tv Hannity FOX News May 5, 2017 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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jess jis my show is on tomorrow night, too. >> kimberly: did you just boomerang yourself. have a great weekend, everyone. hannity next. ♪ ♪ >> welcome to hannity it's been a very big week for donald trump. i'm eric bolling in for sean tonight. republicans helped. he took steps to protect religious freedom. he signed a new spending bill to keep the government's lights on and the unemployment rate has just dropped to the lowest level in 10 years. when it comes to the commander-in-chief's biggest one of the week though, healthcare. democrats are stooping to new lows to try and scare americans. take a look. >> well, people are going to lose their lives. people are going to lose their health coverage and these people think it's a party? they think it's something fun? >> you were talking about it as some kind of a healthcare
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bill. it's not a healthcare bill. this is a massive tax break to the top 2%. >> you know it deepen saddened by its passage because it means, of course, millions of people are going to lose their health insurance. >> senator sanders earlier this afternoon you tweeted celebrated die billionaires get tax breaks. is that what you think here thousands of americans will die? >> absolutely. no question. this will cost american lives if it ever becomes law. this will -- this will mean death, pain and suffering to people's families. >> this crushing age tax will fall on some of the most vulnerable members of our society. >> let's put this bill in a coffin, not americans. >> let's kill and bury this bill. thank you. >> really a stupid bill. it's a stupid -- it's a bill of deacon destruction of government. >> eric: this bill has a long way to go before it reaches the president's desk. it looks like the democrats are just getting started. joining us now with reaction
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is counselor to the president kellyanne conway. kellyanne conway, have you ever seen. literally just hours after the signing of the bill. we had five or six lawmakers saying people are going to die if you sign this bill. >> it's so disappointing and we have faith in the american people to know that's not true. the democrats lost everything not nailed to the ground in the last three of the four elections, eric, mainly because of obamacare. it's been a terrible political loser for them. 938 state legislative seats, governorships, control of the house. the senate, and now the white house. in part because of this issue. we know what all the horrors of obamacare have wrought. 29 million people opted out of it 6.9 million americans said they would rather pay the penalty and pay money than be part of obamacare it had premiums out of control. people had a health insurance card worst possible outcome didn't use it deductibles were unaffordable. what this does is the president has made clear and he leaned all the way into this. he worked the phones. he had the meetings. he was right there with the
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house of representatives getting this done. and the vice president, he is telling people your premiums will go down. deductibles go down. extra money in there for americans with preexisting conditions. that's a feature with obamacare that's popular and retained here with extra money. >> eric: people were concerned with preexisting condition. that seemed to be solved with the $8 billion put into the bill. talk about reducing the cost and price not only for health insurance but healthcare? how does the bill do that. >> the bill does that several ways. there is more competition in the system. have you got more flexibility to the governors of medicaid because they have, you know, they are closer to the people in need. and they know what their population needs. having top down care from the federal government was never a good idea. it's what americans say is so intrusive and expansive. obamacare is the best example of a federal government that behaves that way. also, there is money here t help people meet their deductibles if they need it. there is $100 billion for people with preexisting conditions.
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there is the extra $8 billion for people who have a preexisting condition and happen to live in a state that opts out. so that they want to be granted a waiver, you're still protected. that was a feature that was important to some of those fence sitting republicans. who came to the white house the day before the vote was taken. and so, it's just a much better free market patient centric system. it also allows you almost to double your contribution to health savings accounts, which is a free market solution, that allows to you have more control over your healthcare spending. lou people to pool together who don't have employer sponsored coverage like most of us do or government healthcare through medicare or medicaid or veterans benefits and allows them to get access to care. >> eric: i was one of the people out there pushing against the original paul ryan bill because it didn't seem to introduce any substantial competition to the insurance companies. so they can compete for our dollars. does this add that how does
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this add it? >> we don't have competition now. just this week 94 of the 9 counties in the state of iowa, eric, don't have -- they have one provider now. etna is coming out of all of these exchanges. medica said just this week we had exhibit a of why this isn't workin work these are examples can't sell insurance over state lines. when does that provision get into this legislation? >> that's something very important to this president. he has talked about that all through the campaign, all through the transition and now as president it's important to him. the senate as you know will be writing a bill or they will take up the house bill, that's up to leader mcconnell and the senate. leader mcconnell and the president are in regular communication about healthcare. and everything else. the other thing is, let's not pretend and let's not forget because the democrats want people to forget and scare them how we got to this place. 41 states saw deductibles increase. average of 41% increase in people's premiums.
