tv The Five FOX News May 25, 2017 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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there will be consequences. >> tucker: there will be consequences. threatening the cops if the don't ignore evidence. we were backrororororororororor. we hope you join us then. "the five" starts right now. ♪ >> greg: hi, i am greg gutfeld with kimberly guilfoyle, jesse watters, dana perino, juan williams. it is "the five" ." the terror attack in manchester. still hunting down the bomb maker before the jihad can strike again. it details ahead. but first. expecting wisdom from a pop star is like expecting sonnets from a gerbil. but bono said this of terrorist terrorists. >> they hate music, they hate women. they even hate little girls. they hate everything that we
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love. the worst of humanity was on view in manchester last night. but so was the best. they queued up the blood banks. manchester has an undefeatable spirit, i assure you. >> greg: he is right. islamists see fun and evil. pop singer morrissey from the smiths went even further when the manchester mayor called the attacker an extremist, morrissey asked, and extreme what? an extreme rabbit? this is the same mayor that said the terrorist was a terrorist and not a muslim. don't avoid the truth. there's a pattern. the calls were made to a terror hotline about the bomber years before he struck. why no action? could it be again, the fear of
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seeming bigoted? at least some entertainers are starting to reject this. a willingness to fight -- you want to know how pop music actually florist? how the beatles were able to sing all you need is love? you can thank veterans who dispatched dana's enemies in some really ugly wars. giving pop music center stage and long enemies of peace. can music survive under a caliphate? i doubt it. isis has no use for coldplay. the pulse nightclub, all young people, all music fans, all targets. maybe it's time we speak less of love and more about evil. maybe it's time for all you need is guts. jesse, what do you make of bono? he is always a clear eyed thinker. i think he kind of explained it fairly physically. >> jesse: i think it was a
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very creative thing for bono to say. after 9/11, there is a lot of unity. you had people like bruce springsteen, liberal guy -- doing free concerts for a lot of these things. george clooney. even hillary was at ground zero. every bush. everybody was together. everybody came together after 9/11 and wanted to go after afghanistan. there was a lot of bipartisan support. but when pop stars, especially liberal pop stars, can speak the truth about evil, it galvanizes people that are apolitical young americans, liberal americans, to say you know what? it's okay to say radical islam. it's okay to describe the heinous acts these people are committing. it gives them license. when you are able to do that and you are clear eyed and united, it enables the country to come together and actually defeat evil instead of placating it like we have been doing. >> greg: kimberly,
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entertainers i think should step up. it seems to me recently with these examples, they are targeting their fans because -- i think the belief is you can't be a fan of their god if you are a fan of a pop star. it's almost like some kind of sacrilege. because you go to an ariana grande concert and not a mosque. should more pop star to be speaking up? >> kimberly: yes, i think it's courageous. bono is exactly right. they hate our whole way of life. they hate everything about western civilization. they can't stand the freedom that we have in this country. as women, how horrific the target specifically young girls, women, and their parents that are going to a concert like this. this was no accident. this was specific. if you see under sharia law, nothing but disdain for women, children. young girls being sold into slavery by isis. being tortured and raped.
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you don't even hear about some of these things in the media because they don't want to talk about it on the news. this is the reality of the situation. yet people to face it and deal with it. and to be able to target them. by that, yes, social media and pop stars and education. you have to be able to put out your own propaganda to match theirs. because otherwise, you have people that will be attracted to this. people like evil losers. people that are looking for somewhere to go, some relevancy in their lives. and they are sitting there, waiting period for jihad to soak into them so they can commit some act that they think is significant, that their life has some matter -- some >> greg: dana, most entertainers go the safe route.
