tv Hannity FOX News May 4, 2017 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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>> jesse: never miss an episode of the five, "hannity" is next. ♪ >> sean: thanks to our friends at "the five," welcome to "hannity" where every single night we promise you will be holding washington accountable would let you with estimates, newt gingrich, john solomon, lou dobbs, lara trump are all here. but first, president trump house republicans fulfill a massive promise to you the american people, they score a major win, finally passing a bill that repeals, replaces obamacare and begins that process and that is two nights winning -- are you sick of winning it? opening monologue. earlier today after passing the american health care act, house republicans joined the president in the rose garden at the
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white house to celebrate, finally were celebrating, watch this. >> president trump: this is a great plan, actually think it will get even better and this is make no mistake a repeal and a replace of obamacare, make no mistake about it. premiums will be coming down, deductibles will be coming down. it's a great plan and ultimately that's what it's all about. we do that wasn't going to work, i predicted that a long time ago. i said it's failing. now it's obvious that it's failing, it's dead it's essentially dead if we don't pay lots of rented money over to the insurance companies it would have die immediately. what we have is something that is very, very incredibly well-crafted. >> sean: this is a good start a major step forward and effort to rid you of the american people of the disaster known as obamacare. let's be honest, unfortunately,
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sadly there are dozens of republicans who didn't want to repeal and replace obamacare. these moderate republicans, even though some of them even campaigned on this promise for seven years. that's a reality at the house conservatives were dealt in the president was dealt. also some major parliamentary hurdles they had to deal with in the senate they had to clear a budget being used. chuck schumer already talking about using parts of these parliamentary maneuvers to kill the bill. what is being put forward today by the president at house republicans is so much better. then what we now see as the disaster, obamacare, a complete and utter failure collapsing before your very eyes. we'll have more on that and a second. i want to make this first because it's very important. democrats, the destroyed trump media, all to radical left, they will do everything they can do to start the mecca stop this bill from ever reaching the president's desk about the fight is not over. it's very important now more
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than ever that republicans begin to come together. build consensus, they need to show you the american people they are ready to lead and fix america's broken health care system because obamacare is in a death spiral it's a disaster. democrats are going to go deep down in the gutter, they will employ every insane, irrational scare tactic to misrepresent what is actually in the bill. for example, this is a riot, take a look at some of the insanity and the things that democrats said to the lead up in today's house vote. >> this will cost american lives if it ever becomes law. death, pain and suffering to people families. >> really is stupid to. it is a bill a deconstruction of government. from the beginning, trump care was a moral monstrosity that will devastate children and hard-working americans. >> this crushing age tax will fall on some of the most vulnerable members of our society. it >> tens of millions of
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americans were living with pre-existing conditions will be screwed. >> not take health insurance away from millions to give tax credits to the wealthiest. >> let's kill and marry this bill, thank you. >> sean: kill, murder, slander, republic are racist, sexist, homophobic, if that wasn't enough, donald trump voted to let thousands of american's diet so billionaires can get tax breaks. think about that. earlier today after obamacare loving democrats suffer to this stinging defeat, this is my favorite moment of the day. they took to the house floor they taunted republicans and i actually enjoyed it, watch this. [singing "hey, hey, hey,
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goodbye"] >> sean: they believe the great lie, you save on average per family $2500 per year, you can bet those type of tactics this is only the beginning, i warn you, republicans need to show backbone you better be ready to fight and defend yourselves because if you don't, the american people will continue to suffer. under the crushing failure of obamacare. here's why it's so critically important that republicans act and finish this. take a look at the headlines. just this week, nbc news, at not to exit obamacare in virginia setting $200 million possible loss. "usa today," iowa may be without individual health plans if insurer pulls out. those are just a couple of the countless examples that obamacare is in this death spiral. mike pence said today 94, 96, 98
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counties will have no options in iowa next year. here's why obamacare entire foundation was based on lies. remember this, because this is important. every time the president said this, it's etched in your memor memory. >> no matter how we reform health care, will keep this promise. to the american people. if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your docto doctor. if you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan, appear to mecca. >> if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. there is no doubt that we must preserve what's best about our health care system and that means allowing americans who like their doctor and their health care plans to keep them. if you got health care insurance you like your doctor you like your plan you like, you can keep your doctor and play nobody is talking about taking that away from you. a spill in the great lie in
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political history and all the democrats, they all repeated that lie. here's the reality. millions of americans lost their doctors, millions lost their plans. no american family was saving $2500 per family per year as the president promised you the american people, big surprise, the exact opposite happened. according to the kaiser family foundation since 2008, premiums for the average family skyrocketed 43% increasing for the average family $5,400 since implemented. that doesn't even include of this year end of this year and this year alone? obamacare premiums spiked by 25% on average. people that live in arizona suffering a staggering increase, 116% this year alone. deductibles for a family jumped by 15% this year alone. it's almost $7500. imagine this, a third of all u.s. counties, there is only one
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health care insurer to choose from. president obama all those democrats, they promised a free market system, they lie to you it's a great lie and they failed miserably. now republicans, they are stepping into fix obama and the democrats mess. there are now offering a plan that is actually based on free market principles that will lower costs and to the cbo projects premiums for the average american will actually go down under the republican plan instead of rising by 25% like they did under obamacare this year. the american people, all of you out there deserve to have the flexibility to choose the type of plan that best suits your needs instead of big government mandates, that dictate the kind of care you can buy. it gets rid of over a trillion dollars of taxes, reduces the deficit. if i was down in washington today, it's not the perfect bill. if i would serving in congress i would have voted yes.
