tv Shepard Smith Reporting FOX News May 4, 2017 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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>> republicans score a win in the house passing a bill to repeal and replace obamacare. it's not the end of the fight. it's the beginning of a new battle. as hard as the house was, the senate could be tougher. we'll see what happens next and how this bill could affect your coverage. from pre-existing conditions to why older americans could pay more and changes to medicaid. plus, how this could affect the health insurance you get from your player. president trump set to host a news conference in a matter of minutes. we'll have that live. i'm jon scott in for shepard
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smith. a victory lap in the rose garden. the move could affect healthcare coverage for millions of americans and the president tweeted before the vote, "if victorious, republicans will be having a big press conference at the beautiful rose garden in the white house immediately after the vote." last hour, republicans got just enough support to pass the measure by a vote of 217-213. not a single democrat voted for the bill. this was the seen on the house floor after the vote. >> now the bill heads to the u.s. senate as it faces major road blocks. chad pergrin puts it, some believe this built won't see the light of day. moderates and conservatives have criticized it.
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more ahead. first, details on the house republican plan and how it can affect you. under the bill, older americans might have to pay more. the current law allows insurers to charge up to three times as more as younger customers but older americans might be charged five times as much. states could get waivers to make that number higher. it keeps a provision of obama which covers people with pre-existing conditions. states could have waivers to charge hire er premiums to though patients as long as those states can prove they have high risk pools. yesterday republican leaders in the house said they were able to win over some votes after tacking on an amount to help people with pre-existing conditions. critics say the measure doesn't
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go far enough to protect patients. we have team fox coverage. peter doocy has more on the fate of the plan in the senate. john roberts is live at the u.s.s. intrepid where the president will have an event tonight. first, mike emanuel on capitol hill. critics say changes to medicaid could hurt millions of americans. >> you're right. that's a reference to the congressional budget office which looked at the initial bill and said millions could lose medicaid coverage if this were to become law. a key supporter of trump and the legislation says he doesn't buy that analysis. >> they're making an assumption i don't agree with. states like new york would end their medicaid expansion. for one, there's 31 states that signed on to the medicaid expansion. they're making a presumption
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that new york, ohio, california wouldn't have the expansion. >> the bill goes to the senate now and of course it's a long, long way from becoming law. a critical first step in the house, but bottom line, there could be substantial changes made along the way, jon. >> jon: we don't know how much it cost yet, do we? >> that's right. because they did not go to the congressional budget office for evaluation for the final bill to be cleared. the initial analysis was not flattering of the initial plan to repeal and replace obamacare and a moderate republican from the great state of new jersey criticized the leadership for going forward without that analysis. >> i think we should have waited for a cbo score. that doesn't mean we can't begin the process before there's a score. by the time the bill reaches the full floor, i think we should have had a cbo score. but i think the democrats have a responsibility to come to the table because the exchanges are
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not in strong shape across america. >> emotions were running high today in the house chamber a short distance from where i'm standing. democrats fired off and not waitingcbo analysis and gave democrats an opportunity to attack. >> they don't know what this monstrosity of a bill costs to the taxpayer. they don't know how many families will lose coverage, how many jobs will be lost. they don't know what is in this bill. they know only that the pied piper of trump tower is playing a tune today and they must dance. >> democrats clearly believe the vote in the house of representatives he cost republican lawmakers their seats in 2018. nancy pelosi referred to republicans walking the plank. to be completely fair though, the vote for obamacare by democrats clearly had a devastating impact on their ranks here on capitol hill. jon?
