tv Hannity FOX News May 10, 2017 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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five." set your dvrs, "hannity" is up next. >> sean: tonight, comey is out and the tinfoil hat conspiracy leftists are losing it. the vice president defends presidents move. the unhinged late-night hosts are absolutely beside themselves. >> this is the kind of thing dictators do. >> sean: "hannity" starts right here right now. thanks for our friends on "the five." this is a fox news alert,ds and other massive breaking news night. mark levin, newt gingrich, michelle malkin, dr. sebastian gorka, jay sekulow, geraldo rivera all here tonight with reaction. tinfoil hat conspiracy liberals in congress, the destroy-trump-media, they are
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absolutely losing it. completely unhinged. of course over james comey being fired. which needed to happen. that is tonight's important opening monologue. deranged liberal crackpots are at it again. the very important decision to fire the fbi director pushing brand-new and completely insane conspiracy theories. trump was asked why he decided to fire james comey. here's what he said. >> why did you fire director comey? >> because he wasn't doing a good job. he wasn't doing a good job. >> sean: that is a simple, basic fundamental truth that liberals can't face. he did not do his job. he failed you, the american people. he disrespected the constitution and made a mockery out of the rule of law.w. he sat on his hands while your
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fourth amendment privacy rights were being trampled on. and he created most dangerously a two-tiereded justice system. one for bill and hillary clinton and one for everybody else. that man's conduct was and is shameful. unexcusable. democrats were calling for comey's head. this is the funny now they are suffering a massive case of selective amnesia and are feigning moral outrage. we will show you that hypocrisy in just a minute. i want to highlight how facts do not matter to the left in america today. for example, the destroy-trump-media has been going insane and ballistic and running wild with the most absurd kinds of conspiracy theories over why comey was fired. this is insanity on display. representing itself as news. >> it's a grotesque abuse of power by the president of the united states. this is the kind of thing that
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goes on in nondemocracies. have not seen any wow anything like this since 1973 when president nixon fired archibald cox, the watergate specialec prosecutor. >> the only winner, the only people that are going to be happy tonight are sitting in the this is the result of letting someone like putin throw marbles on the stairs, banana peels on the sidewalk for american democracy and saying i want this to stop. >> tonight president trump put himself first. >> a little whiff of fascism tonight. a little whiff of "i don't careu about the law, i am the boss." i do see the romanoff aspect of the situation. the people he trusts are his family members. his bodyguards, his body men.yg it's monarchical. >> firing archibald cox was the first shovel into president nixon's grave and it always works like that.
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>> sean: a whiff of fascism? this is beyond o it's not the surprising. the liberal media wants to destroy president trump. they want him out of office. now they will do and say anything to keep that happening. the destroy-trump-media is the same people that colluded with hillary rodham clinton during her campaign and of course they tried to help her win the white house. they ignore the fact that they broke multiple laws. right there, you can see them. having a private email server that contained secret -- top-secret -- special access programs. classified information. we are the only ones in the it's media that told you the truthnl about the clintons while the rest of the media covered it all up and colluded.he one more thing about the destroy-trump-media, they have been lying for months to the american people about this trump-russia fake news talking point. there is zero evidence so far
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that donald trump's campaign ane transition ever colluded with the russians. it's a bizarre conspiracy theory and honestly, they have to know the truth but won't tell you the truth. for example, james clapper has said many times he seen no evidence of russian collusion. here's one example. >> does intelligence exist, that can definitively -- answer the following question whether there were improper contact between the trump campaign in russia. >> we did not include any evidence in our report, nsa, fbi, cia with my office, director of national intelligence, the had anything -- had any reflection between any reflection of collusion with collusion between the members of the trump campaign and russia.of >> i understand that, but does it exist?
