tv Americas Newsroom FOX News May 2, 2017 6:00am-8:01am PDT
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apparently like the three-piece suit. >> i didn't know. >> i like it. >> a different color tomorrow maybe? >> no, same suit. >> different tie. >> every day this week. >> bye, have a great day. >> bill: word from north korea warning the world it's inching closer to the brink of war. a training mission in the area is an act of provocation according to them. president trump warning the united states will act if it's forced to act. important topic. welcome to "america's newsroom." how are you doing, shannon? >> shannon: president trump drawing fire saying this morning he would be willing to meet with leader kim jong-un but stands ready to use force to rein in the rogue regime. >> president trump: you see what's going on.
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it is very, very bad and bad for our allies, south korea and japan and the statements are very inflammatory. they're horrible. we'll have to see. i don't like drawing red lines but i act if i have to act. >> bill: president trump will speak by telephone to russian president vladimir putin. the focus will largely be on the topic of syria. >> shannon: we have fox team coverage. former u.n. ambassador john bolton is standing by but we begin the roberts. >> 12:30 today the president will pick up the phone to talk to vladimir putin. the first time they spoke by telephone since the deadly train bombing on april 3. it will mark the first time the two leaders have spoken since the missile strike against syria. they're expected to discuss the civil war in syria. russia's continued backing of bashar al-assad. north korea likely on the
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agenda today. publicly the relations between the united states and russia have been very strained. behind the scenes through diplomatic channels the tone has been different. we'll learn more about the phone call from the russians than the white house. the white house has a close hold on these phone calls that the president has with leaders particularly since the leaks early on in the administration. >> shannon: what about the president's offer to meet with kim jong-un raising eyebrows from some? >> his strategy is operating on two tracks and two tracks converge and work together. first of all he has the military track. he has the aircraft carrier group parked off the coast of north korea and then on the other hand he is working the diplomatic track as well. president, rex tillerson sending a signal to kim jong-un. take a deep breath. the president saying yesterday he would be, quote, honored to meet with kim if the circumstances are right. listen to what sean spicer said about that yesterday.
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>> we have to see their provocative behavior ratched down immediately. to show signs of good faith. clearly the conditions are not there right now. i think the president has made it clear, as secretary tillerson the other day. if the circumstances present themselves we're prepared to but they're clearly not at this time. >> the president is taking heat for his comments that he would be honored to meet with kim but remember what another candidate said in 2007 when a democratic debate barack obama was asked if he would meet with the leaders of north korea and other leaders without conditions. listen. >> i would. the reason is this. the notion that somehow not talking to countries is punishment to them, which has been the guiding diplomatic principle of this
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administration, is ridiculous. >> this all seems to be very simple, shannon. what the president is doing. he has got the aircraft carrier group parked off the coast of north carolina in the sea of japan saying in the north carolina leader i would be honored to meet with you. it's diplomacy 101, i would think. >> shannon: carrots and sticks. >> bill: more on the threats out of north korea, john bolton former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. and a fox news contribute. welcome back. this anti-missile system developed by the united states now deplayed in south korea. north korea said we're on the brink of nuclear war. that is a quote from their state-run television. where is this headed as of today? >> it continues to grow more serious largely because the north korea threat is growing more serious. every day that goes by is a victory for a would be
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proliferateor like north korea to be able to make a nuclear warhead to a ballistic missile to hit the united states or closer targets. that's one reason why even in south korea deploying the thaad anti-missile system is very popular. i think the president has signaled now in multiple ways that he expects china to do what china uniquely can do to resolve this problem. i don't think personally we have definitive evidence that china is doing that. i think china unfortunately is doing the same thing it's done for the past 25 years. give with one hand and take away with the other. that's why the circumstances, i think, here grow more and more serious. the united states cannot tolerate a north korea capable of hitting targets in the united states with nuclear weapons. it's a terrorist threat we can't live with. >> bill: first president trump in an audio interview with
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bloomberg whether or not he would meet with the north korean leader one-on-one. >> yes, under the right circumstances i would absolutely met with him. most political people would never say that but i'm telling you, under the right circumstances i would meet with him. >> bill: under the right circumstances. that could mean a lot. on the face of it, is this smart diplomacy do you think? >> in the right circumstances is where the story lies. but i think one insight here into what the president is saying may be that because he is also much more outspoken about the possibility of using military force certainly than his immediate predecessor, that there is utility in being able to say first i said i would meet with the guy and he didn't do it. i think back to the meeting secretary of state james baker had with an iraqi foreign minister before the first persian gulf war in 1992.
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they met in geneva. baker put a letter to saddam hussein to pick up. the last chance to pick up. he left the letter lying in the middle of the table. it was proof to everybody no more talking to saddam via any channel. so in a sense i think this ups the ante. >> bill: you wrote this on china as we come back to that topic. the headline is this, china's choice on north korea, reuniting korea by the south peacefully absorbing the north is in both of our best interests. make your case. >> china has been -- on one hand they don't want north korea to have weapons but not doing anything to not make it happen. if china is serious there is only one way to end the north
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korean nuclear problem is getting rid of this ugly piece of baggage. a 25 million person prison camp. >> bill: they have used north korea as a geographical buffer zone to keep them away from south korea and in turn away from the united states. >> 25 million of the most impoverished people in the world. what the chinese fear is two things. a massive flow of north korean refugees into china and second american troops on the alu river. that's why i believe there is a deal here. we don't want massive refugee flows either into south korea and we don't want american troops on that river or on the demilitarized zone. we want them at the tip of the peninsula. another incentive to china is if they don't rein in north korea or help us dismantle it,
the possibility of an american military strike grows day-by-day. the results of that would be massive refugee flows and american troops on the river. >> bill: my hunch the chinese government is doing more than we know. you don't believe that's true, correct? >> they have done this for decades. cosmetic changes in their policy and when america looks somewhere else it's back to business as usual. this is like groundhog day in north korea. if there is a real change, which is possible, i think it's because of trump's hard line after eight years of passivity. >> bill: thank you, sir, for your time. john bolton, excellent analysis in washington wealth -- we'll see where it goes next. >> shannon: chris wallace pushed mcmaster on that sunday and he said yes we're seeing
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>> shannon: the government has a warning for american citizens who plan to travel in europe this summer. stay alert to the threat of terrorist attacks. the state department issuing a travel alert for the entire summer season. the advisory cites recent attacks in france, sweden, russia and the u.k. urging americans to check embassy websites in the countries they're traveling to to keep track of all those security alerts. >> president trump: we'll have
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a great plan or i'm not signing it. the best thing i can do is let obamacare die and then come in with a plan but it's not fair to the people. so it will be very good. i don't want to set deadlines. i think it is going to be approved. it could be soon but it could be not so soon. it is going to happen. >> bill: president trump insisting the revised healthcare plan will pass the house. americans with pre-existing conditions will be covered. that's a major sticking point for moderate republicans. will they work it out? a former communications member, mo, now executive director -- you have a long title. rich lowry is easy, rich, good morning. i'm reading republicans can lose 22 lawmakers and still win. if that is true, where is the vote count now? >> if you follow the tallies in
