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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 24, 2017 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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shifting to 9:00 p.m., sean hannity will be there as usual, 10:00 p.m. eastern time, kicking it all off, martha maccallum at 7:00 eastern. thank you. see you back here in an hour. >> outnumbered starts right now. >> this is a fox news alerts, and taking a look at the university of chicago where former president barack obama is stepping back into the spotlight. he is holding an event expected to begin at any moment now, being built as a conversation on community organizing and civic engagement. marking his first public speaking appearance since leaving office three months ago. chicago as you know, the city that launched his political career, sources tell fox news that mr. obama will stay away from any criticism on his successor. we will see how that will go. if that happens, we will keep a close eye on the event. bring your news as it happens there. >> still developing right now, hold tight for what should be a
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week to remember. president trump is facing a possible government shutdown, and taking another crack at health care as well as a host of other issues as he closes in on his first 100 days in office. this is "outnumbered," i am harris faulkner. here today meghan mccain, host of kennedy on fox "kennedy" herself. and the host -- sometimes tv padre. "fbn." after the bell, host on forbes on fox, and he is outnumbered. your title gets longer all the time. can we change it to "after the bell." >> yes, we can. i have been here for a long time. >> i know, absolutely. so here we are, fresh back. ladies, let's roll. we will begin with what you may be the most critical week for the trump administration, the
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president will head to the 100 day mark on saturday. lawmakers back from easter recess, rushing to with the government shutdown as i mentioned, also on the president's agenda, replacing obamacare, negotiating tax reform, seeking funding for his border wall. all key campaign promises. and as that milestone approaches, president trump appears to be downplaying the significance, telling the associated press, it is an artificial barrier, not very meaningful. somebody put out the concept of a 100 day plan. she white house correspondent john roberts. take it away. >> good afternoon to you, it is an artificial barrier, but we will add that it is the same that has been flagged to presidents over the decades. it is also important from the standpoint of how our president's first 100 days go. usually it's a pretty good indicator of how the next three years and eight months are going to go, and this white house is anxious to put some points up on the legislative scoreboard before the 29th rolls around. there is a chance that they could have a boat on obamacare,
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repeal and replace by the end of the week, we codes have some languages up by the end of the day on a new amendment crafted by the freedom caucus in the more moderate tuesday group, getting this thing through the house. the amendment already prewash through the senate to make sure that it passes the bird rule, so if the house does vote in a fairly recent, fairly judicious time period like before thursday night, they may actually be able to get it through the senate as well, the white house also negotiating a spending bill, because much of the government will run out of money by midnight on friday. the president is insisting that funding for the border wall be included in all of that, and looking at $1.5 billion to start construction. also looking for money on more agents. $30 million for the military as well. the president weeding out this morning "if the wall is not
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built, which it will become of the drug situation will never be fixed the way that it should be. the white house is prepared to engage in some horse trade in order to get the measure passed, here is the omb director, the budget director on "fox news sunday." listen here. >> we are offering to give democrats some of their priorities as well. they made it very clear that they want these cost sharing production as part of obamacare. we have open the discussions to give the democrats something they want in order to get something we want. >> if they do not get a deal, they run the risk of a government shutdown, the republicans do not want that pit is likely to blame the republicans if that happens. listen to what jeff sessions jeff sessions said about who is to blame if that happens on friday night into saturday morning. here he is from earlier today. >> throughout the whole process i have been saying that when you put up anything that fixes the problem, that is what does not
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pass. they will pass anything as long as it does not work. speak of the president is also looking at revealing some of his plans for talks were a form, that could happen on wednesday. this will not be proposed like a station -- legislation, just ideas. it is a busy week happening here at the white house. >> absolutely busy, and as we started the hour, i can tell you that the former president barack obama is speaking now at the university of chicago. we will go in just a moment to watch and listen together. >> everybody has a story to tell that is important. this experience taught me that beneath the surface differences of people that there are common hopes and common dreams. common aspirations. there are common values. they stitch us together as americans.