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>> not to my knowledge. we had no evidence of such collusion. >> sean: not to my knowledge, no evidence of collusion. of course you have the deranged democrats. they are pretending to be so outraged over comey's firing and saying the most insane things. you talk about selective moral outrage? this is it on steroids. take a look. leading an investigation on >> we know director comey was leading an investigation on whether the trump campaign colluded with the russians. a serious offense. were those investigations getting too close to home? for the president? the dismissal of director comey establishes a very troubling pattern. >> we have a deeply insecure president who understands that the noose is tightening because of this russian investigation. that is why i believe he has let jim comey go. >> a constitutional crisis that is deadly serious. ultimately, there may be subpoenas to the president of
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the united states, it just as it occurred in 1973. the united states versus nixon and a similar firing of a special prosecutor. >> comey was not fired because of hillary. he was fired because of the russians. >> as you pointed out, the whole echo of watergate is very strong here. >> there is absolutely no accountability with regard to this president. he basically seems to be able to do whatever he wants. and the republicans -- our republican friends -- aiding and abetting that situation. >> sean: this hypocrisy coming from the democrats is off the charts even for their standards. let me remind them all -- it wasn't very long ago, was it? when they were viciously attacking oh, james comey. let's take a look. >> we are disturbed by the letter which really broke
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precedent. it was over the advice of leaders in the justice department. i'm not challenging mr. comey's motivation. i do think it was unwarranted. it was a mistake. >> he has a big burden of proof, so to speak. for why he did such an appalling act that goes against the tradition of prosecutors at every level of government.ou when i heard about it, i found it hard to believe that comey -- who i thought had some degree of integrity -- would do this. >> i think he made a mistake on this. and he clearly had a double standard. if you are not in it for a h while, you can't take the heat. i think he just couldn't take the heat from the it's really unfortunate because i do believe he is a good person. maybe not in the right job. >> i am so disappointed in comey. he has let the country down. for partisan purposes. that is why i was calling him the new j. edgar hoover. i believe that.
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>> do you think should resign? >> of course. yes. >> sean: let me specifically remind crocodile tears chucky schumer about what he said back in november. >> i don't have confidence in him any longer, to restore my faith i will have to sit down and talk to him and get an explanation for why he did this. that shows more proof that schumer and the democrats arews full of it when it comes to james comey. on top of all of that, just last week hillary clinton blamed james comey for her election loss. i bet she's a big fan today. watch this.. >> i was on the way to winning until a combination of jim comey's letter on october 28th and russian wikileaks laid doubts in the mind of people who were inclined to vote for me but got scared off. >> sean: no. but here's the point tonight. there's no getting through to these tinfoil conspiracy liberals. they are detached from reality
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and oblivious to truth. it's time to diagnose them withh what it is. trump derangement syndrome. sadly, there is not a cure. that's the worst part.o this will go on for four years,f probably eight years. here with reaction, i call him the great one, mark levin. my friend, all these analogies -- watergate, saturday night massacre. whiff of fascism. russia, russia, no evidence of russia, mark. tell us why this was necessary from your legal perspective. two, how this hypocrisy and these conspiracies are actually really dangerous? >> the president did in order end to the russian investigation. we have a lot of legal and
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historical illiterates posing as tv hosts and commentators, like jeffrey toobin and among others. let me be very specific. richard nixon during watergate ordered the attorney general tot fire the special prosecutor. and he refused. here, the deputy attorney general writes a memorandum urging the attorney general and president to fire the fbi director. he attaches it to a letter endorses it, and the president of the united states fired him. it has nothing to do with watergate but of course the media and the democrats, one in the same -- wanted to deal with the president. i have a couple questions, if i might, for chuck schumer who is the leading demagogue and all of this. tell me something, mr. schumer, can you name a single russian? just one, who colluded with donald trump and his campaign? just give us one. we have intelligence committees who have been investigating, this federal investigation thatt
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has gone on, let's have it. now. i have another question for mr. schumer. sean, have you noticed they all use the same phrases? we can't trust the justice department to investigate. they can't even name the fbi agents involved in this investigation. i am sure they are career agents that will do their job regardless of who the fbin. director is. but mr. schumer likes these independent special prosecutors. let me ask you something, do you support and independent special prosecutor for hillary clintonpe and her multiple violations of the espionage act? for the obama administration surveillance and unmasking of trump transition team members and god knows who else? the israeli ambassador wasce surveilled? jewish leaders and to his groups were surveilled? how about an independent investigation of that. i have another one, mr. schumer. how about an independent special prosecutor to investigate this whole iranian deal.
