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tv   Fox and Friends Sunday  FOX News  May 7, 2017 3:00am-7:01am PDT

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>> health care fight heating up as the gop built most in the house to the senate. immigration is patience and vigilant. >> they asked people while what do you back. >> nobody died because they don't have -- [inaudible] >> polls are now open in france's hotly contested presidential runoff election. >> with her in the identity of the navy seal killed. kyl milligan. there's a 15 year veteran who spent afforded the bronze star five times.
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>> a permissive investigation currently underway and whether the obama administration dropped prosecution against several iranian fugitives accused of posing threats to national security in order to pass the nuclear deal. >> this is like giving something back to the iranians they can use against us. >> she's back pitching eight solid years to find a message. she had no message in the dome on the message. >> the door money out of people. ♪ ♪ >> is that right? >> what is going on?
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anna: beautiful morning. pete: hopefully no more rain. daylight savings time. that's who you can thank for it. >> it was dark out. now it's light until 9:00 p.m. anna: you are turning up asian daylight savings? >> at the 24 hours of daylight. clayton: good morning, everyone. anna: good morning, everyone. >> i would vote in the french election. >> this all comes on the backdrop of all backdrop of others have denounced the french government saying you better not release these e-mails are published these news organizations over there. nine gigabytes of e-mail released from an e-mail database. same situation like hillary clinton. >> still trying to figure out where they came from, those behind it. is a policy rather election come a 48 hour blackout before
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election day when there's sort of a nondescript quiet coming to a permission that this was quiet. to france. abby: that is very different from here. pete: the question is how much of that will percolate. abby: we've experienced something similar, you have people mourning france about what we experienced with donna purcell of all people who must we be now sent a a stolen selectively hacked e-mails cannot be trusted. to assure me that before she posted it? i don't think so. >> donna brazile is secretly leaking information. abby: see -- she said she never did that. clayton: you may wake up and say why do i care about the french
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election? i heard a little bit about this macron, le pen. third time is the charm. you had where the voters reject the e.u. and then you had president trump's election which is a huge populist uprising. as such you hacked into macron and le pen. le pen been the populace. its allegiance to your country versus open your borders and refugees. open borders versus real borders. >> he supports terror. president obama came out for macron. we've seen this last year both were behind the polls. i was doing overnight coverage in brexit have been paid without there's no way this could be the case. dubai is one of the nights i'll remember most. you have the resignation of the prime minister. it was a huge night. nobody predicted it. he was done in the polls by a long shot. you don't know what can happen.
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>> if le pen wins, fracturing on the european union. macron at this hour of pain were supposed at 62% and is likely to come out ahead in the forecast. pete: and marine le pen, as good a shoestring, it is these two, but her opponent and manual macron got an endorsement from barack obama. did nina joyce against netanyahu and brexit? this is what former president barack obama said yesterday. >> i'm not planning to get involved in many elections now that i don't have to get involved in america to french elections are important to the future of france and the values
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we care about. i've admired the campaign to emanuel macron has. yesterday are liberal values. he put forward a vision that the important role that france plays in europe and around the world. he appeals to people's hopes and not their fears. you face many challenges and i want all of my friends to know how much i am rooting for your success. >> one of the biggest issue is whether the u.k. or today in france's terrorism and immigration and what europe has faced. angela merkel said after she said after shipping at the border, this is the biggest challenge now dealing with immigration to lead us in many cases to terrorism. once the borders are open, what do you do? pete: especially if they are not assimilated and showing the form of allegiance to want. you get candidacies on the koran better sort of old guard. thus a lot of the dynamic you have inside france today.
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what would barack obama want me to do. it didn't work here. he's tried meddling all over the world and elections to no effect in fact. maybe you think this is in the back so he wants a win under his shoulder. clayton: let's talk about politics at home. always on obamacare. victor in the house last week the republicans trying to rollback after seven years of obamacare, how can they do this? ted cruz had an interesting interview yesterday and exactly what a lot of people are sending the look, you run out of congress right now. you have the white house right now. people elected us to do this and we better get this done he said for seven years the republicans have been promising if only you would like us, we will repeal obamacare. the consequences of failure would be catastrophic, but it's going to take senators across the conference willing to sit down in good faith. now it's in the hands of the senate.
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>> for seven years republicans have been talking about repeal obamacare. now they have every spirit they were in charge of you can't do this, it is going to be catastrophic and hard for president trump to handle that because we h-hotel young conway said yesterday he's been behind-the-scenes doing what he promised during the campaign he would be able to do his work with congress to get things done. here kellyanne conway on this yesterday. >> the second word i would use his dealmaker. the president showed patience and vigilance and he worked the phones. they worked the phones, helped the beans. he asked people what will get you to yes. he's always very open to other people's ideas and inputs. >> we will have kellyanne conway later on in the hour. we know he's a hard worker. the interesting part of the previous quote was to set it. ted cruz has traditionally been
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a rabble-rouser, obstructionist, i want my cake and eat it too. he is saying with fallback to come together. that's pretty significant. you've got to get a ted cruz, rant paul and mike leigh. he only got 52 votes than he got 51. clayton: that's a great point. it's a tight change because during the last obamacare about in march from the criticism from republicans for sean duffy and others saying he wasn't doing enough to solve this. he didn't believe in a large plan. now that's why he's working the phones. this is encouraging for republicans to see the president is out there. yesterday corey lewandowski said a few days to go out there, hold rallies like harrisburg and promotes repeal that promotes repeal the field to death as well. abby: at the republicans could have been one thing, it's obamacare needs to change. they want success at the end of the day. they want to come to the table, find common ground. you talk about people you could argue or indifferent parties right now based on where they
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stand on health care. this is not easy because they want different things in the bill. clayton: this whole idea of bipartisanship on repeal bipartisanship on repealing the face of obamacare is dead. find a way within the caucus to get it done and ran it through because the right thing to do. if they are not going to play ball and they are going to resist him you don't have other options. clayton: have you ever sent at eight to each date you out and deleted right away. kurt -ite qual, a liberal journalist decided to tweet this yesterday. he said as one with a preexisting condition, i hope every gop or who voted for trump cared is a family member get long-term conditions, loose insurance and die. abby: .biz bad. clayton: and then he deleted it. >> this rather comes back.
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i may not agree with what barack obama and democrats said on obamacare. but i didn't think they are trying to kill people. they are trying to deliver health care in a way that is different than conservatives. if you want people to die, it it it stifles the discussion. abby: that is so well said. i don't care what party affiliate with, where you fall, we have to recognize everyone is coming for a place to make the country better. no one is actually saying we want american people to die. that is a terrible tweet. pete: tell us what you think about it. william this morning. we would reach her e-mails. abby: please don't ever tweet that. other headlines this morning. north korea is quite impressive and it appeared the rogue nation vowing to turn the white house to rashes that a nuclear strike. an editorial by kim jong un.
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imperialist stooges running amok for aggression. north korea condemning president trump's decision to dispatch naval forces to japan. we now know that navy seal who paid the ultimate price in the fight against terror. 38 wrote kyl milligan was killed in an ambush. the distinguished 15 year veteran has been awarded bronze star for heroism in combat for different kinds. he was also a member of seal team six because osama bin laden in 2011. he leaves behind a wife and several children. and angry back to showing their hated gop town halls. time rid of me are getting an earful over his vote for obamacare. one resident coming to his defense. [inaudible]
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in idaho, roll idaho, roll labrador facing a backlash after he claimed nobody died in lack of health care. one horse no longer has to dream about winning the kentucky derby. >> in the dream comes true. he has won the kentucky derby. abby: to three world court covering a mile and a quarter and just under two minutes and four seconds. always streaming. the belmont stakes for the elusive triple crown. i love that name. always streaming. i said it on tv. the question is to janus placed the bet or not for me. i never followed through on that. >> that is interesting. train for democrats dreaming of a complete takeover in 2018. >> i am now backing to be an activist city said in of the resistance. >> and they pick up the pieces
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intend to make a comeback? the next guess is probably not. when it comes to socialist experiment in venezuela, it turns out a $170 hamburger wasn't the worst of their problems. the chaos today. >> refugee showing their appreciation by naming their babies. ♪ anybody seen my pants? nothing cleans better. put those on dad! it's got to be tide. yeah, 'cause i got allstate.? if you total your new bike, they replace it with a brand new one. that's cool. i got a new helmet. we know steve. it's good to be in (good hands).
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2018 landslide as a result of their vote on obamacare. can they pull this as a comeback? >> the senate, first of all, obamacare, the majority of americans polled last week 54-40 they want to repeal and replace obamacare. we had congress tied at 43%. to do when they want to repeal or if it's obamacare. pete: the american people and the site is repealing obamacare. >> obamacare is bad. so therefore, the real key is economic growth. the president's numbers, 49 approved, 46 disapproved, he's going out. clayton: you see this as a key here. republicans have to have economic growth or they could lose the house. >> there's 34 seats up, 25 democrats. 10 from states the president wants. on the house side, if we don't have economic growth, like i
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remember 1987 reagan was president we lost 2016th because when they passed his tax cuts they didn't take effect until 83. the president is doing a great job on this. he understands about jobs and economic growth. he put out his tax-cut plan. they better get their pass because if they don't read the corporate tax rate, the house will be in play. clayton: want to put some numbers on the screen. democrats in a 24 seats to regain majority. average midterm losses 32 seat considered in play. what if the numbers mean to you? >> houses in play. 15 democrat house seats in play. if we have economic growth, they're a democrat sitting in seats that donald trump on. we can actually hold what we have come to keep our majority, pick up some more seats. the key thing is almost half of american voters want to see jobs and taxes cut. they want to create jobs, have economic growth.
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the president is leading on that. if that. you better get in gear if they want to see a good midterm election in 2018 days to get onboard economic growth. >> if they don't pass obamacare appeal -- >> been positive. the president will get it done. clayton: you will be around a long time. you know how it can be. stop taking vacation, congress. former aides tailor content out of the woodwork to weigh in on the french election is on the lam in russia. with this change anything rated adult -- bitter over their loss? showing the site must be resorted to see. ellen degeneres in which guest from her show. ♪ (man vo) it was may, when dad forgot
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abby: welcome back to 25 minutes after the hour. disturbing governor appoints servicing over 100 veterans dying while waiting for kerry according to the va office of inspector general, a nine-month span back in 2015. the va has yet to comment on this. while calling cap or protesters burn the american flag, a group of the dissents in dallas to raise scholarship funds for children of fallen heroes. major dan moody joined us yesterday to tell us how it all works. >> we have a group of great americans down here and they are committed to stand every day until they raise a million dollars and they stand 13 minutes at a time. the reason for the number 13 is their 13 flows that bring the flag to its triangle shape.
