tv Watters World FOX News May 28, 2017 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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i loved being in front of that attack chopper you saw. we met all sorts of servicemen and women who set up camp for our ground troops all around the world. thanks to the mall, and keep watchinge fox. >> "watters world" is >> i have a warning to you, isis, we have trained soldiers ind all 50 states that have ben missing guys who have been kickingin your for the past 15 years. a stern warning from one of ourn country's bravest. dakota meyer is here with his plan to take down isis. >> it's a witch hunt. they would rather see this country fail and see him succe succeed. >> eric top on the mainstream media daily attack on hise:um father. ♪ ♪ ♪éó
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todd rundgren has a few choice words for the president, but can he face the music on "watters world". then, who fought in the civil war. >> britain and spain. >> we are honoring memorial day weekend with a "watters world" history quiz. it all begins right now. welcome to "watters world". we have a big show tonight. i want to start with the hysteria of the left. a member this guy. >> if you get sick in america, this is what the republicans want you to do. if you get sick america the republican help care plan isqu this, die quickly. jesse: that was when republicans were trying to stop obamacare from putting us further in debt. eight years later name-calling is still going. team trump proposed its new budget and again the democrats are hyperbolic.d >> that budget trump hasum presented is a grotesquely immoral budget.
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it's horrific. senior citizens will lose the one nutritious meal a day theyr get from meals on wheels. >> this budget is an attempt to implement ethnic cleansing.en >> it's not an overstatement to say some children will t die. jesse: children will die? it requires those on welfare to work and cutting out pork. is also bad? anton, you were responsible for the obamacare website. >> i was not. >> okay good, i just wanted toac get that out of the way. the budget kills children. you know that's a lie, don't you. >> no it's not a lie. it's a fundamental part of the program.
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if they don't get healthcare for the services they need, people die. jesse: you are saying president trump is purposely trying to kill children withre his budget? you realize how crazy that sounds. >> it does sound crazy but what i'm saying asyi president trumpa and his team don't understand the budget and what these agencies do. they provide services for people in america who have needs, people who have been left out os the process and need support. if you don't understand the government programs you make decisions that cut them and that takes away the things that people need. jesse: it's funny to hear someone lecture the president or not understanding the federal budget when president obama never submitted a balanced budget for the entire eight years herere was president. one of the guys on the montage said this was ethnic cleansing. you don't agree with that, do
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you. >> i actually don't. i agree that program will impact people in low income communiti communities. you can call it whatever you w want to call it, it's a devastating budget for most of americans who have needs who are the least that have been left out ofg the systems. this is a big jesse: am glad that you don't agree that it's at the lensing because that is a huge disservice to the people who are victims of real ethnic cleansing in europe many years ago. the death talk about the budget we had a situation under president obama when almost 300 veteranst died in va waiting lineses while some of these executives received bonuses. you had four people in benghazi who died while they weren't protected, and people died on
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the border, border patrolan agents, fast and furious when the previous president let gun walk into mexico. osi kill people, looking back, ith think a lot of the previous policies of the last president actually did kill people. >> you can cherry pick any kind of situation. >> that's not cherry picking. that is real. >> listen, you can go back to 2001 and start at almost 3000 americans died in new york city under the previous presidency can blame them fuúw thedoingfw½ guns were closing the border to >> he knew these guns were crossing the border. he knew there were problems at the va and still didn't doob anything about it. >> in the same white resident trumps administration knows there are americans who have disabilities who need care but have chosen to make a decision in their budget to deny the
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opportunity to have that caree o and those services. to cut meals on wheels to youors in america, how are going to impact negatively impact the greatest generation of americans on the services they need. they may only get one or two nutritious meals. my grandmother is 92, born ins 1925 and so these are services m that many americans need but to make a decision to cut them out of the budget will devastate so many families that makes no sense to do it when i was a young guy i actually participated inph the program. jesse: i don't think they will cut that. i actually think that's abu nobe program, but that's beside the point. it's probably just a strong initial first bid and he willn probably come back from there. let me ask you about the pork in the budget. the epa spent $700,000 for a climate change do you think that is a good use of taxpayer money?
