tv The Five FOX News May 4, 2017 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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like. that's well below the cities low average, the first instinct is to destroy the books, america's cultural revolution continues. ♪ >> greg: hey i'm greg gutfeld, with "the five" ." has this been painful. >> has this been painful, i've gotten all kinds of rocks thrown at me and this has been really hard. i think i've done the right thing at each turn appeared to >> greg: here's the big news for today's senate hearings on fbi oversight, hilary still lost. trump is still here and she is riding the rails like a carefree hobo seeking friendly faces and
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friendlier paychecks, so democrats it's time you got to move on. i get that one a relationship ends you get dumped and you still want to talk about it with your expert if everything is weird and you end up demanding your class records and the sweatshirt you bought at epcot center. instead of dwelling in the past, maybe it's time to let go of the old mistakes, the identity politics, the gender warfare, the whining. believe me with hillary there is better fish in the sea and none of their names end in clinton. as for james comey, he appeased no one. remember the press conference where he said hillary won't be charged over her server? then we told congress he reopened the email probe just days before the election, the left was esteemed. he spent a fair parent in that he is spanked all of us cannot blame him all you want for president trump he didn't tell hillary to say this. >> i haven't set all this, why aren't i 50 points ahead you might ask. the choice for working families
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has never been clear, i need your help to get donald trump record out to everybody. nobody should be fooled. >> nobody was. that's why she lost. if who would vote for that kind of arrogant entitlement? trump worked for the job, she simply expected it. james comey turned out to be on no one's side. if hillary was only on her side. remember that shirt, i'm with her? it's time to take it off. i just want to throw to this tape to comey defending why he opened the email probe days before the election. >> somehow her emails are being forwarded to anthony weiner including classified information by her assistant huma abedin, they found thousands of emails and said thanks to the wizardry of our technology we've only had to personally rate of 6,000, we think we can finish tomorrow morning, sunday. so i met with them, we found a
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lot of new stuff. if we did not find anything that changes our view of her intent. we were in the same place we were in july it hasn't changed our view. i asked them lots of questions and i said okay if that's where you are i also have to tell congress that we are done. this is terrible it makes me mildly nauseous that we might've had some impact on the election. but it wouldn't change the decision. >> greg: dany, you know it makes me mildly nauseous? >> dana: i have a feeling. >> greg: jesse watters and bob beckel eating shrimp in the green room before the show. we can't even concentrate on this topic because half of us want to throw up. >> kimberly: it's like i could still smell it. >> bob: you said it was on you, but let these whiners wine. the fbi director is the greatest whiner. before a show of hands for a visit on the crew who thought it was disgusting?
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you can't bring fish into a common work area. >> greg: it wasn't like flounder or shrimp cocktail. speaking of shrimp, the dems keep try to change the outcome but they can't. >> kimberly: they can't, get a mulligan like they were playing at mar-a-lago but they can't. they had a bad candidate, they didn't campaign well, that video still frightens me when i see hillary clinton it's very frightening. the problem is they're looking for a scapegoat in hillary wants to blame everybody but herself and now she's saying as we saw yesterday she's part of the resistance, she wants to hang with the cool kids and be one of the protesters and try to get some street credit back with the liberals. to get on that horse again and try to write it, bad news, it's not going to work. if they try to go with chelsea clinton further bad news. the problem is no one even understands what side comey was playing for because the whole thing was such a mess and he doubled down on it today.
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i think clearly to me when i listen to this, i don't think he should be in the position he's in. >> greg: i would take roger clinton over chelsea clinton, that says something. bob, hillary keeps blaming that letter to congress for a lot, even you must be tired of that. >> bob: i hadn't seen that clip of her before that scared the hill out of me. [laughs] >> kimberly: just don't lose or shrimp over it. >> bob: i really take exception to the shrimp. i don't care but that's not the point we have a right to eat and that was good at shrimp from across the street, jesse paid and you are whining about it. why don't you just let us go? >> kimberly: america is with me on this. >> jesse: it did not smell bad, you guys are pansies. >> dana: if you are eating if you can't smell it. >> you could walk across to that of veggie bar and he did that.
