tv The Five FOX News May 24, 2017 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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will see anything but smiling faces when they come out of this meeting. they can bond about uniting nations, fighting extremism, they can talk about peace and how they can work together to achieve that end. >> julie: as far as what is actually being said behind closed doors, we will get some information coming out of the white house. of the vatican release a statement going through what they will be talking about. most recently, the speech he gave in saudi arabia, he did try to extend his message. to a very large community. 15 different muslim countries, he continues on to israel where he obviously wanted to show our allies and the jewish faith our support. the fight against the palestinians, that continued to
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least crisis. the president hoped he could somehow come to an end. and now, he is in rome discussing policy. those three countries, those regions he just toured, what message would we take from all of this? not necessarily making religion the forefront, but it is certainly there. he is definitely sending a message and religion is very much at the center of it. >> that's one of the nuances of this trip. he is visiting all three popular faiths in america. pope francis has been welcomed to the catholic church, he has made a point in talking about inclusivity. talking about the commonalities among muslims, jews, christians.
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i think that's where we will find that meeting on common ground. >> leland: it appears as though the door of the meeting has opened. we are seeing the back of the first lady, the president and the pope standing there together. is there any sound coming from vatican television? can we listen in a little bit? [inaudible]
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pictures coming just after the president and the pope finish what was about a 30 minute closed-door meeting, they seem to certainly be all smiles as they came. you see rex tillerson meeting pope francis, it is tough to get the audio in here. they don't have boom microphones out there. father jonathan pointed out there was some type of religious object given to the first lady, that the pope blessed. very interesting note, from john roberts who is talking about exactly what has been going on here, there is talk in the vatican, we don't know for sure yet, the pope could give the president and all of the branch as opposed to the peach e medallion that we talked about earlier which would set a tone for this meeting. we don't know what happened inside the meeting, we haven't gotten a read-out from anyone. this is just the view of the two men here. this is just the president introducing to the pope is
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traveling staff that of come with. see there, ivanka trump, jared there as well, omnipresent on this trip. anything we can read from the body language? >> it was very sweet how melania received some religious object, not sure what it was. she stepped away and came back to the holy father and it seems like she said "would you please bless this?" it was obviously a very moving moment for her that she took very seriously. >> julie: talk to me about a head of state, what the president would typically receive from the pope on a visit like this? >> there are some gifts that are given, it will be interesting to see exactly what the pope does. on this table is what we are looking at, typically the book, the pope likes to give books to
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world leaders. will be looking at something in that box. it's a sign of affection and esteem. this is amazing, looking at the leader of the free world and the leader of the catholic church who shared so many mutual interests. who are both believe, these are men of god. they are recognizing each other and the gifts are always in all cultures, but in christianity especially, a gift is a sign of your esteem that you offer to your fellow man. >> julie: a medallion also related to peace. what do you believe we are looking at here? >> it looks like the medallion in the pope was explaining. the pope does like to express the sentiment that he is trying to convey. world peace is at the heart of the catholic church is message. the united states efforts,
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guarantee and safeguard the piece. pope francis is giving us what we as christians always need is a reminder that we have to suppress violent instincts. >> julie: i know all we hear our camera clicks but maybe we can get some audio. [inaudible] >> thank you very much. >> leland: this is now the expanded meeting, we had the private meeting between the
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president and the pope, then we had the exchange of gifts and now we have the larger entourage. the president, the pope, the member of the president's traveling delegation. it's too bad that the audio was so low. they really pick up the sound coming from these at two men as they talk. the signal we are getting from vatican television doesn't give us enough to pick up. you can pick up a little body language, the president said beautiful a few times. >> julie: what are they being handed right here? >> i am trying to get a good look at it. usually in these circumstances they are giving it to the catholics. prayer beads, to help in our prayer, and two non-catholics they will get some thing else of
