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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  May 25, 2017 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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councilman this week who endorsed the inclusion of a convicted terrorist, a guy who spent over 30 years in prison for armed robbery, for building explosives for the puerto rican separatist group fa alanna, and he's been honored at the puerto rican day parade in new york city with the backing of the city council, including the head of the city council. what? i don't remember living in a country like that and that was basically unremarked upon. this is not an excuse for the lunatic behavior yesterday by that guy running for office in montana. but it's an acknowledgment.
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let's talk about violence. it really is real. >> it is real, and we see everyone wants to talk about president trump, let's discuss tom perez and his cussing crusade that he'd been giving on so many different fundraisers pretty let's talk for a moment about the california democratic convention just last weekend where you had a number of democrats on stage screaming expletive trump and expletive republicans, and that was cheered on and celebrated. the entire contingent of telephone you democrats. yet they want to accuse everyone else of promoting violence, of instigating violence, violent rhetoric. i have been seeing this. at i know you've seen this for over ten years now. i'm getting tired of it. middle america, america and general is tired of it as well. i have so many people who called in to my radio program today who said maybe the media deserves it because were tired of being lied about. were tired of being manipulated,
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and were tired of excusing awful things done to us in the name of partisan ideology. this is the point we are at because people hate media this badly. >> tucker: i think they've earned a lot of that scorn for sure. but isn't it important. >> they go out and try to ruin people's lives pretty >> tucker: i've been on the receiving end. isn't it important to say there is a significant difference between people who seek to debate and use reason in order to persuade and people who are willing to endorse the use of force to get others to obey? those are two different worlds. and i for one would rather be in one and not the other and shouldn't conservatives say that? i get that people are annoying, but wouldn't you rather be famous for not hitting them? >> i think so. i think you would rather be so. and you and i talked about this before. it's week to think you can convince someone with the use of force. it can be harder, it can be a
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lot more difficult to use reason and logic to appeal to hearts and minds, but that should be the ultimate goal because are you really converting someone? are you really persuading them if you admit their free will choice to agree with you? >> tucker: exactly, thanks a lot for coming out tonight. >> good to see you, tucker. thank you. >> tucker: have the leakers inside the federal government overplayed their hand? british police are apparently cutting off intelligence related to the manchester attacks on monday because intelligence officials in this country couldn't keep themselves from leaking a lot of what they learned straight to the press. prime minister of great britain theresa may chase and the united states today. watch. >> we have a special relationship with the usa. it is our deepest defense and security partnership that we have. of course, that partnership is built on trust. and part of that trust is knowing which intelligence can be shared confidently. i will be making clear to president trump today that
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intelligence that is shared between law enforcement agencies is to remain secure. >> tucker: so what is is about and how badly is it hurting the u.s. government, not just the trump administration, but all of us abroad? brian dean wright is a former cia officer and he joins us now. things a lot for coming on. so i'm confused even by the motives of some of these leaks. some of them are clearly designed to hurt the new president. some of them just seem nihilistic and designed to hurt the country itself. what is this about? >> nobody sings of consequences anymore, do they? you think about whether "the new york times" ran a piece with bloodied clothes and body batteries, but it was on the interest of the nations to see those kind of details, certainly not this point and arguably ever. what was i really about? it was about ego. it was about trying to make money. "the new york times," as they get new viewers on their web site or otherwise, more advertisers are going to come to them and people are going to pay more money for. it was not about informing the american people the people around the world about something
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that was very important. without money and greed. journalism has become greed and far too many parts of our country. that is deeply disturbing. >> tucker: but the stories and of course i agree with that assessment completely, but the stories that they ran were based on leaks of confidential information from the u.s. government. i would bet you anything their career people, not appointees. i'm not defending the trump people are making a partisan point. but i'm making a point as an american practices hurting our country. i don't think there's any denying that at this point. >> you're absolutely right. historically, leeks tend to come from either the hill or from the white house. what we have seen the past six months is that we've got some leakers in our national security apparatus, and i think they're doing it for purposes of their own ego to make themselves feel good or because their weapon rising political information or intelligence. i have to tell you, they need to remind themselves and whoever is
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leaking this and my to remind you, whoever is publishing this, that there are grave consequences for these choices. let me give you an example. imagine you're an informant working abroad, and you know your information is going to be leaked or potentially could be leaked. do you want to sign up for that? do you want to go to the next meeting with the cia officer, and am i five officer, or would you want to work with the cia with the am i five? the answer is maybe not. that's why this has consequences. that's why this matters. >> tucker: you make a smart point. in years past, with the political people who are doing the leaking, i used to laugh at the idea of a deep state and then you watch this and you think, that's literally what it is. i may ask you one final question, why can't the identity of these people be rooted out? if i'm in the irs, they comply e-zpass records, my phone records, they can find everything about me. we can't figure out who's doing this because why? >> this has to be a priority by the fbi that's really what this
