tv The Five FOX News May 25, 2017 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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the show that is a sworn enemy of line come, pomposity, and groupthink. "the five" is >> kimberly: hello, i am kimberly guilfoyle. here with greg gutfeld, jesse watters, richard fowler, and dana perino. it is 9:00 in new york city and this is "the five." new video tonight emerging of the vicious killer who blew himself up and murdered 22 and wounded dozens more monday night in manchester, england. a neighbor shot this footage of salman abedi last july. this video coming out of the british government, outrage and blame towards america for leaks in the investigation. furthermore, john roberts. live from italy where the president is tonight.
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john. >> the plague of u.s. agencies took a troubling new turn where the police in the u.k. says it will stop sharing intelligence and evidence with their u.s. counterparts because of the i plague of leaks that have been coming out here. about the manchester bombing. they were infuriated when theer name of the bomber was released in the united states before they were ready to release it. then the fact that these photographs of bomb evidence b showed up in "the new york times," it basically hit the roof. theresa may came to nato today. she was going to speak with president trump about the intelligence sharing. listen here. >> our partnership is built on trust. knowing that intelligence can be shared and i will be making clear to president trump today that the intelligence shared between law enforcement agencies must remain secure. >> for his part, the president
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really was complaining about this for a long time releasing a statement saying the leaks of sensitive information pose a grave threat to our national security. i'm asking the department of justice to launch a complete review of this matter and if appropriate, the culprits should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. what he was addressing at the nato summit earlier today, it really appealed to the other 27 membered nations of the alliance to throw in more on the issue of terrorism than they have in thel past. to become full partners in going after isis and the terrorism its inspires. >> all people who cherish life must unite in finding andd removing these killers and extremists. and yes, losers. they are losers. wherever they exist in our
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societies, we must drive them out and never, ever let them back in. >> nato is taking more steps in terms of counterterrorism. there creating a counterterrorism unit. they were very clear and communicated today that they are not at the point where they would engage in military action as an alliance or may be individual membered nations against isis. the president would like to see them do that. rex tillerson, en route from israel to italy yesterday or the day before -- it's getting a little hazy now -- says they think they will probably move in that direction but right now they are in observation. >> kimberly: okay, dana, where do we stand? >> dana: it's dangerous if you have an investigation ongoing and reveal evidence to early. for example, some of the photographs that were put forward included pictures of a
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bolt that was used. you could conceivably trace that back. people could cover their tracks if they think they are about to get made because of the investigation. that said, it is possible that you could go through an investigation like this and s fd out that the leak was not necessarily meant to hurt president trump or to hurt the u.k. investigation. this information was out there and available and there could've been mixed communication between the americans and the u.k. we have to remember that leakers are sometimes glamorized. that would include somebody like ed snowden. he becomes extremely famous and is praised from certain corners all over the world. living the high life. even though he has to live in russia. [laughter] >> dana: he's with his girlfriend and gets all this attention. i think leakers like ed snowden,
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not holding them into account needs to others thinking they can get away with that and not pay a consequence. >> kimberly: greg, where do we go from here in terms of our relationship, the u.k. is obviously upset and concerned about these leaks. this puts the u.s. a little bit on its heels but it could be an advantage to president trump if it played out right. >> greg: i just came up with this phrase, "loose lips sink ships." i think it may catch on. [laughter] >> kimberly: wow. >> greg: you need to keep england happy. it's basically our spouse in this world. the closest relationship we have. is this a big deal and why? from an intelligent standpoint, i'm not sure, it was two days later.l the stuff was out there. from a respect standpoint, it's a big deal. there's always a conflict here. america is the big fish.
