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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  June 3, 2017 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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we will see you tomorrow . ♪ ♪ ♪ >> fbi director james comey in the spotlight preparing to testify next week before the senate intelligence committee, but could the president invoke executive privilege and slam the door shut on his testimony about his conversations with the president. hello and welcome to a brand new hour inside america's news headquarters i'm kelly wright. >> at least one report says it's not a likely move. kelly: kristin with more. kristin. >> the question for president
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trump will be what will be more damaging what comey will say in public for all the world to see or what it would look like if president trump tries to mussel him. >> that committee hearing was just noticed and obviously it's got to be reviewed. >> so that's not a no. >> i'm just saying, literally in my understanding the date of the hearing was just set, i have not spoken to counsel yet, i don't know how they're going to respond. >> now, the new york city is reporting that two senior officials are saying that president trump will not invoke executive privilege but as we have learned time and time again nothing is final with this white house until it -- until it actually happens. so with that caveat, i want to take a look at another huge hearing taking place on capitol hill next we're and this one involves the intelligence chief,
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nsa director, acting fbi director and deputy attorney general who signed off on this special council, that's taking place, the day before comey's appearance and we also learned that the special counsel that's investigating possible ties between trump campaign and russia, that special counsel is expanding to take over a separate criminal probe involving former trump campaign manager paul manafort. with all of the stories and all of the leaks, all of the potentially damaging testimonies that's going to be taking place next week on capitol hill, you can see why this white house has been scrambling behind the scenes to set up room. we have been hear two names quite sometime and two former campaign operatives. fox has learned that this room will be run outside of the white house likely as a nonprofit, so
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the idea let the outside entity handle the russian investigation so the white house can get down to the business of actually governing, kelly. kelly: it's going to be a very busy week, next week. kristin reporting live from the white house today. arthel: thank you very much for talking to us. first of all, trump insiders are saying that president trump doesn't want to block comey's testimony and why would he if he has nothing to hide. there's been no evidence of collusion between russia and the campaign and so why not get the truth out there. do you believe that anybody from the trump administration will want to block comey's testimony? >> well, you know, on the legal point about whether the president has the authority to invoke executive privilege, i think the people that are suggesting somehow is right to invoke that right now is somehow in question. they don't know what they're talking about.
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he has absolute right to invoke that privilege in this case. but i don't think he will and i don't think that -- and i think he's smart not to and the reason for that, julie, is because we largely know what the answer to the all of the questions the democrats are asking about this, did donald trump do anything to impede the investigation to obstruct justice and, you know, fbi director comey has testified on at least two occasions very clearly and also behind closed doors in conversations with both democrats and republicans that in no way does he think the president has done anything to obstruct that, whatever the testimony he gives as long as it's along those lines it's only going to help the president and if he veers from that, i think he will get grilled pretty good. julie: okay, so comey's testimony is expected to focus on these private meetings with the former fbi director. memos specifically and those
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memos are the ones that he said he might release and that he had taken notes on the conversations which he said president trump had at one point asked him to go ahead and drop the investigation on michael flynn. president trump says that conversation never took place, so what about those internal memos do you believe could potentially be harmful if he were to testify? >> well, i think that -- the reason i think that those that his testimony will ultimately be helpful is because all we have heard from those memos are cherry-picked lines out of contest that were read to certain reporters who obviously had, you know, they were writing stories that were very damming about donald trump, and so once you get those lines put into context, that can only help donald trump. they were obviously looking to
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find damming thing that they could find and i think that will be helpful. i don't know, though -- and the most important thing here about those conversations is that clearly comey did not feel like there was an effort to obstruct justice because if he did feel like there was an effort to obstruct justice by the president, he would have been obligated at that time to open investigation into that specific charge and the fact that he didn't, i think, if he does try to build a case now -- julie: right. >> based on what we know so far it's going to be a radical dye parture from what we know or what he has said. julie: legal experts. here is what legal experts say. they believe that president trump does not have a strong case to invoke the privilege due to public acknowledgment of the conversations he had with comey,
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the question and the concern from an outsider is what was the intent, what was the motive for comey at the time to jot these notes down and what was the temperature in the conversations, was it a joke, was it like, oh, come on, back off. >> i think that's exactly the tenure of it. julie: i don't know if it was the latter. >> two things, the fact that comey wrote these things down not only is that not unusual, that is by law what all officials -- anybody else in the federal government is supposed to do after a private meeting with another federal official. it's all part of the open meetings act, they're supposed to do that. obviously comey to his credit was somebody who always did that or at least routinely did that and he should be saluted for that because that's a very good thing for those of us what want the inner workings of the
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federal government to be made public. julie: that's right. >> so people trying to make that into something sinister has always puzzled me, i don't know what that's all about. my impression is that very much what you just said, maybe not joking around but perhaps powing around a little
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the americans will do the right thing. kelly. kelly: thank you, ellison. >> you bet. julie: a series of explosions killing at least six people who were attending a funeral. this comes days after a massive truck bomb killed 90 people and wounded 500 more. violent protests are entering their third or second day, rather with demonstrators calling for more computer in the capitol city.
