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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 30, 2017 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> jon: we'll see you back here in one hour. >> jenna: "outnumbered" starts right now. >> sandra: a top u.s. official says it is like trying to stop a bullet with a bullet. today for the very first time ever, the pentagon will try to shoot down an intercontinental missile like the one north korea is developing. this a day after the rogue nation testfired yet another muscle. the ninth such test since president trump took office. this is "outnumbered." i'm sandra smith. here today, meghan mccain, harris faulkner, bless you. host of kennedy on fox business, >> kennedy: kennedy and guy benson is our #oneluckyguy. it is that season. guy, good to have you here.
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we are just hours away from a dramatic test. the pentagon for the first time i'll try to take out of the sky the kind of long-range muscle north korea is believed to be developing. this after the rogue nation testfired a short range ballistic missile on monday. the latest in a series of missile tests to try to find world pressure and threats of war sanctions. north korea's leader kim jong-un who supervised the lunch warning of a bigger gift package to the u.s. james mattis warning of dire and unimaginable consequences of war break out. >> conflict in north korea would be the worst kind of fighting and most people's lifetimes. the north korean regime has hundreds of artillery cannons and rocket launchers within
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range of one of the most densely populated cities and on earth which is the capital of south korea. the bottom line is it would be a catastrophic war if this turns into combat. >> sandra: jonathan hunt is live. >> they are preparing for the launchers is due to take place sometime between noon and 4 >> caller: fourteen north korea has launched these muscles and in recent months. officials believe that the north koreans are getting closer and closer to the point of which they will be able to target the united states with a nuclear tipped intercontinental ballistic missile. among those who say this is just a matter of time are admiral
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james searing. he is director of the missile defense agency and he sat through a rare and exquisite interview with us. listen here. >> it's a matter of time. there are demonstrating increased capability range, altitude and capacity over the last several years and more recently over the last several months. >> what will happen today is the u.s. will launch an intercontinental ballistic missile from the marshall islands and the pacific ocean, a few minutes after that, they will launch the interceptor missile from here at vandenberg air force base. they hope that that interceptor in the proximally 5-foot chunk of metal will strike the icbm high above the pacific ocean and destroy it. most of the interceptors that the u.s. house, 32 of them in fact are based at fort greely alaska. we got an exclusive tour of the
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facility ahead of this launch and we talked to colonel tim brower who commands the 49th battalion up there. he says that his men are prepared to go to work at any minute. they seem like the kind of attacks north korea might carry out every day and he is confident he could do it it takes to defend the homeland. listen here. >> absolutely. we take the threat seriously, especially the north korean threat. >> when we hear the world watching the news and seeing north korea prepare for a test, you guys are at very different levels. >> absolutely. we are ready to fight tonight. >> ready to fight tonight. it is important to point out that north korea doesn't yet have an icbm capable of reaching the united states, but all officials tell us they believe that they will have that capability within a few short years. this test today is an absolutely critical one for the future
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defense of the united states. >> sandra: jonathan hunt, thank you. guy, like trying to hit a bullet with a bullet is the description of this amazing task that we are undertaking. >> guy: the technology is incredible. this goes back to the '80s under ronald reagan. a lot of people said this technology would never advance to the point read be successful. they dubbed it "star wars" and here we are, it's a really important tool in the arsenal the united states to defend the homeland and our interests. i would point out that we know our allies in israel have the iron dome which does this on a smaller scale, defending against rockets and that system can take on multiple rockets of the same time. but again, such a long-range task here. the trajectories are to be calibrated exactly right and we'll keep our eye on whether the succeeds. hopefullit does. >> sandra: the threat
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north korea continues to pose. what keeps you up at night? nothing, i keep people up at night. it gives us the confidence that we can fight this battle, but he says combat one north korea would be catastrophic. >> kennedy: et al.'s arguments that we have in this country during world war ii. a war with north korea will be more traditional than the ones we've seen our military fight over the last 16 years. they've been more dispersed and this would be more concentrated which means you have much, much higher casualties and you've also got a regime that doesn't seem to have much concern for its own people. the death toll in north korea alone would be so catastrophic and so high they would also show why general matas has that
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confidence of the military because he is a thoughtful and rational person who seems to understand and articulate quite well the cost of war. >> harris: i did some reading this morning when we did something similar under kim jong il. the commander said at that point, our nation's ability, we have a very, very credible ballistic missile capability. there are faced with doing some of the same things that we're doing right now. you mentioned it when all the way back to reagan and now we are seeing that again. it speaks to the edges of the policies that have been put in place that we keep finding ourselves right back on the same position. >> sandra: as you continue to point out, of a talk about how to handle this threat, it's complicated. >> meghan: it's important to note two things. kim jong-un is completely irrational. he's a crazy person.
