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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 5, 2017 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> melissa: we will see you back here in in an hour. >> jon: "outnumbered" starts right now. >> sandra: fox news alert, the sweet taste of victory. president trump celebrating a big win after the house passes a revamped bill to repeal and replace obamacare. this is just around one as a battle now moves to the senate. this is "outnumbered." i'm sandra smith. here today, harris faulkner, meghan mccain, fox business networks of dagen mcdowell, and today's #oneluckyguy, lieutenant colonel michael walt waltz. he is outnumbered and has a long resume and an excellent one at that. >> michael: thank you, one lucky colonel. >> harris: you are on the couch with us during a lot of
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the breaking news on the hill, but people didn't get to see you and now they do. where doing a big reveal here. welcome. >> michael: in the army, the first time you do something, there's cake. >> harris: oh, is that how they roll? >> meghan: i'm fine with that. happy friday. >> sandra: let's jump right in get to the news. repeal and replace obamacare passing by the slimmest of margins in the house appeared the final tally, 217-213. president trump surrounded by house republicans savoring the big moment in the rose garden. >> coming from a different world and only being a politician for a short period of time, how my doing? my doing okay? i'm president. can you believe it? this is a great plan, i think it will get even better and this is, this is a repeal and replace of obamacare. make no mistake. yes, premiums will be coming
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down. yes, deductibles will be coming down. importantly, it's a great plan. we developed a bond. this has brought the republican party together. >> sandra: democrats wasting no time blasting the legislatio legislation. nancy pelosi say republicans are either ignorant or uncaring. >> when you know the facts and to care about people, you can't possibly vote for a bell that they voted for today. either they don't know don't care, or both. some of our members think they really don't care and that's why they don't want to know the facts. >> sandra: senator elizabeth warren tweeting this is in football, it's not about foreign point. this bill will devastate american health care. families will go bankrupt, people will die. meantime, president trump confident that we publicans and the senate will get the job
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done. >> i think will get it through. the republicans are very united. you can see that today. the republicans came together all of a sudden two days ago, it was like magic. they just came together. they're very, very united. from freedom caucus, to tuesday, every single group, lots of groups. a lot of great people, but they're very, very united. >> sandra: maybe not so fast. the senate republicans saying they are planning to write their own version. here's bill cassidy of louisiana who himself is cosponsoring an obamacare replacement plan. >> we are writing our own bell, that's way it works. they passed there is, we pass hours, and then we'll go to conference. i think the house bill necessarily predicts what in the senate bill. we have only 52 senators, there has to be consensus. >> sandra: to the colonel first. can president trump declare victory with the passage of this
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bill in the house? >> michael: not yet. i'm not sure yet we are willing to spike the football, but i do think this bill did a much better job of getting towards the cost of care. i'm also the ceo of a business for 250 employees. i just had to send an email yesterday telling them our premiums are rising again. what good is it to have a plan in place as we do now where you have premiums that are costing thousands of dollars a month for some people, as much as their mortgage, you got deductibles that are several thousand dollars a month before you can even get to insurance. we have to get to the cost of care. i think that's it a much better job. once we get to the senate, you're going to see more things getting woven into getting those costs. >> sandra: more change. we don't really know, you've pointed this out multiple times, what this will look like once it gets to the senate. >> meghan: there's a few things i want to say. first and foremost, it is a success that president trump showed he can get the freedom caucus and the moderates to
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compromise on anything, which is quite friendly something i didn't think was possible. that being said, yesterday in the rose garden, i was a little uncomfortable, i'm a little paranoid. this is far from over. there's a lot of battle still left in the senate and then they'll have to go at it again. this won't be a day at the beach. this will be another battle going forward. all the celebration, it's a lot premeditated. we need to be careful going forward and take our successes and actually have it be authentic and honest when it happens, because i have friends of mine who don't know politics who were a little confused. >> dagen: it is a short-term victory for president trump, but i get your superstition on the issue. in terms of what happens in the senate, there are some things that we can 100% count on. senator rob portman has been working on this. they will likely delay repeal
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again of the medicaid expansion, because it set to go higher, funding is set to cut in 2020, that will be changed. the cuts to the medicaid program, a bigger rollback of the government's contributions to medicaid. also johnson wants bigger tax credits for older people. this is a big picture thing. give mitch mcconnell and the senate credit because he is already working on it. he's already have a working group working together. those are some of the things and is not out of the playing field of republicans. this is something that the house republicans could get on with. >> harris: the cases of bud light that were rolled out of the capital -- just some of the color that was going on. it's certainly not happening today. the president's staff said that he celebrated quietly by calling a few members privately, that sort of thing. the rose garden, he let eight
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other lawmakers go and take the state. that was interesting to share the stage. this is key to me this morning. senator lindsey graham says like y'all, i'm still waiting to see if it's a boy or girl. any bill that has been posted less than 24 hours is going to be debated three or four hours. lamar alexander, senator from tennessee, we are writing a senate bill and not passing the house bill. we'll take whatever good ideas we find there. that's most -- that's some of the conversation that significant. >> sandra: maybe you can look at what this means short-term for the party and maybe it means that house republicans were able to come together and some of those mills were turned into yeses just hours before that vote took place. >> michael: president trump and republicans were put here to get stuff done. you have to look at the flip side if they haven't gotten it done yesterday.
