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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  May 19, 2017 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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tucker carlson is up next. see you back here next monday.ud good evening. welcome to tucker carlsone to tonight the news media are. if yo liberal. if you grew up in this country o you probably have known that for a while. it's obvious in the stories thes choose and maybe more evident ie the ones they ignore. t about the only people that denye widespread meade media bias t these days are the ones directly benefiting from it, that include s progressive actists and the politicians whose water they car requirement exactly how liberal and how bias is the press? for the answer to that, we have to go to social science and hows for the first timewe rin a while we have some, some real data.a w studies from researchers 59
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harvard university looked at 10s major news outlet and found the cornlg of the new administratio0 's first 100 days was hostile. cnn and nbc, 93% of the stories were negative, which is remark. able considering thattwhich is m there is no wayarka that 93% ofa their stories about, i don'tir s know, pick someone, fidel castro were negative. 94% is a lot. it's not really news coverage at that point.t. it's advocacy. point. the press doesn't like trump.ths we knew that. but it's not just trump.but it's the issues that trump'st voters favor. the media disagree with those,ta too, and skew their coverage accordingly. take immigration, for example. co now there are several sidesve tr that issue but most americans believe it ought to be illegal to come to ourto country withouo permission.countr that's why they wi thcouongresse it illegal.llega that's not what the people who work for the media think.they b they think that defending the sot's border is an act of big on the--
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stories on bigotry. fully 96% were negative on trump 's immigration policies. now if you've read a newspaper lately, you've seen it. "the new york times," for york example, immigrants hide fearing capture on any corner. the l.a. times trump's acc downn sparks fear and anger onike immigrants here illegally andanl america's most dishonestn a newspapers. immigrants are canceling their food stamps for fear that trump will deport them. what about the stories where americans are hurt byans immigration? there are not many if any.e aret if anything most television news is more distorted than this. thi >> president trump drew an x >> presi today through the welcoming words of the nearby statue of ny liberty. >> trump has always trafficked f in fear mongering. this time to stoke those fears and present himself as the as
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country's protector, he promisey to punish ordinary men, women and children who are fleeing>> s violence. >> this is just a proposal but immigration attorneys aret telling me it's harsh and un american. >> unamerican. that's news with a message at its core just like in a political campaign which in many ways is exactly what this is. et tim graham director of media analysis at the media research an center joins us. and h tim, de oes this harvard study s surprise you, the results at 96? of the stories hostile to immigration? >> no, because that is certainly what we found in our 100 dayur study at the media researchthe h center. i guess it's surprising thati gt harvard would admit it. but if you are studying the if media, this is what you are going toed find. they are overwhelmingly hostile and i think what you have to asi them now is we know you are nows doing it, now defend how that is
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the right thing do. they clearly feel this is exactly what trump deserves anda what america needs. >> what is interesting to me is the moral self righteousness that you are seeing in news seei coverage and especially on news television. so i want to play a clip you maa have seen thiys from two days ai this was over at cnn and watchhs thw the anchor, this is not an . opinion person. this is the anchor of the show,, responds when one of her guests spon suggests, maybe you should be skeptical.skeptical. watch this.. >> cnn reports two former. officials knowledgeable toficias situations confirmed to cnn the main points of the story. two former officials sms comeal out, name those people thenompi, we'll have something to talk about. >> two it's not just cnn, it'sle washington post, new york times, wall street journal, cnn, abc nbc. >> who were the sources. >> because they're hiding behinf this anonymity. behind anolease!
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do not even snytart with me.n sr sower going to attack sources!tk that's ridiculous. >> are you saying mcmaster is lying?aster >> he didn't answer the question >> that's his opinion. you cannot attack the... agoi don't know what to sayears about that other than 20 years ago whenle an anchor lost contrl of themselves would have been eant on a time out. scr she was on the air the next day. is that not consid ered weird anymore? >> well, i thought were you>> going to say it reminded you ofa dan rather yelling at george h. w. bush. she clearly lost any notion of l professionalism and should enter an anger management program when she is on he was making an excellent poinp which is the news media todayelt gets to usese these anonymous
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sources and the anonymous source s can say all sorts of terrible things about trump. but you attack a cnn reporter, n what? that is intolerable. you can't do it.ble. they start screaming att you wu you suggestst somehow these so t called main stream press might, you know, have a bad motive.nt s >> carl hi gby is a former navy time seal and he said don't acceptdot things at face value.e ask where they came from, what the swreand might be whahat it .ctually might means. means but now scepticism is a sin i guess in the eyes of a lot ofine the press if the scepticismm undercuts the megsage they're trying to deliver. >> this is a whole week of newse media that has been driven by anonymous sources trying todrivs destroy this president.trying to so what you have is the media used to say we are not here, what they've been this week is k worse.
