than we might think right now. >> martha: joining me now, the authors of the new book that everybody's talking about today, shattered inside hillary clinton's doomed campaign, jonathan allen, and a senior white house correspondent. congratulations. it's a fascinating read and i guess i want to start with the moment that podesta came out because to say that this was the most shocking presidential history moment i think is not to underestimate what we all watch that night. it was absolutely topsy-turvy
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shocking crazy, nobody imagined it. >> and nobody's jaw was closer to the floor then hillary clinton's. she was completely taken by surprise. she believed she was going to win the presidency as our sources told us for this book, that set of events that you just recounted, the slow realization that she was going to lose in a series of phone calls with the president, with donald trump, with the president again. just really an amazing moment in american history on one that was unexpected not only by the clinton camp but certainly by the democratic party and i think a lot of people in the republican party were surprised. many happily surprised. >> martha: she talked about wanting to make a gracious exit and we have a quote for your book on the screen. she said because there was a debate going on about what her tone should be and tell us about this moment. >> there were a couple of different sides kind of going against each other. one side was basically let's get
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out and basically say this is the guy she had been attacking for so long, a lot of people really wanted her to go out there and attack him again and say were going to stand up to him and this isn't our guy. he is the opposite of what we want. and then there were beside that basically said we need to go in there and be gracious and basically explained people the path going forward and we need to support him moving on. there were two competing factions in that room. we saw what eventually played out. she was pretty gracious and talked about the barrier. it was one of her best actions arguably. she rises to those moments to those occasions and i think she did that. >> martha: she certainly did. there's another revealing moment when she says and we could put one up. this is during the course of the campaign. i don't understand what's happening with the country. i can't get my arms around it. that really puts it right on the head. >> absolutely. what is on the democratic
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primary was bernie sanders tapping into a vein of populism. he sat on the hook inside with donald trump. there were times but the primary and the general election were hillary clinton was simply confused as to what was going on. and when i say confused, i mean she just didn't get what was going on in the country. she just didn't get what people were feeling, why they were so angry at the establishment. coming throughout her career has believed in the establishment, believed that you make a big change through the existing system. and for her, it was too much to comprehend in a lot of ways what the public was wanting, which is a little bit of a disrupter. >> martha: what was the clinton campaign's reaction to the enormous crowds that were coming out and also talk about wisconsin and michigan and pennsylvania because they didn't go there and they were afraid they were going to telegraph each other's moves a little bit at the end. >> it's funny because as we talked about in the book, she had a moment right after the michigan primary where she
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really wanted to know what was happening and she was like were not really getting at our message and, were tiptoeing around it. we need to do a better job of doing paraphrasing. she's really confused about why she lost there. and that was sort of a red flag going in. she needed to kind of learn that lesson and for whatever reason she didn't. inevitably lost michigan and wisconsin. but i think she really wasn't concerned about -- she didn't get the populism that was kind of surrounding her in building around her. i think she saw the crowd size but she felt like she has a party behind her. she had the financial backing of people, she had the surrogates, the star power. she felt like all the stars were aligned. so i think they never saw this coming. >> some of those midwestern states particularly in michigan and a bit and wisconsin, her campaign believed that if more people knew about the election,
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it would hurt her. so one of the reasons they said that they didn't spend as much time there, didn't center as much, never set foot in wisconsin during the campaign with the idea that she would actually create a backlash for herself because more people were aware of the election. i think it's hard to play that out. >> martha: they'd already found those voters is what we now know. >> one of the issues for her when she abandoned persuasion. her team decided it was better to try to turn out democrats and try to convince people on the fence or loosely affiliated republicans to vote for her. >> martha: infected with donald trump was doing. i want to end with one. we talked to the campaign members now, they firmly believe that james comey stole the selection from hillary clinton and at the russians through the selection. towards donald trump. >> she believed that two and set it in recent days but as donna and i report in this book, it so much more complicated than that. there is infighting going on at
