tv Americas News HQ FOX News May 14, 2017 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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happy mother's day. she checks out everything the attacks. we love her for that. arthel: will be back at 4:00 eastern. >> as well as 6:00 eastern. >> tape carrier. >> welcome to "america's news hq." i am in jerusalem. this is stop number two on president trump's first international trip. we'll tell you why both israelis and palace indian say he might be able to do the impossible and make a deal that has eluded every u.s. president since ronald reagan. >> and i am elizabeth prann in washington. the literature headlines. worldwide condemnation is north for a test of buyers and officials believe a new type of missile. one that flew higher and further than missile tests in the past. we'll have a live report may not.
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the guessing game is on. washington pundits and lawmakers debate potential candidates to replace fired fbi director james comey. leland: already sunday night here in jerusalem. good evening. the yours office is firing back at the u.s. secretary of state. we will have a key member of israel's parliament to react. it's always true here in the middle east, not for its old moments even on mothers day. >> that's right. we are glad you are there to cover up for us. a lot of news out of washington and the world did the skit straight to it. north korea defying international pressure and criticism, launching an intermediate-range test missile. the white house reacting strongly say north korea has been a menace for too long. this has the later show of course by kim jong un's new
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president takes office. caroline shively joins us now with the latest. reporter: the missile flew more than 430 miles before it dropped in to see japan off the east coast. it doesn't appear to be an intercontinental ballistic missile. i'd have to go at least 3700 miles and another thousand before it hit away. we're adopting this he was just 60 miles south of russia. the statement from the white house late last night noted that's closer to russia and japan and the president can't imagine russia's police. asked about kim jong un, and this is what was said on abc. >> of missile tests is not going to sit down with president because he is absolutely not going to do it. he can sit there and fail the conditions he wants. until he meets the conditions, we are not sitting down. >> president trump said he could get down, but today ambassador haley is in a state of paranoia and the u.s. will tighten screws
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on the isolated nation. it was more from the white house gave them last night. the united states maintains our ironclad commitment and with allies in the face of the serious threat posed by north korea. the latest provocation service to call for for all nations to implement our stronger sanctions against korea. so far china and russia are concerned about the launch but are reacting as strongly as u.s. ambassador haley said there's a lot of sanctions and exports. elizabeth: a lot of headlines. appreciate it. >> at the justice department comment they are working overtime. potential fbi yours. the president says he might make a decision tracking that a decision from there. we heard from the president yesterday. anything from them about this.
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>> so far nothing from the president, but clearly the white house and the justice department working overtime. the list of those interviewed and it is a weighty list with enormous amounts of intellectual ties to the bureau itself. the bidding continues. just ahead of his first foreign visit on friday. a lot of interest in this picture, former congressman mike rogers. a former fbi agent. he has been endorsed by a group of former and current ages. the president saying yesterday it won't take long to whittle down the field. >> these are people that are very well known. highest level.
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>> clearly, what we're looking on in that situation if you want to make a decision quickly. that also means that he's going to have to continue to get consultation. there have been people that is that the same time you should drill down on the idea of getting someone with experience. we are also hearing from a number of different folks including some on capitol hill that think this is a chance for the president to go outside the box. one name we heard by senator mike leigh is merrick garland. you may remember merrick garland of course was nominated to the supreme court by then president obama. he never received an up or down vote in the senate, that is exactly the candidate chuck schumer says the president should give there. >> nominee should be not a partisan politician. not part of either party. this demands a serious down the middle investigation. second, it ought to be somebody who is experienced if you need a
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really good prosecutor, somebody who knows how to do it. third, it should be someone with courage. if there is interference or attempted interference to shut down the investigation, to misdirected, you need somebody is going to stand out. >> and utterly say earlier he thought that a bipartisan pic would not just get the approval process for val, it would also go a long way towards ensuring the integrity of the investigation. quickly, my source is tommy don't expect the president to go too far outside the box although they are quick to point out the president would be unpredictable to which i said you're right about that. trees do we have certainly learned bettis certainly learned that a something they're thinking about here in the middle east as well. kevin quirk from the north line. thank you air lift has more. >> let's bring in political justice, josh cursed team.