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let's go for love, live in harmony, that stuff. shouldn't they just opt out and say love is not enough? it's time to act? >> dana: musicians used to be radical. they pushed the envelope. especially on cultural things. one of the big stories especially out of the civil rights movement was really that musicians were actually helpful, with bringing people together. they were pushing the envelope and making people question. in western civilization, we send our children to concerts. abedi's father sent him to die. to kill other people. when you are dealing with that type of ideology, i'm not sure how you fix it. i don't think it was on the air but we were talking about the toby toby keith concert. there weren't women allowed so it was a little controversial there. young muslim people like our culture. they like our music. they might have to listen to it
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privately but if i were a politician and there are some new people on the scene, president trump, theresa may, why not refute some of these musicians to actually help? call upon their patriotism. put on some big event. they actually have the power to reach a lot more people than we do. >> kimberly: should we call justin bieber? >> jesse: that'll solve everything. >> greg: that would be interesting. they had these amazingly historical concerts -- live aid. for global warming and climate change. celebrities can shop for that. but why not for this? >> juan: i am surprised you described bono as courageous. he just poked common sense. >> greg: but that is courageous. >> juan: i've been here when you guys say these people, these artists are speaking out about climate change or discrimination.
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who listens to them? >> greg: because that is easy, juan. >> juan: terrace are bad, evil slimy people who want to kill us. is that so hard to say? you have to get away from the simple kind of -- if bono says that, we've made a breakthrough. we have to find an effective way to combat. this is an age where we have to effectively produce our own positive images to contradict the idea that they are going to be martyred, that they are smarter or being courageous when they do horrific acts like we saw in manchester. >> jesse: i think what you are saying is, you want an all hands on deck philosophy. if it's just republicans or just right wing people leading the charge against isis, the country is not unified in the rest of the left is sitting around listening to katy perry and twiddling their thumbs. if you can get someone like bono or ariana grande to say hey,
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this is evil, you can rally people who don't pay attention. that's a good thing. >> juan: after 9/11 you are describing how people rallied. president bush's ratings were up through the roof. not only could you be in republican enclaves nc support, you could be in democratic enclaves nc support. everybody is behind. that's what we need here. what you hear is people say -- it's the immigrants. we have to slow down immigratio immigration. i think that's the wrong approach. >> greg: i think we need a crackdown on the left to have created relativism. we have gone down a dark, bad road where people are incapable or judging evil. when people call the hotline, nobody listened. >> juan: who is afraid of
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condemning bigotry? >> greg: who is afraid of condemning bigotry? >> juan: condemning bigotry and terrorism? >> greg: when you condemn it radical islam, you are called islamophobia. people are scared of being smeared. >> juan: i don't think that's true. >> jesse: did that happen to you on a plane? when someone comes on a plane and they are dressed a certain way -- you can get fired for that. >> greg: that's real islamophobia. >> kimberly: oh, my gosh. >> juan: that's real! what i think is, when you get these people -- i think that's who people need, especially in the arab world -- that's what -- >> greg: what more do you need for a call to action than
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someone slaughtering young girls? in the '70s, we had people come to our classroom to teach us about cults. it is the time of jim jones and sla and all these weird movements. we were scared out of our wits. >> jesse: how old are you? >> greg: i am a young... 52. the point is, we aren't doing that. if someone had written to me and said talk to kids about this? how? say that we have a planet of human beings and within that planet -- there is a roving army that seeks to destroy. it's that simple. >> kimberly: you can talk to kids. he had a really good idea. i think we have to go and bomb them. ronan said this. i know you would do a very good job to get them, if i dropped you as a bomb. >> jesse: what a sweet kid.
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>> greg: morrissey's other point, morrissey is an unusual guy. a militant vegan. if he has a concert, every single vendor cannot have meat there. it causes major help. not only did he go after the mayor of london for not condemning radical islam or isis, he also went after the prime minister and said it's easy to be tolerant when you are protected. >> jesse: they don't take public transportation. >> juan: for all your praise, exactly what is the real prescription to solving this problem? >> greg: last night i gave you a great prescription. >> juan: you were up to relativism. to me -- >> dana: juan -- >> juan: let's talk about what really is going to stop. it >> greg: i'm pointing out how refreshing it is to hear
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this. >> juan: whenever you say something -- whenever they wheny something you like -- >> greg: the point is to call out it radical islam and risk being called a bigot. that's the guts he does move you can make. when everyone calls you a islamophobic, you say so what. i don't care. understanding live in a modern world in freedom and security go together. >> juan: yeah, i think most americans agree with you. i don't think people like being called a haters of people. >> greg: exactly. >> kimberly: you are making his point. >> greg: islam islamophobia is a term designed to shut people down. >> kimberly: it is designed to shame and silence. >> juan: you are very sensitive when people attacking christians in the middle east.