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abby: thanks to generous donors like you, folds of honor has raised $400,000. that's amazing. go to folds of to donate to their $1 million school. they such a great audience. over to you. pete: leading french presidential candidate and hillary clinton treatment by getting hacked on the eve of the election. former clinton aides offering a familiar warning did watch out for the russians. brian fallon treated this come is saying we should war against western democracy and our president is on the wrong side. it made robbie moved reading for those of that pressure was sending back, macron french presidential campaign early on i appear here to debate and democratic strategist and thought this contributor richard siler. thank you for joining us this morning. hillary clinton coming out of the woods saved it as russia
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began on this french election. would he make a russian influence on the eve of the french election? >> they might be right. the outside they probably are correct on this thing. we don't know yet. we should wait for evidence that they have been subtle about meddling it is clear that they prefer le pen in that race. i'm not sure this will have much of an impact if you look at the polling. macron sat comfortably. if le pen went on a massive upset, way more than trump, way more of a brexit. whatever the clinton people are saying, whether right or wrong, and they still seem to be obsessed with their own campaign loss in looking outward rather than inward. talking about the russians, talking about jim called me up rather than their failed strategy. pete: senator dianne feinstein came out recently and said there's no evidence of collusion. so are democrats, you can talk about the french election as
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well, but i'd be willing to acknowledge there is meddling for the russians? >> if you take the politics out of this, and all americans should be concerned. all people who civilized world should be concerned putin and his buddies are in the elections. most democrats and republicans agree and now we see them interfering in france for the same type of deal. we've really got to be cognizant and say wait a minute, rush is a global world thread that we should all be concerned about. let's talk about the trump campaign and their connection to russia. i want to see where this investigation goes on the senate side and there is some sort of fuzziness around nixon's relationship with the russians and what he said or didn't say to the vice president of the united states and see what the senate committee does on this. i've called for the creation of a select committee similar to the 9/11 commission to really
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examine how russia plays in this election. what they did, what they didn't do, who they talked to, they didn't to above political rancor, which is why should be a select committee. pete: mature knowledge as time has gone on and evidence has not been produced that it looks less and less likely as any form of collusion even if there is an attempt to influence the election. >> i can make a determination on this. if you talk to people, they'll say 100% russians are the reason they lost to there were some problems in the campaign that turned campaign staffers have been married to. more importantly, this is an american concern of the engagement of russia a selection of what we see in france. this is the above politics, about donald trump. let's get a select committee and get to the bottom of this. pete: setting aside the idea of collusion, what more could the
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trump administration or others do to stop this meddling from russia? >> is not our friend here that romney is right about that in 2012 a president obama was wrong. i think that i agree with much of what richard said. i don't think we can say this is all about politics because both sides are playing hard-core politics on this. it's not not like we need necessarily another investigation. there's a house investigation, said an investigation into doj investigation is started in the previous administration and continues today. i have been very critical of russia and it's very clear they attempted to battle in our election. there should be unacceptable to every single american. the pivot too many people on the left are making and therefore trump one because of that and he colluded as you pointed out and some democrats have been forced to point out, there's absolutely no evidence at this point. believe me, if there were, would know all about it on the front page of "the new york times" and "washington post."
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pete: and read all about whether the hack demos would influence the french election. guy benson, richard tyler, thank you for joining us. coming up, former u.k. leader nigel farage will weigh in on burkle, jumping into the global arena after he backed the french globalist candidate. was it a good idea? you have some amazing insight in the election this morning. the all-caps enfolded in venezuela and what is being called a socialist experiment and tragically inhumanly wrong. and things can a candidate. refugee showing their appreciation over there, by naming their babies justin trudeau. ♪
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speak at an event for two amazing organizations. what is called the task force dagger foundation and the other is racing for heroes. they support special heroes. these are five, six, seven deployment to have been covered through extreme support on transport spirited debate organization last night in outside the charlotte. the navy seal, they've given everything for us and everything for us and they just want a sense of purpose coming out. the task force dagger foundation. a little bit tired this morning. i didn't get home until 1:30. we think about what these guys do, they'll put their lives on the line, it's the least we can do. abby: great work. that's awesome. transfer the second round of voting under way. nigel farage, former leader of the u.k. independence party joins us now to break it all down. welcome to the show. nice to see you this morning. >> good morning.
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tradeport if you look at the recent forecast it looks like macron up nicely. we had an interesting debate about whether the e-mail hackings cannot have any play in the french election and it looks like you think comfortably and fry. president obama has now thrown his support behind this candidate. yesterday he released a 302nd or longer video. take a listen. >> i'm not planning to get involved in many elections now that i don't have to run for office again. the french election is a very important feature of france and the values we care so much about. i have admired the campaign emanuel macron has run. he put forward a vision for the important role that france place in europe and around the world. he appeals to people's hopes and not their fears. i know you face many challenges and no one told my friends and family to know how much i am rooting for your success. pete: use the hope candidate, not the fear candidate.
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>> well, let her 2016 was a really bad year for people like obama. brexit is even worse. they realize that all across the west there is a new no-space standing up in fighting the national democracy and that is what le pen stands for. once again, obama tries to paint is this somehow he's got a positive vision for the future. he is defending a feeling, crumbling european union. whether or not le pen can close that gap, whatever happens, your skepticism has taken a massive leap forward today. >> as you know, le pen stabber quite a margin as of right now. you are behind the movement to it that surprised a lot of people. what is the mood like in france? a sense of how people are
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feeling what you think might impact people going to the pool today. >> well, i think the mood in france is actually quite someone to be honest with you. let's not forget they spent 21 separate terrorist attacks that have taken place since 2015. they are stuck in a currency, but clearly he's overvalued of those undervalued for the germans. but is it ready yet to endorse a candidate that wants france out of european union? maybe not yet. but i'll say this. i do think marine le pen will become the french president. it just may be in 2022. pete: i remember you standing in brussels same sunday the u.k. will leave this body. people laughed. 15 years later commentary you were. so you believe eventually what happened, the effects of global ascent from the effects of open
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borders and refugees will catch up with the french people in french people know about levers secure the border. they may not happen today, but you think eventually it will? >> idea. if we had had this conversation say two years ago, if two years ago i said to you that marine le pen would get around 40% of the vote, you simply wouldn't have believed me. that is how much things have changed. this vision of a euro when nationstates get their identities, it may be a dream that the thieves like obama, but it is not what ordinary people want. i said it before, i'll say it again. the european project is doomed in september the first except on the road. pete: and will lead to chaos as the first round of brexit take hold in the united kingdom. this chaos on the streets right now when you walk outside on the streets of london?
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>> you know, the stock market is 30% higher than it was this time last year. we've had excellent export figures in the u.k. economy is doing a lot better. pete: what are the globalist saying about that? >> the globalist say that is because brexit itself hasn't yet kicked in. when it does, we are told the british economy will fall off a cliff. this is how the establishment status quo maintained their position by telling people terrible things have happened if we have democratic change. the democratic changes sweeping the western world. 2016 of the back in years to come come in the year that changed everything in the process is set to continue. abby: it had some good predictions over the past few months. what will happen today if you're being honest? >> it's going to be a macron
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victory. le pen will get 30% less on the vote and she will build a base from which she will win in 2026. pete: it's got that on tape and we will use it for you or against you in a number of years. thanks for joining us. abby: have a great day. the headlines this morning. u.s. gold medalist found dead in an olympic swimming center. bobsledding starred stephen holcombe is found in his room at the center in lake placid, new york good a three-time olympian was known for winning the gold at the vancouver game. officials don't suspect any foul play but have not announced a cause of death. this is 37 years old. socialism unfold displayed in venezuela. chaos breaking out as antigovernment demonstrators are hit with tear gas and even hundreds of women marching against president, completely set up a group to protesters that the statute of the late
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leader hugo chavez. dozens have been killed and hundreds injured. citizens demanding the presidential election be held early. alan degenerates say there is one guest who is never welcome on her show. [applause] >> why would someone like you like to sit on the president of the united states? >> because i'm not going to change his mind. he is against everything that i stand for. >> slammed our president despite hanging out with head in his celebrity apprentice days. even taking rides in his private helicopter. >> cera refugee showing up in what they are for a couple after prime minister justin trudeau. he did not read the couple when they arrived in canada last year presented the study further searing refugees, but they are hoping their bb will one day be --
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abby: a lot of people have named their babies after him. pete: welcome back, rick. >> thank you very much. and much. nice warm weather. i'll show you what i'm talking about. cool air has settled in across the mid-atlantic toward the northeast around the ohio valley. her b.a. degrees in chicago. we are well into day with temperatures in the 30s. this bigotry of low pressure across the northeast is not even moving anywhere. kind of a gloomy, cloudy, on enough condition. across the west is a late shot at rain across parts of southern california. green at the end of the rainy season. high temperatures again. that is it. abby: thank you, rick. thank you for that. pete: did pollster who found the missing reveals why you shouldn't believe his current
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train to remember before an election when kellyanne conway said this about trump voters. >> the undercover trumpeter i've been talking about under heavy assault for months is a multidimensional factor. people don't want to tell other people they are voting for trump. they're tired of our good family, friends and colleagues about it. pete: we know what happened next. the supporters came out in full force and president trump one. transferring next guest help find the voters. the trend is bad. this time changing the way we think about the president's approval rating. join us as pollster for the trump campaign, adam geller. good to have it this morning. >> good morning. great to be with you.
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abby: donald trump ,-com,-com ma the president is not where he wants to be. you see those numbers aren't actually accurate. >> yeah, those numbers aren't actually accurate. kellyanne conway referred to the undercover trump voters. and why. look, no candidate in the history of political campaigns is attacked like he was. now a sitting president, the mainstream media, late-night comments continue to just hammer him. i said this mainstream media is basically the communications arm of the dsc. the results of that is that there are a segment of voters who just don't want to say that they approve of him, just like they didn't want to say they're going to vote for him. >> you were showing the disapprove of president trump and 42 approach, 51 disapproved.
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we want to put up a pleaded for recently of whether you approve or disapprove of the way donald trump is handling his job. he found it to be even. 46-46. but then he dug a little deeper and when he did deeper, what else do you find? >> so, this is critical. you have to dig deeper. we took anybody who said that they either disapproval refused to answer the question. we ask a follow-up question in the sad, please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statement. even though i may not approve of the president, i do like some of the things he's doing. i do approve of the actions he's taking. there we found 20% agree with that. these are the people who originally told us they did not approve of the president. it translates into almost 50% of the entire sample. i've got to the original 46% of approved and now suddenly come the year at a pretty good maturity. 61% you might label either
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approvers or supporters. that is a much more true number. some people just don't want the hassle. they don't want to be called names. they don't want to be called deplorable spit some people don't mind. but you have to dig a little bit deeper and get into their heads. we live in a different world. pete: is such an important point. the resistance is saying it's a much smaller number of their software up and support to the policies of the president. very interesting. >> thank you so much. good to have you. >> great to be here. pete: still to come, the mother of all shows, governor mike huckabee here live on sat. kellyanne conway and many, many more. tricky one conservative columnist fired back as he was forced to choose between their first and second amendment rights. pete: to get votes?
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>> i think so. ♪ here you go little guy. a cockroach can survive submerged underwater for 30 minutes. wow. yeah, wow.
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ing in today. not on my watch. pests never stop trying to get in. we never stop working to keep them out. terminix. defenders of home.
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pete: a conservative columnist is defended for suspending the nra. the "st. louis post-dispatch" punished if the washington after writing a column blasting another article that claims the nra's worst isis. good for joining us now% of the story covers d.c. washington. good to have you with us. what happened here? you showed your support for the nra and then what?
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>> it was not about the nra. it's about the comments the missouri school of journalism professor kennedy made [inaudible] another little op-ed where a person can do the guidance more than our children. according to a survey in 2013th that only 7% of journalists nationwide claim to be republicans. the rest are unaffiliated or openly democratic. i needed these two egregious comparisons. these two at-bats that are horribly bad they never should've entered a process. meanwhile, it goes to the
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editorial process of someone having to approve it and then put it on the website. i get to notice was that the nra annual meeting i'm not friday, the day the column was published that i've been suspended for some richer graphics. and because i'm a member of the nra. pete: to be clear, you are not paid by day and are ready. so is the affiliation and you're willing to defend it. but ultimately got you fired or had to resign because he pointed out the nra isn't isis. i like to say yes. they published the perfect definition and so i'm actually open to working for them. if i worked for them, i would start with that. the nra spoke. i wouldn't hide it.
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i'm open about it. >> we are so sorry we have to sp pete: mike huckabee on the show next. we will be right back. for relief when you need it.
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we've been over this, jeff... we're stickers! i'm not a real moose? give him some space. deep breaths, jeff. what's a sticker?!? take a closer look at geico. great savings. and a whole lot more. abby: polls are now open of france's hotly contested presidential election. >> globalism versus nationalism. an endorsement from our former president, barack obama. [inaudible] >> and helped her fight heating up as the bill most of the house to the senate. >> the president shows patience and vigilance. he asks people what will get you through that. >> it is so indefensible. no one died because they don't have access to health care.