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as the vice president said this begins the process of undoing the death spiral of obamacare. joining us now with reaction the author of the brand-new book, understanding trump. former speaker of the house fox news contributor newt gingrich. i honestly -- you're laughing at me i know why you're laughing at me so don't even start. i have been so frustrated by this process. you come on very sober, elder statesman of the show come a long time friend and you just, hannity, b, you walk you through the process. calmly walk us to the process. >> tonight, no, no, be excited. and be, be positive. my newsletter tomorrow is going to be entitled trump's triumph. this is an extraordinary achievement is three months earlier than reagan got his tax cut to 30 months earlier than we
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got welfare reform. i think five months earlier than they got obamacare through. i didn't think they could do it i was very, very skeptical. they kept working and i know you sometimes disagree with me on this, paul ryan was in there every day trying to find votes. mark meadows was a great leader who said from the mid of the original bill went down, we've got to come together, we got to find a compromise. he provided real leadership. kevin mccarthy provided leadership, reince priebus hung in there when it was very tough. in the end it came down to donald j. trump. >> sean: i would say mark meadows in the fritos freedom i give credit to the speaker because i've been very critical. i know reince priebus worked hard day and night, i know for a fact because i talk to these guys on a regular basis, there weren't always happy with me.
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tell us why you like this. >> here's what i really like, they hit a wall, they backed up, they tried a second time and they knew they hit the wall so that in take the vote. they kept working, they kept talking, trump kept talking to people as late as yesterday individually, developing amendments, thinking things through. the art of the deal, come to washington, d.c. the president would never back off he would never give up. the reason i really like this, this is the hardest thing to try to do. it is totally partisan and it's impossible for democrats to be for us. it's one fifth of the economy and its life and death. in spite of everything, i have to tell you i'm very impressed. i was not all confident they could pull this off for it if they have just willed their way to talking with each other, moderates a very important amendment.
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all the leadership working a team, the vice president pitching in the president doing an amazing number -- total number of conversations and meetings that president trump has had to get this done. the reason i'm excited by it is. they didn't back off, they didn't flinch they didn't say it's not possible. this makes me think when we get to a job creating tax cut bill, when we get to really reforming the government and draining the swamp, we are seeing how serious president trump is and were seeing a republican party which is maturing in front of our very eyes. i'm excited because i've been an active conservative my whole life. i think conservatives don't relax and celebrate when they have something really big to celebrate. this is really big. we are repealing obamacare. >> sean: i know you know because we go back to 1990 i know you know how to celebrate.
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i remember drinking a big can of beer called fosters if you remember back in those days. i think you are right. i'll take your elder statesman perspective. i think it's a big win, absolutely and i am happy about it. >> i'm saying this to the whole audience, every conservative you know in this country ought to take a deep breath, relax for one day, celebrate. they had a double win, they don't have hillary clinton they just took care of obamacare. if that doesn't give you a reason to have a good weekend, i don't know what could. >> sean: i think i'll take off tomorrow just because of you. will have more with the former speaker right after the break and also tonight an incredible "hannity" investigation, our friend john solomon is breaking incredible news tonight, a disturbing report it reveals the obama administration during the 2016 campaign literally
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distributed thousands of intel documents, more than anybody else has reported, he's here to explain tonight, we'll get reaction from the legal side. president trump came to new york city today gave a speech aboard the uss intrepid, will get reaction from lou dobbs and will have him respond to chrissy teagan insane tweets. wait till you see what she is blaming the president four. will talk to president trump's daughter-in-law as we continue about censorship and stephen colbert's crude remarks, that's straightahead on this busy, celebratory "hannity," straightahead you found the love of your dreams... and together, you had the kid of your dreams. now you can put them in the car of your dreams... for a lot less than you might think. with a certified pre-owned mercedes-benz, you can enjoy legendary safety, innovation and performance at a price you can afford. and that's a pretty sweet dream.