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>> jon: mike emanuel, thank you. so as we mentioned, the senate takes up the bill next. the top republican there, mitch mcconnell says it's going to be a real big challenge. peter doocy is also live on capitol hill. what else are republican senators saying about this? >> jon, they're luke warm about it. doesn't sounds like every republican endorses the process that their fellow republicans in the house used to muscle this bill through. senator lindsey graham, a republican from south carolina, just tweeted a bill finalized yesterday has not been scored. amendments not allowed. three hours final debate should be viewed with caution. another republican senator, rand paul, we just heard from in one of the senate office buildings, he says that he's not really so sure about the bill because it's not a full repeal. >> i think it keeps the basic premise of obamacare. that is that the federal government should be involved
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with purchasing insurance. i don't really think the federal government should buy insurance. insurance could be made less expensive through market forces and competition. the federal government being involved purchasing it set as floor for the price and may keep the price of health insurance out of the reach of many people. >> so no republican rubber stamp coming. john spoon said he would rather get it right than do it fast, which means there's a long slug ahead with this, jon. >> jon: so what happens next in the senate, peter? >> as mike emanuel just alluded to, the chances of them taking this and making no changes to it and sending it to the president are basically zero. and then another issue for republicans is, they need to get their own people in the senate on board with whatever changes they make. because it took republicans in the house months to do that. they have a 45-seat majority over the democrat there's. in the upper chamber, they have
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two more seats than the democrats do. so they're going to use this project called budget reconciliation where they only need a simple majority of members of senators to advance something. but that's going to be tough. they really -- if they don't do it with the budget reconciliation, then they're not going to do it this year in the senate because there is virtually no chance that they would get the 60 votes they would need otherwise, jon. >> jon: peter doocy on the steps of the capitol. thank you. so president trump is getting ready for a news conference with house republicans at the white house. we'll bring that to you live. earlier today before the vote, the president blasted democrats tweeting "i'm watching the democrats trying to defend the you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan and premiums will go down obamacare lie." then he followed up with another tweet, "insurance companies are fleeing obamacare. it's dead. our healthcare plan will lower
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premiums and deductible and be great healthcare." the president praised the work republicans have done so far on the new healthcare plan. >> we're going to take care of a lot of people, great, great people from this country with the healthcare, their healthcare needs. we hope to do that. we have all fought hard to do that. >> earlier, the white house said it was critical the house passed the healthcare bill. they have done so. john roberts is live at the u.s.s. intrepid in new york city where president trump will speak later today. we're seeing signs that the president may be emerging to the rose garden any second now. john, go ahead. >> we'll get a two minu-minute warning and then come out after that. people had all but left for dead this health care bill.
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but the president decided that he was going to approach it in a different way. said he still wanted this thing to see the light of day, didn't want to give up on it. he allowed the freedom caucus and the tuesday group, the two groups in such opposition of each other of the original american healthcare act, to get on the telephone and say what is your problem what do you like, what don't you like and see if we can work this out. that's when congressman mcarthur and meadows said we have an amendment that might work here. it brought the majority of the house freedom caucus on board. they have a rule that doesn't apply a lot of time but in a lot of cases and the house reminded them of it. when 80% is in agreement, it's unanimous. the tuesday group is on board. the house freedom caucus was on board. fred upton and billy long said we don't like this provision that the states can ask for waivers with pre-existing conditions. that's when they came up with
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this idea of an $8 billion pool to subsidize payments for pre-existing conditions. then they were all on board, this is only one stop along a very difficult path though for the president. he managed to finally get it through the house and you'll hear him celebrate that point this afternoon. really is taking a victory lap. its fate in the senate anything but certain. they have a different set of rules than the house does, even though it's 51% to get it across the finish line. the bill that eventually, if it does make to it the floor, should probably look substantially different than this one. >> as you're speaking, we're watching dr. tom price that recently left congress to become secretary representative of health and human services. he's shaking hands with his former colleague, the republican members of congress that have gathered in the rose garden to have a celebration with the president before the president heads to where you are tonight, john. normally our chief white house