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they have been, to people theycl call current or former u.s.. rnve government officials we don't know.are the oa are they obama officials, the eye th clintons? current government officials who obama appointed?rnment all this information would help us decide whether these sources sat they're saying might havere an axe to grind. >> in so doing they're handmade. into power. they're powerful people who runl the government and they're govet working out their agendas a anonymously with the help, with the cred lewis help of reportere you follow the media morelega closely than i do, do you see the stories about the legal i immigration? >> they do not want to do t stoi stories about the burden ofot wo illegal immigration on the healthcare system. they were very anxious to makeee sure they don't talk about the burden of illegal immigrants on the education system, ourillegao
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schools. they don't talk about the burde. of illegal immigration on anything, on crime. that's all considered, like a pro-trump angle. we don't do that and they don't certainly don't do stories like kate steinly when an illegal an immigrant they've tried to de port several times murdered someone. we had one near our house wheren an illegal immigrant drove into a carful of nuns.deport. they tried to deport him. somehow that was not news wordsy >> well that's just advocacy then because that is part of thr story. not the whole story..t of t they should cover it or they're just hacks. otherwise they tim, you know that better than you k most. thank you.. >> thanks. thanks. >> witch hunts are a pretty goom time if you are a mob, a udgery o diversion of drudgery of life. the rush of pure animal excitetl ment that comes from they are torturing the helpless.d but less fun if you are the designated victim of the witch
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hunt.gress and in a r wore walker is a californiae republican. in that time nobody has ever. in t accused him of not loving thed united states until now error e balker error backer is being vilified. in washington that's pretty much the same as violating a loyaltyy oath. this morning's new york times reported that five years ago rohrabacherer was warned about t the the fbi that russianto recrt intelligence was trying to an recruit him as an asset..thereno no suggestion about whatn rohrabacherer might have done as secret mosecret russian agent. the nor were anyra names attached. n the entire reputation destroyino piece was based on anonymousitig former officials, in other wordu , obama era bureaucrats who y co wandnd to undermine the newtroy
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administration and it's workingg they're suggesting improperaccot connections to could rohrabacherer could lose his seat as a result of that. that. mission accomplished and more prthat proof that mccarthyism still works and still exists. it is unreasonable to expect rat rational restraint on theoric oe question of russia. all bets are q off on that topi. max even waters of california exceeded herself yet again claiming that vun took time off from governing russia to come ug with donald trump's campaignld s rhetoric. campaig watch this.n >> i think that when you saw him calling clinton locker hupp. i think that was developed strategically with people from th the creme lin and putin and i think it's more than bank records.ker: ricd do >> richard advised clinton's
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campaigngn in 2008 and 2016e jo. >> glad to be back. >> i think it's fair to have yo' comment on max even waters because she is not just what sha was a year ago, this fringe a figure out in calgoifornia but e of the most popular members ofpt the democratic party anddecratip articularating things that are t common currency among the net dm roots on the democratic side. how can a member of congressngrs stand up and sayyst anthat she believes with no evidenceo evidt foreigner that a government wrote the presidential campaign's talking points and get away with it. and nobody says settle down max even waters.. stop you know d it's irresponsible..> why do you say that?ere >> when you talked about mcrlie. carthyism i ti hought you were a doing a pun p can kevin mth that putin was paying rohrabacherer.s i thought that's where were yout going. as to max even waters. wat >> it's not my joerb to defend what mccarthy says or any sayr
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republican leader.r i'm just saying as an american this is unfair.od ameri people's lives are being hurt, . in some cases destroyed on the t basis of? innuendo and that'sinn wrong.t's >> i totally agree. >> we should stick to facts. factsa maxine waters is going have tooe but td herself but the facts themselves, the undisputed fact are so incriminating about theoo possibility of collusion, ig abe don't think you need max evenilo waters dreaming things up between all the contacts between manafor the, mike flynn, page, , the glowing comments about putir , 17 intelli pgence agencies said that indeed the russians did get behind wikileaks to help trump and hurt hillary. h >> are you listening to yoursele >> incriminating to theo the possibility. youu pocan't incriminate someboy to the possibility. it's incriminating or not. there is no evidence that that happened. n until there is whyo. suggestst otherwise?othe >> i would say that the piececee