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it is not like dealing with bashar all as odd or even putin. it's still domestic north korea has the capacity to take solo. it's not just whether or not they're going to have military progress towards the united states. you're talking about the possibility of south korea as well. you know i love doug mattis. he says i don't stay up at night, i keep terrorists up at night. when that guy is telling you this could have catastrophic ramifications, we should all take a pause. i think this day was long time coming. it's been building up over the last eight years and we shouldn't be surprised. >> sandra: president trump
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calling the latest launch a major dennis to china. he is tweeting north korea has shown great disrespect for their neighbor, china by shooting off another ballistic missile. but china is trying hard. china is north korea's most important ally in trading partner. president trump has said the country has a plan to pressure the rogue nation to end its programs. president trump saying that china has shown great respect -- north korea has shown great respect to china. >> guy: i'm not sure how much diplomacy by twitters going to work out, but the overall dynamic is correct. pyongyang will listen to beijing more than washington. this is a public effort by the president to apply pressure to china to say this is in your backyard, these people have your ear or vice versa and it's time for you guys to step it up because i could impact not just a regional security, but your
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relationship with us. >> meghan: we have to start getting tough with china. china has the capability to complete a shutdown north korea's economy. we have to get really tough with that. when president trump is tweeting that north korea has been disrespect will to china, i don't understand what he's referring to in the sense that if we are all on the same page, wouldn't they be more emboldened to help shutdown north korea's economy? >> harris: it's interesting about how different president trump operates in the sense compared with past presidents. his brand, his flavor of diplomacy is to try and engender a deal at all times. how do you do that? you point out who has skin in the game and then you make it feel warm and fuzzy for a buddy to get in the pool together. what i see him doing, by calling and shaming china, did you see
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what they just dead? don't you feel icky? they're your friends, are they really? by viewing that, you're getting a root at the table -- >> kennedy: it's a form of psychological manipulation. i think it's why president trump is president trump. it's exploiting people's weaknesses on both sides. that's what he's doing by stroking china a little bit and saying they have been trying so hard and north korea is being so unkind and so disrespectful and perhaps speaking in cultural terms that north korea and china understand a little bit better than we do here. >> guy: can you believe what she said about you, that she is disrespecting. there's a little mean girls element to it. >> harris: sanctions do seem to work.
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we've heard from the previous eight years about rattling. >> meghan: the bush and clinton administrations did tha that. >> sandra: bottom line is everyone is trying to determine what role china is going to play in all of this. >> meghan: there the biggest trading partner and most important ally. maybe the psychological mean girl aspect of diplomacy, it's not my style by a long shot, but china has most of the aces in their back pocket and they have the ability to shut their economy down. they should come to the table and play. >> harris: i want to know
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more -- that's part of the puzzle and maybe we'll learn. >> kennedy: and crating the unlikely partnership between china and japan and having north korea baby shared photo. his >> sandra: president trump standing by his son-in-law jared kushner. charles krauthammer says both henry kissinger and hillary clinton used similar methods to connect with adversaries while in office. is the media once again over blowing a nonstory? plus, a new lien tenses -- new law in texas. protesters are bowing to fight the legislation in federal court and at the ballot box. whether it's a sign of things to come. after the show, you can join our live chat by clicking the overtime tab at
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of course, you can tweet us. guy is already on his twitter. ♪ fun in art class.
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>> harris: president trump is defending jared kushner in the aftermath of reports he tried to set up a private line of communication with russia. the president told "the new york times" he has total confidence in his son-in-law. a source tells fox news it was the russians who brought up the idea of using a secure line, not jared kushner. either way, kellyanne conway says these types of back channel connections are normal. >> jared kushner has said that he's willing to go and share any information he has with congress. as you heard, they are not concerned. back channels like this are a regular course of business. >> harris: charles krauthammer echoing that sentiment as well. >> we've had the adversaries back channel for years.
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>> harris: john kelly said he can't affirm whether or not this is true with jared kushner setting something up, but he had no problem with it. >> kennedy: it's like distracting certain facts from stories. what's so frustrating is we want to know what the truth is in context of other administrations. if this is something totally unique that has never been done before and it's so unprecedented and compromises our national security, then that's an issue. that's the problem when these leaks are disseminated with so much confidence by the person who gets one piece of information but doesn't have the historical knowledge of simile charles krauthammer. if this has happened across administrations, then that is a very fair and valid point. when this in ministries and has done something wrong, when they have broken a law, then it's
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time to ring the bells, otherwise, it starts to fall on deaf ears and i can be dangerou dangerous. >> harris: i don't know that secretary kelly woodway and with i don't have a problem with it if there was actually a problem. >> meghan: the first thing i want to say is if this were a book i was reading, i would have tuned out a long time ago because there are so many things going on that you have to interpret that are going through the lens of the bias of the media. it's hard to understand what exactly is going on here. there's so much talk about russia. it's a tornado all the way around. this is what the american public wants to hear about. i would think they want to talk about domestic policies. if something illegal has happened, come right out, tell me what happened, tell me what jared kushner did. if it is illegal, stop playing the game. we talk about how serious leaks are.
