tv Watters World FOX News May 20, 2017 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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you will catch it here live on fox news channel. that's how fox reports this day, may 20. "watters world" is next with kennedy. kennedy: "watters world" is on tonight. >> it was a tremendous day. i want to thank everybody. tremendous investments to the united states and our military. the community is very happy and i want to thank you and saudi arabia. hundreds of millions of dollars of investments into the united states and jobs, jobs, jobs *.
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kennedy: president trump wrapping up an historic trip overseas on his first trip as the firestorm continues in the united states over the russian allegations. the new study from harvard that will shock the left. plus, "watters world" goes looking for hillary clinton. jesse: $20. i think hillary has been here. kennedy: i'm kennedy in for jesse. president trump embarked on an historic trip to three holy cities. first up, saudi arabia let's head to riyadh, saudi arabia where john robert has been with the president all day long. john: good morning from saudi arabia.
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i think you could say by most accounts president trump's first dave his first foreign trip has been a success. they can be truth with peril, one wrong word, one wrong move can often derail the entire plan. the closest he came to a mistake is drinking tea with his left hand instead his right hand. the president is very popular here in saudi arabia. the king came out in 100 degree heat to make sure he was standing to shake the president's hand. the deal from the united states
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will include the fad miss i will system and technology. >> i think it send a strong message to our common enemies. it strengthens the tbonds between us and it does chart this prattway forward and will guide our path forward. at the core of our expanding relationship are our shared security interests. john: with the president besieged by bad news at home, this trip is a welcome diversion. he got the chance to do the sword dance. to hear the saudis tell it, this visit has commit repaired a strained relationship. >> this is a truly historic summit, this is a turning point in the relationship that will take it from a strategic relationship and partnership towards a truly strategic
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relationship. john: today was all about pomp and circumstance, and signing off on agreements that were already cooked. tomorrow will be the real test of the president. that's when he appears before the arab summit where he will deliver a speech about islam and terrorism. he will talk about getting rid of extremist ideology which is the building block for terrorism and finding a different path. he will say this could be a turning pointed in the arab and muslim world. kennedy: thank you very much. i'm drinking tea with my left hand. i hope i offended you. the saudi foreign minister said this all about the trip. >> this world view is wanting to tree store america's role in the world and we support that. he wants the defeat isis and we
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support that and will work with him as we do now. kennedy: is this a positive partnership in the works? joining me rebecca heimrick and lawrence jones. welcome to both of you. rebecca, what is your main takeaway from this pig potentially $350 arms deal with saudi arabia. >> it's great. i think it's a good thing. and the reason we need it is we have to counter what the obama administration did the last 8 years with empowering iran. iran is the enemy of the united states and saudi arabia. and it's been wreaking havoc across the middle east. the iran deal exploded missiles. if the iranians are building and
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testing these missiles and spreading them throughout the region, the saudis have to be able to counter that. kennedy: lawrence, is this trip really about ending iranian hegemony in the middle east? >> when we talk about the saudis, when you talk to military analysts, they will say the saudis don't have the proper military equipment to fight isis or when it comes to tear reu69s in the region. so now what you you have with this president making the move, negotiating the deal so these people have the necessary tools. i want to see them on the ground fighting them. i'm looking forward to seeing them linking arms with us and not just talking about it on the sidelines. kennedy: congress gave it okay
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for american citizens to sue saudi arabia for involvement in 9/11. there is a lot of contention in this country about what saudi arabia might have been responsible for on that horrific day. how does the president address that? >> i think it's not something he needs to talk about publicly. he's determined at this point to build this coalition, to inspire this coalition of arab allies and possibly other allies to get involved in fighting isis and other extremist organizations. he's not going to aggravate on purpose. he's going to move forward and do this. again, it's long overdue and he will be cleaning up a lot of the mess from the previous administrations. they have human rights problems and other things americans ought to deal about. the alligator closest to the
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boat is isis and other extremist organizations throughout middle east. >> this president is not tiptoeing around. they have a lot of the customs in the middle east. but he requires respect as well. the saudi prince shook the hand of his wife as well as his daughter. that's big. they typically don't do that. they don't respect women the same way we do in the west. so this president is requiring respect. you won't see bowing and an apology tour. he will make it clear we'll assist if you fighting terrorism but we need your spree expect as well. and that includes his family. kennedy: part of being looked up to is standing up to our most important ideals, and that means freedom. and civil rights and civil
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liberties in a part of the world where i don't think we necessarily closet all of these discussions. if the president is going to stand up to the establishment this country, i think it would be bold of him and well received if he stood up for freedom in saudi arabia. >> he's doing it by example. secretary of state tillerson whenever he gave a talk next to the saudi foreign minister, he read the riot act to the newley elected president of iran by listing all these human rights abuses iran has and all the reforms he expects to see right next to someone who represents a country with a lot of those problems as well. it was a clever way to list those things. the saudis understand the problems they have. the saudi royal family is secular.