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countries bristle when we don't observe their boundaries.en we don't have to throw it in their face that we are the biggest country in the world. they don't want to be the robin to the batman even though they are the robin to our batman. countries should also worry a little less about the information leaked after an attack and about the acting on the information. i would be more outraged for what happens before. >> kimberly: great point. be more upset about what you missed the on the aftermath and saying oh, we are upset now because you are giving information up. jesse, what we do to mend this relationship? obviously the u.k. is upset. we know we have a leaking problem. t now this gives the president a platform to say listen, we will get to the bottom of this. whoever is behind it will have to be prosecuted. enough is enough. >> jesse: this plays right
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into the president's hand, why the leakers have now overplayed their hand. it feeds into his mantra about these leaks. and the enemy from within. it's one thing for a leaker to leak something that embarrasses the president or setup and obstruction of justice charge against the president. but to leak something that damages our alliance or embarrasses an ally or destroys the trust of an ally or potentially jeopardizes our national security? president obama -- >> kimberly: do they want the president to get the blame? >> jesse: yeah, it doesn't make the united states look trustworthy. someone has an agenda. it is either the holdover democrats that are tryingg to destroy the trump presidency from within. it's either bureaucrats or republicans in there that never like president trump that are trying to wage political warfare
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against him or is just fake newt stuff. a lot of anonymous sources out there. who's telling theset reporters these things? are there actual officials saying these things? >> kimberly: it seems credible if the u.k. is upset about it. >> jesse: in the broad schemeng of things, it comes out of the middle of nowhere. they probably have to initiate some sort of task force. >> kimberly: it's on this presidents watch. that's why he is upset and justifiably, the u.k. is upset. it doesn't look good for the united states, period. >> richard: i agree. i think this week-a-polluted -- that's what i've been calling, since chumps presently target the started. they said we are not going to look at the city. you have to do with the leakers. at the end of the day, all of
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these leakers report to one person. donald j. trump.ld the head of this government. for 130 out some days, we've been talking about getting the leakers. guess what? they are still leaking. >> jesse: when the government is so big, it's hard to find these guys. >> dana: however it got out, i don't think it was necessarily intended to specifically hurt president trump. the other one certainly more. maybe they will find it's the same person.n. our relationship is so good. the president was able today to have face-to-face diplomacy and say sorry. i will try to fix this and by 6:00 tonight when bret baier was doing special report, he had breaking news, just found out the brits have now said we will start sharingth intelligence again. the stoppage of intel sharing lasted about six hours. if you got in a fight with her husband or wife, six hours later, if you have a good enough relationship -- you can put it behind. >> greg: a sulk.
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>> richard: my mom always said, "you never let the sun go down on your anger." >> greg: very good point. >> kimberly: good advice. >> greg: it falls under the umbrella of these other leaks. leaks never go away because humans can't shut up. they always use information and gossip as tools to bond. an officer might go to the press because it creates an alliance. this is why it is so hard in every business, including our own. we can't control what's being said. no one can. a different path and laying down these other ones. the relationship, how to keepot the relationship strong. if you been together a longke time, the seven year itch and all that other stuff. >> jesse: there is a similarity here. a lot of these leaks have created problems with the allies. look at the transcripts. australia. mexico.
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israel. that's a common denominator. >> greg: you ruined my point. >> richard: which is why donald trump has to get to the bottom of all of it. he is the art of the deal, this amazing businessman. walk in there, the ceo of the company. fix the problem. >> kimberly: it's not an exact replica in terms of the model of the private sector. >> richard: that's what he ran on, kim. >> kimberly: people that have been appointed positions, look at the va. the problem is, he is stuck with that. they are there. he kind of can't touch them. that's a problem. we have people information, lack of veracity. not even a goal objective here. what do you do? he is now the guy who is on the watch. >> richard: you have nobody inin your white house who has ever worked in the white house before.
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>> kimberly: otherwise it will continue to happen. >> jesse: the minute trump i starts firing the leakers, you're going to call them fight back whistleblowers. >> richard: i just think we should get to the bottom of it. >> jesse: we got this. >> kimberly: coming up, a congressional candidate j allegedly body slams a reporter in montana and now people are blaming trump for it. we will tell you about this outrageous situation straight ahead. about this outrageous situation straight ahead. ♪ with an unlimited mileage warranty on your certified pre-owned mercedes-benz, you can drive as far as you want for up to three years and be covered. so no matter where you go, your peace of mind and confidence will be as your mileage. visit the certified pre-owned sales event,
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>> greg: it sounds kind of bad. how bad? there is probable cause to issue a citation but the injuries didn't meet felonyau assault. normally you would blame the g.o.p. candidate for his actions, that's what adults do. we assign blame to those responsible. we are not babies. or belgians. but the media...
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you know who they are going to blame? trump. >> a guy assaulting a reporter -- which wouldn't be surprising in an age of trump, where he calls the press the enemy of the people.ld these reckless words have consequences. >> there is a cost to continually berating the media. you create an atmosphere in which these people are not treated like human beings. although i'm sure the president did not intend for this particular candidate to do it,th that's the end effect when you begin behaving that way. the tone of the politics -- the country is up by the president of the united states. >> what the donald trump have anything to do with what this candidate did? >> reporters, they are horrible people. the enemy of the american people. if you think that that doesn't have anything to do with it, you are sadly mistaken, my friend. >> greg: he puts the don and donkey.
