tv Outnumbered FOX News May 22, 2017 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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hour. "outnumbered" starts right now. >> fox news alert we expect remarks minutes from now from president trump in israel where he hopes to jumpstart peace talks. this one day after his dramatic speech in saudi arabia calling on muslim leaders to help stomp out the, quote, evil ideology of terrorism. this is outnumbered, i'm sandra hill, harris faulkner, megan mccain, host of "kennedy" and one lucky guy, fox news political analyst and co-host of the five, juan williams. he's outnumbered on a big day. a lot of news. and the president oversees his first big trip. good opportunity to talk about it. >> we'll chat about how that's going so far. we'll begin with president trump's history. making trips, history-making trip in the holy land where he hopes to make head way on his promise for peace. earlier mr. president becoming
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the first the sitting president to visit the western wall in jerusalem, one of the hoiliest sites. a day after he urged them in helping wipe out terrorism. the president earlier today on what he believes he accomplished in the speech. >> president trump: during high travels in recent days, i have found new reasons for hope. i have just concluded a visit to saudi arabia where yesterday i met with king solomon and with the leaders from across the muslim and arab world. and that visit, we reached historic agreements to pursue greater and greater cooperation in the fight against terrorism and its evil ideology. >> chief white house correspondent john roberts travelling with the president joins us live from jerusalem, the president is set to speak any moment.
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is there any sense that the president's visit, and meeting with prime minister netanyahu, is colored by the controversy over mr. trump's white house meeting with russian officials where he shared intelligence that some reports say was classified and connected to israel? >> well, that question has been asked and answered just in recent minutes. go back to the meeting the president had with the russian foreign minister, he shared intelligence that apparently part of the threat assessment had been developed by israel. and there were folks in israel that weren't too happy about that. but it was one of those unscripted moments, what's called a pool spray as the president sat down with the prime minister netanyahu, somebody shouted a question about it, the prime minister said the intelligence sharing partnership between the united states and israel is just fine. the press was then shooed out of the room. but the president decided he wanted to say something about it all. watch what happened here. >> president trump: i never mentioned the word or the name
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"israel," never mentioned it. in that conversation. so you had another story wrong. never mentioned the word "israel." >> now, the president claims he never mentioned the word "israel" but it was never reported that he brought up the source of the intelligence, it was only later discovered part of that threat assessment did come from israel. the president having dinner right now, he and the first lady, with prime minister netanyahu and his wife, sara. earlier today he became the first sitting president to visit the western wall which is just behind us here from our live location. also visited the holiest site in the christian faith as well, the church of the holy sepulchre. he's reinforcing the bond with the state of israel, he signed a $110 billion arms agreement with saudi arabia, and also trying to put some of the bricks and mortar in place to potentially
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craft a middle east peace deal. the president in saudi arabia, mentioned it again today, believes that that possibility is even closer because of the shared threat in the arab world and here in israel from iran. listen to what the president said a short time ago. >> president trump: today we have so many incredible opportunities before us, and my home for this visit is that we seize every single one of them. i am thrilled to be here on behalf of the american people. i know israel and america share the same goals, and i have great confidence that we can achieve tremendous success together. >> much of the arab world shares the fame same fears that iran represents an existential threat to the arab world the way they feel about it in israel. the president wrapped all of that together in a speech that he gave to the arab-islamic american summit yesterday in saudi arabia, in which he implored the arab world and
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muslim nations around the world to rally together in the fight against terrorism. here's what the president said during that speech. >> president trump: until the iranian regime is willing to be a partner for peace, all nations must work together to isolate, deny funding for terrorism and not do it. pray for the day when the iranian people have the just and righteous government they so richly deserve. >> between yesterday and today what the president is hoping to do, is create a coalition to fight terrorism and then at the same time use that new spirit of cooperation to try and forge an arab-israeli peace deal between israel and the palestinians. he calls that sort of the mother of all deals. and it's one that he would like to put his signature, no question about it. >> jenna: i had to chance to speak with general jack kenna,
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he said there has not been a president since world war. facing the challenges that this president is facing. as we await the president's remarks in jerusalem, the stakes are obviously very high. can you give us some sense of just how high the expectations are, for example for the speech the president is about to make. >> well, i think, you know, it's all about optics, it's all about sending signals. nobody believes that in the next few weeks or months the president is going to put together a peace deal between the israelis and the palestinians. we have to urge caution, don't get too far ahead of ourselves. all of the same arguments that have exist for decades continue to exist. israel does not want to go back to the 1967 borders. as the palestinian authority and the arab world is demanding. it wants to have jerusalem as the eternal capital of israel. the palestinians want the eastern part of jerusalem. there's a lot of thorny issues that will be very, very difficult to work out.
