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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  April 28, 2017 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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i'm told they have 16 reps from different american cities from philly last night trying to recruit the nfl draft to come to their town. the >> shannon: a lot of fun. have a great weekend. >> bill: will see you monday, everybody. >> jenna: we are nearing the final tally. the house is voting on a bill right now to avert a government shutdown. welcome to "happening now," i'm jenna lee. >> jon: with the lights stay on in washington? i'm jon scott. the stopgap measure that will allow congress a week to reach a final deal to fund the government through september. the only democratic support to pass that bigger measure. all of this happening just hours before the midnight deadline. peter doocy is live with more. >> we thought for days that there may have been a vote on the obamacare repeal and replace
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measure. there has been serious arm-twisting here on capitol hill with g.o.p. leaders in the house. they're trying to get republican members lined up behind this american health care act. they still don't have the votes and it does seem like they're trying to add to their tally one member at a time. a conservative congressman says he's a "yes," but under duress. since there are not more votes today, the vote will be on this short-term budget measure which may get some democratic support because it doesn't have any money for the wall, which conservatives -- but conservatives don't think they can distract them much longer. >> president trump is the master of leverage. right now, the democrats have done a couple of theatric moves on the hill as usual with the bright shiny objects, with a billion dollars for the wall.
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that's your standard politics, but i think president trump's blood pressure is probably going up. >> now some republicans and democrats say that the government is being funded at the last minute ended for a week with some on the left accusing the majority party of having his priorities out of whack. >> may be republicans have been too busy trying to defund planned parenthood, trying to undo consumer protection, put in place by democrats, try to tear down common sense rules to protect public safety and the environments. perhaps the republicans -- we could have already funded our government. >> we do expect this short-term budget to be passed out of the house within the next half an hour or so then it will kick over to the senate where most senators are already home for the weekend. they're going to use the tricks they can do to authorize the measure with nobody home and
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then they sent it over to the president. >> jon: nice to be able to do your job and not actually show up for work. peter doocy. >> jenna: peter, we need you. stay there. u.s. news editor for "the wall street journal" ." glenn, as the threat of a government shutdown over? >> yeah, i think was closely over already. then he did this one make to iron out a few minor details. that's what we're hearing. that's my only one week, and then will get this job done and they will fund the government for another five months and then we'll be back here again. >> jenna: oh good. why can't they get the whole thing done if they know they're going to get everything done next week? >> sometimes the devil is in the details and there were a few minor points they needed to win over on a couple of compromise issues. we are told they weren't big deals, there would be some
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additional military defense spending, there will be some additional border spending, but not while spending, there are a few points a stone age to be ironed out. they couldn't get it done in time with the looming deadline tomorrow, so they give themselves an extra week so they didn't have to rush into bad compromises. >> jenna: explained to our viewers what is the interplay between the new health care deal or compromise perhaps and the spending bill that they were trying to pass. initially, there are going to try both things, but apparently now they're not. >> the conventional wisdom in washington is always that congress can only tackle one big thing at a time and i think that's what was borne out this week. they had to get the spending done, that was crucial. that derailed them from getting the votes lined up and doing the deals that needed to be done to get a health care bill out there so that president trump could have that legislative victory before his hundred day run out tomorrow. i think this was one of those things where it's better to get the votes and be sure that
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legislation that doesn't pass. >> jenna: what about the health care bill now? can republicans actually unite behind one bill? >> this has been tough. we saw it already, it's played out once. what we are hearing largely satisfied the freedom caucus, the more conservative members of the party, but it alienated more of the moderate members of the party and that was the battle that we saw the first time. now they've got to figure out if they've got the votes in order to bring some moderates and or how can they create compromise. as peter doocy was just saying, they're doing it one vote at a time rather than trying to find a solution for everybody. >> jenna: is this really a soul -- is this really a priority for republicans? >> it feels a lot like fixes, though there are some big key fundamental fixes. there is no longer a mandate
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that came with obamacare and the funding mechanisms are more through tax credits. there are some big philosophical differences that will make it feel like a win for republicans, even though these are changes to the core, not the total repeal and start over. >> jenna: would do you see this movie next week as well as the spending bill or a republicans a little further away from pushing through some new legislation? >> it's hard to see that far -- it's only a week away, but it's hard to see -- they are working one vote at a time on the compromise for health care. i'm certain that they will be able to get the government funding sorted out. they were very close on that, but health care, i still feel -- we are hearing there are some big divides that need to be crossed and that may not be possible in one week's time. >> jenna: bottom line, short-term, our government is open for business. we still don't have a long-term spending bill passed and we still don't have any new health care legislation. that's just to sum it up as it stands right now today.
