tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News April 30, 2017 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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i will look back at the early highlights of a presidency unlike any other. first, my opening statement. the subject, grading president trump. the number one thing that we needed after the last eight years was a leader who would take charge and put the united states back on its true and rightful course. at a time when we needed it most, in his plainspoken way of speaking, he caught caught the attention of the forgotten man and woman in america. the 100 day mark is a phony test of success, but an opportunity cut through the to company of noise by the left. let's analyze.
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president trump's most significant accomplishment in the first 100 days, the first time it has been done in that time. by any president since 1881, was putting neil tran2 on the supreme court because although donald trump will be president for eight years, his legacy will survive for the next 40 on the supreme court. president trump has also managed many of the disasters obama left in his wake, restricting jobs in business, reviewing congressional acts, nullifying them, chipping away at the burdensome and job killing framework. reducing regulations, even more significant than reducing taxes. why? because by reducing regulations, you help create jobs.
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sixteen bilateral visi visits wh foreign leaders, for some friend, some faux but dialogue and discussion that works to our advantage. china now standing up to north korea, suspending their coal import and abstaining from un votes, reflecting a new era. from all those criticizing the president about obama care, i have have a tidbit for you. it took obama 14 months to pass obamacare. donald trump has barely been there 14 weeks. after the ryan catastrophe, he did what he does best as a dealmaker. he looks for common ground, and now word is more members of the freedom caucus are in line with the tuesday group. president trump has stepped stood up to the countries that threaten our national security, chipping away at the failed
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foreign policy of the past eight years. he has defended the most helpless among us as they were being killed by their own leader. he renegotiated trade deals which is reflected in a positive economic growth. as for taxes, the reduction of the 35% corporate tax rate is huge because when that is done, jobs go up. the inclusion of the s corporation helps all americans and the proposed elimination of all deductions, other than your home and mortgage and some charitable affects two thirds of americans who own or partly own a home. that home, the centerpiece of the american dream. need i remind you of the historic highs the stock market hit because of the animal spirits that americans are exercising because of their
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confidence and a leader that understands business, the influx of illegal immigrants over our southern border has been reduced by up to 70%, even without the border wall because the message is clear. my enforcement, border control, prosecutors, and immigration judges are now following the l law. all the while, the left is doing everything i can to destroy this presidency. judges refusing to be bound by the law, the constitution and president. police departments issuing standdown orders while arsonists and anarchists destroy property to quell the free speech of americans. they claim because the right spews hateful speech that are then justified in using violence against them. obviously, these nincompoops should have spent more time in class because they're not quite familiar with the united states constitution and our first amendment.
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so, if you want to know how the president is doing in his first 100 days, don't ask a snowflake, african-american who works for a living. relax, chill, give the president a chance to do the job that we elected him to do. that's my (tell me what what you think on my facebook page or twitter, # judge janine. joining me now is democratic strategist, fox news contributor, richard fowler. good evening richard. okay. one hundred days, am i wrong? >> yes, but, let me make this point very clear. i work for a living so i guess i can make an opinion here. >> by not being a snowflake, i imagine the words don't cause you to engage in violent behavior. >> no, of course not. and i work for a living.
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>> what about what has happened in the first 100 days? >> i will talk about the positives first. for me they are few and far between. while i don't agree with the neil gorsuch philosophy, i think it is a big big win that he got him on the court. the reason why we are talking about this first 100 days is because president trump made a big deal about these first hundred days. he said he was going to get infrastructure done pretty said said he would get tax reform done pretty said he would fix obama care, all in his first 100 days. days. when you look at his legislative victories, as i know steve bannon is looking at them, there aren't any. he has not been able to get his own republicans together. remember, the republicans in the house have a super majority. they can do whatever they want without even talking to democrats. in the senate it's a little more of an uphill battle, but they still have a huge majority and they should be able to get things done. donald trump has not been able to work with the other side of pennsylvania avenue to get legislative is redone, and we saw that in the failure of the
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affordable, the assessable healthcare act that they tried to pass. we will see it again on tax reform. that's number one. number two, --dash. >> let me stop you. let's talk about that. when you talk about the president's failure failure to be able to get all the republicans on board, as it relates to some of the stuff that he talked about in his campaign, the truth is he said it is a little different than i thought it would be and to his credit, he has admitted that governing isn't really that simple. also, when you talk about legislative acts, there are 28 bills that have been signed into law. that's a fact. >> that is a fact. some of the bills have been really bad. one was an internet privacy act.
