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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  June 1, 2017 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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i can tell you wanted to. >> when it's spontaneous, that's when it's pure art. >> thank you for joining us. >> "america's news hq" starts now. >> jenna: breaking news in the philippines. reports of gunshots and a fire at a resort hotel. the facts coming into our news room at this time a little sketchy, but we know that this potentially is a big incident and a major city. at this point the timeline looks like this event may have started a little bit over an hour ago. we're trying to work hard to confirm details. reports of gun fire, of an explosion, some video we're seeing online as well. you can hear gun fire rapidly in succession. there's a big question for us whether or not this is an on going incident. we think it is. or whether or not it's over. but the reports are suggesting this is an active situation and one we're going to continue to
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follow here on "america's news hq." in the mean time back here at home, we await word on america's involvement in the paris deal. there are signs the president was pulling out of this deal but white house insiders cautioned yesterday that a final decision had not been reached. we have fox team coverage. we begin with our chief white house correspondent john roberts who had information for us yesterday where the president was leaning. what more can you tell us? >> reporter: good afternoon. the president playing things close to the vest today. i'm told that he was still, as of this morning, mulling over what to do. and the big question is will it be a wholesale pullout from the 2015 paris climate accord or something short of that? certainly there are factions in the white house that would like to see the president stay in the accord. if he can't fully stay in it,
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then maybe withdraw from some provisions of climate negotiations with the various countries of the world and stay in the frame work of the accord so that it doesn't collapse under the weight of the united states pulling out. but there is another faction in the white house a lot of businesses, particularly in the manufacturing industry as well, that would like to see the president scrap the accord altogether. one of those people is david bossy who was the former deputy campaign manager for the trump campaign. here's what he said on fox earlier today. >> i think president trump is going to get, i hope, get out of this paris accord and decide to put american jobs, american workers and the american economy first and create new agreements with the world. >> reporter: that's really what this is all about is the american economy. the president all during the election campaign said that he was going to pull out of the paris accord because he thought that it was detrimental to the u.s. economy, in particular manufacturing. the president doesn't want to see the u.s. slip behind
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countries like inia and china. certainly he has said all along he wants to create jobs jobs jobs. this may be seen as something that would hamper his ability to do that. >> jenna: we're gonna talk more about that on the program, john. what is the reaction by european leaders today? >> reporter: obviously this is something that the president talked with european leaders a lot about last week at the nato summit in brussels and again at the g-7 summit. the european leaders have been very forth right in saying they believe the president should not withdraw from the paris climate agreement. the president of the european commission just a short time ago was almost mocking the president, saying he thinks he can withdraw from this. well, you can't just snap your fingers and get out. this is a process that will take years. listen to what he said. >> so this notion i am trump, i am american, america first and i am getting out. that is not going to happen.
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we tried to explain this in clear simple sentences to mr. trump as well. it looks like that attempt failed. >> reporter: we tried to explain this in simple terms and simple sentences to mr. trump during the g-7 summit but it looks like that attempt failed. that certainly does sound like mocking language. what the president really cares about isn't what european leaders think. he cares ab american workers. and if he believe, jenna, that this contact will be detrimental to american jobs, you can bet he will say good-bye to it, if not in total, at least in part. jenna? >> jenna: we'll be watching. john, thank you very much. chris stirewalt is with us, editor of the halftime report. i appreciate how you mapped this out for us. you said there are things this deal is and things this deal is not. >> basically a blue ribbon commission that we have here in washington which is a way to take the heat off, pun intended,
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when everybody is clamorring for something. this was the international community's answer to do something, though not that much. remember, there's no way that you could have gotten a really substantive plan, one with enforcement, one with means for enforcement that would get past russia and china, brazil, india, these emerging countries. so this, yes, could turn into something bigger later, but for now this is some international gobbly gook and feel good stuff. the way forward though, we don't know. that's what they've got to consider. >> jenna: i always like your gobbly gook. >> highly scientific. >> jenna: beyond that you say history can be informative with us on how these climb deals go. how so? >> we remember the most famous in the past, that was the then vice president al gore and bill clinton had the kyoto protocol, the agreement, he signed, president clinton, signed in 1997. going to be a big deal.
