tv Hannity FOX News April 29, 2017 2:00am-3:01am PDT
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fair, balanced, and unafraid. the fox news specialist will be back at normal times, here'san " hannity next. >> sean: this is a fox news alert. u.s. officials confirm to the fox news channel that north korea has test-fired a ballistic missile raising tensions with the united states and the entire world. dr. sebastian gorka will join us with reaction. geraldo rivera, jay sekulow, and juan lapierre will be here tonight. first it's been a very busy week for president trump with tomorrow marking his 100th day in office. despite president trump's long list of accomplishments that's getting bigger by the way the alt radical left destroy trump media they continue to viciously attack the commander-in-chief all in an attempt to damage and delegitimize his presidency. tonight's opening monologue
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will tell you what they won't. ♪ ♪ >> sean: all right. here we are day 99 of the trump presidency. today the president was busy keeping promises he maids to you, the american people. now, earlier today president trump signed an executive order that could lead to a major boom in drilling in the atlanta and artic oceans which is a big part of his energy independence plan that will create a lot of jobs. this is just one way of the president's many accomplishments. democrats, destroy trump media they will never tell you about these things because, it doesn't fit into their ideological narrative. they will distort. they will ignore everything the president has accomplished. now, like appointing, for example, neil gorsuch to the u.s. supreme court. that was a key part of his campaign. judge neil gorsuch came directly from then candidate trump's list of judges to fill antonin scalia's seat and president overseeing a resurgence in american job
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creation. in january over half a million jobs have in fact been created. the stock market is soaring and business confidence is now at an all time high. anybody in the media reporting this. not to mention major companies, manufacturers, ford, general motors, toyota, phi at chrysler, intel, carrier. too many to list. many others have already or promised to create jobs in the process pumped billions of dollars into the american economy. the trump administration has taken a chainsaw to obama era bourbon some regulations and he has promised to cut rules and regulations that are killing and choking off business by 75%. getting the coal miners back to work that was a big part of the president's plan and put an end to the war on coal carried out by the obama administration. also illegal immigration is now plummeting at america's southern border. crossings are down a whopping 60%. and that's without the border wall that the democrats are blocking. that's only by enforcing the laws that are on the books
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that obama never did. the president is also trying to fight back against sanctuary cities. despite the alt radical left blocking those efforts and they do it by, of course, judge shopping and west coast and, of course, they talk about well, where are they going to bring it? to a judge that will rule against president trump and bring to the 9th circuit. also drafted a plan to defeat isis and making progress in taking back territory from terrorist group in iraq. the president also said he would drain the swamp. parts of that includes his 5-year lobbying ban. the trump administration also sanctioned iran over their ballistic missile test and they put the rogue regime in tehran on notice. and more importantly, the president has ordered a full review of what is the disastrous iranian nuclear deal. and unlike his predecessor, president trump, he responded to syria's use of chemical weapons with a tactical and precise tomahawk missile strike. why? to send a message to beshear
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al assad. by the way, the trump administration also sanctioned syria just like tehran. the white house also introduced this week a massive tax reform plan and that would slash personal and corporate taxes. that means putting more money back in your pockets and giving american companies the mean they badly need to create jobs. and earlier this week, the president started of the process to begin renegation of nafta with mexico and canada, like he promised on the campaign trail. the president has also created a task force to reduce crime and is focusing on stopping gangs like m.s.-13. he signed executive orders to finally protect police officers and to go after drug cartels. and the president is also working on sending education. he did it this week, to the states by signing the executive order to review federal control over the educational system. also this week, the white house is working to fix the department of veterans affair. another big campaign promise. the president signed an order to improve accountability and to
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protect whistle blowers. now, all of these are real, tangible accomplishments you won't hear about in the mainstream media. the democrats, dry trump media, refuse to face reality, give him any kind of credit that's why what i just 20e8d you will never hear from them. just take a look at how the obstructionist democrats, look at how they and all their partisanship with all their obstruction have graded the president in his first 100 days. >> president trump has shown that he does not value the future of our children, our seniors, working families, and our country. the grades are coming due for president trump after historically dismal first 100 days. budgets f, creating jobs. if. drangt swamp. if. healthcare. ihealth healthcare f. minus.>> e first.