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the secular froil family understands very well, that's why they have been taking away the extremist books that have been causing problems. kennedy: one of the criticism of hillary clinton was accepting millions of dollars from saudi arabia who has a human rights record particularly with gays and women. >> and they got away with it for years and at obama administration didn't do anything about it. if you remembe primary as well as the general. you had a lot of pundits saying this president had the temperament to communicate with these world leaders. he would be too bombastic to settle these disputes. this president is really cool about it. but he's making sure there is a standard.
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a lot of people criticize the president as it relates to handling gays. but this president is the most accepting out of any republican in the lgbt community. so what we'll see is something different with this administration. they won't go through the formalities. this is a businessman requiring excellence. kennedy: i know presiden presida was mongd for his overt 90 degree bow in 2009. did president trump bow too far and was there a bow? >> i think the media is going to spin the story that it wants to hear. the only bow i saw when he accepted the highest civilian medal on your head. fit wasn't the kinds of bow president obama gave.
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the first lady didn't cover her head. i thought that was wonderful. no american womb a and representing the united states should cover her head. michelle obama didn't do that either. kudos where it's due. but about the human rights. we can deal with that privately with the saudis because we can't could everything at once. we have to move forward. kennedy: speak of moving, lawrence. i want to ask you the most important question i will pose to you this evening. the dancing. what would you gift on a scale of zero to 5,000. >> there wasn't much rhythm there. but at least they tried. they are trying to be fun. i'll give them an "a" for effort. kennedy: this has been a great
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conversation and a heck of a way to kick off "watters world." reback and lawrence, thank you very much. the mainstream media step up harping about the firing of james comey. but do voters care? we'll ask them next. "watters world" goes in search not of sasquatch, but of hillary clinton. jesse: i'm with he but grandma, we use charmin ultra soft so we don't have to wad to get clean. charmin ultra soft gets you clean without the wasteful wadding. it has comfort cushions you can see that are softer... ...and more absorbent, and you can use up to 4 times less. enjoy the go with charmin. z282uz zwtz
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jesse: while the main stream media is apoplectic about the firing of james koasmy, i would say the american public doesn't care. if i went out on the street and asked who james i'm is, i would get probably 3 or 4. this is a scandal with no video, no audio, no sex, no dead bodies. it's a boring scandal. bret: it is a big story. potentially, potentially, if you have the president asking the f.b.i.or to move way from an investigation, an investigation where he is told he's not a target but is investigating the trump campaign and ties conclusion possibilities with russia, that's a big deal. jesse: bret may be right. but the problem is there are a
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lot of ifs in this whole thing and many in the media are running with and nothing else. raise your hand if you think this scandal is boring. okay. let me see a show of hands who thinks it's juicy and exciting. owe kay. you say it's a juicy important scandal, tell me why. >> normally one doesn't fire tt f.b.i. director even if you don't like hot f.b.i. director because it looks incredibly bad that you would fire if the f.b.i. director. if you are going to fire the f.b.i. director it's for a very strong reason. trump is saying it's how he hand the hillary clinton emails. jesse: you don't like the open ticts of it. who did you vote for in the general election. see you voted for clinton because she is not trump.