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>> we have learned the identity of the navy seal in somalia. 38 wrote kyl milligan was a 15 year veteran awarded the bronze store our times. >> the house oversight committee confirm a investigation and whether the obama administration dropped prosecution against several iranian agent is accused of posing threats to national security in order to pass the nuclear deal. >> this is that giving something back to iranians that they can use again and again. >> she's back. eight years between her catastrophic losses to fight in a message. >> to rely on clinton's -- [inaudible] ♪ abby: clayton morris his
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favorite song. clayton: at there are a few songs. abby: came on and you were -- >> i make a fine wine or an old cheese. better with age until it gets really old. abby: are worth a lot more. transfer a stop right there. a fine line, find aged cheese. pete: our friends from arkansas, governor mike huckabee. >> good morning. how are you guys today? trade through without too much coffee apparently. pete: we are a little mound. the french are going to the polls and as you know as well as anybody, 2016 wednesday year of sort of nationalism, defeating globalism. what is your take on the election today, how ago and how it may affect the geopolitics
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around the globe. >> well, all the polls are showing that macron will win. this is so significant that le pen is in the race. she's kind of like going to the homecoming dance. she may not be crowned queen, but everybody's going to know she's been there. this is the ultimate middle finger to the establishment of all of europe and specifically france, which is just luck to venezuela. this is significant that she's even in the hunt. if not to be a wake-up call, but i doubt that many of the left wing in europe are really going to see this is what it is. it's a rejection of their policies is transferred to countries in the something they don't recognize. pete: former president barack obama has thrown his support for candidates in the past and it's usually been a disaster in the u.k. during brexit. during his support behind the vote.
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well, he has over the past 24 hours, how for macron. the other thing. >> i'm not planning to get involved in many elections as they don't have to run for office again. but the french election is important to the future of france and the values we care so much about. but by the campaign that emanuel macron has ran. he stood up for liberal values. he put forward a vision for the important role that france plays in europe and around the world. he appeals to people's hopes are not their fears. he faced many challenges and i want on my friends to know how much i am rooting for your success. pete: your thought. >> you know, i find it interesting barack obama thinks it's so terrible that vladimir putin would get involved in the u.s. election but it's okay for him to get involved in the elections weather in, friends or let's not forget, the extraordinary role that he and his people play in trying to oust benjamin netanyahu back in
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2015. why is there a double standard. i'm never going to run for anything again. i can promise you that. if i were to do it i would pray that barack obama would do a video like that against me. >> i like your comparison to le pen and how she may not be crowned queen, but you cannot tonight her presence is fair. we have nigel frosch on the show a few months ago and he said something similar that if she doesn't win this time, he predict she will win in 2022. here's what he had to say. >> i think 2016 was a pretty bad year for people like obama. it was a shock. the global associate together. they realized that all across the west there is a new movement standing up and fighting for national democracy and that is
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light le pen stands for. once again, obama tries to paint the to paint this but it's got a positive vision for the future. he is defending a failing, crumbling european union. and whether or not le pen can close that gap today, whatever happens, your skip system was taken a massive leap forward today. >> wilson said compared to two years ago, 40%, you would've thought it was crazy. >> by the way, let me make a quake moment here for the whack jobs out there who are going nuts because i talk about this. this is a metaphor, not an analogy. they cannot do both of those things. they don't get it. but i think there's something very strong happening in europe. and he must've been to europe over the past three years, we've seen it. it's just a dramatic change in the mood of people. they're tired of feeling like
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they are on any given day a victim of a terrorist attack. the others in their culture, language, sense of who they are and they are sick of it. that is what happened in brexit. it was palpable. you could sense that something dramatic was going on. i can lessen the u.s., a lot of people did not openly say it because they didn't want to be called a bigot, heater, any other labels. >> the elites are out of touch. we will see if there's enough today. the trends are still moving in that direction. here at home as well. obviously the passage of the repeal and replace obama cared in the house is a big event last week and now most of it to the senate. manchester boys has stepped up to talk about how important a bill gets passed. i want to put on the screen set by ted cruz who sat on larry kudlow these things.
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the consequences of failure at the catastrophic. they are willing to sit down in good faith. senator cruz is a prominent name, but not known for pulling the caucus together. it's important someone like him is stepping up right away. >> he is right. that's exactly what republicans have done. this is a disastrous plane and it is. dave this insurance. for insurers leaving people with no option at all. it's been a failure. the question as to what the gop put in place? this is something i just don't hear anybody saying. the republicans need to start being honest with the american people insane if you want coverage that includes preexisting conditions and doesn't have lifetime benefits, this is not going to be cheaper. we will not promise you cheaper health care. we've got to look at health care differently than we have.
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they look at nsa right. the truth is we have come to the place in a culture where we look at health insurance and access to it affordably in the same way we look at access to roads, bridges, sewers to send, water treatment plants. we see it as some teams for the good of the general public. if we had come to that place, it doesn't make you right. we pave roads and they put up utilities because we think there's a benefit to the society at-large. we are going to have to start looking at health care in that same way because otherwise we are playing a full skein trying to pretend to get people access to this technologically advanced health care candidates are going to cost anything. that's just not science. pete: governor, i know you're a huge fan of congress.
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you are -- have a face that page in support of congress. do you have faith that they'll get this through an approved? something approved. whether or not its local make the whole system better, i don't know. the biggest mistake they are making us to think they can do it. but they need to do is push it back to the states, give it back to doctors and patients. the more they try to fix it, the worse it's going to be and i wish they would come to the conclusion that the best way to deal with health care is to devolve the power out of a centralized decision-maker, congress and get it back to governors,.airs, individual companies so that they can tailor it for the specific needs of their constituency. one size doesn't fit all. there's a big difference in health care and it's for people who live in urban boston as urban boston as opposed to people in rural arkansas. pete: you know that firsthand.
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my dad was governor of utah as well. it is far different than dealing on the executive levels. you know that well. he talked about preexisting conditions and how ported us to get that right. many on the last thing republicans are wanted americans to die and that is why they are changing health care as we know it. liberal journalists we did this out. we can pull it up if we have it. he basically says one with her existing conditions i hope every gop or who voted for trump cared as a family member get a long-term condition, loose insurance and die. he ultimately deleted that tweet. no surprise there. why are they going to that extreme? >> i think they are at a name changed -- unhinged. if anyone said that helping people die or family members get a disease and pass away. can you imagine? you so much reaction from my truth and i say them with my tongue firmly in my cheek.
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these guys are serious, hoping that family members and republicans actually die. i am just stunned we have become a society that has lost his sense of humor, sense of values that they have become bitter and angry and quite frankly getting violent. they act like small preschoolers who are throwing a tantrum because they didn't get what they want. you say you can't have the candy. they don't say i guess i don't need those calories today. thank you very much for reminding me of that. i don't need that much sugar. you might wind me up. i'm watching liberals just like preschoolers. they have no give, no sense of balance and frankly it's a little disturbing. some of them just need to grow up, calm down and maybe let the adults run things. >> baby obamacare has embarked on is embarked on a severe good people and the other side to do something about it, fix it. it's pretty amazing.
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governor, thank you very much. >> wicked tattoo all morning long. great to have you. >> thank you. pete: coming up here come the scene playing out across cities all across the country. >> nobody dies because they didn't have access to health care. >> are they interested in making to build better? a live report from washington that spirit that claiming on the verge of starting world war iii. deputy assistant to president trump, dr. sebastian corker here lies. >> somebody forgot to tell barbra streisand that hillary clinton lost the election. nobody gave her the memo.
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pete: angry left is putting the heat on full display over their appeal to place over obamacare. >> the brunt of it during town hall events. pete: live from d.c. >> good morning, everyone. the house vote on their health care bill thursday and they headed home and some of them as you said when told to angry voters. this town hall in new york. >> across the board for everyone. >> in idaho, it was a very
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similar scene. [inaudible] abby: it's all a very different image from what we saw in paris they were the members of congress who voted for the bill celebrated its passage. in the rose garden next to the president. according to the hill, at least, at least while the republicans have town hall plans during this recess. they'll be home for a total of 11 days. the senate is still in session as you all know the next big step for the bill. republican senators from rainfall to the mark alexander speaking cautiously about the house bill saying they want to make changes and see the cost estimate from the congressional budget office in phuket town hall impacts what they do. back to you.
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>> we will wait and see. a new threat from north korea claiming he is on the verge of starting world war iii. deputy assistant to president trump, dr. sebastian corker with the response. come on in. clayton: pope francis over the decision of the mother of all bombs, -- [inaudible] ♪ suite of motion ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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headlines. abc has reportedly struck a deal to air the revival of the beloved singing competition show on sunday night but without simon cowell. "american"american idol" when of april after a 15 year run on fox that there is no such visit for march 2018 debut. facebook planning to launch two dozen tv shows starting in june according to a new report said the social media giant will have polling shows that the company to sell more ads. overnight, north korea escalating threats to return the white house to ashes. an editorial by kim jong un explaining this is a stern warning to the u.s. imperialist and their stooges running amok for aggression and war news. direct the deputy assistant to president trump, and dr. sebastian gorka. you copyedit an editorial for kim jong un. come out with you -- after a
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sensitive gas attack. >> we've seen this before and this is a regime became belligerent statement of as one of the reasons we have to take it seriously because it's thanks to what the president to shoot there trying to understand it as well. >> this is a fascinating part of the whole story here. what relationship do we now have a china? can we truly count on china to come to her defense to help us in the fight against north korea if we have to? beta-1 is battling in that region necessarily. what is the relationship look like? >> voice-activated offers state for china. china looks at this as some kind of insulation against something happening against china. if you look at the body language
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of the decisions with regard to the north korean afterwards, let's just say when the president does in afghanistan, wasn't just about syria or afghanistan. they're a very simple message was sent that we have real guideline snout. the president says something and he sent a very clear message that other nations that have client stays, whether it's russia, has to look at the road internal red lines. just how far welfare client states go before to stay ahead, this is just too much. the developments in moscow and beijing thanks to the president. pete: is what the president -- amazing that the president has been faced with. you're right in the thick of it. when you think about syria, iran, north korea, pacers, but makes you most concerned?
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>> i'm not worried anymore because we have a real commander-in-chief. we have eight years of divisiveness. think how divisive it was internally. an administration looked at people based on gender, class, preferential skin color. this president is the president whether they alluded for him or not. this is the nation externally. we don't treat her friends as friends and we help our enemies. that is all changed. we are now coming together. nato was a problem in terms of it lack of seriousness with budget pending a certain members and what happened at the recent summit with 2%. you've got it. that's the president. much better off shooting or 20th. trade isis is an still about 27 teen. a map i believe we can put up to 406 extremist strikes, islamist strikes around the globe.
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the left is not taking it seriously at home produces politicians in europe have been so affected by the refugee invasion and isis utilizing it, but are the countries taking it serious? >> it depends upon a different country. we burn out the segment of what happened in europe in the last year, whether it's germany, nice, multiple ones and elsewhere brussels and so forth that they have to come to terms with this. i think brexit is connected to this. it doesn't just about what is brussels doing unelected officials. it's about national sovereignty. that's why we have the connection between brexit and the trump phenomenon. look at immigration. brexit is a large connected coffin would we say here in this administration?