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let me tell you what's going on here, sean, the president of the united states followed the constitution must follow the law and followed the advice of a deputy attorney general. who won 94-6 in his nomination. if you want to know why? the guy doesn't have a political bone in his body. he has worked for bill clinton, george bush. he is a career public integrity prosecutor. a criminal prosecutor. he is been a u.s. attorney. sean, the two big left-wing senators from maryland went to his confirmation hearing, introduced him and urged the committee to support him for deputy attorney general. this man comes into the justice department, he hears schumer and clinton have said and he is seen with his own eyes what comey did.
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then he watches comey's testimony the week before, last week -- comey doubles down.e, and what happens? he writes a memo to the d attorney general and says mr. attorney general, this director of the fbi -- i have to deal with him. i don't trust him. he needs to go. the president of the united states did exactly the right thing. he did what barack obama didn't have the courage to do. remove and fbi director that didn't have the temperament to be an fbi director. >> sean: let's talk about this from the legal point of view. you studied the constitution your entire life. when we talk about equal justice under the law, when we talk about a two-tiered justice system, it is overwhelming and incontrovertible that hillary clinton violated numerous laws and committed numerous felonies. that's just on the email server scandal. the uranium one deal.
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going to vladimir putin. there is a russian conspiracy. then of course general flynn, the one law we know was broken was when he was surveilled and unmasked. six and then the surveillance leak and his entire reputation destroyed. that's a felony under the espionage act. for the average person that is maybe hearing some of these tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist, what does it mean to this country if we have a two-tiered justice system? and we don't have equal justice under the law? >> what people have to understand what he took the advice of a career prosecutor, who was confirmed 94-6 by the united states senate and backed by almost every democrat. that career prosecutor, ase opposed to chuck schumer who is a career political hack demigod, that prosecutor looked at this case -- james comey is under
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investigation d too. that career prosecutor who is now the deputy attorney general, nonpartisan and nonpolitical looked at what comey had done. he got in their april 25th. i find it fascinating that democrats say, why did he act now? they've stonewalled the confirmation of almost all of the president's cabinet selections. finally, this outstanding choic for deputy attorney general is confirmed two weeks ago. he looks at the situation and he says, this man needs to be removed. the answer is, the president followed the constitution.n. chuck schumer is undermining the constitution. >> sean: all right, mark. a rare appearance. i ask all of mark's fans to tell him to come on the show more often. a on this busy breaking news night, tonight up next on "hannity"... >> the simple fact is director comey had lost the confidence of the american people.
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>> sean: we will check in with newt gingrich, next. and also tonight... >> this is the kind of thing dictators do, what reality tv hosts do. they fire someone. every week. thinks he's still on "celebrity apprentice." >> sean: late-night hosts can't control their outrage. we look at a mini monologue and reaction from michelle malkin, dr. sebastian gorka, jay sekulow and geraldo rivera on this busy night on "hannity." , dr. sebastian gorka, jay are allergies holding you back? break through your allergies. try new flonase sensimist allergy relief instead of allergy pills. it's more complete allergy relief in a gentle mist experience you'll barely feel. using unique mistpro technology, new flonase sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances
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say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. >> i am confident as we go forward that the president will choose an individual who will be able to restore the confidence of our nation in our leading law enforcement agency. president trump made the right decision at the right time. the former director of national intelligence has that there is no evidence of the president and i remain confidence that the committees and house and senate are lookinu into every aspect of issues that arise out of last year's election. they will be able to do their work and do it in an orderly way. >> sean: that was vice president mike pence. defending trump's decision to fire james comey.