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the media they're getting real close to the 22 votes they can't afford to lose. this thing will be a nail biter in the best of circumstances. i would have thought if you asked me a week or so ago there is a good chance it will pass because now the focus is on moderates and the moderates are more friendly to leadership. they haven't been in the leadership where they decide if a bill lives or dies. it is harder for them to kill it than the conservatives used to this confrontation. the vote counties nt looking good. this one may not be able to get over the top either. >> bill: you're dubious even though the president said may come this week. >> or may come later. >> mo, can republicans do it? >> they haven't shown a tremendous amount of -- they're not instilling a lot of confidence in people that are hoping to repeal the affordable care act right now. after eight years of promising
to do it, here they are with total control of government and the second -- i agree with rich. the second attempt is a nail biter. the problem is momentum is working against them. usually at this point in the process you see the trends breaking one way or another and the trend right now is breaking more against from these undecided house members. everything that the moderates that rich talked about were looking for, the leadership is giving up in order to win over the freedom caucus folks and the moderates are saying we can't do it. even if they can, even if it does pass by a hair, you will have a big problem in the senate where the republican caucus is dominated by moderates who have a lot of these concerns. it's messy. >> bill: knee >> bill: -- they want a vote. they're meeting now. when it breaks and we'll bring it to our viewers. spending deal. government stays open six more
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laid out, maybe threading the needle. it appears that that could be the possible strategy at play. mo, if they do that, you are looking at a successful first term. >> if they get spending through? >> bill: you're stunned into silence? >> it depends what it looks like, right? if they pass through a repeal of the affordable care act that eliminates pre-existing conditions, i don't know. i don't know that they will be able to -- they'll be able to claim success in repealing the affordable care act but will voters buy into a program like that. if they pang package like the one the white house wanted and congressional republicans pumped the brakes on it would have cut funding for the national institute of health for one example. the white house could pat
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itself on the back and great for the president's base. what would a lot of these vulnerable members of congress be thinking when they are up for reelection in 2018 and 2020? so, you know, the devil is always in the details, bill. whether or not it's judged a success will depend on what the ultimate package is. >> bill: last point, rich, go ahead. >> on that hype thet call. if they get a healthcare bill and a substantial tax cut that's a successful legislative first year. by the way, it's a myth that they are eliminating the protection for pre-existing conditions. they will let states wave provided they have other ways of protecting. >> bill: rich, thank you. >> those are guaranteed. >> bill: thank you, gentlemen, see you real soon. 20 past the hour. >> shannon: peaceful rally takes a turn. several people arrested in
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portland as demonstrators clash with police. what is fueling that violence? plus. >> bill: i guess they ran out of peanuts. crazy airline brawl caught on camera. you don't get frequent flier points on this 30,000 feet up. >> the guy is crazy. >> this program to severe plaque psoriasis, isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information
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this kind of went on for a while like two guys on the playground. the video posted on twitter shows the incident after a string of recent airline-related disturbances. i tell you, they're flapping each other. i don't know if they wanted a good piece of each other or they would have joined each other in the same row. the ceo of united airlines testifies before the house transportation committee on airline customer service. his first public appearance since a passenger was dragged off a united flight from chicago to louisville to make room for crew members. >> shannon: i think hemmer would have shut down. >> bill: is it happening more or do we have cameras everywhere? >> shannon: i do think there is
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a level of civility that has deteriorated. i don't know anybody to loves flying. >> bill: i feel bad for the airline workers. i'll speak for me. i come with all of my baggage in my life trying to make the flight and, you know, and to get on board and they're trying to deal with you. they don't know what's going on in your life, you don't know what's going on in their life and you have this peaceful co-existence which isn't always so peaceful. >> shannon: and especially when there is alcohol. >> bill: 26 past the our. >> shannon: all right. may day rally turned violent in portland after riots broke out with angry demonstrators throwing rocks, led balls and full cans of soda. 25 people were arrested. charges include arson, vandalism and assault. we're live in seattle with the latest. more about exactly what
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happened. >> hi, shannon. there are may day protests for immigrant rights and for workers rights all over the u.s. yesterday but once again the bulk of the violence broke out here in the pacific northwest. anarchists covering their faces with masks and helmets clashed with police in downtown portland throwing rocks and smoke bombs at police and they broke windows at several businesses, two federal courthouses, a hotel and police vehicles. they also set a couple of street fires by using flares to light trash cans and other debris on fire. once the violence erupted the mayor quickly revoked the permit of the may day protests and declared a situation a riot. police arrested 25 people including three juveniles. the criminal charges include disorderly conduct. theft, assault. portland has seen several anti-trump protests turn
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violent but this is the most damage in all. may day demonstrations in 41 states with 77 people getting arrested. >> shannon: all right, dan, also violence in washington state as well? >> the only surprise is the mayhem was not in seattle which has seen a lot of property destruction and injuries to police over the last several years. police in seattle flooded the streets with cops and learned their lesson. kept a lid on the trouble. that wasn't the case in olympia where dozens of anarchists fought with police and local people. two officers got hit by flying rocks but injuries were minor. they carried signs like become ungovernable. they broke windows in businesses and banks. police threw flash bangs. a lot of destruction we've seen in the past years. a relatively small number of people infiltrating a large crowd of peaceful protestors in these may day riots.
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back to you. >> shannon: all right, dan springer, thank you very much. that's an important distinction to make. a lot of these people are out exercising their first amendment rights and protesting things they don't agree with. it's when people come to stir up trouble who maybe aren't connected to the cause. >> bill: the entire airline industry under fire after a range of recent incidents caught on camera. remember this one? so in moments the ceo of united airlines is on the hot seat of capitol hill. we'll bring it to you. plus there is this. >> president trump: we're probably not safe over here. if he gets the long-range missiles we're not safe, either. we have to do something about it. >> shannon: president trump says the world will end the threat posed by north korea's nuclear weapons one way or other. he prefers diplomacy if at all possible. mike lee's take on the tensions
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>> bill: here we go again. the head of united airlines about the testify on the hill. he will make a statement and take questions before the house transportation committee. all this coming nearly a month after this passenger dr. david dao was taken off the flight to make room for crew members. kristin fisher is on the hill watching this. good morning. >> good morning. this hearing is a direct result of what went down on that united flight. top executives from america, alaska and southwest airlines will be testifying today. the hottest hot seat will be reserved for united ceo oscar munoz. he will get grilled by members of the house transportation and infrastructure committee and want to know why it happened and what's to keep it from happening again. he has already announced
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several changes including reducing the amount of overbooking. but is it enough? lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have already introduced legislation that would ban airlines from overbooking flights and from removing a passenger who is already seated on board a plane. bill shuster said this is about basic customer service issues that aren't being met by the airlines. >> you have to take care of your customers. we'll ask some tough questions today and we want some real answers and want to see real action. if they don't act, then congress will act. >> this hearing today is expected to last several hours. then on thursday another hearing on this issue on the senate side. so lawmakers really letting the public know they take this issue very seriously and they're devoting a lot of time to it during a week that was already very busy on capitol hill with the spending bill and healthcare, bill. >> bill: thanks, we'll see what he says in a moment. kristin fisher watching it for us on the hill.
