tv The First 100 Days FOX News May 2, 2017 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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fair, balanced, and unafraid. "the story" hosted by my colleague martha maccallum starts right now. ♪ >> martha: big story from the white house as the president threatens to shut down the government. he is clearly angry that democrats are claiming the white house back down big time on this pending deal. >> we have more money now for the border than we have gotten in ten years. the democrats didn't tell you that. they forgot. in their notes, they forgot to tell you that. >> how the president caught a tremendous deal for the american people. the number is 21 billion. okay. that is the additional defense spending. $21 billion. a full two-thirds of what we ask for in the beginning. the largest funding level for border security in the last ten years. every single second amendment protection, every single pro-life production that we wanted, that is why i think we
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are seeing them trolling about the success, covering up the fact that they cut a deal with president trump and president trump did a tremendous job. >> martha: good evening, everybody. welcome to "the story." i'm martha maccallum. it is may 2nd. we will show you more of that fiery counterpunch from the white house in just a moment. but first, a surprising interview today with hillary clinton. it caught our attention in a big way. the election autopsy, as you know, has been underway for the recent days. today, hillary clinton herself weighed in. listen to her take on why she lost. >> i take absolute personal responsibility. i was a candidate. i was the person who was on the ballot. i am very aware of the challenges, the problems, the shortfalls that we had. i was on the way to winning until the combination of
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jim comey's letter on october october 28th and russian wikileaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were trying to vote for me but are not scared off. as nate silver has concluded, if the election had been on october president. >> martha: former speaker of the house newt gingrich joins us. he is also fox news political contributor and author of the new book, "understanding trump," which we will ask him about in just a moment. good to see you this evening, newt. it was very interesting listening to hillary clinton. as you can see in the timestamp, she said in one moment, i take full responsibility for what happened. then, the next moment, she says, i would have won a federal one for comey and wikileaks. do you think she has learned the lessons that everyone else seems to have taken away are many people took away from the selection? >> am reading "shattered," which i was frank laid out all about. it is like watching a car wreck
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in a slow motion. she can come to grips with reality. over and over again in his book, they point out that none of her staff can tell her the truth. the number one problem of the hillary clinton was hillary clinton. in the end, she couldn't win a race that they all thought was going to be easy. the number took a problem, let's be clear, was donald trump, who turned out to be an amazingly better candidate than any democrat that he could be. he understood that if he really did his best in western pennsylvania, ohio, northern michigan, and wisconsin, that he was going to be president. he won, she lost. it is kind of sad to watch or repeat this "somebody else made me do it" kind of analysis. >> martha: lessons learned will not be very effective for democrats if they don't look at things like the number that we showed our viewers last night, 42% of the people who went from obama to trump side of that they
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think they now look look at the democratic party as the party of the wealthy, the party of the elite. it doesn't speak to them. to me, if hillary clinton were expressing those kinds of facts that have not come out, democrats could become quite viable in the near future. >> they could be. the challenge for the democrats, which is very different than the challenge for republicans, is that democrats are drifting off into kind of loony left enclaves of college professors and hollywood stars and people who are at times frankly just weird. their new national committee chairman is just strange. he was a pretty good cabinet officer, he had a pretty good reputation. but if you watch the way he has been behaving, edges almost like he can't cope with the reality of president trump. the more you get of that kind of stuff, recently, you had
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keith ellison, a smart congressman from minneapolis, made the speech that was just naughty. you look at this and wonder -- what is happening to them. why are they trapped into this? >> martha: it's interesting to hear you speak that way. i heard a very similar conversation this morning on my way to work that pointed that in the opposite direction, at president trump. i want to play this for you. i want to get your thoughts on it. watch. >> there is such a difference in clarity. in clarity and perhaps it's exhaustion. perhaps, it's the weight of the job. there is no doubt that there is something impacting his thought process. somebody needs to get in there. and say, especially as foreign policy leaders, say, you have got to stop talking. >> who would that be? reince priebus? >> james mattis. mcmasters. tillerson. >> martha: the argument was the president is unhinged. he is not -- he doesn't have
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mental clarity when he speaks about the issues that he is talking about with regard to north korea and they are posting that there needs to be an intervention. you were there today. he wrote a book about the way mr. trump thinks. what do you about that? >> look, i think the left misunderstands how he operates, they must understand what he is trying to accomplish. they keep trying to apply ten principles that would make perfect sense if he were a normal president. he is not. he's a weaver-dealer, an entrepreneur, negotiator. a lot of the things he does are done for effect to set the stage for a negotiation. look what he has done with china. the president of china one for being a potential enemy to being our ally dealing with north korea. that's an amazing achievement. >> martha: newt, they are claiming with regard to north korea that he sounds like he doesn't know what he is talking about. one minute he says he would be