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>> i wouldn't spend money on a musical, but i would spend moneu to make sure our rivers arewe clean and our lakes are clean and make sure that climate is good. >> i agree. >> i would also say. jesse: so we agree, the musical goes, we must get ridpp of the musical. let me go through some of these. they also spent $7 million on grasshopper research. now, i know grasshoppers are a great insect, they also have shrimp running on treadmills to study those things too. do you think that's a good use of taxpayerhihi money? >> i'm not a scientist so i w can't answer that question, buti i would advise that before you make a decision to cut a program to actually talk to somebody who knows the science behind it and what's the value of doing that. >> $7 million is a lot of money to spend on grasshoppers. i'd rather put it back on mealst on wheels. listen, i'm not saying some off these things aren't good things to invest money in.
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all i'm saying is we are $20 trillion in debt. the last president went from 10 trillion to 20 trillion and we can't afford some of these things so let's prioritize the things that arerewe how does that sound. >> it sounds like we should prioritize, but it sounds like we should actually talk to people that know how these programs work and how the agencies work and don't make arbitrary decisions to just cut the programs that impact the poorest people in our communities. that makes no sense. there is nobody that manages your household in that way so i don't know why we trydo toedr de federal budget in the same way. >> people that manage their household actually have to work within a budget. the federal government does not. i think we should all try to act like we are part of one bigig family. thank you very much for joiningy us. >> thank you for having me. still the calm, aor "watters world" exclusive. they say the best business is done on the golf course. i went withse eric trump and gou his reaction to his father's trip overseas. plus 70s rocker todd rundgren
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our hearts racing as one. i know this is sudden, but they say: if you love something... set it free. see you around, giulia ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm dr. kelsey mcneely and some day you might be calling me an energy farmer. ♪ energy lives here. to be a nightmare! does nobody like the future? c'mon, the future. he obviously doesn't know intel is helping power autonomous cars and the 5g network they connect to. with this, won't happen in the future.
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thanks, jim. there's some napkins in the glovebox. okay, but why would i need a napkin? you could have just told me a bump was coming. we know the future. because we're building it. mattress firmness? fortunately there's a bed where you both get what you want every night. enter sleep number and the semi-annual sale going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store. it's the lowest price ever on our temperature balancing i8 bed, save $700 plus 36 month financing. ends monday. go to for a store near you. it'sand your doctor at yoto maintain your health.a because in 5 days, 10 hours and 2 minutes you are going to be 67. and on that day you will walk into a room where 15 people will be waiting... 12 behind the sofa, 2 behind the table and 1 and a half behind a curtain.
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family: surprise! but only one of them will make a life long dream come true. great things are ahead of you when your health is ready for them. at humana, we can help you with a personalized plan for your health for years to come. ♪ ♪ hello, it's me ♪ ♪ i've thought about us for long, long time ♪ we have all heard the celebrities and musicians talking about how much they hate president trump and everything he stands for. the one musician has taken it a step further. todd rundgren you recently said thissa a for variety. if you are a trump supporter don't come to my show because you won't have au good time ani don't understand your valuesth because i'm not singing about that. if you don't understand that basic thing you are fooling
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yourself. i guarantee in this show, if you areou trump supporter you will likely be offended. buyerel beware. jesse: i welcome all people to my show. why no trump supporters? is there money no good to you. >> i will tell you the genesis ofou this issue. i have a lot of costume changes in my show m and i needed the video to give me the time to change c my clothes so i createa video to go along with tinfoilki hat pretty much thinking only my audience would see it and react however, well, how i expectedvi them to react. early on we started having episodes in the audience with shouting matches, sometimes it would give very personal, it would last into the next song that i was trying to play.