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comes down to. it's a hard thing to find the leakers but there are tools out there. for instance, even people within the previous administration or this one, they still have their security clearances. even if they don't work for the government anymore. those folks can be called to task, they can actually even be polygraph. their options but has to be a priority and the fbi has to step up their game, department of justice has to make it a priority. no doubt about it, journalists have a certain degree of protection of their sources but there is a breaking point, isn't there? this is a society where we want information but there's a point when it goes too far, i think this is the line that has been crossed. >> tucker: when other countries won't share the relative intelligence with us, i would say that's a line. brian, thank you. >> you would think. >> tucker: the charity has declared chelsea clinton a thought leader for americans which raises the question what kind of profound thoughts are being generated by her exceptional mind? we have the answer to that and will share them with you next. also ben carson says most people
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change. >> listening to the concerns around education and climate change, women's health, child marriage, access to technology, all of these of course are interconnected. we have to focus on each of them in their interconnectedness and also individual outrages that do demand our attention. >> tucker: their interconnectedness. clinton provided leadership with another thought declaring that opinions she did less likes are not really opinions at all. therefore don't have to be listened to. >> we also have to recognize particularly at this moment that sexism is not an opinion. as long as podia is not an opinion. racism is not an opinion. homophobia is not an opinion. >> tucker: so how sector you for chelsea's presidential run? excited to be lectured like a first grader to a woman has been handed every advantage in her life? overjoyed at having your behavior dictated by some one
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who brags she quote couldn't make herself care about money at some fundamental level after taking a $600,000 a year no-show job at msnbc kanok you're not excited, but tough luck. being unimpressed by chelsea clinton's thought leadership is not a legitimate opinion according to your betters. in a recent interview with sirius xm radio, how secretary ben corvus and said an impoverished life is nearly the creation of an impoverished mind. >> i think poverty to a large extent is also a state of mind. you take somebody who has the right mindset, you can take everything from them and put them on the street, and i guarantee you in a little while, they'll be right back up there. and you take somebody with the wrong mindset, you can give them everything in the world. the work their way back down to the bottom. >> tucker: secretary carson now overseeing section 8 housing in many antipoverty efforts as these remarks got an awful lot of attention. the democratic strategist and
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was a senior advisor to john edwards is 2008 present campaign among many others. crystal read as a conservative black chick and author of con job and they join us both tonight. thank you both for coming on. we make of that? >> i don't know really what to make of it. i think freeloading is a state of mind. we went freeloading. >> but i think that poverty is real. at least where i live in southwest virginia. i've been in poverty myself, we call it eating rabbits and blackberries. but i think that's what the secretary was trying to say, but i think poverty is real. >> tucker: you agree with that? 's to kosher, but i also agree with what he said that freeloading is real. freeloading, having to state of mind. and what carson's saying is if you keep saying i'm going to be poor and i can always reach out to the government, take care of me, there's really no incentive there to rise up and work.
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you can't blink yourself out of poverty, they can have a state of mind that says i'm going to work myself out of poverty. i don't want to depend on the government. and in my book con jobs, i write about three generation of a black family living in poverty in chicago and cabrini greens. on welfare, three generations. and they thought that was just the way to go. mom didn't, so i'm going to do it. that was just their mindset, we are going to move into public housing. that's crazy. and ben carson also said i think we need a safety net for people who can't, they're stricken with poverty. they can to get job. it's not for able bodied. people. >> tucker: poverty is real and terrible and it's existence is one of the reasons trump got elected, but it's also clear that attitudes are important and everything in overcoming poverty and everything else. what are the ways that we are
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going to know that the current administration is making good on his promises to the people who voted for them, some of whom are poor? >> they should have. you can go down to southside virginia for instance martinsville and you can take the guy down there who's lost everything, he lost his job at the mill and the furniture plant and got a job as an operator, he's hurt, he can't work, his wife is working 20 hours a week at walmart, and you ask him if he's living in poverty. he says hell no, i'm not living in poverty. you mentioned trump and his election, i think that bunch of rural people who rightfully think they've been screwed, and i'm not just talking about everybody, democrats, republicans and everybody, living in a forgotten world. i think they're the reason trump got elected. >> tucker: i don't think
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there's any question about it. if i were the democratic party, i'd make play for those voters. i wouldn't be wasting everyone's time with russia conspiracies. why are they doing that? >> because they want to deflect. democrats don't want to do any hard work and this is exactly why trump one. filler content thought i got the swing states in the bag. trump went out to the rural parts of pennsylvania, michigan, he went to the people, he spoke to voters and for the first time, you had democrat union workers saying i'm voting republican because trump's talking jobs that are disappearing from my towns. from my neighborhoods. it's real, and i think the russia conspiracy thing, how much of my money, taxpayer dollars are we going to waste on three different investigations when everybody in the intelligence community including former fbi director james comey said there's no conclusive evidence there was collusion between russia and the trump campaign? >> tucker: it also seems pretty -- i'm not saying it's unimportant. but i'm saying it's pretty abstract concern as compared to what's going on where we live.