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>> you can't say nothing has been passed. >> nothing has been passed based on what he said he would do. he gave a huge speech laying out what he would do in his first 100 days. none of that that has been done legislatively. that is because you know the facts that dealing with capitol hill is not like a real estate deal that you do in new york city. it's a little more located located. you're dealing with 435 personalities in the senate and house and 100 in the senate. it's hard to get things done. now the president has had a taste of reality and he realizes it will take longer to get things done and hopefully it will change how he sets up his agenda. >> is a taste of reality a reflection of the democrats who don't even want to approve his cabinet nominations, who has done it in one of the slowest paces in history. what role did do the democrats have, saying he's illegitimate read maxine waters calling him a scumbag. that's unacceptable. >> i'm glad you brought that up. it was just a couple years ago that barack obama faced the republican caucus who didn't allow him to get anything done.
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jeff sessions, let's give an example. jeff sessions got approved within three or four weeks. the red and lynch sat capitol hill for 140 days waiting for congressional approval. >> you know what, let's keep it on the track were on. the first 100 days. no president has had the problems that this president has had with the other side refusing to --dash what we are talking about is democrats being obstructionist and forcing a nuclear option which they cultivated. >> i refuse to accept that. here's the thing, barack obama had huge democratic majorities in the house and the senate during his first 100 days. donald trump has huge republican majorities in the house and senate within his first 100 days. barack obama was able to get things done. >> he didn't get obamacare done for 14 months.
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>> he also got the stimulus package done. donald trump has done nothing major legislatively. >> let me ask you a question. would you agree with me, let's talk about the fact that when you say he legislatively, 28 bills, what about the stock market and all the other stuff he has done that in spite of congress and the democrats has put us in a better economic position. wouldn't you agree. >> i think this is early in the trump administration to figure out whether he will be good for the economy. with that being said, remember, this is not our goal post. donald trump set the school postop. he gave a huge speech 100 days ago and here's what i meant to do in my first 100 days. the fact that he didn't get that done this i were talking about it. >> so were criticizing him because he didn't get it done.
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>> he shouldn't of set it. >> oh dear, thanks so much for being with us tonight. tonight we will show you some of my favorite moments of the past 100 days. that is still ahead. plus, the far left has viewed these 100 days as an excuse to shut down anyone who disagrees with them. i will talk with mark stein about that. next, we are talking foreign policy in the military. how did president president trump do in his first 100 days. discussing it with an all-star military panel as justice roselawn umbrellas!! you need one of these. you wouldn't put up with an umbrella that covers you part way, so when it comes to pain relievers,
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before kim jong-un, not that f r from putting a nuclear head on a ballistic missile. how do we stop that. >> during this administration, i think you will be able to whet a nuclear weapon deliverable to the united states. somewhere. that is a game changer in terms of our security. i don't believe you can allow that to happen. >> what you do. >> you take that capability
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away. >> how do you do that. >> we have the finest military in the world's before kelly discussing north korea with me during a visit to new york offices at the trade center this week. let's talk about north korea, syria and the first 100 days. join now by author of the book without mercy, david hunt and general tom. all right, there is a great deal of concern regarding north korea. the president saying there is a chance we could end up having a major conflict with north korea. what you think the chances are colonel hunt. >> i hope no. the way we are talking now, probably closer to 30%. it's worse worse for me than it
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was last time we talked about it. you have the secretary of state talking about it at the united nation, you have general kellyanne the president of the united states. those are strong signals. i think it's a huge mistake to consider military action against north korea for all the reasons we've stated. >> spee4 general, what are the chances to statistically that you think something like this will happen to be. >> i think it's greater than 50%. the fact is they are developing icbm, they already have 30 nuclear warheads and that is an x essential threat to the united states. we cannot accept that before what do we do? you are talking about intercontinental ballistic missiles that they don't have the ability to reach our shores. >> that's correct, but we have
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passed the redline. we mustered take action and work with china. i'm very skeptical china will pull it off but they may but we may be forced to go into preemptive action spea before ws that to you. >> certain weapon systems can destroy most if not all the artillery followed by. [inaudible] 's before the general person doesn't understand this. you can destroy their mechanical ability or cyber warfare. >> we are talking all of those things using new technology. much of it is black. we must destroy those forces that can attack soul korea were the bulk of their population is. we can take their air forces
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down in their icbms down before they launch. >> i will move to colonel hunt. there are those who say, one of the commanders from the military said by doing something like that we jeopardize south korea and full, suggesting we wouldn't be able, that kim jong-un would be able to attack them as we were attempting some sort of destruction. >> we have a great military. it has nothing to do with the capability of the u.s. air force but we don't, if we don't get it all right, no bombing strike is perfect. the north koreans have a six minute window to do, once we say go for the time it takes a missile land. that six minutes is all that i may need for one or two volleys
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of an assault. that's the issue, the six minute window. >> how do they know when the six minute start. >> first of all, they're not stupid and they have the chinese to help them. in every scenario we play there is about a six minute window from the time a decision is made on a preemptive strike to the time they hit with preloaded stuff in north korea. >> do you agree that north korea would have a six minute time period to destroy south korea console before we actually hit them. >> no i do not. it's that simple. david lives in a world that's probably 20 years old. >> so do you general. >> he doesn't know the technologies we have. he does another stealth technology or a whole host of things.