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what would happen if we turn to cheek in syria again and what would that have done worldwide? you're owning the house, owning the senate, and owning the white house, we couldn't get together and improve obamacare which is falling apart all over the country, i think it would've been bad for the party. >> harris: meanwhile, president trump is getting credit for playing a big part in sealing the deal for the health care bill. the president was directly engaged this time around as tweets took a backseat. a white house spokesperson said he held 15-20 meetings or phone calls with house republicans ahead of that vote. at least four members decided to support the bill after meeting with the president. they flipped their nose to yese yeses. mccarthy says it's something he's never seen. >> i've only been through a few
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presidents, i've never seen someone so hands-on. he walked into my office yesterday morning and said the president is calling again. i picked up the phone, i happened to be the majority leader. i know my members well. the president gives me a list of who he says would be the best to talk to on the list. and he was right. mr. president, they all voted for the bill. >> harris: newt gingrich had this to say about the president's negotiating style. >> here's what i really like. they hit a wall, they backed up, they tried a second time. they kept working and kept talking. trump kept talking to people as late as yesterday individually, developing and thinking things through. the art of a deal, coming to washington, d.c. the president would never give up. >> harris: all right, what's interesting is how squeaky titus ended up being.
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216 votes, but then it's going to get even squeaky or in the senate, they'll need 50 of those 52 votes inside the senate. the president's negotiating skills may be on full display now. they'll be on even more so full display. >> michael: the first go around, the president invited the entire freedom caucus over and then he invited the entire tuesday group over. i think we've seen that he does a lot better one-on-one. a number of people who have sat with him one-on-one say he's incredible. i think moving into the senate, they need to maintain that momentum. we've seen that he can adjust, he can learn, he can adapt, and then move forward and close the deal, but i'm worried that once this is kind of out of the spotlight, that the white house loses focus. between the vice president, the chief of staff, between the president himself, they need to maintain that individual attention so at a race heard and
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we close the deal. >> harris: want to juxtapose what president trump did yesterday in pushing this through with what was going on with president obama and his administration. he had to use executive order to fix obamacare dozens of times. he didn't even go to his own party to get it through. he probably knew he wouldn't get it through, but he would single-handedly wed right executive orders to try to fix what was broken. this president is much different. >> meghan: first of all, he's going through the legislative process and set of just jamming it down everyone's throats. there's a lot of hysteria is going on on the left on the internet come on social media, and on cable news. you saw them crying yesterday live on air. this information going on about people who have been deeply affected, i keep bring up arizona because my home state of ground zero, 126% increase in premiums. i know people personally who have been impacted so severely in their lives that stories are difficult for me to hear
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sometimes. the thing i'm worried about right now is as you said, keeping this momentum going forward to make sure the left doesn't collapse and just complete lee scare people and act like republicans are these big bad wolves that are going to leave people dying on the street. right now, there's a great -- left is really great at organizing, they're great at using p.r. i think the optics of this yesterday, if i were advising them, i would say maybe wait on the rose garden and maybe explained to people that there's a lot more going into this going forward. >> harris: i want to talk about this momentum, because a town hall is coming. they don't have to be organized by democrats, people have their own stories to tell. we've seen republican lawmakers have to take that on willingly. they're listening. your thoughts? >> dagen: they're already back on their heels. they need to communicate with the american people about what this means to them and their
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health care. president trump is terrific at that, but he's be detailed, he needs to be -- he needs to do that. i have my nancy pelosi talking points in my hand, i'm surprised and bursting into flames. this was out earlier this week. the republicans are not ahead on this. >> harris: is there a republican list of talking points? >> dagen: now, a democrat who i know very well post on her facebook page yesterday the sickest, oldest -- the republicans need to say the sickest are already covered, the oldest are covered under medicare, the poorest get covered under medicaid, and children get covered under s chip. they need to be fighting this tooth and nail until the american people they will have more choice and lower cost potentially with this plan. it rolls back a giant ticking financial timebomb.