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>> okay. >> and it just became very disruptive and i thought if you are that easily ticked t off, yu probably will become annoyed at ñ?ñd confrontation is not what the show is about. jesse: okay so you have atl provocative intermission video while you do your ct costume change so it disrespects and marks president trump and people were getting upset about it sott now you're saying don't come to my show if you can handle it. you think that's being a little discriminatory? >> all i'm saying is if you canl handle it you're welcome tof yoe show,. if you can't handle it, what's your problem. you presumably already one. why are you so angry. we are justdy trying to get our anger out of the way by having a silly little laugh at someone who is now in power. jesse: that's fine we all like laughing at people in power. i did it for the past eight years.
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tin foil hat to see what it's all about. roll the tape. ♪se ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. jesse: why is the president wearing a tinfoil hat? >> he was original conspiracy theorist. he didn't believe obama was born in this country and he fomented that pretty much from the time elected.e nt waswafo jesse: i think he was just having a little fun at the presidents expense. >> now he's just a whiny man because he didn't win the popular vote and now there's a giant conspiracy and voter fra
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fraud. jesse: president trump is whining? i think hillary clinton has been whining for the past six months. todd, thank you very much. college campuses more liberal thanla m m ever. professors are going on anti- trump rants. they tell us how to on brainwash your kid when they get home from college. plus dakota myers says it's time to turnd the table and make iss fear us. he is up next. >> i have a warning to you. we have trained soldiers in all 50 states that have been the same guys who up and kicking your for the past 15 years on your own turf. >> this program is brought you by the 2017th year. a smarter crossover you've seen. the power of nexium 24hr protection from frequent heartburn. all day, and all night. now packed into a pill so small,
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at the enemy we are facing, isis. they are showing just what cowards they are when one idiot blew himself up in the middle of girls at anoung ariana grande concert in manchester england. twenty-two deadna and over 100 injured. we have trained were fighters ready to take them on and they continue to hide and attack the most vulnerable. disgusting and weak. now we have a president willing to call them out for exactly what they are. >> i willnd call them, from now on, losers. jesse: under president obama, many of our vets were frustrated that they chose to speak directly to the terrace. nick powers put this messageut online, let me explain something to you cowardice tools who think you are so tough behind your propaganda videos. you are scaring a population that doesn't know how to fight. the week, you
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attack us and there will be no mercy. we will bring the righteous hand of god downd upon you and crush you. green beret sniper and usc fighter tim kennedyan said this. >> they want you to fear we can't cure them. they are disgusting humans. don't fear them, don't call them isis or isil. they do not deserve anyr recognition. jesse: dakota meyer pulled over on the road to record this. >> i have a warning to you isis, we have trained soldiers inrs al 50 states that are trained, armed, we have also disgruntled veterans in all 50 states that are armed and trained and have been the same guys who have been kicking your for thehe past 14 years on your own turf and have been waiting for the opportunity for you to come over and try to
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bring your beliefs to the greatest country on the face of the earth. s jesse: there you have it, soldiers begging to fight them and protect americans. did president obama listen? no. now they have tripled their operation. how do we stop them from recruiting and growing. joining me now dakota meyer andi goldstar mom and author of world changer. dakota, you saw during the campaign, crooked hillary, crazy bernie, lying ted, now calling isis for what they are, losers. do you think that's an effective pr strategy? i don't think he's doing it, this is what's great about president trump and i don't think he's doing this is a pr strategy. trulyoing it because he t is speaking from the heart.
