tv Hannity FOX News May 31, 2017 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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>> kimberly: out of time. >> juan: it's getting hot in here for snowflakes. >> kimberly: good old glassy eyes over there is about done. >> jesse: never miss an episode of "the five." "hannity" is up next. >> sean: thanks to our great friends on "the five." welcome to "hannity" ." we have guests here tonight but first, kathy griffin faces major fallout over her vicious antiviral photo shoot with a severed head that looks like the president. very sick. that is tonight's opening monologue. the so-called tolerant left -- they are taking their unhinged hatred of the president to have brand-new low. kathy griffin is only the latest offender. the so-called comedian is facing an intense backlash for a very disturbing photo shoot. we have to warn you, what we are
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about to show you is graphic. here is griffin with a blood he severed head. it's supposed to be president trump. griffin apparently thought that was funny but then quickly apologized after realizing her actions were completely inappropriate and by the way, more than crossed the line. some even suggesting legal issues may be at play. cnn announced it has canceled its agreement with griffin for the new year's eve show with anderson cooper. the president and first lady responded to this awful attempt at humor. the president tweeted... the first lady, melania trump, put out a statement reading... now, a photo opportunity like
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this is simply wrong. it makes you wonder about the mental health of the person who would do this. what's most disturbing about all of this is a reaction from the president and first lady's 11-year-old son. according to tmz, barron trump was actually watching television when he first saw this disgusting image and thought it was a real -- of his father. some of the media didn't realize that what kathy griffin did here was wrong and some spoke out against it. these types of attacks against the president -- it's so disgusting and despicable. it has no place. of course, still plenty of others tried to defend it and laugh it off and even mocked the idea that people would be upset about this. for example, look at the headline. morning joe laughs off kathy griffin's story before moving on to the covfefe analysis. here's the clip. >> i missed the kathy griffin
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news yesterday. >> sorry, gross. >> sean: joe and these other people -- they are just despicable. it's exactly what you would expect from msnbc, it's all tinfoil hat conspiracy all the time. then there is cnn. take a look at this headline. trump family displaying victim with beheading photo and here's the video. >> i have a hard time bringing myself to care about something like this. i think it speaks to the need to see themselves as a victim. that they are constantly being persecuted. >> the trump's? >> the trump people constantly having to point to the elites. of course comedians and celebrities say and do dumb stuff. violence is not appropriate. but i don't think that's the source of president trump's problems. >> sean: really? and isis like holding up a
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severed head and an 11-year-old kid seeing it? and then mr. compassionate himself, al franken. he said she made a mistake but he accepts apologies. he's still standing by her. senator franken still plans to appear with kathy griffin. listen to what he said. >> can she recover from this? >> well, i think she did the right thing. i think asking for forgiveness and acknowledging -- this was a horrible mistake -- i think she can. >> you will still appear with her? >> yes. >> sean: he accepts apologies except if you are a conservativ conservative, like rush limbaugh. there's a deeper story going on. this latest despicable display -- it's only the latest example in a long list of attacks that the left has launched against the president and specifically against members of his family.
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his wife, daughter, 11-year-old son. as we often show you, liberals and the destroy-trump-media have viciously wake up, go after president trump day after day, night after night. pushing all of their bizarre conspiracy theories, launching all kinds of vile personal attacks. it goes much deeper than that. the left knows no boundaries when it comes to the president's family. they've gone after melania trum trump, all the children, ivanka, don jr., eric, tiffany, and their spouses and the president 11-year-old son, barron trump. you can criticize the president all you want. the bizarrely, breathlessly, conspiratorial but an 11-year-old kid? doesn't this expose a massive double standard? nine times out of 10, they can cross the line and won't face any consequences. conservatives don't say they need to be fired and boycotted.