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a series of broken or unfulfilled promises and very few results for america's working families. >> i don't think he's improving or learning in the job. it's as my colleague said, it's an f. >> sean: of course congressional democrats not the only ones endlessly every day gone after the president. destroy trump media they viciously attack him day in, day out, even before he became president. watch this. >> trump has been saying that he will run for president as a republican which is surprising since i just assumed he was running as a joke. >> we better be red jr. to the fact that he may be leading the republican ticket. [laughter] >> i know you don't believe that but i want to go on. >> which republican candidate hats best chance at winning the general election? >> of the declared ones? right now? donald trump. [laughter] >> i understand why so many people voted for him. i understand where you were
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coming from. i understand why you liked him. but this man is lying to you. >> trump's critics, those who are worried about this president, and this white house saw a live special television event brought to you by narcissism, thin-skinned, chaos and deeply personal grievances. >> this was a white lash. this was a white lash against a changing country. it was a white lash against a black president in part. and that's the part where the pain comes. >> when he said today america first. it was not just a racial -- i mean, i shouldn't say racial, the i ha hillarian back ground to it? >> >> when he called fake news what if you called him a fake president? >> sean: destroy trump media obviously they have also been criticizing the president for not going to the white house correspondence dinner tomorrow night. why wouldn't you want to hang out with all those
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wonderful people? instead he is holding a rally in pennsylvania because he would rather be with the people that need his help. the people that voted for him. and here's the president explaining that decision. take a look. >> i'm treated very unfairly and very dishonestly by the press. i thought it was inappropriate to go this year. if i were treated even slightly fairly by the press, i would have gone. but i mean, look, they are writing stories about how unfairly i get treated by the press. i thought it was inappropriate. i thought it would be very disingenuous if i went. i thought it would be in a certain way dishonest if i went. >> sean: that is exactly why this channel you are now watching is so important. why? not just this show. we are the only news outlet in the country that is even willing to give this president just a fair shake. after almost 100 days in office, here's what we know for certain. the democrats, the destroy
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trump media, they will do anything they deem necessary to try and damage this president and presidency. their goal is simple. they want him out of office and they won't stop until that day comes and that happens. they also want to destroy anyone or everyone that works for him or dares to support him. they have even attacked his wife, his daughter, his 10-year-old child. that obviously creates a huge challenge for the president. but here's what really matters tonight. president trump, he's been keeping his promises to you, the american people and checking off his list. and,according to a brand new "the washington post"-abc news poll 96% of the people who voted for president trump say it was the right thing to do. democrats, liberal snowflakes, the propaganda media. they can criticize the president all they want. that right there proves that president trump is doing exactly what he prom milled he would do which is refreshing to you, the american people. it's also why this president is confident in what he has accomplished so far.
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here is what the president told our own martha maccallum earlier today about his first 100 days. take a look. >> i think we're doing tremendously well. i don't think anybody has ever done this much in 100 days. >> sean: well, in my opinion, the president should be happy with what he has accomplished so far because he has done it without any, zero help from congress. democrats in congress, they have shown they aren't going to cross over the political aisle to work with this about the regardless of what he proposes. congressional republican leaders as well, they clearly, pathetically were not ready to govern even though they asked for the house in 2010, the senate in 2014, and the white house in 2016. well, some of them did. some of them didn't support then candidate now president donald trump. now look at the effort to repeal and replace obamacare. this is pathetic. for nearly 8 years republicans said they would put an end to obamacare. but they were not ready to go. they didn't build the consensus bill.