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glenn, we talked almost every week -- what are you seeing for congress on capitol hill? how does that reflect on the president? what has he learned about the first hundred days? >> it's very interesting. when we've been out reporting in the field across the nation, talking to trump supporters and trump opponents, also in the poll numbers, we see a lot of forgiveness to the president among his supporters saying he couldn't get things done because congress didn't work with him. when you look at the poll numbers, we also see house speaker paul ryan very low, reflecting a lot of blame is being placed on him for not getting the legislative at tenants through congress. it's a mixed bag. the president's own approval ratings are fairly low as well, but the blame is not being put squarely on donald trump's shoulders. >> jenna: the first 200 days -- we'll still be looking for it. glenn, thank you very much,
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great to have you. >> jon: right now, china is refusing to confirm statements from secretary of state rex tillerson that beijing has threaten sanctions against north korea if they conduct another nuclear test. china is not denying those statements either. benjamin hall, following this, he joins us live from london. >> just in the last hour, secretary tillerson said china really is the key to this. they control 90% of north korea's trade and they have to come together within the national community and do more. north korea continue to provoke the u.s., releasing more video showing kim jong-un overseeing drills. these were the combined army forces of north korea and they are said to be the largest ever drills that were carried out by them. this is a really irish and that
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possible. >> there is a chance that we could end up having a major, major conflict with north korea. absolutely. >> as a defense, the system costs around the billion dollars and president trump has questioned why the u.s. is paying for it, even though some south koreans object to its presence. the issue now is very focused on china. >> at the resume north korea has to position themselves in a different place in order for us to be able to engage in talks, so we are asking a lot of the chinese. the past assumption has been the chinese -- >> regime change was not the
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goal there. they are open to giving back north korea. a lot going on at the moment and we'll see how it will all pan out. >> jon: some disturbing words from the president. benjamin hall in london, thank you. >> jenna: some new development today in the so-called fitbit murder case. did mike flynn break the law and what could that mean for their present administration question for greg garrett with his take next.
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>> jenna: right now, some new information on a few crime stories were watching. the state of arkansas executing a death row inmate. kenneth williams was sentenced to death for killing a former deputy warden after escaping from prison where he was then
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serving a life sentence for the murder of a college cheerleader. the man charged with murdering his wife and what's being called the fitbit case is due in court today. he told police someone broke into his connecticut home and tortured him before killing his wife. investigators say his wife's fitbit contradicts his timeline of events. illinois police have found the body of a missing 16-month-old toddler inside her home. that home was in deplorable conditions according to authorities. the girl's mother has been under investigation for child neglect. >> jon: there's no end in sight for the controversy surrounding former national security advisor michael flynn. a number of government agencies are investigating him. what could it mean for the trump administration if it's determined that flynn broke the law?
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greg garrett is a fox news anchor and joins us now. is there evidence first of all that he had these payments that he received? >> he and his attorney say absolutely not. that he met with officials before he delivered a speech in moscow. when he came back, he debriefed them and gave them a thumb drive, he says, which reflected documents and information including that it was all arranged through a speakers bureau. it should have been obvious to the pentagon that he was giving paid for the speech. speakers bureaus don't provide services for free speeches. did he specifically disclose $35,000 question work that's unclear and actually disputed. he goes to the pentagon, tells them i'm going to do this and they don't object to it, he needs approval in order to give the speech. >> jon: to members of congress who are on the committee investigating this, congressman
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chaffetz and congressman cummings, opposite political parties, they both say he might have broken the law. >> yeah, and not disclosing the mom money in his paperwork. as a civil violation generally and the penalty is my you forfeit the $35,000 or maybe you get your retirement benefits suspended for a brief period of time. it is also a crime? arguably, it is a felony punishable by five years behind bars, but generally, prosecutors don't go after people like that because they have to show specific intent that he deliberately intended to hide the money, given his conversations with the pentagon, that appears unlikely. besides, the prosecutors really want to prosecute a three-star general for giving a speech? it seems excessive. >> jon: we've heard a lot
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about the cause of the constitution in connection with president trump, but these congressional leaders are saying, general flynn might have violated that. >> the clause means that if you hold a public office, you can't receive money. the problem is, it would never define what an a monument is. here, he conferred a speech. is that really a benefit? it probably isn't. second of all, flynn was in a government official at the time. he was retired military. the department of justice years ago said while, you guys in the military are retired, the law should apply to you, but that's never been challenged in court and i doubt it would hold up. >> jon: the members of congress are fighting for some documents from the white house. the white house is a falcon, doesn't want to release them.