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they are allowed to do and say whatever they want, whenever they want. especially when it comes to smearing and attacking conservatives. which is probably why it kathy griffin thought it was okay to do that in the first place. we will have a much more on this effort to call out the double standard and attacks against me and boycotts against me and attempt to silence conservative conservatives. fighting back against these efforts to silence conservative voices -- they will be here to explain that they are just getting started. i will give you a preview of what's coming in the weeks ahead. but first, let me show you a couple examples of what i am talking about. nbc is supposed to be a news organization. nbc news. with tom brokaw and brian williams, et cetera. right? well, nbc's rachel maddow, one of the worst offenders when it comes to pushing -- as a matter
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of fact, she is a champion of pushing unhinged, bizarre conspiracy theories. here's her back in 2010 explaining away anthony weiner's graphic, lewd tweet. making excuses for little anthony. >> if he was prank, how would that work? how could a person do that, what would that look like? if someone looks at the image of the account and judging from the pick civilization and some other visual clues, it concludes the damage was a composite -- a number of other blogs have different versions of the theory of a potential hacking. it looks at the information embedded in this controversial picture. a third but by no means final theory has to do with the photo sharing service i was talking about earlier. it's not all that hard to generate a program that was try
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every possible combination until you got the right email address to use the service to post pictures. >> sean: nbc news. there is also the time rachel maddow theorized the republicans may be pushing assassinations as a political tactic they are using. >> has enough kerosene been poured on the flames of the possibility of violence, even assassination, is being posited as a real political tactic in the united states? >> sean: as we were able to show you last night, these examples are barely scratching the surface when it comes to the crazy insane conspiratorial things that have been set over at nbc news and rachel maddow's program. failed democratic placental came hillary clinton -- she gave a very long list of excuses,
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naming everybody but herself. >> the use of my email accounts was turned into the biggest scandal since lord knows one. this is the biggest nothing burger ever. it was a mistake. i said it was a mistake. i know you had "the new york times" here yesterday, they covered it like it was pearl harbor. the russians -- in my opinion -- based on the intel and counter intel, they could not have known how to weapon i thought information unless they had been guided. guided by americans and people who had polling and data information. i never said i was a perfect candidate. i certainly never said i ran perfect campaigns but i don't know who is or did. at some point, it sort of bleeds over into misogyny. >> sean: five foreign intelligence agencies got a hold of top-secret information and a
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special access program information because she had a computer server that she should have not had at a mom and pop a shop bathroom closet. there is no evidence of collusion between the trump campaign and the russians. she has been pushing other bizarre conspiracy theories for year. she blamed all of her husband's problems on the right-wing conspiracy. joining us now, laura ingraham. let's first start -- i want to ask a legal question. i had a couple of friends or mind that are lawyers. if you have a picture of the president's severed head like you are an isa spider and you just beheaded him, could that be interpreted as a threat against the president? >> in theory, i guess but in practice, no. i think the reason not is that he would try to discern the intent of what kathy griffin was
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trying to do and she was intending to get publicity for herself. she intended to raise her profile and be outrageous and funny although nothing about it is funny. that's a stretch. you could really stretch out and say, the image itself and the photo shoot itself was meant to incite further violence but again, as a legal matter -- i think i would be pretty difficult it doesn't take anything away from the fact that it is hideous and depraved and a degenerate approach to entertainment and meant to shock and it also meant to dehumanize, sean. a lot of what hollywood does to conservatives is the opposite of real engaged debate. there is no debate or back and they usually lose that. they want to dehumanize him. he's not even entitled to the basic respect of the presidency.
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he is subhuman in their eyes. she was carrying that understanding out and not bizarre and disgusting photo shoot. >> sean: so, tmz reports that baron trumps all this. any 11-year-old kid will be upset by it. but the left says they have a monopoly on women's rights, gays, lesbians, how do they stay silent when melania and ivanka has been attacked? how do they justify never standing up for you guys or never standing up for my right to free speech when they are the champions of free speech? >> they are not true feminists. they cloak themselves in the feminist garb but in reality, they are just socialists,
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leftists, marxists. their goal is to overthrow the government. they don't trust the people. the individual people who turned out in droves in michigan, wisconsin, ohio, pennsylvania, to vote for trump? they are subhuman too. they aren't entitled to determine their own destiny or their own understanding of marriage and when life begins. the very fact that they voted for trump in the eyes of a lot of these people from the entertainment industry and certainly from far left politic politics, their very existence is a point of embarrassment. rather than engage people in a real conversation, they seek to perpetually dehumanize them and debase them to the extent that you don't even treat them as human beings. that goes for the sons and daughters of donald trump, suddenly the left cares about the poor transgender kid who can't use the bathroom that he or she wants to use. that's the point, okay.
