tv Outnumbered FOX News May 25, 2017 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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>> harris: fox news alert. president trump is meeting with nato leaders in brussels where he has already scored a big victory and nato's commitment to fight the islamic state savages. a short time ago, moment in the history books. our commander-in-chief call of the members of nato for not appearing their fair share. he spoke of the need to unite in the fight against terror. this is "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today, sandra smith, meghan mccain, anchor of the intelligence report with trish regan on fox business, bring some intelligence is trish regan and our #oneluckyguy, fox news contributor and former communications director for the dnc, mo elleithee is here. he is also the founding executive director of politics and public service. a man who is busy. good to have you. >> mo: thanks for having me.
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i'm exhausted just following. i'm not even in politics anymore and i'm exhausted. >> harris: as a whole nation of politics. >> mo: none of us are safe. >> harris: grab some coffee, we are ready. let's get started. president up is meeting for the first time with leaders of nato, the alliance he once criticized as obsolete. what would be a diplomatic -- nato is a set to form the coalition against isis. also in the wake of monday's concert attack in manchester. he invoked a shared fight against terror as he stood beside a newly unveiled nato memorial. >> my travels and meetings have given me renewed hope that nations can unite two feet terrorism, a common threat to all of humanity. terrorism must be stopped in its
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tracks or the horror you saw in manchester and so many other places will continue forever. >> harris: i've to start with kevin. you talk about the color and texture of events all the time. 28 members gathered. they are going to the table right now. they were stunned into silence when the president talked so bluntly about the 23 of the 28 who need to pay up. >> i can actually add one. when it comes to delivering a message straightforward and very strong and crystal-clear manner, i think the president of the united states is good at it. let me sum it up for you in a couple words. pay up. that was the message loud and clear delivered by the president to the other members of nato. listen, you're supposed to be contributing 2% of your gdp to
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this alliance. as you pointed out, the vast majority of countries simply aren't doing that. the president made it clear today he is calling on everyone too. their fair share. >> 23 of the 28 nations are not paying what they should be paying and what they are supposed to be paying for their defense. this is not fair to the people and taxpayers of the united states. >> not fair and not going to happen anymore. most of nato nations saying that yes, in fact, they will increase their contributions and they have a timeline. we'll see if that turns out to be the case. because i know you're wondering, the u.s., the u.k., poland, estonia, and greece.
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>> harris: it was interesting to see, i would have loved to been a fly on the wall. kevin, thank you very much. this was really a moment for the history books, but all around the world, whatever the narrative that's going on here, this was the driver today. >> mo: it was important moment for the president, no one can deny that. every american president of the last several presidents have been calling on nato members to pay their fair share. this is more direct than anyone has done in the past. we'll see if it's successful or not. >> harris: isis and the coalition, a coup for the president if he gets it today. >> mo: having more parts involved in the fight against isis is absolutely important. it's absolutely critical. what's most interesting to me about this entire trip, most of
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our european allies don't trust this administration. i'm glad the president is calling on nato members to pay their fair share just as i'm glad president obama did as well, however, i think a lot of them are wondering whether or not this president is going to be there for them if things suddenly get tense in europe, particularly with russia. we've heard the e.u. today say i don't think we see i eye with the american president when it comes to russia. that's going to be a concern moving forward. >> harris: it's interesting because i don't remember it the way you say it happened with president obama. i don't remember more than two dozen leaders standing outside looking rather perplexed and uncomfortable. >> mo: because that didn't happen. this is more direct. several presidents have called
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on nato. >> meghan: i don't think it's fair to say europe doesn't trust us right now. this administration is in its absolute infancy. like many things with president trump, he campaigned with a certain rhetoric. he seems to be governing a lot more moderately. i think it's incredibly fair to say it nato, you have to pay up. these are not nations with robust economies, they're helping bankroll nato. it's more than fair for him to do this. he got off base and he was calling nato obsolete. i think he's come to realize how important it is for us to maintain our relationship with everyone in nato. i don't think it's fair to sit here and say that europe doesn't trust president trump because frankly, he has been challenged yet and the capacity and everything going on with russia. when any democrats are scaring
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about russia, you guys didn't really care when president obama was in power and he would give putin more flexibility. >> harris: thus has popped up on the left side of the scene, we haven't seen presidential trunk, but we know he is in the room or getting to the room. he has a working dinner right now with nato leaders. opening remarks by the secretary general which is a little bit mirroring what we saw earlier today underneath the awning of the venue there, the headquarters in brussels. at such a beautiful day that we watched. the remainder of the dinner will be private and closed to the media. as soon as the president -- we may leave this picture up until the president stepped into the picture. >> sandra: is important to point out that he is asking for these progress reports for where they are saying this would be a tool to ensure we keep up the momentum and live up to our commitments as far as prioritie priorities.