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so even though after three years i left for law school, the lessons that had been taught to me here as organizer are ones that stayed with me. and effectively gave me the foundation for my subsequent political career. and to the that i would talk about as a state legislator and as a u.s. senator, and ultimately as president of the united states. now i tell you that history because on the back end of now my presidency, now that it is completed, i'm spending a lot of time thinking about, well, what is the most important thing that i can do for my next job? [laughter]
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and what i am convinced of that although there are all kinds of issues that i care about and all kinds of issues that i intend to work on, the single most important thing that i can do is to help in any way i can prepare the next generation of leadership to take up the baton and to take their own crack at changing the world. because the one thing that i am absolutely convinced of is that yes, we confront a whole range of challenges from economic inequality -- a system that is too often skewed in ways that are not productive to climate change to issues related to
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violence. all of those problems are serious, they are daunting, but they are not insoluble. what is preventing us from tackling them and making more progress really has to do with our politics and our civic like that. it has to do with the fact that because of things like political gerrymandering, our party's have moved further and further apart. and it is harder and harder to find common ground. that's because of money and politics. special interest dominate the debates in washington in ways that do not match up with what the broad majority of americans feel. because of changes in the media.
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we now have a situation in which everybody is listening to people who already agree with them and are further and further reinforcing their own realities to the neglected of the common reality. that allows us to have a healthy debate, and then try to find common ground. we can actually move solutions forward. what i said in 2004 that there were no red states, blue states, there were united states of america. that was an aspirational commen comment. [laughter] and it is one that i still believe in the sense that when you talk to individuals one-on-one, people, there is a lot more that people have in
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common than what devises them. but obviously it is not true when it comes to our politics and our civic life. and may be more pernicious is the fact that people are not involved. they get cynical. they give up. and as a consequence, we have some of the lowest voting rights of any advanced democracy. we have low participation rates that translate into a further gap between who is governing us and what we believe. the only folks who are going to be able to solve that problem are going to be young people. the next generation. and i have been encouraged everywhere i go in the united states, but also everywhere around the world to see how sharp and astute and tolerant and thoughtful and entrepreneurial the young people
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are. a lot more sophisticated than i was at their age. and so the question then becomes, what are the ways in which we can create pathways for them to take leadership for them to get involved? are there ways in which we can knock down some of the barriers that are discouraging young people about the life of service? and if there are, i want to be able to work with them to knock down those barriers. to get this next generation to accelerate their move towards leadership. because if that happens, i think that we are going to be just fine. i end up being incredibly optimistic. so without, what i would like to do is to have our panelist here
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today each tell them, tell us a little bit about themselves and what i have asked them ahead of time, and i did give them the question ahead of time. [laughter] i have asked them to describe for me what it is that they see -- >> you are watching the university of chicago. that is a former president, obviously barack obama, we were told that he would not be talking by name about his successor president trump, but he did just mention something. the former, presently says that people are not involved. he speaks of a gap of what he calls who is governing us and what we believe. not naming anyone, but the full report, you decide. speaking of president trump, he is right now meeting with the united nation's ambassadors. and given some of the comments that the current president has made about the role that the u.n. plays in foreign policy and around the world, what we do, an interesting meeting. this is lunch at the
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white house, you will notice that his u.n. ambassador to the united states, nikki haley is on his right side. we are going to watch and listen. this is taped moments ago. >> a lot of angry spouses. [laughter] >> this is a first time for the white house, so such a great honor for those of you who are here. as you know, the united states holds the presidency of the security council this month. and i am glad that we are continuing the tradition of hosting that counsels ambassadors in our nation's capital. it is a great honor, believe me. i want to thank ambassador for her outstanding leadership and for acting as my personal convoy on this security council. she is doing a good job. does everybody like nikki? because if you don't, please say something. otherwise she could be easily replaced. [laughter] we won't do that. i promise you we will not do that. she is doing a fantastic job. and everybody i see even as we