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nobody even saw the bill before they released it so the process is taking such a longer period than it otherwise should have. that doesn't mean it won't get done. because, as we see, over the first 99 days. the president intends to keep the promises he made to you, the american people. so that is the first 100 days that your mainstream alt radical left media will never tell you because their biased, abusively. so as i said many times on this program, journalism is dead. now, there are full, destroy trump mode. and i don't trust them and nor should you. anyway, thank you for your support with us every night. now, coming up, more with the breaking news, north korea test fires a ballistic missile. we get reaction from dr. sebastian gorka straight ahead. and then later tonight: >> i was thinking more of a creature that stalked the night that these things just came out at night like a vampire. [laughter] tweet us these things. but now it's spread to the morning.
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>> sean: the vampire, the left has been losing it the day since the president was sworn into office. we will explain. we will get reaction from geraldo rivera and. wayne lapierre is here tonight. that's all coming up on this that's all coming up on this busy news night. tais really quite simple.est it comes in the mail, you pull out the tube and you spit in it, which is something southern girls are taught you're not supposed to do. you seal it and send it back and then you wait for your results. it's that simple.
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>> sean: and welcome back to hannity and this is a fox news alert. earlier today, north korea test-fired a ballistic missile according to the u.s. military the missile was in the air for about 15 minutes. traveled about 25 miles and once again it failed. it broke up over the korean peninsula, making it another huge failure. earlier today, before this test, the secretary of state rex tillerson was at the u.n., calling for sanctions against north korea. watch this. >> the threat of a north korean nuclear attack on seoul or tokyo is real. it is likely only a matter of time before north korea develops the capability to strike the u.s. mainland. >> sean: yesterday during an interview with reuters the president said this. >> there is a chance that we could end up having a major, major conflict with north korea.
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absolutely. >> sean: joining us with reaction is the deputy assistant to the president dr. sebastian gorka. dr. gorka, good to see you again. let's talk about the president's comments. a good chance we could, in fact, have this conflict with north korea. your advice especially, look, we know they have nuclear weapons. we know they don't have icbm capability. they want it. that means they reach the continental united states. in the interim, they certainly can reach china and south korea and japan, a real, clear present danger to that region of the world. >> sean, this is a rogue regime. it is a pariah. it is more stalinist than joseph stalin's own sof soviet union. the nsc and the white house has been informed. as you stated, we are not surprised that the new test occurred but nor are we surprised that it was failure. nevertheless, despite it being an embarrassing failure, the reality is it
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demonstrates intent. when you are looking at any potential threat, whether it's somebody who wants to commit murder or whether it's a nation that wants to go to war, you look at two things, sean. you look at capability and you look at intent. north korea has both capability and intent to destabilize. and you heard secretary tillerson. you've heard the statements of the president. we will not let this unfold in to something that can harm our friends or americans. >> sean: it can't and it's more difficult and we ought to learn this lesson as it relates to the iranians and their pursuit of nuclear weapons. now that they have nuclear weapons, by the way, bill clinton assured us they would never get them and he's gave away $4 billion in taxpayer money he assured us that wasn't going to happen. that happened, capitulation doesn't work. it never will. but, what is scary is now that they have nuclear weapons, it makes it militarily that much more
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difficult. what is the potential options to deal with a nuclear armed north korea and prevent them from getting icbm capability knowing that this, you know, chubby despot might fire off a missile that could be blown up in the region? >> you're completely correct. capitulation never works. you never, never trust a dictator whether it was hitler in 1938 in munich, whether it was the soviets. whether di it was saddam hussein or this individual. so reagan was right. you have to verify everything. what are our options? this president understands better than almost than anybody else why we have a huge range of options and what we can do to use them. we don't talk about our game plan. and we don't say let's just have some kind of meeting in geneva or in vienna with our diplomats. that's how we got to the