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>> it is. my great party, the democrats, i believe we lost our way. if you take the founding message of the democratic party, which going to save a dirty word, andrew jackson, the fairness of individual liberties. when it comes to economic fairness, he had that populist message and let me tell you what he did. he took our democrat message and fed it to us. you'd can talk about russians, they can talk about races, they can talk about comey, but where i live, that's what happen. that's where i sought. >> tucker: it seems simple to me. thank you both. i appreciate it. an optional bible club is shutting down because it was so effective. an atheist group is threatening to sue.
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coming here to explain why he had to shut down the club for first graders. an important victory for my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet? ♪ ♪ i'm dr. kelsey mcneely and some day you might be calling me an energy farmer.
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>> tucker: elementary school in tennessee has been forced to shut down a bible club after receiving complaints from antireligion group. bible group from the elementary school was optional and held after normal school hours, but the freedom from religion foundation threatened to sue saying it was unconstitutional because it was led by school district employees and was there
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for quote religious instruction by public school officials. the club has been disbanded. and dan barker is the copresident of the feed room religion foundation and he joins us now tonight. so you shut down a club for first graders studying the bible. if you about that? >> yes we do, and in fact we didn't shut it down. after getting the letter that we sent, the school itself, looked at the legal precedent and they decided to stop the illegal bible club being led by teachers in the public school. there is no threat of a lawsuit here. the school to the right thing. >> tucker: you bully them into it, a bully them into canceling a clut what's the constitutional problem with school district employees have a right to express their views. >> you know there's a difference between free speech and government speech. when those teachers are at the school, they are the government, and the children who go to that school, they're told to respect those teachers.
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the students do. there are families who wish to protect their children from the depravity and the violence that's in the bible, and they don't think the school should be taking side of such a personal religious issue. the supreme court has already addressed this issue. >> tucker: it has and not in the way that you suggest. this did not take place during school hours, they were not working in their capacity as teachers. some people may not have like it but some people don't like a lot of things. as different from being unconstitutional. people have a right to express their religious views. that's defined in the first amendment was prohibited is that a government establishment is religious. >> that class was a government establishment. those teachers were the teachers of those students in that school on that property. of those teachers wanted to have a bible study and those private homes on saturday, that's america. that's wonderful. for the teachers in the school and the supreme court has ruled on this, saying that it's
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voluntary does not make it legal especially in the elementary grades. the school to the right thing in the school should be applauded for giving a lesson to the students about the importance of our constitution and the importance that keeping state and church separate. >> tucker: of the lesson that aggressive interest groups with lawyers can force you to do with they want to do. it's an important lesson, and i agree. that's how america runs thanks to people like you. would it have been okay with you were an atheist group meeting with teachers? >> don't blame us. you should blame the supreme court because these issues have already been decided by the court. as far back as 1948. >> tucker: that's not true. >> yes, it is true. if you read our letter. >> tucker: i have read your letter and i disagree with your interpretation of it. let me get back to the question i just ask. would it have been okay with you if an atheist club is meeting off hours on a voluntary basis at the school? >> if it was led by students, no. we would protest that just as well. you can bet that christian
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parents would protest if atheist teachers were having a bible club teaching the children how horrible that brutal also god is in the bible. it spreads violence and fire and jesus talked about beating slaves and gouging out body parts. >> tucker: slow down there. >> why should i slow down? >> tucker: you're attacking the bible. i get that you're obviously angry, i get it. that's implied. you run a freedom from religion group. you don't need to flag it on the show for want to talk about the kids. >> how often do you get to hear informed criticism of the bible? you rarely get to hear that. it's been pushed into these kids like a loving book. >> tucker: i want to have a conversation with you about what you did an about whether you were representing the constitution when you did it where you were just flexing your muscle as a bully who runs a highly aggressive interest group. so my question to you is how is
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any group aware faces involved different from a bible study group? if there was a feminist group, certain articles of faith for feminists, why is that different? it's not different. people have a right to freely associate and say what they think and you're providing them from exercising that right. >> because those teachers are the government. we don't have a separation of feminism and state in our country, but we do have enshrined in our constitution and the first amendment, it separates religion and government. you can talk about other things. you can have a chess club. have you read the first amendment, tucker? >> tucker: of course i have. it shall not establish a religion. the state can't make a religion paired i get it. that is very different from what you're saying. because that's not what it says. have you read it? it says congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or per pivoting thereof. you and i have that free exercise. but one thing he when i cannot