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religious significance. >> julie: president trump is a very friendly person. when he meets with heads of state or other presidents, when a meeting goes well, they will shake hands. sometimes the president tends to do a reach around, a little tap on the back, a little sign of endearment. the president is an affectionate president and the pope is as well. it's interesting to watch their body language. i wonder if they will hug, is that something you will typically see in the vatican? just pointing out that our president is an affectionate guy and he likes to show that body language. many of us don't know because we don't know him personally. >> leland: i don't know that i would be the first want to hug the pope. can you hug the pope? >> julie: the pope is very affectionate, too. >> i think you'll be surprised if donald trump gave him a hug. >> julie: these are the things i think about, i am waiting for a hug here. >> will work on that for you,
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julie. >> julie: a lot of smiles going on, i think when they finally say good-bye, it would be sweet to see the president and the pope in brace and away. >> leland: you have to read into the body language here, there appears to be a warmth and comfort between the two of them. the discussion about the animosity between the two, the differences and now we see this, let's listen in. [inaudible]
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>> julie: as they make their way out of these rooms -- post there was no hug. a very warm handshake but there was no hug. >> julie: that's fine, they smiled and exchange pleasantrie pleasantries. >> leland: i just wanted to let you know. >> julie: amy kellogg is live outside the vatican. the anticipation from where you stand must be pretty incredible. what was it like, seeing the president of the united states pull up and enter the vatican? >> it was an extraordinary motorcade, i've never seen such a long motorcade.
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the president and the first family and his entourage. apparently the pope came up in a ford focus, that is also very symbolic and telling, the differences between the two. just from a purely observational point of view, it seems that the most smiles were reserved for melania trump. watching the body language of the holy father and the first family and president trump's entourage. i think -- it sounds like the general audience is just beginning behind us. that is the reason why this meeting was so early in the morning, pope francis takes his general audience incredibly seriously on wednesday morning at 10:00. it would appear that is starting right now. with the meeting lasted the one on one between president trump and pope francis lasted about 3.
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the shots of them walking through, president trump walking through the apostolic palace, accompanied by the gentleman of his holiness, the aristocratic honor guard walking down those marble halls, it was quite extraordinary. they stuck to protocol, we saw ivanka trump and melania trump wearing veils, over their heads, which is expected on visits, a few italians have commented that they wish president trump had buttoned his jacket in terms of the visual. we saw this initial meeting between pope francis and donald trump, president trump looks a bit more, pope francis smiled and it took a little
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while to set in but he seemed to loosen up when they went into the library for their one on one. we got a few glimpses of that meeting before the doors were shut, we have yet to get a read out on exactly what we discussed. there has been all the talk about their differences and their indirect barbs at one another over walls and borders, climate change and any number of issues. at the end of the day, they appeared to really want and i think it was a sense of getting to know each other. the two possibly most powerful men in the world, president trump coming off this very spiritual trip that brought them to the heartland of the other abraham estates, in place of the two holy mosques, in the holy land of jerusalem just yesterday. this kind of caps it off.
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when you talk about the fight against terrorism and extremism, to be surrounded by spirituality and leaders who can do their best to change the dialogue the hearts hearts and minds. >> julie: he's exiting at this point, we understand that meeting and this tour will end at 9:30. it seems they're on a very tight schedule. >> yes. president trump has to meet a few other members of the gaddi n hierarchy. most important, the secretary of state. he is seeing the sistine chapel before heading off to be the president of italy who is not a figurehead but the prime minister is the one who actually leads the government here. trump will meet both of those, the president and the prime minister of italy.
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amy kellogg in there, you can hear in the background, the beginnings of the popes audience on wednesday, his general audience, thank you. bring back father jonathan morris who is with us. the president doesn't seem like we'll be getting any more live pictures, the pope and the theye gone their separate witness. thoughts on the media and how this when compared to the buildup? >> register member even less than two months ago, a lot of people saying it's not on his schedule to meet with pope francis. that must mean that pope francis didn't want to meet with him, must mean that the president doesn't want to meet with the pope, neither of those turned out to be true. the media blew that way out of proportion.