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he sent to it the senate and the senate said, nah. not gonna have that. threw it out. clinton said we're gonna stay in anyway. and when gore lost the 2000 election, george w. bush said, we're not in this in any way and jumped right out. so one way out here for trump is to say, president obama never sent this to the senate. he never recognized the authority of the senate to enter the united states into a binding agreement, so what the president can do is say, i respect the senate, separation of powers, constitutional priorities here. send it to the senate. and i don't think the republican senate would approve the paris accord. that's a way for trump to have his cake and eat it too. >> jenna: that's interesting. we'll be asking senator rand paul about that later on in the program. chris, stand by if you would. there's another big story. there's new subpoenas issued in the house intelligence committee investigation, the controversial unmasking of members of the trump campaign. the subpoenas delivered to the cia and fbi focus on three
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members of president obama's inner circle. you're seeing them on your screen there. james rosen has details on this. james, democrats on the house intelligence committee are making clear they're not okay with the chairman signing off on these unmasking subpoenas. tell us a little about the drama that's emerged. >> good afternoon. democrats on the house intelligence committee tell fox news that the unmasking subpoenas were sent by chairman nunes asking separately from the russian collusion investigation, from which nunes stepped aside on april 6th to confront a separate house ethics probe focused on his public statements about classified data. the democrats claim that should constrain nunes' involvement. but nunes told me recently he is an active chairman. >> what i have done because i thought it was appropriate, as long as there were bogus charges against me, i was going to set at least the russian investigation aside 'cause i didn't want to become the face
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of this investigation. but everything else i'm still in charge of. >> including the unmasking inquiry? >> especially the unmasking. >> judicial watch asked a house ethics committee to examine adam schiff's public discussion of classified material. it's been several weeks. no word from the committee whether they will take that up. >> jenna: the naming of samantha power in these subpoenas is a new development. we really haven't heard her name regarding this story. tell us why it's significant. >> the former u.n. ambassador had not previously figured any unmasking controversy, but house investigators tell me that they are intensifying their focus on ambassador power who declined our request for comment. she seems to have been the subject of a cryptic exchange at a house hearing with former cia director john brennan, himself named in these unmasking subpoenas. >> do you recall any u.s. ambassadors asking that names be unmasked? >> i don't. i don't know.
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maybe it's ringing a vague bell, but i could not answer with any confidence. >> the subpoenas also targeted michael flynn, president trump's former national security adviser and michael cohen a long time trump attorney. cohen has denied colluding with the russians. the issuance of the seven subpoenas was first reported, jenna, by "the wall street journal." >> jenna: james, thank you very much. president trump signed a spotlight on all of this early today, tweeting this out. the big story is the unmasking and surveillance of people that took place during the obama administration. let's bring back in chris stirewalt. is this potentially a break in the story? >> i don't know if i'd get carried away. it's sort of like this. the real investigation is now taking place through the office of the special counsel, robert mueller. that's the real deal. most of, and i shouldn't say most of, but a substantial portion of what happens with these congressional committees is for public and political
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consumption. this is -- sending mike flynn his fifth subpoena doesn't add up to much. this is in large part to demonstrate to partisan, in congress and at home, we are busy, we are engaged, we are active. but everybody knows that the real deal is over with the special counsel's office and the rest of this stuff, what people say publicly, won't add up to much compared to what mueller is going to do. >> jenna: interesting. we're going to run to some breaking news. back to the story of the philippines. authorities are responding at the resort world manila, a popular hotel and casino and obviously a major city in the philippines. the resort is not releasing any information at this time, but there are reports of some tourists being injured. we emphasize reports. we're gathering what we can find out. trace gallagher is here with more. trace? >> reporter: keep in mind, jenna, it's 2:00 a.m. in the