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>> sandra: an hour or so from now, there will be a white house press briefing today. it will be interesting to see the sort of messaging that is put out from the white house the day passes. >> harris: dagan's republican talking points, on twitter? >> dagen: they're rolling back entitlement, which we never do. they haven't been touched in decades. >> meghan: she was my first choice for a white house spokesperson. >> harris: the things you find out on a friday. >> dagen: my problem is i got resting ugly face and i roll my eyes. >> harris: that's not true. lawmakers from both parties were able to unite on lease one issue. the growing threat from north korea. what congress is doing now to target that regime. will that be enough to end kim
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jong-un's nuclear ambitions as we learn he may be teaming up with iran now? democrats, breaking out in song to taunt republicans during the houses health care boat. boasting the obama repeal means goodbye seats and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. now more breathable than ever. in situations like this, there's no time for distractions. it's not enough to think i'm ready. i need to know i'm ready. no matter what lies ahead. get a free sample at
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♪ hey, hey, hey ♪ goodbye >> meghan: some democratic senators and states, trump one has signaled a willingness to work with republicans to make fixes to obamacare. all ten of them are unified in slamming the houses replacement bill and a strategy reflecting the hope that obamacare repealing efforts will backfire. it's a tax cut bill for wealthy. let's fix what we have. nelson of florida tweeting this g.o.p. health care plan will make it clearly impossible for anyone with a pre-existing condition to get help health insurance. this bill is heartless. it's bad for ohio and it will leave real ohioans struggling to afford care.
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nancy pelosi also saying that this health care bill will hot republicans. >> now they're on record. this vote will be tattooed to them as i also said, they will glow in the dark. they gave their name to it. they put their name next to it. we will make sure the public is aware of that. >> meghan: i don't know if she could be more dramatic about this. i'm talking about the narrative coming out of the left, this is exactly what i'm talking about. >> michael: there are a number of voices telling the trump white house to do nothing. let obamacare implode, let people lose their coverage and that would be the politically safe thing to do and down. that wouldn't be the right thing to do. we're going to take additional steps in the senate. in 2018, when people are looking at their 401(k) and it's growing, they're seeing their premiums start to at least
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stabilize and their deductibles go down and there in a better place, we still have unemployment at 4.4%. >> sandra: let me challenge you with something we're hearing from some republicans and that is maybe this is a little rushed. maybe they should have waited until it was scored by the cbo so we would know how much it would be costing. that wouldn't necessarily be accurate, but that's an argument we've heard on the right. >> michael: again, i go back to the do nothing was not an option. that was an option that some had pushed, but with the house, with the senate, with the white house, if we had done business as usual and get all of your pieces in place, i don't think he would have moved this forward. we'd still be stuck. >> harris: politically, republicans will get credit either way for having tried. even if it takes them longer than they would want to take to get through the senate. we somehow hit another enrollment. mac this fall if they can't get it done, they get something
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democrats cannot tick a box on and that is that they really tried. president obama said don't help them. >> michael: there is nowhere to go but up from the current plan, but to megan's point, and to dagan's point, we have to sell it. right now, folks from the left are going to be out in their districts saying you're losing maternity care -- not with ideas. >> meghan: the thing i take offense at right now, he said i'm the person democrats don't think exists. he didn't give me permission to say would as health care premiums are, but let's say it's absurd, it's more than most peoples rent. democrats have the impression that it's been a great success for all americans across the country and it hasn't. >> dagen: no, they're delusional. you can keep your doctor, nope. keep your insurance, nope. premiums will go up, that's a lie too. there is an urgency for the
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republicans because the insurers next month and the month of july are saying how much they're going to have to raise. already a part of counties in this country have one insurer. iowa is at the risk of having a zero insurers on this health exchange. anthem -- the average increase in premiums in virginia by anthem, 38%. it's going to be 35%. 52% -- we need to act. republicans have to act right now. they can't wait until the fall. >> harris: obamacare will start to defend itself basically. people won't be able to get into the exchange. >> meghan: we have to move on. hillary clinton is on the attack calling republicans health care
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bill a shameful failure, much like her campaign, as she is reportedly set to launch a new political group aimed at helping the resistance. plus the house approving tough new sanctions on north korea. will they have an impact as tensions reach a fever pitch?