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to broaden this conversation out, as this goes on and as president trump meets for the first time with the members of nato, and looking at the strip broadly, he's got a little momentum here, would you agree with that? >> mo: this has been one of the better stretches of his presidency. nobody can question that. it being out of the country right now with everything he's facing here at home has been a good chance for him to get out of the bunker that this white house has become. >> sandra: can he keep that going when he returns? >> mo: i think will be hard. the second he steps back on american soil and the stories are dominated not by our conversation with nato leaders, but by what's happening in the special investigation, was happening with comey's testimony, by what's happening with republicans in fighting over health care on capitol hill. it's not just democrats that are causing problems for him, it is on white house and his own party
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and the congress who are causing trouble for him. it's going to be hard to sustain this once he gets back. >> harris: does he get a little bit of a residual bounce from this? if we see any of those 23 who might want to pay more than 2%. >> trish: by the way, it is amazing. germany -- let's not forget, thn which we live right now and the rhetoric that we see and the reality is the left does not want to give him anything, so even if he sees success over there, it's going to be very hard for them to admit. any success he has, basie --
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they don't want to give him anything because then they are losing something. well i do think that analytically come everyday can step back and say yeah, he's done a pretty good job and members of the left are willing to give him the credit, the majority, we are talking the chuck schumer's of the world, nancy pelosi, et cetera, they are not willing to give him an inch because it means something. >> harris: we got the president now, center left of your screen. he just walked into this working dinner with members of nato. he said quite a busy day. he did meet earlier with the new president of france. it's been interesting for him to kind of cross paths with some of these people who have been making huge news recently and now they're all gathered in this room after a very blunt speech outside underneath the awning of the headquarters in brussels and in a smaller working environment, they're going to talk about some of the issues. what do you think will be some
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of the things they will be challenged by today? >> mo: russia is going to be a big issue moving forward. a lot of the nato members have been dealing with the same sort of russian interference, we saw them trying to do that and germany and france, and what they did to some extent here. this is something that is going to be a huge concern to nato members moving forward, along with isis and the rise of terrorism. >> harris: he hasn't said this, but basically his actions, he pushing the reset button. i'm curious to know how does angela merkel when she knows she has a crisis right now?
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>> meghan: you're the last global leader in aggressive politics and now we are seeing it shift more towards progressivism. i think it will be interesting when it comes to syrian refugees, especially refugee crisis. after ushering a million refugees into germany, and the rise oiolence towards women to the point they ran out of pepper spray in our country. there is definite differences. the prime minister of canada has a completely different idea for his country. >> harris: we are going to monitor the pictures of this and they are going to go into their private section of this working dinner.
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fyi, that's a secretary general stoltenberg who spoke earlier today. when we watch this, when i find compelling is that you have leaders that have not really met this president before. >> sandra: it was amazing to watch him walk into that room. having our president walk into that room and just be like, hey, how are you doing? this is a monumental moment in a very fancy, new environment. this trip seems to be changing donald trump's presidency. >> harris: did you catch what he said about that? he said i didn't even ask how much this building costs.
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he said i can only imagine because it's very beautiful. very interesting. we're going to move on. when they go into their private section of this working dinner, we won't have cameras on it, but when it makes news, we'll bring it to you. some important of elements to tell you about the investigation into the manchester bombing. police have arrest the alleged bomber's father and two brother brothers. we will bring you all of the news on it in moments. fresh ammunition from both sides of the political aisle. the congressional budget office releases report on the republik and health care bill. what will it mean for the bill to move on to the senate? all finished.
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>> sandra: lots of reaction from both sides of the aisle on capitol hill after the cbo released their analysis of the health care bill. the cbo claims the bill would lower government deficit and health care premiums. house speaker paul ryan weighing in a short time ago. >> a new study that came out yesterday from hhs saying
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premiums have doubled in america because of obamacare. people can afford this. what cbo just told us as the reforms we put in this bill will help lower premiums. i'm very encouraged by that. >> sandra: on the other hand, the cbo also claimed the bill could lead up to 23 million people uninsured. nancy pelosi laying up that side of the argument earlier. watch. >> yesterday, cbo confirmed what we all knew, but they made clear that many americans with pre-existing conditions would face soaring costs and frightening limits on the care they need. some people with pre-existing conditions, many of them would no longer be able to afford coverage of any kind. >> sandra: of course, the argument of the cbo as they haven't gotten it right in the past, so are they putting so much emphasis on this analysis? >> mo: it's still the benchmark. it's still the important nonpartisan analysis.