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correspondent would be there at the white house. we're going to keep an eye on this situation because we expect the president to be moving out there any second now. maybe you see your member of congress there in the rose garden. they have all gathered there to join with the football to have a celebration of sorts. this is a fox news special report. i'm jon scott in new york. we're waiting for president trump to emerge from the white house. the republican members just passed the revision to obamacare on a squeaker of a vote. 217 votes to 213 have gathered there at the white house to hear from the president and have a bit of a celebration. this will be a touch premature because the legislation does not become law until it passes the
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senate and the senate is virtually certain to change it in a form that may not be palatable to members of the house. at any rate, it's been a long and difficult slog. there were plans to introduce legislation in march. paul ryan had to pull that legislation because he did not have the votes to get it passed. so as john roberts, our chief white house correspondent was just telling us, the president told the conflicting sides in congress to get together and work out their differences. john, let me bring you in now. that's what has happened. republicans can at least for the moment relish in a bit of a victory here. >> if we go through the process of how we got here. the president came out with the idea. he said -- it wasn't his idea. republicans have talked about this since the day that
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obamacare was passed. the president talked about wanting to repeal and replace obamacare. when he took power, the white house left it in the hands of congress. they took the basic frame work of a bill that was written up by the hhs secretary tom price when he was a congressman. congress took the lead on that and took it to a vote. they didn't get together. so now the president got them all together and said if you need leadership here. they got that through and now they're using it as a template for how they're going to tackle tax reform. the white house as the taken the lead on tax reform. the first draft is coming out of the white house. the president continue the push that. there's some belief that the republican party in disarray to pulled it mildly in the house at
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least. maybe not so much the senate. but in the house. the white house is going to be driving the bus on these signature pieces of legislation. that's the way the of the president did it. he was driving the bus, sitting back and letting the two sides at odds come together. you can see the president again behind the wheel yesterday morning bringing congressman upton and long to the white house to nail down the amendment that would get them to 217 votes. we always knew this would be a squeaker. i was told by many people, if it did pass, it would be by a razor thin margin. they hoped to get to 217. they got to 217 which gave them a buffer. no question this was close. will the bill to repeal or replace obamacare ever see the light of day when the president can put his pen to it? we're not sure. a long process in the senate one that will likely take weeks. >> the house leadership team, paul ryan and the chief deputies have just arrived at the
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platform to the applause of their fellow republican members of congress. it's been a long and difficult slog. we saw reince priebus just sit down. there's kevin mccarthy of the house leadership team. dr. tom price from the secretary of health and human services. 217 votes as john just mentioned got it across the finish line. i'd estimate 100 members of congress there. others have gone home to their districts before a 11-day congressional recess. now the president of the united states.
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white house. [applause] thanks to the leadership of president donald trump. welcome to the beginning of the end of obamacare. [applause] it was march 2010, seven years ago, democrats passed the government takeover of healthcare. at that time republicans in congress promised the american people that law would not stand. today thanks to the perseverance, the determination and the leadership of president donald trump and all the support of those gathered here, we've taken a historic first step to repeal and replace obamacare and finally give the american people the kind of health care they
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deserve. [applause] so today with heartfelt gratitude for all he's done to keep his word to the american people and for all he will do to continue to make america great again, it is my high honor and distinct privilege to introduce to you the president of the united states of america, president donald trump. [applause] >> thank you. thank you, mike. [applause] that's the group.
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thank you. thank you very much. this really is the group. what a great group of people. they're not even doing it for the party. they're doing it for this country. because we suffered with obamacare. went through two years of campaigning, and i'm telling you, no matter where i went, people are suffering so badly with the ravages of obamacare. i will say this: as far as i'm concerned, your premiums he start to come down. we're going to get this passed through the senate. i feel so confident. your deductible, when it comes to deductibles, they were so ridiculous that nobody got to use their current plan, this nonexistent plan that i heard so many wonderful things about after the last three or four days. i don't think you'll hear so much right now. the insurance companies are fleeing. it's been a catastrophe. this is a great plan. i think it will get even better.