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>> sandra: former vice president joe biden tweeting, shame in congress, protection for pre-existing conditions, mental health, maternity care, addiction services, all gone. hillary clinton tweeting that the bill is a shameful failure of policy and morality by g.o.p. today. urging followers to fight back on behalf of the millions of families that will be hurt by their actions. this is hillary i she is set to launch a new committee.
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colonel, you start this one. >> harris: you sit in the commercial break, i'm so tired of talk about hillary clinton. >> michael: i am. move forward. the election is done. from a philosophical standpoint, president obama has had a victory here. we have now accepted that government provided health care is a right. that's what you're going to continue to hear from rand paul as well. essentially what we're doing now is tweaking how that is provided. you will hear from rand paul that it's right, you'll hear him complaining that it wasn't a full repeal. just as lbj and fdr provided a safety net, this is now part of what we're going to provide going in the future. >> dagen: charles krauthammer said something similar last night on special report. i love talking about him, but he
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said this. with the inception of obamacare, there is a paradigm shift in the country and we are now all on liberal ground. the purpose of government is to provide health insurance and it's the right of the american people to have that insured and guaranteed. he thinks ultimately we will wind up with a single-payer and it will be medicare for all. by the way, medicare is going broke. >> sandra: surely, you have something to say about this. to be blasting these efforts, is this good for the country question mike >> meghan: no it's not. i think there's a lot of falsehood being pointed around on all sides. i think people really need to understand what's happening. >> meghan: no it's not. i think there's a lot of falsehood being pointed around if you think government funded health care is great, why is the d.a. such an absolute disaster? the argument was move it back to the private sector so that veterans could get the health care they deserved.
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the idea of it, just go to the post office. as both of you said, there is this impression right now that government funded health care is a right of every american and i think will be left with a single pair health care, but the country can afford it. there are lines here that people are trying to ignore. democrats are good at manipulative people's emotions. >> sandra: that's what she's going here, hillary clinton, funding these resistance groups. and fighting back. >> harris: it's such a great example that you give of the veterans affairs. my father has had to go through them, unfortunately -- great facilities for him, but we've seen what can happen. >> meghan: people literally die. >> michael: you've got the government managing 130 hospitals. >> dagen: can erase something? we do have single-payer and
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medicare. alder america generally like it. that's not where the va is having government on hospitals. >> harris: it doesn't cover everything. >> dagen: it's broke. there's a $50 trillion hole in it because the government hasn't told elderly folks, you can't have that. they're going to have bureaucrats deciding when people die and how long they get to live. that's what ultimately will happen. >> harris: to get back to the original point about the emotions, when you talk about some thing emotional, you don't hear democrats talking about the broken va system. that happened on obama's watch. >> meghan: a lot of people who have been hit so hard who have been burdened -- most people i know our millennials who don't go to the doctor all the time, who are paying out the lazo on this. i say it's a ponzi scheme. all the promises that were made don't happen and all the people are the ones who are getting hit the hardest with the bottom line
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because are not going to the doctor as much. >> michael: i employ healthy young men who don't need all of these mandatory benefits and their having to pay out just ridiculous amounts of premiums and deductibles. not only dimension of va, the fastest growing portion of our defense budget is tri- care, is health care, these exploding costs then will be on the left or democrats seems to want to address. we can afford it. >> harris: for young men, that's great, but bad health can come in an instant. >> michael: a lot of them on a catastrophic plan and they can get it. >> harris: let's talk about a bill that was able to garner both democrat and a publican sport in the house. one thing. lawmakers overwhelmingly voted to oppose tough new sanctions on korea. this after an officer warned it's a question of when, not if pyongyang successfully built a nuclear missile capable of striking the united states. the measured target is a
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shipping industry and its use of slave labor. it also requires the trumpet ministrations report to congress within 90 days on whether north korea should be reinstated on our governments. such a designation would trigger more sanctions, including restrictions on u.s. foreign assistance. pentagon officials are now saying north korea and iran may be sharing dangerous submarine missile technologies. they're going to buddy up, is that necessarily breaking news? they have been on the same page. by the way, you can throw russia and there too. maybe even cuba. >> michael: what's key about the sanctions is what's going to be sanctions enforcement and what we are prepared to do. the banks and the other industries working with north korea are actually chines chinese. are we going to start sanctioning chinese banks and chinese industries that i work with north korea if they continue?