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all i am saying is the choice if what we have of them launching nuclear missiles into the u.s. versus what we may be forced to do, we do not want to do that, but the practice. >> we just have 30 seconds. i understand that. are you making a judgment that opposed to south korea, this is more, that we have a judgment to make as to who will be hurt. >> of course we do. all the expertise in the world about who knows more about, he knows more about technology than i do in the air force for the facts are to the bad guys get to hit back. this is not a war you ever want to fight again. we tried this, and as great as we are, the north koreans, it will be unsustainable civilian casualties. yes we will win it but at a very
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large cost. >> you can agree that every mission goes perfectly. >> i can't disagree with that. the fact is i cannot accept nuclear weapons coming into the united states. >> so you make the judgment that whatever the consequences, collateral consequences and damage is irrelevant to the protection of the united states. >> from nuclear weapons, yes. >> and we have the rexdale or something with got enough to backup the aggression with military action. anyway, my favorite colonel hunt and general mcinerney, thanks for being with us. >> you're welcome. >> and my look back at president trump's first 100 days days is still ahead. next, what were the biggest accomplishments and setbacks. i'll debate it with my panel. don't miss the debate. justice rolls on in a moment.
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to be a nightmare! does nobody like the future? c'mon, the future. he obviously doesn't know intel is helping power autonomous cars and the 5g network they connect to. with this, won't happen in the future. thanks, jim. there's some napkins in the glovebox. okay, but why would i need a napkin? you could have just told me a bump was coming. we know the future. because we're building it.
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fly from american news headquarters, right now two children missing after their car was swept off a bridge. it happened during powerful storms this weekend. severe weather being blamed for at least ten deaths. president trump entering his next 100 days. he sent out a tweet that said obamacare is that a new health care is on its way. we will have and deductibles while taking care pre-existing conditions. niclas maduro attempting. [inaudible] he hiked the minimum wage. it came with hundreds of free homes handed out as well. now back to justice with judge
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janine. >> welcome back to justice. one hundred days and counting for president trump in the white house. let's talk about it. guess what the first question is. david, first 100 days neil gorsuch will be the most long lasting impact of his presidency. no question about that. the executive orders to help create jobs, keep in mind what they were saying about bill clinton and his first 100 days. chaos was what they were saying red. >> there was a lot of chaos. donald trump trump has found out
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the job is hard. the first 70 days, it's hard to argue, they were a were a disaster. between the travel bands that didn't work. >> i don't know if they didn't work or if you just had judges -- however you wanted to argue it, it did not go well for him politically. >> his constant twitter wars over god knows what. the last 30 days he's gotten quieter which is smart, starting with the syrian bombing which most people agree it's hard not to agree with that. i think the tax proposal, while i utterly disagree with the policy of giving tax cuts to the wealthy and leaving everyone else out, it was a smart thing to do. i think having people talking about tax cuts is the right thing to be doing. i would divide it into two.