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took pictures before on the friendship that you have developed together. that is really fantastic. the mission of the united nations and to the u.n. security council is to maintain international peace and securit security. these are important aims and in shared interest, but as we look around the world it is clear that there is much work for you to achieve. you are going to be very busy people over the next coming months and years. at the nation the nation faces serious and growing threats and many of them stemmed from problems that have been unaddressed for far too long. in fact the united nations does not like taking on certain problems, but i have a feeling that the people in this room, and i know for a fact that nikki feels very, very strongly about taking on problems that people have steered away from. i encourage the security council to come together and take action to counter all of these many threats. so in syria, the council failed again this month to respond to
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the use of chemical weapons. a great disappointment. i was very disappointed by that. the status quo in north korea is also unacceptable. and to the council must be prepared to propose additionally and stronger sanctions on north korea nuclear and ballistic missile programs. this is a real threat to the world. whether we want to talk about it or not, north korea is a big world problem. it is a problem that we have to finally solve. people have been putting blindfolds on for decades, and now it is time to solve the problem. the united nations playing an effective role in solving these and other security challenges, big reforms will be required. in addition, we must also take a closer look at the u.n. budget. the costs have been absolutely gone out of control. but i will say this, if we do a great job, i care much less about the cost. you are talking about peanuts compared to the important work
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that you are doing. you really are. you are talking about the most important things ever, and i must say that i am a budget person. you see the way that i am talking about nato, the same thing, but if you do a great job at the united nations, i feel much differently about it. we are talking pennies compared to the kind of lives and money that he will be saving. the united states is just one of 193 countries in the u.n. paying for 22% of the budget, almost 30% of the united nations peacekeeping. that is unfair. we need the member states to come together to eliminate inefficiency. and to ensure that no one nation shows a disproportionate burden financially. this is only fair to our taxpayers. i look forward to a discussion about our shared role in keeping the peace, advancing reforms,
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and getting everyone to do their fair share. i also want to say to you that i have long felt that the united nations is an underperformed state, but they have tremendous potential. if there are people that think that it is underperformed, and it will never perform. i am so happy with the work that nikki is doing. the representatives of nikki and the group, and i see the relationship that she has already developed. i think that the united nations has tremendous potential. tremendous potential. far greater than what i would say any other candidate in the last 30 years would have even thought to say. i do not think it is -- i know it has not lived up to the potential, i see a day when there is a conflict with the united nations, you could get together and you solve the conflict. you do not see the united nations solving complex. i think that will start happening now. i can see it.
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and the united nations will get together and solve conflicts. it will not be two countries, it will be the united nations mediating with those countries. so i see fantastic potential and fantastic things ahead for the united nations. and i also have to say that it is a tremendous honor to know you and to me to you and nikki has given me a little bit of a briefing on each and every one of you. and i will tell you, i am a very blunt person, if she did not like you, i would tell you right now. she gets along with everybody and respects everybody in this room. i will end by saying, unless he would rather not do it, we have an office in the white house, you may have heard of it, called the oval office, and we would all go down as a group and take some pictures in the oval office, i know that you have never seen it. nobody seems to get to see the oval office very much. but we are going to show you the oval office. so we will go down and take some pictures. and we will have a good luncheon, we will talk about the united nations and peace.
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thank you for being here. it is a great honor. >> president trump not mincing words, and really has not all along when it comes to the importance and the youthfulness of the united nations. he said, you do not really see the u.n. solving many problems. i see fantastic potential. he talked about the need to reform with the united nations. and then they also leaned in on a topic that we know will be heavily talked about coming and that is north korea. and the tensions that rose 24 hours ago, if you will. the publications of the against the united states, threatening a aircraft carrier and another american citizen. what should be the next step for our nation? bernie sanders says it is clear that the democratic party model is failing. a conference fresh off the heels of his unity tour. i wonder if they were feeling unity amongst the democrats, stay close. mr. stevens.