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am i five is not comfortable sharing the information that they know about the terrorists in england because we leaked it as soon as we got it. it's a real issue. >> sandra: it's what if, it's hypothetical. as charles krauthammer reiterated over and over again, show me the crime. if you go to the message, there is no crime. secretary kelly is telling us, this is a regular course of business, i'll believe him. >> harris: i ask this question i know you have thoughts on it. there's been this idea underlining that there was something going on with the trump campaign. if that's true, i would ask why do you need to set up a back channel? >> guy: yeah, because you have one. theoretically. there's a couple points here on the kushner matter. i agree with megan. it's hard to keep the plot
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straight. there are so many side stories. you'd have to point out that kushner did not reveal one medium he had with the russian bank. that looks odd and does not seem disputed that in this case, kushner at some point decided to use a secure russian channel through their facilities. i think those are reasonable causes for people to ask additional questions. he said he's eager to testify and tell his side of the story and i think that's a good idea for him to do that. if you look at the leak and the counter league, "washington post" story initially said, they wanted this to happen, we don't know what they were talking about, the implication was of his business interests. in the pushback comes in it's different. as the russians initiated. it was a one-off meeting, a single meeting about syria. those are two different sets of facts, one of which looks suspicious.
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>> sandra: don't bury that important detail that he has been saying since go that he is willing to testify and tell his side of the story. >> kennedy: you have to wonder where this leak came from, could that be within the white house because jared kushner has received so much favorability from the president. as someone trying to drive a wedge between those two? >> harris: to people just assume that because the son-in-law? >> meghan: it's why i was saying they should be more careful with their rhetoric while they were campaigning. if you are faced here, there's a lot of rhetoric to back up something weird happening. >> harris: we are waiting sean spicer who will be taking the lectern for the first time since president trump's overseas trip. this as we learn the white house
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medications director is out. amid reports that president is looking for changes in its strategy. protests erupting against texas' new law cracking down on century cities. it's causing a scuffle between lawmakers literally. whether this is a sign of things to come. >> you say things to incite people and that's exactly what i did.
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>> meghan: we are winning the white house press briefing with sean spicer. this as we learn that mike dubke is out as white house communications director. he told fox news he resigned more than a week he's in the white house today. the council to the president, kellyanne conway saying the staff of people is not happening. >> people and administrations tend to leave on their own of
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mission. they find working 18 hour days may not be what's best suited for them. in terms of staff shakeups, i read things that simply aren't true. i work here every day. it's much more cooperative than people realize. >> meghan: this is "the washington post" reports at the white house is considering a new aggressive communications strategy which could include the president holding more campaign style rallies to get around the media filter antiaging -- and changing how press briefings are being held. >> guy: i wonder how many americans have heard of him before this news broke today. and shows you how many people are part of this constellation in any white house. very impressive. there have been rumors that spicer might be on his way out and his current role. i wonder if they would promote
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him into dubke's role and then have huckabee sanders doing the heavy lifting on the daily briefing. to me, that seems like continuity of that's what the president wants. again, the reports suggest that style the president wants. if this is the shakeup, it's a very small ball. >> meghan: they're bringing back one of the original loyalists to president trump, could that make a morale difference? >> harris: it may in this way. i can't imagine he would go looking for leakers. our national security is at risk. with regard to spicer, i've also been hearing that it dovetails off of what you're saying. the president may be missing a little bit of the strategy and he is not getting that. you create that war room, that special group that's going to take on political and legal
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incoming that's coming. you also retrain strategy area clean house. >> sandra: anyone who's been working with the trump administration who is not on his team should not be there. >> guy: i was waiting in the green room and my ears perked up at that comment because she was the chief spokesperson. she's been keeping a low profile and the number of months. then she comes on national television and basically calls for the resignation of reince priebus. it is on her freelancing? or is that a trial balloon that
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she is putting out there on someone else's behalf or at the urging of someone that she does on the inside who might be eight making a power play? i was curious. >> kennedy: any time you have people speaking out from factions inside the white house, the intrigue from within, and it's too distracting. that contract was made so stark by the trip. things like the future of nato and the president's speech.