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joining us now with reaction, former speaker of the house, newt gingrich. if it wasn't so serious, those bizarre tinfoil hat conspiracy theories would be funny, but it's now become more organic. so many others -- there's not a shred of evidence. not a shred. >> right. what's equally amazing -- some of the liberal networks are now actually reminding democrats of what they said about comey in the last few months. i've never see them do this before. i think the democrats are so out of sync with reality that even the more liberal networks are beginning to have the sameha now, wait a second. remember when you said this and this?? the objective fact is there is no evidence that president trump
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did anything in anyway that that was appropriate. i think part of what you have -- you sound this with hillary clinton last week. they can't look in the mirror and say "i lost." there's got to be some "somebody did it to them." after this burns out, the next b phase will be martians. >> sean: [laughs] >> they're going to pull up "mars attacks" as a movie. >> sean: i am expecting something profound and martians. cuckoo for cocoa puffs. >> it is profound! >> sean: i got it. i understand. i want to go to rod rosenstein april 25th, 94-6, democrats approved him. they loved him. he was appointed by obama to be the u.s. attorney in maryland.nt and he and all of these other
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attorney generals during the ford era, even for crying out loud eric holder and others, they all say the same thing. so many really smart t attorney general's, deputy attorney general small these pastto administrations. >> look, the fact is, that's the real argument the democrats have. here is somebody who is a career professional. he started back in the clinton administration, in the justice department. he was obama's choice to be the u.s. attorney for maryland. as you pointed out, he was endorsed 94-6 and he is the guy who writes the memo saying we will never be able to rebuild the fbi as long as comey is i if you are the president of the united states and a nonpartisan career professional sends you a letter like that, you have aid pretty strong pressure to act into the right thing for the country.
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i believe in firing comey, president trump did exactly the right thing. >> sean: this is your love and passion, i have always felt you were more of a -- i am not setting you up -- you actually were a all of these analogies for watergate, mark touched on it little bit. they are so inadequate and false and it's almost universal. and then it goes a little further. nbc with the whiff of fascism. do you want to inspect that? it's not the saturday night massacre. >> it's totally different. the fact is you are now dealing with a desperation on the left. the only way you can understand the news media and the left wing democrats is that it's a pathology. it's not a political event, it's
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a psychosis brought about by the shock on election night. the world they knew was coming, namely hillary clinton imposing radical values using the power of government. sometime around 8:00 or 9:00 at night, it disappeared and they have never gotten over it. as a result, you see these kind of nutty statements. when president clinton fired the director of the fbi, i don't remember anybody jumping up and saying there was a whiff of fascism. acceptable to obama and acceptable by 94-6 in the senate. he took that advice. my deeper point here is if president trump comes out tomorrow morning and announces that the united states flag is red, white, and blue and chuck schumer will stand up andt say don't you see? it's fuchsia.
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they can't agree. they wake up in the morning and say i know trump is guilty, what is it he did? that's their whole approachy, right now. just in omaha, a good guy running for mayor -- the moret people realized who thee democrats were, the more his campaign collapsed. >> sean: mr. speaker, thank you for being with us. i appreciate the martian analogy. i won't be shocked when itk happens. i mean it. i really think it will happen. >> part of my professorial role. >> sean: up next on this busy breaking news night here on "hannity"... >> this is the kind of thing dictators and reality tv hosts do. they fire somebody. he thinks he still on the "celebrity apprentice." >> sean: late-night hosts becoming unhinged. we will tell you what they said. we will get reaction from michelle malkin.