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de resistance is having trump send out the u.s. press, invite in the russian press, yuck it up with the russians, give them state secrets and then brag about the fact that he got rid b of comey to take the heat off ct because he said "now i'm not under investigation" which spic er didn't dispute." sean spicer is that evidence?te! of course not but but what is. evidence is what all the peoples ... >> do you believe what you are saying?>> tker: >> those are undisputed facts. e -> he tbaif them state secrets?- >> this is having an actual effect our ability to conduct foreign polict y. >> what do you call classified information. >> look, it's not... the -- president decides what is>> tuc classified. now i think the presidentdeci w probably talks too much.hink i've said that a lot.lks tuch. i still think that. >> >> that's generous. >> but that's very different from giving away state secrets.m there is no evidence of
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but here's the point. this has an effect on our ability to conduct foreign y licy that helps america.abit this is crazy.. >> you know what's crazy? it's crazy for the president of the united states to send out the u.s. press, keep in the russian press... you may disputt my term state secrets.s. p i bet you anybody out there in ter the audience. >> your term is wrong.r: >> when you are talking about >> classified information that t reveals assets that are very hard to come by and that gives e the russians bthe ability... state secret is whoever thatbil- israeli is that is buried in th isis in the town that trump wn mentioned that is a state secrea i don't care what you call i bet the israelis call it that. i guarantee you. >> so trump said, he has betrayt tr israel now. so trump said there is an israeli in this town giving us i this information? in how do you know that? this inf i have not read that. i don't know that that's true. i do i don't known' why you would sao something about that.ou are maybe you are part of the echo chamber that repeats innuendo
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hoping it wwill be true. this is bad because it's noton't fact based. tell >> what we do know are the what reports coming out thweat therer were undispeputed, i'm not sayig the white house doesn't disputet repor cock maimy thing that gets reported but this is central.l.t if they had hia dispute they woy put it out there and they're not disputing what was said.hey are not even general m dcmaster did notd dispute the essence of that. they talked about sources andrcd ods.ods. of course he didn't go there. he said we got this information out of isis. >> can we rise above politicss>c for one second here. we russia is a major player, geor a politically. majoryer massive energy reserves fighting a multi-fight battle against lfc islamic extremists.why we have a lot of common interests with russia. democrate why is it immoral for the united states to conduct foreign policy with russia? is rush beyond the pale like north korea you can't have a haa conversation with russia even if it helps you? if it that's seem to be what you are g
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saying..>> >> i think russia invaded and tk took over crimea, undermined the sanctity of the u.s. elections and taunt us about it. we should deal with them? of course.uick smack ountry that wec need to deal with but to dismis. the u.s. press, keep the russian press, yuck it up., >> let's just take this step by- step. i'm trying to take what you are tucker: i saying seriously. i'm about to give up. china invaded and still occupies it. does that mean we shouldn't be having bilateral negotiations with china? it's insane. bilateral >> nobody is saying that the wee is shouldn't have bilateralaying negotiations. shouldn we shouldn't be giving china classified information. incidentally how many million times did trump whine aboutthill hillary had on harer email thatn nobody accessed versus himit ona handing to the >> it is not my job to defend his campaign promises. according to the wikileaks dump. which no one disputes, the last
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administration gave information to russia, to the putin government, on the nuclear putin capabilities of great britain. so i don't know..i was that treason in the samewasa category? trump is not abused of anything like that att all. of this is situational. that at you don't like trump and you are making this russian thing into something... this is insane. do you know how irresponsible this is? >> whenever it is that the we get the results of the investigation or if we haveo testimony vestig publicly from manafort and his compatriots.rt d i guarantee you won't be saying what i'm saying... maybe even com >> what do you expect that thatu we'll find. >> i think carter page, did indeed discuss and it was not an accident that the wick wikileaks that the emails were dropped one hour after access hollywood tape i think you will find somebody d close to trump said go.d, go,
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now. now you got it?th it. go with it. roger stone couldn't help but ae brag about the fact that it would be to defendant-- podestai 'st time. >> trump gets elected and i tucker: thought democrats would thinkkat how did we lhiose the middle-cll , the upper midwest. maybe we should think about the. program we are offering but no, ogram w we get right into carter page rn and roger stone. we are in full oliver stone land i think it's crazy is what i really think. >> you know what is crazy is >>mitting all these contacts. thanks. >> thank you, richard. calling out his own party saying >>ker: -- democrats need to stop being bei elitist snobs and care more neout helping the middle-class. we'll talk to jim webb who is a senator from virginia andom vira democrat. has his party gone astray?one a retired harvard law professor desh desh said president trump