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the child of a conservative treated this way -- they don't even deserve that. >> sean: if any conservative had attacked malia obama and sasha obama -- they would never work again. if any conservative woman running for president took money from sharia countries that abuse women, gays and lesbians, christians and jewish people -- they claim they have the monopoly of compassion for these groups -- the same with freedomf speech. we have watched a lot of our colleagues -- linen ski like tactics. so-called free-speech liberals. >> going back to the 2002, with harry belafonte going after colin powell as the house slave. all the horrible things they said about condoleezza rice. it goes on and on. the christmas she was --
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the chris methods line about rush limbaugh. i think most reasonable people see these tactics as tactics of under -- diabolical. >> sean: conservatives have gotten fired and shows have been damaged significantly because of these organized attacks because they don't like what people say. >> conservatives have to do the same thing in response. we can sit around and whine and moan, it's gross. awful. but until people start standing up and sate you know something? i don't tolerate what you are doing. i don't agree with it. i'm actually not going to buy your products or support your economic partners. i am not going to do it. money does talk at some point. >> sean: laura ingraham as always. speaking of fighting fire with fire and liberal fascism, when
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we come back, brian maloney and melanie morgan. they say they are only warming up fighting back. they will explain what they are planning to do next to stand up for conservative rights. that and also cnn continues with nonstop antidrug coverage. later tonight, you are going to see the low lights from just the past few weeks from this hard-hitting clinton news network. and the president's daughter-in-law, lara trump. she will check in and give us the family's reaction to kathy griffin's crude, despicable picture wondering, what if? i let go of all those feelings. because i am cured with harvoni. harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to
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>> sean: welcome back to "hannity." a brand-new campaign started by donnie morgan and brian maloney. stopping left-wing attacks to silence conservative voices. they say it's time to stop the scalping. brian maloney published an article called coming attractions. it's just warming up. the media equality project. rachel maddow is the only beginning. the huge double standard, coming up next. morning joe, steve colbert.
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don leman, anderson cooper, george stephanopoulos, and much more. the founders of the media equality project, good to see you both. you have this web site. we have millions of people now that have engaged in this effor effort. this is not a boycott. this is an effort -- all these efforts by the left to isolate and target conservatives, you are saying enough is enough. explain what you are doing. >> we call it, to complete this game. that's exactly what's happening. media matters for america. left-wing advocacy group has been involved in this tit-for-tat game. they have been targeting your advertisers and have done at other talk show host. it's time for conservatives to say we are not going to take this anymore. we have a grassroots game. we've had millions of people who have tweeted -- more than
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4 million people have been involved in this campaign. hundreds of thousands are checking out this web site. it has gone crazy. it's the one reason and one reason only we are sick and tired of being at the end of a joke by liberals. we are fighting back now. >> sean: as i said in the last segment, i always have been a believer of free speech. i don't believe in boycotts. but you are saying if you guys are going to use these tactics, it's going to be used against you. i was kind of shocked when i saw the bizarre, unhinged champion of conspiracy theories rachel maddow. you also have what happened with kathy griffin today. then you have someone like steve colbert. >> john dickerson has way too
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much dignity to trade insults with the president of the united states. but i, sir, i am no john dickerson. >> i love your presidency. i call it disgrace a nation. you have more people marching against you they on cancer. you talk like a sign language gorilla who got hit in the head. >> sean: all in the name of comedy but it wasn't funny. he used words that nobody would use. like bill maher wants to be funny and he makes jokes about the president of the united states and his daughter. or darren trump, what he has had to endure. what melania trump has had to endure. >> sean, it's no coincidence that kathy griffin felt she was in a place to do something like pulling a stunt like that.