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honored to sit down and the other minute he says we are looking at a potential of major, major military confrontation. they say that that makes them appear to not know what is going on. >> i apologize. >> martha: it's okay. take your time. >> think about what you said. both can be true. we are faced with a disastrous choice if we end up in a fight with a nuclear armed north kore north korea. even with conventional weapons, they have 100,000 artillery tubes and missiles aimed at seoul, korea, a town of 25 million people. that is a disaster. over here, he is saying that i want to find some more to deal with this guy because i don't want the disaster. both can be true simultaneously. i think it is the news media whose minds are too small to understand both can reach her at the same time. >> martha: newt gingrich, thank you very much. good to have you here tonight. here were the take from the other side, democratic
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strategist robert zimmerman. good to see you. >> good to be with you. you. >> martha: let's go back to hillary clinton. i want to play one more sound bite before i let you jump in. this has to do with her saying the areas that she didn't visit, being out of the rural areas during the campaign, here was the issue. >> if you drive around and some of the places that beat the heck out of me, you cannot get cell phone coverage for miles. so, even in towns, the president was just in harrisburg. >> martha: if they don't have cell phones out there, robert. why would you campaign there? [laughs] >> the full context of the question and answer, she was talking about the labor market. technological innovations. she wasn't blaming self service for her loss. let's be clear about that. she was talking about the need to increase high-speed internet internet throughout the country. that was what that segment was all about. it wasn't about blaming cell phone service for her election. let me be clear.
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you took responsibility in that interview and she took responsibility for you >> martha: what part of that interview jumped out at you as pinpointing what she got wrong in the selection? >> first of all, she said that she is responsible for the campaign, she pointed out that she was responsible for the campaign's loss. it's very different from donald trump, who actually -- >> martha: she said she would have won if it hadn't been for comey and wikileaks. >> as a matter of fact, that is just math. look at the poll before director comey had the investigation. judge jeanine pierro from fox news said of that director comey disgraced and politicized the fbi. >> martha: okay. here is the thing. if you are saying -- okay, if that is a case, then you say that she is taking responsibility and she says that is the reason, then i guess she is going back to the fact that the underlying issues with james comey were that she had an email
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server at home, which he never should have had and she was using it for classified materials. with wikileaks, her folks were sending these emails that made her look horrible, that got out. >> let's be clear. first of all, when it comes to director comey, after he exonerated hillary clinton, it wasn't even a close call as to whether there was potential legal violations, he reopened the investigation, 6-10 days later, right before the election, he said never mind, they duplicate emails. >> martha: if you believe that is the reason she lost -- >> that was one of the reasons. she admitted, she stepped up and said she made a mistake on emails. as she stepped up when she misspoke, versus donald trump, who never apologize, even when he defrauded thousands of students and had to pay $27 million fine over trump university, his own foundation admitted to crimes in the way they used their money. >> martha: if you are the former leader of the party as
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she has come on jesus at a conference act as a talks about what her party did wrong, where they need to come next, is this a productive discussion to blame it on these things at this point? hear what you are saying. those things were likely factors of some people's minds. you are right about the fact that it looks like some of the final voters, 60% of voters decided way before that. >> that is just pulling math. >> martha: is advised to approach the autopsy in the election without recognizing the underlying issues that happen with blue-collar workers, people who were democratic obama voters? >> let's be clear. when you look at the election, there were a lot of factors. quite frankly, if we don't learn from history, we don't recognize the role of wikileaks. the republican congress. they understand that as director comey pointed out, this with deliberate strategy by pressure to hurt hillary clinton and help donald trump. there is no mystery. every intelligent sector has said that. the point here, we have to learn from history. we have to make sure that russia
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doesn't engage in further undermining and attacking our democracy. unfortunately, donald trump did not step up and accept back. >> martha: there >> martha: there are two investigations -- >> donald trump are still trying to blame other countries and give russia pass. congratulations on the show. >> martha: thank you very much. to see you soon. new details on a possible breakthrough between donald trump and vladimir putin. congressman pete king here to talk about how this may change u.s. national security and our relationship with russia. marc thiessen and zach buchanan is on the debate raging over the president's willingness to speak with dictators. as a same level of outrage therefore his predecessor? we will see what mr. obama said on this very subject of sitting down and talking with individuals in these categories back in 2007. the white house coming out in full force. they are defending their controversial spending deal that was reached over the weekend. they are accusing democrats of playing dirty tricks on this.