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>> kimberly: everybody should be. everyone should be sensitive to religious persecution. >> greg: there isn't a radical sect of christians beheading people. you are comparing radical with islam. you are the bigot. >> juan: you said islamophobia. that's the fear of islamic people. >> jesse: islamophobia didn't kill little children in manchester, juan. >> juan: i agree. >> greg: i said to get comfortable with the accusation. when someone says you are being sum of phobic for going after radical islam, you say so what, what do you got? >> kimberly: don't let the word or the label hurt you. >> jesse: you are out of control. >> kimberly: he is afraid of islamophobia. >> dana: there is lots of things we can do. one of them is cultural diplomacy. it works very well. the state department has an
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entire office that they use to try to spread the message is that we want to deliver. we should support them. i think the new politicians that are meeting this friday or tomorrow in brussels at nato work together and try to bring something together. >> greg: brussels. there is a protest against donald trump, a march against donald trump in brussels. where is your march radical islam? brussels, where there are terrorists and cells in belgium. they are having a protest against trump. i would use the finger but i realize it's inappropriate. >> kimberly: and we are alive. >> dana: we've got to go. >> greg: the hunt for the bomb maker, next. details on the manchester attac details on the manchester attac attack. did you know slow internet
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>> kimberly: british police made several arrests today. they took the balmer's and father. the bomb that killed 22 people and injured dozens of others. joining us now is chief national correspondent, ed henry. edd. >> there is a desperate search for the bomb maker that involves not just the british police but also their military. just how intense the situation is at this very hour. isis took responsibility for the attack at manchester arena, i've spoken to people inside the trump administration were deeply concerned that the terrorist he made the bomb that killed so many people is still at large. and could mastermind another attack at any time, their assessment is the suicide bomber who died in the attack, salmon abatis, he had recently visited libya where he could have gotten trained but it was essentially a
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mule. a bomb that was put together by someone else who is on run right now. salman abedi. they are trying to move in on the bomb maker with a series of raids. stretching from u.k. to libya, where abedi's brother and father were detained. all of this is why the british prime minister theresa may has increased u.k. terror level from severe to critical. even sending british army troops to guard major landmarks like 10 downing street, west minister, buckingham palace. the spirit of manchester is far mightier than sick plots of depraved terrorists. although there is real concern tonight about that bomb maker still at large. >> kimberly: thank you for that update. dana, you made a comment arielle or talking about children, parents sending their children to these concerts. this man, this terrorist, his father sent him to die. >> dana: right.
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that's also something benjamin netanyahu said after remarks in israel. he said if terrorists had actually been attacking a jewish child, you wonder if the prime minister would have said the same thing about terrorism being so awful. the thing about that libya connection is very troubling. al qaeda and isis have both been trying to expand. they've been frustrated that isis has been getting so much attention. you have thousands of migrants leaving through italy. we know how to have a ton of resources to find this one guy and all the other ones we are trying to find. we are asking a tremendous amount from our intelligence community. isis first claimed responsibility and said there were 30 dead. pretty easy to check news
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reports, it could be we are seeing a metamorphosis or a combination or a merger between isis or some sort of way they are utilizing these young people and don't even realize it's happening. we could say it's actually evolving even more. >> kimberly: very good point. greg, what do we do here? tremendous resources, -- they n hit them there. what about here? >> greg: all police officers should get guns. the fact that they don't have guns... nothing that would have prevented this but you might have an edge if you have guns. also you have to acknowledge there's a network involved which rejects the lone wolf assumption that we always go by. the network wants us to adopt the lone wolf assumption because if you only believe in lone wolves, he don't look for the
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network. whenever you hear the lone wolf story, say for now -- that something to entertain. his return was a red flag. we have to think about that. who is in charge of watching the red flags? do we need more people in charg charge? should we hire more and create a bigger industry? i returned to my earlier point, political correctness prevents you from focusing on obvious risks because that would be bigoted. you cannot profile. if you profile, you are done. >> kimberly: so true. political correctness it's making us weak. >> jesse: it is true. political correctness kills. we're talking about refugees. extreme betting. the trump travel ban targeted libya. family members who are implicated, trump was criticized for raising the issue.