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he is saying what we all think. they are losers. anyone who attacks young girls come a kids, their losers. there's no other ways to describe it. they are scum of the earth. the best thing to do to'r provee they are losers is to defeat them on the battlefield because no one wants to join a group that's losing. you want to join a winning team, wouldn't you agree with that. >> i agree with that one%. 100%e weakness of the obama administration for the past eight years we have seen them feel that theyth are the dominat player when we could crush them at any second. we could demolish them. we could annihilate them but we've chosen not too. i love the angle president trump is taking. i love the fierceness. that's what we've got to do. all they respect is brute lethal force. they don't respect anything else. jesse: ss your son died heroically
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fighting for us. thank you very much for that. president obama bears some responsibility. he retreated from iraq and let isis take over one third that country. 8 85(b humanitarian cri oversaw humanity humanitarian crisis and they're now infecting europe, toppled manchester bomber went theree which is a failed state, they never won the piece, trained and came back. dakota, there has to be some accountability for some of these policies that have led to this death and destruction. i think if you, for one second think that under the obama administration for that he doesn't have responsibility for allowing him to grow, that makes no sense. there's no logic to thinking any other way. here's thel. deal. we still have federal judges who have no intel, no back briefing
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of anything who are standing ini the way of policies and executive orders being put in place or trying to be put in place to be able to protect our country. i think they need to be ready for the backlash if something happens because if they get in the way of it, all due to politics and trying to prove a point when there are security reasons behindt it. >> dakota mention a great point. unfortunately, it may take a horrific incident within thehe united states for some of these judges to wake up and say we have to stop thinking about things in fantasy world and philosophical reasons for not enforcing a travel ban and say listen, our job is to keep the country safe. >> if you overlook that job, what is your role because honestly, they've made it clear what they want. they want to destroy us. if we don't turn around and d destroy them and use every forcr we have againstm. them, they sei this as victory and dominating
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us a. my son didn't give his life so these people could still be terrorizing his children today. for crying out loud, when a child is afraid to goo to a concert, what do we become? what did aaron dive for if this is what we are allowing. these authorities in these powers that want too pretend ths is in a real waran and people ar really dying and completely block this, my gosh,m somebody needs to grab them by the shoulders and shake them for a minute and make them wake up. it's just like when we heard katie peering saying we need to hug it out. these people want to cut our heads off and watch the blood squirt from our throat. these are people who are so barbaric they burn human beings alive. you don't hug it out with them. brute lethalkepl force and annihilate them. until we do, this will continue. jesse: thank you so much for your service and your sacrifice.
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you've seen the video of thewa millennia swatting away her husband's hand or too bad it's not true. your fake news and real news update of the week. my exclusive interview with eric trump on the golf course. la quinta presents "how to win at business." step one: point decisively with the arm of your glasses. abracadabra. the stage is yours. step two: choose la quinta. the only hotel where you can redeem loyalty points for a free night-instantly and win at business. so we got our new he washing machine but it took forever turns out it wasn't the machine, it was our detergent. so we switched to tide turbo clean. now we get way cleaner clothes way faster he turbo clean. 6x the cleaning power in 1/2 the time
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its test firing of ballistic missiles as it seeks to develop a missile with nuclear capabilities. this is the ninth test by north korea. south korea and japan protest the launch. greg allman has died. he was credited with being one of the founding fathers of southern rock. he founded the allman brothers band. he gave the band the very unique sound. he had been counseling a number of concerts over the past year. now back to "watters world". for all your latest headlines, log into he had been ill, he was 69. i am laura ingle. back to "watters' world." jesse: time for your real news update. former obama director john brennan testified to the intel committee and this is what he said about who he shared classified information with. >> i shared classified information with the russia while i was director of the cia on routine basis, shared
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classified information with russia on terrorism matters. it doesn't mean it becomes unclassified, it means it retains the classification, but is releasable then to russia or to other partners. so, that in itself is not unprecedented. jesse: so let me get this straight. trump administration shares classified information with the russians and that's bad. obama administration shares classified with the russians and that's okay? all right. university of michigan students are deeply troubled by wood panelling because it's masculine and marginalizing, the students claim the history of wood is a history of oppression, the white, rich had wood panelling in the day. when i was in college and what i was deeply troubled by? running out of beer. a whistleblower says the obama administration knowingly let in at least 16 ms-13 gang members in 2014 as part of an immigrant