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because that 71% decrease. that's about national security as well. >> even if it doesn't go in syndication. >> signal. absolutely. >> you can divulge top-secret information of what you see around the world. what are the concerns internationally? as i read rss? >> we've inherited a world. we had eight years of looting from behind. we had eight years of strategic patients which the vice president put on the deck of the uss operation 10 days ago. multiple thread. isis is taken very seriously. look at what the president in front of congress. remember, the most stress the words in that speech after 24 hours of fakeness about who's going to go soft, not going to hold the line, he looked right
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into the camera and he said the threat of radical islamic terrorism. this man is serious. he's not going to ameliorate. he's not going to manage the speech. clayton: we had general keen on yesterday. i asked him that question. there's been some untying at the hands, but not an overwhelming effort to crush ice is. is there more forces there? what are the big difference is we should be seen? >> great patriot, great soldier. week three of the administration, we had some soon to be green berets coming for briefings. they spoke to them when an operator came up to me whose son detail. this is a serious war fighter. with no apropos he said to me, you have no idea to anyone what it felt like. we felt unshackled because this
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is a commander-in-chief who wants to secure the nation. that is week three. with all due respect to the general, we have changed immensely thanks to the president. >> quickly your thoughts and then i'll let you go protocol between donald trump and vladimir putin. what happened on that call? >> it's the last few that came with the game plan. there is a press conference, glass when the president gave a trump tower asking what about relations with moscow and he gave a very important answer. he said look, i would like to have good relations with moscow if possible. right now doesn't look very likely. that is the case, so be it. however, remember what happened with vladimir putin. even their, inside the kremlin. >> good to have you here in person. good luck with all the work you
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have. president chung getting ready to depart in his first international trip to israel and the vatican. father john here is next on why that matters. pete: barbra streisand sharing does colored numbers of what could've been. ♪ this is bill's yard. and bill has a "no-weeds, not in my yard" policy. but with scotts turf builder weed & feed, bill has nothing to worry about. it kills weeds and greens grass, guaranteed. this is a scotts yard.
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pete: fathers walking over to look at these amazing -- abby: father john is trying to steal a piece of cake. trade to our studio is filled up is filled up its irresistible cakes courtesy of bake me a, known for sending cakes to her trips overseas. they serve up an extra batch of honor on mother's day. they want you to nominate an unsigned military mob, a hero for this mother's day. trade through asking to nominate the mother of a military member who you believe as an exceptional. pete: there are website, "fox and friends".com. bake me a wishful surprise the winner with one of these beautiful cakes at father john estimated. abby: we do not talk about military moms enough. my mom was one of two brothers in the military. obviously, your mother is did
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they go through so many emotions. >> bake me a my family lives across the country. they will deliver pray to your door. i will order one from my mother-in-law whose hundreds of miles away. you can also go to our website. nominate him on the think is deserving and they will surprise us. though superbright to the door. >> and now you can go grab a cupcake. >> you are free to go. bring it over to the couch. the u.s. gold medalist found dead at the training center. steven holcomb's body was found in his hotel room for his room rather. the olympian was best known for winning the gold at the 2010 vancouver game. officials don't suspect any foul play but has not announced the cause of death. just 37 years old. the results on full display in
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venezuela. chaos breaking out at antigovernment demonstrators were hit with teargas and rubber rubber bullets. hundreds of women marching against nicholas maduro completely fed up a group of protesters destroying the statute of the late leader hugo chavez. dozens have been killed and hundreds more injured. citizens demanding the presidential election be held early. pope francis now criticizing the mother of all bonds used last month by the trump administration to kill isis terrorists. the name of the bomb that has a problem. the students on pubs in italy is ashamed when i heard that name. a mother gives life and this one gives death. what is happening? pope francis preparing to be with president trump later this month in rome. we've been keeping us all morning long. hollywood's elite provided a safe place for her liquid. harper streisand singing her
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praises. [inaudible] [cheers and applause] and the winner of our country's popular vote. abby: data strays in shining the light on clinton camera freezing to acknowledge her historic election defeat. pete: standing by with a look at the forecast. reporter: good morning, guys free conditions across of the east coast. not getting fall into spring. take a look at what is going on. 37 degrees in chicago as you're waking up. 43 in cleveland. it is very chilly all the way down across parts of the southeast. things are dry air and a little bit cooler than generally throughout this time of year.
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northeast was the mid-atlantic part of the ohio valley some scattered showers today. we have a stormy pattern down to the southeast will be clear. warming up across much of texas and oklahoma across parts of the high plains as well. out across the west, dave sanborn titled again. rain in southern california and cooler across parts of arizona. abby: thank you, rick. clayton: with a cupcake over here. abby: said there is lots more over there. love it. good morning, father. we just read that headline about the pope. the mother of all bombs. this is not really surprising. he's been very outspoken. >> is about to meet with president trump may 24th. my guess is that president trump respects pope francis not only publicly respects them in a spiritual battle, but pope francis knows how to get a
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headline. and is unafraid to say what he thinks. but pope francis means my days as it is a failure of humanity when we have to drop alms on each other to solve issues. he has never said that it's never, ever legitimate to use force. but it is the failure of humanity when we drop bombs on each other. we haven't learned how to dialogue. some are tractable in their positions. we also know he's been very tough on terrorists even encouraging the united nations, when you have to use force, you have to use it. >> president trump go president trump going to saudi arabia, israel and vatican. what do you think if we the vatican and how important -- >> president trump is typed about middle east peace and going to saudi arabia. he's going to israel and that is going to meet with someone who cares deeply about middle east
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peace. a lot of the media is going to be setting this up. they're said to contrast. this is evil donald trump. this is the wonderful pope francis. i think that's a false narrative because yes of course they have their differences. but look, they are both populist in nature ways. they are both reformers. they are both people unwilling to go with the status quo. there's also deep areas of common concern, lake middle east peace. and also what is the vatican for decades said to the united states? stay out of an out of an interventionist or nationbuilding policies. donald trump does not want to do nationbuilding. yes their differences but but it's a fascinating trip. going donald trump, knowing pope francis, they will come together and say interesting things come and make a lot of news, but also work together. pete: are the areas they could be critical?
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donald trump has been critical of saudi arabia. are these things who would like to hear? >> as has been critical of donald trump. nobody who builds a wall will be a christian or something like that. he's been very direct to donald trump about things he disagrees with. i am looking forward to hearing that. donald trump will also be able to negotiate as pope francis will negotiate towards the common objectives. you don't have to agree with somebody. >> very interesting. >> hopefully "fox and friends" as they are to uncover it. pete: thou shalt share their cupcake. >> a sad you should make somebody give them a cupcake. clayton: thanks, father. under way in the french presidential election. before the votes have been
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tallied, farmer failed presidential candidate hillary clinton and in her aides have out of the woodwork to weigh in. abby: the queen show and while dell indentured -- onto generous refuses to let president trump on her show. ♪ be taken care of. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. oh yes.... even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands.
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pete: welcome back. quick headlights reappeared pot smokers during their cost to major cities nationwide. the giant drag carried by an activist in an effort to legalize marijuana. thousands of marchers preaching their message of peace and love. but a legal immigrant smuggling three pounds of and her pants. the woman stopped in arizona for
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strapping the drugs directly to her backside. from the mexican pedestrian crossing. the drugs had a street value of more than $45,000. she thought i can get away with looking like i have a big. abby: thank you, clayton. hillary clinton continues to bring her loss of the russian e-mail had feared for its outcome to the defense of the latest high-profile hacking big and, someday. brian fallon treating this. waging war against western democracies. our president is on the wrong side. for those who thought russia was failing that, the french presidential campaign e-mails online. pete: joining us now is to hump her. thanks for joining us this morning. former clinton aides tried to tip the scales of the french election. it feels like so much commentary has to do with their own defeat. when you make of it?
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>> totally. people weren't that interested in the french election. it does have major implications for the world, but they are trying to rationalize their loss of hillary clinton's loss. she suffered a stunning defeat, one that she shouldn't have aired a series of mistakes, small ones over the course of a few years dating back before the election, she lost the election to donald trump now they are bitter. they want to defend themselves professionally and instead of taking the blame themselves when they have to blame something else and that is russia. this is all a strict defense of hillary clinton and it's a very strange way to go about business. you think they would show some sort of remorse instead of trying to blame other people. >> hillary clinton last week still to blame game with a big emacs or you name it, nothing to do their candidacy or how she connected with the american people. i will point to democrat step
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back and say instead of being resistant, when we focus on ourselves and what we stand for and who is blaming on us. >> at the party was moved forward, what good does it do to blame other people and say what are our mistakes and how we can grow from here. the truth is we don't know when they'll make that decision. but you would think if they want to win a future election, some self reflection might benefit them in stead of blaming russia. russia may be there, may not be there. it's very hard to tell exactly how it happened. there's still the shins, but it seems like as a party, as he would want them to say, literature road failures because that's who you can fix. i'd be very concerned to fire a democratic democratic voter at home. they are addressing the central issues. >> they're moving onward together as you are aware a while off. abby: good to see you this
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morning. clayton: stick around on this "fox and friends" weekend sunday. kellyanne conway joins us live at the top of the hour. abby: mother's day less than one week away. all you last-minute shoppers, i can't wait for days. ♪ over 400 medications can cause a dry mouth. that's why there's biotene. biotene can provide soothing dry mouth relief. and it keeps your mouth refreshed too. remember while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene, for people who suffer from dry mouth symptoms.
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abby: this is your alert. mothers day less than one week away. if are trying to to find a gift for the mother is at all. pete: graybeards to recharge it.
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>> a bunch of new stuff that just came out from apple in time for mother's day. i want the new iphone, that just came out. beautiful and gorgeous new red iphone that came out. of course every purchase contribute to the global fund to support hiv and aids programs. really important. george h.w. bush was a great product. best camera on the market. the new ones have just come out. taking shots at little kids. even in low light. great camera. abby: you have one. i love it. >> at apple watch that just came out as well and all of these new bands in time for mother's day. i'm wearing a little father's day color here. $49. a bunch of different colors. woven nylon. in stainless steel. >> there is my favorite gadget. >> my favorite gadget of the
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year so far. instead of having those white cords, for the mom who wants to walk the dog, chat with their friends, and the airports, the charging case. up to five hours spent listening to music, put them back in the case. they charge right from the case in the case last a long time. abby: do you know how much time i spend the tangling question eric took me five minutes to get untangled. >> it happens all the time. clayton: i got this for my wife for christmas. it's from belkin. so it has the rose gold color. you can put it on right there. >> is actually paid. pete: it is rose gold. sign it right there in your bedside table. one glasses for me.
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our dear friends gave us this. i tested a lot of the aerators. i love to drink wine. our friends for christmas gave us a beautiful aerator. you may be one of our favorite gadgets in a house. pop it in the top of the wine. they will do this for 200 bottles of wine with the batteries inside. you need to let a bottle of red sit out for a while. they will put the oxygen right through it. abby: taste the difference? clayton: totally. come on over here. you've got to test this out. my favorite foot massager ever or brookstone. for all that has been thought they are that their waste is massaged my feet, for like five minutes to do it, but then it hurts. and you are lazy about it. you outsource it. it will do three different types of rollers. they will get rid of tension,
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tiredness. abby: that is really nice actually. pete: can you have that underneath the table. if you have any questions, clayton morris on twitter. answer them. kellyanne conway joins us on the couch. abby: i'm not getting out of this. ♪ when i went on to ancestry, i just put in the name of my parents and my grandparents. and as soon as i did that, literally it was like you're getting 7, 9, 10, 15 leaves that are just popping up all over the place. yeah, it was amazing. just with a little bit of information, you can take leaps and bounds. it's an awesome experience.
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>> this is like giving something back to the iranians that they can use again. >> she had eight solid years between her two catastrophic losses to find a message. she that had no message. >> she's not about to rely on the clinton shysterrism. ♪ ♪
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clayton: i don't know if our producers are tell trying to tell us something by playing the talking a heads. abby: they're always trying to tell us something. happy sunday to you. clayton: what's unfolding in france as voting continues, the courtyard right near the pyramid there has just been evacuated, and that's where emmanuel macron is set to hold a victory speech later this afternoon. abby: yeah, some sort of security alert. we're not sure exactly as to why, but we're going to keep a close eye. peter: we're going to be following anytime realtime, polls are are open and the french are voting, but there was a high alert for an isis attack. they've identified a potential plot. that's not new news.