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thanks. >> shannon: north korea says the world is on the brink of nuclear war. the country vowing to ramp up its nuclear weapons program in response to what it calls more provocation from the u.s. the arrival of a pair of b-1 bombers in south korea triggering their response. president trump said he would meet face-to-face with kim jong-un if conditions are right. he is not ruling out military action because of the global threat that north korea poses. >> president trump: nobody is safe. who is safe? the guy has nuclear weapons. i with like to say these are safe. these are great, brave soldiers and 28,000 troops on the line and they're right there. and so nobody is safe. we're probably not safe over here. if he gets the long-range missiles, we're not safe, either. so we have to do something about it and we'll see what happens. >> shannon: mike lee sits on
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the senate judiciary committee. you were part of that in-depth top level briefing with the white house. how do you assess the current posture with north korea and what options we now have on the table? >> i agree with what i just heard the president say. this is someone who is very dangerous who has access to some very dangerous equipment. we have to do everything we can to make sure that we're safe. to make sure he doesn't use those weapons against us. we're doing everything we can and i'm confident that there are a lot of ways that we can avoid a war. we've got to make clear that we aren't going to become kim jong-un's victim. >> shannon: you say we're doing everything we can. are you convinced china is doing everything it can? >> it has stepped up its efforts of late. i hope and expect it will do more. china is going to be critical in this process. i think china can do a lot to help make sure that north korea doesn't become an aggressor. in many respects, north korea is sort of the younger brother or dependent nephew of china.
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north korea can be brought to toe by their chinese cousins. >> shannon: what do you make of the president's statement that if the conditions were right he would actually sit down and meet with kim jong-un? we had ambassador bolton on earlier and in some ways it ups the ante. i offered, he didn't do it. i tried to give him off ramps. others say it is insane you would think about sitting down to meet with him. what is your take? >> it's the president's prerogative. if he wants to offer to do that with any world leader he has the ability to do that and the foreign relations power vests him with great discretion in order to interact with his counterparts in other countries. i defer to his judgment when it comes to that. that's what the constitution does. >> shannon: on the other side of the hill they're very busy with healthcare. counting the votes trying to see if they can get to vote on the measure that would essentially in some ways repeal and replace obamacare. a lot of folks on your side of the hill have said it's not workable.
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if what is currently in passes do you think you can coble together the votes to get it passed in the senate? >> i don't think it would come over from the house and pass in the senate completely unchanged. i think it will be a different bill and modified in one respect or another on the senate side. i'm waiting to see what happens over there. i'm confident we can pass something that will make healthcare more affordable and more accessible to the american people. we have to undo obamacare because it brought about higher prices and made healthcare more out of reach for a lot of the same people it was supposed to help. we have to change it but we have to repeal it. >> shannon: they were also working on negotiating a final spending plan. i heard from a lot of conservatives yesterday not happy with some of the final things that were in and some of the things that were left out. the president tweeting a moment ago a couple of tweets on this. he says the reason for the plan negotiated between the republicans and democrats, we need 60 votes in the senate which aren't there. we either elect more republican senators in 2018 or change the
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rules now to 51%. our country needs a good shutdown in september to fix the mess so a couple of things i want to ask you about that. we'll get to the shut down. essentially changing the vote threshold to 51 taking away the filibuster. a lot of talk when the rules were changed with regard to the supreme court nominee justice gorsuch and people said we aren't going to talk about the legislative filibuster. maybe the president is suggesting that's what he would like to see. >> we have to be careful and remember the legislative filibuster it takes 60 votes to close debate on most legislation in the senate has protected us from a lot of bad things. it protected us from a march toward socialism. it has protected us from things like card check legislation, single payer healthcare. all kinds of things that conservatives in america care about. you have to be very careful when you change the rules of the senate.
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you might wonder later whether you did the right thing. i suspect in many instances we would. >> shannon: now to the idea that the country needs a good shutdown in september to fix the mess. i always know that even when republicans were in the minority you got blamed for the shutdown. if you're in the majority and control the house, the senate, the white house, i can't imagine the democrats won't make a lot of hay about any shutdown that does happen. >> there is no need to talk or worry about a shutdown if we put spending legislation on the floor of the senate and debate it for a period of weeks or months before it has to be passed. what i find most frustrating about situations like we find ourselves in this week is we wait for months and months to have the opportunity to debate a spending bill and then in the final hours, sometimes final days before a spending bill is about to expire, we're told we have to either pass or decline to pass a spending bill as it's been negotiated and written in secret. that's not a good way to run a
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legislative process. >> shannon: very quickly i want to ask on the issue of funding you've expressed concern to the state department about how some money has been used to groups that are essentially anti-democracy, anti-american. have you gotten an answer about that money or any investigation into that? >> not an adequate answer but what we found is that money is being taken from u.s. taxpayers and being funneled to various george soros leftist, socialist causes around the world. i don't know why it makes any sense at all to take money from taxpayers in utah or in iowa and sending it to europe to be used to fund some far left cause sponsored by george soros. that makes no sense to me. we'll push until we get answers. in the meantime the u.s. agency for international development has a lot of questions to answer. >> shannon: please keep us updated as you get more
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information on that senator mike lee. thank you. >> bill: 19 before the hour. many who read "the new york times" are apparently in revolt this after the debut column of its new conservative opinion writer. what sparked the outrage? howard kurtz will tell you. he is on deck next. >> shannon: a deadly attack at the university of texas putting that campus on edge. we'll tell you exactly what happened. >> immediately there was fear, it was scared, a sense of shock that we didn't believe what was going on. but with scotts turf builder weed & feed, bill has nothing to worry about. it kills weeds and greens grass, guaranteed. this is a scotts yard. except for every ladies' night. vegetarian... and greens grass, guaranteed. only glad has forceflex to prevent rips, leaks, and punctures. so whatever you throw in the bag... stays in the bag. be happy, it's glad.
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the whole country booking on choice four words, badda book. badda boom... let it sink in. shouldn't we say we have the lowest price? nope, badda book. badda boom. have you ever stayed with choice hotels? like at a comfort inn? yep. free waffles, can't go wrong. i like it. promote that guy. get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed. when you book direct at book now. >> bill: "the new york times" newest conservative columnist making big waves. he questions the certainy of climate science, it sparked an uproar around the times readers. many subscribers are canceling. howard kurtz with me now. good morning to you. brett stevens used to work in this building for the "wall
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street journal" and now works for "the new york times." one thing he says in his piece on screen. the science is settled, the threat is clear. isn't this one instance at least where 100% of the truth resides on one side of the argument? he continues not entirely. give us the premise for the piece, what's the case he is making? >> this is not really about climate change. it's a climate of intolerance. liberal commentators freaking out of the mere hiring of brett stephens by the times. in this very piece, we can debate climate change. there is a scientific consensus of manmade global warming. it is not to deny it but he is pro-skepticism. the people who have been loyal readers. "new york times" because they hire this one guy. why not not read his column? don't click on it. >> bill: it makes the newspaper more interesting, right? varying viewpoints?
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>> times reserves credit to try to broaden the left leaning op-ed page. not some guy they picked off the street. he is a very good writer and journalist. it reminds me of the berkeley protests that some people don't even think he should be allowed to publish there. >> bill: he is a pulitzer prize winner, right? he also writes none is to deny climate change or the possible severity of its consequences. ordinary citizens have a right to be skeptical. they know that history is littered with the human wreckage of scientific errors married to political power. that there is a larger point, howard. >> i am all for debating these issues. if you don't agree, fine, go on tv and write your own op-ed.