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morning so the information is coming out very slowly. when you talk about resorts world manila, we're not just talking about one resort. this is shops, casinos, hotels and restaurants. there are four major hodels in this compound, including the marriott, the hilton opens the end of this year, other well-known venues. there are some 29 restaurants as well as 53 shops and a massive casino that makes up. it is directly across from the major airport in manila. if there is a place where europeans and americans would go, this is one of the venues they often visit. we have heard reports of gun fire, explosions and a fire all within this compound, but nobody has specified exactly where. we don't know if it happened inside the casino, where some sorts say yes, or inside one of the hotels. there are various reports. i want you to listen to an
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eyewitness, because this is about as good as the information we're getting out of there. listen to this woman just outside of the resort. >> i just heard explosions. i'm not sure if they were explosions or gunshots. people are screaming and people are running out of the building. but this is all i could see. this is all i could see right now. >> reporter: this is happening for the past 2, 2.5 hours. so just before midnight we understand is when this began. there are no reports of who might be involved in this or taking responsibility for this. we can tell you just about ten days ago there was a major isis involved plot that was broken up in southern manila. i'm quoting, manila, philippine, the dateline, explosions near
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the manila airport. they are on lockdown and will remain that way, we think, for the foreseeable future. we're talking about swat teams, ambulances, firefighters and police from surrounding venues that are on scene right now. it's the information trying to get out of there that we're having a tough time gleaning. we are monitoring the video that you see right here. there's only about 15 or 20 seconds of this video. it was sent over and we're still waiting for new video. it looks like it's looping. it is. that sound byte is the best information that we have at this point in time. but again, this is the resorts world manila. it's on lockdown. it is a massive complex with a series of hotels and shops and res straupbts. there are some 1500 hotel rooms
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inside this compound. so on a thursday night or early friday in manila, you are talking about a lot of people that could be involved in this thing. >> jenna: absolutely. >> you've got a bunch of people and bunch of stores. >> jenna: it's such an important timeline. we believe this incident started sometime between midnight and 1:00 a.m. local time in a very big city in the philippines, more than 1 million people. we do know a few things. we don't know others. for example, we don't know if this is a terrorist attack. we see various claims of responsibility online, but we can't confirm those. there has been precedent set in the philippines. we do know the philippines have dealt with over the years islamic terrorism. so we can't help but put that into the pot. i do have information coming from resorts world manila. this is the owner of this complex, this compound, if you will. maybe it's better to describe it
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as a campus of different casinos and hotels. here's what we have from them at this time. all of this on twitter just coming out in the last ten minutes. resort world manila is currently on lockdown following reports of gun fire from unidentified men. note the plural from, unidentified men. they go on to say on twitter the company is working closely with the philippine national police to ensure that all guests and employees are safe. one of the things we're going to work on and i'm talking to our control room. we need to figure out how many employees are at this resort and how many rooms, right? how many people could be potentially staying here on this campus. the company goes on to say, we ask for your prayers during these difficult times. so that's what we have. joining me now on the phone is drn reporter dean bernardo who is in manila right now. dean, what can you tell us? [ audio difficulty ]
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>> jenna: i'm gonna interrupt dean for a moment. obviously we have a bad connection. i was giving it a few minutes, a few moments to see if it would kick in. we're going to work on re-establishing that connection. dean will be very valuable to us. what is happening from inside the city. in the meantime, we do have some sound from an eyewitness. i'm gonna play that now. >> you guys, this is outside my balcony. this is resorts world on fire. people are being evacuated out of the building. there's smoke coming out. they're saying it's a terrorist attack. so stay away from this area. >> jenna: so you heard it there. we got that from social media. we think it's important to under score though in breaking news events, eyewitness reports can be unreliable. we want to make sure we go to