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john is live in the middle east bureau with the very latest, hi, john. >> kabul is on police lockdown tonight because of the protests as you mention yesterday and today and because of latest violence, the bombing at the funeral proving yet again that really no one and no place is safe in afghanistan in particular, the country's capital even as i said even at funeral. afghan officials say the blasts went for the son of afghanistan deputy speaker of the senate, his son was one of four people killed during those violent protests yesterday in kabul. federal high-ranking afghan officials were at the funeral today when the explosions erupted carried by suicide bombers according to suiter officials that were posing as mourners in estimated 1,000 people. those officials including government's chief executive were unharmed but latest attack an example and chaos and
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violence gripping afghanistan after wednesday's truck bombing in kabul's diplomatic killing 90 people and injuring 50 others. yesterday as mentioned, more than a thousand protestors hit the streets of kabul and asking for the resignation of afghan president over they say crumbling security and clashing with police that opened fire upon the crowds and today another protest was held at the site of wednesday's bombings. julie, while no group has claimed responsibility for these attacks for the latest attacks, government officials say it was most likely the work of the taliban jeopardizing peace talks that were scheduled in -- that are scheduled to start tuesday in kabul and creating a bloody start to the holy muslim month of ramadan. julie: thank you. kelly: multiple officers shot while trying to arrest the
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dangerous suspect, details straight ahead on how this all played out. julie: new pushback against sanctuary cities as the state faces legal challenges. a fair and balance debate coming up next. (vo) pro plan bright mind
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kelly: welcome back, time now for quick headlines, three police officers injured in laredo, texas, antonio rodríguez was suspected of killing his girlfriend earlier in the day, he was shot and killed by police. a naval flight officer sentenced to prison after being convicted of espionage. lieutenant commander edward lynn pleaded guilty to deliberately disclosing information and families who disclosed foreign contact among foreign charges. a former nsa official says nsa conducted likely surveillance of winter olympic in salt lake city current head of nsa operation says the surveillance was
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limited to only international communications with potential links to terrorism. julie: house intelligence committee ramping up its investigation into russia's election meddling and now issuing seven new subpoenas including three that could shed some new light on allegations top obama era officials improperly sought to unmask trump campaign members swept up in the probe. republican joins me now, member of the house appropriation committee, subcommittee member of homeland security and former navy seal. congressman, thank you. just give me your interpretation when you hear about these seven subpoenas, what does that make you think. >> they are concerning. this isn't a partisan issue, it's an american issue.
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something that has been successful. at the same time there are very strict procedures. obviously what we are seeing, we saw that it was revealed that susan rice, her request to unmask them, the fact that samantha power was being subpoenaed, whether she was the one asking for that or she had information is particularly concerning given the fact that she's a diplomat and clearly there would be politics that play here. american -- the american people have to be concerned about a fire wall and national security and it's right that the congress execute authority. julie: politics that play here, those words are serious, those are criminal words because if
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there is proof that in fact, this was politically motivated that is illegal. it is legal for intelligence purposes but to unmask for political purposes is illegal and there should be subpoenaed and should be investigation and should have happened a long time ago. three of the subpoenas were issued to the cia, the fbi and the nsa seeking details related to the alleged unmasking and those are requests made by the former national security adviser susan rice. why is it then that this investigation somehow seems to have been covered up and then now all of a sudden we are hearing about it? >> well, you have a different administration now. look, folks were unmasked, names were leaked, some of those the requests for the unmasking had to be given a request to the intelligence community so they should be subpoenaed to figure out who requested it, where it went and so people if there was