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it has gotten so personal, i've never met the guy. he is a talented journalist. denouncing him and "the new york times" is almost as if some people need to be protected from opposing views and the polarization in our society and journalism. >> bill: i want to point out to our viewers, he was not on board president trump. he was not a trump follower. he said the following after 20 months of being haranged by bullying trump supporters i'm reminded the nasty left is no difference, perhaps worse. i have a page of complaints, howard. this thing is a good six or seven pages long from the viewers of the "new york times." >> amazing. it seems to me that's where brett stephens fits in on the op-ed page with some of the others on the right. which he is a vehement critic
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of donald trump. in that sense some of the people who read the times op ed page might embrace him. we live in a litmus test society if you don't hold certain opinions on certain issues. he disnt denying there is climate change. you are not only to be shunned but personally attacked. it's that personal, vicious warfare that goes on in places like twitter that i find troubling today. >> bill: super sensitive stuff. bret stephens, we have a call to him. hopefully he can come on and explain himself more. thank you, sir. >> shannon: all right, right now we're watching on capitol hill where airline ceos are in the hot seat and getting ready to testify after customer complaints, videos that have gone viral. a house subcommittee investigating and looking into and giving them a chance to
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tell their side of the story. we'll dip into that. monitoring it and we're looking at the ceo of united who has been in the cross hairs of this entire controversy and we'll listen in to see if we can hear from him as well. >> bill: he has been contrite, i would say, starting on the third day of this incident if my memory serves. and we'll see what he says in his opening statement here. this isn't just united. it is all the airlines with cameras everywhere and the actions are always caught and distributed quickly by viral media. here he is, the ceo. >> i'm oscar munoz and ceo of united airlines with our president scott kirby. >> could you pull the mic closer to you? thank you. >> the reason i'm sitting here today is because on april 9th we had a serious breach of public trust. i would like to again apologize
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to dr. dao and his family to every person on that flight, 3411, and of course to all our customers and employees worldwide. further, i'm personally sorry for the fact that my immediate response and the response of our airline was inadequate to that moment. no customer, no individual should ever be treated the way mr. dao was ever. we understand that. for the last three weeks i've spent every single day thinking about how we got to this point. what chain of events culminates in the injury of a customer and a loss of trust in so many more? so last week on april 27th we delivered on our promise to release an analysis of what happened, where we fell short and the actions we need to take to change the customer experience at united as all of you have so wonderfully articulated. from our perspective -- many failures but four main failures
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reoutline in the worth. we called on security when safety -- we rebooked crew at the last minute. we created a situation that we should never have done and third we didn't offer enough compensation or incentives or options for the customers to give up a seat and therefore perhaps the largest failure our employees did not have the authority to do what was right or to use their common sense as some of you outline. in that moment for our customers and company we failed. so as ceo at the end of the day that's on me and this has to be a turning point for the 87,000 people and professionals here at united and it is my mission to make sure we make the changes needed to provide our customers with the highest levels of service that you have come to respect. reliability but also, a deeper sense of respect, trust and
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dignity. we announced several mead and long-term changes that we will at first -- completely prevent an issue like this from happening again and second improve the overall united experience not just today but into the future. for example, unless safety or security is an issue we won't ask a customer to give up their seat once they're on board. simple, common sense or ask law enforcement to remove a customer from a flight. second, we've already taken as we constantly do a relook and re-evaluation of our overbooking policies. that wasn't a factor necessarily in this case. it is something we chose to re-evaluate and we have reduced it. if faced with an overbook situation which will occur from many factors we'll identify volunteers earlier when we can and more importantly offering incentives up to $10,000 because common sense says that you can't stop at a number. you have to give them something more. more importantly offer them
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options for travel on top of that. that's the combination of things that we do. of course, we won't move our own crew, our own folks around unless scheduled those 60 minutes before departure so we don't have the same situation that happened and as an added additional policy review that really has nothing to do with the particular incident we eliminated the red tape about permanently lost bags with a $1500 reimbursement and later we'll roll out new apps to give front line employees the ability to compensate customers proactively when service functions occur. if we break it we intend to fix it. these changes are just the start. we understand that. i also know we need to do a better job of solving problems in the moment and making travel smoother and easier for our customers when challenges arise. they often arise. some beyond our control, some well within our control.
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but it is incumbent upon us to solve those as best as possible. when i became ceo18 months ago i promised we'd make united the best airlines for customers to fly and employees to work with. i believe in this company, a company has been in business since the earliest days of aviation, almost a century of flying. at this moment there are 600 to 700 united planes in the airing carrying hundreds of thousands people around the world and we'll take off and land almost 4500 times. by the end of this year we'll carry 86 million people to 53 countries around the globe. it is routine to be in washington today and in china tomorrow. united team along with many of us in the industry have made that extraordinary feat of moving around the world. we've made it ordinary and routine. we had a horrible failure three weeks ago. it is not who we are and not this company and this industry.
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we have many, many successes and important to note the two. but we're here to discuss certain issues that won't happen again. we'll work incredibly hard to reearn not your business necessarily but your trust. that's the most ing that we have d.d. for the customers all around the world and more importantly as we've proven over the course of the last week our actions will speak definitely longer than our words. we will do better. thank you and scott and i look forward to answering any questions you may have. thanks. >> bill: the contrition we talked about was clear in his voice and tone and attitude from that statement. they booked the crew at the last minute. they did not offer enough money to passengers to give them incentive to disembark from the flight. he said quote we failed. that is on me. some other executives coming up in a moment. >> shannon: it goes a long way with folks. when you are in the hot seat in capitol hill you want to make a good impression. >> bill: more to come on that. >> shannon: in moments house
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speaker paul ryan and republican leaders will take to that microphone on capitol hill and expect an update on the healthcare bill. do they have enough votes to pass? y282sy ywty we've done well in life, with help from our advisor, we made it through many market swings. sure we could travel, take it easy... but we've never been the type to just sit back... not when we've got so much more to give
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>> shannon: house speaker paul ryan and republican leaders will hold a news conference as they scramble for votes to replace obamacare. after reaching a bipartisan deal on spending to avoid the government shut down, a lot of controversies on those those points. i'm shannon bream. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. president trump predicting the new healthcare law will pass in time. house leaders haven't scheduled a vote. we should be hearing from them any moment. paul ryan will be in that room. in the meantime the president appearing on the premier of the fox news specialist yesterday at 5:00 eastern time saying there is no deadline for a vote adding the bill still has room for improvement. >> president trump: the one
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mistake i made with healthcare. we have one plan that's been going through getting better and better and better. and somebody was saying the people that voted for trump aren't getting good -- they'll get the greatest. these are the greatest people. we'll have a great plan or i'm not signing it. i have been focused in on seven weeks. >> bill: where are we at this hour? >> a mad scramble to get the final votes to pass the healthcare proposal in the house of representatives. new jersey congressman tom macarthur who helped negotiate the compromise told reporters moments ago they're close but despite a full-court press it sounds like they are a few votes shy needed the pass it in the house. we'll be listening to paul ryan's tone and wording when he talks to reporters after leaving the republican meeting.