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>> greg: of this discussion is imploding, let's talk about comey, how did he do? >> jesse: i thought the guy was kind of a fraud from the jump when he didn't indict her, anybody but hillary would have been indicted. he comes back and opens it up and says do we conceal or do we reveal? i think he made the right call but hillary should be thanking the sky. she could have been in prison after the gross negligence, instead she just lost the presidency. i think it was one of these things everybody goes up there and has to take it on the chin but why are we even talking about this? who cares. i thought we were talking about russia. >> bob: or shrimp. >> jesse: i'm still upset about that. >> dana: i meant about one thing, huma abedin was forwarding these classified emails to her husband, the
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emails that comey said they come through and found some new stuff. what makes me mad about that is if you are a government employee, you have an obligation to follow the rules. here's huma abedin, she's doing this and saying i didn't know i was doing anything wrong the, that is baloney. baloney is better than fish. she also had the same time to get top pay for government and she got a special dispensation from hillary clinton to work for the clinton initiative, she's taken an extra $300,000 while everybody else who works for the government does not have that. now she's trying to shop a $2 million book deal for what? what is she going to tell us? that's infuriating. the >> bob: she's not going to buy jasper, that's for sure. if anybody thinks for a minute
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call comey whose side was he on? he said were not going to indict her but she's a bum, can't handle -- he wasn't going to be the director of the fbi if she got elected. i have no doubt in my mind she was working for trump, i have no doubt in my mind that letter did affect this campaign. >> dana: she's the one who put them in the position to investigate of the first place it's not his fault he was presented. >> bob: shouldn't of done anything. shouldn't have called that press conference. >> greg: he had to call the press conference because loretta lynch could be the one to make the announcement because she just had a conversation with bill. >> bob: if they don't make those announcements every day. >> jesse: needed to make announcement like that because she was running for president. >> dana: the democrats should
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be mad for not indicting her, then the democrats could have said let's get joe biden or bernie sanders and slide somebody else in there so they would've had a chance to win. >> greg: trump ran against this system is rigged and this proved the system is reagan that helped him in the general. >> dana: you should get up here. >> kimberly: this is awesome, awesome. bottom line is were not going to know whether comey or his staff misled the american people until we have a report from the doj or the inspector general to know what they knew at the time and when they decided ny to release it. we have his testimony which hopefully for him better hope that it's consistent with his actions and his decisions that he made at the time because this is all going to come out and i think it's a problem for him. >> bob: what would he be subject to if it came out publicly? >> kimberly: if he lied to
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congress, if it's a felony, if he made inconsistent statements -- we just felt it was consistent with her intent, we didn't think it was anything, playing games with american politics. that to me is very inappropriate, it's not the role of the fbi at a problem with what he did for the beginning, no intent here. that's not your job, comey. if you don't decide whether the file you presented to the lawyers, they make the decisions to charge or not, they determine about intent, not you. you're supposed to investigate and put the report forward, he wants to be everything, he wants to be the judge, the jury, the decider and determine who was the president. totally out of line. >> jesse: i got to hear some prominent liberals talking about hillary knocking her for blaming others. >> jim comay didn't tell her not to campaign in wisconsin, he didn't say don't put any
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resources into michigan until the final week of the campaign. it takes a lot of work to lose to donald trump. he was the least popular presidential candidate to win in the history of polling. it wasn't just the comey letter. >> it was not a perfect campaign but no mention of her failure to go to wisconsin to campaign earlier in michigan, connect with rustbelt voters in pennsylvania, all blue states that went for donald trump, or why the first female nominee could not win a majority of white college-educated women. >> greg: in there turning on her. >> jesse: when your enemies tell you to get off the stage, when your friends tell you it's time to go. the clinton machine to me is like a fax machine, it hasn't been useful since the 90s. think about it, hillary clinton's machine lost to obama, then they lost to trump, they have a terrible polling operation, no turnout. they can't raise money from small donors. the worst thing in politics besides being a loser.