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this is a political power a keg for republicans right now. you've got the republicans in the senate is saying dead arrival. we are going to start from scratch and mitch mcconnell came out yesterday and said i'm not sure we can get to 50 on health care. you've got republican members -- this thing only passed by one or two votes in the house, seo got a lot of members there who are freaking over the fact that not just the 23 million, but premiums going up for older americans and likely for people with pre-existing conditions and huge homes of the country. we can have this argument, but this plan is incredibly unpopular right now. this is the argument, this is the political argument we are having right now. the senate can't pass anything which it saying it may not be able to do.
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>> trish: can i point out something? the current system is not working. health insurers are not providing the insurance and the reason is, it makes no economic sense. in this particular case, i know -- i'm sorry, ed costs more to ensure an older person than it does a 22-year-old. that's just the reality of it. the insurance companies, they can't bird and that cost. by the way, they won't. they've made it clear over and over again, by getting out of the states and getting out of the business, they are not going to do it. you have to come up with something that makes economic sense. >> harris: you said obamacare numbers are going up, what are you talking about? >> mo: i'm talking about the polling numbers. and the public opinion, if fox news poll came up the other
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day -- >> harris: >> meghan: people ard we're going to mess up the rollout. it is messy right now. that being said, i do know that cbo has gotten many things wrong. this year, the cbo predicted that 26 million people would be on obamacare exchanges. it's 10 million. i'm sorry if i don't believe in this messy way of analyzing what is going to look at. people didn't buy into obamacare, 16 million less people are on it, so why should the average american trust it? >> harris: from the beginning, i think democrats are getting a little excited about this idea that there is tension among the republicans. from the beginning, he had a least two people if not more than that, a widening range of republicans that really wanted to repeal this thing before you
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do anything else. guys like ted cruz and rand paul. they are against this, not because they don't like what's in it, they don't the premise of it. as a democrat, don't get excited. there is a still room to repeal this and get a whole lot of republicans on board. >> trish: >> meghan: there are e like rand paul who just want this repealed and they don't care how it happens. we have a paradigm shift. he told the american people and convinced them that health care is a right. right now, trying to take away insurance from people who have already had it. the hysteria that's going on in town halls across the country is because we haven't given them a good enough example of what we are going to replace it with. >> mo: if the republican party moves to repeal, that's going to get so much worse.
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>> meghan: it's not just rand paul's party. >> mo: after seven years of talking about this -- >> sandra: in the wake of the cbo report, you saw 23 million with news coverage. >> trish: of course the numbers will go up because there are a lot of people -- >> harris: again, where is the message? >> trish: i hear you. to your point, they're fearful.
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people are use to it. they think it's our right to have health insurance. there is a scared -- >> mo: this is a huge political powder keg. >> sandra: new chilling details on the manchester investigation, what we are learning about the alleged bomber's family as well as his whereabouts for the attack. plus, the democrats turn on one of their own. what a top republican has to sa say. if you total your new bike, they replace it with a brand new one. that's cool. i got a new helmet. we know steve. it's good to be in (good hands).