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>> tucker: chicago mayor robbie manual is no stranger to very cm aggressive politics so i rahtm m something when he recently told democrats hat hating trump isaim not enough to reclaim power. they need a winning message, toe >> i don't think we talk abouta the middle-class like we are. we i think there are certain things
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that we wonder for hard working fought families. i think we fell off and... >> tucker: democrats, the party of the working man, the party of party o the new dealf called out as call unlikeable snobs? unlik we truly live in an odd world webb.ob aody knows it more than a senator jim webb for he ran last cycle and castigated democrats for abandoning their . historic base. thank you very much for coming on. >> how are you? g >> tucker: i remember the day re you were nominated by virginia democrats and you are fairlywere ehogressive on the economic questions, more conservative ond the moral questions. amendme pro-second amntendment. can you imagine someone with those views getting the>> w nomination today. f >> i can't speak for virginia but i can speak for where thetia national democratic party hasgo. gone over the last several years
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and what i was saying previous s to the presidential election and what was trying to put into anto plank platform when i was running for president is pretty similar to what mayor emanuel just said today, i mean it is ns surprise to anyone in that respect. i think what has happened here, if i may, is that we have a, situation where the democratic party has moved very far to ther left duringty the obama years ad we... they can thank themselves in many ways for the election of donald trump and there is a -- denial inside the democratic party that this is so. they bet on demographics and i party don't don't think the, and i demographics they bet on are going to stay the way that they thought they were going to stayg on the other hand, president trump has two serious challenges here and he, i hope people inopi the white house will come to grips with it.
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the first is the manner in whicr he is conducting the presidencyy itself..itself. you know, when you are the president of the united states,e you are a steward for all of tha people and it's quite aand it's transition from being a business person. by the way, for anyone out thert who is wondering how to conducte yourself in public office, don't ever have a one on one meeting with someone who you believe ise going to wbecome your adversary unless you are taping it. we had a rule of three. three people in the room if weoi are going to have disagreementsn and we are going g to write ouri own memorandum on the record.nde this is an administration that n has not populated its appointeea we are well intopp the administration. the best administration inin myh lifetime, my professional in my lifetime was the reagantime, my administrat pion. they brought infe highly compety personnel people from the outside world and they cleared e their people and they got themte confirmed and we don't see that.
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we barely see a cabinet in the trump administration right now and how are you growing to get d your message out when you have people got ly aren'te s cabinet in these subcabinet positions that are not demonstrating the message and the lo tyhealty. >> that iss true.s are otructin. democrats are object instructin. it and you and i talked about this after trump won unexpected y, ly, there would be a there would period of soul searching where party leaders on both sidesow de would think hon,w did this happm and how do we changeessa our mee to win the voters back to us. why why hasn't that happened? >> one would hope that is would happening but i don't see it ini yout know, this isn't an anti-h- democrat talking.. do i don't see the democrats coming to grips with the reality. reay. they're still betting on the long-term demographics of therae country where the demographic tt groups have changed for a lot oe reasons, beginning with the 1965 immigration reform bill.
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so they're rong on-- they'retheg wrong on that and they're push ing so the target then is the president rather than the message of the two parties. both sides need to become more positive about how to get agendt s through and the trump throu administration has got to to populate its people and with all do respect to the president of t the united states, hhee reallyee needs to tighten the way that he is communicating in his meetingh and in these suites.i thin >> tucker: that's wise advice.h. he would be smart to listen totn you. senator, thanks a lot. >> thank you.u. >> tucker: democrats praising the appointment of robert müller special counsel to investigatet trump but alan dershowitz said u trump might be the big winner in the end. professor dershowitz explainsits how that might happen. he joins us next.