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>> i think it many exciting. i believe the f.b.i. director serves as the behest of the attorney general. and the attorney general is appointed by trump. if trump lost confidence has the right to remove the f.b.i. director. jesse: who thinks this scandal is about nothing. >> so i think it's just a battle again bureaucrats. you shouldn't be shedding a tear over comey. he's another washington bureaucrat who fell out of favor with whoever is in power. jesse: who did you vote for? >> i voted for trump. jesse: how but in the front. >> i think it's highly suspicious the if f.b.i. director was fired a day before trump revealed highly classified information to the russian foreign minister and ambassador and i think there is a cause for
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investigation. jesse: what is the allegation that people are so excited about between trump and russia specifically. >> we did show that trump did have some involvement with russia and russia did have involvement in presidential election that could show maybe it causes concern that the election was fraud length. jesse: there could be something and may be cause for concern. >> i almost finds this is an investigation in search of a scandal. you made no specific, there was not a specific case you could give, trump is a liar, what did he lie about. nobody says anything. it's to use his words, i 90s a witch hunt. jesse: there were a lot of facts regarding hillary clinton's secret server and the destruction of those emails after the subpoena. what are the facts hereby specifically?
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>> there are no facts. this all make believe. he may have done something, he may not have done something. why would you have an investigation without anywhere facts. what is the collusion? i voted. there was nobody from the dgb teling me what to do. jesse: do we think anything solid is going to couple of this investigation? who thinks yes? and who thinks they will finds nothing. pretty split. kennedy: next up, media bias uncovered. what a new harvard study showed about moments like this. for mom" per roll
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treated lately. especially by the media. no politician in history -- and i say this with great surety -- has been treated worse or more unfairly. kennedy: look at that. it looks like president trump may have been right all along. now there is a new study to prove it. harvard university an lieds how the media has been covering the president's first 100 days. 80% of all coverage was negative. compare it to other presidents and the bias against trump couldn't be more obvious. let us discuss. you watch the news. you are a big consumer of all sorts of news and the ways the president has been covered.
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you covered presidents as a secret service agent. but as a consumer what do you see? >> the single most destructive force in american politics is the left-wing media. they don't lie often. i know that will shock people. but what they do is distort. coin of the realm is distortion. a perfect example was this thing about the classified information in the oval office between trump and the russians. was the decision i am prudent? i don't know. but the point is he's the president and can classify or declassify anything wants. the story was portrayed as if he's an oaf when obama had don't same thing. kennedy: president clinton when he ascended into the presidency, the negative coverage was about
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60%. around the same for president bush w. 40% negative for president obama. but 80% negative. the on news organization which hits the 50-50 mark is fox news. >> you say to a liberal. what do you think of fox, they will go wild and have a meltdown. the way these scandals work and portray them. with benghazi we had body bags. there was real people who sacrificed their lives. yet when conservatives mention the story where they mention it to make sure they did their homework. they say you are conspiracy here theorists.
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to this day nobody knows where obama was on that night. but now with trump we have no evidence at all. dianne feinstein, democratic senator, said herself there is no evidence of collusion with trump and russia. yet the mainstream media headlines it every night. kennedy: how much of that is his personality and how he reacts to perceived enemies? if he weren't such a reactor would they still cover him 80% of the time? >> is he bombastic? of course. i'm a queens guy. my father is a building inspector. dad says donald trume every builder i ever met. they have to deal with the mobs who try to shake them down.
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city regulators that probably work with the mob. the whole idea -- we are opinion people, i'm not a journalist. when you are a journalist you are supposed to report the fact, you are not suppose to be reacting to the man's personality. but that's not what they are doing, they are reacting to his queens builder personality. kennedy: there is an active campaign to erode the truth and the search for the truth on the left. it all becomes this blob of subjectivism that means nothing, and it's almost impossible to find out what is absolutely real. you have faith in the president and there are a lot of viewers who share that faith. a lot of drama in washington. if your mind is spinning over the russian investigation, you have got to stick around. "watters world" will break it
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>> live from america's news headquarters, i'm mary ann rafferty. iran's president winning re-election, a referendum on the country's landmark nuclear deal. supporters of president rouhani taking to the streets to celebrate the win. president trump visits nearby saudi arabia. and the president tweeting a thank you to the men and women serving the u.s. military. today is armed forces day. vice president mike pence making a trip to the wright patterson air force base in ohio pledging to replace the cuts made during the obama administration. and rescue efforts underway in southern indiana.