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the debate on that straight ahead. >> if you are in a bipartisan meeting, it is very unusual for one group to spike the football and say we killed the other guy. it doesn't bode very well for future discussions. ♪ yeah, then how'd i get this... safe driving bonus check? ...only allstate sends you a bonus check for every six months you're accident free. silence. it's good to be in, good hands. ♪ ♪ i'm dr. kelsey mcneely and some day you might be calling me an energy farmer. ♪ energy lives here.
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♪ >> martha: developing tonight, president trump and russian president vladimir putin spoke by phone my day today for the first time since president trump ordered air strikes against russia's ally, syrian dictator bashar al-assad. the leaders agreed to work towards ending the civil war, which has killed hundreds of thousands of people, and displaced millions. in moments, we'll be joined by house homeland security member congressman peter king. first, chief national correspondent ed henry in washington with what was discussed today and that important phone call. it is ed. >> remember all those democratic attacks on president trump? russia meddled in the election, in fact, the administration so far has gotten tough and now, that may be bearing some fruit, the u.s. takes on a bigger role in trying to mediate a cease-fire in syria. this was their third conversation since president trump took office. as you noted, the key is the first time they spoke since the u.s. launched 59 cruise missiles
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as an airfield controlled by the syrian strongman, who is tight with putin. that is why mr. trump declared last month at that u.s.-russian relations had reached a new low. the u.s. is sending a representative to the kazakhsta kazakhstan. putin talking about maybe sending peacekeepers into syria, as well. russian forces, the trump and putin administration is budging to work together to deter the nuclear threat from north koreay of state rex tillerson tucson cautiously optimistic today. >> it was a very constructive call, the two presidents have very, very detailed exchanges. we'll see where we go. >> reporter: [unintelligible] >> i am not try kept track of the time. >> far too early to tell if the president's carrot and stick approach with russia will work. the stake being officials like u.s. ambassador to the u.n. nikki haley, flatly blaming russia for not stopping syria
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from watching that horrific chemical weapons attack. the carrot coming as the president's negotiates with putin. we are told that the russian president extended an invite for face-to-face talks in july on the sidelines of the g20 summit in germany. though, that has not been locked in by the white house yet. martha. >> martha: thank you very much, ed. here now, congressman peter king. congressman king, always good to have you with us. thank you for being here tonight. your thoughts on what you heard from this. out with a conversation with putin? >> i think it can be positive. i don't trust putin. i didn't agree with president trump when he thought he could reach out to putin. i think he is coming from a position of strength. the fact that putin has seen how president trump is willing to launch those rockets, those muscles against syria, the fact that he is talking tough and appears to be bringing china onto our side as far as north korea is concerned. president trump is showing the firmness, which i think is
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something that putin understands. strong, tough talk and actions. this will be tough but if we can use north korea, we can use russia to help us with north korea and help china doing the main role, that will be a trifecta. as far as syria, i am still concerned about russia having troops in syria. i don't like the idea of russia being a permanent power in the middle east. president trump is dealing right now, i believe, from a position of more strength than president obama. certainly more than president trump when he came in on january 20th. this can work but it will be tough. >> martha: they are most likely going to meet on the sidelines, as we heard, and july. vladimir putin on president trump. i'm curious what you think about this, hillary clinton spoke today at length, a broad range, wide-ranging interview. part of it, she was asked, did you back the syria strike? she said, yes, i did. she said that she would like to
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know if there were backroom deals going on with russia with regard to that strike. what do you think about that? >> i think it is totally inappropriate. i am saying this is someone, i am probably one of the few republicans who without a good relationship with secretary clinton over the years. that is totally inappropriate to suggest that somehow there is a backroom deal, as if there was something nefarious. there is always diplomatic moves with military moves. as former secretary of state, she should realize that the way she worded that is an innuendo. that is wrong. unless she has something to back it up, it is the wrong thing to say. >> martha: congressman king, thank you very much. i was good to see you. also, critics are slamming president trump for offering to talk to some of the world's most dangerous dictators. nearly the same language that was used by former president obama, who once advocated for it back in 2007, when he was running for president. watch this moment and debate. >> would you be willing to meet