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100 percent increase in some places. have you states and counties about a third of the counties in this country, all about five of the 99 counties in iowa that only have 1 provider. that's not choice. that's not competition. by the way where the hell were those democrats, excuse me, when veterans were dying waiting for care. i didn't see them coming on tv with hosts that just sat there listening to them and when there were veterans dying for care that deserved better. this president signed the veterans choice act. expanded it if you are a veteran that cannot get timely care at a v.a. can you access the private system. >> eric: you and i both live in the state of new jersey. new jersey started when obamacare came out with several providers. they are down to two now and by the end of this year. they will have one. the state of new jersey will have one provider and is that true problem with obamacare. >> that's the problem with obamacare. our united states senator was on a different network saying there is going to be pain and suffering and death. >> eric: that's corey booker. people say he wants to run for president in 2020.
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you can't run for president scaring people. and going on tv where no hosts asks you to produce any kind of evidence whatsoever. that such death and destruction have going to befall people. they are running scared because there is no economic message for the democrats. they have no connective tissue with working class americans. this last election president trump proved that. >> eric: i don't want to be the talking heads on the other side who didn't ask but this. i really think it's very important to get that second phase ii portion of competition across state lines. >> very important to president trump. >> eric: if you are going to reduce the premiums for me it seems like the only way to do it. other than having government put more and more money into the system which i think the conservative doesn't want to have. >> remember, even though the democrats made this very partisan issue the president did not. you heard leader kevin mccarthy say the first time president trump called him he said don't give me a healthcare biffle that's good for the republican party. give me one that's good for the american people. he said the republican people came together we couldn't rely on any
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democratic votes. we welcome them. rewelcome your help defeat isis. come on board democrats. he got zero. he wanted something that actually helps americans. we hear from people every single day suffering under obamacare and this is for them. >> eric: i don't have a lot of time. the freedom caucus somehow came on board. what was it that pushed them over the line? >> i think it was a better bill for them and it had more competition in it, less spending, perhaps, less, i should say, wasteful spending. but also, i think it's the personal relationships that the president was able to build with mark meadows the head of the house freedom caucus. head of the tuesday group also from new jersey. even people that aren't part of any of those groups where he kept saying how do we get to yes? he is the ultimate deal maker. he is the most brilliant communicator with people i have ever seen. that goes beyond the electorate. now it works with his own republican conference in the house. he was able to talk to them very patiently, very respectfully, invite them in, talk to them on the phone. he and the vice president i
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think deserve the lion share of credit on that. >> eric: now has a bit of a tall order. he is going to have to do deal making on the senate side of the equation. >> he dual it. >> eric: kellyanne conway, we have to leave it right there. >> thank you, eric. >> eric: coming up right here on hannity. >> today house republicans voted to make american healthcare coverage much, much worse. >> eric: liberal mainstream media is teaming up with democrats to attack the republican healthcare bill. we will show you the worst examples of media bias you have ever seen. get reaction from dr. mark siegel, byron york and joe coverage that and later. >> one reporter ran into reince priebus who told her the president stepped up and helped punt the ball into the end zone. i think a more accurate football met for might have been g.o.p. just kicked america in the [bleep] >> eric: after trashing president trump earlier in the week. the fowl mouth colbert is at it again. michelle malkin is here to weigh in. that and much more as
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hannity continues ♪ ♪ you totanobody's hurt, new car. but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
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voted to make american healthcare coverage much, much worse. >> you break it, you own it anyone who loses healthcare as a result of this will blame republicans stnchts it okay as america fundamental nature of the laws for an insurance company to charge a family with a kid with cancer $100,000 a year? >> no. of course not. and i don't think. >> you just voted for a bill that allows that to happen. >> no, no, no. >> yes, you did vote, sir. >> no. >> we just saw the peoplens concerns about preexisting conditions. that's just one of the land mines going forward as this goes to the senate. >> i think this is one of the largest pure redistributions for poor to rich in one bill we have ever seen. >> okay. that's hard to hear. >> look it's all smoke and mirrors. i'm not going to sugar coat this. this is a bad bill. this is bad politics. and when i see these republicans out there, you know, declaring this as a victory, i hope they have