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journalists who can sort some of this out. eyewitnesss are valuable, but we have to remind our viewers that at times this is not the most reliable information as circumstances are changing. you heard there, and if you could listen more on the video, you can actually hearots as that woman is speaking. she described a fire. that seems consistent, trace, from the other reports that we're seeing online as well. >> reporter: right. we're trying to narrow this down, jenna. you hear what the video says, shots being fired. and then you have eyewitness reports. you have one employee who ran out of the building. he said he heard five shots on the casino's third floor before he ran out of the building. so he's talking about five shots on the casino's third floor. another eyewitness saying they heard gunshots on the second floor of this casino. then you have a third eyewitness account and a video to back that up. there was a car apparently in the parking lot that was overturned. looks like it was hit by some
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type of explosion. again, if you look at all three, we have a fire, we have reports of gun fire and you have an explosion report. again, we don't know exactly where. but if you're narrowing this down, it appears the eyewitness accounts are coming from the casino. we've been told this casino is several hundred thousand square feet, so it's a very large casino. multiple floors. now we have reports of at least two of those floors with some gunshots. you heard the woman earlier say she believes this is a terrorist attack. there have been some claims of responsibility. but in the early going we have absolutely nothing to substantiate those reports. all we have is a number of gunmen inside this place. we know swat teams are surrounding the building. it is unclear if they have gone inside or not. the entire complex, if you're just joining us and don't know, this is resorts world manila. the entire complex is on lockdown. we're talking about at least four hotels, maybe more.
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we've got 29 restaurants, 53 shops and this massive casino. there could be thousands of people inside this complex and now the entire thing is on lockdown with fire departments. you've got ambulances on scene. you've got police crews from several different venues. and you have the swat teams and the bomb squad on scene. it's unclear what's going on inside the building. the information we have is from those who ran out of the building and those who are surrounding the building. we have very little information from those inside the complex. even if you're from -- you're staying in one of the hotels that might be a ways away from where the shooting happened, we have not been hearing those types of eyewitness accounts coming out. as you kind of sift through this, it appears for now that they are kind of focusing on the casinos as the main part of this story, but it's very early.
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it's 2:30 in the morning. 2:20 in the morning there in manila. this is right near the manila airport. we've been checking to see if this has caused any flight interruptions, either flights leaving or flights coming in. it is worth noting that because of its location to the primary airport in manila, this is a venue that, as a rule, sees a number of americans and europeans. >> jenna: we're getting reports suggesting there are injuries in this. we're waiting to confirm that. catherine herridge is making some phone calls for us. 53 shops, 29 restaurants, 4 hotels and it is on lockdown. we'll have more after a quick break. ♪
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>> i can hear gunshots. oh my god. right behind resorts world. you can see the smoke. there's gunshots. people are shooting at each other. oh, god. i live right behind resorts world. this is happening. >> jenna: that location is important. she said she lived right behind the resort. this is a major complex. we're short on confirmed facts. joining us now on the phone drn reporter dean bernardo. dean? >> hi, jenna. >> jenna: what do we know at this point? >> jenna, about 30 minutes paf
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midnight, the second, rather the first shift of the casino was just starting when still unconfirmed number of men entered the main casino area. this is at the second level of the main complex. this is still outside of the main building. the report said these men wearing black were carrying firearms and started firing at the ceiling and some of the guests of the casino area. the firing, there were no words. we cannot confirm whether it's a group or from where they are. according to witnesses from the dealers they were wearing black