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you the crime. what is the crime. professor dershowitz joins us. i don't think you are a bigtrum. trump supporter. >> tuc not. >> tucker: you asked a qkeur:e w you asked that nobody has asked. what is the crime to which thiso special counsel is responding. s what is the answer?ding"? >> well first i'm here not as at supporter of donald trump. as i voted for hillary clinton verr proudly. i'm here as a supporter of civir liberties and construing statute s narrowly as they werei jt written. see i don't see a crime her ae. i see perhaps political wrongwr. i see le doing, leaking information oaknr both sides. on but even if, for example, thee campaign campaign coordinated, which there is no evidence of, but coordinated activities with but coordinated russia and even with russia and the campaign said wouldn't it be wo't it better if trump were elected? that's political wrong doing bus not a crime.rime. nobody can point me to a statuta that would be violated. the prosecutor is only athlatlod a lo look for evidence of aowed to
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federal crime. and the reason i think trump may the benefit from this is this willbm be a secret proceeding. proceedg müller is a very honorable guy. er i he is not going to leak anything and in the end he is going to find 2340 crime. end, he's maybe he'll issue a report whico find any in my view would be i am more ar because he only hears half the u evidence, the prosecutor's point part of the the worst case scenario for the trump administration is maybe flynn gets indicted for lying. the president probably pardonsaa him att that point but it's two years o yr a year and a half frm now. in the meantime he gets a reprieve. if they appointed andhe whole independent commission the whole story would come out. the public would know but now it's going to be done in secret behind closed doors and all we e get in the end is no indictment or a lower level former official gets indicted and in the end that helps the trump that h administration not hurt them.els >> tucker: i want to get back to the first point that there was h
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no crime even being alleged.i'me i'm hearing democrats say it isv likely the trump campaign coordinated with the russians on the timing of the wikileaks dump if there is no evidence of that but if that turns out to be true , that's not a crime? >> of course not. why would that be a a crime?? crime? 's l it would be like "the washington post" publishing i as long as the trump administration or no individual told them to hack the dna, that would be obviously very t them to different or gave them information that was useful in hacking the dna but just knowinl that they hacked the dna, taking advantage of the fact is not a crime. >> tucker: so this whole... so why... i mean, you know, i have, been doing this almost everyeens night for six months and i'mi'm embarrassed to admit i never thought about the point you made not one time. why is thereyou ma then a specil counsel impaneled here? there >> there shouldn't be. look at the the letter says you should looku into the russian thing andd the russian anything that grows out of it. nobody points to any kind ofoino crime. of jthere can't be obstructionon
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of justice for the president tot fire comey. that's his constitutional andnst statutory right do that. even if the president did say te comey, let it go when it comes to flynn, under the unitary theory of the executive, the uny president has the right tocuti direct vethe justice department and the right to direct the fbi what to do.o thomas jefferson told hisd attorney general to prosecute aaron burr. he told them how to do it. he called he called witnesses. the president gave them immunity he called the chief justice his cousin john marshall and threato ened toha have him impeached dit if he didn't convict aaron burra historically the president isst. the head of the executive branct and he can't be convicted oftice obstruction of justice for doing his constitutional duty. ty. erased tapes or put out urrj per jerked testimony, that's
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different. but there iss nby eoxerc obstrun justice here. >> why put müller in that job? c >> to protect their reputation.. aople doing starts with sally yates, she refuses to defend the travel order to protect her reputation. it goes to müller who wants, i'. sorry, comey who wants to have have his c his cake and eat it. he hugs the president and then turns against him. we then see roth stein he wants -- ross steen, he does what the president wants him to do, oes writes a memo and then turns a against him. we are seeing a lot ofe thatgaim going on here today. reputation protecting, playingtn it both ways.otectingplaying wanting the president to likeen you but when things turn sour,ug turning against them.>> tucke >> amazing. there are about nine actual arel civil libertarians left in america and you are one of them. >> i'm going to speak out ont on civil liberties. sometimes it is going to help
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trump. trump and sometimes it will hurm him but i will speak out on civil lib ters.lf that's more important than impnt politics. tucker: gless >> tucker: god bless you. thank you, professor. i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> >> tucker: britain voted to leave the e.u. in p>>a trt to in protest higher immigration levels now the u.n. is pressurl ing them to accept 10,000 u.k.tional refugees into the u.k.t she we'll hear about that in a moment.oment. plus more bad news for u nateed airlines after national guardsmen guardsman was hit with huge fees returning home from afghanistan.