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he has been careful to set an artificial deadline saying we'll vote when we have the full support we need to pass it in the house of representatives. mike pence was back here on capitol hill last night as he has been many times in recent months trying to rally republican support and trying to get this across the finish line. vice president pence was asked if they have a votes to pass healthcare in the house and he says stay tuned. now we're all staying tuned to hear what the speaker of the house says after meeting with his members once again to try to get healthcare reform across the finish line. >> bill: you could throw a dart and find an issue. they run long and deep on healthcare in america. can you pinpoint why this has been so difficult to rally the final few votes? >> virtually all republicans agree on repealing obamacare but there are a wide range of opinions about what comes next. many republicans remember the democrats lining up to vote for obamacare and then when it had
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troubles, seeing their democrat colleague lose an election after election from 2010 through last november. so there may be concern if they change it and if the republican replacement is not popular with their constituents they may pay a huge political price. i should also note that former house speaker john boehner back in february said they won't repeal and replace obamacare. they'll end up fixing it and putting a more conservative box award it. he said in all of his years in congress republicans never agreed on one healthcare proposal in terms of fully behind one healthcare proposal. i should note there have been members who say if you make this tweak and that tweak i'm a yes. the question is if you do that to get one vote, what does it do to the other 200 plus you need to get something passed in the house? >> bill: it is tuesday. when does congress break next? >> they're due to break thursday night or perhaps friday. go on another recess to go home for graduations and mother's
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day back in their districts to do a wide range of events. interesting to see if they go home without voting and what the reaction is from president trump. >> bill: good reporting there. we await the press conference and statements soon. thanks. >> shannon: for more on that guy benson is a political editor and fox news contributor. nice to see you this morning. as they're doing the whip counts where they try to figure out what votes they have, role call is reporting seven members of the gop whip team themselves are undecided. are they going to be able to herd the cats? >> that's the big question now. a few weeks ago it looked like it was the house freedom caucus, the conservatives who had more objections and derailing the initial version of this bill. now it's a lot more moderates who are skittish about pre-existing conditions. it is a misplaced fear in a number of ways but it's a difficult job for speaker ryan
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and the whip team because of what you just said. when you have members of your whip team undecided, that says the lot about the status of things. >> shannon: okay. we're looking as gop leadership has taken the podium. do we want to listen in or wait for the speaker to get involved? let's listen. >> i'm excited this bill has come to the floor and that the speaker and the leader and the chair woman have been so supportive even carried this bill a few times herself. this is an amendment to the fair labor standards act that allows for workers in the private sector to do what hourly wage employees in the public sector can already do, utilize the benefit of compensatory time in lieu of cash payments for overtime. if you talk to hard working moms and dads all over this country, a lot of them will tell you that they value time more than they do the cash
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payments for overtime. again public sector employees can already do this. our workforce has changed and our policies haven't kept up with that. just 50 years ago only 30% of moms worked outside of the home. today that's over 70%. so we have a lot of issues that i know you'll talk about today whether healthcare, tax reform or funding our government. while we continue to work on those very important policies, this is something that we can do to demonstrate to the american people about how we care about the need for flexibility in the workforce and the working families flexibility act does just that by giving hourly wage employees in the workforce the ability to utilize paid time off, compensatory time if they choose to in a voluntary agreement with their employer, only if the employee wants to utilize this can they under
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this bill. again, i appreciate the leadership here, the speaker, the leader. and of course kathy's -- no one has been a stronger advocate for family values than kathy. so again look forward to this bill coming to the floor today and thank you. >> good morning. i want to highlight some things in the funding bill. this puts more boots on the ground to bolster our border security. the biggest increase in border security funding in a decade that provides more resources to combat the opioid epidemic, a high priority for republicans in congress and expands the school choice program. many of us feel passionately about. it expands the d.c. school choice opportunity colorship program and maintains our pro-life protections and contains no new money for obamacare. no insurance company bail-outs.
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it takes major increases in defense spending while holding the line in non-defense. this is something that's really important that people are missing in this really important story. i cannot understate how much of a game changer this is. i used to negotiate budget agreements with the obama administration. under president obama democrats insisted that an increase in defense spending be tied to an equal increase in non-defense spending. you want to help the troops, you want to help the military? i need just as much money for domestic discretionary spending. they insisted on this even as our military plunged further into a readiness crisis. our air force pilots were going to museums to find points and some of our planes are so outdated that whole fleets would qualify tore antique license place in virginia. this really constrained our
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ability to rebuild our military for this century. this appropriations bill changes all of that. no longer are the needs of our military going to be held hostage for increases in domestic spending. this means that we can finally make real important strides to increase and improve our readiness. we can get our service members the tools and resources they need to confront the threats that we face all around the world. we have a lot more work to do to rebuild our military this is a big first step. $25 billion year-over-year for our military and you do not have a corresponding $25 billion in domestic spending which is what obama would have required. that's not here. we broke this parity and we think it's an important step in the right direction. the first responsibility of our government is national defense. under president trump we're truly putting that first. we're excited that we're honoring two big priorities. a big down payment on border security and a big increase for our military so that they can
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or comp time. think about somebody in your family was sick or needed to be a certain place. i think it would improve productivity and actually improve the work ethic of where we're going in this country and i want to thank her for continuing to fight for that and kathy for her work as well. the speaker laid out when it comes to the omnibus, funding of what we've fought for so many years for when we watched our military be decreased. when we look around the world, it is not a safe place. but in is an exceptional country. the world is safer when america leads. but if our military does not have the resources to be able to do what they need to do at any given moment the world becomes very unsafe as we see from what's happening around today from north korea, syria and beyond. this funding bill actually provides that. it is a first start. also that won't be the only thing we do this week. when we look at the great menace of north korea, there will be a sanctions bill on the floor.
