tv Hannity FOX News May 16, 2017 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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>> build the wall! >> i get no respect. >> set your dvr, never miss an episode. "hannity" is next. >> many thanks to our friends on "the five". this is a fox news alert.>> we have lots of people here tonight to react to breaking news. we are following four huge breaking news stories. james comey is starting to enact his own revenge on trump for firing him. we'll have more later tonight, but first it's tonight for tonight's very important opening monologue. >> we start tonight with the trump hating "washington post." last night they released a story saying that trump gave the russian minister and ambassador classified information while they were visiting the white house last week.he
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this story has been denied by trump administration officials who were actually in the room. national security advisor hr mcmaster said that it was bogus. he said, i was in the room and it didn't happen. secretary of state rex tillerson denied the report. that does not stop the media from running wild from all of this. watch this biased so-called news. it's really fake news coverage. watch this. >> the white house reeling from another russia crisis. an unforced error at the hands of president trump. >> that damage to u.s. intelligence interest is being viewed as incalculable this morning. >> after the story broke we heard yelling behind closed doors here in this west wing. this is a white house in chaos right now.
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>> if true this could be the most significant and dangerous week of the presidency. >> hyperventilating breathlessness. we'll have more on the biased coverage later in our new segment. it's called the fake news around it. you don't want to miss it. but let's talk about "the washington post" for a this is the same newspaper who has "democracy dies in darkness" on their homepage just last week. the post reported the deputy attorney general rob rosenstein, he was threatening to quit because of comey's firing.en guess what, rosenstein spoke in an on camera interview and he said i'm not quitting. i never threatened to quit. but that wasn't the only story "the washington post" got wrong last week.ev after comey was fired, the post reported this headline. just days before he was inspired, wrong again. it was the acting fbi director testing before congress last week. he said he was unaware of such requests and we have plenty of money for this. we have adequate funding. so let's put the latest fake news story into contest.
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we have two stories they published last week dead wrong. anonymous sources, credibility, and that fits into a much broader narrative that we have been dealing with almostt exclusively here in the media on this show. their anger toward the president is now stopping them from doing their job. it's why i have spoken about changing the white house and how they handled the press, they need to restructure daily briefings. aed they turned them into nothing more than a dog and pony show. i explain last night, they developed a list of the top 15, 20 issues of the day. members of the mainstream media beforehand and afterwards and they gave up all their questions and answers in detail and then ask questions from there. also tonight, another nasa breaking news story, explosive development in the mysterious murder of former dnc staffer set bridge that could completely
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shatter the narrative that in fact wikileaks is working with the russians. now, if true, this could become one of the biggest scandals in history and could mean that he could have been murdered under very suspicious circumstances. according to former homicide detective rod wheeler who had been hired by the rich family to investigate the killings, newly discovered evidence shows is a 27-year-old former dnc employee he was in fact communicating with wikileaks before he was gunned down in washington, d.c. that was back in july of 2016, july 10th, while he was walking home. seth rich shot in the back, left for dead. police have been characterizing this as an attempted robbery gone wrong. it is a problem, not an explanation because the assailant didn't take anything from rich. not his phone, his wallet, his watch, his necklace. they were still on his person ap the scene of the crime.
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while there were several key questions about why he was killed, well, here's what we do know. 12 days.on exactly 12 days after rich died, wikileaks published the leaked emails from the dnc and after rich's death, wikileaks offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of the person or the people responsible for the murder. and then back in august during an interview with dutch tv, a assange implied that in fact, seth rich, was his source. take a look at this. >> going to significant effort. it was a 27-year-old who worked for the dnc who was shot in the back, murdered. that was a few weeks ago as he was walking down the street.t. >> that was just a robbery, i believe, wasn't it? >> no. there's no findings. >> what are you suggesting? >> i'm suggesting that he took a risk and they become concerned
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that it occurring like that. >> you can't comment on your sources. >> why make a suggestion about a young guy being shot in the street of washington? >> we have to understand how high the stakes are in the united states. >> that's pretty profound. this new information is also consistent with what julian assange told me back in january when i asked him specifically, did russia give him any of these emails. h keep it in context here, in all the years of wikileaks, they've never been proven wrong. watch this. >> did russia give you this information or anybody associated with russia? >> the answer is no.