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if we get more information, we'll certainly bring it to you. clayton: we want to bring in ed henry on news of the day. abby: where are you? >> i'm down in orlando, i'm doing a would be couple of book signings. abby: love orlando, that's awesome. pete: ed, we just mentioned the closing of the courtyard, but we do know the election has massive consequences especially following 2016 and brexit, the election of president trump, defeating globalism and sort of elitism. what's your sense as the dawn of that vote comes? the consequence may be? >> it seems like the establishment is freaking out now not just in the united states, but all around the world. if le pen can actually pull this out, you're right, following brexit and the election of donald trump, this would be the third. the hat trick, if you will, since we've got the nhl playoffs
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going on. and the fact of the matter is the establishment all around the world is scratching its held -- its head. and frankly, that's why barack obama has gotten involved. how often have you seen a former president of either party getting involve inside an election overseas like this? what in the world is going on? it suggests that the obama folks are freaking out, the establishment is freaking out about the possibility that le pen can actually win. and i think bottom line here is that when you look at this, it's basically like barack obama and hillary clinton will not leave the stage, and that's going to hurt their party long term because they're not sort of regenerating the party.they're . when they want to comment about something around the world, it's barack obama. when they want to weigh in on what donald trump is doing on the domestic front, it's hillary
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clinton saying he's unprepared for office because she lost to him, and she still is blaming everyone else but herself. clayton: president obama does not have a good track record, he voted to remain for brexit and now the president weighing in on what's unfolding in france. >> i'm not planning to get involved in elections, but the french election is very important to the future of france and the values that we care so much about. isoo admired -- i have admired the campaign that emmanuel macron has run. he put forward a vision for the important role that france plays in europe and around the world. i know that you face many challenges, and i want all of my friends in france to know how much i am rooting for your success. clayton: there you go, ed. >> yeah. i mean, he chooses his words carefully too. think about the first sentence.
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i don't plan to get involved in many elections, he's going to pick and choose. and we heard this during the presidential transition, that barack obama was going to be staying in washington, would there be a shadow government, would it be picking on donald trump. i think we have to say largely he hasn't said much at all about donald trump. he's been doing these events for his presidential library and staying away from trump, but now getting out this on the international stage and weighing in on the french election which is clearly in part about brexit and donald trump and his movement, it makes you wonder about whatever happened to the george w. bush rule of, look, i'm off the stage now, i'm going to get the others have their say. this is somebody who does not want to leave the stage. abby: ed, all eyes are on health care, a big moment this past week when the bill passed in the house. now it moves to the senate, and senator cruz admitting it will
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be catastrophic if the senate fails to pass obamacare repeal. this is coming from a senator who hasn't been known to work as much with his colleagues as other people in the senate. but, look, you got to get folks like senator cruz and rand paul, people that don't all come together all the time, to agree and get this passed. >> you know, abby, you couldn't be more right. i'm guessing senator mcconnell is hearing those and saying, wait, ted cruz wants to work with people? in all seriousness, whether you agree or not, if republicans fail to get repeal and replace of obamacare through the senate or they just walk away and don't do anything as some are suggesting and just let the house bill die, that will be catastrophic. i think it would be more catastrophic than these hysterical charges about the house bill. first of all, the house bill's going to change. the house bill that passed, it
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was just about moving the ball forward. let's face facts. finish the bill that's on the table, if it's the worst thing in the world, it's not going the final product. so calm down, number one. number two, this idea, this hysterical charge that people are going to die because of trumpcare and all of a sudden your premiums are going to go up so much, okay, maybe that's going to be true, but by that logic if that's true, people in arizona right now should be dying every day because you have 116% premium spikes under obamacare, existing law, folks. so the critics who are talking about this sort of hypothetical law that may or may not pass over the next few months under president donald trump are missing the fact that obamacare premiums are spiking. abby: no, that's a great point. as you know, congressman brian mass lost both of his legs in afghanistan, and he said i'm one of them.
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you look at the insurance companies, they have gone running. we don't have anyone who's willing to help us out right now. >> and to be fair and balanced, look, i'm not saying the republicans are out of the woods. they have a lot of work to do on this, and president trump is making all kinds of propses. he's going to -- promises. he's going to improve the situation, it's going to be so much better than obamacare, people are going to get care, you're not going to lose coverage for your pre-existing conditions. if that turns out to not be true, they're going to have to fix it and fix it fast because one of the problems for obamacare is not just that they jammed it through and all of that pass the bill so we can figure out what's in it, but once it started failing, president obama kept saying it's going great. he admittedded that the web site was messed up but said people are getting care. and democrats have doubled down on all of those lies. the republicans have to learn that lesson because they're making promise, and if it doesn't come true --
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pete: there's one promise they're certainly made for seven years, it's repeal obamacare. >> and that's why ted cruz is right. pete: you know that caucus well. do you think they can get it done, get the 51 votes? >> it's going to be extremely hard. i think anyone -- it's just impossible to know right now. but i think ted cruz is right in general by saying they can't fail. they just simply, they have to sort of refuse to lose on this. if republicans are going to go back to the voters in 2018 and say, you know, we threw stones at barack obama for six years on obamacare and counting and then came to the voters in multiple mid term elections and the 2016 presidential and said we're going to repeal and replace this and, you know what? a bill we didn't like went through the house, and we just simply went home, they're going to lose their hides, let's face it. on the other hand, if they can figure this out, and look at what happened a couple days ago,
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jobs being created, optimism among consumer confidence. if you get this repeal and replace and you come up with something reasonable and on top of that you take that momentum and actually get a tax cut through in the next few months, you can't raise expectations too high but say by the end of the year, it's going to be a phenomenal first year for president trump. there's a lot of ifs in there. if republicans throw their hands up and say this is too hard, it's going to be a disaster. abby: 2018 will have some real consequences. pete: yeah. with voters and their base. clayton: ed, enjoy orlando. abby: you were just there. clayton: i love orlando, i lived there for a while. >> i think i'm going to go see the mouse tomorrow. abby: all right, thank you, ed. clayton: counselor to president trump, kellyanne conway, is joining us on the curvy couch. abby: and horrifying moments for hundreds of passengers as their plane is pummeled. pete: but first, house
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republicans passed a repeal and replace bill before heading home to some very angry leftists. >> nobody dies because they don't have access to health care -- pete: our own fox news sunday host chris wallace reamounts next -- reacts next. ♪ ♪ and that they can be protected. we're the williams family, and we're usaa members for life. call usaa today to talk about your insurance needs. to f...nerve pain shoots and burns its way into your day... ...i hear you. when that pain makes simple errands simply unbearable...
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♪ ♪ >> nobody dies because they don't have access to health care. [inaudible conversations] abby: well, those are some angry democrats taunting republicans as they returned home after last week's health care vote. clayton: here to weigh in, fox
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news sunday anchor chris wallace. chris, great to see you this morning. >> hey, guys. clayton: two questions. number one, you saw the democrats singing hey, hey, good-bye the other day on the floor of the house, which was odd, and then you have the vote, of course, we still need to see in the senate. can democrats really insure a victory lap at the moment thinking that 2018 is going to be a sweep for them? >> well, no, they can't insure it, but i think that there's certainly a case to be made that this is going to help democrats. and a nonpartisan expert on this whole subject, charlie cook who does the cook political report which is kind of the unofficial bible analyzing house races moved 20 races to the democratic side. now saying if it was strongly republican now, it's suddenly leaning republican, if it was leaning republican, it's now a toss-up.
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he thinks this is going to make more raceses in house competitive. abby: a lot fends on what -- depends on what republicans can do. now it's headed to the senate. you know washington, chris, better than almost anyone. what do you expect's going to happen? are they going to come together and pass something in the senate? >> i don't know, it's going to be very tough. you've got two winds -- first of all, senate republicans are more moderate, more centrist than house republicans are, you don't have as strong a freedom caucus, but you've still got divisions. on the one hand, you've got ted cruz, rand paul, mike lee when certainly would fit in the house freedom caucus who, in fact, think the house bill doesn't go far enough. on the other hand, you have some more moderate republicans in the senate, people like rob portman of ohio, susan collins of maine who are very concerned about medicaid expansion under which hundreds of thousands of people in their states have gained
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health coverage. that would be cut back under the house plan, and they don't want to see that. and in addition, as if that isn't enough, you've got a much smaller margin of error. they could lose 20 seats in the house, they can only lose two in the senate. so it's going to be hard to see. and people are talking about it taking months to get through the senate. pete: what's going to matter the motor is whether or not republicans say what's going to happen, democrats are saying republicans are going to push grandma off the cliff. how do republicans counter that messaging, the fear moarnging that health care's going to get worse? >> well, that's a problem because particularly until the bill takes effect and you see what the practical consequences are, the democrats can say the worst things about this bill, and the republicans can't disprove them because, obviously, it's not law yet. and they do have some points, the democrats do.
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just take one example. older people under obamacare could be charged three times as much as younger people. under this bill they can be charged five times as much. democrats are calling that an age tax. that's tough thing for a lot of people. clayton: democrats saw in the hard way when they were answering about death panels and other messaging when this was firsting with rolled out, right? >> exactly. 2010, democrats celebrated and they lost more than 60 seats in the house. now the democrats say we're going to return the favor . pete: do you think there's a sense, chris, republicans realize you've got to close ranks, either we hang separately or together, that that'll motivate a mike lee, a ted cruz, a rand paul to play ball like they haven't in the past? >> look, they own trumpcare, health care now. either they get a plan through and see what the effect of it is or they fail to get it through x in a sense, that could be the worst because they'll still own it.
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they were given the keys to the house, the senate and the white house. if they don't get anything through -- abby: chris, we're just warming you up this morning. reince priebus and carl rover? >> that's right. and one of the architects of obamacare, jonathan gruber, all of them discussing the political and practical effects. if this house bill went into effect, how would it affect you. clayton: chris has had two pots of coffee already, and he is fired up. abby: thank you, chris. have a good sunday. coming up, tragedy on campus after the death of a 19-year-old pledge at penn state university. 18 members of that frat facing manslaughter charges. is that fair? we're going to debate it next. if you're totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit
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a couple of quick headlines. more horror in the skies, this time over asia. this video showing an air asia flight attendant screaming in fear after their plane is hit with severe turbulence. you don't want to hear the flight attendants yelling, that's for sure. the plane was carrying more than 300 people. five passengers were injured. and a european race car driver barely escaping death, wow, when he slams -- i'm watching the video, not reading -- turns the corner way too fast slamming into a guardrail. luckily, that guardrail saved his life. he immediately held up a sign that said okay. it's just a dangerous job that they have signs that say okay, that's why i carry one with me as well, i'm okay. [laughter] abby: pete, i'm going to stay right here in my seat. penn state university, 18 fraternity members are facing
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charges over the death of a 19-year-old student. toxic levels of alcohol during a frat party. his from turnty brothers didn't get him help for more than 12 hours. >> in honor of our son, and we're committed to doing everything we can to assure that no other parents will have to go through the pain and grief we are currently experiencing. >> it's just, it's heartbreaking all around. there's no winners. we don't win by even charging these young men because the only win is for him to be alive. abby: joining me now, attorney eric guster and jonna spilbor, good morning to both of you. unfortunately, under these circumstances, we hear these stories all too often. it's just heartbreaking. and the big question off the top here, jonna, who's to blame? is it the school? the fraternity? these members who didn't step up to get him the help he needed? >> is out all of the above.