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gort went out with more dignity and he lost by this much. >> bob: those who are going to run for the presidency are going to be on her case nonstop. that will be an issue, vote and get out of the way. if bill clinton on the other hand is still to this day besides barack obama may be is the best campaigner in american politics. >> jesse: he didn't look so great to the end of that campaign. >> dana: they didn't listen to him, he said that you've got to go to wisconsin, pennsylvania. >> kimberly: he was back in bad candidates. >> bob: can i explain to why dana is so whatever the word is? she goes to sleep at 945. when you get into that state of over tiredness --
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>> greg: you ate shrimp in the green room, it is unforgiving, when somebody put seafood in the microwave? what do you do, you can't use the microwave. >> jesse: this is shrimp cocktail from across the street. >> bob: it you're lucky the two of us it didn't use that word is shrimp about the two of you. >> greg: it turned everybody green. we've got some breaking health care news next, republicans are going to try once again to repeal obamacare tomorrow details on much tomorrow, the white house issued a response to jimmy kimmel when a response to jimmy kimmel when
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we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than centurylink. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> this is a fox news alert, some late breaking news from capitol hill. if the house tomorrow will hold a vote on a republican health care bill that would repeal and replace key parts of obamacare. republican leaders are saying they finally have the votes to make good on one of president trump's big campaign pledges, more on that in a moment. earlier on this week, late-night host jimmy kimmel brought health care to the forefront after revealing his new baby was born with a heart condition that required emergency surgery. >> before 2014 if you were born with heart disease like my son was, there's a good chance he
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would never be able to get health insurance because you had a pre-existing condition, you were born with a pre-existing condition. if your parents didn't have medical insurance, you might not live long enough to even get denied. if your baby is going to die it doesn't have to, it shouldn't matter how much money you make. i think that's something whether you're a republican or a democrat or something else we all agree on that. we do paradigm >> kimberly: the story generated a massive emotional reaction you can imagine with nearly 20 million views on facebook, here is how the white house responded today. >> i think we share that concern for his his a child as well asy child who needs care, that's why president fought so hard to improve the bill like he did this morning to make sure there was that extra layer for anyone with a pre-existing condition no matter their stage in life. if that's why fighting so hard for this. >> kimberly: is a mother and a parent my heart goes out to him,
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when you have a child and there's something wrong with him all you want is for him to be okay. you could see the genuine emotion in his face and his eyes and his concern. >> dana: i don't think anyone disagrees with that, what i find interesting about this is that it's the storytelling. the 20 million views that everyone is talking about it and they get the conversation going and i do think that's one of the things that's been missing in the efforts to get to a point where the house can pass the bill tomorrow. i think they will be able to pass the bill but i still think they have not been able to do enough of the storytelling because there's another part of the spirit that is the stories of the people of the whose insurance premiums have skyrocketed or their deductibles have skyrocketed or you might be caught in the middle where you don't quite make enough money -- maybe don't have enough to get employer assurance, your caught in the middle. america wants to be compassionate they want to have good care of they want all of
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these things. i think if republicans were better at storytelling and making it personal, that's how you can help draw on emotion. president trump was excellent at this during the campaign and on other issues where he has made the story the issue. remember when he decided to do the attacks in syria with the tomahawk missiles and he talked about the story. he made it personal and what it meant to him and about the children. you can do that, you could be republican and tell a story as well. i'm not saying a play on people's emotions but use anecdotes that will help give people comfort about the bill you will pass tomorrow. the thing i'm concerned about, i'm glad they got the votes, i think. they don't have a lot of the details. i think they are open to some criticism because they don't have a congressional budget office for it. they don't know how much it's going to cost or how many people
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might be uninsured. this is the problem with the bill last time. now they don't have it at all and i think they are vulnerable to that exact criticism. >> kimberly: fair analysis. >> jesse: i thought it was great point i was very moved, i was a parent of twins they were both in the unit one they were born. my daughter was in for two weeks, there she is on your screen. we found out she had a little bit of a heart murmur and took her to a cardiologist when she was young, she's healthy now, she's five years old and she's doing great. when you hear a story like this, everything you just said was true if you use emotion in the storytelling from real people, you can sell obamacare it will republicans keep talking about numbers and cost and that's not going to do it. they need to take some stories and pivot and say this is what our new plan will do for these people. if you want to bring prices
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down, use competition. he can sell competition, through competition and he's a compassionate guy he wants everyone comfort he's more liberal on health care than most republicans, you can bring down costs and keep everyone covered. they are painted into this corner like they are these cruel scrooges and the democrats are santa claus and they always lose the debate. >> kimberly: you agree with dana and jesse, this is important to everybody, all families and people can relate to that but it's about connecting the dots, put it together make people understand. >> bob: having done lots of campaigns against republicans it's always amazing to me how democrats can tell stories some of which is not accurate. but they are emotional and republicans acoustic to some sort of script. before you say that they really care about everybody, you know what this bill does? it eliminates taxes on the wealthy and insurers, higher
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premiums for people 50 and 60, it would allow states to elect some key obamacare projections for pre-existing conditions. you can go on and on, everything trump said at the opposite of, this bill is so dead when it gets to the senate, they gave away so much to try to guess these votes. >> jesse: can i remind everybody what obamacare did? were in a mess because of what the democrats did. they took the economy and spent a trillion dollars to help out 7% of the population that uses these exchanges, what happened? premiums skyrocketed, deductibles skyrocketed now everybody is left holding the bag in there and charge the republicans of saving you guys. >> bob: you are young come i don't think you are that young, the reason i had obamacare is because insurance premiums were going up and everybody agreed with health care reform. >> jesse: they said premiums would go down and they want up.
