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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 20, 2017 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> jon: we told you the president is expected to sign that order and have the commerce department investigate steel imports, that's coming up any second. >> jenna: will watch for that and see you back here in an hour. >> jon: outnumbered starts right now >> meghan: north korea is bowing to wipe out the united states and reduce it to ashes. after rex tillerson says he's looking at measures to bring its regime in line. this is outnumbered. i meghan mccain. here today, sandra smith, abby huntsman, former state department spokeswoman, speethree nine, and today's #oneluckyguy, kevin jackson. your outnumbered. >> kevin: , that's my gang sign. >> meghan: we had a little pre-outnumbered. >> kevin: i know the dirt on the girls now.
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>> meghan: let's get this started. the isolating war of words between the united states and north korea over the country's nuclear program. as secretary of state, will rex tillerson says he's looking at ways to put pressure on the regime which includes putting the rogue nation back on the list of state sponsors of terror. >> we are reviewing all the status of north korea in terms of state sponsorship of terrorism as well as all the other ways in which we can bring pressure on the regime in pyongyang, but to reengage with us. >> meghan: the north is firing back through state media warning. in the case of our super mighty pimco straight being launched, it will be completely and immediately wipe out not only united states invasion forces, but the u.s. mainland and reduce them to ashes. don't mess with us. meantime, vice president mike pence overseas in asia issuing a blunt warning as he says the u.s. won't be negotiating directly with the north regime anytime soon.
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>> the policy that president trump is articulated is in support of our allies in japan and south korea and nations around the world and china. we are going to make it clear to the regime in pyongyang that the days of broken promises, the days of running out the clock on agreements with the world are over. >> meghan: all this as the world may be running out of tim time. a policy group warning north korea's nuclear arsenal has expanded to 30 warheads and could possibly double again in the next three years. petrifying me, probably petrifying the audience, talking with the threat of nuclear war with north korea. what you make of all this? >> kevin: not to go all michael vick on you, but it's like a chihuahua threatening. it's a lot of tough talk. if you look at the releases that have gone out, the different press releases, it's a lot of
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radical conversations. we've got the ability to explore their missiles at launch. they certainly had trouble getting missiles out of their own region. there are memes floating around that said we are going to bomb the ocean because that's where our missiles could end up in north korea. should we take them seriously in one respect? yeah. i think the president's response has been really incredible in the sense of having china deal with it mostly. i think when you take the two largest economies in the world and you combine them, china appears to be on our side and i think that will continue to develop. from my perspective, i think it's much ado about nothing. we have to treat it this way because i think that the long game is what are we going to do with iran next? this is a very interesting political chess game that's being played out, again with
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syria and it's going to connect the dots. >> sandra: we just don't see -- as the president said, it will not be telegraphing our next move in this. i wonder if you see that as a good strategy here and whether or not we should be more openly talking about it. rex tillerson says will be putting more pressure on the regime, asking trying about their trade policies. what is the strategy? >> kevin: the strategy is exactly what you said. i've been talking about us install troubles on the campaig campaign. he sees our military as something necessary to have. i think donald trump really sees our economy as the biggest tool in our arsenal and i believe that using that when you're talking about an economy that's roughly 25% of the world, combined with china's which is now another 25%, you're talking
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about a lot of economic power not only on north korea, but you can apply that pressure to russia. >> meghan: i want to get marie into this because of your wheelhouse. three presidencies all made agreements with north korea, all the strength in their arsenal and they got stronger. what i would push back on you, kim jong-un is completely irrational. his father and grandfather from my understanding were a lot more rational than he is. we are talking about an absolute maniac dictator who may not care what happens. >> marie: i would also push back on what to do about nothing. they already have nuclear weapons. sure, they may not be able to reach the u.s. yet, but they can sure reach south korea. one of our closest allies in the region, they were very concerned about how the trump administration was talking about what they were doing to counter north korea. my whole question at the end of this, speaking to what you said,
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what is the underlying strategy here? economic pressure through multiple administrations hasn't worked. it hasn't been nuclear rise the peninsula. we saw that they now have missiles that can use a solid feel, not liquid fuel, which can be launched very quickly. we may not have time to stop them and they can certainly reach south korea. >> abby: everyone talk about china. the only way we'll make a promise with north korea is of china steps in. they are holding up north korea's entire economy. they already have nuclear weapons. the problem is they're developing a lot of these weapons so deep underground, we can even see them from our satellite images. we can't bomb them. the other part of this, as you say, mike pence is over there with our allies, if they were giving him advice, they were saying be careful about how forceful you are with north korea because the people who will suffer if you do this are the closest allies.