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thank you for joining us. we heard the former fbi director james comey would testify behind closed doors but was interested in reported right now he'd be interested in testifying in a public setting. back in for a wrench and some things in the sense we could learn about more about the president's relationship with the farmer at ei director. could that impact to relearn could be the next fbi director? >> is certainly could be affect in the pace. we heard how quickly the president wants to move on this station. you could see the urgency being driven by the fact that a comey offers especially publicly, you'll see another huge explosion in press coverage. you can see why the white house in terms of trying to shift the narrative would rather have people talking about fbi replacement that have been continued to talk about comey firing, whether they are ethical and so forth. >> quite a few headlines coming out of that. otherwise i'm just as --
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department of justice began. any insight in your reporting? initially for candidates and then it turned into a database approach the building yesterday. have you learned any more about the candidates? have they been vocal on the russian investigation in any way? >> certainties scrambled to get people in there, showing that urgency we were talking about what the next day i made the list as the day went on. i do think one thing we are learning not just of people in the administration, the senators on capitol hill. this position requires senate confirmation. you have republicans coming out saying they think certain candidates may not be perfect. even waters acted but texas attorney general, one of the people interviewed for this job. a lot of republicans behind closed doors and some publicly signal anyone who's a politician may not be the right pic here. if you look at the history of the fbi, there's never been a
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politician picked to head the agency page are talking former top justice department officials and armor federal judges. when they really start to think hard about this at the white house, they probably have to draw lines with the names of people who are politicians. >> that is my next question for you. regardless of who it is, we will see some pretty tough questioning from senators on capitol hill when the time comes. it has to be a delicate pitch. regardless of the pic, a tough hearing, am i right? >> it is a tough hearing. such a contrast with fbi yours. if you go back to 1972 when jay edgar hoover died to put in a new statue a 10 year terms in government who would run the fbi. we've never had a contentious fbi nomination. i went through the posts in the senate on each of these nominees and use the unanimous consent of 98-0, 190. there's never been a politically polarized situation. we did have a -- watergate was
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rejected by the senate through the nomination. we've never had a showdown with him partyline vote. it sounds to me like even many republicans in the senate who could push that through in a partyline vote are not interested in doing that. >> and folks be for the critical of the fact that attorney general jeff sessions is interviewed in the future of the asp ei simply because he's recused himself from the russian investigations. what are hearing from those that are critical the fbi is not just investigating russian meddling, it has a slew of incredible responsibilities. >> and a lot of very thing even more urgent than the russian investigation to keep an eye on terrorism and attacks on the u.s. and other things they do. what is the extent of attorney general jeff sessions recusal related to the russian investigation of the claim e-mail investigation.
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i tried to shut this question on friday but he didn't take any questions. the fine-grained of jim said ted was based in part on the flutter according to the official paperwork to rod rosen dean drafted saying he had censored things wrong. those things during an investigation sessions is saying he's recused from. it's just not clear how he can write that without digging into the nitty-gritty that sessions isn't supposed to be getting in too. we would like clarity on that sometime in the coming days. >> josh coming thank you so much. a lot of moving parts. leland: well, this morning, secretary of state rackssident p is still debating his campaign promise to move the u.s. embassy from tel aviv to here in jerusalem. in the past few hours, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has doubled down on his demand that it happened and it was a fiery
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statement. either way, the possible move will be a focus of the president's trip here next week. to talk about it, a possible future prime minister and a current member of parliament here joining us from tel aviv. we appreciate you being with us. since you have a delay, we'll get right to it. no bones about it, you want to be the prime minister. here's your chance for the next four minutes. president trump comes in a time. once israeli palestinians have been a year. but would you be willing to offer to make it happen? >> first of all, israel has been looking for an opportunity to separate from the palestinians for years and years now. we have offered three times to the palestinians more than 90% of the territories in order for them to build a country and three times they refuse. so we are not the problem. the palestinians are the problem that we are willing to negotiate with no preconditions and we are
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willing to talk and push forward for any kind of peace agreement with the palace indians. we have never been the problem. from 1948, we were founders. >> sir, sir, what are you -- what happens though when president trump pushes harder? obviously, you all have offered about 90%, 95% of that house indians want in each one of these cases and yet they said no. what happens when president trump says that's not enough? i want more. should israel new-line to offer more? >> i don't think israel can offer more. take for example the disengagement. i think you've been here during the investigation. we have done whatever the world has asked us to do during the disengagement 2005 in 2006. we left the area. we left gaza. the army lab.