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whoever orchestrated that trip, if they have to do the same thing domestically. the act of the same kind of strategy. whatever the elements they are, i would be surprised -- there is a clear rift within the white house. >> guy: there was a foreign trip that looked well, but it's hard to control something on the president takes no question over nine days. you can't replicate that. >> meghan: sean spicer didn't go with the president. that tells you a lot. >> harris: protests are erupting at the texas state capitol. hundreds of demonstrators were protesting greg abbott's new law cracking down on sanctuary cities, forcing house leadership to stop a session and have troops clear the gallery. one republican state lawmaker said he called ice to report
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some of the protesters prompting outrage from democrats inside the chamber. that nearly led to blows on the statehouse floor. with both sides accusing each other of making threats. watch. >> he walked back and told us i called ice. and we both said what? and he said after them. >> you say things to incite people and that's exactly what i did. >> respect and decorum and ruled the day in texas and we didn't disrespect each other. >> harris: there were no reports of any arrests. >> guy: respect and decorum could involve not putting your hands on a legislator. apparently, according to republicans in question, he said we are going to get you on your way to your car at which point republicans said if you come
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after me that way, i have a gun. there was a back story to this. one more quick point, i'm a moderate and very open on immigration issues. i think it's complicated and not a decorum type person. we have people holding signs and a skate capital saying i'm a legal and a lawmaker says i'm going to call the people whose job it is, that bothers me. that doesn't sit well with me. >> harris: it speaks to the comparability where some have gone. let's give everybody a pass. i think we are somewhere else and clearly, this is an example of how high emotions are in
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this. the debate shouldn't be reaching this level. this is a serious one that cities in this country face every single day. i look at the city of chicago and it does not surprise me that arguments pop up like this. >> kennedy: that's it, that's the bottom line. the debate has gotten so emotional that we are now incapable of having a reason-based debate that asks questions like who is here, why are they here, who would we need here, how do we get them? that is federal immigration policy. that's why it's come to this point and put so much pressure on cities or counties or states. >> harris: rahm emanuel is inviting this. these people are holding signs saying i'm here. the temperature, the tolerance
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of this is interesting. >> meghan: the most protesting i've seen was over students in arizona. i've never seen anything like it. immigration is always going to be a hot-button issue. i more moderate on this issue. the way to make me hard stances by bragging that you're here and illegal and proud. they say is not quasi-insane to simply comply with the law and he's right. the outrage over this specific issue, i find that they are pushing people like guy and i further and further simply because of the immigration. >> harris: is a huge one up with the violence and it's scary. a city's mayor is trying to put
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a stop to conservative rallies days after a deadly train attack but organizers say canceling the event would be a free-speech violation violation. we'll debate. >> i believe in the constitution. i believe in liberty and freedom. that's what i believe in think again.
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>> kennedy: portland's mayor asking the government to stop a conservative rally saying it could be dangerous in the aftermath of a deadly stabbing attack. witnesses say he was at shouting anti-muslim slurs at two teenage girls of mung a portland train. police say he stabbed and killed two men. ted wheeler says the city is still in shock and it's no time for a trump free speech rally. >> they are coming to pedal a
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message of hatred and bigotry. >> kennedy: that sound like censorship. organizers are saying that is a violation of the first amendmen first amendment. >> i have a hard time understanding what albright is. i believe in the constitution in liberty and freedom. >> kennedy: they are saying the can't stop a rally based on the demonstrators views. this is what we've seen in berkeley. we are now seeing this in portland. one doesn't get out of control, when does it go out of bounds? >> harris: if you are talking shutting down free speech, we have a ration of that. if you are talking about perspective, we've had kkk
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rallies and i've covered them. it's not the message unless it's true. i'm confused about what this particular mare is seeking. does he only want to listen to people who talk like him? they tend to be more violent. >> kennedy: if berkeley is a reminder of how the left can be violent. what's interesting, the stabbing is a tragedy. the man who is harassing those women and then killed two people, tried to kill a third, was actually a bernie sanders and jill stein supporter. >> guy: people tried to quickly tie this to donald trump. the mayor saying, let's shut down a free-speech event.
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even if it was trump inspired that is still not a reason to shut down a free-speech event. i'm with the aclu on this one, but it turns out this guy supported bernie sanders for president and also has gone on rants against christian and in the past. he is a not on the left, that does not make the left responsible for him. we shouldn't be canceling a bernie sanders speech. >> sandra: if i were to play devil's advocate, this mayor has an obligation to keep the citizens and residents of his city safe. perhaps he is looking at it like that. >> meghan: sorry, that was towards kennedy. there is a such an arrogance people that live in portland, there is arrogance.