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>> meghan: president trump has been a lot more hawkish than we realize in the campaign trail. it's working with his approval ratings, whatever that's worth. his job approval rating is up four points. it's up since april 18th. it seems like the american public may actually accept this agenda, the era of patients being over. >> kevin: i don't believe that trump cares about the approval rating, he cares about what progress he's making. >> meghan: he cares about it. >> kevin: i don't think that's his predominant issue, but back to this original point that marie made. to what end? what if kim jong-un bombs south korea? he's still back where he is which is a country as a third world dictatorship. as much as he may appear to be
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this very irrational guy, he has to deal with north koreans who are going to be very angry if they can no longer eat. >> marie: they can't now. >> kevin: yeah, but if it gets worse, what happens if they drop a bomb? >> abby: china. >> sandra: in the meantime, rex tillerson has a warning about iran. >> unchecked iran has the potential to travel the same path as north korea and take the world along with it. the jcp away -- it only delays their goal of becoming a nuclear state. this deal failed approach of the past that brought us to the current imminent threat reface from north korea. >> sandra: those comments come just one day after tiller's and announced united states will conduct a review of a nuclear deal and consider re-imposing sanctions. iran's foreign minister heading back tweeting this.
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worn-out u.s. accusations can't mask its omission of iran compliance with the deal, obligating the u.s. to change course and fulfill its own commitments. >> kevin: again, an interesting international standoff. we have something developing here that barack obama did not follow through on. we're looking at north korea when bill clinton did not allow the nuclear development program to happen there. i don't believe donald trump wants to utilize military action, but again, he wants to make sure that the world knows it is a very different situation. this was so predictable, getting to iran. >> sandra: is it fair to say that something has to be done when it comes to around? >> marie: first, the iran deal is working. they have built up -- upheld
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their part of the bargain. they are a year away from being able to get a weapon. i was part of these negotiations. because of these deals, they got rid of the 90% their uranium. let me finish on this point. when it comes to iran's nuclear program, we have greatly diminished -- they cannot make a nuclear weapon like they have -- >> abby: you cannot trust anything around says. >> marie: the inspections, the transparency, we've never negotiated before. terrorism, syria, yemen. >> meghan: we gave them hundreds of millions of dollars of unmarked bills in the middle of the night the plane? we nuclear highest the
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middle east. i can't sit here. i like you, maria, but i can't sit here and have you say that. and my opinion, it is the biggest catastrophe foreign policy wise that president obama did in his entire tenure. it was like some kind of weird movie, but we can trust them that they are going to conduct nuclear weapons. >> marie: f president trump reps this up, and they have -- he owns that. >> meghan: these are people that scream death to america. >> kevin: i think we're jumping ahead of ourselves. first of all, i don't think
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trump is saying he's ripping it up. i think they're making sure they're living up to it. >> let me get a word in here, come on! >> kevin: what trump is saying which of the same thing he said in syria and north korea, you're going to start living up to these and we are no longer going to idly sit by and let talk be our guiding force. >> meghan: >> abby: iran is thee most concerned about. the iran deal is meant for two things. to buy time, 15, 20 years and hoping that route regime would somehow change. you can't trust anything that iran is saying right now. we can't inspect everything.
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we also don't know that the regime is going to change. we don't know how much time we have. the biggest concern i have is getting these weapons, once they are able to make nuclear weapons, which it could happen at any point, into the hands of these terrorists. they are the biggest terrorism in the middle east. >> marie: because of this deal deal -- >> meghan: i'm sorry, but our future grandkids will be filling the ramifications of a nuclear eyes the middle east. we have the same values and we can treat iran like it somehow has the same moral values that we do, it is delusional and is dangerous and we will feel this when we are adults and old and gray.
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>> sandra: keeping his top campaign promise, they make the case for that new border wall and tougher immigration enforcement. plus, did elizabeth warren have her own deplorable moment? why her most recent attack on president trump is being interpreted as a slap at his supporters. after the show, i can join our live chat by clicking the overtime tab at or go to fnc. this conversation will likely continue. of course, you can tweet us as well. we'll see you there ♪ fun in art class.