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make no mistake, this is a repeal and replace of obamacare. make no mistake about it. [applause] and i think most importantly, yes, premiums will be coming down. yes, deductibles will be coming down. very importantly, it's a great plan. ultimately that's what it's about. we knew that wasn't going to work. i predicted it a long time ago. i said it's failing. now it's obvious it's failing. it's dead. essentially dead. if we don't pay lots of ransom money to the insurance companies, it would die immediately. we have something very, very incredibly well-crafted. tell you what, there's a lot of talent standing behind me, an unbelievable amount of talent. that i can tell you. [applause] you know, coming from a different world and only being a
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politician for a short period of time -- how am i doing? i'm president. i'm doing okay. i'm president. can you believe it? i don't know. thought you needed more time, they always told me. more time. but we didn't. we have an amazing group of people standing behind me. they work so hard. they work so long. what i said, let's do this. let's go out, just short little shots for each one of us and let's say how good this plan is. we don't have to talk about this unbelievable victory. it wasn't unbelievable. we don't have to say it again. it will be an unbelievable victory when we get it through the senate and so much spirit there. i said let's go out. we have a list of some of the people. after the list goes, if they don't talk too long, the first list, we're going to let some of the other folks say whatever you want. but we want to brag about the plan. this plan, really -- uh-oh!
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[laughter] we may. but we're just going to talk about the plan, how good it is. some of the great features. i want to thank paul ryan. he has worked so hard. [applause] you know, i was joking. i said, paul, last week, i've p have it, it's not working with paul ryan, he's going to get rid of paul ryan. today i heard paul ryan is a genius. right? you know, the groups have all come together. we have tuesday group, so many groups. we have the freedom caucus. we have -- they're all great people. we have a lot of groups. they all came together. really, paul, i'd say in the last three or four days, especially the last day. you can see mark, kevin, see so many people. jim. we just have developed a bond.
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this has really brought the republican party together. as much as we have come up with a really incredible healthcare plan, this has brought the republican party together. we're going to get this finished and then we're going, as you know, we put our tax plan in. it's a massive tax cut. the biggest tax cut in the history of our country. i used to say the biggest since ronald reagan. now it's more than that. also, pure tax reform. we'll get that done next. this really helps it. people said how come you kept pushing healthcare knowing how tough it is? obamacare took 17 months. hillary clinton tried so hard valiantly in all fairness through and didn't happen. we've been doing this for eight weeks. this is a real plan. a great plan. we had no support from the other
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party. so i just want to introduce somebody to say a few words who has been treated unfairly but no longer matters. we won and we're going to finish it off and we're going to go on to a lot of other things. we're going to have a tremendous four years and maybe even more importantly, we're going to have a tremendous eight years. we're going to start off with just a great first year. paul ryan, come up and say a few words. congratulations on a job well-done. [applause] >> thank you, guys. thank you. first, thank you, mr. president. thank you for your leadership. [applause] there are too many people to name who played such an important role who helped us in
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getting to this part. i want to thank a few people in particular. i want to thank kevin brady, diane black, pete sessions and the members of their committees for all the hard work they put into getting us to this point. [applause] i want to thank all the other members that contributed to making this the best bill possible. it really was a collaborative consensus-driven effort. i also want to thank the team here at the white house. i want to thank tom price. i want to thank mick mulvaney and reince priebus. we couldn't have done it without you gentlemen. you're the best. [applause] of course, this would not have been possible if it wasn't for these two gentlemen behind me. the fourth presidency i served with. i have never ever seen any kind of engagement like this. i want to thank mike pence and president trump for their