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hoods, masks and carrying long firearms. when they started firing, much of the people and the guests, the main casino area started running and some were able to escape to a fire exit. according to some sources there were people who went to the basement. they're still having unconfirmed reports that there are people who are still trapped in the basement area. the police are there. the national capital police command. it's in the scene. has secured the area according to him. they will conduct a press statement later on. but right now, a lot of the people there are still outside of the resorts world. we are receiving reports that people at the main hotel area have exited. the other part there, the top most floor of the building, of the hotel building, they could
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see fire, rather smoke coming out of the roof top of the main hotel. there were also reports that the shopping area, there were some people still milling in that area. most of the shops are closed. there are some people who are still in the theater still watching. they run movies there past midnight in that area. they were able to escape the main lobby. the casino, jenna, there are approximately 200 casino employees on this shift alone. 200 people are working at this time in the casino area. according to sources in the casino, most so called guests
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here are south korean nationals who are on a leisure trip to manila and they were taking part of the so called gaming programs in that hotel, in resorts world. >> jenna: wow, dean. you gave us a lot of valuable information. you say this, according to the report, this started in the casino where an unconfirmed number of men came into the casino, long guns, black hoods and started shooting. couple questions for you. we're unfamiliar with this particular area. based on the reports at this time, is it your understanding that the gun men are still within the complex? is this still an on going incident or the reports about the shooting and an active situation, has that subsided? >> that remains unclear and unspecific. there is a possibility that some
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of the men are still inside from the complex now. >> jenna: let me interrupt you. what is security like in this massive complex? >> jenna, the entire complex is highly secured. it sits just across terminal three of the manila international airport. right flex to it, above 500 meters is the philippine air force headquarters. it's the air base, where the we got an airport village right flex to it. this used to be part of the philippine air force. there are numerous security force within the area.
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a police complex, rather a police station is about a few hundred meters in front in the main road which is what you call between the airport and the hotel area. it's supposed to be very very secure. >> jenna: dean bernardo, valuable information. thank you very much. senator rand paul joins us live to tell us what life would look like if the president decides not to withdraw from the paris climate agreement. we want to make sure we stay up close on that. big domestic news item of the day. we'll continue to bring you breaking news updates on what's happening in the philippines moments from now.
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>> jenna: terrifying moments there. major resort. this is a major campus resort and casino. dozens of them. according to the report, there
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were unconfirmed number of men that burst into the casino and started firing. that's all we know. we want to put this breaking news story as we hear from more facts about what is happening in the philippines because of course the initial reaction to any of these stories is that this is terrorism. we should under score we don't know that at this time. but, in an effort to give you an idea of what has transpired in the philippines, we feel like this information is going to be very informative. jennifer griffin is live in washington with more on that part of the story and the growing isis threat there. >> reporter: i think it's important to keep in mind as we look at what appears to be an apparent terrorist attack at this hotel complex outside the airport. may 23rd the president of the philippines declared martial law in the southern islands where islamists have been fighting a
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separatist battle for the last 50 years. he declared marshal law in may. he tried to get the guy who declared himself the head of isis in the area. during that botched raid the philippine military tried to capture the leader, they failed to do so. as a result there are 500 isis fighters, many foreigners from yemen, chechnya, stock piled weapons in a town in the area. so for the last week there has been an on going battle. it came to a head yesterday. we understand that eight foreign fighters affiliated with isis were killed in that area but clearly the philippine president has been trying to take on the isis strong hold in that area and it has come to a head.