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heavy rains leaving homes and businesses filled with water. a state of emergency in some areas. more rain's expected overnight. and a big wedding in the united kingdom, kate middleton's sister pippa wedding a financier. 28-80 for a $2 ticket. now back to "watters world." kennedy: we are one day into the president's first trip overseas. 8 more to go. what a day it's been. talking about is when saudi arabia's king gave trump the biggest honor. some are screaming he bowed. was he bowing or just a tall man bending over to get a medal.
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obama bowed and bent his knees. trump shook hands. obama was weak, trump's strong. simple as that. >> we know this is from michelle. we do not bow. we do not bend. we do not break. this week jesse had an important interview with former arkansas governor mike huckabee about the latest liberal hype and hypocrisy, take a look. jesse: a lot of drama this week in washington. i want to state one thing for you very clearly. if evidence surfaces donald trump or his inner circle collude with russia during the campaign that is clearly dangerous and wrong and if evidence surfaces president trump or members of his inner
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circle committed a crime, there should be consequences. but listen carefully, we have not seen any evidence. not a shred. that's a fact. right now i believe this is an investigation in search of a scandal in america you are innocent until proven guilty. i would like to take on the hypocrisy of the swamp. there are multiple allegations on how russia tried to influence the election. but before the democrats hated russia, they loved russia. >> donald trump didn't dismantle the middle eastern missile defense and go to geneva and press a plastic red button. the entire reset and appeasement of russia came from the clinton-obama team, not donald trump. jesse: the democrats have a new narrative.
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the russians hacked our democracy. john podesta stupidly gave his password t to a hearing, and his password was "password." the campaign worried about more bill bow eruptions from bill. but what does that have to do with donald trump? i have no idea. therthere is more evidence the democrats excluded with the media during the election than there is evidence trump collude with russia. remember donna brazil passing debate questions to hillary. or politico allowing them to edit their stories before publication. don't you think if they had anything solid it would have leaked already? everything else always leaks. president trump decided to fire f.b.i. director james comey for the following reasons.
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he lost the trust of democrats and republicans. he lost the trust of his superiors at the department of justice and continued to seek attention in the public arena. personally i think there were more reasons for comey to get canned. he embarrassed himself begging apple to crack into the san bernardino shooter's iphone and refused to cooperate with investigation into criminal leaks and unmasking of trump officials. according to anonymous sources told director comey he hoped general flynn would be cleared. for that's taxpayers have hired a special counsel hoping for obstruction of justice. democrats calling for impeachment charging obstruction
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of justice, dp. >> it's important for her to answer these questions to the satisfaction of the american public and they can make their own judgment. i can tell you this is not a situation in which america's national security was endangered. >> not even a smidgen of corruption. jesse: president trump got his wayo both of those investigation. i don't remember the media hammering him. maybe he should have had a meeting on the tarmac like bill clinton did with loretta lynch. the only thing trump obstructed the was hillary moving into the white house. firing the f.b.i. director whom everybody lost trust in is an objectt a cover-up? we are witnessing open political
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warfare against the president of the united states being waged within his own federal government, democrats, weak-kneed republicans and the vicious main supreme media. even after trump beat back two established political dynasties in november, the swamp has become more dangerous. joining me is former arkansas governor mike huckabee. did i leave anything out? mike: the most important points you made is there is a double standard being applied to president trump that wasn't applied to obama or hillary clinton. the left and the media, they have an agenda and they cannot stand donald trump, they hate republicans in general, but they hate donald trump specifically. jesse: do you think they would
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have done this if youer a romney or fence western president of the united states? mike: it would have been worse. but because donald trump has stuck tonight their face so much, there is a special level of animassity that the media has. jesse: you think trump is giving them ammo for them to come back so viciously? >> i think he's playing their game. he's hitting them as hard as he's being hit. if they watched the primaries they would have known every time the somebody hit him with a knife, he took a h owrks wlitzer. and it didn't end well. jesse: we talk about the