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>> harris: fox news alert on the manchester terror attack, we've now learned that libyan authorities have arrested the father and two brothers of the suspected bomber, salman abedi. he had recently spent three weeks in libya, returning to england just days before the attack which killed 22 people, most of them girls under the age
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of 16. 23 of those injured remain in critical care. greg palkot is live in manchester. >> this day in manchester drawing to a close, but we're still seeing passion -- flowers, messages, balloons left for those who were killed and injured in that attack on monday night. overnight, there were arrests. eight people are in custody. believed they are connected in some way to this attack. we have one official telling us that they are getting to the bottom of the support network behind this vicious bombing. now detained in libya, the father and the brother of the attacker, salman abedi. they have associations with isis
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and al qaeda, but is not clear how close they are. the attacker spent time immediately before his attack in libya, and there are connections being looked at between him and terror figures in germany, france, and belgium. chilling images of the attacker, surveillance video at a shopping mall, just a couple of blocks from the attack site, just a couple days before that attack was made. other information coming from this investigation, british officials say they are cutting off information to their counterparts in the u.s. until this is straightened out. take a listen to what the mayor of manchester had to tell us today. >> this is wrong morally, it's arrogant, it's disrespectful to the people of great manchester,
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but to those families of the lost loved ones of the injured. it must stop. >> finally, there was an emotional minute of silence here earlier today. right here as well is across the u.k. three more teenagers have been identified. in the hospitals, 75, many of them children, some of them in critical care. here is a bit of what the people who came to pay their respects today had to say to us. >> we can't be intimidated by these people. manchester is a strong city. >> what did you feel when he first heard about the attack? >> i felt sick and really shocked. >> is nice for going to come out to pay their respects. >> i'm just concerned about what happens next. it's so sad. >> the 14 kids recovering from
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this terrible attack got a very special visitor today. the queen. she's a mother, a grandmother, a great grandmother. she called the attack wicked. her action, very kind. >> harris: we come back to that young woman's words. what happens to the children? god bless them. thank you. this >> sandra: joe lieberman is possibly out due to possible -- the democrats voiced concern about his clinical background. despite the fact that he was al gore's running mate back in 2000. john mccain, slamming the democrats saying my democratic colleagues clearly did kill lieberman's chances. this is their nominee for the
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vice president of the united states. if anything, there are cynical about this town. how do you explain that one? >> mo: i have the same problem with joe lieberman that i had when john quarantine was being floated. given where we are right now and the heightened sensitivity as we have to the role of the fbi, having someone who was not political, i don't care what party, democrat, republican, independent, having someone who is not a politician, having someone who was a professional law enforcement official without political associations or baggage was the more prudent way to go. >> sandra: let's talk names. attorney general, jeff sessions has been interviewing candidates. fred townsend, andrew mccabe,
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and mike rogers. any particular name you want to throw out there? >> meghan: i love fred townsend. i like the idea of having a woman had the fbi. maybe it's too political for democrats, but it is a really sad day for me when people like chuck schumer and al franken are so deeply politicizing this. joe lieberman helped cofound -- he doesn't consider himself a democrat or republican anymore. he is of sound moral character. it was so surprising to me how vilified he became. i don't know you, but please don't sit here and act like elizabeth warren or bernie sanders had been nominated, you wouldn't be applauding in the street. everything is political. the fact that they came after joe lieberman --
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>> mo: i can tell you i would have been against bernie sanders or elizabeth warren. if it had been anyone who served as a political figure -- i think there are a lot of people who come from the ranks of law enforcement who are career prosecutors, career law enforcement officials who can step into that role. >> sandra: you are not stating specific names. the concern now is democrats are going to step in the way of just about any decision that is made. >> trish: they just want to resist. i agree with you. joe lieberman is a fantastic guy and he's proven that he can work with both sides, but the one issue that nobody is bringing up, but is really a conflict of interest is that joe lieberman is a partner in a law firm with the guy who is representing
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trump personally. trump's lawyer basically has lieberman on the payroll. to me, that's far more of an issue. i would like to think joe lieberman could rise above that. the problem is perception. it's the perception of having a conflict. the democrats aren't pinning him on that. >> mo: democrats have talked about that. i do think that is a serious point. democrats didn't do that. >> sandra: when you have a problem with andrew mccabe? >> mo: i'm not going to judge the actual career people. >> sandra: mike rogers, fred townsend. >> meghan: is fred townsend automatically not allowed? it's the hypocrisy.
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she's a former prosecutor. >> mo: i didn't object to her. >> meghan: nobody is going to be good enough for chuck schume chuck schumer. >> mo: that's completely unfair. >> meghan: completely fair. >> sandra: there are also way behind the g.o.p. and terms of fundraising. how they can get back on track and the and dnc chair -- >> those republican leaders with president trump don't give a [bleep] about the people they were trying to hurt. that's what ial say liberty did what? liberty mutual paid to replace all of our property that was damaged.
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>> meghan: tom perez's recent profanity laced speeches may not be enough to fire up the base. democrats struggled to unite ahead of next year's midterm. the party facing a split between establishment and bernie sanders supporters who believe the party has been co-opted. the dnc reaching just $4.7 million last month, less than half of the 9.6 million raised by the rnc. the g.o.p. says they have president trump to thank. rhonda mcdaniels saying these numbers are evidence of the overwhelming enthusiastic performance of trump and the tireless work by republicans everywhere to ensure we work together to build on our majorities. would this be concerning for you if you are still there?