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let's talk about what's really going on here. this happened from libya. president obama and hillary clinton toppled qaddafi. they left a failed state because they didn't win the piece. now there's training grounds there. is obama or hillary responsible for the failed state and libya? obama withdrew from iraq and created a vacuum where isis took over. is he accountable for that? he didn't enforce a redline in syria. which is now infecting earth. is obama responsible for that? no one is the same this is all the aftermath of the failed foreign policy. that's not the issue. not the issue at all, wolin. >> juan: let me help you. lock him up. what kind of foolishness is thi this?
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it's not a failed foreign policy. i think the situation has changed. it has changed. it >> greg: it's a positive. >> juan: we've had a different situation. >> jesse: i call those failed situations. >> juan: what we have here is chaos in many situations. we have to come up with strategies that are expected. >> jesse: we didn't have a strategy for the last eight years. >> kimberly: and work together together. >> jesse: juan, we had a ton of terrorist attacks during obama! juan, where were you? >> juan: keep fear mongering. >> dana: i have to go pay some bills. a lot of fear mongering from the left. one. about president trump's new
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♪ >> jesse: some of president trump's top aides were on the hill today, it has predictably come under heavy fire from democrats. it's because this budget along with the relentless attempt to repeal the affordable care act shows an unimaginable level of cruelty. >> food out of the mouths of babies. from our seniors and veterans. >> it's like one punch in the face after another. to hard-working people. >> it's not an overstatement to say that some children will die because of this. >> jesse: okay. late-night hosts are on the attack as well.
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>> this budget made huge promises. it can't possibly deliver. it could leave millions of americans without necessary services. it's the fyre festival of budgets. >> i know this is an unpopular position but i believe children should go to the doctor and eat. >> jesse: kimberly, the trump budget is going to kill babies and take their food. >> kimberly: we have heard this before, haven't we? republicans or conservatives are demonized more than isis. they want to starve children. they don't want to take care of them. they're going to cause the death of everybody including people's favorite grandmother. it's really hysteria. it's really not trying to build and unite and make sure people have excellent health care coverage.
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this kind of hysteria is terrifying people and making people sick. physically. mentally. >> jesse: juan, you guys are attacking trump's budget harder then you attack isis. do you have a leg to stand on since president obama for eight years never even proposed a balanced budget? >> juan: i'm just amused. let me treat you seriously for a second. [laughter] >> juan: because i want to honor and respect this -- you think it's just the left. i'm reading in the newspaper, a good conservative says this is dead on arrival. nobody is taking it seriously. mark meadows, he says he draws the line at cutting meals on wheels. the republican study committee chairman, cuts for children health care? not going to happen. these are conservative republicans, jesse. >> jesse: look at who we are
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spending some money on here. $7 million on grasshopper research. a obesity study for lesbians. >> kimberly: did you read that one? >> juan: he stopped for the pictures. >> kimberly: juan. >> greg: juan. >> dana: the truth is, until people in washington are willing to come together and deal with some of the bigger things, discussion into programs like snap or chip. i think the democrats need to explain -- i know you increase snap and food benefits after the 2008 financial crisis. i get that. but if president obama had such a great economy, those numbers haven't come down at all -- why is that? there's a problem there that they can't answer in terms of the policy. i do think it's a little bit of
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rinse and repeat. until both parties are willing to come together and actually deal with the increase, social security and medicare, there will be less money for other things. that's just the way it's going to be. >> jesse: greg, what do you think about the budget? >> greg: it's time to start playing their games. we sit here and every year we are told that we kill children, the elderly, disabled, vets. i can do it too. if you can say it without any backup, i can say stuff like that too. de blasio says children will die. help me police officers have you put in harm's way by marginalizing their jobs, by saying he had to tell your kids to be careful with the police? how many cops lives did you put in jeopardy when you did that? screw you.