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minimum wagey >> tucker: the u.n. is pressur ing the united kingdom to unitet quote do the right thing by allowing 10,000 more refugeesfrw from war torn regions every yea. in a recent piece it was saidez the u.k.'s laws are too restrics ive andtr complex. complex, they only let children unite lehildren ree with their parents if they'reeny
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children 18 or younger, like 18r children, real children. also said admitting refugeeswoup would help the countries they're he rea leaving leaving out the effectee to the countries in which they're coming. katie hopkins is a global hopkia columnist one of our favorite guests and joins us tonight so the position of the u.n., katie, is that great britain doesn'ttot take enough people from other countries.. is that true in your experience >> well, it's certainly thyoe position of the u.n. that we don't take enough refugees and certainly the position of the u.n. that we only allow children who were under 18 and we don't t allow children over the age of don'lo 18, which i think you and i agof 1 would agree 8,anyone sane woulda agree those are actually called adults. i would alsoctuall argue we give 5 billion pounds to syrian whole refugee camps. money. i also want to point out i don'i think it u.n. is in a position to lecture anyone. position if you google unhcr scandal, th"
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list is endless. rape for food, cash for food, kind of black mail for food. they have so much scandal, soe o many levels of bureaucracy, they started off with a budget of $ f 300,000 70 years ago.00.70 year. their annual budget now is $7. 5 billion a year. that's inn 70 years they'vevethi managed to get that much money going their way. they've got 10,000 individualst in what is jugost another agenc. my personal opinion is disband the whole thing, disband unhcr, get rid of the 10,000 bureaucrat s and give the $7.crats, and giv 5 billione annually to the. refugees. i think as a british citizen who doesn't want to see anotheratios 10,000 refugees put ahead of the british citizens would be a good way to use the resourcesut effectively.- >> tucker: why, i never
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understood this, why the u.k., the united states and australiaa why nott japan or china with ths world's fastest economy. why does the united nationson never put pressure on those countries to accept 10,000why a? refugees? why the u.k.? >> we are easy targets becausesb they know we have a lot of buncral who stand around with placards saying refugees welcomd it's one of those things they see us as an easy place to try and put people because we are ae welcoming kind of nation and welco people always quote we have a vast history of helping refugeet back in the re it's a question i always ask ag. which is why is it christian why countries are supposed to host s individuals from mtuslim countries. if islam is so fantastic, whytr. not stay in an islamic nation stay i but certainly we are supposed te open our doors and borders and already we recognize we have 20g
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olegal migrants crossing theans border each week and that is in only increasing and we see the the pictures of the boyce under 18. many were 30 and 40 years old0 a and we have to take them at old their word because it would bed against their human rights for us to question... >> tucker: they're older than i am.y are olde is >> indeed. be >> tucker: our president is going to be touching do unin europe over there this weekend. what kind of resengs can he can expect m.e's >> he is going have a nightmarea he is a man with a huge heart, huge emotional engagement with n people. he is going to meet with macron, the closest thing to automatedd intelligence we have. i have seen people more animatew with rigamortis. t he is going theo belgium, going into the heart of the swamp ando he is going to meet people theri to talk about nato, all of the al countries he is going to don't do spend the required 2% he wants
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them to spend on nato and he isg going to end up in sicily which, he the halfway part for thealfwt ferry that runs for migrants from libya to italy. the other thing i want to say istherng i wa that while he is in sicily, all of the borders are being shut down. so the borders are being closed to all of these liberal leaders all of that preach to us about havingtg open borders, having migrants g, where wherever they like.y having half of africa come to the u.k. while the g7 are meeting, all borders are being shut for their safety and it be makes you think, i think about t the hypocrisy that we have in the hypocr europe. i'm really looking forward to trump coming and blasting a holl through all of that. and he wants to meet the hope who says any man who thinksbuils about building walls and not bridges. is not christian. the pope sat in the vatican citt built by walls to deep to keep
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out the marauding muslims in thu 1850s. >> tucker: i'm glad somebody remembers that. great to see you., tuck country star toby keith is going to the kingdom of saudi arabia for a concert and thanks to thaf , there is going to beth almost no women there. could that be the weirdest storl of the week?d that we'll tell you when we come back k (male announcer) hit escape with great deals on great gear. like our best selling fish fryer for under $30. only at bass pro shops.