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health insurance because they really need to get their heads checked. >> eric: the media has been quick to trash the g.o.p. healthcare plan. didn't seem to care when president barack obama mislead millions of americans with these false promises. watch this. >> no matter how we reform healthcare, we will keep this promise. to the american people. iif you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. if you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan, period. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan: there's no doubt we must preserve what's best our b. our healthcare system that means allowing measures who like their doctors and their healthcare plans to keep them. >> if you have got health insurance and you like your doctor, you like your plan can you keep your doctor, can you keep your plan. nobody is talking about taking that away from you. >> eric: joining us now with
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reaction from "the washington examiner" and it fox news contributor byron george. fox news medical correspondent dr. marc siegel and from the hill joe concha. i didn't hear much push back by the mainstream media when some of those outrageous claims were being made. i was waiting on rachel maddow to push back but she didn't. >> i didn't hear one obamacare. when i lost the three evening newscasts last night and i watched them all in all of their packages they left out half the story. what's half the story? deductibles going through the roof. premiums going through the roof. insurance companies opting out. why is that important? because the narrative that became yesterday after this story -- after this bill -- the bill passed in the house was that obamacare is utopian, eric, that there weren't any cost problems. that insurance companies weren't on thing out. so when you present it against a healthcare bill that we don't know exactly what it's going to be
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looking like you say it's horrible because it doesn't cover everything. that is the bias of admission. that's what it sounds like and more importantly, eric, that's what it smells like. >> eric: president obama, you saw him saying you can keep your doctor and insurance if you want to. that was a lie. what are we getting to here. >> a lot of people wanted to keep me and they couldn't. their plan just couldn't keep coming. here's where this is a step in the right direction. we're getting rid of the mandate, the individual mandate, which was basically a lie because health insurance doesn't necessarily mean you are going to get healthcare. you get to the doctor's office and i'm fighting to get you the care that i want you to get. the insurance company is turning it down. it's a false premise that insurance means care. it doesn't mean care all the time. can you overuse it all the time. come to see me when you don't need to. joe's point cover prices if we cover everybody with preexisting conditions the same way. why isn't anybody talking about that over on the democratic side? we have new technologies that are a fortune. i'm very happy about them.
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the latest inventions. do you know what they cost? do you know what cancer treatments cost? $100,000 a year. if everybody is paying the same price to cover that premiums are going to go through the roof. so the new bill, with a waiver, creates an option that you could fund a high risk pool which somebody could go to. if they were in a gap they could go there and pay a higher premium which, by the way, the government could supplement. >> eric: let me bring byron in. i want you to weigh in on the media treatment of what's going on here. they were very, very anxious to jump on donald trump first round couldn't get the vote for healthcare bill. now all the sudden they are getting the votes and sumping on him again. hypocrisy, right? >> we are seeing one consistent threw thing through this from the coverage of obamacare when it was debated in 2009 and 2010 to today which is an amazing lack of skepticism on the part of a lot of the press. when president obama made those promises that you just
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played, a number of them were reported as if they were simple facts. and today, when democrats say people will die because this bill has been passed, it's kind of reported as a fact when the cbo of the congressional budget office estimated the original house bill on obamacare that 24 million people would lose coverage. there was almost no talk about how the cbo had been dramatically wrong. grossly under estimating the number of people sign up for obamacare originally. when you talk about what these are going to do in the future have you to be skeptical. >> how about prepared? tuck t. struck me as a lot of those anchors didn't have the background. they didn't even understand what they were talking about at the time and they didn't push back and jumped for the cheap narrative, eric. that is the why. why did republicans want to repeal and replace obamacare? because of the points we made before about cost and about insurance and about it's going to implode