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the environment is they are. as far as she knew, it would have been fine because that's how everyone has been talking and behaving. now i have to explain to my 9-year-old daughter why a celebrity is holding up a head and i am sure all of our children have seen this at least five times since yesterday. what are we supposed to tell our kids? >> sean: the saddest story i read, harvey levens site -- tmz -- in fact, barron trump had seen this. he put on your site a preview of coming attractions. you listed all these people i mentioned. what does that mean? >> it means we are going to give them a taste of their own medicine. these are people who have said the most outrageous, stupid conspiracy oriented things and they blame the right wing for everything. from russian conspiracy to i don't know. the list keeps going on and on. some of these people are downright dangerous and weird
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with their comments. it's got to stop, sean. we are real people on the right with real feelings. real families. real careers. you've seen this boycott against you. i have seen this boycott against me. now we have to fight back. that's all there is to it and we are going to do it and we are happy. >> sean: thank you. i am appreciative and humbled. it's funny because the people that run that site -- i have now read so much. they have said the most outrageous things. there's so much information about them and i suspect maybe at some point you will be reporting on it. brian, i guess i ask you this question. you are saying to people -- if you want to keep conservative voices -- i believe this is a threat to silence and shut down the fox news channel. and shut down talk radio host. one by one they are going to pick us all off. the two outlets where you get alternative voices, in pinions and information.
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can they be successful or does this stop it? >> i think you are right, sean. conservatives have realized it's all on the line here. we may lose our voices forever. the left has been at it for years. they have millions of george soros funding. if we don't take a stand now -- i am telling you, sean, we have truly begun to turn the tables. conservatives are fighting back. weird doing that at we are thrilled to have everyone's support. it has been overwhelming. melanie and i don't even sleep anymore. if we lose it now, we will never get back, sean. we will never get your show or any of the others back. >> sean: how do people get in touch with you, melanie? >> stop the scalping on faceboo
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facebook. >> sean: up next, tonight, right here on "hannity"... >> he gains weight according to the sources. he doesn't trust the people around him. not a good picture. >> sean: according to cnn sources, donald trump is gaining weight. talk about a hard-hitting news. we will show you other lowlight's. it is so beyond the pale. also tonight, president trump's daughter-in-law, laura trump, response of the vicious, file stunt by kathy griffin and how it is directly impacting barron trump and the family. straight ahead. and always working to be better. remember dad helping you catch your first fish? then tell him he's special with great father's day gifts from bass pro shops.
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it would anger international allies, reducing emissions by 26- 28%. among hundreds injured in a massive truck bombing in the capital of afghanistan. the blast also killed 90 people. it happened in kabul. and d.c. police say they might have prevented a potential disaster. pennsylvanian doctor was arrested after cops found an assault style rifle, handgun and ammunition in his car. he had made threatening remarks and is now being charged by to mike for having illegal firearms. now back to "hannity." >> sean: cnn has cut all ties with kathy griffin over her vicious and vile depicting a decapitated president trump with blood all over him. let's not forget the constant offensive coverage president trump receives from cnn on a
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daily basis. look at this headline from media light. trump's emotional state. now watch this. >> home alone, and angry and isolate a president hungers down as the russian investigation swirls around him. where is his head right now following his trip abroad? lonely and angry? >> emotionally withdrawing because he doesn't really trust a lot of people around him. >> he gains weight, according to these sources. he doesn't trust people around him. he's withdrawing. >> he now lives within himself. which is a dangerous place for him to be. >> sean: how do these people live with themselves? this is only the latest example of the clinton news network deplorable coverage of the president. remember the hard-hitting investigation into ice cream gate? cnn reports trump gets two scoops of ice cream, everyone else gets one.
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watch this. >> apparently the president gets two scoops and everyone else around the table gets one. no word if there were sprinkles. >> for the dessert course, he gets to scoops of vanilla ice cream with his chocolate cream pie. instead of the single scooper everyone else. >> sean: this hard-hitting reporting. then the president's mental capacity, actual cnn panel discussion -- is trump confident enough to be the president? but they ever do this to obama? >> only know so far, trump didn't do it because he's a russian agent or for any malevolent intent. he did it because he's sloppy. he lacks all impulse and control. he has a 7-year-old boy, desperate for the approval of those he admires. this raises an important question this morning. is donald trump competent to be president? >> sean: of course, there has been a lot of name-calling. trump is president snowflake.
