tv Hannity FOX News May 8, 2017 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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>> can you see why i voted for him? >> jimmy carter felt the burn. he voted for bernie. >> condoleezza rice is here, "hannity" is next. ♪ >> sean: thank you from our friends on "the five." we have a very exciting night tonight. former secretary of state condoleezza rice will join us but first, tonight. explosive new details and a massive political scandal that is becoming watergate on steroids. that is tonight's opening monologue, that the mainstream media ignores. being at the forefront of uncovering the massive surveillance is now reporting new information that congress should immediately begin investigating the reports showing a political scandal
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unlike anything we have now seen in american history. and it should deeply concern each and every one of you, the american people. it is your fourth moment right to privacy, it's now being trampled upon. the big question we need an answer to this evening. as the obama administration under the guise of national security targeting the leader of an opposition party -- trump and his associates -- and his transition team, during the course of an election and postelection? during a subcommittee meeting, james clapper admitted he personally was involved in the unmasking of american citizens. while back. watch this. >> did you ever request the unmasking of mr. trump, his associates, or any member of congress? >> yes. in one case, i did.
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i can't discuss it any further than that. >> sean: just one? we will find out. unmasking by the obama administration could have extended to a number of members of congress. circa news is reporting that republican senator rand paul who will join us in a few minutes, sent a letter to the right whie formally requesting an investigation after an anonymous source told him that he and other members of congress were surveilled and unmasked by the obama administration. circa also reported that lawmakers and their staffers are so frequently caught up in surveillance that top congressional leaders are notified it by u.s. spy agencies as often as once a month. the office of the director of national intelligence published new data that shows a dramatic increase in surveillance and unmasking activity interestingly all during 2016. look at this chart put together by our friends at circa news.
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they obtain this information from the o.d. nine, office of director of national intelligence, look at these numbers. the number of u.s. names searched, actual intercepts. the second shows searches of u.s. names. metadata, it jumped nearly 30% in 2016 from the previous year. it has tripled from 2013. that is not all. the transparency report shows a huge jump in the number of unmasking requests that were granted by the nsa from 2015-2016. from 654-1900. these statistics raise alarming and very serious questions that need immediate answers. for example, why was there such a dramatic increase in this type of activity? especially in the middle of an
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election year with an opposition party. president obama signed that executive order, that allowed the nsa to more easily shared the intercepted communications -- in this case -- with 16 other federal agencies? was it done so that associates of trump could be targeted by our intelligence community? was it shared across 17 agencies who could be selectively leaked so could cause as much media damage as possible? this headline is back in april. reports and unmasking controversy were detailed, had info about everyday lives. according to congressman, he said they apparently read it like investigator files which he described as similar to what you might see it in divorce case. it's legally allowed to monitor
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foreign targets but u.s. citizens have constitutional protections. surveilling foreign targets, if an american citizen is caught up in that surveillance, their identity is supposed to be protected. it is a process. it is called minimization. you're not supposed to be exposed or unmasked. keeping in mind, why were these detailed files being compiled compiled? we know michael flynn was in fact leaked to the press. this is no enough is enough. we need to put cheap partisan politics aside, protect our constitution, get to the truth and what we need to know is, what did president obama, top administration officials know and when did they know what? we need to know what the sitting administration was doing
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targeting an oppositional party. joining us from circa news, john solomon, sara carter. sara carter, we are glad to have you. what was that increase, from 201310 now? what is the justification? do we have that much of an increase in terrorist activity that fisa and our agencies need to up their game that much? >> not necessarily. if you look at the story -- if you go back to testimony, there are 2,000 terror investigations in the united states right now. here you have an enormous amount of data being collected on americans. almost like a backdoor intercept into emails, metadata as well as actual physical data of those conversations. i think what john choate, john correct me if i am wrong. over 300% increase since 2013