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we even want them with 3000 greenhouses for them to build an economy for them else instead of doing so, they fired 50,000 missiles on their children and women and elderly. so if you want to push forward, let's push. power in agreement. >> so, these are essentially the same talking points we hear from prime minister netanyahu. make russian is what happens when president trump pushes harder? there was a little bit of a foreshadowing to that in the daily newspaper here. one of the key columnist wrote a piece about what might have been. he said of president trump does not like what he gets from the israelis and these are supposed to president trump might tweet out. this is one of the things he came up with. then yahoo! is tried not enough that it's time you gave someone else a chance like america. is he the guy? conceivably, there is a chance
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that you run into a situation or president trump feels as though the israelis have been offered enough. do you think you'd come back with the same thing and say this is the most we can do. we are done. it's up to the palestinians. >> now, we are more than willing to talk and to listen. it has been pushing now for 2.5 years. we will get together around the table. the saudi's, the gulf countries, egypt, jordan and try to find a regional solution with the palestinians. of course they should be on board. the question is not how do you draw the map. the question is the seriousness of the players involved good we are serious. we been serious for many years now the palestinians are playing games. we will --
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leland: we certainly heard president trump talk about that idea of a regional conference. is having sent saudi arabia. you've got a bit couple of weeks coming up ahead of you. appreciate you talking to us. looking forward to having a program at the talks continue, sir. >> thank you, sir. elizabeth: not to an update on the largest scale cyberattack and at least 150 countries are to shut down systems and networks are more than 100,000 organizations ranging from the health care industry to government agencies and in friday. it's believed to be the biggest online extortion attack ever recorded and folks are still recovering. ellison barber has the story. reporter: this might not be over. a lot of asked her son abroad and across the u.s. the attacks had grown people have good start logging onto their computers. the white house is playing for an emergency meeting.
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senior administration officials telling reuters president trump ordered his homeland security adviser to hold this meeting read an item look this entire attack. although this or did back on friday. hackers exploited loopholes and burdens of microsoft windows. they created a virus called one of cry, large computer systems, encrypted files and demanded hundreds of dollars in exchange for the files. otherwise they would destroy them. the director rob wainwright says the attack is massive and unlike anything they've seen. >> latest count is 100 in at least 150 countries. many of those will be businesses including large corporations like fedex. >> many different institutions. certainly not a u.k. only problem. it's an international problem. trigger this impacted hospitals in the u.k. to railroads in germany to fedex. security experts told "the associated press" attack
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happened because of happened because the '-backquote perfect storm of conditions including the fact that the hackers used a weapon nice exploit seemingly created by the nsa years ago in leaked online last month that experts urging everyone to install the latest windows update because there's a security patch and it to fix the loophole. they loophole. they released loophole. they released it in march of mind of the attack, microsoft said they decided to release updates for computers running much older system of thought that an interesting thing is there is a 22-year-old cybersecurity researcher in lynn who according to "the guardian" was playing online on a kill switch and was able to temporarily stop some of these attacks are getting worse on friday. trades are still living with his parents. >> yeah, it ain't so. allison and i thank you so much. coming up, political panel weighs in on the firing of the fbi director and the potential replaced the for the interview. plus, dozens of contractors trying to get to work on
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president trump plan border wall with mexico. we will speak with one company making its bid to get this job. meanwhile, a look at the controversial wall built to protect israel. take a look. >> israelis call this the security barrier and say they needed to keep out suicide bombers. palestinians call it illegal in here on their side of the wall has clearly expressed their displeasure. coming up, more of the tough issues president trump faces on the road to result in a deal. it's the phillips' lady! anyone ever have occasional constipation,diarrhea, gas or bloating? she does. she does. help defend against those digestive issues. take phillips' colon health probiotic caps daily with three types of good bacteria. 400 likes? wow!