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search. ms-13 is just one of the deadliest and brutal gangs in the country. so, trump's trying to keep gang bangers out of the country and obama is letting them in. just want to make that clear. a new report that just came out details how much obama spied on americans and it's so much that even the a krchl.c.l.u. believes serious and the fbi shared that information with third parties. who knows who they are? this scandal is just beginning to crack open. hold your breath for democrats to call on a special prosecutor. california progressives allege voter fraud in democratic party election and demand voter i.d. smell that irony? when republicans called for requiring voter i.d. they were called racist. seattle police can no longer report suspects. they have to say community members in order to use a less offensive and politically
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correct language. you know, if i was a suspect in a triple homicide, i wouldn't be too worried about being offended by what the police called me. i'd be worried about who my cell mate was. now for some fake news this week that other people told you was real. first lady melania trump making headlines online for allegedly swatting president trump's hand away as they got off the plane in israel. then denying the firsthand again in rome to fix her hair. a scandal for sure, but, wait, what's this? they finally connect in sicily! hand-gate is officially now over. but the press doesn't stop there. clearly from this picture, the pope doesn't like president trump, right? that's what the immediate headlines were, so that's fake news, check out the video that
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shows a very different story. peace be with you. finally, a video that's definitely real, but what is exactly happening? some say president trump is trying to put america first at an n.a.t.o. meeting. we will let you decide. someone who constantly deals with the media's obsession with fake news, eric trump. i caught up with him wednesday at the trump national golf club in bedminister, new jersey talking politics, and the media, over a little golf. roll the tape. ♪ >> this place look familiar? >> yeah. >> now you're back in our world. >> i am, i am, thanks for having me. this looks like where your dad was interviewing prospective cabinet members. >> can't wait to show you around. jesse: let's do it. is everything the greatest here? >> come on, jesse, you know trump. it has to be the greatest.
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this is the big man's locker, the whole family, we have our lockers in here and we spend a lot of time here, it's kind of a home away from home for us. jesse: wow, barron trump's locker is closer than yours. is he a good golfer? >>'s strong and tall and can hit it a mile already. jesse: who is better don, jr. or eric? >> i'll take don. ask him the same thing, he'll tell you the same. so-- ♪ >> and had a lot of success, but the media keeps harping on russia, russia, russia, what will he do to neutralize that. >> nothing, it's a witch hunt and i think that syria demonstrated anything with russia, but, hey, listen, there's you know, a political party that got beaten very badly by a person who came out of nowhere who everybody wrote off and everybody gave no chance to. they outspecced us 7-1 and he won and there are pretty disappointed people there and
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they want to further a narrative for their own political agenda. i believe they would rather see this country fail than see him succeed. jesse: so the russia thing is a hoax? >> it's a hoax, a total hoax. ♪ your dad just got back from a big trip overseas? what struck, but it. >> he did so well, when he arrived in saudi arabia and the respect they gave him. and one thing i talked about on the campaign trail, the lack of re inspect all over the world. i see it all the time. i'm in different countries and they didn't. >> president obama bowed to the saudi king and they didn't respect him and they greeted your father with open arms. >> president obama lapped landed in china and they didn't bring the steps oument. and in saudi arabia, he had the marching band, the military,
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the flyover of the jets and it was a beautiful image. what he did in israel i thought was incredibly moving. jesse: he put the hand on the western wall, a touching moment. >> and they haven't been treated with the respect they should be, and that will change under him. and meeting with the pope, the trifecta to meet with the pope. i thought it was a beautiful trip and couldn't be more proud of him. jesse: did your father say call you from air force one, i met with the pope, good guy, great energy. >> nice man. no, he loved the trip and everybody he met with and you'll see a different side to diplomacy. jesse: your father has come under attack a lot from the mainstream media. how do you think he's handling? >> i think it's par to the course. jesse: no pun intended. >> exactly. no pun intended. it's what we have been dealing with since day one. we will continue to come under attack and so many people are
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got it wrong and they're doubling down. they're going so extreme in so many cases they're losing credibility and that's resonating with americans. jesse: what little credibility they had to begin with. so you've taken over the trump organization. do you think you'll make more or less money now that your father is president? now you've got to worry about conflict of interest. >> we're not doing anything overseas while he's in office. it's sacrifices and it's the right thing to do. we take it very, very seriously. jesse: what's the next venture of the trump organization we'll hear about. >> we're working all over the country, and jobs here. and my wife is expecting in september. jesse: congratulations! >> between the election, the inauguration, you know, this new role, everything we're doing, adding members to the family, it's an exciting year. jesse: if you need a baby name, jesse is a great name. >> i like that.