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using their logic, they could now be blamed if anyone attacks president trump. they've gone full-blown thd. trump hysteria disorder. obviously g.g. did wrong. you don't throw people to the ground. including reporters. you also can't blame trump.on my soup is cold, blame trump. holy crap, i have a zit, blame trump.. i'm getting fat, blame trump. by the way, that last one is real. barbra streisand said trump made her gain weight. lena dunham said it made her lose weight. trump is thousands of miles away in brussels. that's what i call reach. jesse, could we blame all this disruption in colleges on msnbc, cnn? we could just blame away. >> jesse: i would like to do that, as a matter of fact.
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that's what i like to do. the media has called trump hitler for a year and says that he needs to be actively resisted and then what happens? madonna says she wants to blow up the white house. robert de niro says he wants to punch trump in the face. the left wing has been running wild, bring things down. the other day, a woman tried to run her congressman off the road because he voted to repeal obamacare. was that the media's fault? no. trump says fake news and now all of a sudden some guy gets in trouble in montana? i feel sorry for the victim and i do want to say, i know this is me going out on a limb -- t beating up reporters is not the right thing to do. >> greg: if jesse watters knows that, i think it's true. you really have grown. [laughs] >> kimberly: such maturation here. >> richard: can i just say one thing? if somebody broke my glasses, i would lose it. >> kimberly: your glasses are attractive. and expensive.
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>> greg: that is the nerdiest. >> richard: if g.g. broke my glasses, he would have a really bad blackeye. >> kimberly: anyone else around here have g.g. initials? >> greg: i am a practitioner of nonviolence. >> kimberly: you are trying to create a case for yourself. i am k.g., by the way. >> greg: you are k.g., by the way. the media is acting like this is a huge outrage. we kind of know that this guy lost his temper. you see that every day in life. it just so happens it's a republican and a reporter. my god, the world is ending. she's huffing. stop huffing. >> richard: i agree with dana's head shake.e.
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>> kimberly: it spoke volumes. >> greg: people lose their temper. just that the two variables involved make it a big deal. >> richard: the real reason why the media is blaming donald trump is because he did the robo call for gianforte. >> kimberly: he is far away right now. he doesn't have time for all these long-distance calls. on a serious note, it really what does this have to do withy, president trump? anything that happens, they want to touch try and attributed to his post. and castigate him for it. what happened was wrong, absolutely. why did this guide to this when he was doing well and then just visit? are busy, he some kind of problem. tell it like itt is. you don't just body slam, break glasses. it's nonsense. you get away with this not even in second grade. on the playground. but he's doing this.
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the conduct is unbecoming. the question, in terms of whether he suitable to be able to serve. people make mistakes. it happens. i get it. nevertheless, in terms of just blowing this completely out of proportion? to say that it lands on the steps of the oval? the fault of donald trump? wow. such a reach. >> greg: come on, dana. you can't agree with that guy on the morning show. t morning steve. with the funny hair? the media -- it is anti-trump >> dana: that's not what i was shaking my head about. if you are running to be a representative of democracy andh you can't answer a question about the congressional budget without losing it and assaulting somebody, you have a serioust problem. blaming president trump for it would be like saying any democrat that cheated on their spouse -- that was a direct result because of what
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bill clinton did. >> kimberly: i've heard that. a >> dana: the whole point about blaming presidents. remember blame obama? it became like a joke. any president is going to get the blame about anything. blame obama. he blamed president bush for four years. here's the worst part about this story. their spokesperson lied about what happened and put out a statement saying something completely that didn't happen. on paper. there are eyewitnesses that happen to work for fox news. she said this is what i sawye happened. this is what's bad. if you think you can lie about what happened and get away with it? he is probably going to win tonight. fine, here comes another winner to washington, d.c. >> jesse: if you beat up a reporter in montana, your poll numbers could go up. >> richard: donald trump, he's a loser -- he breaks glasses.