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democrats trying to save face. this new book "shattered." one of the revelations in there is immediately after hillary clinton concede to donald trump she placed blame on russia. she hatched a plot by podesta and robbie moot to say i lost because of hack and the media bought it. mike: there has been no evidence that russians when i say hacked the election. did they try to influence it? probably sow. do we not remember obama tried to influence the elections in israel? all countries do it. jesse: i don't see any evidence that trump excluded with any russians, have you? mike: no. nor of any evidence that the
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russians hacked voting machines or changed a person's vote. what killed hillary was her total tone deafness to what was happening in america. the fact that donald trump went to states that should have been democratic states. he went to ohio, and pennsylvania and michigan and beat her in states where she was supposed to win. jesse: you are saying all the right things. why do republicans keep caving? we have had sessions withdraws from anything russia-related. you have had nunez saying i'm not going to be involved in the investigation of the unmasking. now a special counsel has been put forth. do you think that's a good thing? mike: the only good thing about the special counsel is it gives donald trump and his surrogates a good answer when he
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temperatures ask about it. jesse: if they have the special counsel there is a chance it could blow back on democrats if they look into the unmaskers and leakers and reopening something up with hillary clinton. but who those. when you have appoint a special counsel. anything could happen. ken were "jesse watters, anything can the happen. the hunt for hillary clinton. where is she? it's happening "watters world" style. >> 20. shoulders don't just carry pads. they carry your fans passions, hopes, and dreams. and maybe, a chance at greatness because shoulders were made for greatness. not dandruff.
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american islamic form for democracy. and he's the author of "the battle for the soul of islam." welcome to the show. is this a battle for the soul of islam? this trip to the middle east? >> i hope it's a reset. kingdom has been holding its breath for 8 years. they are seeing a sigh of relief that they made it through obama. where they saw billions of dollars going into tehran. now that shift and they are seeing the old alliance with the west being rebooted. kennedy: let's talk about the treatment of melania trump and ivanka trump. melania did not wear a head scarf, nor did first lady michelle obama.
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and melania was received with a hands shake it's sad in 2017 that it's a big deal. >> the arab community, i'm son of syrian refugees. and i understand the culture. they respect strength and respect those who speak truth to power. the trump family established they will fight the establishment and the arab world and the house of saud respect that. and i think the trumps have an opportunity, including melania, ivanka and others to reset these things. we need to reestablish our northerly and it in leadership. in the short term as we shore up the strength of the saudis against the shiia, we have a long-term plan to talk about universal human rights and the anti-accept'ism. and talk to the muslims beyond the establishment tyranny. to those who want to be free
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jesse: hillary clinton has been rumored to have hiked around these woods. let's see if we can find her. a 0. i think hillary has been here. how you doing, man. have you seen hillary clinton up there? >> i have not, i'm sorry. jesse: look, another one. i think we are close. you guys seen hillary? let me know, i'm out here.
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tell her "watters world" is here. i'm with her. still nothing. jesse: have you seen hillary around here recently? >> i have not. i saw bill once. jesse: when you see hillary in chappaqua what's she up to. >> she goes to dinner. >> she is walking her dog with bill. jesse: is he strapped to the roof of the car? >> not from what i have seen. >> grocery shopping. jesse: what's she getting, organic? >> i work at the bookstore and she has been in a couple times. bill has been with her and he's a really friendly person. >> he's crazy. he's at the french restaurant and i see him sometimes. >> i see bill.
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he says hey, like hi. jesse: do you feel sorry for hillary? >> oh, man, she got robbed. jesse: she lost so bigley. >> not sorry because she has done so much. jesse: done so much damage. >> i do feel sorry for her. >> i feel bad. she really gave it her all. jesse: she didn't gift her full all. she didn't campaign in wisconsin. >> i saw a lot of people crying. i had a few classes canceled because my teachers were upset. jesse: doesn't that seem a little soft? are you still with her? >> yes. jesse: is bill still with her? >> yes. we can't stay here!
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kennedy: that's all the waters in this world tonight. jesse will be back for a special live show tomorrow night. it's "watters world." judge jeanine: right now on "justice" ... >> tremendous investments to the our military community is very happy. judge jeanine: the president signs an historic deal with saudi arabia. crown for the president kellyanne conway is here with the details. wait until you hear this congressman says saudi arabia is rolling out the red carpet for president trump when they
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