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jesse: another piece of advice, i have twin girls and my golf game suffered dramatically when you have kids. >> when you travel 220 days a year, my golf game suffers as well. jesse: we'll see you later. >> yeah, we'll have a little contest. jesse: i don't want to say what the wager is, we'll talk about that off camera. let's go. can you grab my bag? >> i'll caddy for jesse today, all right? ♪ ♪ oh! in the water! since i saw eric, reports surfaced of an attempted cyber attack on the trump organization. the fbi reportedly questioning eric and don, jr. about it. so i reached out to eric and got the scoop. a trump organization spokesperson tells us, like virtually every other company these days, we are routinely targeted by cyber terrorists
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whose only focus is inflict harm on great american businesses. to be clear the trump organization was not hacked. while we will remain vigilant in fighting off any attempts to do so, we are confident in the steps we have taken to protect our businesses and safeguard our information. liberal professors outnumber conservatives 12-1 on college campuses. so how do you unbrainwash your college student when they get home. larry elder with advice. plus, there's brainwashed udent students. don't miss this classic "watters' world" quiz. >> and it's the north versus-- >> north korea, chechnya. ♪ ♪ to err is human. to anticipate is lexus.
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experience the lexus rx with advanced safety standard. experience amazing. mattress firmness? fortunately there's a bed where you both get what you want every night. enter sleep number and the semi-annual sale going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store. it's the lowest price ever on our temperature balancing i8 bed, save $700 plus 36 month financing. ends monday. go to for a store near you.
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given president obama's accomplishments and it's by president trump. >> and president obama went on an apology tour and saying there's a new sheriff in town, it's not going to fly. >> him apologizing to other countries is something that, you would like to see him stop doing? >> for sure. >> i think he overstepped his bounds. >> he's trying to fix bandaids. jesse: so how can parents unbra unbrainwash kids now that they're on summer break. joining us is radio host larry elder. so your freshman comes back and they're home for the summer, hopefully they have a job. >> right. jesse: and they come back. >> hopefully. jesse: start spouting all of this russia conspiracy stuff. what are the parents suppose today say to that? >> i think the parents need to first educate their children as to the dimensions of this problem. college campuses overwhelmingly
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left wing. when i went to college in the bronze age. jesse: you look great, by the way, larry. fantastic. >> thank you. about two and a half democrats for every one republican in a typical history department. right now it's 10-1 for professors over 65 and 25-1 for professors underage 36 and worse in other areas like history, like socialology if you can find a republican at all. when it comes to commencement speakers that have to do with the political message, 4 or 5 to 1. jesse: forget about that. it's elizabeth warren, hillary clinton, oprah. i have yet to be invited to speak at commencement at my college. i don't expect that invitation will come soon. so, let's be specific. so your son comes back or daughter he comes back and very into the p.c. stuff. >> right. jesse: they don't know what bathroom to use.
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they don't say, he or she, you know, they're very afraid of speaking accurately. they don't say islamic terrorism. what do you tell them about that? >> well, the good news is, in this day and age of social media, there are all sorts of resources to undo some of this indoctrination. there's something, a university set up by one of my friends, dennis prayiguer, the history o the democratic party, is america still racist, what about the minimum wage, that the parents can resource and show their kids in five easy digestible minutes to undo the indoctrination. the important thing to tell your kids, there are other sorts of other resources, conservative resources to undo some of this stuff and parents need to be proactive and kids need to be proactive and they have to learn defensively, recognize there's another point of view.