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to be confirmed within a few weeks. my guess is president trump was very happy at the beginning of his president, he had these three religions. judaism, islam, meeting with the highest leaders of the states. i'm sure now that president trump feels like he can actually reach out to the pope on issues that he thinks are important. >> leland: amy kellogg brought up a great point about the level of security that was involved in this visit for president trump to the vatican. any time the president moves there is a lot of security. on this particular trip there was even more security. middle of the night here in the united states, 9:17 there in the vatican where the president is.
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8:17 in the united kingdom where the president is now. the critical terror level, the prime minister yesterday raising that terror level, they that a terrorist attack was imminent. when you have something like that in the united kingdom, it tends to be european wide that they raise their alertness leve level. >> julie: i also believe they will be bringing that up when he does meet with the italian president. the prime minister certainly has more power there, but when it comes to the global war on terrorism, every country is affected. italy is not under that critical response, they are not under an imminent threat, the threat remains. if we could just continue to talk with a former member of the fbi joint terrorism task force who is joining us, as far as the
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talk of terror, the timing in all of this is critical. just sunday in saudi arabia, president trump delivered that speech that is being widely received as a successful speech in reaching out and branching out, so many different religions. at the end of the day he said it is not about religion, these terrorists are not about religion. their obsession is with death. he goes and meets with the pontiff today. how does that play? >> it's very important that he met with the other religious leaders, bringing many powerful people together, to address terrorism from the perspective where it is going to be all in. every country is going to be
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involved including our spiritual leaders. with regard to security, there are advance teams well ahead of these trips were doing constant assessments, i'm sure the president's team was very closely coordinating the security here at the vatican well ahead of time before the president got there. >> julie: that's a great point, i'm glad you brought that up. the nypd when they recently had to prepare for the president's visit, his first visit since his inauguration here in new york city, they said they have not had to prepare for any security event like this since the pope's visit. the pope's visit was tremendous as far as a number of special ops and counterterrorism units charged with protecting the city. right now, the vatican is having to do with new york city did.
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given the recent attack and their recent events in manchester, how did they plan this for a month? they only had days due to extra security, considering the fact that this terrorist attack happened on a monday and here we are on wednesday morning, just a couple of days later, for them to get all their ducks in a row so they would be properly equipped. >> a lot more intelligences being analyzed, emergency response teams are certainly increased in the event that there is an incident, a lot of electronic intercepts are being done, more so because of the incident that happened in england. you see everything getting ramped up. as the president moves on, you are going to see more and more security implemented and a lot
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of these areas. there's a lot that we won't see. in the city of new york, probably the safest place in the world right now, people will see heavily armed police officers, canine units, it's what they don't see that really brings it security to the city and other places around the world. >> leland: steve, appreciate you being with us, standby. we are waiting, you can see st. peter's square filling up there for the popes audience after about a 30 minute meeting with president trump. joining us from d.c., i would assume that you are there and watched everything. >> i was very struck today, as we watched the pope meeting with the president of the united states, the study in contrasts. pope francis on one side, a guy whose life has been growing up on the streets, embracing the poor.