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>> during that same interview i also asked julian about a report saying that a disgruntled democrat and not the russians gave john podesta's emails to wikileaks. let's take a look att this. >> there was one report in the daily mail that suggested somebody that you are friendly with actually was handed the documents at american university in a wooded area by a disgruntled democrat who felt betrayed because the revelations showed that bernie sanders had been betrayed and he didn't like the corruption of the clinton foundation. can you confirm or deny that? >> that came from craig murray. he's a friend of mine. but wikileaks is source. we are famous for never having exposed one of our sources after ten years. they come to us. i can't comment on other
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people's statements about our sources except to say what we have said, which is that our sources are not at stake. >> let me connect the dots from here. now, from my perspective, thise could be a very huge bombshell story. if this is true and suffrage cable wikileaks the emails which ultimately led to the firing, remember, debbie wasserman schultz, this blows the whole narrative out of the water. maybe seth rich was upset thats the dnc was conspiring to hurt bernie sanders and help hillary clinton win the nomination. we learn from those released emails, remember this, that that was the case. and then finally tonight, powerful sources. we want to understand exactly t what happening here because the intensity to get this president has been more fierce than ever. five forces aligning against trump.
you've got the destroyed trump propaganda media, the destroyed trump democrats, the washington establishments, the never-trump people, and they all seem to be working together in an unprecedented attack against the sitting president. let start with the propaganda media. they have been working around-the-clock since november. that's right, they were colluding with hillary before the election but since then to smear and character assassinate the president by any means necessary and they have been against trump from the beginning. remember it was a funeral for most of these people on television on the night of november 8th? on top of that you may remember this. >> trump has been saying thatok he'll run for president as a republican which is surprising because we all assumed he was running as a joke. >> we better be ready for the fact that he might be leading the republican ticket. [laughter]ic >> i know you don't believe
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were more than happy to push and advance democratic talking points and political conspiracy. now what do we know to be true is what wikileaks exposed.d. remember the countless members of the media, they were caught colluding with the clinton campaign. their main objective was to get hillary elected, which explains why they have been perfectly willing to say anything, doo anything, regardless of how insane and conspiratorial it may sound all in an attempt to damage the president. and number two, you got the sore loser democrats. they can't believe that trump won and hillary lost. now they've also made it very clear that they've got to obstruct every single turn. for example, look at the firing of james comey. they hated the guy. they even blamed him for the election loss and then trump, he fires the director and all of a sudden democrats change their tune. feigning moral outrage. that's going to be nothing more than a part of a bunch of partisan hypocrites and you got the third alliance, the state in washington, targeting the president, selectively, now on a
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daily basis the site earlier tonight and last night leakingsh information. we told you at the top about my advantage of the fake news story from completely unreliable "washington post" as they wereof wrong all those times last week. last night it was claiming that trump allegedly leaked information to the russians. they didn't care when hillary did it.rm to me it's clear what the motive is here. some people inside washington, d.c., the deep state, they are selectively leaking information to try to damage the president. you may remember back in january, chuck schumer issued i this morning. about the capabilities, the nsa, the deep state, the intelligence community, this is what he said. >> you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from sunday for getting back at it so even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman he's being really dumb to do this. >> six ways and sunday, the deep state will get you one way or the other. is that what james comey was doing, seeking revenge?
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since that morning we've seen unprecedented leaks, including, to "the new york times" tonight. we have transcripts of the president's calls with foreign leaders.rk where did they come from? drafts of executive order shared with the media, information meant to damage the attorney general, that was handed out. then after lieutenant generalas michael flynn was caught up in incidental surveillance he was then unmasked and then in violation of the espionage act that classified information was also released to the past, a felony in case you're interesten in this alliance these establishment republicans, so many of these people so weak, so timid, are spineless. their own candidate during the campaign, now the national security advisor hrr mcmaster, he came out last night and called the report focused in spite of all these people. finally, number five. we had the never-trumpers.