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show me the top hot 100 artist. they give awards for being hot and 100 years old? we'll take 2! [ laughing ] xfinity x1 gives you exclusive access to the best of the billboard music awards just by using your voice. the billboard music awards. sunday, may 21st eight seven central only on abc. >> president trump: the groups all come together, we have the tuesday group, the freedom caucus and they're all great people. we have a lot of groups. they all came together really in the last three or four days. especially in the last day. i see mark i see kevin, i see so many people, jim. we just have developed a bond, this has brought the republican party together. as much as with come up with a really incredible health care plan, this is for the republican party together. >> sean: that was the
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president earlier today in the rose garden celebrating with house republican lawmakers after the g.o.p. health care bill was passed. still with us former speaker of the house fox news contributor newt gingrich. if you do have a great historical perspective i love to give you a hard time. in many ways you want is competent -- i was like i don't care, get it done. two very different perspectives you would rather do other things first. you said something that's interesting. you said that there is a maturing process going on before our eyes, they are now growing into the leadership roles which maybe they weren't ready for in some ways. i had to face the reality of a conservatives i don't really like, this is a hundred moderate republicans who are not as conservative as i am and it's annoying. >> limits a couple things. i spent years saying we can bill a center-right coalition.
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if you can't build a right only majority. that's what we have come we have a center-right, which is frankly radically better than hillary clinton and nancy pelosi and all those guys. be happy that you have a center-right majority that controls the schedule, to get a supreme court justice through, the second thing is maturing. president trump tonight knows members of the house dramatically better than he did six weeks ago. he knows individuals, he's talked to them, that in the office with him, they'd been on the phone with him. the result is his mastery of the congress is just beginning. as this goes down the road, he will delight better and better job because that's his great strength. his ability to bring people together. to get them committed to a common vision. to work together to build something whether it's a trump tower or it's a legislative design. this is his greatest strength, it's his personality and
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interpersonal skills. if you washed them today with all the folks who have gathered around, he's comfortable, he's made the transition from eating a new york real estate guy to being president of the united states in a way that's very powerful. i suspect he now knows personally more members of the congress than a barack obama new after eight years. >> sean: that is pretty profound. it's an interesting remark by mccarthy when he said he called me yesterday with a list of names and they all voted yes and the people they should be whipping, that was insightful. i think you are right. that should bode well for him, as they move forward on his tax bill and his economic plan? >> i happened to be in one conversation yesterday where he and reince priebus were comparing notes. you could tell they had narrowed down indicators, if certain people came on board, that was it, we can do it.
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they were right at that nexus late yesterday afternoon, i was very impressed. it was people the president had personally talked to. he personally worked with fred upton to get an amendment about preconditions that was extremely important, though the number one concern of the american people and they really don't want to be caught. pre-existing conditions. the president personally worked on that and the same time i know you and i don't always agree on this, i think paul ryan did his job. remember, he is budget through at the same time they are finishing negotiating on this as they start to set up a job crating tax-cut as they work on infrastructure. a lot of things coming down the road simultaneously. it >> sean: the only thing i want on paul ryan going forward is more consensus building, don't hide the bill, i'm being honest here, a little more urgency, a little more new york at him, that's all i want to. i that's fair. >> i cannot -- my wife is a
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cheese head i cannot argue for more new york and wisconsin. >> sean: he needs a little more drive in him. pushing him, faster, urgency, let's move. all right, thank you very much it's a big night. i'll buy you a foster's when i see you next we'll catch up on old times. when we come back, a "hannity" investigation, john solomon circa it reporting the obama administration during the 2016 election distributed thousands of intel reports with unredacted names. in other words unmasking, he is here to explain, will get legal analysis and late tonight hollywood at snowflake chrissy teagan in a classic twitter tirade meltdown against the president it will make you laugh at it lou dobbs will react. the president's daughter-in-law lara trump weighs in on the stephen colbert controversy and cnn bc censorship, straightahea
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>> life from america's news headquarters i'm jackie ibanez in new york president trump and australian prime minister malcolm turnbull meeting tonight in new york city. president trump saying they have a great relationship despite reports that her first phone call over a refugee deal was testy. three hours late because president trump had to stay in washington because they had to replace a bill to replace obamacare. it still has to be approved by the senate. sanctions on north korea today a bipartisan legislation aimed at north korean nuclear ambitions, by cutting off a cash flow. it's labeled a state sponsor terrorism, such a declination would trigger more sanctions.