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the sanction bill will make sure that north korea sanctions on companies and financial institutions that do business with the kim regime and targets the regime's use of slave labor. i think when you look at the final week of where we've gone through from the funding, from the investments of where we need it, from strengthening america's moral values across the world for those to see and more importantly looking for individuals to be able to have more time and choice and flexibility in their own work force. >> i'm looking forward to a busy week this week and starts with the work that congressman roby has gone done forgive more flexibility to families in the workplace. something she has been pushing fore a long time. as the leader said it's only fair if the government employees have that kind of protection and flexibility, why shouldn't workers in the
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private sector have that same ability? to choose whether or not they want to spend more time with their family when it comes to overtime rules. so i think this is an important reform and strong pro-family piece of legislation. when we shift over to the government funding bill, obviously our first priority is to protect this nation. president trump has made a strong priority and this bill reflects it with $25 billion of increased defense funding. when you look at where it starts, it respects our troops. the largest pay raise for our men and women in military in six years. i think that's an important step to reward them for the hard work and sacrifices they are making to protect our freedoms. when you look at some of the other reforms in this bill it reduces spending in areas where we've seen government run out of control over the last eight years starting with the epa. bringing them down to their lowest spending levels since pre-obama being in office. and so that's another reform
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that will help bolster our economy and rein in some of these unelected bureaucrats causing so much harm to our economy. there are a lot of other important priorities, too. when you look at where we are, this is a good step to start the next budget process to where we can actually shift our priorities into the things that we want to focus on and create jobs and get america working again. i want to talk about healthcare. we been making important progress on this bill that actually repeals and replaces obamacare and puts patients back in charge and lowers premiums in the healthcare marketplace that is failing in a very dismal way right now. there is a tailspin in the healthcare marketplace because obamacare has failed the american people. i want to talk about pre-existing conditions. that's come up a lot. our bill protects people with pre-existing conditions and provides multiple layers of protection in ways that obamacare doesn't do. first of all, by having the
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ability for people with pre-existing conditions to have continuous coverage as the rule of the land across the country no matter what happens, and then if a state wants to request a waiver, even if that state requests and gets a waiver, continuous coverage is still the law of the land. can't be waived for people with pre-existing conditions. on top of that, in the state's waiver they have to lay out how they are going to protect people with pre-existing conditions and they have to show that they have a high-risk pool to protect people with pre-existing conditions. all those layers are in place to protect people with pre-existing conditions in our bill which focuses on reducing cost while protecting people with pre-existing conditions. let's look at obamacare. there is this assumption that it does protect people with pre-existing conditions. i asked my on constituents when i did when obamacare was moving through congress before we had our 27 1/2 mark-up in energy and commerce i did the same
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thing. i reached out to my constituents in southeast louisiana and i got a number of storesy from people with pre-existing conditions being hurt by obamacare. chris from slidell wrote to me. i have a pre-existing condition. aca insurance is outrageously price with huge deductibles. it has been cheaper for me to pay out-of-pocket for two surgeries, all medical expenses and the penalty rather than purchase insurance and still have to cover a large deductible and co-pay. my prescriptions costs have sky rockeded. my husband is covered by the va but i don't qualify. we're being penalized for working and taking responsibility for our own expenses. aca has cost me thousands of dollars and not a thing to show for it. this is one of many examples i've personally received of constituents with pre-existing
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conditions being hurt by obamacare. our bill stands up for people like chris and others so they not only have protection but lower premiums so they can have better choices for their family. >> good morning. we'll finish our work on the final appropriations bill from the budget. a bipartisan effort. our priorities were the certainty, security and accountability. as you think about the importance of funding defense. that's the number one priority of the federal government is to keep this country safe. i'm proud this bill reflects that priority. it increases pay for our military which is really important. it provides security funding for our border. i'm pleased to see the funding for nih, a republican priority so america will continue to be the leader and we need to invest in health research and
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the funding for fighting forest fires, a continued threat in the west. but really this allows us to go to work on this year's budget which is our opportunity to really change the course. balancing budgets, reversing what we've seen in the deficit spending. really going after reauthorized spending, rethinking the federal government from top to bottom. every program, every agency so we have an efficient, effective, accountable government. i'm also very excited to see us moving forward this week on the working family flexibility act. very proud of the leadership of martha roby on this effort. she has gotten it further than anyone else and as you think about empowering people, individuals, working men and women in america, i don't think there is anything more powerful than giving them more control over their time so that they can make the best decisions for themselves and their families. and i'm excited we're moving forward with it.
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>> does anyone have any questions? >> two questions, did the president -- [inaudible] are you losing this argument about pre-existing conditions? it seems like there are those perceptions, it's hard for you guys to win this back. >> the president has been nothing but helpful on healthcare. there are a few layers of protections for pre-existing conditions in this bill. what's important is we want to have a situation where people can afford their health insurance. we want to have a situation where people have a choice of health insurers. that's not happening in obamacare. remember, over 1,000 counties in america have only one health insurer to choose from. a monopoly. those people are getting cranked with high premium increases. double digit premiums last year and bigger for this year.
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what good is insurance if you can't afford it? the purpose of our bill is to get more choices to lower prices while preserving the protections for pre-existing conditions. so that's a very important thing. we're excited about this policy. we're making very good progress with our members and the president has been instrumental in that. christina. [inaudible question]. >> do you agree with the tweet this morning? how many times have i had that question. are you talking about september? we have a long ways to go between now and september but i share the president's frustration. what a lot of people in america don't realize is appropriation bills take 60 votes to pass. they can be fill bus terd. all appropriation bills have to be bipartisan because democrats can always filibuster an appropriations bill. having said that i feel good about the wins with the administration in this bill. i negotiated the first murray ryan agreement a number of years ago. under the obama rules if you
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wanted to help the military, if you wanted a pay raise for the soldiers, if you wanted to buy new ships appeared munitions, a lot for delay you had to have a dollar for domestic spending. $25 billion for our military to begin to rebuild without the kind of increase in domestic spending. that's very important. look at the other conservative wins we have here. pro-life rider is preserved. school choice advanced. fixing things like forest fires and the disasters we have and we're giving the border patrol the kind of increases they need. we knew we needed a big down payment on border security. we knew that with the five-mobile the wall is more about next year. that fight will be this summer. we wanted to get a down payment an border security and why it has the biggest increase in border funding in 10 years. there is a p.r. machine the democrats are pushing. don't look at the press releases, look at the bill. when you look at the bill there
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are a lot of good conservative wins but the president's two highest priorities, support our military and get border security, a down payment on border security and this delivers that. [inaudible question] >> planned parenthood is not funded. [inaudible question] >> you don't have to ask my question if you're answering the question. you are getting there. >> are you committed to reconciliation even if healthcare isn't part of it? and sanctuary cities, when is that going to happen and sit going to happen >> our pro-life groups are saying the planned parenthood needs to be in the reconciliation bill and as you get it into law. it takes 60 votes to pass an appropriation bill through the
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senate. this bill doesn't have money for planned parenthood. tom price is now the person who approves grants that go out to the states. we feel very comfortable that we're working hand in glove with an administration to advance our pro-life priorities. they're advanced here. we keep all the amendment riders and reconciliation bill is the bill that you don't need 60 votes on. you don't need to have democrats with and the bill we're advancing our cause further and that's why these two efforts in conjunction with one another advance our cause and principles quite a bit. thank you. >> bill: very interesting comments. this is a very big week. you heard the house majority leader kevin macarthur spell it out in one sentence. with regard to healthcare speaker ryan says we want people to afford health insurance. we want to give them choice. with regard to the spending dilemma right now, border patrol increase he talked about.
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expanding school choice. advancing that. he said it a couple of times and the military needs have been increased under this budget as well. that's the foundation for what is going on the hill in what is a very big week for republicans. shannon. >> shannon: let's talk about that and many other topics with congressman peter king, member of the house intelligence committee. thank you for your time. let's start with healthcare. that's where a lot of focus is there on the hill. we're told by some close to this process they're getting very close. kevin brady, of course, who heads up the house ways and means committee he hopes to get the vote done this week. what are the odds? >> probably 50/50. we just came out of the republican conference and speaker did say he is within a handful of votes of getting it through. only he and the whips really have the count. i would say it's probably within a few votes of the 216 they need. but again, getting those final votes could be tough. there is a full-court press on.