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it's kind of lowering expectations about the at the same time sort of dreaming about what is possible here. that is what the president did yesterday in his speech in saudi arabia, what he'll do here again, sort of lay down this idea that if we work together in common purpose against shared goals and against the common enemy, that being terrorism, and the threat from iran, the president does hope that at some point iran can come down from this terrorist height they've been at for so long. a lot of things are possible. it's really draining the swamp of terrorism and getting countries on the path to prosperity, human rights obviously are a part of that, further down the road. it's really lowering the expectations game and setting goals. >> we're waiting the president, john roberts, thank you. the president will be making remarks shortly in jerusalem alongside the israeli prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu. so much reaction to the president's strong, sobering speech in saudi arabia on fighting terrorism. mr. trump calling on muslims to purnl, quote, foot soldiers of evil from their societies. some criticizing the president for not talking about human rights in saudi arabia, a country that hardly has the best record on that front. >> property motion of democracy, the promotion of who man rights, is going to take a back seat. i think that would be a terrible abdication of our global leadership when it comes to advocating for people who are the subject of persecution or imprisoned, journalists thrown in jail, people not allowed to practice their faith. it would be historic mistake for us to walk away from that. >> secretary of state rex tillerson saying terrorism itself is a big obstacle for human rights. >> i think the way you address those human rights issues and women's rights issues is to improve the conditions in the region.
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and today conditions in the region are under a lot of stress because of the threat of terrorism. if we do not defeat these forces of evil, there will be no conditions under which we can even hope to improve the human rights for all of the people in the geeion. >> and former hefltd house intel committee peter king with high praise for the speech, drawing a sharp contrast between mr. trump and his predecessor. >> this was historic speech, different from everything that president obama has said and done over the previous eight years, no apologies, no political correctness no, happy talk. he drew the line between good and evil, you have to drive it out, the souls will be condemned. he called for unity of muslims, christians and jews. this to me was such a profound speech. and it is spoken right in the heart of islam. to me, again, it's a turning point in american history, turning point in american diplomacy.
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president trump established what i believe is a true leader on the world stage. >> we are awaiting the president's remarks. juan what do you make of the president's visit so far, that speech, is he seizing on the opportunity that is there? >> oh, sure. did you catch the sword dance? that was something. you see the sword dance. it's just so theatrical, so incredible. no president previously had done it. rex tillerson, secretary of state participated. and it raises a question, that goes to the heart of the american view of what the president said yesterday in saudi arabia, that, yes, we have to do business with saudi arabia. we've done arms deals with them. yes, they stand against iran. and you know the divide between sunni and shia. we do not like the fact that the iranians subsidize so much terrorism in the middle east. at what point do you say wait a second, you know what, we can't buy into a lot of the human rights violations that the
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saudis perpetrated, we don't buy into 9/11, 15 of the 17 attackers were saudi. we don't buy into the madrases that preach hatred. and clearly the women's issues. the one that the president's wife tried to address. these are major issues. the president didn't say a word. we are invested in his fight against terrorism without reserve. and we're glad he was there to say that. but at some point do you engage the saudi culture with the sword dance in other ways, by not addressing what is to my mind the elephant in the room. >> did president obama engage it by bowing? >> he didn't bow. what he did was he engaged by saying we have to do business with you, i'll respect you. >> you see the picture? >> president bush hailed hands. there's a huge difference between saying we're going to
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have some relationship, hold hands, pay respects, whatever countries. >> juan, i agree, i think there was some opportunity for the president to address human rights. and stand up for freedom, absolutely. it's so hypocritical for democrats to give the president a hard time when they give president obama a pass. and they don't raise the issue with hillary clinton taking tense of millions of dollars from saudi arabia for the clinton foundation. clearly, saudi arabia constantly violates two of the main bases of the democratic party. so a lot of that hypocrisy i don't find sits well. what is interesting about the trip to saudi arabia is that arms deal. it's not necessarily going to fight isis. saudi arabia is in a contentious war with yemen. and how is that going to affect -- >> proxy on the ground. >> -- their human rights. >> will the weapons not end up