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not two. i'm always moving forward... because i can't afford to get stuck in the past. comcast business. built for business. >> a live picture there of the connect a year in jerusalem on a beautiful may night. here in israel, they know a lot about building walls. controversial, yes. the roughly 300 mile-long security barrier separating the west bank from israel when have been 2002. its success, stopping suicide bombers is often cited by supporters of president trump's plan to build a wall on the mexican border. the u.s. administration is now saying it will move into the
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next phase of planning to build this wall despite serious questions about where the money to build a book on front. will carr in los angeles with his tory at the least a number of companies already putting in their bids. what is their plan? >> we went, they are trying to come up with creative ways to build the wall. it was a major issue during the campaign. since president trump is elected, questions swirled about when construction will start in where the funding will come from. within a president trump last night but judge jeanine. >> are you going to build that wall? >> i'm going to build the wall absolutely. is there a question about it? >> another company initially submitted designs for the wall to the department of homeland security. the list is about to be narrowed down to a handful of finalists in each will build a prototype near the border in southern california. one company in the running is airport technologies that once a physical barrier with technology
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both in and underneath the wall. >> there are definitely areas that are challenging. i think the smart ways to go to sort of a layered deployment and part of that labor is going to have to be technology. >> it comes as the number central american immigrants crossing the border illegally from mexico into the united states has dropped dramatically since president trump was selected. >> we are at a triple. it hasn't stopped, but it slowed considerably to the point where we have empty cells now. >> free space in detention centers allows border authorities sold those crossing the border illegally is releasing them with an expectation that they'll appear for a hearing sometime down the road. we land. leland: a lot more on this in the coming months for sure. will carr in los angeles. what is coming up? elizabeth: after the break, and
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a hairy moment with the latest details on attack against an israeli police officer. and candidates have been interviewed so far. some lawmakers say more names to be added to the shortlist. fair and balanced political panel will weigh in after the break. >> it looks like a good list. i agree that it needs to be someone who has a lot of credibility in mind for us in. one of the reasons i suggested e merritt garland -- merrick garland helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. don't worry - i know what a lug wrench is, dad. is this a lug wrench? maybe? you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
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when i was diagnosed withumonia, it was huge for everybody. she just started to decline rapidly. i was rushed to the hospital... my symptoms were devastating. the doctor said, "pam! if you'd have waited two more days, you would've died." if i'd have known that a vaccine could have helped prevent this, i would have asked my doctor or pharmacist about it. elizabeth: candidate for director of the fbi met with attorney general jeff sessions added a two in her food for the job in the attorney criticism from some lawmakers. >> and i believe should be part of this review process. and as well, i think whoever that director out to be should be in line for a professional. the position has never been
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politicized and i hope the president will choose a nominee. elizabeth: some calling for his recusal. let's bring in our fair and balanced political panel. mark levine a member of the virginia house of delegates -- kimball, contributor for bread stay. they think i know what you're going to say. you think he should recuse himself and why? the fbi focuses on more than just a rush investigation. >> that's true. comey was fired because of the russia thing. the nike said he had a number of reasons for firing. he did say that during an nbc interview. >> he did say that. the vice president came up with something different. sessions met with the russians. he said he is going to recuse himself. if the guy is fired because of his investigation, which is really kind of nice to fire someone investigating you. absolutely, jeff sessions has to be out. there were others who can do this. >> in there because you have a lot of folks is a he needs to
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focus on the task at hand. >> first of all, former fbi director comey said three different times sometimes underwrote to congress there is no evidence in pollution. >> he never said that. absolutely untrue. >> the idea that he been fired explicitly because of handling rush is ridiculous. he was fired because of what happened last summer when loretta lynch met at a tarmac in arizona. then james coming has to jump in into the press conference. comey should've done what he did, but he took the fbi political after she met with a red alleged in a tarmac in arizona. james comey should've been fired. builders say president trump made was not firing them sooner. >> why did he ask for his lawyer? >> his crocodile tears from guys like you because two thirds of you two weeks ago said james comey not to be fired.