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north koreans and iranians have been working together for years. did the only two entities that operate this type of submarine that just tried to launch a cruise missile yesterday. the senior official that you mentioned is actually the commander of our pacific fleet. it is if, not when. if they are able to miniaturize the weapon, attack tokyo, if not, the western united states, you can bet they're going to share that with iran. on the iranian side, that's being fueled by the billions of dollars be released through the iran deal. >> sandra: you're talking about our ability to impose and follow through with the sanctions. just approving the sanctions themselves, is this further inflaming the tensions between us and them? >> michael: between us and the north koreans? i think the north koreans need
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to understand but the military option is on the table and then it's credible. that's how diplomacy works, but in the meantime -- under the obama administration -- in the meantime, there's a lot more we can do a sanctions, there is more we can do with cyber, though somewhere we can do on the diplomatic front and we have to exhaust all of those options. military action in the peninsula will be catastrophic. >> dagen: is to get china to enforce and stand by sanctions they violated. the u.s. has the legal authority to put pressure on north korea by applying what are called secondary sanctions. you deny access to the u.s. financial system to any company or financial institution and a third country that's conducting illegal business with north korea. other administrations have not stepped up to enforce that because they were worried about making beijing angry. we have the ability to make beijing angry and get them on
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board. >> michael: we have to change what the chinese most fear. not nukes pointed at the united states. that is now changing. military is credible from the united states, we can't keep letting the north koreans march towards this icbm. if united states strikes, you're going to have a collapse of the north korean states anyways, so let's step in from the chinese perspective. >> harris: the credibility i was getting to you. 59 tomahawk missiles into syria play a role. >> meghan: i like our people are talking about president obama right now. every single day, president obama is reminded of the money he gave not only to fund terrorism, but to fund an absolutely insane maniac who is running north korea right now.
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the media let him get off way too easy on this. >> harris: let's move on. we can talk all day, but the show is only an hour. former president obama's big payday on wall street, let's talk about that. he's expecting millions more. it's trying some new scrutiny. may be inside own party. why lawmakers could put his pension on the talking block. talk money to me, baby. ♪ you think traffic's bad now, the future's going to be a nightmare! does nobody like the future? c'mon, the future. he obviously doesn't know intel is helping power autonomous cars and the 5g network they connect to. with this, won't happen in the future. thanks, jim.
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type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. tell your doctor if you've ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. ready to let go of hep c? ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. >> meghan: former president obama's upcoming big payday for a wall street speech catching the eye of lawmakers.
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jason chafe its signaling he may end re-introduced bill he sponsored that would cap presidential pensions at $200,000 and make cuts to those pensions. the bill was supported last month and had no opposition from the white house. congressman said obama is -- elijah cummings, the top democrat on the committee said his office would be open to revitalizing the legislation with some tweaks. lori clinton made $100 million, so i don't have a problem with wanting to cap presidential pensions. i'm fine with us, why is president obama not? >> michael: i don't have a problem with president or anyone coming out of government and making money. i'm a capitalist. where i have an issue is with
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the clinton foundation and with entities we have a former president receiving foreign government money while there relative wife is still in a position of power. that's why i'm watching very closely and was glad to see the trump foundation in the trump family put the appropriate conflicts of interest in place. and general, for someone to leave government and go make money, fine. should be docked from their pension? i don't think that's a bad idea. >> dagen: i think it's a horrible idea. if your president of the united states and you served honorably and admirably, you doggone well earned every dime that you get in a pension. it is an incredibly difficult and stressful job and i think -- congressman, we know you're leaving office, but it's anti-american to tell people that we are going to dictate to you how much you get any pension based on how much you earn outside of the white house. good on president obama for going out there and legally
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raising money. by the way, the president and his wife are getting $2 million three summer jobs program. if he earns all his money, it's going to charity. >> meghan: this is your impression. democrats are always things you give more and more and more, i'm surprised. i would think you'd want to come out and say don't pay me anything, keep the money for something else. >> dagen: again, if you're going to legislate it, you're saying down the road, what if you have some very poor man who happens to get elected to the white house? he needs that pension. if you put a cap -- these presidents are in that pension. i don't think it's up to the congressman to decide. >> sandra: this isn't just republicans going after this concept. elijah cummings says that he would strongly support it. you're hearing some of the left say that. that being said, do you think
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the president -- president obama might look back at this and say he could give up the ability to receive that? he's making millions of dollars after he's president. >> michael: i'm with degen on this one. i just don't have an issue with going out, making money, you've earned it. where do we draw the line? is to we are all conservatives >> harris: here's the slippery slope that i see. colonel, this affects you because you get a pension. my dad's a colonel. it becomes a slippery slope and a judgment is not always based -- one of the judgment becomes something else and you'll get your pension? you served in a way that i haven't. you deserve it. >> michael: there is fundamental issue here. we penalize people for making money? i have no problem with that, no problem with someone in the military, former congressman, former president, let's be very
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clear about the conflicts of interest when you're in power or when you still have power through a relative. >> meghan: we have to move on. the jokes about president have been the scapegoats of many comedians. guess who wins the race? >> you attract more skinheads than free rogaine. you have more people marching against you than cancer.