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you know the other thing too? some of these art reductions in increases. it's like saying you're going to give 5% raise instead of a 7% raise and somehow you are a monster. if you make any subtle, tiny changes -- at such a gimmick. they get away but they can make because the media lets them get away with it. if you say republicans are trying to make babies die, the media says "republicans are trying to make babies die." it's collusion. yes, collusion. >> dana: jesse, one more thing tomorrow. can you find a clip of the epa musical? >> jesse: yes. up ahead, mayor
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♪ >> dana: major controversy here in new york city. the annual puerto rican day parade plan to honor a terrorist on june 11th. rivera has spent over 35 years in prison, a 100 terror bombing turned united states responsibl responsible. obama commuted his 70 year sentence before leaving office. new york's democratic mayor bill de blasio still plans to be there and marched behind rivera. >> i believe this parade is very, very important as a part of this life of our city. the parade committee made a choice this year on someone to honor. that does not change the basic nature of the parade. whether you agree with that choice or not, it's still the puerto rican parade. and my point is, i will be there to honor the puerto rican peopl people. i intend on marching. it's as simple as that.
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>> dana: greg, way to take a stand by the mayor. >> greg: he is the worst person on the planet. in manchester, they are searching for a bomb maker. he is celebrating one. this is a guy who started an organization that was involved in over 120 bombings. bombings that people and injured police officers. imagine the police officers that will have to protect this parade. that's their job. but celebrating someone that targets a type of parade like that. they claim to be for peace but then they drop to their knees for people like bill ayres in this joker. under the idea of the revolutionary. no, they are terrorists. they killed innocents. >> dana: it's a weird way for them to approach political correctness than what we're talking about earlier. >> juan: there is no defense for it, to my mind. that's why we see big companies.
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everyone, coca-cola, even goya -- a latin food companies said it, we are not doing this. >> greg: love the beans. >> juan: i remember back in the '80s, you had the irish parade. you had an ira guy. and it was cardinal cook who spurned him. we have to be consistent. >> dana: would de blasio get any blowback if she had said no? >> kimberly: it's so awful in so many ways. i'm half irish, half puerto rican. i don't know why we're having all these parades. i don't know. i don't know. [laughter] >> kimberly: which side do you want? i don't know. de blasio doesn't surprise me because this is a man who has treated police officers and law enforcement with disdain and disrespect and really as you mentioned earlier, greg, made
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the streets less safe for police officers to be able to do their job. this is really just consistent with his lack of regard for public safety and for the men and women that serve and put it on the line for every day in blue. i applaud goya. i love your products. way to take a stand on this. >> dana: the more you think about president obama actually commuting the sentence, what message does that sound? >> jesse: surprise, surprise. that where you got your nice tan? were you doing research for the parade? >> kimberly: yes. just down the street. >> jesse: i love how he threw the parade committee under the bus. i don't like de blasio. he doesn't like me. i think he actually might win back the election. i can't believe i'm saying that. >> greg: kimberly has to run. >> kimberly: a law-abiding irish-puerto rican.
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delinquent. i will ask very nicely. i will say you have to pay up, folks. we are defending these people. you have to pay up. it's obsolete. >> juan: wow. that was canada trump voicing his opinion of nato. calling them obsolete because they weren't paying enough for doing enough to address terrorist. it will be interesting to see how tomorrow's summit goes down in brussels, where the president arrived today. what do you think, greg? >> greg: about what? i wasn't listening. >> juan: you want on my -- >> kimberly: whoa! >> dana: wacky stuff. >> greg: an extreme position creates chaos, forcing the other side to respond. he gets them to move toward him. every position begins as an act -- i didn't set restaurants
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with my wife. she's always worried about how much i eat. i ordered a load of food and then she says no, no. i am left with what i really wanted which is the plate of salt and pepper pork chops. >> kimberly: you are sad, right? >> juan: with a president -- absolutely right, five countries paid 2% of their gdp for defense but he was suggesting they paid for the united states. >> dana: i think i was just on the campaign trail. when you become president, you understand a little more fully how much you need organizations like nato. the two big issues are going to be counterterrorism and sharing. they have great reasons to talk about that. the nato allies i think are going to explain their concern about russian involvement in ukraine and the president had also set on the campaign trail that he would help protect ukraine. there's a lot of those issues and the other thing i think he will ask for because this is a decision he will have to soon...