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personal involvement with working with our members and working to get this done and getting to us where we are. thank you, gentlemen. [applause] today was a big day. but it is just one step in this process. an important step. we still have a lot of work to do to get this signed into law. i know our friends in the senate are eager to get to work. they are. we're going to see that work through. you know why we'll see it through? the issues are too important. the stakes are just too high. the problems facing american families are real. the problems facing american families as a result of obamacare are just too dire and too urgent. just this week, just this week we learned of another state, iowa, where the last remaining healthcare plan is pulling out of 94 of their 99 counties leaving most of their citizens
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with no plans on the obama market at all. what kind of protection is obamacare if there are no plans to choose from? this is a trend that we're seeing all across the country. the truth is, this law has failed and is collapsing. premiums are sky rockets and choices are disappearing. it's only getting worse, spiralling out of control. and that is why we have to repeal this law and put in place a real vibrant marketplace with competition and lower premiums for families. that's what the american healthcare act is all about. it makes healthcare more affordable. it takes care of our most vulnerable. it shifts power from washington back to the states and most importantly, back to you the patient. like i said, we have a lot of work to do. one thing is now clear, republicans are committed to keeping our promise to lift the
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burden of obamacare from the american people and put in a more patient centered system. it's my place to thank and welcome to the states someone that helped make this so possible, our very talented majority leader kevin mccarthy. [applause] >> jon: a big bear hug between paul ryan and president trump. the two have had some problems in the past but they're on the same page today as republicans celebrate their victory in the house. the first steps towards the repeal and replacement of obamacare. 217-213 vote in the house. analysis continues now on fox news channel and cable and satellite. more later on your local fox news. i'm jon scott, fox news, new york. going to take you back to kevin mccarthy, the majority leader of the republicans in the house at the rose garden ceremony at the white house. >> or not that they won't have very many choices.
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they'll have no choice. do you do you care for pre-existing conditions when there's no care at all? or you read the paper yesterday and you look at aetna pulling out of virginia or to tennessee next year with 16 counties with no care. what about the families that paid into those 23 co-ops that obamacare created with more than $2 billion. 18 of them have collapsed. the only answer this american government gives them is a penalty. you simply look at the facts. more people took the penalty or the exemption than actually signed up for obamacare. i did not run to this office to promote a party. i ran for this office to make this country better. yeah, it would be easy to say no. it would be easy to watch it collapse. i can't look at those families.
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i don't think that's right. that's exact message i got from this administration. so mr. president, i want to thank you. i want to thank you for your leadership. i want to thank the vice president. you know, i've only been through a few presidents, but i've never seen someone so hands-on. walk into my office yesterday morning. they said the president is calling again. i pick up the phone. [laughter] i happen to be the majority leader of the former whip. i know my members well. the president gives me a list of who i think would be best to talk to on the list. and he was right. mr. president, they all voted for the bill. [applause] today is a start. today is a start of a new beginning. yes, it's about providing better
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healthcare. but i happen to have been a small business owner. i listen to my district. you know how many families no longer have 40-hour job and now have to take two part time jobs? or how many small businesses told me that they couldn't expand anymore because they were afraid of what obamacare would do for them? we're going to unshackle, build an economy, let people have greater choice in their healthcare and protect pre-existing conditions. and i thank you for that work. i want to call up -- i was this job before being majority whip. i never had to go through a bill like this. i will tell you, being the whip really isn't one person. deputy whip should got a lot of credit as well. patrick mchenry. [applause] steve scalise never gave up.