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the top level. her message was off. in detail this book play-by-play of how her opening kickoff speech was a mass from the very beginning. they couldn't quite nail the message. the message was all over the place, had 20 people working on the speech which is pretty rare in politics, usually have a speechwriter and a principal. so we detailed there were problems all over the campaign and is very easy of course, comey and russia obviously had an impact on this but it was so much worse than that. >> one thing they don't talk about is the notices of obamacare premium specs that which were going around. which was a huge issue and provoke and started seeing their numbers track up an important swing states right before the coming letter came out which we report in the book. number two, the coming letter is related to be email scandal in
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the first place. while the fbi didn't find that there was a prosecutable offense, i don't think there are very many people to make the argument that what she did was what you would hope the secretary of state or president would do. number three in terms of russia, we knew that the intelligence agencies had said that russians were trying to interfere in the elections and were involved and she made that case in debates and that didn't turn enough votes enough places for her to when the election. >> martha: a place for your book is what bill clinton was saying all along. thank you guys so much. glad to have both of you here. good luck. good to see you both. we know that they are ready to weigh in on all of this because they were there for the entire right as well. shocking clinton campaign details coming out of this book shattered that may have paved the way for president trump straight ahead. >> every single american will
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>> martha: back down with more of the stunning revelations in this new book were talking about tonight. the clinton campaign, shattered. everybody's thumbing through it and there's a lot of good juicy tidbits in here so we bring our political experts back to weigh in. column is at the "washington examiner" pretty good to have you guys back. the thing that really jumps out at me when you look at all of this is the question if they had done anything differently could hillary clinton have one? >> there were so many things i could've done better, i suppose it would've been worth a try. you read this book and i appreciated the authors were being respectful and that they
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were grateful but the details that are packed in there, this thing was a garbage fire on a train that was going into a nuclear waste dump. it is such a tragedy and it is amazing to think that a human being who is smart and it's amazing to think that a person of that level of intellect was able to run two of the worst national presidential campaigns in history in one lifetime. >> martha: how did that happen happen? >> clearly, they ran a campaign that was trying to be the obama third term and it clearly changed the election environment after the fact but i don't think the thoughts on the clinton campaign was where the situation was the try to run the same playbook and that's what happens in all campaigns. you try to run the last winning campaign's playbook and that was not the playbook for the 2016 presidential election. >> martha: would he think about my question? if they had done things differently, do you think she could've one, or was donald trump a phenomenon that nobody really saw coming but
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that sort of had a moment that was going to happen regardless? >> in the end, if you slip a couple thousand people here and there in just the right states, the election does turn out differently. i think in this case, the clinton campaign and misjudged badly the type of change that america wanted. he was in the hillary clinton speak out on the trail and talking about how she was going to be bringing change because she was a female candidate and that was a big change for america and the problem is that's change is all about her, not change that's about the voters. i think that was the thread running through all of this is it being about hillary clinton instead of being about the vote voter. >> martha: it was a simple slogan that he had registered days after mitt romney lost since he was clearly ticked off that mitt romney lost. he said i could do it better and started having the hats made up. she never had a message. and you have to know who you are and what you're about and why
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you want people to vote for you. >> she had a message, which is donald trump is a despicable human being and people looked at her and said you wait so not despicable yourself lady. and she got into a character assassination election. she had a message. donald trump is disgusting. you cannot vote for him. as it turns out, she was not in a good enough position to make that argument given the ample baggage that she brought with her through her public life into that. it was a gross miscalculation. the campaign was bloated, it wasted money and wasted resources. it hurt the people that supported it. it neglected them. this was a train wreck. >> martha: good to see you guys. thank you very much. so coming up, going to go back to the story this evening on a deadly shooting that took the lives of three people in california just a few hours ago. it is an awful scene that has played out in fresno where three innocent people just going about their day are now dead. the shooter yelled "allahu akbar" as he was being arrested according to witnesses on the
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scene. breaking story on that coming up after this. plus homeland security secretary john kelly arousing policy speech earlier today to remind us of the dangers that we face right now in america. the speech coming his kelly as attorney general jeff sessions work to get on the same page regarding the crackdowns on regarding the crackdowns on drliberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. yeah, my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. what?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief.