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i would not be surprised to find out somehow this attack may be linked to that military action in the southern fill paoepbs. >> jenna: valuable context for us. thank you very much. we'll bring you back there live. we have another big story. looking live at the white house rose garden where president trump is about to announce whether the united states will drop out of the international climate agreement. kentucky senator rand paul noting, quote, experts predict by 2040 the agreement cost 16.45 million lost jobs. it will cost us $3 trillion in lost gdp for each house hold the annual lost income could be as high as $4900. joining us now, rand paul. thanks for bearing with us. we stated some of the facts, but
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you feel very strongly about this climate agreement. why? >> one of the things president trump has been good at being concerned on are american jobs and not signing international agreements that would put us at an economic disadvantage. i think this accord president obama signed is a disaster for american jobs. there have been estimates from independent third parties that say we could lose over 6 million jobs. it's just not fair. why would we sign an agreement that puts us at an economic disadvantage? the agreement says we need to reduce our carbon output by 20% but china doesn't have to do anything for the next 20 years. how in the world could that be fair? >> jenna: we'll get to that in a moment. what do you think about this idea. we're hearing different reports about what they will do. what do you think about tossing this back to the state where you
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think we should be part of this agreement? >> it would fail overwhelmingly. from a constitutional point of view that wouldn't be a bad thing to do. that should be voted on by congress. i think it's crazy to think that president obama had the power to do this all by himself. so, yes, i would favor doing that. i'm very hopeful the president will get us out of this accord. people in the energy industry and really for american jobs in general. my hope is he gets us out of the accord. this is bad for the economy. >> jenna: as the state you do is strong. this is someone who thinks getting out of this agreement would be a bad deal. the writer said this about the
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paris climate agreement. it would signal to the rest of the world that the u.s. abdicated its role as global leader and trendsetter. it would confirm that washington has gone rogue. the writer went on to say this would be turning o isolationism. did we lose the senator? i think we did. it's a different opinion. i want you to hear it. there are those that say turning away from this climate agreement would be moved towards isolationism. that's something that's not good for the kwraoupbd and the global stage. i was curious what the senator thought about it. unfortunately, we lost him. we look forward to having him back. i want to note, he's open to the idea that maybe the president would push this back to the senate. we'll watch for that. in the mean time hrrbg the u.s. stay in or withdraw. we'll soon have our answer as the president is expected to speak in the rose garden moments from now. we'll bring you there when it happens.
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>> there is breaking news. the associated press is reporting and john roberts has now confirmed the united states will pull out of the paris climate action agreement which has been in place for quite some time. now the largest nations in the world who are not a member of it will be the united states and russia. the white house talking points according to john roberts, it's a bad deal for america and will cost americans some 6.5 million jobs by the year 2040. again, that's from the white house. top of the hour the president will come to the rose garden to make this announcement official. we'll have live coverage here on fox news channel and local fox stations. from the fox news app. i'm shepard smith, fox news new york. >> i inherent nothing from the
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democratic party. >> what do you mean nothing? >> i mean, it was bankrupt. its data was mediocre to poor, nonexistent, wrong. >> jenna: hillary clinton addressing some of the reasons she was not successful in the recent presidential campaign. we're going to talk about this and what this informs us about politics in our country. a political editor of town and fox news contributor. bernard whitman is a clinton pollster. a lot from hillary clinton yesterday. i am curious about looking forward ab how you think this impacts or perhaps will be constructive for where we are going in american politic. what do you think, bernard? >> i think the democratic party is interested in rebuilding the party from the ground up, from the grass roots. that's actually what's happening all across the country. the energy is coming from the resistance. they're mobilized, excited. what these activists are doing
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is working to rebuild the party at the state level. they're not taking direction from washington. >> jenna: are they taking direction from hillary clinton? >> absolutely not. most americans have no spwreflt in relitigating an election that was run and lost more than six months ago. >> jenna: maybe not relitigating, but what can we learn from it? >> she is relitigating it. she is endlessly relitigating it and blaming everyone on god's green earth other than herself. she says, i take full responsibility, but here's a laundry list of 18,000 other people they want to blame. aside from the fact that the american people didn't like her, didn't trust her and didn't want her to be president even though she spent double what donald trump did. donald trump was an unpopular figure. she lost to him, now she's throwing your party under the bus, bernard. barack obama spent a lot of time building the party. hold on. building the data. he absolutely did. his campaign had a terrific data operation. >> jenna: let me ask you this.