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do they have to? >> no, they don't. they've already said we are not going to hand over all these documents you're asking for relating to flynn because it involves national security. he was the national security advisor for a brief period of time so that seems rather obvious. will congress would have to do is issue a subpoena and then the white house would probably a certain and executive privilege, as president obama has done. >> jon: gregg jarrett, thank you. we are expecting any second now to get tape play out, there it is, of president trump signing an executive order entitled implementing an america first offshore energy strategy, directing a review of the locations available for offshore oil and gas exploration. >> many thanks to secretaries wilbur ross and ryan zinke.
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we're also pleased to welcome many members of congress and energy industry leaders to the white house. i want to get them immediately back over there because i know they'll be voting on lots of different things, right? we can't spend too much time talking about drilling in the arctic. we are opening it up. it's a great day for american workers and families and today we are on unleashing and clearg the way for thousands and thousands of high-paying american energy jobs. our country is blessed with natural resources, including abundant offshore oil and natural gas reserves. the federal government has kept 94% of these offshore areas closed for exclusion and production and when they say closed, they been closed. this deprives our country of potentially thousands and thousands of jobs and billions
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of dollars in wealth. i pledge to take action and today, i am keeping that promis promise. this executive order starts the process of opening offshore areas to job creating energy exploration. it reverses the previous administrations arctic leasing band. hear that. it reverses the previous administrations arctic leasing ban. it directs secretaries is inky -- it brings jobs to our workers. [applause] in addition, secretary zinke
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will take over -- it will also research enable -- you notice doesn't get blocked for other nations, it only gets blocked for our nation. it will make it more secure and far more energy-efficient. this will give a real future with greater prosperity and security for all americans, which is what we want. i'm very proud of the people standing behind me. i'm far less proud of the people standing in front of me, the media. i have to tell you that this is a very important day and i want to congratulate wilbur and ryan
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and all of the people who have worked so hard to get this put together so quickly. it's going to lead to a lot of great wealth for our country and a lot of great jobs for our country. god bless america, thank you very much. [applause] big question, who's going to get this pen? i don't know. [applause]
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>> we are moving awfully well, we're getting a lot of things done. i don't think there's ever been anything like this. i have to tell you, i don't think anybody has done what we've been able to do and 100 days, so we are very happy. [applause] >> jon: the president signing and implementing the america first of offshore energy strategy act, directing a review of all the locations offshore where energy might be located. you heard the president saying 94% of it has been off-limits due to actions by the federal government. he wants to take another look at that. in the meantime, hazardous or the president say, he is preparing to mark his first
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hundred days in office, capping a week of activity and a looming foreign policy crisis on the korean peninsula, all while mr. trump is attending to downplay the significance of this milestone really created by president franklin roosevelt. how are the media treating the first 100 days? james freeman, assistant editorial page editor for "the wall street journal" and kimberly adkins, columnist for "the boston herald." thanks both of you for being here. generally, you just for the president say that he think this first hundred days have been among the most successful of any president. do you agree? >> it depends on the measure. 100 days is a short period of time to try to measure progress for any new president, we've seen through pulls up the folks who voted for president trump would still vote for him again.
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they are pleased with what's happening so far, but at the same time, he hasn't really delivered on a lot of his campaign promises legislatively. a lot of the things he's done has been through executive order or through legislative called cra which is a way to rollback regulations that were put in place at the end of the obama administration. things like building the wall, repealing and replacing obamacare, infrastructure and tax reform, we are still waiting on that. it shows, as he said, that this job is tougher than he thought. >> jon: james, kimberly pointed to the executive orders that he signed. he has assigned 29 and has first hundred days. barack obama signed 19 and george w. bush signed 11. by that measure, i guess he's a pretty active president. what about the bigger picture? >> he is exceeding expectations. we knew this was an unconventional candidate last year. he would be an unconventional
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president. he's bringing in an army of political hacks that many politicians bring with them to washington. and terms of legislation, you have to say that traditional yardstick, he is by schedule. if you look at a pretty solid bunch of appointments, some real change agents in his cabinet, you look at, as campbell he mentioned, 13 obama rules have been rolled back through the congressional review act. we might see number 14 next week. this is progress. you look at the great tax plan, obviously will have to see 200-300 days if that happens. for people who love constitutional governance, this vindicated the decision to vote for trump. >> jon: kimberly, when you talk about the things of the president has or has not
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accomplished, what about obstruction from democrats? we know that they deliberately dragged their feet on confirming his cabinet appointees and a lot of cabinets department jobs are still unfilled. >> i don't think you can blame that all on the democrats. yes, justice course which -- he made the nuclear option because he was not going to get 60 votes out of the senate. the president has also appointed fewer people and cabinet positions. at a time when we do have a lot of position in the state department at this crucial juncture. part of it is a bit of a long shot, but it's also a lack of the president that the white house is not nominated nearly as many people as the predecessors at this point. >> jon: you work at "the wall street journal," a paper that covers business.