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>> bob: if you think they would go up under this? >> jesse: no, i don't. >> greg: i don't know where to begin. i have issues with emotional stories especially when the conclusion is if you disagree with him, you don't want his baby to live. that is the conclusion. when we sit here and we love these emotional stories which was done for a political reason -- it isn't entirely fair, we don't need emotional stories. we need to break down what obamacare is in breakdown health care in simple language. you could say numbers are so complicated but we all can't pay the same because then it would be too much. how simple is that? you need a plan that helps big stuff, catastrophic stuff while you pay for the little things, how difficult is that? you need to break this down into
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very, very plain steps. you start there and introduce competition and then it's done. catastrophic health care is a given and then you pay for the doctors visits. a25-year-old should not be paying a huge, huge premium when i-75-year-old is going to be treating a head cold. how complicated is that? you do not need emotional stories. you actually need a thought processes. i don't have the statistics in front of me that says what happened would have been treated or untreated. >> bob: you should be the closing speaker tomorrow on that house debate, give that same speech and it will pass, that was very well done. >> greg: i can tell if you're being sarcastic. >> dana: it's interesting you never know what's going to happen next. president trump is going to sign a bold new executive order that protects religious liberties, liberals are already objecting, will tell you why when "the five" returns.
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>> dana: president donald trump is expected to sign an executive order tomorrow morning to protect a key campaign promise he made. >> president trump: religious freedom, the right of people of faith to freely practice their faith, so important. a trump administration, our christian heritage will be cherished, protected, defended like you've never seen before. that includes religious liberty, remember. we are going to defend religious liberty which is under siege,
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under siege. >> dana: the proposal is already causing controversy. to the aclu is preemptively threatening legal action saying if president trump signs an executive order that attempts to provide a license to discriminate against women, or lgbt people we will see him in court. this is happening tomorrow on national per day, the white house has given us some background they do not believe in any way discriminates, they are going to fulfill this campaign promise that president trump made to pray to >> kimberly: they should do because they shouldn't be prevented from doing so because the aclu is threatening legal action, that's what they do. they will find a case, they will find some way in particular that is a good plaintiff to bring forward to try to defeat it. when you look at what the poll numbers are on this, 65% of adults nationwide believe that freedom of religion should be
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protected even if it goes against government laws. this is something that really resonated with president trump's supporters during the campaign and he was also able to -- in terms of some of the single issue voters, for supreme court justice pick, this is the other half of it which is on a regular religious freedom and liberty. he has to do it, i think the timing is good he's being a man of his word and following through on his campaign promises. >> dana: they also said they are going to direct the irs to alleviate the burden of the johnson amendment which basically is to tell churches and religious organizations that you cannot preach from ny sort , what do you think of that? speak to anybody who thinks this is anything but a political acte didn't know what the christian right was until he made speeches paired having said that let's see what this law will do. if you receive federal funds no
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matter who you are for contracting, for school, if a school that is a private school that deceives federal money through title ix, if they don't want to teach in their school who is, they can turn them away. >> dana: i don't think that's what they're doing tomorrow. >> bob: that's exactly what they can do under this. >> dana: they are very specific on the conscience clause issues, remember the hobby lobby case. they're also the issue that they are going to ask the agencies to think seriously and thoughtfully about a complex issue on lgbt. >> jesse: it's nice to have a president of the white house who respects religion. >> bob: oh, come on. >> jesse: he said it people cling to their guns and religion and told everybody in a church, they were gagged from saying anything and they had to provide health care and birth control to nuns, that's crazy. they're going to act like this guy is the pope who is signing this, he's not a devout christian president.