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it's not unusual for kids to be injured and even die during these ridiculous hazing rituals, right? we've heard these stories before. what is unusual is for people involved to be criminally charged especially with the top count here of manslaughter. this could be a game-changer, abby. if these charges stick and the prosecution's able to prove it, this could actually change the game. it may change the face of fraternities and hazing forever, as i hope it does. abby: eric, we've seen these terrible situations, but this is a wake-up call. >> we hope it is, a wake-up call to the fraternity members and people who want to pledge. this is not worth you freedom or your life, and that's what i want all these young people to understand. i'm in a fraternity, i've gone through rituals, but you see so many of these kids who are dying. in this case, the boy drank too much liquor, fell down some stairs, and they did not get him help for 12 hours.
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number one, he was 19 years old being provided alcohol. secly, he was -- secondly, he was hurt and they did nothing. they tried to cover it up. abby: this is the first time they're entering the real world. the other 18 members, they're probably just as young, maybe a year or two older. they too young to be charged? >> no. eric said, this has got to be a wake-up call. because of their youth the judge might go easier on them for sentencing purposes but, come on, people, we have to stop this. 18, 19, we've all made mistakes, had too much to drink at some point in college, right? this happens to everybody. but when you look at somebody who falls down the stairs and you try to cover up the fact that he's so injured that he, basically, is dying for 15 hours, use your head. somebody had to be sober enough, and there were. there was evidence that somebody said we've got to get help, and the other members of the
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fraternity said, nah, we got this. abby: they were probably worried about being charged, so they said let's just leave it alone. but they made it worse. >> they made it worse. they knew that this boy was in trouble. they should have known something was going on. and at 16 you can drive a vehicle which is a deadly instrument, at 19 you can be in the military, is so youth is not an excuse in this particular case. this was a life and literally death type of situation. they should have known better. abby: this young boy had his whole life ahead of him, and it is so heartbreaking. what do his participants do, john -- parents do, jonna? >> his parents will also sue civilly, but as they said, there are no winners here. we have a dead 19-year-old kid needlessly. we would not be up in arms if he were a passenger in a car with someone driving drunk, nobody would bat an eye about charging the driver. this is no different. abby: who knows if his life could have been saved.
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>> if they manned excuse me got him -- up and got him help. this is a friend, this is supposed to be your friend that you need to get help. he's in trouble, let's call 191 instead of worrying about ousters. abby: this should be a wake-up call to every school out there -- >> every parent and every kid. abby: just a huge wake-up call. so, so sad. >> tragic. abby: thank you both for being here. all right, coming up, president trump blasting the fake news media over their one-sided coverage of the health care bill. why he says they're the ones putting americans as risk. up next, we are speaking to kellyanne conway in her beautiful green this morning. ♪ ♪
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pete: welcome back to a fox news alert. that's the shot of the courtyard outside the louvre where emmanuel macron plan toss celebrate tonight. it's been evacuated after a potentially suspicious package outside, they're being overly cautious on the eve of this election. we're following it in realtime. abby: yeah. we want to bring in kellyanne conway, and all eyes are on france today. you've got that big election coming up, le pen verse russ macron.
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as you know, president obama gave a big enforcement to macron. not really breaking news. >> well, president obama hasn't had a good recent track record electorally, and he really dismissed brexit. he went all in for hillary clinton, i think in the waning days of the campaign, was so convinced she was going to win that his message wasn't really elect her so much as preserve my legacy and isn't this fun to make money of the other point. you know, the election was six months ago tomorrow, and it turns out that the hard left and hillary clinton can't sent the results. i think they're missing what's going on all across europe and the world, frankly, where people are just telling the establishment stop telling me who to be, what to think, how to worship, how to raise my children, where my hard-earned money should go. people are really asking for sovereignty and security and accountability -- abby: and identity, right in. >> and identity.
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and you see that even in places that aren't having elections, you see a resistance saying just stop, stop with the lack of sovereignty, the open borders, stop trying to be a collective nation with other nations. and let us at least have self-governance. clayton: you're also seeing this resistance from the left and the mainstream media to the repeal and replacement of obamacare and president trump tweeting this week: fake media is working to make health care look bad. and you know, there's a lot of people on the left saying this bill is now going to kill people. you're hearing that at these town halls, seeing that in the mainstream media what's the response from the white house? it's a hard message to be up against, to play defense against that kind of messaging. what's the plan? >> it's such an outrageous and untrue, quote, message as you put it. look, it's easier to jeer from the cheap seats than come up
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with a message on your own and be honest about the facts. why have so many americans asked for obamacare to be repealed and replaced? because the premiums have increased, you have iowa, a state that donald trump won for just the second time as a republican since 1984, and he won it by nine points in part because look what just happened. people know health care there has not been going well. 94 of the 99 counties in iowa will have one provider. that's not choice, that's not competition. that example is going on everywhere. and saying people are going to die and the enablers in the mainstream media not calling out those breathless, heartless predictions and going right to the prognostication for 2018, why in the world are we talking about who's going to win or lose in 2018 when the duty of the mainstream media, of news reporters is to tell you what's actually in the bill? not to allow others to scare. but, look, the democrats, i mean, they've got nothing. we don't know who the leader of
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the party is, they have no message, and this whole stop you said no resistance, that's not going to resonate with the forgotten man and woman who came to the polls for trump and pence six months ago and very much believes in the 533,000 jobs that have been created, the 211,000 just in the last month, the 4.4% unemployment rate, the big step toward repealing and replacing what many americans see as draconian, expansive federally government-run health care. look what he did this week with the religious liberty executive order, he got a spending bill passed. he's had 14 or so bilateral meetings. he announced his first foreign trip, saudi arabia, israel, rome and go to the vatican to meet the pope and, of course, the previous commitments to the g7 and nato in brussels. pete: you've not the other side also being amplified by a
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so-called mainstream media which maim the opposition -- became the opposition party. >> it's really unfortunate. pete: they do it no matter what. >> the same people that got it wrong six months ago. they do it with a straight face, what's going to happen in a year and a half from now, they still can't get over what happened six months ago. and as for hillary, look, people are saying, rolling their eyes and belly aching -- most of them democrat, by the way -- why won't she just go away? i'm kind of getting used to it. it reminds everybody that the left just can't move on, that they've got no bench. we're the leaders of the party. who are the centrist democrats that are going to reach out to the same voters that donald trump was able to motivate to the polls? abby: well, speaking of centrist, there are a number of those in the senate, and that's where the health care bill will go next. president trump, as you have been saying, has been working a lot behind the scenes with the
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house to get it passed. what is he going to do with the senate? he's gown to have to bring everyone to the table. >> president trump and leader mcconnell have a very good working relationship. they speak often, and you saw on full display when they worked together to confirm neil gorsuch, that was just a masterful example of their ability to come together and do what the president does and what the senate does. the senate has said they need time and they need to look at the house bill, they need to figure out how to move forward, and they should be given that time. because when you rush something through, it doesn't go -- it's far too complicated -- abby: we saw that with obamacare. clayton: what is the president worried about, a watered-down version being sent back to the house? >> he's not worried about anything because he knows that those people who have said i fell through the cracks, i don't have employer-sponsored health insurance like most of us do, i don't have government benefits like tricare, v.a., medicare, medicaid, i'm one of the
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millions who did not benefit from obamacare, i'm a farmer, i'm a plumber, i'm a hair dresser, i don't have a way to pool myself with others. he knows the health savings account is a very popular feature. he's forcefully talked about the ability to buy health insurance across state lines, how to get medicaid dollars more in line with what individual states need and their governors knowing what they need. so we know that obamacare, the disaster that it's been for many americans who were left behind, and we know the fact that people had this card they couldn't use. it was the worst possible outcome for so many americans where they had health insurance, but they had no care or coverage because they couldn't afford the premiums. pete: sure, or similar to what you would get as a singer payer for the v.a., potentially. the president has gotten a lot of credit for being active in the final hours of that vote to get republicans onboard to goat that 216. do you anticipate the same approach with the senate senate
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you're going to have to get a mike lee to agree with a moderate. a ted cruz says we've got to get it done, do you think the same approach will help get it across? >> the president was incredibly patient and vigilant in working the phones, hosting personal meetings. he and the vice presidentting he white house who wanted to talk about what might get them to yes or what their concerns were with the bill. he's incredibly engaged. this is what professional dealmakers and business leaders do. they can't just study something or have a commission or wait for the next congress or the next election. they need tangible results and delivery immediately, and i think washington has not seen this almost ever if not in modern history, somebody who comes in and says how do we get to yes? how do we get a better deal? and i would just repeat what leader mccarthy said on thursday. he said when president trump first called him about health care, he said, kevin, don't give
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me a bill that's good for the republican party, give me a bill that's good for the american people. pete: so what are the biggest sticking points right now for you? what's going to be the hardest part getting it through? >> well, there are several things the senate will take up. i'm not going to actually enumerate them, but there are several things that the senate is already working on. it was publicly reported that the senate was already work on peats of the bill -- pieces of the bill before the house passed theirs. but the president bringing together this very diverse party that he now governs and showing that the house, the senate, the white house, the governors, the state legislatures, all of which are very republican in part because of obamacare, the biggest issues that helped the republicans in 2010, '14 and '16, you've got 23, i think, republicans who govern in districts that hillary clinton won, you've got democrats who didn't vote yes who govern in districts that donald trump won. nobody's talking about them
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losing their seats, are they? why didn't you vote according to the conscience and will of your constituents in at least getting a better health care reform system? but, look these things take time. you're going see as the left just screams resist and jeers and cheers from the cheap seats, your going to see -- you're going to a republican president, house and senate working together to get a bill. abby: hillary clinton was out this past week not really wanting to take any of the blame on herself, saying that it goes back to james comey, the e-mail -- >> that one was rich. hello. abby: is she though, doing a disservice to the democratic party to say, you know what? maybe i had some fault? >> yes. and the way you know that, abby, is so many of them privately and some publicly are outwardly groaning about her return and her not taking responsibility because it hurts the party to have a message of i was cheated, it wasn't my fault, there's sexism that stopped me. this woman who had been the
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first lady, a united states senator, secretary of state -- clayton: right, blame over people. >> i want to read you very quickly what happened on may 8th. it was a stunner. this man, donald trump, won states republicans hadn't won. he turned -- peter: we've got to leave it right there. >> and she's responsible for that. abby: thank you, kellyanne. >> she lost to the better candidate. $2,0n pete: we'll be right back. st. visit your local dealer for details. can-am. the ride says it all.
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pete: welcome back. a few weeks after a missouri journalist compared the nra to isis, it seems new york magazine is trying to outdo their foolishness. in a recent article titled isis appreciates the nra's work, the magazine claims that loose gun laws in the united states make us susceptible to terrorism. the only thing is, they don't. joining us now to discuss his medal of honor recipient, dakota meyer. what do you make of this argument that isis thanks us for
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the second amendment? be. >> well, first off, i mean, how much lower can a journalist fall to be taken, you know, using isis as their credible source, right? so, you know, but i think it's ridiculous. once again the media's going out and using their first amendment to try to go after the second amendment by not looking at the facts. here's the facts of the whole thing of it, right? you look at san san bernardino, right? in california out there, they have -- they're restricted ar-15s. you've got to have a background check on every single weapon. you have to register all your weapons, you have a waiting period. all these things they want to implement even more, and what's the shooting caused by? an ar-15 with high capacity magazines. it doesn't seem like it worked in that situation. let's go to paris. no weapons are allowed over there, right? they're using machine guns and hand grenades, so it doesn't seem to work over there either.
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pete: turns out, isis doesn't want to play by the rules. in most u.s. states anything from a single-shot shotgun all the way to a semiautomatic rifle can be purchased at showrooms or through online sales by way of private dealers without requiring an id or a gun license. there's a reason for that, because we have a second amendment. the overwhelming majority of guns are purchased by legal gun owners, but if you've got an enme -- enemy that wants to exploit your society, that's the problem to begin with. >> exact l.ily. they're here to do that, they need to be arrested. the only thing that's standing between us and them being able to come over here and do whatever they want is us being able to bear arms. and that's what the article should read. the article should read that, look, the thing that stands in the way of isis being able to come over and come and have and do terroristic act is the is the nra standing there protecting your rights to be able to stand up for ourself.