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and the collection of americans. >> sean: wow. what you reported on is beyond devastating. from 2013-2016, intercepted metadata jumped by -- it tripled. it tripled. either the terrorist in this country have gone up that significantly or in an election year, our nsa and intelligence communities were gathering information on political opponents to use against them and trampling on however, our fourth amendment rights. >> people are going to have to dig deeper but i will tell you something. you mentioned the number in 2015 of unmasking. at 654. that is what the obama administration actually reported. it was underreported by a factor of more than three. in 2015 they were 2200 unmasking
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that the obama administration misreported. the trump administration just corrected it. there are much higher in 2015 and 2016. >> sean: john, this is an important question. >> that's a pretty big -- a large gap. someone is not good at math at the dni. >> sean: sara, let's go through this very closely. this is so important and i think americans need to know. if the nsa -- by the way, i have great respect for our intelligence community. their job is beyond risky. their job is to make sure that protecting our country, they have the right to surveilled a russian ambassador or in iranian investor. in the process of doing that, if an american is caught up in a conversation they are surveilling, they have a process called minimization. they are supposed to minimize what they know about the
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american, as long as they are not involved in sabotage or some type of nefarious activities against america. they minimize that but they have a process and devon nunes confirm this. even if they knew who it was, then they unmasked these people. even though they are innocent americans that should never have been surveilled in the first place. if it's political, surveillance on an opponent, what with that mean in terms of scandal to this country? >> it would be one of the biggest scandals this country has ever seen. if that is proven. go back to 2011 when they loosened up these rules. john and i reported on this. we see an increase of this. it slowly but surely, in increase of unmasking americans. but we don't know yet, sean, is why. as well as for the senate, and
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for congress to ask these questions. susan rice needs to ask these questions. james clapper needs to ask these questions as well as director brandon. what were they looking at and why? if they were compiling dossiers on political opponents, that needs to be exposed. that cannot be held under the shield of classification. >> sean: you said last week we may now know who these people are that were surveilled. i will be joined in a second by kentucky senator rand paul. are we going to only see trump supporters, trump surrogates, trump campaign, trump transition? of the republicans in the house and senate? that would be a pretty good indication it's political, wouldn't it? >> no doubt, we are certain of that based on our reporting. talking about marco rubio, how about bernie sanders? we would like to know the
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answers to those questions. senator paul raises an important question that i think will carry on for weeks. >> sean: sara, welcome back from vacation. good to see you, john. senator, this is beyond chilling. what did you hear and when you hear the numbers of john and his sara, what does that tell you? >> it is mind-boggling. sources have been telling us for a couple months now that they believe the obama administration was spying on other presidential candidates other than trump and that it may be politically motivated. i don't have the evidence. i haven't seen the evidence but i have requested it. i asked the white house to look into it and both of the intelligence committees. there are about eight members of congress that know more about spying and they get all the information that most of us are not privy to. i've asked those eight members, the gatekeepers. if they looked my personal
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information -- if they listened to my phone call, they are supposed to have a notification and there is supposed to be someone that knows that this happened. i've never been notified. my question is, are they supposed to tell me they are spying on me or do i have to requested? i've made formal written request to find out at the obama administration did indeed spy on me. >> sean: we are going from 654 to over 2200 in a year. >> it may be even worse than that. when we find foreigners, we gather up may be as much as a million pieces of information on a million different americans. when you are hearing about is the one saying looked at but they have a million different p, emails from americans who've talk to people overseas. the danger is if they are willing to use this for political purposes, what if someone is making an international deal and buying a
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company and it is top-secret? it would be devastating to your stock price to know you are negotiating a deal with a foreign country or a foreign company. what if someone decides to sell that to competitors? we can't have intelligence agencies listening to anybody, willy-nilly, without a warrant. >> sean: this is deep and profound. trampling on fourth amendment constitutional rights here. there are laws and procedures in place here. one, brandon, klapper, rice, maybe even the president knew about this. you are the lawmaker. espionage act. at ten with the laws that could have been broken here and how dangerous it is to a free and open society. >> the main production we have in our country as you have an independent judiciary. please help to call a judge to listen to your phone call or comment your house. there's no warrant for the american.