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now back to "hannity" for all of your headlines log onto fox, have a great night. ♪ >> sean: welcome back to "hannity" our friend john solomon from circa pump published a bombshell story. he's reporting that president obama's team sought nsa detail on thousands of americans during the 2016 election, according to his sources these nsa intel or requests a resulted in many american citizens being unmasked, by the request of the obama administration he goes on, among those whose names were unmasked in 2016 or early 2017 or campaigned or transitioned associates of president trump. joining us now, john solomon along with a host of justice and a bread and show you, the jury on the fox network. let me start with you, this is your story you've been all over it, surveillance, unmasking, leaking intelligence, all of these things.
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we never seem to move the ball. we see all of these crimes committed in my opinion, hillary clinton we just learned from this week, the fbi director is admitting that she sent classified emails to anthony weiner, anthony weiner as far as i know doesn't have security clearance. then we have her server scandal then we have the foundation scandal. then we have the unmasking issue, then we have susan rice saying i'm not going to go and testify before the senate subcommittee. how many people were unmasked? tell us how deep this isn't tell us what laws were broken? >> 35,000 americans names were run through the nsa database last year by the obama administration, 35,000. to put that in perspective, that's three to 400% more that were run in 2013 there's only a few possibilities. either we have a whole lot more terrorist in the country or somebody has a lot of explaining
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to do that were started to look at people's dossiers into folders in the nsa who don't really post national security threats. a >> sean: i want people to know. what were suggesting here such a dramatic increase that there's a very strong likelihood that the obama administration at the highest levels used our national security agency and literally unmasked, surveilled at the american people under the guise of national security and there is no way it was possible. >> someone has to do some explaining it apparently doesn't seem to be susan rice who doesn't want to testify before the hill. somebody has to answer for these numbers. i talked to a bunch of members of congress today, they're as concerned as other people as i talk to about the size and the numbers. they are unaware of how much more surveillance is going on, how much after the fact unmasking is going on. were starting to get some signs, were again. when this all started it's about donald trump and his associates. were no hearing names of other
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critics of obama administration who may have been unmasked. >> sean: judge pirro, based on what you're hearing and the numbers john solomon is confirming tonight, what are we talking about in terms of the law, the magnitude of the charges and the potential abuse of the constitution occurred here? >> you have a fundamental abuse of the fourth amendment, spying on americans, surveillance and then allowing political appointees as obama did in 2112 unmasked the names of individuals who were accidentally or incidentally collected in a foreign surveillance. then in 2016, in the midst of a presidential device of election, the allowance of those reports to go across a whole platform of national security council agencies, it is teed up for the biggest abuse of privacy that americans -- that we've ever
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seen in american history. it's no surprise given that barack obama allowed his own people to go after these americans names and for donald trump, the transition team and members of congress who have been unmasked by a woman who is known and that is susan rice to be a liar based on what she did and said about benghazi, about bo bergdahl, this is fundamental, unconstitutional, illegal. >> sean: illegal, based on just the numbers, the outrageous disparity of numbers that john solomon is reporting at circa, is there any plausible explanation other than americans were spied on, americans were unmasked and as john was saying names are going to be revealed and this was done for political purposes. >> you've got susan rice who is refusing to testify before the senate subcommittee and
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basically saying i'm not going to go in there and explain anything and as far as i'm concerned, it's either because she's afraid she's good to commit perjury or because she may actually implicate herself in some kind of criminal behavior. what's got to happen now is that more and more people understand or see that they have been unmasked for political purposes and if this is all corroborated by the exponential increase in the surveillance, then at some point you have to say the intent is clear, there is unattached to spy on these particular americans under the guise of were just looking at things that are accidentally or incidentally collected. >> sean: great work, coming up after his big win on health care earlier today, the president traveled to new york city where he gave a speech aboard the uss intrepid. were going to play some of his remarks, will get a reaction from lou dobbs. he's going to weigh in on chrissie teagan unbelievable tweet that will make you laugh.