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requested, they had the information, the information was leaked, there are big problems here and again the american people have to have confidence that there's a fire wall between politics and national security and as you said, if in fact, people were unmasking american citizens and politically motivated way, you have a crime here. i'm not saying that you do. i don't have facts yet. let the facts lie where it may and it's important for the confidence of the american people. july you we talked about the three subpoenas, four others issued wednesday focused on former trump campaign aide michael flynn and that has played into the former fbi director james comey and whether he would testify. let's talk about the subpoena of michael flynn, what do you think they'll find there? >> you know, i'm not really sure, i know, listen, there's a lot of political football going here and what i will say underlying in all this issue is
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the fact that the united states doesn't have a uniform policy. there's no policy there, there needs to be a policy. that being said, michael flynn has been subpoenaed, was there some wrong-doings there, has been investigated for some months by the fbi and if folks did something that was criminal or was wrong, they should be held to account and that includes anyone in this country. julie: but here is what i don't understand because it's not like michael flynn wasn't forthright with the administration. i mean, he went to the vice president and explained his history, susan rice apparently had gone to then campaign and candidate president trump before he became elected and explained that there was some reason why he might be able to be blackmailed by russians. none of this was a surprise and when vice president came out and he said he had no idea that he
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had any financial dealings as we know with other countries, apparently that was a surprise to the vice president. so there's some disconnect here. i guess we need to help connecting the dots, maybe you could do it. >> i wish that i could connect those dots for you, i don't know all those things, i know -- listen, i want to say that michael flynn has served this country with honor for decades. it's important to say that. his name has been smashed around and let's not forget that this man served this country very honorably for a very long time. if there's an issue here and there's something that he needs to be held accountable for, okay, that will happen but at the same time that should not negate his service to this country. julie: absolutely, i agree. >> there is some disconnect there and i don't know exactly what that is and neither does anybody else quite frankly, all the other signs of my political -- other political party is out there constantly talking about. julie: you know what else i also
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find is the fact that you have the former obama administration and officials like susan rice coming out saying that michael flynn is a bad guy, they have been keeping an eye on him and they didn't trust him and they thought he wasn't going to be the right person for the job and he has full security under president trump, he has full security clearance to go to russia and to meet with officials there, they had no problem with him at that point. at what point did they change the mind about michael flynn, if they didn't like him, they they wouldn't have given him security clearance. there's a lot of politics in play. >> i don't think susan rice was good for the job she was in. i don't agree with that whatsoever. i don't question her clearance. she was cleared. no problem. it's been revealed that she requested more unmasking of names and with a greater volume
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after the election. julie: i'm just saying do not give security clearance to someone that you think the russians are going to use to blackmail the united states. i mean, what? >> there's no question. julie: yeah, no. anyway, congressman, thank you very much. appreciate it. >> thank you, have a great day. julie: so fun, kelly. kelly: antitrump protestors are rallying nation hide the march for truth. coming up the answers they're seeking. you don't let anything
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it can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. luckily there's powerful, 24-hour, non-drowsy claritin. it provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. live claritin clear. julie: antitrump rally going outside today of the white house for climate agreement and collusion between president trump and russia. one of those rallies wrapped up moments ago. hey, garrett. >> these are grassroots and all of these rallies has really changed a bit. organizers say that they are
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wanting to put the pressure on both mueller and congress to investigate any ties between the campaign and russians. >> i want to see the investigation of trump lead to impeachment. i'm please to see that mueller is right on top of it and is proceeding quickly along with that half of the investigation, that part of the investigation to bring criminal charges again those around trump and including trump. >> organizers say that there are more than a hundred marchs scheduled and climate change was another issue, a lot of folks came out for after the president's decision to leave the paris climate deal but at the white house the president supporters came out as well and said thank you for keeping that campaign promise.