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underneath its own weight. and they went to the cheap narrative instead which is republicans, white, middle age and we heard about the optic yesterday. white, want to get rid of this bill for bill support and they don't care about americans. that's the narrative that was pushed. >> eric: let me ask you, cochran, democrats are hoping that this bill drifsz up costs, again be on healthcare so they can come back and run on it in 2018. >> this bill was a step towards not driving up costs. it depends on what happens in the senate. because the reality is, again, this is a prefixed meal we have right now under olbermann. you may one twice no matter how are. 27-year-old who wants to buy a car can't buy a car because you have to pay an insurance premium. eric, did you know that 5% of americans generate 50% of the cost. 50% generate 50%. i want to take care of them, i'm a compassionate decision physician, i don't want my
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27-year-old starting out in life to be the ones shouldering the burden. >> my final thought and remember this bill hasn't even gone to the senate yet. i can't wait to see what they come back next time. >> we are about to start the cycle all over again. the bill will go to the senate. i don't think the senate is going to start with a blank page. they will start with what was passed and try to make the changes they want to make. but the whole idea is just don't believe what they say. read the bill and make your own judgments about what's going to happen. >> always a great idea. read it your yourself. coming up next right here on hannity. >> one reporter ran into reince priebus who told her the president stepped up and helped punt the ball into the end zone. i think a more actual football met for the g.o.p. just kicked america in the [bleep] >> after coming ever under fire for cruel jokes stephen
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colbert does it again. ship shell malkin is here to response. later. >> jim say that the clinton campaign don't campaign in michigan. jim comey didn't say don't go to wisconsin once after the democratic convention. >> democrats are calling out hillary clinton for making excuses about her election loss. my friend from the "the five" bob become kel will be here to respond. all that and much more straight ahead on hannity ♪ ♪ ow fast you mow...'s how well you mow fast! they're not just words to mow by, they're words to live by. the john deere ztrak z345r. tha...oh, burnt-on gravy?ie. ...gotta rinse that. nope. no way. nada. really? dish issues? throw it all in. new cascade platinum powers through... even burnt-on gravy. nice. cascade.
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>> good evening and live from america's news headquarters i'm jackie ibañez in new york. french presidential candidate manuel macron say his campaign was hacked. campaign saying emails and financial documents were leaked. they are four circulating on social media along with fake documents. macron will face off against far right candidate marine le pen on sunday.
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two u.s. appeals court will argue whether it's ban some from muslims countries to travel to the u.s. president had issued orders in january to stop immigration into the u.s. for 90 days. justice department reportedly okay a criminal investigation into uber for use of software helping driver's slide local transportation regulators. the company previously admitting to using it in cities where uber hadn't been approved. i'm jackie ibañez now back to hannity. have a great night. ♪ ♪ >> eric: welcome back to hannity. late night talk show host stephen colbert continues to go after president trump and his administration even after the uproar of vial and cruel monologue monday night that had people calling for him to be fired. here he is at it again last night. watch this. >> one reporter ran into reince priebus who told her the president stepped up and helped punt the ball into
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the end zone. i think the more accurate football met for might have been the g.o.p. just kicked america in the [bleep]. the republicans went over to the white house where donald trump spoke about the bill in front of the nation's strategic white guy reserve. [laughter] and he wanted to be very clear about what this is. >> this is, make no mistake, this is a repeal and a replace of obamacare, make no mistake about it. [applause] , make no mistake. >> yes, make no mistake. yes. we have already made enough for today. all the mistakes are taken. >> eric: colbert is not the only one. other late night show hosts are also attacking the president. watch. this i saw that democrats are calling for the new republican healthcare bill to be called trump care. experts say that's the first time trump and care have ever been said together. >> fake news later this month donald trump is going to make his first foreign
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trip as president. first foreign trip. [crowd booing] >> yeah. that's right. he is visiting a library. [laughter] >> a member of the conservative house freedom caucus said yesterday it can be difficult to negotiate with president trump because it's hard to tell what he is thinking. also, if. [laughter] >> eric: joining me now with reaction the host of michelle investigates on michelle malkin. stephen colbert started this off a couple nights ago. this was written. it was in his prompter. the produces knew. cbs news he was going to deliver it and he still delivered it anyway. can't say it was mistake. your thoughts on doubling down and triple lick down on vulgar vial stuff. >> eric, i really don't know how much these clowns in late night can get. i don't want them to be filtered or sensorred.