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jesse: let's say you're the father of twins and the twins come back and they say, larry, or they say dad, they say dad, trump should be impeached. >> news to my girlfriend. jesse: we don't want to get into that. and trump needs to be impeached and have them watch the praguer video and "the five" at 9:00 maybe to brush up on facts? what do you do? >> well, there's plenty of resources, there's all sorts of conservative publications that put together the other side. a blog like "american thinker" and i did one on the stupidity of impeachment. 300 markets, follow me on twitter. there are other smart people that can give you an alternative point of view. jesse: it's about exposing these college students to maybe some alternative media so they're not completely brain washed for the rest of the nine months each other. larry, listen, i'm worried about these college kids, i'm very worried. you've seen me out in the
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streets so you know, we're at the beach and we'll have the beach interviews next. you've got to see this, stick around. it's troubled waters out there. no pun intended. who did the americans fight in the revolutionary war. >> the french? >> china? ♪ constipated? trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief. but so we don't have tormin wad to get clean. charmin ultra soft gets you clean without the wasteful wadding. it has comfort cushions you can see that are softer... ...and more absorbent, and you can use up to 4 times less. enjoy the go with charmin.
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so why is everybody off on monday? >> i don't know. to just enjoy this beautiful weather, i guess. jesse: what is monday. >> monday is fun day. [laughter] >> monday is also memorial day. >> oh, yes, that's true. jesse: what are we honoring on memorial day? >> oh, beats me. i don't know what's going on? >> i think all those lost giving service to the country. jesse: exactly. ♪ who did america fight in the revolutionary war? >> the french. >> that's a good question. i don't know. >> countries. jesse: countries? >> yes. >> china. jesse: china? >> well, i feel really dumb. jesse: who did america fight? >> oh, north versus south, confederate versus the union. jesse: that was the civil war. >> oh. >> britain. jesse: right across there? >> uh-huh. jesse: that's great britain. >> really? who won the civil war? >> no idea. britain? >> it was america and britain
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and spain, some for spain and, yeah. >> it was the north versus-- >> south korea? >> the north versus the south. do you know what the civil war was about? >> i'm not much of a history guy. jesse: i can tell. ♪ world war ii, who did we fight there? >> wow and i just learned this, putting me to the test. my teacher watches, it's going to be mad. >> allies versus-- >> china. >> vietnam. jesse: that was the last question. >> china. >> germany and japan. jesse: who won the cold war. >> i do not know. russia. >> france. jesse: america won the cold war. >> oh, okay, so, go america! .
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jesse: why did they call it the cold war? >> russia is cold up there, you know. jesse: do you know who i am? >> i sadly don't. jesse: i'm watters and this is jesse: i'm watters and this is my world right here. you do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates... maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance. due to your first accident. [ barks ] radio: scorching heat today, staywalter!ut there! stop suffering with hot ac. cool it yourself with a/c pro. in just 3 easy steps, enjoy the comfort of 2 times the cooling boosters from the #1 selling coldest air. nothing cools like a/c pro. a farmer's what's in this kiester. a fire truck. even a marching band. and if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. for any sort of discomfort in yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it.
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legend in my own mind. that's tall for tonight. follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter. "justice with judge jeanine" is >> this hour, when he talks, washington listens. charles krauthammer -- his uniquely american story. his journey from md to the pulitzer prize, how he overcame a devastating accident with the determination to lead a life that matters. hello. i'm bret baier, and i hope you'll enjoy watching this "fox news reporting" special as much as we enjoyed making it. fox viewers know where charles krauthammer sits on the panel, and they probably know his position on most issues. but we bet there's a lot you don't know about the all-star panelist, syndicated columnist, harvard trained psychiatrist, and even occasional baseball analyst. we think you should, even if the
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