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disastrous situation with the jcpoa and iran deal. look what's happened with the last failed test before this one. you don't necessarily have to go to full-out war. there are things we can do to undermine the regime and don't forget, 70, 80% of the economy of the exports that go in to north korea come from china and look what happened at mar-a-lago. the president connected with xi jin julian jinping. >> sean: the president was supposed to meet with the president at mar-a-lago two, 15 minute sessions maybe a half hour each. they both went beyond four hours is my understanding. they got along famously. it was during desert that the president told the president of china that, in fact, he ha launched 59 tomahawk missiles as it relates to syriaened at use of chemical weapons. then, when he goes back to
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china, he puts 175,000 troops on the border. and then he sent north korean coal back and imported american coal. and, we have a chinese state run tabloid, well known to be a mouth piece of the communist regime in china. they actually go as far as to warn north korea, another provocative move. this is before today. the chinese society will be willing to see the u.n. security council adopt more restrictive measures that have never been seen before. such as restricting oil imports from the north. but, you know, kim jong un is willing to do this any way in spite of that china alliance with trump. is this guy just crazy or is he just underestimating? >> look, the president is not a politician. he is the results-driven businessman. is he -- he wants successful
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not just successful he was incredibly successful in the hardest market in the world, new york real estate. as a result, he looks at the world as it is. and he is interested in results. he knows some issues require kid gloves because they are sensitive. but sometimes you have to make a fist inside that kid glove and you have to use it the moab bomb. the 59 crews missiles. they are not just about afghanistan. they are not just have b. syria. the premier in beijing understood that answered changed his stance. even vladimir putin said i'm not going to meet with your secretary answered changed his mind. that's thanks to donald j. trump. >> sean: dr. gorka, we appreciate you being on. i know the left is attacking you, too. they are also attacking the 39's wife, and daughter and 10-year-old son. >> and you. >> sean: i have been attacked for 30 years. i'm used to it. i know up his full support.
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thank you for being with us tonight. we appreciate it up next, tonight, right here on hannity: >> republican leaders and president trump don't give a [bleep] about the people they were trying to hurt. >> i will fight every day until he is impeached. impeach 45. impeach 45. >> sean: looney democrats stooping to new lows during the president's first 100 days. when we come back we will play the low lights of this loony liberal. >> the 8 year assault on your second amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end. [cheers] >> sean: that was president trump earlier today addressing the nra, the first sitting president to do so in over three decades since ronald reagan. later tonight the nra's chief executive officer wayne lapierre on stark
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eick jackie ibañez. have a great night. >> sean: welcome back to hannity. this saturday marks 100 days in office for president trump. and while the 45th president has accumulated a record number of accomplishments in the face by the way of some pretty difficult tough odds. democrats, now the party of obstruction, have been in complete disarray. now, in case you missed it, some are some of the low lights from the democrats, their 100-day meltdown we call it take a look. >> this executive order -- was mean-spirited and unamerican. >> republican leaders and president trump don't give a [bleep] about the people they were trying to hurt. >> i will fight every day until he is impeached.
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impeach 45. [cheers] >> impeach 45. >> this is a bunch of scum bags. that's what they're. >> those have very strong words, congressman. >> all around making money. >> we have seen nothing that we can work -- that i can work with president bush on. i'm trying really hard to find something positive this morning more of a creature that stalked the night. that these things just came out at night like a vampire. and -- tweet us these things but now it's spread to the morning. >> sean: joining us now nationally syndicated host larry elder. i think that's you, geraldo rivera. >> we both are. >> geraldo, you, seriously, you always come on this program and you are one of my dearest friends and you always say oh president trump needs to a, b, c, and d. what about you taking on some liberals that you know? you know, crocodile tears chuck schumer and all these