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i want them to keep showing america how hate filled and how vial and how filthy so much of their thinking about public discourse in america really is. they really should be thanking donald trump they are now all absorbing what's being called in the tv industry a so-called trump bump prior to stephen colbert sinking as low as he has gotten. his ratings were actually dwindling and i think that they are grasping committees prattly at these attacks because it's the only way i think that they can stay relevant. there was a time when late night comedy could appeal to a broad demographic of people in america. and whether it was stupid pet tricks or talking about doing pranks on your kids at halloween or the bread and butter of so much late night tv. having on fellow celebrities
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to chat about the tinseltown fluff. but, no, no. these people now believe so much of their own press. this is the problem with living and breathing and working in coastal bubbles. where do these people get off thinking that we actually care about their opinions on serious policy matters and yeah i'm looking at you jimmy kimmel. >> eric: i'm looking back at you michelle malkin. going all the way back to johnny carson. politics and monologues and late night have always been together. for some reason stephen colbert went over -- in my opinion he went over the line. you can talk about a president and make fun of a president. when you get vulgar and crude the way he did in that first monologue, i think he has exceeded the line. listen, i'm against boycotts. i don't believe in any of that stuff. he should at least have a sincere apology, right? >> you would think so. it's never going to happen though. i think that he has an insatiable appetite for
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getting the appear approbation of radical in hollywood and he is feeling it now and validation. i wish there was more backlash among decent liberals in between in america right now. i think it's interesting that you talk about the history of late night comedy and politics i think what's happened is that the left has gotten so desperate. because they realize how marginalized in america that we have gone far beyond bill clinton playing the saxophone with arsenio hall. even jimmy fallon came under attack in the campaign because he did have donald trump on. and what was his treating donald trump like a human being. there is nothing more
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anathema to the radical left than doing anything that would humanize conservatives and republicans. >> eric: david letterman got into a whole heap of trouble. i think he also talked about the line when he talked about sarah palin's daughter. he got dinged for that as well. >> he did. >> eric: you would think cbs would learn their lessons. >> yes. you are absolutely right. i'm so glad that you reminded our audience of that fact because it was absolutely disgusting. i mean, these people on the left in the democratic party are always lecturing their political enemies that you shouldn't go after women there i shouldn't talk about the children of political figures and the way that david letterman talked about the palin family was way beyond the pale backlash on that. talking about the double standards that the radical hate-filled left always gets away with and it really is a time to draw a line on that.
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maybe we will ask less moonves what's going on on late night program. we will leave it right there, michelle malkin, thank you so much. coming up next right here on hannity. >> jim comey didn't say to the clinton campaign don't campaign in michigan. jim comey didn't say don't go to wisconsin once after the democratic convention. >> eric: democrats are calling out hillary clinton for refusing to take the blame for election loss. has the left had it with hillary finally? my friend from the five bob beckel joins us next and later. butler university is under fire for anti-trump class being offered to students. anti-trump class being offered. charlie kirk, kristin and raymond will respond later. stay with us. ♪ ♪ again! so i can lift even the most demanding weight. take care of all your most important parts with centrum. now verified non gmo and gluten free.
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may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so talk to your doctor about jardiance- the one and only type 2 diabetes treatment with heart. visit for a free consultation with a certified diabetes educator if you qualify. >> eric: woke back to hannity. hillary clinton is back. earlier this week the failed presidential candidate came out of hiding and blamed her devastating election loss on james comey, russia and wikileaks. meanwhile, some prominent former obama administration officials were quick to call her out for making excuses. watch this. >> jim comey didn't say to the clinton campaign don't campaign in michigan. you know, jim comey didn't say don't go to wisconsin once after the democratic convention. a little more introspection maybe we have to wait for the book. but a little more introspection is probably in order. >> if people close to hillary clinton who are
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going to stay in politics don't take from this election that there are a lot of other failings, failings, including where we didn't campaign, the fact that there wasn't polling in middle of the swing country states. the fact that democrats failed to have an economic message that connected with people, then we are really missing an opportunity and really putting our heads in the sand to our own detriment. >> eric: now according to reports hillary clinton is planning to launch a brand new political action committee aimed at taking down donald trump. isn't it time for hillary clinton to step aside and let others lead? haven't the democrats had enough with the clintons? joining us the co-host "the five" mr. bob beckel. good to be with you. >> you too. congratulations on your new show. >> you too on the new hour. >> eric: what do the democrats stand for. >> that's part of the problem, you know, i get it was down with a group of democrats and i said this is before this broke this week. i said, you know, we have got to get rid of this identity politics. we are the party of guys,