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>> tucker: well, there is so much weird news in the media landscape every day we decided to create a sweegirmed nt in tt of weed weirdest. "to top that is what we call it. shairl and fox meteorologist janet, two of our favorite people in the building.uilding.
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cheryl, you first. >> here is within i got for you. tucker. i think this is crazy what yes y united airlines has done again,y offend somebody. lieutenant john raider from kyle texas overseas in afghanistan aa for two years, coming home finally, had his bag. it was full of a kevlar vest, we boots, it was over the weight united limit. they said you have to pay a $200 to check it. he was like come on, seriously.d the gate agent or whoever fought him on it, made him pay the $200 and they told him look, you can put this into separate bags because we will give you fivee free checked bags. they can each be 70 but he had n one bag way over. united charged him. way the good news united came backod and said all right, we'll refund you the $200. >> janet, can you top that in. >> maybe. i brought hats, props and
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pictures. okay because my story is about toby keith. a country music artist. i used to be a country music d.y j. back in the day.d.j. back in i don't know if you know thisnos about me.. i brought pabioucttures. i had never met toby keith.i'm a i'm a huge fan of his but he ise going to be traveling to saudito arabia, well, president trump's going to be there, too.resident no word if they'll get together performingoing to be in riyadh tomorrow, saturday in front of a crowd of men becausey they don't allow i women obviouo in riyadh, due to their strict e adherence to islamic law. and so this is a big deal. this he is not talking about it on he's not twitter o tr social media orr twitter and soc anything. it's not listed on his concerted listings on the internet.cert so i don'tt know if it's going o so i don happen. it'ing to hopefully there are going to bee fully th pictures but i do hope he playso his greatest hits, beer for my horses, i love this bar and my whiskey girl. >> you win.. toby keith playing to all dudesk pcan't even picture that.
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united airlines, i believe thate but you get a consolation prizen thank you both. i had lair hilarious. up next, a dean a yale after, blasting the white trash he was after blasting forced to deal deal that story after the break. this is bill's yard. and bill has a "no-weeds, not in my yard" policy. but with scotts turf builder weed & feed, bill has nothing to worry about. it kills weeds and greens grass, guaranteed. this is a scotts yard.
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>> a dean at yale university is discovering that it's not enough to empty platitudes about diversity, although it does make you feel virtuous, but you've also got to try not to hate people who are different from you and that's harder. champion of diversity and cultural sensitivity in every other fashionable progressive buzz word because increasingly, that's the whole point of yale. once wrote an entire article for inside higher ed about the need to consider other'sag cultural baggage when talking to them.
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it turns out when she wasn't virtue signaling, she had a very different attitude about diversity. a series of yelp reviews exposed chew as ao woman with bitter hatred for all kinds of people. if you are white trash, this is the perfect night out for you, exclamation point. in other review she quipped that a cafe's fare was only worthwhile if you were, quote, a white person who has no clue what mochi is. movie theater review lamented the presence of barely educated morons trying to manage snack orders for the obese. she was placed on temporary leave by yale, though she still has her job. we're not going to complain about that because we're not progressives and we don't believe people ought to be fired instantly for saying theld wrong thing. the whole episode is a nice reminder that i if cultural sensitivity is good for some groups, it's probably good for everyone. tune in every night at
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8:00 p.m., the sworn - - don't forget to dvr it, and stay tuned for the five, that's next. >> hello, everyone i'm dana perino along with greg gutfeld, kimberly guilfoyle. this is the five. we begin tonight with multiple major developing stories. president is on air force one en route to saudi arabia on his first over seas trip as commander in chief. there's breaking news here on the home front. more bomb shell reports about the russia investigation. cording to the new york times in a meeting with russian officials caat the white house the presidt called james comey a quote, nut job and that has his f


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