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>> sandra: it was a top priority of president trump's campaign, securing the border and building that wall. and now attorney general jeff sessions and homeland security secretary john kelly will be visiting the border in el paso and tomorrow in san diego. they say the mission must move fast to drive from the president's immigration policy. >> i think the border wall needs to move rapidly. it will be the final affirmation that it is over. it will multiply many times of
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the effectiveness of our border, the numbers have dropped significantly, but if we don't follow through and backup what he promised, then i think we can see these numbers rise again. >> sandra: the joint visit to the border comes on the heels of regent dhs numbers that show a sharp decline in the number of people illegally crossing the border. we've heard this promise time and time again on the campaign trail. is this assignment the wall is coming? a >> kevin: i so. it became the biggest symbol for donald trump that you have to get that going. that's not what's going to put the teeth into this bill, it's going to be what they do with the employer's and dis- incentivizing people to come over and get illegal jobs, but i think it's a symbol of what people want to see, the people who voted for donald trump, not necessarily marie, but they want to see that wall.
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i think people are going to want to see this bill. also, it has economic value. the idea that the steel companies will be doing it. there will be bricks and labor and things like that. i think he is looking at this as a roads and bridges project. >> sandra: there's little something happening at the white house in this hour. looking into steel imports. marie, he's our president two. what do you make of all that is happening right now? >> marie: the wall actually doesn't pull overall very well, especially in how we are going to pay for it. we may see some talk about that if they have to give the government open in a few days. for me, the bigger question is, things like dreamers. donald trump also said he would treat them with compassion. we saw the first dreamer deported this week. in my home state of ohio, a mother of four american citizen children, she was arrested on the street, departed without being able to say goodbye, no criminal record. don't laugh at that, that's a
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family whose mother is not with their children anymore. no criminal record. as i with the american people want? i'm not sure about that. >> kevin: you guys always take these anecdotal stories. i can't even tell you how many dreamers have been rating women and when you get into that subject, then the left suddenly goes, it's only a small amount or the same amount of crimes that american citizens -- >> sandra: for the sake of this conversation, what do americans want? >> meghan: i continue to have this question since day one. when you're talking about the wall, retrying about jones and camping up border security or are you talking about a concrete wall like the great wall of china, which i think we have proven over and over again, i believe would be a gross waste
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of finances, like a smart wall. >> marie: lasers and things to figure out who is crossing the border. >> meghan: i agree with marie on this one. i'm from arizona, i'm from a border state. you are well aware of the immigration problem there. i think there's a difference between a dreamer who was deported in california who was in school and working to become a welder and i believe had some mental problems and he wasn't able to understand what exactly was happening at the time. there's a difference between people like this who were brought here as children and babies who just want life as an american then there is against and people who are in gangs. >> abby: i think what doesn't pull well as they want law & order back in this country and they want a safer place to live. one donald trump talks about that, he's even admitted that it's a personal issue.
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he has talked about it that way. what i got around the country from talking to voters, they say it's a huge issue for them. they really want people to stop breaking the law. they want to get back to law and order and that's what he promised, that's what he's clearly focused on. >> sandra: you can hear more about this about the homeland security chief and attorney general visit to the border firsthand. to an end to first 100 days tonight. john kelly and jeff sessions will be with our own martha maccallum. that will all be happening at 7:00 p.m. eastern time right here on fox news. the g.o.p. making a new attempt to repeal obamacare. will enough lawmakers jump on board and can the white house get a deal at the end of president trump's first 100 days? today is day 90. does timing really matter? plus, elizabeth warren, on the attack again. saying president trump voters were motivated by racism. to her comments cross the line?
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>> part of it is an ugly stew of racism. part of it is donald trump tapping into anger.