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that's what it should read. because that's what separates us from paris. that's what separates us. pete: do you expect new york magazine to come out in favor of extreme vetting? when school shootings happen, is it the gun that pulls the trigger or the person? it's an isis fighter that does. why would we pay attention whether or not they're coming into our country? >> i mean, look, exactly. you've got to look, the thing about is, you know, the media's gone out rogue,ing and i think that's more dangerous than what our gun laws are right now. under the obama administration, the justice department said that one-tenth of 1% -- now, here's the facts -- one-tenth of 1 is % of those guns told in these places they're talking about are used in crime. pete: sure. >> i think we're getting it right then, aren't we? pete: if it's one-tenth of 1%, you're doing pretty darn good. dakota meyer, thanks for joining us. all right, democrats
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claiming under the republican health care plan most of you will die. we're going to separate fact from fiction when dr. nicole sapphire joins us next. why pause a spontaneous moment? cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision,
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♪ ♪ clayton: democrats sounding alarm bells claiming people will, in fact, die under the new republican health care plan, but is that really true? abby: let's separate fact from fiction with dr. nicole staff fiemplet she joins us now. good morning. let's help break this up. i will tee you up with the myth. so number one, is ahga does not cover pre-existing conditions. >> that's just not true. and, in fact, it will remain federal law. now, states can apply for waivers which means that their going to be giving their people
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choices in the different type of coverage options x in that case you may see options changing. but in the amendments, they're actually providing pools for the high risk coverage. pete: okay. so the second myth that's all over the place about repeal and replace of obamacare is it'll make health care unaffordable for those with pre-existing conditions. >> well, it's currently unaffordable for everybody -- abby: good point. >> insurance is protection against something that may happen, you know? we have car insurance in case we get into an accident. what happens the your premium? it goes up. for some reason, people accept that. when it comes to health care, people take it more personal. the way our health insurance system works, it doesn't function as insurance right now, and we just have to move forward and accept that. when it comes to health insurance, if you are in a state that has a waiver, you may have to pay more for pre-existing conditions. but that's why these pools are going to be in place --
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pete: it's also a decision the state legislature's making. >> right. we're putting back into individuals and states' hands. clayton: under the ahca, states do not have to cover essential health benefits. is that myth, reality? >> absolutely untrue. essential health benefits have to be covered unless you're in a waiver state, and if you are, that is when you're going to see you're going to have more coverage options. people are saying why am i paying this, why am i shouldering other people's expenses? these states are going to give tailored health plans for individuals, and you're going to be paying for what you need. >> it's like your cable bill. why am i paying for lifetime? [laughter] already. abby: let's be real. pete: if republicans are smart, they will play your interview on a loop. >> you know, the bill is not perfect. but i think they're going to get there. abby: thank you, doctor.
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and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach-area pain and swelling. talk to your doctor about managing your symptoms proactively with linzess. >> now open in france's presidential run off election. >> across the west there is a new movement fighting up fighting for national democracy that is what la pen stands for. >> emmanuel macron got an endorsement from our former president barack obama. >> i tell you this, if i were to do it, i would pray that barack obama would do a video like that against me. >> healthcare fight, heating up as g.o.p. approved bill moves from house to senate. >> president shows patience, and vigilance, he asked people what
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would get you to yes. >> nobody dies because they don't have access to health care. >> america is not going to allow people to die on the streets. >> we're learning the identity of nav navy seal killed in soma, he was a veteran awarded the bronze star 4 times. >> a investigation is underway in any obama administration dropped prosecutions again several iranian fugitives accused of posing threat to national security, in order to pass the nuclear deal. >> this is like giving something back to the iranians they can use against us. >> she is back. >> she had 8 solid years. to find a message, she had no message. there is still no message. >> she has to rely on the clinton -- to cajole money out of people.
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♪ let's make lots of money ♪ >> you listen to ashley simpson. >> my choices are of that a 16-year-old girl. >> true. >> good morning, happy sunday morning. >> there is a lot going on, with all ic eyes on france, the big election is today, that could shake up europe. public told not to publish leaked e-mails. >> there is what kind of question, what impact they will have. >> voters are voting right now in france, this is a referendum on the future of that country, and of europe. think about it 2016, brexit and president trump, and now in
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france, no job expectations marine la pen to be where she is, you have a clear look of people saying we want our country back. >> in that country there is a media blackout, the media is not allowed to publish anyone, there is 9 gigabytes of e-mail data leaked. >> there is no impact on the polls so far. i think you know emmanuel macron is up by 24. >> it could have the trump effect with people are not admitting who they are voting for. >> we had predicted break it movement -- brexit movement and with donald trump, he said there is a movement going on, saying that i can predict la pen will win in 2022. >> i think 2016 was a bad year. for people like obama.
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brexit was a shock, trump was worse for him. the globalists will stick together, across the west there is a new movement, fighting for national democracy, that is what la pen stands for, but again obama tries to paint this, he has the positive vision for the future, he is defending a failing european union. and whether or not la pen can close that gap today, whatever happens, euro scriptism in france will have taken a massive leap forward today. >> in 2016 you would rather be with donald trump and nigel farage. obama trying to interview. with the brexit and help hillary clinton, now he is sides with ma macron. >> i'm not planning to get involved in many elections now that i don't have to run for
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office again, but the french election is very important to future of france and values we care about. i have admired the campaign that emmanuel macron has run, he has stood up for liberal value be he put forward a vision for important role that france playing in europe and the world, he appeals to people's hopes, not their fears, i know you face many challenges, i want my friends in france to know how much i am rooting for your success. >> governor huckabee said i am not running again for public offers, but if i did -- i would want former president obama to come out against my campaign. >> maybe now because macron is up by 20 points, he will sale sail to victory. >> it is a referendum on future of the eu, if france gets close, and next cycle closer, you could see the eu dissolve before our eyes. >> we'll watch this all day for you, keep it on fox news channel
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to see where vote falls, here at home, senator ted cruz, admitting that they bet -- republicans better get onboard with repealing and replacing obamacare, said for 7 years, the republicans have been promising, if only you elect us, we'll repeal obamacare. the consequences of failure would be catastrophic. it would be senators able to sit down in good faith, that is amazing from senator ted cruz, who had been a thorn in mitch mcconnell's side. >> right, he has no reputation of really wanting to work with his colleagues this say telling moment, realizing that republicans have promised this for 7 years, we have control. the ball is in our court. we had kellyanneon kay on kellyw
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moments ago. >> he is incredibly engaged. they need to result, i think that washington is not seeing this almost ever. somebody who comes in said, how do we get to yes, is it possible, how do we get a better deal. things take time, but you will see, a republican president house and senate working together, to get a bill that everyone agrees on. >> senate is about to prove as far as democrats are concerned they have no desire what so ever work with republicans, they are sticking with resist. republicans are starting to realize, if we don't close ranks, then we'll all hang separately, get a bill passed, get tax reform, you will have a great first year, and republicans then could say we
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did what we said we were going to do. >> this morning, the piece. there is a trust, whispering in with the'president's ear how toa supreme court justice through. it will be interesting to see, this will be the test to see mcconnell and president and what the relationship will look like. >> you are right, president trump has to use mitch mcconnell. and communicate. but the democrats are still in resisting mode. you think they would' to step up to the table to get health care, not because you know they are politicians but because it is the right thing to do for the american people. but it has not been the case. >> of course not, they want single payer healthcare, they will never admit that obamacare will work, they want to go further into government control, the republicans don't want that.
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"newsweek," impugning motives of republicans, this. as one with's preexisting condition, i hope every voted for trump care seeing a family member, with long-term condition, lose insurance and dies. >> he deleted it since. >> thank you. >> we had dr. nicole sapphire on the show. >> take the politics out as a doctor, look at what is really going on. >> she this -- this is fear mongering. we have governor mike huckabee on earlier talking about it. >> i think they are unhinged, they are coming undon undone. if any republican said that about hoping family members die. >> he said, more and more about
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the fact they want this to fail. it gets to motives piece, reality and i done like obamacare, conservatives didn't like obamacare, but no one said, you want people to die. you are horrible people. i think your approach is wrong. and here is why and i am going to litigate obamacare, they -- these people are not capable of that. it has to be you are a horrible person if you voted to repeal and replace obamacare, you want people to die. how do you have a conversation with people like that? >> if you disagree with me, pete or clayton, you are stupid and crazy, and what you think, you probably want the worse for american people. that is what a lot of people think today, we saw analysts on the news giving these talking points, the american people are sick of it they just want a better life, better health care. >> all talk right now, well does this mean democrats walk away with a victory.
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>> who cares. in the middle of this discussion, journalists have a responsibility to talk about what is in the bill today, not what is going on in 2018. >> they want democrats in elite new york and hollywood too tell them how to think, and vote that way. >> amaz amazing. >> i don't know what they will wake up, they am one day, and realize they live in a bubble, they sense people to washington to do something, they are doing it because the people wanted them to. that is the story. let's look at what bill does and does not do. >> in senate but it could take monthing on get right, one thing you look from obamacare, take the time to get it right. if you rush forward a plan ta hurts plan that is a disaster. much better to be patient take your time. >> we're looking over shoulder here, the -- >> the 5 borough bike ride.
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>> there you go. >> everyone is wearing a helmet being safe. >> you never know. >> you keep watching i'm going to give you other headlines, starting with north korea, making a direct threat to u.s. overnight rogue nation vowing to turn white house to ashes with a nuclear strike. editorial by kim jong-un state media this warning to u.s., and imperialists and stooges running amuck. >> and sad news we know navy seal who paid ultimate price in the fight gene terro against te, 38-year-old kyle milliken from maine he was awarded bronze star for heroism in combat 4 times,
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milliken leaves a wife, and several children. >> and one horse no longer has to dream about winning the kentucky derby. >> dream comes true, always dreaming has won the kentucky derby. >> 3-year-old colt covering mile and a quarter at churchill downs. up next preakness and belmont stakes for the triple crown try. >> love that. >> not sure i'm getting any money back. >> she spent it on mint juleps. >> on the show senator elizabeth warren has an urgent warning, people will die. what about all of the v.a. problems in her home state. >> i don't think that this is -- look alook at.
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thank you for joining us john, for your service to veterans, give us a sense, we hear chatter, yelling, outrage about people dying of repeal and replace of obamacare. what do we hear about her home state with what she is doing for veterans. >> not a lot. we asked her where she is relative to helping out our national veterans and massachusetts veterans we have heard notion. congress had to do something. we could take no pride in being healthiest nation but most bankrupt nation in the world. elizabeth warren does not seem too have any sense of what is going on in massachusetts or what is going on relative to helping our veterans, 22 veterans a day die in our country. that is a crisis. it is a epic proportions, we
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have 22 heroes, combat veterans that are dying. two veterans in massachusetts recently commit suicide, she is nowhere to be found, nowhere, she is running around the country on book tours. >> you could not be more right, i wear a ring every day for 22 kill. a reminder of vets that commute suicide every day, she takes on bill, she impugns motives of the opponent. she believes in single payer healthcare, that is what the v.a. is, you have example after example of single payer he'll hh care, it is is not working. why doesn't she learn from that example. >> yeah, it is baffling. there were two major stories in boston harold. one in six crises of traumatic brain injury were misdiagnosed
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and mishandled by boston v.a. second day, a veteran brian callahan, a constituent of hers, 7 years of being misdiagnosed and had terrible problems with brain mass in his brain. and yet, does she reach out to help any veterans? no. all she is, is an opportunist. this is unfortunate, we're not trying to make a political statement, we are just trying to get help for our veterans and get her to understand, she represents massachusetts, this is frustrating when she is nowhere to be found relative to veterans, then she decides she will run for president. and pay no attention to her constituents here in massachusetts. >> that is her hard left political ideology, and her dedication to that. john mcdonald thank you very much for keeping up the fight there in massachusetts, and keep us posted if you ever do hear anything from senator warren.