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[inaudible] >> but the reality is we need to support. >> a lot of the activists groups, julie, have said march for truth rallies is just the beginning of what they're calling a summer of demonstrations, julie. julie: thank you very much. kelly. kelly: julie, thank you, the cities of san antonio and austin are suing the state of texas in an effort to block the sanctuary city law. republican greg abbott signed a bill into law and argues the law is unconstitutional and more cities and counties may soon follow suit. so let's talk about this with immigration attorney francisco hernández, francisco, your impression of the law to begin with? >> it's a political phantom. it's a fight between lieutenant governor and the speaker of the
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house of representatives. it doesn't do anything to police officers that weren't already allowed to do and doesn't do -- give them any direction or any obstruction or obligation. it is really a political gain between politicians. it does nothing. there's no such thing as a sanctuary city, a city cannot oppose the federal government. i can come in and pick anybody from any local jail they time they want and the problem is that they are taking the bait and it is unconstitutional just like we were 15 years with arizona and restrictions, bottom line is time for congress act. kelly: let me bring what governor greg abbott has said and how he defines the law, one it would be a 25,000-dollar per day fine on any sanctuary city and also exposes any sheriff or official to jail time if they failed to cooperate with ice or
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federal officials when they have known criminals in their custody who should be according to them deported. >> it has never happened. kelly: in san francisco there have been people that have been killed by illegal immigrants. >> it is not true. kelly: what do you mean it's not true? >> the problem is ice didn't pick them out within the 48 hour, the ice hold provides. the person transferred from la to san francisco on a minor violation, the ice hold means give them -- kelly: one second there. you're telling me then that that person who killed that young girl who was out with her father -- >> yes. >> should have been allowed to go free, no one should have turned him in? >> there was no legal ice. kelly: you have to be kidding me? we can't bring back the young lady. >> you're right. coal = illegal immigrant
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shouldn't have been on the streets and already known for committing crimes and here in texas apparently and goes onto say, the governor telling "fox & friends" moments a day after he initiated this and signed this bill into law which becomes effective by the way in september, that we have to pass the law to force law enforcement to comply with the law, your response to that. >> exactly. it was already the law. >> states try to do this patch work in that void in congress. that guy should have been in federal prison. we had five shots at it and we let him go each time but it wasn't because of sanctuary city, it simply because ice didn't pick him up. let me tell you, they do a very good job but they are not asking for the city's assistance and
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cooperation, they don't need it and they don't want it. kelly: why shouldn't there be cooperation when you have a known criminal element that happens to be illegal and should have been deported and has committed previous crimes? i'm not understanding the comment there? >> let me tell you when an undocumented goes to jail, immigration sends immigration hold, ice, sends immigration hold that say ifs you're going to let him go for any reason, give us 48 working hours to come and pick him up, fair enough? in those 48 hours pass up and ice didn't come pick him up, there's no way to hold him because there's no other charges. kelly: francisco, you're going ahead with this to try to block the state from actually enacting the law which as i said earlier becomes law effectively in september. other state officials, san antonio mayor who called the lawsuit premature noting that san antonio was the first city to join litigation despite
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others being invited. you're jumping out in front. do you think others will follow suit and stop the governor of pushing the law through, it's already the law of the land as of september? >> it was already under the constitution. we don't need this bill, it's a waste of time by both sides. it's political posture to go keep the issue going because congress refuses to act. kelly: state attorney general is opposing you or any other person trying to follow litigation. >> i think he's under indictment for fraud. he is under indictment. >> all right, francisco hernández, this is going to be a heated debate obviously as it's been in the lone star state and a lot of people watching this. you're saying it doesn't have to be. we will see what happens in the court of law and see how you guys fair on that as well as the state which has to defend itself actions as well. >> i'm not filing a lawsuit, it's a waste of time. >> all right, francisco, thank you. julie: veterans gathering in our
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nation's capitol and remember the service members who lost their lives. plus president trump under fire for pulling out of the paris climate agreement but some think the criticism will come no matter what the president does. >> if the president would have chosen not to pull out of the accord, the right thing to do is to pull out, if he did, the mainstream media would attacked him for flip-flopping and having
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we always take time getting to know you, so we can ensure you hear what matters most in your world. grandpa! (vo) call, click or come in today to learn how to start your better days. miracle-ear...hear a better day. julie: world war ii memorial in washington as veterans lay wreaths to mark the 75th anniversary of the battle of midway, it is considered one of the most brutal naval battles in world war ii and help turn the tide against the japanese fleet in the pacific. battle of midway took place six months after the attack on pearl harbor
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and it was a decisive victory that put the u.s. navy on the offensive in the specific theater. we thank our brave veterans for their service. >> the white house sending off backlash for the mainstream media for its decision to pull out of the paris climate deal but will the pull-out make a big of a difference or is it just a huge overreaction from the left. joining us now to discuss all of this is brad blakeman, former assistant to george w. bush and adrienne, former director of strategic communications for hillary clinton and a democratic strategists. thank you both for joining us. >> thank you. >> adrienne, let's begin with you, what do you say about this over the president making the decision to pull out of the paris accord? >> well, first of all, i don't necessarily a lot of -- but i