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one of the top data guys came out on twitter. here's what he was talking about yesterday. he was responding to what hillary clinton said. all that said irony for bashing dnc model never had michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania. her team thought they knew better. >> my biggest concern about this, it feeds into the narrative that republicans love, which is to fetishize over the khreupb tons and feed into donald trump's greatest distraction. when he was with the chinese premiere all he did was talk about this. >> jenna: do you feel betrayed by hillary clinton? >> not at all. we need to move on. we need to understand -- barack obama had tremendous politic successes but the party was decimated at the state level. we're down 50% in terms of representations. we're starting to rebuild that. the future of the party is going to be rebuilt at the ground level and we're gonna see the results in the midterm elections which will be a referendum not
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on hillary clinton but donald trump. >> jenna: you were nodding. >> bernard is right that president obama was a disaster for his party. >> jenna: i don't know if that's what he said. >> it was a disaster at the state level and the legislative level in congress. but, i understand your point and your frustration saying these republicans need to move on, donald trump needs to move on. maybe they'll move on when hillary clinton moves on. she won't stop talking. she won't stop feeding into these narratives including the russia collusion story. >> wait until june 8th when comey unveils what's going on with the russian collusion. >> jenna: real quick, what do you think republicans should learn from all of this? >> they should learn power is fleeting and that when you have an unpopular leader running your party, you have to work very hard to make sure that your bench is strong and when you fail, own it. don't blame other people. >> jenna: thanks, guys. great to have you both. thank you very much. we are awaiting remarks from the president expected to announce the decision on the paris
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climate accord. what a possible withdrawal could mean for you and the economy. we'll talk ab that next. all finished. umm... you wouldn't want your painter to quit part way, i think you missed a spot. so when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day? aleve, live whole not part. you want this color over the whole house? manait's a series of is nsmart choices. and when you replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes
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>> jenna: trump officials are telling congressional staffers that they are pulling out of the deal. that's the news as it stands right now just before 3:00 p.m. eastern time. charles payne is the host of "making money" and chris horner is the author of "the politically incorrect guide to environmentalism." and a senior fellow at the competitive institute. chris, our viewers will notice you're at the white house. what was your role in these discussions? >> when the administration wanted advice, i gave it. seems though there are many strong voices, the president's
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made a decision and i believe we are going to be happy with it. he's keeping a promise. >> jenna: what would make you happy with it? >> announcing withdraw as promised. remember, the president and the candidate didn't just promise it, he gave reasons. those reasons haven't changed. so he's announcing his withdrawal. but we'll see in a few minutes. there are several ways to do it. i believe he's going to approach it directly. it's news worthy. it's refreshing. it's a politician keeping his promise. on this issue, it's somebody standing up, taking the hit to show leadership isn't doing what people have been saying, do what we insist, that's leadership. it's showing other people the way out. thanks to litigation know what state department says. this is killing europe's economies. the president is doing the right thing. >> jenna: i want to get the charles in a moment. but chris, i want you to take our viewers behind the scenes. they've heard a variety of different reports on who wanted to stay in the deal.
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some reports suggested ivanka had a strong voice on that. perhaps rex tillerson did. what was your experience. how rich was the debate? >> it's my understanding that it was pitched at times, but always respectful. it stuck generally to the marriage. the exit prevailed in all of the meetings that i'm aware of. push to what they call the public perception battle which is the pressure campaign you've been seeing. if you stayed in paris it would become a way of life, spiking every five years. the exit people, we had the arguments on our side. this was harmful. the president was right. he made a promise. he's going to keep it. people need to support this and be refreshed that a politician kept his word in the face of very strenuous internal debate. >> jenna: sure. that's interesting. one of the things we will be watching for in the language as we watch different staffers gather here. there's steve mnuchin.