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elizabeth: that brings me to my next question. there is an nbc poll out this morning. i want to pose this question to you. 29% of those polled approved of the firing. i want to ask you, is this because of timing? the reason is surprised me as there were so many people that wanted to see them go. >> is entirely because of timing. i don't think you should violate justice department guidelines and basically brought up something that wasn't true about hillary clinton. >> was it true? >> it wasn't true. >> there were two. [inaudible] >> i agree. he did a terrible thing. >> he should have been hired two weeks ago. >> he should've been fired by president obama. >> were in january. @.
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when he says i'm going to fire him because he's investigating me. it looks like i've something wrong with russia and i do want the people to know about it. >> president trump said that he had decided to fire him far before this latest round of discussions over russia. most people close to the trump administration who are part of the trump transition team suggested the president decided to fire james comey before the inauguration. i would say -- elizabeth: i will but in here only to move the conversation forward. i want to post this next question because i do want to get it in. i want to know how important this timing right now? is the fact we may hear from the former director of the fbi, jim comey on your screen right now. he may testify in front of an open hearing. those headlines of lashed across every news paper. my question to you is help gruden is it that they make a decision in the near future in the new director of the fbi?
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>> donald trump has to have someone with unimpeachable integrity or he himself may be impeached. he has to appoint him under no one can question their honesty, their duty. if he has a political crony, this'll be political crony, this'll be the end of donald trump. >> you get the last word. >> the president for fbi director is a very strong in good dual including trey got in south carolina, both of whom have backgrounds in line for spending being prosecutors are in the case of corn in attorney general texas. these are political cronies. just because you -- mark, it doesn't make you a crony because utah public office. elizabeth: job than i do have to -- >> a great list of candidates. we appreciate the time. elizabeth: i appreciate both of you. the story is not going anywhere. thank you, mark. appreciate it.
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leland: great conversation. still ahead, president trump arrives here in israel in eight days. he will of course sit down with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and talk about a deal with the palestinians. one local journalist saying perhaps president trump and prime minister netanyahu isn't as chummy as it used to be. second husband. kinda. it's good to be in (good hands).
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slow heartbeat, fainting, more stomach acid which may lead to ulcers and bleeding; nausea, vomiting, difficulty urinating, seizures, and worsening of lung problems. most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, dizziness, loss of appetite, and bruising. (woman 2 vo) i don't know what tomorrow will bring but i'm doing what i can. (avo) ask about namzaric today. leland: president trump arrives here in israel a week from now if i asked if patients come in saying he wants a deal between the israelis and the palestinians any year. already, both sides on a media blitz to shift the blame if things don't work out. we heard a thin earlier in the program prevents pregnancy or u.s. affairs horovitz, the major daily newspaper here in israel. i'm in tel aviv amit is a bit of a delay. we'll get right to it. i've been here about a week.