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call him a loser. >> greg: let's not descend to the level of name callers. >> richard: donald trump? >> greg: anybody in particular. all right, up next. donald trump fulfilling a campaign pledge to be tough on nato, european leaders aren'tt too happy about it. details, when we return. ♪ aren't too happy about it. details, when we return. ♪
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nations are still not paying what they should be paying and what they are supposed to be paying for their defense. this is not fair to the people and taxpayers of the united states. 2% is the bare minimum for confronting today's very real and very vicious threats. >> dana: take a look at how some of the media reacted to that. >> the president is lecturing the nato allies. with very angry and it became clear during the course of the scolding. >> trump at the nato summit today, publicly berating fellow members for not living up to their defense spending commitment. they also alluded to allies who own massive amounts of money from past years. which seems to echo the previous misunderstanding that this is all about back dues.s. >> president trump in brussels delivering a public shaming.
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>> this was his debut at nato. they were really angry. >> dana: what do you make of that, greg? >> greg: they should all shut up. europeans are so much more superior to these roughneck americans. they are sophisticated. they drink tea. and espresso. by the way, trump is doing whats he supposed to do. he is a salesman. you start with an extreme position and ask for the moon and you get something in return. he asked the question. he disrupts, creates a debate. at the end of all this, they end up shaking hands and maybe he gets the ball moved closer to us. >> dana: kimberly, he's actually been able to get many countries to agree thatat they will pledge. there could've been a little more criticism in private and more praise in public.
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>> kimberly: ultimately, we are about the objective and achieving the goal at the end. this is something he had to call them out on.el "this is awkward, we better make sure to save face." it's a little bit of a brash style but it is producing results. by the way, why don't people pay up? we are expected to pay rent in apartments and pay for the gas we put in our car. if they want military protection as the benefit of working with the united states, they need to pay the right? that makes sense to me. it really does. you can't sit there and complain youwhine about stuff when are not even paying your dues. this would really bug me in my flamenco class. >> dana: there was even charles krauthammer talking about how he didn't say the words in article five, an attack on one is an attack on all. sean spicer said well that's what the whole event was about.
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why do we even need to say that? is that nitpicking? >> jesse: it could be. it's not something you are supposed to say as you address nato? and make the allies feel a little bit? y maybe he should have said that. i think it's understood. i think it's important for nato to start brushing up. s we had nato deployed in afghanistan for a little while. there were problems communicating, different rules of engagement. air to air communication issues. some countries weren't even getting off into the air because they didn't want to do certain air raids. >> kimberly: some didn't have uniforms. >> jesse: some didn't have the right equipment. it's clear that the president is making these nato allies take ownership and its stakeholders in own national defense. >> dana: some of those countries lost a lot more soldiers than we did. >> richard: nato was created because the united states wanted to counterbalance ussr.
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we created nato and because we are the creators of this thing, we have a responsibility to make payment. on the campaign trail, he said he wanted to get rid of it.. it's awful, stupid.en now he's like i'm okay with it but this is about diplomacy. diplomacy is not the "celebrity apprentice." it requires you to be behind the scenes, making deals, projecting posture in public. there was not that. >> jesse: now these nations -- >> richard: that was not effective, it was embarrassing. >> jesse: it made america lookns bad. before it made america look ineffective and strong. >> richard: first of all, the president flip-flopped on the position. >> greg: so he could bring them to the middle. that is what a salesman does, richard. >> richard: this is diplomacy. not a new york reality show. >> kimberly: he is not a guy
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that has flowery semantics. >> dana: i do hope president trump gave erdogan in turkey the side eye. >> greg: the side eye? >> kimberly: like this, greg. you've got to get hip. >> dana: president obama taking shots at president trump. when we return. ♪ >> dana: president obama taking shots at president trump. when we i accept i take easier trails than i used to. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but no matter what path i take, i go for my best. so if there's something better than warfarin, i'll go for that too. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis had both. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke.