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>> meghan: the g.o.p.'s push to repeal and replace obamacare is back on. this amid major reports of the white house wants to get a health care deal done before the end of president trump's verse 100 days in office. his press secretary, sean spicer. >> fortunately for us, i think the appetite to really get this done continues to grow. the enthusiasm is there and i think a lot of the policy ideas and have come out of the last couple of weeks are encouraging. >> meghan: this as house republicans are trying to get a health care deal done. they are circulating a draft as a plan to threaten -- how speaker paul ryan and london yesterday says lawmakers are close as congress prepares for next week. speak out where in the midst of negotiating the finishing
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touches because our members want to make sure that they have lower premiums. that a person who is buying health insurance has a lot of choices and actually has transparency and they know what things are going to cost before they buy them. that's one of the problems in health care. >> meghan: abbey, america watches you go to diners everywhere talking to real americans. this is a big issue for them. if we don't get this done, what does that mean? >> abby: there's been so many personal stories across this country, but they want the right deals. instead of pushing the deal just to get it done, the focus should be how do we get enough votes to get better lives and why isn't this focused on tax reform? i think that should have been the first focus of getting anything done. as he said, they want health care done first and then going to tax reform. i think that should be the focu
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focus. we haven't had comp answer tax reform since 1996. >> kevin: that tax code is such a part -- >> abby: president trump said he's going to do it. he said he can work on it. >> kevin: i think when it comes to obamacare, he's taken the right steps. he's been instrumental. i heard somebody say, it may said it wasn't going to happen. i'm inclined to agree that it probably won't. >> sandra: sean spicer was saying the appetite to get this done is growing. >> marie: they have to pass the spending bill in the next eight days. they were incapable of bringing a belt to the floor and the house which they control by a large majority.
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if this doesn't happen in the first 100 days, i'm not sure it will ever happen. >> kevin: it's going to happen and it will be incremental. >> meghan: can ask a question about it? what do you think the likelihood is that the freedom caucus and the moderates get on board? i think i should do it for the good of president trump and the good of the party. an obvious and the bottom line for people who are suffering through obamacare. >> kevin: i think a lot of these folks will start to look at that, but make no mistake about it, the appetite for obamacare when it was being proposed was hyped, it was oversold, and now we are having to decommission with that and i think if there's anybody that can get that back on track and who knows how to do that, we've got the right guy for it. >> abby: then becomes a republican problem and if they don't get the right deal, then you have millions without health care. the other question is where to
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the votes come from? you mention the moderates and conservatives. was not something we learned from president obama back in 2008? passing something through that was so partisan that you could have any republican voices as part of that. that was dangerous. >> kevin: not to interrupt megan, but the fact is i'm a people do not go to the hospital every day. it's not like -- you have to eat every day, you have to say, i didn't get hired or i lost my job every day. hospitalization is not something that happens all the time. i don't think this is going to have nearly the impact in 2018 as much as the symbolism of are you with me or are you not? i believe it's going to incur incrementally. >> marie: when millions of americans lose their health insurance, the cbo and independent experts of the last republican proposal.
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when you do go to the hospital, it really matters and that can destroy your savings. are you okay if every public and health care takes millions of people off -- >> meghan: personal friends of mine -- the question i have for you, if people can afford to pay their premiums or their mortgag mortgage, your up a creek without a paddle as well. it is not about people losing their health insurance, it's about people not having any. >> sandra: i'm going to jump in here, because we have something happening at the white house. a document basically calling for an investigation of imports of foreign-made steel to determine whether they're harming national security. >> this is a historic day for
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american steel and most importantly, for american steelworkers. thanks especially to secretary wilbur ross for helping to lead this critical effort. we've been working on it since i came to office and long before i came to office. we're going to fight for american workers and american made steel and that's beginning immediately. for decades, american have lost our jobs to unfair foreign trad trade. one steel mill after another has been shut down, abandoned, and closed and were going to reverse that. other countries have made a living taking advantage of the united states and so many ways, as you know. i've been talking like that for a long time. as i travel the country, i saw the factories of shattered dreams and i pledged that i would take action. i think it's one of the primary reasons i'm sitting here today as president.