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do is ask the government to settle the argument. you see how you got when i was criticizing the bible? >> tucker: nobody is telling the government to sell the argument. these are employees and their off hours talking about things they personally believed. you don't forfeit your first amendment rights or any of your constitutional rights just because you work for the government. you know that. this has been settled again and again, but you are a zealot and the idea that the bible is being read to kids bugs you, so you flexed your muscle and wrecked this little kids club and you're proud of it. that's so weird. >> thank you, but don't blame us. blame the supreme court. the letter we sent to the school explained very carefully why your reasoning is wrong. you don't get it. >> tucker: i do get it. i read the letter and you're wrong. another opioid killed 200 people in massachusetts last year. now boston cops say that heroin trade in the state is dominated by people who aren't from massachusetts or even from america. we'll talk to radio show host
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allie carr about the links between black supporters and drug
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>> tucker: massachusetts is one of the states hit hardest by the ongoing heroin epidemic. a new report from boston please include the dark but fascinating revelation. a large majority of heroin traffickers in the city of boston are not from this country. their noncitizens. 65% of people arrested for heroin dealing say they were born abroad and of those, the vast majority came from the bin can republic. allie carr is a boston radio host and he joins us now. how we, this seems to me as a layman to be another indication that maybe there's a connection between our immigration policy and our drug problems. >> absolutely. this is been a very big issue as you said, not just in massachusetts but in all of new england. donald trump ran around last year during the republican primary new hampshire talking about this. two of the local governors, republicans in new hampshire,
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they have publicly blamed the epidemic of heroin largely on illegal alien or arid dilemma alien drug dealers. and of course, they're accused of racism, nativism, xenophobia. but this report from the city of boston police department is an official document makes it clear that there onto something. this is the problem. what makes it even more interesting is we have a mayor and the city of boston who has offered to turn city hall into a sanctuary for illegal aliens while the same time, he runs around the city railing against the heroin epidemic that's killing its constituents. it's being perpetrated by the people who he wants to protect. at the statehouse in boston, they've cracked down on physicians legally writing prescriptions for legal opioids claiming that most of the problem is physicians
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overprescribing vicodin's or percocets and that's just not the case. maybe it used to be the case, but no longer. >> tucker: people are totally paralyzed in positions of power by the fear that they're going to be: sensitive. they'd rather see their people die than be called insensitive. these numbers are just from the city of boston. using the commonwealth of massachusetts, which has a very big and robust government, would be also collecting stats like these paired are they publicly available in the state? >> no. the state of massachusetts, we have a republican governor, charlie baker who is running for reelection. he's been urged by law enforcement in massachusetts to try to crack down at the driver's license level. if the problem is, if they get the drivers licenses and it's all laid out in this report from the bpb, if they get the drivers licenses, they use a phony birth certificate were still in certificates from puerto rico,
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which is an american territory obviously. so if you're puerto rican, you're an american citizen. they steal or buy somebody's identity and then they get the driver's license, and that's a stolen u.s. citizenship. once you get the driver's license. charlie baker and the republican leadership in the state executive branch home, their eyes glaze over you point this out to them. when you get the driver's license, not only do you have the right to drive without being hindered by the police, you're also eligible for all the welfare benefits. a lot of these dominican drug dealers that are arrested in new hampshire and massachusetts and maine, whether caught with two, three, four different driver's license, ideas, ebt cards, and it just goes on and on. the establishment just looks the other way. >> tucker: they're not interested in protecting their
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people. how we carr, one of the whitest men in new england. thanks for joining us. >> thank you tucker. >> tucker: he is been blaming viewers for years, 12 million people drop their subscriptions to espn in 2011. part of it is because they have moved politically to a radical place. up next, we'll talk a sports journalist jason whitlock of former espn employee on one of the most famous men in sports about what exactly is going on, why are they doing this? stay tuned
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>> tucker: espn has been hemorrhaging viewers, millions and millions of them in recent years. the question is why? new study suggest a sharp leftward turn by the network is