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what is it about what he has accomplished in these hundred days that seems to have the business community so upset? >> it's really been about expectations. from election night to march 1st, we saw this huge run up because a promises of tax cuts, of the regulation. he has started to deliver on the deregulation. he needs to get that great tax plan through the congress, but you look at that first quarter gdp report today, it came out this morning, and it tells you how far we have to go. if you want to look at the trump impact in there, you see finally finally a rise in business investment. companies have not wanted -- that's the beginning. he has to fulfill those expectations and that's really largely about the tax cut. >> jon: he has said, kimberly, that the job isn't as easy as he thought
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speak out it takes -- we've seen him use his style of negotiation which is part saying he's a dealmaker and part being a bully like going on twitter and attacking the democrats. he's seeing that. you can just do that and get results in washington the way i think he believed that you could. seeing him learn on the job a little bit, we are seeing him lean on people in his cabinet and his inner circle for counsel and you can kind of tell as he comes out on these issues, who has his ear. definitely a learning experience, a learning on-the-job experience for the president. spoon kimberly adkins, boston herald, james freeman, from "the wall street journal." thank you. >> jenna: the u.s. commander sounding the alarm in a decades-old treaty. he says it allows china to gain
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a nuclear edge of the u.s. we'll explain. plus this. are democrats running from a 26 to an election? new details on the parties postmortem and why some democrats are not addressing the problems that cost him the election. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare,
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ sfx: engine revving ♪ (silence) ♪ >> jon: the department of defense is identifying the two army rangers that died in afghanistan yesterday.
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a small arms fire apparently took their lives, both soldiers from the third battalion, 75th ranger, fort benning georgia. the incident is still under investigation. they are joshua p rogers of bloomington, illinois, age 22. and sergeant cameron h thomas from ohio. both sergeants, both lost their lives in afghanistan. our hearts and our prayers to the families. >> jenna: a top u.s. commander says the white house should renegotiate a decades-old arms treaty that allows china to develop a huge advantage over the u.s. we'll end as as the pentagon. >> the issue here is the united states is claimed by the rules and leaders here at the pentagon say that is putting us in real danger. north korea, iran, and china never signed this treaty and russia, they are ignoring it.
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>> how many of china's land-based missile forces do you estimate have a range of 500-500,000 kilometers? >> and an unclassified venue, over 90%. >> how many missiles do you have that fall into that range? >> i have none, sir. >> they are talking specifically about short and medium range land-based missiles that can attack targets between 300-300,000 miles away. most important income of these missiles can carry nuclear weapons. >> i do think we should look at renegotiating the treaty. we should consider that because, as you say, there are only two countries that signed on to it and one of them doesn't follow it. that becomes a unilateral limitation on us. >> that limitation is becoming very real, giving the current
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circumstances. up until 1991, the united states had the short range tactical nuclear weapon based in south korea. now leaders here at the pentagon are having to make their war plans without those muscles and for that matter, having to make contingency plans without their value something, which could be useful right now on the peninsula. >> jon: some democrats accused party leaders of burying a postmortem on the 2016 election loss. the autopsy was presented during a members only meeting to about two dozen lawmakers in attendance. according to political, the focus was a fund raising, not messaging. joining us now, the authors of shattered, inside hillary clinton's doomed campaign, jonathan allen, and any pardons. thank you both for being here.