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a white last. >> when he ran, he was this tough guy, this guy is going to get things done. this great negotiator. he was trump-zilla. he was going to drain the swamp. now he's president snowflake. they are mean to me and they don't like me and i just don't understand it. it's not fair. >> sean: most of the snowflakes forget work at cnn. and anderson cooper, to jeffrey lord. you'd the defend trump if he ta dump on his desk. really, anderson? >> if he took a dump on his desk, you would defend him. >> sean: joining us now, monica crowley. geraldo rivera.
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look, i covered obama tough. i was tough but it was a lot more substituted than this nonsense we see daily. i think newt gingrich is right. they wake up every morning thinking, how are we going to get him today? >> yeah. what the leftist media has done from the moment donald trump emerged as a serious candidate for president, never mind once you become president -- attack him with really serious things like rush occlusion without any evidence. the kathy griffin episode. two small things, he takes all, my goodness, two scoops of ice cream. the horror. it really reveals a sick pathology on the left. for decades, sean, the media has largely been on the left. we know they have shown a bias against conservatives, republicans, in favor of democrats and liberals. what's different now is the
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level of activism and vitriol directed towards this specific president. that includes the media as well. they know that they have many platforms with which to attack him. this will not end until his presidency does. in their mind, if they can accelerate the end of his presidency, so much the better. >> sean: another point, monica is honest. at the very least, they think they can hit and punch and distract and distort and stay on offense. at the very least, they stop his agenda. if they stop his agenda, maybe that puts the house at risk in 2018. maybe that creates an opportunity for impeachment. god knows no reason at all. >> impeachment is a fantasy. i want to give you one more example of how twisted things have become. the president returned from this nine-day trip in the middle east
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and europe. by the time he got to the group shot of the european union members, he pushed aside the montenegro president -- the five big powers traditionally have the front row. >> sean: he gently -- >> for a day and a half, they talked about that. rather than what happened in saudi arabia, good or ill. israel, good or ill. the vatican. they were talking about trump the bully. the personification. it's so stupid where we are right now. the press trying to stop this guy in the back. it's so disheartening and unnecessary. at some point, it becomes unpatriotic. >> sean: last 30 seconds, monica. >> at least they made the
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pretense of dressing up their left-wing bias or pretending to be somewhat objective. now the level of activism here is really quite unprecedented. again, donald trump is an unprecedented figure who must not be allowed to succeed. that's why the long knives that were out for every republican president are certainly out for donald trump but even more so because he represents something totally different. he will set this country and the way things are done on a completely different trajectory and that's why he has to be destroyed. >> sean: good to see you both. thank you for your health. help. the trump family viciously attacked by the destroy-trump-media. lara trump is here to speak out with reaction and how has this impacted the president's 11-year-old son? president trump expected to announce he will pull out of the paris climate agreement. why is that agreement bad for
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i've always had that issue with the seeds getting under my denture. super poligrip free. it creates a seal of the dentures in my mouth. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. try super poligrip free. ♪ we always take time getting to know you, so we can ensure you hear what matters most in your world. grandpa! (vo) call, click or come in today to learn how to start your better days. miracle-ear...hear a better day. ♪ >> sean: welcome back to "hannity." kathy griffin's vicious violent attempt at so-called humor -- not funny -- in a recent photo shoot, holding a severed head of president trump. like a isis fighter holding a
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beheaded head. donald trump, jr., last night tweeted this about kathy griffin's vile so-called joke... joining us now with reaction, president trump's daughter-in-law, lara trump. i think the saddest part of thi this, lara, is the reaction of the president's youngest son, aaron. that tmc report i assume is true. bear in trump. >> actually haven't talked to them today but my brother-in-law said it very well. the fact that we live in a society that thinks something like this is acceptable, let's not forget -- it probably wasn't just kathy griffin. she has many people around her. there was a photographer involved. there were a lot of people around that could have said this