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a major factor in this. deep root analytics looked at espn's viewership and found that in 2016, then there was viewership became substantially more liberal and less republican. more democratic, lesser public and all across the country. conservatives lost interest in following sports of liberal politics are shoved in their face while doing it. espn doing it? your cohost speaks for itself on foxworth one pretty joins us now. thanks for coming on. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: the most powerful, the most beloved for many years brandon sports. people love espn, a lot of people still do. a lot of people still hate espn because of pushing politics pretty why are they doing that? >> i think you've asked the right question. i think court cutting has a lot to do with their subscriber and viewership loss, but the animosity and some of the viewership loss, i do think as a direct result of their lurch to
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the left and injecting progressive at the mullah g into the sports conversation. if you really understand sports culture and all the values taught in sports from little league peewee on, you're never a victim. there's never any excuses that are accepted. every coach teaches every player from five years old onto 45 years old, we don't tolerate excuses, we don't tolerate it. now so much of the conversation by the sports media, espn the angler of this is just filled with victims. : keep her next victim, everybody's a victim if turning traditional sports fans off. >> tucker: it doesn't take a sports expert to predict something like that. people go to sports as a refuge from things like politics. so why would you throw it in the face of viewers? what is the point of that? >> i think again, so much of the
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media has moved left. i've written about this and talked about this, and it applies to espn but also applies to all the media. silicon valley, facebook, google, twitter, instagram is now in control of the mainstream media. everybody's catering all of their content to silicon valley and san francisco values. that's far different than the old media which catered everything to you work, traditional liberal values, the values and san francisco a bit more revolutionary, a bit more progressive then a traditional new york-based media. >> tucker: that is a really deep point, and i think a true one, and one that almost everybody says out loud. the politics of a single congressional district are defining what everyone else in the country watches on tv. it just seems like a self-defeating strategy though. it seems like they're hurting
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themselves. >> think about it. when you and i grew up, everything was about making it in new york. he wanted to work for a new york magazine, new york television station. now everything, the media is addicted to social media. where is that control? out of silicon valley, out of northern california, out of san francisco. everybody's catering to san francisco values. it's pervasive throughout all of media and you can see it most acutely at espn. >> tucker: you worked there, you are one of the most famous guys there. you must still have friends there. without naming them. what did they think of this? >> i think a lot of them are just now starting to figure out the ramifications of this, and i think there's been some complaints from some of their employees like hey, look, we are free to express that we have traditional sports culture, traditional values. their ombudsman has written
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about. a culture within espn where if you're slightly conservative or moderate, you're afraid to express an opinion inside there. it's a real problem at espn and within all of major corporations and everything has gone pc. everything. everybody's afraid, oh, my god, we can't upset anybody. you're silencing people. it's very dangerous thing. >> tucker: you've taken a lot of heat for saying that. thank you for coming on tonight, jason. good to see you. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: he had a fascinating response to the attack in manchester. after the break, we're going to read it i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80%
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>> tucker: i want to close the show tonight by sharing a facebook post by morrissey. after the attack in manchester, he posted this. celebrating my birthday in manchester as news of the manchester arena bomb broke.
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the arena is monumental. for what reason will this ever stop? such attacks will not break us, says theresa may's but she evidently does not need -- or identify with young people in manchester. also, will not break as means the chapters he won't break her or her policies on immigration. the young people of manchester are already broken. the mayor of london says they are united with manchester. the queen receives absurd praise for her strong words against the attack, yet does not cancel today's garden party at buckingham palace. for which no criticism is allowed in the britton of free press. the manchester mayor says the attack is the work of an extremist. an extreme wad? an extreme rabbit? in modern britain everyone seems petrified to officially say what we all say in private. politicians tell us they are unafraid, but they are never the
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victims. how easy to be unafraid when one is protected from the line of fire. the people have no such protections. tune in every night at 8:00 for the show that is a sworn enemy of line come, pomposity, and groupthink. "the five" is next. >> kimberly: hello, i am kimberly guilfoyle. it is 9:00 in new york city and this is "the five" ." new video tonight emerging of the vicious killer who blew himself up and murdered 22 and wounded dozens more monday night in manchester, england. a neighbor shot this footage of salmon aberdeen last july. this video coming out of the british government, outrage and blame towards america for leaks in the investigation. furthermore, john roberts.


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