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>> fox news alert for now. on the north grandpa lancelot, we heard president trump speaking on the white house with representatives from the united nations. north korea ramping up provocations against the united states. president trump also spoke earlier today with the leaders of japan and china, to discuss
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how they can work together to curve the situation. the conversation comes a day after north korea threatened to sink a u.s. aircraft carrier with a single strike. as the uss carl vinson's has been ordered to sail the wider waters off of the north korean peninsula. also a third american citizen over the weekend, displaying signs that they are preparing for another missile test soon. department of homeland security secretary john f. kelly issuing this dire warning. >> clearly there are countries on the planet that have weapons that would overwhelm any defense that we would deploy. russia is an example. but the minute i would tell you north korea gets a missile that can reach the united states and put a weapon on that missile, the instant that that happens, this country is in grave risk. >> interesting part of david, i will start with you.
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was that a drawing of the line? where's the long line on this? >> it is escalating quickly, and with reference to president trump, putting great confidence in the u.n., i do not think it is the united nations that will solve the problem, it is the carrier group that will be the solution to the problem, china is the biggest solution to the problem, and no coincidence that the chinese leader was leading that -- eating that big chocolate cake at the moment when he heard that we send missiles and to syria, the message is clear, if the world does not do anything to stop north korea, we are going to do it. of the world in the form of the united nations or in the form of nato, it is going to take u.s. action, and that is what is really differentiating this administration from previous ones. not only that of obama, but his predecessor. this administration is going to act at its own. that threat. >> i'm afraid that you have a strong feeling on this bread is
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bigger whenever i get nervous and start freaking out about nuclear war, i remember how much i respect general mcmaster. and john mattis. listening to brilliant men that know a lot about politics and war, and america's place in the world, so we should start there. he has really smart people around him. the question i think is have we ever made leeway with china? they have the capacity to shut down north korea's economy. as you said, he was at one time having chocolate cake with him, so i want to know if the art of the deal has made its way to putting pressure on china and somehow getting further with this, because that seems to be the part right now. >> they did respect the shift. >> i want to say one thing, but to answer your question, two phone calls that were forecast to happen, my understanding is that they did last night a leak around the 9:00 hour. and that was a phone call with the leaders of china and japan with president trump. those have been on his schedule
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earlier in the day. they were last night. they were supposed to be close to the media. it will be interesting to see if they talk about the ingredients to that chocolate cake, but i can bet that north korea came up. >> once the united states goes in with north korea, not going to be symbolic like with moab. you are talking about an insane leader of a country who clearly has contempt for his own people who is willing to deploy a nuclear device. and chana has to look at that, and it is very different, because we talk about partners in turkey, jordan, saudi arabia, the middle east not doing enough with some of the problems there. but i think you will see japan and china invested, because they do not want a nuclear bomb to drop and kill millions and millions of their people, potentially. so i think that's coming and you are seeing that, you are going to see more engagement from these two countries, because it
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directly benefits them. they cannot skirt responsibility like so many of the regimes in the middle east. >> nobody wants to cozy up towards the crazy dictator that might be crazier than any predecessor we have seen. i asked on fox reports what makes this point in history different for dealing with the threat of north korea, and he said it is kim jong-un. >> do you think that all of the people around that guy are as suicidal as he has? i do not think so. >> i think that they are that terrified. he is offering them the way they did his own family. >> i don't know if somebody is going to negotiate. >> we have to go. there is all of that. they are still speaking with their guy, the totally different guy, the overwhelming support of president trump still having it from the voters that put him in office. according to a key pole, as he has said to hit the 100 day mark. what this means as the president pushes ahead with his agenda, we will debate that. you don't let anything
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keep you sidelined.