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americans are being scooped up in any conversation overseas and they are searching the databank. one of the questions i asked the white house was, did anyone in president obama's administration query my name? did they look in that database and look me up specifically? did they ask to unmask me? they have these terms that sound like unmasking, how bad is that? it is the same as spying. who would you call, when you call, all of this massive data. they are able to look into it. yes, this is incredibly damaging to the separation of powers. it could damage all americans. >> sean: would that mean that brandon, clapper, rice, and may be the president could have broken laws? this is an important question. >> absolutely. we have had trouble with clapper before. he came to the senate and lied under oath about the fact that they were already doing this
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phone collection of americans data. they're not going to easily -- there's a little bit of a bipartisan support for looking the other way. i'm having to push very hard to see if anyone is interested in the truth. there are smart people that want to sweep this under the rug. >> sean: i am. tell me who those republicans are off air and we will be sure to bring them on. a serious issue. this is not a joke anymore. thank you for your insight. we look forward to peeling away the layers of the onion on this story. the one and only pat buchanan will join us in studio. i will ask him about the state of the g.o.p., president trump's agenda and more. >> this is not a situation any american president can tolerate. something has to be done about this. it's because that was condoleezza rice talking about north korea, kim jong, she will join us later in the studio. that and more on this busy night
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but we've got the get tdigital tools to help. now with xfinity's my account, you can figure things out easily, so you won't even have to call us. change your wifi password to something you can actually remember, instantly. add that premium channel, and watch the show everyone's talking about, tonight. and the bill you need to pay? do it in seconds. because we should fit into your life, not the other way around. go to >> sean: welcome back to "hannity." it republicans score a very huge win last week to begin repealing and replacing obamacare in the house. that legislation has gone to the senate. what can president president to
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have this legislation cross finish line? best-selling author, former presidential candidate, the original trump -- pat buchanan has the answers. it's a must read. it's called "nixon's wars." even when i disagree with you, i love to fight with you. i think prefer to get along. you are a populace long before donald trump. >> back in the 1990s -- running against the trade deficits, to build a fence on the border. frankly, not to get involved in these wars -- thing i have on a piece of glass was called america first, buchanan '92.
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in marietta, georgia. >> sean: i can get in. it was packed. >> it was a great campaign. we didn't succeed but what donald trump did, i give him tremendous credit. i think he was onto some of these issues back in the '80s. he had the guts to drive them through. against all those odds. he had behind him the evidence of what he predicted -- >> sean: in many ways, history just repeats himself. he is a problem with health care. this is what i have learned. there is 100 plus liberal american house members that never had any intention of repealing and replacing obamaca. with that said, the freedom caucus -- they work with ted cruz, i talk to these guys every day. they got the waiver, we have secretary price, raw authority
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as a secretary -- to defund planned parenthood and some things that president trump promised. there's no other option when you have that strong a resistance left within the republican party. >> if you have that kind of resistance, you need to repeal and replace obamacare. you have to take it to conference, get it through the house. through the senate. if the numbers are actually what they say the word -- i don't think -- >> sean: look at, i think they did the best they could. >> the house guys did the right thing. we said we're going to repeal and replace. that is will be voted to do. we can't help what the senate did and we certainly didn't want to accept this conference so i don't think they aren't that bad off politically and 2018 if nothing happens out of it. if they said we tried and we failed, we voted to do it and got it out of the house, the
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senators are the guys that will have the answer. you have people, susan collins on one side, rand paul, -- >> sean: susan collins doesn't want to defund planned parenthood. >> i have always loved your wrig writing. the nixon white house wars, dividing america forever. look at just in the last week, things that were said by stephen colbert and bill maher. i don't support boycotts. i believe in freedom of speech, vials, vicious people have attacked his 10-year-old son -- the presidents. the wife of the president, repeatedly attacking the daughter of the president in vile ways. there's a divide now in america that it may be more distinct than what you are describing in this book. >> there is irreconcilable
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conflict because the wars in the '60s have been finally decided. these tax on trump, nixon had the worst press of any president in history until trump. my hometown -- a bolshevik code of -- i tell you, what when they successfulk down richard nixon, i think they're trying to break donald trump. we all talk about bringing this country together. i don't know how you do it. >> sean: i think he has to defend himself. >> he should not allow himself to be dragged into every one of these minor quarrels. keep your eyes on the prize and do what nixon did. he came in with 43%. four years later, he won 49 states-1.