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on the ground in yemen. one of the president that president trump met with was the president of israel. this was key. he said israel appreciates america's leadership and the action you took in syria. there are red lines in syria that must never be crossed. it is interesting to me. that is in a way acknowledging somewhat the weakness and the failures of the last administration and moving forward without boldly saying it. i think kennedy brings up a good point, you can't go forward, obviously, without acknowledge something of the things going on. but some of these things started before president trump eb thought about step -- even thought about stepping into office. >> megan? >> no matter what the criticism is of him speaking about human rights, which i of course would have loved had it been integrated as well, talking slag about terrorism, going over there, this is the fastest any sitting president in modern times has gone to israel since being elected in the first 120 days. he's already coming over there meeting with the prime minister.
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the question of whether or not we're going to move the embassy to jerusalem is important to a lot of pro-israel republicans, they seem to have hedged on moving it from tel aviv. it will be interesting, i'm looking forward to today in the speech coming up, whether or not we're going to make any head way with. that it was a big campaign promise. and, again, seems to have historically maybe siding a little bit more with administrations past. it will be interesting to see what happens. >> some say this trip it was too ambitious for the president to take on at this point in time when you look at his predecessors, went to mexico or canada in the first 1900 days for the first foreign trip. this is -- first 100 days. is this not him further following up on what he promised those who voted for him and his supporters? >> promised to go after middle east peace deal? >> middle east peace deal but the message advice strong on terrorism. >> the singular focus on terrorism. i would agree he singularly
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focused, this is what he promised. the question is can he deliver. the deal, the arms deal that he struck with the saudis is not that exceptional. the difference to listen to rex tillerson, secretary of state, we are doing deals as opposed to diplomacy. not just diplomacy, we're focused on bringing jobs home to america. this is the trump administration explanation on what they're doing there in the middle east. again, it's just of a concern to me. i don't think it's hypocritical, i think that obama for example, i keep noticing that we keep coming back to obama, as if -- >> ee was the last president. >> and the arms deal is a continuation from the obama administration. >> not only that continuation from the bush administration. bush did an arms deal. president owe bam came into the arab world in the aftermath of what had taken place in iraq and what had gone on in afghanistan and a lot of questions about whether or not there were legitimate reasons to go into
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the regions, difficult relations between the arab world and the u.s. people keep bringing up obama, this is not obama. >> he brought his personal ideology and world view into the way he addressed everything and every context related to the middle east. the speech in cairo, on a constant apology tour for the united states and our place in the world. which is the number one reason i think other than the economy why president trump ended up getting elected, he was facing islamic extremism on television. many people, just showing up in saudi arabia and saying those words, for people like me is a big success. president obama wanted to apologize for everything america has done globally for 20 years. and it's just, even if president trump hasn't been pitch perfect it's refreshing change from the last eight years. >> and also a big deal for a sitting u.s. president to go to saudi arabia and say this form of terrorism, this is your problem, not necessarily our problem. you guys have to figure that out. that's something we have talked about on the couch for a long
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time. it's like how do you change hearts and minds over there. and doesn't it make more sense that people who live in the middle east are more actively engaged. and somehow convincing people who have fallen to radical islam to get the hell out of there. >> don't you think that's what, going back to obama for a second, obama was there in a moment, i think we all celebrate it now, the arab spring. maybe we were naive as americans about the global love for democratic principles, human rights and the like. it was seen as an opportunity to see democratic leaders come in who would not be engaged with terrorism, like the saudis who flung terrorism. >> what came from the arab spring? >> that's the question. at that time, i'm saying, historically we were thinking things would open up. then you look at things like the muslim brotherhood and others who took power and say wow maybe it doesn't work for everybody. >> noon hour eastern time,