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you get a sense there has been a radical shift in the view of the prime minister vis-à-vis the american president for them very chummy to very worried. true, and if so, why? >> well, i think what is wearing the prime minister is he doesn't know what to expect. since president trump was inoculated, there's been a series of steps and ms. have taken israel by surprise. they don't know today whether it's going to her not going to move the embassy. there is a very chummy meeting with president abbas about doing something that is settlement. overall there is a great ambition of the president to achieve a peace deal. it's obviously worrying for many israelis, but especially right-wing israelis as everybody knows any pc requires -- would require great concession which it does not want to make.
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not only because they don't want and make concessions, but yes they are the lack of knowledge. >> we heard exactly those talking points do you just heard is reiterated saying that the palestinians are the problem here. if it fails is because of the palestinians. palestinians clearly are going to take the deal they said no to indianapolis or camp david bill clinton and ehud barak. what can president trump do? what is his shtick if you will and the carrot and stick vis-à-vis the israelis said they'll use it? >> well, i don't know that they're really worried yet. it's lack of knowledge. even though it is true it's hard to keep president abbas accepting what he said before. he surprised israelis for cozying up to president trump by
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being agreeable to all things he didn't agree to. for example come a meeting that yahoo! was no preexisting conditions. he's done a much more amiable than a day. that is already were in israel. i see now, there is a blame game going on. we don't know what the plans are. there's been this very strange shift in israel. >> we don't -- i mean, we don't know what the plans are vis-à-vis president trump. he has said he views being flexible is the real key to his success. he surprised everyone when he said that, one stater twos case reversing decades of u.s. aid. but if he decides to get tough with the israelis, what can he do? what leverage does he have with the israelis? what leverage does he have with out a means to bridge this divide is so clearly exists? >> is the u.s. president. a lot of leverage with both
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sides perhaps more so that israelis because israelis have more to lose. i will point out something to you that when president obama was in power and when he filed with the prime minister, the prime minister could rely on the republican congress on republican voters to vacuum out. he used that to his advantage several times. now when he looks at what's going on in america, i'm not sure if the backup anymore. resident trump decides to get tough with them. who's he going to return to? the republican congress? i'm not sure the republican congress with an eye to the president on an issue such as peace demand. i'm not sure that trump voters will take kindly to a trump president who said that yahoo! is not well. there is a lot of firm for concern. ironically even though he was still happy trump is the president and not hillary clinton and obama coming and obama come he's not as happy as it was.
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members of the coalition has turned from accepting trump as the new messiah to be very worried about what his plans are. >> well, it will be fascinating to see how it plays out. only on the ground here for about 26 hours or the repercussions will ripple out for a long time. appreciate you being here with us or we will follow your analysis. we want to bring you another date on a story that we talked about yesterday. just near our live shot position in jerusalem, there was an attack on an israeli police officer and we've obtained cell phone video that attack were jordanian man stabbed the israeli officer. no one did, the police officer shot and killed a man was carrying tonight. the latest in what is to come the new favorite bat that of a terror attack or folksy or, something that the prime minister and president will be talking a lot about him is
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certainly sent in israelis talk about everyday in the speech of president trump about when trump about when it comes. back to you. elizabeth: pretty hard stuff to watch their coupon to watch there appeared law-enforcement officers across the country to honor those in blue who lost their lives in the line of duty. >> we are here because these men and women gave everything, gave their very lives for us. each of these officers was more than just a name attached in a stove or on a memorial. they were a person will not whole world to someone, to a parent, sibling, spouse or child. ♪ leland: large crowds gathered for the 29th annual digital. the group honored 394 officers who died in the line of duty, adding their names on a growing memorial that contain the name of 21,000 fallen officers.
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part of a series of events leading us to national peace officers memorial day, which is tomorrow. we will be back with more news after the break. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet? ykeep you that's why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you.