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>> mo: historically, the party that's in the white house does better at fundraising than the party that's out of power. the dnc was in really, really bad shape heading into and coming out of the selection. not just talking about the wikileaks. >> harris: the push against bernie sanders -- >> mo: there was a much bigger challenge of the dnc and that was the infrastructure. the stuff that's not in the new news, i could do without that,
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i'm not the target. he's firing up the base. just as romney mcdaniels job is at the rnc. >> sandra: >> meghan: the leaguf nations has an article in the post today about how this is the impeachment election meeting the only way democrats will come around their base is that they will try to impeach president trump, no matter what happens. this is all just about impeachment. you agree? >> mo: no, i don't at all. i think people who were immediately rushing to impeach him at this point are missing a huge opportunity. i say this is a democrat.
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the president is giving democrats a lot of gifts right now politically. the scandals around him are one. he's putting out their policies that -- >> sandra: is that still your message? we are talking about with the messaging is coming from the democratic party. >> mo: this is where i'm critical of my party. i don't think we do a good job of saying what we are for. i'm talking about what we are against. that is not unique to democrats, in 2014, they were anti-obama. >> trish: he stood for something. he was able to get a lot of democrats that hillary clinton should have had. but they are either elitist and terms of her or socialist in
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terms of bernie sanders. how do you go back to that? >> mo: it's kind of like the republican message on obamacare. we need to have repeal and replace. it's okay to be anti-trump. as part of the message. what are we going to replace him with? we haven't articulated that as well. >> meghan: former president obama making a high profile appearance at an event in berlin where he also took a veiled swipe at some of our presidents policies while the president's meeting with america's allies. was president obama trying to upstage the success or? will debate next. ♪ i love how usaa gives me the peace of mind
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angela merkel during an event in berlin. although he didn't mention president trump by name, some of his remarks -- >> my hope was that i was able to get 100% of people health care while was president. we didn't quite achieve that, but we were able to get 20 million people health care who didn't have it before. some of the progress we made is now imperiled because there is still significant debate taking place in united states. >> meghan: he also talked immigration and providing aid to those in other countries. >> in the eyes of god, a child on the other side of the border is no more worthy of love and compassion in my own child. we can't isolate ourselves. >> meghan: i want to play a game of devil's advocate with you. pretend that when obama was first elected president,
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president bush was over in europe at the same time president obama made his first trip taking veiled heads and his policies. >> mo: i wouldn't love that come about president obama is doing exactly what he said he was going to do when he left. he said he was going to speak out when he felt like our shared values. i don't think anyone should be surprised that he saying this because it's what he said he was going to do. >> meghan: is appropriate? it's so young into president trump's administration. i don't love it, obviously. >> harris: you don't have members of congress who would ever do this. it is not like it's a law or anything. as protocol, is traditional. it's distasteful. >> mo: i don't know that i would agree that you don't typically have members of congress or other people doing this. we did see republican members of congress constantly trying to
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undermine president obama both here and overseas. there is no love lost between president obama and former president trump. he spent five years questioning the legitimacy of president obama and his birthplace. it reflects -- it doesn't mean that it was any better. >> trish: you are president of the united states for goodness sake. he's working hard to do what he can to secure this country. this is not what we need, this is the direction we should go. what direction did not work. we have isis thanks to the direction of president obama. >> mo: we cannot blame the president obama for the creation of isis. either he mentally disagree with that. that's not a fair assessment.
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>> trish: i think it's pretty fair to say the policies were not the policies we should have proceeded with. this idea that somehow the world could take care of itself -- at the time, given what we had gone through with a rock, a lot of people thought that maybe that was the right thing to do. president obama is sticking to that old ideology. >> meghan: a lot less children would have been gassed in syria. >> mo: i am as critical of the syria policy as a lot of people are. that is one regret is how we handled syria. i would not call the united states isolationists during the obama years. >> trish: the idea was, we
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completely backtracked. >> mo: does not mean we were isolationists. it >> sandra: it would have been nice for the former president to say i want the best for america, the best for this president and have that moment. >> meghan: we could talk about this all day. more "outnumbered," will be right back those who suffer from lower back pain
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it's fun to have you here today. >> mo: i've enjoyed it. >> harris: thanks for being here. tomorrow at noon eastern. "happening now" now. >> hour vice president penguins and the budget director will hold a roundtable discussion on the president's budget proposal. >> it comes one day after top administration officials defended the plan on capitol hill. we're covering all the news happening now. >> new reports on russian meddling in our presidential election. the documents allegedly linked to both sides of the 2016 race. plus, new arrests in the manchester terror attack as we learn more about the bomber's movements in the days before the deadly attack. and -- >> they're actually refrigeration trucks pulled up next to the coroner's office because they don't have room in the facilities. >> coroners running out of room
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