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answered every question. the team between scalise and mchenry i put beyond any team we've ever had. steve scalise. >> today we took the first step towards rescuing families from the failures of obamacare. we've been seeing it play out across the country, this isn't some hypothetical discussion. you've seen families struggling in every part of our country. i heard from families all the time in my district in southeast louisiana sharing stories of double digit premium increases every year. when we had the 27 1/2 hour markup before the house energy and commerce committee, the long nest the history of congress, to pass this bill out of committee, we had a long and important discussion about healthcare policy in america and how this isn't about achieving some kind of political goal. it's about families. families who are struggling under the weight of this law
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that doesn't work. so i reached out to my own constituents, and i said share with me some of the stories and how this law is affecting you personally. unfortunately, i got a lot of horror stories. you know, we talked a lot about protecting people with pre-existing conditions in the context of this bill. there's so many layers in our bill that we pass today that not only protect people with pre-existing conditions but actually focus real targeted money on lowering premiums. so during the committee hearing, around 3:00 a.m., i shared a story of one of those constituents. chris sent me a letter and talked about his family having pre-existing conditions. a family member with pre-existing conditions. because of the problems of obamacare, they're paying double digit increases, but this is the real story. for families that have pre-existing conditions that are truly being hurt by obamacare. one of the untold stories are
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the dramatic increases in deductibles. we have families with over $10,000 deductibles. for most people means they can't even use the healthcare with obamacare. what chris said, not only do we have to go to the doctor and pay so much for the premium, almost everything we do we pay out of pocket because we have a large deductible. so i'm paying for a healthcare plan that doesn't work for me. please provide relief for my family. we hear these stories over and over. what is so encouraging about this debate, from the very beginning, every member of congress gets involved in trying to get the bill passed and focused on two main things. the first is lowering premiums for families that are struggling. second, making sure that patients and doctors make own healthcare decisions. unelected bureaucrats shouldn't have anything to do with making healthcare decisions between a patients and their doctor.
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that ends with this bill. as we went through this process, we said we're going to take the time to get it right because it affects every person in this country. every change made the bill better. almost every change made along the way was focused on lowering premiums. of course, you had a lot of other things to do. we reformed the medicaid program. one of the most broken parts of healthcare. so we give governors and states the flexibility to be innovative and do things that in a much more targeted way help low income families in a way that medicare is failing them today. another important aspect of the bill. we wouldn't be here today without the work and the help of the president and the vice president of the united states getting directly involved. every meeting we had with members that wanted additional components added to the bill,
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president trump said bring them to the white house. i want to talk about how to lower premiums. president trump's focus was the same thing. he knows obamacare fails. but it's failing because it's hurting families. how can we give patients more control of the healthcare. all of the meetings we had along the way with focused on the objective s. there's a lot of work left to be done. but i look forward to the senate getting the bill to president trump's desk that he will sign that rescues families from this failed law and put patients back in charge of their healthcare decisions and lower premiums. the man that led the charge in starting this process in the committee was the committee chairman, greg walden. i want to bring him up. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen,
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mr. president -- >> jon: so the celebration goes on where the republicans are rejoicing over the fact that they have begun the process of repealing and replacing obamacare. you heard the members of congress lauding the president for getting very involved in rewriting this legislation. its future in the senate is a little bit uncertain. you must have heard the laughter that the senators were eager to get to work on this legislation. that's not necessarily the case. john roberts is live at the intrepid in new york city. president trump is headed there later today to speak. give us your sense of what lies ahead, john. >> well, i think a lot of work lies ahead for the president. you heard kevin mccarthy and paul ryan that said they have never seen a president this involved in getting legislation
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passed. any heavy lifting will compare in comparison to what he has ahead. bill cassidy says he doesn't expect it to come to the floor for weeks yet. so a lot of heavy lifting to do. part of the problem is, you have this big thing in the senate that's called the bird rule. any piece of legislation that has -- that comes through the reconciliation process has to go through what is referred to as the bird bath. there's certain things that will go through the bird bath and certain things that won't. there's a worry this latest amendment, which is what got this bill across the finish line may run afoul of the bird rule. it was charles schumer that brought that up. he could be looking for a reason not to put it through the senate. it will be looked at. the senate committee was looking at the vetting of the language. they though it's square. a lot of unknowns here.