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the president calling out hypocritical opportunists in the democratic party. now feigning outrage over comey's firing. dr. gorka and later, jay sekulow and geraldo rivera stop by on this busy news night. dr. gorka and later, jay sekulow and geraldo rivera stop by on this busy news night. i have spent years taking over-the-counter products for my belly pain and constipation. i've had it up to here! it's been month after month of fiber. weeks taking probiotics! days and nights of laxatives, only to have my symptoms return. (vo) if you've had enough, tell your doctor what you've tried and how long you've been at it. linzess works differently from laxatives. linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. it can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements that are easier to pass. do not give linzess to children less than six, and it should not be given to children six to less than 18. it may harm them. don't take linzess if you have a bowel blockage.
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>> live from "america news headquarters," i am jackie ibanez in new york. former fbi director james comey speaking out about his termination. in a lather to agents of france, he says "i have long believed that a president and fbi director for any reason or for no reason at all. i'm not going to spend time on the decision. i don't know why it was executed. i hope you won't either. he is also telling the agents that working with them has been one of the greatest joys of his life. the senate intelligence committee has invited him to testify on tuesday in no word
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yet on whether he will. the insurance giant is going to stop offering plans in nebraska and delaware next year. that completes its exit from obamacare. it comes weeks just after the insurer pulled out of virginia and iowa. offering plans in 11 states yes mcmaster. i am jackie ibanez. now back to "hannity" ." >> sean: welcome back to "hannity." last night after the president fired the fbi director james comey, america's liberal late-night host went into full on freak out mode. only the latest example that they are becoming totally unhinged. that is tonight's mini monologue. two of the most prominent late-night trump haters, jimmy kimmel and steve colbert. they let their way but their biased coverage of comey's firing. watch colbert's audience in particular. >> he fired the director of the fbi while the director was investigating his people with
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possible collusion with russia. this is unbelievable. at this of the kind of thing dictators and reality tv hosts do. they fire someone every week. maybe he thinks he's still on the "celebrity apprentice." it was between james comey and meat loaf and well the loaf won again. >> fbi director james comey has just been fired by donald trump. [applause]e] >> huge, huge donald trump fans here tonight. he fired the fbi director who had the said under oath that he is investigating the trump campaign ties with russia.a. >> sean: i don't think the colbert audience knew what side they would be on. it doesn't even begin to skim the surface of these nightly brood of violent attacks on the president and his family, beyond his policy. every president since the beginning of modern late-night tv is been the of many jokes but president trump by far has had
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it worse than anybody. according to a george mason university study, he has faced 1,060 late-night jokes, a number that president bush, clinton, obama did not hit in their first year in office. the unhinged late-night hostsic have proven there are limits in the age of trump. very different than the obama years. they are not only attacked the president viciously -- they are going after his wife, the first lady melania trump, his daughter, ivanka. his 11-year-old son. his members of his staff, likeda kellyanne conway. where is hillary clinton, all the defenders of women's rights coming to their defense?
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joining us now, michelle malkin. i won't mention colbert from last week or -- bill maher is making incest jokes about the daughter of the president. imagine, and the era of obama if that happened. what would be the reaction of the country? >> yeah, i don't call him bill maher, i call him pig maher because he is one of the most vile misogynists in the entertainment industry. he's gotten away with it so long. as a say, unfortunately, it has reached a fever pitch. we are seeing the late-night comedy clown car crash and burn and i have to say, can i just go back to that colbert moment where the audience didn't realize where it was supposed to be? the sheep were baa-ing at the wrong moment. and they had to say wait, we have to catch up. the current democrat talking points. i think it's just a revelation of just what tools these people are.
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this isn't about entertainment. it's about using their platform to forward an ideological agenda and then disclaim any kind of partisanship. the question is, where were these people? i could understand it if there is some sort of equal opportunity in using their brutal wit, whoever is in power. but for eight years, theyrt snoozed along with the rest of the lapdogs in the mainstream media when there were many ripe opportunities to tear obama down. >> sean: michelle, we've got to roll. always good to see you and appreciate yourr insight. when we come back, president trump defends the firing of james comey. also, he's calling out the hypocritical people on the left. those that once brutalized and criticized the fbi director, but now that he's let go there is moral outrage. jay sekulow and geraldo rivera. their insight, straight ahead. now that he's let go there is moral outrage. jay sekulow and geraldo rivera.