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separately, without precondition, during the first year of your administration in washington or anywhere else, with the leaders of iran, syria, venezuela, cuba, and north korea collects all mac in order to bridge the gap that divides our countries? >> i would. the reason is this. the notion that somehow not talking to countries is punishment to them, which has been the guiding diplomatic principle of this administration, is ridiculous. >> martha: interesting look back. marc thiessen, former chief speechwriter for president george w. bush. a former aide to hillary clinton's presidential campaign. welcome, gentlemen. zach, let me go to first on this. why do you think there is widespread criticism for president trump for suggesting that he would be willing, and he said under the right circumstances, as you note of, president obama said with no preconditions. he would be willing to talk. why do you think he is getting so much heat for it? >> i don't think that is where
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the criticism is coming from, that he's willing to meet with these guys. i think the criticism is coming from the fact that he had praised these dictators, the strong man. he said he would be honored to meet with kim jong-un, not that he would meet with him, but he would be honored to do so. a murderous dictator, a human rights abuser. this is the first time he has done this. he is praised the leadership of duterte from the philippines, lcc of egypt, vladimir putin, and several others. there is a big, big difference between saying that you will meet with these guys, as president obama said, and that these guys are good guys, which is what he is saying. >> martha: i was listening to senator mccain this morning and he was talking about the fact that he also has a big problem with using words like that, that the words are very important that you use when you talk about these foreign dictators. essentially, he said when i look back at ronald reagan, reagan
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was always trying to uplift the people who were trying to overthrow these governments. supporting those people, supporting freedom in these countries. not giving any lip service to the people who ban them. your thoughts? >> first of all, i agree with them, ronald reagan did that. but barack obama also praised these dictators. barack obama went to cuba and said he was honored to meet with fidel castro, the same word. not only was he honored, he sat there eating popcorn and cracker jack and doing the wave at a baseball game. that is not exactly hard-nosed diplomacy. when he met with vladimir putin the first time, he said he praised him for the extraordinary work he had done as president of russia. in 2009. there is a huge level of hypocrisy here. he was saying the exact same thing, having these dictators on the back, there's a difference between what trump is doing and what obama is doing. that is, trump was engaging them for my position of strength, and barack obama was engaging them from a position of weakness.
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>> martha: zach is shaking his head. i got to let him jump in. they see micro to get points to me. why not? >> let's look at what happened in cuba. president obama stood next to raul castro and publicly criticize the regime and what they were doing to political dissidents. what did he do? he met with the political dissidents that were opposed to the regime. let's compare that to what secretary of state rex tillerson did on his recent visit to russia. he refused -- refused -- despite being called to do so, refused to meet with the opposition leaders. >> martha: one more quick thing. today, hillary clinton said that she trashed president trump for using tweets and not working to unite the region against north korea, which i find interesting. you look at the number of trips that have been made by james mattis, tillerson, by vice president pence, in my mind, there has been an enormous effort to rally the region
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against north korea. quick thoughts? >> it's working, by the way. what donald trump did, , and gauging the countries a position of strength. he didn't pander to them. he launched an air strike on syria while he was meeting with the president of china. he told him, either you take care of this problem or i will. he takes it seriously. all of all of a sudden, china fe first time, is pressuring north korea. he is trying to engage other countries in in the world, and the region to pressure north korea. >> martha: quick rebuttal. >> i think it is hard to say that donald trump has a long-term strategy when it comes north korea, when he goes out there, willy-nilly, saying he would be honored to meet with a murderous dictator, breaking decades and decades of u.s. foreign policy toward that country. >> martha: we'll see. got to leave it there. thank you very much. good to see you both. also, a story that reads like a real life "homeland."