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they didn't like trump during the election and now they seem to want him to fail so they cane say to themselves that they were right. so desperate to become relevant again so it's time to call out this alliance. these five groups for what they are and what is actually happening here. all right, when we come back on this busy breaking news night, james comey strikes back after he was fired last week. also tonight, trump just gave somebody about there. who will end up dead? and that's not hyperbole, by the way. >> the destroy-trump media is going to town with a h "washington post" story, "the new york times" story, will discuss the hypocrisy. we'll get reactions and later tonight dr. sebastian corker is here on this busy, busy, nonstop breaking news against the propaganda media night. hey, need fast heartburn relief?
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good to see you both. let's start with the seth rich issue. and the timeline here. say what you will about julian assange, but nobody has proven him wrong. he's been defiant. he defended this guy. and then you look at the timeline you look at earlier reports. is it possible that this whole russian narrative really came from a dnc staffer and that the media has been wrong for almost a year? >> the media has not been right yet, so the presumption should be that the media is wrong with where they are laying the blame on the leaks that are going on now. s i think the fact is that when you look at evidence and this is the timeline, as you mentioned, that is troubling to say the least and i think it raises a serious issue, and a serious
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concern, that our national security is being jeopardized in a way we don't fully understandr but i think the media narrative on this and trying to blame the president for all of this has proven to be false every single moment of every single day. >> what's your reaction? >> look. sean, you're right. the media is out to get this president. they are playing gotcha politics every single day, day in and day out. the people in the room over this last week, the people in this room have said that the president did everything by the book. that none of the information was about sources and that they share information all the time.. look, this is the permanent campaign against trump by the democrats and by the media. >> let me give you an example. we look at the sabotage of a
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president, so "the washington post" brings this big story. wouldn't they have, as commander-in-chief, the ability to share whatever he thought was necessary in spite of the fact that, as davis is pointing out, everybody in the room says no. and then you go to the sources, the sources are questionable just like they were last week, they got two issues wrong that rosenstein threatened to quit.te he said in an interview that he didn't threaten to quit. according to current and u.s. officials, okay, who was the former official if they weren't in the room, what information did they have? that was denied by andrew mccabe. >> first of all, the president has the constitutional right. he is the commander-in-chief. assuming for the purpose of argument that he discussed security information of a significant nature with the russians, guess what.
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no crime. he had the authority to do it. the supreme court has said so. an opinion by not a conservative member of the court, by justice blackmun. that's number one. number two, reports have been indicating all day that in fact this information came from possibly israli sources who, by the way, they were sharing with, guess who, at the russians. they're acting as if discussions about issues and civilian aviation can be not discussed with russia or the israelis? that's absurd.e again, it's a righteous headline to create a fabricated story and everybody in the room denied its truthfulness but at the end of the day, even if it was true,d which it's not, it would be so what? last night, i agree, but last night the media goes hysterical, they're breathless. i saw the same thing unfolding.
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i see "the new york times" say e hope you can let this go. meaning the investigation or to end the flynn investigation to james comey and he's bitter. james comey got fired. maybe he wrote a memo, maybe he didn't. but he says i hope you can let this go, is there anything illegal about that? >> that's not intervening. that's not intervening in the investigation. look, james comey's credibility, first of all, i don't care what memo james comey wrote. at this point is there anyone who's watching this or anywhere that can believe anything that james comey is saying about any of these matters? really, not a credible witness. >> he's exactly right. james comey lost his credibility long ago and it had to do with hillary clinton. let's not forget that the
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about james comey themselves july and in october, before the election, and they all wanted to fire and then of course the president fires him and the president knows that it is going to make things worse for him by doing the right thing for the american people. that's important here. lester holt lied last week when he said the president said he didn't care. of course, he continued to say, i don't care that it is going to make it worse for me when the american people need this man fired, need new leadership att the bureau.. the president put that first ahead of himself and of course, lester holt turned that around.a >> good to see. when we come back, the formert d.c. homicide detective rod wheeler investigating the death of dnc staffer seth rich, who was killed last july, according to wheeler, there is no evidence that confirms thatas was a fact. speaking with wikileaks. wheeler joins us next in an exclusive. >> if true, this could be the most significant and dangerous mistake at the trump presidency. >> here we go again, the destroy
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trump media. they cannot get enough of "the washington post." "the new york times" story about the president sharing information with russia and i hope this investigation ends. the newsroom reportedly erupted in applause as the story broke. are they supposed to be unbiased journalists?jo coming up, will explain in our fake news roundup weighing in on the unprecedented white house leaking and much more. ut tomorrow... ♪ for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto
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uh- i- [sound of wrench] [intricate guitar riff] [engine starts] [guitar continues] ♪ >> live from "america's news headquarters," i'm a jackie ibanez in new york. at at the white house disputinga report by "the new york times," the paper claiming president trump asked former fbi director james to comey to end an investigation into michael flynn. he resigned in february after it was discovered he spoke to the russian ambassador after the election.