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the presidents daughter-in-law lara trump joins us to talk about censorship at networks like cnn, nbc, cbs, stephen colbert what he said about her father-in-law, that's straightahead. e a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. and now. i'm back! aleve pm for a better am. gives you a reason to slow down and pull up a seat to the table. that's why she takes the time to season her turkey to perfection, and make stuffing from scratch. so that you can spend time on what really matters. marie callender's. it's time to savor. who's the new guy? they call him the whisperer. the whisperer? why do they call him the whisperer? he talks to planes. he talks to planes. watch this. hey watson, what's avionics telling you? maintenance records and performance data suggest replacing capacitor c4.
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sea. he spoke about the need to defeat isis and more, watch thi this. space x we've reaffirmed a tremendous friendship between the united states and australia and the importance of our security and our alliance. the armed forces of our two nations are operating side-by-side almost every day fighting to defeat isis, and the scourge of terrorism. and we will eradicate terrorism. >> sean: another celebrity snowflake is in complete meltdown mode let's take a look at chrissy taken lashing out unhinged at president trump and a twitter temper tantrum.
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>> sean: joining us now for the fox business network, let's start with the president. i see you laughing. this is a classic. the president was pretty interesting, this was a serious commander-in-chief taken to the stage with a command and knowledge of history on top of a really big one on health care. >> a big win on health care and not a big one on spending the senate giving him his bill, the democrats threatening as you well know to shut down the government almost seeming to hold a shut down, he won thatanr expanding religious freedom of expression putting churches and temples and synagogues back in the public square. oh, yes. taking command of all the house
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of representatives as they come on by a huge margin, 217 to 213 passed the health care bill that all people -- a week ago, everybody was saying they could possibly get this done and what did he do? he met with everybody who even thought about talking to him and negotiated a win. >> sean: i'm a little annoyed as i was saying earlier tonight, i'm a little annoyed we now know there are hundred thousand -- sorry, 100 republicans in the house that are really not committed conservatives. he's always talked about he explained the center-right coalition. we are now dealing with the reality it's very unfortunate to me as a conservative and i assume you too. >> it's concerning because it's hard to figure out exactly what the republican party represents when you have a group of people
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who are not following their president, who are not listening to him as he is moving forward, the one who articulated a vision one almost 63 million votes, the speaker of the house seemed at most points to be in opposition to this president. he only got 230,000 votes and reelection. people listen to him as though somehow that makes some sense that there's a better agenda and the president's agenda, there is only the president's agenda and to paul ryan's credits today i think he acknowledged that. >> sean: let me go to the snowflake meltdown, one other one. i also had to botox my job muscle to relieve the tension from constantly clenching. i was not like this before. pay my bill. a rich snowflake anxiety
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meltdown, i don't even know what to say anymore. >> i think all you can do when you get to this point of absurdity i know it's all i can do i just laugh. who is this woman? what kind of mentality is at the end she's on so many meds that need adjustment, i would hope that she would holistically reconsider her whole being. she's obviously in need of something beyond medication. >> sean: i have a story i'm going to be very nice tonight, i met john legend and her at a super bowl event. but there's a story i'm going to keep to myself because i'm being very nice. i'm being very nice. lou dobbs, thank you. president trump's daughter-in-law lara trump is here to talk about censorship, cnn, nbc, cbs, and she will react to stephen colbert's
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vicious, vile ranch. that and more as "hannity" continues tonight. constipated? trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief.