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an fbi agent marries her isis target. we'll take you behind the scenes of this very disturbing story coming up next. plus, president trump since two of his top lieutenants to press briefings to defend his new budget deal, as some grassroots conservatives argue they are not happy. they feel like the g.o.p. has given up way too much in these early stages. mollie hemingway and austan goolsbee here to debate the real winners and losers in all of this. straight ahead. >> they wanted a shutdown. we know that. they were desperate to make this administration look like they couldn't function, like they couldn't govern. ♪ due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but no matter what path i take, i go for my best. so if there's something better than warfarin, i'll go for that too. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin,
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- we're going to be friends! - i'm sorry about this. don't be embarrassed of me, jim. i'm getting excited about this! we know the future. we're going to be friends! because we're building it. ♪ >> martha: tonight, the white house offering a forceful defense of the wake of president trump's first budget battle, after the battle of who got more, the president took to twitter. hinting at aggressive measures if negotiations don't go his way in the future. "we either elect more republican senators in 2018 or change the rules now to 51%. our country needs a good "shutdown" in september to fix mess!" white house heavyweights took the baton from there. watch this. >> frankly, i am shocked at the
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behavior of some individuals in public service or public office that instead of celebrating how they have managed to reduce the amount of money for a border wall. it is because the democrats have been trying to claim victory ons commode is a very strange way to look at a bipartisan discussion. they wanted a shutdown. we know that. they were desperate to look make this administration look like we couldn't function, like we couldn't govern. i think the president is frustrated with the fact that he negotiated with the good faith of the democrats and they try to spike the football and make him look bad. >> martha: joining me now, mollie hemingway, senior editor at obligor the federalist." austan goolsbee, who served as president obama's chief strategist. you could really feel there was a concerted effort today from the white house saying, get out there, let's change the narrative on the story. we don't like the way that this is looking at we don't like the fact that even members of the g.o.p. are making it look like
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we gave in. mollie. >> this is not the budget that people elected republicans to control the house, the senate, and the presidency four. it wasn't a huge victory. people are right to notice that this didn't have a lot of what we should have expected from a republican budget, they control all of these different branches of government. at the same time, yes, democrats and people in the media are making this out to be much more of a victory for democrats than it actually was. still, there is no way this type of budget is going to look at going forward. i think that is why president trump already announced, putting people on notice, this would not be how the next budget goes. >> martha: he suggested as much to us after our interview last week, austan, that he would be willing to go as far as a shot on the next time around. this one, they were letting pas past. we can share that because he's been treating the same thing himself. he would be willing to let this moment pass because they wanted to get to health care and tax reform. come september, he is saying
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that he thinks that shutting the place down might be the only way to essentially drain the swamp, to clean it up. >> indeed, he did say that. now, i have been a cubs fan for a long time and until last year, i think one of the lessons is, if you are saying, we'll get them next time, that means you lost. i think the president knows that. i fear that it will create a dynamic and the presidents mind that if his own people are telling him they lost on the democrats are dancing around her saying they won, he is going to dig himself in. you almost saw him saying that now. i want to shutdown the government to teach them a listen. usually, and the past, when they shut down the government, that has not gone well for republicans. we have never had the situation where the same party controlled both houses of congress and the white house and still had a shutdown. i think you saw paul ryan saying that democrats wanted to show
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that the republicans can't do anything. >> martha: i want to get your thoughts on one more thing, though. this idea of a filibuster. when i interviewed the president on friday, he talked about this. he said the rules are so archaic that you may have to make a change. we are now learning what that may be. 51 majority vote on legislation, as well as on the supreme court. charles krauthammer said he should do that. he want to stuff through unless he does that. you agree? >> the filibuster is a really nice thing to have but it is not sacrosanct. everyone agrees that congress is broken. i don't think it is bad, to touch back on what austan was saying, to let them know that things will be different. democrats exploited room bookings we are of a shutdown of the got everything they wanted because they knew that they didn't want that to happen. trump left that now he is not scared. he put a bunch of budget priorities, whether it is they need to stop funding the country's largest abortion provider responsible for ending