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the president fired james comey last week. a tornado striking a mobile home park in wisconsin, killing one person. more than two dozen people are injured, first responders claimed they could hear the voices of people trapped in the rubble, and they are still searching for survivors right now. layoffs coming to ford motor company, the automaker slashing 10% of its salaried jobs, they hope some of those cuts will come through early retirement. production workers are not affected. i'm jackie ibanez, now back to "hannity." for all your headlines, log onto >> welcome back. more on the story of murder democratic national committee staffer seth rich who was gunned down last july in washington, d.c.n they are officially in charge of this case but former d.c. homicide detective rod wheeler was hired by a third-party to investigate the murder on behalf of the family says mr. rich was communicating with wikileaks before he was killed.d.
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now his family has been pushing back, releasing a statement that reads we are a family that is committed to facts, not fake evidence that surfaces every few months to fill the void and distract law enforcement and the general public from finding. now the services of the private investigator who spoke to the press was ordered to the rich family and paid for by a third party and contractually was barred to speaking to the press or anyone outside of law enforcement or the family unless explicitly authorized by the family. fox news has retained a copy ofl the contract signed by the rich family retaining the services. he joins us now. i don't want to spend a lot of time on the technicality of who hired you. i've known you a long time and your man of honor and integrity. tell us who hired you.ho >> i was hired by the family, they signed the contract. the financial benefit, if there were any financial benefit, and there wasn't much, that was actually paid for by a third party. i have had little communication.
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the timeline is fascinating here. as i played in the last segment, julian assange, i asked him repeatedly on radio and television if russia was involved. absently not. he's a guy that wikileaks has never been proven wrong. and all these leaks, by the way, and it up, a lot of them ended up being published in places like "the new york times." so i guess my question is, when you look at the timeline of this, and 12 days after he was killed it shows up on wikileaks, what did you discover in terms of the contacts with wikileaks? >> that's an excellent question. let me clear that up right now, exactly what it was that i found. i had never seen the email directly, i haven't even seen the computer that set the rich used. i don't even know where the computer is.
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i checked withpa the police department, they said they don't know where the computer is, and the fbi says they don't have the computer. where does thisn information coe from in terms of knowing or believing that seth rich could have been in communications with wikileaks. if there was a federal investigator that was involved from the inside of the case, a person that is very credible. i don't like to suggest things without saying the person's name, but i can't say the person's name because that person would be thrown under the bus. this person, we checked them out, we have to checkch them ou, credible. he said he laid eyes on the computer and he laid eyes on the caset file. he came across very credible. when you look at that with the totality ofha everything else tt i found in this case, it's very consistent for a person with my experience to begin to think that perhaps there were some email communications between seth and wikileaks. every time i talk with theal
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police department, it's automatically shut down, that discussion is automatically shut down. >> we don't know for sure if the fbi or the d.c. police have any access to these forensics, these emails? >> we don't know, we actually have a statement from the fbi saying they contacted d.c. police, the d.c. police say contact the fbi. which is a? if this was a murder investigation, why would the fbi be involved? the only reason the fbi would be involved is that this has some degree of national exposure. meaning, maybe it is related to the w dnc. and we don't know that. c it could have been a botched robbery. but my point is this, i have beenti investigating murders foa while and you have to look at every possibility. you can't just look at one thing and say that has to be it. >> have you ever seen a lot of
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robberies where the person has their wallet and there watch after they've been shot and killed in the back? >> i haven't. that's not to say that that couldt not happen. here's the thing, and this is so important. there has been a $125,000 reward for information pertaining to the death of seth rich. not one person has come forward. here's one other thing that's got to be startling and i'm just going to say this right now. i reached out to the police department with back in march when the family first hired me to get involved. i didn't hear anything from the police department for two to three days. guess what i learned yesterday fromt the family of seth rich? the police department did not call me back. because someone, a high-ranking official at the dnc, check this out, a high-ranking official at the dnc when i called the police department, they got that information and called the rich families wanting to know why i was snooping around. wouldn't that explain, how is