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will say that i think this plays right into donald trump's plans. he wanted the media to oversight issue and oversensationallize it and paint at elitist issue. it's something that we should all be concerned about. kelly: brad, your thoughts. >> the present danger to the world and i wish the world can get together on issues like radical islam which is a direct threat to our country here and proliferation of nuclear weapons than climate change. president obama thought it was so important not only for the country but for the world, he would have called the procedure that would ratify by the senate. he didn't do that and president trump campaigned on repealing this terrible agreement for america that was inequitable, unfair, job-killer, so it's no surprise that he did it, but, of course, the media in america has
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become a globe -- globalist. they don't have an national interest to our country. they have become citizens of the world and donald trump promised and delivered, something that is not seen by politicians. so thumbs up for donald trump to keeping his word and getting america out of a terrible agreement. kelly: adrienne, what i watch the people that are concerned about this and many people by the president's position, some had anticipate that had this would happen that he would keep campaign promise u the future, what does it hold for america in terms of its global view and its global position with the president making this decision? >> well, i mean, it's terrible for our future. the world looks to america for leadership on issues such as climate change. kelly: does it look to america in terms of financially helping solve all their problems which is happening as part of this
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deal as i understand, america was paying most of the bulk of what was needed for this? >> well, look, again, at the end of the day the good news here is this is not -- this is a nonbinding agreement. there are mayors from across the country in the united states, there are companies that are coming together and making sure that we stick with the paris accord that all of the terms laid out in the agreement so that we can maintain responsibility to the agreement without being part of this agreement. so, you know, i'm hoping that donald trump will try to renegotiate terms for the united states so we can bring agreement in the future. it'll be very difficult to do. we lost significant credibility from a global standpoint. there are companies and local leaders across the country who are doing their job to make sure that we adhere to the importance layed out in the agreement. kelly: brad, to adrienne's, point, there are many people in
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the united states, california, pittsburgh, they're all basically saying that they will somehow, some way keep an agreement with this paris accord on climate change. the president is saying that he wants to renegotiate it and the then you have the international backlash of macron and france and angela merkel of germany and other nations stepping up to say or actually denounce what the president's decision was. what does the president need to do to bring this to the table and negotiate a deal that would be fair and balance for the united states? >> a deal is good as only it is for both parties. this deal was bad for america, barack obama knew that and that's why he didn't go to the senate and if anything, when you talk about credibility, america's credibility is now enhanced because finally people can say when the president talks, he means what he says and he's going to do what he says, something the that pander of
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appeasement and apology has been the last eight years. as far as local officials, states and cities honoring this agreement, more power to them. if they think it's in the best interest of constituents, they should do it. that's what america is about. local rule. not coming from the federal government. if the state of california and others and cities want to honor this agreement, then they should. kelly: brad and adrienne, i wish we could get you to final word. we have to go. i appreciate both of you sharing the comments and insights on this explosive issue that's going to likely continue for some time to come. thank you. >> thank you. julie: legal battle over president trump's travel ban is now reaching the nation's highest court. the latest on the show boost. it's about moving forward, not back. down.
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julie: asking the supreme court to revise president trump's travel ban, lower courts have so far ruled the administration cannot legal i will keep people from six muslim majority countries from entering the u.s. so what gives, will carl live in los angeles in the international airport, hey there, will. >> hey, there julie. the controversial travel ban winds up in front of the supreme
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court. keep in mind this is the second version of the ban. the trump administration wants to halt travel for 90 days from six countries, iran, libya, somalia, sudan and yemen. last month the four circuit rule that this version likely violates the constitution but the supreme court now has newest justice on the bench, judge neil gorsuch and gives conservative tilt. >> president trump has safety and security of the country, he's taking bold and decisive action asserting an executive order to pause immigration from countries that have been compromised by terrorism or don't have the systems in place that we can be confident that when people apply to come here that they don't represent a
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threat. >> you remember the first version of the travel ban and passengers have mixed feelings and are saying why more countries linked to terrorism are not on the list. >> i would like to see the court affirm appellate conclusion, it seems un-american and illegal to discriminate against people's for their religion. >> the administration is now asking for the ban to go into effect immediately and there's no timetable on when the supreme court may make their decision, julie. julie: will carl, thank you so much. kelly. kelly: engineering unveiling the car of the future. meet the sky drive and how it works and what could be in a showroom near you.
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kelly: engineers unveiling car made by small japanese company but parts by toyota as engineers to conduct flight next year and to use the flying car to light the olympic torch in tokyo but hope they will be commercially available in eight years. julie: it kind of fell.
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i don't like drones and i don't know about the sound of that. kelly: that'll do it for us. we will be back at 4:00 eastern. journal editorial is next. >> as president, i can put no other consideration before the well-being of american citizens, the paris climate accord is simply the latest example of washington entering into an agreement that disadvantages the united states. >> welcome to the journal editorial report i'm paul gigot, that was president trump announcing that the united states will withdraw from the paris climate accord making good of central promise of 2016 campaign, long awaited decision seen as major blow to president obama's legacy but is it


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