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i have followed through on my pledge beginning with our withdrawal from a specific partnership which would have been a catastrophe for our businesses and our workers. i'm very proud of that withdrawal. some people say i wish he didn't do that, but the smart people say thank you, thank you, thank you. that would have been another disaster. that was a disaster and continues to be a disaster for our country. on tuesday, i signed in order to enforce the buy american laws and stop countries from stealing contracts from american countries and essentially from american workers. today, i'm directing the department of commerce to immediately prioritize the investigation that began yesterday and really come a long that because wilbur and i have been working on this for a long time. to submit a report on the
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effects of these foreign steel products or the national security of the united states. it has to do with the national security of our country. which people never talk about, i talk about it. maintaining production of american steel is extremely important to our national security and our defense industrial base. steel is critical. this is not an area where we can afford to become dependent on foreign countries. that's not going to happen anymore, believe me, especially in a comes to steal. this investigation will look at how steel enforces our impact, taking into account practices such as steel dumping, dumping is a tremendous problem in this
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country. they are dumping vast amounts of steel in our country and they are really hurting, not only our country, but economy. the target of the american industry -- based on the findings of this report, secretary wilbur ross will make formal recommendations to the white house in a very, very near future. he'll be back very soon. for now, we're going to stand up for american jobs, workers, security, and for american steel companies and companies generally. today's action is the next step towards making america strong and prosperous once again. i want to just add, i wasn't going to do this, but i was in wisconsin the other day and i want to end and add by saying
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that in canada, but they've done to our dairy farm workers is a disgrace. it's a disgrace. i spent time with some of the farmers in wisconsin and as you know, real regulations, different things have changed and our farmers and wisconsin and new york state are being put out of business, our dairy farm farms. that also includes what's happening along our northern border states with canada, having to do with lumber and timber. the fact is, nafta, whether it's mexico or canada is a disaster for our country. it's a disaster. it's a trading disaster. we will be reporting back sometime over the next few weeks as to nafta and what we are going to do about it. what happened to our dairy farmers in wisconsin and new york state, we're not going to let it happen.
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we can't let canada or anybody else take advantage and do what they did to our workers and our farmers. again, i want to also mention, included in there, is lumber and timber. we have to get to the negotiating table with canada very, very quickly. again, just to tell you, this is another natural disaster and were not going to let it continue onward. i think what i would like to do is ask a few of the people if they'd like to visit some of the great steel companies of our country. some of those companies were much bigger years ago. u.s. steel would be an example and others would be examples, but they were greater companies years ago and today, they've been hurt, but they'll be great again and i think that will be very soon. we're going to impose very, very strict regulations from unfair competition from the outside world. perhaps i should ask the head of the united states -- to say a
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few words. speak out the timing of this clearly demonstrates your understanding -- >> sandra: president trump calling this a historic day for american steel. he is surrounded by american steel ceos. their signing off on investigation for foreign-made steel, looking at whether their effect is on national security. he says he's going to fight for america's steelworkers and fight for american steel. resident jump at the white house. coming up, a liberal senator, elizabeth warren with some very harsh words for trump supporters. wait until you hear them. next. ugh! heartburn!
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try alka seltzer heartburn relief chews. they work fast and don't taste chalky. mmmmm...amazing. i have heartburn. alka seltzer heartburn relief chews. enjoy the relief. dad likare you going to weeks be using my car? until my insurance claim goes through this is our car. mr. parker, my parents have allstate. they have this claim satisfaction guarantee. really? their claim experience is fast, fair, and hassle-free or they get their, like, money back. saraaah!!! come to prom with me!! no. -hey mr. parker. claim satisfaction guarantee, only from allstate. it's good to be in good hands. >> sandra: massachusetts senator elizabeth warren ramping up her attacks against president trump. claiming racism played a big part in his election. the liberal democrat frankly
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mentioned that mr. trump convinced angry, low, and middle income voters to play minorities for their problems. it is an ugly stew of racism. part of it is donald trump tapping into anger, he got the people are deeply angry and people have a right to be angry, but donald trump said it's their fault, those other people, those people who don't worship like you, those people who don't look like you, those people who are the same color as you. that was a big part. he told a story, it's just the wrong story. >> sandra: what she trying to say? >> kevin: i love this topic because here's a woman who faked yourself as being an american indian to tell donald trump about racism. i'm appalled. the fact that the left continue to have the guts to come out and make everything racist in this