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♪ >> as president trump approaches his 138 in office, his base of supporters are still firmly in his corner, he would beat hillary clinton in a rematch, that is according to a "washington post" abc news polling, 96% of those who voted for the president in november would do it again. also his approval rating among those who cast ballots for him is at 94%. ant 40% say that they would support mr. trump ava was held today. 40% say that they would vote for hillary. i'm going to go to you first, kennedy, his base is strongly intact. are you surprised by this polling? it's only been 100 days. >> the thing that surprised me, they really buried the fact that he would beat hillary clinton, and still today by three points. and they tried to smother that nugget in the very bottom of the story. it does not necessarily surprise
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me, because i think that there are a lot of people and a lot of journalists who have short attention spans who assume that the electorate shares their disgust with the president. it is only a matter of time before they come to see their true lives when in fact for a lot of people their wounds are so deep, and they have been pestering for so long, and they were hoping, they have put so much on the presidents, they are actually going to give him a lot more time. they want their lives to change. this is not some flight of fancy. it is not a phase. people want things to be different the way that the government interacts with them and the way that it affects their lives. >> i want to go to you, melissa, the democrats are not offering anything new. chelsea clinton can tweet all day long. it does not look like it has an impact on people re-voting for her mother, don't you think that the democrats have a messaging problem here too? >> i would say for them that the wound is still fresh. they have to come up with some sort of new message and pays,
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that sort of things to send their fresh person in the road to curse at people, it's very exciting. that is one 11 way to go, bernie sanders realizes that there is a fundamental problem underneath the party that he needs to change. but it is only 100 days since they lost possession of the white house. they lost the election before that, but i would say it is still sort of fresh. i'm not sure the republicans had a clear choice and direction either. so i would say that everybody needs more time, but i completely agree with you. i think the people that believe in donald trump, look at, for example the supreme court. he got that through. he is battling on all fronts. i think they see him swinging and today see the missus as just how bad the swamp is in washington. >> that is why the other thing that has to change is the narrative of the media, a do-nothing president, the fact is that he has got supreme court justice in. i don't think that is happened
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in the first 100 days ever if not once or twice, but the policy moves are really differentiating him from his predecessor. leading from behind, but actually leading. a very different position for the united states and the world. plus i understand that we do not have taxes, i desperately want tax cuts, we need to get the economy moving stronger, but look what happens to the market. the reason it is moving ahead so fast, today is an example of it. up twopoints, because of the deregulation policy, and as much as he has been able to change without congress, he has. he has been moving like a gang buster in that front. you cannot call him a do-nothing president, that is a bad narrative for the media if they are trying to use it. >> i think something else occurred as you dig deeper, that is the 28%, only 28% of democrats are in touch with the dropping number of self identifying democrats. that's what came out of here
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from the people who are surveyed. you have a party across the aisle, and that helps president trump. he continues to stay, i am willing to reach out. chuck schumer was upset because the wall came into play. i don't know if he was asleep during the last two years were 18 months leading up to the election, but the wall was always part of the deal. now it is a part of the spending deal, so says the president, but they do not want to see a government shutdown. he is willing to talk with democrats. they feel like democrats are out of touch in their own party, so it shows that this president is willing to go places where democrats are not going within their own party. >> if this administration tied a $100 billion cancer fighting project to cure all children on earth of horrific diseases, the democrats would still be opposed to it if it was in any way coupled with something from this administration. and you can also show chuck schumer, the bill that he voted for in 2006, the secure border
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act -- you have the exact same language and he would still turn it down. >> that is such an excellent point. >> excellent point, ladies. we have to move on, president trump is announcing what he will be doing as the white house correspondents dinner gets underway. where he is going, the message it could be sending. ♪