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the lives of more than 300,000 children each year, planned parenthood. increases in defense spending or border wall security, whatever it is, he needs to put out his list of priorities to make it on that that won't work in the future. >> martha: final thought, austan. >> if they change the filibuster, they could try to do that, but a lot of the leading republicans don't want to. they remember just a few years ago, he would've had obamacare, you would have had fundamental immigration reform, all of those things go through with 51 votes. >> martha: mitch mcconnell said as much. he doesn't want this. we'll see what happens. thank you very much. good to see both tonight. just ahead, new details on the love story between an fbi agent and an isis killer. why was this stunning breach not dealt with more severely? the answer will surprise you. former house intelligence chairman pete hoekstra here on that. remember this moment from last
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friday? >> do you ever think that one time will be enough? >> we'll see how we are doing. we hope that we do so well that things are good, that i could either run easily and nicely and enjoy the fruits of what we did. >> martha: what does he have to say about that? he is on just ahead on whether he might consider a challenge to president trump. ♪ but then i realized there was. so, i finally broke the silence with my doctor about what i was experiencing. he said humira is for people like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers,
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catherine herridge digging into this unbelievable story. good evening. >> it is hard to explain why any woman would get involved with isis come but tonight, other public and chairman of the house homeland security committee so that is exactly what happened with a federal investigator. >> we just had an fbi agent, female fbi agent, who was having an affair with an isis operative. that kind of shows you the strangeness of how somebody can be attracted to a figure like that and isis. but fbi cases very disturbing to me. >> newly unsealed court records first reported by cnn and independent they were confirmed by fox news, show an fbi translator named a german rapper turned isis fighter. she lied to supervisors and traveled from the u.s. to turkey and across the border to ask is territories. greene, who still had an american has met the time, wrote
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an email that lies in, act on mike life in the isis caliphate was dangerous and you might not survive. she even believed she would go to jail if she ever got out alive. these records filed here in d.c. say that greene's congress done my conduct was a serious breach. the u.s. attorney said that greene violated the public's trust, the trust of the officials who granted her security clearance, trust of those with whom she worked, and in doing so, endanger the nation security predicates got zero publicity for months because the records were sealed by the courts. critics say greene got up with a life sentence, two years on probation, because she got, cooperated with the fbi. the bureau spokesman would only say they have but don't make made policy changes. >> martha: thank you very much. joining me now, pete hoekstra. welcome, good evening. it is shocking that she would only get two years for this breach. why was this caps off quiet, this whole thing? >> i think that is the very interesting question. the fbi, as we all know, during
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the recent election, was more than willing to talk about cases that were under investigation. whether it was the hillary clinton emails, or server, after the election, saying that we are investigating the russian connection with the trump campaign. when i came to talking about the fbi, it's kind of light, we need to seal these records, we can't put it in to the public domain that we have had a major breach within our own organization. let's. for two and half years. even now, the fbi appears to be very tight-lipped about what happened and really not sharing a lot of details with congress, at least that's what my sources on the hill are saying. >> martha: we don't know what intel she may have shared with him. what she may have disclosed, what their interaction may have exposed about our sources and methods. all of that. it's a big concern. >> is a huge concern. good practice in the intelligence community says that you have to assume that everything that she knew has
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been shared with isis. so, the fbi has to do a damage assessment of exactly what now happens or what isis now knows about their policies, procedures, tactics, those kinds of things. they have to go back and change all of those. the assumption is that whatever she had, whatever intelligence she had, is now in the hands of isis. >> martha: if you read the emails that she wrote, i can't even imagine big in the position she is in. she is writing about like, i might be in trouble. you wonder what kind of person she is and i guess we will learn more about that. the other thing that struck me, especially giving the warning that went out today, a broad warning for travel in europe. these people live among us and they are friends with people. this guy was with us fbi agent, talk to us, we are putting this particulars about the alert on the screen. how serious is this?