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7:00 p.m. in jerusalem, we await the president's remarks alongside prime minister netanyahu. we will bring that as soon as it begins. president trump in israel earlier saying he is in search of what he calls the ultimate deal. a peace agreement between israel and the palestinians. we await mr. trump's remarks in jerusalem. can he succeed? where other presidents have failed for decades. we will debate that next. new bike? yeah, 'cause i got allstate. if you total your new bike, they replace it with a brand new one. so, kinda like your second husband. kinda. it's good to be in (good hands). a 10-speed direct-shift 5.0transmission.ine. a meticulously crafted interior. all of these are feats of engineering. combining them with
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history, fox news alert, awaiting president trumped remarks in jerusalem as he kicks off the second leg of his overseas tour. >> this is live at the holy si where the president will soon appear with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. president trump setting his sights high. he's trying to reach what he's called the ultimate deal. a peace yeement between is -- agreement between israel and the palestiniansing which as you knew has eluded american presidents for decades. upon his arrival in tel aviv heads the time is right to make it happen. >> president trump: we have before us a rare opportunity to bring security and stability and peace to this region and to its people. defeating terrorism and creating a future of harmony, prosperity
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and peace. but we can only get there working together. there is no other way. >> you know, i really want to start here as we wait for his remarks with netanyahu, as they come up we'll take that event live. but i want to start with the gravity of where we are right now. we haven't talked a lot about that. thes who has put out a statement that this is the first president to visit holy sites of jewish, christian, and muslim religions and faiths. we don't spend enough time talking about the historymaking that's going on right now. juan? >> it's incredible. we saw a president there holding his hand against the western wall. the way he was touching it, looked so emotional for him, i don't know that he's a very religious man, the way we think of it here at home but it looked like he was having some thoughts there. that is one of the great sites and the politics get involved, israel says that's part of israel, the united states couldn't invite prime minister netanyahu to join with the
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president because they didn't want to signal to the arab world, the palestinians specifically, that they were taking israel's side. just to see him there. again, when we think about history, very significant. >> when you think, kennedy, about moving forward how can you even possible t.r. any sort of peace plan if you don't go to the sites that are so sacred to each of those faiths? it's such an interesting and strong start. >> and it is interesting that on the first foreign trip he's really tackling and in a momentous way discussing the three major religions. not only in the middle east but on earth. it really says something, interesting because we're seeing a new dynamic for him. people talk about, he's not very comfortable in foreign policy. this is a setting where there's so much failure behind him and expectations are low. it pulgts him in a better position to talk with the palestinians and israelis. saudi arabia, these are, at
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least two of the three are foes of iran. it's, you can talk about faith and have respect for that faith and talk about keeping iran in check. those are unifying factors. and if he can keep a gaffe-free trip it will be a success getting comey off the front page and show him in a foreign policy light that a lot of people haven't anticipated. >> what we are hearing, juan, you're already seeing this trip as a success. and i know that we spent a lot of time on the couch talking about the messaging coming out of this white house and the narrative coming out of the white house. everything that's been going on at home and the headlines that have run the last couple of weeks. this trip, megan, seems to be changing that at least for now. >> i want to juxtapose this, president obama wouldn't let prime minister netanyahu speak to congress. our pro-israel americans in this country have been so deeply
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offended by president obama's relationship and seeming anger toward the prime minister of israel. now, you ta pose it with president trump whose son-in-law is a close friend of prime minister netanyahu. to say this is polar opposites is light. he's there with jared kushner and ivanka trump, two jewish-americans as well. it's interesting to see their role in this. as we said before, many times, i'm fascinated to know what jared kushner will do. president trump has said this might be something that he could end up registering peace in the middle east, a high, lofty goal. every administration has tried, every modern administration, has tried to gain peace in the middle east. if it goes well, and gaffi-free being the number one thing, kennedy, it will be a huge success and optically and narratively reset in the way this administration needs. >> one of the difficulties is just so apparent as he lands