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>> sean: okay, neil gorsuch. energy independence. these are all conservative issues. why are our breath friends -- george will has lost his mind. >> is a personal thing against trump, as an individual. there are two parts to the republican party no. different kinds of tax. you asked the republicans. they are more old-time reagan people. you have to get those two forces together. he ain't going to win 49 states. >> sean: he might if he brings jobs back. >> 49 states? california for example, they want to secede.
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>> sean: find! go. another great book. good picture if you and nixon. >> i was about 25 years old there. >> sean: up next on this busy breaking news night on "hannity"... >> this is not a situation any american president can ultimately tolerate. something has to be done about that nuclear program. >> sean: condoleezza rice sounding the alarm on north korea's aggression. she will join us in studio next. also later tonight, bill "top this" maher being criticized, he sunk to an all new low. we will get reaction from geraldo, monica crowley, when we return. t up to here! it's been month after month of fiber. weeks taking probiotics! days and nights of laxatives, only to have my symptoms return.
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president trump continues his bid to reshape the lower courts. ten nominees were chosen for their deep knowledge of the law and for the constitution. democratic leaders are already voicing their opinions against the nominations. at the start of the president's term, there were 130 vacancies in the lower courts. the 23-year-old daughter of president trump will continue her studies in the law school at georgetown university. the country holding its presidential election called early after a scandal brought down its former president. the election of the u.s. pacific ally come at a time of rising tensions with north korea. that's a look at news this hour. now, back to "hannity" ." >> sean: welcome back to "hannity." north korea's central news agency announced that pyongyang has attained yet another american citizen and it's not
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just north korea that continues to test the u.s. the defense official told fox news that on sunday, the rogue regime in tehran testfired a high-speed torpedo. joining us now, author of a new book -- "democracy." condoleezza rice. i am reading your book and i am loving it. you actually said this weekend that we cannot tolerate what north korea is doing, building icbm capabilities. japan, china, seoul, south korea. if we take out or try to attempt anything militarily, millions could potentially pay the price. >> it is a dangerous situation. they have made a lot of progress in the last several years on
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potentially marrying bombs to long-range missiles. at some place, it's soon. you have to put together measures to stop it. you have to get the chinese to change their calculations. they've always feared the collapse of the regime in north korea because they worry about refugees. they've been unwilling to do anything really tough with the regime, to change the regime's behavior. they are really the only trading partner of consequence to the north koreans. the only ones that give the north koreans military equipmen equipment. you have to really get tough, tell the chinese that, the choice between you do something about the regime or we will. >> sean: why did want the underreported story so far -- why has it then the great
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relationship he is building with the saudis, obviously with israel that i think broke down in the obama years -- the jordanians and egyptians, he was only supposed to meet with the president of china for a half hour. they went nearly five hours. since a shipment of coal from north korea to the home. imports american coal instead and said he's willing to renegotiate trade. >> right. i think the president prepared very well. he spent a lot of times thinking about what he would say to the chinese president. he got a chance to speak with him. for a long period of time. i think they impressed upon the chinese the importance of this moment. impressed upon the chinese that they really do have to do something about the north koreans. they did it through the
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old-fashioned way, negotiation and discussion. they've been really trying to reestablish american credibility on these issues. credibility is not indivisible. when you are not credible about syria, you are not credible about north korea. when you are credible about syria, by having made that strike -- >> sean: he had to tell that the lack chinese president during dessert. >> i might not have done exactly that but good for him. the united states means what it says. >> sean: is there a military option? if we can't tolerate icbms married to nuclear weapons -- is there a military option that doesn't risk hundreds of thousands, if not more, lives? >> there is not any military
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action any president would really want to exercise. we are trying to defenses in to protect the japanese. you have to have the option on the table. i'm sure the president is asking the military, what can i do? >> sean: when we come back at, you have a good relationship with donald trump. i want to delve into that and obviously the issue of tehran. and other issues that you raised in your book. former madam secretary of state, condoleezza rice. bill maher makes another crude, tasteless joke about ivanka trump. we will tell you what he said. how late nice -- the results, eye-opening. we will all weigh in on this breaking news night on "hannity "hannity."