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crosses the line. the fact that nobody said this crossed any line is appalling. it tells you the society we live in today and what some people deem acceptable. this is exactly right. had this happened to president obama, i can only imagine what people would be saying right now. >> sean: let's start with the horrific things that have been said about the 11 year old kid. leave the kid alone. it's really vicious. or what has been said about our first lady. or what has been said about ivanka trump. now the vicious attacks, then you have don and eric. you've been attacked. you are expecting your first child. anyone around the president. anyone who likes the president it seems is subjected to this. have you talked about it as a family and how are you dealing with all of it? >> we have been dealing with it for almost two years now, sean. i would love to say gets easier
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but it doesn't get easier. but we can handle it. we have taken it for almost two years. this is the world we live in and we have accepted it in a way but it was not is people do things like what kathy griffin did. there were people out there that would rather see our president fail rather than see our country succeed. it's very dangerous and we live in a very, very dangerous place right now. it's very frightening to all of us. >> sean: i am watching -- in my case, you have liberals who claim they are the greatest advocates of freedom and speech. melania, you've been attacked. i've not heard a peep out of any prominent democrat saying can we please stop attacking these women? because it's so vile and vicious. and then you got hillary -- such hypocrisy. they take money from sharia
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countries that abused women, kill gays and lesbians, they persecute christians and jewish people. and not a peep. i think i'm the only person in the country who points out the hypocrisy and look at ivanka, the horrible things bill maher said about her and she can't promote her recent book. >> she does have a great book out there. for business minded women. as a business woman myself, i think it will be very helpful whenever i have a child. in september, to help me along the way. she can't promote it. she says she won't promote it. i would love for people to go out and read it because it's an incredible book. what these people have said on the left is that they are teaching the young women of this country who are all paying close attention that you can support other women but only if these other women have their interests aligned exactly with yours. anything outside of that is unacceptable. >> sean: all right, lara trump. i am sorry that your family has
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"hannity." back in 2015, obama and 195 countries signed an agreement in paris. president trump promised to review the deal and tweeted today... joining us now with reaction, senior fellow at the competitiv competitive -- chris horner. this would be a really bad idea. we have studied this topic more than anybody i know. you've been an outspoken critic against the hysteria. why is this a bad deal? >> for many reasons, including some put very well by donald trump. we would see energy sovereignty or policymaking to others to have their interests at heart but not ours. as president trump said when he promised to cancel u.s. participation. it's a treaty in which president obama just pretended it wasn't. it had a good run but i suggest
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we try to restore it. it's not popular here. that's why president trump went through epa. president obama. >> sean: how would it impact -- >> -- >> we talked about the kyoto treaty. it requires us to impose the energy rationing policies, the global warming rules, increasing the price as president obama put it. causing your electricity rates to skyrocket. that the price the most bondable energy out of your reach. as president obama said, we have finally made renewable energy profitable. by the way, not trump campaign contributors. this is about rewarding clinton
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supporters. it tightens every five years in perpetuity. this is the agreement. it's done. there's no seat at the table. i hope president trump's advisors remind him -- that lame talking point about having a seat at the table -- it requires perpetuity of us. most countries don't have an obligation. you are increasing energy poverty. >> sean: i thought it was all finished. anybody and everybody like us -- we are just climate deniers but it went from literally global cooling in the next ice age to global warming and now they have broad climate change and of course, they even had in some instances, manipulating data. when you come back, a very important question of the day is straight ahead as we continue.
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nada. really? dish issues? throw it all in. new cascade platinum powers through... even burnt-on gravy. nice. cascade. >> sean: welcome back to "hannity." do you think the president should pull out of the paris climate agreement? absolutely. go to we want to hear from you. @seanhannity on twitter.
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that's all the time we have left this evening. if we're lucky, sadly for your liberal snowflakes, we will be back here tomorrow night. ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." kathy griffin has just been bounced from cnn after apologizing for her gruesome donald trump beheading video. in a minute, we'll ask what happened to comedy and why it has has suddenly been replaced by preachy political sermonizing from dumb people? a real concern. but first, hillary clinton appears to be making a fashion statement by adopting the left's trendiest new accessory, a tinfoil hat. while taking questions at a tech conference at california today, clinton dismissed for scandal over her private email server as a nonissue of zero importance. >> my email account was turned into the biggest scandal since lord knows when.
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