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country, it's funny. every nationality exists in america, donald trump does not come after anybody who is an american citizen. if you're in mexican or an american of mexican assent, he wants to protect you. if you are a muslim and you live in this country and you're here illegally, he wants to protect you. as long as you obey laws, he wants to protect you. look at the border wall and suddenly we are all racist. we are not racist, we are an amazing group of people. people who back the policies of donald trump and people like elizabeth warren and al sharpton and a whole litany of leftists leftists -- >> marie: how aussie are supposed to characterize her words? >> meghan: is this a winning message were democrats? they are in a really tough spot where people don't know what they stand for. elizabeth warren is someone else who could be a future face of
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the democratic party. i have to tell you, when she talks about trump winning because of angry voters, i was in scranton, pennsylvania, full of democrats. the message i got, they weren't angry because they're a racist. were angry because they were promised so many times by democrats that our lives are going to change, that things are going to get better and they haven't. we want change, we want to make different. i'm not sure what he's talking about here. >> marie: i think the democratic party does have a lot of soul-searching to do about all the reasons we lost in 2016. i think giving interviews and sound bites to talk about why that is as helpful to the party. there are a lot of reasons and we need to look very seriously at them. this is a bigger, deeper conversation. >> sandra: she claims that donald trump won the election partly due to an ugly stew of
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racism. >> marie: i think there is something and before everyone he jumps on me for saying it, there is something concerning about some of the rhetoric donald trump used. he attacked mexican-american judge openly because of his heritage. you can shake your head, but it is a fact he did that. there is a concern about some of the language used and more importantly, some of the language has supporters used. we seen a drastic uptake in anti-semitic -- let me finish my point, kevin. anti-semitic incidents. i'm not saying why that is, but i'm actually interested and concerned about why that's happening. as americans, we should figure out why that is. not give crazy cable news interviews. >> meghan: and its rhetoric didn't work. women that didn't vote for hillary clinton was somehow here a tech to their gender. it's a load of what.
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>> sandra: variety magazine honoring chelsea clinton with an impact award and featuring her on its cover. the media can't stop trying to make chelsea happen. we debate.
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>> meghan: variety magazine featuring the former first daughter, chelsea clinton, on its cover this month and planned to honor her at an impact award tomorrow. that's on the heels of favorable coverage from other media outlets including "the new york times" ." an editor from variety getting an unexpected response from twitter users after asking how cool does chelsea clinton look on our new cover? one person writing, not cool, like at all. another adding please stop trying to make this happen. jesus take the wheel! that's all i have to say. i can handle this. >> kevin: you know i'm joking. last time i was on, i would off a litany of things that chelsea didn't have growing up, growing up with a single mom in the ghetto and all. of course, it's a joke that
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chelsea is being offered up as if she's the next coming of kim kardashian. >> meghan: i want marie and abby to into this. i'm not going to be in a glass house throwing stones. i didn't get the media as my p.r. company sending out every positive article about me and general. children are conservative candidates in general are eviscerated by the media in every conceivable way. her mother lost historically and it's light, stop try to make the clintons happen. >> marie: i'm ready for our party to have new leaders. >> meghan: very diplomatic. >> abby: i also grew up as a politician's daughter so i understand the things you've been through. it seems like chelsea clinton can do no wrong. i want to compare it to ivanka trump because they are in similar situations except that her father is not president. she is not received good treatment at all so far with him in office. >> sandra: while chelsea
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clinton ever happened? >> abby: is a politician? i don't think so. >> marie: i don't see the fire and her eyes to do that. i've never met the woman, i have no idea. but i don't think so. >> kevin: there is no ed factor for chelsea clinton. she's lost the legacy of leftism in general, there is no appeal to her. no offense, she doesn't show well, she's not very articulate. >> sandra: even you said, you don't know what her platform is. it's interesting to me that people don't know a lot about her. >> marie: when they were in the white house, -- >> meghan: my father ran for president when i was 13, crimea river, grow up. she's 37 years old, a mother of two.
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10:00 am
we are back online tomorrow at noon eastern, right now, "happening now" ." >> jon: we begin with a fox news alert, president trump just signed a new memorandum he says will show his administration it is fighting for american workers. >> jenna: calling it historic day, he authorized the commerce department to see if blocking enforcement of steel could be considered a matter of national security. recovering of the newest "happening now." >> obamacare is the law of the land, we will be living with it for the foreseeable future. >> jenna: that may not be the case, republican moderates and conservatives may have struck a new deal to replace obamacare. plus, it is not business as usual at the u.n. how ambassador nikki haley is trying to change the tone toward israel. and... >> i giving a speech, what are they going to do, arrest me? >> jenna: and coulter refuses to back down after her event at berkeley is canceled.


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