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people? all the vitriol the hatred, the mean spirited the obstruction that has been thrown in trump's direction. >> i don't think that's fair, shawn, for all love i have to my brother. if you look back on what mitch mcconnell, how he bhad, how the republicans behaved during obama's 8 years in office. you see a direct parallel. this is tit-for-tat. the republicans were the party of obstruction. >> now the democrats are the party of obstruction. what i would like to see. >> sean: geraldo, wait a minute though in all fairness. >> one second. i would like to see chuck schumer and president trump put on hazmat suits if they have, to meet privately if they have to. and try to find common ground for the good of the american people. >> sean: got call geraldo hazmat suit beer summit. maybe you will will have to broker it we will send you and larry in together. we have never had for partisan reasons a supreme court justice that wasn't
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given an up or down vote. the democrats did that you know, republicans they play fair. elena kagan vote, society so he mayor vote. >> merrick garland. tit-for-tat. >> chuck schumer sad don't vote in the final year of a presidency. okay. we going to sing to each other now? larry? >> well, republicans opposed obama, geraldo for policy reasons. you didn't find republicans, for example, calling top obama advisors nazi the way howard dean called steve bannon. you didn't have people calling his cabinet appointee he is scum bags the way maxine waters has. you haven't seen this kind of attack against barack obama personally like this. nazi homophobe, zeno phone. have you a very short memory, larry. you have a very short memory. >> this is insane. >> maxine waters is the steve king of the democrats. >> sean: one at a time, guys. >> i sat next to geraldo in cleveland. geraldo, remember we saw
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trump's speech. geraldo is very rationale off camera. put him in front of the camera he becomes coul become k. >> i am a republican. donald trump, i have known him for 40 years. i want him to succeed with all my vigor. >> sean: that's true. >> he can be a great man. he has to reach across the aisle. he can't get all republicans in the same camp for obamacare, for example. if you can't have your own caucus uni unite. >> sean: that's paul ryan's fault. >> that's not fair. donald trump is a populist on many issues. is he a centrist on many issues. for crying out loud he same same sex marriage settled law. ivanka says she wants 6 weeks paid maternity leave. he scad asked the functions of government he said national security which is right. then he said healthcare and education which ronald reagan never would have
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said. this guy is very close to the way a lot of people on the left are to a degree that i haven't seen in the republican president in many years yet, you guys hate this man. it's amazing. >> i was with sean bursting with pride to see my almost lifelong friend become the 45th president of the united states on inauguration day. the speech that i wanted to hear was come on, left's get together. let's get past this 8 years of partisan divide. let's make this country great again by working together. instead, the speech that i heard was us against them. it was the campaign continuing. now, i want donald trump to be the way he was with syria. the way he was in afghanistan. the way. >> >> sean: what grade would you give him for the first 100 days what grade. >> i have made a fortune since november 8th i give him an a. in terms of world affairs. >> sean: i have made for a it unall but. >> sean: all but geraldo. >> rising tide lifts all
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boats even my modest crawft. >> sean: okay. >> in terms of the refugee ban and immigration and some of the division that has been force in this country i think donald trump really gets a c. he needs typically prove. he needs to have that moderate tone. north the anger, not the us against them. >> sean: i have got to roll. you are both fen nonal. have a great weekend. >> have great weekend. >> sean: coming up, free speech under assault in america. now the "new york times" is actually blaming conservatives for the brutal attacks from the left. we'll get reaction, an explanation from jay sekulow and michael cohen that's next. and later tonight: >> as your president, i will never ever infringe on the right of the peach to keep and bear arms. never ever. [applause] >> sean: president trump spoke to the nra earlier today. he is the first sitting president to do so since ronald wilson reagan. tonight ronald lapierre joins us
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sees a excessive political correctness. a president who has gleefully taken up their fight and liberals they accuse of trying to censor any idea they disagree with. joining us now with reaction from the american center for law and justice jay sekulow the national deputy chairman of the rnc chairman personal president trump michael cohen. good to see you both. >> hi, sean. >> sean: i have spent a lot of time on this court situation. campuses all across the country. the fact that conservatives, every word is monitored. every second of every day on fox, on talk radio. i really believe this is liberal fascism and no prominent liberal ever speaks up and defenders out right of conservatives to express their views. >> well, you are exactly correct. if you take the university campus, that's supposed to be uniquely the marketplace of ideas. and the price of freedom is in a free country you are going to hear speech you disagree with you don't respond with violence or shutting the speech down.