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president trump's interior secretary in march. montana had back president trump by 20% over hillary clinton, but also be elected as a democratic governor seated gianforte december. gianforte was favored in this race until the theme of the election shifted weight wednesday night. gianforte had a run-in with the law, witnesses including fox correspondent alicia acuna say gianforte body slammed ben jacobs, a reporter for the guardian, and then punched him. jacobs was trying to question gianforte about the g.o.p. american health care act. gianforte has not been cited for misdemeanor assault. he was also have the endorsements withdrawn from three different newspapers that had earlier endorsed up in this race. he could face up to six months in jail and a $500 fine for that misdemeanor assault. after that, three newspapers withdrew their endorsements and
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there was controversy at that point as to what was going to happen. at the end of the day, gianforte did win the race late tonight. let's go right now live to montana where our own alicia acuna yet is standing by with the very latest for us. >> hi, patty and peered about a couple minutes go think he was a five minute warning for greg gianforte to step up to the mic here in montana. it was pretty much election night headquarters for the campaign. to be quite frank about many people in the media we weren't quite sure there was going to be a party tonight considering the citation that you mentioned that what he was facing. we were quite sure and hadn't heard from him all day. this will be the first that we heard from him since the statement that he put out shortly following the incident. in which myself, fox news photographer, and a film
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producer were witness to that happened yesterday with the reporter. >> one of the issues here is that 60% of the voters and montana had already mailed in absentee ballots in advance of today's election. right? >> the state of montana has a very large percentage of absentee voters, people who participate by mail or they drop it off on election day with their absentee ballots. up to that, over the past four weeks or so, voters here have already been participating in it, sending in your ballots. it is just a matter of counting and collecting. the county does a little bit differently. some of the counties reports by hand delivering the ballots, and others are results sent in via
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the website. i am hearing that maybe he was walking in here. bear with us for a second. it looks like there might be some sort of announcement. we thought it was going to be a little bit longer tonight. we were told by -- the election in the state of montana that this could go as long as 9:00 mountain time, but that is not the case as you know because he has been declared the winner here on this bus special election. >> i realize that it doesn't sound like all of the returns are quite than being counted yet. what is the thread team expert at this point? >> the spread at this point is 51% for gianforte and 44% for quist. i've got a big crowd so i can't quite see the screen. i'm trying to look around
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someone. 77% reporting that 681 -- 524 are not reported. thus we have. we have a 60% spread. that's where we are at this point. he's got a crowd here, and i'm not sure what you can see. are you watching the stage at this point? i am on my phone. speak up now. we are not now we are watching the stage. mr. gianforte is not on it yet. we are to stay with you until he caught does come up and give you the speech. let me ask you there on the ground. after this instrument which you witnessed, did you speak with voters who said they changed their minds based on the incident? >> what we have been seen, and i have actually been talking to a lot of the local reporters who live here as well, they were
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experiencing the same thing. it really depends on where -- they were ahead of the game. some people said they weren't really bowed and then they voted for it for the attack. other people want the other way. you never know how these things are going to play out. it's just some people thought it was great, some people thought it was terrible. that's just the way it is. in the end, it didn't really change what was the expected result here. gianforte was expected to hold onto this republican that would vacate to be secretary for president trump. i think it's tighter than i thought it would be. especially after the incident of last night. >> the misdemeanor assault, he could pay a fine and even facing jail time.
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>> yes. it all depends. the way it works here, between now and the seventh when they have a hearing, if they pleaded guilty --dash it has become very difficult to hear her right now. >> the crowd noise has been picking up. i guess alecia, we will try to stay with you if you can pick us up as hard as you can. here we go. here is greg gianforte right now to give his acceptance speech after winning the special election or a vacant house seat in montana. let's listen in. >> thank you! [applause]
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thank you! thank you. thank you. thank you montana! tonight is all about you. tonight is your victory. over the last two years, you've made tens of thousands of phone calls. you've knocked on hundreds of thousands of doors, thank you. susan and i have had the great pleasure of driving over 80,000 miles over this great state. everyone of our 56 counties multiple times, and we stayed in
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your homes. together, tonight, we won a victory for our treasured state. [applause] tonight we won a victory for all of montanans. tonight we won a victory for our coal and timber families. we won a victory for our farmers and our ranchers. and we won a victory for our men and women in uniform, and for our veterans. thank you. we won a victory for our montana
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seniors. and we won a victory for our second amendment. we also won a victory to keep our public lands in our public hands. we won a victory for every hard-working montana family because of their hasn't been heard. and for montanans who have been left behind. tonight, montanans are sending a wake-up call to washington, d.c., establishment. [applause]