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>> martha: knew details out of a deadly shooting spree that her papen earlier today. the band has been taken into custody after allegedly shooting and killing click three different individuals in three different places in fresno, california. the police say the suspect, whose name is correia lee muhammad was heard yelling "allahu akbar" for he was taken down. hi jonathan. >> it all happened within one terrifying minute on the streets of downtown fresno, its teen rounds in all three will killed. the victims all chosen at random by 39-year-old corey ali muhammad who was quickly confronted by a police officer responding to the shots fired. >> immediately upon the
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individuals seen, the officer, he literally dove onto the ground and was taken into custody and as he was taken into custody, he yelled out "allahu akbar" ." >> the arm of the islamic control center in california said he is not a member of his congregation and he does not recognize him. according to the police, muhammad also called himself the black jesus. the chief said on muhammad's facebook page, they found posen when she made some antigovernment statements and said he did not like white people. all three of the victims in today's shootings were white men. police had apparently been searching for corey muhammad since last thursday when he allegedly shot and killed the security guard at a local motel six. they say he has a criminal history involving guns, drugs, false imprisonment, and terroristic threats. as we take a live look at the scene, we are told at this point the fbi is not treating this as
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a terrorism incident. the police chief also said that his news conference that it is too early to say whether this was a terror attack but he pointed out once again and after that statement muhammad made in arabic saying god is great. martha? >> martha: thank you. also tonight, immigration and security front and center for president trump. he has two serious men at the helm of these agencies. attorney general jeff sessions at secretary of homeland security kelly who are working to overhaul these agencies and they are both trying to get down to business. but will they shape them in similar images? that is one of the top questions ahead of their expected joint trip to the border later this week. department of homeland security secretary kelly offered some very strong words in defense of his agency and his work today. >> read in the intel what were actually a come pushing in the
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course of the day. there's a big gap between the two, this is a what's reported in the press and the media. i mean no disrespect and what we actually do. scrolling through facebook and a there helping to defeat ied's. while you're zoning out on your commute home, homeland security professionals are closing in on dangerous child predator. make no mistake, we are in fact a nation under attack. we are under attack from criminals who think their greed justifies rating young girls at knife point stealing poison to our youth, and just killing some of us were fun. >> martha: strong words. attorney and supporter president trump, senior director of research at, welcome to both of you. what you expect from his visit later this >> when it comes toe issues, idling is any doubt about it. the issues of drug interdiction
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and border security, immigration enforcement are inextricably linked. they have to be in the same page and there some information that mr. kelly was out on the same page with jeff sessions. regarding the issue of marijuana, smuggling, growth that's happening all over my stay california and that's was going to be cradle here is getting them to understating him to understand that the drug smuggling issue and the money that it brings the narco terrorist street gangs in mexico is so critical to the issues of los angeles when they refuse to enforce deportation, they established sanctuary cities. what they're doing is allowing this problem to fester, so it's critical that they both get on board, they both attack these mirrors and its governors and say look, you've got to be on board with us because if you're not, it's going to be do damage to your state anything that's really going to do it. they're going to show unity and basically say this is america's best interest, california's best interest, all the states.
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we need to solve this problem on every conceivable level. >> martha: just to make clear to both of you, you're referring to an interview that he did what he suggested that marijuana wasn't as big a problem as other guard drugs coming across the border i talked about the fact that we need to sort of decrease the need and desire for these drugs at home in order to slow down the traffic of them coming in as well, that he sees as a two-part thing i'm not sure if they were that far apart on that really. but he sort of put a prime point on that. >> he moved a little bit on it since then to match jeff sessions a tiny bit more in that language but we knew know that general kelly has spoken in the past that americans in buying drugs have played a role in reaping violence and chaos in south america. he is a concern about that as well and in mexico and that's part of what david's talking about is they have two very different attitudes going back decades towards these issues. jeff sessions has been a hardliner on immigration since the beginning. general kelly says is not really worried about the vast majority of immigrants.
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he doesn't see the initial crossing the border which obviously is a violation, it's a crime to of done that but that is in the big problem, it's people who are committing crimes once they are here already. i think it will be hard to think, so i see an effort by general kelly to be using some of the same rhetoric the trump administration has been using, but i don't see them getting totally simpatico here. >> martha: i'm not sure it's a problem necessarily. we've heard president trump say many times that he sort of hired a lot of people who have different opinions on a lot of things, and i think both of these men are respected in their own area greatly will, and i watch the chuck todd interview, but it was quite interesting. over the course of the weekend. when he talked about the fact that if you have broke the law by being here illegally plus, meaning you did something else, dui is not on the list. it's changed in terms of how you trip that wire.
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just one last quick thought, little short on time. >> i spoke to a deputy and attorney general, u.s. attorney about a week ago about the issue of catch and release at the border and he said very simple when you catch somebody at the border, have no idea what their criminal record was in mexico. you can't run a rap sheet on them, you are just assuming they're a good person. that's why jeff sessions wants to actually detain them, take them to court and then deport them without just releasing them into our communities. that's a huge issue. that makes sense but there are people here already. >> martha: got to leave it there. be right back. almost out of time. back with our quote of the nigh night. we come look closely. hidden in every swing, every chip, and every putt, is data that can make the difference between winning and losing. the microsoft cloud helps the pga tour turn countless points of data into insights that transform their business
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wise words from wise man. thanks for watching everyone. i martha maccallum. see you back here tomorrow night at s ♪ ♪ >> well, good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. after spending several weeks focusing on crisis in syria and north korea. the president is going on another immigration offensive. this morning the administration announced intention to crack down on gangs like m.s.-13 whose gang has been fueled by illegal immigration. >> they are getting the hell out or they're going to prison. so many towns and cities are thanking me because we have gotten rid of a burden that you would not believe. i mean, it is a serious problem and we never did anything about it. and now we're doing something about it. >> tucker: just a minute we will talk to the point man on this question attorney general jeff sessions about


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