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a crime like this can't happen here because we are so open-minded. the man was a supporter of bernie sanders, the darling of the all left as i am now calling it. i think the idea that they also have the arrogance to shut down free speech, first amendment, cornerstone of what it means to be an american, they could look outside their own biases and say this is what lunatics and psychos and terrorists want. they want us to be like them. they don't want to have free speech. >> guy: in response to your challenge, i still think to say, we are doing this, we're shutting down free speech and the name of safety. i think that's a very dangerous path to go down and if he's going to issue warnings, it should be to people who might get violent because of words they don't like as opposed to warning the people who were speaking those words. they are the problem. if you could violent over words, if you are the all left, antifascist leftsaulting peopleu don't like it, you're the
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problem, not the people having the rally. >> harris: you're going to check on the speech because you may not be able to protect everybody, like ann coulter. that's uneven responsible. we may not be able to deploy all the people we need to. if something happens, we would deploy them no matter where it goes. the >> kennedy: berkeley is a public school it takes federal funding, this is an elected official. this is a mayor. it using the government as a tool to shut down protected expression. there may be a lot of things that we disagree with at political rallies. they still have the right to have their voices heard. >> guy: using this murder and this violence incident as a pretext to do that is disgustin
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disgusting. >> kennedy: what is also disgusting. eighth graders. they got the opportunity to pose for a photo with paul ryan. one of the students telling a reporter we don't want to be associated with him. is this typical eighth grade political engagement or as liberal indoctrination in our schools getting out of hand or is the speaker just a nut job? we'll discuss when you have something you love,
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>> meghan: nearly 108th graders are refusing to pose for a photo with house speaker paul ryan during a class field trip to washington. ryan took this picture with the remaining of the class. one student said it was important for him to pass up the opportunity. >> it's being associated with the person who put his party before his country. >> meghan: on all students agreed. >> i thought it would be very
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cool, just seeing the man who is technically the third most popular man in the country. i thought it would be very cool. >> meghan: when asked about the incident, a spokesman said the speaker always appreciates the opportunity to welcome children to the capital. i pitched this story. i was really upset over the weekend reading this. i have met so many people in politics i don't like it, i agree with. i was nothing but polite and respectful because that's what we do in a civilized society. these are children who i don't believe they understand what they're doing or saying. why do you think we are living in a time where it's socially acceptable for children to be so disrespectful to our speaker? >> guy: it's a sad more than outrageous to me. the quote from the kid who's saying he puts his party above his country, that's such a lame -- i can excuse him because he's 13, this is what adults say
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all the time. you believe anyone who disagrees is putting their party above their country. you're just a meeting someone and standing for a group photograph. part of the reason you asked that question is the current environment in particular, there is a sense in the left that silence is complicity. unless you are resisting your part of the issue and you are going along with this thing that is ruining the country. you have a bunch of 12 and 13-year-olds bravely standing off to the side rather than shaking the hand. if it was nancy pelosi and some right-wing kid who did this to her, i would also feel like what's happening to us? >> harris: i don't think we need -- is there politicizing? is there a word that goes with
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this? i'm worried an entire new generation of people who will showed presidents towards one another. that's what this country is opposite of. that's why we are the beacon around the world. to have a new generation that will push against anything different that will require so many safe spaces, i have a soon to be 11-year-old and i already see this. >> kennedy: i will say kids are more politically engaged. let's have some decency and civility. if you don't agree with someone, at least hear them out and then make your case when they're done, unlike the students at notre dame who walked out on vice president pence. >> sandra: that means that parents, the onus is on the parents to have a talk with their kids. >> guy: the mother of this
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kid, it was a local station in new york that did this and the mother was beaming, so proud of her kid for speaking truth to power. here's the thing, if you're that kid or group of kids, why not go up, have the photo, have an opportunity to shake the hand and say mr. speaker, i don't agree with you on everything. >> meghan: more "outnumbered" in just a minute. you don't let anything
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>> many thanks to but guy benso benson. >> stay with us. facebook, on the web. it will be back tomorrow. "happening now" starts now. >> jon: and we begin with a fox news alert, we are awaiting the daily white house press briefing with press secretary sean spicer, where he is expected to take questions about the resignation of his boss, white house commune occasions director mike dubke. this will be spicer's first on everything since the president left for his trip abroad at more than a week ago. we are bringing it to you live when it begins. but, we begin with new reaction to the announcement that white house communications director michael dubke is resigning. welcome to the second hour of "happening now" on this tuesday. i am jon scott. >> jenna: i am jenna lee.


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