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there, already there's fighting going on, on the west bank because of the settlement. you have israeli soldiers and using their modern technology. >> this president has been pretty terse and tough with benjamin netanyahu on that. remember at the podium, the double podium? >> good point. >> he let him know, the settlements. he spoke about it. >> he asked him to delay the settlements. obviously that puts pressure, political pressure at home on netanyahu. >> that's already a visual difference wouldn't you say? >> yes, i think it's a huge problem. >> why is it a problem? you don't see it propelling this forward? >> well, no, gee, in fact one of the -- israeli concerns about president trump, he goes from israel over to the palestinian territories, on wednesday. and he is promising a two-state solution in a moment where netanyahu at home does not have support for a two-state solution. >> the president, he said publicly, it could be two-state, it could be one state.
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i'm open. >> he said that when netanyahu was here. >> he's a dealmaker. but he's trying -- >> i don't think it's breaking news for the prime minister to see this president try to make a deal. as kennedy is pointing out, you talk about it. i think it moves the ball forward because we're discussing it. talking about it in a different way. this is a president who just based on his recent actions i don't think anybody takes lightly when he says he's going to try. >> for some one like me, hyper, hyper, hyper pro israel, it's one of the factors i vote on, is such a refreshing change. for some of the faults that have happened, not bringing up human rights in saudi arabia, this really is such an incredible tone shift. and even if just this trip, vim visiting with netanyahu, that's huge forward from the past eight years. we have to give credit where credit is due. a hue frustration for those of us that are pro israel, we had a president that had an
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adversarial relationship with netanyahu. the symbolism is a step forward. >> why was it adversarial? about things like the settlement? president trump saying the same thing obama said about the settlement. >> historically unprecedented not to let the prime minister of israel, our greatest ally in the middle east, to speak in front of congress. not invite him to the white house. it happened for eight years. >> he was in the white house, what are you saying? >> a frosty relationship. >> that i agree. but he invited him to the white house repeatedly. >> they had a notoriously adversarial relationship. >> and guess why? netanyahu was doing things that did not advance what has been across the generations, the american prescription for peace. the two-state solution. >> this is optic ty the way that president obama and many see the world. it is completely as i said, juxtaposed with how president trump, not only conservatives, just pro israel americans. >> the president would love to see a bipartisan win.
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obviously, any president wants to bring peace between palestine and israel. if the president could actually do this, i think one of the biggest things for him is that it police democrats, republicans, israelis, palestinians, and americans. >> it police the world. one of the great accomplishments of all time. >> can you imagine anything more for this president. >> no, i can't. >> sandra: we're watching the situation happen and waiting for those cars in the distance on this left side of the screen to start moving so that we know that the president is moving on to his next spot. he will be meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu for the world to see with quick remarks before they head to their next event. >> we've been talking about words. so i just want to utter some and i go back to the israeli president, who said, mr. president we are happy to see that america is back. america is back again. you mark the defeating of isis as one of your top misses. this is the most important objective israel will do everything in its power to assist you in that mission. we haven't heard that kind of
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language, and you can talk about the semantics and the particulars of who met where and all that stuff. this texture of their relationship seems to be evolving before our very eyes. this is an important part of history. >> to keep setting up the president's words in just a few moments from now, when he landed at the airport he said he urged both sides to take advantage of the rare opportunity for peace during his administration. he has called this the ultimate deal. so to say expectations are pretty much high, heading into this. >> mistakes are high for the reasons we've been talking about. we'll continue on and we're seeing a little bit of movement on the screen. we'll bring it to you live as these remarks come from our president and the prime minister of israel. stay close, you don't want to miss a second. ♪ fun in art class. come close, come close. i like that. [ music stops suddenly ] ah. when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. awww. try this.