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>> i will, don't hol hold your breathed. >> north korea said it detained another american citizen. breaking new details we'll follow that next. like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. oh yes.... even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands.
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president trump with healthcare and religious liberty taking the forefront. >> we're ending the attacks on your religious liberty, and proudly reaffirming america's leadership role as a nation that protects religious freedom for everyone. >> but, our -- only our next guest can tell us what is coming up on president's spiritual agenda. long time adviser, paula white is meeting with president this week, and joining us now. >> good morning. greatgreat to be with you, happy sunday. >> you had a chance to meet with the president, tell us about that dinner you had with the president. >> it was an amazing time. met with about 40 faith leaders who represent collectively
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almost 200 million people in the united states, from dr. george wood over the assembly of god to franfranklin graham, and dr. jak floyd, on and on it goes, it of the the power house of the voice representing the faith community. the evangelicals board could we discussed our mission, we had almost 4 hours with the president, the vice president, and many of his high -- positioned people, and we talked about different issues. how we could continue to support this administration. and just be that voice as well as receiving information to make sure that things get moved forward on a grassroots level. >> paula you have been his spiritual adviser for years, how have you seen president trump change since coming int office a person. >> i have known him almost 15
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years, and had this walk with him for many years with his family. i really continue to see a man that has always loved god but deepens in his faith, prays every day, of course, vice president pence and 9 of the cabinet members hold bible study every week, it is amazing. but i could not imagine the office he runs not turning to god and asking for his wisdom and guidance, he does, daily. >> well we talked about the dinner you had with the president, i am sure you mentioned or had in discussion about his upcoming trip to the middle east. what is that going to look like for the president, did you advise him in that. >> you know, what that will look like i'm sure his administration will let those details out, but we did discuss it and many other things. we're excited, i think they will look
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>> i think what they have come up in terms of taking preexisting conditions group out of a larger pool with idea you take really sick people out of the larger pool, the rest of people in the pool. will see premiums go down. the group will see the states, help in terms of cost. they have come up with an antic to the issue. >> we have talked about healthcare reform and tax reform, sense was get health care reform passes to get tax portion included are the optimi? >> i think so. i think there is a lot more common ground with tax reform. they all want tax reform to happen, we have calls tax reforn terms of moving the needle on
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economic growth, yes there will be debate. on whether it should be revenue neutral. what about the deducts, i don't see the kind of upset that we saw during health care taking place with tax reform. they are on the same page, they want to get it done, they recognize they have a small window of opportunity. >> venezuela. they are in crisis mode. >> they are. >> a cents eling economy -- they are a crippling economy. is this end of socialist view. >> i would say so, price up 800 800%, venezuela is starving. they have got largest oil reserves, anywhere they should not be starving they have riches to sell across the world, they can't. because of socialism. >> what do they do? >> they are dying. >> right now they are recognizing this is not working. it since resting to see white house talking about that and getting involved, but i would say, yes, people are recognizing
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that socialism has been a failure. >> that is what. don't want to get too deep, if you don't educate people about the past, you don't learn in future, socialism has never worked. it hurts the people. what an opportunity to educate that free market capitalism as empowered and enrich more people. >> we are watching this take place, more than 30 people dead, starving a taking hold, and they are expecting inflation prices to go up so much, 2200%. that is 2,000 increase in prices. >> i am hearing $160 cheese burger. >> yeah. >> your take on the jobs number this week, where do you see the economy headed? it was a good number? >> was not a great number, not back to 375 no,000 during the pk of the economic growth, but more steadiness as they come,
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averaging 200,000 jobs, i think that partly anticipation of president trump's policies, people are recognizing that we're about to see taxes go lower, and neidl move on economic growth, people are getting ahead of this this is fore shadowing what is on come. >> maria, we'll see you in just a few moments. >> thank you. >> thank you for the chocolate. >> which could lot. >> a bag of maria bartiromo chocolate. >> that will sell for a lot of money. >> put it in my candy dish. >> i want to bring you other headlines. fox news alert, north korea, said it has detained another american citizen, state media there accusing kim of unspecified acts of hostility. he joins three other americans being detained in country, including on th otto who is ser5 year prison term with hard labor
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of alleged ain't state actions. >> turning to in other headlines u.s. gold medalist found dead in a training center, bobsledding star steven holcomb was found in his room, the three time olympian of best known for winning gold at 2020 vancouver game, officials do not expect foul play, high wa he was the j7 years old. >> and a woman trying to pull a fast one on u.s. border agents, my smuggling 3 pounds of heroin in our pants, strapping them directly to her back side before trying to enter u.s. pedestrian border cross. that is one way. >> and starbucks unicorn frappuccino causing spir, the coffee chain facing a multimillion dollar lawsuit over when came up with the idea. >> the brooklyn cafe in new york
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wants $10 million saying it has been selling unicorn latte since december, and has the trademark. and then who knew there would be so much competition for a terrible drink. >> have you tried it. >> no. >> don't mock it. >> it is fantastic. >> right? >> that doesn't go with starbucks, if you ask me. >> i agree. >> -- any time you put a big pile of whip cream on anything. >> i'll eat it. >> frappuccino but the it on. >> hey, a little bit chile, we're stuck in a pattern that is causing problems for some people, maybe causing nice conditions across central plains, really warm as you start off, cooler air in the great lakes, that is going to continue, a really cool comfortable morning across parts
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of florida, drier conditions, we're not getting rain, we need rain in florida we're not getting it. but it will become for able. there you go. across northeast and midatlantic, a stubborn system, it will stay with us all week-long, and parts of west, a late rainy season storm across southern california, we have rain, snow levels to 4,000 feet, that system pulls in across parts of southwest, we saw temperature two days ago in phoenix, of 108. broke the record for th the dayw today at 72, cooler temperatures moving in. and this week, we'll stay warm across central plains, and southwest. >> all right. thank you, rick. >> pete, a strks ate the chocoh clayton's head on it he smashed wrapper, wants to give it back. >> we have more show to testimony ahead, inside chaos on
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a plane packed with people, rocked by dangerous turbulence. >> that would be fun. >> and forget the empathy tent. late fees are just too stressful. >> mike rowe is joining us live with a message for the campus crybabies of america. badda book. badda boom. that's it? he means book direct at for the lowest price on our rooms guaranteed. plus earn free nights and instant rewards at check-in. yeah. like i said. book now at
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>> together we're going to fight for every last american job, and we're going to fight for great, great trade deals that are so good for our workers, and so good for our families. in his weekly address, president reaffirming one of his main campaign promises, making america work again. joining to us weigh in. man who knows about hard work,
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former dirty jobs host, mike rowe. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> thanks guys, where is my chocolate. >> we tried to send you some but the intern ate them all. >> so, job staying here in america is something that president campaigns on, and continues to be his main talking point. >> yeah, and i guess it a good talking point, my main talking point is different, not that i'm running for anything or stay in office. but for me, business of creating jobs, and idea that reason people are not working is linked to a lack of opportunity is a little simplistic. there truth in it, but my foundation is focused on 5.4 million jobs that exist for whatever reason no one is excited about pursuing, we just
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try to tap the country on the shoulder from time to time, say more tune it never bad, but let's not lose sight of the fact there is so much opportunity sitting here right now, waiting for people who are excited about an actual skill that is truly in demand. so, let's not forget, that this notion that opportunity is going to fix everything sounds great. it is here. >> people have to get off their couch and get out there. any small business i see signs we're hiring we need a clerk or this, there seems to be jobs, and labor participation week, the jobs respect ticking up gain -- jobs report ticking up again, are you hopeful that people are wanting to participate? >> i am hopeful. but this -- the political end of the conversation is always about the people. large masses of people collectively doing a positive
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thing in a general way. it beyond my pay grade, we focus on one individual at a time, and try to get that person turned around to point where they can see an opportunity for what it truly. is not necessarily a dream job, but a chance to get request a career that could actually -- that could actually pay the bill the, you are right, in 2009, when recession was really at its peak, and unemployment was creeping up to 10%. on dirty jobs, everywhere we went, every state, help wanted signs, over and over. it just easy to forget that narrative. because it is confusing. it does not seem like we could have a labor shortage at the same time we have high unemployment but we can. >> we have had get your comment on this we know you look to harvard university as your moral compass, they say, the late fees
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are too stressful for students, we have witnessed first hand that stress that overdue finds like overdue books can cause students eliminating standard overdue fines should help students focus on scholarships rather than reviewing their books,. somehow this the past kids used to be able to do that. >> talk about laziness. >> these are dark days. listen, it is too easy to shake our finger at the kids. right, if it were me, i would be focused on the administration, somebody somewhere, is looking at the college experience, and saying, they are not students, they are customers. we have to keep our customers satisfied, if they are stressed out, almost like the soup is too cool, bring them another soup, they don't top pay lat fees.
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>> my feeling is you are prepping for the real world, if the kids are not going to be able to pay rent because it is stressful that is bad. >> good luck with that, that is spot on. >> good luck. >> mike rowe we'll have you back. >> you might remember last month mike rowe sparked nation outrage over the muddy jeans, selling fofor $425, we. want to know what he thinks of latest trend, pre-ripped sneakers only 1400 a pair. >> they are hideous. >> we'll be right back after this. ♪ ♪ because i am cured with harvoni. harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who have had no
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prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. tell your doctor if you've ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. ready to let go of hep c? ask your hep c specialist about harvoni.
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we're back with mike rowe, he made waves on tucker's show,
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there are these jeans, $500 reripped, presoiled, it is ridiculous. you can't just go out and get >> for $425. >> that is nothing compared to this. a new pair of sneakers, pre-ripped, saving you type of doing hard work, $1425, they are all rage. >> what a bargain, that is $700 a shoe, i am just going to get one. >> that would befitting. >> maybe you could get a pair of stinky socks with it, i don't know what to say. on one hand, i think this is fashion. run among. -- run amuck. fashion is finding a place no one has gone before, going there and making it look normal. there was a time when it felt smart to get to a $2,000 for
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$400. you find it on sales, get a deal, i feel like we're living in the age of anti-deal. >> and ugliest thing, our producer said it has been putly a wood chipper. >> hideous. >> i guess money goes somewhere? someone over at dirty jobs you have to appreciate it, people are willing to buy these. >> neiman marcus? >> yeah, capitalism. >> and again, not about shaking our finger at somebody's taste, this a free country, if you got money, go ahead. i just think that there something interest going on in a world where everyone questions validity of news, and everything. right in mi midst is polly urete
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mud and ripped sneakers at some astronomical price, almost like go ahead buy it, we dare you. and we do. what is is next, under pants with holes in them. >> if you had to pick jeans or shoes, which would. >> i would buy either one, and auction them off with real mud and rips and give money to my foundation for work ethic scholarship. i would buy them both for a higher purpose. >> >> i knew he would have a gate answer. >> we call it art. >> look at monopoly board this first thing that tucker and i talked about. they replaced iron and the thimble with a rubber ducky and a it--- t-rex. >> thank you, mike ♪
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>> you started about a half hour ago. >> condoleezza rice will be here tomorrow. >> and have a great sunday everyone. >> good sunday morning, battle to repeal, and replace obamacare headed to senate, lawmakers to dig deeper into russia interference. and france heads to polls, how will result there affect the economy here? good morning, i am maria bartiromo, this is "sunday morning futures." a victory for president trump, house republicans pass the bill to overall obamacare. now to the certain at -- senate, steve scalise, one key senator in health care fight, senator bill cassidy live coming up.


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