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you respond to it with more speech. that's the idea, that's the entire basis on which our constitutional republican exists. this idea of free discourse. freedom of speech. those that are opposed to a particular view are engaging in classic censorship. i have been arguing those cases, sean, at the supreme court for three decades. this idea you can target a particular view for censorship. and the supreme court has always, unanimously right and left say you don't do that in free speech areas. >> sean: it is interesting on the other hand, michael, that is, all right, you represent on a personal level the president of the united states, for the trump organization. what they want is the right to say any and everything about the man you know and have known for decades. yes. and sean, unfortunately, the first amendment applies to fools and sleazy people. and you know, people like maxine waters and nancy
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pelosi have to understand that while they are protecting their first amendment rights to say whatever they want. they have to understand that the other side has first amendment rights as well. and their rights don't trump, for lack of a better word, the other side. what happened at berkeley is a disgrace. the people, the administration at berkeley should be ashamed themselves and so should the students for that matter. >> sean: there is nobody, jay on the left. i have a couple of friends on the left that said i'm right about this. maybe they think -- maybe they believe it, but the fact that they don't stand up for ann coulter, now, i will give you an example. i have said many times on this program i think bill maher is a slob. i can't stand the guy. i think he is horrible on tv. he is arrogant. is he elitist. he is condescending. but, in a weird way, good for america because if he can say all that crap on the left that he says e maybe
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the left won't go after conservatives and try to shut them down like they are presently trying to demolish and shut down the fox news channel. >> well, can you fundamentally disagree with someone on both a practical level and a policy level. and fundamentally disagree. and you may not agree with bill maher. but that doesn't mean he doesn't have the right to speak. just like you have the right to speak and others have the right to speak and this idea that we're now going to enter into this is an advertised version of free speech so that if someone is personally offended by a message, they can censor that message. you know, this idea that the offended observer, someone that hears something they disagree with, can run to the police department of their school and say arrest that person or shut them down, i'm offended by that speech. >> sean: there is another way, too. >> how much danger we are in. >> sean: then they have the boycott then they do. so people are paid. this is well-funded, well-organized to monitor every word that i say on radio and tv every day.
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and then if i say one thing out of place, that they disagree with, politically incorrect, then they will just say oh, let's start an advertising boycott and that's just another back ground way to -- >> -- you know what, sean, as per the president, just because they have the first amendment right to say what it is they want doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. parents are always tell their children and just because you have the right to say something doesn't mean that you should and a little censorship goes a long way. unfortunately it doesn't appear to be happening and it's not something that the left wants as it relates to president trump. everything that he does, everything that he says comes in with scrutiny, the scrutiny is most of the time. >> sean: it's worse than that. >> it's obnoxious, it's rude and worse than that, it's offensive to the office of the presidency. and they need to stop. >> sean: that's a great point. >> they're not going to stop. jay, where does this end? we have got to take a break. >> well, the fact is that
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self-censorship is one thing. you can decide i'm going to stop saying something that doesn't give the other person the right to stop speaking. where does it end? stand up for free speech right. enshrined in the constitution. we either protect it or lose it it's that simple. >> except when president trump turns around and starts to look at the accomplishment that's is going to be rolling out day after day, week after week and year after year. people start to see with more money in their pockets and jobs and see national security on military, our veterans taken care of. they are going to start to understand that he is the man that he -- that we all know him to be. and then they will feel ashamed of themselves. >> sean: i'm not so sure they are ever going to feel ashamed of themselves, michael: >> sean: coming so unhinged. never saw this come. they don't understand him. and they are in a complete meltdown mode and anything goes for them. meaning saying anything. >> stopping other people from speaking. they are stopping other
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people from speaking. >> ultimately they will understand that is he going to bring success and is he going to make america great. and they are going to feel it in their pockets. >> sean: groups of people. >> in the meantime, anybody around the president that supports the president. >> look at me. look how they attack me on a day-by-day basis. >> sean: that's true or me or jay or anybody. anybody who supports the president is getting hit and even his own 10-year-old son and his daughter and his wife. it's ridiculous. >> true. have a good one. >> sean: up next tonight here on hannity. >> the 8-year assault on your second amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end. [cheers] president trump addressing the nra earlier today. he is the first sitting president to do this in more than three decades. up next reaction from the ♪