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>> i think it is essential, that we look at this as a pattern and not one isolated data point. remember, after 9/11, it was connect the dots. americans need to connect the dots. we have done it in europe. we need to connect san bernardino, fort hood, orlando, this and that, they are among us. their messages are deductive and people fall victim to them. we connected the dots in europe with nice, paris, brussels, what is going on in germany in the u.k. he would have expected that at this point in time that america, our state department, would be sending out a travel alert warning americans that going to europe, stay aware of your situation, because europe is at the highest level of alert and threat that it has seen in decades. europe has taken way too long to connect the dots that this terror is among them, it is a real threat. >> martha: there are thousands of potential operatives in europe, according to this
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report. thank you very much pretty good to see you tonight, sir. straight ahead, one of the wildest presidential primaries, now, governor john casey gets here with the back story of what really went out of the campaign trail. would he ever consider doing it all over again? his answer next. ♪ re delicious... and a good source of fiber to help support regularity. mmm. these are good. nice work, phillips'! try phillips' fiber good gummies!
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♪ >> if i could spend my campaign today, i have renewed faith, deeper faith, that the lord will show me the way forward and fulfill the purpose of my life. >> martha: that's was the moment almost exactly one year ago today that ohio governor john kasich dropped out of the presidential race, making donald trump the undisputed presidential nominee. now, governor kasich is telling some secrets and his new book, "two paths, america divided our united." here now, governor john kasich. thank you for being here. congratulations on your book. when you look back on that moment, i'm sure it was one of us have our moments of your political career, how do you think it happened? the most popular governor from ohio, everyone thought in the initial months that you were the guy to beat.
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>> martha, i was basically unknown across the country. it just didn't work. i was really happy with how the campaign went. look, this book that i have is not really -- it does cover the campaign, but it's more important message about how we move america forward. i don't mean just politicians. i mean all of us come up where we need to listen to one another, show one another respect, treat our neighbors, or the people we work with, the way we want them to treat us. it is about our culture. the drift in our culture, the division, and how we got here and what we can do to fix it. it's not just politics. it's really my observations, my love for our country and hope for my 17-year-old twin daughters. >> martha: i think a lot of us can relate to that and would love to see a country that is more like what you describe. when you look at what is going on in washington right now, this health care vote, the finger-pointing over just a spending bill that lasts until september, everybody is so
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anxious to jump on the other side and make them look bad at every turn. i don't know how you change that culture. it's incredible. >> martha, i think it starts with us. it is where we live and the way we get along and the things that we demand. if you just think about the united airline incident, what really happened was that the people who fly basically sent a message, all of us, to the top, which is we won't put up with this kind of nonsense. it changed the way the united looks at the world on the way they treat their passengers. there is a lot of common humanity, i saw a video on jimmy kimmel, his newborn son was struggling with an illness, he said that he is doing well, it didn't matter whether you were red or blue, everybody cheered because everybody loves babies to be healthy. we all need to engage in the fight against opiate drugs. we need to be making sure that our seniors, when they lose a spouse, they are not all alone.
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>> martha: >> martha: let me asu about that jimmy kimmel moment. we watch that today, as well. a suggestion, though, in some ways, was that covering everybody is the answer and everybody would like everybody to be covered. do you think there is a misnomer is about health care out there right now? a lot of panic? 90% of the country is covered by their employer or medicare, including pre-existing conditions in most cases. >> that's right. the one thing we don't want to do is to leave people behind to live in the shadows, whether they are drug addicted over the mentally ill. we need to have a system that is performed. obamacare needs to be dramatically reformed, but not one that leaves millions of people without anything. you wouldn't want to be in that position. i wouldn't either. there are ways to get that done. there was another interesting part of the jimmy kimmel video. he said, even atheists were praying for my son. the fact is, you could see people coming together. i believe that if we knew come
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together, respect one another, listen to one another, everybody ought to study something they don't agree with, open your mind, you'll find it's exciting, it's exciting to be able to do all of that. we can make america better and stronger than it is today. >> martha: wede got to go. thank you so much, sir. introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea, nausea,
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he did. from the new world in new york city, good night, everybody. "the story" goes on tomorrow at 7:00. we'll see you then. tucker is up next. have a good night. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight" ." when does the left turn violent? historically, may day has been a day for labor activism. yesterday, the american i've decided to make it about illegal immigration, which ironically lf american workers. there was also quite a bit of violence. take a look at this. ♪
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