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montanans said, "bernie sanders and nancy pelosi can't call the shots here in montana." montanans said we are going to drain the swamp. and we have a want of work to do and hard work is the way things get done. sometimes hard work is born out of hard lessons. last night, i learned a lesson. no, please. i need to share something from my heart. here. bear with me. when you make mistakes, you have
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to own up to it. that's the montana way. last night i made a mistake. and i took an action that i can't take back. and i am not proud of what happened. i should not have responded in the way that i did. and for that, i am sorry. [applause] i should not have treated that reporter that way. and for that, i am sorry, mr. ben jacobs. [applause] i also want to apologize to the fox news team that was there. and i am sorry to each one of you that we had to go through
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this. that is not the person i am, and it is not the way i will lead in the state. rest assured, our work is just beginning. but it does begin with me taking responsibility for my own actions. you deserve a congressman who stays out of the limelight and it just gets the job done. i promised to work hard to protect our precious way of lif life. i promise to be open and accessible. and based on your input, i will be your strong voice back in washington, d.c. the [applause] i have always considered myself more of a workhorse than a show
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horse, and that is my promise to you. i am going to washington to get things done, to drain the swamp, and fight for montana families. [applause] i will bring accountability to washington, d.c. i will support term limits. and banning members of congress from becoming lobbyists. and i will hold the politicians accountable. if they can't balance the budget, they shouldn't get paid. [applause] no balanced budget, no paycheck paychecks! washington won't like it, but it's time for america and
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montana to come first again. it just seems that when people go to d.c. they just take the water and kind of slither into the swamp. that's why we are not moving to d.c. i will commute and be back here traveling to every corner of the state is much as i can. i will be in all 56 counties so that your voice is heard. you have always been on my side, and i pledge i will always be on your side. montana sent a strong message tonight that we want a congressman who will work with president trump to make america and montana great again.
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[applause] thank you. i feel a deep sense of obligation and duty to this great state where susan and i raised our family and build our business. thank you for your support. and this opportunity to serve. [applause] good night, god bless montana and at this great united states of america! >> all right, that was greg
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gianforte's acceptance speech. once again, the montana special congressional election has been called. it was considered -- it was going to go to gianforte, the republican, but it ended up being closer than expected against the democrats rob quist who had no real political experience because of the fact of this incident that occurred wednesday, a reporter for the guardian, ben jacobs, approached gianforte and asked him about this video report on the g.o.p. health care bill. jacobs reportedly held a microphone close to the candidates face, at which point, according to the fox news reporter alicia acuna who was there, gianforte grabbed jacobs by the neck, threw him to the ground, punched him several times. he was charged with misdemeanor assault, all of this unfolding late wednesday, right on the eve of the special election. several newspapers that had in
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source gianforte withdrew their endorsements of him. 60% of registered voters have already counted absentee ballots in advance. montana went heavily for donald trump back in november. he won by 20 percentage points in that race. also president trump and vice president pence made campaign stops for greg gianforte. he won and in his speech, he spoke about how this was a victory for all montanans, spoke about some of the things he was going to do, but one of the things everyone was waiting for and they did get was an apology. he said last night i learned a lesson. when you make a mistake, you own up to it. last night i made a mistake, i am not proud of it, i should not have responded the way i did. i am sorry, i shouldn't have treated that reporter that week, infer that i am sorry, mr. ben jacobs. we still alicia acuna on the phone. we seal, or reaction?
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>> >> we were waiting to hear something about last night. it was very straightforward. hearing from him and mentioning ben jacobs, discussing the fact and reaching out and offering apology. he has been for fox a long time. it was very rattling at the time. they were quite shaken. it was interesting to hear him up there, except the victory, except the results, but also he was somber. to a degree and his behavior. and offering his apology. people here, he heard it, i don't know if you could hear it, but they were telling him as he
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was saying this that they accepted his apology that he is forgiven and that they do want him to be a representation of who they are in d.c. patti and at the end, you also heard them say that they will not be moving to washington, d.c., that they will be traveling back and fort. >> it was interesting. as you noted, after he apologized specifically to ben jacobs, he also said i am sorry to each one of you. that is not the person i am, and that is not the way i will need to. we have a lot of work to do. at the work begins with me taking responsibility for my actions, staying out of the spotlight, and getting the job done. republican greg gianforte winning against democrats rob quist and the special election to fulfill the seat vacated by ryan zinke who went on to become interior secretary of big drama
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in washington. he also issued an apology to the reporter from the guardian whom he enough to the ground on wednesday. that will do it from us. i am patti ann browne, "hannity" starts now. >> kimberly: this is a fox news alert, polls are now closed montana for its special election. lastly the g.o.p. candidate, greg gianforte reportedly slammed a reporter. >> we are waiting to make a decision about health care and he just came out.
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