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first overseas trip. he has to saudi arabia, israel and eventually wrong. national security advisor h.r. mcmaster said it's an historic trip as president trump will visit the homeland of the holy sites of three major world religions. robert jeffries is a member of president trump say that is a recount of any joins us now. cannot return in us, pastor. >> thanks for having me. >> what messages the president spending on transcending? not just had to say, the religious communities across the globe in here as well. >> it is often said the first foreign -- as he looked at president trump's itinerary for this trip, it shows he is the right priority, especially establishing peace in the middle east. by going to the epicenter of world religions, he is demonstrating that although islam, judaism and pushing entity are radically different
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in their beliefs, they have a common interest in defeating radical islamic terrorism. frankly, only a president like president trump who recognizes the reality of radical islamic terrorism has the credibility to build a coalition. elizabeth: my question for you is yes, you certainly want to see radical islam, but at the same time he's tried to bridge the divide between moderate muslim communities in making the effort during this trip. how does the lot of very fine line in doing so? >> well, the president recognizes for ample with saudi arabia if they were distrustful with obama. he sees an opening there to forge a relationship to help old and promote peace. you know, and i had lunch a couple weeks ago with a white house official who has responsibility for planning this trip. they made the point about how surprised at the states were when the trump administration contacted them.
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he said for the last eight years he had been shunned by the obama administration, which i found interesting because we had the image that obama was the globalist, trump is the isolation was. in reality, the opposite is true. elizabeth: what is the administration doing differently? the fact that there's more outreach going on? >> there's outreach going on. i kind of liken this to the fact that years ago nixon went to red china. you try to work with the soviet and henry kissinger said they would have been crucified. the fact that nixon recognized and gave him credibility in the capital he needed to build the relationship. the same here with president trump. conservatives come at the american people trust him because he recognizes the real facts around the world. elizabeth: not so much ignorance, but tackling head-on.
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my last question is the fact that it's a special day today. a lot of moms watching. you just came from service. i'm curious what your message is and what you share today on the special mothers day. elizabeth: you know, people who have never read the bible had the idea that the bible denigrates women were second-class citizens. nothing could be further from the truth. the bible exalts women and especially mothers. look at the old testament. take moses mother, had it not been for her creativity, moses would've been killed as a baby. there would've been no 10 commandments, and in the lis wiehl today. were it not for her faithfulness, we would not have a savior in the world of jesus christ and all the good he's done. today's the day to celebrate all mothers as the poet said. elizabeth: pastor, so sorry i have to interrupt you. thank you joining us. we will have more right after the break. get to the places
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it's sort of like working with you, leland. and i know that you also have a photograph of your mother today on this mother's day. leland: well, talk about not existing, it's pretty easy as a kid when you grow up, and then you come home, and your mom really doesn't care about you. we figured we'd show a picture of my mom with what is undoubtedly her favorite child, and that is doughnut, the newfoundland, and we often wonder what doughnut did in a past life to have won the right to win my mom as a mom and win the doggy lottery. there is one mom who's involved in all in that has not gotten a shout-out yet, and i think we might have one thing left to do in this show. roll it. elizabeth: all right, let's see it. >> happy mother's day. i love you, mommy. >> i couldn't have said it better myself. we love you for all that you to do and all that you are. happy mother's day. elizabeth: oh! you get me every year, leland. those two people are my most be favorite people on the planet.
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it's mother's day, you're going to make me cry. how could you do that to me? leland: well, you know, i think the tears are with good reason. darren was so excited to be able to do that. elizabeth: thank you. leland: what a great weekend, huh, liz? elizabeth: yeah. see you next week. chris: i'm chris wallace. today, the comey controversy. inside the president's decision to fire his fbi chief. ♪ ♪ >> why did you fire director comey? >> because he wasn't doing a good job, very simply. >> mr. president, with all due respect, you are making a big mistake. first question the administration has to answer is why now? chris: we'll drill down into james comey's dismissal, how and why the president made and decision and what's next for the russia investigation. this hour we're joined by two key senators. first, mark warner, the top democrat on the senate
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