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>> sean: will come back to "hannity" come of the old left propaganda destroyed from media, they continue to try to take down the president, no cnn is refusing to air a trump campaign and because it features a graphic with the words of fake news, they are so offended, they can handle it, watch this. >> donald trump sworn in as president 100 days ago, america has rarely seen such a success. a respected supreme court justice confirmed. companies investing in american jobs again, america becoming more energy independent. regulations that kill american jobs eliminated. the biggest tax cut plan and history. you wouldn't know it from watching the news, america is winning. president trump is making america great again. >> president trump: i'm donald trump and i approve this message. >> sean: the rnc chairwoman put on the statement about cnn's decision, the networks clearly
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by his decision to block president trump is incredibly troubling, freedom of speech is a hallmark of our nation's founding and it is concerning that cnn who i can's assumed to be a strong supporter of the first amendment would stifle speech that they disagree with. cnn should allow the attitude to be aired and apologized their attempt to block the president's message. the rnc is also saying nbc and other networks, cbs are also refusing to air this ad. abc is now pending. joining us with a reaction, president trump's daughter-in-law lara trump is here with us also an advisor for the 2020 campaign. good to see you, how are you? >> i'm great, and love that ad, isn't it nice? >> sean: i like the ad. the funny thing is whenever these networks carry the president because they like the ratings that he brings to the networks when he gives speeches, he gets to call them out and say fake news for free. the idea that they wouldn't take money because they are so offended that he calls them out
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on a regular basis is almost laughable, maybe they have a responsibility to their shareholders, what do you think what to mark >> we have seen it time and time again, we sought throughout the entire campaign, the fact is there a certain networks the majority of the mainstream media throughout the country who refused to report the facts and the real facts. we felt like as the campaign it was our duty to report to the american people the incredible things that the president has done in his first 100 days in office, that's why we put this ad together. quite frankly, it's a great ad and it highlights all the wonderful things that have happened that you don't hear about every day because some people don't watch fox news but if you don't watch fox, you probably aren't hearing about all the great thing the president has done. >> sean: i don't watch a lot of these other networks but i'm venturing a guess in prime time i think i'm the only one who put up on the screen we did it all in the lead up to the hundred days in his hundred days in
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office, all the successes he had. it culminated with a huge win on health care for him and a big push on his part. i don't think this ever goes away. this is trump a derangement syndrome, what is your reaction -- i've never seen such hostility to any one man or anyone president, what is your reaction that you and your family have had to deal with? >> you would think after a while you would get used to this sort of thing but it is never normal. it's really disappointing that we live in the united states of america, this is supposed to be a free society. we have freedom of speech. the fact that this ad is not being shown on cnn on nbc, on cbs on news networks who have a duty to report to the public the facts that they are blocking something like this is really, really ridiculous to me. it's really sad. >> sean: as a family, by the way i heard your announcement
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i've known eric and don, jr., for a long time you're about to have your first child. there are even people attacking that. a vodka trump, the daughter of the president, the son them off the president, the president's wife. you can't leave a 10-year-old kid out of this? he's been attacked, everyone around him, kelly and shawn spicer. everybody around the president even the media is attacked. let me go to help vicious the scott, doing this week in a vile, vicious rent on "cbs news" by stephen colbert. >> john dickerson has way too much dignity to trade insults with the president of united states to his face. i, sir, and no john dickerson. [cheers and applause] mr. president, i call it disgrace the nation. you attract more skinheads than free rogaine.
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you have more people marching against you than cancer. your talk like a sign language gorilla who got hit in the head. >> sean: at first i can't imagine any conservative or any comedy show saying this with that vicious or that of vile about president obama if he was president. by the way, colbert probably should be kissing the presidency you know what to because if personally single-handedly resurrected what was a failing career for him and his 500 writers that worked for him, he was dying on the vine until he went hard, harsh, vile left. >> you're exactly right. if this had happened to president obama, i can't even imagine the outrage from people across the board. i don't think so, quite frankly. >> sean: no way. >> it's terrible because i don't care who you voted for in the election, donald trump is the president of the united states
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for all americans, across the board. at that demands respect. the fact that cbs allowed something like this to be aired is really disrespectful and outrageous in my opinion. i'm very, very disappointed to see that the reaction hasn't been harsher against colbert. >> sean: congratulations to you on the baby i know you have to put up with a lot and we do need to freedom of speech, thank you for being with us. when we come back a very important question of the date we got a voice mail's not not o nice tonight that you left from the hannity hotline, straight ahead.
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go to, @seanhannity on twitter. let us know what you think. time to play some of the messages you leave for me on the hannity hotline. >> sean: i am 6 feet tall. i am now in the best shape i've been in years. the hair is real. cut me some slack. want to say something to me, call the number on your screen.
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that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us. congratulations, republicans. we now have begun the process of ending the death spiral. finally, you got your act together. see you tomorrow night. >> tucker: this is a fox news alert. president trump is expected to speak at any moment now. of course, we'll bring it to you as soon as that starts.t good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." the president is about to deliver a speech at the intrepid sea, air, and space museumni in new york during his first visit tont new york since becoming the president.w just moments ago, the president met with the australianis prime minister, malcom turnbull. we have tape of that, which we are going to go to in just a minute. first, we want to go to charles krauthammer, who i believe a standing by in washington tonight. charles, there is other news, thanks a lot for joining us. there is other news today. that is the american health care act, has passed the house of representatives.
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