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♪ >> president trump announcing his next released bot and a key state that helped him reach the white house. i will be holding a big rally in pennsylvania, looking forward to it. that event happening in harrisburg, a year ago he said we would win so much that the american people would get tired of winning, the big story around the rally, underway at the same time as the white house correspondents dinner. back in february he announced that he would skip the event, breaking decades of tradition, now some of the correspondence will likely be skipping the
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dinner to cover the president's rally. let's start with you, david. i love this. >> sometimes this guy is so brilliant. he knows how to deal with -- he knows how to get under people's skin. we saw that in the lead up to the election. nobody knows how to do that like him. he realizes that the biggest fault of the media is that they are more and more isolated in this little group. and he has succeeded in isolating them even more, and as he pointed out, not only are they going to be isolated in this little group listening to sort of a jerky comedian talking about what an idiot trump is. >> i think he called him white isis. he is intentionally anti-trump. >> but some of them are going to cover him in harrisburg. it's brilliant. >> you can see the white house correspondent dinner up on c-span, they go along and show it, then others will be carrying the trumpet rally, and also funny like you said, i do not know if people understand the mechanics, but if you are the
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real white house correspondent, you were supposed to follow the president around, so he goes somewhere else, if you are a true white house correspondent, you are with him and not at the dinner. that's what they do not want to make. >> they do not want to be in harrisburg. they want to be with all of the hollywood stars, et cetera. >> that's how far behind i am. >> it has been canceled. so it is what the president has been downplaying, many other presidents have been downplaying it too paid to the 100 day mark, interesting that it falls in there. we do understand that he will talk about his successes that we have talked about on this very hour on saturday as well. >> can i throw in one little thing? what i love to listen to on sundays mornings is when the media narrative gets more and more buried under reality, because we are running it up against reality. >> that's where narrative should be. buried under reality. >> the way that they tried to twist reality in order to fit the narrative, now saying that
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trump is acting more like the status quo. we mention that the status quo was leading from behind, not like the status quo, but that's what they're narrative is. >> you and i might have a disagreement, and i think that the correspondents dinner is really fun. and borrowed a bottle of champagne from another network last year, that may or may not have happened. >> i'm glad you like it. >> the president is wise to skip it, because the only time that president obama was palatable was when he was actually on stage at the correspondents dinner doing a little comedy, though one night only d.c. extravaganza, that was fine. it's hard for president trump to follow that, but next year, i have a feeling he is going to come back. if he is really smart, he will operate in the arena where he does it best, that is the press conference. >> there would be hilarious. >> he can catch them all off guard. >> there would be so funny. >> that delicious irony of this
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is that people speculate that the real reason could be president obama hitting them so hard at the correspondents dinner four years ago. the fact that he is making this, not irrelevant, but not nearly as star-spangled as it once was. i'm glad that he is doing it. i hate the correspondents dinner, and i am happy that it is being turned into that's. >> i'm so happy that kennedy likes a pair >> i am happy that kennedy likes it. >> it would be like sunday morning. >> that would be so cruel. >> we have to move on. bernie sanders letting loosing that the democratic party model is failing. at this as a new poll shows that they think they are out of touch, what expands the party, and is he the right messenger? but grandma, we use charmin ultra soft
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party is today, is that the model is failing. clearly the democratic party has to change. and in my view what it has got to be, is a grassroots party, a party that makes decisions from the bottom on up. a party that is more dependent on small donations than on large donations. a party that speaks to the pain of the working class in the country. >> bernie, it is still run by cronies. all of this is a new poll, and finding a majority of disconnect. 67% say that the democratic party was out of touch with common american concerns. that's a higher negative number than for republicans and for president trump, the biggest drop includes the party itself, two years ago, more than 80% said that the party was in touch, now just a bit more over half. how do you account for the big slide in the poll numbers? that's not just a few points.