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everybody knows that, he's doing this because he believes in the constitution. >> bob: let me tell you something, you left your ring home tonight. the idea that somehow -- >> dana: let me get greg in here because the whole point that liberty basically let the government -- >> greg: the be ct you wish for, maybe the religion forbids men driving or maybe the religion promotes female genital mutilation, or maybe it's sharia law that might be introduced which is a political religious movement. is the aclu upset about that? are they upset about christians, that's where i find the interesting hypocrisy.
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certain they will make the news under christianity, i haven't heard enough outrage over these other elements that could be introduced in introduced recently. >> jesse: my religion says i have to eat shrimp on wednesday. spoon shrimp wednesdays, that's not in the bible. >> bob: we ate less than we were supposed to eat. >> jesse: there discriminate against us. >> bob: there's stuff about shellfish in the bible. before when this comes up tomorrow, we will have kimberly guilfoyle appeared to discuss this legally. spoon i like talking about stuff we don't know about. it's before we do know about this. >> bob: excuse me, pope jesse. if >> dana: want to my, chopped liver, some people are saying the democratic party is to close minded. we'l
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>> bob: i usually get the fifth segment, today i've got the fourth. democrats turned out hide nobody's of minority voters to the polls during the presidential election but that strategy failed to get hillary clinton into the white house. now some liberals are saying this kind of identity politics is hurting the democratic party. >> this is again one of the problems the democrats have is they obsess about things like halloween costumes and the name of the washington redskins and there are millions of people in this country who are saying how about a little bit more of them good to your job back. that's why they listen to a con man. >> bob: let me just say, i'm going to anchor my democratic friends who are already mad at me about this but identity politics hasn't sunk in because we continue to say where the
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party of labor, women, minorities, and lgbt, whatever it is. i gave a speech and i said with got to stop doing that and get back to where we are built which is helping people and working people, they don't identify with that. the idea that republicans would get anybody who's a working person to vote for them is amazing to me but the democrats deserve a lot of the responsibility. >> dana: do you think they know that? >> bob: yeah. >> greg: bill morris try to tell them. he's trying to show up to the party after the keg is empty, we've been talking about these stories the halloween costume stories, the sports names, the canceled speeches, if you watch the five, these stories were our bread and butter, now he's finding out, you know how you find out your religion is toxic?
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it's when you can tell the difference between the real story and the parody. if when you speak it might be un-onion story, it might be a joke? if you find out it's actually real that somebody believes this somebody says if you serve tacos at a party, that's cultural appropriation. all of the stories in the last five years feel like they were fake but they were real. >> bob: you like tacos. i do too. what do you think about identity politics. >> kimberly: i had -- >> greg: just sit and learn. >> kimberly: okay, i think he's obviously making a good point, we found ourselves several time this week agreeing with bill markham of raising this issue. were consistent with this is something we've been talking about for a long time. one of the reasons i think president trump was able to
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prevail in such a magnitude people are actually tired of this saturation of identity politics. the obsession on issues that actually should matter. what about creating jobs? what about getting the economy going again, what about proper health care that is competitive but doesn't leave americans behind and only covers 7%. that's what people want to talk about the mobile issues instead of these type of things that are limiting. focus on college campuses people wants to save face everybody is crying in their pillow, someone's upset if someone rose trump on the sidewalk, who is good to be running the country when you have these people given complete, false narrative about how real life is in there completely, emotionally and psychologically ill equipped to lead and then have a job. if >> bob: democrats for years with a party of the working person, now we've lost a lot of that. do you think they can get it back? >> dana: it's in their own data, "the washington post" was
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able to look at, they found a large percentage of the democrats were saying that the economic opportunity from the republicans was more persuasive. americans think democrats are more out of touch than the g.o.p. or trump. it's in their own data, they might as well listen to it. if >> jesse: i think when the democrats started marching against the police, they started marching against warm weather. they started marching for transgender bathrooms and elementary schools and for sanctuary cities and then you have a terrorist attack in the democrats are saying i want to put the rights of syrian refugees above the rights of american veterans come i think the rest of the country looks at them like a. >> bob: i would rather go to a transgender bathroom. some democrats a very smart on college campuses because i don't want to live near conservatives because they don't want to get sick. will
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comfortable with the roommate of opposing political views. that's pretty open-minded. for the democrats, 39% they'd be okay living with a conservative, not so open-minded. , you're probably a total mess. what was your roommate like in college? >> bob: he was bisexual. [laughs] >> bob: i think this whole thing is very political and i would not want to room with an archconservative like you. if >> jesse: what does that mean? >> bob: an archconservative is an idiot. back when they had communal bathrooms for both men and women, i missed it regrettably but that started the debate. >> jesse: that's a great history lesson.