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and head to make remarks on possibly reaching a peace deal. those remarks are expected any moment now. we will take them live when they begin. stay tuned for that. >> fox news confirming former national security advisor michael flynn plans to plead the fifth and decline a senate intelligence committee subpoena for documents related to the russia investigation. more on the russia proep, house oversight committee jason cha fits said he will be talking with james comey today and wants records of the president's meeting with comey. this as mr. comey is set to testify publicly before the senate intelligence committee. some time after memorial day. senators say they'll push for comey's memos and details on the meeting with the president. >> these memos, what do they say and why did he write it and how did he feel. did he feel like he was being put in a position where he couldn't do his job? no doubt those are the questions that will get asked and asked
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apeetdly. >> the big fact, did the president fire comey because of his investigation, and he was worried about what the investigation might conclude. that, if so, that borders on a very serious charge. so, we need to flesh that out, we need to see what the response is, and it's got to come from director comey himself. >> what? >> juan, i think no matter what side of the aisle are you on, left or right, it will be must-see tv, with fbi director comey testifying. what do you -- do you anticipate getting any new revelations out of him? >> i don't see how you can't. we're waiting on so much from comey. you heard congressman chafitz say, we want to know, are the memos in existence, where are they, can we see them and were they contemporaneous. we don't know. we had reports that suggest that the president told comey can you let this go. what was the intent behind that.
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what you just heard from senator feinstein was the suggestion that, you know, it could be that this is obstruction of justice which is an impeachable offense. anything is an impeachable offense, your dad can make it up, from the senate. we know obstruction of justice is there, if the president was intebding to undercut this investigation. >> okay, okay -- >> megan is too much of a lady to take you on "your dad can make it up". >> if he's a senator. >> the underlying thought that some one could do that. >> he's a senator. >> i got it. >> move on. >> the senators are the ones who interpret what it means -- >> you have to get through the congressman. >> this is what i'm curious about. if they are going to subpoena that memo and perhaps other memos, how product can the subject be to reach in to the memo jar. you know, can we go back on some of the notes that he took after he spoke with loretta lynch and
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her unprecedented conversation with the former president whose wife was the subject of a criminal investigation, having a conversation on an airplane disclosed to no one, the only way we found out is because there was reporter who figured out the tail numbers on both planes and the fact that president clinton happened to be there at the same time. does james comey have memos about that? what about the conversations, what about the discussions and decisionmaking that led to giving huma abide. een and sheryl mills -- >> if he thought the president were obstructing a case, it is a crime that he didn't raise that as such at the time contemporaneously. >> no, no, no. >> yes, it's a problem. >> it would have been a crime if he was grandstanding, you know -- >> he who? >> some of the people think comey is a grand stander. >> he had hah responsibility -- >> hang on, let me respond. >> he had a responsibility to
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raise the idea of there's a problem here. >> i keep telling you no and you keep talking to me like you don't want me to say it but i'm going to say it. >> go ahead. >> what he did was to protect the integrity of an ongoing investigation, keep contemporaneous notes. if he had come forward it would have stopped the investigation. >> you at least have to concede there's a huge credibility problem with james comey on both sides. i have friends that are huge, huge trump supporters, who said well what if james comey, i don't know how he takes these notes, what if he created it, made it up. there are a lot of questions about the credibility of this man. from the left and the right, this was bipartisan. part of the problem there's a lack of trust of james comey as a person. and there's so many things flying around everywhere that haven't been proven, anonymous sources everywhere, everybody needs to take a breath and wait it out. >> let's get to the truth, girl. >> well, look, the president has called this a witch hunt. >> he has. >> i wonder what your thoughts are on that.