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>> sean: welcome back to "hannity." it's president trump is defending his decision to fire james comey. the democrats have said some of the worst things about james comey including the fact that he should be fired but now they play so sad. he will be replaced by someone who will do a far better job bringing back the spirit and prestige of the fbi.
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comey lost the confidence of almost everyone in washington. democrats and republicans alike. dr. sebastian gorka, he said the firing was an example of how decisive the president is. i think he's kind of fair and give him a pretty good shot. in spite of obvious laws that he refused to pursue. >> absolutely, sean. the director of the fbi reports to the deputy attorney general and he reports to the leading law enforcement officer of the land, the attorney general and he's a member of the president's cabinet. this isn't some random act. this is an individual who is given a chance to do what had to be done and he failed. his last testimony was that last straw that broke the camel's back. do you know what happen last year? he usurped the then attorney general by saying he is
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going to make the decision with regards to whether or not hillary clinton should be prosecuted. that is not the job of the director of the fbi. he lost the confidence -- i worked for years with the fbi before i came into government on january 20th, i know the agents. the intelligence analyst. when he gave that 14 minute press conference last year -- 30 minutes of which was a slam dunk that hillary should be prosecuted -- a stinging indictment. the last 60 seconds he said i know from an internal source that half the agents in a specific field office, when they heard that last minute, they got up from their desks, put on their jackets and did not return to work until the following monday. james comey lost the respect -- of his agency. >> sean: he laid out the 13 minute case and admits extreme carelessness, the legal standard is gross negligence. what is the difference? let me ask you this --
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>> there is also one really crucial thing. he talked about we did not find any intent. well, he has to know that it's one of the peculiarities of u.s. administrative law and federal law that in the case of classified materials handling, it's one of the rare exceptions that intent is totally irrelevant. if you are careless, you have committed a felony. if you have allowed top-secret classified information to be taken off a government system. intent is irrelevant and he knew that. >> sean: remember when the issue of donald trump taking on the leaks and intelligence issues, et cetera which i think we are trampling on fourth amendment rights and the numbers in this election season are almost triple what they normally would be. thereby to be a good excuse. i think there will be a lot of news on this as time unfolds.y remember when chuck schumer said why take on the intelligence community?
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the deep state, those that might have leaks, not doing the hard work every day of keeping us safe -- is that the same with the fbi? do we now have to worry about deep state officials that gatheh intelligence are going to gogo after americans and the president politically, or the fbi, some that don't like himoi might be leaking to hurt this president? is that a fear? >> sean, you've met these people and i've worked with thesese people. the vast majority of the people in the law enforcement, u.s. government, intelligence community -- they are patriots,r true americans. the ben rhodes of the world, the people who will not recognize that the american people chose donald trump to be their president -- they think they are still in power. hanging out with their buddies, writing attack pieces against the president, you, key members of this administration, it's time for them to realize through the new president is.
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>> sean: congratulation on your position and we will have you back on national security issues soon. when we come back, the white house does a president trump was thinking about firing comey since the day he was elected. we will check in with jay sekulow and geraldotr rivera. they are next with reaction. w ] [wind blows] yo- wh- ah- he- [gas pouring] [slurps loudly] [engine starting] [loud slurping continues] are making the move to nissan. ♪ because of rogue, the best selling suv in america.