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>> tax cuts for the wealthy, that's not not the case, is it david? >> everyone will get a cut. if a couple can go from a $12,000 deduction to a to a $24000 deduction it puts more money in their pocket. you're doing more things to support job creation and that means more jobs and employers have to compete, that means people's wages will go up. these are all things that are good. tax cuts create more jobs. >> two thirds of americans own a home or part of a home. that's the essence of the american dream. the deducting for mortgage and interest rate is huge. the only other is a charitable deduction. isn't that a good thing? >> it was a freudian slip when you said it was a tax increase
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because even the treasury secretary they didn't know that would reduce for the middle class for the biggest goes to the wealthy. it affects 5000 people while the rest of everyone else -- >> wait a minute the tax cuts somehow create job. >> the last president created more jobs than the last three republican administrations combined. >> how do you respond to that. >> over the last couple months, years, there's been great job increases. where are people moving to? they are in states with lower taxes. who are the states where the largest migration of people leaving their state and going someplace else, california, new jersey, illinois, new york. all high tax states. they're going to texas and georgia and arizona and nevada. >> but were not arguing about
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tax at the state level. >> republicans for eight years accused rock obama wrongly when in fact he shrunk it by two thirds. the analysis on this. [inaudible] >> when he started it was $1.8 trillion for the last was 600 billion. the deficit, not the tax. that's what really happened he here. the trump plan is shown to explode the deficit between five and $10 trillion. >> why is the stock market, why are there more jobs. >> in his first unemployment report, they said job numbers have gone down. >> that's not accurate. i don't have that number. >> and employer told me, if we
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go to a 15% corporate tax rate, they will move jobs from mexico back to the u.s. [inaudible] i don't disagree, i'm talking about the rate for individuals which has demonstrated that the eit cr targeted tax cuts than just giving trillion dollar tax cuts to people who are ready have a bunch of money. >> you know who may become the biggest proponent is president obama. now he is making $400,000. >> if were going to get into who the tax cut benefits, i'm not not sure that's where you want to go. >> what about the fact that what we have now is a country where the law is at least perceived to be respected, and i'm talking
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specifically about the border. if there is a 70% reduction of the illegals crossing the borders from mexico to the united states, even that message is very clear that we won't have this lawlessness anymore while we try to deal with things like what came up through the central american influx. >> i don't think anyone disagrees that having fewer immigrants is a good thing. that started happening with the obama administration. >> it did? from january until now, bill number of illegals has gone down, been reduced by -- >> that was already starting in the last of ministration. >> note wasn't. >> there was a net migration going out rather than coming in. that's just the fact. >> the fact is, if we have 70%
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fewer from january 20 until now. they are not coming in. >> right, that's great. terrific. we we don't need a border wall. >> exactly. >> it's particularly where we will have sanctuary cities where we allow people to come here and stay here. we have to know who is coming into this country. for democrats, including the ones who voted for the border wall in 2006, they owe it to americans to tell them how they will control the border, and if that's not what they're going to do them at start building the wall. >> one of the things we've got to do is give border patrol and the president the authority and priority, immigration judges are being added and attorneys are being told what they have to do. with respect to national security, good, bad? >> very much undecided. i think the action he took in syria was the right action
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militarily but it should be combined with allowing those same people who are so desperate in syria into our country, vetted very heavily. i know you will disagree with me. >> how do you that without a database. >> i think there's extreme betting that's gone on and i think those are absolutely the people who are tired and poor and needed more than anybody else. >> by the way, unemployment just dropped to 4.5%. >> that the number republicans used to say doesn't mean anything. >> i think the numbers lie what you want to believe. thank you very much. is the left out to silence the right? i'm talking about with marks nine, next ♪
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how would you categorize the first 100 days of trump as it comes to the issue of free speech the other laughed. >> i think we have, have, going back to the days before the inauguration, when mainstream democrats denied the legitimacy of the change of power. if you remember people like john lewis, and many others boycotted
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any contact with the president because they did not believe he was in effect the president. >> the word he used was he was not a legitimate president. >> that's right. when you deny the legitimacy of a change of power from one party to another, you actually strike at the heart of what it means to be a pluralist society. we have seen that accelerating through the 100 days until we get to things like what happened to and coulter at berkeley where basically not just the extreme left but more and more mainstream democratic party figures think that if it's not their view, it's in illegitimate view and it does not deserve to be heard, it has to be silenced and it has to be crushed. >> what do you think of the fact that there is this new excuse, that if you believe someone is spewing fascism, you have the right to shut them down so any
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time you want to stop someone you call them a gaseous and that's what's going through the democratic party. then when you oppose that, the fact that they were prevented from speaking at berkeley, they were energized on the left because and they did all kind of destruction and they won. >> when you are the one smashing windows and burning cars, you are the fascist you're doing that because you can't sit in a room and respond to someone's argument. one of the most disturbing trends is, if you like the 1 degree of separation between the thugs and respectable people. at berkeley, they have a highly politicized social justice police chief who is part of being the one stop shop for all your riot needs and offers protesters symbolic arrest and
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you can look good on youtube and take a couple cool selfies as his office is arresting you. don't worry they won't tase you, they won't -- they will just symbolically arrest you so you can take your fist and say take your hands off me and you will look really cool to all your friends. >> this is the authorities who should actually be ensuring the debate takes place and taking the side of thugs who want to shut down the critical element in any free society which is free speech. >> if you want to shut down someone then the campus police or administration can say we can't protect you. since when have police not been
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able to protect us on campuses? >> if you think about it in any other kind of thing, you say, you wanted to hold a march in favor of gay marriage, if you wanted to hold a march to argue about climate change and the police were to say no, we can't let that go ahead, it's too dangerous, there would there would be outrage. what is happening in this country, to its shame, is that the state, by which i mean public universities and police departments are enforcing an official ideology where by if you happen to counter that as and coulter does, they will come up with any cockamamie excuse to prevent you from being able to speak. >> mark stein, thank you for being with us. >> always a pleasure. >> my personal look back at the highlights and even a view low lights of the first 100 days of lights of the first 100 days of president trump.