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this postmortem, what you know about it? >> as we report and our book, it so much more complicated than that, it was messaging, there was never any hierarchy in the campaign, there was a shuffling around of aids, there were a lot of a lot of problems internally and also, she became the inevitable candidate again and i think that's something that really haunted her. she was kind of a mismatched candidate for the time. >> jon: when you look at the two campaigns, it seem like the trump campaign was the one that was constantly shuffling advisors, bringing in new managers, that kind of thing. according to your book, it was hillary clinton's campaign that really suffered from leadership problems. >> it worked out pretty well for president trump, i think. secretary clinton had all sorts of internal problems that weren't aired. a lot of people were afraid to talk to reporters, afraid of being accused of leaking things.
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i think it's fascinating how democrats don't want their reports to get out, so much that it doesn't seem like a particularly good strategy for the long-term and we heard some of that echoed about this book that we've written that some democrats don't want you to read it which doesn't make sense in terms of looking at the future and how they can rebuild themselves after a devastating loss. >> jon: one of the problems you go into and you touched on it before is that hillary clinton was not able to articulate why she deserved the office. >> right, that extended from in the beginning, she had those problems on her lunch speech when aids gathered, she invited outside advisors in, including one obama speech writer and at the end of the process, he kind of got so frustrated that he couldn't carry on anymore because there was no real message. it could have been given by any democrat. it was your typical speech. that was problematic for her.
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when people inside the campaign don't really know what it is, what the big idea is, that's a problem. >> jon: jonathan, what about -- i just lost my train of thought completely. elizabeth warren played a role in this whole campaign, sort of shadowing hillary and cause some problems for the campaign. >> she became an attack mechanism against donald trump and that was pretty effective. interesting story that we talk about elizabeth warren in this book is that hillary clinton was very dissatisfied with her short list of vice presidential candidates. there was tim kane, was cory booker, tom bosak, and she didn't think it was thrilling her. as a result, elizabeth warren was a late run into that short-list, ultimately, secretary clinton decided, according to our sources, she
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couldn't trust that elizabeth warren would be on her team in the white house. they didn't have enough of a background of working together, as it was put to us. they hadn't conducted enough transactions together and the obama white house had warned a little bit against elizabeth warren because she had sometimes gone out on a popular streak against them, perhaps having a little bit better feel. >> jon: i just remember the question i was going to ask. jonathan, i'll throw it to you. that has to do with being dismissive of donald trump. from the moment he announced, everybody was saying, this guy could never be president. was there some of that feeling and the clinton camp? >> i think there was. early on, we detail in the book that there is a memo put out by a clinton advisor who basically said fact, donald trump can become president of the united states. this was a memo that never gained much traction. they do take him seriously, towards the end, they thought they had it.
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they thought they had everything going for them from surrogates, president obama was on the trail for them, they have the infrastructure, they had everything in their favor, financial backing, in some ways, and the back of their minds, they did taken for granted. >> jon: the new book is "shattered." those of the authors, jonathan allen and amie parnes. thank you. >> jenna: narrative element and what could easily be described as a p.r. nightmare for united airlines. a real nightmare for the passenger, right? he was forcibly removed from a flight and a video of the incident was seen around the world. plus, closing in on the 100 day mark for the trump presidency, where exactly does that benchmark originate? a presidential historian joins us live with an interesting view, that's up ahead let's take a look at some numbers:
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washington, d.c. there's a marine one helicopter touching don't the president on board. he'll be boarding air force one to take a flight down to atlanta were today, for the first time and close to 40 years, the president will be addressing the national nra convention, the national rifle association convention, the first president to do so since ronald reagan in 1983. when the president speaks to the nra, we will have it live for you here on fox. >> jenna: a part of a million times already, but tomorrow marks the 100 days since president trump took the oath of office. it's traditionally been a benchmark to us as our leaders, but one has to wonder, what is that tradition actually come from? a presidential historian joins us now. this tradition could go back to napoleon, but i'd like you to bring us to the u.s.