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here are some of the highlights from earlier today. >> we have news that you've been waiting for for a long time. the 8-year assault on your second amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end. [applause] you have a true friend and champion in the white house. no longer will federal agencies be coming after law abiding gun owners. [cheers] so let me make a simple promise to every one of the freedom-loving americans in the audience today. as your president, i will never ever infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. never ever. [cheers and applause] freedom is not a gift from government. freedom is a gift from god. [cheers and applause] >> sean: and joining us now is the nra executive vice
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president ceo wayne lappier. that was about as powerful a speech and statement that i have ever heard from any president, including ronald reagan on the second amendment. your reaction? >> you sean, i was listening to it and i was thinking the exact same thing. i was thinking oh my gosh. this is a president that really understands what makes america unique are those freedoms that we have in the constitution and the bill of rights. that's what make our country different from every other country in the world. at the same time, listening to him, if the president understands when there is evil at the door, you don't disarm the law abiding. the second amendment is a strength. not a weakness. he really gets that it's evil people and is proposing a novel concept of hey, let's go after the bad guys and leave all the good people alone. >> sean: it's actually very refreshing. think the first time since ronald reagan did this in
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1983. but, you also, as a group, endorsed him earlier than you had previous candidates. what made you so certain? and, by the way, you can check this off. trump made another promise, one of the things that i think really defines his first 100 days is keeping his word on so many issues. big issues. why were you so confident early on that he would keep his promise when others were doubting, fellow conservatives were doubting? >> you know, we're a grassroots organization, and i kept out there all over the country i kept going what do you think? and people kept looking their head i have never worried about this country until now. i would say what do you think? they would go trump. i always thought this election was about hope. and about someone that had to change the status quo and here was somebody willing to put everything aside and go out there and take tremendous courage and, you know, go out and fight to save this country. and hillary clinton would have been catastrophic to
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the second amendment. the supreme court, as an individual right with her appointments would have eliminated the second amendment as an individual right. and my gosh, look at the change. i mean, judge gorsuch now, it's all the difference in the world. i see a tremendous pride wave out there in the heartland of the country with this president, donald trump, and the fact that he is will to fight. i also see people that are very clear-eyed about what they are facing. i mean, they understand there are leftist organizations and elite media that want to wreck this president. they understand that we have to have this president's back. i see the media out there putting out a narrative every day and then going and trying to market it as truth when most of the time it's completely inaccurate. and this is a battle and we have got to have this president's back. he has to succeed and we have to help him. >> sean: he was also right
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about one other thing and that was, yeah, there has been an assault on the a second amendment now going on for a long time. they don't understand what most of us that are pro-second amendment are trained and believe in the safety and the safe use and the safe storage of firearms. and a lot on the left don't understand it wayne, great dale day for your group. thanks for being with us. >> thanks sean for having me. >> sean: you are very welcome. coming up tonight, we need your help. a very important question of the day as we continue this friday edition of hannity. usaa gives me the peace of mind and the security just like the marines did. the process through usaa is so effortless,
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.i kno . what do you think is the president's biggest accomplishment for first 100 days. go to facebook. let us know what you think. can't believe. what a week. it's been so slow news wise. that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us. set your dvr so you never miss an episode. have great night. we will see you back here monday night. [national anthem] ♪
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[national anthem] ♪ ♪ >> false standard 100 days. i have to got to tell you anything anybody has done what we have done in 100 days. >> getting a supreme court justice a great one. >> we are going to have a lot of money pouring into our we are going to bring companies back. we passed 28 bills. by tomorrow could be 32. >> tremendous relationships throughout the world for the leaders. i'm working hard for the people and we're doing a great job. >> u.s. officials confirming to fox news that north korea just test launched a ballistic missile. the launch appears to have failed. >> the threat of a north korean nuclear attack on seoul or tokyo is real.
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