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how is his messaging of this? >> well, it's one of these things, where i certainly didn't vote for donald trump but i would advise him if i was in the white house with donald trump i would say stop the tweeting. that's how this came out. >> good lord. >> this witch hunt. it does not look good. i mean, obviously the critics say, well, gee, i think president kennedy was ass nated. gee, senator mccain said -- you treated badly, you want to talk about people treated badly? >> he needs to be like ronald reagan during iran contra not nixon during wanter gate. be the happy warrior, this is a witch hunt, like ronald ray dpan not nixon. >> if james comey had a problem with something the president asked him to do why didn't he raise it then? >> there was an investigation going on. >> looks like this could go on for a while. we have this that we're waiting on, a speech by the president, currently meeting with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, trying to reach a
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peace deal between israel and the palestinians. what is the plog he is expected to make remarks at any moment. we will go to that live when it begins in jerusalem. stay tuned. make remarks at any . we will go to that live when it begins in jerusalem. stay tuned. to make remarks at a. we will go to that live when it begins in jerusalem. stay tuned. moment. we will go to that live when it begins in jerusalem. stay tuned.
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comments coming up from our president and the prime minister of israel. so here's what we're watching on the left of the screen. they were due to meet and have, in fact, been meeting for some time now at a hotel. the king david hotel in jerusalem. they're stit meeting. then they will get into the vehicles that you see and be escorted to the next location where we anticipate there will be a short moment of comments from both gentlemen. we are watching for that. this is history in the making, so important. the president as many have in the past saying that he can seize this moment which he calls the right moment to forge ahead with a peace deal between israel and the palestinians. he's trying to be the differencemaker here. the deal maker. and so we're watching to see what happens next.
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we'll bring it to you live. >> you know what else we've been watching, first lady melania trump stepping into a high profile role joining her husband on his first international trip since taking office. mrs. trump visited a school and met with female workers in saudi arabia over the weekend. local news outlets had good things to say about her fashion choices. even as she opted not to wear a head scarf. this amid reports the first lady is taking a bigger role behind the scenes keeping a close eye on the media and what the press says about her husband. an article in polico saying she has raised concerns that some on his communications and press team aren't doing enough to defend him, according to aids and sources close to the president. she's been especially troubled by background quotes in which west wing aids criticize the president. she's called the president to discuss it. as a senior white house official pushing back saying the first lady is not pushing her husband
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to make changes in the white house press corps. juan, i'll start with you, darling. she's obviously his greatest asset when he travels overseas. and it's impossible for people not to have the pants charmed off of them when she showing up. >> were you being cynical when you said pants charmed off of them? for saudi women that's a question, she was wearing a dress or pants? >> she had on black pants suit, with a thick gold belt. why are we talking about her fashions? . that's a key point that's being praised. kennedy said it. >> do you think that she is orchestrating a coup within the white house? >> look, i think anybody close to the president who cares about him, and i hope she does, even though she's been absent and obviously people wonder why she hasn't been there more. in that inner circle there's great concern about the leaks but specifically leaks coming from inside and the level of communication and defense of the
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president that comes from those who are closest to him. so that is not just, you know, just the first lady's concern that,'s a widespread concern. >> when she and baron move into the white house this summer i think you'll sa different tone and ten or and shift in the white house. do you think her pro peck tiffness of her husband will have some sort of noticeable effect with those around her? >> i hope those reports are true. in my experience, nothing will get done faster if the wife us unhappy, especially campaigns and politics in general. i think, you forget that michelle obama took a long time to become the great orator first lady, fashion icon that we know her to be. she had a really rough start. less we forget her saying the huge gaffe first time i've been proud of my country was only when high husband was nominated for president. i don't know why we're not being more patient with melania. she's growing into the role, clearbly doing a good job.
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i am excited for her to move into the white house, it's important symbolically. >> she's getting rave reviews from the press over there about that outfit, about which you just mentioned, the arab news circulated a special english print edition for u.s. press. heaps praise on the first lady, calling her outfits specifically that black one as she walked off of the plane, classy and conservative. accompanied by a full page color photo. >> she's using all of the skills and all of the accessories, harris. >> yes. i'm more interested in what she says than what she does. >> she looks fabulous all the time. >> she's a model. >> yes. >> went to a hospital garden with mrs. netanyahu, they're strong women on the ground with messaging from each of them. fashion is great, but can we talk about what the first the lady is doing and saying, can we pay attention to that history making, too. just a question. >> break coming up, we're coming back.