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>> there are many things, but one thing is that he talks about what is failing, what is failing at socialism around the world, and he is still a socialist. people may have qualms about personalities, trump, whoever happens to be, but not defending the american dream, they still believe in the american dream over the socialism that's bernie, look what is happening in venezuela, one of the most oil-rich countries in the world, people are eating out of garbage cans, starting because of the socialist policies led to bernie sanders once. the best thing that they did was going with tom perez over keith ellison, he is actually reaching out to pro-lifers right now, tom perez was doing that over the weekend. he is trying to broaden the party, bernie is trying to shrink it to more radical and socialist and it was. >> you are right about the policy, but if you look at the party, the people that joined the democratic party and how it is formed, it is about coming together and sharing everything. if you look at the type of people to become republicans or
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anything right of the senator, it is about freedom and independence. people who are less likely to go with group things. say, yes, this is what we are all going to do together. they love that. >> they are still very much fighting for the soul of the party. >> so the one thing that you can say about bernie sanders that you might struggle to say about others in the democratic party is that consistency. >> yeah. >> you are not watching him compartmentalize politics the way that other democrats have traditionally done that. and if you look at the fact that people love an underdog, look at what his party did to him last summer. we were at that convention. we saw it in philly. >> they sabotaged him. >> he had the straight-line mod face as they nominated hillary clinton. i'm sure that he could see himself on that stage, and then we thought about debbie who was replaced during that convention, i believe. so if you are not seeing people who look like you in terms of demographics, you are wondering, not that bernie does, but
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believing in the underdog, sticking by his message. >> my concern is millennials, and democrats overwhelmingly have the support of it. more millennials have been indoctrinated, brainwashed, they do not understand what socialism is and what bernie sanders is really saying, bring up if venezuela is a perfect point, cannot even afford toilet paper for the residents. i'm concerned about the future. now that i am concerned now, but talking about donald trump and his numbers being so high, i'm all for it, but he has to pass comprehensive legislation at some point. we have control over the house in the senate, and if we do not get legislation passed, there is going to be a lot of rhetoric on the left saying, look, the republicans are the party of no, they cannot achieve anything. and i worry about the next few election cycles, millennials biggest voting bloc in history, having more power. they love bernie sanders and socialism. >> that's where the republicans could get a win, the over lap of
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the populism, bernie sanders and president trump share. >> that further point, the party knows the particular president. you look at the health care battle and their freedom caucus coming on those within the republican party, it gets a little dicey going forward if you do not have those victories. >> i want to say something, 40% of all of them millennials make under $10,000 a year and are living at home. 40%, the republicans do not see that as an opportunity. and we were looking at each other when you said legislatively, tax cuts, tax cuts. that will release the economic energy. some of the 40% will be able to leave their parents home, go out and make 20,000, 30,000, $40,000 a year. and maybe $400,000 on the couch, we have more "outnumbered" in just a moment. stay right here. ugh! heartburn! no one burns on my watch! try alka seltzer heartburn relief chews.
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>> here comes, fox news channel has a brand-new primetime lineup, tune in at 8:00 p.m. eastern for tucker carlson moving into it new time slot for him, then our friends from "the five" live at 9:00, it all begins tonight right here on fox news channel, fnc for the cool kids. speaking of a cool kid. >> you would hardly know it from the first 15 minutes of the show, all of these events, i have to come back. >> i love how you did that, former president barack obama i saw on twitter, they were likely
10:00 am
missed the first segment. that we have president trump come on as he met with the u.n. ambassador, so an exciting day. >> and back with me today on fox business network at 4:00. >> stay right here for "happening now" ." >> jenna: fox news alert from texas where police are responding to reports of a shooting in a dallas office building. >> jon: you can see officers swarming the complex along the northern part of that city, we are covering all of the news happening "happening now" ." >> we have signed more legislation into law on the first 100 days than anyone in the last 50 years. >> jon: president trump looking at a jampacked week before he marks 100 days in office, can he get everything on his agenda done? plus... >> we will respond without the slightest hesitation to all-out war. >> jon: north korea with another strong warning for the u.s. is the world braces for another show of military strength from the hermit


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