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you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor recommended gaviscon. it quickly neutralizes stomach acid and helps keep acid down for hours. relieve heartburn with fast- acting, long-lasting gaviscon. >> sean: as we continue with the author of "democracy," former secretary of state, condoleezza rice. i've known you a long time. i watched this election and post election, if you have been very friendly with the president and you have met with him and reached out to him, when other republicans have not. >> he is the president of the united states.
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every american should respect the decision of our democracy. the presidency is bigger than any one person. i will do whatever i can to help that office. >> sean: do you like him on a personal level? >> i did like him, we had a chance to spend some time together about five weeks ago or so. i felt he was engaged. he was asking important questions, getting ready for his meeting with the chinese. he saw something in the american public, the american population that others did not see. but do you hear me know electio election? people who really didn't feel they had been represented. >> sean: the forgotten man/woman election. at 95 million americans out of the labor force. to me, this country -- that is unforgivable. >> no prospects to the education system that's failing us right
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now. at job skills that are not matching up with the jobs that are available. i respect him. >> sean: the book is phenomenal. i started reading, i wish i had time to finish it before you got here. i wrote a book 2004, in the last entry 100 million human souls were slaughtered. communism, fascism, nazism. imperial japan the killing fields of cambodia. you are a great historian. this could happen again. when you look at the stories from the long road to freedom and through the prism of the mullahs in iran wanting nuclear weapons with a plan to annihilate israel and hatred towards america, it could happen again. >> we have always talked about how evil can express itself.
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when we found the killing fields, the mass graves, what the gulag actually did, we were surprised. and soul comic so our goal has to be to always say never again but before it happens. to my mind, that means we have an obligation to speak to people that can't speak for themselves. >> sean: do you agree and i believe this strongly that the world cannot allow radical islamists, mullahs in iran, to get weapons of mass destruction and if we don't stop that -- as my mother used to say, rue the day. we will rue that day. >> we have to stop the ideology as well as -- it is evil in our times. we have to call it by name. >> sean: why couldn't president obama do that? >> it's long answer for a lot of
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us. >> sean: is a different time now. you believe that? >> it is a different time now. the world is very ugly and a dark place. >> sean: you will be the commissioner? >> i will let roger caddell -- >> sean: you want to deal with deflategate? madam secretary, always an honor. thank you. when we come back, bill maher making crude jokes about president trump's daughter. it's despicable, vile, disgusting. a study that compares late-night jokes between president trump and president obama. we will get reaction from geraldo rivera and monica crowley, straight ahead. look closely.
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♪ >> sean: welcome back to "hannity." hbo host bill maher made another file, crude, despicable joke about president trump and ivanka trump that many are calling beyond maligned and tasteless. watch this one. >> a lot of this thought ivanka is going to be our saving grace. when he is about to leap nuke
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finland or something and she will walk into the bedroom and, daddy. daddy. [laughter] >> sean: did anyone on late-night television do that when barack obama was due that president, the only latest example of a liberal house attacking the family and the president himself, crossing the line. all too common. there's a brand-new study from george mason university. president trump was the target of 1,060 jokes in from late-nit comics. they did not face jokes, obama and clinton. not at that number. geraldo rivera and monica crowley. think for a second.