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>> the president has lost confidence in director called me. >> the president has lost confidence in director called me. frankly, he had been considering letting director cominco since the day he was elected. but he did have a conversation with the deputy attorney general on monday, where they had come to him to express their concerns, the president asked that they put those concerns and recommendation in writing. >> sean: that was sarah>> huckabee sanders earlier today at the white house press briefing smashing all these tinfoil conspiracy talking points about president trump. here with reaction, jay sekulow and fox news senior correspondent, geraldo rivera is with us. let's start on the issue of the law.d we went through this all last night. there are some the issues and if you just look at the obama appointee, rod rosenstein and
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what he laid out, the office of the deputy attorney general, he's an obama appointee. he's worked for republicans and came in at april 25th. this is not a right-wing conspiracy. everyone is wrong on the nixonian comparisons here. >> rod rosenstein came in and was supposed to look at this entire mess. the former fbi director james comey created this mess himself. some people are calling it a constitutional crisis. it's not. the president was well within his constitutional authority for firing comey. in this case, for in my view -- gross incompetence. the fact is, he then went into the situation where he took over basically the role of the attorney general and decided he was going to be judge, jury, and executioner. then he had to go back to congress again to correct his testimony again because of the misstatement regarding the email situation.
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it's's i think what happened here was the department of justice did what it was supposed to do.. a new deputy ag came in, not from a political bias at all. he was confirmed overwhelmingly. he said james comey did not do what it director of an fbi agency is supposed to do. and the net result of that was he gets terminated. that was the correct result. >> sean: geraldo. >> you are overlooking the gorilla in the room. if trump had fired director call me on january 20th, the whole world on both sides of the aisle would be applauding. the fact of the matter is, he let it go too long and too deep into this story. it gave the ability of his detractors and my god, there are
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legions of them, you and i know that this president unlike anyrs president in the last two centuries has a bull's-eye on his back. i gigantic bull's-eye. every misstep, they are looking to stop him in the back and really get him. when he gives them an opportunity, and opening like this, they ran right into it. let me say something revolutionary here. as i think is very important. what is the allegation here? the allegation that some people in the trunk campaign colluded with the russians? i submit here, i just had a conversation with judge napolitano on this. i am scratching my head here. what is the crime?it if the russian kgb chief is talking to paul manafort and the chief says i've got this dirt here that says hillary clinton was this and that -- next wednesday, why don't you release that? that would be great for us.
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i don't know that that is a crime at all. >> sean: obama did try to undermine bibi netanyahu. >> to go over to the united states government, money from the united states government and have that money go to a group in israel to defeat the prime minister. geraldo, i want to ask you a question. there is no question under the constitution -- we will go through them. president trump -- if he had the authority to terminate the director of the fbi -- >> no question, there is no constitutional crisis, period. >> number two, the instigationti by the director of the fbi into the election three different times was a basis later on to terminate. >> i agree. >> sean: comey was the dork that screwed up the election.
10:55 pm
>> the fbi director has to go back and correct his testimony again. you don't think that gives the president the right to do it right when he did it yesterday? >> he should have done it over 100 days ago. >> we agree on that too. >> sean: i can't believe they are agreeing. this is history in the making. when we come back, an important question of the day. when we continue.. history in t. when we come back, an important question of the day. ♪ ♪
10:56 pm
10:57 pm
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that airline credit card yout? have... it could be better. it's time to shake things up. with the capital one venture card, you get double miles on everything you buy, not just airline purchases. seriously, think of all the things you buy. this why you asked me to coffee? well yeah... but also to catch-up. what's in your wallet? >> announcer: the question of the day is brought to you by the capital one venture card. what's in your wallet? >> sean: do you think president trump made the right decision when he fired james comey? pretty obvious to me. go to, @seanhannity on twitter. we are out of time. thanks for being with us. see you back here tomorrow nigh night.
11:00 pm
good night, everybody, . >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." yesterday as you may have heard by now, the president fired fbi director james, a. the white house says comey got canned because he overstepped his bounds in the hillary clinton email investigation. whether you believe that explanation or not there's an awful lot of evidence that we do with wrong man to run the world's most powerful law enforcement agencies a good riddance to him. under normal circumstances, an awful lot of democrats here in washington would've agreed with that assessment. they never liked comey they never trusted him and they had ample reason to feel that way but these are not normal circumstances. donald trump is now the president which in the view
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