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a billionaire donald trump on the other side, has now risen to become a leader of the free world. the two men have had a very storied history, now over the last year or so, of trading barbs directly or indirectly, whether intentional or not, the press has definitely played those up. this was an important meeting. you have president trump and pope francis finally together in a room, they got a chance to have a human connection. i thought it was amazing to watch trump's family assemble alongside the pope to take a photo. any of the president's critics are upset that his family has been involved in the politics of the united states, i thought that was a touching moment that american catholics are going to receive warmly to see how proud the family seems to be to have a moment together to take photos with the pope. my sense is that behind closed doors, that meeting was probably
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some of prayer, some of love, but ultimately these are two very plainspoken man. neither of them have ever held back from expressing an opinion, even when it is unpopular or uncomfortable. >> leland: you bring up the issue of opinion. this is very poignant on that, coming from our colleagues at cbs radio, it was very difficult to hear as the president and the pope talked on camera as they exchange pleasantries, said hello and good-bye. cbs now transcribing some of that and saying according to cbs, the president saying "i won't forget what you said" trump tells pope francis as he left. if you have the president say over what i won't forget what you said." you think that behind closed doors, there were probably some conversations. >> or at very least a call to be acknowledging. in that call, i think the
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president of the united states will be loyal. ultimately, we've talked so much in terms of domestic politics about president trump's abilities to go off script and have these once gifted moments and be irreverent occasionally. in this trip, but especially now here at the vatican, but we saw was a deep sense of reverence and diplomacy and respect. >> leland: how does that play in the united states? you have president trump who has come in, some social conservatives, many catholics were solely counting on the president related to the supreme court, he came through for them on that with justice gorsuch. there were other questions in terms of what he was going to deliver. does this meeting, even if it wasn't perfectly harmonious, does this sort of reaffirm the
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president's commitment to the religious conservatives who were instrumental in putting him in office? >> i think it sums a strong message. i also thought that president trump, whatever his relationship with christ or his church, we heard it during the campaign, two corinthians, ham handedly, that was a funny moment. believing he had such strong support i think among american christians is because they believed that he would be defenders of their faith. it wasn't necessarily about the strength of his faith, it was about his protection of religious freedom and being concerned for the christians in the catholic who live within the united states. i think they're going to take a strong signal from this, i think this entire trip will be one that is probably purging to pope francis, the fact that ultimately the goal of president trump in the united states, leaving a place like israel and palestine talking to those leaders, the beginning of a peace process there. i think all of that, this is a
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serious man trying to accomplish something that i have an interest in. >> leland: appreciate your insight and analysis as you stay on through the night here in the united states. early morning in vatican city, where pope francis on the president just wrapped up a meeting. already pope francis outside for his general audience with a very large group, you can hear some of the italian announcements, this is pretty typical, babies held up, just got a little bit more from what was said inside that meeting. out of the reporters who were next to the pope, the president, thank you so much when they shook hands. the pope and the president walked into the pope's private study, the president telling the pope very great honor, the pope did not say anything, he did not
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smile, looked over at the press a couple of times and they were ushered into the meeting, still waiting for the readout from when they came out of that meeting. member hearing from pope francis just last week during his trip and his travels when he met with the press and asked about the upcoming visit with president trump, he said "i don't judge a man until i have met him." now the pope has met president trump and we will wait for the judgment or the feelings from pope francis to come out. >> julie: we watched as they walked into the vatican, they were seated across from each other, the popes wooden desk where the press gaggle was taking pictures and trying to listen in. a lot of people watching the dialogue between these two, two of the most powerful man in the world who are in a position to make positive change. in a world that we live in now, especially given the most recent
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terror attack and the message that these world leaders can be sending to the radical islamic state, that is exactly what the pope has in fact, forward. he's not a supporter of war. he supports taking an aggressive stance to wipe out terror. the refugees, that are sadly being victimized, the christians that are being slaughtered all over the world. the terror and crisis management expert joins us now to talk about what is going on here. this assignment of the pope does at about 10:00 in the morning, he was expected to do this despite the president's visit. because the president is in town, we are seeing thousands of people in this crowd, he is not standing behind any kind of glass, he is out in the open. this is the way pope francis likes to operate, he doesn't like to hide, he likes to show the people that he is not afraid
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of terror. the pope is someone who can easily be a target of terror. this pope really does send an incredible example for our president. would you agree? >> i think it sends it excellent example. it was only after pope john for the second that you started to see bulletproof peoples that popes traveled around them. it is great to see people out there, being able to embrace crowds. let's not forget what's behind the seams there as well. you've got a lot of undercover security personnel within those crowds making sure that they are identifying any potential threat that would happen. >> julie: just like they did here in new york city, their eyes in the sky, a bonnet where they can shoot anywhere from 25.