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bathroom. >> got a go faster. we are up with mcdonald's. >> mr. tom, your presidency, i love your presidency. i call a disgrace the nation. >> sandra: it is clear president trump is the man late night loves to hate. a new study finds that his first 100 days in office, he's been a target of more jokes from late-night comedians then his three predecessors were tearing their entire first years in the white house. president trump has already been hit with nearly 1,100 zingers. compared to barack obama's more than 900 and his entire first year. george w. bush is 550 and bill clinton's 440. that leaves president trump on track to surpass clinton's all-time record of more than 1700 jokes and 1998. that was the year dominated by the monica lewinsky scandal in
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his impeachment. >> michael: i have mixed feelings on this. of course read the first amendment and that's what sets us apart from china and north korea and dictatorships all over the world. it is what you can do and what you shouldn't do. when i was a commander of soldiers, whether it was under president bush one, clinton, obama, no president trump, there was always respect for the commander in chief. i would say the campaign is over. we have to move this nation forward. we are dealing with huge consequential issue is whether its foreign policy or domestically, let's have a little laugh, but i think there's a line there and people are taking way too far. >> sandra: there is a line from a low disrespect for the media and having fun with it. he is a popular guy. >> meghan: i used to watch late-night shows at length. i liked jay leno for a long time. i have complete lee stopped
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watching all late-night shows altogether in every way because i don't think it's funny which is a great sin against company anyway. i didn't laugh once, it was terribly mean-spirited. we were talking about how we both found it homophobic. i think you can get away with anything as long as you're making people laugh and they're not making people laugh. >> harris: we just watched all those clips and i don't think anybody laughed. >> dagen: when i listen to these comedians, i have my resting ugly face. it's painfully unfunny. i get more yuks listening to hillary clinton lecture me about morality than i do listening to these late-night hosts. donald trump is so larger-than-life that they really can't come up with anything that's new and original, quite frankly. then they have to get so nasty about it. >> meghan: the big shift -- once upon a time, jon stewart
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had an impact on the way we talk about politics, especially young people for a long time. it has been proven that these comedians forgot that trevor noah hosted the daily show, but these comedians don't have the power to sway people's opinions in the way that they once did. when he heard someone like stephen colbert -- now you're doing this late-night show, trump is a super popular, doing well, the american public seems -- his supporters aren't being swayed by stephen colbert's opinion. it has to hit at your ego a little bit. >> harris: a couple things. for one thing, i'm in favor of more words, not fewer. we're not debating the freedom of speech, we are debating morality and integrity. when you look at the total picture of what's being said among these comedians, a lot of it is truly offensive on a very basic level. your imagination gets left on
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the sidewalk and you are in the gutter. that's not funny, but it's also morality challenging. you cannot reshape the character of donald trump into a joke if you don't know people, like sean spicer, it changes the comedian. >> sandra: is she saying keep it clean. more "outnumbered" just a moment , every step counts. a bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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>> lieutenant colonel michael
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was in the house raising our game, thank you. >> with a name like waltz, do you know how to dance? >> i do. but if anyone is shooting at me, no one has, so that is a good day. >> no were harmed in the making of this. have a great weekend, everybody. "happening now" now. >> jon: fox news alert, trump administration taking more steps to vet those coming into the country. >> said to give the state department the authority to demand more information from people applying for u.s. visas, to make good on the presidents campaign promise to tighten security on our borders. we are covering all of the news "happening now" ." >> jon: the g.o.p. bill to repeal and replace obamacare now heads to the senate. >> i don't think the hospital necessarily produced it is in the senate bill, there has to be consensus. >> jon: lawmakers say final passage could take months so what does the future hold for president trump's promise to americans? we are alive on


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