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where did the first hundred day reference emerge? >> it happened in the white house when fdr was giving a speech to the nation, a fireside chat, his mother was sitting there with him. the room was used as the radio studio and fdr gave a speech to the nation and referred to the hundred days, not of the administration, but the 73rd congress. that started the whole process and we've had to live with it ever sense. >> jenna: if memory serves me correctly, fdr had an amazing amount of legislation. often times, he is the one that set the mark for efficient hundred days or presidency? >> that's true, but as a historian, i like to step back and look at the forest, not just the trees, and i can tell you, lbj had a spectacular, may be
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the best hundred days come about by the time his term was over, there were tanks in the street, there were neighborhoods and 120 cities that burn to the ground, he was so unpopular, he couldn't even run f jimmy carter had a spectacular hundred days, nobody wants to go back to 15% inflation, so sometimes the metrics of the first hundred days are more cosmetic than they are real. >> jenna: such a great reminder for us because we wonder, what does this first hundred days actually mean for what we are going to see and the next three years plus? is there anyway to look look at the hundred days as a predictor or does it not work? >> using what i learned in my book, "game of thorns," he's hitting home runs. he's turned around the economy, he's turned around the illegal immigration, and he's turned around the supreme court, and those are the three things that
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the people who voted for him wanted and that's why there is 94-96% of them still supporting and approving of what he's doing, because he's turned those things around. he's done it without legislation, like reagan just spoke and the berlin wall came down. >> jenna: we are seeing in newspapers across the country and i'm sure viewers will hear it, dale here what the media will report, which is, this president has no major legislation to his name in the first 100 days. will report that because it's actually a fact. others will use it as a way to say this presidency is going one way or the other. you're giving us us a different picture, though of the trump presidency. why are you relying on these other metrics rather than the legislative ones? >> because of history, i can reverse the illustrations i used. i can talk about ronald reagan who had no major legislation in his first hundred days. he set up in his pajamas and bed and signed the only legislation which was a limit on dairy
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supports. he had been shot during that first hundred days. i could use as an example, john f. kennedy, who is first hundred days had the bay of pigs, there is the meeting of the summit, he really stumbled out of the gate. yet both presidencies, reagan and kennedy, are admired presidents and their presidencies were popular. >> jenna: that's so interesting. i thought our conversation was going in a lot of directions, i didn't think he was going to reagan's pajamas. it's really interesting to think that they both had an interesting experience in the first hundred days and yet, they remembered by the american public and others as some of our great presidents. i just want to point something out that speaks to what a president learned sometimes during their presidency. i remember when president trump first boarded air force one and during one of his first trips, he didn't turn around and wave
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and that's a condition in itself that you're supposed to stand up there, you wave, and then you go into the plane. he did it now and to me, that's a microcosm of things that are learned within the first hundred days. what has stood out most to you, as someone with such historical depth? >> that's true, what you said. bill clinton, one of the complaints about bill clinton is he didn't salute and that went on for months and finally someone said, mr. president, you're supposed to salute back. he said why? on the commander in chief. it's a learning curve for anybody elevated to the highest office in the land and i think donald trump's rough edges are reassuring to those of us who wanted to see him out of the box president who will make some substantial changes to the corruption that our government seems to have found itself in. >> jenna: very interesting perspective. we appreciate you joining us. look forward to having you back. thank you very much. air force one about to depart.
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>> jon: again, we'll have that for you live. some potential huge revelations for historians and conspiracy theorists on the assassination of president john f. kennedy. why thousands of secret government documents could soon be released finding time to get things done isn't easy.
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our #oneluckyguy in a very special edition of "outnumbered" we will explain why. spent looking forward to it. >> jenna: british police say they've interrupted an active terror plot in london. kitty is live in london with more. the >> that's right, london police say they managed to disrt a major terror plot which was ongoing. now five of those suspects were detained overnight during the raid. they are now being held on terror charges. one woman was shot and injured during that raid. she is in hospital in a stable condition and a sixth person was arrested in southeast england. please say they've been watching that house as part of an antiterrorist investigation. they're now confident they have been able to prevent an attack.
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over 250 suspects have been arrested on terror offenses and the last year alone in the u.k. and police continue to monitor hundreds of others. one of those under police surveillance was detained yesterday for attempting a terror attack in central london. he was stopped close to the prime ministers office and to parliament, carrying knives and a bag. police say this incident was not connected to last night's arres arrest. last month, a man stabbed to death. >> jenna: thank you. >> jon: we are continuing to watch the president as he gets ready to head down to atlanta and address the national rifle association. you just saw air force one ready to take off. president trump with the first president to do so since
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ronald reagan in 1983. in our second hour, we expect to have his remarks where you live. but when family members forget, trust angie's list to help. [ barks ] visit today. parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn't cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans,
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>> jon: that story about the jfk documents in our next hour, we'll see you back here then. >> jenna: fascinating. happy anniversary, "outnumbered "outnumbered." >> harris: fox news alert. day 99. we are one day away from president trump hitting the 100 day mark as new fox news polling shows has voters strongly believe he is sticking to his promises. president trump was speaking from the heart on how his life has changed. this is "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today, sandra smith, meghan mccain, former national security staffer, gillian turner, today's #oneluckyguy, fox news political


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