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the president vowing it will make it through the senate and he will sign it and become law, jon. >> jon: he did sound positive at the rose garden ceremony got underway. john roberts in new york city. let's bring in chad pergren. they must be breathing a sigh of relief. >> yes, it was a tight vote. had it gone down to 215-215 it would have been a tie and not pass. when they pass the final version, they could lose four. this was tighter this time. so the question is the united states senate. one of the things that house members that were reluctant to vote for this bill, they said
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this would never see the light of day. >> jon: it's my understanding that martha mcsally from arizona introduced language to make sure that members of congress have to live under the terms of whatever it is that they're passing here ultimately. >> that was a bill that passed immediately they voted before the healthcare bill. they couldn't put that provision into this bill under the reconciliation rules. that's what john roberts referred to, the bird rule that helps them avoid senate filibusters. if they put it in there, it would have dropped out in the bird bath. so they had to do this as a separate piece of legislation over there. >> jon: so where does it go from here? they're going to rush it over to the senate. you get the indication from mitch mcconnell that they're going to do what the senate does and deliberate and slow-paced about this thing.
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>> absolutely. senator mcconnell put out a bland statement saying obamacare has to go but there's a bland timeline here. senator rand paul said this doesn't really repeal and replace obamacare.the break down in the senate is 52 republicans and 48 democrats that caucused there. you can only lose one or you get into a tie. again, i would look at senators that are up in 2018 or from swing districts. most of them are on the democratic side. look at the number of republicans that voted no in the house of representatives. they're from swing districts or districts that hillary clinton carried. that's what you have to look at. >> jon: thanks, chad. nobody knows capitol hill better. we'll have more on the healthcare battle in just a moment with political strategists from both sides of
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the aisle. they both say this bill faces a tough fight in the senate and telling us which senators to keep an eye on. that's next. boost. it's about moving forward, not back. it's looking up, not down. it's being in motion. in body, in spirit, in the now. boost® high protein it's intelligent nutrition with 15 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for when you need a little extra. boost® the number one high protein complete nutritional drink. be up for it
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the one and only type 2 diabetes treatment with heart. visit for a free consultation with a certified diabetes educator if you qualify. >> jon: now on what is next in the healthcare battle. our political panel is with us. vincent, a republican strategist and former campaign manager for george pataki's campaign. jessica is here, a democratic strategist and a brand new fox news contributor. she's senior director of research at so since you're a new fox news contributor, you get the first question. >> awesome. >> jon: this thing is headed to the u.s. senate. republicans control the senate. does that mean a slam dunk for this new legislation? >> definitely not. we talked about how ridiculous to see republicans celebrating. it was a good show of unity and
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a lot of incumbents getting a lot of phone calls this year. of the 217 that voted, only seven have town halls scheduled for the recess. a lot of concerns with the senate. mcmcconnell said we're not voting as we see a cbo score and could be higher than 24 million uninsured after this is said and done. >> jon: do you agree? is it in trouble? >> it has a long way to go in the senate. speaker ryan should be proud of the work he's done today. it is a half victory. they got the headline they've been promising for seven to eight years now. but no, this is going to get cooled off and there's going to be concerns in the senate, not the least of which not only the pre-existing conditions but the medicaid expansion. average voters don't care about process but the senate does. >> jon: the perception is the
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republicans don't march in lock step the same way the democrats do, especially in the senate, i guess. >> we're freer thinkers. we're a big unity party. >> i thought i liked you. >> and the one good thing as opposed to how the democrats did this so many years ago, there's a lot of options on the table and things i would like to see added to the senate version of the bill, including interstate competition. and we will hash that out. >> so what are democrats going to do? i presume they want to torpedo this thing, right? >> absolutely. democrats will be mounting a continued largely effective p.r. campaign about this. the failure of the hhca a few weeks ago was driven by democrat activist. they were out there on the phone, show up at at town halls and on tv talking about how it will cost you more. if you're old, if you're sick or you're poor, this bill isn't for
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you. how donald trump lied to americans and said we're going to repeal and replace obamacare. this is not a repeal and replace. they're trying to message it. i saw paul ryan do it and the leadership. that's not what just happened. >> jon: this is where i get irritated. the democrats set us up for this. the affordable care act is less affordable and not providing care. it's an act. >> so you can't defend the bill -- >> this is not the bill end up leaving the senate. so cooler heads will prevail in the senate. but to stand back and said we're just going to be obstructionists and not add to this thing, you guys set if table for it. >> jon: democrats are calling it trump care. does that have the ring that obamacare care does? is that a mill stone around the neck of this legislation? >> the president loves to put his name on things. we'll see what the senate does. >> jon: vincent, jessica,
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thanks. we'll be right back. ♪ the sun'll come out tomorrow... ♪ for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure... ...kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow ♪ ask your heart doctor about entresto. and help make tomorrow possible. ♪ you're only a day away.