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i know the vice president mike pence has been involved. the president has been involved. but it is going to get down to the wire whether they can get it done by thursday or friday we'll have to say. >> shannon: do you think you stay over? >> if the vote will be close i'd say yes. >> shannon: you were busy with the house intelligence committee. the russia investigation continues as to whether or not they tangibly interfered with the 2016 presidential election. several democrats have publicly said that you are quote back on track after the chairman's decision to step away from chairing this particular investigation. can you give us an update? >> first of all we were never off track. that was a misnomer. i give nunes credit for stepping aside to -- cia headquarters, getting together lists of witnesses and none of that stopped at all along the way. but on thursday we'll have
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director comey and admiral rogers in for a closed-door meeting. the purpose is to see if director comey can answer a number of questions he was unable to answer at the public hearing because of the classified nature. so again, it's one more step we're taking but this is going to go on for a while. it will be very exhaustive. my own belief right now is i do believe the russians interfered with the election. however, i am not aware of any evidence that would show collusion between the trump campaign and russia as far as influencing -- as far as the trump campaign going along with collusion or attempt to sway the election. we're at the start of the investigation. i would remind people that general clapper the director of national intelligence until january 20th said he never saw evidence there was collusion between the trump campaign and russia. >> shannon: here is what the
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president says about the story and where he thinks it is going and what's behind it. the russia story is a fake story so they can justify the fact that hillary clinton lost an election the democrats should not lose, it is almost impossible for a democrat to lose the electoral college. is the gop serious about investigating with russia? he said it is a fake story. you are treating it as something that is worthy of your time and effort. >> the f.b.i. began an investigation. there is a lot of effort being put in by the intelligence committee. my initial reaction from what i've seen, i don't believe there was collusion but this investigation is going to go where it goes. >> shannon: you were saying with the closed meeting that you will have on thursday with the f.b.i. director, i
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understand admiral mike rogers, the nsa director, what is your top question and help give you clarity on the issue of collusion? so far no one has produced evidence that there was a connection between the trump campaign and whatever russia was doing. >> the question to me would be to director comey, what he can tell us of any evidence he has on collusion. he says because the investigation is ongoing there is only so much information he can give us. he is only one of our sources and may not be able to tell us as much as we like. we'll interview all the main characters, carter page, man fort, stone, flynn, anyone at all involved directly in this issue is going to be questioned by the staffers and members and then it will be made in a full hearing later on. everyone in the cast of characters, if you will, is going to be interviewed. director comey my own instinct is he probably won't tell us
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very much. he will say the investigation is ongoing. typical when the f.b.i. is involved. he may tell us more than we expect. again, whatever he tells us on thursday, i'm not going to be able to tell you on friday. >> shannon: whatever you can tell us. you are always welcome back congressman pete king. good to see you. >> bill: also in a moment president donald trump is about to have a conversation with vladimir putin. so how is this going to go? general jack keane will address that in a minute. >> shannon: you heard the house speaker defending that spending bill they worked out. we'll break down what's in it and what's not and debate about who really won this round in congress. >> democrats are winners in this. gop leaders are winners because they never wanted to shut down the government. more than anything else they're more afraid of shutting down the government than they are of isis in the united states.
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isis, we're doing very well on isis. we've made tremendous strides in our fight against isis and we have no choice. not that we want to do this. we have no choice. there is an evil there and we have to solve that. >> bill: there is the topic of isis and president donald trump. today he and russian president vladimir putin will speak by phone. it will be the first time they have talked since russia condemned the u.s. attack on a syrian air base. that was in response to a chemical weapons attack north of damascus. general jack keane fox news military analyst with me now. good day to you. let's talk about russia and putin and this conversation. if you're president trump, how do you approach this? >> first of all you have to recognize that this relationship is at one of its all-time lows due to the obvious thing you just mentioned. but also it's because russia has refused to pull out of ukraine in violating an accord and russia meddling in our
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election. all these of those things tillerson called out russia at the press conference in front of the russia media. that's the back drop for this. but i think what mr. trump is trying to do here is move the ball. he is willing to engage certainly the russian president. but he is also willing to confront the russian president and that's something that president obama was not willing to do. i think there is an opportunity to make some progress here. syria, let's look at that. i think one of the things that we want to try to do is get a cease-fire. we've had numbers of them, none have held up and they've been worthless. the russians have always violated it. that's something we can do. can we work together to establish safe zones so some of these civilians can get out of the bomb zones and provide some refuge for their children and others as opposed to what is happening? those are a couple things that we can work on. >> bill: he has met with the leader of china, the leader of
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germany, a lot of major players in the middle east in washington as well. is this a prelude to a putin/trump summit do you think? >> certainly they'll have a meeting. that's going to take place. these two powerful countries cannot ignore each other. they will not. they are too smart for that. so yes, it's a step towards that end. but the other thing i think -- i would be talking to putin about this. what putin is doing in syria is horrific. we don't really put much of a public scope on it. since the chemical attack, putin and the syrian air power have been pounding civilian targets. most of the bombing is being done by the russians. and they are going for underground hospitals using their penetration bomb. that's a war crime. we don't talk about it. he should at least talk about it in private with putin about what they are doing and principally targeting civilians. they are civilian targets and
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that's another step in the right direction. >> bill: mcmaster talked about this with chris wallace in the following terms and i'll circle back to why i ask you that previous question. listen here first. >> here you have a russian president acting against the russian people's interests and doing it, i think, kind of reflexively. can we shift the relationship such that there is room for cooperation in key areas where our interests overlap >> you don't see that now. >> you don't see that now. we have to look for changes in behavior. we need changes in words and the nature of the relationship but what we really need to see is change in behavior. >> bill: you wonder if that's something you negotiate one-on-one and hence a meeting face-to-face. >> that's always important and there is room to make progress. tillerson said pretty much the same thing. he said almost as a quote, he said until such time as you
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abide by the accord and pull out the separatist forces out of ukraine, this relationship will not improve. so that is the key here. it's not about us -- the united states making any concessions here. it is russia who has been trampling on the united states interest and those of our allies and enabling a war criminal to kill his own people. that's the behavior that has to change. >> bill: thank you, general. good to have you back on, sir. >> good talking to you, bill. >> shannon: north korea issuing another threat of nuclear war at u.s. bombers fly military drills in the area north korea calls the act reckless saying its provocative and pushing the countries closer to the brink. benjamin hall is live from london with more. >> no let-up from the north koreans. we hear them threatening nuclear tests willing to carry them out at any time and
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they'll step up their program to maximum pace. today on north korean state media they blamed america saying america's military provocations risk triggering nuclear conflict and waiting for the moment they could reduce the whole of the u.s. mainland to ruins. the latest threat from north korean state media came hours after the two u.s. b-1 bombers flew training drills with the japanese and south korea air forces in a show of strength. japan has joined in the alliance dispatching its biggest warship to the area. it is heading to help refuel and resupply the uss carl vinson strike group that north korea has threatened to destroy. china urged the u.s. and north korea to make contact as soon as possible to try to ease tensions. the call came after president trump opened the door to a possible future meeting with kim jong-un saying he would be honored to meet with him at a future date if it would be
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appropriate. u.s. military officials also said today that the thaad anti defense military system is operational in south korea and can defend against north korean missiles but deployment has been met from opposition from china. we're seeing two things here. trump reach out to allies in the region trying to get an alliance together to put pressure on north korea and also china. also seeing the military side of the uss michigan and carl vinson. the trump administration the stick and the carrot. >> shannon: benjamin hall, thank you very much. >> bill: a government shutdown avoided can both sides claim victory? our panel weighs in on that in a moment. >> shannon: jimmy kimmel opening up last night and getting emotional and personal. find out what brought that late night host to tears. >> i saw a lot of families there and no parent should ever
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i kept putting it off... what was i thinking? ok, mr. jones... we're all done. i told you it was easy. with life line screening, getting screened for unknown health conditions is so quick, painless and affordable, you'll wonder why you hadn't done it before. so if you're over age 50, call now and schedule an appointment near you. for just $149- a savings of over 50%- you'll receive a package of five screenings that go beyond your doctor's annual check-up. ultrasound technology looks inside your arteries for plaque that builds up as you age and increases your risk of stroke and heart disease. after all, 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke, their first symptom is a stroke. so call today and start with a free health assessment to understand your best plan of action. so why didn't we do this earlier?