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it possible that the dnc, when the fbi wanted to look at their computers, was able to bring in their own people? or the people that ended up getting immunity, ended up being able to destroy their laptop computers? is there any evidence that he mightvi have been disgruntled at the treatment of bernie sanders and the unfairness and the fix was in to put hillary in that h position and maybe he had evidence of that? >> no. i haven'tt? seen any evidence in that regard. the onlye thing i have been able to confirm is that there were some problems on his job right before he was killed. the person, listen to this, the person that called the father after i called the police to get information, that's the person he was having problems with at the dnc. connect the dots here. it's starting to all come together. let me just say this. i don't know for sure, i don't
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know if the emails went out to the wikileaks or anybody else, but it sure appears that way. >> thanks for being with us, we appreciate it. when we come back, our fake news roundup segment of the day. "the washington post"" newsroom erupting in applause after breaking the so-called big news story yesterday about president trump sharing information with russia. so much for unbiased journalism. and also tonight -- go >> after the story broke here last night, we heard yelling behind closed doors in this west wing. this is a white house in chaos>> right now. >> the trump media foaming at the mouth after what turned out to be a nonstory at "the washington post." of course on top of their two bowl stories last week. we will get reactions weighing in on the leaks from the deep state at there white house. berts
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they were quick to jump on this speculative report. take a look. >> the white house reeling from another russia crisis, an unforced error at the hands of president trump. >> the damage to u.s. intelligence interest is being viewed as incalculable this morning. >> after this story broke here last night, we heard yelling behind close doors here in thisi west wing, this is a white house in chaos right now. >> if true, this could be the most significant and dangerous mistake of the trump presidency. >> donald trump just gave somebody up out there, who will end up dead. that's not hyperbole, by the way. he and other people, however that source was, i guarantee you a lot of people are going to get shot in the head today by isis because they are going to indiscriminately start killing people that they suspect leaked this information. >> joining us now is a reaction from media reporter as well as
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warm a u.s. spokesman for the ambassador. let me start with rick tonight. "the washington post" with all these things wrong last week. they talk of the deputy attorney general, he was going to step aside and he said no, the anonymous source was wrong. they get other issues. comey was asking for money, no. the interim fbi director said that didn't happen. that was last week, the media takes this credible source and races with the story last night, with the breathlessness i've never seen before, and the same people that ignored hillary clinton and her leaking of classified information on the server and top-secret et cetera. >> i think we have two problems here sean. one is of the media loves leaks, they are encouraging leaks, they are never going to stop. they're not goingg to give us a very good prioritization of who is leaking, why they are leakin
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leaking, is this the full information? they are just going to dramatize these leaks and the second problem that we have is that reporters in washington, they it's all groupthink. they are repeating and retreating each other, there is very little research going on, trying to figure out is this true? what reporters are racing to do is tell each other stories and fan the flames. they still haven't accepted thea fact that donald trump is the president, and i think now they are in the anger phase. >> there is a certain effectiveness to this. a "saturday night live," because of him, best ratings ever. jimmy kimmel and fallon, colbert has been resurrected from the dead. with the conspiracy theories, doing better than ever on cable
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news. is it just because it's big money to peddle anything true or not true? >> subservience are up at "the new york times," "the washington post," everybody has benefited from a trump presidency because it is unprintable. it's always nothing different every day, it's a crisis ever since he announced his candidacy. i want to go back to the point rick just made about anonymous sources. look at the polling before comey firing in mid-april, and look at ithe after a week of nonstop negative coverage. his approval rating doesn't move a bit, virtually unchanged. i think that is because people see every story is based on anonymous sources. or they at homey and wonder what is the motive of that anonymous source? do they want to take on the president some way, do they have some sort of angle there where they want to advance themselves? maybe it's a matter of access, are they at a senior level, or
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is it the white house chef. finally, the credibility of these folks as well, we don't know who they are and what their history is in terms of telling the truth. i think you will see that home and they say you know what, there's a crisis every day and i don't know where these reports are coming from. >> thank you for your patience, we appreciate you being with us. of next tonight on this busy news night -- >> what the president discussed with the foreign minister was wholly inappropriate to that conversation and is consistent with the routine sharing of information between the president and any leaders with whom he has engaged. >> national security advisor h.r. mcmaster says the presidents conversation was completely appropriate. will they stop at the hysteria now, the breathlessness? we doubt it.