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if you are feeling the burn would you have a problem with that? i'm bernie sanders person. >> kimberly: my friend anna feels the burn, i travel with her, she's very smart and attorney. she was a big bernie sanders fan. >> jesse: you guys still remain friends. is that like a weather alert? that's bob. of course it is printed >> bob: i'm sorry. are you getting into a arguments after too many drinks with your roommate? >> greg: you usually need a roommate who can pay. it shouldn't matter if the person can pay if they have a job, if there are clean hard-working and respectable, i've been on the planet for five decades, the worst ever had was a republican who trashed the place, never paid,
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he was the biggest jerk on the planet, might be watching right now, alex. i lived with liberals, i've lived with republicans, it has to do with how a person was raised. >> kimberly: i married emma it's find its diversity. if >> bob: you were the first lady of san francisco, were youn the pride parade? >> greg: what is your fixation with orientation? >> bob: -- >> dana: you don't get a choice, if you're living in a residence hall, you don't get to choose, you're not going to get to choose when you go to the office if your officemate is liberal or republican or unless you are here, i guess we have a choice.
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>> jesse: i sit next to bob beckel. >> dana: if you want to teach kids how to get along in the world don't allow this question to be asked, don't entertain it. >> kimberly: they match you up on housing profiles. >> jesse: it one more is up >> jesse: it one more is up next. [car engine failing to st] [wind blows] yo- wh- ah- he- [gas pouring] [slurps loudly] [engine starting] [loud slurping continues]
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thing, i have my podcast at set fox news, i interviewed dr. marc siegel over the moral and political implications of pain in the use of opioids. it's going to be good because i asked the questions that people are scared to answer. >> jesse: do get paid more for the podcast? >> greg: i get $16 million per shot. it's time for this project >> i hate these people. if an >> greg: this is my second food one of the week because i'm getting very angry. i get a lot of take-out food because i'm in between apartments because my apartment got flooded. it's a bit insulting when you order take-out food for yourself and they give you extra sets of utensils. the implication is that there are two or three people eating and not just me. [laughter] >> kimberly: this is a spinoff of your appetizer complaint. >> bob: that was great. >> greg: it's wrong, don't do it again, it's just me, i'm alone, for now anyway.
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>> kimberly: tomorrow we can have shrimp 45, lenny from brooklyn is sending us shrimp and pizza tomorrow, get ready to be tantalized. >> greg: shrimp and pizza. there >> dana: time for honoring heroes a wonderful story about getting back. >> kimberly: a veteran paratrooper saw a facebook post about his failing health, that's robert harmon knew each other for 22 years to be exact, they served as paratroopers together when at john's kidney failed, harmon didn't hesitate to share one of his, he saw a facebook post from his wife, three hour surgery university hospital in washington, d.c., last friday and he said he felt so amazing, they are both trying to recover. what's total devotion and dedication, talk about never
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leaving anybody behind. god bless them both for that. >> greg: bob? >> bob: this is a notice to potus. >> greg: nice! >> bob: mr. president you said you were an environmental candidate and you are going to be an environmental precedent. your vote overall for coal mine dumping debris and local streams. the canceled requirement for reporting emissions, reject a band about insecticides corpora ordered it review of greg gutfeld, ordered every immediate of the clean power ac act, this is what ticks me off. >> kimberly: you're just going through a long list and were not good to be able to do our one more thing. >> dana: please send some free
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counseling with the shrimp. >> kimberly: check out this talented guy. ♪ >> kimberly: that's chris allman he just wrote a book called find your whistle, everybody has the capability to do it it's a unique gift, you can pick this up june 26th, and i can't even whistle. >> greg: find your whistle. >> jesse: all these student snowflakes out there at the university of montana stressed out from exams, it's not a therapy dog it's a therapy donkey. students during exam week are petting a donkey to de-stress from exams. how you ever pet a donkey? >> greg: i am a donkey. i'm going to let him go into your backyard.
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