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>> bill: class is expected to resume today after a deadly stabbing in austin at the university of the there was an attack at a gym on campus. one student dead, several others wounded. campus police saying 21-year-old again rick kedric white is responsible. >> i've never seen anything in my life. the most crazy event in my life. i've never seen horor stricken faces in my life. >> three injured. none suffering life-threatening injuries. >> shannon: the dust is settling now that a budget deal is in place. we'll dive into it. here is what's in. a $15 billion boost in defense
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spending. border security, coal miners get an increase in healthcare and pensions the national institutes of health get $2 billion of additional funds and money to help police protecting the trump family in new york. no cuts to sanctuary cities, no cuts to planned parenthood. with me now rachel campos-duffy and jessica tarlov. good to see you both. i want to play a sound bite on how charles krauthammer things. >> trump and the republicans got rolled. they ended up with nothing really. there is no denying the fact this was not a win. he was not the winner he said he was or negotiator. this is a total loss. >> shannon: minutes ago we heard ryan touting the victories calling it a game changer in a good way. >> as a conservative you're
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frustrated like charles krauthammer is. we're ready to be tired of winning. it hasn't come yet. this vote is coming up this week for the budget extension at the same time the healthcare bill is coming up for a vote. they're keeping their eye on the ball, healthcare. that's the pathway to tax reform. tax reform is the pathway to jobs and prosperity which is the pathway to winning in the mid-term and next presidential election. it has a lot in there for democrats and moderate republicans. get it off the table to focus on what we need to focus on. the last thing they want is a government shutdown this week. it will kill the momentum. >> shannon: let's talk about the president's tweets this morning. he talks about a shutdown. he says the reason for the plan negotiated wen the republicans and democrats we need 60 votes in the senate which aren't
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there. we either elect more republican senators in 2018 or change the rules to 51%. our country needs a good shutdown in september to fix mess. jessica. >> stunning. just totally stunning. the entire conversation the lead-up on both sides of the aisle was about how dangerous it is to have a government shutdown for the millions of americans who are employed by the government that will be furloughed and the dangerous cuts that could ensue from that. we remember it from 2013. it was a debacle for republicans. not only is donald trump promoting that and trying to go to the nuclear option. doesn't seem to think it's possible that democrats could take control again of the house or the senate and maybe even the presidency. i have no idea what he is thinking. i'm not sure he understands the roles currently or anyone has talked to him about it. to rachel's optimism about the healthcare bill keeping your eye on the prize, so far the count is already 20 republican nos, if you have 23 the bill is dead again. >> shannon: they say they're
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working on it and won't put it to the floor until they have the votes. >> the last time they said they had the votes, too. >> shannon: the last time it never made it through the floor. you get one bite at the apple. if that fails they can't do it again. the heritage foundation wants a no vote on the spending bill. the bill does make progress on some issues. it woefully fails the test of fiscal responsibility and doesn't advance important conservatives policies. rachel, we're hearing from a number of conservative republicans say they continue vote for it. republicans need to count on democrats to get it passed. >> there will be plenty of democrats voting for it. this is an extension. the real budget battle is the one in october. that's the real deal. but again there are some wins in here. we funded an increase in the military spending happened without a concurrent increase
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in social spengd. we haven't seen that in a long time. military is getting a pay raise that they haven't seen this big in six years. even the case of planned parentshood. i'm very pro-life and that upset me. i looked more into it. planned parenthood is funded through medicaid. there is a lot that tom price can do from his perch at health and human services to take away some of their funding. that's a very grizzly business and taxpayers ought not to be part of it. >> grizzly business? come on now. >> shannon: that's a whole other debate. >> i would love to have that one. >> shannon: a few minutes ago the speaker said stop listening to the democratic press releases and start reading the bill. when he really drill down he is painting an optimistic picture, no surprise there. >> paul ryan has been on tv talking about the silver
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linings and telling the americans -- the states can do whatever they want when the healthcare. >> shannon: there are multiple layers of protection. they may be losing the p.r. argument but the content includes multiple layers for pre-existing conditions. democrats are running with the waiver but behind the waiver there has to be other protections or the states don't get the waiver. >> moderate republicans are saying that pre-existing conditions are not protected. this is not a democratic pr success. we did well this week and hope we continue to do well on that front but there are republicans standing up there and saying i absolutely cannot support this bill because the pre-existing conditions, $800 billion slashed out of medicaid to rachel's point. medicaid dollars is up to the discretion of the american voter to take their money and to go where they want it. if they want it to go to planned parenthood they have the right to. >> shannon: senator collins, real concerns whether or not
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they will vote for it. we'll have you back to debate planned parenthood. thanks for joining us on the funding bill. >> bill: jenna lee is coming up next on "happening now." good morning. >> new develops, could a vote on the bill in the house come as soon as this week on the new healthcare bill? what does it mean for the tax overhaul? newt gingrich weighs in on the budget deal and how republicans are doing. >> bill: hollywood will keep working, how writers avoided a major strike. that's next.
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jimmy kimmel putting aside comedy and opening up about his newborn son's open heart surgery. >> i'm standing in the middle of a lot of worried-looking people, kind of like right now. who are trying to figure out what the problem is. this is what he looked like on monday. this is what he looked like yesterday. [applause] poor kid not only did he get a bad heart, he got my face. >> shannon: kimmel's son, billy was born april 21 but had to undergo a procedure at three days old. thankfully all is well and billy is home with his parents and older sister. it's easy to forget that these guys have a real life. >> bill: stay healthy, billy. >> shannon: he got his dad's face, cutey. >> bill: news out of hollywood. a potential strike will not
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happen. we are live in l.a. with more. >> i know you're worried about your next episode of spongebob. the contract did expire at midnight but the writers in the studios agreed to an extension and 40 minutes they hammered out the deal. what does it mean? nothing changes in your entertainment life as it relates to tv and movies. the next season game of thrones and house of cards starts later this month and all the late night shows will go on uninterrupted. the main sticking point between the 13,000 hollywood writers in the six studios was healthcare and changing entertainment landscape, what and where we watch it. tv series are getting shorter the two sides agreed writers would get 2 1/2 weeks pay per episode. writers will get paid more when movies go on pay tv or online streaming. comedy writers will get residuals on netflix and hotel room and writers will get paid
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parental leave and studios will increase their contribution to the writer's healthcare plan. it isn't just about the strikers but how it sidelines other in the industry. the 2007 strike stopped production on multiple shows, lighting, staging, thousands were affected. the writers agreed with the six major studios, fox, nbc, and others, they deserve $130 million pay increase. the good news is, bill, bottom line. hollywood dodges a bullet and you can watch your next episode of spongebob. >> bill: when is it on? thank you, william. >> shannon: the head of united airlines on capitol hill says, that ceo says he is sorry. anything now congress should be doing about things like that in that video?
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you? >> shannon: we had some sunshine today. the clouds are back. summary doesn't come until june june 1st. >> bill: have a great day everybody, see you tomorrow. bye-bye. ♪ >> jenna: avenue followed from the budget deal to get the government running and dramatic new developments over the g.o.p. push to overhaul obamacare. hello everybody, welcome to happening now. >> jon: i'm jon scott. action on capitol hill this morning, there is no reaction to the bipartisan budget agreement were both democrats and republicans declaring victory. while pressure is on the g.o.p. to pass a revised health care bill which republicans are now scrambling to get the votes they need. john roberts is live with more on how that's going. >> it's a full court press, the republicans in congress say here at the white house, defending their actions over the
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