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he will ask nato countries to help more in afghanistan and iraq are training and military and police. >> juan: jesse, what about that russia issue that dana raised? an attack on the nato country, the united states will honor its nato commitment? >> jesse: you know, russia is in bed with trump, juan. we will let trump walk all over nato. yeah, is that the conspiracy no now? i don't think there's anything to do without. greg is right. a strong opening bid. you say they have to pay up and they have to up now. they rattled their cage. obama asked nicely and no one listen to him. trump was tough and now they're coming to the table and it's working. >> juan: what about germany? >> kimberly: everybody's got to pay, juan. the military assistance from the united states, i think it should be equitable. people should pay their fair share to be part of this
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alliance. especially now more than ever we need cooperation. that cooperation goes across all lines. which is financial as well. sharing intelligence, working together in communication and standing united against terrorism. problems we are all facing and can all relate to. i think nato has a place. i think it can be very effective if we put in the right amount of resources and it just can't be the united states every single time. dipping into our well, every cycle time. >> juan: i am surprised that germany is not on the list of countries that paid 2%. where is germany
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♪ >> greg: "one more thing." let's go to juan. >> juan: with the start of summer on the way, city boys think, what are farmers doing these days? there they are, water skiing. a out. and the cornfields, they were flooded in nebraska so he attached a wakeboard and went surfing among the cornstalks. in the missouri river in nebraska but he's saying he's never seen this much rain. while this was fun, this city boys hoping he finishes the rain in time to plant some more corn. my favorite summer dish.
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kimberly, i hope you like corn. >> kimberly: i love street corn! delicious. >> dana: a podcast promo. the terror attack, president trump's foreign trip, we talked about the republican budget that just got proposed and a memorial day tutorial. we talk about this. a picture of a bear -- it looks like a professional picture. right? no, all contrary, my mother took that through her car on a trip through west virginia. >> greg: i am disgusted by it. why is it pumping a tree? kimberly. >> kimberly: thank you so much. this memorial day, a book by my friend, sadly an american hero perished on august 6th, 2011
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along with 30 other americans that were shot from the sky while rushing into a battle. losing aaron's life had a profound impact. she really wanted to pride parents with advice on how to raise children and leave an indelible imprint on the world. much like her beloved son. karen will also be my guest tomorrow night on "hannity." sean will be on vacation for two days and i will be in for him. you can all watch that as well. >> greg: another podcast plug but this is good. "the one." my friend, buy his book. listen to the podcast. all right. it's time for this. >> dana: oh, 824. >> greg: i bought a dog everybody. check it out. it's a poodle-potamus.
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i got him at a local pet shop. isn't that beautiful cluster gets a real dog. it loves the water come along. just like you. >> kimberly: this is big news. >> greg: it's a poodle hippopotamus. >> jesse: another scandal involving russia. >> [speaking russian] >> jesse: democrats are now calling for a special counsel. >> greg: i just changed when jesse was talking. >> dana: now do you go to your other job?
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>> greg: don't miss an episode. "hannity" is up next. >> bret: we are following a trio of breaking stories. an estimate out from the congressional budget office on what the house health care reform bill would cost and how many people it would cover. shocking new evidence tonight that the obama administration knowingly violated the constitution by conducting illegal search -- searches against americans for years. new information tonight about a tear or network about the deadly bombing in manchester, england. rick leventhal has the latest. >> good evening. u.s. defense officials are telling fox news that the alleged
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