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labor, women, i'm all for that the problem is that we when we lead with that, that's what people in middle america hear. it used to be the democrats were known as the working man's party. i think that got lost. and hillary clinton made it worse by concentrating on those identities that make up -- made up the democraticy. >> eric: think about this for a second. hillary clinton is a super resistance pac she's calls it sole purpose is to take down donald trump. one of the other leaders of the democratic party elizabeth warren has a new book out. i think it's number two or three on the "new york times" best seller list. specifically deals with taking down donald trump. you democrats seem to be foe focused on donald trump instead of developing a message that the american people want to hear. jobs, the economy, make my life better. >> yeah, but, listen, you know when you are a party out of power, you tonight make a message for a whole party without a president. of course we are out after donald trump. exactly what i'm doing. i wish hillary would take a
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very long boat ride to china because i don't think it's necessary to have her in the mix. because it reminds mee people of where we come from. she is great and i always liked her. >> who is the leader? >> well, there is no leader in that sense. i mean, because you don't have a president. >> eric: come on, been, you don't have to have the white house to have a leader of your party. >> the leader of our party halfback the person that wins in iowa and new hampshire. they say you don't have any bench. we have plenty of people. you get big name in politics by winning the presidential level. who knew donald trump much in the country. >> eric: you are going to tell me the democrats are going to got next three years without a leader of the party and find out whoever becomes the democratic nominee? >> you will have some of that schumer and pelosi will be seen as that. and the republicans will continue to say you know, dump on. >> eric: bernie sanders. you know, he actually has a message. there is a guy who actually does have an amessage. >> that message is the right message to be developed. the problem is you don't have anybody withstanding
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except for him to go around and say that. what do we have to work on now? we got to before you erupt here, we have got a president who, in fact, was not legally elected but he was our president. >> eric: whoa, what? >> he was totally legally elected. >> if the country of russia was not here he would not be president of the united states. >> eric: i'm sorry i thought you meant the electoral college wasn't relevant anymore. now you are saying the russians. with absolutely no proof whatsoever. >> there will be plenty of proof coming out. like, the point is a lot of people in the democratic party believe that. that's all that matters. that's the perception. they are mad. they are very very mad. 3 million more than trump got. a lot of them are furious and staying furious. i haven't seen anything like this since nixon. they dual whatever is necessary to make trump's life miserable and so am i. >> eric: anti-trump is not a message. even 66 million people who voted for hillary clinton. that's not what they want to
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hear going 2020. here is your problem as a democrat things are getting better. economy is improving under trump. wages are going up. unemployment is going down. consumer confidence is going up. that's an economic message that you're going to have a tall hill to climb in 2020. >> go out and ask people in michigan and places where she lost and shouldn't have. the point is he is coming up to a mid-term election. we want to make him the message the same way they made obama the message. you remember the mcconnell said when he first got in as majority leader, my job from day one is to ensure that barack obama got ehecketted. okay. i understand that my job as a democratic commentator is to underscore that donald trump is -- has broken the record of the worst president of the united states. >> eric: why you don't like higher wages and unemployment and consumer confidence going up? you don't like the stock
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market making brand new highs on this day yet again? these are wins and let's not forget he got enough on the supreme court. has he done everything he has patrol car missed. >> no he hasn't. >> give me one he has failed. >> the wall. he set elm going to be environmental president. he has ripped apart the v.a. >> i don't remember him. donald trump ran on being environmentalists? >> no they asked him he said i'm going to be a good environmental president. health insurance, this is great for us pause i'm glad it passed. you don't like it. you know it. >> eric: i think i remember him saying i'm going to be the greatest president for jobs that america ever had or that god ever created. i think i remember him say it. guess what he is delivering. >> how many jobs. >> are you going to give him the jobs from the day he
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took office? >> eric: no. consumer confidence it follows month to month. >> how much have wages gone up 2. 5% versus last year just this month alone. >> take alook from wealthiest job makers down to the lowest. >> the most of that middle class down to the lower cost. want to see the higher wages. >> that's your argument not mine. one thing i will say about you, eric, you have been here a long time i love you once. >> dropped me on my head. i have never quite recovered. >> i producted one of the first people predicted trump was going to win, i was having back surgery. i almost got up and walked. [laughter] i couldn't blea it. >> i lo you, brear, good to see you; toning down the restridges of gramed new class overgrowing backlash.
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our guests will respond. that and much more as hannity continues. ♪ ♪ make your body go by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. miralax is different. it works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften. unblocking your system naturally. miralax. (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) the joy of real cream in 15 calories per serving. enough said. reddi-wip. (flourish spray noise) share the joy.