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>> what the president discussed with the foreign minister was wholly inappropriate to that conversation and is consistent to the routine sharing of information between thenv president and any leaders with whom he's engaged. that conversation was appropriate to the conversation and appropriate with the expectations of our intelligence
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partners. >> i was in the room. the deputy assistant for national security none of us felt that conversation was inappropriate. >> that was the national security advisor mcmaster earlier today at the white house and the press briefing saying that what he described with the foreign minister last week was completely appropriate. they continue to try to take the president down, these leaks, where are they coming from?th dr. sebastian workouts, current and former officials, not comes from the same newspaper, by the way, that said that the deputy attorney general rosenstein threatened to quit but he didn't interview and said no, i never threatened to quit and then of course, they were suggesting that days before comey left that james called me had said he wanted more funding in they interim fbi director says no, we
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are adequately funded. and the list goes on. tonight it's "the new york times." did donald trump ask to end the flynn probe, by a bitter, angry comey who didn't care a whit about the rule of law. >> i think we have to go to the next stage. it's no longer fake news it's now dishonest news. it is not about the political agenda, it's politics above national security. we've gone through the numbers just since february. let's look at what has been leaked to the press. i'm just going to give you a handful.le the conversation was leaked to the president of mexico, "washington post" leaks the conversation to australia. a political leader to paris. when is it going to stop? when is the conspiracy theory
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insanity of the resist movement of the nexus going to say look. were not going to endanger national security anymore, were going to do actual journalism. when is the leaking going to stop. it has to be coming. by the way, "the washington post" was so wrong so often. they were recording everything they said last night.he the disastrous accuracy rating. it's pretty amazing. here's my question, if there leaking the conversation, people in the kremlin and elsewhere around the world, that means that's the deep state intelligence community.nd it has to be coming from there, isn't it? >> can i just say two things, number one, the bad news is, there are people that
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unfortunately we've inherited that don't recognize who the president is and that his primary responsibility is to protect america. they think they know better and they think they're allowed to call their friends up, that is illegal. that's felonious activities that could endanger. >> when are the americans, nobody's been held responsible for the felony violation of the espionage act. nobody's been held accountable for unmasking. even if there is incidental surveillance, the unmasking in the leaking of intelligence. raw intelligence. nobody's been held accountable so far.f how many obama holdovers still exist in these communities. >> you have to keep doing what you do. d sarah carter has to keep doing what she does because you've nailed it. the biggest story of the last eight years, not eight weeks, eight years is not just the
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unmasking and the leaked to "the washington post," but why were those transcripts written?? those taskerns cannot justify on the basis of national security. they were clearly politically motivated. when sarah carter, when sean hannity gets to the bottom of that we will have a story that makes watergate look like a fairy tale. >> all right.he great to see you. when we come back, we need your help with a very important question. we need your input, straight ahead. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm dr. kelsey mcneely and some day you might be
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@seanhannity on twitter. let us know you think. that's all the time we have. so much news to get in. thank you for being here. we will see you back here tomorrow night. at 7:00 tomorrow. tucker carlson is next. ♪ me >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." among the many lessons those of us watching at home i've learned this evening, probably not a good idea to humiliate your fbi director on his way out. he will get you in the end, as indeed james comey just has come a licking the contents of a memo he wrote back in february, that alleged president trump encouraged him to drop the investigation into former national security advisor mike flynn. in other words, to obstruct justice. the white house as this did not happen. it's the biggest story in the world right now. there is one problem with that, though, the fbi -- excuse me -- the
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