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>> jon: president trump live right now in the rose garden. let's listen. >> thank you very much, everybody. thank you. [applause] >> neil: it was the second turn at microphone for the president who you can see hugging kevin mccarthy, the majority leader in the house and house speaker paul ryan. betsy woodruff is with us, political reporter for the daily beast. there's been some bad blood it was president trump and paul ryan over the years. they have seemed to buried any and all hatchets today. >> for the time being.
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as of now, he couldn't have been warmer to paul ryan. another important moment there this afternoon at the rose garden with how friendly and amicable the president was towards the freedom caucus. remember after the first shot of passing the aac failed a few weeks bag, trump said that freedom caucus members should be primaried, worried, they're the enemy. but now as things change quickly in congress and the president is willing to adjust. >> jon: he may be -- i don't know -- growing into the job. i'm not sure if that's the appropriate term here. he's clearly learning how to win friends and influence people at least in the house. what about the senate? can he pull off the same kind of magic act that he pulled off here with some members of the house? >> here's the challenge. it's plausible that the senate will pass some sort of obamacare repeal and replacement legislation. the challenge isn't so much
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getting the senate to pass something as the third step, which is getting the house and senate to compromise and agree on one final package. the washington exammer just reported that the senate has said it's not necessarily going to vote on this bill that passed the house and instead republicans there are considering writing their own legislation. so it's certainly possible the president will work with senate republicans to get them to support something. the challenge is getting moderate senate republicans, particularly members like rob portman of ohio, corey gardner of colorado to get on board with legislation that is definitely much more conservative than their constituents might want. that itself is an incredibly difficult negotiation. >> jon: we're luking at paul ryan right now. he faced tremendous humiliation in march when he didn't have the votes to get the american healthcare act through the house. a lot of people thought it was dead in the water. he managed to bring it back to life. they got the thing passed and out of the house.
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how embarrassing would it be for republicans and for the president if they cannot get this through the senate somehow? >> it would be a big problem. even though the senate republicans are much more moderate as a group than the house republicans are, they still all campaign on repealing and replacing the affordable care act. repealing is one thing. putting in place an entirely new health care system that affects upwards of 1/5 of our economy is difficult to do. there's certainly a possibility that republicans oversold when they could do when they pushed for this legislation. that said, the fact that the house as the taken the first steps puts a lot of pressure on the senate and a lot of heat on them and mitch mcconnell and the whip team for the republicans as they try to figure out something that their members can get behind. yeah, absolutely, a huge defeat to senate republicans if they don't do something that was passable on healthcare. >> we'll see what happens in the senate. betsy, thank you. >> sure. >> jon: the question is how much
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will this cost? the congressional budget office has yet to score this bill. that will be a big headline when it does. i'm jon scott in for shepard smith today. "your world" with neil cavuto is up after the break. a fire destd everything in our living room. we replaced it all without touching our savings. yeah, our insurance won't do that. no. you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance
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>> and i will say this: as far as i'm concerned, your premiums will start to come down. we're going to get this passed through the senate. >> neil: all right. a very confident, very happy and relieved president trump making it clear that he sees things getting much better with healthcare in this country. some seizing on his remarks a few minutes ago as the equivalent of barack obama's if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. to early for that. this much we know. by a 217 to 213 vote, the republican live to fight another day passing another piece
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