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democracy which described president trump as someone perpetuating sexism. white supremacy, screen phonia, nationalism, nativism and imperialism. description went on to to say that the class would quote discuss and potentially engage in strategies for resistance after facing backlash over anti-trump class of course the description was revised. the class is going forward as planned and the university is defending that decision. joining with us that decision is the author of will wilder lost staff of wonders. founder and executive director of turning point u.s.a. charlie kirk and contributor for the hill kristin tate. can you imagine putting a a per speck tis out there for. >> it blows my mind snowflakes would pay $36,000 a year in tuition for this nonsense. if they wanted to learn
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resistance tactics against trump they could turn on cnn and get the same thing for free. the original course description that butler had was so radical, even by liberal standards that they really had no choice but to tone it down. i will guarantee you, eric, the course, the actual contents of the course will be very closely aligned with the original course description. this is pure indoctrination. unfortunately this is very common today on college campuses. even harvard university ran a series of anti-trump courses called the row sis tans school. >> eric: right. >> it's crazy what is going on. kids are literally paying to get educated how to march and hold picket signs. >> eric: let's say my son is in one of these classes and he happens to be pro-trump which he is university of colorado. is he almost guaranteed a failing grade if he holds that position. >> almost. more class than training camp. get class credit to protest the president. now imagine for a second if there was a class that did
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this against barack obama. imagine the backlash, imagine the media attention. not to mention, you know, you look at these college university administrators and these professors, they are not sorry that this actually happened. they are sorry they got caught. they are more sorry that someone found out about this. they are so like embarrassed that this actually got revealed. i mean, they actually believe that the university structure should exist to train young people to resist conservative ideas and now the president of the united states. so mom and dad is watching out there. they can access our website professor watch and see all these professors that do this. your tuition dollars might be going to train the next generation of activists. >> eric: the thoughts of parents spending money on a course as outright biased as this. >> eric, my biggest problem is, look, if you want to study a presidency, fine. study a presidency. this man has been in office for 100 days and change. there are clearly presidencies that are closed
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that you could have a historical context and have a debate. that is called dialogue. which the president at butler is calling for. but this, imagine if we had hillary clinton, pants suits in power as a course or jeb bush a study in low energy. this is political jing gism as court study. if you want to resist something. that's what you resist. >> eric: what's going on in academia. closed mindedness is insane. berkeley shutting down speech if it's not speech they agree with. this is anti-free speech. >> absolutely. those on the left have no tolerance for diversity and opinion. but you know what, eric? i have got to tell you, i'm a little bit optimistic about the future because the left has become so radical that i think we're starting to see the beginning of a pendulum swing in the other direction. i really do. i think there is a movement. of conservatives, millennial conservatives. >> eric: charlie, i'm not sure. >> look at charlie's
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organization turning point huge and growing. >> eric: these academics still continue to do this biased teaching. charlie? >> well, i will say there is a push back against this and young people are fed up with saying you have to think this. you have to do that. there is going to be a pendulum shift back to that who wants to be told what to do. very quickly, young people, if you are a progressive on campus, who are you rebelling against in the teachers are progressive. the professors are progressive. the parents are progressive. the music you listen to is liberal. the rebels on campus are conservatives. i am optimistic but there had is a lot of work to do. >> eric: are you optimistic the pendulum is swinging back. >> eric, like you, i have been touring a lot of campuses. my son is going to college next fall. do you see an emergence of true liberal education where you have people on the left, people on the right. that's what we need a true civic discussion. let's have a discussion and engage the real issues and real record.
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north 100 days of an administration. we don't know what the trump administration will bear at the end. but to try to classify it and set it in a course study, this early, i think is reduckive and dangerous for our kids. >> eric: it's only 100 and change days. i can't imagine what's going to happen seven, eight years down the road of a trump administration. yes i did say seven or eight years. you have to leave it right there. more hannity after the break. stay with us. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening, and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." she is back, despite being rejected by the american electorate in two separate presidential contests. hillary clinton is looking toki reestablish herself in politicsb first off, she publicly blamed james comey and the media for her defeat, sending the message to loyalists that she didn't lose at all. >> i was on the way to winning until a combination of jim comey's letter on october 28th and russian wikileaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me but got scared off.
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