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and more. a football, several of them. it's interesting how they sweep the area before the pope actually comes out and does this. i'm wondering if they do that every single time the pope leaves the vatican, if they have two sweep and how far in advance do they do this in order to ensure that there aren't any lining up as these people have, you know they have been out there all night long, we started our coverage at 7:00 a.m. local time and they were, look at this route. it's incredible. it's lined with thousands of people. >> absolutely, it's an ongoing situation that happens a long time before the pope gets out there or any headlining world leader goes out there. it continues during the whole time they are out there. let's not forget that they also want to see people's behavior as they move away from that main event. and see if there are people of interest, where are they going,
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who are they communing with and where they are actually going back to. a whole slew of things, never ending in order to try to secure the security of these heads of state. >> leland: i want to ask you a quick question. you are in london right now, it's nine: 30 at the vatican, which makes it 8:30 in london. while we watched this beautiful and peaceful image of the pope and his audience, we can't forget what is going on in the united kingdom. after the manchester attack, it is now morning two. the terror threat level was raised to critical. it conceivably based on some intelligence the am i five has gathered. i am interested in what has changed in london right now and for that matter, as we have see seen, when things change in london, the rest of europe followed suit quickly thereafte
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thereafter. >> absolutely. by raising the threat level, what this actually means is that the prime minister can deploy military resources onto the street. they've done that in the past, the last time was in 2006 and then again in 2007. in a direct response to intelligence threats that they had received. this does a number of things. not only does it allow the security services to have access to more resources, but also those people who might try to do us harm. we are not going to give into you, we are going to be resourceful, we are going to stand by. we are not going to let you win. you've got to put this into context, in in the terrible evs that occurred in manchester, i can't think of anything more cowardly than attacking a venue where the main population was young children. that is a despicable act of cowardice. we won't give into it. going back to the second
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world war during the blitz here in london, we had over 60,000 people who were killed by the nazi bombing. the one thing that is important about that as the pubs it didn't close. >> great respect, stand by for a few minutes as we watch pope francis with this crowd. talking about the resilient spirit and not being willing to be deterred, this is a man who derived around and unarmored fiat, makes his way through st. st. peter square with very little security. this pope has said "no. not because there are not threats on his life, this man has decided that the image that you see right now is more important. >> julie: these images of him
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kissing babies and children are so incredible. >> leland: every once in a while, one of the kids grabs his cap. we are getting a little bit more about the meeting that pope francis and president trump just wrapped up, what happened after their meeting. privately for about 30 minutes, the president exited, said thank you, the pope gave the president metal by a roman artist. he said it was in all of which was a symbol of peace. the president said back to the pope, we could use peace, we can use peace. the pope gave the president the message of peace, the president saying that is so beautiful, the president -- the pope gave the president three separate books
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about the pope's writings that father jonathan had talked about earlier. of the president promised to read them, a lot of reading to do on air force one. watching in vatican city about 9:30 in the morning is the pope begins his general audience. you can see driving around st. peter's square. >> when we watched him do this, i remember watching his motorcade, he was in a fiat, certainly one of those moments i will never forget. watching him actually get out of his car and get down onto the street and walk up to these families and children, i think that something that these families are hoping he selects them and blesses them. it is affected people's lives in such an incredible way. one of the children he approached here in new york cit new york city, the family swears
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that his blessing actually helped a child who was suffering from an illness. the way he touches people is something that you do not see on behalf of any person in the world. >> leland: that new york city visit was tremendous, he went through central park, so many people wanted to get tickets that couldn't do it. the city of new york diocese decided there would be a central park ride through. the pope mobile came through central park, people got to see him. earlier in the day he went through my parish. right near the u.n. we had our catechism students on first avenue, trump world tower is right there. we were all there, the pope came by and had that window rolled down in the fiat, waved to the kids, they were thrilled. these are first-graders through seventh graders that got to see the pope in their neighborhood.