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all of those, the economy very big in this. charles payne on set as well. charles, one of the things we will be watching for is whether or not we pull out of this agreement completely. that's what congressional staffers are being told. as far as the impact on the u.s. economy, how do you see it? >> it's pretty clear that this was an economic disaster, without a doubt, jenna. from the amount of money that we had to pour into this, to curbing what i'm calling the fracking miracle unconventional discovery of gas has just been a success out of this world, creating millions of jobs, creating billions of dollars worth of construction projects. this is something that's going to continue for us for the next couple of decades. >> jenna: we're seeing numbers. this is from the heritage foundation. numbers of jobs lost, hundreds of thousands income lost for a family of four. what are the numbers they concentrate on? the $2.2 trillion loss in gdp.
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looking to see who disagrees. some say, these numbers seem big, but it's over a 20 year period. it's really not that big. hey, it was worth staying in for leadership sake because the number looks big. but when you look at it out over 20 years, not that big. what do you say to that? >> couple trillion is big over one year, two years or between now and 2035. it's a huge number. also, one number i don't think that's off there was the 20% increase in electricity which hurts everybody. it's one of those things that is incindiary. overall what we're talking about is a poorly crafted agreement. maybe something if it was sreugiously debated in the white house they go back to. but in a way that puts -- i don't want to say america first, but commonsense first. this is wealth redistribution. not to poor countries. poor countries in my mind were being bribed to stay poor. this was india and china take off, you can have it your way
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between now and 2030 and america, you take a back seat. >> jenna: it's interesting you mention that. the camera just moved off two individuals. the national security adviser to the president and the top economic adviser. those two individuals penned an op ed in "the wall street journal" talking about what does american leadership look like in light of the president's trip to europe and reports, again, bringing those stories together were that he had discussions about this climate agreement while in europe. chris, i want to talk to you about that philosophy, because philosophy mapped tphout this "wall street journal" op ed talked about not looking at the world as a global community, but looking at it as a way, as competitive. so it's a totally different paradigm than the previous administration. what would american leadership look like on this specific issue if we're not in the agreement? >> well, showing people like the poles, the czechs, those who have seen the harm this is causing. europe finds it's created a mess
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for itself. thinks the only thing for us is to join in their economic suicide pact. leadership doesn't mean doing what you insist we do, as has been the case. leadership is showing you that, this is critical to people. we reduced emissions without killing job. they have an epidemic of seniors dying under what they call energy poverty. charles and i have spoken about this. tens of thousands. co-incident with these policies taking root. leadership is saying, we can grow the economy. this treaty does not have a projected climate impact. u.s. withdrawal does not have a projected climate impact. it means being serious about this. not cruel futile gestures in the name of something nobody claims it would impact. >> jenna: i'm curious your thoughts on where, again, the u.s. government can lead or should lead on this particular issue. what does that look like in 2017? >> it looks like what we've been doing. in 1990, america was 24% of the world's pollution. by 2015, 2016, we were just 16%.
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that's the fracking miracle, that's natural gas, that's technology. that's allowing free markets to tackle a problem or make something better. so we've actually led the way on this in a way that other countrys can duplicate. china would love to have your fracking technology. that's something they discussed with the white house. we're already leading on this an we don't have to be driven by guilt or a sense of wealth redistribution because social justice supercedes economics. >> jenna: chris, i only have 20 seconds go ahead. >> the u.s. has a chief climatist. he said this has very lit toll do with the environment. the climate minister said it's about levelling the playing field. it's not about the climate. wealthier is healthy, wealthier is cleaner. the u.s. will continue showing leadership. this is an excellent step along that path. >> jenna: interesting. we'll be watching. chris, thank you very much.
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charles, thank you as well. again, watching key parts of the president's team. this a central prom toys the campaign to pull out of the paris climate agreement. what will the details be? we'll watch for more. i'm jenna lee. here's shep. >> shepard: it's noon on the west coast. the president is expected to announce his decision of pulling out of paris climate accord. this choice will affect our economy, our national security, the planet earth itself for generations to come. we will have the president's comments live and we'll look at what his decision means for all of us. "fox news sunday"'s anchor chris wallace will join us. we'll look at how key players have been battling behind the scenes to influence the president from the world's la


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