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boring 100 days. >> this is your celebration and this, the united states of america, is your country. >> it began like everything else in donald trump's world with a big splash. our 45th president promising to give government back to the people with a flurry of executive orders signed in his first week alone that help to do just that. by pulling the united states out of the trans national and those that defy federal law. >> the sanctuary cities have a lot of problems and there is tremendous crime. >> a roadblock just kept on coming. >> the new executive order is still mean-spirited, misguided and in my judgment goes against what america is all about. >> for every accomplishment the new president saw opposition from democrats and left-leaning
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judges on courts that stood in the way of initiative. like his proposal to temporarily halt travel from certain countries known to harbor terrace. his plan for those sanctuary cities. >> as i said, we will see him in the supreme court. >> it was that same supreme court where the president saw one of the biggest clinical victories of his young administration. >> justice tran2, i congratulate you. >> making good on one of his central promises of his historical campaign. he discovered neil gorsuch to the highest court in the land. despite heavy opposition from democrats, much to the delight of the trump base. the news wasn't as good on one of his other central promises. >> too finally repeal and replace the disaster known as
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obamacare. >> it was a staple of nearly every trump rally up to election night, but when it came time for houseboat on the republicans plan to shelve the staple of obama's presidency, paul ryan and the gop couldn't deliver. this is one of donald trump's roughest first 100 days in the oval office. >> we are very close and again, i think what will happen is obamacare unfortunately will explode. >> the president may remain true to his word. as republicans keep working beyond the 100 day mark on the repeal and replace that can pass the house and senate. on the homeland security front, the commander-in-chief spent the first 100 days looking to build up what he claims was a depleted military. within a week, two separate bold
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actions by the president sent a message to the world that america might was back. >> tonight i ordered a targeted military strike on the airfield in syria where the chemical attack was launched. >> just a week later, the man who came and by promising to obliterate isis sent a clear message that obliteration was underway. >> we are so proud of our military. it was a successful event. >> just under the wire of the century day mark, they unveiled a a sweeping plan to overhaul the nation's tax code, one that calls for massive cuts for businesses and other savings
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that could help millions of american families. it will be a flight through congress that has only just begun. it's one the president will hope to end with a coherent plan to boost the nation's economy. through all the ups and downs, our 45th president maintains the same relationship with the mainstream media that he said has never given him a fair chance. >> one thing is very real, donald trump didn't need the support of the liberal elites to win the white house. he hasn't needed it since he took office, and if we've learned anything from these past 100 days, there is no indication he will ever bow to the establishment has he continues on his one-man quest to shake up
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washington and the world. >> i keep my campaign promises. our citizens will be very happy when they see the result they already are, i can tell you th that.wi s >> we'll be right back. a bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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-underscore janine and tell me what you think. thank you for watching, we'll see you next saturday night, same time, same place, say me. >> i'm chris wallace with a trump's presidency past the first 100 a milestone, what is ahead for the next 100? >> for the last 100 days my administration has been delivering every single day for the great citizens of our country. >> this hour we'll break down what the president has accomplished so far, and what is to come. we'll start with foreign policy on north korea, iran, and russia in an exclusive interview with the president's nationalss security advisor general hr make nasa's. then the democrats push
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