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he is a man of affection, a man of candor. what we see here is the real pope. every weekend he went to the poor neighborhoods, in no way a hottie leader who stands aside. this message of an informal pope who wants people to feel at ease with him, that really is a christ like message. jesus went to the crowd, people flocked to see him and listened attentively. christianity really is about the encounter between god and man. the pope is an intermediary, it is a beautiful thing. >> julie: it is so beautiful. you've seen this so many times, every time you watch it, you can't help but being with a smile on your face. watching him go through these crowds. >> leland: he has people who go out in front of him. they bring them to him, i saw
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one little girl who i don't think realized what was happening to her as she picked up, scooped away, her parents were like "come on, hug the pope." >> leland: there was a famous time in washington where the kid ran out to greet the pope and everyone went crazy and the pope said it was fine and made them bring this child over. a man truly of his people. i want to bring back a marine who has been standing by and watching all of this, much has been made about the president and the pope meeting which wrapped up about 40 minutes ago, they finished their closed-door meeting. i wonder what your takeaways were from the imagery that we saw afterwards and the exchange, so much made about the reading between these two common. in the end it seems that they seemed oddly friendly at least in their body language, their
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respect for each other. >> it's true, they really did. just watching these images of the pope go through st. peter's square kissing a baby, it is so precious. so endearing, so genuine. as the pope is holding this regular wednesday audience, he does this every wednesday, president trump is inside the sistine chapel with his family, i'm sure absorbing the incredible majesty of that plac place. and the sobering nature of the place, the last judgment looms above the altar there. after the tour of the sistine chapel, the president will go meet with italian leaders, the first lady will go to a catholic children's hospital and ivanka trump will visit a catholic charity that works in the issue of human trafficking which i'm pretty sure is on that agenda in a private meeting, in
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that meeting we would all love to have been a fly on the wall for. this is an area, of incredible importance, a lot of people don't realize that about 27 million people are enslaved throughout the world, more people enslaved than at any time in human history, this has been a real priority for pope francis and the catholic church and president trump has made that a priority and apparently ivanka has taken a big interest in that issue as well. >> leland: great perspective. "cbs news" reporting that the president told the pope that he wouldn't forget what the pope had told him. whatever came out of that meeting, you see the pope now greeting folks. you and i were talking about this earlier, how in some ways, these two men are so different. at the man who was the street preacher in argentina versus the billionaire from new york, and in some ways they are very similar.
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they enjoy the crowds, enjoy communicating directly with the folks who believe in them, they gain energy from that, they both view themselves as outsiders. in the situation they have inherited, president trump has certainly made huge changes to the american presidency. at the same time, probe francis has made enormous changes to the institution that we view. i am thinking i got that word right. we are going to take a break here in a minute, we have father jonathan, thank you f joining us and for our fabulous insight by father murray as well. we will take a break, right now it is about 9:42, you see the pope walk off, president trump touring the sistine chapel. when we come back we will take a look at what is happening in the
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call to request your free decision guide now. because the time to think about tomorrow is today. >> julie: a fox news alert, britain is a country in morning and on high alert this morning. prime minister theresa may sang another tack may be imminent. joining us now, a terror and crisis management expert. i want to talk to you about a suspect they believed carried out this cowardly homicide attack. apparently, somehow authorities had known of this person, we don't know exactly how. somehow in manchester, the police department were aware of his existence, perhaps of his extreme ideology. what more would you take out of that considering this is not just a complete stranger who
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came out of the dark to pull something like this off. >> the terminology they are using, he was known to an extent. what extent it is they have not come out with. he probably was under some form of surveillance that might lead us to believe that they should have known more. we live in a country where we have phenomenal security, great police services. if this really was a person of extreme interest, i'm sure they would have had much closer surveillance. the problem we have is a lot of these communities in areas like manchester, london, places like birmingham, there is extreme radicalization happening, the case of trying to get into those communities to break down information to act on that intelligence. >> julie: it's likely that this was not a lone wolf, all of
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these happen within minutes after this attack, brought up obviously a lot of information. one person was arrested, they did it track down his brother who i read actually had a little bit of a smile and a grin on his face. what makes the manchester attack different and may be harder to stop? the fact that this is not a lone wolf incident. >> i don't think it is, as the investigation carries on we are going to find out that hopefully not, but this could be part of a larger terrorist cell. that is the job now of the investigators and security services, to actually find out and piece together what actually went on, who this character was, who the accomplices and how many more of them are actually out there. that is why we raised the threat level to critical. we can actually start putting more resources on the streets,