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so you have the two electric terence there. what we -- lecterns. we saw inside the res against, the netanyahus, it would appear, pulling into place. we're not certain the timing of president trump yet, but we are standing by, remarks were due in the last, like, 20 minutes or so, 30 minutes or so. as you know, they met privately and now come out of the meeting. we're led to believe, as that happens, they'll step into place here in front of the two -- behind the two lecterns and talk. juan, your talks about what we might hear today. >> i hope you'll see comedy, an attempt, i think, to be very clear to those who are watching, those listening around the world that, this is a new opportunity. they're open to making a deal. and that they feel some camaraderie, if you will, in terms of each other. maybe this is a point of contrast to the way that netanyahu dealt with the obama administration. it would be fascinating to me if you heard some news about specifics, the settlement, in particular.
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is netanyahu willing to allow trump greater latitude when he visits the west bank and meets with the palestinians. something to offer them. something to get the two sides together. >> keep can i? >> i will be interested to see if the president and prime minister discuss relocating the u.s. embassy to jerusalem. that's something both sides have talked about wanting. certainly, i think that this president will be able to open up certain concessions. and i know the prime minister face as lot of opposition, with some of his allies at home. and can this president soften that resistance and open up avenues. it's important to note the tone and reception so far of the president's first foreign trip. starting out with that first foreign speech they made just a day ago. it was tough, a tough speech on terrorism. it was received well there and here. and heading into these remarks
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alongside the israeli prime minister, so far this trip has been a success for the president and for the country. >> he apologized for the iran deal in israel, what i'm curious to know if that comes up in the speech. another huge, you know, disaster from the obama administration. i can see you there, juan. but just, in particular, its effects on israel as a nation that puts on their missiles, death to is rail, before they drop them. i'm curious to see if that comes up. >> sandra i want to ask you about the markets today. today is a day that we watch them more specifically than otherwise, because of the trip that's going on. >> sandra: well, i would say that the u.s. stock market, if that's what you're referencing, have been watching this presidency more closely than any first 100, 150 days of any presidency in recent history. there were a lot of promises made when it came to the economy. a lot of promises made when it came to fightingtor. there's a lot of promises made, period.
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expectations were built extremely high and to inauguration day. these markets have been judging every single move by the president on a daily basis. and that causes a lot of volatility, a lot of ups and down swings in the market. we've been getting that, historically speaking, looking at u.s. stock market as the president is on his first foreign trip, sitting right at all-time highs. >> if we pulls this off, last week, if he pulls this off it's a complete and total reset. it'll desire tract from what is going on with james comey in the forefront. if he can pull off the beginning discussions of peace in the middle east he will achieve his goal of going here. in more ways than one. >> moments ago i was looking down at some reports that were coming from senator schumer, criticizing decisions or movement on obamacare. i'm curious to know how much democrats or critics will talk about this. while he's not on u.s. soil. it's not the rule that you do. >> keep working on legislation.
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keep going. >> keep it moving forward. >> yeah. >> juan williams, thanks for being here. >> yeah. >> we're going to step away from "outnumbered" but we'll see you in outnumbered overtime, happen noug, after the break. the coverage here. and before they headed and they do have a date to run to. and this is not all of the time of the universe. >> they can be forgiven for being late. >> welcome to the second hour of
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happening now. i am jenna lee. >> and i am leland vitert. the president sharing a sit down meeting with the prime minister. they talked and shook hands and make remarks to the press. the common topic between both of them was iran. >> president trump: be prepared for our friendship with israel. whatever it takes. it is spurred on on by what is happening in iran. >> i think the fact that you have taken a strong position on iran not only helps security, but helps with the reconfillization. and how dfe
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