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one of the things i've always said about president obama is his kids seem pretty cool. they seem like good kids. the only thing michelle obama came under fire for on this show was when she said this is the first time i am proud of my country. this is the most despicable thing. why does this double standard exist for this president, his daughter, and a 10-year-old son and wife? >> bill maher is so way out there on the left and has consistently been that he gets cut a lot of slack. even so, when you involve the children of the president of the united states -- shame on you. to do it in such a low down and dirty way, absolutely believe he has crossed the line. >> sean: if i'd made a joke like that about president obama, i'm gone. my job is over. >> bill clinton got a lot of
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moral sex jokes when he was in office but he we never saw chelsea clinton being dragged into that mess. >> sean: thank god. >> there have to be some rules and limitations. >> sean: i will not support these boycotts, to fire stephen colbert -- his career was hanging by a thread until donald trump got elected because his writers to say the most mean things about him now. if you don't like it, change the channel or watch something else. >> i think there's a really important point about this whole discussion, a lot of these guys have great comedic skills. what's happening now is they all want to be heroes of the resistance. they are constantly pushing this envelope. while most of us i don't think understand about what they are doing is they are all on the left and clearly so but they are using tactics.
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linsky tactics. pick the target, personalize it and polarize it in order to humiliate the target. go after people, not institutions. people hurt faster than institutions. what all these comedians are doing is using linsky tactics, against republicans but in particular president trump and his family. trying to humiliate him and discredit his presidency. >> sean: here is the danger for conservatives, geraldo, we all know this is. their paid activists on the left that monitor every hour of fox news, talk radio, they want to use and find something controversial and use it to vote comic boycott and silence voices. i can't support that. i believe colbert can say what he wants, maher can say what he wants. do you believe in trying to get
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these guys fired? >> we are the firmest believers in the bill of rights. by week, the three of us. we have very different ideologies that we believe in the bill of rights and freedom of speech. the democracy of the remote they come back will not make you upset. >> ridicule is the most potent weapon against your political opponent. if you can reduce your opponent to a caricature, to a cartoon, then you feed into all of the negative traits that donald trump may or may not have -- by ridiculing him, you make them smaller. that is i think the tactic. tried and true, they've done it before but i have never seen so intense. at 6:00 on election day, on the eighth of november, i said -- hy
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president, i will do the best i can do to back him because i want history to regard him as a successful president. >> i agree with you. the other thing too is these comedians get applauded for somehow having the guts to say what nobody else will say about president trump. >> sean: wouldn't it have been cuts here to go after obama? >> it's the exact opposite. if they were really gutsy, they would be applying this kind of comedy equally. they'd be going after nancy pelosi. >> sean: obama had a hands-off policy. >> that it shows weakness, not strength on their part. i would get might economic agenda through. forget it. >> they need diversity in the audience. >> sean: this will last for a while. this crazy business. when we come back, a very
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speak to welcome back to "hannity." time for the question of the day. do you think these medians have been vicious and vile to the president? go to, @seanhannity on twitter. time to play some of the messages on the hannity hotline. take a listen. >> sean: i try so hard to let
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everybody talk. geraldo says i'm good at it. anyway, have something to say, call the number on your screen. 877-225-8587. that's all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us. see you back here tomorrow nigh night. ♪ >> tucker: good evening and happy monday. we're enjoying ours, and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." the battle over health care is far from over, but already a big chunk of the left has had a full psychotic break. sounds like overstatement, but it's real as you'll see at the prospect of obamacare repealed. just yesterday, andrea mitchell of nbc went on "meet the press"e and suggested the american health care act was somehow a scheme by white men to destroy everybody else. watch. >> let's talk about women. when we looked at the rose garden and the celebration of this on thursday, they were mostly all men and white men at that.
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