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military on the streets in key places in railway stations, bus terminals. until we can track down these individuals and bring them to justice. >> julie: all right, thank you so much for staying up with us throughout the morning, the early morning hours to discuss, we really do appreciate your insight. >> my pleasure. >> leland: senior political correspondent at, nice to have you with us. after the attack in manchester, we saw here in the united states an uptick in security as well. there is now a lot larger police presence. so many people are saying that this is all great but you can't protect everyone everywhere. what now is the calculation for homeland security as they try to
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balance this tricky balance between our freedom, versus trying to prevent an attack like the one we just saw? >> those are exactly the forces at play, that's what american leaders and leaders worldwide are going to grapple with in the coming days. basically, as you can see in america, we are already in a heightened security state. no one was allowed to have a backpack inside, no one was allowed to carry a bottle of water in. you can tell it was a heavy security presence. that security guard standing by, the bottom line here is in this attack and all attacks, there will always be an area that is outside of the perimeter. that's where the attacker chose to detonate his bomb. there was the transit area connected to the arena, outside the security perimeter. they've said this is the place where parents wait to pick up
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their children after concerts. one of the points, points of exit. >> it seems like this was scouted ahead of time by either the bomber himself or by his fellow terrorists and associates. next question for you as we watched the president travel, really focusing so much on this issue of terrorism, we saw him go to this new saudi center and counter extremism online, a bunch of good words about how they were willing to somehow change related to hobby, known to allow their wealthiest family members to fund isis and other terror groups. they've come together and said they realizes the real problem, we are signing up to combat extremism. do you buy that? good words followed by good
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actions? >> i think that is going to be a test of president trump's influence. he said it is your responsibility to root out terrorism within your borders. we are watching, do the right thing, work harder. we are going to see if leaders are able to follow that mandate. if they have the will to follow that mandate and if they have the structure to do so. we have seen attacks like this in france, belgium, turkey, egypt. and yes in the united states where the will is there but the execution at times would need to catch up. >> the common theme of the attacks you just mentioned oftentimes intersects into being radicalized online, whether it's off twitter, where these fellows communicate in their own ideology, trying to get these
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same to issue counter messaging online. what sticks if you will, does the president have with them to make sure they keep their word on this? >> i think as you mentioned, the u.s. has a lot to offer. i think president trump is going to begin at that nato meeting this week, i think he is going to say how are you going to step up to root out terrorism? we have seen him called the alliance obsolete, we have also heard him say that the european nations aren't pulling their fair share. he says that the usa, he is going to call in each country to not only staffed up but also pay up. >> leland: we will see if they do, he has had to deal with a couple of nato members. i appreciate you staying up with us tonight, thanks so much. julie, a busy three hours, no
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huge surprises in the meeting between president trump and the pope, at the same time as we wash all of that, there was a sense of dread about watching what might happen in the united kingdom, the prime minister last night issued and raise the threat level to critical, that a terror attack is imminent, it means they have some type of intelligence to say that. you sit there knowing these folks are on the subway, on buses, on trains going to work in rush-hour in the united kingdom, i was scared for them. >> julie: i think if you are the prime minister and you have just suffered a terror attack like we did here in new york city after 9/11, of course the alert level is going to go up. it doesn't necessarily mean that they know for certain that there is a threat, they don't even have to have concrete intelligence. after 9/11, we had our terror threat raised for a very long
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time. it is also a reminder for people to be aware, to be feeling vigilant in that they know authorities are on top of it. we were talking about this possibly being a lone wolf terrorist attack, it was not. there is a cell, terrorist cells not only in manchester but all over the world. it takes the president to dive in and computed kate with leaders to effectively root out terrorism. >> leland: it is going to be a long fight, he has said during his trip abroad. our coverage continues with "fox & friends" first after the break. have a wonderful night. >> julie: and good morning.
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>> this is a fox news alert, an hour ago the most powerful men in the world meeting in vatican city. heather: donald trump sitting down with pope francis in his private study for 30 minutes. rob: the president and first lady touring the sistine chapel in st. peter's basilica. heather: you are watching "fox and friends" first. rob: the preside
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